In a thermal power plant, the boiler feed pump (BFP) is one of the critical auxiliary machines that are equivalent to the heart
of the plant. In pace with the increases in the capacity of equipment for thermal power generation, improvements to adapt to
higher temperatures and pressures, and changes in operation method, BFPs have been improving and advancing. This paper
explains how BFPs have been upsized and made compatible to higher pressures; main specifications of BFPs; structures and
materials of typical BFPs for conventional supercritical thermal power plants and for combined-cycle thermal power plants;
characteristics of the shaft seal and bearing; technological development for higher capacities and performance; actual develop-
ment and delivery of 100% capacity BFPs; improvements to the structure design for increasing the stress resistance of BFPs
so that they can adapt to more severe conditions in the operation of thermal power plants associated with the spread of renew-
able energy; and examples of efforts to streamline the BFP design for manufacturing cost reduction and space saving.
Keywords: Feed water pump, High pressure, Efficiency, Super critical thermal power, Combined cycle thermal power, Reliability,
Specific speed, Shaft strength, Bearing, Double casing
followed by many units with a capacity of more than Table 1 BFP specifications for 700 MW USC thermal power plant
middle 1980s, a thermal power generation system that
achieves higher efficiency by combining two cycles: a
40 Approx.38 MPa
gas-turbine combustion cycle and a steam-turbine cycle
Feed pump
35 discharge pressure
that uses the exhaust heat from the former cycle. With
31 MPa Boiler
Approx.30 MPa
30 pressure continuous technological development for cooling turbine
25 MPa blades and making them heat resistant, the gas-turbine
Pressure MPa
Fig. 1 Boiler pressure and BFP discharge pressure plants have been constructed because they use, as a fuel
for gas turbines, LNG a fuel that emits less carbon The latter group requires a balance disk or a similar
dioxide and therefore impose less environmental load. component for balancing the axial thrust.
These plants require BFPs that feed water to heat (3) Material
recovery steam generators (HRSG). The outer barrel and discharge cover, which are pres-
sure-containing components, are made of forged carbon
3. Structures of BFPs
steel, and the gasket surface and high velocity sections
3.1 BFPs for conventional thermal power plants 3)
are overlaid with austenitic stainless steel to prevent
(1) Casing structure erosion. The internal casing and impeller are made of
BFPs used in supercritical and USC plants are required 13Cr or 13Cr-4Ni martensitic cast stainless steel.
to provide a high discharge pressure of 30 to 35 MPa (4) Shaft seal and bearing
with a feed-water temperature of as high as 180 C or Most commercial thermal power generation plants in
higher. These plants use double casing barrel-type Japan used non-contact throttle bushes or floating
multi-stage pumps designed to be adaptable to high- rings, which are not likely to wear under high-speed
pressure and -temperature specifications. These pumps and -pressure conditions and are suitable to continuous
have a forged cylindrical outer barrel with a high rigid- operation. In recent years, overseas plants in particular
ity that contains a single-piece structure consisting of use mechanical seals in many cases. As for the bear-
an internal casing and a rotor, with one end of the outer ings, a forced lubricating type is used.
barrel fastened to a discharge cover with bolts. They Figure 2 shows the structure of a typical BFP for
are designed according to the technical standard for conventional thermal power plants.
thermal power generation or a similar public standard 3.2 BFPs for combined-cycle plants3)
so that the thicknesses of the outer barrel, discharge (1) Casing structure
cover, and discharge nozzle, and the size and number BFPs for combined-cycle thermal power plants feed
of cover fastening bolts will provide sufficient strengths water to the heat recovery steam generator. They are
against the design pressure (maximum allowable working required to provide a discharge pressure of 15 to 20
pressure). MPa and a feed-water temperature of approximately
The outer barrel is a simple thick cylinder that is not 150 C, which are substantially low compared to super-
affected by high pressures or changes in pressure. The critical thermal power plants. For this reason, single
barrel is fastened to the discharge cover with bolts case, ring section-type, multi-stage pumps are used in
with a spiral gasket inserted between them to prevent most combined-cycle plants. However, they absolutely
leakage of water. The fastening bolts are controlled with require technologies for analyzing and evaluating ther-
a hydraulic wrench, bolt heater, or bolt tensioner so that mal stress and deformation because they are required
it will constantly provide appropriate fastening force. to adapt to quick plant starts and abrupt changes in
By providing a middle extraction flange on the dis- feed-water temperature. The basic structure of a ring
charge cover side or the suction side as appropriate, in- section-type casing consists of a suction casing, dis-
termediate pressure can be taken out so that it can be charge casing, inter stage casing, and intermediate ex-
used for applications such as coolant spraying to the traction casing, which are fastened with casing bolts,
reheater. with the joints between the casings sealed with metal
(2) Internal structure touch based on the fastening contact pressure of the
The structures of the internal casing, impeller, and other bolts. Depending on the results of thermal deformation
hydraulic components are divided into two groups: one analysis, an O-ring is fitted as appropriate to completely
group uses a combination of a axially split casing, back prevent leakage of feed water even during thermal
to back arrangement impeller, and a volute type and transient.
the other group uses a combination of a ring section (2) Internal structure
casing, straight through impeller, and a diffuser type. Heat recovery steam generators for combined-cycle
Discharge cover
Forced lubricating
bearing (radial)
Forced lubricating
bearing (thrust) Throttle bush
Throttle bush
Fig. 2 Double casing barrel type BFP for supercritical thermal power plants
plants are often structured with three stages (high-, Pumps structured to use double suction impeller at
middle-, and low-pressure drums), and designed to ex- only the first stage are often used because this struc-
tract intermediate-pressure feed water from the inter- ture can reduce the required NPSH by halving the suc-
mediate stage of the BFP to feed it to the middle-pres- tion flow because of the double suction.
sure drum. In other words, one unit of BFP can feed (3) Material
middle- and high-pressure water. Total amount of the The suction, discharge, and extraction casings, which
middle- and high-pressure feed water are sucked from are pressure-containing components, are made of 13Cr-
the suction casing. After the amount of the water to be 4Ni cast stainless steel and the inter stage casing of
fed to the middle-pressure drum is extracted from the 13Cr-4Ni stainless steel.
extraction stage, only the amount of the water to be (4) Shaft seal and bearing
fed to the high-pressure drum is pressurized. For this For the shaft sealing device, a mechanical seal with
reason, the specific speeds (Ns) of impeller and diffuser almost no leakage is used because the pressure and
for the stage before the extraction are often different peripheral speed conditions are slightly less severe than
from those after the extraction. those for BFPs for supercritical plants. For the bearing,
In combined-cycle plants, ring section-type diffuser though a forced lubricating type is used, a self-lubricat-
pumps are used. They have all impellers arranged in ing type can also be safely used in some cases as will
one direction and therefore require a thrust balancing be described later since the peripheral-speed conditions
component. Balancing components are available in two are less severe than those in conventional supercritical
types: balance-disk and balance-drum types. Water thermal power plants. Figure 3 shows the structure of
leaked from the balancing component is normally re- a typical BFP for combined-cycle thermal power plants.
turned to the suction side. When the pressure decreases
4. Upsizing and sophistication of BFPs
in the balancing component, the water temperature
rises. When the saturated vapor pressure of water with With the growth of equipment for thermal power gen-
the temperature rise taken into account is higher than eration in capacity and pressure, BFPs have been
the suction pressure, the water may flush out and re- upsized and become sophisticated. Among the pumps
turns to the pump inlet. If this is the case, the pump used in a thermal power plant, the BFP uses the most
does not operate soundly. If this happens, the balancing power because it must produce high pressures re-
piping is connected to the deaerator. quired by the boiler. This means that the improve-
High-pressure drum
Middle-pressure drum feed-water ange
feed-water ange
Suction ange
Discharge casing
Suction casing
volute Casing bolt
Mechanical seal
Mechanical seal
Balancing component
specific speed as well as helps save space and re- Fig. 4 100% capacity BFP for 1 000 MW supercritical thermal
power plants
sources . In Japan, EBARA has experience in designing,
increase in shaft diameter from that of the 50% capacity power output based on solar and wind power signifi-
BFP (existing conventional design). For a system based cantly depends on the meteorological conditions such
on a 100% capacity BFP, only one unit is used and if it as the weather and wind conditions, resulting in the
should unexpectedly stop, the power generation capacity drawback that it is difficult to stably operate electric
is totally lost. For this reason, needless to say, we power systems based on renewable energy. In order
designed the main shaft so that each part of the shaft to cope with this issue, thermal power plants are
would maintain a sufficient strength. increasingly required to provide more flexible power
Note: Computational fluid dynamics system operation with a higher level of supply-and-de-
Table 2 compares the performance of BFPs delivered mand adjustment capability. Specifically, they are re-
to power plants of typical sizes and with typical out- quired to improve the load change rate, minimize the
puts. The BFP shaft power consumes 3.5 to 4% of plant minimum load factor, and shorten the start-up time.
output; this ratio can be reduced through the increase In association with the supply-and-demand adjust-
in efficiency to be achieved by increases in capacity. ment capability added to thermal power plants, BFPs
For 500 MW plants, we successfully reduced the ratio are required to operate in more severe conditions such
to the rated plant output by approximately 0.5 point by as increased frequency of start and stop actions, changes
using one 100% capacity BFP. Even if the output is the in feed water temperature, and increased frequency of
same, however, the water temperature (density), capac- low flow operation. To address these requirements,
ity, and total pressure are different from plant to plant efforts have been made to improve the stress resis-
and therefore it is not generally practical to make com- tance (robustness) of BFPs by reviewing the structure,
parisons according to only the shaft power ratio. Look- materials, and design. Figure 5 shows an example of a
ing at the efficiency, for the 500 MW plants, while the BFP structure that has incorporated the structural and
system based on two units exhibited an efficiency of design considerations to adapt to the operational re-
82%, the system based on a single unit achieved an quirements above. Table 3 shows specific items that
86% efficiency, resulting in a 4-point improvement as must be improved and phenomena that must be ad-
described earlier .4)
dressed along with possible causes of them (some of
the measures in the Table 3 are not always against the
5. Improvement in BFP stress resistance
more severe operating conditions but have been intro-
Recent years have seen increased introductions of re- duced as part of the efforts to improve the general
newable energies such as solar and wind power. Re- functional reliability of BFPs5)).
newable energy is expected to continue to spread as
6. Streamlining of BFPs
one of the measures against global warming because it
does not use fossil fuel and therefore emits no carbon As described earlier, BFPs are the heart of the main
dioxide when used for power generation. However, the piping system in thermal power systems and therefore
required to provide high levels of functionality and reli-
Table 2 Specifications of typical BFPs ability. On the other hand, it is also important to supply
power at as low a price as possible, in developing coun-
Total Rotation Shaft Number Power
plant Capacity Efficiency tries in particular, where the demand for power is
pressure speed power of unit ratio
MW t/h MPa min 1 kW % Unit % pressing and therefore the construction of many new
500 890 29.67 5 500 9 999 82 2 4.00 thermal power plants is planned. For this reason, pump
500 1 630 30.1 5 500 17 747 86 1 3.55 suppliers are also required to cooperate to simplify the
600 1 000 30.1 5 500 11 157 83.5 2 3.72
equipment for power generation plants and make
600 1 860 33.2 5 000 22 589 85.3 1 3.76
efforts to reduce the costs for such equipment as one of
700 1 120 30.6 5 500 12 711.7 85 2 3.63
1 000 1 650 30.5 5 500 18 393.3 86 2 3.68
the challenges that they must address. Here are some
1 050 1 700 31.2 6 000 19 279.5 85.5 2 3.67 of the efforts to streamline BFPs.
Fig. 5 BFP structure that has incorporated measures for increasing the robustness
6.1 Discontinuance of booster pumps mally installed upstream of the BFP to ensure the
With a rotation speed of as high as 5 000 to 6 000 min , -1
NPSH required for the BFP.
BFPs for supercritical thermal power plants require a Under the circumstances, M-BFPs for start-up pur-
high required NPSH (NPSHR). With an increase in poses used in some plants are actually designed to in-
power generation capacity, the flow rate of the BFP in- clude an impeller equipped with an inducer in the first
creases, which requires an even higher NPSHR. The stage to lower the NPSHR for elimination of the need
NPSH available (NPSHA) of a BFP, which is deter- to use a booster pump and cross over piping. This
mined by the height of the deaerator installed, is nor- design helps reduce plant construction costs by saving
mally approximately 20 to 25 m. For this reason, space and resources. Figure 6 shows the structure of a
through the cross over piping, a booster pump is nor- BFP with an inducer4).
Middle extraction
Flow to balance the piping
Back to balance piping
as one unit if the upper half of the inner volute is Fig. 7 Disassembled inner volute and the rotor to be taken out
a) Assembled b) Disassembled
pressure, oil level of the oil reservoir, and oil temperature. manufacturing cost or installation space.
Since the unit equipped with these devices and On the other hand, a typical BFP for combined-cycle
instruments make up a large percentage in terms of plants is directly driven by a 2P motor and provides an
foot print and manufacturing cost, it is significant to output of approximately 2 000 to 2 500 kW, which is low
streamline the lubrication system (Figure 9). compared with BFPs for supercritical thermal power
Whether the bearing requires forced lubrication or plants. Equipped with no turbine or fluid coupling, this
self-lubrication depends on the peripheral speed at the BFP requires a separately installed lube oil unit. The
radial bearing and the type of the thrust bearing. Con- BFP, if equipped with a self-lubricating bearing, can
sidering the fact that BFPs for supercritical thermal streamline the power generation system by reducing
power plants provides a high rotation speed of more the floor space for installation. While the current BFPs
than 5 000 min with high shaft power, they will probably
use a forced lubricating bearing based on the existing
continue to require forced lubrication. Lubricant is fed selection criteria, we think that it is possible to broaden
from the turbine if the BFP is driven by a turbine or the self-lubricating bearings to a wider range of appli-
from the fluid coupling if the BFP is driven by a motor cations by improving the self-lubricating mechanism
with a fluid coupling, meaning that the lubricating and bearing cooling structure (Figure 10).
method of the pump bearing does not affect the
Suction Discharge
6 700
1 400
Oil tank
1 780
oil pump
Fig. 9 Boiler feed pump outline drawing (with oil supply unit)
Main shaft bearing Thrust bearing