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Chapter One .................................................................................................................4

Lhukonzo Orthography..............................................................................................4
Nouns and Pronouns ..................................................................................................6
Adverbs and Adjectives .............................................................................................8
Tenses, verbs and sentences.......................................................................................8
Classes of Nouns......................................................................................................11
Objective Pronouns..................................................................................................13
Indicative Pronouns .................................................................................................14
Interrogative pronouns .............................................................................................18
Preposition ...............................................................................................................21
Bakonzo clans and theur totems ..............................................................................23
Bakonzo names ........................................................................................................23
Bakanzo Dances:......................................................................................................24

CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................25

Class: E- ESYO........................................................................................................25
The Irregular Verb: Asi Know..............................................................................25
The verb eribya tobe and to become ....................................................................28
Pronoun Description ................................................................................................33
Passive form.............................................................................................................35
Conjunctive : IF .......................................................................................................36
Imperative Mood......................................................................................................37
Possessive Adjectives + Pronouns ...........................................................................38
ABAKONZO N, EMIBERE YABO .......................................................................44
Amena aw,obubuthiranwa wano: (family names) AwAbalhume. .........................45


A human being does not realize that he or she exists till he or she reaches the age
of reason, and understands his or her environment. The age of reason brings a
person to the state of self realization. When that stage is reached, life starts taking
its course. Afterwards there comes the time of maturity. Maturity is the stage
when a person starts making personal decisions. However, people mature at
different ages.

I happened to be born among the Bakonzo, a tribe living along the Rwenzori
Mountains, formerly known as the Mountains of the Moon. Having reached the
state of understanding, I came to realize that Lhukonzo language has been spoken
for centuries, but its literature has not been produced. For this reason, I decided to
sit down and write this book for the good of those people who want to learn the
Lhukonzo language.

Father Balinandi Kambale

Note: This material is taken from a book written by Father Kambale, and
plubished by Marianum Presss, P.O. Box 22, Kisubi. The book was sponsored by
OPAM, Via Monte dell Farina, 64, 00186 Rome, Italy.

Chapter one

1. Lhukonzo orthography 5
2. Nouns and Pronouns 5
3. Adverbs and Adjectives 7
4. Tenses, Verbs and Sentences 8
5. Classes of Nouns 11
6. Objective Pronouns 13
7. Indicative Pronouns 13
8. Bakonzo clans and their Totems 23
9. Bakonzo Names 23
10. Bakonzo Dances 23

Chapter Two

11. Class: E- Esyo 24

12. The irregular verb: Asi- Know 24
13. The verb: Eri-Bya To be 24
14. Pronoun Description 33
15. Passive form 34
16. Imperative mood 36
17. Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns 37

Chapter One

Lhukonzo Orthography

1. Lhukonzo language has five (5) vowels and sixteen (16) consonants.

The Vowels are: A E I O U

The consonants are: B D F G H K L M N P Q R S T V W Y Z.
The number of letters in Lhukonzo is therefore twenty- one (21)
Lhukonzo has double and triple consonants.

The double consonants are:

1. bb 2. bw 3. by 4. dw 5. fw 6. gh 7. kw 8. ky
9. lh 10. ly 11.mb 12.mw 13. my 14. nd 15.ng 16. nw
17. ny 18. nz 19. pw 20. py 21. rw 22. ry 23. sw 24. sy
25. th 26. ts


Erikania - To talk.
Omunio - the act of passing a leg over somebody.
Ekirengekanio - A thought.

The triple consonants are:

1. bbw 2. mbw 3. mby 4. lhw 5. ndw 6.ndy 7. ngw 8. ngy 9. nyw 10. nzw
11. thw 12. thy 13 tsy.

The prefix Eri before a verb stands for to in English.

E.g.: Ghenda - go
Eri-ghenda -To go

The following words and Nouns bear the double consonants
1. Eribbasa To cool down
2. Obwabu Beer
3. Ebyeya Feathers
4. Eridwangya To conflict
5. Erighenda fwa To go aimlessly
6. Erikwa To die
7. Olhulha An intestine
8. Ekyuna A hole
9. Ebyalya Food
10. Embaya A he Goat
11. Omwagha Arrogance
12. Emyaka Years
13. Enda Stomach
14. Olhukanga Rib
15. Omunwe A finger
16. Enyama meat
17. Ezalha Hunger
18. Eripwetha To become weak
19. Pyapyapya Very sharp
20. Orwangara An open place
21. Eryubaha To fear
22. Eriswekera To mock
23. Omusyakuhu An old man
24. Thatha Father
25. Eritsaha To go into exile.

Some of the words and nouns that bear triple consonants are:
1. Eribbwilinga To fasten
2. Embwa A dog
3. Embyani The heavens
4. Olhuwanzo Love
5. Obundwendwe Beans that are not yet fully developed
6. Esyondyo Hairs that grow on genetic parts.
7. Enggwe A leopard
8. Omungya Tomorrow
9. Erinywa To drink
10. Omwanzwa The beloved
11.Erithalyo A stone that sharpens
12. Eritswa To escape
13. Erithwalha To take
14. Eriyitsyuda To jump

The following syllables dont exist in Lhukonzo:

Nka nke nki nko nku
Mpa mpe mpi mpo mpu
Nsa nse nsi nso nsu
Nta nte nti nto ntu

The letter g exists in Lhukonzo, but it is not used alone with the
E.g.: ga ge gi go gu dont apply in Lhukonzo: unless the word used is borrowed from
another languages. For example: Omugaga- A rich man.
In Lhukonzo the letter g usually goes with n before it and with h after it. Eg.
Ngaghenda I am going
The letter z exists in Lhukonzo, but it is not used alone with a vowel like the
letter g. E.g.: za ze zi zo zu dont apply z is always used with n before it.
For example: Enzalha Hunger.
There is a strong l and a soft l

The strong l remains l the soft l is followed by an h

There is also a strong b and a soft b.

Erisoma To speak too much
Eryibbakya To interfere
Erisolhoma To remove some beans from a garden
Eribugha To speak

There is a strong t and a soft t

The strong t remains as it is and the soft t is followed by an h. Eg.: Omutoho- A
certain tree that bears small fruits.
Omuthahwa A doctor

There is a soft i and a strong i

The soft i remains as it is and the strong i is preceded by y. Eg:
Ibuka Remember.
Yibule let it disappear.

Nouns and Pronouns

A Noun: Is a word by which a person, thing, qualify or named.eg

Kambere, Muhindo, Biira, Masika, Omuthi are nouns.

A Pronoun: Is a word used in place of a noun.

Subjective pronouns:

Ingye I Nyiri I am
Iwe You Indi I am
Iyo she/he Uli you are
Ithwe We Nimu He/she is
Inywe You Thuli we are
Ibo They Niba They are

Ingye nyiri mwenge - I am generous

Ingye indi mwenge - I am generous
Iwe uli mwenge - You are generous
Iyo ni mwenge He/she is generous
Ithwe thuli benge we are generous
Inywe You are generous
Ibo ni benge They are the ones
Ningye I am the one
Niwe you are the one
Niyo We are the ones
Nithwe She/he is the one
Ninywe We are the ones
Nibo They are the ones

Ningye nga- bungha I am the one speaking

Niwe uka- bugha- You are the one speaking
Niyo yuka- bugha He/she is the one speaking
Ninywe muke- bugha- You are the ones speaking
Nibo babaka bugha they are the ones speaking

Ningye nga bugha I am the one speaking
Niwe uka bugha You are the one speaking
Nithwe thuka bugha we are the ones speaking
Yu-ka- thuka- bugha You are the ones speaking
Baba ka bugha They are the ones speaking.

In the above phrases:

Nga Stands for who
Uka Stands for who
Yuka Stands for who
Muka Stands for who
Babaka Stands for who

Emphasis (positive)
Nina-ngye I am the very one
Nina-we You are the very one
Nina-yo He/she is very one
Nina-thwe we are the very one
Nina-nywe you are the very ones
Nina-bo They are the very ones.

Yona-ya He/she is the very one
Bana-bo They are the very ones

Emphasis (Negation)
Singye I am not the one
Siwe You are not the one
Siyo He/she is not the one
Sithwe We are not the ones
Sinywe You are not the ones
Sibo They are not the ones

Adverbs and Adjectives

An adverb: Is a word that answers questions:

How, When, Where and modifies verbs and adjectives
E.g.: Kambere akabugha ndeke Kambere speaks well
Muhindo akabugha bolho Muhindo speaks slowl
Masika akaghenda hayi? Where is masika going
Akaghenda e Bwera she is going to Bwera

In the above examples: ndeke, bolho, mugholho, e are adverbs.

An adjective: Is a word that names a quality

E.g.: Masika ni mubuya Masika is beautiful
Kambere ni mubi Kambere is bad
Omuthi ni munene The tree is big
Omutwe ni muke The head is small
Mbusa ni mweru Mbusa is brown
- When constructing sentence in Lhukonzo, the adjectives follow the nouns.
- Simple sentences incuding nouns and adjectives, the adjectives follow the
E.g.: Masika akabugha ndeke Masika speaks well.

Tenses, verbs and sentences

A tense: Is a verb form that shows time.

The tenses in Lhukonzo are:
1. hathya Now
2. Munabwire To Day
3. Omungya tomorrow
4. Mulighplho Yesterday
5. Mwalindi A day before yesterday
6. Kera some time back
7. Kerakera Long ago
8. Buli kiro every day.

A verb: is a word or phrase indicating what someboby or something does, what

state somebody or something is in. what is becoming of something or somebody.
E.g.: Erirya To eat
Erinywa To day
Eribugha To speak
Eritsotsobera To become weak
Erikinia To contam Inate, polite
Erikina To curse
Erikirirya To accept
Eribinyahirirwa To rejoice
Eribugha buhunuhunu to speak through the nose
Erighombekerera To be set
Eriholhokya To cool something

Erilhawulha To diagnose
Erighotha To surround
Eryotha To warm oneself on fire
Erikubaghalya To roll.

- When constructing sentence in Lhukonzo, the adjectives follow the nouns.

- Simple sentences incuding nouns and adjectives, the adjectives follow the
E.g: Masika akabugha ndeke Masika speaks well.

A sentence: Are words especially with subject and predicate or object that form a
statement, question or request, making complete sense.
E.g.: Hathya Now or buli kiro Every day
Ngalya ebyalya I am eating food
Ukalya ebyalya You are eating food
Akalya ebyalya She is eating food
Thukalya ebyalya We are eating food
Mukalya ebyalya You are eating food
Bakalya ebyalya They are eating food.

The following conjugation applies only to now: Hathya

Indi mulya - ebyalya I am eating food

Uli mulya - ebyalya you are eating food
Ali Mukalya - ebyalya He is eating food
Thuli mulya- ebyalya We are eating food
Muli mulya-ebyalya You are eating food
Bali mulya- ebyalya they are eating food.

Ngayalya I am going to eat

Ukayalya you are going to eat
Akayalya He /She is going eating to eat
Thukayalya we are going to eat
Mukayalya You are going to eat
Bakayalya There are going to eat.

Munabwire - Today
Ngendirya - I will eat
Ukendirya You will eat
Akendirya He will eat
Thukendirya We will eat
Mukendirya You will eat
Bakendirya They will eat.

Mungalya I ate Nalire -I have eaten

Muwukalya you ate Walire - you have eaten
Mwakalya He ate Alire She /he has eaten

Muthukalya We ate Thwalire We have eaten
Mumukalya you ate Mwalire You have eaten
Munbakalya They ate balire they have eaten

Omungya Tomorrow (or far future)

Ngendisalya I shall eat
Ukendisalya you shall eat
Akendisalya she /he will eat
Thukendisalya We shall eat
Mukendisalya You shall eat
Bakendisalya They shall eat

MulighoIho Yeaterday or Mwalindi- A day before yesterday

Munalire I ate
Muwalire you ate
Muwalire He/she Ate
Muthwalire we ate
Mumwalire You ate
Mubalire they ate

Kera Sometime back or kerakera- long ago.

Munalya I ate
Muwalya you ate
Mwalya She/he ate
Muthwalya We ate
Mumwalya You ate
Mubalya They ate

Subject and object

Muhindo akalya ebyalya buli kiro.
-Muhindo eats food everyday
Embwa muyalire enyama muligholho
-The dog ate meat yesterday
Omumbesa mwabutha omwana
-A girl produced a child.

In the aboue sentences: Muhindo, Embwa, Omumbesa, are subjects and ebylya,
enyama, omwana are objects.


1.Hathya kutse buli kiro- now or every day

Sindirya - I am not eating or I dont eat
Singalirya - I am not eating or I dont eat
Siwylirya - You are not eating or you dont eat
Siwerya - You are not eating or you dont eat
Syalirya - He/she is not eating or She doesnt eat
Sithulirya - we are not eating or we dont eat
Sithwerya - We are not eating or we dont eat
Simulirya - you are not eating or you dont eat
Simwerya - you are not eating or you dont eat
Sibalirya - They are not eating or they dont eat
2. Munangendirya Today
Sithulirya I wont eat
Siwendirya you wont eat
Syawendirya He/she will/wont eat
Sithwendirya we wont eat
Simwendirya you wont eat
Siwathalya they wont eat
Sinathalya I didnt eat
Siwathalya You didnt eat
Syalithalya She/ he didnt eat
Sithwethalya we didnt eat
Simwethalya you didnt eat
Sibethalya They didnt eat
Sibalithalya They didnt eat.

3. omungya Tomorrow
Singedisalya I wont eat
Syendisalya you wont eat
Syendisalya Wont eat
Sibendisalya They wont eat.

4. Mulighollho Yesterday
Mwinderya I didnt eat
Muwundthery You didnt
Mwathalya He/ She didnt eat
Muthutherya We didnt eat
Mutherya You didnt eat
Mubatherya they didnt eat.

5. Mwalindi A day before yesterday

Mwindalya I didnt eat
Muwuthalya You didnt eat
Muthuthalya He/she didnt eat
Mumwathalya we didnt eat
Mubathalya You didnt eat

6. Kera kutse kerakera- Some time back or long ago

Munathalya I didnt eat
Mungathalya I didnt eat
Muwuthalya You didnt eat
Mwathalya He/she didnt eat
Muthwalya we didnt eat
Mumwathalya You didnt eat
Mubathalya they didnt eat

Classes of Nouns

There are 45 classes of nouns in Lhukonzo.

Singular plural
1. Mu.. ba.. Mundu - Bandu
2. ki.. bi. Kindu - Bindu
3. mu mi. Muthi - Mithi
4. ri ..ma.... Ribwe - Mabwe
5. ka.bu.. Kahuka - Buhuka
6. lhunyu Lhusi - Nyusi
7. bu.ma. Butseke Matseke
8. Kuma Kuboko Maboko
9. Bwi..mi Bwiruka Miruka
10. lhu. Ma. lhulha - malha
11. yi si. Yisuki sisuki
12. kyo byo. Kyondo byondo
13. kyu byu. Kyuna byana
14. lhu. Syo. Lhumekeke syomekeke.
15. kya. Bya kyambu byambu
16. mwa mya.. mwaka myaka
17. mu.. my mutso myuts
18. lhuki ngi lhukigha ngigha
19. lhuba.. mba.. lhubanza mbanza
20. mwi. Bi mwigha bigh
21. bwe. Me.. bwerere mwerere
22 bwa. Ma. Bwabu mabu
23. mwe.... be mwe ma bema
24. mwa ba .. mwana bana
25. lhu.. ngu. Lhughuthu nguthu
26. lho... bo.. lhokwe bokwe
27. ri..me. Riko bokwe
28. ka hya kana hyena
29. ka.ma Ka- maka
30. Lhu.. nyi.. lhutho nyitho
31. lhwi.. nyi.. lhwimbo nyimbo
32. lhubi. Mbi lhubibi mbibi
33. mu bu.. muhwa buhwa
34. bu.. mu. Buno muno
35. ryo. Mo. Ryoli - muno
36. ka. Thu. Kalikuku - thulikuku
37. ka hi. Kathwa - hithwa
38. Lhu si.. lhuseke siseke
39. mwo. Myo mwokyo - myokyo
40. Lhuywi... nzwi. Lhuywire nzwir
41. Lhwe. Bwe. Lhuweya bweya
42. mwi. Mi mwinda - minda
43. kye.. bye.. kyeya byeya
44. e . Syo. Embene Esyombene
45. ka bwa Kana- bwana

When these nouns are spoken about, they are constructed as follows:

Singular Plural Singular Plural

1. Omundu abndu a person persons
2. Ekindu ebindu a thing things
3. omuthi emithi a tree trees
4. eribwe ambwa a stone stones
5. akhuka obuhuka an insect insects
6. olhsi esyonyusi a river rivers
7. obutseke amatseke a weakness weaknesses
8. okuboko amaboko an arm arms
9. obwiruka am Iruka an escarpment escarpments
10. olhulha amlha an intestine intestines
11. Eyisuki esisuki a fly flies
12. ekyombolerya esyombolerya a stodge stodges
13. ekyuna ebyuna a hole holes
14. olhumekeke esyomekeke a baby babies
15. ekysmbu ebyambu a bait baits
16. omwka emyaka a year years
17. omutso emyetso a walking stick walking sticks
18. olhukigha esyongigha an eyebrow eyebrows
19. olhubanza esyombanza a case cases
20. omwigha abigha a learner learners
21. obwerere amerere arid land arid lands
22. obwabu amabu beer beers
23. omwema abeema a witness witnesses
24. omwama abana a child children
25. olhughuthu esyonguthu a fence fences
26. Olhokwe obwokwe a mushroom mushrooms
27. Eriko Ameko a furnace furnaces
28. akana ehyana a kid kids
29. Eka amaka a home homes
30. olhutho esyonyutho a nest nests
31. olhwimbo esyonyimbo a song songs
32. Olhubibi esyombibi a demarcation demarcations
33. omuhwa abuhwa a nephew nephews
34. obuno amuno a mouth mouths
35. eryoli Amoli a pumpkin pumpkins
36. akalikuku othlikuku a pigeon pigeons
37. akathwa ehithwa a hill hills
38. olhuseke esiseke a reed reeds
39. omwokyo emyokyo a decorative scar decorative scars
40. olhuyiwiri esyonzwiri a hair hairs
41 olhweya obweya a hair hairs
42. omwinda eminda a debt debts
43. ekyeya ebyeya a feather feathers
44. Embene Esyombene a goat goats
45. Akana obwana. a kid kids

Objective Pronouns

Ghe Stands for me

Wu stands for you
Yo stands for him or her

Thu stands for us
Nyu stands for you
Bo stands for Them
E.g.: Buugha nag he I am speaking to you
Ngabugha na wu I am speaking to him or her
Ngabugha na yo He/she is speaking to us
Akabugha ne thu he are speaking to them
Akabugha na bo we are speaking to them.

Indicative Pronouns
Indicative pronouns are constructed according to their classes:
E.g.: Omulhume oyu this man
abalhume aba the men
omuthi oyu This tree
Emithi eyi These trees
Ekisoro eki This animal
Ebisoro ebi These animals

Omuihume olya That man

Abalhume balya those men
Omuthi olya that tree
Emithi erya those trees
Ekisoro kirya That animal
Ebisoro birya Those animals

Yo-yo That is the one
Ba-bo Those are the ones

Kye- kyo That is the one
Bye byo Those are the ones

Wo yo That is the one
Ye yo Those are the ones

Class RI MA
Lye ryo That is the one
Wa yo These are the ones
. oo.

Yo bi This is the one
Ba ba These are the ones

Kye ki This is the one
Bye bi These are the ones

Wo-yu this is the one
Ye- yi These are the ones

Class ri ma
Lye ri This is the one
Wa - ya these are the ones

Class mu- ba
Yo- lya There he is
Baba-lya there they are

Class ki-bi
Kya- kirya there it is
Bya-birya There they are.

Class mu - mi
Wo lya There it is.
Ye nya There they are.

Class ri- ma
Lyali rya there it is
Wa lya There they are

Class mu-ba
Oyu This one
Aba These ones

Class ki- bi
Eki this one
Ebi these ones

Class mu mi

Oyu This one

eyi These ones

Class Ri-ma
Eri this one
Aya these ones

Class mu ba
Oyo that one
Abo Those ones

Class ki bi

Ekyo that one

Ebyo Those ones

Class mu mi
Oyo that one
Eyo Those ones

Class ri-ma
Eryo that one
Ayo Those ones


Then: (conjunction)
Ngalya nanga-ghenda Let me eat then go
Ngalye nana-ghenda Let him eat then go
Alye ana- ghenda Let us eat then go
Mulye mwana-ghenda You eat then go
Balye bana-ghenda Let them eat then go

Ningye ngalya I am the one who is eating
Niwe ukalya You are the one who is eating
Yu kalya He is the one who is eating
Nithwe- Thukalya We are the ones who are eating
Ninywe- mukalya You are the ones who are eating
Baba- They are the ones who are eating

Nga-lya-ki? What am I eating?
Uka-lya-ki? What are you eating?
Aka-Lha-ki? What is he eating?
Thuka-lya-ki? What are ew eating?
Muka-lya-ki? What are you eating?
BAka-lya-ki? What are they eating?

Who? (interrogative)
Ningye-ndi Who am I?
Niwe-ndi Who are you?
Ya-ndi Who is he?
Nithwe-bahi who are you?
Ba-bahi who are they?
Bo-bahi Who are they?

Whom? (interrogative)
Sing: Wahayi ( ukam Inyisaya wahayi-Whom do you mean?)
Sing: lyandi-whom (ukam Inyisaya iyandi-whom do you mean?)
Plu: Bahi- whom (ukam Inyisaya bahi-whom do you mean?)
Plu: bahayi- bahayi

Which? (interrogation) This applies only to things

Class singular plural

Ki-bi Kyahayi byahayi
Mu-mi wahayi yahayi
Ri-ma Lyahayi ahi
Ka-bu kahayi Bwahayi
Lhu-nyu lhwahayi syahayi
Bu-ma bwahayi ahayi
Bwi-mi bwahayi ahayi
Lhu-ma lhwahayi ahi
Yi-si yahayi syahayi
Kyo-byo kyahayi byahayi
Kyu-byu kyahayi byahayi
Lhu-syo lhwahayi syahayi
Lhu-bya kyahayi byahayi
Mwa-mya wahi yahi
Mu-myu wahi yahi
Lhuki-ngi kyahayi syahayi
Lhuba-mba lhwahi syahayi
Bwe-me bwahayi ahi
Bwa-ma Bwahi ahi
Lhu-ngu lhwahi syahi
Lho-bo lhwahi bwahi
Ri-me lyahi ahi
Ka-hya kahi hyahi
Ka-ma yahi ahi
Lhu-nyi lhwahi syahi
Lhwi-nyi lhwahi syahi
Lhubi-mbi lhwahi syahi
Bu-mu bwahi ahi
Ryo-mo lyahi ahi
Ka-thu kahi thwahi
Ka hi kahi hyahi
Lhu-si lhwahi syahi
Mwo-Myo wahi yahi
LhuywiNzwi lhwahi syahi
Mwi-mi wahi yahi
Kye-Bye kyahi byahi
Ka-Bwa kahi Bwahi

How? (adv) Today - Munabwire

Ngalyasa hyithi How did I come
Ngalyasa indi How did I come
Ulyasa uthi How did you come
Alyasa athi How did he come
Thulyasa thuthi How did we come
Mulyasa muthi How did you come
Balyasa bathi How did they come

Yesterday Muligholho or Long ago Kera

Nasa nyithi How did I come
Nasa indi How did I come
Wasa uthi How did you come
Asa athi How did he come
Thwasa thuthi How did we come
Mwasa muthi How did you come
Basa bathi How did they come

Long ago - kera
Munasa nyithi How did I come
Munasa indi How did I come
Muwasa uthi How did you come
Mwasa athi How did he come
Muthwasa thuthi How did we come
Mumwasa muthi How did you come
Mubasa bathi How did they come

When? (Interrogative)
Today- munabwire
Ngalyasa-Mughulhu wahi? When did I come?
Indyasa- Mughulhu wahi? When did I come?
Ulyasa-muwulhu wahi? When did you come?
Alyasa-muwulhu wahi? When did he come?
Thulyasa-muwulhu wahi? When did we come?
Mulyasa-muwulhu wahi? When did you come?
Balyasa-muwulhu wahi? When did they come?

Yesterday-muligholho or long ago kera

Nasa muwulhu wahi? When did I come?
Wasa muwulhu wahi? When did I come?
Asa muwulhu wahi? When did he come?
Thwasa muwulhu wahi? When did we come?
Basa muwulhu wahi? When did they come?


Nasyasa ndambi ndambi ki? When should I come?

Ukendisyasa ndambi ki? When will you come?
Akendisyasa ndambi ki? When will he come?
Thusyassa ndambi ki? When should we come?
Mukendisyasa ndambi ki? When will you come?
Basyasa ndambi ki? When should they come?

Interrogative pronouns

Class mu-ba
Oyu nindi? Who is this?
Aba nibahi? Who are these?
Oyo nindi? Who is that?
Abo ni bahi? Who are those?

Class ki-bi
Eki ni kihi? What is this?
Ebi ni bihi? What are these?
Eyo ni kihi? What is that?
Ebyo ni bihi? What are those?

Class mu-mi

Oyo ni muhi? What is this?
Eyi ni muhi? What are these?
Oyo ni muhi? What is that?
Eyo ni bihi What are those?

Class ri-ma
Eri ni rihi? What is this?
Eya ni mahi? What are these?
Eryo ni rihi? What that?
Ayo ni mahi? What are those?

Why (Inerrogative)
Now hathya or Every day buli kiro.

Ekikaleka inaghenda niki? Why am I going?

Ekikaleka iwanghenda niki? Why are you going?
Ekikaleka iniaghenda niki? Why is he going?
Ekikaleka ithwaghenda niki Why are we going?
Ekikaleka imwaghenda nika? Why are you going?
Ekikaleka ibaghenda niki? Why are they going?

Ekireka inghenda niki? Ngaghendera ki?
-Why am I going? Why am I going?
Ekireka iwaghenda niki? Ukaghendera ki?
-Why is he going? Why are you going?
Ekireka ithwaghenda niki? Akaghendera ki?
Why is he going? Why is he going?
Ekireka ithwaghenda niki? Thukaghenda ki?
Why are we going? Why are we going?
Ekireka imwaghenda niki Bakaghendera?
Why are you going? Why are they going?
Ekireka imbaghenda niki? Mukaghendera ki?
-why are they going? Why are you going

Busana naki innaghenda? Why am I going?

Busana naki iwaghenda? Why are you going?
Busana naki iniaghenda? Why is he going?
Busana naki ithwaghenda? Why are we going?
Busana naki Imwaghenda? Why are you going?
Busana naki ibaghenda? Why are they going?


Ngaghenda busana naki? Why wmI going?

Ukaghe nda busana naki? Why are you going?
Akaghenda busana naki? Why is he going?
Thukaghenda busana naki? Why are we going?
Mukaghenda busana naki? Why are you going?
Bakaghenda busana? Why are they going?

Why should:
Ekyangaleka inghenda niki? Why should I go?
Ekyangaleka iwaghenda niki? Why should you go?
Ekyangaleka iniaghenda niki? Why should he go?
Ekyangaleka ithwaghenda niki? Why should we go?
Ekyangaleka ibaghenda niki? Why should you go?

Ngaghaleka ki? What am I going for?

Ukaghendera ki? What are you going for?
Akaghendera ki? What is he going for?
Thukaghendera ki? What are we going for?
Mukaghendera ki? What are you going for?
Bakaghendera ki? What are they going for?

In the above questions,ki stands for what

Munabwire- today
Ngendikwira ki? What will I die for?
Ukendikwiraki? What will you die for?
Akendikwiraki? What will he die for?
Thukendikwiraki? What will we die for?
Mukendikira ki? What will you die for?
Bakendikwira ki? What willthey die for?

Tomorrow omwungya or far future:

Ngendisyakwira ki? What shall I die for?
Ukendisyakwira ki? What shall you die for?
Akendisyakwira ki ? What shall he die for?
Thukendisyakwira ki? What shall we die for?
Mukendisyakwira ki? What shall you die for?
Bakendisyakwira ki? What will they die for?

Long ago-kera kera

Naghendera ki? What did I go for?
Waghendera ki? What did you go for?
Aghendera ki? What did he go for?
Thwaghendera ki? What did we go for?
Mwaghendera ki? What did they go for?

The above could alsa mean

Why did I go?
Why did you go?
Why did he go?
Why did we go?
Why did you go?
Why did they go?

Whom ? (interrogative)

Ngalya nandi With whom am I eating?
Ukalya-nandi With whom are you eating?
Akalya-nandi With whom is he eating?
Thukalya-nandi With whom are you eating?
Mukalya-nandi With whom are we eating?
Bakalya-nandi They whom are they eating?

Ngalya-nabahi With whom am I eating?
Ukalya nabahi With whom are you eating?
Akalya-nabahi With whom is he eating?
Thukalya-nabahi With whom are we eating?
Mukalya-nabahi With whom are they eating?
Bakalya nabahi With whom are they eating?

Whenever Omuwulhu (Everyday - Buli kiro)

Ngabya namabugha bakowa
- Whenever I speak they hear
Ukabya wamabugha bakowa
- Whenver you speak they hear
Akabya amugubha bakowa
- Whenevere he speaks they hear
Thukabya thwamabugha bakowa
- Whenever we speak they hear
Mukabya mwamabugha bakowa
- Whenever you speak they hear
Bakabya bamagubha bakowa
- Whenevere they speak they ear

A preposition is: a word used to express the relations of a word to another word: or a
noung to another noun, or a pronoun to another.

Na means with
Oo means in or into
Oko means on

Ngalya na Kambere I am eating with Kambere
Ngkere omo nyumba I am sitting in the house
Ngikere oko kithumbi I am sitting on a seat
Ngaghenda omo nyumba I am going into the house
E means to or from

Muhindo akaghenda e Kasese

- Muhindo is going to Kasese
Thukaghenda e Kahindangoma
- We are going to Kahindangoma
Masereka akalhwa e Kisinga
- Masereka is coming from Kisinga

When the movement originates from inside: Omo stands for inside; and when the
movement originates from the top: Oko stands for top.

Masika akalhwa omo nyumba
- Masika is coming from the house
Kabugho akalhwa oko kithwa
- Kabugho is coming from the mountain

When Omuwulhu (Every day Buli kiro)

Omuwulhu ngabugha bakowa
- When I speak they hear
Omuwulhu ukabugha bakowa
- When you speak they hear
Omuwulhu akabugha bakowa
- When he speaks they hear
Omuwulhu thukabugha bakowa
- When we speak they hear
Omuwulhu Mukabugha bakowa
- When you speak they hear
Omuwulhu bakabugha bakowa
- When they speak they hear

Long ago Kera kera

Omuwulhu naghenda e Bwera munabandana e ndale
- When I went to Bwera I met a lion
Omuwulhu wghenda e era muwabandana e ndale
- When you went to Bwera you met a lion
Omuwulhu aghenda e Bwera mwabanadana e ndale
- When he went to Bwear he met a lion
Omuwulhu thwaghenda e bwera muthwabandana e ndale.
- when we went to bwera we met a lion.
Omuwulthu mwaghenda e bwera mumwabandana e ndale.
- when you went to bwera you met alion.
Omuwulhu baghenda e bwera mubabandana e ndale.
- when they went to bwera they met a lion.

Nabere ingaghenda e bwera munabandana e ndale.
- When I was going to bwera I met alion.
Wabere ukaghenda e bwera muwabandana e ndala.
-When you went to bwera you met a lion
Abere akaghemda e bwera mwabandana e ndale
- When he was going to bwera he met a lion
Babere ibakaghenda e bwera mubadandana e ndale.
- When they were going to bwera they met a lion.

As soon as:
Nanabere ingahika munalya
As soon as I arrived Iate
Wanabere iwukahika muwalya
As soon as he arrived he ate
Anabere akahika mwalya
As soon as we arrived we ate
Thwna bere ithukahika muthwalya
As soon as we arrived we ate
Mwanabere imukahika mumwalya
As soon as you arrived you ate.
Banabere ibakahika mubalya
- As soon as they arrived they ate.

Nabere nanahika nalya
As soon as Iarrived I ate
Wabere wanahika walya
As soon as you arrived you ate
Abere anahika alya
As soon as he arrived he ate
Thwabere thwanahika thwalya
As soon as you arrived they ate.
Mwabere mwanahika mwalya
As soon as you arrived you ate
Babere banahika balya balya
As soon as they arrived ate.

Bakonzo clans and theur totems

Clan Totem
1. Abasu Engabi-Ekisu-Enyamulimi
2. Abaswagha Engwe-akayundi-Akahungera
1. Abahiira Enganga
2. Abakiira Embogho
3. Abathangi Embwa Ekibbandu
4. Abahambu Endungulha
5. Abahambu Engabi
6. Abaseru Engabi
7. Abasongora Engabi
8. Ababinga Ebbaku.
NB: Abaseru This clan treats broken bones.

Bakonzo names
Male Female
1st born: Kambere or Baluku, Masika or Kanyere
2nd born: Bwambale, Kambale,
Kambasu or Tsongo Biira, Kabiira
3rd born: Masereka, Mathe,
Kabuhyahya or Walina Kabugho or Kaswera
4th born: Kule, Kakule Mbambu, Kathungu
5th born: Thembo, Kathembo Thungu, Kathungu
6th born Mbusa, Kabusa Kyakimwa
7th born: Ndungo Nzyabake
8th born: Kathya or Kalibanda.

The first male to follw a female is called Muhindo or Mbindule.

The first female to follow a male is called muhindo or mbindule.

The first born is called Nguru both male and female.
The second born is called Ndobya both male and female.

The one who follows the twins either male or female is called Kitsa. The one who
follows Kitsa is called Kamalha both male and female.

Bakanzo Dances:

1. Ekikiibi 5. Ekiseghera
2. Amasinduko 6 .Omukumo
3. Endara 7. Omukobo
4. Amahandi 8. Eluma.


Lhukonzo is a launguge spoken yb the people called Bakonzo. They live in the western
Uganda. Others live in the Eastern Zaire and are known as the banandi. They have
the same customs as the Bakonzo in Uganda.

Class: E- ESYO

All nouns beginning with E in singular and followed by the followinG consonants:
Mb, Nd, Ng, Nz, Ny, and in plural, they begin with Esyo


Singular Plural
Embene Esyomene
A goat Goats
Ende Esyonde
A cow cows
Engunza Esyongunza
A bag Bags
Enzoka Esyonzoka
A snake snakes
Enyuma Esyonyuma
A bedbug Bedbugs

N.B There are some nouns which are neither singular nor plural.
Those dont have classes.
The examples are:
Amaghetse Water
Obubuya Beauty
Obuuha Jealousy.
Olhukengerwa Respect
Obukuuthu Silence
Obusingiri Fornication

The Irregular Verb: Asi Know

It has no infinitive.

Ngasi I know
Nyasi I know
Wasi You know
Asi He/she knows
Thwasi We know
Mwasi You know
Basi They know

Nganasi I know
Nyinasi I know
Unasi You know
A nasi Heshe/ knows
Thunasi We know
Munasi You know
Banasi They know

Singasi I dont know
Sinyasi I dont know
Siwasi You dont know
Syasi He/she doesnt know
Sithwasi We dont know
Simwasi You dont know
Sibasi they dont know

Positive ( perfect)
Nabya inganasi I knew
Nabya inyinasi I knew
Wabya iwunasi You knew
Abya inianasi He/she knew
Thwabya inianasi We knew
Mwabya ithunasi You knew
Babya imunasi They knew

Singabya ngasi I didnt know
Sinyabya nyasi I didnt know
Siwabya wasi You didnt know
Sabya asi He didnt know
Sithwabya mwasi we didnt know
Simwabya mwasi You didnt know
Sibabya basi They didnt know


Nanabya- inganasi I knew

Nanabya- inyinasi I knew
Wanabya iwunasi You knew
Anabya-inanasi he know
Thwanabya ithunasi we knew
Mwanabya-Imunasi You knew
Bababya-Ibanasi They knew

Eri minya To know

Nga- minye I should know
U-minye You should know
A-minye He/she should know
Thu nibye We should know
Mu-minye You should know
Ba minye They should know

Ingye musa I alone

Iwe musa you alone
Iyo musa He/she alone
Ithwe basa We alone
Inywe basa You alone
Ibo basa They alone

Ingyowene I alone
Iwowene You alone
Iyowene He/she alone
Ithwibene We alone
Inywibene You alone
Ibobene They alonbe

Ingye musa ngasi I alone know

Iwe musa wasi You alone know
Iyo musa a si He/she alone knows
Itwe basa thasi We alone know
Inywe basa mwasi You alone know
Ibo basa basi They alone know

Ngalya ingyowene I eat alone

Ukalya iwowene You eat alone
Akalya iyowene He/she eats alone
Thukalya ithwibene We eat alone
Mukalya inywibene You eat alone
Bakalya ibobene They eat alone

Verb Asi
Ngayasi I know myself
Uyasi You know yourself
Ayasi He/she kbows him/herself
Thuyasi We know ourselves
Muyasi You know yourself
Bayasi They know themselves.

Nganayasi I kwon myself
Unayasi You know your self
Anayasi we know oursself
Munayasi You know youself
Banayasi they know themselves

Singayasi I dont know myself
Siwuyasi You dont know him/her self
Siyayasi He doesnt know themselves
Sithunyasi We dont know ourselves
Sithunyasi You dont know themselves
Sibayasi They know themselves.

In the above phrases: Ya stands for self

The verb eribya tobe and to become

Ingye eribya mwenge ni kibuya

-I to be generous is good
Iwe eribya mwenge ni kibuya
- You to be generous is good
Ilyo eribya benge ni kibuya
-He to be generous is good
Ithwe eribyabenge ni kibuya
-We to be genenous is good
Inywe eribya benge ni kibuya
- You to be generous is good
Ibo eribya benge ni kibuya
-Them to be generous is good

Ngabye Let me be
Ubye You be
Abye Let him/her be
Thubye Let us be
Mubye You be
Babye Let them be.

Munabwire Today
Ngendi-bya I will be
Ukendi-bya You will be
Akendi-bya He will be
Thukendi-bya We will be
Mukendi-bya You will be
Bakendi-bya they will be

Kera -Long ago

Nabya I was
Wabya You were
Abya He was
Twabya We were
Mwabya You were
Babya They were
Nanabya I used to be
Wanabya You used to be
Anabya He/she used to be
Thwanabya We used to be
Mwanabya You used to be

Banabya They used to be

Omungya- Tomorrow or far future

Ngendisa-bya- I shall be
Ukendisa- You shall be
Akendisa-bya He/she will be
Thukendisa-bya We shall be
Mukendisa-bya You shall be
Bakendisa-bya They shall be

Nabere I have become
Wabere You have become
Abere He/she has become
Thwabere We have become
Mwabere you have become
Babere They have become

Nga-bere mumbere I have been

Na- bere mumbere I have been
Wa-bere mumbere You have been
Thwa- bere bambere He/she has been
Mwa-bere bambere you have been
Ba-bere bambere They have been

Nga- bere mumbere I have been the first

Na-bere mumbere I have been the first
Wa- bere mubere You have been the first
A- bere bamumbere he/she has been the first
Thwa- bere bambere We have been the first
Mwa-bere bambere You have been the first.
Ba-bere bambere They have been the first.

Kera-long ago
Munabya mubere I became the first
Muwabya mumbere You became the first
Mwabya mumbere He became the first
Muthwabya bambere We became the first.
Mumwabya bambere You became the first
Mubabya bambere They became the first

Munathabya I didnt become
Muwathabya You didnt become
Mwathabya We didnt become
Muthwathabya You didnt become
Mumwathabya they didnt become

Nanabya nuya naho munatsanda

-I used to be good but you got spoilt.
Wanabya muya naho muwatsanda
-You used to be good but he got spoilt.
Anabya mubuya naho mwatsanda
-He used to be goo but we got spoilt.
Thwanabya babuya naho muthwatswanda
We used to be good but we got spoilt.
Banabya babuya naho munatsanda.
-They used to be good but they got spoilt

Buli kiro Every day

The verb to- be and To-become

Namathitha ngabya mukoni
- When I run I become sick.
Wamathibitha uka- bya mukoni
- When you run, you become sick.
Amathibitha aka-bya mukoni
- When he/she runs he/she becomes sick
Thwamathibitha thuka-bya bakoni
- When we run we become sick
Mwamathibitha muka-bya bakoni
- When you run you become sick
Bamathibitha baka-bya bakoni
- When they run they become sick

Namathibitha sindi-bya mukoni
Namathibitha sinyiri-bya mukoni
- When I run I dont become sick
Wamathibitha siwuli-bya mukoni
- When you run you dont become sick
Amathibitha Sali bya mukoni
- When he/she runs he/she doesnt become sick
Thwamathibitha sithuli-bya bakoni
- When we run we dont become sick
Mwamathibitha simuli-bya bakoni
- When you run you dont become sick
Bamathibitha sibali-bya bakoni
- When they run they dont become sick

Munabwire Today

Nabiribya I have become

Wabiribya You have become
Abiribya He/she has become
Thwabiribya We have become
Mwabiribya You have become
Babiribya They have become
Nabiribya mubuya I have become good
Wabiribya mubuya You have become good
Abiribya babuya He/she has become good
Thwabiribya babuya We have become good
Mwabiribya babuya You have become good
Babiriya babuya They have become good.


Sinathabya I have not become

Siwathabya you have not become
Syalithabya He/she has not become
Sithwethabya We have not become
Simwethabya You have not become
Sibethabya They have not become.


Nga-withe I have
U- withe You have
A-withe He/she has
Thu-withe we have
Mu-withe You have
Ba-withe They have

Nga-with esyombene
-I-have goats
U-with esyonbene
-You -have goats
A- with esyombene
-He -has goats
Thu - with esyombene
-We -have goats
Mu-with esyombene
- You -have goats
Ba-with esyombene
- They have goats

Singa- withe I dont have
Siwu-withe you dont have
Siya-withe he dont have
Sithu- withe we dont have
Simu- with you dont have
Siba-with they dont have

Ingye ngatha with sinangabugha

- I who dont-have cannot speak
Iwe utha wthe siwangabugha
- you whodont have cannot speak
Oyutha- with syawangabugha
- He who doesnt have cannot speak
Ithwe thutha-with sithwangabugha
-We who dont have cannot speak

Nga-withe ki What do I have?
U-withe ki What do you have?
A- withe ki What does he have?
Thu-withe ki What do we have?
Mu-withe ki What do youhave?
Ba-withe ki What do they have?

Singa-withe ki I dont have any anything

Sya-withe ki You dont have anything
Sithu-withe ki He doesnt have anything
Simu withe ki We dont have anything
Siba withe ki They dont have anything

Ngana-withe I do have
Una-withe you do have
A na-withe he does have
Thuna- with we do have
Muna-with You do have
Bana-with They do have

Ngana-with ebyaghe
-I have yours
Ana-with ebyenyu
-he has his
Thuna-with ebyethu
You have yours
Bana-with ebyabo
They have theirs.

Nangina I can
Wangina You can
Angina He can
Thwangina We can
Mwangina You can
Bangina They can

Nangina- ghenda namanza

- I can go if want
Wangina-ghenda wamanza
- You can go if you want
Angina ghenda amanza
- He can go if he wants
Thwangina ghenda thwamanza
- We will go if we want
Mwangina ghenda mwamanza
- You can go if you want
Bangina ghenda bamanza
- They can go if they want

Ingye nga with nanginabugha
- I who have can speak
I we u-with wanginabugha
- You who have can speak
Oyu-withe anginabugha
- He who has can speak
Ithwe thu-with thwanginabugha
- We who have can speak
Inywe mu-with mwanginabugha
- You who have can speak
Aba with banginabugha
- Those who have can speak

Ingye ngatha-with sinangabugha
- I who dont have cannot speak
Iwe utha-with siwangabugha
- You who dont have cannot speak
Oyutha-with syangabugha
- He who doesnt have cannot speak
Ithwe thutha-with sihwangabu gha
- We who dont have cannot speak
Inywe mutha-with simwangabugha
- You who dont have cannot speak
Abatha- with sibangabugha
- those who dont have cannot speak

Wamanyisulhusuthya nangina- ghenda

-If you disturb me I can go
Amakusulhusuthya angina-ghenda
-If he disturbs him he can go
Amathusulhusuthya thwangina- ghenda
If he disturb us we can go
Amabasulhusuthya mwangina ghenda
- If he disturbs you, you can go
Amabasulhusuthya bangina- ghenda
If he disturbs them, they can go.

Pronoun Description

Nga-ghenda I am going
Uka-ghenda You are going
Aka-ghenda He is going
Thu-ghende We are going
Muka-ghenda You are going
Baka-ghenda They are going

Nga Stands for I am

Uka You are
Aka He/she is
Thuka we are
Muka you are
Baka they are

1. Muga-nyirre You forgive me
2. Mu-gha-nyire You forgive him
3. Mu-ba-ghanyire You forgive them
4. Muthu-ghanyire You forgive us
5. Mu-mu-ghanyire You forgive him

1. Mu stnds for you and nga for me

2. Mu stands for you and him
3. Mu stands for you and ba for them
4. Mu stands for thu for us
5. Mu-Mu stands for you and him

Na- ghenda I was going

Wa-ghenda You were going
A- ghenda He is going
Thwa-ghenda We were gong
Mwa-ghenda You were going
Ba-ghend They were going

Na stands for I was

Wa stands for You were
A stands for He was
Thwa stands for We were
Mwa stands for you were
Ba stands for they were

1. Ukendinyi-thwala Nyi stands for me

-You will take me
2. Ukendi-ndwa lha Ndwa stands for take and me
- You will take me
3. Ukendi mu- thwalha Mu stands for him
- You will take him

4. Akendi- ku- thwalha Ku stands for you
- He will take you
5. Akendi-mu-thwalha Mu stands for us
-He will take him
6. Akendi- thu-thwalha Thu stands for you
- He will take us
7. Akendi-ba-thwalha Ba stands them
-He will take you
8. akendi-ba-thwalha Ba stands for them
-He will take them
9. Akendithwalha-bo Bo stands for them
-He will take them.

Passive form
Erya ghalibwa To be tortured
Hathya now
Ngaghalibawa I am being tortured
Ukaghalibawa You are being tortured
Akaghalibwa He is being tortured
Thukaghalibawa We are being tortured
Mukaghalibawa You are beding tortured
Bakaghalibawa They are being tortured

Munabwire Today

Ngendya ghalibwa I will be tortured

Ukendya ghalibwa You will be tortured
Akendya ghalibwa He will be tortured
Thukendya ghalibwa you will be tortured
Bakendya ghalibwa They will be tortured.

Tomorrow or (Far future)

Ngendisya- ghalibwa I shall be tortured
Ukendisya ghalibwa You will be tortured
Akendya ghalibwa He will be tortured
Thukendya ghalibwa we will be tortured
Mukendya ghalibwa you will be tortured
Bakengdya -ghalibwa They will be tortured

N.b: for the far future the verb bear sya or sa

E.g.: Ngendisyaghalibwa
or ngendisaghalibwa.

Kera Long ago.

Na- ghalibawa I was being tortured
Wa-ghalibawa You were being tortured
A-ghalibawa He were being tortured
thwa-ghalibawa We were being tortured

mwa- ghalibawa You were being tortured
Ba- ghalibawa They were being tortured
Muna-ghalibwa I was tortured
Muwa- ghalibwa You were tortured
Mua-ghalibwa He was tortured
Muthwa-ghalibwa We were tortured
Mumwa-ghalibwa You were tortured
Muba-ghalibwa They were tortured

Munabwire Today
Munyika ghalibawa I have been tortured
Muwuka- ghalibawa You have been tortured
Mwaka ghalibawa He has been tortured
Muthuka- ghalibawa we have been tortured
Mumuka-ghalibawa You were tortured
Mubaka- ghalibawa They have been tortured

Nga- nzibirwe I am loved

Wa-nzibirwe You are loved
A-nzibibwe He is loved
Thwa-nzibirwe We are loved
Mwa- nzirwe They are loved

Nga-nzirwe I am loved
Wa-nzirwe You are loved
Thwa-nzirwe He is loved
Mwa-nzirwe You are loved
Ba-nzirwe They are loved

Conjunctive : IF
Munabwire Today
Ngendighennda wama-nza
-I will go if I want
Ukendighenda wama-nza
-You will go if you wants
Akendighenda thwama-nza
- We will go if we want
Mukendighenda mwama-nza
-you will go if you want
Bakendighenda bama-nza
-they will go if they want

Tomorrow or far future

Ngendighesyaghenda namasya-ihama
You shall go if you recover
Akendisyaghenda amasya-lhama
-He shall go if he recovers
Thukendisyaghenda thwamasya- lhama
-we shall go if you recover

Bakendisyaghenda bamasya- lhama
-They shall go if they recover.

Namasya stands for if I

Wamasya stands for if you
Amasya stands for if he
Thwamasya stands for if we
Mwamasya stands for if they

Imperative Mood

The verb beginning with the following syllables, when used applying to the first
person in the imperative mood, change as I will indicate.

The syllables are:

1. Re E.g.:. Eri-reka to leave
2. Thwa Eri- thwalha to take
4. gha Eri-ghanyira To forgive
5. bu. Eri-bulya To ask
6 tsa Eri-tsandya To spoil
7. ha Eri-hamba To catch
8. he Eri heka To carry
9. swi Eri-swirya to beat
10 su Eri-subulya To bring back
11. ku Erkundulha To un tie
12. hu Eri- hulhukya To le tout
13, swe Eri-swekera To ridicule
14. si Eri- sigha To leave
15. wa Eri-wathikya To assist
16. so eri-sondya To seek
17.lho Eri-lhogha To bewitch
18. lhwi Eri-lhwika To release

1. Re changes to nde
2. thwa change to ndwa
3. sa change to nza
4. gha change to nga
5. bu mbu
6. tsa nza
7. ha mba
8. he mbe
9. swi nzwi
10. su nzu
11. ku ngu
12. hu mbu
13. swe nzwe
14. si nzi
15. wa ngwa
16. so nzo
17. lho ndo

18. lhwi ndwi

Sentences in the imperative mood

1. Nde-ke leave me
2. ndwa-le take me
3.Nza- bule Save me
4. Nga-nyire forgive me
5. Mbu-lhaye ask me
6. Nza-ndaye spoil me
7. mba mbe catch me
8. Mbe-ke carry me
9. Nzwi-raye beat me
10. Nzu-bulhaye bring me back
11. Ngu-ndule Unitie me
12. Mbu-lhukaye let me out
13. Nzwe-kere ridicule
14. Nzi-ghe leave me behind
15. Ngwa-thikaye assist me
16. Nzo-ndaye seek me
17. Ndo-ghe bewitch me
18. Ndwi-ke Release me.

Possessive Adjectives + Pronouns

Waghe my
Wawu Your
Wiwe His/her
Wethu our
Wenyu You
Wabo Their

Waghe my
Wawu your
Wiwe his/hers
Wethu our
Wenyu your
Wabo their

Omwana wiwe His/her child

Omwana wethu Our child
Omwana wenyu your child
Omwana wabo Their

Baghe my
Bawu your
Bethu his

Benyu our
Benyu your
Babo Their

Abana baghe my children
Abana bawu your children
Abana biwe his/her children
Abana bethu our children
Abana benyu your children
Abana babo Their children

Niwa-ghe He is mine
Niwa- wu He is yours
Niwi-we He is His/hers
Niwe thu He is ours
Niwe-nyu He is yours
Niwa- bo He is theirs

Omwana niwa-ghe The child is mine
Omwana niwa-wu The child is yours
Omwana niwi-we The child is his/hers
Omwana niwe-thu The child is ours
Omwana niwe-nyu The child is yours
Omwana niwa-bo The child is theirs

niba-ghe they are mine
Niba wu they are yours
Niba-we The are His/hers
Niba-thu they are ours
Niba-nyu They are yours
Niba-bo They aretheirs

E.g.: Abana niba-ghe The children are mine

abana niba-wu The children are yours
abana nibi we the children are his/hers
abana nibe-thu The children are ours
abana nibe- nyu The children are yours
abana niba-bo The children are theirs

For negation: ni is replaced by si

E.g.: Omwana siwa-ghe The child not mine

Omwana siwa-wu The child not yours
Omwanasiwa-we the child not his
Omwana siwe-thu The child is not ours
Omwana siwe-nyu the child is not yours
Omwana siwa-bo The child is not theirs


Ekindu kyaghe my thing
Ekindu kyawu Your thing
Ekindu kiwe His/she thing
Ekindu kyethu our thing
Ekindu ktenyu your thing
Ekindu kyabo Their thing

Ebindu byaghe my things
Ebindu byawu your things
Ebindu biwe His things
Ebindu byethu our things
Ebindu byenyu your things
Ebindu byabo there things

Class mu mi
Omuthi waghe My tree
Omuthi wawu Your tree
Omuthi wiwe His tree
Omuthi wethu our tree
Omuthiwenyu your tree
Omuthiwabo their tree

Emithi yaghe My trees
Emithi yawu your trees
Emithi yiwe his trees
Emithi Yethu our trees
Emithi yenyu your trees
Emithi yabo Their trees

Class lhu nyu

Olhusi lhwaghe My river
Olhusi lhwawu your river
Olhusi lhwiwe His river
Olhusi lhwethu our river
Olhusi lhwenyu Your river
Olhusi lhwabo Their river

Esyonyusi syaghe My rivers
Esyonyusi syawu Your rivers
Esyonyusi siwe His rivers
Esyonyusi syethu Our rivers
Esyonyusi syenyu Your rivers
Esyonyusi syabo Their rivers
Obukamatha bwaghe my banana
Obukamatha bwawu your banana
Obukamatha bwiwe his banana
Obukamatha bwethu Our banana
Obukamatha bwenyu your banana
Obukamatha bawbo Their banana


Amakamatha aghe My bananas

Amakamatha awu your bananas
Amakamatha iwe his bananas
Amakamathaethu our bananas
Amakamatha ennyu your bananas
Amamatha abo Their bananas

Eririmalyaghe my garden
Eririma lyawu your garden
Eririma liwe his garden
Eririma lyethu our garden
Eririma lyenyu your garden
Eririma lyabo their garden

Amalima aghe My gardens
Amalima awu Your gardens
Amalima iwe His gardens
Amalima ethu Our gardens
Amalima enyu You gardens
Amalima abo Their gardens

Class ka-bu
Akahuka kaghe my insect
Akahuka kawu your insect
Akahuka kiwe His insect
Akahuka kenyu their insect
Akahuka kabo your insect

Obuhuka bwaghe My insects
Obuhuka bwawu your insects
Obuhuka bwethu Our insects
Obuhuka bwewe His insects
Obuhuka bwabo Their insects

Class ku-ma
Okuboko kwaghe my arm
Okuboko kwawu your arm
Okuboko kwiwe his arm
Okuboko kwethu our arm
Okuboko kwenyu your arm
Okuboko Kwabo Their arm

Amaboko aghe My arms
Amaboko awu Your arms
Amaboko iwe His arms
Amaboko ethu Our arms
Amaboko enyu Your arms
Amaboko abo Their arms

When an action is taking place the sentence are constructed as follows:

1. Omuthabana alimu-ghenda
-The boy is going
Abathabana balimu- ghenda
- the boys are going
2. Ekisoro birimu- dwira
-The animals are wailing.
3. Omuthi alimu-thera
Emithi yirimu-thera
-The tree is falling
4. Eribwe ririmu-kumbaghalha
-The stone is rolling -
Amabwe alimu- kumbaghalha
- The stones are rolling
5.Akahuka kalimu thubitha
-The insect is running
Obuhuka bulimu- thibitha
-The insects are running
6. Olhusi Lhulimu- sulha
- the river is flooding
7. Obulhwere bulimu kanya
- The sickness is deteriorating
Amalhawere alimu kanya
- The sicknesses are deteriorating
5. Okuboko kulimu thwika
- the arm is breaking
- Amaboko alimu-thwika
- The arms are breaking.

When an action is going to take place, ya stands for going to or about to. Eg.
Ngaya I am going to eat
Ukaya-Iya You are going to eat
Akaya Iya He is going to eat
Thukaya-Iya We are going to eat
Mukaya-Iya You are going to eat
Bakaya-Iya They are going to eat

Ngaya-subalha I am going to urinate

Ukaya-subalha You are going to eat
Akaya-subslha HE/she is gong to urinate
Thukaya-subalha We are going to urinate
Mukaya subalha You are going to urinate
Bakaya-subalha They are going to urinate.

1. Omulhume akaya-Iya
-The man is going to eat
Ablhume bakaya-Iya
- The men are going to eat
2. Ekisoro Kikaya-Iya
- The animal is going to eat
Ebisoro bikaya Lya
- the animals are going to eat
3. Omuthi akaya- there
- The tree is going to fall
Emithi yikaya-thera
- The trees are going to fall
4. Eribwe likaya - Kumbaghala
- The stone is going to roll
Amabwe akaya Kumbaghalha
- The stone s are going to roll
5. Akahuka kakaya holha
- The insects are going to die.
Obuhuka bukaya holha
- the insects are going to die
6. Olhuhi Ihukaya Sa
- war is coming
Esyonyuhi sikaya sa
- Wars are comming
7. Obugheni bukaya sa
- A feast is coming
Amagheni akaya sa
- Feasts is coming
8. Okuboko kukaya bbunika
-The arm is going to break
Amaboko akaya - bbunika
- The arms are going to break.


(The Bakonzo and their way of life)

1.Omwana syalihukawa erina kithakithya. Naho akalhukawa erina erilhusirirya
oko mibere amabuthwamo, kutse obuthuku amabuthirwamo kutse nganiwakangahi
omonda ya nyinya. Hali amena awemisyo nawobubuthirarwa. Amena awemisyo ali
nomwatsi owakakanganaya ekiri okomuthima womundu oyukalhuka amena ayo,
kutse abakayilaka amena ayo. amaghuma oko mana awkalhukawa omundu
erilhusirirya oko mibere abuthawamo wamno: Bulenge, erina eryo likalhukawa
omundu amatsuka erihulhukya amaghulhu akalhwa omanda ya nyinya. Mubalhami,
Erina eryo likalhukawa omundu amabutwa nyinya anabalhamure. Kamabu: Kutse
nyamabu: eryo likalhukawa omundu amabuthwa obwabu bune ok,omuyi
owakabuthirawako. Musoki, eryo likalhukawa omwana wobukali amabuthwa
abasokulhu biwe nabamukaka biwe abosi bakineho. Mutsuba: kutse Katsuba:
likalhukawa omana oyukasubuka abaholire.

Abandu abakabuthawa babiri omobukule bughuma bawithe amena abo

awembaghane. Abakabuthawa babiri omo bukule bughuma bakahulhuwamo Bahasa.
Neryo oyukathangirilhwa omu bukule aklhukawa lina liwe noyukamusubuka
akalhukawa liwe. Bamabya balhume basabasa, omubere akahulhawamo nguru
nowakabiri inahulhwamo ndobya bamabya bakali basabasa, omumbere
akahulhuwamo nguru nowabya bakali inahulhwamo ndobya bamabuthwa omulhume
nomukali, oyukatsuka erilhwa omo bukule akahulhawamo.

E Bukonzo,Abalhume nAbakali bawithe embaghane. Kikaleka ibabughu bathi:

Omukali syasubalha ngamulhume Omulhume mwahngikwa omo mibere yiwe,
Nomukali omo mibere yiwe. Kikaleka obuthuku obwe mibalha Abalhume ibikalha
bwabo NAbakali ibikalha bwabo. Neryo kandi kinasibwe kiithi obulengekania
obw,Omulhume N,obwomukali Sighuma, kundi emikanirya siyisosene kandi
nerithwalira haghuma, omulenge womukali akabya muke okowomulhume.

Neryo ni kwenene embaghane yineho. Wamayithendya, Olhuthongo ni lhunene omo

bakali kulhaba omo balhume, nAbalhume batsurumire kulhaaba abakali.
Oyowangaghania ebyanamabughha, isyawithe okwenene omo bulengekania bwiwe.

Ibbwa nawu wamathalebya, omulhume anganaminya omukali kwakayowa akabutha?

Neryo kandi anginaminya omukali kwakayowa enyongero yiwe yikanyunywa
omwana akonga? Ebyosi ebyo bikaleka embaghane iyikalha iyineho. Hali emibiiri
kwakayowa eyikakolhawa abalhume neyikakolhawa abakali. Obuthuku bunene,
abalhume bakakolha embiiri eyikalhakalire nabakali ibakola eyilhobire. Aleriryo
hane nobuthuku abakali ibakolha emibiri eyikalhakalire. Obutsumbe, kyasibwe ni
mubiiri owabakali. Oku buli muyi e bukanzo abalibabatsumbi. Owabakali. Oku
bumuyi e Bukonzo abakali babatsumbi. Omulhume akabya amatsumba, hakabya
ihane ekikaleka, neryo ibbwa nikyaswekera eryeya omulhume ane omo mahigha
akatsumba. Aleriryo obuthuku bwemibalha minene- minene, abalhume
bakawathikaya abakali.

Amena awAbakali.
1. Masika Kutse Kanyere oyo yomwana omuna omumbere owobukali.
2. Biira, Kutse kabiira, oyo yomwana owowbukali iwa kabiri.
3. Kabugho kutse kaswera, oyo yomwana owbukali owa kasathu.
4. Mbambu kutse Kahambu, oyo yoomwana owobukali owa kathano.
5. Thungu kutse Kathungu oyo yo omwana owobukali owa kathano.
6. Kyakimwa, oyo yomwana owobukali owe ndathu.
7. Nzyabake. Oyo y,omwana owobukali owirinda.
8. Kathya kutse Kalibanda, oyo y,omwana owobukali owa munani.

Amena awAbakali ni manene okowAbalhume.

Lbbwa mbino ekyo kyasa kithi? Obulengekania bw, Abakonzo bukabugha buthi:
Abakali abakabuthawa bakabya banene oko balhume nokweryo ekyo kyaleka amena
awabakali inabya manene okawabalhume.
Lbb wa ni kwenene, nomuwangathimba omo kihungo kyosi ahakinikya, Abakali ba
banene ko balhume. Nibbwa kwesi obulengekania bwAbakonzo kabukaliire!!!
Omundu amayithendya okobyangalhwa okwibugha, kwesi sihali ekihanda
ekyanganyisyetha kithi kiwithe ebindu ebyekihanda ekindi kithawithe. Neryo ibbwa
abandu kubalengalengenie ebindu, oyowangasinga athi alhabire owundi nindi?
Lbbwano kwesi emyiheko yitholere iyalekwa, buli mundu inikalha kwali. Buli
kihangwa kiwithe muthambo wakyo. Nindi wangambwira ekyalekire abakali ibabya
banene oko balhume omo kihugho kyosi ahakinikya.

Nguru nowakabiri inabulhwamo Ndobya. Ibbwa nabana abakasubuka abahasa nabo

bawithe amena abo awembaghane. Oyukasubuka abahasa mulhume na mukali
akalhukawamo Kitsa oyukasubuka Kitsa mulhume na mukali akahulhawamo

Amena aw,obubuthiranwa wano: (family names)


1. Kambere, kutse Baluku, kutse Nzanzu, oyo yomwana omumbere

2. Bwambale, kutse Kambale, Kambasu, Tsongo, oyo yomwana
owobulhume owakabiri.
3. Masereka, Mathe, Kabuhyahya, Walina, oyo y,omwana owoulhume
4. Kule, kathembo, oyo yomwana owbuthlume owakani.
5. Thembo, Kathembo, oyo yomwana owobulhume owakathan.
6. Mbusa, Kabusa, yomwana owobulhume owendathu kutse owa
7. Ndungo oyo yomwana oweririnda owobulhume.

N.b: Erina Muhindo kutse Mbindule likalhukawa omwana owobulhume oyukasaba

oko Masika, kandi likalhukawa omwana owobukali oyukasubuka Kambare.

Omo Bakonzo, amena awakalhukawa abana abubulhume omwana owobulhume

nirinda. Ngalengekanaya nyithi amena niringa masa kundi kikalire eributha
abana abobulhume

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