Gif Lectures On Direct Detection of Dark Matter
Gif Lectures On Direct Detection of Dark Matter
Gif Lectures On Direct Detection of Dark Matter
Eric Armengaud
arXiv:1003.2380v1 [hep-ex] 11 Mar 2010
Abstract. These notes cover some of the topics associated with direct detection of
dark matter at an introductory level. The general principles of dark matter search are
summarized. The current status of some experiments is described, with an emphasis
on bolometric and noble liquid techniques. Plots and illustrations associated to these
notes may be found on transparencies presented during the lecture, on the web site of
Gif school 2009 (in French) :
1. Introduction
DM with ordinary matter is unfortunately far too small to be detected with current
technologies. Two main categories of DM particles can currently be probed by direct
detection experiments:
(i) Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) which have cross-sections with
ordinary matter driven by physics at the electroweak scale. Currently, the search
for WIMPs represents by far the strongest effort in direct detection experiments.
Several models of new physics at the electroweak scale provide such candidates,
like the neutralino in the minimal supersymetric extension of the standard model
(MSSM) or the lightest Kaluza-Klein particle (LKP) in universal extra dimension
(UED) models. The case for WIMPs is particularly strong due to the so-
called WIMP miracle: if dark matter particles are thermal relics, then from
thermodynamical considerations their current density M 0.3 implies a typical
annihilation cross-section during their freeze-out ha vi 3 1026 cm3 /s which is
characteristic of weak interactions.
(ii) Axions or axion-like particles are hypothetical pseudo-scalar particles. Axions were
initially introduced to solve the CP violation problem in the strong interaction
sector through the so-called Peccei-Quinn mechanism, but axion-like particles
constitute a generic prediction of some string models. They can constitute (non-
thermal) relics of the Big-Bang. The direct search for axion dark matter is possible
thanks to their coupling to photons, and will be briefly mentionned in Section 7.
We now concentrate mostly on the search for WIMPs, which started during the 80s after
the seminal works of, eg. [3, 4]. In the most studied models, typical WIMP masses may
range from 10 GeV to 10 TeV. For kinematic reasons, direct detection experiments
aim in general to observe nuclear recoils due to an elastic scattering of WIMPs on the
nuclei of a target. The WIMP-nucleon cross section is poorly constrained by current
measurements in frameworks like MSSM or UED . It may range typically from 106 to
1012 pb k. The last value corresponds to less than one interaction per ton of detector
per year. All the efforts of WIMP experiments are therefore devoted to the ability to
detect such a low rate of interactions.
The formalism of WIMP direct detection is briefly sketched here. More details may be
found in [5, 6] .
velocity 200 km/s, the kinematics is non-relativistic. The expression for the nuclear
recoil energy is easily found from energy and momentum conservation:
m 4 mN m
Er = v2 cos2 r
2 (mN + m )2
Typical recoil energies are in the range 1-100 keV : for WIMP searches, this requires
to use low threshold detectors, which are sensitive to individual energy deposits of this
order of magnitude. To compute the WIMP-nucleon interaction rate, one needs the
cross-section and the local phase-space density of WIMP:
For a given momentum transfert q we use the parametrization
d 0
= F 2 (q)
dq 4 m2r v 2
where mr is the reduced mass of the system, and F (q) is a dimensionless form
factor such that F (0) = 1. Since the maximum momentum transfert for a given
(v, mr ) is qmax = 2vmr , the parameter 0 corresponds to the total cross-section in
the case of F (q) = 1.
We note 0 the local WIMP mass density. The current observations contrain
0 0.3 GeV/cm3 . The distribution of WIMP velocities relative to the terrestrial
detector is noted f1 (v).
The interaction rate per unit mass of detector for WIMPs in the velocity range [v; v + dv]
is then given by:
0 d
dR = v 2 f1 (v) dv dq 2 (1)
m mN dq
After integration over the velocity distribution, this gives as a function of recoil energy
Er = q 2 /2mN :
dR 0 0 f1 (v)
= 2
F (q) dv
dEr 2 m mr vmin v
mN Er
where vmin = 2 m2r
. We use a maxwellian velocity distribution for the galactic
WIMPs. Assuming that the detector is at rest with respect to the galactic halo, we
2 2 2
have f1 (v) vv3 ev /v0 . The integration is then straightforward and one finds
dR mN Er
dEr 2 m2r v02
An approximately exponential recoil spectrum is therefore expected : as a consequence,
no really precise spectral signature such as a peak may be used, and in addition most
of the signal in a detector is expected at low recoil energies, which requires the energy
threshold of all WIMP detectors to be well understood experimentally.
In fact, the Earth velocity with respect to the WIMP halo must be written
as ve = v0 (1.05 + 0.07 cos t) where 1.05 v0 is the galactic velocity of the Sun and
Gif Lectures on direct detection of Dark Matter 4
= 2/1 year. The 7% modulation is due to the rotation of the Earth around the Sun.
In the former calculation, f1 (v) must be replaced by f1 (|~v v~e |) and the instantaneous
differential rate of WIMP interaction becomes
dR 0 0 2 vmin + ve vmin ve
= F (q) erf erf (2)
dEr 4 ve m m2r v0 v0
In the conventional model which is currently used in order to measure or constrain
cross-sections, and to compare experimental sensitivities, it is also assumed that the
WIMP maxwellian distribution is truncated for velocities larger than the galactic escape
velocity vesc = 650 km/s. This adds a small correction to the previous formula.
2.2.1. Axial coupling : spin-dependent cross-section. The lagrangian for the axial
neutralino-quark coupling, due to Z and squark exchange, is Lq = dq ( 5 ) (
q 5 q)
where the parameter dq is calculated for a given SUSY model. At the scale of a nucleon
q 5 |ni is of the form 2 S q (n) where S
n - proton or neutron - the matrix element hn|
is the nucleon spin. The parameter q (n) depends on hadron physics and is estimated
from lepton-proton diffusion experiments. An effective neutralino-nucleon lagrangian is
therefore obtained by summation over the relevant quark flavors. We define
2 dq q (n) 2 2GF a(n)
d 8 ap hSp i + an hSn i
(q = 0) = 2 G2F 2 J(J + 1) where =
dq v J
Gif Lectures on direct detection of Dark Matter 5
The additional gluon contributions to fp and fn are not explicited. It appears that
the QCD terms and the coupling to the sea quark s are often dominant in the f(n)
calculation. Therefore one has in general fp fn . For a given WIMP model, one can
therefore define a single spin-independent WIMP-nucleon coupling, independent on the
nature and spin of the nucleon. The summation over all nucleons of a nucleus is then
simpler than for the spin-dependent case. The classical nuclear density form factor F (q)
(the Fourier transform of spatial density of nucleons in the nucleus) appears, and one
gets, applying Fermis golden rule:
d 2 F (q)
= [Z fp + (A Z) fn ]
dq 2 v 2
We may then identify in this expression the 0 parameter defined above, and for
A2 m2r
fp = fn one finds 0 (A) = m 2 (p) 0 (nucleon). Therefore in the spin-independant
channel, all experiments measure approximately the same parameter 0 (nucleon) SI
independently of the target nucleus. Furthermore, contrarily to the spin-independant
case, as long as the nuclear form factor F (q) is of order unity (which is the case for low
nuclear recoil energies), there is a coherence effect which boosts the WIMP-nucleus cross
section by a factor A2 m2r (A). As a consequence, heavy nucleus targets are used in spin-
independent direct searches, and at least for the most popular SUSY neutralino models,
the spin-independent channel is currently the most sensitive to a potential WIMP signal.
Gif Lectures on direct detection of Dark Matter 6
To measure WIMP-induced nuclear recoils, detectors with a massive target and a low
detection threshold (typically a few keV) must be used. The expected signatures of
WIMP interactions are the following:
The interactions generate nuclear recoils, in contrast to electronic recoils from
Due to the small interaction rate, only single interactions will be observed (no
multiple interactions).
For the same reason, WIMP interactions are uniformly distributed in the detector
volume, while interactions induced by external radioactivity, with penetration
length smaller than the detector size, do concentrate near the surface of the
The recoil spectrum has an approximately exponential shape.
For the spin-independant channel, the interaction rate varies approximately as the
square of the target nucleus : the use of several nuclear targets can serve as a first
Gif Lectures on direct detection of Dark Matter 8
surface interaction discrimination: when an interaction takes place close to the electrode
surface, the charge collection mechanism cannot be fully completed, resulting in a loss
of ionization signal. A surface electronic recoil may therefore mimic a bulk nuclear
recoil. A source of such surface events is the radioactivity due to 210 Pb, which is a
daughter element of radon. The ubiquity of radon in the air, together with the 22 year
lifetime of 210 Pb, make it difficult to reduce the presence of this background. Typical
surface rates of a few events/kg/day are observed. These events of radioactive origin
have limited EDELWEISS sensitivity to WIMP-nucleon cross-sections of 106 pb in
2003 [17].
The rejection of surface events by CDMS-II is currently based on their specific
phonon measurement. The CDMS thermometer covers the surface of the absorber
and is able to measure the athermal component of phonons generated during an
interaction, which consists in a fast signal with respect to the thermal component.
Surface interactions generate large athermal signals. A timing parameter using both the
relative heat-ionization time and the heat pulse shape is estimated for each event and is
used as a second discriminating variable, enabling the rejection of surface events at the
price of a relative loss of efficiency. In 2008, with 15 detectors in use, an effective exposure
of 121 kg.days was unblinded, with a post-cut surface event background estimated to
be 0.5 events. No WIMP candidate was observed above a recoil energy of 10 keV [18].
In the end of 2009, the unblinding of 194 more kg.days lead to the observation of
two low-energy WIMP interaction candidate events, for 0.8 0.3 background events
expected [19]. Even with these two background events, an upper limit of 3.8 108 pb
could be set on SI for m = 70 GeV, which is the best sensitivity achieved so far for
all direct detection searches.
The rejection of surface events for EDELWEISS-II is based on the recently
developped InterDigit electrode design [20]. Plane electrodes are replaced by a set
of concentric rings alternatively polarized for example at 4V and 1.5V on one side,
and the opposite on the other side. This modifies the electric field near the detector
surface. An interaction taking place in the bulk of the target generates charges only on
the collecting (4V) electrodes, while a near-surface event also creates a charge signal on
one of the field shaping (1.5V) electrodes. A rejection factor approaching 105 was
demontrated using a 210 Pb source. With 10 germanium detectors, a first limit of 107
pb could be set after 6 months of data taking in 2009 with an effective exposure of 144
kg.d and a recoil energy threshold of 20 keV [21]. One WIMP candidate was observed
at 21 keV, with a preliminary background estimation of less than 0.23 events expected
from neutron, beta and gamma interactions.
The scintillation yield of each event is a discriminating variable between nuclear and
electronic recoils. An advantage of this technique is the large choice of materials avail-
able as scintillating absorbers.
The CRESST-II experiment used 10 bolometers with a CaWO4 absorber to set a
limit on SI of 5 107 pb at 50 GeV. The sensitivity is limited by the presence of
a background apparently due to the low scintillation yield for nuclear recoils in these
detectors : WIMPs must be searched as heat-only interactions with no light signal.
Such no-light events are also due to other backgrounds related directly to the detector
properties that are under study [22].
More ambitious project of bolometric dark matter detectors are planned both in
Europe and in the USA. The CDMS program consists in a future installation of the
Super-CDMS setup at the new deep SNOLab laboratory, with 100 kg of detectors.
A further ton-scale experiment could be installed at DUSEL. The european project
EURECA consists in a multi-target array of cryogenic detectors installed in an extension
of the LSM laboratory. These programs would require an unprecedented control of
background noises as well as a heavy cryogenic infrastructure.
At temperatures below 165 K and 88 K, Xenon and Argon behave as dense liquids,
with good scintillation yields of 40 103 photons/MeV, as well as reasonably good
electron mobilities. An interaction in these liquids ionizes the medium and produces
excited states of the Xenon or Argon atoms. The excited states in turn generate an UV
luminescence signal. There are two excited states (singlet and triplet); for Argon, the
triplet lifetime is 1.6 s, large enough to be measured and discriminated from the singlet
state using a pulse shape analysis.
The principle of a dual-phase noble gaz TPC is the following : the Xenon (or
Argon) is kept in a vessel in thermodynamical conditions where it is in equilibrium
between liquid and gaz, the gaz phase being a small volume above the liquid phase.
The vessel is instrumented with an array of detectors, typically photomultipliers. A
strong, vertical electric field of order 1 kV/cm is applied within the whole volume. An
interaction within the liquid phase generates a first direct scintillation signal, called S1.
Depending on the ionizing power of the incoming particle, free electrons are created and
drift vertically until they reach the gaz phase. When crossing the boundary between the
two phases, a second light S2 is emitted due to the difference of amplitude of the electric
fields in both phases. From the different signals of the PMT array, and their relative
timings, the position of the primary interaction may be reconstructed. Furthermore,
since the ionization yield is smaller for nuclear recoils, the S2/S1 ratio is used as a
discriminating parameter between electronic and nuclear recoils.
Gif Lectures on direct detection of Dark Matter 13
power of the incident particle, the pulse shape analysis of S1 signals provides a
second, independent discriminating variable to reject electron recoils.
On the other hand Argon contains naturally the 39 Ar radioactive isotope generating
a large electron recoil background in the fiducial volume of a detector. Argon
reservoirs with a low 39 Ar concentration have been found in underground cavities
and may be used in the future. Methods of depletion in 39 Ar are also investigated.
The WArP experiment [29] at the Gran Sasso laboratory has demonstrated the
efficiency of the combination of S2/S1 + pulse-shape discriminations to reject electron
recoils with a quoted rejection factor of 108. A first WIMP search with a 2.6 kg
prototype lead to a sensitivity of 106 pb. This sensitivity was limited by a large
background and a small number of instrumented PMTs. A 140 kg dual-phase Argon
TPC is now being installed at Gran Sasso, with a large coverage of low-radioactivity
PMTs and an active veto. We only mention here the existence of other large mass
projects for either dual-phase (ArDM) or single-phase (DEAP/CLEAN) argon detectors,
that are also being planned or commissionned.
that these recoils are indeed induced by WIMPs. To measure the direction of low-
energy nuclear recoils in a WIMP-search experiment, a favored technique is the use
of gazeous detectors. The corresponding challenge is the necessity to build very large
volumes of detectors, with a large number of associated readout channels. Several R&D
developments were made in the past years to accomplish this [35]. Let us mention two
recent achievements as examples of the current activity:
The DM-TPC collaboration, using a CF4 gazeous TPC instrumented with a CCD
camera, has observed the so-called head-tail effect for energies down to 100 keV.
The asymetry in observed traces allowed the reconstruction of the vector direction
of the recoils.
The MIMAC project has recently demonstrated the ability to reconstruct low
energy traces at 6 keV using micromegas detectors in a gazeous 3 He TPC.
Still, this result remains controversial from an experimental point of view. In particular,
the modulated signal is near 3 keV, an energy where a peak at 3.2 keV associated to
K dominates the radioactivity background, and where the detector efficiency drops
sharply, opening the way to several possible systematic effects. The KIMS experiment
(see section 6.1), now also searching for an annual modulation in a different underground
laboratory and with different cristals (CsI), could provide a possible direct cross-check
of the modulation signal.
From a phenomenological point of view, the DAMA signal is merely compatible
with other searches, both in the spin-independent and spin-dependent channels. An
interpretation of DAMA signal as due to a spin-dependent WIMP-proton coupling is
now severely constrained by KIMS, COUPP and PICASSO. All currently competitive
bolometric and noble liquid searches exclude the DAMA signal in the hypothesis of a
purely spin-independent coupling, except for very-low mass WIMPs M < 10 GeV. In
this low-mass range, the CoGeNT experiment (see section 3) could put constraints on
the DAMA signal, but a window remains clearly open, mostly due to the uncertainties
on detector properties (such as a hypothetical channeling effect in NaI cristals) and on
astrophysical parameters (especially the local WIMP velocity distribution).
An abundant litterature therefore exists in order to interpret the potential DAMA
signal in light of other null-result searches. As an example we focus here on a plausible
phenomenological explanation which has been the subject of recent interest, named
inelastic dark matter [38] : when scattering on nuclei, WIMPs could be able to
jump to an excited state with m = m + , 100 keV. This induces a change
of kinematics with respect to the elastic scattering, suppressing the recoil spectrum
for low energies and increasing the relative annual modulation signal. The new free
parameter opens more possibilities but still the analysis or re-analysis of null-search
results, especially of XENON10 and CDMS, is able to put severe constraints on this
scenario [39, 19].
Axions or axion-like particles are coupled to the photon field through the interaction
term La ga F F a = ga (E ~ B)
~ a. The coupling constant ga is not strongly
constrained for generic models, but in the case of the standard Peccei-Quinn axion
models, ga ma .
The mass of dark matter axions is constrained by cosmological and astrophysical
observations. As dark matter axions must be non-thermal relics of the Big Bang,
predictions are more model-dependant than in the case of thermal relics like WIMPs.
In general, ma 106 eV would lead to a relic density 1. For ma 1 eV, relic
axions would constitute hot dark matter.
Therefore, in the specific framework of Peccei-Quinn axions with a relic density
M = a 0.3, a region of particular interest is 106 ma . 103 eV, and the
corresponding coupling ga 1017 1013 GeV1 .
Gif Lectures on direct detection of Dark Matter 18
Current and proposed experiments using resonant cavities are exploring this region
of parameter space. Dark matter axions are searched by looking for the conversion of a
magnetic field into an electric field in a resonant microwave cavity.
As an example, in the case of the ADMX experiment [40], the resonant cavity is
filled with an 8T magnetic field, and the electric field is measured with an appropriate
low-noise readout, now using a SQUID amplifier. The electric field power is measured for
different values of the resonance frequency f of the cavity which is varied mechanically by
changing its effective dimensions. The signal from an axion with mass ma would appear
as a peak in the electric field intensity vs f for f = ma . At a given mass, the sensitivity
to ga is related to the measured electric field noise, which is limited by the readout
noise as well as the thermal noise of the cavity. Current ADMX results already explore
the Peccei-Quinn axion models in a narrow mass range 1.9 106 < ma < 3.5 106
eV. Upcoming upgrades as well as other projects such as CARRACK aim at extending
the range of mass scan as well as the sensitivity to ga .
I thank the Ecole de Gif organizers for having provided such a nice atmosphere during
the school.