Ambient Advertising - The Contextual Influence On Message Perception PDF
Ambient Advertising - The Contextual Influence On Message Perception PDF
Ambient Advertising - The Contextual Influence On Message Perception PDF
Abstract: Through the present paper, the perspective o f the contextual influence on message perception is
added to the research on ambient advertising. The study employs theoretical support on unconventional
advertising, which helped us to conduct two studies in order to make a comparative analysis (traditional
vs. non-traditional media). The results of the study show that delivering a unique message in an
unexpected place is a key element in todays advertising strategy embraced by companies. However,
ambient advertising has a greater impact on consumersprocessing of the message than consumers
response related to an actual purchase.
Keywords: ambient advertising, ad creativity, non-traditional medium
The ad is unexpected/
unanticipated. Kim et al., 2010
Altsech, 1996 ; Mercanti-
The ad is innovative/ new. Guerin, 2008; Kim et al.,
Altsech, 1996; Mercanti-
The ad is different/ distinctive. Guerin, 2008; Kim et al.,
Haberland & Dacin, 1992;
The ad is unique. Altsech, 1996; Smith et al.,
2007; Mercanti-Guerin, 2008;
Kim et al., 2010
Haberland & Dacin, 1992;
The ad is out of the ordinary. Altsech, 1996; Smith et al.,
2007; Mercanti-Guerin, 2008
Altsech, 1996; Mercanti-
The ad is original. Totally disagree / Guerin, 2008; Sheinin et al.,
Originality Totally agree 2011 a=,915
(1-7) Altsech, 1996; Sheinin et al.,
The ad is memorable.
The ad is interesting. Altsech, 1996; Sheinin et al.,
The ad is atypical. Altsech, 1996; Mercanti-
Guerin, 2008
The ad is commonplace (recoded). Altsech, 1996; Mercanti-
Guerin, 2008
Haberland & Dacin, 1992;
The ad is imaginative. Altsech, 1996; Mercanti-
Guerin, 2008
The ad is unusual. Altsech, 1996; Smith et al.,
2007; Mercanti-Guerin, 2008
The ad is ingenious. Haberland & Dacin, 1992
The ad is surprising. Haberland & Dacin, 1992
The ad is exciting. Haberland & Dacin, 1992
R R M - 2 /2 0 1 4
The ad is meaningful to me.
The ad is appropriate to me. Totally disagree /
Relevance Totally agree Smith et al., 2007 a=.834
The ad is useful to me. (1-7)
The ad is valuable to me.
The ad demanded my attention.
I examined the ad very carefully.
Totally disagree /
Attention I tried to carefully evaluate the Totally agree Smith et al., 2007 a=.843
brand provided in the ad. (1-7)
I spent considerable time
analysing the ads message.
BadJ Good (1-7)
The ad painted on the playground Favourable (1-7) MacKenzie & Lutz, 1989, a=.834
Attitude citat n Dahlen, 2007
for children is... Unpleasant/
The ad painted on the playground Unbelievable/ MacKenzie & Lutz (1989), a=.807
Credibility Believable citat n Dahlen, 2007
for children is...
Unbiased/ Biased
It is possible to buy the promoted
Totally disagree /
Intention to If I have the opportunity, I Smith et al., 2007 a=.839
Totally agree
buy probably buy the promoted brand.
I will certainly buy the promoted
Source: table created by the authors
R R M - 2/2014
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