What Will Become of Us? Voices From Around The World On Drought and El Niño
What Will Become of Us? Voices From Around The World On Drought and El Niño
What Will Become of Us? Voices From Around The World On Drought and El Niño
become of us?
Voices from around the world on
drought and El Nio
For some people, nothing remains for them.
Amina Aden,from Bisle, Siti Zone, Ethiopia.
Putting poor
people first
animals die.
Despite their best efforts, many communities and Ramrez El Salvador,
Im so happy, I want to cry. Francisca
of San Simon, eastern
governments are being overwhelmed. stands on the sidewalk with her neighbours
People cope by draining their savings and stocks, selling holding a big sack of food, waiting for a truck
assets, borrowing money, and migrating to find work. to take her home. She had just received
When these are exhausted, coping strategies become vouchers to spend on food.
Recommendations National, regional and international
actors need to work together to:
While the efforts of donors, governments and
communities themselves are helping people survive and Provide increased funding now to save lives and
cope, it is not enough. There is not enough funding. Too livelihoods. A pledging conference is urgently needed to
many people are feeling the pain of hunger, the stress provide a focus for increased resources. At the time of
of how to provide food and water for their children, and writing, the funding gap for 11 El Nio-affected countries
shattered hopes for the future. is 63 percent $1.4bn is still needed out of $2.31bn
required.2 This will mean critical gaps in the food pipeline
The harvests that could provide some relief are not for
leading to hunger, a lack of seeds for planting for the next
many months.1 Such harvests will ease immediate food
season, and crucial shortages across WASH, protection
shortages, but will not allow livelihoods to recover or build
and other areas of the response.
resilience. And if a La Nia weather system occurs (which
often brings floods to these drought-affected regions), Put womens needs and capacities at the centre of this
recovery will take much longer. response. Womens burden of providing food, fuel and
water for the family increases during drought. They
eat last and least and have fewer options to mitigate
the impact of drought, such as migration, weather
information and credit. Gender assessments must be
undertaken and used to design and implement responses.
Plan and prepare now for remaining uncertainty.
Preparations should be made for poor Belg rains in some
areas of Ethiopia3 and the possibility (currently estimated
at 50 percent) of a La Nia.4
Increase investment in adaptation and resilience.
Lasting solutions to recurrent disasters and chronic
vulnerability must be found. Increased investments
should encompass: increased scale and depth of social
Saredo, 30, with her two-year-old son Hassen. Saredo has bought
beans and paracetamol for her son using money from Oxfams cash protection, agricultural reform, the promotion of climate-
distribution in Bisle, Ethiopia. Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith/Oxfam smart livelihoods options, and national resource and
water management. Urgent action is needed to tackle
climate change which makes disasters like this more likely.
Mainstream drought and emergency response into
long-term development work. Disaster risk management
should be brought into national development strategies.
Increased coordination is required between humanitarian,
development and climate change partners, and long-term
flexible funding must be made available to scale up an
early response.
Provide strong and decisive leadership. To prepare, act on
warnings and respond effectively:
At national level: many governments have demonstrated
capable and confident leadership, but national, provincial
Robo, 50, collecting water from the Oxfam tank in the and local preparedness and capacity to respond still need
Hasbouli internally displaced people (IDP) site in Siti Zone,
Ethiopia. Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith/Oxfam
At regional level: regional bodies e.g. SADC, IGAD
Above: It is very important for us to have could more strongly support national efforts through
water. It is the most important thing we can coordination, technical support and increased leverage
have. We would die of thirst without it. We with donors and international actors.
thank the donors. Please continue your At international level: A UN envoy is needed to champion
support. God bless you. Robo, in Siti
Zone, Ethiopia. this issue, focus political attention, provide a strategic
overview for the response, and bring together different
humanitarian and development agencies and approaches
to find lasting solutions to recurrent drought.
IMPACT across
the world Ethiopia and the Horn
of Africa
Photo: Rodney Dekker/Oxfam
Southern Africa
because of the worry. Pablo Hernandez,
who had two children diagnosed with
malnutrition. These villagers from San
Pablo in Morazan, El Salvador, received food
Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith/Oxfam
There is no relief
from this hunger
Above: Im here because Im hungry. This
Across all four regions, people go to bed with empty
stomachs; toil in their fields or go to school with the is the worst drought I remember since I was
gnawing pain of hunger; they walk or cycle for miles to try born. There is no rain. All my livestock have
and find food. Many people have reduced the number of
died. I used to drink milk but all my camels
meals they eat per day, to two or even one. Hunger hurts.
In Ethiopia, pastoralists in Siti Zone walked for days to
are dead. I had 50. They are all dead.
Mohamed Litere, in Harisso IDP Camp in Siti
reach places where they can access regular food or cash Zone, Ethiopia.
distributions. In Southern Africa, people are walking and/
I have
Because Im pregnant I feel very hungry and
to ask my neighbours for food. My son
Bottom right: I dont remember a drought
this bad. When I get hungry I feel mentally
always cries when he is hungry. I just put weak and I dont want to work. My abdomen
him on my back and walk around and walk burns. Drinking water doesnt help. I
sometimes vomit. There is no relief from this
around in order for him to forget the hunger.
Saredo, from Bisle, Siti Zone, Ethiopia. hunger. We have no option other than being
strong. Lule Abrahn, in Harisso IDP camp,
Photo: Innocent Katsande/Oxfam
Our lives
on water
toBefore the drought, it took two or three men
Water is the essence of life. Nowhere is this more
apparent than in the drylands of Ethiopia. As pastoralist dig a well. Now it takes nine. They used to
Lule Abrahn says, Our lives depend on water. Water is have to dig three or four metres down. Now
first, before food. According to Abdi, a farmer: What good
is land, what good is soil without water?
they must dig 20 metres. Habado Abdi,
from Bildik, Siti Zone, Ethiopia.
The search for water for people and livestock has become
desperate in Ethiopia. Women walk for two to six hours
a day; men have to dig wells deeper and deeper and We walked for three or four hours to get
to the borehole. The well had dried up, so
herd their thirsty cattle for miles. When people lost their we went to a distant place or dug the well
livestock to the drought, they walked for days to get to deeper. It became hard to get water. We have
places where they could access water and other services. had the Oxfam tank here for two months. It is
Elsewhere, those worst hit by the drought are those good because its near to us, we can easily
dependent on rain-fed agriculture which is most of the fetch water every day. We didnt have to go to
rural population. In Southern Africa, seasonal streams the distant place. We dont feel as thirsty as
dried up months ago, and even perennial rivers and we did before. Lack of water causes us to feel
boreholes are empty. The drying up of water sources and very thirsty and weak, and our children keep
lowering of dam levels meant that kitchen gardens could
not be irrigated, so gardens that should have been full
of pumpkins, watermelons, cucumbers and tomatoes in
crying. Makowa Beri, Siti Zone, Ethiopia
Silas Orrocco, a community leader at Sirumgoralo, Papua New
Shukri Ige and Amina Hassen need to get water from a well dug by
Guinea, shows the water level in one of his villages two 90,000-litre
villagers in Siti Zone, Ethiopia, but the holes are getting drier and,
water tanks. Its rained only twice or three times per fortnight; in a
often, water collected this way is not suitable for drinking.
Photo: Abiy Getahun/Oxfam regular dry season it should be four times a week.
Photo: Rodney Dekker/Oxfam
Buho Asowe Eye, currently staying at Hariso IDP site, Siti Zone, Ethiopia. Photo: Abiy Getahun/Oxfam
Photo: Abbir Trayler Smith/Oxfam
I have
This drought has lasted longer than any others.
droughts havent cost [us] our livestock.
Now, after my livestock died, I have become
poor. I have nothing left. My husband has gone to
Djibouti to look for a job. He has been gone for 10
months. Hawa, in Harisso IDP site, Ethiopia
Many people have nothing left. Farmers and herders have
worked hard, but now they watch their crops fail and their
animals die. Successive years of drought in Ethiopia,
Southern Africa and Central America have taken their toll.
Crops grow where water flows, but the rains have been
erratic and light. Crops are stunted, and dry spells at the
wrong time in the growing cycle mean no harvests so no
food and no income.
Herds will take years to fully recover, and farmers have few
seeds to plant for the next harvest. As farmer Jos Martnez
in El Salvador put it, now even if the weather was right, we Maggie Dick, from Kafetugu village, Heganofi District, Papua New
wouldnt be able to plant a cornfield because we dont have Guinea, sells pineapples at the nearby market to earn cash, but the
dry season has stunted some of her crop. Photo: Rodney Dekker/Oxfam
the resources.
grain. Boaz Chimombe, a 59-year-old farmer
with over 20 years of experience in Buhera
Area, Zimbabwe.
Bottom right: Last year, we planted crops
but harvested very little. In the first season,
we had only 30 percent of our normal
harvest. Anastasio Gonzalez, El Salvador.
Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith/Oxfam
The response is
working but IT
is not enough
The needs are huge. In Ethiopia, the government is
leading a complex operation that is now getting food
and water to many millions. Village heads and health
workers tell the same story as local officials people
are struggling but aid is getting through and is having
an impact. As Seido in Harisso says, we are surviving
because of the water we are getting.
Across affected countries, relief programmesincluding
the provision of food, cash transfers, water and
sanitation, health, slaughter destocking, animal services
and fodder for core breeding animals, seeds and inputs
are meeting acute needs.
But it is not enough. The funding gap is huge, which
means that there are critical shortages in the supply of
such basic support as food, water and health, as well as
many other gaps in the response. If this doesnt change,
the situation will deteriorate and people will suffer.
Already, almost one million children need treatment for
severe acute malnutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa.5
There remains uncertainty over how long the crisis will
last will the next rains be adequate? Will this El Nio be
followed by a La Nia? We need to prepare for the worst,
while hoping for the best.
More resources are urgently required.
Right: The children have to walk one
and half hours to get to school. Before this
programme, they had to do this without
anything in their stomachsThe vouchers
were a huge help. Rosa Yaneth Chvez
received three months support to purchase
food and hygiene essentials via an emergency
voucher programme. This gave Rosa the
chance to buy what her family needed at a
small local supermarket.
better. Ouda, from Bisle, Ethiopia.
Zone, Ethiopia.
depend on it. Tahiroble Abdi, from Bildik, Siti
Rosa Yaneth Chvez, a mother of six who lives near Berlin, El Salvador
Photo: James Rodriguez/Oxfam America
need. Lule Abrahn, in Harisso IDP camp,
Right: We have never known a drought
like this before. The previous droughts would
only continue for a short while, then we would
get rain. Our livestock was not affected.
This drought is very hard. Ambara Ali, 60,
receiving cash from the Oxfam distribution
point in Bisle, Siti Zone, Ethiopia.
Photo: Annie Bungeroth/Oxfam
Climate change will bring more extreme weather and Small-scale farmers are resilient and hardworking. They
droughts. This crisis demonstrates that rich countries are open to new approaches, but they need support. There
need to make good on their promises to tackle climate are good examples and pilot programmes, but they need
change by reducing emissions and by setting and meeting to be rolled out at scale. Greater investment is needed in
ambitious targets for adaptation funding. natural resource management, conservation agriculture,
increased access to water, markets, weather information,
Along with the emergency assistance needed now, more
and other livelihood support ensuring that this is
longer term investment is essential to ensure that people
explicitly designed to support women. Climate change
are better able to withstand future crises. The benefits
adaptation funding has a big role to play in supporting
of investing in building the resilience of households and
communities consistently outweigh the costs, and reduce
the cost of humanitarian responses in the future.6 Communities know the package of measures that they
need. In one village in Gutu, southern Zimbabwe, Levison
Social protection systems both formal and informal
Chiremba is appealing for an irrigation scheme and the
have a key role to play in providing a buffer against
construction of a dam; Tendai Chidya wants support to
shocks, and the confidence for farmers to invest in a
revive the village savings and lending scheme and Robert
better future. The scale and depth of social protection
Nyabadza is making the case for government agricultural
schemes must be extended.
extension workers to provide information on farming
Women produce up to 90 percent of food for rural people practices and climate change.
living in poverty. However, this production is a challenge:
only 1020 percent of women own their land, and they
have poorer access to weather information, inputs and
extension services than their male counterparts.
Left: Our land was fertile and we used to
from waterborne diseases. Ipaishe
Masvingise, a farmer from Gutu, southern
Guinea. Oxfam is working with partners to support farmers in the Highlands
to adapt their farming practices during drought. Photo: David Shields/Oxfam
Bottom right: Now my garden is much more
productive, and the growing season is longer
than before. My tomatoes used to last only
a month, but this time they lasted three
months. Now, at a time when its expensive to
buy chillies, tomatoes and cucumbers in the
market, I can get them from my own garden. I
can even sell vegetables to my neighbours.
Flor Marina Aquino, of El Ranchon, La
Herradura, El Salvador.
Without water, there can be no crops or
and without grass there can be no
Flor Marina Aquino, of El Ranchon, La Herradura, El Salvador, who is part of
a resilience programme that is changing cultivation techniques and timing,
and shifting from chemical to homemade organic fertilizer. This years El Nino
livestock. Maybe we should focus on building has proved that the techniques work. Photo: Elizabeth Stevens/Oxfam America
a reservoir, or on catching rainwater for drip
irrigation systems. Gregorio Flores, vice
president of a local development association
1 August
2016 in Papua New Guinea and Central America, November 2016 in
Ethiopia, and May 2017 in Southern Africa
in El Salvador. 2 OCHA. (2016). El Nio: Overview of impact, projected humanitarian needs, and
response. Retrieved 5 April 2016 from https://docs.unocha.org/sites/dms/
3 FAO. (2016, March 9). Giews Country Briefs: Ethiopia. Retrieved from: http://
4 NOAA. (2016) ENSO: Recent Evolution, Current Status and Predictions.
Retrieved from: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_
5 OCHA. (2016) op cit
6 DFID. (2013). The Economics of Early Response and Resilience. http://r4d.
This paper was written by Debbie Hillier. Oxfam thanks the communities
where we work and acknowledges the assistance of many Oxfam staff in its
Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith/Oxfam
toI support
am sure one day all this will be over. When I become a nurse, I will be able
my parents. I dont want my children to suffer the way I am, so I will
continue working hard. Mervis Phiri, 11, from Lijanga village, Kasungu, Malawi.
This is the worst drought. If the drought
From the looks of things this year, I am
we have no hope.
Theresa Sundu, Wonkama village, Simbu I have never witnessed such a poor
rainfall pattern since I was born. There have
Province, Papua New Guinea. been times in the past when the rains would
be problematic, but this years dry spell is
think about what our lives will be like in
What will we eat tomorrow? Thats
beyond our comprehension. Dyna, a farmer
in Malawi.
all we can think about. I always think about
my livestock too. If they were alive, my life
would be as good as it was in the past. Today Hunger
Poor people age quickly because of worry.
is a stress that youre carrying all
I will go around the village to beg for rice to the time. You want to give everything to your
eat tonight. We are hungry; we need support.
Today can you help me? When can you help
children. Pablo Hernandez, San Pablo in
eastern El Salvador.
us? Lule Abrahn, Harisso, Ethiopia.
Above: A child from Bisle easts seed pods from a local evergreen tree that
grows throughout Siti Zone, Ethiopia. Abbie Traylor-Smith/Oxfam
Front cover picture: Abbie Trayler-Smith www.oxfam.org