Discipline and Ideas in The Social Sciences
Discipline and Ideas in The Social Sciences
Discipline and Ideas in The Social Sciences
Social Sciences
Chapter 1 Lesson 1
Prepared by Ms. Rosel Joy Aquino Provido
Who is the group behind the attack and what kind of influence do they
hold over the individuals who carried out the attack?
Why target the United States and ordinary civilians?
What could have been done to prevent it?
The use of the scientific method unites the three fields of study although
it is more commonly used in the social sciences and natural sciences than
in humanism.
The scientific method is a systematic and logical approach in acquiring
and explaining knowledge.
This method requires critical thinking skills in solving problems.
It has the same objectives with research, which investigates and studies
different materials and sources in the pursuit of advancing knowledge.
It is very important in the field of social science since it is the instrument
by which issues and problems are examined and recommendations for
policy-making are offered depending on the findings of the study
The Scientific Method and its Applications
Stages of the Research Key Questions
Define the research What are the variables or the units of analysis being studied?
problem What is the time frame or period of study?
Review the related What has already been written about the topic?
literature What are the research gaps?
Formulate hypothesis What are the specific parameters of the research problem?
What are the means of manipulating the variable and/or measuring the
result of the study?
Prepare the research design Is the research going to be descriptive, exploratory, or experimental?
How should the sample be selected from the population?
Collect data Will the interviews be done personally or over the phone?
Who are the target participants in the survey?
Analyze data What do the data reveal about the relationships of the variables being
How do the data answer the research problem?
Interpret the results and What are the social implications and significance of the findings?
write the report Are the sources, both primary and secondary, properly cited in the study?
Group Activity:
Photo Analysis
Examine the photo
Each group should identify key issues or problems in society as
reflected in the photo.
Explain how the social sciences can be used to address the issue or
social problem.
Photo Analysis
Assignment: 1 whole sheet of paper
Example: Martial law in the Philippines: the golden or the cursed years in the
countrys history?
Some Examples of Research Designs and
their Characteristics
Type Characteristics
3. Experimental This type of research answers the question, What causes something to occur?
Research This design uses both an experimental group and a control group, which allows
a measurement of the dependent variable when the independent variable is
administered to the experimental group and not to the control group.
sheet of paper