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Atoka Elementary School's 5 Grade Classroom Rules, Policies, & Procedures 2016-2017

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Atoka Elementary Schools

5 Grade

Classroom Rules,
Policies, & Procedures


Please review the following information with your student.

Then, sign and return the attached booklet receipt. Keep
the booklet at home to reference throughout the year.
Welcome to 5th Grade at Atoka Elementary!

This year your student will be preparing for the middle school
atmosphere. In order to aid with this transition your child will have
two teachers. Ms. Brees will teach reading, writing, spelling, and
language arts; and Ms. Christy will teach math, science, and social
It is our ambition to support our students with a safe and
challenging learning environment that will enable all learners to
excel at their fullest potential. The following pages contain
established routines and procedures that will foster the
accomplishment of this mission. Please review this packet with
your student. Then, sign and return the attached booklet receipt.
Along with these policies, responsibility will be a key factor in
your childs success in 5th grade. There is a significant transition
from fourth to fifth grade. Fifth grade will require more
independence, maturity, and student reliability. These expectations
are strongly enforced to better prepare our students for the middle
school requirements. You, the parent, are our greatest ally. Please
continue to encourage your student to take responsibility for
his/her learning and conduct.
From past experience, student success will be unlimited when
student, parent, and teachers collaborate. We look forward to the
opportunity of partnering with you while educating your child. We
are anticipating a stimulating year for ALL!


Meghan Brees
Christy Dye-Maclin
E-mail Addresses:

Meghan Brees: [email protected]

Christy Dye-Maclin: [email protected]

If you need to speak with, us please send an e-mail or note. You can
also call the office, and leave us a message. 901.840-9525
Conduct Expectations
Students will choose to
1. Be RESPONSIBLE (This means students will: 1. Follow ALL routines & procedures
2. Participate in classroom lessons/activities 3. Ask questions to clarify learning 4. Make
safe choices 5. Take ownership of poor choices 6. Learn from mistakes 7. Complete &
turn in classwork/homework)
2. Be RESPECTFUL (This means students will: 1. Listen carefully 2. Work quietly
3. Respect others comments, opinions, & ideas 4. Keep hands, feet, objects, &
inappropriate language to self 5. Encourage classmates 6. Not brag about doing well 7.
Congratulate others 8. Be honest/trustworthy 9. Have a positive attitude)
3. Be READY (This means students will: 1. Be on time to school/class/transitioning
2. Have ALL needed materials 3. Be ready to learn & participate)

Conduct Recognition
By choosing to follow conduct expectations, students choose to receive one or more of the
1. Self Satisfaction for a job well done!
2. Praise
3. Pride notes
4. Participation in T.R.A.C.K. activity

Conduct Consequences
By choosing NOT to follow conduct expectations, students choose to receive one or more of the
1st: Warning
2nd: 1 (1 conduct point) S-
3rd: Add 1 (2 conduct points) N
4th: Add 1 (3 conduct points) U Teacher will contact parent.
5th: Student will receive an office referral in addition to
consequences 1-4.
**Special circumstances will be dealt with on an individual basis.

The conduct grade will be calculated via the T.R.A.C.K. point system. Daily
conduct grade will be written in the agenda. Point accumulation will be noted t
in the agenda. Unless we contact you by phone, e-mail, or note, your students
conduct IS NOT a serious problem.

Conduct Grade Scale

DAILY: S = 0 points S- = 1 point N = 2 points

U = 3 points
9-WEEKS: S = 0-10 points N = 11-20 points U = 21+ points

*NOTE: Students who receive N or U on the Report Card will not earn Honor Roll for
the Nine Weeks.

Grading Scale

A: 93-100 B: 85-92 C: 75-84 D: 70-74 F: 69 & below

Routines, Procedures, & Signed Documents

1. Student Agenda: This is the main form of communication between school and home.
Students are required to write down homework daily. Each teacher will write in agendas if
a conduct issue occurs. The homeroom teacher will sign agenda with daily conduct
grade. Parents are to sign the agenda each evening. This lets us know that you were
aware of homework and student conduct. In addition, teachers will send notes home
through the agenda.
2. Graded Papers: The use of formative assessment in education has been proven to aid
students learning by giving immediate and useful feedback. We will be sending
classwork/graded papers home as they are assessed. This will give you the opportunity
to go over your childs classwork with him/her before they are tested. If you are
concerned about your child hiding papers, remember you can access your childs grades
3. Midterm Grades: A report will come home in the middle of each grading period. This
report will show current student progress.
4. Homework: Homework will be assigned for remediation and reinforcement of skills.
Review homework with your child daily and sign the agenda. Some homework
assignments the teacher will check. Other assignments students will check on their own
as the whole class reviews the work.
5. Notes: Please send a note for absences, tardies, and early check outs. (Please do not
write these in the agendas, because they must be turned into the office.) Notes are
encouraged to inform us of bathroom issues, food allergies, etc


6. Newsletter: This will contain weekly information regarding class and ATES happenings.
7. Conferences: If you need to speak to us about anything, please send a note or an e-
mail. We will then contact you to set up a convenient time to talk. You deserve our
undivided attention as do our students. We will be unable to stop teaching for an
unscheduled conference.
8. Lunch visitors: You are WELCOME to have lunch with your child. This year ATES
requires visitors to meet their student in the cafeteria. You and your child will then sit at
table #6 Please make sure you sign in at the office.
9. Birthdays: (Per Administration) Due to student allergies, it is strongly
encouraged to purchase ice cream from ATES or bring in inedible trinkets. If
cupcakes are brought in, they must be store bought to verify ingredients for
students with food allergies. We want all students to celebrate safely with
your child!
10. Class Work: This will be assigned as needed per subject regarding lesson objectives.
Class work will be completed in the classroom. Ample time will be given for completion. If
your child is having difficulty finishing work in class, please encourage him/her to let us
know. We will then devise a plan to make better use of his/her time.
11. Special Classes: When students attend Related Arts classes, lunch, and recess, they
are expected to listen to the adult in charge.
12. Bathroom: We will have a restroom schedule. We will encourage students to go
during these times not only for classroom management purposes, but also for safety. We
realize emergencies occur and exceptions will be made as needed.
13. Supplies: Please make sure your student has the needed 5th grade supplies. If you
have a problem obtaining any of these, let us know.

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