Hesi Assessment
Hesi Assessment
Hesi Assessment
RN Fundamentals Results
Your HESI scores range from 0 to over 1,000, and can be as high as 1,500 (depending on the difficulty level of the exam).
An acceptable level of performance is 850. However, the recommended level of performance is 900 and above for all
scores provided.
Each school is responsible for establishing their specific standards related to outcome measures of acceptable scores. Many
schools choose a certain overall score as a benchmark for progression, and such benchmarks are set at the discretion of the
schools faculty and administrators. However, when preparing for the NCLEX, it is recommended that students seriously
remediate any subject area category in which they obtained a score of less than 850.
All test items are weighted according to their difficulty level. If you answer more difficult items correctly, you will get more
credit than if you answer less difficult test items correctly. Because of this scoring method, it is highly probable that two
students answering the same number of test items correctly will receive different scores because such scores depend not
only on how many test items the student answered correctly, but also on which test items the student answered correctly.
Your score reflects application of the HESI Predictability Model (HPM) to your overall score and each subject area score.
Research studies have found the HPM to be highly accurate in predicting NCLEX success.
Your conversion score is a weighted percentage score that considers the average difficulty of the exam and the average
difficulty of the test items you answered. Based on your facultys use of this exam, the conversion score may be used as a
portion of your course grade.
The HESI score is a better predictor of NCLEX success than the conversion score because it reflects application of the
HPM in its calculation, whereas the conversion score does not.
Colored graphs depicting your scores on various subject area categories are provided throughout this report. The
horizontal lines within these graphs are set at the Acceptable Level (850) and the Recommended Level (900).
The Percentile Score Ranking measures your level of performance as compared to the performance of a
standard or norm group. For this exam, the norm group consists of 42,224 nursing students from all
type of RN programs (Diploma, Associate Degree, and Baccalaureate Degree) who took this HESI
Specialty Exam in the last school year.
The Percentile Score Ranking does not reflect the percentage of test items that you answered
correctly. Instead, the percentile ranking is useful for determining how many students in the nation
scored BELOW your score.
You scored at a 97.87 percentile rank, which means that you performed better than 97.87% of the
nations nursing students last year; while only 2.13% of the nations students had higher scores than
HESI Score
615 688 740 783 824 865 908 957 1027 1400
Your Score
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Average HESI Score --- National average and Your Student Group average
For nursing students in all RN programs who took this HESI Specialty Exam in the last school year,
which is reflected at percentile rank of 50.00 and the average HESI score was 825,which is at a
percentile rank of 50.39.
The average HESI score was 0, which is at a percentile rank of 0.00 for nursing students in
diploma programs who took this HESI Specialty Exam in the last school year.
The average HESI score was 815, which is at a percentile rank of 47.96 for nursing students in
ADN programs who took this HESI Specialty Exam in the school year.
The average HESI scores was 833, which is at a percentile rank of 52.26 for nursing students in
BSN programs who took this HESI Specialty Exam in the school year.
Nursing Process
Nursing Process
(5) Assessment 1338 488 438 (7 out of 8)
(4) Analysis 1517 667 617 (2 out of 2)
(3) Planning 976 126 76 (7 out of 9)
(2) Implementation 1134 284 234 (22 out of 27)
(1) Evaluation 754 -96 -146 (1 out of 3)
5 4 3 2 1
Subject Area (#)
Client Needs
Client Needs
(10) Safe/Effective Environment 1279 429 379 (12 out of 14)
(9) Mgmt of Care 1482 632 582 (6 out of 7)
(8) Safety & Infect Control 1087 237 187 (6 out of 7)
(7) Health Promotion & Maintenance 1018 168 118 (2 out of 4)
(6) Psychosocial Integrity 682 -168 -218 (3 out of 4)
(5) Physiological Integrity 1204 354 304 (22 out of 26)
(4) Basic Care/Comfort 1363 513 463 (8 out of 8)
(3) Pharm & Parenteral Tx 1500 650 600 (6 out of 6)
(2) Reduce Risk Potential 800 -50 -100 (6 out of 9)
(1) Physio Adaptation 1294 444 394 (2 out of 3)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Subject Area (#)
Specialty Area
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Subject Area (#)
(23) Med Administration 1706 856 806 (6 out of 6)
(22) Math 1032 182 132 (2 out of 2)
(21) Basic Nursing Skills 1002 152 102 (19 out of 25)
Professional Issues
(20) Cultural/Spiritual 1151 301 251 (2 out of 2)
(19) Documentation 1847 997 947 (1 out of 1)
(18) Leadership 1141 291 241 (5 out of 6)
(17) Legal/Ethical 1238 388 338 (4 out of 4)
(16) Nursing Process 1412 562 512 (3 out of 3)
(15) Teaching 1522 672 622 (5 out of 6)
Psychiatric/Mental Hlth
(14) Anxty/Commnictns 823 -27 -77 (3 out of 5)
(13) Depress/Grief 1118 268 218 (1 out of 1)
Clinical Concepts: Med-Surg/Pedi/Geri
(12) Cardiovascular 549 -301 -351 (2 out of 5)
(11) GI/Hepatic 1451 601 551 (3 out of 3)
(10) Immune/Hematology 1197 347 297 (1 out of 1)
(9) Integumentary 1074 224 174 (3 out of 5)
(8) Musculoskeletal 1283 433 383 (2 out of 2)
(7) Neurological 1142 292 242 (4 out of 4)
(6) Oncology 1118 268 218 (1 out of 1)
(5) Operative 1024 174 124 (1 out of 1)
(4) Physical Assessment 1292 442 392 (2 out of 3)
(3) Renal 759 -91 -141 (2 out of 3)
(2) Respiratory 1253 403 353 (5 out of 7)
(1) Reproductive 1349 499 449 (1 out of 1)
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Subject Area (#)
(12) Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice 1321 471 421 (8 out of 10)
(11) Liberal Education for BSN Generalist 1122 272 222 (39 out of 49)
(10) Interprofessional Communication 949 99 49 (6 out of 8)
(9) BSN Generalist Nursing Practice 1122 272 222 (39 out of 49)
(8) Professionalism & Professional Values 1536 686 636 (2 out of 2)
(7) Clinical Prevention & Population Health 1104 254 204 (32 out of 41)
(6) Leadership for Quality Care & Patient Safety 1259 409 359 (12 out of 15)
(5) Information Mngmt & Pt Care Technology 1594 744 694 (4 out of 4)
(4) Health Care Policy 1466 616 566 (5 out of 5)
(3) Designer/Manager/Coordinator of Care 1014 164 114 (6 out of 9)
(2) Member of Profession 1103 253 203 (2 out of 2)
(1) Provider of Care 1174 324 274 (37 out of 45)
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Subject Area (#)
4 3 2 1
Subject Area (#)
Patient-centered Care
(15) Dimensions of Patient Care 1138 288 238 (40 out of 50)
(14) Pain and Suffering 1048 198 148 (25 out of 30)
(13) Safety and Quality 1302 452 402 (23 out of 28)
(12) Ethical Legal 1337 487 437 (2 out of 2)
(11) Effective Communication 913 63 13 (8 out of 11)
Teamwork and Collaboration
(10) Member of Team 1138 288 238 (40 out of 50)
(9) Scope of Practice 1001 151 101 (5 out of 6)
(8) Communication 952 102 52 (8 out of 12)
(7) Systems/Team Functions 1325 475 425 (13 out of 15)
Evidence-based Practice (EBP)
(6) Research and EBP 1139 289 239 (39 out of 48)
(5) Quality Improvement (QI) 1404 554 504 (15 out of 18)
(4) Basic Safety Design Principles 1112 262 212 (34 out of 43)
(3) Culture of Safety & Safety Monitoring 1280 430 380 (20 out of 25)
(2) National Patient Safety Resources 1076 226 176 (26 out of 33)
(1) Informatics 1603 753 703 (3 out of 3)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Subject Area (#)
Nursing Concepts
(44) Fluid & Electrolyte 1140 290 240 (2 out of 3)
(43) Acid/Base 1001 151 101 (3 out of 4)
(42) Elimination 934 84 34 (7 out of 8)
(40) Nutrition 626 -224 -274 (1 out of 2)
(41) Metabolism 1333 483 433 (2 out of 3)
(38) Intracranial Regulation 1166 316 266 (5 out of 5)
(39) Thermoregulation 1148 298 248 (1 out of 1)
(37) Cellular Regulation 1118 268 218 (1 out of 1)
(36) Oxygenation - Gas Exchange 1253 403 353 (5 out of 7)
(35) Perfusion 744 -106 -156 (3 out of 6)
(34) Sexuality/Reproduction 1349 499 449 (1 out of 1)
(33) Inflammation 0 -850 -900 (0 out of 1)
(32) Tissue Integrity 1056 206 156 (2 out of 4)
(31) Infection 873 23 -27 (3 out of 5)
(30) Sensory/Perception 1393 543 493 (1 out of 1)
(29) Mobility 1158 308 258 (5 out of 6)
(27) Pain 1307 457 407 (1 out of 1)
(28) Comfort 1436 586 536 (9 out of 9)
(26) Stress & Coping 823 -27 -77 (3 out of 5)
(25) Grief & Loss 1118 268 218 (1 out of 1)
(24) Cognition 955 105 55 (1 out of 1)
(23) Cultural/Spiritual 1151 301 251 (2 out of 2)
(21) Family Dynamics 1733 883 833 (2 out of 2)
(22) Developmental 1733 883 833 (2 out of 2)
(16) Health, Wellness & Illness 1394 544 494 (6 out of 7)
(17) Functional Ability 1223 373 323 (2 out of 2)
(18) Motivation 0 -850 -900 (0 out of 1)
(19) Adherence 1117 267 217 (1 out of 2)
(20) Health Promotion 1740 890 840 (2 out of 2)
(15) Professional Behaviors - Professionalism 768 -82 -132 (4 out of 5)
(14) Communication 658 -192 -242 (3 out of 6)
(13) Assessment 1247 397 347 (8 out of 12)
(12) Clinical Judgment-Clin Decision-Critical Thinking 1321 471 421 (28 out of 33)
(11) Nursing Interventions 1115 265 215 (32 out of 41)
(10) Teaching and Learning-Patient Education 1160 310 260 (5 out of 8)
(8) Leadership 1456 606 556 (4 out of 5)
(9) Collaboration/ Managing Care 1378 528 478 (7 out of 8)
Health Care
(7) Safety 1155 305 255 (20 out of 26)
(6) Advocacy/ Ethical/Legal Issues-Ethics 1238 388 338 (4 out of 4)
(3) Health Care Law 955 105 55 (1 out of 1)
(4) Health Care Policy 1277 427 377 (2 out of 2)
(5) Health Policy/Systems 1503 653 603 (4 out of 4)
(2) Evidence Based Practice-Evidence 1235 385 335 (23 out of 29)
(1) Quality Improvement-Health Care Quality 1350 500 450 (11 out of 14)
444342404138393736353433323130292728 2625242321221617181920 1514131211108 9 7 6 3 4 5 2 1
Subject Area (#)
Missed Questions