Uroradiology Tutorial For Medical Students

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Uroradiology Tutorial

For Medical Students

Lesson 3:
Cystography & Urethrography Part 1

American Urological Association

Conventional radiography of the urinary tract
includes several diagnostic studies:
Retrograde urethrogram
Voiding cystourethrogram

All of these studies answer questions that are

essential to urologic patient management
Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG)
The voiding cystourethrogram is a dynamic
test used to define the anatomy and, in part,
the function of the lower urinary tract. It is
performed by placing a catheter through the
urethra into the bladder, filling the bladder
with contrast material and then taking x-rays
while the patient voids. You can imagine how
popular it is among children.
Scout Film
Several films are taken when performing a
VCUG. The first image is a KUB called the
scout film. On this film one can evaluate the
bones of the spine and pelvis (injury or
congenital anomaly such as spina bifida) and
the soft tissues (calcifications, foreign bodies,
Normal scout image

What gender?
Scout Film
Patients with urologic problems (urine
infection or incontinence) may have a spinal
abnormality that results in abnormal
innervation of the bladder. Such anomalies are
commonly associated with anomalies of the
vertebral column. Lets look at some spines.
Here is a spine from a normal
KUB or scout film. Notice that
the posterior processes of all
the vertebrae are intact. You
can see the posterior process
behind and below each
vertebral body.
Here is another scout film.
Notice that the posterior
processes are absent
below L-4. This patient has
lower lumbar spina bifida.
Read This Scout Film
The bones are normal
What about soft tissues
(bowel, etc.)?
This child has significant
constipation. Notice the
variegated pattern of
stool and gas in the
Read This Scout Film
What is the foreign
Defining an Unknown Object
When you see something on an imaging study
that you dont understand, it is helpful
systematicaly to describe it.

Give it a try with the object on that scout film

Defining an Unknown Object
Its long, thin and it curves
Shape of a catheter or tubing
Defining an Unknown Object
Is it in the childs body or
Of course, a lateral view or an
oblique view would answer that
question, but what do you think?
It is internal
Where does it course from and
Its seen in the region of the
abdomen and the chest. One end
is not seen on the film and the
other is near a rib, but coursing
from the abdomen to that point.
Defining an Unknown Object
Its relatively high density
At least as radiodense as
Whoever made that tubing
probably wants it to show
up on x-ray films because it
is so dense
Look carefully at
the spine
Compare to this
normal scout film
The spine is not fully
developed in the
film on the right.
Lets summarize what we know
Radiodense foreign body (proably a catheter or
tubing) in the region of the chest and the abdomen.
One end appears to be in the abdomen, and we dont
see the other end.
This child has spina bifida.

Its a ventriculoperitoneal shunt, used to drain

cerebrospinal fluid in patients with
hydrocephalus (common in children with spina
Filling Phase
After the scout film is taken, images are
obtained while the bladder is being filled with
liquid contrast. The bladder should appear
smooth and regular and there should be no
filling defects except the balloon of the
urethral catheter. The edges of the bladder
image should be smooth.
Normal Filling Phase
Filling Phase
This bladder is not smooth.
This patient has an
obstruction in the urethra.
She has spina bifida (see that
shunt tubing?). Nerve damage
from the spina bifida results in
a physiologic obstruction to
urine drainage through the
urethra. Her bladder
responded to the obstruction
by detrusor muscle
hypertrophy. This thickened
muscle caused the irregular
border of the bladder.
Filling Phase
The term we use to
describe this irregularity is
trabeculation. Note that
the bladder isnt spherical.
Some would describe this
as a Christmas tree
bladder. Its cone shaped
and it appears to have
ornaments (actually small
round diverticulae), a
result of high bladder
Voiding Phase
Images captured during voiding will
demonstrate the urethra (strictures or
obstruction) and the bladder, and they will
document the presence or absence of
vesicoureteral reflux (retrograde leakage of
urine from the bladder up the ureters). Unless
there is a voiding film, one cannot determine
whether the patient has reflux because reflux
may only occur with the pressure generated
by voiding.
Voiding Phase
This film shows a
normal male
urethra; there is no
obstruction. The
variation seen in
the diameter of
the urethra is
Indentation at the urethral
sphincter (normal)
Voiding Phase
This film shows a boy
with a congenital
urethral obstruction.
Notice that the bladder
is trabeculated. In
addition, reflux is
present in both ureters.

Urethral obstruction
Post-void Film
The post-void image may
demonstrate reflux (contrast
seen in the ureter or kidney) or
extravasation of urine from the
bladder or urethra (such as from
a traumatic rupture).
No reflux and no residual
bladder urine is seen in this
normal post-void film. Because
of the anxiety caused by the
catheter placement, it is not
unusual for a child not to void
completely. There are other,
more accurate tests to
determine whether a patient has
a significant post-void residual.
Normal post-void film
Ready to read some VCUGs?
Case History
6 year-old female with a history of at least
three urine infections
Past history: negative
Family history: mother and sister had urine
infections and vesicoureteral reflux
Exam: completely normal
Imaging: Pediatrician ordered ultrasound and

You can learn to read kidney and

bladder ultrasounds at the AUA Imaging
Ultrasound Interpretation
Left Right
Size (nl = 4 + 6 x .6 cm) 7.7 Normal 8.6 Normal
Shape Normal Normal
Parenchyma Normal Normal
Hydronephrosis No No

Normal renal / bladder ultrasound

Here is her VCUG

Lets look at all four phases

Scout Film
Soft tissues?
Normal except for some
Foreign bodies?
Filling Phase
Bladder shape?
Bladder contour?
Smooth and regular
Voiding Phase
Bladder empty?

Normal VCUG
Case Summary
This girl, like the majority of girls with urine infection,
has a normal bladder (no reflux) and normal kidneys.

Her urine infections are likely the result of ascent of

bacteria up the urethra from the perineum.

Do you feel cheated because we showed you a

normal VCUG? Most VCUGs in children with urine
infection are normal. Get used to it. The important
thing is that youre learning to read the exams.
Case History
4 year-old female has had two febrile urine
infections (fever to 104, nausea, flank pain
and lethargy.
Exam: Lethargic white female
T = 103.2, P = 130, BP 78/60
Abdomen: soft, but tender in left flank and
bladder regions. U/A >100 RBCs, WBCs 50-
100, bacteria - many
Evaluation & Management
Full course of antibiotics to treat pyelonephritis

Why did this girl have a urine infection?

Renal and bladder ultrasound normal

What other abnormalities could raise her risk of

Read This VCUG
VCUG Interpretation
Soft tissues?
Foreign bodies?
What is that partially
radiodense tubular structure
seen in the region of the
Its the catheter used to fill
the bladder with contrast.
Filling phase:
Bladder shape?
Bladder contour?
Bilateral reflux
Voiding phase:
Bilateral reflux
Post void:
Bladder empty?
Bilateral reflux
Vesicoureteral Reflux
Urinary tract infections usually result from
ascent of bacteria from the perineum up the
urethra. That is why bowel flora cause most
urine infections.

Reflux does not cause urine infection, but if

reflux is present, ascent of bacteria up the
ureter causing pyelonephritis is more likely.
Reflux Grading
A grading system was developed,
based on x-ray VCUG findings
(primarily the appearance of the
calyces) in order to express the
severity of reflux. You may find it
useful to compare the calyx to a
crystal goblet. The calyx (goblet)
collects urine draining from the
pyramid (area of collecting ducts).
The infundibulum (stem of the
goblet) drains to the renal pelvis.
Reflux Grading

The more delicate and fine the calyx (like

Waterford crystal), the lower the grade of reflux
Reflux Grading
I: Ureter only

II: Into sharp, delicate

calyces (Waterford crystal)

III. Blunted calyces

(Noritake, lower grade
Reflux Grading
IV: Further blunting
(remainders table goblet
at K-Mart)

V: Dilated, tortuous
20 30% of children with urine infection are found to
have reflux. Spontaneous resolution is common
among patients with low grade reflux.

Management: prophylactic antibiotics

Periodic imaging

You prescribe a daily dose of nitrofurantoin. One year

later a follow-up VCUG shows that the reflux is gone.
Her parents are so grateful that they name their next
child after you.
Case History
A newborn male is referred to you because
prenatal ultrasounds showed bilateral

Exam: healthy, vigorous male. 3.8 Kg. Normal

exam except for some vague fullness in the

Ultrasound: Bilateral grade IV hydronephrosis

Read This VCUG

[ 2010, David A. Hatch. Used by permission.]

How did you do? Scout film

Soft tissues?
Why doesnt the
bowel gas pattern
extend to the right
side of the abdomen?

What is this? (blue

Describe the Unknown Object
Its long and relatively thin.

Its very regular with sharp


Upper end is rounded and the

lower end is square
Left side of the abdomen

Is it inside the peritoneal

Outside. The lower part of the
object extends to a point
outside the peritoneal cavity. Its
lateral to the iliac wing.
Its about the density of the
adjacent bones (partially
calcified in an infant)

Less dense than mature bone

So, What Is It?

Umbilical cord clamp

(remember, hes a newborn)
Read the Filling Phase
Bilateral reflux
Blunted calyces
Tortuous ureters (grade V)

Wider than normal
This boy has posterior
urethral valves, a
congenital obstruction of
the proximal urethra
Voiding Phase
Posterior urethral valves
What is this (arrow)?
What is this?
Left upper quadrant-
renal fossa
Oval, fuzzy, not as well
defined as the ureters or
About the same density
as the ureters or the
adjacent renal pelvis
Need a hint?
Does this object appear on the scout film?
Lets summarize
Irregular (probably not a cyst or part of the
kidney collecting system)
Highly radiodense
Appears only after contrast is dripped into the
bladder catheter
If this is contrast, how did it get into the left
renal fossa?
Urine Extravasation
The fuzzy, ovoid density that
is seen only on the voiding
film is urine (actually
contrast) extravasation. The
urethral obstruction was so
severe that it caused
leakage of urine out of the
kidney collecting system
into the perinephric space.
Posterior Urethral Valves
Occurs along a spectrum of severity from mild
obstruction to complete urinary obstruction
with anhydramnios (no amniotic fluid) and
post-natal death from pulmonary insufficiency

Initial management is usually incision of the

valves (performed through a cystoscope) to
relieve obstruction
Cystography 1 Summary
Serial images: Scout, filling, voiding, post-void
Contrast only seen outside the bladder (kidney,
ureter, etc.) if there is a problem (reflux or
Vesicoureteral reflux
Grading: I to V
Cystography 1 Summary
Posterior urethral valves
Congenital obstruction of proximal urethra
Often associated with reflux and sometimes
causing urine extravasation

Evaluation of an unknown describe it

You have successfully completed the first
module on cystography. You are ready to go
on to Cystography - 2

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