Articulo de Almidones
Articulo de Almidones
Articulo de Almidones
Zinc deficiency is a world wide problem, centred on the lower income population, though not restricted to it. Food
supplementation with magnesium is also considered of interest for correcting deficiencies in this oligoelement. High-
pressure partially gelatinised starch is proposed as a vehicle for inclusion of these metals in food products. While high-
pressure levels (and/or temperature) give rise to total gelatinisation, lower pressures, at temperatures close to ambient,
yield partially-gelatinised products, where only a portion of the intramolecular bonds in the amylopectin double helix
has been substituted by intermolecular bonds between the unfolded amylopectin and water, as it can be deduced by
differential scanning calorimetry, while the resultant granular microstructure is strongly altered (observed by low
temperature scanning electron microscopy). Production of this modified starch implies lower energy expense, compared
to thermal gelatinisation, and it guarantees higher homogeneity in the final degree of gelatinisation. The effect of
moderated high-pressure treatments (400 MPa, 25C, 35 min) on potato and corn starches has been studied. The effect
of pressure treatment, after alkaline treatment or the addition of another hydrocolloid (guar gum) has also been
considered. The observed preferential binding of zinc and magnesium salts to these modif ied starches (after
determination of metal content by atomic absorption spectrophotometry) is favourable to the use of these products as
metal carriers.
Additional key words: differential scanning calorimetry, magnesium, metal binding, micronutrients, scanning elec-
tron microscopy, supplementation, zinc.
Almidones parcialmente gelatinizados mediante altas presiones como transportadores de oligoelementos
La deficiencia de cinc es una cuestin de alcance mundial, centrada en la poblacin de menores recursos, aunque
no restringido a ella. La suplementacin de alimentos con magnesio tambin se considera de inters para corregir las
carencias de este oligoelemento. Como vehculo para la inclusin de estos metales en productos alimenticios se pro-
pone el almidn parcialmente gelatinizado por alta presin. Mientras que altos niveles de presin (y/o temperatura)
causan gelatinizacin total, menores presiones a temperaturas cercanas a la ambiente rinden productos parcialmente
gelatinizados, en los que slo una proporcin de uniones intramoleculares de la doble hlice de amilopectina han si-
do sustituidas por enlaces intermoleculares entre la amilopectina desenrollada y agua, segn se deriva de datos de ca-
lorimetra diferencial de barrido, mientras que la microestructura del grnulo resulta muy alterada (observada por mi-
croscopa electrnica de barrido de baja temperatura). La produccin de este almidn modificado conlleva menor
gasto energtico, en comparacin con la gelatinizacin trmica, as como garantiza mayor homogeneidad en el grado
de gelatinizacin final. Se ha estudiado el efecto de tratamientos moderados de alta presin (400 MPa, 25C, 35 min)
sobre almidones de patata y de maz. Tambin se ha considerado el efecto de la presurizacin despus de un trata-
miento alcalino o de adicin de otros hidrocoloides (goma guar). La observacin de la unin preferencial de sales de
cinc y de magnesio a estos almidones modificados (tras determinacin del contenido en metales mediante espectro-
fotometra de absorcin atmica) es favorable al empleo de estos productos como portadores de metales.
Palabras clave adicionales: calorimetra diferencial de barrido, cinc, magnesio, micronutrientes, microscopa elec-
trnica de barrido, suplementacin, unin de metales.
Abbreviations used: AA (atomic absorption spectroscopy), cryo-SEM (low temperature scanning electron microcopy),
DSC (differential scanning calorimetry), HHPP (high hydrostatic pressure processing).
High-pressure-treated starch binds oligoelements 131
T Metal addition
Liquid water
Metals were added as zinc sulphate and magnesium
acetate (analytical grade, Panreac). Dry, treated and
T untreated starch samples (1 g) were suspended in 0.5 M
zinc sulphate or magnesium acetate aqueous solutions
(10 mL). After overnight agitation at room temperature,
the suspensions were centrifuged at 5,000 g with a table
T centrifuge and the pellet was water-washed (resuspension
plus stirring in 10 mL deionised water followed by cen-
Thermoregulating Thermocouples
bath trifugation) and oven-dried. The metals were quantified
Figure 1. Diagram of the high-pressure vessel used for hydros- by atomic absorption (AA) spectrophotometry, using
tatic pressure treatments. a Model 5100 spectrophotometer, Perkin-Elmer,
Norwalk, Connecticut, USA). AA analyses were per-
2002) was a pilot-scale unit from GEC Alsthom ACB formed in triplicate and are reported as averages. Cross-
(Nantes, France) with vessel temperature controlled determinations (i.e., quantification of magnesium in
by an ethylene glycol mixture circulating through a samples added with zinc and vice versa) were performed,
surrounding jacket (Fig. 1). Pressure was increased by always yielding negative results.
pumping fluid in the vessel, at 100 MPa min-1, and it
was released by opening a valve to the atmosphere,
which could be as quick as 100 MPa s-1. Differential scanning calorimetry studies
The internal vessel volume was 2.35 L. It was equipped
with two flexible inner thermocouples type T and a Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) determina-
pressure gauge (type PR811, ASCO Instruments, Cha- tions were performed with a TA-1000 instrument (TA
teaufort, France), which was located in the pressure, Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA), at a scanning rate
circuit, at 15 cm from the vessel. Both thermocouples of 10C min-1. To minimize hydration variability, starch
and pressure gauge had been recently calibrated for samples were dispersed in water (10% w/w) 24 h before
use in this equipment and their data were collected by DSC analysis. Then, 15 L of slurry were introduced
a quick data acquisition system (Fluke, Helios I, Fluke in weighted aluminium pans, sealed and re-weighted.
Precision Measurement Ltd, Norwich, United Kingdom) After analysis, pans were punctured and dried at 110C
connected to a computer equipped with Labtech Note- to constant weight, to ensure accurate moisture and
book software (Laboratory Technology Corporation, starch content determinations. Thermograms were ana-
Wilmington, MA, USA). Error in the temperature lysed following standard procedures (Universal Analysis
measurement systems was estimated to be below Program, TA Instruments). Analyses were performed
0.5C, while error in the pressure was under 5%. Both in triplicate.
pressurisation and depressurisation induce changes in
temperature in both sample and the pressure transmitting
medium (Otero et al., 2000). Therefore, the value of Scanning electron microscopy
25C reported here must be considered an average over
time. Low-temperature scanning electron microscopy
Samples were treated in polypropylene flat 125 mL (SEM) was carried out with a Zeiss DSN-960 scanning
cylindrical containers (of 3 cm in height) immersed in microscope equipped with a Cryotrans CT-1500 cold
water as the pressure-transmitting medium. After plate (Oxford, UK). Cryo-SEM allows sample obser-
pressure treatment, starch was decanted and freeze- vation without chemical fixing or drying. The procedure
dried before further studies were carried out. Control consists of sample freezing by immersion in liquid
DSC determinations showed no difference between nitrogen, breaking and etching. Sample holders were
High-pressure-treated starch binds oligoelements 133
f itted into a special bracket on the microscope and from 14.2 1.0 J g-1 to 9.5 1.0 J g-114 in corn starch.
placed in the pre-chamber cold plate (180C), where Cryo-SEM observation of native and treated samples
samples were broken to obtain a suitable observable show that, in spite of minor changes to the gelatinisation
surface. Samples were then inserted in the microscope thermograms caused by the pressure treatment (Fig. 2),
and etching was performed for 3 min at 90C. After starch granule microstructure was partially-disintegrated
etching, samples were gold coated and observed at (Fig. 3). The granular integrity of native starch (Fig. 3A)
150/160C under secondary and backscattering was signif icantly reduced in HHPP-treated starch,
electron modes. A large number of granules (over 1,000) showing a core ghost surrounded by a residual network
corresponding to different regions of the sample on the of polymer chains (Fig. 3C and 3F). Figure 3C and 3F
stage were observed before representative electron show chosen field areas where more semi-intact granules
micrographs were taken. can be seen. Both alkaline treatment and guar gum
addition resulted in the appearance of filaments inter-
connecting the remaining granules, probably due to
Results amylose leaking from them and, in the case of Figure
3C, also to the gum. General microscopic observation
Both potato and corn starch appeared destabilized showed that alkaline treatment and gum addition had
after high-pressure treatment (400 MPa, 25C and 35 little effect, other than the appearance of filaments, on
min) in DSC thermograms. When compared with the aspect of pressurised starch granules. The observed
native potato starch (curve a), the gelatinisation curve effects were similar in both corn and potato starch (data
for the HHPP-treated potato starch (curve b) was not shown).
displaced towards lower temperatures (by 1-2C) and Pressure-treated starch samples tended to bind metals
the enthalpy of the process was partially reduced, by preferentially compared to untreated starch (Fig. 4).
approximately 30% (Fig. 2). In potato samples there Partially gelatinised potato starch, without alkaline
was an average enthalpy decrease from 20.1 0.9 J g-1 treatment or gum addition only, bound significantly
to 16.3 0.8 J g-1. Thermograms for alkaline-treated more magnesium. Alkaline and pressure-treated samples
(curve c) and guar gum added starch (curve d) show of both starch types bound more magnesium and zinc.
that, from a calorimetric point of view, these processes Zinc binding by samples of both starch types containing
had no significant effect on starch gelatinisation. Similar guar gum was increased approximately four-fold. In
results were obtained for corn starch (data not shown). all cases estimated error was less than 5%.
On pressurisation gelatinisation enthalpy was reduced
Potato and corn starch samples treated at 400 MPa
Heat flow (W g1)
Figure 3. Cryo-SEM micrographs of starch granules after different treatments. A, B, C: potato starch granules; A: native, B: high-
pressure partially-gelatinised, C: high-pressure partially-gelatinised with addition of guar gum. D, E, F: corn starch granules;
D: native, E: high-pressure partially-gelatinised. F: high-pressure partially-gelatinised after alkaline treatment.
A 5 5 B
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
Mg Zn Mg Zn
Figure 4. Metal mass bound to starch after different treatments, relative to that bound by native starch A) potato starch, B) corn
starch. Bars above each column are the standard deviation.
High-pressure-treated starch binds oligoelements 135
down to the nanometric scale, is a promising substrate associated starch modif ications: alkali treated and
for food and medical applications. The numerous water samples with added guar gum (Fig. 4). Alkali treated
hydrogen bonds could be replaced by appropriate polar samples showed high but non-specific binding, which
molecules while the large carbohydrate chains could could be a result of actual akalinisation of the starch
offer non-polar substances a harbouring place. Moreover, substrate. Metal species bound may, then, may be in a
the gelatinisation of pressure-treated starch would be different state from ionised salts, forming hydroxides
completed, as shown by the DSC thermogram, at lower or metal oxides. This could have different consequences
temperatures than the corresponding native starch. on the transport, binding stability and assimilation of
The degree of starch gelatinisation and the degradation the metals. Further research into the state of the metal
observed in granules was roughly similar for both potato atoms bound to starch is deemed necessary.
and corn starch. Nevertheless, the literature assigns a Samples with added guar gum showed a significant
higher pressure resistance to potato starch (e.g., Douzals degree of binding of magnesium salts to potato starch
et al., 1996; Katopo et al., 2002; Bauer and Knorr, but not to corn starch. The binding for zinc was higher
2005). A possible explanation may be the higher surface (over 4-fold that of native starch) and was similar for
resistance of potato starch granules to pressure degra- both corn and potato starch. An effect based on structural
dation (Sevenou et al., 2002; Bl/ aszczak et al., 2005b; factors (generation of binding sites of adequate size)
Oh et al., 2008). A higher superficial resistance may or mediated by the role of gum in starch gelatinisation
have the effect of showing intact or only slightly affected must be considered, as guar gum is non-ionic. From
potato granules when studied by optical or room tem- the current data, it is not possible to extract further
perature-electron scanning microscopy, while internal conclusions on the differential behaviour of zinc and
granule degradation may have progressed to a further magnesium. Both form divalent salts have a similar
degree. It must also be considered that most studies ionic size. It may also be of interest to investigate the
have been performed on fully gelatinising pressure role of anions on metal binding, as they might be
treatments, rather than in partial gelatinisation, as in responsible for salt retention (e.g., Ciesielski and
this case. While complete starch gelatinisation is Tomasik, 2003).
reported to take place under harsher conditions (higher With regard to the differences in binding between
pressure and/or temperature) (e.g., Knorr et al., 2006), potato and corn starch, the degree of gelatinisation and
the same authors reported studies where gelatinisation microscopic aspects of the samples being similar, it is
behaviour of both corn and potato starch had been altered again difficult to achieve further insight into the binding
by treatments at 400 MPa (Thevelein et al., 1981; Muhr process, as pressure-treated potato starch bound more
et al., 1982). Specifically for corn, an 18% swelling magnesium salts while gum guar-added (pressure-
degree was found after pressurisation at 400 MPa (Oh treated) corn starch retained more zinc salts. This is
et al., 2008). not easy to explain from facts such as native ionic
Though small, a decrease in the gelatinisation tem- starch behaviour.
perature of pressure-treated starch was found (Fig. 2). The granular structure, although weakened, could
This behaviour is generally observed (Knorr et al., allow formation of chelate-type bonds in which large
2006). A parallel with proteins suggests that the granule molecules or atoms could be attached by freely moving
stability of pressurised samples was reduced. This starch amylopectin branches. These molecules or atoms
could only be strictly true for equilibrium thermal pro- could be trapped or encapsulated in the semi-disinte-
cesses and starch gelatinisation has a significant non- grated granules, and they would be released on the di-
equilibrium aspect. Water access to the inner regions gestion of the remaining starch core. The digestion of
of starch granules may be an important initial step these granules would, consequently, be easier than that
in the whole gelatinisation process. Pressurisation, of native starch but slower than completely gelatinised
at moderate pressure levels, could give better access granules. Therefore, partially pressure-gelatinised
of water molecules to these regions, so that subse- starch could be used to transport and deliver substances
quent thermal gelatinisation can start at lower tempe- for the food and pharmaceutical industry including
ratures. nutrients, oligoelements, vitamins, antioxidants, colo-
Preferential metal binding, in spite of higher bound rants, flavours, aromas and pharmaceuticals. The prefe-
magnesium mass, for high-pressure treated potato rential binding of zinc and magnesium to high-pressure
starch, can be seen as especially high for the two other modified starch (potato and corn), alone or with a small
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