Research Proposal Child Health

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Introduction It is now fairly widely acknowledged that investments in education,
investment in sanitation, investment in health facilities, scientific development,
diffusion of information and communication progress usually defined as technical
progress, in general, may not only improve the chances for survival of the infant but
also enhance their opportunities for escaping from poverty as adults. Infant
mortality declined in Brazil in the last 30 years: in 1970 it was 117 in 2000 it was
32. Even thought infant mortality rates decrease quite a lot off the dispersion across
Brazil permits rates around 70 in northeast and as low as 10 in the Santa Catarina a
southeastern state of Brazil. Alves (2003) shows that reduction of illiteracy rate,
improvement in sanitation and health facilities along with technical change
contribute a great deal to explain the decline in infant mortality rates between
these two moments in time 1 . With these considerations in mind, a number of
poverty alleviation programs in Latin America (such as PROGRESA in Mexico, PRFA
in Honduras, RPS in Nicaragua, Familias en Accion in Colombia, and PATH in
Jamaica) have shifted the poverty alleviation effort towards helping families invest
in their children survival and education2 . These programs are based on the premise
that the fundamental causes of infant mortality are factors related to demand such
as low household income and/or infrequent use of health facilities 1 Alves (2003a)
used 1991 and 2000 censuses data at the municipality level to form a panel to
study infant mortality decline. The 2000 census data used in the study were still
preliminary. Several important variables were not available at the time the study
was done. However, the available data present supported evidence that education,
sanitation and health facilities contribute significantly to the decline of infant
mortality rates in Brazil. The study also showed that dispersion of infant mortality
rates is still quite large: southeastern regions presenting numbers quite low while
northeastern region presenting very high rates. (Skoufias and Parker, (2001)). As
pointed out by the TR3 Skoufias and Parker (2001) conclude that even in the
programs for which rigorous impact evaluations have been undertaken it is
practically impossible to distinguish whether the observed improvement in
childrens health is a consequence of the cash transfers provided by the program, or
whether child health is improved simply because the program provides households
with micronutrient supplements and requires visits to public health facilities on a
prescribed frequency. The TR argues, more generally, the primary factors that
determine household investments in children are yet to be determined. And poses
the question for the reseserchs to address: Are they factors that contribute improve
child health, such as low level of household income and education, or factors that
relate to constraints on the supply side such as ease of access to information and
public health facilities? In Brazil there are large differences in infant mortality rates
across regions, and large inequalities in the distribution of income and health across
and within regions. Thus, there still remain serious challenges for policy makers
striving to alleviate poverty, reduce inequality and improve human capital and
development in a cost-effective manner. Improved information about the
determinants of infant mortality rate and child health would facilitate the
development of better policies to help meet these challenges. II. Objectives The
objective of this research proposal is to address some of these issues by examining
the private and public determinants of household investments in one specific form
of human capital: childrens health during their first years of life in Brazil.
Malnutrition at the early 2 Bolsa Escola is an example of this new orientation in
program goals: cash money received by the family only when the child is at school.
3 Latin American Research Network, Child Health, Poverty and the Role of Social
Policies, IDB, Washington, DC, USA, 2003., it will referred to as TR for Terms of
Reference. stages of life can lower child resistance to infections, increase child
morbidity and mortality4 . Identifying the influence of household characteristics and
community characteristics on the determination of childrens health is useful for
planning effective health policy. Health planners need such information to plan and
set priorities for intervention strategies to reduce infant mortality, to improve child
health, and to assess the effect of interventions 5 . Specifically, the objectives of the
project are to identify: (i) The private and public determinants of infant mortality
and child health; (ii) The extent to which the private and public determinants
interact and whether interactions suggest gross substitution or complementarities.
iii) The types of programs and interventions that are associated with improved child
health and, consequently, with lower infant mortality. Child nutrition and health are
among the main commodities produced within the household. Because these
commodities typically are produced under the responsibility of mothers, the human
capital embodied in mothers may have significant impact on childrens health
status. If better educated parents are more successful at protecting or improving
their childrens health status (holding everything else constant), the cost-
effectiveness of public health programs aimed at reducing infant mortality such as
programs to improve child nutrition and health, can be increased by prioritizing the
types of households to be targeted. 4 The consequences of child malnutrition during
the preschool period have been studied extensively (Beaton, et al., 1993, Bhutta, et
al., 1999, Bleichrodt and Born 1994, Lozoff and Wachs 2000, Pelletier, Frongillo and
Habicht 1993, Pelletier, et al., 1995, Rose, Martorell and Rivera 1992, Wachs 1995).
One consequence is increased mortality. It is estimated that more than half of all
deaths in developing countries in children less than five years of age are due to the
interaction between malnutrition and common infections such as diarrheal diseases,
respiratory infections and measles. These infections kill children easily only in the
presence of malnutrition, which impairs immune function and lowers resistance to
infections. Rosenberg, Alves, Timmins and Evenson (2000) shows that infant
mortality rates at the municipal level in Brazil are explained by low income level,
education and the interaction with climate variables associated to diseases such as
respiratory and hydrics, both associated to bad housing conditions in the Brazilian
cities. 5 Examples from the literature include Alderman and Garcia (1994) for
Pakistan, Barrera(1990) for the Philippines, Strauss (1990) for Cote dIvoire, Thomas,
Strauss, and Henriques (1992) for Brazil, Thomas (1994) for the US, and Wolfe and
Behrman (1987) for Nicaragua, references presented by the terms of refere nce,
RES /IDB (2003) Survey articles with more exhaustive lists of references include
Cochrane, Leslie and OHare(1982), Behrman and Deolalikar (1988) and Strauss and
Thomas (1995, 1998). Further, as discussed in detail by Barrera (1990),
characteristics such as education, race and ethnic background may serve as a
substitute for or complement to community programs in the sense that there may
be significantly negative or positive interactions of these characteristics with public
health programs. By documenting the patterns of such interactions one may draw
inferences on what are the most likely channels through which parental schooling
affects child health. The interaction between the type of public health program and
the role of education determines which municipalities and regions of the country
benefit more from the program. III. Methodology The project proposes to analyze
the issues in three separated but complementary studies: 1. Factors Explaining
Infant Mortality in Brazil: 1980-2000. 2. The Household Demand for Child Health:
Comparisons Between a Poor and a Rich Brazilian Region 3. Demand for Child
Heath: Household Decision and the Impact of Different Government Programs. The
first study will use censuses and secondary data and the third study uses primary
data. The first study proposes to use census data fro 1980 up to 2000, in panel
format, at the municipal level, attempting to provide a time and cross section wise
picture of the determinants of infant mortality rates in Brazil. It is a continuation of
the study of Alves (2003) expanded to include the complete 2000 census and the
1980 census. The second study will use the PPV, a standard of living survey held in
1997/98, representative of two very different Brazilian regions: the poor northeast
and the rich southeast. This study will follow along the lines of the Terms of
Reference of RES/IDB6 in the modeling of child health subject to income constraint
and the supply of health services. 6 Latin American Research Network, Child
Health, Poverty and the Role of Social Policies, IDB, Washington, DC, USA, 2003.
The third study is a household demand for child health for the city of So Paulo, the
largest Brazilian city. There is a consumption survey for 1998 for the city. This study
intends to obtain a sub-sample of the 2200 households of the 1998 survey in such a
way as to have a panel of households. The new sample will cover in more details
the health status of the household members. The new sample will permit a cross-
section as well as a inter temporal comparison. Some of the endogeneity problems
that might arise in demand analysis will be more efficiently handled if one has data
from the past, which might not be endogenous when used today as instrumental
variables. In the first study child health will be seen along the last 20 years and
across Brazilian municipalities. This study will provide a concise historical
perspective on the major factors explaining child health, approximated by infant
mortality rate at the municipio level. The idea is to attempt to formulate a model
that takes into account characteristics of the population, characteristics of the
municipio structure such as supply of health services, level of public utilities
services, government social programs and their interaction with the municipio
characteristics either trough its population or trough its structure to attend ths
public services demand by its population. IV. Factors Explaining Infant Mortality in
Brazil: 1980-2000 This study will provide using, however, a regression function
estimates of a model based on municipal observations, to explain infant mortality
rates , such as: (1) i 0 2 2 3 3 k ki h hi l ki hi i i imort = + a t + a t + X + ? Z + d
X Z + a + u where subscript i indexes municipalities, vector Xi=[xm xh xc]
describes three sets of characteristics of the municipality: xm representing
characteristics of the municipio population such as education, age distribution,
migration, etc, vector xc captures the characteristics of the municipality such as
population density( per area and per household), proportion of household with
treated running water, proportion of households with sewage disposal, proportion of
households with garbage collection, climate and regional factors; xc characterizes
the supply of the health services of the municipality such as physicians per
habitant, hospital beds per habitants, etc. Zh id a set of variables representing
governmental programs to improve child health in the municipality such as breast
feeding programs, nutritional supplement for children, family health, vaccination
programs, etc. t2 and t3 represent the 1991 and 2000 censuses, respectively. ai are
the unobserved heterogeneity of the municipality.. They captures some unobserved
factors intrinsic to the municipality that we cannot observe, but might explains
dispersion in child health across municipalities7 . ui is a disturbance. One of the
main objectives of this project is to study the extent to which the parameter l d
summarize whether there are any interactions between socioeconomic
characteristics of the municipality as well as health services with health programs
sponsored by government agencies. For example, suppose that xm is the average
level of education of the municipal population and Zl denotes the availability of an
information program for mothers regarding child nutrition by breast-feeding. A
significantly negative value for l d would then suggest that education is a substitute
for such a program so tha t municipalities with lower average level of education
derive greater benefits from the program. Other possible interaction between
programs and characteristics of health services and/or other characteristics of the
municipality can also be used to test additional hypothesis concerning the relation
of programs and municipal characteristics. Part one of the project will have a
national dimension attempting to shed some light on the structure of child health
along the last two decades in Brazil by analyzing the behavior of infant mortality
rates through time and across municipalities. The study will set up the scenario for a
microeconomic analysis of the demand for child health at the household level. 7
Municipalities, which received a large inflow of migrants from European and Asiatic
populations in the beginning of the 20th, might have taken advantage of their
better education and skills, reflecting in lower infant mortality rates along the years.
IV.1 Description of the Data The data used in this study is a combination of the
Census of Population 20008 and data on infant mortality and health program
covering Brazilian municipios released by DATASUS9 . Infant mortality has declined
drastically in Brazil since 1970: from 117 to 29 in 200210. Even thought infant
mortality rates declined drastically in the three decades period they are still well
above the ones reported by developed and developing countries11 Table 1
summarizes the data for the year 2000. Infant mortality rates present a great deal
of variation across Brazilian municipalities. Quite a few of them present rates well
above 100. They are located in the northeast region of Brazil12. The northeast
region is the region where per capita income is very low and poverty is rampant.
The southeastern and southern regions are the most developed regions. Per capita
income is higher and infant mortality rates are among the lowest in Brazil. For some
states in the southern regions infant mortality rates are similar to the ones observed
for developed countries. V. Household Model for Child Health In the two last
suggested studies, households may be assumed to choose child health h13 , leisure
l, consumption of goods and services c, as if they are maximizing a household
welfare function subject to the health production function constraint and budget
constraint. The following utility function are assumed to characterize the
preferences (2) u u(h, l, c; x ) = h 8 Censo Demogrfico 2000, Fundao IBGE,
(2002), RJ, Brasil 9 Ministrio da Sade, Braslia: htp:/, infant
mortality is defined as the number of deaths per 1000 births up to one year after
birth. 10 See Alves (2003) for a discussion of the decline of infant mortality rates in
Brazil. 11 They far way from 9,4 for the US, 8.4 for Italy or even 10.7 for Cuba or the
14.8 for Costa Rica reported by Alves (2003). 12 It is important to observe that
there are exceptions: some municipalities in the Northeastern region present quite
low infant mortality rates. 13 Infant mortality is a consequence of poor child health.
Thus, when the utility function is formulated in terms of child health bad health and,
its result, infant mortality mean disutility for the household, which infant mortality
representing total disutility associated with the utility of child health. where xh is a
vector of household characteristics including the education level of the household
head and his spouse. Child health is generated by a production function (3) h f(y,
x .x ,x , v) = i h c where y is a vector of health inputs such as nutrient intake, health
care practices (immunization),disease incidence, and health services availability, xi
is a vector of the characteristics of the parents such as age, race, education, etc, xc
is a vector of characteristics that come from the outside of the household influenced
by the outside community such as migration, religion composition and v is a vector
summarizing all unobservable characteristics of the population, household, and the
community that affect infant mortality. In addition, it is assumed that the household
choices are limited by its full income constraint (4) I (p c wl p y) = c + + y . where
pc, w, and py are the price vectors of consumption goods, leisure and health inputs,
respectively, and I is full income including the value of the time endowment of the
household and non-labor income. In this framework, the reduced form function for
infant mortality is (5) imort f(x ,x , x , I,p , w, p , v) = i h c c y whereby the particular
functional form of the function f(.) depends on the underlying functions
characterizing household preferences and the health production function. V.1 The
Household Demand for Child Health: Comparisons Between a Poor and a Rich
Brazilian Region The objective of this part of the project is to estimate household
demand for child health14. The dependent variable, representing child health will be
defined as a measurement relating childs height to childs age and childs weight
as presented in the IDB Call. The idea of a zero one dependent variable, also
suggested by the IDB Call will also be implemented. However, some of the
interesting question related to police actions adopted in the past and in present
days will not be possible to be addressed to due to data limitations. The reduced
form equation presented in the call and reproduced above will be estimated. Even
with data limitations to estimate the impact of specific programs to improve childs
health it still be possible to answer important questions as for instance the impact
of mothers and fathers education on childs health. It will also be possible to ask
and answer important behavioral questions related to differential reactions of poor
and rich families to changes in income and in education between poor and rich
Brazilian regions. In studies like the one here proposed, it is usual to be confronted
with questions of endogeneity. Some of the variables as pointed out by the IDB Call
might be contaminated by endogeneity and or measurement errors and, as usual in
those cases, instruments are necessary to handle the problem. In the Brazilian LSMS
data, although subject to criticism household per capita income, a strong candidate
to suffer from the endogeneity, can be instrumented for by the household stock of
durables goods, usually resulting from past acquisitions and thus less subject to
endogeneity thus uncorrelated with the disturbance bur highly correlated to per
capita income. The study will be able to answer several of the questions put forward
by the IDB Call. The relevance of mothers education vis a vis fathers education,
regional household behavior and the interaction between the regional variable and
the relevant explanatory variable. The child variables such as order of birth, number
of brothers and sisters, race, etc will be used to answer questions always raised
related to the fact that parents might give better treatment to boys than to girls in
their childhood years leading to better care of their health. This part of the project
will permit to understand household behavior towards child health in two very
different regions of Brazil as well as to perceive how socioeconomic variables
interacts among themselves to explain household demand for child health. 14
Children will be defined as children up to 10 years old. V.2 Demand for Child Heath:
Household Decision and the Impact of Different Government Programs A question
always raised with respect to government programs is related to the effectiveness
of different programs. In Brazil different government levels have pursued several
programs with the objective of raising the well being of the poor population. With
the democratization of the countrys political process candidates to public offices
became aware of the political importance of the large number of poor people living
in very bad condition all over Brazil. In almost all Brazilian regions, there exists a
large part of the population that is poor. The dispute for the votes, made political
parties as well as politicians running for congress or for government to propose
several programs to help the poor. They went from free milk distribution up to
Bolsa Escola or Renda Mnima in disputing the political scene to see which was
better to help the poor and as consequence to conquer the preference of the voters.
They have been introduced in some cases by municipal governments and other
cases by state governments as well as by the federal government.. The city of So
Paulo has been the major park for the dispute of different programs to help the poor.
In the last decade different parties have the control of the city government. The
sate government also has changed hands several times along those years. Several
programs have been introduced by different level of government to help the poor.
The city of So Paulo not only has been the laboratory to experiment different
programs but also is a representative sample of most of the contradictions and
political struggles facing Brazilian society in present days. It cannot be
representative of the problems related to the agrarian sector although it represents
the place to go for most of the rural works that become unemployed in the small
towns in the countryside of Brazil. This proposed study could only be carried out if
additional funding is obtained from sources other them the IDB financing. This is so
because as will be shown in the financial budget for the project to carry out survey
with some 300 household in the consumption survey will require resources of the
order of US 40,000.00. Thus some US$ 30,000.00 will have to be obtained from
other funding sources for this study to be done. The objective of this part of the
proposal is to take advantage of the existence of a consumption survey for the year
1998 for the city of So Paulo that can be used with some additional effort to
understand the impact of several programs some of biased in the direction of
income supplementation others aimed to improve the health of the family as well as
the health of children. V.2.1 The Model The model for the demand for child heath15
where the definition of child involves children up to 14 years of age will follow the
lines of the model already described in the second part of this proposal with some
variations along the lines suggested by the study of Case, Lubostky, and Paxson
(2002). These authors, studying USA Data show that the inverse relationship
between family income and childrens health status persists for children of all ages
and the correlation becomes progressively more negative with age. These results
are contrary to those reported by West (1997) were he concludes that the negative
correlation between child health and income disappears in adolescence. In this part
of the study we intend to test this negative relationship between child health and
income found by Case, Lubostky and Paxson using their model, which is variation of
the model present by RES/IDB. The methodology for this part of the project is to
survey a sub sample constituted of the same families that were part of the 1998
consumption survey . The 1998 survey did not take health measurements of the
children, however several other information related to health expenditure is part of
the consumption survey questionnaire16 . If some 300 households for which we
have the 1998 questionnaires were interviewed in 2003 we would be able to obtain
a panel data in which health measurement would be taken for each household
member. Furthermore existing 1998 police programs already were part of the 1998
consumption survey thus it will be possible not only analyze the 15 The definition of
children will cover children up to 14 years in order to analyze the health income
relationship for a larger age span. 16 Alves (2001) used the information on health
expenditure contained in the POF survey to analyze the impact of the presence of
children and old age people on the health expenditure of the household. impact of
this programs in the status of child health in 2003 as well as the impact of new
programs that were introduced from 1998 on. V.2.1 Description of the 1998
Consumption Survey The 1998 So Paulo Consumption Survey- Pesquisa de
Oramentos Familiares para a Cidade de So Paulo (POF) carried by the Fundao
Pesquisa Econmicas (FIPE) as part of the So Paulo Cost of Living Index constitutes
in a household consumption survey in which data are collected for some 400
consumption items. Furthermore, data are collected for the socioeconomic
characteristics of each household member as well as the stock of durables and on
the characteristics of the families housing conditions. The idea of this study is to
obtain a sub sample of 300 observations of the 1998 survey to obtain a panel in
which the 1998 and 2003 can be compared; however for the 2003 sub sample the
health characteristics of the household members would be part of the survey similar
to questions on health that were part of the LSMS IBGE Survey. The panel data
would not be complete in terms of the health variable, however it will permit to
analyze the impact of governmental programs on the health status of the
population. VI. Products 1. Infant Mortality Study at the Municipal Level Using 1980,
1991 and 2000 Census Data. 2. Child Health Demand at the Household Level
Comparing the Poor Northeast to the Richer Southeast 3. The Impact of
Governmental Programs on Child Health Household Demand for the City of So
Paulo17 . VII. References Alves, Denisard (2003), Factors Explaining the decline in
Infant Mortality in Brazil: 1991-2000 - IAE Conference Vienna, Austria Alves,
Denisard and Timmins, Cristopher (2003)Social Exclusion and the Two -Tired Health
Care System in Brazil , Inter- American Development Bank, in Behrman, Garviria
and Szkely Editors: Who`s In and Whos Out- Social Exclusion in Latin American,
Chapter 3 Latin American Research Network (2003), Child Health, Poverty and the
Role of Social Policies, IDB, Washington, DC, USA,. A. Case, D. Lubostky, and C.
Paxson (2002), Economic Status and Health in Childhood: The Origins of the
Gradient AER, Vol 92 West, Patrick (1997) Health Inequalities in the Early Years: Is
There Equalization in Youth? Social Science and Medicine, 44(6), pp.833-58. Alves,
Denisard (2001) Gastos com sade: uma anlise por domiclios para a cidade de
So Paulo- IPEA , Pesquisa e Planejamento Econmico Vol 31- n 3
Rosenberg,Alves,Timmins and Evenson (2000) Health, Climate and Development in
Brazil: A Cross-Section Analysis Inter-American Development Bank - Research
Network Working Paper R-386 Skoufias, E. and Parker, S.W. (2001) Conditional Cash
Transfers and their Impact on Child and School Enrollment: Evidence from the
PROGRESA Program in Mexico, Economia Vol.2, N1, pp.45-96 Akderman and
Garcia (1994) Food security and health security: Explain levels of nutritional status
in Pakistan. Economic Development and Cultural Change 42 (3): 891- 900. Strauss,J
and Mehra, K (1990) Child Anthropometry in Cote D`Ivore: Estimates from Two
Surveys, 1985 and 1986, in World Bank - Living Standards Measurement from
World Bank - Living Standards Measurement. Behrman, Jere R. and Barbara L. Wolfe
(1987), "How Does Mother's Schooling Affect Family Health, Nutrition, Medical Care
Usage, and Household Sanitation?" Journal of Econometrics, vol. 36 (1987): 185-
204. 17 This product will be delivered only if additional funding is obtained by FIPE.
Thomas, Strauss and Henriques (1992) Survival Rates, Height-for-age and
Household Characteristics in Brazil Journal of Development economics, 33,(2),
197-234 Thomas, Karen (1994). "Learning at Home: Education outside School Gains
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(1988) "Health and Nutrition." In Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. 1. H.
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679. Strauss, John, and Duncan Thomas (1995) "Human Resources: Empirical
Modeling of Household and Family Decisions." In : Handbook of Development
Economics, Vol. 3. T. N. Srinivasan and J. R. Behrman, eds. Amsterdam: Elsevier
Science Publishers B.V. Forthcoming. Printed as RAND Working Paper Series 94-07.
17-25; 28-57; 86-104. Barrera, A . (1990) The Role of Maternal Schooling and its
Interaction with Public Health Programs in Child Health Production , Journal of
Development Economics ; 32(1) Beaton, G.H. (1993), Effectiveness of Vitamin A
Supplementation in the Control of Young Child Morbidity and Mortality in
Development Countries ACC/SCN Bhutta, Z.A. (1999) Prevation of diarrhea and
pneumonia by zinc supplimentation in children in development countries :pooled
analisys of randomized controlled trials J. Pediatric 135(6), pp.: 689-97 Bleichrodt,
N. and M. Born , (1994), A metaanalysis of research on iodine and its relationship to
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deficience. New York , Cognizant Communication Corp. , 195-200. Lazoff, B. and
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Childhood - Child Development and Behavior in : U. Ramakrishanan (Ed.)
Nutritional Anemia. Florida: Crc Press Rose, D., R.Martorell and J.A. Rivera,(1992)
Infant Mortality Rates Before, During and after a Nutrition and Health Intervetion in
Rural Guatemalan Villages , Food and Nutriton Bulletin 14: 215-220 Pelletier, D.I.,
E.A. Frongillo and J.P. Habicht (1993)Epidemiologic Evidence for a Potentiating
Effect of Malnutrition on Child Mortality - American Journal of Public Health
83(8):pp.1130-1133. Pelletier ,D.I. (1995) The Effects of Malnutrition on Child
Mortality- Bulletin of the World Health Organization 73(4): pp. 443-448. Cochrane,
Susan, Joanne Leslie, and Donald O`Hara (1982) The Lagrange Multiplier Test and
its Application to Model Specification in Econometrics Review of Economic
Studies., 47, 239-254 CENSO Demogrfico 2000, Fundao IBGE (2002) ,RJ,Brasil
Ministrio da Sade- DATASUS, Braslia : http:/ VII. Research
Team Project Coordinator: Denisard Alves, Professor, So Paulo University. Alves was
the project coordinator of two previous IDB Calls, one concerning the impact of
geography on economic development and the other a study of the Brazilian health
system from the perspective of social exclusion. Walter Belluzzo Jr: Assistant
Professor, So Paulo University. Belluzzo Jr has participated in several research
projects with Alves. Belluzzo master dissertation was derived from a research
project coordinated by professor Alves on the willingness to pay for water use for
the state of So Paulo. His PhD dissertation presented at Illinois University was also
on methodological issues concerning the use of willingness to pay measurement to
use in micro economic evaluation of public investment projects. Rodrigo Delosso
Bueno: Graduate Student, Chicago University. Bueno wrote his master dissertation
at USP under the supervision of professor Alves, presented at So Paulo University.
He used cointegration methods to analyze the relationship between black market
price of dollar in Brazil and future exchange rate price. Daniel Monte: Graduate
Student, Yale University. Presently is a second year graduate student at Yale
University PhD program in economics. He has been working with professor
Christipher Timmins from the Economics Department of Yale University analyzing
the amenity cost of marginal climate changes using a hedonic wage the
Economics Department of The Univ Ignez Tristo: Graduate Student, Maryland
University. Ms Tristo is a second year graduate student at the Economics
Department of Maryland University. She has worked with professor Alves in the
geography project sponsored by IDB and she wrote her final undergraduate
research paper on the impact of claimate changes on infant mortality in Brazil.
Camila Campos: Graduate Student at So Paulo University. Ms Campos is finishing
her master program in economics at So Paulo University being already accepted at
Yale University to star her PhD program in the 2003/4 academic year. Ana Carolina
Giubertti: Graduate student in the master program in economics at So Paulo
University. Ms Giubertti was professor Alves research assistant; she has worked in
several of the projects coordinated by professor Alves. She has a great deal of
experience in working with data banks using Stata and Eviews softwares. Fabiana
Tito: Under Graduate Student, So Paulo University. She has been Research
Assistant to professor Alves in the last three year. She is presently writing her
undergraduate research paper final, under the supervision of professor Alves,
dealing with international comparisons of infant mortality rates. She also has great
deal of experience in handling large data banks using Stata or Eviews. Annex 1.CV
of the Participants of the Research Team CURRICULUM VITAE Denisard Cnio de
Oliveira Alves Personal Citizenship: Brazil Office Address: AV. Prof. Luiciano
Gualberto ,908 05508-900 So Paulo SP- Brazil Telephone ( 11) 818-5802/03
Fax: 818-5860 e-mail dcoalves@usp;br 1. EDUCATION 1967 B.A. in Economics,
School of Economics, So Paulo University. 1971 Master of Arts in Economics, Yale
University. 1976 Ph.D. in Economics, Yale University. 2. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
1967 Teaching Assistant, Economics Department, School of Economics and
Business, So Paulo University. 1974 Assistant Professor, So Paulo University 1977
Associate Professor, Economics Department, School of Economics and Business, So
Paulo University 1984 Full Professor, School of Economics and Business, So Paulo
University . 3. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1971/73 Research Associate Brooking
Institution, Washington, DC, USA 1974/79 Senior Research Fellow, Fundao
Instituto de Pesquisas Econmicas -FIPE , So Paulo, SP, Brazil 1978/79 Visiting
Fellow, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA 1980/81 Visiting Professor, University of
Notre Dame, South Bend , IN, USA 1982/83 Manager Of the Health and Social
Assistance Program of So Paulo University, So Paulo, SP, Brazil 1983/85 Finance
Secretary of the City of So Paulo 1986/87 Vice-Chairman in Charge of Finance of
the Banco do Estado de So Paulo S.A., So Paulo, SP, Brazil 1988/93 Senior
Research Fellow at the Fundao Instituto de Pesquisas Econmicas, So Paulo, SP,
Brazil 1993/94 Chairman of the Economics Department, School of Economics,
Business and Accounting, So Paulo University, So Palo, SP, Brazil 1994/98 Dean of
the School of Economics, Business and Accounting, So Paulo University, So Paulo,
SP, Brazil 1998/00 Chairman of the Economics Department, School of Economics,
Business and Accounting, So Paulo University, So Paulo, Brazil 4. HONORS,
FELLOWSHIPS 1965 Awarded a fellowship by the Associao Universitria
InterAmericana 1968 Awarded the Institute of Economics Reserch from So Paulo
University Graduate Frellowship 1969/73 Awarded a Graduate Fellowship by the
USAID 5. PUBLICATIONS ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira; BUENO, Rodrigo de
Losso da Silveira. Shortrun, long-run and cross elasticities of gasoline demand in
Brazil. Energy Economics, Inglaterra, 2003. ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira.
Gastos com Sade: uma anlise por domiclios para a cidade de So Paulo. Pesquisa
e Planejamento Econmico, Rio de Janeiro, v. 31, n. dez 2001, p. 479-493, 2001.
ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira; CATI, R.; FAVA, V. Purchasing Power Parity in
Brazil: a test for fractional cointegration. Applied Economics, v. 33, p. 1175-1185,
2001. Exchange Rate: the Brazilian Case in the Last Two Decades. Revista de
Economia Aplicada, So Palulo, v. 3, p. 15-33, 1999. ALVES, Denisard Cneio de
Oliveira; FAVA, V. Longa Persistncia nas Taxas de Inflao. Revista de Econometria,
Rio de Janeiro, v. 18, n. 2, p. 245-264, 1998. ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira;
EVENSON, R. E. Technology , Climate Change, Productivity in a Warming
Environment: The Brazilian Case. Journal of Public Planning and Policy, v. 18, p. 223-
258,1998. ALVES, Denisard; ALVES, Denisard Cne io de Oliveira; EVENSON, R. E.;
SANGHI, A. Global Warming Impacts On Brazilian Agriculture:Estimates Of The
Ricardian Model, Economia Aplicada- Vol.1. ECONOMIA APLICADA, SAO PAULO, v.
VOL 1, p. 08-33, 1997. FAVA, V.; ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira. Indicador de
Movimentao Economica, Plano Real e Analise de Interven o, Revista Brasileira
de Economia - Vol.51. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ECONOMIA, FGV - RIO, v. 51, p. 133-
143, 1997. ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira. Acordo Internacional do Cafe e o
Mercado Internacional do Caf. Estudos de Politica Agricola, Rio de Janeiro, v. 23,
1994. ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira; TIMMINS, Christopher. Social Exclusion
TwoTiered Health Care System in Brazil. In: BEHRMAN, Jere R.; GAVIRIA, Alejandro;
SZKELY, Miguel. (Org.). WHO'S I AND WHO'S OUT. Washington, D.C, 2003, p.45-71.
ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira; EVENSON, R. E. Technology, Climate Change,
Productivity and land Use in Brazilian Agriculture. In: MOTTA, Ronaldo Seroa da.
(Org.). Environmental Economics And Policy Making In Developing Countries. 2001,
p. 155-176. CURRICULUM VITAE Walter Belluzzo Junior Education PhD inEconomics -
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001 Master Degree in Economics:
Economia - Instituto de Pesquisas Econmicas, FEA-USP, So Paulo, 1995. Bacharel
in Economics: - FAAP - Fundao Armando lvares Penteado, So Paulo,1991.
Profissional Activities Assistant Professor, Faculdade de Economia, Administrao e
Contabilidade da Universidade de So Paulo, FEARP-USP,since Fev./ 1996.
Publications Avaliao contingente para valorao de projetos de conservao e
melhoria dos recursos hdricos. Poltica e Programao Econmica,Vol. 29 (1), 1999.
Curriculum Vitae Rodrigo De Losso da Silveira Bueno Nascimento: 09/01/1972 - 29
anos Casado Address: Rua Argentina, 120 Jd. Nova Ibina - Ibina SP 18150-000
Tel.: (15) 3248 5110 (res.) / (11) 9161 3640 (cel.) (11) 3818 5865 (com.) / (11) 3819
4179 (com.) [email protected] [email protected] 1. Education Doctoral
Graduate Student Instituto de Pesquisas Econmicas, IPE-FEA/USP So Paulo SP
Julho/1999 presente MA in Economics (Ph.D Pass) The Unviversity of Chicago
Chicago IL EUA Sep./1999 Sep./2000. Mster Degree in Economics Instituto de
Pesquisas Econmicas, IPE-FEA/USP So Paulo - SP Mar,1996 05/13/1999.
Undergraduate Degree in Economics Faculdade de Economia, Administrao e
Contabilidade - USP So Paulo - SP Fev,1992 Dez,1995. High School Escola
Preparatria de Cadetes do Exrcito Campinas - SP 1988 - 1990. fipe Fundao
Instituto de Pesquisas Econmicas Publications 1. Movimento de Preos por Faixa de
Renda: Uma nota [co-autor com Paulo T. P. Soares e Heron E. Carmo]. Revista de
Estudos Econmicos, vol. 25, n. Especial, p. 101-128, 1996. 1. Hedge: Varincia
Mnima [co-autor com Denisard C. O. Alves]. So Paulo: I Encontro Brasileiro de
Finanas (Annals), a publicar. ]. Submetido Revista de Econometria. 2. Co-
persistence in Conditional Variance of Brazilian, Korean and US Stock Indexes [co-
author with Denisard C. O. Alves]. Vitria: XX Encontro Brasileiro de Econometria
(anais), vol. 1, p. 31-43, 1998. 3. Fundamentos de Clculo Financeiro e Aplicaes.
[co-authors: Armnio de Souza Rangel e Jos Carlos de Souza Santos]. (2002); 4.
Solues para o Manual de Econometria. So Paulo: Atlas, (2001);; 5. Short-run and
Long-run Elasticities of Electrical Energy in Brazil [co-author with Denisard C. O.
Alves]. 6. Short-run, Long-run and Cross Elasticities of Gasoline Demand in Brazil
[co-author with Denisard C. O. Alves]. So Paulo: IPE/USP, 07/29/01, Energy
Economics, 2003; DANIEL MONTE Home Adress: 320 York Street New Haven, CT
06510 (203) 436-2738 Citizenship: Brazil Birth: 08/31/1979 E-mail:
[email protected] Fields of Concentration: Microeconomic Theory Public
Finance Comprehensive Examinations Completed: Microeconomics and
Macroeconomics, Yale University, May 2002 (Written) Degrees: Ph.D. Economics,
Yale University, Expected May 2005 M.A. Economics, Yale University, Expected Fall
2003 M.Phil. Economics, Yale University, Expected Fall 2003 B.A. Economics,
University of Sao Paulo, Dec 2000 Fellowships: Yale University Fellowship, 2001-
2005 CNPq Brazil (National Council of Research) Scholarship, 2000 Research and
Teaching Experienc e: Research Assistant, Prof. Denisard C.O. Alves, University of
Sao Paulo, 2001 Teaching Assistant, Econometrics -Time Series, University of Sao
Paulo, 2001 Non-Academic Experience: Trainee for BBA Creditanstalt (investment
bank, Sao Paulo) areas: Back -office of Commercial Area Economic Support for
Trading Desk Papers and Work in Progress: Technology Diffusion with Knowledge
Accumulation, Yale University, 2002 "The Amenity Costs of Marginal Climate
Change: A Wage-Hedonic Analysis of Brazilian Cities," with Christopher Timmins
(2003) Ignez M. Tristao 3409 Tulane Dr# 14 Hyattsville, MD 20783,USA Phone:301-
422.0292 [email protected] Personal Born in: Belem, PA, Brazil, 12/29/1977.
Single Education 2001-today: University of Maryland-College Park, USA PhD
Economics 1996-1999: University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil B.A. Economics
Work Experience: University of Maryland-College Park, USA Research assistant in the
project An Empirical Analysis of the Social Security Disability Application, Appeal
and Award Process. Researcher: John Rust, Sep/02 Present International Institute
for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria Research assistant in the
project Patents and Production Frontier between Developing Countries Researcher:
Robert Evenson, Mar/00 Jun/01 Economic Growth Center of Yale University, New
Haven, USA Research assistant in the following projects: Global Warming Impacts
in the Productivity of Brazilian Agriculture. Researchers: Robert Evenson, Denisard
Alves and Christopher Timmins, Feb/00 Jun/01 Global Warming Impacts in Health
Patterns in Brazil . Researchers: Robert Evenson, Denisard Alves and Christopher
Timmins, Feb/00 Jun/01 Economic Analysis of Rural Households in Philippines -
Agricultural Sector Studies Researcher: Robert Evans, Feb/00 Jun/01 Analysis of
Genetic Improvements in Crops for Latin America, Asia, Sub-Sahara and Middle
North - East Africa Researcher: Robert Evenson, Feb/00 Jun/01 Institute of Applied
Research in Economics (IPEA) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Research assistant in the
project Nemesis Researcher: Denisard Alves, Feb/99 Dec/99 Found. for Research
in Economics (FIPE ) & Inter-American Development Bank, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Research assistant in the project Health, Development and Policies in a Warming
Environment: The Brazilian Case Researchers: Denisard Alves, Robert Evenson and
Christopher Timmins, Oct/98 Dec/99 Found. for Research in Economics (FIPE ), Sao
Paulo, Brazil Research assistant in the project Real and Nominal Income
Convergence between Brazilian Metropolitan Regions: one Panel Data Analysis
Researcher: Tatiane Menezes, Sep/97 Jan/98 Institute Foundation in Business
Administration (FIA-PENSA), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Research assistant for the program
Business Studies of the Agro-industrial System, Jan/98 Sep/98. Teaching
Experience: T.A. for Macroeconomics (UMDCP - Undergraduate. Professor Edward
Montgomery, Sep/01 May/02) T.A. for Econometrics III (Univ. Sao Paulo -
Undergraduate. Professor Denisard Alves, Feb/99 Jul/99) T.A. for Econometrics II
(Univ. Sao Paulo - Undergraduate. Professor Denisard Alves, Aug/99 Dec/99)
Monitor at the Computer Laboratory (Univ. Sao Paulo Undergraduate. Jul/96
Jan/98) Scholarships/Fellowships: Project: Analysis of the Brazilian Public Debt
Financing before and after Real Plane Institution: Visconde de Cairu Academic
Center of FEA/ Univ. Sao Paulo, May/99 Dec/99. Project: Economic Rationality
Institution: School of Economics, Business and Accounting Univ. Sao Paulo, Mar/98
Dec/98. Project: Solidarion USP Two-year Experimental Project to Develop the
Region of Candeal - BA Institution: Executive Coord. for Cooperation and Especial
Activities of Univ. Sao Paulo, Oct/97 Dec/98. Project: Mathematics Fundaments
Analysis of Microeconomics Institution: Visconde de Cairu Academic Center of FEA/
Univ. Sao Paulo, Mar/97 Agu/97. Project: Analysis of Feudalism-Capitalism
Transition in Japan Institution: Visconde de Cairu Academic Center of FEA/ Univ. Sao
Paulo, Mar/97 Aug/97. Project: Analysis of Brazilian Economy in the period 1964-
1980 Institution: Visconde de Cairu Academic Center of FEA/ Univ. Sao Paulo, Jul/96
Dec/96. Honors: University award for final Dissertation: Analysis of the
Determinants of Infant Mortality in Brazil. The dissertation was presented at the
Annual Meetings of the Nemesis Project at the Institute of Applied Research in
Economics IPEA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec/99. Computer Skills: Statistical
packages: Stata, E-views, SPSS, TSP, Matlab and Gauss. Computer Map and
Graphics packages: MapInfo and PhotoShop. Microsoft packages: Excel, Word, Power
Point, Access and Internet Explorer. Languages: English (good), Spanish (fair),
Portuguese (native) CAMILA DE FREITAS SOUZA CAMPOS Home Adress: Rua Poetisa
Colombina, 430 So Paulo, SP 05593-010 (55 11) 3733-1146 Citizenship: Brazil
Birth: 07/19/1979 E-mail: [email protected] Fields of Concentration:
Macroeconomics Econometrics Degrees: Ph.D. Yale University, accepted fall 2003
M.A. Economics, University of Sao Paulo, Expected May 2003 B.A. Economics,
University of Sao Paulo, Dec 2000 Fellowships and Awards: CNPq Brazil (National
Council of Research) Scholarship, 2001-2003 First Place National Exam of Economic
Courses- 2000 Research and Teaching Experienc e: Teaching Assistant,
Microeconomic Theory (Graduate Level), University of Sao Paulo, 2002 Teaching
Assistant, Microeconomic Theory (Undergraduate Level), University of Sao Paulo,
2003 Dissertation: "Phillips Curve: The Case of an Open Economy" University of Sao
Paulo, 2003 Ana Carolina Giuberti Rua Corinto, 543 Apto 87A 05586-060 So
Paulo-SP Tel. Res. (11)3726-7451 - Cel.(11) 8119-3395 email:
[email protected] Brasileira, Solteira, 22 anos. Education Graduao em
economia pela Faculdade de Economia e Administrao da Universidade de So
Paulo (FEA-USP) dez/2002 Profissional Courses Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Pacotes Economtricos: E-Views, Stata Languages English Spanish Portuguese
Experincia Profissional January to December, 2002 Research Assistant, to Prof. Dr.
Denisard Alves, Instituto de Pesquisa Aplicada - IPEA Setembro a Outubro de 2002
t G.O. Associados Research Assistant to Professor Gesner de Oliveira Maro a
Dezembro de 2002 Research Assistant to the Economics Department of So Paulo
University under the supervision of professor Narcio Aquino de Menezes Filho.
Scholaship Mach to December, 2001 Fapesp to develop scientific initiation study
under the supervision of professor Naercio Aquino de Menezes Filho. Curriculum
Vitae Fabiana Ferreira de Mello Tito A. Personal Citizenship: Brazil Birth date:
02/27/1981 Marital Status: Single Address: Rua Gentil Leite Martins , 70 Vila
Mascote Zip code: 04648- 000 So Paulo - SP - Brazil Phone: 55 11 56857128 e-
mail: [email protected] B. Academic Background Bachelors in Economics,
University of Sao Paulo (Pass) Period: 02/99 to 12/03 C. Academic Experience 1.
Teaching Assistant while in the undergraduate school in the following courses : 1.1 -
Introduction to Econometrics I (undergrad.), Department of Economics, University of
Sao Paulo, 2000; 1.2 - Introduction to Econometrics II (undergrad.), Department of
Economics, University of Sao Paulo, 2001 (1st. Semester); 1.3 - Time Series
Econometrics (undergrad.), Department of Economics, University of Sao Paulo, 2003
(1st.Semester); D. Professional Experience - Work at Empresa Jnior FEA-USP
Projeto Interao as instructor of Financial and Stock Exchange operates
August/99 Jan/00; Research Assistant at Fundao Instituto de Pesquisas
Econmicas -FIPE , So Paulo, SP, Brazil with professor Denisard Alves - FEV/2000-
JULHO/2001 Research Assistant at Economic Growth Center Yale University , New
Haven,CT,USA with professor Robert Evenson and Christopher Timmins- AUG/2001-
AUG/2002 -Research Assistant at Instituto de Pesquisas Econmicas Aplicadas
IPEA, So Paulo,SP,Brasil- with professor Denisard Alves SEP/2002- Working Papers
as research assistant: - ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira. Gastos com Sade: uma
anlise por domiclios para a cidade de So Paulo. Pesquisa e Planejamento
Econmico, Rio de Janeiro, v. 31, n. dez 2001, p. 479-493, 2001. - ALVES, Denisard
Cneio de Oliveira; EVENSON, R. E. Technology, Climate Change, Productivity and
land Use in Brazilian Agriculture. In: MOTTA, Ronaldo Seroa da. (Org.).
Environmental Economics And Policy Making In Developing Countries. 2001, p. 155-
176. - ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira; CATI, R.; FAVA, V. Purchasing Power Parity
in Brazil: a test for fractional cointegration. Applied Economics, v. 33, p. 1175-1185,
2001. - ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira; EVENSON, R. E. Technology, Climate
Change, Productivity and land Use in Brazilian Agriculture. In: MOTTA, Ronaldo Seroa
da. - (Org.). Environmental Economics And Policy Making In Developing Countries.
2001, p. 155-176. - ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira; TIMMINS, Christopher. Social
Exclusion TwoTiered Health Care System in Brazil. In: BEHRMAN, Jere R.; GAVIRIA,
Alejandro; SZKELY, Miguel. (Org.). WHO'S I AND WHO'S OUT. Washington, D.C,
2003, p. 45-71. - ALVES, Denisard Cneio de Oliveira; BUENO, Rodrigo de Losso da
Silveira. Shortrun, long-run and cross elasticities of gasoline demand in Brazil.
Energy Economics, Inglaterra, 2003. - TIMMINS, Christopher. Endogenous Land Use
and the Ricardian Valuation of Climate Change Yale University Department and
Economic Growth Center,2002 E. Courses and Especializations : - Designer of Maps
MapInfo Geography Informtica 2000 So Paulo,SP,Brazil - Financial Market -
BOVESPA- So Paulo,SP,Brazil. - Econometric Course of Peter Phillips Fall (2001) and
Spring(2002) at Yale University- Graduated Course - Econometric Course of Donald
Andrews- Fall(2001) at Yale University Graduated Course - SPSS - EVIEWS - STATA -
MS Windows and Office - MapInfo - English- fluent - Portuguese-fluent - Spanish-

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