WR 39b Politics Syllabus 17
WR 39b Politics Syllabus 17
WR 39b Politics Syllabus 17
This is a critical thinking, reading, and writing class. For a general overview of the
course requirements, please read the general syllabus on Canvas. Our texts this
quarter will revolve broadly around the theme of Political Rhetoric. You may have
heard about the presidential election we just had, and you may have also heard
things said by and about the candidates. Our goal this quarter will be to decipher
all of this political language and learn how to interpret the various ways in which
politicians attempt to persuade voters through the use of rhetoric. We will NOT be
much interested in deciding which candidates we like or which policies we, as
private citizens, hope to advance. We wont be analyzing the merits of
conservatism versus liberalism or Republicans versus Democrats. We are
interested in HOW politicians try to appeal to us and why certain methods might
be more effective than others. We will look at the way politicians draw on emotions
like fear, hope, anxiety, and optimism, how they use data, narratives, and appeals
to authority, how they make use of traditional mediums like stump speeches and
new media like Twitter and Instagram. We will even examine the way they dress,
their facial expressions, and how they use their hands when they talk.
To make these evaluations we will not rely on a central text. Rather the
election that has just concluded gives us an opportunity to consider these
questions as a matter of ongoing history. Given the vast trove of speeches, debates,
press conferences, campaign ads, and the various responses to those texts by
pundits and commentators, we can assess how both Hillary Clinton and Donald
Trump, and the various third-party candidates, succeeded and failed in their efforts
to persuade the American Public. We will also use a broad range of supplementary
academic textsarticles, book chapters, excerpts, essaysthat will help lay the
theoretical framework on which our analyses will be based. These texts will be
provided to you in the form of pdfs and/or links to online versions. Finally, you will
be expected to do some of your own research later in the quarter to help develop
and prove your arguments.
The demands for this course are intense. There will be a reading and/or
writing assignment for nearly every class. This is not busy work. Every single
assignment has been carefully considered and crafted to lead you into the major
graded assignments that will come in Weeks 5, and Finals Week. Thats not to say
that this cant be a fun class. I think we will be able to generate some great
conversations and show the real world value of the concepts were learning. This
class is not an easy A, so dont expect it to be. Get ready to write, read, and think
PARTICIPATION AND ATTENDANCE are mandatory. More than two absences
is grounds for failure. If there is an emergency and you must miss a class, please
talk to me or send an email at least one day before you miss class. Mornings of
dont count unless its some kind of medical or other serious emergency. Also,
barring extreme circumstances, excuses after the fact dont count. I really dont
like petty excuse-making, so dont do it. NOTE: I am reasonable if youre in a crisis,
but I need to know whats going on. I cant help you if you dont talk to me.
DONT BE LATE. Habitual tardiness will affect your participation grade.
NO CELL PHONES. Not on your desks, please, or in your laps. Its rude. Texting
in class is a good way to make me annoyed and not give you the benefit of the
doubt when it comes to your grade. If you HAVE to make a call, you can excuse
yourself and go outside.
BRING THE READING. Every day. Whatever we are to discuss that day, bring it
with you to class. A few of our readings will be on the internet as PDFs. In such
cases, you will be allowed to use your laptops/e-reader if you prefer that to hard-
FINISH YOUR WORK ON TIME and life will be easy.
USE CANVAS to upload assignments, create and manage your Portfolio, and to
find out what is due and when. All readings and writing assignments will be posted
on the Canvas Calendar, usually with detailed instructions, so make sure you
understand how to use it.
EMAIL: always allow 24 hours for me to respond to an email. Try to only email
me about logistical stuff, like to schedule an appointment to come see me in office
hours or a pressing specific question about something we talked about in class. If
you have lengthy/abstract/amorphous questions about an assignment or a concept,
please schedule a time to come see me in person. If you think you need to email me
about a due date, consult the syllabus or the calendar first.
OFFICE HOURS is a critical part of this course. I am at my most helpful when I
can sit down with you one-on-one to discuss your work. Your written feedback on
papers will be minimal so our face-to -ace time will be of utmost importance. I hope
to see you all at least once during the quarter. If you cant show up during the
designated times, we will figure something out.
BE RESOURCEFUL. If you dont know what a word means, look it up in the
dictionary. If you dont understand a cultural reference in a text, Google it. If a text
confuses you, read it again, and again, and if youre still confused, come to office
hours and well talk, Ill help you. Dont resign yourself to I dont get it or Im
confused. These are not acceptable, because theyre just not true. You are smart
enough to succeed in this class. I know that. But it is up to you if you are willing to
COLLEGE IS NOT HIGH SCHOOL. College is hard. Passing your classes is not
guaranteed. Just doing the work isnt enough. The work has to be good. It has to be
careful, and insightful, and polished. And thats just to get a C. Getting a B means
youve outperformed half of the class. Getting an A means youve done exceptional
work that would pass through an upper-division course. This is not to discourage
you, but to make you aware of the rigors that await you. It will not be easy, but
remember, I am on your team. I am rooting for you. I want you to succeed. But
ultimately it is up to you.