Bilingual Design

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Welsh Language

Bilingual Design Guide

September 2014

Background Contents

2 3

The principal aim of the Welsh Foreword 4

Language Commissioner, an
independent body created by the Part 1. Planning 5
Welsh Language (Wales) Measure Good practice in planning 5
2011 is to promote and facilitate Translation and creating bilingual texts 6
the use of Welsh. This entails raising Good practice in translation and creating bilingual texts 6
awareness of the official status of the Typesetting 7
Welsh language in Wales and imposing Good practice when typesetting 7
standards on organizations. This, in Language separation 8
turn, will lead to the establishment of Colours 8
rights for Welsh speakers. Typefaces 8
Layout 9
Two principles underpin the work: Parallel columns 10
Block by block 10
 In Wales, the Welsh language
Parallel pages 11
should be treated no less favourably
Top and bottom 11
than the English language.
Back to back 12
 Persons in Wales should be able to Tilt and turn 13
live their lives through the medium Cost 14
of the Welsh language if they Points to remember 14
choose to do so.
Part 2. Applications 15
Visual identity and bilingual branding 16
Signage 18
Stationery 18
E-mail headers and footers 18
Longer documents 20
Leaflets 20
Invoices, bills and order forms 20
Forms 22
Contacting the Advertising 24
Welsh Language Commissioner Print advertisements 24
Welsh Language Commissioner Outdoor advertising 24
Market Chambers Viral marketing and banner ads for websites 24
57 St Mary Street Limited space items 26
Cardiff CF10 1AT Packaging 26
Point of sale materials 26
0845 6033 221
Electronic publications 28
[email protected]
PowerPoint presentations 28
Correspondence welcomed in Display and exhibition materials 28
Welsh and English Websites and software 30
Foreword Part 1

4 5

Ensuring quality is an important part of the Commissioners work. The aim is to Good planning is essential for good bilingual design. Both the client and
ensure that the Welsh language is treated no less favourably than the English designer need to be aware from the outset that the finished product will include
language so that Welsh speakers gain access to the highest possible quality of both languages. It is particularly important that this fact is clearly set out in the
service. It is important to define what is meant by quality, be that through regulatory brief so that the designer can allow for two languages in any visuals or mock-
duties or through promoting and facilitating the Welsh language. ups. The appropriate font, layout, format and so on can then be selected. Ideally,
the designer should start with text in both languages; sufficient time needs to be
The intention of this guideline is to identify the best possible practice when it
allowed beforehand for translation and proofreading.
comes to bilingual design.
The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 will of course contribute towards Good practice in planning:
ensuring consistency with regards to the quality of Welsh language services
 The Welsh language should be considered as part of any new initiative that
in Wales. The aim here is to explain the process of bilingual design in order to
involves design e.g. rebranding, building a website or changing signage.
produce first rate bilingual material. This guideline is aimed at any organization,
even if they arent under any statutory obligation to operate in Welsh and English.  The Welsh language should be included from the outset in any design briefs
or specifications.
I am confident that this good practice guideline will provide a useful benchmark for
organizations as they design and deliver marketing and publicity campaigns to the
public in Wales. I also hope that it will provide a clear sign of my intention to help Format Cymraeg Cymraeg
others to deliver the best possible bilingual services to the public. Saesneg Saesneg Cymraeg Saesneg
A4 Size
4pp cover Clawr
Cover 1 2 3
16pp text
Meri Huws
Welsh Language Commissioner Cymraeg Saesneg Cymraeg Saesneg Cymraeg Saesneg

4 5 6 7 8 9
Important note
A number of organizations in Wales will be under a statutory obligation Cymraeg Saesneg Cymraeg Saesneg Cymraeg Saesneg

10 11 12 13 14 15
to prepare marketing materials, publications and signage in accordance
with the standards that are to be established under the Welsh Language
(Wales) Measure 2011. This guideline is not a statutory code of practice
under the Measure on preparing bilingual material.
Background Cymraeg Cymraeg
Saesneg Saesneg
The aim of the guideline is to establish the best practice in every facet of
design through offering practical advice for organizations and designers.
Part 1 of the guideline explains the core principles of bilingual design to be 16 Cefn
considered by project managers and designers. Part 2 gives further advice
and examples of good practice.
6 7

Translation and creating bilingual texts Typesetting

Translation is a specialist skill, and a qualified and professional translator should 1 The Welsh alphabet has 29 Many of the problems and challenges encountered in bilingual design can
letters whereas the English has 26.
be used each time. be avoided by bearing a few basic typesetting rules in mind from the outset.
Welsh does not have the letters
k, q, v and z but does have the
Once again, the key is careful planning and ensuring that everyone involved in
Misspellings and mistranslations can prove costly, particularly in the case of the production process is aware from the start that the final material is to be
additional letters ch, dd, ff, ng, ll,
signs. Such errors also reflect badly on the organization in question, and can ph, rh and th. These letters are bilingual. The paragraphs which follow offer some specific advice.
attract negative attention in the press, media and social media. This can be known as digraphs individual
Each language has its own characteristics and peculiarities when it appears
avoided by engaging a professional translator and ensuring that all public facing letters that are made up of more
than one character. This means in print. These include accents and other characters, letter frequencies, letter
material such as signs are professionally proofread before they are published.
that Llandudno has 8 letters in the combinations and word lengths. Different typefaces and fonts have been devised
Bilingual copywriting is not the same as translation, and short, catchy advertising Welsh alphabet, and 9 letters in the to accommodate the characteristics of specific languages. Many of the typefaces
English alphabet. which are now used universally were originally designed for a specific language
copy is often far more difficult to produce in two languages.
2 The most commonly used accent
(particularly English) and may not always be ideal for setting other languages.
If a professional translator provides this service it is essential to ensure that
in Welsh is the circumflex. This,
the translator is experienced in this area, and that they are authorised to draft and all other accents in Welsh can Good practice when typesetting:
original copy in Welsh rather than translate directly from English. only appear on vowels. In Welsh,
Fonts with long ascenders and descenders should be avoided as should those
the vowels are A, E, I, O, U, W and
It should also be borne in mind that its possible to commission a bilingual copy- Y. For example, dwr (water) or
that are too round or angular because of the frequency of wide characters such
writer to draft the text in both languages. Bilingual drafting often enhances the tn (fire). Acute () and grave () as w and y and digraphs such as dd1 in Welsh. The font used must cater for
expression in both languages. accents are also used, as is the the full Welsh alphabet (including diacritic characters)2. It should be noted also
dieresis (). that the letter i is frequently used by itself in Welsh text and it should never be
Good practice in translation and creating bilingual texts: capitalized unless it is found at the beginning of a sentence. It is important to
check that the letters l and ll have been used correctly, as the capital letter I
 Guidance should be given to the translator or for those responsible for (i capitalized) is often mistakenly used instead.
drafting the bilingual text about style and tone, target audience etc.
Designer fonts that use a non-standard approach for digraph letters and
 Examples of previous work could be provided in order to provide further diacritic marks should be avoided as should pseudo-Celtic or calligraphic fonts.
guidance. Accessibility issues should be considered, particularly for people who are visually
 A qualified translator should be used. A directory of translators is available impaired, in the context of relevant equality legislation and attendant regulations.
Commonly available fonts should be used (i.e. UTF-8 Serif and Sans Serif) to
ensure compatibility when transferring text to other applications.
 The text should be interpreted in the original style rather than translating it
Using different font styles within a given typeface using a different font for
word for word. each language will almost always make one version less legible than the other.
 It should be ensured that the translation conveys the meaning and the Digraphs should not be separated by a hyphen at the end of a line: these include
message but that it also flows freely and is properly thought-out. dd, ch, ff, ll, ng and rh. The proofreader should check these.
For more information on translation, please refer to our advice document: Welsh has many frequently-used short words. Most of them are of one or two
Bilingual Drafting, Translation and Interpretation which can be found on the letters, often used with an apostrophe. They may appear several times within one
Commissioners website. sentence, e.g. Aeth y dyn or ty ir ardd (the man went from the house into the
garden). Close spacing is therefore essential to maintain the overall flow of text,
and should be borne in mind when using justification. It is also important to use
accents when needed as they often denote a difference in meaning, e.g. gwyn
(white) and gwyn (which is a mutated version of cwyn which means complaint).
8 9

Language separation Layout

Colours There are many ways in which Welsh and English text may be combined. The most
The best way of using colour to separate languages is to have the text in both common of these are illustrated in the examples. Whatever format is chosen the
languages in black, and placing a colour or tint behind one of the languages. most important consideration is that both languages should be equally easy to
This can be achieved in single, as well as full-colour documents. Colour reversal read. Where feasible, both languages should also be accessible in a single eye line.
is also an option, particularly for signage. Alternatively, a different colour can be It is important that the two languages are not mixed in an inconsistent or
adopted for the text in each language. This should be limited to titles, subtitles,
haphazard way. Ensuring that both languages are separated and easily identified
bullet points and captions, as reading extended text in colour can be tiring and
is more critical if the following formats are chosen: block by block, parallel
can be difficult for visually impaired people. Also, colour type can put too much
emphasis in the wrong places. columns, or top and bottom.

Care should be taken when deciding on colour for print, as black is still perceived There are various standard layouts for bilingual texts. Some formats are more
as the normal colour. Any black print particularly on a white background will appropriate than others; this will usually depend on circumstances and the nature
automatically appear more normal, and will certainly be more legible, than print in of the material. Often more than one solution may be appropriate: consultation
another colour. with your designer will help clarify the options available. Some of the key
strengths and weaknesses of each format are noted on the following pages.

Where it is appropriate to choose a different typeface for each language, you
should not use an unusual or decorative typeface for one language if you want to
give equal treatment to both. It is important that the two
Although not strictly a bilingual design issue, font and point size need to be taken
into account when preparing materials for people with limited visual ability. languages are not mixed in
The Welsh language should be treated no less favourably than the English
language with regards to font, format, colour, size, clarity, prominence or quality. an inconsistent or haphazard
way. Ensuring that both

Using different font styles languages are separated
within a given typeface and easily identified is more
using a different font for each critical if the following formats
language will almost always are chosen: block by block,
make one version less legible parallel columns, or top and
than the other. bottom.
Parallel columns Parallel pages
The two language versions are The two language versions are
presented side by side in parallel presented side by side on parallel
columns. Choosing this option will pages. Both versions will need to be
obviously depend on the space of similar length, and facing pages
available. Both versions will need may bear the same page number.
to be of similar length. This is an Illustrations can again be shared
economical way of using space as between language versions. The
illustrations need only be printed once. spine, cover, title page, contents,
The spine, cover, title page, contents, references and indices will need to
references and indices will need to be be in both languages.
in both languages.
10 11

Block by block Top and bottom

For every block in one language there The page is divided into two halves,
will be a corresponding block in the usually horizontally. This format is
other. This is usually only appropriate an uncommon option because it
where the text is composed of small inevitably means whichever language
units, such as captions for illustrations, is on top appears to have priority.
signs or short descriptions.
Back to back Tilt and turn
The two languages are printed back This gives two separate language
to back on the same sheet/s. This is versions inverted and bound together
particularly appropriate for letters and back to back. If there is a spine both
shorter documents. It is also favoured languages need to appear on it. One
by some organizations for longer advantage of this format is that text
publications. Pages may bear the can be read without interruptions in
same page numbers on both sides. either version. The same illustrations
may be used for both language
This format is also appropriate for
concertina folded leaflets, as the
text can be read without interruption This format does not easily lend itself
in whichever language the reader to including pocketed information
12 chooses. Illustrations need to be 13 in the cover. Also, if this publication
doubled up in this format. needs to be put on display it will need
to be done in a way that will make it
clear that it is a bilingual publication,
unless the cover for each version is
Part 2

14 15

Producing something bilingually certainly need not cost twice as much as
In this section the specific
doing it in one language. It is much more cost effective to opt for the bilingual
approach from the outset, rather than replacing at a later stage something which requirements of different
design applications are
has already been created in just one language. It is unavoidable that some
additional costs are incurred when increasing the design space or word count.
However, the additional benefits for doing this should outweigh the financial
The importance of careful planning ensuring that the bilingual issues are
discussed. Examples of
addressed from the start has already been stressed. Remember too that the
finished product will generally look less clumsy when it has been designed the different approaches
bilingually from the start, rather than in one language, with the second language
added later. towards bilingual design
are given.
One additional aspect of all bilingual design will be translation. Skimping on
translation is nearly always a mistake, which can end up costing the organization
far more in the long run if incorrect materials have to be re-produced. In
particular, as noted earlier, final versions in any language should be carefully
proofread. It is important to note
Points to remember
 A bilingual sign (or billboard) need not be twice the size of one in just one
that some organizations
 The bulk of the production cost for signs will be for the materials or the
will have to use the
cost of the space in the case of a poster.
 A bilingual form may have to be made to a standard size, in which case the
Welsh language in these
designer may need to find a solution to the problem of limited space.
 Short bilingual documents, such as letters, may be printed on both sides,
applications as part of
saving on paper costs.
 Longer documents will usually be twice the size when produced bilingually,
their statutory duties.
in which case choice of paper, colour, photographs and illustration will help
keep costs down.
Visual identity and bilingual
Peintiwr ac Addurnwr
Branding a business, product or Painter and Decorator Peintiwr ac Addurnwr Painter and Decorator
Peintiwr ac Addurnwr
service bilingually gives customers Painter and Decorator
and potential customers a strong
message. A brand crystallises an
Peintiwr ac Addurnwr Painter and Decorator

organizations personality, beliefs S IOO
and values. Strong brands are very 01632 543210
visible and can be fundamental to 01632 543210
building an organizations reputation,
and establishing customer loyalty to 01632 543210
favourite products and companies. 01632 543210
16 17
Bilingual branding is not inherently
more complicated or difficult than
monolingual branding, provided proper
planning, briefing and good design
are employed. The Welsh and English COLEG
names and any logo or symbol should COLEG
DYFODOL Trydanwyr
be treated as a single entity from DYFODOL
the outset. Particular consideration COLLEGE Electricians
should be given to the implications of Electricians
introducing straplines as part of any
brand, since this can fundamentally
change the bilingual nature of the
brand, unless the straplines are also
fully bilingual. Cwpan y Byd... The World Cup...
Gwyliwch yn Fyw! Watch it Live!
For organizations with an existing
strong brand and visual identity which Eich sianel ddigidol ar gyfer chwaraeon Your digital channel for sport

is in use beyond Wales, it may be

possible to adapt their wider-used RS2
identity to a bilingual format. This
is obviously much easier to achieve
if the brand is not dependent on
text as part of its identity. Brand
identity will be applied in several
situations, including stationery,
name badges, vehicles, signage,
advertising, packaging and websites:
the visual image therefore needs to
be consistently applied across all

Grishma Grishma
Marind iogwrt Marind iogwrt
blas sawrus blas sawrus

Savoury yogurt Savoury yogurt

marinade sauce marinade sauce


300g 300g
The prime considerations regarding
signage will be general design

a2a2 a2
matters rather than those specific to
bilingual design. It is difficult to set out
general rules. Everyones needs are ARGRAFFWYR A R G R A FF W YR
different, so different considerations P R I NYR
will apply in varying degrees. However, P RINT E RS P RINT E RS

vv v
language separation is particularly Reception
important on signs, and consideration Derbynfa
should be given to font, format, colour,
size, clarity, prominence and quality. Croeso Parcio

18 19 Welcome
Certain signs could be designed to
share titles which are common to
Croeso Dosbarthu

both languages, and pictograms can Welcome
sometimes be more effective than
words, if appropriate.




Designing bilingual stationery requires WITH COMPLIMENTS

presentation of a number of details in ROWLANDS ROWLANDS

both languages. These may include DANIEL

5 Parc Busnes/Business

addresses, which may be completely ROWLANDS Powys AB12

t 01632 543210


different in each language, job titles

e [email protected]
5 Parc Busnes/Business Park

and any straplines the organization

Powys AB12 3CD
5 Parc
t 01632 Busnes/Business Park

f 01632 543211
Powys AB12 3CD
GYDA CHYFARCHION e [email protected]
may use. There are a number of ways WITH COMPLIMENTS t 01632 543210
f 01632 543211
e [email protected]

to incorporate these and the logo on ARCHITECTS


stationery, as shown in the examples




Daniel Rowlands Daniel Rowlands


BSc (Hons) B Arch RIBA
BSc (Hons) B Arch RIBA

If bilingual letters are sent out
5 Parc Busnes/Business Park

Daniel Rowlands ARCHITECTS
DANIEL Llandrindod
5 Parc Bus nes/Business
BSc (Hons) BPark DANIEL 5 Parc Busnes/Business Park

Powys AB12 3CD
Llandrindod Llandrindod

Powys AB12 3CD 543210
t 01632 PLANNERS Powys AB12 3CD

regularly it may be worth considering t 01632 543210

Daniel Rowlands t 01632 543210
f 01632 543211 CYNLLUNWYR
f 01632 543211 BSc (Hons) B Arch RIBA f 01632 543211
e [email protected]
e [email protected] SURVEYORS e [email protected]
w www.danielrowlands AROLYGWYR w

printing the letterhead on both sides, DANIEL 5 Parc Busnes/Business Park

to enable printing letters back to back. t 01632 ARCHITECTS

5 Parc Busnes/Business Park CYNLLUNWYR
f 01632 543211
Llandrindod PENSEIRI
ROWLANDS e [email protected]
Powys AB12 3CD
w www.danielrowlands
t 01632 543210


Similarly, the limited space available f 01632 543211

e [email protected]

on compliment slips and business


cards means that the back to back

Daniel Rowlands
BSc (Hons) B Arch RIBA

option is often the least cluttered.

DANIEL 5 Parc Busnes/Business Park

Llandrindod PENSEIRI
E-mail headers and footers
t 01632 543210 CYNLLUNWYR
f 01632 543211
e [email protected] SURVEYORS


The design and layout of any ARCHITECTS

corporate headers and footers



which may be used in e-mails should SURVEYORS


be considered. Incorporating two cyfreithwyr
languages requires more space, so a
minimum of text should be used; the DR abc
same is true for standard out-of-office ARCHITECTS

automatic replies.

Cyfreithwr Cynorthwyol / Assistant Solicitor
Arbenigwyr mewn Cyfraith Teuluol / Specialists in Family Law
8 Parc Padarn, Stryd Fawr, Caerdydd AB12 3CD
8 Padarn Park, High Street, Cardiff AB12 3CD
t 01632 543210
e [email protected]
w www.
Longer documents
The usual choice of format for
booklets or reports is parallel pages Morluniau Seascapes
or columns, or tilt and turn. Ultimately,
the choice of format is a personal
one, and there are no set rules as
to which format works best for what Y mr diddiwedd...

type of document. How the bilingual BRO MOROLWG

The never ending sea...
content of any document is presented
will depend on many factors, such
as whether or not it is to be in full
colour, whether there are photographs Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg
sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg
sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd
English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy to be
inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into this
space. English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy
English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy to be
inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into this
space. English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw to be inserted into this space. to be inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into

20 or illustrations, whether or not there 21 Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg
sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy to be
inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into this
space. English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy
this space. English copy to be inserted into this space.
English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy to be
inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into this
iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg to be inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into space.

needs to be a pocket inside the mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.

Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg
sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg
this space. English copy to be inserted into this space.
English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy to be
inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into this
English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy to be
inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into this
space. English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy
sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd space. English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into

cover, and how the document is to be iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
to be inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into
this space. English copy to be inserted into this space.
English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy to be
this space. English copy to be inserted into this space.
English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy to be
inserted into this space.
Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into this

displayed. Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg

sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
space. English copy to be inserted into this space. English copy
to be inserted into this space. English copy to be inserted into
this space.

Leaflets 2 BRO MOROLWG Y mr ddiddiwedd... BRO MOROLWG The never ending sea... 3

The usual format for leaflets is the

concertina format. This works well
with the Welsh on one side, and the
English on the other, as long as the
leaflet has an odd number of panels
allowing a separate cover in each
language. This layout can also be
adapted to include a tear-off form if
There are, of course, other formats C A F F I B WY T Y B A R

for leaflets, which may allow use of C A F E R E S TAU R A N T B A R

colour and typography to present the

bilingual text on the same page, as
the examples show. Mwynhau.. Enjoy..
Invoices, bills and order forms Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y
gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewno-
English copy to be inserted into this space.
English copy to be inserted into this
sod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw space. English copy to be inserted into this

Designing a pre-printed form that is mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg

sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
space. English copy to be inserted into
this space.

to be overprinted by computer should Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod

hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y
gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewno-
English copy to be inserted into this space.
English copy to be inserted into this
space. English copy to be inserted into this

not present any difficulties. The same sod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg
sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
space. English copy to be inserted into
this space. English copy to be inserted into
this space.

general principles will apply, but it will Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod
hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y
English copy to be inserted into this
space. English copy to be inserted into this

have to be designed around the space

gofod hwn. space.

required to print any relevant details in C A F F I B WY T Y B A R C A F E R E S TAU R A N T B A R

both languages. A bilingual bill need

not be any bigger than a monolingual
one, and can be produced using just hs
one colour. Anfoneb H AIR ST E IL
Invoice SALON

Disgrifiad Rhif Anfoneb

Description Invoice No


Stryd Fawr | High Street, Caernarfon AB12 3CD T 01632 543210 F 01632 543211 E [email protected] W
Cofrestrwyd yng Nghymru | Registered in Wales No. 7654321 Rhif TAW | VAT No. 987 6543 21
Forms that have to be filled in by
hand or online can demand some Ffurflen Archeb
creativity on the part of the designer, acua Cyfathrebu creadigol | Creative communications Purchase Order

as the space available is often limited,

Cyfeiriad I Address Rhif Archeb I Purchase Order No.
especially if the form has to be of
a standard size. Additionally, there
needs to be enough space for the Rhowch rif y job neu gyfeirnod fel
rhan gyntaf rhif y ffurflen archeb
Please enter job number or a reference
person completing the form to fill in as the first part of purchase order number

the necessary details in the language Dyddiad I Date Archebwyd gan I Ordered by Adran I Department Eich Cyf I Your Ref

of their choice.
Creative use of colour and typefaces Disgrifiad
Pris Unedol (NET)
Unit Price (NET)
Cyfanswm (cyn TAW)
Total (before VAT)
22 23
can make it possible to design a fully
bilingual form or questionnaire, and
this is by far the preferred option. It is
easy to read in both languages, and
can be completed in either language.
Parallel columns can be appropriate
for forms which require just a short
reply, or a tick. Space or boxes can
be left in the centre of the page, in
between the columns. If there is a
large amount of explanatory text, or
more space has to be allowed to fill
in, then separate versions may need
to be prepared for each language.
In this case, the page layout should DALIER SYLW Rhaid cynnwys Rhif Archeb ar bob anfoneb
Bydd oedi cyn talu anfonebau oni chynhwysir hwnnw

be identical in order to facilitate PLEASE NOTE Purchase Order Number must be quoted on
invoices otherwise there will be a delay in payment
TAW os yn daladwy
VAT if applicable

processing, and so that the Welsh Anfonebwch ACUA am yr uchod os gwelwch yn dda
Please invoice ACUA for the above

text is treated no less favourably than Tl gydag Archeb

Payment with Order
Cerdyn Credyd
Credit Card
Awdurdodwyd gan | Authorised by
the English. Depending on the length 3 Parc Busnes Ystwyth I 3 Ystwyth Business Park, Aberystwyth SY23 3AB
of the form, the two versions may be T 01632 543210 F 01234 543211 E [email protected] W
Cofrestrwyd yng Nghymru | Registered in Wales No. 7654321 Rhif TAW | VAT No. 987 6543 21

printed back to back, or attached side

by side.
Forms, such as parking tickets,
which are filled in by hand and then
presented to the public, should ideally
have both languages on the same Meithrinf a Honey B ears Nursery
face. This means that they need only
H on e
be filled in once, and that neither
y Be
version will be left blank, as generally MYG519 Reply Postcards_Layout 1 08/06/2011 15:03 Page 2
ar s
happens when the languages appear NU
separately. Hoffem glywed eich barn...
Wed em toglyw
d eich b arn...
Rwyn cefnogi Mynydd y Gwynt
We'd like to hear your view s...
I support the Mynydd y Gwynt development
Rwyn gwrthwynebu datblygiad Mynydd y Gwynt
I oppose the Mynydd y Gwynt development
Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
Hoffwn dderbyn
English copy to bewybodaeth pellach
inserted into a diweddariadau am Mynydd y Gwynt
this space.
Id like to receive further information and updates about Mynydd y Gwynt Freepost ABCD-EFGH-IJKL
Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Meithrinfa Honey Bears Nursery

Argraffwyd ar gerdyn wedii ailgylchu Printed on recycled board

Sylwadau ychwanegol
English copy Additional
to be inserted into comments
this space.
PO Box 01

Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. AB01
English copy to be inserted into this space.

Enw Name
Enw Name
H on e
Cyfeiriad Address
Cyfeiriad Address
y Be
Cod Post Post Code Cd Post Post Code
| NU
ar s
Ffn Phone 01970 636426 Neu ebostiwch or e-mail us [email protected]
Ffn Phone
Every advertisement presents
an opportunity to promote the Beico mynydd ar ei orau Mountain biking at its best
organization, and to project its
MTB Traws Gwlad MTB Cross Country
bilingual image. The design and Coed Du, 30 Awst 2014 Black Wood, 30 August 2014
format of the advertisement will
depend on its purpose and its content.
The general rules outlined earlier
about the use of colour, typefaces
and so on will all apply, but the space
confines will demand some artistic
24 25
Print advertisements
It may not be necessary to beicio
book a larger space than for an biking
advertisement in one language only.
If it is necessary, it will probably still
work out cheaper to design and place
one bilingual advert than to place two
separate ones for each language.

Outdoor advertising Lle mae dy sgu Where

yn dechrau ... learning begins...
The use of large posters on billboards Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod English copy to be inserted into this space. English

or other outdoor sites is impactful hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod
hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y
gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn
copy to be inserted into this space. English
copy to be inserted into this space. English copy
to be inserted into this space. English copy to be

and eye-catching, offering any y gofod hwn.

Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
inserted into this space.
English copy to be inserted into this space. English
copy to be inserted into this space.
organization a very quick fix for
Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
Am fwy o wybodaeth, ffoniwch: 01632 543210 For more information, please ring:
neu ewch i 01632 543210 or go to

demonstrating a real commitment to

bilingualism. It is usually possible to
introduce a second language on a H on e
y Be
poster ad campaign for no extra cost.
| NU
ar s
Good bilingual copywriting is essential RY

however, as direct translations of

short, catchy advertising copy or
straplines rarely work well.

Viral marketing and banner ads

Cwpan y Byd... The World Cup...
for websites Gwyliwch yn Fyw! Watch it Live!
This is a growing aspect of the
marketing world. In preparing material
for these applications, it should be RS2
Eich sianel ddigidol ar gyfer chwaraeon
Your digital channel for sport
borne in mind that these also need
to be bilingual. It should be ensured
that any typesets used support unique
Welsh characters.


Hwylus Ar gyfer eich holl gyrchfannau gwyliau

For all your holiday destinations
Limited space items
Various smaller items such as tickets,
credit cards and invitations all have
limited space.
With most printed documents the
overall size or number of pages is
dictated by the number of words

and images one has to display. With

tickets and cards it is preferable to
keep the size of the item as small as MENYWOD MENYWOD


possible, in order to fit into a wallet or

a pocket. Size also has a bearing on

26 cost: in general, the smaller the item, 27


| WO
the more that can be produced from a

maint | size maint | size
standard size sheet of paper or board,

12 10

thus making the end product more lliw | colour lliw | colour
glas | blue du | black
In order for smaller-sized applications
to work, text must be kept to the
absolute minimum, so that the
wording is legible, and the languages

can be easily distinguished. The

examples illustrate some possible
solutions for smaller applications.


Many organizations recognise the
advantages of bilingual packaging
for their products, particularly for
enhancing the perceptions of quality,
providence and uniqueness. Among

the things to consider include the
product name which may or may
not be the same in both languages
descriptions of the product, and any CWRW CYMREIG

small print, all of which need to be O SAFON

displayed in a limited space. Clear, PREMIUM WELSH BEER
concise text plays a crucial role in
ensuring that the end product appears lifestyle CAERNARFON

clean and uncluttered. CYMRU / WALES 3.7%


Point of sale materials

Point of sale material will usually
have a minimal amount of text. How
this is presented will depend on the
nature and format of the product
in question, which in turn will affect
the nature and format of the display.
otium otium otium otium
Language separation by the careful nwyddau ar eich cerddoriaeth lolfa a
and considered use of colour will help coginio beic a mwy swyddfa
legibility, as well as being an extra kitchen on your more than lounge
design feature. utensils bike just music & office
Electronic publications

Many organizations now publish rhwydwaith network cyfalaf capital
reports and documents mainly online CYMRU CYMRU CYMRU CYMRU
as PDF files. If materials are designed Copi Cymraeg yma
Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod
English copy here
English copy to be inserted into this
Copi Cymraeg yma
Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod
English copy here
English copy to be inserted into this

for online publishing, it should be

yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd space. English copy to be inserted into yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd space. English copy to be inserted into
iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi this space. English copy to be inserted iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi this space. English copy to be inserted
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y into this space. English copy to be Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y into this space. English copy to be
gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw inserted into this space. English copy to gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw inserted into this space. English copy to

ensured that separate language mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi

Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y
gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
be inserted into this space. English copy
to be inserted into this space.
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y
gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
be inserted into this space. English copy
to be inserted into this space.

mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. English copy here mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. English copy here
versions have a title in the appropriate Copi Cymraeg yma
opi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod
nglish copy to be inserted into this
space. English copy to be inserted
into this space. English copy to be
Copi Cymraeg yma
opi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod
nglish copy to be inserted into this
space. English copy to be inserted
into this space. English copy to be

language. In separate language

yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg inserted into this space. English yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg inserted into this space. English
sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod copy to be inserted into this space. sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod copy to be inserted into this space.
hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
mewnosod. English copy to be inserted into this mewnosod. English copy to be inserted into this

versions, it should be ensured that the C

opi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod
yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd
iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
space. English copy to be inserted
into this space. English copy to be
inserted into this space. English
copy to be inserted into this space.
opi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod
yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd
iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
space. English copy to be inserted
into this space. English copy to be
inserted into this space. English
copy to be inserted into this space.

front page contains a cross-reference C

opi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod
yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg
nglish copy to be inserted into this
space. English copy to be inserted
opi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod
yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg
nglish copy to be inserted into this
space. English copy to be inserted
sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod into this space. English copy to be sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod into this space. English copy to be

to the version in the other language. hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw

mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn
inserted into this space. English
copy to be inserted into this space.
hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn
inserted into this space. English
copy to be inserted into this space.

y gofod hwn. E
nglish copy to be inserted into this y gofod hwn. E
nglish copy to be inserted into this
space. English copy to be inserted space. English copy to be inserted
opi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod into this space. English copy to be C
opi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod into this space. English copy to be

PowerPoint presentations
yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg inserted into this space. English yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg inserted into this space. English
sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod copy to be inserted into this space. sydd iw mewnosod yn y gofod copy to be inserted into this space.
28 29 hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi English copy here
hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi English copy here
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y
English copy to be inserted into this English copy to be inserted into this

Including both languages in a single

gofod hwn. gofod hwn.
space. English copy to be inserted into space. English copy to be inserted into
this space. English copy to be inserted this space. English copy to be inserted
Copi Cymraeg yma into this space. English copy to be
Copi Cymraeg yma into this space. English copy to be
Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod inserted into this space. English copy to Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod inserted into this space. English copy to

slide is good practice, as it offers yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd

iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y
be inserted into this space. English copy
to be inserted into this space. English
copy to be inserted into this space.
yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd
iw mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y
be inserted into this space. English copy
to be inserted into this space. English
copy to be inserted into this space.
gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw English copy to be inserted into this gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw English copy to be inserted into this

the audience a language choice. If mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi

Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y
gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
space. English copy to be inserted into
this space. English copy to be inserted
into this space. English copy to be
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi
Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y
gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
space. English copy to be inserted into
this space. English copy to be inserted
into this space. English copy to be
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi inserted into this space. English copy mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. Copi inserted into this space. English copy to

a bilingual presentation is required, Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y

gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
to be inserted into this space. Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod yn y
gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
be inserted into this space. English copy
to be inserted into this space.

its important to keep the wording

on each slide to a minimum and p 4 5 6 E d p 4 5 6 E d
ensure that both languages appear
together. It is good practice to design
a bilingual corporate template for
Cymorth i Bobl Ifanc
Display and exhibition materials Support for Young People
Display material will often make more
use of images than text. Limited
Copi Cymraeg yma English copy here
space will generally mean that text Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod
English copy is to be inserted into this space.

has to be kept to a minimum, in order yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg sydd iw English copy is to be inserted into this space.
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn.
to obtain an attractive and eye- Copi Cymraeg sydd iw mewnosod

English copy is to be inserted into this space.

English copy is to beinserted into this space.
catching display. Separate panels for yn y gofod hwn. Copi Cymraeg
English copy is to be inserted into this

sydd iw mewnosod
text and images may be produced, yn y gofod hwn.
space. English copy is to be inserted
into this space. English copy here.
and the language versions can be Copi Cymraeg sydd iw
English copy is to be inserted into
mewnosod yn y gofod hwn. this space. English copy here.
separated by being on different
panels. This makes the display flexible,
particularly if it is to be used outside f cymorth i Bobl Ifanc support for Young People T @ cymorth i Bobl Ifanc @support for Young People
Wales. Colour coding is an effective
way of presenting the language
versions within one panel, either with
coloured text or with colour blocks.


Care should be taken to ensure that CADWGAN
the chosen colours do not treat the
Welsh language less favourably than



the English.
Copi Cymraeg English copy
Gellir ei fewnosod can be inserted
i mewn ir gofod. into this space.
Copi Cymraeg English copy
Gellir ei fewnosod can be inserted
i mewn ir gofod. into this space.

www.gofalcadwgancare www.gofalcadwgancare
Websites and software
The internet is all important to
businesses and organizations, and English Cymraeg
developing websites is a key part of
a designers work. It is easy to offer CELF
English Cymraeg
theatr CELF
a language choice on any website, English copy can
be inserted into
English copy can be
and the Commissioner has published this space.
inserted into this space.
English copy can English copy can be
guidelines: Technology, Websites be inserted into inserted into this space.
and Software: Welsh Language this space.

Considerations to offer guidance to

designers and software developers.
As with all bilingual design, the
principles are straightforward: 31
bilingualism should be planned for
from the outset; the user should be
offered a proactive language choice;
and good practice guidelines should
be adhered to. The following points
should be considered when designing
a bilingual website:
 The website front page should be
bilingual, with a clear language English Cymraeg

choice option. The best way to do
this is with a splash page. CELF

Copi Cymraeg
theatr CELF Copi Cymraeg
Gellir ei fewnosod
Gellir ei fewnosod
i mewn ir gofod.
 It should always be possible and i mewn ir gofod.
Copi Cymraeg Gellir
Copi Cymraeg
easy to switch from one language Gellir ei fewnosod ei fewnosod i mewn
i mewn ir gofod. ir gofod.
to the other on every page, going
straight to the same page in the
other language.
 The language switch toggle
should ideally be placed in the top
right hand corner of the screen.
 Organizations can register in both
Welsh and English, for example
 E-mail addresses should be
either language neutral or bilingual,
e.g. [email protected] or separate
Welsh and English versions should
be available which will reach the
same mailbox. English

There is no reason why a bilingual CELF

English Cymraeg

theatr CELF

Copi Cymraeg
English copy can Gellir ei fewnosod English c
website can not be totally compatible be inserted into i mewn ir gofod.
this space. Copi Cymraeg
with internet accessibility standards. English copy can Gellir ei fewnosod
English c
be inserted into inserted
There are now screen readers this space.
i mewn ir gofod.

available which read Welsh and

English text. This is the main reason
why it is not recommended that
Welsh and English should be mixed
on the same web pages. You can get
further information on good practice
in developing bilingual websites and
software from the Commissioners

32 33

I am confident
that this good
practice guideline
will provide a
useful benchmark
for organizations
as they design and
deliver marketing
and publicity
campaigns to the
public in Wales.

Meri Huws
Welsh Language

All of the images of companies and

organizations on pages 16-31 are
fictional. Any similarity to real companies
or organizations are unintentional and

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