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Tamil Nadu Nuclear Installations (Regulation of Buildings and Use of Land) Act, 1978

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690 Nuclear In.stallations (Regulation 11978 :' T.N.Act 16%
of Buildings and Use of Land)
LAND) ACT, 1978.
[Received the assent of the President on the 17th March 1978,
first published in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette
Extraordinary on the 21st March 1978 (Panguni 8,
pinkala (2009-Tiruvalluvar Andu)).]

An Act to provide for the control of the construction of

buildings and the use of land in the neighbourhood of
any nuclear installation in the State of Tamil Nadu.

BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu

in the Twenty-eighth Year of the Republic of India as
follows :-
Short title, 1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Nuclear
and Installations (Regulation of Buildings and Use of Land)
ment. Act, 1978.
(2) It extends to the whole of the tate of Tamil Nadu.
(3) It shall come into force in respect of a nuclear
installation and the area within 4.8 kilometres from any
portion of the boundary of any such nuclear installation
on such date as the Government may, by notification,
Doflnitions. 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(1) " building" includes-
(a) a house, out-house, stable, iattleshed,cow-house,
latrine, godown, shed, hut, wall (other than a boundary
wall not exceeding eight feet in height), roofed enclosure
and any other such structure, whether wholly or partially
constructed of masonry, bricks, mud, wood, metal or
any other material whatsoever ;
(b) a structure on wheels or simply resting on the
ground without foundation ; and

*For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Tumil Nadu Government

Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 29th December 1977, Part 1V-
Section 1, Page 73,

' 1978 : T.N. Act 161 ~ u c l e u rInstallations (Regulation 691


of Bgildings and Use of l a n d )

(c) a tent, van and any other structure used for
human habitation or used for keeping or storing any
article or goods ;
(2) a person shall be deemed " to re-erect a building"
if he-
(a) makes any material alteration to, or enlargement
of, a building, or
(b) converts into a dwelling place any building not
originally constructed for that purpose, or
(c) converts into two or more dwelling places a
building originally constructed as a single dwelling place, or
( d ) converts two or more dwelling places into a
, larger number of such places, or
1 (e) converts into a factory, workshop or godown
or into a stable, cattleshed or cow-house any building
I originally constructed as a dwelling place, or
(f) makes any alteration which is likely to affect
prejudicially the stability or safety of a building, or the
condition of a building in respect of its drainage, sanitation
or hygiene, or
(g) makes any alteration to a building which'lncreases
or diminishes its height or the area covered by it or the
cubic capacity thereof, or which reduces the cubic capacity
of any room therein ;
(3) " exclusion area ", in relation to a nuclear
installation, means such area, within 1.6 kilometres from
any portion of the boundary of such nuclear installation,
as may be specified by the Government by notification ;

II (4) "Government" means the State Government ;

(5) " nuclear installation " means the atomic power
stations at Kalpakkam in the Chingleput district and in-
cludes the Reactor Research Centre and Centralised
Waste Management Facility at Kalpakkam and any
other place notified by the Government in this behalf
wherein other facilities connected with research and develop-
ment in nuclear energy in Kalpakkam are provided or any
other nuclear installation notified in the Tamil N a d ~
Government Gazette by the Government in this behalf ; ,
92 NucIeor ~nrrollarions(Rel!ufnrion [l978': ?.N.Act I 6
of Buildings and Use of land)
(6) " nuclear installation area", in relation to a nuclear
installation, means the exclusion area and the sterilised area
in relation to such nuclear installation ;
(7) " nuclear installation local authority ",in relation
to any nuclear installation and nuclear installation area,
means the nuclear installation local authority constituted
under section 3 for the nuclear installation and having
jurisdictionxunder this Act over the nuclear installation
area ;
(8) " sterilised area ",in relation to nuclear installation
meansj such area within 4.8 kilometres from any portion
of the boundary of such nuclear installation, as may be
specified by the Government by notification, but not
including the exclusion area.
~ ~ t i t u t i o3.~(1) For every nuclear installation, the Government
shall, by notification, constitute a nuclear installation local
local authority for the purpose of controlling the erection or
ruthority. re-erection of buildings and the use of land in the nuclear
installation area.
(2) The notification under sub-section (1) shall specify,-
(i) the date on which it shall take effect ;
. . the name of the nuclear installation local autho-
rity ;
liii) the persons who shall be its members: and
(ivj the ierm of ofice of its members other'than the
ex-officio members, if any.
(3) The Government shall appoint one of the members
of the nuclear installation local authority to be its Chairman
and another member to be its Secretary.
Bsr of 4. (1) The Government may, by notification, direct
gpp!*tion that the provisions of the Tamil Nadu District Munici-
of certain palities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920), the Tamil
Am. Nadu Panchayats Act, 1958 (Tamil Nadu Act XXXV of
1958), the Tamil Nadu Public Health Act, 1939 (Tamil
Nadu Act I11 of 1939) or any other enactment for the time
being in force in the State of Tamil Nadu and relating to
public health or local self government shall not apply to
the nuclear installation area or shall apply thereto only
to such extent and subject to such modifications and rest-
rictions as may be specified in such notification.

1978 : T.N. A& 161 Nuclear IttstalEations (Regulation 693

of Buildings and Use of Land)
(2) In particular, the notification under sub-section
(1) may authorise the nuclear installation local authority o r
its Chairman or Secretary to perform any duty or exercise
any power assigned to a municipal council, a panchayat
union council or a panchayat, cr to its Chairman
or President or to any other authority or officer
under the provisions of the Act so applied, subject
to such control as may be specified in such notification.

5. No person other than the Government or the Central Prohibit*

Government or any local authority shall use or cause to landof USe

be used any land in the exclusion area for any purpose i,exclusiar
including agricultural purpose, or carry out any agricultu- area e x a p t
ral, building, engineering,.mining or other operation in or for
over or under any land m such area or make any
material change in the use of any building or land in
such area :
provided that no local authority shall use or cause to be
any land in the exclusion area for any purpose in-
cluding agricultural purpose or carry out any agricultural,
building, engmeering, mining or other operations in or
over or under any land in such area or make any material
change in the use of any building or land in such area
without the prior approval of the nuclear instclllation
local authority :
Provided further that the continuance of the use of any
building or land for the purpose and to the extent for, and
t o which it was being used on the date on which such area
is notified as exclusion area under clause (3) of section
2 may be permitted by the nuclear installation local
authority by general or special order for such period and
upon such terms and condit~onsas may be prescribed.

6. NO person other than the Government or the Central Prohihfion

oovernment or any local authority shall- of erect-
or r e
(a) erect or re-erect a building on any land ; or erection of
(b) put t o use any agricultural land to any no*- without
agricultural purpose ; or licenor,

(c) carry out any engineering, mining or other

operation-on any land ;
694 Nuclear 1nstaNation.s"(Regutcation [tm
- !
T.N.Aet 1 6
of Buildings and Use of Land)
within the sterilised area without a licence of the nuclear
installation local authority and except in accordance with
the terms and conditions specified in such licence :
Provided that no local authority shall erect or re-erect
building on any land or put to use any agricultural land
to non-agricultural purpose or carry out any engineering,
mining or other operations on any land within the sterilised
area without the prior approv: I ofthe nuclear installation
local authority.

Application 7. (1) An application for a licence under section 6 shall

licence, be in such form, contain such particulars and be accom-
panied by such plans and fee as may be prescribed.
(2) The applicant shall also furnish to the nuclear
installation local authority any further information or plans
which it may require, within such time as may be fixed
by it.
Qrdl~t 8. (1) On receipt of an application under section 7,
licence. the nuclear installation local authority may grant a licence
subject to such terms and conditions as it may think fit to
impose or refuse to grant the licence :

Provided that the licence shall not be refused unless the
applicant has been given an opportunity of making his I
f i ) In particular and without prejudice to the generality
of the provisions of sub-section (I), the nuclear installation
local authority may, in granting a licence under sub-
section (1) for the erection or re-erection of a building,
impose conditions in respect of all or any of the following
matters, namely :-
i I

(a) the free passage or way 'to be left in frdnt of the
building :
(b) the open space to be left about the bu\lding to
secure free circulation of air and the prevention of fire
and to facilitate scavenging ;

(c) the ventilation of the building, the minimunl

cubic area of the rooms and the number and height of
the storeys of which the building may consist ;

I f 9% :-5.N. Act 161 Nuclear Installations (Regulation 695

of Buildings and Use of Land)

( d ) the provision and position of drains, latrines,

urinals and cess-pools or other receptacles for rubbish or
filth ;
( e ) the level and width of the foundation, the level
ofthe lowest floor and the stability of the structure ;

( j ) the line of frontage, with neighbouring build-

ings if the building abuts on a street ;
(g) the means of egress fro111 the building in case
of fire ;

(h) the materials to be used for, and the method of

construction of, external and partition walls, rooms, floors,
fire-places and chimneys ;

( i ) the height and slope of the roof above the upper-

most floor on which human beings are to live or cooking
is to be done ; and
(j) any other matter affecting the ventilation and
sanitation of the building.

(3) In granting or refusing to grant a licenceunder sub-

section (I), the nuclear installation local authority shall
have regard to the following matters, namely :-

(a) the possibility of the erection or re-erection of

building, the non-agricultural purpose for which the land
is to be used or the carrying out of any engineering, mining
or other operation,-
I (i) creating unfavourable conditions in the environ-
ment of the nuclear installation resulting in accidental
release of radio activity into the atmosphere ; or

(ii) resulting in consequent growth of population

around the nuclear installation ; and
(b) such other matters as may be prescribed.

(4) The licence granted under sub-section (1) for the

erection or re-erection of a building shall specify the
purpose for which the building is to be used,
6% Nuclear Installutions (Regulation El978 :T.N. Aet 16
of Buildings and Use of Land) I
Power to 9. (1) The nuclear installation local authority may, at
;ancel Or any time, cancel or suspend
any licence granted under
section 8, if - I I

dr I mis-
(a) such licence has been o ained by fraud,
representation or suppression of material particulars ; or
(b) the holder of the licence has contravened any of
the provisions of this Act or any rules made thereunder
or any of the terms or conditions subject to which the
licence was granted.
(2) Before cancelling or suspending the licence under
sub-section (I), the nuclear installation local authority shall
give the holder of the licence an opportunity of making
his representations.

b p s e of 10. Every licence granted under section 8 shall be valid

1ica-m. for a period of one year from the date on which it is granted
and if the erection or re-erection of the building or the
user of agricultural land for non-agricultural purpose, or
the engineering, mining or other operation for which the
licence is granted, is not commenced within the said period,
it shall not be commenced thereafter unless the nuclear
installation local authority on application made therefor
has extended the period.
penalties. 11. (1) Whoever contravenes the provisions of sectiop,
5 shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five
thousand rupees,

(2) Whoever within the sterilisid area begins, conti-

nues or completes the erection or re-erection of a building,
or puts to use any agricultural land to non-agricultural
purpose or carries out any engineering, mining or other
(a) vithout licence ; or - I
(b) without complying with any of the terms or
conditions of the licence ; or
(c) when a licence has been refused ; or
( d ) after the licence granteh has ceased to be
available by virtue of section 10,
shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five
thousand rupees,

1978 t T.N. Act 161 Nuclear Installations (Regularton 697

of Buildings and Use of l a n d )
(3) Whoever within the sterilised area-
(a) uses any building erected or re-erected for a
purpose other than that specified in the licence ;
(b) puts to use any agricultural land to non-agri-
cultural purpose other than the purpose for which the use
of the land was permitted under the licence ;
shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five
thousand rupees.
la. Whoever, after having been convicted of an offence Penalty for
under this Act, continues to commit such offence, shall be ~ ~ b ~ e q u c n t
punishable with fine which may extend to one hundred offence*
rupees for each day after the previous date of conviction
during which he continues so to offend.

13. (1) If the person committing an offence under offence? by

this Act is a company every person who at the time thecOmPanlcs-
offence was committed, was in charge of, and was respon-
sible to, the company for the conduct of the business of
the company, as well as the company, shall be deemed to be
guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded
against and punished accordingly 2

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section

shall render any such person liable to any punishment
provided in this Act, if he proves that the offence was
committed without his knowledge or that he exercised all
due diligence to prevent the commission of such offence.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-

section (I), where an offenceunder this Act has been com-
mitted by a company and it is proved that the offence
has been committed with the consent or connivance of,
or is attributable to, any neglect on the part of, any director,
manager, secretary or other officer of the company, such
director, manager, secretary or other officer shall also be
deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to
be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
Explanation.-For the purposes of this section,-
(a) " company " means any body corporate a ~ d
includes a firm, society or other association of individuals,

698 Nuclear lnsta~lations(Regulation [ 1978 :T.N. Act 19-

of Buildings and Use of Land)

(b) " director " in relation to-

(i) a firm means a partner in the firm,
(ii) a society or other association of individuals,
means the person who is entrusted, under the rules of the
society or other association, with the management of the
affairs of the society or other association, as the case may
Power to 14. (1) The nuclear installation local authority may,
stop work. at any time by notice in writing, direct the owner, lessee
or occupier of any land in the nuclear installation area-

I (a) to stop the user of any building or land for

any purpose ; or
(b) to stop the erection or re-erection of any buil-
ding on such land ; or
(c) to alter or demolish, within such time as may
be specified in the notice, any building or any part thereof;
(d) to stop the user of any agricultural land for
non-agricultural purpose ; or
(e) to stop the building, engineering, mining or
other operation,
if in the opinion of such authority the dser of the building
or land, the erection or re-erection of the buil ling or part
thereof or the user of any agricultural land for non-agri-
cultural purpose or the carrying out of the building, engi-
neering, mining or other operation is in contravention of
any of the provisions of this Act, th.: rules made thereunder
or of the terms and conditions subject to which any licence
or permission is granted under this Act.
(2) If any direction given under sub-section(1) is not
complied with, within the time specified therefor in the
notice, the nuclear installation local authority may have
such direction carried into effect at its cost and have the
amount thereof recovered from the defaulter as if it were
an arrear of land revenue.
&peal. 15. (1) Any person aggrieved by-
(a) any order or decision of the nuclear installation
local authority under this Act ; or

1978 :T.N. Act 161 Nuclear Pnstaltations (Regulation 699

of Buildings and Use of l a n d )

I (b) any direction issued under section 14,

may appeal to the District Collector within such time and
in such manner as may be prescribed:
Provided that the District Collector may, in his
discretion, allow further time not exceeding one month
for the filing of any such appeal, if he is satisfied that the
appellant had sufficient cause for not filing the appeal in

(2) On receipt of an appeal under sub-section (I),

the District Collector shall, after giving the appellant an
opportunity of being heard, dispose of the appeal as ex-
peditiously as possible.
(3) The District Collector may stay the operation
of the order or decision or direction of the nucfear instal-
lation local authority, pending the exercise of his powers
under this section.
16. (1) The Government may, either suo moru or onRevision.
application made by any person aggrieved .by any order,
decision or direction of the nuclear installation local autho-
rity or of the District Collector, call for and examine the
record of any proceeding under this Act to satisfy themselves
as to the regularity of such proceeding or the correctness,
legality or propriety of any order or decision
made or direction issued therein and if, in any
case, it appears to the Government that any such order,
decision or direction should be modified, annulled, reversed
or remitted for re-consideration, they may pass orders

Provided that where under this Act an appeal lies

and no appeal is preferred, no application by way of revi-
sion shall be entertained at the instance of the person who
could have appealed.
(2) No order under sub-section (1) shall be made to
the prejudice of any person unless he has had a reasonable
opportunity of making his representation.
(3) The Government may stay the operation of any
such order, decision or direction pending the exercise cf
their powers under sub-section (1) in respect thereof.

700 Nuclear Installations (Regulation [I978 :T.N. A d 16

of Buildings and Use of Land)

(4) Every application to the Government for the

exercise of their powers under this section shall be made
within two months from the date on which the order,
decision or direction to which the application relates was
communicated to the applicant ;
Provided that the Government may, in their discre-
tion, allow further time not exceeding one month for the
making of any such application if they are satisfied that
the applicant had sufficient cause for not making the appli-
cation in time.
Bar of 17. No compensation shall be claimed by any person
compensation. for any damage or loss sustained by him in consequence
of- 1
I permission by
(a) the refusal to grant any licence or
the nuclear installation local authority ; or
(b) any condition subject to which any such licence
or permission is granted ; or
(c) any direction issued under section 14 ; or
(d) any order passed by the District Collector under
section 15 or by the Government under section 16 ; or
(e) the operation of any of the provisions of this
Act or the rules made thereunder.
Civil Courts 18. No Civil Court shall have jurisdiction including
not to docidejurisdiction under section 6 of the Specific Relief Act,
questions this 1963 (Central Act 47 of 1963) to decide or deal with any
Ac*. question which is by or under this Act required to be
decided or dealt with by any authority or officer mentioned
in this Act.
Finality of
19. (1) Any order passed or decision taken by any
orders pwsed authority or officer in respect of matters to be determined
this for the purposes of this Act shall, subject only to appeal
or revision, if any, provided under this Act, be final.
(2) No such order or decision shall be liable to be
questioned in any court of law. I

Ac* lo Over- 20. (1) The provisions of this Act I shall have effect
laws. notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained
in any other Act, law, custom, usage or contract.
(2) Save as otherwise provided in sub-section (I),
the provisions of this Act shall, be in addition to, and-
not in derogation of, any other Act,
1978 :T.N. Act 16) Nuclear Installations (~egu/ation701
of Buildings and Use of Land)

21. .(I) The Government may make rules to carry out Power to mrke
the purposes of this Act. rules.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the gene-

rality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for
all or any ~f the following matters, namely :-

I (a) all matters expressly required or allowed by

this Act to be prescribed ;
(b) the rules of business of the nuclear installation
local authority ;
(c) the form of application for licence and the
information and plan to be furnished either along with
such application or subsequently ;
(d) the matters that the nuclear installation local
authority should take into consideration while granting
permission under the proviso to section 5 or while granting
or refusing a licence under section 8 ;
(e) the time within which and the manner in which
appeal under section 15 may be preferred ; and
(f) the fees which may be charged in respect of
any application made, appeal preferred, or proceeding
taken, under this Act.
(3) (a) All rules made under this Act shall be publi-
shed in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette and unless
they are expressed to come into force on a particular day,
shall come into force on the day on which they are so
(b) All notifications issued under this Act shall,
unless they are expressed to come into force on a particular
day, come into force on the day on which they are published.
(4) Every rule made or notification issued under
this Act shall, as soon as possible, after it is made or
issued, be placed on the table of both Houses of the Legis-
lature and if, before the expiry of the session in which it
is so placed or the next session, both Houses agree in
making any modification in any such rule or notification
or both Houses agree that the rule or notification should
not be made, or issued, the rule or notification shall there-
after have effect only in such modified form or be of no
effect, as the case may be, so however, that any such modi-
fication or annulment shall be without prejudice to the
validity of anything previously done under that rule or

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