Final Evaluation of The NGO Joint Initiative For Urban Zimbabwe Community Based Support For Vulnerable Populations
Final Evaluation of The NGO Joint Initiative For Urban Zimbabwe Community Based Support For Vulnerable Populations
Final Evaluation of The NGO Joint Initiative For Urban Zimbabwe Community Based Support For Vulnerable Populations
Full Report
April 2008
1.1 Joint Initiative Programme 1
1.2 Purpose of the Evaluation 3
1 Terms of Reference 29
2 Officials Consulted 32
3 Consultants Schedule of Work 34
The JI Programme was launched to address urban poverty and vulnerability resulting
from the decline in the macro-economic environment in Zimbabwe, the collapse of
social welfare and municipal services, and in response to Operation
Murambatsvina. It was set up in 2005 by 7 international NGOs with their local
implementing partners and was supported by group of 5 donors through pooled
funding. The over-arching goal of the programme is to restore dignity and reduce
suffering for the most vulnerable in urban and peri-urban areas of Zimbabwe.
The agreement entered into by the donor group and the NGO partners provided for a
mid-term review (carried out in June 2007) and a terminal evaluation. This is the
report of the end-of-programme or terminal evaluation.
This evaluation was meant to consider the rationale for the type of approach used in
the Joint Initiative and also to consider measurements of success the programme had
achieved in meeting its goals.
Evaluation Process
The evaluation was undertaken by two consultants over a 10-day period, and was
done through perusal of relevant documents, interviews with the donor group and JI
partners, and visits to implementation sites to observe interventions and discuss with
beneficiaries and key stakeholders.
The JI programme has largely achieved its objectives and has had a noticeable impact
on the lives of beneficiaries and the practices of implementing partners. The
interventions were selected as a result of research on the needs of potential beneficiary
communities and are, as a result, relevant to the needs of the communities and to the
urban environment. With the deterioration of the economy in Zimbabwe, the
interventions of the programme are even more relevant today.
The management of the programme has been effective and parties to the initiative
(donors, local and international NGOs) expressed general satisfaction with how the
programme has been managed. Areas that could be improved to enhance effectiveness
include more effective ACCs, greater harmonisation of methodologies and deliberate
lesson learning.
Relations have been developed with a wide range of stakeholders at all levels and
these have benefited the programme. Relations and networks have been particularly
useful in lobbying and dealing with the authorities, but they have also benefited
programme implementation through sharing information and skills.
There is no doubt that the JI programme has been an innovative approach in providing
support to poor and vulnerable urban households. Overall, the programme
successfully met its targets and objectives. The partners, both local and international,
should be commended for what they have achieved, especially given the continually
deteriorating socio-economic conditions and worsening poverty and a hostile political
Standardise and improve the functioning of the ACCs across all the sites;
The lead agency to ensure that feedback in the from of progress reports are
disseminated down to both international as well as their local partners as part
of the process of information sharing and engendering a feeling of genuine
JIG to ensure that its contingency plan is functional.
Agree on best practices and adopt these frameworks for interventions and
Ensure that beneficiary verification attains 100% in all interventions as much
as possible and provide a forum for community contribution, but without
compromising the JIs criteria;
Work towards greater collaboration with those outside the consortium who are
working in the same sectors;
Consortium allocates more resources towards research and documentation of
its experiences, successes and failures (e.g. in advocacy and lobbying local
authorities, best practices);
Improve lesson learning, ensure that sector meetings are held more regularly
and provide a forum for sharing;
Ensure that M&E is placed more strategically;
Consider modalities for community M&E;
Provide more opportunities for consultation with children on child protection
issues and child rights and respond to their needs;
Liaise with DAACs and other stakeholders for a review of the contents of the
standard HBC kit so that it takes account of emerging health status of
HIV/AIDS patients so that it reflects the needs of the beneficiaries (i.e. less
emphasis of wounds and more hygiene items);
JI to continue efforts to improve the programmes cost effectiveness.
Recommendation to the Donor Group
Overall, the consultants strongly urge the donors to continue with funding support to
the Joint Initiative for the reasons presented in this evaluation report.
Urban vulnerability in Zimbabwe has deepened during the past few years. With
formal unemployment over 80%, an annual inflation rate of 100,580% (January
2008), and average incomes of less than US$1 per day, many urban households are
finding it increasingly difficult to access most basic commodities, services and shelter.
Recent government policies have also increased the vulnerability of the urban poor,
notably the urban clean-up operation dubbed Operation Murambatsvina launched in
May 2005 which left an estimated 700,000 people homeless and decimated many
informal small and medium enterprises and the June 2007 price freeze that emptied
shops and supermarkets of almost all kinds of goods, including most basic foodstuffs.
The HIV/AIDS pandemic also presents additional problems for many urban
households. Meanwhile, standards of service delivery by the urban local authorities
have deteriorated sharply during the past five years or so. Many suburbs are going
without clean water for long periods of time, refuse collection is erratic or non-
existent, liquid sewerage flows unattended through the streets where children play,
while electrical power outages have become a very regular occurrence.
In late 2005, concerned about the deteriorating conditions of many urban households,
seven international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) decided to strategically
combine their capacities and resources in order to address the acute needs of
vulnerable groups in urban areas of Zimbabwe. The seven agencies collectively
known as the Joint Initiative Group (JIG) are: (i) Africare, (ii) CARE International,
(iii) Catholic Relief Services (CRS), (iv) Mercy Corps, (v) Oxfam GB, (vi) Practical
Action and (vii) Save the Children UK.
The JIG developed a programme called the NGO Joint Initiative for Urban
Zimbabwe which is a coordinated humanitarian response to address the short and
medium term needs of highly vulnerable urban communities through integrated
programming. The over-arching goal of the programme is to restore dignity and
reduce suffering for the most vulnerable in urban and peri-urban areas of
Zimbabwe. The programme has been supported through a system of pooled funding
by major international donors, namely DFID, USAID, AusAID, the Norwegian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, until recently, CIDA and SIDA.
The JI programme started in June 2006 and sought to assist up to 12,000 vulnerable
urban households. It should have ended in November 2007, but was given a three-
month no-cost extension to the end of February 2008. Members of the JIG seek to
work on a collaborative basis, utilising their collective organisational strengths,
human resources and networks to provide critically needed assistance through client-
prioritised interventions. The programme was implemented in the following
cities/towns and suburbs across the country: (i) Harare (Mbare), (ii) Bulawayo
(Mzilikazi, Makokoba and Njube), (iii) Chitungwiza (St. Marys), (iv) Mutare
(Sakubva), (v) Gweru (Mkoba, Mtapa, Senga and Mambo), and (vi) Masvingo
(Mucheke and Rujeko).
A needs assessment conducted among applicants for assistance at the beginning of the
programme identified the following as the areas where assistance was most needed:
(i) livelihoods support, (ii) food security, (iii) shelter, (iv) education and (v)
HIV/AIDS. Child protection was subsequently integrated into the programmes of all
the JIG partners as a cross-cutting issue. In some communities, the JIG partners were
directly implementing their projects; in other areas, JIG partners have been working
with local NGOs as the implementing agencies.
4) The education intervention entailed the waiver of school fees for two years for
50 OVCs in each participating primary or secondary school in lieu of which
the school received a block grant equivalent to US$2,500 to cover the costs of
approved projects such as the purchase of furniture, textbooks and equipment
to support income generating projects. Schools also received support and
training to establish after-school clubs for the children.
The interventions by the JIG represent probably the first major collaborative thrust by
international and national NGOs to assist poor and very poor urban households in a
comprehensive manner. Previously, humanitarian and development agencies have
focused their activities in rural areas in the belief that this was where assistance was
most needed. Thus, many NGOs operating in Zimbabwe have acquired a lot of
experience of working in rural areas, but still need to learn to operate in urban areas.
This evaluation was meant to consider the rationale for the type of approach used in
the Joint Initiative and also to consider measurements of success the programme had
achieved in reaching its goals. The full Terms of Reference for the evaluation are
attached to this report as Appendix 1.
Cost effectiveness: Was the programme design one that created cost efficiency
and effectiveness? Was the joint mechanism appropriate/beneficial for these
Relevance: Was the program relevant? Necessary? Did it meet the needs of the
most vulnerable?
The evaluation was undertaken by a two-member team. It was conducted over a two-
week period, 6-19 March 2008. The team conducted interviews with as many as
possible of the JI partners comprising the INGOs, local NGOs, donors, other
stakeholders such as government and local authority officials as well as a non-random
sample of beneficiaries in selected locations. The officials that were interviewed and
the organisations that they represent are shown in Appendix 2. The purpose of the
interviews with the partners and stakeholders was to obtain the respondents views
with regards to issues such as (i) achievements made by the JI programme, (ii)
relevance of the programme, (iii) wider programmatic issues relating to the
consortium approach, management and implementation, and (iv) lessons learnt for the
Field visits were conducted to project communities in (i) Mbare, Harare, (ii) St.
Marys, Chitungwiza, (iii) Masvingo and (iv) Bulawayo. The consultants field data
collection schedule is shown in Appendix 3. The types of interventions being
implemented and the agencies involved in each of the field sites visited during the
evaluation are shown in Table 1.
2.2 Interviews with Beneficiaries
The views of the beneficiaries were obtained through one-on-one interviews as well
as through group discussions. The interviews and group discussions took place at
whatever places the beneficiaries were found. Thus, some of the respondents were
interviewed in their homes. Others were interviewed at their business premises (e.g. in
the case of vendors). In other instances, the implementing agency had organised
groups of beneficiaries specifically to meet the consultants for discussions. The
interviews and discussions sought the views of the beneficiaries on issues such as (i)
the types of benefits they were receiving, (ii) impact of the interventions on their
social and economic wellbeing, and (iii) problems experienced.
The field data collection for the evaluation was conducted over a period of six days,
followed by another four days of data analysis and preparation of the report
interspaced by additional stakeholder interviews. Due to time and budget constraints,
it was not possible to visit all the project sites as would normally be expected of a
terminal project evaluation study. Thus, Gweru and Mutare were excluded from the
field itinerary. Instead, the consultants visited Bulawayo and Masvingo, locations that
had been excluded during the mid-term review in May-June 2007. Even in those sites
that were visited, it was not possible to meet all the actors, and especially the
The evaluation took place shortly before the national presidential and legislative
elections held at the end of March 2008. It had been feared that the consultants
ability to move in the communities and interview beneficiaries would be severely
restricted because of the politically charged pre-election atmosphere. In the end, this
was not the case. Within the limited time available, the consultants were able to
interview the relevant people that they needed to meet, both beneficiaries and
government officials, even in Mbare and St Marys where there had been fears that
the evaluation would be compromised.
By the beginning of 2008, the JI partners had successfully met most of the targets set
out at the commencement of the project, and in most instances had exceeded the
original targets (Table 2). A total of 11,816 vulnerable urban households, out of
20,508 registered on the programmes database, were benefiting from one or more
interventions, thereby almost meeting the overall target of 12,000 households the
programme had set out to assist. (There were some recent registrations that were still
to be captured into the central database at the time of the evaluation). The total
population in beneficiary households was 58,220, with an average of five persons per
household. Some 7,900 beneficiary households (67%) were female-headed and 34%
had one or more chronically sick person in the household. Almost one-third (31%) of
the households were benefiting from two or more interventions.
Among the beneficiaries were OVCs and child-headed households. In those locations
(i.e. in Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru and Masvingo) where the food intervention was
being implemented, all 48 registered child-headed households were receiving monthly
food vouchers.
Livelihoods: 5,558 households had joined ISAL groups which are a means of
raising working capital for their income generating activities, compared with
the original programme target to improve the economic capacity of 5,000
vulnerable households. A total of 558 permanent market stalls have been
constructed to regularise informal vending activities of the beneficiaries,
although some of the stalls were still in the final stages of construction or were
still to be allocated to the beneficiaries.
Education Support: 1,400 OVCs (the original target number) were receiving
support for their primary or secondary education. Over half (54%) of the
beneficiaries were girls. After-school clubs have been established in all the 29
participating schools to provide a safe environment for the children, and
mentors recruited from among the teaching staff trained to run the clubs. The
clubs are used to raise awareness of child rights among both the pupils and the
Shelter: The original target for this intervention had to be revised downwards
from 500 to 372 new houses/house extensions mid-way during the project
after it became apparent that work was behind schedule. At the end of the
programme, some 30 houses were still to be completed, the likely completion
date being end of March, 2008.
From the above summary, in all but two interventions (shelter and LIGs), the original
targets were either met or exceeded within the agreed 18 month time-frame (plus the
additional 3-month no-cost extension). Progress has been made in mainstreaming
child protection, but there is still need to enhance staff capacity through training.
Additional information on the performance under each intervention is provided in
Table 2 below which is derived from the JI log-frame and M&E Plan.
Table 2: Summary of key outputs against the programmes targets and milestones at the end of the project (February 2008)
Overarching Goal: Restore dignity and reduce suffering for the most vulnerable in urban areas of Zimbabwe
Objective 1: Seven urban communities have strengthened mechanisms for collaboratively and transparently managing resources to address priority needs
Key Outputs/Milestones JI
Interventions Achieved Comments/Observations
Community groups Livelihoods ISAL groups ISAL groups have been established in Mbare (1,345 households/members), St Marys (272), Gweru (667), Sakubva
created and/or formed with 5,558 (707), Bulawayo (1955) and Masvingo (612). Group formation and membership met the original targets or exceeded
strengthened to manage members them in all areas.
programme activities ISAL groups are self-selecting and self-managing. The number of groups and membership is continually increasing
as new members join. New members are being inducted and trained by peer facilitators that have been trained by the
Shelter 613 beneficiaries JI partners.
trained in basic ISAL groups were trained in basic bookkeeping/business management; they are now running their group lending
construction skills activities with minimal supervision and are confident that they will be able to continue even after the withdrawal of
(bricklaying, the JI partners.
mortar mixing, etc) Market stall-holders in St. Marys have independently engaged the services of a professional security company to
provide armed security guards at night. Money for security services is raised through monthly contributions
Education 29 SDCs organised by a committee chosen from among the beneficiaries.
support strengthened, after- Shelter beneficiaries were encouraged to organise themselves into groups to supply construction labour in Mbare, St
school clubs Marys and Sakubva, each group managed by an elected committee, thereby contributing to the construction of their
established, houses.
mentors and youth School Development Committees strengthened; after-school club mentors (teachers) and leaders (pupils) trained to
peer educators run the clubs.
OVCs and mentors trained in child protection issues through the after-school clubs.
Objective 2: Vulnerable populations in seven urban communities have increased access to priority needs and services
Improved economic Livelihoods Market stalls to ISAL members are encouraged to venture into income generating activities.
capacity for 5,000 hold 558 vendors ISAL groups have facilitated capital formation with which to order larger volumes of goods for resale. Beneficiaries
vulnerable households to constructed reported that they had used some of the improved profits on meeting family needs such as the purchase of bicycles,
access basic needs and wheel-burrows, household utensils (pots), as well as paying school fees for their children. Others have been able to
services acquire equipment for their enterprises (e.g. for making candles or peanut butter).
Shelter 51 construction- ISAL members in Masvingo are providing education support to 5 OVCs; those in Bulawayo are supporting 50
related income OVCs.
generating groups ISAL membership provides financial and other support in times of illness or family bereavement.
formed or Construction of market stalls completed in St. Marys to accommodate 240 vendors against an original target 220.
strengthened One of the sites is already occupied by the beneficiaries; allocation at the other two sites has been held up because of
misunderstandings with the local authority over beneficiary selection.
In Gweru, construction of market stalls at two remaining sites is expected to be completed by the end of March 2008.
A total of 318 will be accommodated and some beneficiaries have already moved into the market stalls. The market
stalls are provided with water, toilets and perimeter fencing for security.
Construction of market stalls in Mbare was not implemented because of problems in acquiring suitable sites.
Income generating groups formed to supply the construction sector (stone-crushers, brick moulders, carpentry)
Reduced food insecurity Food 8,780 households Monthly food vouchers being given to 4,400 households in Mbare, 1,750 in Bulawayo, 1,837 in Gweru and 793 in
for 7,000 vulnerable vouchers on food vouchers Masvingo. Target exceeded by 25%.
households in Mbare All 48 registered child-headed households receive food vouchers.
(Harare), Mkoba (Gweru), Because of deteriorating economic conditions and difficulties in accessing food, vouchers have become the main
Mucheke (Masvingo), source of food for many of the beneficiaries, not a supplement as originally envisaged.
Mzilikazi and Makokoba 1,840 households had established LIGs; this was 71% of the original target of 2,600; a contributing factor was that
(Bulawayo). some of the beneficiaries have no access to land (i.e. tenants) and therefore unable to establish LIGs; also water
shortages a major constraint.
20% of the food voucher recipients are also on LIGs.
Training of lead farmers/facilitators was conducted.
Establishment of community gardens for those without access to land (i.e. tenants) has been delayed by need to drill
boreholes to supply water; use of treated municipal water not permitted.
40,000 sq. m. of additional Shelter 372 houses or The target number of houses/extensions to be constructed was revised from 500 beneficiary house-owners to 372
habitable space in St extensions because of delays and complexities in shelter provision (e.g. regularising title to the land, getting planning approval,
Marys (Chitungwiza), constructed (342 etc). Some 30 of the 372 houses in St. Marys still await completion for several reasons, e.g. unavailability of
Mbare (Harare) and fully completed asbestos roofing sheet in the country, need to verify the ownership status of the plot, getting plans approved, delays
Sakubva (Mutare). and 30 still to be in the commencement of the project, political interference leading to banishment of the implementing partners from
completed). the project site for about three months. Houses in Sakubva and Mbare have been completed.
1,413 plans Equipment and training was provided to small-scale building materials enterprises (e.g. brick moulding) in Mbare
approved and St Marys. All the 30 (target) enterprises are now established and operating.
Brick moulding enterprises are contracted to supply bricks for house construction.
Essential education Education 1,400 OVCs in 29 1400 OVCs in 14 schools in St Marys and 15 schools in Sakubva had fees waived for 2 years in return for block
services are accessible for support schools receiving grants (50 pupils per school). Pupils also receive learning materials (exercise books, pens, pencils, etc).
1,400 orphans and support, 54% of 54% of the 1400 beneficiaries are girls.
vulnerable children them girls All the schools have received either textbooks, school furniture, borehole drilling and equipment, roofing materials,
(OVCs) in 28 primary and etc. from their block grants.
secondary schools in St Some 567 of the pupils also got additional support in the form of school uniforms, footwear, etc.
Marys (Chitungwiza) and All OVCs received blankets donated by UNICEF.
Sakubva (Mutare). After-school clubs attended by mixed groups of pupils (OVCs and non-OVCs) to avoid stigmatisation have been
established at all the schools; mentors drawn from among school teachers and club leaders from amongst the pupils
have been trained. Schools are provided with sports kits (uniforms, balls, footwear). OVCs receive psycho-social
support through the clubs.
Hurdles in the running of after-school clubs arise from problems facing the education sector in general (high staff
turnover, low teacher morale, repeated strike actions, etc).
Reduced suffering and HIV/AIDS 500 chronically ill Distribution of home based care kits to 500 chronically ill beneficiaries through municipal clinics, supported by
improved resilience for supported community-based care facilitators.
250 HIV and AIDS All 500 beneficiaries receive food vouchers and a significant proportion is also on LIGs; gardens help to improve
affected households in their nutritional status by providing them with a better range, quantity and quality of produce.
Mkoba (Gweru) and 50 community-based facilitators and 500 primary care givers were trained.
Mucheke (Masvingo) All beneficiaries are encouraged to join HIV/AIDS support groups.
New beneficiaries are registered periodically to replace those that will have died.
Experience has shown that the standard HIV/AIDS home based care kit set by NAC needs revision with less
emphasis on management of wounds from bedsores to more hygiene essentials as most patients are not necessarily
bed-ridden these days.
Objective 3: JI international and national partners demonstrate increased capacity to identify and integrate child protection considerations in their programmes
Child protection plans are A cross- Staff of JI partners Partners in all the locations have had training on child protection and reported that they are now better able to
fully integrated into JIG cutting issue trained in CP. mainstream CP in their programming.
programming in each of Partners now However, staff from some of the partners had not attended all the 4 modules on CP insufficient management
the seven target suburbs mainstreaming CP support for CP among some partners.
issues in their Youth friendly centres have been established and equipped at municipal community halls and clinics; training and
programming counselling on HIV/AIDS conducted by youth peer educators and other facilitators, focusing on behaviour change.
Childrens feedback workshops conducted in all the locations by JI partners supported by Save the Children (UK).
3.2 Relevance of the Programme
The justification for the JI programme was provided in the proposal document
submitted to the donors in February 2006. The need for such a programme was
informed by the difficulties confronting poor and vulnerable urban households,
Table 3: Top three needs and priorities identified by the vulnerability assessment
for each location
Overall, the programme and the interventions implemented by the partners were
directly relevant to the needs of the beneficiaries. Information provided by the
beneficiaries during field visits for this evaluation confirmed that the programme had
positively addressed their pressing needs.
However, while the verification process helped to reduce errors of inclusion, there is a
high probability that many more deserving cases could have been left out of the
programmes interventions. Errors of exclusion could have arisen from a number of
sources. Some bed-ridden people could have been missed in the mobilisation phase
and therefore not registered; not all poor and destitute people can read such that they
could have missed the notices that were published and distributed during the
mobilisation phase; and people that did not attend church could also have been
missed. At the beginning, there was some scepticism among potential beneficiaries
about the intentions of the programme. For instance, there was a perception that food
vouchers were intended for people living with HIV/AIDS and therefore joining the
programme would be viewed as a public admission of being HIV positive. It is,
however, noted that the JI partners were aware of these problems and made provision
for the inclusion of deserving cases that came up after the initial registration. This was
done by holding back approximately 10% of the target for each intervention in order
to accommodate late registrants.
In respect of the shelter component, the need for beneficiary to have legal entitlement
to a piece of land on which to build meant that those in real need of housing (i.e.
lodgers and the homeless) were automatically excluded.
Livelihoods: Urban unemployment has worsened since 2006 when the JI programme
started, with even larger numbers of people resorting to vending, cross-border trading
and other forms of self-employment, together with a variety of illegal and/or
socially unacceptable activities such as dealing in foreign currency and transactional
sex in order to make a living. At the same time, vending without a license and from
unauthorised sites continue to be frowned upon by the authorities, with the attendant
risk of having ones wares being confiscated.
Food: The availability of food in the country has deteriorated considerably since June
2006 when the government imposed a price freeze on all goods and services in an
effort to fight inflation. An immediate consequence of the freeze was the
disappearance of virtually all goods from supermarket shelves, including basic
foodstuffs. Since then, foodstuffs have remained in short supply or are only available
on the black market at highly inflated prices. Accessing food has therefore become
more difficult for most urban and even rural households. Even the urban middle class
have been struggling to access food, many of them resorting to periodic shopping trips
to South Africa to purchase basic commodities.
The aim of the JI food voucher system was to supplement beneficiary households
own food supplies. However, it became apparent during the field visits that the
monthly food allocation had become a major component of the beneficiary
households total food supply. There is anecdotal evidence to suggest that households
on the JI food voucher system actually have better access to food (in terms of both
quantity and variety) than many other low income households.
Education: As the economic situation has deteriorated and inflation worsened, many
more parents and guardians are failing to pay school fees, and children are being
withdrawn from school. OVCs are particularly vulnerable in this regard. Learning
materials such as textbooks, exercise books, pens and other items are either
unavailable or expensive for most households. At the same time, conditions for
learning, especially in the public school sector, have deteriorated with schools facing
acute shortages of qualified teachers (many having abandoned teaching to either
emigrate to neighbouring countries or go into other sectors of the economy where
remuneration is somewhat better), shortages of school furniture and dilapidated school
HIV/AIDS: Although recent data show an improvement in the national HIV infection
rates, those already infected and affected by the pandemic remain highly vulnerable
because of the worsening economic and social conditions prevailing in the country.
Drugs for the treatment of opportunistic infections, ARVs and other hygienic
essentials are either unavailable or too expensive for a majority of people that are
chronically sick. Health services in general have collapsed - hospitals and clinics are
understaffed, lack qualified personnel, and are poorly equipped with poor and erratic
supplies of essential drugs. Many poor people can no longer afford hospital fees, let
alone the cost of consulting private medical practitioners. Overall, the burden of
HIV/AIDS is increasingly borne by individual households with little support from the
state sector.
Shelter: Shelter remains a long-term need for low and middle income households.
The deterioration in shelter provision may not be as obvious as the other conditions
described above. However, increased costs of construction, non-availability of
building materials (e.g. cement), and the high cost of acquiring land for construction
are making it even more difficult for the poor to access adequate and affordable
housing. Furthermore, rental accommodation has become very expensive. Even in low
income suburbs, some landlords are charging rent in foreign currency or in kind (i.e.
in the form of grocery items that may be quite expensive or difficult to obtain).
Table 4: Impacts of the programme on beneficiaries and their households
The JI partners reported that they have strengthened their capacity to deliver urban
programmes. They have acquired new skills, adopted new approaches and developed
more suitable tools and systems. They have developed a better understanding of
operating in the urban areas, and have established new relationships and networks that
will continue to be useful in the future.
The JI has strengthened local institutions that were collapsing or non-functional for
lack of resources. For instance, the Community Home Based Care (CHBC)
component has boosted clinics through which they issue HBC kits by providing
refresher training and enabling staff to make more home visits and provide basic
medicines and materials for patient care. Some of that care is provided to non-JI
patients. In addition, CHBC facilitators supported by the programme reported during
interviews that they believe their roles were now more effective and fulfilling than
before they assist their clients with access to food and basic medicines and take
more pride in their work. Also, the HBC programme, jointly with other interventions
such as food vouchers and livelihoods, has resulted in more disclosures of HIV status
and a reduction in social stigma. As a result, more people have sought assistance,
thereby enhancing their quality of life and reducing deaths through AIDS.
The main question from the terms of reference was the extent to which the JI
overlaps, complements, duplicates, or works against other programmes. Although new
to the participating partners, the urban environment is the domain of many other
initiatives aimed at improving the lives of the urban poor. The HIV/AIDS field is the
domain of many local and international NGOs, CBOs, support groups of people living
with AIDS and networks such as ZAN and ZNPP+ and institutions created by the
state to combat the epidemic, such as the National AIDS Council (NAC). The shelter
component overlaps with activities of housing cooperatives, shelter advocacy groups,
INGOs such as the IOM, as well as government and municipal initiatives. The food
security and livelihoods components interface with urban feeding and livelihood
programmes by, for instance, the WFP and PRP, funded by donors who also fund the
JI and executed in some cases by JI partners and their local implementing partners.
Similarly, there are many NGOs and CBOs active in the education and childrens
rights initiatives in urban areas. To the extent that many of these programmes target
the same beneficiary population and seek to achieve the same purposes, effectiveness
requires that they should collaborate to create synergies.
A key pillar of the JI approach is that it seeks to support and work through existing
structures and institutions, instead of creating parallel ones. Hence, for instance, the
programme has worked through exiting School Development Committees, municipal
clinics and CHBC facilities set up under the NAC programmes. It works mostly
through local NGOs as implementing partners, and some of these also work with
CBOs and community groups.
The JIG also makes significant use of the expertise of other organisations, especially
in training for beneficiaries and facilitators. For instance, the CHBC component uses
expertise of the NAC and PSI for training instead of developing its own courses. The
child rights component has close links with Childline and the shelter component
works with various cooperatives and legal services organisations to support
beneficiaries in their dealings with municipalities.
It is possible that the degree of engagement at the strategic level was impacted on by
the duration of the programme not having enough time to establish linkages and to
invest that level of effort. Phase II should have greater focus at the strategic interface
and dialogue with other programmes, in order to create greater harmonisation and to
influence and shape the debate.
The mid-term review conducted in May 2007 listed a number of advantages the JI
partners, both local and international, had enjoyed from working as a consortium. All
the partners that were interviewed during this evaluation reported that they would
want to continue working within the consortium in the future. Briefly, the advantages
of working as a consortium include:
(a) sharing experiences and information between the consortium members and
drawing on the synergies and complementarities existing between them;
(b) exposure to new perspectives that they were now incorporating into their own
programming, most notably child protection issues;
(c) simplification of the requirements for reporting to the donors as, under the
consortium, this was being done through the Programme Management Unit at
Mercy Corps;
(d) establishment of an Area Coordination Committee for each location which had
encouraged members to work together and provides a vehicle for
incorporating other stakeholders such as local authorities and security agencies
into the consultative process, thereby creating an improved enabling
environment within which the partners are able to operate despite the
restrictive political conditions;
(e) the adoption of a harmonised systems, including the mobilisation, registration
and verification of beneficiaries, a common database and M&E system which
ensures against duplication of effort and double dipping by beneficiaries;
(f) the database of beneficiaries is also shared with other NGOs outside the JI
consortium in order to harmonise service delivery and avoid double dipping.
Another advantage of the consortium has been the flexibility of programming. For
instance, when it became apparent that providing school fees for OVCs addressed
only part of their problems, the consortium was able to extend support by providing
uniforms, and learning materials (exercise books and stationery). In Bulawayo, the
partners have added a water and sanitation element in response to the health threats
posed by drought and water shortage.
By the end of the programme, there were only a few burning problems raised by the
partners with regards to the consortium approach, including the following:
(a) One or two of the partners had experienced problems with certain aspects of
their budgets. For instance, HPZ reported that, when it prepared its budget at
the beginning of the programme, it had overlooked providing for such items as
project vehicles and computers. Consequently, it had ended up using resources
from other programmes to support JI activities. Similar problems had been
raised by other local partners during the mid-term review (e.g. DOMCCP in
Mutare). Likewise, Save the Children reported that it had underestimated the
budget and personnel requirements for capacity building on child protection
issues. At the start of the programme, it only had one person to conduct the JI
training, but had subsequently increased the number to four.
(b) Another problem that was still evident concerned the manner in which the
ACCs were operating in some of the locations. In many instances, although
ACC meetings were held regularly, members were not fully exploiting the
opportunities for sharing ideas and experiences and programming their
activities. In practice, each partner would present a narrative report of its
activities for the past month and planned activities for the coming month.
There was little or no effort to discuss and investigate how some of these
planned activities could be more fully integrated between the partners or actual
sharing of lessons from previous activities. Inconsistency in terms of
representation at the ACC meetings (e.g. where an organisation is represented
by a different person from the one that had attended previous meetings) would
also compromise the degree of information sharing and decision-making.
In some of the locations, the Core ACC meetings involving the partners were
not held as planned, i.e. once a month. However, the Extended ACC involving
other stakeholders were usually held as scheduled, i.e. quarterly. (The Core
ACC comprises the local and international partners operating in each location;
the Extended ACC includes other stakeholders such as the security agencies,
municipal officials and other stakeholders. In Masvingo, the only
implementing agency is CARE, as a result of which the concept of a Core
ACC becomes an internal meeting of staff on the JI programme).
Some questions also remain, especially among the donors, about the modus operandi
of the consortium and whether it had indeed fully exploited all the advantages and
synergies of working together. For instance, it was noted that:
There could have been greater sharing of resources and information in the
implementation of the interventions. An example of this failure was
demonstrated by the case of EFZ which reported during the interviews that it
had experienced problems during the construction of a staff-room in St Marys
as part of one schools block grant. With hindsight, these problems could have
been resolved in consultation with Practical Action which was also engaged in
construction in the same location.
In practice, the JI partners had operated more or less as separate entities
implementing their assigned interventions within their designated locations,
despite being members of a consortium. An alternative approach could have
been for them to identify and agree on a best practice for each intervention,
and for the respective partners to adopt that model in their respective locations.
For instance, if the model for LIGs being implemented by CARE in Gweru
and Masvingo was agreed as the best practice, then all the other partners
doing LIGs would adopt that model in their respective locations. To their
credit, it was observed that Oxfam and ZPT in Mbare have recently moved in
that direction by learning from, and adopting CAREs CHBC model whereby
they are using municipal clinics for distribution of HIV/AIDS home based care
kits and patient monitoring.
At the time of the mid-term review in June 2007, the programme management
structures (the donor group, the JI Steering Committee, Area Coordination
Committees, Programme Management Unit, and the partners own operational and
management teams) were all in place and most systems (targeting, selection,
reporting, M&E etc.) were operational. As structures and systems have been stable,
these will not be described again in detail in this report. Instead, the focus will be on
how they have matured and functioned in the intervening period to the end of the
There were changes in the donor group, as DFID has taken over the lead role from
USAID. Group members are satisfied with the rate of meetings among the group and
with the JI partners. The group would like to see more donors come on board. As
preparation for Phase II of the programme comes towards finalisation, two of the
original donors have indicated that they will not participate, and the JIG is seeking
new donors.
The Steering Committee has been meeting less frequently than before the mid-term
review, but whenever it is deemed that meetings are necessary, there have been no
difficulties in convening them.
At a crucial time in the life of the programme, with the need to intensify
implementation and during preparation for Phase II, there was disruption of the
Programme Management Unit, when it was not possible to renew the Programme
Managers work permit. This affected continuity in programme management, but the
consortium continued to function. A new Programme Manager has since been
appointed. The M&E Unit is now fully staffed and members of the team have been
attending ACC meetings regularly. The beneficiary data base is mostly complete, but
it is not fully up-to-date.
Since the mid-term review, the functioning of the ACCs has to a large extent been
standardised. Most sites hold monthly Core ACC meetings and Extended ACC
meetings every quarter. However, while there is general satisfaction with the
regularity of the meetings, there was a feeling that the meetings could be made more
fruitful: i.e. should be effective platforms for joint planning, debate, sharing of
experiences, lesson learning and joint solutions. There are plans by the Programme
Management Unit to make ACCs more effective during the second phase of the
There was general satisfaction with reporting and communication within the JI.
Reports have been submitted regularly by the partners, and the Programme
Management Unit follows up on outstanding issues and provides guidance. However,
local implementing partners were concerned that when they submitted reports to the
PMU, they would get feedback on reporting shortfalls, but did not always receive the
consolidated progress reports that would give them a global picture of what was
happening in other sites and interventions. Communication could be improved by
making sure that all partners got regular feedback on the consolidated JI situation.
This information should also be shared with members of the extended ACCs.
Hopefully, the proposal to appoint an Information Officer in Phase II will contribute
to greater information sharing.
3.7 Major Challenges of the Programme
The programme also needed to balance the identified needs of the potential
beneficiaries and requirements of the main donors sources of funds emergency
humanitarian assistance. Some of the interventions, especially shelter, were felt by
donors to be inconsistent with their funding. It is in part due to this tension that the
shelter component has been omitted in Phase II despite its acknowledged contribution
in reducing vulnerability for beneficiaries. To a large extent, the programme
succeeded in this balance, although more dialogue with the donors could have gone
some way to lessen tensions among the donors with regards to the JI partners broader
definition of what constitutes humanitarian assistance.
Field visits confirmed that the provision of holistic support depending on need tended
to have the most significant positive impact on beneficiaries. However, in Phase I, the
JI was not able to make this holistic support available is all the sites. This shortfall is
addressed in the proposals for Phase II. More could also be done to improve
programme effectiveness.
The livelihoods component has the potential to have the most lasting impact on
beneficiaries. It enables beneficiaries to be less dependent on support, and could be
sustainable. The intervention could be made more robust by expanding the range of
income generation activities on offer, and being positioned more strongly as a means
of graduating some of the beneficiaries from dependence. Our observations suggested
that the intervention in Bulawayo is much stronger than in other sites, even though it
could also be strengthened.
Engagement with other programmes at the operating level was good. However, this
could be strengthened at the higher levels to ensure that the JI participates in shaping
the agenda and policy at that level.
The JI partners report that they have developed a comprehensive contingency plan,
taking into account likely disaster scenarios. However, this plan does not seem to be
active, as no simulations have been attempted, partly because there has been
uncertainty over Phase II.
The observation made in the mid-term review report in May 2007 regarding the
political environment in Zimbabwe and how the JI partners had successfully created
space for themselves to operate remains true today:
All the partners acknowledged that they had learnt very important lessons on
how to create operating spaces for themselves in the face of the unwelcoming
political environment that currently exists in urban Zimbabwe. Despite
obstacles placed in their way, each ACC was eventually able to resolve its
problems, and was able to negotiate a reasonable operating space to enable it
to implement its projects. It is to their credit that the partners were determined
to invest so much in terms of effort and time to negotiate the operating space
they currently enjoy, developing relations and networks with key
stakeholders (from the JI mid-term review, 2007, p. 17).
The partners have continued to invest a lot of time in creating good relationships with
local stakeholders. In some locations (e.g. Bulawayo, Gweru and Mutare), the
partners have continued to experience good cooperation from all stakeholders. Where
residents associations exist, they have been included as members of the extended
ACCs. Schools Development Committees have been involved in the identification and
verification of children in need of educational support. The police, CIO and local
municipal officials have been kept updated through the quarterly ACC meetings. In
Masvingo and other locations, JI partners attend meetings of the DAAC, convened by
the National AIDS Council and the local municipalities. As a strategy for ensuring
good working relationships, local officials have been invited to officiate at ceremonies
to hand-over items (e.g. home based care kits) to beneficiaries. At these hand-over
events, the JI partners have, to their credit and through careful diplomacy, ensured
that the ceremonies are not turned into a political platform for one party or the other.
Earlier, Practical Action was forced by the District Administrator to withdraw from St
Marys, Chitungwiza for a while after being accused of siding with the opposition
political party. Apparently, the opposition member of the Legislative Assembly for St.
Marys had told a public meeting that he had been responsible for bringing the project
to construct houses to the constituency. According to the District Administrator,
Practical Action should have taken immediate action to dissociate itself from the
claim. By remaining silent, it was being accused of complicity with the opposition.
Publication of a public retraction and apology in the press were still not sufficient for
the local officials and the ban was lifted only after a direct appeal to the Ministry of
Local Government, Public Works and National Housing.
In Masvingo, CARE had to suspend the construction of market stalls and the drilling
of boreholes for community gardens because of delays in decision-making by the
local authority. Apparently, the local authority wanted more upmarket stalls than what
CARE was proposing, arguing that they were looking ahead to being a host city for
visitors to, and warm-up matches before, the 2010 World Cup Soccer tournament in
South Africa.
The assessment of the programmes cost effectiveness seeks to answer two questions
posed in the Terms of Reference: Was the programme design one that created cost
efficiency and effectiveness? Was the joint mechanism appropriate/beneficial for the
The review did not attempt to make a detailed financial analysis of the JI or compare
mechanisms. Instead, broad indications were obtained from the donors and JI
partners. Overall, the design of the JI is cost effective - this was one of the selling
points of the initiative. It provides for one contracting partner, harmonised financial
and procurement rules and unified reporting. This streamlines costs for both donors as
well as the NGOs and their partners.
Joint delivery of holistic support is also cost effective, in that the NGOs deploy
existing skills and can specialise instead of trying to deliver services in areas outside
their competence. This reduces inefficiency and boosts impact.
The joint nature of the programme means that all the partners donors and NGOs
can legitimately claim credit for all the outputs and impacts. So, for every dollar and
level of effort contributed, each partner can claim the outputs and impacts of the
whole programme.
In many instances, JI partners did not budget all their administration cost, and instead
directed more of the funds received towards programme activities. This has had the
effect of subsidising the JI activities, giving the programme greater cost efficiency.
Furthermore, many partners are continuing with JI activities such as income
generation activities, CBHBC and low input gardens even when funding for the first
phase has ended.
However a few issues impacted on the efficiency and effectiveness of the programme.
The JI was a new initiative so there was a lot of learning in Phase I, and new systems
and processes had to be developed. This investment will, however, be utilised in
Phase II, to the benefit of both donors and implementing partners. If the scale of the JI
is reduced significantly, its cost effectiveness could be reduced, since the overheads
my not be reduced proportionately. As a joint programme involving many donors and
implementing partners, the JI involves a significant amount of consultation to reach
consensus. Sometimes decision-making has been slow as a result. For instance, even
though there is consensus that Phase II is desirable, a decision to commence has not
yet been made, with the result that there will be discontinuity between the phases in
some cases. Finally, as mentioned elsewhere in this report, the possible synergies in
the partnership have not always been leveraged to the fullest.
3.10.2 Was the Joint Mechanism Appropriate/Beneficial to the Sectors?
This question is largely answered in the rest of the report. The broad answer is yes.
The implementing partners indicated that they learned a lot from working within the
JI and have improved their practices. Joint action strengthened the partners lobbying
with both donors and government agencies. The mix of INGO skills and local IP
networks and areas of specialisation made the partnership more effective than if the
organisations acted individually. The partnership also made testing of new ideas in
practice more effective.
A question that has not yet been answered conclusively is to what extent the JI can be
a vehicle for scaling up implementation in urban areas. How far can it expand
geographically, and in numbers of partners both donors and NGOs - before it
reaches the point of diminishing returns?
The JI programme is unique in many respects and, because of this, both the partners
and the donors have been on a steep learning curve for much of the time. The mid-
term review made a number of recommendations that were intended to improve the
management of the programme and implementation of its activities. Many of these
recommendations were accepted and have been implemented by the partners and the
Programme Management Unit (PMU). Many lessons have been learnt during the past
two years and, and these have been carried forward into the second phase of the
programme (e.g. improving the effectiveness of ACCs and sector coordination
meetings, increased networking with other complimentary sectors, etc).
The JI programme was designed to maximise lesson learning by all the partners,
incorporating joint planning, joint activity implementation, a lead agency to
coordinate other implementing agencies, urban construction involving numerous
complex issues of legal entitlement, planning permission and standards, as well as the
use of networks. There is substantial evidence that the partners have learnt many
valuable lessons through working together as a consortium, both from each other and
from interacting with new stakeholders and beneficiaries in an urban context.
Lesson learning during the life of the programme has occurred in several respects,
including the following:
use of a common package of core interventions (food, livelihoods,
use of a system of multiple support which has greater impact in reducing
use of a common beneficiary database to avoid double dipping and regular
updating of the database;
promotion of self-selecting groups of beneficiaries (e.g. for ISALs), rather
than groups imposed by NGOs;
use of experts drawn from other organisations outside the JI group (e.g. health
experts for the HIV/AIDS support intervention); and
capacity building for the beneficiaries.
However, there are also areas where lesson learning could have been greater and, in
so doing, enhance the competencies of the partners. It is noted that the JIG has also
recognised some of these areas and taken steps to improve on them during Phase II of
the programme. These include:
sharing of experiences within the ACCs by using the meetings less for
reporting and more for discussing problems and suggestions for resolving
improving feedback mechanisms between the PMU and the partners, for
instance, by sharing the programmes reports between both management and
operational/field staff as well as documenting and sharing problems and
organising fora (e.g. workshops and retreats) for discussion of issues among
staff from all the partners (management and operational staff);
conducting research to document specific issues/themes for future reference
and for sharing with the wider community both in Zimbabwe and elsewhere.
(It is noted that Oxfam has made some progress in this regard to document
some of its work and experiences; Save the Children (UK has recently
commissioned an external evaluation of its child protection component of the
JI programme);
identifying best practices in order to standardise the package of
interventions across different sites, thereby enhancing the quality of service
delivery to beneficiaries by giving support that offers the greatest prospects for
sustainability (e.g. income generating activities that can support other
4.1 Conclusions
There is no doubt that the JI programme has been an innovative approach in providing
support to urban poor and vulnerable households. Overall, the programme
successfully met its targets and objectives. The partners, both local and international,
should be commended for what they have achieved, especially given the continually
deteriorating socio-economic conditions and worsening poverty and a hostile political
environment. In brief, the following conclusions can be drawn from the programme:
4.2 Recommendations
Standardise and improve the functioning of the ACCs across the different
The lead agency to ensure that feedback in the from of progress reports are
disseminated down to both international as well as their local partners as part
of the process of information sharing and engendering a feeling of genuine
JIG to ensure that its contingency plan is functional.
Agree on best practices and adopt these frameworks for interventions and
Ensure that beneficiary verification attains 100% in all interventions as much
as possible and provide a forum for community contribution, but without
compromising the JIs criteria;
Work towards greater collaboration with those outside the consortium who are
working in the same sectors;
Consortium allocates more resources towards research and documentation of
its experiences, successes and failures (e.g. in advocacy and lobbying local
authorities, best practices);
Improve lesson learning, ensure that sector meetings are held more regularly
and provide a forum for sharing;
Consider modalities for community M&E;
Provide more opportunities for consultation with children on child protection
issues and child rights and respond to their needs;
Liaise with DAACs and other stakeholders for a review of the contents of the
standard HBC kit so that it takes account of emerging health status of
HIV/AIDS patients so that it reflects the needs of the beneficiaries (i.e. less
emphasis of wounds and more hygiene items);
JI to continue efforts to improve the programmes cost effectiveness.
Overall, the consultants strongly urge the donors to continue with funding support to
the initiative for the reasons presented in this evaluation report.
Appendix 1: Terms of Reference
This evaluation is meant to consider both the rationale for the type of approach used
in the Joint Initiative and also to consider measurements of success this program
achieved in reaching its goals. Both of these aspects of evaluation analysis should be
fully considered in final reporting.
Evaluation Objectives
Cost effectiveness:
Was the program design one that created cost efficiency and
Was the joint mechanism appropriate/beneficial for these sectors?
Develop recommendations for improvements in approach to increase
cost effectiveness.
Relevance: was the program relevant? Necessary? Did it meet the needs of the
most vulnerable?
The consultant will produce a report of the evaluation which should be presented to
the donor group and JI partners. The report should clearly show:
Formatting of the report will be agreed upon before the final report is submitted. A
format outline will be submitted to the JI 7 days prior to the final report deadline. The
consultants will also give a short debriefing presentation to the donor group and JI
partners at the end of the in-country visit. The presentation should highlight the key
issues from the visit and provide recommendations on the appropriateness of a second
The consultants main contact person is Erica Krug/Tricia Matthews with Mercy
Team Composition
Given the broad scope and different interventions within the JI, it is important to
engage a multi-disciplinary team of experts (2 people) who can adequately address the
issues raised above.
Appendix 2: Officials Consulted During the Course of the Evaluation
[Appendix Removed]
Appendix 3: Consultants Schedule of Work March 2008
Oxfam GB 2008
This document was originally written for internal accountability and learning purposes, rather
than for external publication. The information included was correct to the evaluators best
knowledge at the date the evaluation took place. The views expressed in this report are those
of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect Oxfams views.
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