4 2 Work Plan

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Unit 4 Week 2: Why do animals behave the way they do?


Reading Vocabulary

1. Re- Read Encantado RS text 1. R+W pg. 260

pg 58 ( Ind. )
(I, P, SG)
2. Vocabulary online practi
2. Think Critically pg.72 choice
(choose 2):
3. Online Story Sort (Pearson Realize Vocabulary cards
Website) Poetry mix-up
Timed Trivia
4. Independent reading Save the Word
Word Unscramble

3. Draw vocabulary art

Target Skill Science/SS

1. Skill of the Week: 1. Paired Text Read RS pg, 76

- Multiple Meaning Words 2. Sleuth Story (I, P, SG)
- R+W pg. 264
3. World Language links on websi
2. Grammar Skill: Kinds of
4. Science/SS Leveled Readers
-complete R+W pg. 261
3. Take Spelling Test
4. Take RS Test
5. Open-ended question
Writing Resources :
1. Journal (due Friday)
(Ind.) Reading Street Website:
-Writing a Song (R+W pg 259) powerschool.springfieldschools.com/pub
-Personal Narrative
-Current Event Class Site:
3. Publish your story Lynchcaldwell.weebly.com
4. Handwriting book get each page Razkids.com
signed off as you go

Rip out and staple ALL readers and writers notebook pages to
your work plan when you hand it in. Make sure they are
checked and corrected with a pen!
MUST DOs (Due ON Fridays)
Can Dos (optional)
I= independent P= partner SG= Small group

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