First Notes: April'S Musings

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MARCH 2017

A P R I L S M U S I N G S Rev. April Wegehaupt

Worship Lent refers to the forty may want to incorporate do anything, just watch
days, excluding Sundays, during the season of people. If they look
Schedule leading up to Easter. Lent. (Spiritual Formation laden down with
Since the beginning of the During Lent by Sierra shopping, offer to carry
9:00 am church, Christians have McConnell) something for them. If
Traditional observed the days of Holy GO ON A MEDIA DIET they look stressed and
Worship Week and Easter with This could be done over hassled, pray for them
in the Sanctuary great devotion, and it a 24 hour period, or you (just in your head,
became a tradition to could possibly designate unless you are really
10:10 am prepare for Holy Week Friday evenings as a brave).
Sunday School and Easter through the time when all electronics YOUR CHORE IS MY
serious examination of (TV, radio, cell phones) CHORE
Time will be turned off.
our spiritual lives. Do one chore today that
The season of Lent is UPLOAD A POEM OR is always done by some-
11:00 am SCRIPTURE
traditionally a time of one else in your office or
Contemporary penitence, discipline, Pick a short poem or home.
Worship and renewal that is set Bible passage you like PRAY THE PAPER
in the Sanctuary aside for self-examination, and learn it by heart. Buy a copy of your local
spiritual renewal, and Try learning one line at a newspaper today. Read
growth. It is often a time time, and only go on to about the issues facing
for fasting and the next line when you your community and
OUR MISSION abstinence, for giving can say the whole piece take time during the day
STATEMENT: and acts of mercy, and up to that point. Once to pray about them.
for repentance and you have learned it,
Making Disciples prayer. repeat it to yourself in
Lent invites us to make quiet moments. Blessings,
...Changing our hearts ready for Holy WALK AND WATCH Rev. April
the World Week and Easter Sunday. Walk the streets of your
Below are some ideas you hometown. Dont plan to

We uphold the United Methodist Church by our PRAYERS, PRESENCE, GIFTS, SERVICE & WITNESS

Sunday 2017 Monthly Budget February Total Gifts Received to Date

9 am 11 am School Needs
Needs$26,128 $18,164
January January January
February 2017
February 2017
Attendance for

5th 97 56 64 5th $8,541

Income Expense Net Gain
Gifts for

$24,451 $24,049 $402

12th 115 n/a 75 12th $4,446

19th $5,177 Year-

to-Date Year-
to-Date Year-
19th 86 n/a 64 Income Expense Net Loss
$24,451 $24,451 ($402)
* As of February 20, 2017

(grandson of Ernie & Judy Dillow)
Shari Wendt
Danielle Rubow
Elyse (Buckley) Bianchi
Alan Johnson
Doug Drybread
Maxine Carlson
Bob Geiger
Kim Brady
Wanda Gorton
Martha Laverne Lynes
Jill Ard
Jim Schoenberger
Mike Sutcliffe March 1 st @ 7:00pm
Sympathies to the family &
friends of: CAMP CHIPPEWA:
CHIPPEWA A place where faith & fun come together
Helen Cloke
Floyd Ladd Theres a camp for everyone in grades K-12. Online registration available at for discounted prices. Early bird registration needs to be
Serving in the Military: completed by April 15, 2017. The church has offered a grant in order to make it
Capt. Phil Blaine possible for all FUMC members to attend. However, the church will pay only the
(son of Dorothy Blaine)
Josh & Kenzli Underwood Early Bird price, and participants are responsible for the remainder of the cost.
Drey Barkman Also, each participant is required to pay $50 refundable deposit to our church.
Ssgt. Roger, Melissa If the participant attends camp, the $50 is refunded. If they fail to attend camp, the
& Timothy Myers money is not refunded. This is to discourage last-minute cancellations because the
Joshua Hatch church will not be refunded the cost of the participants tuition. Tuition costs varies
Jack Martin between camps. The church grant offers a wonderful opportunity for kids to experience
(Training at a military facility .)
camp and grow in their knowledge of Christ.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have any questions, please contact Demian Wegehaupt @ 212-6755 or
NAMES SUBMITTED FOR e-mail him at [email protected].

Palm Sunday Egg Hunt

@ 431-4240 OR E-MAIL
[email protected]

Luck has
nothing to do
with it.

Hello and Gods grace, I

would like to thank every-
one for your support to the
youth group and for your
dedication to childrens
Sunday school.
First I would like to
remind everyone that KICS
is right on schedule for our
trip to Silver Dollar City and
Visit the apostle Paul who's under house arrest, then meet the first Christians Young Christians Week-
who must worship secretly because of persecution... Play fun interactive end. I would like to ask that
all parents interested in
games, then walk through a Roman marketplace to get a taste of first-century being a chaperone please
life in Rome. Our church will be transformed this summer, and so will your call and let me know if you
heart when you join our team! The mission field will be right here at our church would like to attend the
as we prayerfully anticipate over 150 kids! We don't want you to miss out on event. I know I have a few
this amazing opportunity to serve our Lord and be spiritually rejuvenated! The parents out there who want
to come, but I only have
Bible points every day are centered around God's love. verbal commitments. Ill
God's love is a gift. His love changes us. His love is always with us. His love have a sign up sheet posted
saves us. And His love is worth sharing. on the VBS message board
Let's show God's love!! "And they'll know we are Christians by our love!" near the church office.
Our KICS kids will be
having a Mothers Day
Positions are filling fast, so don't be left out of the fun!! dinner for a chance to raise
24-30 Family Leaders: some money by donation for
Lead 1-5 kids through Rome continued mission works
Participate in activities with the kids. Have Fun! this spring and or summer.
Our kids are looking for
Show love to the kids. Smile. Encourage. ways to reach out to those
Help discuss what they're seeing and experiencing. who need help the most.
(High School age to adult volunteers) VBS is already underway
10 Shop Keepers: making preparations. If you
Lead small crafts. would like to help out with
set design or volunteer as a
Interact with kids and talk about the day's events/lesson. helper let myself or Shari
Have Fun! Wendt know what you would
Actors: 1-2 different actors needed each day to do a 2-3 min skit. like to do to help out. VBS is
Marketplace Shops: going to be a blast. If you
Architecture, Metalworking, Carpentry, Wreath Making, Leather Working, ever wondered what a
market place in ancient
Scribe, Food Shop, Music, Animal Sacrifice Sales (No sacrifices, we promise!) Rome might have been like,
Our charity mission project this year is for water filters for the people of Peru. please come see!
($5 will provide clean water for a child in Peru for a year!) Thank you everyone who
We're very excited to be working on this VBS. It's going to be bigger than ever. has supported the kids of
God never said it would be easy. But He said we'd never go alone! So let's join this community and for the
families that have kids that
forces to transform lives for Jesus. TOGETHER we can make this happen! are a part of our great
Well take fabric donations for shop decorations and costumes. Our costume Thank you and God bless.
supply needs updating. If you like to sew, weve got opportunities for you!! Director of Young Ministries,
Please check the bulletin boards frequently for new updates on needs! Parrian Demian Wegehaupt
and I are so excited to work with you again. Call or text with questions!
Shari 432-1342
IN OTHER NEWS..... Page 4

Pantry Sunday given to the residents at Finance Reminder
Sunday, March 19th the Murray Hill Apts. The When making contribu-
is Pantry Sunday. committee hosts a party / tions for multiple things I just wanted to say
Dont forget to bring your bingo game there each (i.e. General Budget & Jail thank you to all at your
donation for the Food month. Ministry) it is helpful to church who kept me in
Pantry with you! our counters to have your prayers. Peg and I
Another Tuesday separate checks for each both are so very blessed
Challenge for Evening meal with our wonderful
item. Some of these items
March will be Our churchs turn to host go into different checking
church families. There is
the Another Tuesday great comfort that comes
CANNED SOUP Evening Meal at
accounts and therefore from having the Lord
can be difficult for them wrap His arms around
Otterbein will be on to separate when lumped
Mission Pennies April 18th. Anyone willing Your shoulders when
together. Your help is you are facing the un-
...for the month of to volunteer their time or
culinary talents should GREATLY appreciated! known. There are no
March will be given to
the Cherry Street Youth contact Charlene Riley words to describe the
either by email: overwhelming support
Center. you feel knowing that
[email protected]
or phone 431-4560 office your church families are
Gifts / Prizes Needed always there for you in
The Church & Society 431-4023 home.
the good times and in the
committee is in need of stressful times.
gifts and prizes to be Thank you again for
keeping me in your
Help Us Reach Our Goal prayers. I also have
The Trustees are asking for your help to pay off the $27,000 debt on our new thanked our heavenly
father for such wonderful
van! A total of $15,690 has been received toward the debt on the van, bringing people that He has
our debt down to $11,310. If you would like to make a contribution toward blessed me within my
eliminating the debt on our new van, please be sure to write Van Debt life.
Elimination in the memo line of your check. The Lord Bless You All!

E A S T E R L I LY Loray Bowman
The Worship committee
plans to purchase artificial Josh Hatch has sent
Easter Lilies for the along his great apprecia-
altar this year. BIG CREEK UMC tion for everyone who
Monetary donations will WHOLE HOG DAY e-mailed him on his
be accepted in order to Saturday, March 25 birthday recently.
add your loved ones name 8:00 a.m.Noon He is currently out to
to the Easter Lily Memorial Sausage, Homemade Biscuits, Sausage sea with the Navy. Notes
list. Please be sure to Gravy, Homemade Cinnamon roll, & Drink of encouragement may
$6.00 for Adults / $3.00 for Children under 10
contact the church office be e-mailed to:
with the name of the loved SPECIAL MUSIC FEATURING
one you wish to honor. LOCAL MUSICIANS hatchjl@nevada-
[email protected]
Celebrating 48 years of hoggin around
These flowers are a beautiful addition (Since 1969)
to the altar as well as a symbol of LOCATION: 1 Miles north of Hwy 39
remembrance. on Lyon Road

Time for some

Spring Cleaning!
* Dust off your Bible
I obey your precepts and
your statutes, for all my
ways are known to
you (Psalm 119:168).
* Vacuum up the
influences of the world
Do not love the world or
anything in the world. If
anyone loves the world,
love for the Father is not in
them (1 John 2:15).
GENESIS - REVELATION * Shampoo away the
Mondays @ 9:30am build-
build-up of an unforgiv-
Room 107 ing attitude
Forgive us our sins, for we
also forgive everyone who
sins against us (Luke
1 Peter: * Wax and buff your time
A Living Hope In Christ in prayer
Tuesdays @ 9:30am Then Jesus told his
disciples a parable to
Room 107 show them that they should
always pray and not give
up (Luke 18:1).
LADIES BIBLE STUDY * Reseal your faith
The Women of Easter commitment to God
Let us be sober, putting
Tuesdays @ 5:30pm on faith and love as a
Parlor breastplate, and the hope
You may contact of salvation as a helmet
Marsha Carter @ 431- (1 Thessalonians 5:8).

1636 or 433-1067 to * Polish your thought life
get more information. For out of the heart come
evil thoughtsmurder,
adultery, sexual immorality,
theft, false testimony,
Kingdom Man
by Tony Evans
Tuesdays @ 5:30pm
CARNIVAL slander (Matthew 15:19).
* Clean up your motives
He will bring to light what
is hidden in darkness and
Room 103 DATE: Wednesday, March 8th will expose the motives of
the heart (1 Corinthians
6:006:30PM: Awards in the Sanctuary * Rake up the brush and
deadness from seasons
6:308:00PM: CARNIVAL TIME! past
For if you live according to
the flesh, you will die; but if
Type: by the Spirit you put to
FIRST UNITED METHODIST death the misdeeds of the
CHURCH OF CHANUTE, KANSAS body, you will live (Romans
in the Search Bar 8:13).
FIRST UNITED First United Methodist Church U.S. Postage Paid
202 S. Lincoln Non-Profit Org.
CHURCH Chanute, KS 66720 66720
620.431.4240 Permit #13
CHANUTE, KANSAS 66720 Return Service Requested
Pastor: Rev. April Wegehaupt
Director of Adult Ministry & Parish
Linda Arnett
[email protected]
In-Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday Mornings

Director of Young Ministries:

Demian Wegehaupt
[email protected]
In-Office Hours:
Monday - Wednesday / 8amNoon

Secretary: Ronda Phillips

[email protected]

Linda Jones
[email protected]

Custodian: Jasen Baughn

[email protected]
PH: (620)212-1468
Music Director:
Paul Myers
Organist: Terri DeGeer
[email protected]


Saturday, February 25: KICS will gather at the church beginning at 7:00pm for a
How to become a member....
You are welcome to attend wor- Lock-In.
ship services, member or not. For
that matter, you can attend any Wednesday, March 1: An Ash Wednesday Worship Service is planned for
activity of the church and are
invited to do so. Becoming a 7:00pm.
member is, in faith, saying you
want a deeper commitment to the
church. Our vows ask us to faith- Wednesday, March 8: AWANA Award Night & Carnival held from 6:008:00pm.
fully participate in the life of the
church with our prayers, our
presence, our gifts, our service Friday, March 31
31Sunday, April 2: KICS Youth Attending Young Christians Week-
and our witness. end at Silver Dollar City.
We hope you will be a part of
the ministry of the First United
Methodist Church. If you would Sunday, April 9: Palm Sunday Egg Hunt on the Church Lawn between worship
like to become a member, please services.
give us: Name(s), address, phone
number, e-mail address, anniver-
saries, birthdays and if you are
already a member of some other
need the name of the church and,
if possible, the address. Please MEETINGS OR EVENTS IN THE CHURCH BUILDING!
give this to the pastor, or leave in (Be sure to check inside for more details on these events!)
the church office.
March 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

* Regular Sunday Worship

1 2 3 4
8:30 am Alzheimers
Schedule: Support Group, FH
9:00 am Devotions
w/ Dorothy, Parlor
9:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am Walkercize,
Traditional Worship Contemporary Worship FH
5:30 pm Childrens
Time Time Choir
(Sanctuary) (Sanctuary) 6:00 pm AWANA
10:10 am 6:00 pm Choir
6:00 pm KICS
Sunday School 7:00 pm Ash
Wednesday Worship

5 Communion 6 7 8 9 10 11
9:30 am Genesis thru 9:30 am Ladies 9:00 am Devotions 7:00 pm Cub Scout
Revelation, 107 Bible Study, 107 w/ Dorothy, Parlor Committee Mtg.
11:00 am Walkercize, 5:30 pm Ladies 11:00 am Walkercize,
FH Bible Study, Parlor FH
5:30 pm Mens Bible 5:30 pm Childrens
11:00 am Ministry of Study, 103 Choir
Caring, 103 6:00 pm Missions, 6:00 pm AWANA
6:30 pm Quilt Guild, 112 Carnival
FH 7:00 pm Trustees, 6:00 pm Choir
103 6:00 pm KICS
* See Regular Sunday

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
9:30 am Genesis thru 9:30 am Ladies 9:00 am Devotions
Bible Study, 107 w/ Dorothy, Parlor
Revelation, 107 11:00 am Walkercize,
11:00 am Walkercize, 5:30 pm Ladies FH
FH Bible Study, Parlor 5:30 pm Childrens
5:30 pm Mens Bible Choir
Study, 103 6:00 pm Choir
7:00 pm Church 6:00 pm KICS
Council, FH

* See Regular Sunday


19 Pantry Sunday 20 21 22 23 24 25
9:30 am Genesis thru 9:30 am Ladies 9:00 am Devotions
Revelation, 107 Bible Study, 107 w/ Dorothy, Parlor
11:00 am Walkercize, 11:30 pm Todays 11:00 am Walkercize,
FH Concerns, Salad 5:30 pm Childrens
Luncheon in the
7:00 pm Boomer Link Fellowship Hall Choir
5:30 pm Ladies 6:00 pm Choir
Bible Study, Parlor 6:00 pm KICS
5:30 pm Mens Bible
Study, 103
* See Regular Sunday 6:30 pm Church &
Schedule Society, Murray Hill

26 27 28 29 30 31
9:30 am Genesis thru 9:30 am Ladies 9:00 am Devotions
Revelation, 107 Bible Study, 107 w/ Dorothy, Parlor KICS Youth
11:00 am Walkercize, 1:00 pm Newsletter 11:00 am Walkercize,
Crew, 107
FH Attending
FH 5:30 pm Childrens
5:30 pm Ladies Choir Young
Bible Study, Parlor
5:30 pm Mens Bible
6:00 pm Choir Christians
6:00 pm KICS
Study, 103 Weekend
* See Regular Sunday
March 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Please contact the office 1 has been omitted

2 3 4
Please contact theifoffice
your Birthday
if or misreported.
We dont want to forget you! 431-
your Birthday has been Numbers 2022 Numbers 2325 Numbers 2628
Mark 7:113
Numbers 2931
Mark 7:1437 Mark 8 Mark 9:129
omitted or misreported. Assya Goforth Curt N. Rodd Linda Hill
We dont want to forget you! Steve Krenzin
Marcia Lickteig
Jessica Armstrong Danielle Rubow
Johnny Lawrence
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Numbers 3234 Numbers 3536 Deuteronomy 13 Deuteronomy 46 Deuteronomy 79 Deuteronomy 1012 Deuteronomy 1315
Mark 9:3050 Mark 10:131 Mark 10:3252 Mark 11:118 Mark 11:1933 Mark 12:127 Mark 12:2844
Vesta LeRoy Sally Manbeck Leslie Collins Craig Buckley
David Martin Barrett Alonzo Lester Harrison
Alan White Jessie Myers Chloe Caldwell
Daxson Wire DeeAnn Parsons
Cecelia Wilson Brent Wilson

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Deuteronomy 1618 Deuteronomy 1921 Deuteronomy 2224 Deuteronomy 2527 Deuteronomy 2829 Deuteronomy 3031 Deuteronomy 3234
Mark 13:120 Mark 13:2137 Mark 14:126 Mark 14:2753 Mark 14:5472 Mark 15:125 Mark 15:2647
Linda Arnett Jim Uhlig Natalie Burns Ruth Brown
Tate McSpud Cindy Finley
Sarah Boline Sandy Redburn Marilyn Mishler Carla Olson
Patty OFurniture
Donna Willis Mark Richard
Nicci Wiltse

19 Pantry Sunday 20 21 22 23 24 25
Joshua 13 Joshua 46 Joshua 79 Joshua 1012 Joshua 1315 Joshua 1618 Joshua 1921
Mark 16 Luke 1:120 Luke 1:2138 Luke 1:3956 Luke 1:5780 Luke 2:124 Luke 2:2552
Kay Coombs Dale Myers
Mason Beck Ron Gericke Tom Cloke
Virginia Friederich
Alice Rowan Rebecca Harman Cliff Haslett
Jackie Hilton
Kinzey Tiegreen

26 27 28 29 30 31
Joshua 2224 Judges 13 Judges 46 Judges 78 Judges 910 Judges 1112
Luke 3 Luke 4:130 Luke 4:3144 Luke 5:116 Luke 5:1739 Luke 6:126
Diana Pattinson Ted Angleton Mike Healy
Tessa Golay Heidi Bolt Brynna Peter
JoAnn Westhoff David Carpenter Matthew Pennington Trent Vallier
Kevin Richard Matthew Stutt
Barbara Uden
Andrew Wegehaupt

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