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The Philippine Coast Guard is an armed and uniformed service tasked primarily with
enforcing laws within Philippine waters, conducting maritime security operations,
safeguarding life and property at sea, and protecting marine environment and
resources; similar to coast guards around the world.
It is an agency attached to the Department of Transportation of the Philippines. It
currently maintains a presence throughout the archipelago, with twelve Coast Guard
Districts, fifty-four CG Stations and over one hundred ninety Coast Guard Sub-
Stations, from Basco, Batanes to Bongao, Tawi-Tawi.
The Philippine Coast Guard is the oldest and only humanitarian armed service in the
Philippines. Its beginnings could be traced back to the early 20th century when
coast guarding was related to the protection of the customs services of the country
and in patrolling the coastlines and harbors.
The Philippines Coast Guard is very important. Government implements this kind of
organization to help our government to monitor ships and many others in the
ocean. And also aims to protect the nature or the sea creatures, to rescue in case of
having an emergency so on and so forth.
Well the speaker deliver well the topics and answers all the question of the
participants. And this topic was very interesting in rescuing and also in the
frequency and channel that they are using in monitoring and also for the emergency
Rezie D. Dellava BsEcE 5
The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines is the national aviation authority of the
Philippines and is responsible for implementing policies on civil aviation to assure
safe, economic and efficient air travel. The agency also investigates aviation
accidents via its Aircraft Accident Investigation and Inquiry Board. Formerly Air
Transportation Office, it is a government-owned and controlled corporation attached
to the Department of Transportation for the purpose of policy coordination.
The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines was created under the Civil Aviation
Authority Act of 2008;H, No. 3156 to provide safe and efficient air transport
regulatory services in the Philippines. The objectives of these Seminar is to identify
the different types of the Nav Aids, and the Basic Principles of the VOR, DME, ILS,
Navigation of the Aircraft and the other services and equipments of the Civil
Aviation Authority of the Philippines.
The air navigation is the practice of the controlling, guiding, and operating aircraft
from the airport of departure to pre-determined airport of the destination, including
alternate airports.
The Air Navigation Faculty is any faculty that used in aid of air navigation, including
airports, landing areas, lights, any apparatus or equipments for disseminating
weather information, for signing, for radio directional finding, or for radio or other
electromagnetic communication, and any other structure or mechanism having
similar purpose for guiding or controlling flight in the air or the landing and take-off
of aircraft.
In the Navigational Aids (NavAids) are the equipments used to navigate a ship,
airplane, or spacecraft safely and expeditiously to a specific destination whether by
land, sea, or space. It is visual or electronic device, on the ground or airborne, which
provides point-to-point guidance information or position data to aircraft n flight. The
importance of the NavAids was to provide safe navigation, Avoid Collision,
Economical Travel, and large number of ship or aircraft can travel in safe and
orderly manner.
The VOR or the Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range Radio or VHF Omni
Range Beacon was design to provide bearing information to aircraft and to
broadcast a VHF radio composite signal with the stations Morse code identifier with
the Frequency Range of 108 to 118MHz, and with the Modulating Frequency of
30Hz. VOR has its bearing which indicates the direction from an airplane to a VOR
Station. The VOR station classification was En route VOR which is located along an
airways to provide en-route navigation utilizing the frequency band of 112 to 118
MHz, and the Terminal VOR is a station located on an airfield to provide en-route
navigation and acts as an alternative landing aid utilizing the frequency band of 108
to 112MHz.
In the NDB or Non Directional Radio Beacon is the oldest form of radio Navigational
Aid, it is low or medium radio beacon and it transmits a non directional signal with
the frequency range of 190 to 535 kHz and the Modulating Frequency of 400 or
DME or Distance Measuring Equipment continuously gives distance information
between an aircraft and a given station with the frequency range of 962 to 1214
MHz at L band, 126 to 1MHz channel of interrogation, with 126 to 1MHz channels for
reply, 63MHz separation between interrogation and reply.
The ILS or the Instrument Landing System is a ground-based equipment that
radiates guidance information to be received by an aircraft during final approach for
correct and safe landing.
The speaker deliver the topic well. It was very interesting. The speaker was good in
explaining and conducting seminars, we learned a lot and gained more information
about the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines and also to the Navigational Aids
topic, weve learned a lot in discussing the parts, and the equipments and its
functions and how to use it.
Rezie D. Dellava BSEcE 5