2017 Membership App

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Membership Application

AGMA maintains strictest confidentiality and guarantees that operational or financial data provided on this from will not be revealed to any person outside the necessary staff to
process this application.

Make sure to save a copy of this form to your computer before completing the application.

Company Profile

Company Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City_______________________________________________________ State/Province____________________ Zip+4 or Postal Code_________________________

Country____________________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________________

Toll Free Phone_______________________________________________________ Fax___________________________________________________________

Company E-mail______________________________________________________ Company Website__________________________________________________

Number of Employees (Your Location)_________________________________________ Number of Employees (Total for Company) ___________________________________

If your company a division/unit of a larger corporation, what is the parent companys name? _____________________________________________________________________

Does your company have other divisions with gearing operations? If yes, please list them: _______________________________________________________________________


Company Contact Information

* Each member company is entitled to one Official Representative (this is the primary contact between AGMA and your company and will receive dues invoices), and one Alternate AGMA Representa-
tive. Member companies may add additional individuals for specific committees and mailings.

*Primary Contact (Official AGMA Representative)________________________________________________________________________________________________


Phone______________________________________________________ Mobile Phone____________________________________________________________

Fax_______________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________________________________

*Alternate AGMA Representative__________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Phone______________________________________________________ Mobile Phone____________________________________________________________

Fax_______________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________________________________

Company officials and additional employees at the above address. (For officials and employees at other addresses, please see next page):

Who should receive ballots on AGMA Standards? List in Directory (Yes/No): ____________
Name & Title:____________________________________________________________________ E-mail_____________________________________________

Who should receive the AGMA dues invoice: List in Directory (Yes/No): ____________
Name & Title:____________________________________________________________________ E-mail_____________________________________________

Chief Executive Officer: List in Directory (Yes/No): ____________

Name & Title:____________________________________________________________________ E-mail_____________________________________________
Membership Application Page 2

Membership Category

(See Category descriptions on last page)

Please select the appropriate membership category and dues payment. AGMA holds all company information in the strictest confidence.
Gear Manufacturer Individual Technical Consultant
Supplier to the Industry Academician
End User Emeritus

Industry Segment
Please estimate the share of your business in each of the following industry segments.

Aerospace ________% Industrial ________% Vehicle (other) ________%

Agricultural ________% Marine ________% Wind Energy ________%
Construction ________% Mining ________% Other (please list)
Electronics ________% Vehicle Powertrain ________% ___________________________

What Does Your Company Sell?

Please indicate all products that your company manufactures or sells. This information will be used to represent your business in the appropriate Membership Directory/Product Locator
section(s) free of charge.
Loose Gears Related Products Gear Materials
Bevel Gears Spiral, Hypoid, Zerol Balancing Systems
Bevel Gears Straight
Bearings Gear Blanks
Circular Arc/Non-Involute Gears Belt Drives
Double Helical/Herringbone Gears Chain Drives
Face Gears
Cleaning/Equipment Powder Metallurgy
Fine Pitch Gears Clutches and Brakes
Ground Gears Control Systems Services
Helical Gears Couplings Torsionally Soft
Internal Gears Couplings Torsionally Stiff Break Down/Emergency
Master Gears Cutting Tools
Planetary Gears
Plastic Gears Other Products (General)
Powder Metal Gears Slewing Rings Failure Analysis

Splines Gear Finishing
Spur Gears
Sprockets Gear Grinding
Worms & Worm Gears Workholding Devices Gear Repair/Gear Unit Repair
Injection Molding
Gear Boxes/Enclosed Drives Equipment (Manufacturers Only) Heat Treatment
Bevel (1 to 10kW) 1.34 13.4hp Machine Tools Bevel Gears
Bevel (Over 10kW) > 13.4hp Machine Tools Grinders

Coaxial Machine Tools Hard Broaching Research and Design
Electric Geared Motors Machine Tools Hobbers Services (Other)
Gear Units (Under 1kW) Machine Tools Honing of Gear Flanks Shot Peening
High Speed plv > 35m/sec (6890ft/min) Machine Tools Shapers Spline Rolling
Parallel Shaft (1 to 10kW) 1.34hp 13.4hp
Measurement Surface Coating
Parallel Shaft (Over 10kW) > 13.4hp
Planetary and Epicyclic Drives
Variable Speed
Worm (1 to 10kW) 1.34hp 13.4hp
Worm (Over 10kW) > 13.4hp
Membership Application Page 3

AGMA Committees
Members may participate in a variety of management and technical committees. Please indicate the business management and/or technical committees you would like to know more about.
(Check all that apply.)
Business Management Technical Development (continued)
Annual Meeting Committee Epicyclic Enclosed Drives Committee
Education Committee Fine-Pitch Gearing Committee
Emerging Technology Committee Flexible Couplings Committee
Industry Voice Committee Gear Accuracy Committee
Membership Committee Helical Enclosed Drives High Speed Units Committee
Statistical Planning Committee Helical Enclosed Drives Marine Units Committee
Strategic Resources Network Lubrication Committee
Trade Show Advisory Committee Metallurgy and Materials Committee
Mill Gearing Committee
Technical Development Nomenclature Committee
Aerospace Gearing Committee Plastics Gearing Committee
Bevel Gearing Committee Powder Metallurgy Committee
Computer Programming Committee Sound & Vibration Committee
Cutting Tools Committee Spline Committee
Enclosed Drives for Industrial Applications Committee Vehicle Gearing Committee
Wind Turbine Gear Committee
If you would like more information on particular committees please e-mail [email protected]. Wormgearing Committee

Method of Payment

American Gear Manufacturers Association

Attn: Membership
1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 500, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA

The proceeds from membership dues support critical educational, technical and government affairs activities that benefit all members. Dues payments may be deductible as a business expense.

Enclosed is my check, drawn on a U.S. bank made payable to American Gear Manufacturers Association.

Credit Card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express or Discover)

Name on Credit Card (please print): __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Credit Card Number: _______________________________________________ Expiration Date: __________________________________________________

Signature of Card Holder: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Wire Transfer - e-mail [email protected] to receive instructions for submitting payment via wire transfer.

PREVIOUS FISCAL YEAR ANNUAL SALES VOLUME $ _______________________ U.S. dollars

Please see Membership Categories on next page for instructions on calculating dues.

TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $_________________

I affirm that the information submitted is accurate.

Name (please print): ______________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________

Application Guidelines

AGMA maintains strictest confidentiality and guarantees that operational or financial data provided on this form will not be revealed to any person outside the necessary staff to process this application.

Dues Schedule
Application for membership must be submitted with payment of one years dues. AGMA membership is for a calendar year (January 1st December 31st). If applicable, dues for
the second year will be prorated. All dues, after the first year, are payable by January 31.

Membership Categories
Gear Manufacturer (Company Membership)
Companies that manufacture gears, gear products, and/or flexible couplings for sale as such, or as component parts of end-use products. Companies must have a bona fide
gear or flexible couplings manufacturing facility. Dues are based on the total annual sales volume for the previous fiscal year. Total annual sales volume is defined as the total
worldwide sales (in U.S. dollars) of all gears, gear products, and flexible couplings whether sold as such, included in end-use products or as replacement parts.
Minimum dues: $1,575 plus $.430/$1,000 on sales over $1 million
Maximum dues: $16,650

End User (Associate Membership)

Companies that do not manufacture any gears, but use gears, gear products, and/or flexible couplings as component parts of end-use products.
Dues: $2,625

Supplier to the Industry (Associate Membership)

Companies manufacturing and/or selling machinery, raw materials, or services (including inspection, testing, consulting, and sales representation). Dues are based on total
worldwide sales attributable to the gear production industry.
Minimum dues: $2,625 plus $.430/$1,000 of volume in excess of $1 million
Maximum dues: $9,725

Individual Technical Consultant

Individual Technical Membership is restricted to consultants to the gear industry. The individual must be engaged in full time consulting as a sole proprietor of his/her company.
Individuals who are employed either full-time or part-time by a company or corporation are not eligible for Individual Technical Membership.
Dues: $785

AGMA has a special Academic Membership for educational institutions. Teachers of Engineering or Department Heads may apply for membership. Applicants should submit a
letter from the applicants superior, on university letterhead, stating that the applicant is involved in mechanical power transmission education and, in his opinion, the applicant
is eligible for membership in the American Gear Manufacturers Association. Students are not eligible for membership in AGMA.
Dues: $55
Emeritus Membership is for individuals retired from the gear industry. The member will have been involved in the gearing industry for a
significant portion of their career. Member is retired or no longer working in the industry either as an active individual consultant or for a
Dues: $55

If you have any questions relating to AGMA membership or activities, please call 703.684.0211 or e-mail [email protected].

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