Grade 3 Multiplication and Divison Unit Plan
Grade 3 Multiplication and Divison Unit Plan
Grade 3 Multiplication and Divison Unit Plan
Essential Question: How is multiplication applicable to our everyday lives? What strategies can I use to
solve these problems?
Achievement Indicators:
Identify events from experience that can be described as multiplication
Represent a given story problem, using manipulatives or diagrams, and record the problem in
a number sentence
Represent a given multiplication problem as repeated addition
Represent a repeated addition problem as multiplication
Create and illustrate a story problem for a given number sentence; ex. 2x3=6
Represent concretely or pictorially, equal groups for a given number sentence
Represent a given multiplication problem using an array
Create an array to represent the commutative property of multiplication
Relate multiplication to division using arrays and writing related number sentences
Solve a given multiplication problem
Topic Learning Activities Assessments Homework/Prac
Pre- Completion of 100 Multiplication Questions up to 100 Problems N/A
assessme 5x5
nt Timed but low stress
Tell the students just to do their best
Intro to Part one of interactive notebook terms multiply, Observe that N/A
Multiplicat product, and factors their puzzle
ion Various examples recorded in notebooks pieces are
Terminolo labeling the factors and the product placed in the
gy Number sentences puzzle piece activity correct order
equation and model
Multiplicat White board activity in this class, how many feet Formativel Lesson 10
ion as are there? How many fingers? How can we find y assess Worksheet A or
Repeated out? What strategies can we use? Discuss. white B
Addition Examples on board. Number sentence 4x3. Is boards
or Equal the same as saying 4 + 4 + 4. Put this into a real Exit slip
Groups life example, eg. chocolate chips on cookies, or draw your
marbles in a bag own
Smarties Activity with a partner BMA pg. 117 multiplicati
Terms: factor and product on
Begin anchor chart of multiplication strategies (4 example
parts) give students their own copy as well from today
Practice on a sticky
Part 2 interactive notebook puzzle activity
Arrays Review repeated addition and equal groups Observe them N/A
and Introduce arrays and number lines making their own
Number Have them practice making arrays with small arrays
Lines square blocks arrange on paper, write the
multiplication sentence beside it. Switch with a
Multiplyin Visually Lesson 11
g by 5 Show with hands what does one hand check Worksheet A or
represent? What does two hands represent? whiteboard B
Three? Four? How do you know? s, correct
How could this be written as a multiplication mistakes
sentence? Write this as an addition sentence, Walk
show as groups, then as array. Do this on the around the
whiteboards. room while
Skip counting is really easy here just count by students
5s, we know that anything multiplied by 5 will complete
Multiplication Strategies Anchor Chart