The Burma Code Vol-6

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Published under the Authority of the Government of the

Union of Burma.
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m. ",~6~8.1lE'1'1
1. The Municipal Taxation Act 1
2. The Government Buildings Act Z
3. The Local Authorities Loans Act 3
4. The Local Authorities Pensions and Gratuities Act 6
5. The Local Authorities (Suspension) Act 6
~.' cil..&l6"'l:~:cil~O""e,~",~~6&"l8@6:"'ch20 "" e

, OOWr-~~~6'{'1
J.. The Village Act 13
:!. The Towns Act 28
~. Ce~? '1~~1 B~mo~~o.",,~~ <q8'l180'l''''~ .... ?~
01 ""'J:"'ch~6'l"
I. The R ural Self-Government Act 74

"'" gl~~o105"'~'P:~6'l"
t. The Municipal Act 115
2. The City of Rangoon Municipal Act 21l
3. The Rangoon .Water Works Act 321
4, The Underground Water Act 332
5. ~'l"'J:m'P'",e 1: (dq1J:0'l:) rljgl'~o'",~6 &"i*E: '''ch2000 ??~
6. o.~",~6i' "l",o:oo~: ~~1loq:dl gl~S01"'~E &'''l0,,6: "'cheoo? ?~O


CI ",8~'f':o!l6'l"
1, The Cantonments Act ... 34)
2. The CantonDlents (House AeconUllodation) Act .. 4SJ
tr.I~Sa '')t4S'P1

ron 1!l3'l8'l8~E&p

[INDIA Acr Xl. 1881.) (25th February. 1881.)

2. In this Act." Municipal Committee "I includes a Municipal Cor- .. Wuntcipal
poration or a body of Municipal Commissioners constituted by or under the Cmlllllt~...
'provisions of any enactment for the time being in force.
3. Notwithstanding anything contained in any enactment for the time Power to
being in force. the President of the Union may. by an order in .rilins. !,:,obi,,"b\1
~ ,. k~'J
prohibit the levy by a Municipal Committee of any specified tax-
t (a) payable by any person subject to any Act for the rcaul'tion ot
the Burma army. navy or air force who is compelled by the
exigencies of military. naval or air forcc duty to reside within
the limits of a municipality.
(b) payable by the Government.
4. So long as any order made under section 3. probibitin, the levy of Golf'ntmenl
a tax on any person mentioned in clause (a) of that section. remains in to pay taUI
refured to I..
force. the Government shall be liable to pay to the Municipal Como,ittee IC(:tion 3\
lIlentioned in the order the amount which otherwise would have been clause .(~).
payable to such Committee by such person:
Provided that the Governolent shall not be liable to pay any sum in
respect of any horse which such person is bound, by the regulations of the
service to which he belongs, to keep'.
5. So long as any order made under section 3, prOhibiting the levy of Paymctltl Il)
any tax. payable by the Government. remains in force, the Government shall ::~'*~~.
be liable to pay to the Municipal Committee, in lieu of such tax, such sums refcrredto
(if any). as an officer from time to time appointed in this behalf by the ~Iti(':i'.."
President of tbe Union may. havin, rcaard to all tbe circuntstl.nccs 01 the K

tasc. from time to time determine to be fair and rdsonable.

I S~ion 97 of tbe Cant_I~1s Act (~' AI)" t~Jt. every Clintoamenl A.thodt, ~ ~ to be Nl,lnicipaJ Con:mlttee for tbe pili P')H' d Ibl. \ct.
1. &lbMilllted by the U_ina of Burma CAdJptall~ 01 La. .) o-def'. I94L
2 Municipal Taxation,

~i.;Oh'" ,. If any question arises whether any duty is military, naval or air-
ql;e,lIo:Ins force duty within the meaning of this Act, the decision of the President of
arisin, under
Ihi. Act. the Union thereon shall be conclusive.
If any"question arises whether any person is compelled as aforesaid to
reside within the. limits of a municipality or is bound as aforesaid to keep
any horse, the decision' thereon of such authority as the President of the
Union may. from time to time, appoint in this behalf shall be conclusive.


[INDIA Acr IV. 1899,) (Jrd February. 1899.)

MuniclraJ 1'. In this Act. the expression .. municipal authority" includes a
authority" municipal corporation or a body of municipal comm.issioners constituted by.
ckfincd. or under the provisions of. any law or enactnlent for the time being in force,

E.rtmptiUn 3. Nothing contained in any law or enactment for the lime being in
of certain force to regulate the erection, re-erection. construction. alteration or
buil4ln.... maintenance of buildings within the limits or any municipality shall apply
lrOIl:l mllnl to any building used or require~ for the public service or for any public
('iral laws to
rCl:ulatc the purpose. which is the property of the [State] I or in the occupation of the
redion. c1c., Governnlent. or which is to be erected on land which is the property or in
of building.
lVithin muni- the occupation or the Government:
cip..lities, Provided that, where the erection, reelC~.(:tion, construction or material
structural alteration of any such building as aforesaid (oot being a building
connected with defence, or a building the plan or construction of which
ought. in the opinion of the President of the Union. to be treated as
confidential or secred is contemplated. reasonable notice of the proposed
work shall be given to the municipal authority before it is commenced,
Objccllun. ur 4, (I) In the case of any such building as is mentioned in the last
as 10 uec- preceding section (not being a building connected with defence or a building
tlon, dc" the plan or construction of which ought. in the opinion of the President of
of certain
Oo,"enur.ent the Union, to be treated as confidential or secret). the municipal authority.
bllikUngs or any person authorized by it in this behalf, may. with the permission of
within muni
cipalitit~ the President of the Union previously obtained, but 'ilot otherwise, and
bow 10 be subject to any restrictions or conditions which may. by general or special
Ilwde "and
de"~lt with, order. be imposed by the President of the Union, inspect the land and build-
ing and all plaM connected with its erection. re-erection. construction or
material structural alteration, as the case may be. and may submit to the
President of the Union a sl:ltement in writing or any objections or suggest-
ions which such municipal authority may deem fit to make with reference to
such erection, reercction, construction or mareria\ structural alteration._
I SlIbtUtUted. for the wOI"d "CrD\\'Il" b)'lh. UlIloa lH Burma ("'l of Laws} Ordu. 19-111
GovernlMnl Building,.

(2) Every objcc::tion or suggestion .ubmitted as aforesaid sball be

considered by the President of the shall, after such investigation
(if any) as he shall think: advisable. pall orders thereon. and the building
referred to therein shall be ercc::tcd. re-erected. constructed or altered. all.
the case may be. in accordance Yfith such orders :
Provided that. if the President of the Union overrule; or disregards
any sucb objcc::tion or suuestion as aforeJaid, be shall live his reasons for -
so doinl in writing.


[INO.... Acr IX, 1914.) (28th February. 19t4.)

2. [n this Act, .. local authority ~ means an)' person legally entitled to De6nitioat.
the control or management of any local or municipal fund. or legaUyentitled
to jnlpose any cess. rate, duty or tax within any local area :
.. funds". used witb reference to any local authority. includes any local
or municipal fund to the control or management of which such authority i.
legally entitled. and any cess. rate, duty or tax which such authority is
legally entitled to impose. and any property vested in such authority;
.. prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act; and
.. work'" includes a survey, whether incidental to any other work: or Dot.
3. (J) A local authority may. subject to the prescribed conditions.
borrow on the security of its funds or any portion thereof for any of rowert of
the following purposes. namely :- lo<a'
(i) the carrying out of any works which it is legally authorized to
carry out.
(ii, the giving of relicC and the establishment and maintenance of
relief works in times of famine or scarcity.
(iii) the prevention of the outbreak or spread of any dangerous
epidemic disease.
(iv) any measures which may be connected with or ancillary to afty
purposes specified in clauses (ii) and (iii), .
(v) tbe repayment of money previously borrowed in 8C(:ordance with
law ~
Provided that nothing in clause (v) shall be deemed to empower a local
authority to 6x a period for tbe repayment of any mODe:,)' borrowed there
under which. when the period 6xed for the repayment of the money
previously borrowed is taken into account. will exceed the maximum 1Wlod.
fixed for the repayment of a loan by or under any enactment for the time
beinl in force :
Provided furtber tbat. in tbe case of loans other than loans made by
the GovernmeJ1.t. no amount ~ceedirtl twenty6ve IaUs of rupees aball be
4 Local Autho,itj~s lAo",.

borrowed unless tbe terms. including the date of flotation. of such loan have
been approved by the President of the Union.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorize any local
(a) to borrow or sPend money for any purpose for which. under the
law for the time being in force. it is not authorized to apply
its funds. or
Cb) to borrow money by Dleans of the issue of bills or promissory
notes payable within any period not exceeding twelve months.
4. (I) The President of the Union may make rules I consistent with
this Act as w-
(i) the nature of the funds on the security of which money may be
(ii) the works for which money may be borrowed;
(iii) the manner of making applications for permission to borrow
(iv) the inquiries to be made in relation to such loans. and the
ma'l.ner of conducting such inquiries;
(v) the cases and the forms in which particulars of applications and
proceedings. and orders thereon. shall be published;
(vi) the cases in which the Government may malee loans;
(vii) the cases in which local authorities may take loans from persoas
other than tho Government;
(viii) the manner of recording and enforcing the conditions on which
money is to be borrowed ;
(ix.) the manner and time of making or raising loans;
(x) the inspection of any works carried out by means of loans;
(xi) the instalments. if any. by which loans shall be repaid. the interest
to be charged on loans. and lhe manner and lime of repaying
loans and of paying the interest thereon:
bji) the sum to be charged against the funds which are to form the
. security tor the loan. as costs in effecting the loan ~
(xiii) tbe attachment of such funds. and the nlanner of disposing of or
collecting them ;
(xiv) the accounts to be kept in' uspect ot loans;
(xv) the utilization of unexpended balances of lQans either in the
reduction in any way of the debt of the local authority. or in
carrying out any works which that authority is .legally
authorized to carry out, and the sanction necessary to such
utllization ;
and ai to .U otlier matters incidental to carrying this Act into effect.
. . (J) All . rules made under this Act shall be published in the Gazette.
and on such publication shan have effect as if enacted in this Act.
ror ruIn ItDdeI" Ihls Ad. lICe' aW",1I Gllull-. 1031, Part I, p, 20.
Local Authorities Loans. 5

$" It any money borrowed in accordance with tbe provisions of lhis R=ed,by
Act. or any interest or costs due in respect tbereof. is or are not repaid 11!~ment
if lOin lIot
according 10 Ihe conditions of the loan. the Government. if itself the lender. rep~d.
may. and. if the Government is not the lender. shaJI. on Ihe applica-
lion of the lender. attach the funds on the security at which Ihe Joan was
made. After such attachment. no person. except an officer appointed in Ihis
behalf by the President of the Union. shall in any way deal with the attached
funds; but such officer may do all acts in respect thereof which the
borrowers might have done if such. attachmenl bad not taken place. and may
apply the proceeds in satisfaction of the loan and of all interests and costs
due in respect thereof and of all expenses caused by the attachment and
subsequent proceedings:
Provided that no such attachment shall defeat or prejudice any debt for Attachment
which the funds attached were previously pledged in accordance with law; not 10 ddt
prior ~hlT(e_
but all such prior charges shall be paid oul of the proceeds of the funds legall)' m".
before any part of the proceeds is applied to the satisfaction of the liability in
respect of which such attachment is made.

6. (I) Subject to the law relating to paper-currency. the Municipal IsslIeohhort

Corporation of the City of Rangoon. the Commissioners for the Port of term billt.
Rangoon ami any otber local authority to which the President of the Union
may. by notification. extend the provisions of this section way. with the
previous sanction of the President of the Union. borrow money by means at
the issue of bills or promissory notes payable within any period. not exceed
ing twelve months. for any purpose for which such local authority may
lawfully borrow money under any law for the time being in force :
Provided that the amount of the bills or promissory notes which may be
so issulld shall not exceed. when the amount of the other moneys for the time
being borrowed by such local authority is taken into account. the total amount
which such local authority is empowered by law to borrow.
(2) The President of the Union may. by general or special order. regulale
tho conditions on which money may be borrowed or repaid under tbis section.
7. Except as provided by or under this Act. no Jocal authority shall Lou_ not 10
for any purpose borrow money upon. or otherwise charge ilS funds; and any be cffcdcd
conttact otherwise made for that purpose after the passing of this Act sball CJ:ccpt
th~ Act.
bo void:
Provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed:-
(a) to preclude any local aUlhority from exercising the borrowing
powers conferred on it by any special enactment now or bere-
after in force; or
(b) to affect the power conferred on any local authority by any sucb
enactment to.charge its funds. by guaranteeing tbe payment of
interest on money to bo applied to any purpose to wbicb tho
funds of th"e locaJ authority caD legally be applied.

[INDIA Acr J. 1919.] (26tb February. 1919.)

DtfinitinA. t. In tbis Act... officer" means any person wbo has undertaken the
service of the Government and who immediately prior to undertaking such
service was paid and employed solely by a local authority and. but for under-
taking such service. would in the ordinary course have continued in such
employment. .

Power to 3. Notwithstanding anything contained in any enactment or in any rule

nlade thereunder regulating the powers of local authorities. and without
prejudice to any powers conferred by or under any such enaClnlent. a local
~ionl an.d authority may grant a pension or gratuity to any officer thereof who may.
since the 4tb day of Allgust. 1914. have been wounded or otherwise incapaci
tated in the service of the Government. and to the widow or child at any such
officer who may have died in consequence of- injuries received or illness con-
tracted since the 4th day of August. 1914. in tbe course of such service.

Pr01.iJlonI ..
to ptnalOIlI

4. (I) Such pension or gratuity may be granted in addition to any
pensi.on or gratuity payable to the officer or his wife or child. as the case may
be. under any general or special orders of [ the Government P. but shall not.
save with the sanction of the President of tho Union. exceed the amount of
the pension or gratuity to which the officer or his wife or child would have
been entitled under any such orders if his employment by tho local authority
had been service for the same time and On the same pay under tbe Govern-
(Z) Any pension granted under this Act "may be made to take effect
(rom sucli date subsequent to tho 4th day of August. 1914. and subject to
such conditions as the local authority may think 61.
Procedure. 5. Subject to the provisions of this ACI. the decision of a local aUlhority
to grant a pension or gratuity thereunder shall be made in such manner and
shall be subject to such sanction as may be prescribed by any enactment or
r-ule regulating the grant by such local authority of pensions and gratuities:
Proyided that in every case the sanction of the President of the Union
sbaU"be necessary.


[BURfllA Acr III. 1946.) (1st February. 1946.)
WHEREAS in tbe presenl circumstances it is impracticable to hold elec-
tions for the constilution of local authorities in the Union of Burma. and as
a.. consequence
. .
thereof it is oxpedient to suspend such aUlbori.ties and to make
I S..bttltuted by the Union rl Hurma (Ad8plal:on cI Laws) Order, 1948.
Local tf.u,horitie, (Su'IHrulon). 1


It is boreby enacted U
provision for carrying on their functioos until such timo u electiODS can be
1. (I) This Act may be callod the Local Authorities (Suspensioa)
Act, 1946.
(2) It sball come into force on such date 1 U the Proside~lt .~f t~
Union may. by notification. appoint. and shall remain in force. until tho
President of tbo Union shall, ~y notification. declare it to be DO lODger in
1. In this Act-
(0) "local authority" mUDS a municipal committee. town committee.
district council. circle board. school board or hospital com
mittee constituted under the provision.s ot the Municipal Ac.t
or the Rural Self-Government Act and includes any otlier
committee or person or body ot persons notified by tbe
President of the Union in this behalt ;
(b) .. prescribed" means prescribed by rules awle under this Act.

3. (I) Notwithstanding anything contained in Ibe Municipal Acl or Sut~

the Rural SelfGovernmenl Act. or in any other law for tJie limo. being in of t~iIs
force. Ibe President of the Union may. by nOlification. assume 10 himself all au .
Ihe righls. pivileges. duties. powers and functions vested in or exercisable by
any local authority under any law relatine thereto.'
(Z) On the issue of such notification the followinl consequences shall
ensue, namely :-
(a) all riehU. privileges. dUlies. powers aDd function,S previously
vested in or exercisable by such local authorily shall ce3"
and lerminate ; .
(b) all members of such local authority shall be deemed to have
vacaled Iheir offices as such; and
(c) all properties. whether movable or immovable. previously vested
in any such local authority .hall become vested in the
. Notwilhslandine anything conlained in the Municipal ACt' or the Appointtnatt
Rural Self-Governmenl Act or in any olher law for Ihe time being in force.
the President of the Union may. by notificalion, invest such person or persons
penoDl to

as he thinks tit with all or any of the rights. privileles. duties. powers and
functions whicb were previously vested in or eurcisable by any local authority.
,. A notitication under sub'section (I) of section 3 or section may
be issued with rc(eren<:o to each local aUlhority separately or witb reterence -.aT""- to
to all local authorities or aDy number of Ihem. aU (111" ....,;
nUlllbitt- .
aalb rities.
8 Local Authorities (Susptlllion).

,. Upon an appointment being made under the provisions of section

4 the President of the Union may. by the same or a subsequent notification.
diroct that such of the properties as have become vested in tbo Government
under the provisions of clause (c) of sub-section (2) of section 3 as may be
specified in the notification shall. subject to such conditions. if any, as the
President of the Union may deem lit 10 impose. vest in the person or persons
appointed under section 4, and shall, together with all other property which
may hereafter becomo similarly vested in such person or persons. be held" in
trust and administered by such person or persons for the same purposes as
thoso for which such properties would have been utilized had tbis Act not

been passed.

,. The person or persons appointed under section 4 shall exercise
ztrc:isc nf and discharge the duties. powers and functions, imposed upon or vested in
p.>Wtrt by
him or them. subject to such conditions and rostrictions as may be proscribed .

and if more than ono such person is appointed. in exercising and discharging
such duties. powers and functions. thoy may act jointly or severally.

Power to . Subjcct to the control of the President of the Union. the person or
"appoint persons appointed under section 4 shall have authority to appoint such officers
-." and servants as may be considered necessary for the effective discharge of the
duties. powers, and functions imposed upon or vested in such person or
persons, and. subject to the provisions of this Act. lhe provisions of the
Municipal Act or the Rural Self-Government Act, and the rules made there-
under. whichever or these Acts may be relevant. shall apply to any officer or
servant so appointed.
,. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Municipal Act or the
Rural Self.Government Act. the person or perSons appointed under section 4
may. subject to the contr01 of the President of the Union. adopt such proceduro
as may be deemed practicable for the due exercise and discharge of the duties.
powers and functions imposed upon or vestod in such person or persons.

Bar to 1teo&! 1. No suit or other leaal proceeding shalilio against any person in
procllt'din,l. respect of anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under
tbe provisions or this Act.

n. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as an acceptance by Govem

ment of any liability on behalf of or towards any local authority; but nothing
in Ihis Act shall prevent any person from establishing in a Court of law any
right which be claims .,ainst a local authority.
PoWtl' of 12. (I) The Prosident of tbe Union may make rules 2 for carrying out

10 ..... tho ob;ec:ls of this Act

1 The provilO to JtCti<>a 6 wa. ckkttd b) Act. XI\:, 1?46.

, for IM:Cb ruld, set BIf, G4ttJt~, 19-46, Pan I, rale 477.
Local Authorities (Susptlllion).

(2) In particular, and without prejudice to tbe generalitY of the forc-

going powef. the President of the Union may make rules prescribing-
(a) the manner in wbicb and the conditions subject to which any
assets. property or funds vested in the person or persons
appointed under section 4 shall be utilized :-
I(b) the manner in which pre-evacuation assets and liabilities of
Local Authorities will be assessed. utilized or' absorbed
Cc) the manner in which and the conditions subject to which the
person or persons appointed under section 4 shall have.
exercise and discharge the rigbts. privileges. duties.~powers and
f.unctions vested in him or them;
Cd) the manner in which accounts shall be kept and
statements of receipts and disbursements submitted to tbe
President of Ihe Union;
(e) the nlanner in which any such accounts shall be examined and
audited; and
(I) tho conditions subject 10 which officers and servants may ,be
appointed by the person or persons appointed under section
I~op"'g= 1f':et.Sg>:ge~~s glcc~ee
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"scccg~SO~' g~celO lD\l<'.co<Jbo~
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,ooS~gbgboo8.,?cc:h:>g. g'e:sb'L6 'fl.oo:SCcog, 'soc=b. ,e3~ ,soct.
:ll!'obgoote g,SOt,~~ 'l'oonccsoo,?~ 'SCcc~",:b.gJt,gh:::b. (~)
"sccc3~'f'Ii'fcc gc.cS'3S"" l.oifnbg3~:gcoo. IIgbb"'3S'" IIgbbmc1\j
SOcfu. 'I'~cJ.,,,,,?ccSCo g,:clo8'3l:oS""iP ,scccoo"I'CS=?g~ (r)
S""3~S' g"cM'3l:oo6:C'" 'f'lon:sccog, ,e:sbi6 'socro.;!,. ,e3~ccc,
Ml:o 3b~:gc= ro~",:b'glt,g!c:b. (c). rc
"scccg3'sc3rooooccS=?gS IoscobooqccS"iP qsa>G8. gogl:o
'L' gfu'boo SOfu"',?ccgw3 ce SO"'SOce ,ooS'f'Gg'. gopce:1:gl:o SOfu"''lcc
gl:03ce g,eeooG.o2:SC' 'Le"',?cc:sc3S :<J,G.02:SC' b"''''.in!;, (~)
"glgl"g!cg@ S':g)~,coogS~g,:b. (.)
II:gl:ce.s. g,:<J,:gbc.'lnb~,coo ro~""b'glt,g!c,b. (,)
"30:g8::goo:cJhco~gb~",gooonccsoo'?33 (<:<
",clocwc"'S.:cJh:choo'f' o~ ocoo'l':<J,'3col\:'l"'d:l (0)
"'gW''''f'''' !f:<J"sro'SCo:sooK", g'8""'flllc.",
'I':>1ciP S"g:coo3e :<J,:Scol\:3ooch 'I'~",:boglt,gro,b. (e)
oo'f'0Socoo g"""'C(l)cec~"'iP ,~:SC~ ~""b'9!t,9lc:b. (ro)
-scccg~'Sc8S g,:cMff'Losoc"," ,sccc,cJ,GooC
:SC'iP gcc:1o", ,q::ooS058"n g,ccc.ccWcro. ~(l)C"'LO~'" (r)
"SCccgS::l'9",:c",~",:b.glt,g!c:b.woonccsoo'?g~ SbgSSO~gcce.
~,(c ~:ix'g.g':b.c;cccm:'lb" ,b", G osn g,:&>:ooCO'f'0Socoo gilcJ,c(l)c",
,?ccgSSO~gcce.~:;-C b"'G.o2:OOoo :i;h:>gG g"b'g8~eciP ,oo'leJro:\l:ij'"
gI:C(l)C",OOg~~"'iP IO'sro~ecb 'fCCG.J,3~ gSoiP 'SCccgS'Sc5S",loG.o2:SC'
L5ll'",sb'l'~gcce.g,:"",aff'L0 G osn ,sccc",occsoo'?gS (c)" cc
"SCccgsgo~m", g,glloS='f'1\j:ch",
G.~~'ch:gl'i", 1 qg.,gcoG'oc :gfu'" oil 'gLo"'flb oli.c;ccc'f'IiI!:SO"
'f'~iP g,SOI!:'ffr.~'I'~"'g~osro. ,?cc,bJgog':oSh:>. 'gbS",rob:ll'"",b ~CCG. chg~socc IIgbscc.roglgg:b.a.g8'SOCCIi 10c
'3lsro~b'fCCG.:cl>:b.3lJso1p <I

;;In n~01:~)?,~B~b;p.




3. Effect of Act.
... Definitions.
5. Determination of viUage-tracts and appointment of headmen and
rural policemen.
SA. Constitution of villag~ committees.



6. Civil jurisdiction of village committees.

71 Headmen bound to report certain matters.
8. General duties of headman and rural policeman.
9. Disposal of petty criminal cases by villaso committee.
10. Penalty for neglect of duty or abuse of authority by headman or rural

II. General duties of persons residing in villago-tracts.

12. Penalty on villagers for Doa1ect of such d~ltiei or failure to aailt
headman or rural po1icclD:U'
13. Fines aD villagers accessory to crime.
14. $



1"5. Notification of residence of strangerl in villase..tractl.

16. Penalty (or breach of section 15 .~d disposal by vi1~P. comaillle
or such case.
11. Prohibition of unautborizcd.,ettlemellt of Itranee1l'in "P......,...
18. Prohibition of the establishment:or Dew viDapi widlOui pe;.iMioo
and of the erection ot housel outside villa. . .
14 Villag~.

19. Penalty for breach of orders under immediately preceding sections.

Procedure tor evicting persons convicted under tbis section.
20. Power to require residents to remove.

20A Licensing and regulation of pawn~shops.


21. Penalty for holding. promoting or taking part in an unlicensed pw~.

21A. Surrender of offensive weapons to headman on demand.


22. Mode of recovering fines.

23. Finality of orders.
24. Delegation of powers of Deputy COll}missioner. Subdivisional Officer
and Township Officer to certain classes of officers.
25. Provision. with respect to emoluments of headmen and rural
26. Barla jurisdiction of civil Couru in matters relating to appointment
of headmen. etc.
28 Protection to beadman or rural policeman in execution of his duty.
28A Transfer of cases by Magistrate to village committee.
29. Power to make rules.
30. Penalty on non-residents of village-tract for breach of rule under
seclion 29 (I) (h).


[BUJt.MA ACT VI. 1907.] (1st January. 1908.)


"'oct<l 3. This Act sball take effect notwithst anding anytbing in any enactment

for tho time being in force .
.c. Jo tbis Act. unless there is anything repugnant in tbe subject or
" Head (I) .. headman" means the perSon appointed to be the headman of
maD." a village-tract under section 5;
.. Rule." (2) rule" means a rule made by the President of the Union under
tbis Act;
Vmage. 15

(3) .. stolen property" has the meaning assigned to that term by .. S:okn
section 410 of the Penal Code; properly."
(4) .. Subdivisiona1 Officer" means the officer in charse of a IU)). "SU~
division of a district as constituted for revenue and seneral OfficcT...
(5)" Township Officer" means the officer in charge of a township as ~~P
constituted forrevenue and general purposes:
(6) .. town" means a local area declared to be a town for the" Town."
purp'oscs of the TOwnS Act;
(7) .. village" means an area appropriated to dwelling place I not .. Villate...
included within the limits of a town;
(8) "village-Iract" means the local area under the jurisdiction of "Vil/a/te- "
a headman: including a village or group of villages and adjacent
lands; and
(9) village committee" means the village committee established for .. VlIIage
a village-tract under section SA. CQmmittfC."

S. (I) The Deputy Commissioner may declare that any local area shall Determina-
be a village-tract. and. when necessary. may determine the limits of any tion of
village tract. lt~an4
I (2) The village headman of every village-tnrct shall be appointed by (of hcada.a
the Deputy Commissioner after he has ascertained the wishes of the villagers and rural
by means of an election. provided that the Deputy Commissioner may
reject the application of any of the candidates by reason of his character or
residence. or of any physical or mental disqualification. or of being below 21
years or above SS years of age. The Deputy Commissioner may ovorrule the
result of an election by the villagers---
(a) if the candidate so elected owed his election to the exercise of
undue influence or to intimidation: or
tb) jf the candidate so elected cannot furnish such security as is or
may be prescribed in this behalf.
1(3) (a) The village headman so appointed shall hold office for a period
or five years, but shall be eligible ror re-election.
(bJ Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law. the Deputy
Commissioner may. in the case of any village headman appointed in his
jurisdiction prior to the commencement of the Village (Amendment) Act.
1947, by three months' notice in writins to the headman concerned
terminate the appointment of such headman with effect from the date to be
mentioned in the notice.
2(4) The Deputy Commissionre. or a Stobdivisional or Township Ofticer.
empowered b)' the Deputy Commissioner in this behalJ. may appoint a rural
policeman or more than one such policeman in any village-tract.

I Substituted by Ad XXIX, 1941.

t Re.r.umbcrl ibid.
16 Yillage.

COllslituli -on SA. (I) For every village-tract there shall be constituted a village com-
of \i1bec mittee for the purpose of exercising such powers as 3re or may be conferred
upon the village committee under this Act or any other law. and for the purpose
of advising the headman in matters concerning the general welfare of the
village-tract: provided that the President of the Union may by notification
exclude any village-tract from the operation of this section. in .....hich case all
Ihe provisions of this Act relating to village committees shall. where the
context so permits. be deemed to apply to the headman.
(2) The headman shall be a member and the chairman of the village
1 (J) (0) The remaining members of the ,"ill age committee shall not be
less than four persons or more than eight persons to be elected by the
residents of the village-tract in accordance with such rules as may be made in
this behalf. The tenure of office of such village committee shall be five years.
to be reckoned from the earliest date of appointment of any of its members
other than the Chairman.
(b) Where any person is appointed to be a member of the village com-
mittee in the place of any member who has resigned or died. or has vacated
the office of member of the village committee before the expiration of the
said period of five years. such succeeding member shall hold office only for
the unexpired period of the life of the village committee:
Provided that a member of the village committee shall be deemed to
have resigned his office if the Deputy Commissioner. by order made on
sufficient grounds. declares that the continuance in office of such member is
contrary to the interests of the residents of the village-tract.
(c) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law. the Deputy
Commissioner may. in the case of members of a village committee appointed
in his jurisdiction prior to the commencement of Ihe Village (Amendment)
Act. 1947. by one month's notice in writing to the members concerned.
terminate Ihe appointment of such members with e(fect from the date to be
mentioned in the notice: and every member. whose appointment is so
terminated. shall be eligible for election under the rules made under Ihis

Ci\"n j lri$_ ,. (I) The Commissioner may. by notification. invest any village
didinn ...
villat;c committee with the powers of a civil Court (or the trial of suits between
Wli miltl:( I. persons of whom both or all. as the case may be. reside within the "village-
tract. and may. by general or special notification. specify the classes. and the
value not exceeding fifty rupees. of the suits which such village committee
may try. .
(2) In any suit tried in exercise of powers conferred under subsection
(I), the decision of the village committee shall. subject to revision by the
TownShip Judge in whose civil jurisdiction such suit was tried. be final.
I Substillll-d hy Act XXIX, 19-47.
Village. .7
(3) Notwithstanding anything in the Code of Civil Procedure. a perlOn
shall not be bound to institute a suit in the Court ot a village committee.
(4) A fee shall be paid to the headman on the institution of a suit in
the Court of a village committee at the following rate : -
One anna in the rupee on the value of the suit with a minimum fee
of one rupee. or two rupees if the suit is a matrimonial suit or
otherwise not capable of valuation.
'.1 [(I) Every headman shall forthwith communicate to the nearest Hudman
bound to
Magistrate or the officer in charge of the nearest police~station or any other 1'tport
officer of the Government or an officer of the army. naval or air forces certain rmt\t:n.
serving in the Union of Burma any information which he may obtain respecting~~
(a) the permanent or temporary residence of any notorious receiver
or vendor of stolen property in his \'ilJage~tract ;
l(b) the resort to any place within. or the passage through. his village~
tract of any person whom "he knows. or reasonably suspects.
to be a dacoit. robber. escaped convict. proclaimed offender
or a deserter from any armed force whether of the Govern
ment or of any other Power;
tc) the commission of. or attempt or intention to commit. any of the
following offences within his village-tract, namely :-
(i) murder:
(iD culpable homicide not amounting to m..arder ;
(iii) dacoity;
(iv) robbery :
(v) offence against the Arms Act; or
(vi) any other off~nce respecting which the. Deputy Commis-
sioner. by general or special order made with the previous
sanction of the Commissioner. directs him to communicate
led) the occurrence in his village-tracl of any sudden or unnatural
death or of any death under suspicious circumstances or the
outbreak of any epidemic disease among human beings or
l(t) the destruction of or damage to or any attempt to cause such
destruction of or damage to any Government property including
tele-eommunication lines. roads. bridges or railway lines;
ItO the presence in his village-tract of any person in possession of
unlicensed arms or ammunition or the existence within his
viUage-tract of any unlicensed arms or ammunition;
I(g) any matter likely to affect the maintenance of law and order or
the prevention of crime or the safety of person or property
respecting which the Deputy Commissioner. by general or
special order. has directed him to communicate information.
(1) Section 45 of the Code of Criminal Procedure shall not apply to the
areas in which this Act is in force.
I Substituted by A~t ;X/(IX. 1947,
18 Vii/age.

G<Mn! s. (I) Every headman shall be bound to perform the follo.... ing public
dutin of duties. namely : -
and rural (a) to investigate every offence respecting which he is required by
section 7 to communicate inform3tion ;
(b) to search for and arrest any. person whom he has reason to
believe to have been concerned in the commission or attempted
commission of any such offence. and to recover. jf possible.
any property taken by any such person;
(d 10 arrest any person found lurking within the limits of the village-
tract who cannot give a satisfactory account of himself ;
(d) to forward. as soon as may be. to the nearest police-station any
person arrested by him or made over to his custooy. together
with any weapon or other article likely to be useful as evidence:
(to) to resist any unlawful attack made upon any village within the
..iIIage-tract :
1 (O to take such measures and to execute such work.s for the protec-
tion of the villages within his tract and for keeping open the
communications between them and for the maintenance of the
W:l.ter supply as the Deputy Commissioner or Subdivisionlll
Officer may direct;
1 (g) to collect and furnish. upon receipt of payment for the same at
such rates as the Deputy Commissioner may fix. guides.
messengers. porters. supplies of food. carriage and means of
transport for any troops or police posted in or near or marching
through the ..-iI1age-tract or for any ser\lant of the Government
travelling on duty: provided that no headman shall requisition
for personal service any resident of such village tract who is
not of the labouring class and accustomed to do such work as
nlay be required;
(j) to collect or aid in collecting revenue and other money due to the
State 1 from residents of the village-tract or persons holding land
(j) if so ordered. and in accor4ancc with such rules as may be made
in this behalf. to register all births and deaths which take place
within the village-tract. and any other vital statistics which
may be prescribed by such rules;
U) to superintend and control and to take such measures as may be
prescribed in any rules 0l1de in this behall for-
firstly.-the prevention of public nuisances:
secondty.-the cure or prevention of the spreading of any contagious
or infectious disease among human beings or domestic
animals of any kind;
thirdly.-the prevention and extinction of 6res;
l Sub"tilliled by Act XXIX, 1947.
~ Subltitut.:11 II) Ih'" Ulli....., ....l H"rlll:l tAI1i1f1lali"lI or L:.a\\'i) Order, 19~1I.
VillQg~. .9
fourth/y.-the general sanitation of the villagetract:
fifth/y.-the regulation of the slaughter of horned cattle. ponies.
sheep. goats and swine and the sale of tbe ftesh thereof:
(l) to supply to the best of his ability any local information which
{any Magistrate. police-officer or any other officer of the Govern-
ment or any officer of the army. naval orair forcesscrving in tbe
Union of Burma] 1 may require:
(m) to disarm any person found in possession of any weapon of
the kind mentioned in section 2tA while proceeding to.
returning from or being present at a pwl held in the headman's
,,'illage-tract :
(n) generally to assist all officers of the Government in the execution
of their public duties: and
(0) generally to adopt such measures and do such acU as the exigency
of the village may require.
(2) Every rural policeman shall be bound to perform such public duties
similar to those imposed on a headman by subsection (I) as may be imposed
upon him by rules made in this behalf.
(J) Every headman shall have power to arrest any person who commits
an offence punishable under section 510 of the Penal Code.
t. (I) If any of the offences mentioned in the next following sub-section Dilpou
is committed in a village-tract. the village committee may. on complaint made of pdt)
to the headman. take cognizance of it and try any person accused thereof. ","by
(2) The offences referred (0 in sub-section (I) arc the (ollowing. c;:ommittee.
(a) assault:
(b) theft when the value of the property stolen does not exceed five
(c) mischief when the mischief causes damage to an amount not
e;Jlceeding live rupees:
(d) criminal trespass;
(~) any other offence which the President of the Union may. by
notification. declare to be triable by a village committee under
sub-section (I).
(J) If the accused is convicted. he may be senten~d to fine not
exceeding five rupees or. if the offenu was theft or mischie,f. twice the value
of the property stolen or twice the amount of the damage caused. as the case
may be. or to confinement for a term not exceeding twentyfour hours in
such place as the Deputy Commissioner may appoint in this behalf. or to both.
(4) A village committee specially empowered by the Commissioner in
this behalf may. on complaint. try any person accused of theft or mischief
when the value of the property stolen or the amount of the damale caused
does not exceed fifty rupees. and may in any case so triable sen&ence tbe

I Sl4bstj!\oIted b). .\ct ~~IX, 1947,

20 VillQg~.

accused. on conviction, to fine not eltceeding 6fty rupees. or to confinement

for a term not eltceeding fifteen days in such place as the Deputy
Commissioner may appoint in this behalf. or to both.
(5) Proceedings under this section shall be held in the presence of the
complainant and the accused.
(6) The offence out of which the proceedings have arisen may be
compounded at any time before Ihe village committee pronounces its decision.
(7) The proceedings need not be reduced to writing. but such record
'hall be kept of the cases decided as the Deputy Commissioner directs.
(8) The whole or any .part of any fine imposed for an offence referred to
in this section may be awarded as compensation to any person injured by
the offence.
(9) A fee of one rupee may be levied on a complaint under sub-section
(I) and of two rupees on a complaint under subsection (4). but no other fees
shall be leviable in any case under this section.
(10) If the accused is convicted. the amount of any fee paid in respect
of the complaint shall be recovered from him as if it were a fine imposed
under this Act and be repaid to the complainant.
(, I) Nothing contained in this section shall enable a village committee
to try any person who is accused of an offence punishable under Chapter XII
or Chapter XVII of the Penal Code with imprisonment for a term of three
years or upwardS and who has been previously convicted of any offence
punishable under either of those Chapters with imprisonment for a term of
three years or upwards.

Pc:R"'Uy for 10. If a headman or a rural policeman neglects to perform any of Ibe
nc-gll'JCl of public duties imposed upon him by this Act or any rule thereunder. or abuses
duty or
abuse rA any of the powers conferred upon him by this Act or any such rule. he shall
autbofit, by be liable. by order of the Deputy Commissioner. to pay a fine not exceeding
headmm ...
rUTal polk-c. fifty rupees.

General 11. Every person residing in a village-tract shall be bound to perform

dulies of the following public duties. namely : -
residin,:: in la} to communicate forthwith to the headman any information which
viU"'Ce-- he may obtain respecting the commission ot. or attempt or
intention to commit. within Ihe viHage-tract. any offence with
respect to which the headman is required by section 7 to
communicate information;
(b) to resist any unlawful attack made upon any village wilhin Ihe
village-tract ;
(d to take such measures as may be prescribed in any rules made in
this behalf for-
m the registration of births. deaths and vital statistics;
. (ii) the preventi~n o~ public nuisances;
Village. 21
(iii) the cure or prevention of the spreading of any contagiouS
or infectious disease among human beings or domestic
animals of any kind;
(iv) the prevention and extinction of 6~es :
h-) the general sanitation of the village-tract; and
(vi) the regulation of the slaughter of horned cattle. ponies. ,beep.
goats and swine. and the sale of the flesh thereof;
(d) on the requisition of the headman or of a rural policeman. to assist
him in the execution of his duties prescribed in sections 7 and
8 of the Act and the rules made under the Act.
Exp!u"at;on.-A requisition under clause (d) may be either general or
addressed to an individual.
U. If any person residing in a village-tract reCuses or neglects to per Peualty 011
vilbif'r. fot
form any of the public duties imposed upon him by this Act or by any rule nq:lcd of
thereunder. he shall. in the absence of reasonable excuse. the burden of slICb daUes
Of to
proving which shall lie upon him. be liable- usi.t hc;1lf-
(i) by order of the headm~n. to fine not exceeding live rupees. or n:~n or rural
(ij) by order of the village committee. on the case being referred to it
by the headman. to fine not exceeding ten rupees. or to con-
finement for a term not exceeding fortyeight hours in such
place as the Deputy Commissioner may appoint in this behalf.
or to both. or
(iii) on conviction" by a Magistrate. to fine nol eAceeding fifty rupees.
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month. or to
13. The Deputy Commissioner may. with the sanction of the Commis "'tnet on
sioner. impose fines on all or any residents of a village-tract if after enquiry a:ceAorY
he has found- to crime.
(tI) that they or any of Ihem have failed to resist an altack on the
village or to lake all reasonable means to prevent the escape
of any criminal;
(b) that they have suppressed or combined to suppress evidence in
any criminal case ;
and may. with the like sanction. order the whole or any pari of the fines
recovered to be applied in compensation for the injury. damage or loss to
person or property caused by such attack or by the offence of which the
criminal is accused.
15. (I) If any person comes into a. village-lract of which he i. not a :~.=.
resident. he or the person. if any. in whose house he il livinl .ball. '?' .lr. . . .
within four hours of his arrival. report to the headman or ia the villace :;:'iIpo
where the headman does not reside to the ),wagaung or ten-house gaung
his arrival. his name and occupation. and the name o( the place where he
last resided.
(2) The departure from the village-tract of a person .... hose arrival has
been reported under sub-section (I) shall also be reported by the person. if
any. in whose house he has been living.

Penalty fOf 16, (1) Whoever contravenes the provisions o( section 15 shall be punish-
bleach of able. on conviction by a Magistrate. with 6ne which may extend to 6fty
section IS
and disposal rupees. or with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to 6fteen
by village days. or with both.
C()Illmitlte of
such cases. (2) Where no prosecution has been instituted before a Magistrate for
the offence under sub-section (0. the headman of a village-tract in which a
person contravenes the provisions o( seclion 15 may. within eight days from
the date o( the commission of such offence. upon information received from
any person or upon his own knowledge or suspicion that such otfence has
been committed. send up such person (or trial by the village committee which
shall. i( it convicts the accused for such offence. sentence him to fine not
exceeding five rupees. or to con6nement (or It terlll not exceeding twenty-four
hours in such place as the Deputy Commissioner may appoint ill this behalf.
or to both
(3) Proceedings before a village committee under sub-section (2) shall
be held in the presence o( the accused. Such proceedings need not be reduced
to writing. but such record shall be kept of the cases decided as the Deputy
Commissioner directs.

17. A persoll who is oot a resident of a village-tract shall not build
of unautho- any house. hut or enclosure. or take up his residence. in the village-tract
rised $tIl le- without the permission of the village committee.
Itra,ngers in
18. (I) No perSon shall. without the permission of the Deputy Commis-
of the cstab- sioner. establiSh a new village or group of houses: and no person shall
li.hmen! 01 build or occupy a house on land which was not within a village on the 1st
new villagn
without January. 1908.1 until it has been appropriated to dwellingplaces with the
permission permission of the Deputy Commissioner.
and of the
erection of (2) Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to require a
houses out- cultivator or fisherman. or other person whose vocation during a season of
side villages.
the year is carried on at a distance from a \-iI1age. to obtain the permission
of the Deputy Commissioner to build a house on the locality where his
vocation is carried on. or to occupy it for any season of the year during
which. having regard to the custom of his vocation. it is necessary that he
should reside in such locality .

Penally for ,. (I) Whoever contravenes the provisions of section 17 or section 18

breach of shall be punishable. on conviction by a Magistrate. with fine which may
orden under
1 Date of (Olllllll:lll;~Illc:nl uf liois Ad.
Villag~. 23
exlend to fifty rupees. or with imprisonment (or a term which may exlend to immtdiatd)'
fifteen days, or with both. pfeoedlft,
(2) When a person has been convicted under Ihis seclion. the Deputy Protedure
Commissioner may issue an order requiring him and any other person(iCany) for evlcilni
J"CrllOl'l' e.lft-
occupying the houses and land in respeci of which he was cJnvicted 10 quil viclefl uncScr
the same and 10 remove therefrom all properly olher than Stale 1 properly lhil lOCUOP.
wilhin a specified time.
A copy of such order shall be posted up in some conspicuous posilion
on the land or upon a building thereon.
(3) If after the time specified in the order any person remains Upon or
in occupation of the land. the Deputy Commissioner may. by warranl under
his hand. cause SlX:h person to be arrested and may commil him 10
imprisonment in the civil jail for such period, not exceeding thirly days, as
he may consider necessary for the purpose of preventing resistance or obstruc-
tion to his order.
(4) If any property other than State I property remains on the land
after the time specified in the order. Ihe Deputy Commissioner may cause
the same to be removed and sol<1 for the purpose of defraying the cost of ils
removal, custody and sale: and thereupon the surplus proceeds of the sale
(if any) shall be paid to the owner of the property.
(5) Nothing shall be deemed to be State 1 properly within the meaning of
Ihis section merely by reason of its having been put into or affixed 10 the
10. (I) When the Deputy Commissioner has reason to believe, on the Power 10
report of a headman or otherwise. that a person residing in any place is har- r... CQukt
bourlng. aldIng or a be
It/ng d
aCOlts. ro bbe rS or callIe t h,eves. or h as ta ken- "mo.e.
r dmllto
up his residence in that place for the purpose of such harbouring. aiding or
abetting. he may require that person to Ita\"e that place and to reside in such
other place as the Deputy Commissioner nlay direct.
(Z) Whoever disobeys a requisition under sub-section (Oshall be punish-
able, on conviction by a Magistrate. with fine which may ex lend 10 five hundred
rupees. or with imprisonment (or a term which may extend to six months: or
with both.

lOA. (I) No person shall keep a pawn-shop or carryon the business Lice... in,
of a pawn-broker ucept under and in accordance with rules made by ahe andrei'll..
President of the Union in this behalf.
(Z) The President o( Ihe Union may make rules-
lioa of p<t_ _.
(0) regulating pawn-shops and rendering licences necessary for pawn-
(M prescribing the (ornl of such licences and the conditions subject
to which they shall be granled and may be revoked;

1 Substituted by the Union of Snrma IAdaptation of La.... ~) Order, 194.

2' Vjllag~.

(d providing for the sale. issue. production and return of licences;
(d) generally for carrying into effect the objects of this section.
(J) The President of the Union may. by rule under this section. attach
to the brt:ach of any rule tht:reunder any punishment which may extend for
a first offence to a fine of one hundred rupees. and for each subsequent
offence to imprisonment for one month. or to a fine of two hundred rupees.
or both:
Provided that this section shall apply only to such villages as the Deputy
Commissioner may direct and shall not apply to any area notified under
section 246 of the Municipal Act.

Pen~lty lor 11. (I) Whoever-

holding, pn:--
muting or (u) holds a pwt- in any village-tract. without a iicence granted by
tailing part the Deputy Commissioner or by an officer or other person
in, an

unlic;cnse:d appointed by the Deputy Commissioner in this behalf. or
(b) promotes the holding of a pwi held without such licence. or
{d takes part in or in any manner assists the race. performance or
other entertainment (if any) conSlituling a pwi held without
such licence. or takes part in or in any manner assists the arrange_
ment or management of a p",; held without such licence. o~
(d) being present thereat. permits the holding of a pwi without such
licence on any land or premises under his control.
Shall be punishable. on conviction by a Magistrate. with imprisonment for a
term which may extend to three months. or with fine which may extend to
five hundred rupees. or with both.
(2) No fee shall be paid on the application for. or on the issue of. the
licence required by sub-seclion (I).
(3) For the purposes of this Act" pwe .. ordinarily means a puppet.
show or other theatrical or dramatic performance. or a native cart. pony.
boat or other like race. held for public entertainment. whether on public or
private property;
and. in respect of any local area. also includes public entertainments or
a~sentblies of any such class as the President of the Union may by notifica-
tion declare to be Pille, for the purposes of this Act when held in such local
surrender liA. (I) No person being present at a pwt shall have in his possession
of offensive: a do of a kind exempted f.rom the provisions of the Arms Act. knife. blud.
to hea.dman geon. loaded stick. huntingooCrop Or any other instrument which the Deputy
011 dtmand. Commissionor may declare fOI the purpose of this section to be an offensive
(ol) Every perSon proceeding to. returning from. or being present al, a
pwi and having in his possession any such weapon shall upon demand deliver
Village. 25
up the same to the headman of the village-tract in which the pw~ is being
held or to any rural policeman in such village-tract or to any person employ~
ed by the said headman to assist him in keeping order at the pwA or to any
police-officer within the said \-iJlage-tract ; and every weapon delivered up in
accordance with the provisions of this sub-section shall be made over to the
headman as Soon as possible:
Provided that any weapon deli\'ered up in accordance with the provisions
of this sub-se(tion may at any time be returned to the owner at the discrelion
of the headman.
(3) Whoever contravenes the provisions of this section shall be punish-
able, on conviction by a Magistrate. with fine which may extend to fifty rupees.
or withimprisonment for a term which Illay extend to fifteen days, or with both.
(4) The headma;n may within eight days from the commission of an
offence under this section at his discretion either report the matter to the
nearest Magistrate or try the accused himself, and upon conviction sentence
him to a fine not exceeding five rupees or to confinement for a term not
exceeding twenty-four hours in such place as the Deputy Conllnissioner may
appoint in this behalf. or to both.
(5) Proceedings before a headman shall be held in the presence of tbe
accused and such record shall be kept thereof as the Deputy Commis~ioner
(6) When any person is convicted of an offence under sub-section (J) or
sub-section (4) the instrument in respect of which he has been convicted shall
be liable to be confiscated.
(7) This section shall not apply to any person exempted under the pro-
visions of section 27 of the Arms Act or to any person employed by a head-
man to assist him in keeping order at a pwe or exempted by special or
general order of the Deputy Commissioner.

U (I) A fine imposed under this Act may be recovered as if it were an MOd~ 01
arrear of land-revenue. recover!n&
(2) lines.

1:3. 1 (I) An appeal shall lie to the Commissioner from an order pas'' - u Finalily 01
by the Deputy Commissioner under Ihe provisions of sub-section (2) of order'll.
section 5. and. except as provided herein. no appeal sball lie from any order
made under this Act.
(1) But the Deputy Comnlissioner may revise any such order IUade by
any authority subordinate to him: the Commissioner may revise any such order
made by the Deputy Commissioner: and the President of the Union may
revise any order made by the Deputy Commissioner or Commissioner.
(1) Save as provided by this se(tion. an order made under Ihis Act

shall be tinal. and shall not be liable 10 be contested by suit or otherwise.
l Subslih ted ~J Ad XXIX. 19047.
26 Jlil1Q8~'

(4) The word" order" in this section does not include a decision of a
village commiUte in a suit tried in exercise of powers conferred under section
6. subsectiOn (I).
Delegation of 24. The President of the Union may authorize any SC'ttiement Officer.
fl(hVen of
D~puly COm- Assistant Commissioner. Extra Assistant Commissioner. I or Subdivisional
mlul'lner. Officer. or any Foresl Officer. as defined in section 3 (5) of the Forest Act.
Of!iCIf and above the rank of Assistant Conservator to exercise all or any of the powers
Township of the Deputy Commissioner. and any Forest Officer above the rank of Forest
Offiur to
cerbin Ranger to exercise all or any of the powers of a Subdivisional or of a Town-
chuesol ship Officer under this Act in any district or part of a district.
Prodston 15. (I) The emoluments of a headman or rural poljceman shall not be
..."",to liable to attachment in cll.ecution of a decree or order of any civil Court.
emoluments (2) An assignment of or charge on. or an agreement to assign or
III headmen
and funl charge. any such emoluments shall be void
poliCemto (3) Where the emoluments of a headman consist wholl)' or in part of a
grant of land. the title to the grant shall pass with the office of headman. and
the Deputy Commissioner may. upon such terms. if any. as to compensation
for improvements or otherwise as he thinks fit. enforce the surrender of the
land to the person for the time being holding that office.
(4) In enforcing a surrender under sub-section (3) the Deputy Commis-
sioner may proceed in the manner provided in sub-sections (2) to (5) of
section 19.

liar to juri.- 16. A civil Court shall not have jurisdiction over any claim to the office
didion of of headman or other village-officer or to the position of member of a village
til-II Courts
in matte" committee. or in respect of any injury caused by exclusion from such office or
relatlnt to position. or power to compel the performance of the duties or a division of
of headman, the emoluments. thereOf.
d<. 17.
Prttleeli,," 21. No complaint against a headman or member of a \Iillage committee
tohudman or rural policeman of any act or omission punishable under this Act shall be
or rural entertained by any Court unless th.e prosecution is instituted by order of. or
In cll:cc"Unn under authority from. the Deputy Commissioner.
01 hi. dul)".
'J'flnder of 2IA. (I) Not..... ithstanding anything contained in section t 92 of the Cod e
cate. b, of Criminal Procedure. any Magistrate who has taken cognizance of a 'case
In vll1:aRC
may transfer it for inquiry or trial to any village committee which could have
commitlcc. taken cognizance of it under section 9. and such village committee shall lake
cognizance of it accordingly.
(2) The District Magistrate may withdraw any case which has been
transferred to a village committee under the preceding sub-section and may
inquire into or try such case himself. or refer it for inquiry or trial to any
Magistrate conlpetent to inquire into or Iry Ihe samt.

I Now Officer of the BlIrm;a Civil Servic;:c (Senior Br.anchl.

Village. 27
19. (I) The President of the Union may. by notification. make rules I'o""crto
consistent with this Act-- make rules.
(o) conferring on headmen or on rural policemen any powers or
privileges which may be exercised or are enjoyed by police-officers
under any enactment for the time being in force;
(b) prescribing the duties to be performed by rural policemen,
including any duties imposed upon police officers by any
tnactment for the time being in force;
(e) regulating the exercise. enjoyment and performance of those
powers, privileges and duties by rural policemen;
(ee) (i) prescribing the qualifications of electors and regulating Ihe
manner in which [a headman or] I members of village com-
miUees shall be elected;
(ii) prescribing the number of members to be elected for village
commiUees generally or with reference to certain village-tracts;
(iii) prescribing the procedure in inquiries and trials. the times at
which meetings of the village committee shall be held. the
manner of summoning the same. the quorum necessary therefor.
and the Conduct of business thereat. with reference to the
discharge of the special duties to be performed by the village
committee under this Act and generally;
(d) prescribing the duties 10 be performed by the headman and resi-
dents of a village-tract in respect of the matters mentioned in
section 8, sub-section (0. clauses (j) and (k). and in section 11.
clause Cc);
(e) regulating the emoluments of headmen and rural policemen:
(J) prescribing the procedure to be observed by a village conllniuee
trying a suit in exercise of powers conferred under section 6.
sub-section (I). the record which is to be made of. the suit and
the mode in which that record is 10 be disposed or. the powers
which the ...illage Committee and the headman may exercise as
regards the cosls of the suit and of any proceeding arising
thereout. the manner in which a decree or order made by the
"mage commiuee llIay be executed by the headman and the
manner. circumstances and conditions in and on which such a
decree or order may be sent for execution 10. and be executed
by. another village commiUee or a civil Court;
(g) for the disposal of fees levied under section 6. sub-section (4). and
section 9. sub-section (9);
(11) for the prevention and suppression of any contagious or infectious
disease among human beings or domestic animals of any kind
coming into or passing through a viIJagetract; and
(i) generally. for ,arry;ug ;0'0 elleet the purpo,"" of .hi, Aet.

I Inserh:d by Act XXIX. 1947.

28 Yi//age.

(2) All such rules shall. when published in the Gazette. have the same
effect as jf enacted by this Act.
Penally on 30. Whoever, not being a resident of a village-tract, refuses to obey or
nonre!idenb contravenes any rule made under clause (II) of sub-section (I) of section 29
of \'illage-
tract for shall be punishable. on conviction by a Magistrate. with fine which may extend
breach olrule to fifty rupees. or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to fifteen
under section
29U) I"). days. or with both.


(BURMA ACT III, 1907.] (25th May. 1907.)
11. .. ..
Definitions. 3. In this Act. unless there is something repugnant in the subject or
(2) .. town" means a local area declared to be a town for the purposes
of this Act by a notification under section 4.
Notification 4. The President of the Union may. by notification. declare any local
Of lawn lor area to be a town for the purposes of this Act.
Ilurposes Of
Wards nd 5. (I) The Deputy Commissioner may. by order in writing, di\.ide any
blo<:kt, nd town into wards and any ward into blocks.
of headmen 1(2) The Deputy Commissioner shall appoint a person to be headman! elden. of a ward and may appoint persons to be elders of a block. Where there
are more suitable candidates than the appointments to be made. the Deputy
Commissioner shall be guided in his choice by the wishes of the inhabitants
of the ward or block concerned to be ascertained by means of an election:
Provided that the Deputy Commissioner shall not be bound to accept
the candidature of any person whom. on grounds to be recorded in writing,
he considers for any reason to be unsuitable:
Provided also that the Deputy Commissioner shall not be bound by the
results of the election where the successful candidate-
(a) owed his election to the exercise of undue influence or intimidation
or corrupt practices; or
(b) cannot furnish such security as is or may be prescribed in this
No person shall be eligible to be a headman or a ward or elder of a
block unless he is eligible to vote.
1 (3) The Deputy Commissioner may delegate to a Subdivisional Officer
or TownShip Officer by name the duty or holding the election referred to in
.ub-section (2).
I Subslilllled b)" Ad LXVI. 1947.
Tow",. 29
1(4) (a) The headman of a ward or elder of a b1oc~ 10 appointed shaB
hohl office for a period ot five yearS. but shaH be eligible for re-el"tion.
(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law. the Deputy
Commissioner may. in the case of a headman of a ward or elder of a block
appointed in his jurisdiction prior to tbe COD.1IDencement of the Towns
(Amendment) Act. 1947. by three mo'nths' notice in writing to the bea'dman
or elder concerned. terminate the appointment of such headman or elder
with effect from the date to be mentioned in the notice.
6. (I) Every headman of a ward shall communicate forthwith to the IMyof
officer in charge of the nearest policeslation or to the nearest Magistrate any htadmen
and elden
information which he may obtain respecting- to) report
. certain
(a) the permanent or temporary residence of any notorious receiver or mailer.
vendor of stolen property in his ward;
(b) the resort to any place within. or the passage through. his ward
of any person whom he may know or reasonably su.pect to be
a dacoit. robber. house.breaker. escaped convict or proclaimed
(c) the commission of. or attempt or intention to commit. witbin hi,
ward. any of the followin. offences. nanlely.-
(j) murder:
(ii) ~ulpable homicide not amounting to murder;
(iii) dacoity;
(iv) robbery :
(vJ offences against the Arms Act:
(vi) offences against section lOA :and
(vii) any other offence respectina which the Deputy Commissioner. by
aeneral or special order. with tbe prevjous sanction of tbe
President of the Union. olay direct him to communicate
(J) the occurrence in his ward of any sudden or unnatural death. or
or death under suspicious circumstances.
(2) Every elder of a block shall cO(l1municate forthwitb to the headman
of his ward any information which he may obtain reapectinJ any ot the
matters sp(itied in sul>-section (I). which may exist or occur in hi, block.
and in the absence of tbe beadman of his ward. he ahaU communicate the
information forthwitb to tbe officer in charse of tbe Dearest police-station.
7. (I) The headman of a ward shall be bound to perform tbe foUOWinl Gt1leral
public duties. namely:- =
(a) 10 assist tbe police in the investigation of every ollence respcctiDl . . elden.
whicb be is required by the last foregoing ICCtiOD to communi
cate information;

I SubiUluted b')' Ad LXVI. 1947.

30 Towns.
(b) to search for and use his utmost endeavours to arrest any person
whom he may have reason to believe to have been concerned in
the commission or attempted commission of any such offence. and
to recover. if possible. any property taken by any such person;
(d to arrest any person found lurking within the limits of the ward
who cannot gi..,c a satisfactory account of himself:
(d) 10 forward. as soon as may be. to the nearest police-station. any
person arrested by him or made over to his custody. together
with any weapon or other article likely to be useful as evidence;
(e) to prevent to the best of his ability the commission of any offence
regarding which he is required by section 6. sub-section (I), to
communicate information. and to arrest the person designing to
commit such offence if it appears to him that the commission
of such offence cannot otherwise be prevented;
(0 to collect or aid in collecting. to the utmost of his ability. any
revenue or other money due to the Government or to a
municipal or town committee from residents of the ward or
persons holding land therein:
(R) to report to such officer as may be appointed by the Deputy
Commissioner in this behalf all trespass or encroachments upon.
and injuries to, State land and public property which may occur
within his ward. and of which he may reasonably and fairly be
expected to have cognizan ce :
(h) if so ordered by the Deputy Commissioner. in accordance with such
rules as may be made in this behalf by the President of the
Union. to register all births and deaths which take place within
the ward. and any other vital statistics which may be prescribed
by such rules:
(j) to take such measures as may be prescribed in any rules made in
this behalf by the Commissioner with the previous sanction of
the President of the Union,-
(firstly), for the prevention and extinction of fires:
(secondl)'), for the prevention of public nuisances;
(thirdly). for the general sanitation of the ward and the
prevention of the spreading of any contagious or infectious
disease among human beings:
lj) to take such measures as may be prescribed in any rules made
in this behalf for the prevention and suppression of any
contagious or infectious disease among domestic animals:
(k) to report all cases of smallpox. plague. cholera and callie
disease which OCCur within his ward and of which he may
reasonably and fairly be expected to have cognizance. and to
supply. to the best of his ability. any local information which
any Magistrate. officer of police or municipal officer may require;
(I) to collect and furnish. upon receipt of Rayment for the same in
advance at such rates as the Deput)' Commissioner. with the
Towns. 31

sanction of the Commissioner. may from time to time fix. guides.

supplies of food. carriage. and means of transport for any troops
or police posted in or ncar or march ins. through or ncar the town:
Provided that no headman shall be bound to collect supplies beyond
the limits of the ward of which he is headman. or to furnish
carriage or means of transport for more than twelve hours'
journey from such town unless the DeputyCommissionercertifies
in writing that it is necessary in the public interests that
carriage or means of should be supplied for a longer
period. in which case the Deputy Commissioner shall fix higher
rates of payment than the rates of payment for journeyc of
twelve hours or less:
Proyided also that no headman shall requisition for ))sonal service
any resident of such ward who is not of the labouring class and
accustomed to do such work as may be required; and
(m) generally to assist all officers of the GO\'ernment and municipal
officers in the execution of their public duties.
(2) The elder of a block shall be bound to assist the headman of his
ward in the performance of the duties prescribed in sub-section (I).
(3) The President of the Union may. by notification. direct that parlicular
clauses of sub-section (I) shall not apply to any town specified in such notifica.
e. If any headman of a ward or elder of a block neglects. withou' Pen~lt ... lor
reasonable excuse. to perform any of the public duties imposed upon him by neglcet,_f
this Act or any rule made thereunder. he shall be liable. on conyiction by a dill)' by
headman or
Magistrate. to a fine which may extend to fifty rupees cider.


!t. Persons residing in a ward shall be bound to perform the following General
public duties. namely:- dulies of
r"ldenu of
(u) to take such measures as may be prescribed in any rules made in wards.
this behalf for the preyenlion and suppression of any contagious
or infectious disease among domestic animals :
(b) on a general or individual requisition of the headman to assist
him in the execution of his pUblic duties.
!tA. If any person residing in a ward refuses or neglects to perform Penally 011
any of the public duties imposed upon him by this Act Or any rule there. residenls Ie.
ncgled of
under. he shall. in the absence of reasonable excuse. the burden of proving Icncral
which shall lie upon him. be liable. on conviction by a Magistrate. to a fine dlllic.
which may extend to fifty rupees.
10. (I) If in any town in [the Union of Burma)1 which the President of Nolific':alion
the Union may. by notification. declare to be within the opera'tion of this of residence
cI .,."
IThe: wOI"d .. Upper" Wall omitted (r....m the origin..t t'Xprusion .. Up~r Bllrma" by the
Uai'm ot: Hurma (Adaptation 01 Lawsl Or<!er.IY4g,

iQ c.crlaIft
the Union 01
section. any person who is not a resident of such town cOmes into a ward
thereof. he or the person (if any) in whose house he is living shall. within
twelve hours of his coming into such ward. report to the headman his arrival
his name and oc:eupation. and the name of the place where he last resided.
(2) The departure from such ward of a person reported under sub-
section (0 shall also be reported by the person. if any. in whose house he
has been living.
(3) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this section shall. on
conviction by a Magistrate. be punished with fine which may extend to fifty
rupees. or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to filleen days. or
with both.
Suru:nder of lOA. (I) The Deputy Commissioner may. by a notification publicly
o)/f.nthf: promulgated or addressed to individuals. prohibit the carrying of das of a
wea"'Oft8 Oft
df:mand. kind exempted from the provisions of the Arms Act. bludgeons. loaded sticks.
hunting crops. clasp-knives of a specified size. or other olfensive instruments
in any public place.
(2) Any person being in a public place shall upon demand deliver up to
a police-officer or to the ward headman any such offensive instrument as is
referred to in sub-section (I) which may be in his possession.
PenaIUe. (3) Whoever contravenes a prohibition under sub-section (I) or the pro-
visions of sub-section (2) shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to three months. or with fine which may extend to one
hundred rupees. or with both
enn..atInn (4) When any person is convtcted of an offence under sub-section (3) the
ollnltnalftfllt instrument in respe(:t of which he has been convicted shall be liable to be con
oa oonvic- ~
tlnn. fiscated by the Court.
(5) This section shall not apply to Rangoon Town.


Penalty for 11. (1) Whoever-

JlfOlnodnC (a) holds a pwe in any town. without a licence granted by the Deputy
or taklne Commissioner or by an officer appointed by the Deputy Com-
pm In.
UI11ict'ftle4 missioner in this behalf. or
to'. (b) promotes the holding of a pwe held without such licence. or
(c) takes part in or in any manner assists the race. performance or
other entertainment (if any) constituting a pwl held without such
licence. or takes part in or in any manner assists the arrange-
ment or management of a p ...i held without such licence. or
(d) being prelent thereat. permits the holdine of a pwi without such
licence on any land or premises under his control.
shall be punished. on conviction by a Magistrate. with imprisonment for a
term which may extend to three months. or with fine which ma)' extend to
five .bUlldrcd rupees. or with both.
Towns. 33

(1) No fee shall be paid on the application (or. or on fhe issue of. the
Iicencc requireJ by sub-seclion (I).
Ol For the purposes 01 this seciion .. J'wi " ordinarily means a puppet.
show or ulher Iheatrieal or dramalic perfurmance. ur a nalive cart. pony. boat
or other lite race. held for public enlerlainment whelher on public or private
and. in r~spect of any local area. al~o includes public enterlainments or
:usclllb!i~s of any such class as Ihe President of the Union may. by noli6ca
lion. c..kclare to bl: 1"'-(\$ for the purposes of this seclion when held in sucb
local arc".

11 A. (n No person shall keep a public billiard t"ble. bagatelle board. Lken.lng 01

ringthrowing establishment. or any place of public resort for any form of ...I"un.hilliard
game ()f amusement which the President of the Union may. by notifiealion. oilier I",blle
declare to be within the provisions of, this section. except under and in rUlltll.
accordancl.: wilh the condilions of a licence granted by the Deputy Commis.
sioncr or by an officer appointed by the Deputy Commissioner in this behalf.
(.n The Pre~idcnt of the Union may by rules prescribe the circumSlances
in which such licences O11Y b<: refused. Ihe fees to be paid for such licences
and Ihe conditions on which sueh licences may be granted or revoked.
0) Any p.:rson who commits a breach of subsection (I) or of any of
the conJitiuns 01 a licence granted under Ihis section shall be liable for a first
ulIence to a line which may extend to one hundred rupees. and for a
subsc4uenl olfence to imprisonmenl lor ... term which may extend 10 one
munlh. or 10 fine which may extend 10 five hundred rupees. or to both.

liB. (II No person shall keep a pawn-shop or cllrry on the business of Llcensln,
a p:.lwn-broker except under and in accordance with rules made by the andftlula-.
lion of
President of the Union in this beh:lIf. p:awll-f;
(11 The President of the Union Illay make rules-
(ill regulating pawn-shops and rendering licences necessary for pawn-
(h) prescribing the form or such licences and Ihe conditions subject
to which they shall be granted and may be revoked;
(co) providing for the sale. i:tsue. produclion and rdurn of such
licences; and
(til generally for carrying inio effeci Ihe objects of this section.

()) The President of the Union may. by rule under this section. altach
10 the breach of any rule Ihereunder any punishment which may extend for a
first offence to a fine of rupees one hundred. and for each subsequent offence
to imprisonmenl for one month. or 10 a fine of Iwo hundred rupees. or bolh:
Pro...ilJed Ihal this se<:lion tih:all apply only to such tOWI1S as tbe
President 01 Ihe Union may. by notification. diret;t.

34 Towns.

Vi",:dily of 11., (I) No appeal shall lie from any IIrder mall~ under this Aet or aAy
OI'deri. rule made thereunder.
(2) But the Deputy Commissioner m.ay reo.ise any such order made by
any officer subordinate to him;
the Commissioner may revise any such order made by the Deputy Com-
and the President of the Union may revise any order made by the Deputy
Commiuioner or Commissioner.
(3) Save as provided by this seclion. every order made under this Act
shall be final and sha1l not be liable to be contested by suit or otherwise. to 13. (I) The President of the Union may make rules to carry out the
mate rules. objects and purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular. and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
power. such rules may-
(0) prescribe the duties to be performed by the headman and residentS
of a ward in respect of the matters mentioned in section 7. sub,
section (I). clause (j). and in section 9. clause (a);
(b) prescribe the measures to be taken for the prevention and suppres
sian of any contagious or infectious disease among domestic
animals coming into or p:lssing through a ward:
Provided that the President or Ihe Uninn may. by notification. exclude
from the operation of all or any of the rules nwdc under clauses (a) and (h)
any lawn which has been constituted a municipality under the provisions of
Ihe Municipal Act.
Pen~ll)' on IJA. Whoever. not being a residenl or a ward. refuses to obey or
of. ward contravenes any rule made under clausc (h). subsection (2), of section 13 shall
for breach o( be punishable. on conviction by a Magis(t:lte. with a fine which may clltend
rule under to fitly rupees.
Iccdoa 13 (1)
Publication 14. All rules made under this Act by the President of Ihe Union or by
0( rules. a Commissioner shall be published in the Gazette. and. when so pUblished.
shall have the same effecl as if enacted by this Act.

e:l~ U~I !l~"'C''1IC''':cJ,'1''lS.'lIIl)~'1' ""die"C'''.


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01 I~01:C\)d)~E&p1










3.Areas in which District Councils. Circle Bo:lrds and School Boards

shull be established.
4. Aggregalion of vi1lngctracts into groups and or groups into circ":s.
5. Establishment of Circle Bo<1rds: eSlublishmcnt of Dislriel Councils.
6. Composition of Circle Boards.
1. Composition of District Councils.
8. Oualific~tions of clectors and members for Circle Boards.
9. Appointment of School Boards.
9A. Appointment of Hospital Committees.
10. Appointment of Joint Commiltccs by District COlJnciis with olli!:r
local bodies.
11. Appointment of Joint Committees by Iwn or morc Circle Boards.
12. Term of office.
t3. Chairman and ViceChairman.
14. Leave or absence to membeu.
15. Resignation 01 membership.
16. Disqualification (rom membership.
17. Termination of membership on disqualification or by notification of
17A. Further provisions tiS to removal of member!!.
178. Removal of Chairman or Vicc<'h:.tirman.
18. Filling up of casual vacancies.
19. Presid.:nt to make rules to re~ulate transaction of business by loc31
20. Conditions under which members 10 be disquOJlilied from ,,oling or
taking part in proceedings.
Rural Stl/Govtrnmtnt. 75
21. Employment of officers and servants.
21A. Provisions regarding appointment of Chief Executive Officer.
22. Pay. pension and allowances of officers and servants.
23. Employment of officers and est...blishmcntJ by two or more local


24. Establishment of Circle Boards in areas where tbere is no District

Council and powers and duties of such Boards.
25. Delegation of powers to village committees.

26. Tax on circumstances and property.
27. Tax in aid of embankment. light railway or irrigation work.
28. Imposition of other tax. toll or fee.
29. Maximum scale of school fees.
29A. Scale of fees for atlen(hnce at hospital.
30. Rules to regulate imp<>sition. ctc. of taxes. tolls and fees.
31. Power of President to suspend levy of tax or toU.
32. Property to vest in District Council.
33. Assets of District Fund.
34. Investment of funds by District Council.
35. Raising of loans by District Council.
36. Objects on which District Fund to be expended.
37. Assets of Circle Fund.
37A. Assets of Hospital Fund.
38. Assets of District School Fund.
39. Objects on which District School Fund to be expended.
40. Decision of disputes as to apportionment of expenditure bclweeD
"1. Annual budget estimates of District Councils.
42. Minimum balance to be kept in District Funds.
43. Annual budget estimates of Circle Boards.
"4. Annual budget estimates of School Board.
....A. Annual budget estimates or Hospital Committees.
"5. Periodical audit of accounts.
"6. Inspection of budget estimates.
"7. Annual publication of accounts.
76 Rural St'lt-Governml'nl.




48. Matters to be admini~lcrcd by District Coullciis.
49. Powcu which may he given to Di~trict Councils under certain Acts.
50. Other matterS administration of which nlay be made over to District
51. Provision to be made by District Council for matters administered
by it.
52. Establishment of public and licensing of private markets by bye-law.
53. Delegation by District Councils to Circle Boards.
54. Incorporation and common lleal of. and transCcr or property by.
District Council.
55. Acquisition of land (or District Council.
56. Local bodies may entcr into contracts.
57. A pproval of plans and estimates before work is commenced.
58. Execution of controlcts.
59. Tenders to be caBed for.
60. Security for performam.c of contracts.


(II. Duty and powers of President .and officers subordinate to him to

supervise. annul and inspect.
62. Supervision by Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners of District
Councils. Circle Boards and School Boards.
63. Powers of Deputy Commissioner to suspend execution of any order
and of Commissioner to pass orders in any such case.
64. Powers of Commissioner to order local body to carry out any duty.
65. Powers of Deputy Commissioner to order execution of emergent work.
65A. Powen of Deputy Commissioner to take measures in case of outbreak
of dangerous disease.
66. Control o( Comnlissioner over De,uty Commissioners.



61. Dissolution or supersession of local body by President in case of

persistent default or abuse of powers.
6&. Consequence of supersession.
Rurtll SeIIGov~rnment. 71


69. Powers of Chairman to institute. compound and defend cases and to
take leg.!1 advite.
70. Indemnity.
71. Institution of SuilS against local bodies.
72. Judge or Magistrate when not to be deemed personally interested in
73. Mode of recovery of money. tax. toll or fee.



74. Members. etc .. deemed to be public servants.

75. Acts not to be questioned by reason of technical irregularity.
76. Liability of members for loss. waste or misapplication.
77. Members not to be interested in contracts.



78. Powers of President to make orders: previous publicalioo of draft

orders: confirmation of orders: first orders to be those in
Schedule II.
79. Power of President to make rules: previous publication of draft rules:
rules to take effect as if enacled in Act.
80. Power of District Councils to make bye-laws: penalty which may be
attached: previous publication of. and conlrol of Commissioner
over. byelaws.
81. Power of SChool Board to make bye-laws: previous publication of.
and control of Commissioner over. bye-laws.
82. Prosecutions.
83. Exemption from provisions of section 200 or Code of Criminal




[BURMA ACT IV. 1921.] (6th March. 1922.)

WllmU::AS it is expedient to make provision for the introduction of self-

go\'ernment in rural areas in the Union of Burma for the purpose of associating
the inhabitants of such Utcas more <:Iollcly with the administration of matten
affecting their daily thes;
And whereas it is upedienl that District Councils. C'r;lc Boards anll
School Boards should be constituted and invested with powers for carrying
out the objccts of this Act;
It is hereby enacted us follows:-



Dcfillilioor. 1. In tbis Act. unless it is otherwise cxpressly provided or unless lhere
is something repugnant in the subject or conlcxl.-
(<<) .. Bye-law" means a bye-law madc by a District Coun~iI or by a
School Buard under Ihis Act;
(b) "Cantonment" means any rh1c.:e dedared to be a cantonment
under section 3 of the Cuntonments Ad :
(d "Cattle" includes elephants. oxen. bulfalocs. ponies. mules. pigs.
sheep and gOMts;
(d) Circle Board" mcanS a Circle Board e';lublished under section
5. subseetion (I);
(e) .. Civil Station" means any ared of land norified as a civil station
under any enactment from time to time in rorce:
(I> .. District" means an area constituted a district (or revenue and
administrative purposes;
(,1.') .. Districi Council" means a Distrkt Council established under
seelion 5. sub-seclion (2) :
(gg) .. Hospital Committee" means a Hospital C'onmliUcc appointed
under seclion 9A;
(h) (i) .. Markel" means <lny place where persons periodically
assemble (or the sale or goods. livestock or articles o( food:
(ii) .. Public Market" meanS any market b:longing to a District
Council. or constructed. repaired. or maintained out of a
District Fund;
(iii) .. Private Market" means any market. nOI being a public market
(il .. Municipality" and Municipal Committee" ha\'e the sarno
meaning as in the Municipal Act. and include respectively an
area declared to be a notified area" and a Towil Committee
under the said Act;
(j) .. O,,"r" mcans an order made by 'he President of the Union and
c1mf:rmcd un!Jrr scclion 78:
(1.-) .. Rule" mcans a rule made by the President of the Union under
this Act:
(IJ School Bond" me"ns a District SChool Board or a Joint School
Bnard ;1l1puinlclJ under section 9;
(Ill) Villa&c~(r.lct" means a village-tract a, defined in seclion 4.
sub-section (8). 01 the Village Act or declared to be a village-
tract under sc<:tiun 5. sub-sectiun (I), of tbe said Act.




3. In every district or p:lrl of it district notificl.! by the President of the Areu ha

Union in Ihis behalf. a District Council. CiKJe &am and SchooJ Boards wblch
shall be establishcll.

"d Scbo-Jl
ball he:
4. In any district or part of a district. in which CirtJe 808rdJ are to "1C1:'.,aUoa
be est:tblishcd. the President of the Union shall. by notification. aureg.te of \"lllace-
(he several viIJ:.t~e-tracIS situated therein infO groups and Ihe groups inlo :O~~
circles: 01 If'lMI[lII
into ciTda.
Provided th:lot such groups and circles shall not Include any area for the
time being included in a can Ion men I. civil station or mUQieipality.

S. (I) For each such circle there shall be established. Ch-cle Board. EIt~IlIlh_
having authority. as hereinafter more partieularly defined. over .U the ment of
VI11age-tracts e()1nprl5<:
. d WIt
. hIn t I1e eire
. Ic. Circle
2) For all ~uch circles. comprised within the limits of a distriet. there E.labl.......
shltll be established a Distriet Council havinl authority. as hcrein3fICr more ~e;t~
particularly defined. o~r all the areas com.prised within .uch eirtlel. ~...
6. The Circle Boards shan eonsi51 of-
(a) members eleetell by lroups of villile-Irlets. in aceordaDCO "ilb
rules made in this behalf. to represent such croups: provided
that where any group of villale-traels faib to elcet tbe
prescribed number of members the Commissioner may 8JI any
such vacaney by nomination. and membc,. 10 Dominated .ball
be deemed to be elected members for tbe purpose. of Ibis Act 0
Cb) such officers of the Medical. Public Work.. Sanitary or
Veterinary DeparlnJenls. or of such olber departmcalS at lbe
President oi the Vnioa may by order direct. at tile _mbe...
80 Rural Sell-Government.

elected under clause (0) may from time to time. with the
consent of such officers. co-opt for purposes of professional
advice only: provided that no officcr so appointed may
propose. or vote on. any resolution.

til Dblrid
,. The District Council shall consist 0'-
Councila. (0) menlbers of Circle Boards within the district eh:clcd by the
Circle Boards in accordance with rules made in this behalf to
represent such Boards: pro... ided that where any Circle Board
perversely refuses to elect the prescribed number of members
the Commissioner. with the assent of the President of the Union.
may fill any such vacancy by nomination. and members so
nominated shall be deemed to be elected members for the
purposes of tbis Act. and it shall nol be necessary for persons
so nominated to be members of any Circle Boards;
(I luch officers of the Medical. Public Works. Sanitary or Veterinary
Departments. or of such other departments as the President of
the Union nlay by order direct. as the nlembers elected under
clause (0) may from time to time. with the consent of such
officers. coopt for purposes of profession<al <advice only:
provided that no officers so appointed may propose. or voto
on, any resolulion :
k) persons nominated by the Preltident of the Union. if Ihe President
of the Union may deem such numination to be expedient:
provided that the number o( persuns so nominated shall not
exceed three or one-sixth uf the number of members elected
under clause (0'. whichever is less: provided further that no
person shall be so nominated unless he is qualified for election
as a member of a Circle Board wilhin the arC<1 for which the
District Council has been conslituted.

Qu."lHfica. 8. (n For the purpose of elections under scclion 6. clause (II). the
Ilona of quali6calions of electors <and the qu<alific<ations for being an elrctcd member
elcdo,. and
memberafor of a Circle Board shall be delermined by order-
Circle (Z) An offiei<al shull not be qu<alilicc.l for eleclion as a member of a
District Council or Circle Board. and if an eleclcd member of such Council
or Board becomes an official his seat on such Councilor Board shall be
(J) For the purpose of the preceding sub-sc:ction. official" shall mean
a I'Crson who is in Ihe civil or milil<ary service of the Government and being
a whole-time servant of the Government is remunerated eilher by s<alary or
If any question arises whether any officer is or is nol a wboletime
servant of the Government for the purposes of this Act the decisioQ of lhe
President of tbe Union shall be flnal.
Rural &1/.c;ovet1l1tlOl/. 81
(4) A village headman who has been elected or nominated as a member
of a District Council shall not be deemed to be a member of such CouQCiI
until he has resigned his appointment of village headman: pro'iided that
notbing in this sub-section shan apptJ to a village headman nominated under
the proviso to clause (a) of section 7.

,. (I) Every District Council shall. subject to rules made in this bebalf. Appoinbnent
appoint some of its members to form It'District School Board. or to form. in of Hoar4t.
combination with members appointed tor the purposc by any Municipal
Committees within the district. a Joint School Board Cor-
(a) the establishment. management. visiting and maintcnance ot aU
public vernacular schools wilhin their respecthrc jurisdictions.
the construction and repair of all buildings connected
therewith and the appointment and payor the teaching staff;
(b) tbe recognition. control. visiting and support of vernacular
schools undcr pri\late management within their rospectivD
(2) (a) The proportion of members to be appointed by the District
Council and by Municipal Committees shall be determined by
the Commissioner in each case.
(b) If any District Council or Muoicipal Commiltee is dissatisfied
with the decision or the Commissioner under clause (a). such
Councilor Committee may appeal to the President ot: the
Union. who shall fix the proportion as be thinks fit.
(3) The members appointed under sub-section (1) may co-opt at
members of the School Board sucb other persons as they "think 6t. provided
that the members so co-opted shall not e"cced oncothird ot tbe number of
members of the School Board appointed under sub-section (I).
(4) A School Board may fronl time to time appoint school committccs
fpr the sc\leral schools under its control and administration. and shall. al
far as may be practicable. conduct the management of any school for which
such committee has been appointed through that committee.
(5) Subject to the general control all the Director of Public Instruction.
the Inspector of Schools. within whose jurisdiction the district lies. shall aet
as Adviser to the School Board. and he or any other officer authorized by
him in this behalf shall have the same right of being present at a meeting or
tbe School Board and of taking part in its discussions as if he werc a
member. and may. at any time. make a statement or explanation of facts.
but he shall not be at liberty to votc upon. or to make. any proposition at
Iny such meeting.

'A. (I) For every hospital or dispensary within a circle tbere shall be Appoialmeut
constituted a Hospital Committee. composed as follows :- ~=i~='
not more than two members appointed by the Circle Board from
amons its own members;

12 Rural SeIJ.Gol1munD1i. .

not more than two membera appointed by tbe District Council from
among its own members:
not more than two members nominated by the Deputy Commissioner
10 represent the general public of the vicinity; and
the medical officer in charge of the hospital and such other local civil
officer as the Deputy Commissioner may nominate.
(2) The Hospital Committee shan be responsible for the management.
maintenaoce and visiting of the said hospital or dispensary. and for the
construction and repair oil all buildings connected therewith and for the
~ppointment and payor the staff excepting the medical officer in charge wbo
shall be appointed and paid by tbe President of the Union.
(J) The members of a Hospital Committee sball elect ODe of their
number to be Chairman and one of their number to be ViceCbairman.
(4) Tbe provisions of sections 12. 13. sult-sections (2). (J) and (4). 14. 15.
17. 18.20.21. e"(cluding sub-sections (6) and (8). 22. 45.46.51. clauses (b).
(e) and Cd). 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. n. 73. 74. 75. 76.
77. 78 and 19 shaH apply. mUlatis mutandis. to Hospital Committees. and to
Ho.pital Funds formed under ,"lion 37A.

of Joint
1'. (I) A District Council may combine with any other District Council.
c..:ommitt~n or with any Municipal Committee. or with any cantonnlent or civil station
by Dlwlct authority. or witb more than one such council. committee or authority in
with othet' appointing. out of. their respective bodies. in accordance with rules made in
loctl bodt", tbis behalf. a joint committee for any purpose in which they are jointly
interested. and in dele&atine to Iny such joint committee any power. which
might be exercised by either or any of the councils, committees or authorities
concerned. and in 'ramine or modifying regulations as to the procccdio,s of
any such joint committee, aod as to tbe conduct of correspondence relatinl
to the purpose for which the joint committee is appointed.
(2) If any dispute ariteS between two or more District Councils.
committeea or authorities actina under this section. the decision tbereon .of
the Commissioner. if the councils. committees or authorities are in the same
division or. if they arc not in the same division. of the Commissioners of. the
respective divisions, or if the said Commisaioners are unable to agree. of the
President of the Union. sban be tina],

AppoIntn;e:lt 11. (I) A Circle Board may combine with any other Circle Board in tho
01 J<.inl
CoInmittcn same district, or with more than one such Board. in appointinc. out of their
by two 0.- respcc~vc bodies. in accordance with rules made in this behalf. a joint com
~~ Circle
Boards. mittee for any purpose in which they are joiony interested. and in delegatina
to any such joint committee any power. which might be exercised by either or
any of the Boards concerned. and in framing or modil'yio& regulations AI to
the proceedings of any such joiot committee. and u to the conduct
of correlpondencc for which the joint committee is appointed.
(Z) A District Council may simitarly direct the tormation of such a joint
commiuee by two or more of its subordiuate Circle Boards.
Rllral ~lfGoYunn~n/. 83
(3) If any dispute arlaes between two or more Circle Boam acting
under this section. 'the deeision thereon of tbe District Council of their
distric t shall be 6nal.

U. The term of oftice of members of District Councils. Circle Boards Term of

and School Boards shall be determined by tbe President of tbe Union by &Il oI6co.
order made in this behalf.

13. (I) The members of every District Council. Circle Board and Chairman
School Board. not being co-opted or nominated members. shall elect ono 01 ~~.
their number to be Chairman. and one of. their number to be Vice-Chairman.
in ac:c:ordance with rules made in this behalf.
(2) The term of office of a Chairman or Vice-Chairman elected under
lubsection (I) shall ordinarily be the residue of his term of office as a
member of the District Council. Circle Board or School Board. as the cue
moy be.
(3) The omce of Chairman or Vicc-Chairman sball be deemed vacant if
the Chairman or Vice-Chairman. at tbe CalC may be-
(a) resigns. or
(b) is absent without the permission of tbe Council or Board from
all meetings of such Councilor Board for a period exceeding
three consecutive months.
(4) A District Council. Circle Board or School Board may glant Jeave
of absence to its Chairman or Vice-Chairman for any period not exceedin,
three months at a time aDd may clect any of its members. DOt being a
lOpted Or nominated member. to caCT)' on the duties of Chairman or Vice
Chairman for tbe period of such absence.

14. A District Council. Circle Board or School Board n1ay permit any Lecnc 01
ot its members to absent himself f.rom DiteHngs of such Council or Board a~lIu 10
for any period not exceeding si;\ month,.

15. A member of a District Council. Circle Board or School Board RCilpaUon

01 member-
may resign by notifiying in writing to the Chairman his intention to do so. "",p.
and. on the acccptance by the Chairman of such resignation. the member 'hall
be deemed to have vacated hi, seat.
16. (0) Any member of a District Council who ceases to be & member 'J?!IQ-.all?
o f th C C ICC IC Board c""ctlDg
. h'1m ; lion from '
(b) an)' member of a Circle Board (other than a co-opted membor)
who CClases to retain the qualifications necessary for election to
luch Board; .
(c) any member of a School Board who cease. to be & meplbor of
the District Council or Municipal Committee appointin, bllD i
84 .Rural SeltGovernment.
(d) any member of a Hospital Committee who coascs to be a mem"
ber of the District Councilor Circle Board appointing him.
shall thereupon be deemed to be disqualified from being a member of such
District Council. Circle Board. School Board or Hospital Committee. as tho
case may be.

Termi!;latim 17. (1) Any member of a District Council. Circle Board or School
of m~mbu Board. who. after his entry on office. ceases to be qualified for election as I
ship on dis-
qualilicallou member under any order. or becomes disqualified under section 16. shall
(If by
forthwith resign his office as a member of such Council or Board.
of P,"ident. (2) The President of. the Union. either of his own motion or on the
motion of a District Council. Circle Board or School Board. may. by notifica-
tion. declare Ihat any member of such Councilor Board has ceased 10 be
member if-
(a) he has been absenl from all meetings of Ihe Council or Board tor
any period exceeding six months; or
(b) he has. without the permission ot the Council or Board. been
absont from all its meetings for any period exceeding thrcc con-
secutive months:
and shall make such declaration if such membor--
(i) bas refused or neglected to resign his office under sub-seetion (I);
(in has acted in contravention of section 20 :
,Provided that no notification shall be issued under this sub-section until
.such member has been given an opportl1nity of explaining his default.
(3) The President of the Union may by order remove any member of a
District Council. Circle Board or School Board. if he considers that his COD-
tinuance in office is dangerous to the public peace or order.
(4) Any termination of membership under the preceding SUh-SOCiiOD
sban disqualify such member from rcoelcetion or re-appointment to Sho
District Council. Circle Board or School Board of which he was a member
for the period during which. but for such termination. he would have been
entitled to remain in offtoo.

foilr~f 17A. (I) Where it appears Ihat the continuance in office of a,Chairm.a
pro'"isionl at or Vice-Chairman. elected under seclion 13. SUb,soclion (". or section 9A. or
=~ nf 'of a member of a District Council. Circle Board. School Board or Hospital
COl;Dmiu~e. is contrary to the public interesl. Ihe President of the Union
"may. 'after giving the Chairman. the Vice-Chairman or the member concerned
an opporlunity 10 show cause against Ihe holding of an enquiry. subject 10
"the provisions of any rules tbat may be made in Ihis behalf. appoint a Com-
mittee of Enquiry with an officer not below lbe rank of Commissioner "
President. and two members. onc being a member of the Council. Board or
COlQmiUee ~oncerned and tho other bciD(l aD elector OD the electoral roll for
RIITGI $e/f-GovRnment.
any Circle Board in the diatrict who i. not in the whole-time or part-time
employment of tbe Government. to enquire into all the circumstances of the
(2) Where tbe President of the Union appoints a Committee of Enquiry
under subo-section (I) to deal with the case of a Cbairman or Vice-Chairman.
the Chairman or Vice-Chairman coocerned .hall cease to exercise tho function.
of his offiqc and the President of the Union may appoint any member of tho
Council. Board or Committee coocemed to exercisc them in his stead.
When the President of the Union appoints a Committee of Enquiry
UDder sub-section (I) in respect ot the continuance in office of a member of
~ District Council. arcle Board. School Board or Hospital Committee, he
shall cease to act as such member.
(3) The Committee of Enquiry shall have power to take evidence on
oath. and sball have power to lummon witnesses and to enforce the attendance
of witnesses and to compel the production of documents. by the same means
aftd. so far as may be. in the same manner .. i. provided in the case of a
civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure.
(4) On the conclusion of it. enquiry. the Committee of Enquiry ,ball
sdbmit a report to the President of. the Union. who may then. where the can-
tinuance in office of a Chairman or Vice-Chairman is concerned, order hi.
reinstatement. or may declare him to be removed from his office. or to be
removed both from his offtce and from membership of the Council. Board or
Committee concerned and of any other local body of which he is a member;
and where the continuance in office of a member of a District Council.
Circle Board. Schoo) Board or Hospital Committee i' concerned. may either
order his reinstatement as such member. or declare him to be removed from
such office. and from membership of any other local body of which he is a
(5) Where a person bu boon removed from membership of, a District
1L0uncil. Circle Board. School Board or Hospital Committee under the provi-
.ions of the last preceding sub-section. he shall not. save as provided in sub-
section (6). be eliglble for five years from the date of the order o removal for
election or appointment to any local body constituted under the provision. of
Ibis Act or of tbe Municipal Act.
(6) The President of the Unlon may in special cases remove the disabi~
lity imposed by sub-section (5). .
(7) The proceedings of a Committee of Enquiry appointed under th"
section shall not. unless the President of tbe Union so directs. abate because
the term of office of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman or member concerned
baa come to an end.

1'78. Where a District Council. Circle Board. School Board or Hospital Removal 01
Committee has. subject to the provisions oE any rules that may be made in or Vice-
this behalf. passed a resolution expressing want of confidence in its Chairman Cl>aino>u.
or Vice-Chairman and confirmed it by a majority of two to one at a meeting
lpec:ially con,"encd to cauider the 4uestion aDd held not le$s than ODC month
after tbe meeting at which the original resolution was passed. the President
of the UDion may. if be thinks !it-
(a) record his opinion tbat the continuance in office or such Chairman
or Vice~bairm.n is contrary to tbe public interest and remove
bim from office: provided tbat aue::h Chairman or Vice-Chairman
shall not be removed from office until be has first boon given III
opportunity to show cause against such removal. or
(b) declare tho case to be one for enquiry under section t7A. in which
case all the provilions ot section 17A shall apply.

YllUnl! vP
(f c..w
1'. (I) When the place of a member of a District Council. Circle Board
or School Board becomes vacant by the resignation. removal or death of tbe
member. or any other cause. such casual vacancy sbaU be filled up. as soon u
coD"'eniently may be. by the election. cg.option. nomination or appointment.
u the case may be. of a qualified porson thereto. who shall hold office 10
Jong only as lhe member whose place he 611s wowd have been eDtitled to bo~d
it if the vacancy had nol occurred.
(2) No act of any District Council. Circle Board or School Board. or of
ill officers sball be deemed to be invalid by reason only at the fact tbat tbe
number of members of the Council or Board at Ihe time of such act 'Nil lesa
than the prescribed number.

1'. The President or the Union may make rules to regulate the manner
in whicb a District Council. Circle Board. School Board and Hospital
rtlulak Committee shall meet and transact business. and the manner in which tho
of buunllM minutes or all meetings shall be kept. and the authorities to whom copies of
by local sucb micules sball be forwarded.

.... w_
uadtl' _hid,
21. Any member or a District Council. Circle Board or School Board

dhqualified (d) hal directly or indirectly. by himlelf Or by any partner. employe~

from "OlIDI or employee. any share or interest in any contract or employ
p:lrt ment with. by or on behalf of. such Council or Board. or
prOCMdln". (b) is a director. secretary. manager or other salariedoflic:erofan
incorporated company which has any such share or interest. or
(c) has acted professionally. in relation to any matter. on behalf of
any person havinS therein any such share or interest as aforo'
,hall not vote or tab any other part in any procoeding of tho Councilor
Board. or of any Committee thel1lOf. relatins to such malter.



21. (I) Subjcct to the provisions of sub-sections (2) and (3) and to any
rules that may be made in Ibis bebalf. the:
Di.trict Couocil or School Board
Rural Sel/Govemnllllll. 87.
may employ a Chief Executive Officer and such other officers and servants as
may be necessary for the efficient execution of their respective duties. No
appointment of a Chief Executive Officer by a District Council or a School
Board shall be made without the sanction of the President of the Union.
(2) In the case of the Secretary, the Health Officer or any other
officer who olay be specified by the President of the Union by rule. no post
shalt be created or abolished. and no alteration in the emoluments thereof.
sball be made without the approval of the Commissioner. and every appoint~
ment to. and dismissal or removal rom. such post shall be subject to
confirmation by the Commissioner.
(3) No other post. the monthly salary of which exceeds three hundred
rupees or such other Sum as the President of tho Union may by general or
special order direct. shall be created or abolished. and no alteration in tho
emoluments thereof be made without the approval of the Commissioner. and
every appointment to. and dismissal or removal from. such post shall be
sUbject to confirmation by the Commissioner.
(4) Nothing in the preceding subsections shall be deemed to necessitate the"
cq,n6rmation of an order of suspension pending the decision of the Commis
sioner. but the Commissioner may reverse any sucb order of suspension.
(5) If in the opinion of the Commissioner any officer or the class specified
in or under sub-section (2) or any other officer holding a post. the monthly
salary of which exceeds ono hundred rupees or such other sum as the
President of the Union may by general or special order direct. is incompetent
to perform his duties. or the retontion of his services is otherwise against the
public interest, the District Council sball. on tho requirement ot the Commis-
sioner. dispense with his services with or without notice. .
(6) In any local area in any district to which the President of the Union
may by order extend this subsection the District Council shall employ as
District Health Officer an officer appointed by the President of tho Union in
t'bat behalf: provided that in any such case the pay of the said Health Officer
shall be defrayed from the revenues of the Union of Burma.
(7) A District Council or School Board shall not. except with.tho assent
of the President of the Union. dispense with the services of a servant of the
Government which have been placed at its disposal. whether in whole or in
part. without giving the President of the Union three months' notice in writini:
to that effect.
(8) A Circle Board may employ such officers or servants and pay them
such pay and allowances. and grant them such leave. as the District Council
may by byelaws prescribe; and. with the general or special sanction of the
President of the Union. grant them pensions or subscribe on their behalf for
pension or gratuity under any general or speeral orders of the President of tho
Union tor the time being in force.
(9) Subject to rules made in this behalf. every officer or sen"ant of a
District Council. Circle Board or SChool Board who is entrusted with money
in the course of his employment shall give such security as may be prescribed
by rule.
88 Rural Self.GovernnRnt.

Provhlons lIA. (I) In any District Council or School Board where there is a Chief
rCI;udin, Executive Officer appointed under subsection (I) of section 21, such officer
of Chid shall exercise such powers of the Councilor Board. or of the Chairman or
!Iee::ulil'c Vice-Chairman under tbis Act. or any rule or bye-law thereunder, as may be
""'=. conferred on tbe said officer by the Councilor Board by bye-law.
(2) All other officers and servants of the Council or Board shall. subject
to any exceptions aDd conditions tbat may be laid down by rule by the President
of the Union in tbis behalf. be subordinate to the Cbief Executive Officer.
(J) With the sanction of the Council or Board. a Chief Executive Officer
may empower. by general Or special order in writing. any officer or servant
of tbe Councilor Board to exercise. under his control. any power conferred
on him by or under this Act
(4) An order by the Chief Executive Officer under sub-section (3) may
prescribe any condition and impose any restriction in respect of the exercise
at any po~r.
($) Any order passed by an officer or servant of the Council or Board in
tbe exercise of a power conferred on him under sub-section {J) may be revised
by the Chiet Executive Officer who sball reporl any such case to the Council
or Board.
(6) The Chief Executive Officer shall have the right to attend 1111
meetings of the Councilor Board and of any standing commi.ttee or sub-
committees and may. with the permission of' the Chairman. or in virtue of a
resolution passed in this behalf al a meeting of the Councilor Board or
standing commiUee or sub-committee. make an explanation in regard to a
subject under discussion. but shall not move. second or vote on, any resolulion.
(7) Where tbe President of the Union decides tbat a District Councilor
Scbool Board has made persistent default in the performance ot the duties
imposed upon it by or under this Act. or is exceeding or abusing its powers.
the President of tbe Union may. in lieu of making an order to dissolve or
supersede the Councilor Board under the provisions of Chapter VIII of wiG
Act. require the Council to appoint a Chief Executive Officer in accordance
with rules made under tbis Act. within sucb period as he may prescribe iD
the requisition.
(8) If the Councilor Board fails to appoint a Chief Executive Officer
within the period fixed in the requisition. or. having appointed a persOD
whose appointment is not approved by the President of- the Union. fails. with-
in a further period to be fixed by the President of the Union. to appoint aD
approved person. the President of the Union may-
(a) select and appoint a person to be Chic( Executive Officer;
(b) fix the pay and allowances and general conditions of service of
such Chief Executive Officer and if he is a servant of tbe
Government the conditions under which his services are Jent to
the District Councilor School Board.
(9) Where a Chief Executive Officer is appointed under the provisions of
sub-section (7) or sub-section (8) the President of Ihe Union shall delermioc
Mural Stl/.Golltmmtnt.
which powers. if any. of the Council or Board. or of the Chairman or
ViceChairman. under this Act Or any rule or bye-law thereunder shall be
exercised by the said Cbief Executi\'e Officer. in addition to or to the exclu
sian at tbeir exercise by the said Council. Board. Chairman or Vice-Chairman.

%2. (1) The District Councilor 'School Board may- Pay)

(a) subject to any rules that may be made in this behalf. pay its penllllon and
aJlowan' of
officers and ser\'ants such pay and allowances and grant tbem oIieen and
sucb lea\'e as it may think fit; .avant
(b) subject to such conditions as tbe President of the Union may by
rules prescribe. establish and maintain a provident fund on
behalf of its own officers and senants. the officers and scrnnts
of any Circle Board within tbe jurisdiction of the District
Council. and the teacbers of any school aided by grants from
the District School Fund. and may compel any.or e\'ery such
officer or senant to contribute thereto. and may supplement
sucb contributions out of the District Fund or the District
School Fund. as the case may be;
(c) with the general or special sanction of the President of the UnioD.
grant them pensions. or subscribe on their behalf tor pension
or gratuity under any general or special orders of the President
of the Union for the time being in (orce:
Pro\'idcd tbat-
(i) the conditions of the grant at lea\'e and of lea\'e allowances. pen-
sion or gratuity shall not be more fa\loUtable than tbose
prescribed f-or servants of the Go\'crnmcnt; and
hi) no leave allowances. pension or gratuity sball excecd tbe sum.
wbich. under any general or special ordcrs of tbe President of
the Union for thc time being in force. such officer or ser\'ant
would be entitlcd to if his scnice bad been under the
(2) In the case of an officer lent by Go\'ernment. tbe District Council or
School Board shall contribute to any leave allowance. gratuity. or pension. to
which he may become entitled. in accordance with any gencral or special
orders of the President of the Union for tbe time being in force.
(3) If any dispute arises rcgarding lbe interpretalion of provisos (i) and
(ii) to sub-section (I). the decision of tbe President of thc Union thereon shall
be 6nal.

13. Subject to the pro\'lslons of this chapter and to any rules made in E_pIo"..t
'" ........
tbis behalf. two or marc District Councils may from time 10 time conjointly and catab-
appoint ant! employ any officers or establishments, and pro't'ide foc the Jidl.ITAnle b)t
payment of their salaries aDd thcir control. two or more
local bodi
90 Rural Sell-Govemment.

E,tablish 14. (I) In any locality not falling witbin any of the areas sel out in
of a notification under section 3 and (or which no District Council has been
Bcwd, in established under section 5. the President of the Union may. by notification.
=: i:~e direct that Circle Boards shall be established. and that such Boards shall
D:I,trict . exercise and perform such of the powers and duties conferred and imposed
Council ~ on District Councils by this Act and the orders and rules made thereunder
::~:'oIlII as may be specified in the notification. subject to any rules made under
=.s.. sub-section (2).
(2) The President of tho Union may make rules specifying the modifica
tions with which this Act and tbe orders and rules made thereunder sball
apply to such Circle Boards.

Dele pUon of 15. (I)

powen lo (2) Where a village committee has been established for any village-tract
l;IJmmittnl. under the Village Act. the Circle Board may direct that within the village
tract any matter placed under the control and administration of the Circle
Board under this Act shall be wholly or partly transferred to tbe control and
administration of the village conlmittee with adequate funds for tbe purposes
of such control and administration.
(3) The village committee. subj:t to the control of the Circle Board.
shall. so far as the funds at its disposal permit. make due' provision for all
!Datters transferred to its control and administration by this section. It sball
be the duty of the Circle Board to enforce the responsibility imposed on the
village committee by this section.
(4) The village committee lllay exercise all or any of the powers of tbe
Circle Board delegated to it. and shall conform to all the rules and orders to
which the Board is subject in respect of such powers.
(5) The village commiuee shall not incur expenses or undertake liabilities
to an amount exceeding the funds placed at its disposal.
(6) The President of the Union nlay make fules regulating the procedure
wbich such .village committees shall {"onow in tbe conduct of business and in
their relations with District Councils and Circle Boards, the registers of
accounts which they shall keep and the reports and returns which they
shall submit.



'hr bn 26. (I) A District Council may. with the previous Sanction of the
ll.afllllnd President of the Union. levy a tax on persons residing within. or owning or
proper"". occupying houses. buildings or lands within. its jurisdiction.
(2) Such tax shall be imposed according to the circumstances and
property of such persons within the limits '.)f the said jurisdiction. and shan
Rural Sel/.GovetnnJent. 9'1
not appfy to circumstances and property outside such limits of "a person
residing within them.
(3) The rate at which such tax. shall be levied shall not average less
than rupees two or more than rupees eight per annum per person liable to
pay it.
(4) In any area in which such tax is levied. no person shall be liable to
pay capitation-tax under section 34 of the Land and Revenue Act. or land
rate in lieu of capitation-tax under section 35 of the said Act. or thathameda-
tax under section 22. sub-section (I). of the Upper Burma Land and Revenue
Regulation. for the financial year for which such tax is levied.

17. (1) With the previous sanction of the President of the Union, a Tax in lUd
District Council may levy a tax for the construc!ion and maintenance at any of embank-
meili. light
embankment. light railway. canal or other irrigation work or for the payment ,:til",.y oJ(
of charges incurred in connection with any loan raised for such construction. irrigation
o~ in the case of a light railway. for the payment of a guarantee.
(2) Such tax shall be levied on all occupied lands which lie within the
jurisdiction of the District Council and are so situated that their occupiers
Cll'll derive benefit. direct or indirect. from such embankment. light railway.
canal or other irrigation work.
0) Any person objecting to the le"ying of such tax. on him on the
&round that he does not derive or is not li)cely to derive any benefit. direct or
indirect. from such embankment. light railway. canal or other irrigation
work. may appeal to the Commissioner whose decision thereon shall be final :
Provided that a District Council shall not raise by sucb tax any amount
in excess of what is required for the construction and maintenance of such
embankment. light railway or irrigation work. the repayment of loans with
interest thereon and management charges.

%8. (t) With the previous sanction of the Commissioner. a Disrict ImpOIition
Council may levy a toll or fee- of other tu.
loll or fee.
(0) for the right to expose goodS or livestock for sale in any public
market within the area over which its jurisdiction extends or
for the use of any building or structure therein;
(b) for the registration of animals sold in sucb market;
(c) for the right to expose goods or livestock tor sale on roads or
Streets within the area over which its jurisdiction extends;
(d) for the sen ice of any bull or stallion boing tbe property of
Ihe District Council;
(e) for the right to exhibit goods or livestock at any fair. show or
exhibition held under its authority within the area over wbic:h
its jurisdiction extends;
(f) a tax. toll or fee on any or al1 of the following. namely- -vehicle
boats. animals. menials and domestic servants. Irades. profe,~
sions and callings. private markets;
91 kUTQI SelfGovernment.
(g) a tax. toll or fee for services rendered as respects any of the
following. namely-water-supply. Iigbting. scavenging, sewage.
sanitation, drainage. public conveniences;
(h) a tax on land or buildings or both;
(j) ao octroi:
Pro\iided that not more than one tax shall be imposod under clauses (f)
to (h) in respect of the samo buildings or land.
(2)* * * *

29. A District School Board. subject to the control of the District
$'ille 01 Council. or a Joint School Board. subject to control of the Commissioner,
KItOoI leu.
may fix a maximum scale of fees to be levied in schools under its control.

Suit 01 fees nA. A Hospital Committee may. subject to the approval of the District
f"r altend- Council. fix a scale of fees to be paid by different classes of patients attend
....c:t at
h~pital. ing a hospital or dispensary under its control.

Ruin 10 30. The President of tbe Union may make rules to regulate the imposi
regulate tion. assessment, collection, suspension and remission of any taxes, tolls or
etl;., (l( talles, fees levied UDder this Act.
tolls and Ices.
Power of 31. It at any time it appear to the President of the Union. on complaint
Pruldent to
to_pend made or otherwise. tbat any tax, toll or fee imposed under this Act is unfair
levy 01 tn in its incidence. or that the le...y thereof or of any part thereof is injurious to
Of trnl.
the interests of the public, he lDay require the District Council to take witbin
a specified period measures to reOlo\"e the objection. and if within that period
such requisition is not complied with 10 the satisfaction of the President of
the Union. the President of the Union may, by notification, suspend the levg
of the tax. toll or fee, or any part thereof until the objection has been

Property 31. (1) E...ery road, building Or other work constructed by a District
to vttt i.
Diatrict Councilor a Circle Board subordinate thereto from the District Fund shall
Council. vest in the District Council.
(2) AU land acquired at the request of a District Council under section
55 shall vest in the District Council on payment by the Council of the cost of
(3) On Ibe establishment at a District Council in any district, every
road, building or other work. constructed or ma-intained (rom the Disuict
Cess Fund in Lower Burma or frOID the local fund hitherto known as the
District Fund in Upper Burma shall. if situate within the area subject to the
a.uthority ot the District Council. vest in such Council, subject to SUCh
exceptions as the President of the Union (lIay by rule dlrect.
Rural Sell-Government. 93

33. (I) There sball be formed for each district a fund to be called the AMel,"of
District Fund. which shall vest in" the District Council. and there shall be Oi.lrielFund. '
placed to tho credit thereof-
(a) in Lower Burma. the balance standing to the credit of that district.
on the date on which the District Council is established, of all
ceases and bouse-taxes levied under the District Cesses Act. and
in Upper Burma. the baJance standing likewise to the credit of
that district of the sums hitherto appropriated to it for local
purposes under the name of the District Fund. subject to all
debts. liabilities and obligations affecting such funds: provided
that in districts where this Act shall not apply" to the whole
district such proportionate share of the balance of the local
funds as the President of the Union may decide shall remain
at the disposal of Government;
(b) the proceeds of all taxes. tolls and fees levied under this Act;
(c) al1 rents and profits accruing from property vested in tbe District
Council. or managed by the District Councilor any Circle Board
subordinate thereto;
(d) all sums received by tbe District Council. or by a Circle Board
subordinate thereto. in the discbarge of functions exercised by it
under this Act, including the proceeds of ees and fines realisec;l
under the Ferries Act and the Cattle Trespass Act;
(e) all sums contri.buted to the District Fund by Government. Or by
any local bodies or pri'.:ate persons;
(I) in Lower Burma-one-half. or sucb greater portion as the President
of the Union may for any district by rule direct. of any of the
annual cesses levied in any district under the District Cesses
Act; in Upper Burma-such portion. if any. of tho land-revenuo
levied in any district as the Presidont of the Union may by rule
(g) the proceeds of any other source of income which the Prosident
of the Union may by rule direct to be placed at the disposal of
the District Council ;
(h) all licence fees received from any pawnshop licensed under the
l{Village Act]. within the jurisdiction of. the District Council :
(i) all fines recovered from persOris convicfed of offences committed
against this Act or orders, rules or byetaws made thereunder.
and all sums recovered_ on account of composition for sucb
offences; and
(j) the proceeds of allloaos made to the District Council.
(2) The balance standing to the credit of; the District Fund sball be topt
in the Government Treasury of the district or. with the previous sanction of
the PreSident of tho Union, in such bank at the headquarters ot tbe disllict at
may be approved by the President of the Union in this behalf.
I TIle word. " VlIIal{e Act .. were substituted for the words and fiBure,; .. Bllrma vilbCe
(Anltndment) J\ct, 19Z1 .. ~y Ad fl, 1945. ". .
94 Rural S~lf-GQv~rnment.

InytstmQlt 34. A District Council may. from time to time. with the previous
of fWld. by
District sanction or the President of the Union, invest any portion of its District
Council. [* * * *1 I Union of Burma Government securities. or in such other
securities (including fixed deposits in recognised banks) as the President of the
Union may approve in this behalf, and may exchange such investments for
otbers of the like nature. and the income resulting from tbe securities and
proceeds of the sale of the same shall be credited to the District Fund,
Raisin~ of 35. It shall be lawful for a District Council. subject to the provisions
loans b."
Distrid of any law relating to the raising of loans by local authorities for the time
Counl;il. being in force, to raise loans, from time to time. for the purpose of carrying
out any or the provisions of this Act, and to guarantee the payment of interest
00 such loans and to form a sinking fund.
Obitl;ls 36, The District Fund shall, subject to any rules which may be made in
on whicb
District this behalf. be applicable to the payment by the District Council or by a Circle
Fund tJ bt Board subordinate thereto of the charges and expenses incidental to H.e
matters uoder the control and administration of the District Council and
incurred within the area subject to the authority of tbe District Council, and.
with the sanction of the Commissioner, outside that area when such appJicatidn
of the Fund is for the bene6t of the inhabitants of" that area. and also to the
rollowing purposes. namely :-
(a) contributions for the maintenance of agricultural. industrial.
medical and educational inslitutions;
(b) expenses incidental to the audit of the accounts of the District
Councilor Circle Boards within the district;
(c) payment of expenses at pauper lunatics and pauper lepers sent to
public asylums from the area under the authority of the District
Council ;
(d) payment of any sums which the District Council may be liable to
pay as interest upon loans raised by it under section 35 r"r the
purposes of this Act. and the formation of a sinking tund when
(to) payment. at such rates and subject to such conditions and
limitations as the President of the Union may by rule direct. of
the travetling expenses of members of District Councils and
Circle Boards;
(f) payment of-
(i) expenses incurred by the 'District Council. subject to any ruleS
thal may be made by the President of the Union. in the
acquisition by purchase or otherwise of lands and buildingS.
and in the construction and maintenance or buildings. for
offices of the District Councilor of Circle Boards subor-
dinate thereto, or for the residence of any member of the

~ The words" sccllritirs of the Governmtnt of India or .. were deleted by Act XX!X.l950,
Rural S~II.Govtrnlnent. 9S

establishment employed by the District Council or in its

behalf ;
(ii) advances granted to members of the establishment employed by
the District Councilor by a Circle Board subordinate thereto
or on its behalf for the purpose of enabling them to acquire
or construct residences for. themselves. or for any other
purpose for which advances may be made to servants of the
(go) payment of any expenses that may be incurred through the default
of the District Council in carrying out any ot the duties
imposed on it under this Act:
(h) with the previous sanction of the Commissioner. payment of con
tributions in aid of distress caused by fire. drought. Bood Or
similar calamity within the district;
(i) payment of, salaries to officers and servants employed by the District
Councilor by a Circle Board subordinate thereto;
(j) payment of commission. fee or other remuneration to persons
employed by the District CounciJ or by a Circle Board subor
dinate thereto:
(k) expenses and charges incidental to the matter specified in sections
21 and 22;
( J) placing of funds at the disposal of Circle Boards under section 53.
subsection (I);
(m) payment of any other sums which the District Council may. with
the sanctioll of the Commissioner. declare to be an appropriate
charge on the District Fund
37. (I) There shaU be formed for each circle constituted under section 4 AJeeboi
Circle Fund.
a fund to be known as the Circle Fund. which shall vest in the Circle Board.
and to which shall be credited all moneys made over to it by the District
Gouncil to which it is subordinate. to meet the expenses incidental to the
control and administration of all matters delegated to the Circle Board under
section 53.
(2) The balance standing to the credit of the Circle Fund shall be kept
in the Government Treasury of the district or in such subtreasury as the
District Council may direct or. with the previous sanction ot the President of
the Union. in such bank at the headquarters either of the district or of tbe
circle as may be approved by the President of the Union in this behalf.
37A. (1) There shall be formed for every hospital or dispensary for AIUU 01
which a Hospital Committee has been appointed under section 9A of this Act HOlpilal
a fund to be known as the Hospital Fund. to meet the expenSeS incidental to
the control and administration of all matters for which the Hospital Committee
is responsible under .section 9A. This fund shall vest in the Hospital Com
minee. and there shall be placed to the credit tbereof-
(a) all sums contributed to the Hospital Fund by the District Council
or other J~al bodies, ,CJC by Government. or by private persoDs i
96 Rural SelfGQvernment.

(b) all sums received from patieots under section 29A.

(Z) The balance standing to the credit of the Hospital Fund shall be kept
io the Government Treasury of the district or in such subtrcasury as the
District Council may direct or. with the previous sanction of the President of
tbe Uoioo. io such banle at the headquarters either of the district or of the
circle within which the hospital or dispensary concerned is situate as may be
approved by the President of the Union in this behalf.
Aueb 01 38. (I) There shall be formed for each district in which a School Board
ScbGol Fund, has been established under sec lion 9 of this Act a fund to be known as the
District School Fund. which shall vest in the case of a District School Board
in the District Council. or in the case of a Joint School Board jointly in tbe
District Council and the Municipal Committee or Committees which has or
have combined with such Council for the appointment of such Board. and
tbere shall be placed to the credit thereof-
(0) all sumS contributed to the District School Fund by local bodies,
or by Government. or by private persons;
(b) all school fees or other money received by the School Board in
the discharge of any functions exercised by it under tbis Act..or
the orders and rules made thereunder.
(2) The balance standing to the credit of the District School Fund shall be
kept in the Government Treasury of the district or. with the previous sanction
of the President of the Union. in such bank at the headquarters of the districl
al may be approved by the President ot the Union in this behalf.
Objects 01'
which 39. The District School Fund shall'. subjed to rules made by the
Ditlrict President of the Union in this behalf. be applicable to-
Yvnd to be (0) expenses incidental to the maintenance and development of verna'
cular schools under the management of the School Board;
(b) grants-in-aid payable to vernacular schools under private manage-
(e) payment of scholarships to pupils in vernacular schools;
(d) grants for the encouragement of school games and athletics;
(e) expenses incidental to the several matters specified in section 9;
U) expenses incidental to the audit of the Fund:
(g) payment. at such rates and subject to such conditions and limitations
as the President of the Union may by rule direct. of tbe
travelling expenses of members of School Boards;
(h) advances granted to officerS and servants of the School Board for
the purpose or. enabling them to acquire or construct residences
for themselves, or for any otber purpose for which advances
may be made to servants of the Government;
(i) payment of any expenses tbat may be incurred through the def,lIlt
of the School Board in carrying out any of the duties imposed
on it by this A(:t. Of t~ orders and r\lles mad~ therc\loder i
Rural SeltGo~'trnmt''''
(j) payment of any other expense. which the District School Board
with the sanclion or. the District Council. or the Ioiot Schoo'
Board with the sanction of tbe Commissioner. may declare to
be an appropriate chuie on the District Schoo) Fu.nd.

40. When District Councils cannot aaree as to the apportionment of the cHtputes
DecUi~ ol
cosl of worles or undertakings. which benefit more districts than one. tho to arporiil
Commissioner of the division. if the districts are in the same division. or. UlCl\Pol .
when the districts are in different divisions. the Commissioners ot the respective n:~nditur.
divisions. or. if the Commissioners cannot agree. the President of the Union di.t,ic:t
may determine what proportion of the upenses of the wort or undertaking
shall be borne by each of the district funda of the districts benefited thereby.
and such proportion shall be payable out of the severa) district funds

1. (I) Every District Council shall appoint a finance committee of not Aanul
Jess than three of its members. e.Urnatn
(2) Every District Council shall. on or before such date in each year as of Dhtrid:
may be prescribed either generally or specially by tbe Commissioner. hold a (,;ouncU..
meeting. at which the finance committee shall submit to the District Council
an estimate of the income and expenditure of the District Council for the next
ensuing financial year. in such form as tbe President of tbe Union may by rule
(3) The District Council shall consider the estimate. and may provisionally
approve it with or without modification.
(4) The District Council shalt on or before such date in each year as
may be prescribed either generally or specially by the Commissioner. cause
copies of the estimate. as provisionally approved by it. to be sent through the
Deputy Commissioner to the Commissioner.
(5) The Commissioner may object to the estimate on the ground that
any particular contained therein appears to him to be unnecessary. defective,
ex:cessive or outside the purposes otthisAct. .
(6) If no objection is received from the Commissioner within six weeks"
from the date of its despatch the estimate sball be taken as approved. It the
Commissioner disapprove of the estimate he sball siinify in writin. to the
Council his disapproval or. the estimate and state th~ nature of his objection.
The Council shaH then' modify the estimate in terms of the Commissioner'.
(7) If within six weeks from the date of the despatch no objection has
been received. or if the estimate has been modified in accordance with the
Commissioner's decision. the estimate shall be deemed .to be finally saDctioned:
(8) No expenditure which is nOI provided for in the estimate shall be
incurred during the year to which the estimate relates, and no fundS provided
under one or more head or heads of expenditure in the ostimate sban be
transferred 10 any olher head or heads of expenditure except in accordtnce
with rules made in this bebalf

.8 Rural Self-Government.
Minimum 41. Except with the sanclion of the President of the Union. no estimate
balance 10
be kept in Ihall be approvod unless provision is made therein for the District Council
Ltiuricl bavins to its credit at the end of the financial year a balance of not less than
5uch amount as the Prosident of tho Union may by rule direct.

Annual 43. (I) E-.cry Circle Board shall submit annually to tho District Council
b"dtet 10 which it is subordinate. in such manner and on or before such date as tbe
Qf eirel!: District Council may by bye-law prescribe in this behalf. a slateolenl of its
Boards. requirements. and an estimate of its expenditure for the coming financial
year. and shall subDlit. as often as the District Council may by bye-law require.
accounts of its receipts and expenditure.
(.1) TM Dislrkl Coonel} shaJJ signify in wriling to the Circle 1kxlrd ill
approval of an estimate submitted under this section. after modifying it in such
manner as it may think fit. and no expenditure not pro"'ided for in the estimate
shall be inCurred by Ihe Circle Board during the ye;"r for which such estimate
has been framed except with the previous approval of the DistrictCouncil .

Annual ... (I) Every School Board shall appoint a finance committee of not less
estimates 01 tban three of ilS members.
&:111 (Z) Every School Board shall. on or before such date in each year
as may be prescribed either generally or specially by the Commissioner. hold
a meeting. at which the finance committee shall submit to the School Board
an estimate of the income and expenditure of the School Board for the next
eDluins fiDancial year. in such form as the President of the Union may by
rule direct.
(3) The School Board shall consider the estimate and may provisionally
approve it with or without modification.
(4) The School Board shall. on or before such date in each year as may
be prescribed either senerally or specially by the Commissioner. cause copies
of the estimate. as provisionally appro\'ed by it. to be sent to the District Counc~.
and. if the School Board is a Joint School Board. to the Municipal Com-
mittee or Committees which is or are represented on the Scbool Board.
(5) In tbe case of II District School Board. the District Council shall
signify in writing its approval or disapproval of the estimate. If it disapprove
o( tbe estimate it shall modify it accordingly. In the case of a Joint School
Board. tbe District Council aDd the Municipal Committee or Committees. as the
case may be. shall consider the estimate and on their approving tbe same ia
its entirety or with modification. shall signify their approval. as the caso may
be. in writins to the Joint School Board. In the event of any disagreement
hc'lween the District Council and the Municipal Committee or Committees. the
matter shall be referred to the Commissioner. whose decision shall be final.
(6) When the estimate has been finally approved. no expenditure wbich
is not provided for therein shall be incurred during the year for which
such estimate has been (ramed except with the previous approval of the local
boclies represented on the School Board.
Rural S~/f-GovtrnnJ~nt. 99.
44A. (I) Every Hospital Committee shall submit annually to the District Annual
COllncil on such date as may be prescribed by the Commissioncr an estimatc estimatea Of
of its income and expenditure for tbe ensuing tinancifll year. Hc.pj:ta1
(Z) The District Council shall silnify in 'writing to the Hospital Com Olmmittec .
mittee its approval of an estimate under this section. afler modifying it in
such manner as it may think fit. and no expenditure Dot provided for in the
estimate shall be incurred by such Hospital Committee during thc year for
which sucb estimate has been framed except with the previous approval or
the District Council.

45. Accounts of the receipts and expenditure of every Discrict Council. Periodical
Circle Board and Scbool Board shall be made up periodically to such days audit Of
and in such form as the President or the Union may by rule direct and shall
be examined and audited by such persons as the President of the Union may
appoint in this behalf.

46. Every District Council. Circle Board and School Board shall teepat Inspallon
its office a copy of every estimate 81 approved under sections 41. 43 and 44. or budge!
Jespectivoly. and of every account made up under section 45. and any person
mar. at llony reasonable time. inspect such estimate or acx:ount without payment
of any fcc.

47. An abstract of every annual account of a Di.strict Council showing Annual

the income of the District Fund under each head of receipts. tho charges for publ iulion
::If account.
establishment. the works undertaken. the sums expended on eacb wort and
the balance. if any. of the fund remaining unspent shall be prepared by tbe
District Council and shall be published annually in such manner as the
President of the Union may by rule direct.



ScHOOL Bo.Ul,os.
41. In addition to appointing a School Board for the purposes mentioned Mattcn 10
in Section 9. a District Council shall. subject to sucb exceptions and con be admini.
tered by
ditions as the President of the Union may by general or spoeial order make Oi.triet
and imposo. be responsible for tbe proper carrying outofthe following matters Coondl.
Wilhin tho area subject to its authority:-
ta) tho management of all property vosted in the District Council;
(b) the construclion. repair and maintenance of all public roads.
other than roads declared by the President or tho Union
to be main roads. including the planling and preservalion of
roadside trees along such roads;
(c) tbe construction. repair and maintenance of public waterways
other than waterways declared by tbe PresideDC of tho Onion
to be main waterways
100 Rural S~JfGov~f1Im~nt.

(dJ the improvement of sanitation and the protection of the publk:

health. including the prevention of the spread of contagious and
infectious diseases among human beings;
(el the protection of the health and well being of cattle. including the
prevention of the spread ot contagious and infectious disease.
among cattle;
(I) the regulation of the slaughter of cattle;
(g) the establishment. visiting and maintenance of public hospitals
and dispensaries. and of veterinary dispensaries. the Construc-
tion and repair of all buildings connected with such institutions.
and the appointment and pay of the netc5sary subordinate
(h) the establishment. visiting. mainlcnanl;c and management of
markets. slaughter-houses. canle-pounds. ferries. drains. pubHc
latrines. tanks. wells and other public works of a similar nature.
and Ihe construction and repair of all buildings connected
(j) the institution. holding and management of public rairs. agricultural
shows and industrial exhibitions.

P"weu 49. (I) Notwithstanding anything contained in any or the undermenlioned

which may
be Iti\"cn tu Acts. the President of the Union may. by notification. extend to all or any of
Di.trict the areas for which a District Council has been established. or to any portion
under cerbin thereor.all oranyorthe provisions of the following Acts which apply or may
Art. be declared to apply to a municipality. and may declare that in any such area the
District Council shall exercise all or any or the powers which are or may be
exercised by Municipal Committees under the said Acts : -
(a) the HaCkney Carriage Act:
(b) the Vaccination Act. Part];
(c) the Ferries Act:
(d) the Vaccination Act. Part 111.

QUler 50. The President of the Union may. by order. direct that any 0(. the
trIlItten ad-
ministraliOn following matters shall. subject to such exceptions and conditions as may be
Of which spuified in such order. be under the Control and administration of a District
may be made Council within the area subject to its authority :_
ow:1" \0'
Council'. (a) lhe construction and maintenance of a light railway:
(b) the construction. maintenance and replir of embankments aDd
canals and the supply. storage and control of water for
agricultural purposes:
(c) the preservation and reclamation of soil and the drainage aDd
reclamation at swamps; and
(d) any other matter affecting the public health. safety. comfort and
convenience. or the agricultural or industrial prosperity at tbe
RuraJ ScJt-Govcrnnkili. lor
51. A Dis.t~ict Council shall. so far a. the fund. at it. disposal permit. Prow-I,ion 10
b~ made by
make due prOVISion for all matters placed under its control or administration District
by or under sections 48. 49 and 50. Couacll for
by it.
52. (I) Where a public market is vested in or has been established by a .tablilh-
District Council. such Council may frame byc-Iaws for its rcgulation. and for ment of
the Icvy of fecs for tbe right to sell goods or occupy stalls or buildings in licen'inlOl
sIKh market. ,...h';lte
markel' by
(Z) A District Council may also- byeJaw.
(a) frame bye-laws for the regulation of private markets. and for the
prohibition of the opening of any new private market after the
date of the commencement of this Act. except in accordance
with thc terms and conditions or a licence granted by itself.
(b) framc bye-laws for thc regulation or prohibition of the exposure
or goods for sale on roads and streets within half a mile of a
public or private market. and for the levy of fees from person.
selling up stalls or otherwise exposing goods for sale on such
roads and streets.
(3) In making a bye-law under this section the District Council may
direct that a breach thereof shall be punishable with fine not exceeding fifty
rupeos and, if the breach is a continuing breach. with a further fine not
exceeding five rupees for every day after tbe first during which the breach is
proved to have been persisted in.
(4) The power conferred undcr tbis section to make byelaws is subject
to the condition of previous publication in such manner as the President of
tbe Union may by rule dirC(:( and to tbe control of tbe Commissioner.

SJ. (I) A District Council may. subject to the control of the Com Dele~;J.tio" .
missioner. direct that. within the area subject to the authority of a Circle ~~~itt~t~o
Board. any matter placed under the control and administration of Ihe District Clrde
Council by or under sections 48. 49 and SO shall be lransrerred to tbe Boardl.
COntrol and administration of the Circle Board. with adequate fund. for the
purposes of such control and adminiSlration.
(Z) A Circle Board. subject to the control of the Disuict Council. shall.
so far as the funds at its disposal perwit. makc due provision (or all matten
so transferred to its control and administration.
(3) It sball be tbe duty of the District Council to enforce tbe re.ponsi
bility so imposed on a Circle Board.
(4) A District Council may reverse or vary resolutions of any Circle
Board within the district.
(5) If a Circle Board makes default in (he performance of any duty
imposed on it by or under this section. the District Council may. by order
in writing, fix a period. for the per(m;mance of the duty.
102 kural Sel/GovernmenJ,

(6) If the duty is not performed within that period. the District Council
may appoint some person to perform it. and may provide for the expenses
of. and incidental to. its performance out of the fUllds appropriated to
or for the purposes of the Circle Board.
(ncorpora- 54. Every District Council shall be a body corporate by the name of the
tion and District Council of its district. and shalt ha\'e perpetual succession and a common
seal ott :omd seal. with power to acquire and hold property. both moveable and
IranSf~r Of
immoveable. and. subject to any rules that may be made by the President
properly b)'.
District of the Union in this behalf. to transfer any such property held by it. and to
Council. contract and to do all other things necessary for the purposes of this Act.
and may sue and be sued in its corpora to name.
Acquisition 5$. When any land is required for the purposes of this Act. tbe
of land for President of the Union may. at the request of the District Council. and 00
COI.ncil. payment by the Council of the cost of acquisition. proceed to acquire it
under the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act,
Lxal 56. (I) A District Council. Circle Board. School Board or Hospital
bodies m.y
enlu into Committee may enter into and perform aU such agreements and contract~ as
cnnlr.cls. it may Consider necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
(2) Any such contract may be entered into on behalf of a District
Councilor of. a School Board by the Chairman thoreof if the "'alue of such
contr;;tct does not exceed two thousand rupees. or Such other amount as the,
President of the Union may by general or speci;;tl order direct. and on behalf
of a Circle Board or Hospital Committee by tho Chairman thereof if the
\'alue of such contract l.1oes not oxceed five hunl.1red rupees. or such other
amount as the President oC the UnioD may by general or special order
Al'prov;alof 57. No new work shall be commenced and no contract in respect there-
plans ;and
Ulim;atrs of shall be entered into. if the estimated cost of such work ell.ceeds~ .
before (0) in the case oil a work to be carried out by a District Council. or
wOTk is
commenced. by a School Board. two thousand rupees or such other amount
as the President of Ihe Union may by general or special order
direct. until the plan and estimate therefor shall bave been doter
mined on and approved by the District Councilor by the School
Board. as the case may be;
(b) in the case of a work to be carried out by a Circle Board. five
hundred rupees or such other amount as the President of tbe
Union may by general or sJ)('cial order direct, until the plan
and estimate therefor shall have been determined on and
approved by the District Council ;
(c) fifty thousand rupees or such other amount as the President of the
Union may by general or special order direcl, until the plan and
estimate therefor shall have been submitted to and approved by
the Commissiooer;
Rural Self-Golltrnmtnt. 103
(d) one lakh of rupus Or such other amOunt as Ihe President of the
Union may by general or special order direcl, until the plan and
estimate therefor shall have been submitted to and approved by
the President of the Union.
58. (I) The Chairman of any District Council. Circle Board or School El'eculiOl'l of
Board may execute on behalf of such Councilor Board any COntract which contrilCQ.
he is competent to eDter into on behalf of such Council or Board under
section 56.
(2) All other contracts shaH be executed by the Chairman and one mem-
ber. and shall be sealed with the common seal of the Councilor Board.
(J) No contract. which is not executed in act:ordance with the provisions
of Ihis seclion. shall be binding upon a District Council. Circle Board or
School Board.

59. (1J No contract for the execution of any worle: which a Chairman is Tmden to
not competent under section 56 to enter into on behalf or a District Council. ~ called 10f".
Orcle Board or School Board shall be given to any person except after tenders
ha"'e been called ror.
(2) All tenders so received shall be placed before the o;strict Council.
Circle Board or School Boan!. and such Councilor Board shall not be bound
to accept any tender. and may accept any tender which appears upon a view
of all the circuOlstances to be the most advantageous.

60. The Chairma.n of a District Council, Circle Board or School Board. Securfl)' for
as the case may be. shall see that sufficient security is taken for Ihe due per- nf co"tracl~,
formance of any contract, Ihe value of which exceeds five hundred rupees or
such other amount as the President of the Union may by general or special
order direct.

61. (I) It shall be the duty of the President of the Union and or all Duly:lnd
Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners acting under his orders 10 see that flOwCU of
the proceedings of District Councils. Circle Boards and School Boards are in aJld I'lfficen
conformity with this Act, and with the orders and rules in force therellnder. ~ubll1din:lte
In him 10
(1) The President of the Union may annul any proceeding which he con- ,uperl'he,
siders not to be in conformity with law and with (be' orders or rules, and may annul :lnd
do all things necessary to secure such conrormity.
61. The Commissioner or the Deputy Commissioner nlay- 51-pen itiorl
by lAoonml,...
(a) enter on and inspect, or authorize any qualified derson 10 enter on ,ionenaa4
and inspect any immoveable properly vested in or occupied by a Uel>uty
District Council. Circle Board or School Board or any work in ~lcnef' CJI
progress under its direction; Dislri~ I
(b) make a written request for and inspect any pecumenl which may Circle
be. for the purpose of this Act, in the pos5euion of or under Hoard :ul d ' '
the control or such Councilor Board. Boards.
(d make a written request to such Councilor Board to furnish such
statements. accounts and reports as may be Ihought necessary ;
(d) record in writing for the consideration of such Councilor Board
any observations he may think proper in regard to its proceedings
or duties.

Powenof '3. (I) If. in the opinion of the Deputy Commissioner. the execution of
Deputv any order or resolution of a District Council, Circle Board or School Board, or
lion'" to the doing of any act which is about to be done or is being done in pursuance
$uspcnd of or under cover of this Act. is likely to cause injury or annoyance to the
dt:o.:ullon of
any order public, or to any class or body of persons, or is likely to lead to a breach of
and of the peace, he may, by order in writing. suspend the execution of such order
sioller to or prohibit the doing of such act.
pass orderlJ (2) If a Deputy Commissioner makes any order under sub-section (I), he
in any .uch
cau. shall forthwith forward to the Commissioner a copy ot the order with a state
ment of the reasons for making it, and it shall be in the discretion of the
Commissioner to rescind the order or to direct that it continue in foret:, with
or without modification, indefinitely or for such period as he may think 61.
(3) A District Council may appeal 10 the Commissioner against any order
passed under sub-section (I) within two months of the date at the passing 6f
such Order. and the decision of the Commissioner thereon sball be final.

Power. of 64. (I) If at any time it appears to the Commissioner that a District
Commis- Council, Circle Board or School Board has made default in performing. or has
,ione.. 10

"""- ..
OfdcT local inefficiently performed. any duty imposed on it by this Act. he may. by order
carr, out in writing. direct such Council or Board to perform that duty. or to take such
any duty. measures as be may Ihink proper for the performance thereof. and may fix a
time within which the duty shall be performed or the measures shall be taken.
(2) If the order is not obeyed to his satisfaction within the time fixed. the
Commissioner may appoint some person to execute it. and may direct thai the
expense of executing it shall be paid by such Councilor Board. within suctJ
time 85 he may fix. to Ihe person 50 appointed.
(3) If the ex.pense is not so paid. the Commissioner may make an order
directing the person having the custody of the balance oC' the District Fund or
of the District School Fund. as the case may be. to pay the expense. or so
much thereot as is from time to time possible. from thai balance in priority
10 IiDy or all other charges against the same.
(..) The Commissioner shall report to the President of the Union every
case in which he uses the powers conferred by this section.
(5) A District Council may appeal to tbe President of the Union against
any order passed by the Commissioner under this section within IWO months
of the date of tbe passing of such order. and the President of the Union may
confirm. modify or rescind any such order as he Qlay think fit.

POWtTS of 6$. (" ]n case of emercency. the Deputy Commissioner may provide for
Oe['Uty the execution of any work or Ihe doing of any act. which a District Council is
lianer empowered to execute or do. and the immiate execution or doing of which
Rural St1t-Govtrnmtnt. lOS

is. in his opinion. necessary for the service or safety of the public. and may 10 order
exec"llon of
direct that the expense of executing tbe work or doing the act shall be forth- emergent
with paid by such Council. work.
(2) If the expense is not so paid. the Deputy Commissioner may make an
order directing the person having the custody of the balance of the District
Fund to pay the expense. or so much thereof as is from time to time possible.
from that balance in priority to any or all other charges against the same.
~3) The Deputy Commissioner shall. except in cases of extreme urgency
or danger. obtain the previous sanction of the Commissioner to the use of the
powers conferred on him by this section. and shall report forthwith to the
Com missioner every case in which he uses these powers. The Commissioner
shall in like manner report forthwith to the President of the Union all instances
in which either he or a Deputy Commissioner uses the powers conferred by
this section. The President of the Union may. on receipt of such report.
confirm. modif.y or rescind any order passed under this section.

MA. (I) In the e"ent of any district or part of a district in which a Pow",. of
District Council has been established being at any time "isited or throatened DepUI}'
with an outbreak of any dangerous disease. or in the event of any infectious sklllcr
to lake
disease break ing out or being likely to be introduced into tbe said district mtnuruln
or part of a distriCt amongst men or animals. the Deputy Comn.issioner may in case of
his discretion- oulhrcllr. of
(a) take any special measures. disc;.,e.
(b) employ any staff maintained by the District Council.
(c) employ any additional staff. and
(d) by public notice prescribe temporary regulations to be observed by
the public or by any person or classes of persons in the above area,
for the purpose of preventing the outbreak of such disease or the spread thereof.
(2) Any expense so incurred shall be paid by the District Council and
s~all be reco\'erable in the manner prescribed in section 65.

66. In all matters connected with Ihis Act. the Commissioner shall have Control of
and exercise the same authority over Deputy Commissioners subordinate to Commil.
~iOClel OVtf
him as he has and exercises over them in the general and revenue administra- DCfllItr
tion of his division. ComlZlb-


67. If a District Council. Circle Board or School Board is not competent Dtllqlutioa
to perform. or persistently makes default in the performance of the duties =.~,::::r~f
imposed on it by or under this or any other Act. or exceeds or abuses its local bod,.
powers. the Pcesl'd ent 0 f the U'
Dian may. hy order- byPrnident
. in cOIn ef
(a) direct that all the members of such Councilor Board Shall cease to dr~fsl'll,ml
. e all nr
hold office as and from such date as may be appOinted. and atouJe of
thal a re-election or re-appointment shall take place all if such power..
106 Rural Sel/.Goyernment.

date were the day of expiration of their term of office ia

accordance with the provisions of this Act. in so far as they
may be applicable. and fix the term of office of member. 10
elected or appointed. or
(b) supersede such Councilor Board either inde6nitely or for a period
to be specified in such order.

On a re-election or re<appointment under clause (u) the members who

cease to hold office shall be eligible for eJection or appointment.

Conl~uence A. When a District Council. Circle Board or School Board is superseded

of luper-
leuion. under the last foregoing section. the following consequences shall ensue:-
(a) All members constituting such Councilor Board shall. from the
date of the order. vacate their offices as such members.
(b) All powers and duties of such Councilor Board may. until sucb
Councilor Board is reconstituted. be exercised and performed
by such person or persons as the President of the Union m~y.
from lime to time. appoint in that behalf. and such person or
persons Dlay utilise the balance standing to the credit of t]Je
District Fund or of the District School Fund. as the case may
be. for the performance of such duties.
(c) When a District Council is superseded. all property vested in it
shall. pending the reconstitution of the Council. be vested in tbe
President of the Union.

On the expiration of the period of supersession specified in the order.

such Councilor Board shall be re-established. and the persons who vacated
their offices under clause (0) shall be eligible to becomc members thereof.



Pown,of 69. The Chairman of any District Council. Circle Board or School,
Ch;l!rln;ln to
in.litutt. Board roay. in respect of any matter railing within the jurisdiction of. aad OIl
eomronnd behalf of and subject to the control of. such Councilor Board-
ilnd ckfmd
Cit. . .
aad '0 (a) institute. defend or withdraw from legal proceedings under this
ad,ice. Act. or any order. rule or bye-law;
(b) subjcclto any conditions and exceptions prescribed by rules made
in this behalf. compound aoy oUences against any order. rule
or bye-law;
(e) admit. compromise or withdraw any claim made under this Ac:L
01'" any order. rule 01'" bye-law. and
(d) obtain such legal advice and assistance as he may from time 10
time think necessary Or expedient to obtain. for any of tbe
purposes referred to in clauses (a), (b) and (c). or lor secuting tile
Rural S~lf-Gov~rnm~"t. 107
lawful exercise or discharge of any power or duty vesteLi in or
imposed upon such Councilor Board. or in or upon any officer
or servant of such Councilor Board.
70. No suit shall be maintainable against a District Council. Circle Board Indnnltily.
or School Board. or against any member. officer Or servant of such Councilor
Board. or against any person acting under the direction of such Councilor
Board. or of the ChairDlan or of any officer or servant thereof. in respect of
anything lawfully and in good faith and with due care and attention done
under this Act or any order. rule or bye.Jaw.

11. (I) No suit shall be instituted against a District Council. Circle J",'ilutioa
Board or School Board. or aaainst any member. officer or servant of such ofluit.
a~aiDIl local
Councilor Board. or against any person acting under the direction of SIKh bocIiet.
Council or Board. or of the Chairman or of any officer or servant thereof. in
respect of any act purporting to be done under this Act or any order. rule or
byc-law. until the expiration of one month after written notice has been
delivered or left at the office of the Councilor Board. or at the office or the
place of, abode of such officer. sen"ant or person. stating Ibe Cause of action.
the name and place of abode of the intending plaintiff. and the relief which
he claims.
(2) Every such suit shall be dismissed unlcss it is instit-.ted within
three months from the date of the accrual of the alleged cause of aClion. and
unless senice of. notice as aforesaid is admitted or proved.
(]) It it is proved to the satishction of the Court that. before the suit
was instituted. tender of sufficient amends has been made to the plaintiff. the
plainliff shall not recover his costs nor any relief nol included in sucb tender.
and shall defray the costs of the defendant in the suit.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to apply to any suit institu-
ted under section 54 of the Speci6c Relief Act or to any suit instituted under
~ction 76 of this Act.

71. A Judge or Magistrate shall not be deemed to be within the mean- JUd;!e I)f
ing of section 556 of the Code of Criminal Procedure a party to. or person Ma"iltrat.
when not to
ally interested in. any prosccution under this Act or any order. rule or bye- be deemed
law made thereunder. merely because he is a member of the District Council petlonally
inlelcsted in
or of a Circle Board or School Board. prosecution.

73. (t) Any Sum of money or any tax. totl or fee due to. or claimable Mod< "
by. a District Council. Cin::le Board or School Boanl. may be reconred by '''COVety d
u>Onf;y. bi,
such Council or Board as if it were an arrear of landrevenue. or in such loll CK f.
otber manner as the President of the Union may by rule direct.
(2) Subject to any rules made by the President of the Union in Ihis
behalf. all applications for the recovery of such money. tax. toll or fee shall
be made under the orders of tbe Chairman of the Councilor Board. and by
Ibe Secretary or by such other officer as the Council or Board may generally
or specially direct.
108 Rural Self-Government.

Mc:mtxol$, .. 74. Every member, and every officer and servant of a District Council.
etc. cleell,ecl
to bi: pllhlic Circle Board or School Board shall be deemed to be a public servant within
sen"..nts. the meaning of section 21 of the Penal Code.

Ads not 75. No act done or proceeding taken under this Act or any order. rule
to .... or bye-law shall be questioned on the ground merely of the existence at any
by reJSI>fl vacancy in any District Council. Circle Board or School Board. or on account
lit' Icclmic:al of any defect or irregularity not affecting the merits of the case.

Liability of 76. Every person shall be liable for the loss. waste or misapplicatioD
members for
lOllS, \v.lste
of any money or other property belonging to the District ~ounci1. Circle
or l.-iS- Board or School Board. if such loss. waste or misapplication is a direct can'
applic:.ll n n. sequence of his neglect or misconduct while a member of a District Counc~
or of a Circle Board or of a School Board. and a suit for compensation for
the same may be instituted against him by the District Council or School
Board. as the case may be. or by the Government.

Mcmbers 77. If any member. officer or servant of a District Council. Circle

t.olloht: Board or School Board is. otherwise than with the permission in writing of
intclt:SlC'd in
c.:tlllfJcls. the Commissioner. directly or indirectly interested in any contract made with
that District Council. Circle Board or School Board. he shall be deemed to
have committed an offence under section 168 of the Penal Code:
Provided that-
m a person shall not. by re2.son of being a shareholder in. or a
member of any incorporated or registered company. or of
having a share or interest in any newspaper in which any adver-
tisement relating to the affairs of the local authority may be.
inserted. be held to be interested in any contract between sucb
company or the manager or publisher of such newspaper and
the local authority of which he is a member. but he shall not
take part in any proceedings of the local authority relating to
such contract;
(ij) nothing in this section shall apply to the payment of fees to a legal
or medical practitioner for services rendered by him in his
professional capacity;
(iii) nothing in this section shall apply to any member of a Distrh:1
Council by reason of his holding a debenture. or being ocber'
.....ise concerned. in any loan raised by or on behalf of such
(iv) nothing in this section shaH apply to any member of a local
authority who undertakes or executes on behalf of that autho-
rity any work in a fiduciary capacity without deriving Iheretro.
any pecuniary profit.
Rural Stl/~Governmt"t. 109



71. (I) The President of the Unio" may make orders consisdent with Pl'I\'len of
this Act. and with reference. if necessary. to the varying circumstances of 10 make
different local areas- or.~c ....
(b) declaring tbe departments. the officers of which may be co-opted
as members of District Councils and Circle Boards;
(c) prescribing the qualifications of electors and the quaJitic:l.tions for
being elected members of Circle Boards;
(d) determining the term of office of members of District Councils.
ircle Boards and School Boards;
(t) removing a member of a District Council. Circle Board or School
Board from office under section 17. sub-section (3);
(0 varying the limit of salary fixed in section 21. sub-section (3);
(g) varying the limit of salary fixed under section 21. sub.section (5);
(gg) extending subsection (6) of section 21 to any local area;
(h) making and imposing exceptions and conditions in respect of
mallers placed under the control and administration of District
Councils under section 48 ;
(j) placing under the control and administration of District Councils
any of the matters specified under section 50 ;
(j) varying the value of contracts below which such contrOlCtS may be
entered into by the Chairman of a District Council. Circle
Board or School Board under section 56;
(k) varying the value of contracts in respect of which work may be
commenced wilhout the plan and estimate having to be deter
mined on and approved by the authorities specified under sec-
tion 57;
(I) fixing the value of contracts for which the Chilirman has to take
security under section 60 ;
(m) dissolving or superseding a District Council. Circle Board or School
Board under seclion 67 ;
(n) delegating to any person or persons. subject to any conditions which
may be prescribed. the powers conferred on the President of the
Union or on a Commissioner under Ihis Act
(2) A draft of any order proposed to be made under this section shall be Pre,IOIlI
published iD nOI less than four successi\'e issues of the Gazette. and shall 01 publication
tben be laid before bolh Chambers of the Union Parliament. which may Ordell.
coafirm it with or without amendment. or may reject it.
(3) Any order. which has been confirmed under sub~sec(ion (2). shall Confirmation
have effect as if enacted in the body of this Act. unless or until it is amended' vi orde;s.
or annul1ed by both Chllmbers of the Union Parliament. either without a~end-
ment Or with amendments to which both the Chambers agree.
110 Rural Self-Government..
First orders (4) The orders set out in Schedule IP when this Act came into force
to be in the
Schedule shall be deemed to have been made under this section on the 6th March.
II. 1922.
Power 0( 79. (I) The President of the Union may. in addition to making rules
Pr~ident to in respect of the matters mentioned in sections t9. 24. sub-section (2). 25. sub-
make rults.
section (6) and 30. make rules'l consistent with this Act. and with any orders
made thereunder. and with reference. if necessary. to the varying circumstanCes
of different local areas-
(a) for the election of members of District Councils and Circle Boards
under sections 6 and 7. the investigation of allegations of corrupt
practices or intimidation at such elections. the making void of
any election at which such corrupt practices or intimidation have
been proved to have taken place, and the making incapable of
membership. either indefinitely or tor a period of years. of any
person who is proved to have been guilty of such corrupt prac-
tices or intimidation or of the abetment thereof;
(b) regulating the appointment of School Boards:
(c) for the appointment by a District Council. CirCle Board or School
Board of any Committee. and the manner in which such Coni-
mittee shall transact business:
(d) for the appointment of Joint Committees under sections to and
(e) for the election of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen under seclion 13;
(ee) regulating generally the procedure at meetings at which a resolution
is moved expressing want of confidence in a Chairman or
Vice-Cbairman or at which such a resolution is brought up for
confirmation; in particular. prescribing a quorum; imposing a
time-limit on the debate; forbidding or regulating adjournments;
providing for the appointment of a Chairman to preside at such
meetings and prescribing the action to be taken if there is nd
quorum. or if the resolution is not carried or confirmed. as the
caSe may be;
(f) regulating the employment of officers and servants by District
Councils and School Boards. the grant of leave and the payment
of al10wances and advances to all such officers and servants.
and the establishment and maintenance of provident funds for
their benefil;
(ti) regulating the appointment and removal of a Chief Execulive
Officer and the management by him of District Council or
School Board business;
(g) fixing security to be given by officers or servants of District Councils.
Circle Boards or School Boards ;

I For the first Orden contained in SCh.edllle II to this Act, see !be Rural Self-Govermlltnt
t For rules made under section 79, ~ee Lotal Govelnlnent (Administration) Dcpartncnl
(Minhtry 0( ~dlK:atlonl Notification No. 198, dated 7th f\'o\'embcT. 1936. I
Rural Stlf-Governmtnt. III

(h) prescribing the special appointments referred to in section 21.

sub-section (2) ;
(i) regulating the appointment and empJoyrrent of officers and estab-
lishments by two or more District Councils conjointly under
section 23 ;
u> prescribing tbe exceptions subject to which the works mentioned in
section 32. sub-section (3). shall vest in District Councils;
(k) regulating the portion of cesses and land-revenue as specified in
section 33. subsection (1). clause (f) ;
(I) appropriating the proceeds of any source of income to the District
(m) regulating the charges and expenses to the payment of which
District Funds and Circle Funds shaB be applicable;
(n) prescribing the rates at .which and the conditions and limitations
subject to which the travelling expenses of members of District
Councils and Circle Boards shall be payable under section 36.
clause (t) ;
(0) regulating the incurring of expenditure on any of the matters
referred to in section 36. clause U);
(P) regulating the charges and expenses to the payment of which
District School Funds shall be applicable;
(q) prescribing the rates at which and the conditions and limitations
subject to which the travelling expenses at members of SChool
Boards shall be payable under section 39. clause (g);
(r) prescribing the form in which the annual budget estimates of
District Councils and SChool Boards shall be prepared;
(,) regulating the incurring of expenditure n.ot provided for in the
budget estimate and the transfer of funds under section 41.
sub.section (8) ;
(t) regulating the minimum balance to be kept under section 42;
(u) prescribing tbe dates up to which. and the form in which. accounts
of the receipts and expenditure of District Councils. Circle
Boards and School Boards shall be made up under section 45.
and the form in which abstracts of such accounts shall be
published under section 47 :
(v) regulating the transfer of properly by District Councils under
section 54;
(w) prescribing the conditions under which offences against this Act.
or any order. rule or thereunder. Dlay be compounded
under section 69. clause (b) ;
(x) regulating tbe manner in which any money. tax, toll or fee sball be
recovered. and the persons under whose orders and by whom.
application for such recovery shall be made under section 73;
(y) prescribing the cases in which. the authorities to whom. and
the conditions subject to which. orders and decisions IP8de or
112 RIUtlI Stl/eGoVtmmenl.
liven under the provisions of this Act. or of the orden or
rules thereunder. shall be appealabJe. whoa DO express provisiOli
therefor has been made in the Act;
(z) de6ning the manner. place and time of publishing for criticism
any bye-laws proposed to be made under section 80 or seetio,
81. and of their publication aftor they have been made;
(QQ) rogulatinl lenerally the manner in which District Councils, Circle
Boards and School Boards shall' exercise their power
pedorm their duties. and conduct their business under this Act.
Pre.iou. (2) The power of the President of the: Union to make rules under this
of dr<tft section is subject 10 the condition of the rules being made after previou.
filies. publication.
Rules to (3) All rules made under this Act shall be published in the Gazelle IIld
taU effect
if macted lball thereafter have effect 81 if enacted in this Act.
ID Act.
Pow~ Of II. (I) A District Council may. in addition to mating bye-law.
COIladIl to UDder section SZ. make byolaws consistent with this Act, and with an)' orden
make b)e- or rules made thereuader-
(Q) regulating the employment of officers and servants by Ci:1c
Boardl. the grant ot leave and the: payment of allowances uti
ad..-ances to all such officers and scrvanU, and the establisb-
ment aod maintenance of providenl funds for their benefit;
(b) regulating the powers and procedure of Circle Boards and School'
Boards in respc:c:t of matters Dot otherwise specifically provided
for in this Act. or in the orders or rules made thereunder;
(e) regulatina the assessment and coll:tion of any tax, toll or ree
levied under section 28. in respect of which no rules have bc:eI
made by the President of the Union under .oc:tion 30;
(d) for the efficient performance of its duties in connection with all
mallera which are, or may be. placed under ils control and
administration under ~tions 48. 49 and 50;
.(e) for the delegation of powers to. and the distribution of duties
amona. the membc:rt. officers and servants ot the District
Council. Circle Board and School Board;
<I) for the custody of tbe common seal. and tbe purposes foe wbidl
it .ball be used; .
(g) IIchina tbe perlOOS by whom receipts may be granted on behalf
of the Districl Couaen. Circle Board or School Board for JD0001
paid under this Act. and
(II) aeaerally for carryina out all Or any of tbe purposcs of this Ad, (2) III matiol a bye-law under this section, the: Districi Council ma1
~bi.~~~. diroc:t that a breacb thereof .hall be: punishable with fine not exceeding fitt)'
~upecs. and. it the breach is a contiauinl breach. with a further fine DOl
exceediDa 6ve rupees for every day after the fir.t dMrin& which the breacl
ill proved to have been perlj.ted in.
(3) The power conferred under this sectioD to make bye-laws is subject Pre\'ioua
to the condition of previous publication in such manner as the President of pubJicaliOl
or. aO,d
tbe Union may by ruJe .direct. and to the control of the Commissioner. control Of
tlollCf 01'ef

II. (I) The District School Board with the approval or the Diftrict
Council. or the Joint School Board with the approval of the Commissioner. Sl:haol -""
Board Itt
may make byelaws consistent with this Act and with the orders and rules mate bye.
made thereunder. for carrying out any of the functions entrusted to it under lain.
this Act.
(2) [n particular. and without prejudice to the generality ofthe foccgoinl
power. such bye-laws may make provision~-
(a) for regulating the time and place of D,leeting of the School
Board. the business to be transacted at such meetings. and the
manner in which notice of meetings shall be given;
(b) for regulating the appointment, powers and proceedings of local
school committees and of sub-committces of the School Board;
(c) for the delegation of powers to and the distribution of duties
among the members. officers and servants of the School Board;
(d) for the levying and collection of school fees;
(d for determining the scale of remuneration of teachers and the scale
of grantsin-aid authorized by this Act or the orders made
(1) for determining the person by whom receipts may be ,ranted
for money paid under this Act;
(g) for prescribing the accounts. registers and records to be kept. and
the reports to be submitted. by teachers and by servants of !be
School Board.
(3) The power conferred under this section to make bye-Jaws is subject Prevloua
to the condition of previous publication in such manner as the President of publicalion
of, and
the Union may by rule direct. and to the control of the Commissioner.
ai~r 1;1\' .

bye--la .

11. (I) No Court sball tate cognizance of any offence punishable under
this Act or any order. rule or byelaw thereunder except 00 lbc compbint of Ii......
the District Councilor. in the case of an offence arising: out of matters
delegated to the Circle Board. the Circle Board. as the case may be.
(2) The District Councilor Circle Board may by resolution authorize
persons to prosecute. either generally io regard to all offences against this Act
and the orders. rules and byelaws thereunder. or specially in regard only to.
specified offences. or offences or a specified class. The person autborized may
be authorized by office or personally. The authority must in aU ~'" ~ 10
WritinC. and may at aD)' timc by resoh.lrion be ~cellcd

Rural StllGovtrnment.
E1I:empUaa 13. It shall not be necessary in respect of any offence punishable UDder
~rom :ovi- this Act or aDY order. rule or bye-Jaw thereunder to examine the complainant.
u:;co::C-- wben the complaint is presented in writing. Dotwithstandins anything contained
~m:al iii Ketion 200 of tbe Code of Criminal Procedure.




(Stl"" 7', ,'16",,"'" (4).



001 1~~~ol<.Sgaa~:~6tp'


2. Deft.itio

3. Proposal to croate. alter the limits of. or abolish. a municipality.

4. Creation. alteration of limits. or abolitioD. ot a municipality.

6. Elf..,t of includiDg or excluding local area iD or from a municipality.


Constitution of Commitlttl.

7. Committee to consist of elected members.
&. Power for President to make rules regarding election of member. of
9. Term of office of mombers ali committee.
10. Resignation of momber of committee.
II. Removal of- member.
12. Filling of casual vacancies.
13. Incorporation of committee.
14. Time for committee coming into existence.
16. Member of committee to be municipal commissioner.

Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

17. Electio. of ChairmaD aDd Vico-ChairmaD.
18. Term of oftice of Chain.a. an~ Vi~-C:::hairma1l.
116 Municipal.

19. Vacancies in office of Chairman or Vice-Chairman.
20. Further provisions as to removal of members.
21. Conduct of business during interregnum.

Notification of Elections. Appointmems and Removals.

22- Notification of elections and removals.

Conduct of Business.
23. Time for bolding meetings.
24. Ordinary and special meetings.
25. Quorum.
26. Chairman of meeting.
27. Voting and exclusion of members from voting when interested.
27A. Exclusion of Chairman from voting when interested.
28. Vote of majority decisive.
29, Resolutions to be recorded and published.
30. Language of discussions and proceedings.
31. Power of committees to make bye-laws as to conduct of business.

Joint Committees.
32~ Joint committee of two or more committees or other local autbori
ties. -
Defecls in Constitution and hregularities.
33. Vacancies and irregularities not to invalidate proceedings.

Officers and Servanls.

34. Appointment of Secretary..
35. Power to appoint Chief Executive Officer.
36. Conferment of powers of committee. Chainnan or ViceChairmao
on Chief Executive Officer.
37. Delegation of powers by Chief Executive Officer.
38. Right of Chief Executive Officer to attend meetings.
39. Power of President to require committee to appoint Chief Executive
40. Appointment of Health Officer.
41. Duties of Health Officer.
42. Power of President to effect appointment of Health Officer.
43. Appointment of Inspector of Public Health.
44. Power of President to effect appointment of additional Inspectors
of Public Health.
i:~. ~mployme~t of 9th~r 9fti~Cr$ anp, s~~vants b)' cOlll!I1itl~;,
Municipal. 117
46. Employment of officers and establishments by committee and other
local authority conjointly.
47. power of President to make rules as to the qualifications. pay and
manner of appointment. etc.. of certain officers and servants of
48. power to make bye-laws as to appointment. conduct. duties. leave.
etc.. of officers and servants of committee. .
49. power to prevent extravagance in establishments.
50. Pensions of Government officials serving committee.
51. Pensions. etc. of other officers and servants
52. Power to establish provident fund for officers and servants.
53. Extraordinary pension. etc.. in case of officer or servant injured or
killed in execution of his duty. ctc.

Contracts and Translers of Properl)".

54. Mode of executing contracts and making transfers of immoveable
property of committee.
55. Penalty for member. officer or servant of committee being interes-
ted in contract made with committee.

Acquisition of Land.

56. Acquisition of land.

Privileges and Liabilities.

57. Suits against committee and its officers.
58. Indemnity to municipal authorities and servants.
59. Liability for loss. waste or misapplication.
60. Members. officers. servants and agents of committee to be deemed
public servantS.
61. Notice of resignation or discharge of sweepers..


General Provisions.
62. Taxes which may be imposed for general purposes of. Act.
63. Water-tax.
64. Lighting-tax.
65. Latrine-tax.
66. S<:avenging-tax.
67. Procedure for imposing such taxes.
118 Municipal.

68. Power to abolish. reduce or suspend tax.
69. Power to exempt from taxation.
70. Power to President to suspend levy of tax.
7U Power to make rules for assessment. collection and remission II
72. Taxes not invalid for defect of form.
74. Taxes when payable.
75. Receipts to be given.

Taxes on Immoveable Property.

76. Preparation of assessment1ist.
71. Publication of notice of assessments.
78. Public notice of time fixed for revising assessmentlist.
79. Settlement of Jist.
80. Further amendments of assessment-list.
SI. Addition of DeW buildings to assessment-list.
82, New list need not be prepared every year.
83. Joint and several liability of owners and occupiers for taxes.
84. Liability of owners and occupiers as between themselves for taxes.

Remission. and Refund.

85. Remission and refund of taxes.



86. Municipal fund constituted.

87. Application of fund.
89. Hospital fund.
90. Custody of and disbursements from funds.
Investment of same.
DeJegation ofi :management of
hospital fund to s.
93. Property vested in committee.
94. Management of pubJic institutions.
95. Transfer to State of. property vesting in committee.
96, Resumption by Government of land vested in committee~
97. Settlement of que~tions as to boundaries of. or compensatiol ttl
Jand resumed.
Municipal. 119


Streets and Buildings.

98. Acquisition of land (or building-sites adjoining new streets.
99. Closure of streets.
100. Prohibition of. use of streets by a class of animals or vehicles.
101. TempOrary oa:upation of streets. etc.
102. Brackets (or lamps.
103. Names of streets and numbers of buildings.
104. Usc of inflammable materials in buildings.
105. Faxing term (or wearing out of inflammable roofs and walls.
106. Line o( buildings.
107. Removal ot projections and obstructions.
108. Precautions on demolition of buildings.
109. Power of carrying wires. pipes. drains. etc.
110. Prohibition of disposal of land for construction ot buildings not
abutting on street without constructing street giving aet:eSl
III ~ Making of new private streets.
112. Alteration or demolition or street made in breach of. secUoR 111..
113. Levelling and drainage of private streets.
114. Power to declare private streets. when sewered. to be public streets.
liS. Power to make bye-laws for control of buildings.

Lodging Houses.
116. Prohibition of keeping unlicensed lodginB-house. Power to make
bye-laws relating to lodging-houses.

Theatus. Music Halls. etc.

117. Power to make bye-Jaws for inspection. regulation and licensing of
theatres. music halls. etc.

Insanitary and Dangerous Buildings. etc.

118. Power to make bye-laws for prevention of overcrowding. removal
of insanitary or dangerous buildings. etc.
119. Provisions regarding buildings unfit for human habitation.

Ruinous Buildings. Structures. Wells. etc.

120. Removal of. buildings. etc. io ruinous or dangerou. slate.
121. Repair. etc. of wells. taoks. etc.
120 Municipal.

122. Fencing ot land~

Clearing of noxious Vegetation. etc.

123. Clearance of noxious vegetation, etc. trimming of hedges and treel.
and cleaning of filthy land or building.

Parks and Recreation Grounds.

124. Public parks and recreation grounds.

Precautions against Fire.

125. Precautions against fire.

Camping Grounds.
126~ Prohibition of keeping open unlicensed public camping ground Qr
halting place for vehicles or animals.

Bathing and Washing Places.

127. Bathing and washing places. Power to charge cent or fee and to
make bye-laws for management and regulation of such places.

Burial and Burning Grounds.

128. Prohibition of keeping corpses unburied beyond specified period.
129. Provision and maintenance o burial or burning grounds.
130. Closure and formation of burial and burning grounds.
131. Removal of corpses.
Q2. Power to make bye-laws regulating the use of burial and buroioi

Registration of Births and Deaths.

133. Power to make bye-laws regarding registration of births and deatbs.
and taL:ing of census.

Private Markets.
134. Prohibition of private markets without licence.
Occupation and Obstruction of Streets.
135. excupation of streets Or land for sale of commodities.
136. Prohibition of obstructions in street.
Municipal. 121
Off~nsiv~ and Dangerous Trades.
137. Regulation of offensive or dangerous trades.
138 Prohibition of such trades.

Eating Houses. ~tc.
139. Power to make bye-laws regarding bakeries. eating houses. etc., and
licensing thereof.

140. Prohibition of establishment of slaughter-houses.
141. Levy of rents or fees for use of municipal slaughter-bouses.
142. Power to make bye-laws as to management of slaughter-houses.
143. Regulation of the slaughter of animals for other purposes.

K~~p;ng and Importation of Animals.

144. Power to make bye-laws for prohibition and regulation of keeping
or importation. etc. of animals.

Deposit 01 OD~nsive Matur.

145. Removal and deposit of offensive matter
146. Receptacles for rubbish and offensive matter.
147. Prohibition of keeping rubbish. offensive matler or sewagc.
148. Prohibition of ac<:umulation of offcnsive matter.

Drainage, Sewtrage and Wattr Supply.

149. Troughs and pipes for rain water
150. Paving of courtyard. etc., f-or efficient.drainage of building or land.
1St. Drainage. etc. of unwholesome tanks, etc.
152. Reclamation of low lying sites.
153. Prohibition of excavations rendering land unsuitable for building.
154. Power to make byc-Iaws regarding collection and storage of, water
and prevention of breeding of mosquitoes.
ISs. Prohibition of cultivation. use of manure or irrigation injurious to
156. Prohibition of use. and closure. of water-works.
157. Power to make b.yc-Iaws regarding water-works.
158. Provision or privies and the like.
159. Closing. alteration and repair of prh.-jes and the like.
160. Making and maintaining sewerage.connection witb sewer
161. Places for emptying of sewers or drains and disposal of sew_ae.
162. Provision of, means for disposal of sewage
122 Municipal.

163. Least practicable nuisance to be created in exercising foregoiq
164. Carriage of sewerage-connection or water-connection tbrough adjom
iog land. .
165. Compensation for use of land for sewerage or water-connection.
166. Connection with existing sewerage-connection or watcr-e:onoection.

Dangerous and Epidemic Diseases.

167. Obligation to report outbreak of dangerous disease.
168. Entry and inspection when dangerous disease suspected.
169,. Removal of patient suffering from dangerous disease.
170. Prohibition of exposure of infected persons and things.
171. Disinfection of conveyance used by person suffering from dangeroB
172. Disinfection of buildings on occurrence of dangerous disease.
173. Emergency measures on outbreak of any dangerous disease.
174. Destruction of huts and sheds and disinfection or destruction d
clothing, etc., when necessary.
175. Emergency measures in unforeseen disasters.
176. Action by Chairman or Vice-Chairman to be reported.
177. Saving of Epidemic Diseases Act.
178. Exercise of powers by Director of Public Health under section In
174 or 175.

Entry and Inspection.

179. Power of entry On premises for purposes of inspection. survey
execution of necessary work.
180. Inspection of places for illicit slaughter of animals and seizure
carcases of animals so slaughtered.
181. Inspection of places for animals illicitly kept and seizure of animal
so found.
182. Inspection of places for sale of food or drink. etc., and seizure
unwholesome articles exposed for sale.
183. Inspection of sewers. etc.
184. Power of entry and inspection of building or land to ascertail
sanitary condition.
185. Entry for purpose of scavenging.
186. Other powers of entry on building or land.
187. Extraordinary powers of Chairman and Vice-Chairman in casesd
188. Precautions to be observed in entering dwellings.
189. Committee not to be prevented from exerciSing power of entry.
190. Prohibition of obstruction of contractor!
Municipal. 123
Extinction 01 Fire.

191. Establishment and maintenance ot fire-brigade.
192. Powers of fire-brigade and other persons for suppression of fire_
193. Power of President to make rules concerning the use of the forego-
ing powers.
194. Application of scctions 191 to 193.

Additional Power to make Bye-laws.

195. Power to make various bye-laws.

196. Fees for licences and inspection.

197. Confirmation of bye-laws under Chapter VI.
198. Execution of acts not done after notice.
199. Recovery of costs ot execution.
200. Compensation out of municipal fund.
201. Appeals against certain orders of committee.



202. Certain offences punishable with fine.

203. Continuing offences.
204. Certain offences punishable with imprisonment or fine or both.
205. Certain offences punishable with fine.
206. Stay of prosecution pending appeal.
207. Driving vehicles without proper lamps.
208. Discharging 6re-arms. etc.
209. Allowing animals to stray on street.
210. Riding. driving or leading of animals or vehicles contrary to public
21 t. Quarrying, blasting, cutting timber. or building.
212. Destroying direction-posts, lamp-posts. etc.
213. Destruction of name-boards and number-boards.
214. Unauthorized posting or advertisements.
124 Municipal.

218. Control by Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner.
219. Power to suspend action under Act.
220. Extraordinary powers of Deputy Commissioner in cases of emergency.
22 t. Power of President in cases of default of committee.
222. Powers of President and his officers over committees.
223. Power of President to supersede committee in case of incompetency
persistent default. or excess or abus.e of powers.
224. Disputes.
225. Annual reports and statements.
226. Estimates of receipts and expenditure.
227. Sanction to works.
228. Powers of Commissioner.
229. Power of President to frame forms and make rules.


Criminal Procedure.
..230. Powers and duties of. police in respect of. offences against Act. etc.,
and assistance to municipal authorities.
23 t. Prosecutions.
232. Exemption of municipal cases from the provisions of section 200
of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
233. Power to compound offences.
234. Member Dot to be deemed interested in prosecution.
235. Saving of- prosecutions under other laws.

Rules. Bye-laws and Public Notices.

236. Procedure for making bye-laws.
237. Publication of rules. bye-laws and public notices.
239. Authentication. service and validity of notice in writing.
240. Mode of giving notice in writing to unknown owner or occupier of
Powers 10 except Municipalities from Provisions of the Acl..
241.. Power to except municipality from provisions of Act unsuited
Recovery of Money claif7Ulble by Committee.
242. Recovery of taxes. etc.
Municipal. 125
243. Saving ot Local Authorities Loans Act.
244. Decision or questions as to whether persons are" inhabitants."
245. Power to extend Rangoon WaterWorks Act.



246. Notification of area.

147. Powers of President.
248. Adaptation of enactments and rules.
249. Effect of including or excluding local area in or from a notified area.


[BURMA ACT III. 1898.] Ost July. 1898.)



2. In this Act. unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or De6n1tiorwl.
(I) "bakery" means any place in which are baked or cooked bread.
biscuits or confectionery for tbe purposes at sale or profit;
(2) .. building" includes a house. hut. shed or other roored structure
(or whatsoever purpose and of whatsoever material constructed.
and every part tbereof. but shall not include a tent or other
portable and merely temporary shelter;
(3) .. building line" means a line to which the main wall 0(. a
building abutting on a street may lawfully extend;
(4) .. Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the division in
which a municipality or notified area is situated;
(5) .. Committee" means the committee constituted by or under
this Act tor a municipality or notified area;
(6) .. dangerous disease" means cholera. plague. smaUpox or any
other disease which the President of the Union may. by ootitica.
tiOD. declare to be a dangerous disease ;
(1) .. Deputy Commissioner" means the Deputy Commissioner of
the district in which a municipality or notified area is situated: .
(8) .. drain" includes a pipe. ditch. channel or any otber dClvi~ for
~arryin~ off" Jiqui4 wbic:b is Dot sewage j
126 Municipal.

(9) .. factory t. means a factory as defined in sub-section (3) of

section 2 of the Factories Act;
(to) inhabitant" of an area includes any person ordinarily residing
or carrying on business, [* *]1 in such area;
(I t) .. keeper t. of a lodging-house means the person in charge of a
lodging-house ~
(12) to keep a lodging-house" meaDS to be in charge of a lodging-
(t 3) .. lodging-house" incJudes-
(a) a common lodging-house. meaning a building or part of a
building in which a common sleeping rooDi is kept for
occupation by more than two persons not being members of
the same family; and
(b) an apartment house. meaning a building or part of a building
which is let in lodgings or occupied to any extent in Common
by members of more than one family:
Provided that nothing in this definition shall be deemed to include
tbe dormitory of any school or college which the President
of the Union may. by general or special order. declare to be
subject to inspection by a medical officer of Government. or
any jail. hospital. monastery or Similar institution. or a hotel
or boarding house where the daily charge for board and
residence is not less than one rupee per head:
(14) .. market" includes any place where persons periodically
assemble for the sale of meat. fish. fruit. vegetables. livestock
or any other article of food;
(1S) to municipal market" means any market vested in or belonging
to a committee ~
(16) "municipality" means a local area declared under Chapter II to
bo a municipality;
(17) U municipal slaughter-bouse" means a slaughter-house vested in
or belonging to or managed by a committee:
(18) .. notified area" means an area in respect of whicb the President
of the Union has issued a declaration under section 246 ;
(19) .. offensive matter" includes animal carcases. dung. dirt. putrid
or putrifying substances. and filth of any kind which is Dot
included in sewage" :
(20) owner" includes the person who for the time being receives the
rent of any building or land. whether on his own account or as
agent or trustee. or who would so receive the rent if the build-
ing or land were let to a tenant. but does not include the

l ~te \1fOrl\$ .. or owning or CK:cupying immovcjlble property" were dcleted~by .\ct loll, 1950.
Municipal. 127

1(20 pauper affected with leprosy" means a person suffering from

leprosy as defined in section 2. sub-section (2) of the Leprosy
(22) .. prescribed" means prescribed by this Act or by any rule or
byelaw under this Act:
(23) .. private market" means any market other than a municipal
(24) "reclamation .. means the alteration by any means. including the
use of materials of any description. of the level of land in
order that the effective drainage of such land may become
(25) .. rubbish" includes dust. ashes. broken bricks. mortar. broken
glass. garden Or stable refuse and refuse of any kind which is
not" offensive matter" or sewage" :

(26) "sanitary work" or .. sanitary project" includes any work or

project or class of work or project which the President or the
Union may. by notification. declare to be a sanitary worle or
(27) sewage includes night-soil and other proper contents of water
U tt

closets. latrines. urinals. privies and cess pools. and polluted

water from sinks. bath-rooms. stables. cattle-sheds and otber
like places:
(28) "sewer" includes a pipe. ditch Or channel. or any other device
for carrying off sewage;
(29) '" sewerage-connection" includes-
(a) any sewer belween any water-closet. latrine. urinal. privy. batb..
room. kitchen. sink, sullagetray. n\anhole or trap on the one
hand. and any sewer vested in or belonging to a committee
on the other hand; and
(b) any cistern. flush-tank. land. building. machinery. work or
tbing constructed or used for collecting and passing any
sewage into any sewer vested in or belonging to a committee;
(30) (a) .. street" includes any highway and any cause"way. bridge.
viaduct. arch. coad. lane. footway. square. court. alley or
passage. whether a thoroughfare or not. over which the
public have a right of passage or access. and also the
surface-soil. subsoil. footway and drains of any street. and
anything planted in sucb soil ;
(b) .. public street" means any street wholly or partially maintain..
ed by the committee. and any street declared by the
committee to be a public street under tbe provisions of
section 114 or otberwise ;
(c) .. private street" means any street. other than a public street.
but does not include a street maintained by Government;
. .. ....
."' ., _-- .- '. ~X:_
128 Municipal.

(31) .. street alignment" means a line dividing the land included in I

street from tbe adjoining land;
(32) .. water-connection" includes-
(a) any tank. cistern, hydrant, stand-pipe, meter or tap situated On
private property and connected with a water-main or pipe
vested in or belonging 10 tbe committee; and
(b) the water-pipe connecting such tank, cistern. hydrant. stand-
pipe. meter or tap with such water-main or pipe;
(33) .. water-work" includes a lake. stream. spring. well. pump,
reservoir. cistern, tank. duct. whelher covered or open. sluice.
main-pipe. culverl. engine and any machinery. land. building or
thing for supplying or used for supplying water;
(34) .. water for domestic purposes" shall not include water for
caule. or for horses. or for washing vehicles. when the catlle.
borses or vehicles are kept for sale or bire. or by a commaa
carrier. Or water for any trade. manufacture Of business. or for
building purposes. or for watering gardens. or for fountains or
for any ornamental purposes:
(35) the expression" erect or re-crect any building" with its gram'
matical variations and cognate expressions includes-
(a) any material alteration or enlargement of any building;
(b) the conversion inlo a place for human habitation or an,
building not originally constructed for human habitation;
(e) the conversion of one or more places of human habitation into
a greater or smaJler number of sucb places;
(d) such alteration of tho internal arrangements of a building as
effects an alteration in its drainago or sanitary arrangements
or affects its security;
(e) the addition of any rooms. buildings. outhouses or otber
structures to a building: and
(f) the re-construction of the whole or any part of the external
walls of a building or the renewal of the posts of a wooden


rropoial 10 3. (J) The President of the Union may. by notification and by sucb
create, alter
the limits of. other means as he may determine. signify his intention-
or :l.boli.b, a
municipa- (0) to declare any town. or any group of towns in the immediate
lity. neighbourhood of one another. a municipality under this Atl;
(b) to include within a municipality any Jocal area in the vicinity"
the same:
(c) to exclude from a municipality aD)' toea' area compritM
therein; or
Municipal. 129
(d) to withdraw the whole area comprised in any municipality from
the operation of this Act.
Every notification under this section shall define the limits of the
local area proposed to be affected thereby. and may include within the limits
of any municipality or proposed municipality any railway station, ..'illage.
building or land in the vicinity thereof.

4. (1) Any inhabitant of any part of a local area defined in a notification Creal Iou.
published under section 3 and proposed to be affected thereby may. if he ;,lt~rltioll 01
limil~, or
objects to anything therein contained. submit his objection in writing to the ... ~lilion 011
President of the Union within six weeks from the date of the publication of mllnic:iNlity.
such notification. and the President of the Union shall take his objection into
(2) When six weeks from the date of the publication of such notification
have expired, the President of the Union may. by a further notification-
(a) declare the local
area or any specified part thereof to be a
municipality under this Act. or
(b) include the local area or any part thereof in the municipality or
exclude it therefrom. or
(c) withdraw the whole area comprised in the muoicipality from the
operation of this Act. as the case llIay be.

6. (I) When a local area is included in a municipality under section 4. Effed of

all rules and byelaws made. orders. directions and notices issued. and powers includinll: or
conferred and in force throughout the municipality at the time when the local local aru In
area is so included. shall apply thereto unless the President of the Union shall, or Irom iI
in and by the notification directing such inclusion. otherwise direct.
(2) When a local urea is excluded from a municipality under section 4.-
(ll) this Act and all rules and bye-laws made. orders. directions and
notices issued. and powers conferred thereunder shall cease to
apply thereto: and
(b) the President of the Union shall. after consulting the commiUee.
frame a scheme determining what ponioo of the balance of the
municipal. school and hospital funds and other property vested
in the committee shall ..est in [the State]1 for the bene6t of
the local area. and in what manner the liabilities of the
committee shall be apportioned between the committee and the
Government; and. on the publication of such scheme in the
Gazette. such property and liabilities shall \"e51 and be apportioned
(3) When the whole area comprised in any municipalit), is withdrawn
from the operation of this Act under section 4. this Act and all rules and

J So:bHlluled for the word~ \1~li, IIhjeah" by lite Union 01 Burma (Adlpt;l.lioD of Lawt)
O'~~'I m8,
130 Municipal.

bye-laws made. orders. directions or notices issued. and powers conferred

tbereunder. shall cease to apply thereto; and the balance of the municipal fund
and aU other property at Ihe time of the issue of the notification vested in the
committee sball vest in [the State]l. and the liabilities of the COmmittee shall be
transferred to the Government.
(4) All properly vested in [the State]! under this section shall be applied.
under the orders of the President of the Union. to rhe discharge of the liabilities
imposed on the Government thereby. or for the promotion of the safety.
bealth. welfare or convenience of the inhabitants of the area affected.



Constillltion 0/ Committus.
Commillee 27. There shall be constituted for each municipality under tbis AGt I
to C"'lJilt of committee having authority thereover and consisting of so many inhabitants of
membcTI. the municipality as may be determined by the President of the Union. elected
in manner next hereinafter prescribed 10 represent wards of the municipai'ity.

Powu fOr S. 2(1) The President of the Union shall make rules regulating the
Preaidcnl to following matters. namely_.
make rules
regarding 2(a) the division of Ihe municipality into wards:
election of
mt'mbers of 2(b) the number of representatives proper for each ward
couunitll:a. (c) the qualifications of electors and of candidates for election
(d) the registration of electors;
(e) the nomination of candidates. the time of election and the modo of
recording votes: and
(J) any other matters relating to the system of representation and of
election for which it may seem expedient to provide..
(2) The President of the Union may, after the con:llIillce has come into
existence as hereinafter pro",'ided, amend. after consulting such committee,
the rules under this section.
(3) The members of the committee shall be elected in accordance
with the rules under this section for the time being in f'CIrce
Term Of 9. 3(1)
oftkc of
mem~1I 0( 2(2)TIle term of office of all the members of the committee shall be fixed
comlnlltec. by the President of the Union by rules. but shall not exceed three years.
(3) The term of office of members shall commence._
(a) in the case of a member elected at a general election of members.
on the first day of January following the election "[or on such
I SlIhtitllted for the v.-ords .. Hb Miljelty" to,. I!le llnion of Bunn:! (Adal't;.t~on of lon'll
Order, 1948.
~ Su,",stihlttd h)' Act LU, 19SO.
I DeJtltd ibid.
6 Add"' ibid.
Municipal. 131

other dale as the President of the Union may. by aoti6c:atioD.

appoint in this bchalr ; and]
(bl in tho ca5e of a member elected to fill a casual vacancy. on the
date of the mocting of the committee next foUowin, his election.
(4) An outgoing member may. if otberwise qualified. be reelected (-
.]. 1

10. (I) Any member of the c:ommittee who may wish to resign shall Rni'GIUun
of lnealt.r
forward his resignation in writing. throu,h the Cbairman of the commiuee. to of cOllllnittce.
the Deputy Commissioner for submission to the Commissioner.
(Z) When the accoptance of such resignation by the CommissioDer bas
been communicated to the committee. such member sball be deemed to have
vacated his office as such.
11. (I) The President of Ihe Union may reQlO\'e any member of the RclUOValof
committee.- member.
(a) it he ~ascs to be an inhabitanl of tbe municipality;
(b) if he refuses to act or becomes. in the opinion of abe President
of the Union. incapable of acting;
(e) if he is declared a bankrupt or an insolvent;
(d) if he is con,,'icted of any such offence or subjected by a criminal
Court to any sucb order as renders bim. in the opiaion of- Ole
President of the Union. unfit to continue to be a member;
(d if he is de:lared by the President of tbe Union disqualified for
employment in. or is dismissed from. Ihe public sorvice ;
(f) if he attends none of the meetings of the committee held during the
space of three consecutive months ;
(g) if his continuaRf,:e in office is. in the opinion of the President of tbe
Union. dangerous to the public peace or order; or
2(h) if he is a salaried officer of the Government of the Union of Burma
or of any State or of any local authority. established by law.
(Z) A person removed under this section on any ground olher than those
mentioned in clauses (a) and (f) shall be disqualified for election unless
and until the President of the Union shall otherwise direct.

12. (I) When the place of [a member] I of the c:omlDiuee becomes Fillin: of
vacant by the resignation or removal of the member. or by his death. \,,,.ancit
a new member sball be ejected. in manner prescribed under 5tion 8. to fill
the place so vacated.
(3) A person elected [. .]1 undl.:r this section to fi1l a usual vacancy
shall hold otlk:c until the person whose place be fills wouJd in the ordinary

I Ddded by A&t LII. 1950

'9M-if,,;!#- iNJ
132 Municipal.

course have vacated office. and shall then vacate office. but may. if otherwise
qualified. be re-elected [* * .].1

laCOrpora- 13. Every committee shall be a body corporate b)' the name of .. The
{jon Of
commitlee. Municipal Committee of ". and shall have perpetual succession and a com-
mon seal. with power. subject to the provisions of this Act. to acquire and hold
property. both moveable and immoveable. and to transfer any property held by
it. and to contract and to do all other things necessary for the purposes of its
constitution. and may sue and be sued in its corporate name:
Provided that no committee shall transfer any immoveable property
except in pursuance of a resolution passed at a special meeting and approved
by the President of the Union.
Time for 14. The committee shall come into existence at such time as the PresideD.t
cominll. intO of the Union may. by notification. appoint in tbis behalf.
Member of 16. Every member of the committee shall be deemed to be a municippJ
committee 10 commissioner within the meaning of any enactment for the lime being in force.
be municipal
Chairman and Jlkc-Chairtllan. 2
01 l:1I;tirman 17. (I) The committee shall from time to time elect one of its members
and V,ce_ to be Chairman. and may from time to time elect another of its members to be
3 (2L(4)
Term of 18. 4(1) Ex:cept as provided in section 19, sub-section (J), ever,y
office of
Chairm~n Chairman and every Vice-Chairman shall hold office fur such term not
and 'ice_ exceeding three years as the President of the Union may by rule tix:.
(2) Whenover the Chairman or Vice-Chairman ceases to be a member of
the committee or tenders in writing to the committee his resignation of his
office. he shall vacate his office. and any Chairman or Vice-Chairman may be
removed from office by the President of the Uniun in pursuance of a
resolution to that effect passed by two-thirds of the members present at a
special meeting.
(3) Every resignation of office tendered under this section shall be
reported as soon as may be to tho Commissioner.
I Deleted by Ad LII, 1950.
- ... _- ._---------
.' In this Act the ellpreuiens "Chaifln;m" ;md "Vice.(;ha;rm",," were &llbslituted ror I1It
;xpl"clSions "President" and ""ice-President" by the Union Of Uunna (Ad... pt~lion Of L:.W'l1
Order. 1941. .
l'ro\'iso 10 s~b-Iocction (l) and sU\;+lOc..ljons 1:1. <JI ;'utl II) w~'rc ddctc;lJ t>~. !o~l. J.,1I.19~
, Subslit..led ibid,
Municipal. 133
19, (1) Upon the occurrence of any vacancy in the office of Chairman or V:acaneitl
ViceChairman during the term fixed under section 18. a new Chairman or in office nf
(:lIairm;lll or
Vice-Chairman shall be elected [ -]1 in manner provided by section 17. Vlee-chaf,-
(2) Upon the expiration of the term of office fixed under section 18 for man.
the Chairman or Vice-Chairman. a nev. Chairman shall. and a new Vice-
Chairman may. be elected [- *]1 in manner provided by section 17.
(3) A person elected [. * -]1 under sub-section (1) to fill a casual
vacancy shall hold office until the per;on whose place he fills would in the
ordinary course have vacated office. and shall then "acate office.
(4) An outgoing Chairman or Vice-Chairman may. if otherwise quali-
fied. be re-elected [* -]t.
20. (I) Where it appears that the continuance in office ofa Chairman or Furlher
Vice-Chairman elected (t - *J1 under section 17. or of a member of a prOvi.ions
as to rell:Oo
municipal committee or of a school or hospitalsub-eommittee is contrary to ulOf
the public interest. the President of the Union may. after giving the Chairman. memben.
tlte ViceChairman or tlle member concemed an opportunity to show cause
against the holding or an enquiry. subject to the provisions of any rules that
may be made in this behalf. appoint a Committee of Enquiry with an officer
nOI below the rank of Commissioner as Chairman. and two members. one
being a member of the municipal committee or of the (* -]1 hospiml sub--
committee concerned and the other being an elector on the electoral roll of
Ihe municipality who is not in the whole-time employment of Government.
10 enquire into all the circumstances of the case.
(2) When the President of the Union appoints a Committee of Enquiry
under sub-section (I) to deal with the case of a Chairm::1n or Vice-Chairman.
the Chairman or Vice-Chairman concerned shall cease to exercise the func-
tions of his office and the President of the Union may appoint any member
of the municipal committee concerned to exercise them in his stead.
When the President of the Union appoints a Committeo of Enquiry
under sub-section (I) in respect of the continuance in office of a member of
a municipal committee or of a (* *]1 hospital sub-eommittee. be sball
ce::ase to act as such member.
(3) The Committee of Enquiry shall have power to take evidence on
oalh. and shall also have power to summon witnesses and to enforce the
attendance of witnesses and to compel the production of dccuments. by the
same means and so far as may be in the same manner as is provided in the
case of a civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure.
(4) On the conclusion of its enquiry. the Commiuee of Enquiry shaH
submit a report to the President of the Union. who may then. wh:ro Ibe
continuance in office of a Chairman or Vice'Chairman is concerned. order
his reinstatement. or may declare him to be removed {rom his office. or to
be removed both from his office and from membership of the nlunicipal
committee concerned and of any other local body of which he is a member;
and where the continuance in office of a member of a municipal committee
or [ -)I hospital sub-eommittee is concerned. may either order hi
Llch:h:d br Act LII, 1950.
'34 Municipal.

reinstotementas such member. or declare him to be removed from office and

from membership of any other local body of which he is a member.
(5) Where a person has been rcmo"ed from membership of a municipal
committee or [* .]1 hospital sub-committec under the provisions of sub-
section (4). he shan not. save as provided under sub-section (6). be eligible for
five years from the dote of the order of removal for election or appointment
to any local body constituted under tbe provisions of this Act or of the Rural
Self-Government Act
(6) The President of the Union may in special coses remo"'e the dis-
ability imposed by sub-section tH.
(7) The proceedings of a Committee of Enquiry appointed under this
seclion shall not. unless the President of the Union so directs. abate because
the term of office of Ihe Chairman or Vice-Chairman Or member concerned
has come to an end.
Conrluct Of U. Notwithstanding anything in sections 9. 12. 18 and 19. an outgoing
bllsiness Chairman or Vice-Chairman may continue to exercise Ihe powers conferred
during inler_
rec:num. on a Chairman or Vice<:hairman by this Act. or by any rule. bye-law.
public notice. resolution or direction made thereunder. between the expiry of
his term of office and the election ( ]1 of a new Chairman or Vice-
Notification of Eltct;ons. Appo;ntmtnts and Rtmovals.
Notification 12. (I) Every election of a Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the com
Of "iectioo. mittee IhaU be subjteet to confirmation by the Commissioner. and shall. when
remonl. so confirmed. be notified by him in the Gazette: but. unless and until di.-
allowed by the Commissioner. e"ery such election shall be valid and shall
take ellect from the dale thereof.
(3) Every election of a member or members of the committee shall be
notified by the Commissioner in the Gazette.
(4) E,,"cry order removing a member from the committee shall be notified
by the President of the Union in the Gazette. and shall be communicated 10
the penon removed and to the committee of- which he was a member. and
shall take effect from the date on which thc committee received such com-
Conduct of Business.
TiLr.e fOr 13. (I) The committec shall meet for the transaction of business at
hOldine least once in every montb at such time as may be filled by bye-Jaw made under
scclion 31.
(2) The Chairman. or. in his absence. the Vice-Chairman. may. when-
Cl'er he thinks fit. and shall. On a requisition made in writing by not less than
one-fifth of the members of the committee. convene an ordinary or a special
meetina al an)' other time:
Provided that. when the entire number of members does not exceed fiw.
the concurrence of two of them in any such requisition shall be necessary.
1 Deleted by Act LII. 1950.
Municipal. 135

24. (I) Every meeting of the committee shall be either ordinary or On:Ilnary
special. and .pccial
(Z) Any business may be transacted at an ordinary meeting unless it is
required by this Act or the rules or byc~laws thereunder to be tranucted at a
special meeting.
25. (I) The quorum nrcessary for the transaction of business at a
special meeting shall be one~half of the whole committee:
Provided that when the committee consinl of less than six members. the
quorum shall be three.
(2) The quorum necessary for the transaction of business at an ordinary
meeting shall be such number. not less than tbree. II may be fixed by bye~law
made under section 31 :
Provided that. if at any ordinary or speci~l meeting a quorum il not
present. the Chairman shall adjourn the meeting to such other day as he may
think fit. and the business which would have been brought before the orisina!
meeting. if there had been a quorum present. shall be brought before and
transacted at the adjourned meeting whether there il a quorum present thereat
or not.
26. At every meeting of the committee. the Chairman. if present. shaH ChairmaD
Of Illlial.
preside. Should he be absent or his office vacant. the Vice.chairman. if
present. sh:tll preside. Should both be absent or bedebarred dnder the provilO
or their offices vacant. the members present shall elect one of their number to
Provided that when &he business to be transacted is the election of a
Chairman or Vice~Chairlllan. no person who is a candid:ate for either office
shall preside at the meeting.

:17. (J) Every member of cho committee shan be entitled to attend Volin, and
nc!uI!on 01
every meeting of the committee. to talce part in the proceedings and to vote member'
upon any matter before it. noC being a maUer_ from VOlin.
(a) in which he is. either direcdy or indirectly. pecuniarily interested. intere.tcd.
(b) in regard to which his conduct is in any way in question.
(2) The Chairman of a Oleeting may. after such inquiry as he may Chink
fit. require any member to absent himself from a meeting durin, the discussion
of any matter_
(a) in which it is believed that he is. either directly or indirectly.
pecuniarily interested. or
(b) in regard to which his conduct is in any way in question.
and any member refusing Co comply wich such requisition .hall not be permit.
led to take part in the proceedings regarding such matter. nor shall his VO"
thereon be recorded.
136 Municipal.

Exclusion or 11A. If any member present at the meeting has reason to believe that
Chairman the Chairman of the meeting has a pecuniary interest in any matter under
from "otin"
when discussion. or desires to call in question the conduct of such Chairman in
inlerl'sled. regard to any matter under discussion. he may mo,,-e that such Chairman be
required to absent himself from the meeting during such discussion. statina
his reasons therefor. If the motion is carried and the Chairman refuses to
comply with such requisition. he shall not be permilled to take part in the
proceedings regarding such matter. nor shall his vote thereon be recorded.

VOI~ of 18. (I) Except as otherwise provided by this Act or the rules or bye-
majority laws thereunder. every question coming before a meeting of the committee
shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present and
entitled to vote thereon.
(2) In case of an equality of \'otes. the Chairman of the meeting shall
have a second or casting vote.
Resolnlions 19. Every resolution passed by the commillee al a meeting shall be
10 he recorded in a book to be kept for the purpose. shall be signed by the Chah'
re(tlrded and
published. man of the meeting or of the next ensuing meeting. shall be open to inspec
tion by the public at the municipal office at all reasonable times without
charge. and shall be published in such manner as the President of the Union
may direct.
130. The discussions and proc::edings of the committee shan be con
or dIscus- ducted in Burmese and recorded in Burmese.
sions ,md
Powl'r Of 31. (I) The committee may, from lime to time at a special meeting.
cOlllllliueesmake bye-laws consislent with this Act as to_
to make
bye-Jaws as (a) the time and place of its meetings;
\0 conduct
(b) the manner in which notice of its meetings is to be given
of bnsiness.
(c) the quorum necessary for the transaction of business at ordinary
(d) the conduct of proceedings at meetings and the adjournment of
(e) the exercise by the Chairman. by the ViceChairman, by sub'
committees. by individual members or by officers Or sen'ants
of the commitlee. of any powers conferred upon the commitlee
by this or any other Act, or by the rules or bye-laws there
(f) the persons by whom receipts may be granted on behalf of the
committee for money paid to it ;
(h) the appointment. duties, leave, suspension and remo"'al of its
officers and servants. and
(j) other similar matters.

Substituted 1>)' Ad LIl, 1')50.

S Deleted ibid.
Municipal. 137
(2) No bye-law made under this section shall take effect until it has been
confirmed by the President or the Union.

]o;nl Committees.
3%. The commiuee may. from time to time. concur with any other Jnlnt C()ffioo
mltlec of
committee or cantonment. port or other local authority. or with more than two .,r more
one such committee or authority. in appointing. from their respective bodies. I,;ofl\;niltces
or other
a joint committee for any purpose in which they arc joinUy interested. and in local
appointing a Chairman of the joint committee. <:lnd in delegating to any such flulhoritics.
joint committee any power which might be exercised by either or any of the
said committees or authorities. and in (raming and modifying regulations as
to the proceedings of any such joint committee. and as to the conduct of
correspondence relating to the purpose (or which it is appointed.

Defects in Conslillll;on and Irrl'RUlarities.

33. Nothing done and no proceeding taken under this Act shall be VacandcI
questioned by reason only of any vacancy in the committee. or joint com- and irregu-
I;,rities not
D\iuee. or of any defect or irregularity not affecting the merits of the case. to invalidate
Officers and Servants.
34. (I) Tho committee shall. from time to time. at a special meeting. Apfl')intmenl
appoint one of its members. or. subject to the previous sanction of the Com- [ ~ecrctary.
missioner. any person to be its secretary. and may. at a like meeting and
subject to the like sanction. renlove any person so appointed.
(2) If the secretary is a member or the committoe. he shall receive no
remuneration in respect of his services. If he is not a member of the com-
mittee. the committee may. with the previous sanction of the Commissioner.
assign to him such remuneration as it may think tit.
35. Subject to the provisions of this Act and to such rules as may be Power to
made by the President of the Union thereunder. the commiuee may appoint Cu.ief
a Chief Executive Officer (or the management or municipal business- Any J::::sceuthe
such appointment shall be subject to the sanction of the President of the
36. (I) In any municipality where there is a Chief Executive Officer Confermftlt
appointed under section 35. such officer shall exercise such powers of the of powers Of
committee. Chairman or ViceChairman under this Act. or any rule or Chairman or
bye-law thereunder. as may be conferred on the said officer by the com Vic,.-Chai--
mannn Chi...
millee by bye-law. E:n:cuthe
(2) Save as provided in section 41. sub-section (2). and in such rules as Officer.
may be made by the President of the Union in this behalf. all other officers
and servants of the committee shall be subordinate to the Chief Executive
(3) No bye-law made undcr this section shall take effect until it hal
been confirlDcd by the President of the Union.
138 Municipal.

Del~g:r.tion 37. (I) With the sanction of the committe.e. a Chief Executive Officer
of p~wcn by may empower. by general or special order in writing. allY officer or servant of
Chief Execu-
the Officer. the committee to exercise. under his control. any power conferred on him by
or under this Act.
(1) An order by the Chief Executive Officer under sub-section (I) may
proscribe any condition and impose any restriction in respect of the exercise
of any such power
(3) Any order passed by an officer or servant of the committee in tbe
exercise of a power conferred on him under sub-section (I) may be revised
by the Chief Executive Officer who shall report any such case to the

RiEht 38. The Chief Executive Officer shall have the right to attend all
or Chit-I meetings of the committee and of any standing committee or sub-committee,
Omcl:f and may. with the permission oC the Chairman. or in virtue of a resolution
1<) attend passed in this behalf at a meeting of the committee or standing committee or
sub-committee. make an ex pill nation in regard to a subject under discussioo.
but shall not move, second or vote on. any resolution.

Power nf
3'. (I) Where the President of the Union decides that a municilt
President to committee has made persistent defllult in the performance of the duties
ICQuire imposed upon it by or under this Act. or is exceeding or abusing its powers.
to appoint the President of the Union rna)". in lieu of superseding the committee under
Cllief the provisions of section 223 of this Act. require the committee to appoint a
Officer. Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the rules made under this Act.
within such period as he may prescribe in the requisition.
(2) If the committee fails to appoint a Chief Executive Officer within
the period fixed in the requisition or. having appointed a person whose
appointment is not approved by the President of the Union. fails within a
further period to be fixed by the President of the Union to appoint an approved
person. the President of the Union may_
(a) select and appoint a person to be Chief Executive Officer;
(b) fix the pay and allowances and general conditions of service of luch
Chief Executive Officer. and. if he is a Government officer. the
conditions under which his services are lent to the municipal
(J) Where a Chief Executive Officer is appointed under the provisions
of subsection (1) Or sub-section (2). the Presidont of the Union shall determine
which powers. if any. of the commitlee. Chairman or Vice-Chairman under
this Act or any rule Of thereunder shall be exercised by tbe said
Chief Executive Officor, in addition to. or to the exc:lulion of. their exereilt
by the said committee. Chairman or Vice-Chairman.
Appmntl1'lcnt 40. The committee may. at a mtoetin$. appoint a Health Officer.
n, lic:llth
Mllnicipal. 139

41. (I) It shall be the duty of the Health Officcr- , Dulit',o(

(a) to act as adviser 10 the committee on all mailers affecting the OffICer.
public health;
(b) to perform all duties imposed upon him by this Act and by any
Act in Coree for the tim..: being in the municipality or notilicd
(c) to enforce. so far as they relate to public health. the bye.laws of
the committee and resolutions made by it in conformity with
the law;
(d) on the occurrence of any outbre:lk of dangerous disease. to take
immediately all lawful steps necessary for its suppression; and
(d to submit such reports :Ind returns as the President of the Union
may from time to time dircct in such form and to such person as
he may direct.
(2) All Inspectors of Public Health. vaccinators and officers or servants
of the council employed (or conservancy or any purpose relating to public
hdlth shall be subordinate to the Health Officer.

41 (I) The President of the Union may. if in his opinion the appoint Power u{
j'rd;dl.'nl 10
ment of a Health Officer is necessary in any municipality for the promotion of ell... .:!
public health. require the commiuee 10 appoint a Health Officer. :lppoinlmelll
tI( Health
(2) A requisition under sub-section (I) shall prescribe the period within Olliccr.
which the committee shall comply therewith.
(3) If the committee fails to appoint a Health Officer within the prescribed
period. the President of the Union may. if he thinks lit-
(a) select and appoint a person to be Heal!h Officer. :Ind
(b) fix his pay. allowances. rate of contribution to provident fund or
pension and other conditions of service.
43. Every committee shall appoint one or more Inspectors of Public A('pOintment
nl InSpc....:lor
lValth. of Puhlil:
44. (I) If the committee fails to appoint an Inspector of Public Health. Power of
or if in the opinion of the President of the Union the number of Inspectors of 10 Presidell!
Public Health in any municipality is insufficient for the promotion of the public :ill'poi'llrnent
health. the President of the Union may require the committee to appoint an of IO$p~IO.1 uf
Inspector of Public Health or such additional Inspectors of Public Health as PubJi,;
be may think fit. HollIl.
(2) A requisition under sub-section (I) shall prescribe the period within
Which the committee shall comply therewith.
(J) If the committee fails to appoint such Inspector or Inspectors of
Public Heallh within the prescribed periol1. the Pn:sident of the Union may_
(Q) select and appoint a person or persons to be an Inspector or
Inspectors of Public Health: and
(b) fix the pay> allowances. rate of contribution to provident fund or
pensinn and other conditions of service of such persons.
,40 Municipal.

F.",plOylnC111 45. Subject to the provisions oC this Act .and to such rules as may be
of Olh~r
ottic~n. :lnd
made by the President oC the Union thereunder. the committee may appoint
,cr\Olnb by and remove such other officers and servants as may be necessary or properfor
committee. the efficient execution oC its duties. and may assign to such officers and servanls
such remuneration as it may think lit.

ElIljll<JI'llll'nt 46. Subject to the provisions oC this Chapter and to any rules made in
of oltkelN this behalf, .a committee und any other committee or other local authority,
:tnl.! est;!!-
IishlllCnls b) or more than one such committee or authority, may conjointly appoint and
employ any officers or establishments. and provide Cor the payment of their
and 'Aher
loc:al nlnries and for their conlrol.

Pow~r or 47, The President of the Union may make rules._

I"esid. nt tv
m:tke rull-s (a) as to the qualifications of perSons to be appointed as Health
:IS to lhe Officer. lnspcclor of Public Health. Assistant Health Offi~r,
tions,llay Medical Registrar. Superintendent of Vaccination or the
and II anner equivalent of any such posts. and for the maintenance of
or 1l1'J'"inl-
n,enl, ct,'., of regislers of persons possessing such qualifications and the enl'ry
cerlain of nameS in. and their removal from, such registers:
nllker~ and
sen"lO,t. or (b) regulating Ihe rales of pay and allowances to be granted to such
commlltees. officers and servants:
(d as 10 the manner of appointment of such officers or servants and.
as to the sanction required to any appointment: and
(d) as to the procedure to be followed in dismissing or removing from
his appointment or otherwise punishing or penalising any such
officer or servant of a committee and as to the sanction required
in the CJSC of removal and dismissal.

Powerto 48. (J) The cOmmittee may make bye-laws to regulate such matte~s
m:lke h,,~
law. as'tn relating to the appointment. conduct, duties. leave, suspension, removal and
:lpl'o!nlmenl, dismissal of its officers and serV3nts as are not provided for by this Act
dut i \s,lean', Or ally rules thereunder.
~le" ,of (2) No bye-law made under this section shall take effect until it has been
'erl'ants of confirmed by the President of the Union.

PO\\er to 49. If, in the opinion of the Commissioner, the number of persons
prcvcnt ex-
.traval\nc~ elnployed by the committee as officers or servants. or whom tbl; committee
in emtbu.h_ proposes to ewploy as such. or the remuneration assigned by the commiltec
to those persons. or any of them. is excessive. the committee shall. on tbe
requisition of the Commissioner. reduce the number of those persons. or their
~emuneration. as the case may be:
Provided that the committee JRay appeal against any such requisition to
the President of the Union, and the decision of the President of the Voioll OD
such appeal shall be final.
M.nlcipo}. 141

$t. In tbe case of an officer or servant. being a Government official. the Petllion, of
commlttcc may_ Gnnrnmcnt
(I) if his services arc wholly lent to it, meet any charges prescribed c;r X'f'Yin~
authorized by the conditions of his service under the Go...ern- conUIIIttt.
ment for tbe time being in force regarding contributions towards
peadon or gratuity and leave allowances; and
(2) if he devotes only a part of his time to the performance of duties
in behalf of the committee. meet any such charlcs as aforesaid
in such proportion as may be determined by the President of
the Union.
51. In the casc of an officer or servant. not being a Government official. Penllonl,
the committee may- etc., 01 other
officerl and
(I) IraDI bim- Jervanu.

(al leave allowances:

(b) a gratuity on his retirement. if his monthly pay doc. not exceed
ten rupees;
(2) with the sanction of the President of tbe Union.- .
(el grant him on his retirement a gratuity in any other case; or
(d) subKribc. in accordance with any general or special orders of
the President of the Union (or the time being in force. for
a pension or gratuity payable on his retirement; or
(e) purchase for him from the Government or otherwise an annuity
on his retirement; or
(f) purchase and set apart securities of the Government of India or
Pakistan or Union of Burma Government securities or such
other securities as the President of the Union may approve
in this behalf. and provide on his retirement for the payment
to him of the income arising therefrom as an annuity during
the remainder of his life and for the realization of such
securities by the committee on his death; or
(g) pay him an annuity on his retirement:
Provided that no pension. annuity or gratuity shall be ranted unless
the officer or servant would be entitled to either pension or aratuity if tbc
service had been service under tbe Govcrnment:
And provided tbat no gratuity under suboelause (bJ and no pension.
leave allowance or annuity shall exceed the sum to v.bich the officer or servant
would be entHled if the service had been service under the Government; and
a gratuity under sutH::lause (d shall not exceed one month's pay for every
completed year of service and shall not in any case exceed a maximum of
ten months' pay in all :
And provided that the applicJ.tion of suboelauses UJ and C,> shall be
restricted to municipalities where a provident fund has been constituted and
to individuals who joined the servl(;C of the Plunicip:dity before the establisb.
meot Of such fund.
142 MuniclPD'
Power In $2. (I) Tbe committee of any municipality to which the President of
atauJish the Union may by notification declare tbia section to apply may make bye.
fund for laws for the or-
officen and
ul'\'all.tI. {a} establishing and maintaining a provident or annuity fund:
(b) compelling all or any of the officers or servants of tho commiUce
(other than Government officials) to subscribe to such tuDd.
and. if necessary. providins for tbe deductioa of IUl:.
subscriptions out of the salaries or emoluments of such setVUtl
or officers ;
(d providing for the payment of contribution. to IUch fund by
committee out of other funds vested in the committee;
(d) fixing the times. circumstance. and condition. under wbicb
payments may be made out of any fund established UDder this
seetion and the conditions under whicb such paymeaU
shall discharge the fund frolll furtber liability;
(t) providing for the settlement by arbitration or otherwise of displIIeI
relating to such fund. or the payments or subscriptions thereto
or claims thereon. between tbe committee and otber perlOlJ
or between persons claiming any share or interest therein. iDd
(f) reauJating generally such other matters incidental to such faDd
and the in..estment thereof as the President of the Union 1Dl7
(2) No bye-law made under this section shall come jato foree uatil'
it has been confirmed by the President of the Union.

53. The committee may. with the sanction of tbe President of ltle
"y pen,lon, Union. give an extraordinary pension or aratuity-
ele., In cue
0( offlCtr Of (a) to any officer or servant injured in tho execution of his dUly; or
lerVi'ut lh) to the family of any officer or servant who is killed in tbe
;0/"1'(;(\ l>r
Ir:i led III execution of his duty. or whose death il due to devoticll
eXCl.:uliOIl to duty:
Of hi. d~I)',
.t<. Provided that no such pension or anltuity shall exceed tbe Iall
to which such officer or servant. or his family. would be entitled if
the service had been service under the Government.

Ctmtract, and TranJ/l"" 0/ Propnty.

"'.'lde nf
54. (II When II contract made by or on behalC of tbe eommittee
uttutlnl ex.ceeds in value or amount one hundred rupees. jt sban be in writing ad
COtIlracl, aDd
mUlne: signed by the Chairman or Vice-Chllirman and at Jealt one ot!Jer member cl
tramfn. nf the commitl~e.
If'llnol."uble (2) E..ery transfer of immoveable property belonaiaJ, to the committee
pr(lpert)" of
ClOlnmiltce. shall be made by an instrument in writinJ. executed by tho ChairllllJ
or ViceChairman and by at least two other members of tbe com.mittee. ud
shall recite the number aDd dille of the order of the Presideat of the UaiOl
approving tbe resolution for such transfer pused uad.c:r Ketioa 13.
M""lcI""l. 143
(3) If any .uch contract or tra.nsfer is executed or made otherwise tban
in conformity with tbe provision. of tbis section. it shall not be binding on
the committee.
55. (I) If any member. officer or servant of the committee is dire<:t1y or PftIaJly lot
indirectly interested in any contract made with the committee. he shall be Incmbet',
offICer O!'
punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to len"ant of
onc YC3r. or with fine. or with both. unless it shall appear that he was not ~nUlec
" ~In,
aware 0 f S\ie: h Interest: Interested
PrOVI'de dth at th e PreSI'dent 0 f t he U' , Specll
mon may. In ' Icircumstance..
' InCOI.tnet
mid: with
make exemption from tbe provisions of this sub-section in the case ".aurJlt".
of any person but such exempted person shall DOt bold the office of
Chairman or Viee-Chairman of the committee.
(Z) No person shall. by reaSOD only of being a sharebolder in.
or a member of. any incorporated or registcred company. be deemed
to be intcr'cltcd in any contract entered into betwccn such company and the
committee. but every sucb person shall be treated as pecuniarily interested
in such contract within the meaning of section 27.
Acquisition of Land.
56. Where any land. whether within or beyond the limit. of the Acquililic.
municipality. is rcquired by the cOlDmittee for the purpOses of thil Act. or of
for any other object which it is empowered to carry out under any
other enactment for the time being in force. tbe President of the Union may.
at the request of tbe committee. proceed to acquire it under the provisions
of the Land Acquisition P.ct and. on payment by the committee of
the compensation awarded under that Act and of tbe charses incurred
by the President of the Union in connection with the proceedings. the land
shall vest in the committee.

Privileges and LiubiliJicl.

57. No suit shall be instituted against the committee. or DaDinst a Suit. ;'j(.Iinlt
memvcrL_ or a iiicer a f the committee.
" In respect 0 I an aet '
purportlRl coollnittec
2nd ill
to be done by him in his official capacity. until the expiration of one month omc....
next after notice in writing has been. in the casc of the committee. delivered
or left at its office. and. in the casc of a member or officer. delivered to him
or left at his office or place of abode. statins the cause of action and
the name and place of abode of the intending plaintiff. and tbe plaint must
contain a 6tatement tbat such notice has been so delivered or left:
Provided that tbis section sblll not apply to any suit instituted un1er
'IeCtioD 54 of the Specific Relief Act.
58. No suit shall be maintainable against any municipal authority. IDdemnity to
officer or servanl. or :tny person acting under the direction of any municipal ,
. b" lfi .. ' 11.' tb ~r1hCl
aut onty. 0 eer or servant. or of a Magistrate. ID respect of anything aU5erl'&ot.
144 Municipal.

lawfully and in good faith and with due care and auention done under this
Act or any rule. bye-law or order made thereunder.
Liability for 59. Every person shall be liable for tbe Joss. waste or misapplicatioa
I055.wa",leor of any money or other property belonging to the committee if the loss. waste
tioo or misapplication is a dirett consequence of his neglect or misconduct wbile
a member of the committee. and a suit for compensation may be institutod
against bim by the committee or by the Government.
Jofembt;rI. 68. Every member. officer or servant of the committee. aDd
officers, every farmer or agent for the recovery on behalf of tbe committee of
servants and
agents "f any tax. fcc or other impost. shall be deemed to be a public servant withil
committee \0 the meaning of section 21 of the Penal Code.
b' deemed
Noticc of 61. (1) In the absence of a written contract to the contrary.
resignation every sweeper employed by the committee shall be entitled to ODC
or discha'ce
of IWCI'"I"'C'U, month's notice before discharge. or to one month's wages in lieu thereat.
unless he is discharged for Dliscondu::t or at the end of a specified term for
which he was engaged.
(2) Should any sweeper employed by a committee. in the absence ofa
written contract authorizing him so to do and without reasonable cause.
resign his employment. or absent himself from his duties without giving ODe
month's notice to the committee. or neglect or refuse to perform his duties
or any of them. he shall be liable to imprisonment for a term which IDlY'
extend to two months.
(3) The President of the Union may. by notification. direct that. 01
and from a date to be specified in such notification. the prOV1SIOII.I
of subsections (J) and (Z) with respect to sweepers shall apply abo
to any specified class of municipal servant. whose functions intimately
concern the public health or safety.


G~nuQl Provisions.
Ta.ea which 61. (I) Subject to any general or special rules or orders wbie'
II ay be
hnpost;d. for the President of the Union may issue or may have issued in this behalf. the
gCIlt;:ul committee m:ay. ror the purposes of this Act. impose in the whole
1"'1""<' ..
A,l. or any part or the municipalilY. with the sanctioD hereinaUer lpecified
in each ca'>C. any of the f('lllowing taxes. namely : -
(A) wilh tbe previous sanction of the President of the Unioa.-
ta) a tax on buildings and lands Dot exceedinc ten per ccotUDl rJ.
the unnual vulue of sucb buildings und landa :
(b) a tax on lands covered by buildincs at a. rate Dot exceedila
three pies per square foot per annum. or. if the landa an

covered by buildings of two or more storeys. at a rate not

exceeding four pies per square foot per annum;
(c) a tax on lands not covered by buildings at a. rate not exceeding
ten rupees per acre per annum;
(d) a tax on buildings according to the length of street frontage
occupied by such buildings at rates not exceeding the folio
wing. namely :-

Per annum,
ur ;\ building !I;\\"ln: not more Uua ten feel of .treet
ftontt'ge ...
For" building h:lving more than ten, b"Jt not more Ihln twenty.
ftd Of .trttl frontage

Jo'or a bl'ildinJjt having more than twenty. hut Dot more tbom
thirty, feet uf street frontage
For ;t b- .i1dIDj:! M'in;.: mnre Ul2Il. thirty. but not more than 8
forty, ft Of street frontage
For ;\ bl,ildln:.: h;nlng more lhan forty. but .ot more tban 6fty, 0
fl-t't of slretl frOl\(a~e ..
fo... a hullJlng Ju\"ing more thaD fifl)', bul not mor~ lhlla .i.h,
fett Of .trt CronL1ge
And (or e:\ch additional tm, or part of ten, fetl 01 Ilreel

(r) a tax on households or families at a rate not exceeding thirty

per centum per annum on the amount of the thuthameda
tax assessed upon each household or family;
(f) a tax not exceeding nine rupees per quarter on cvcry vehicle.
boat. beast used for driving. riding. draught or burdcn. or
dog. kept within thc municipality or any part thereof;
(g) a tax on private markets at a rate notexcecding five per centum
of thc nct annual profits derived by the owners therefrom;
(h) a toll, not excecding cight annas. on every vehicle or beast used
as aforesaid. entering the municipality and not liable to
taxation undcr clause (f) :
Provided that any person may compound for exemption from all rolls
leviable in respect of any ,,chicle or anim&.l under this clause by paying tbe
tax which would have been leviable in respect thereof under clause (I> it tbc
same had been kept within the municipality:
(i) a tax on trades. professions and callings.
(B) with the previous sanction of thc Prcsident of the Union. any tax
not authorized under division (A).
(2) Only one of the taxes mentioncd in clauses (a). (b). (c) and (d) of
subsection (I) shall be imposed in rcspect of the same buildings or lands.
and no tax under clause (e) thereof shaH be leviable from a person who
i, liable to pay a tax under clause (a). (b), (c) or (d).
(]) Only ODe of the taxes mentioned in claqse. (a) and <8') shall
be imposed in respect of the lame premise..

146 Municipal.

(4) In this section .. annual value" means the gross annual rCDI
for which builoings and lands liable to taxation may reasonably be expected
to let. and in the case of houses. may be expected to let unfurnished.
<.5) A tax may be imposed at different rates in different parts
of the municipality.
Water-t:ur. 63. (0 Besides the taxes imposed under section 62. the committee may.
with the previous sanction of the President of the Union. for the purpose of
constructing or maintaining works for the supply of water throughout
the municipality or any part thereof. or paying the principal or interest
of any loan raised for the construction of such works. impose I
tax. to be called the watertax. upon buildings or lands which 8rc so situated
that their occupiers can benefit by such worles.
(2) The rate or amount of the tax. so imposed on different buildings Of
lands may be determined with reference. among other considerations. to their
distance from the nearest point at which the water is deliverable by
the works and to their level:
Provided that. in fixing such rate or amount. regard shaH be had to the
principle that the total net proceeds of the tax. together with the estimated
income from payments for water supplied from the works under sJ*:i&1
contracts or otherwise. should not exceed the amount required for the said

'-C. Besides the taxes imposed undcr the forcgoinl section the committee,
may. with tbe previous sanction of the President of the Union. fot
the purpose of lighting the streets throughout the munic:iplility or any pan
thereof. or paying the principal or interest of any loan raised for ,.
construction of works required for lighting those streets. impose a tax. to be
c:LlIed the lighting-tax. upon buildings and lands situated within tile
municipality. or such part thereof. as the case Dauy be :
Provided that. in fixing the rate or amount of the tax. regard shall'be
had to the principle that the total net proceeds thereat should not exceed the
amount required for the said purpose.
L2trine-tn. 65. Besides the taxes imposed under the foregoing sections. the COlD"
miUec may. with the previous sanction of the President or the Union. for tile
purpose of providing and maintaining public latrines sulficient in number
and situation for tbe ordinary wants of the municipality Or any part thereof.
or paying the principal or interest of any loan raised for the constructiotl of
works required fOI" that purpose. impose a tax.. to be called the latrin~taX.
upon buildings and lands in tbe municipality. or such part thereof. as tbt
case may be:
Provided that. in fixina tbe rate or amount of the tax. regard .ball be
had to tbe principle Ihat the total net proceeds thereof should Dot exceed tilt
amount requir-ed for the said purpose.
Municipal. 147

66. (/) Besides the taxes imposed under the foregoing s:cions. the com Sc;",enaiIlC.
millet may. with the prevlous sanction of the President ot the Union. for the tax.
purpose of providing for tbe removal and disposal of sewage or rubbish. or
both. from any buildings or lands. or paying the principal or interest of any
loan raised for the construction of works required for that purpose. impose
upon such buildings or lands a tax. to be called the scavengingtax. at sucb
rate or rateS as may be necessary.
(2) The rale Or amount ot the tax so imposed may vary according al
sewage or rubbish or bolh is or are removed :
Provided thai. in fixing the rate or rates of such tax. regard shall be
had 10 the principle Ihat Ihe net proceeds thereo! should not exceed the net
cost of the removal and disposal of tbe said sewage or rubbish. or both.
including the cost oC t!'le maintenance and repair of all materials. appliances
and works connected with such removal and disposal after deducting the pro
due:e of lhe sale oC such matcrials. appliances and works. if sold.

67. (I) The imposition in any municipalilY of any lax under Ibis Act Prucedure
shalt first be proposed at a special meeting of the commiHcc. ,or impll-
Ing aId
(1) If and when a resolution has been passed approving of the imposilion tallll!l.
at a tax proposed under sub-section (n. the committee shall publish a notice
defining the persons Or property proposed to be taxed. the amount Or rate of
the tax to be imposed. and tbe syslem or usesament to be adopted.
(J) Any person likely to be directly affected by the proposed tax and
objecting to the same may. within thirty days from the date of the publication
of such notice. submit his objection in writing to the committee: and the
committee shall. at a special meeting. take his objection into considerationl
(4) If no objection is received within the said period of thirty days. Or it
the objections received. having been considered as aforesaid. are deemed
insufficient. the committee may submit its proposals to the President of the
Union. with the objections (if any) which havc been submitted as aforesaid and
its decision thereon.
(5) The President of the Union. on recei\'ing such proposals. may
sanction the same. or refuse to sanction them. or sanction so much thereo! as
he may think tit. or return the same to thecommittcc for further consideration.
(7) When any proposal of. the committee in respect of a tax has been
sanctioned in whole or in part by the President ot the Union. the President of.
the Union may notify the imposition of the tax as sanctioned from a specified
date. which date shall be Ihe first day of January. April. July. or October in
any year and shall be distant not less than three months from the dale of such
notificalion. and thereupon the tax shall come ioto force from. the date so
specified. and if it is a tax levillble by the year and comes into force on any
~ay other than the first day of January. it sball be leviable in quarterly
Instalments 1P1til the firSt day of January t~Q ncxt CDsuing.
148 Munidpal.

(8) A notification of the imposition of a lax under this Act shall be

conclusive evidence Ihat the tax bas been imposed in aceordilnce with the
provisions of this Act.

Power to 68. (J) The committee may. by resolution passed at a special meeting.
abolish, propose to abolish or reduce in amount any tax imposed under this Act. or to
ttdl1ce or
IU~P<'nd ~x.
suspend the levy of any tax for any specified period. and the President of lhe
Union may sanction. or refuse to sanction. such proposal in whole or in part
only. J( the President of the Union sanctions such proposal in whole or in
pari. he shall nOlify in the Gazette the abolition or reduction of the tax or
tbe suspension or the levy thereof. as the case may be.
(2) A tax may be abolished or reduced in amount or the levy thereof
suspended in the whole or any part of the municipality.

Powa to 69, (I) The committee may. by resolution passed at a special meeHo,.
t"Xl."tIlr.t rrom sanctioned by the President of che Union and published in the Gazelle. aqd
the President at the Union may. by notification. exempt in whole or in pan
from the payment of any tax any person or class of persons. or any property
or description of property. animals or vehicles,
(2) The committee may. by resolution supported by two-thirds of the
whole number of members. exempt in whole or in parr. for any period not
exceeding one year. from the payment of any tax imposed under this Act. any
person who by reason of poverty may. in its opinion. be unable to p:ty tbc

Powa to 71, (I) If at any time it appears to the President of the Union. OD
"rcsicknl to
luspend Il."vy complaint made or otherwise. that any tax imposed under the fOfCgoin.
ill I:Ix. sections is unfair in its incidence, or that the levy thereof or of any part
thereof is injurious to the interests of the public. he OIay require tbe
committee to take. within a specified period. measures to remove the objection;
and if within that period such requisition is not complied with to the sati..
faction of tbe President of the Union. the President of the Union may. by
notification. suspend the levy of the tax or of any part thereof until the
objection has been removed,

~~W:r~t.. 71. (J) The President of the Union may nlake ruJes consistent with this
rew amu. Aot for the assessment. collection and remission or refund ot taxes leviable
:~:t~:lIu;, under this Act and fOr pre~enting evation of the same,
HmiuiQfl Of Such rules may also authorize the committee to dispose in accordaoe:t
-taxcs. with such rwes. by way of lease or otherwise. of the right Co collect any lolls
leviable UDder section 62. sub-section (I). division (A) clause (h).
(1) In making any rule under this section. the President of the UniOi
may direct that a breach of any provision thereof shall be punishable wilb
fiDe which may extend to fifty rupee..
Municipal. 149
7%. No tax imposed under this Act shall be invalid merely for defect of Taxtl oot
form: and it shall be enough in connection with any such lax on property. or in'-Ollid fex
. defcct of
any assessment 0 f va I ue f Or the purpose of the tax. If the property taxed or for,".
lIssessed is so described as to be generally known: and it shall not be neces
sury to name the owner or occupier (if any) thereof.
74. Any tax imposed under this Act and payable periodically shall be Tnts "hen
payable on such dates during Ihe period in respect of which it is leviable. and payable.
in such instalments (if any) as the committee may. subject to the provisions
of section 67. sub-section (7). and to any rules made by the President of the
Union in this behalf. from time to time direct.

75. For every sum paid on account of any tax under this Act a receipt Ntteipts to
slaling the amOunt and the tax on account of which it has been paid shall be be ginn.
tendered by the person receiving Ihe same on behalf of the committee to the
pt=rson making the payment.

Taxes on Immoveable Proptrty.

76. (J) The committee shall cause an assessmcnHist of an buildings and Prcpar"UUI\
lands on which any tux is imposed to be prepared. containing- of as'en
(a) the name of the street or di\'ision in which the property is situate;
(b) the designation of the property. either by name or by number.
sufficienl for identification;
(d the names of the owner and occupier if known;
(d) the annual value. areu. street frontage or profit on which tbe tax is
aSseS~'ed ; and
(eo) the amount of the tax asssesed thereon by the committee.
(2) For the purpose of preparing such list the committee may require the
owners or occupiers of buildings or lands to furnish it with returns of the
measurements or of the rent or annual value or profit of such buildings or
U) Whoever omits to comply with such requisition. or furnishes a
return which is untrue. 'shall be punishable with fine which my extend to fifty
rupees. and shall be precluded from objecting 10 any assessment made by the
committe~ in respect of any building or land of which he is the owner .or

77_ When the assessment.list has been completed. it shan be signed by PuhliC<l-licn
the Chairman or Vice-Chairman and the committee shall {!.i\'C public notice of or Micc ('-f
the fact and of the place where the list or a copy thereof may be inspected; _a~SC!ISlntN.
and every person claiming to be either an owner or an occupier of :lony pro-
perty included in such list. Or Ihe agent of any such person. shaH be at liberty
to inspect the list and to make extrllocts therefrolU free of charge-
ISO Municipal.

l'ublic notice 78. (J) The commitlee sh>ll1. at the time of publishing the 3sscssmcnt-liat
Of lime fixed
for re\i~in( under thc last foregoing section. give public notice of a time. not less thaD
:,:ssnsmt.-nl- one month from the publication of such notice. when it will proceed to revix
list. the 3SSCSSml"nt: and in all cases in which any property is for the first time
asses~d. or the assessment of any property is increated. it shall also give
notice ot such asseSnlent. or incr;:ased assessmenl. as the case may be, to tbe
owner or occupier of the property. whichever of them will be Jbblc as betweea
themseh:es to p:.y the tax.
(2) Every objection to any such assessment or increased assessOlCnt sball
be made in writine: and shall be submitted at least eight days before the time
fixed ill the notice refcrred to in sub-scction (1) :
Provided that tbe committee may in its discretion receive oral objec:tiODI
at the time specified in the notice.
1>Atlenl(,t " . (1) A sub-committee of not less tbln two members appointed for thi,
putl>ose by the committee shan iOfjuire into any objection submitted under tit:
I.. st (",ez-oing section. and in the course of such inquiry shall allow the
objector an opportunity of beinS heard. either in person or by authorized
aJ,;ent, as the objector may think fit. and sball have authority to receive e~
dence on any matter arising therein. and shall record the proceedings and a
summary of the evidence taken therein. and shall give a separate decision 011.
each objection submitted as aforesaid. either at the hearing thereof or on a
subsequent day of which notice shall be given to the objector.
(2) An appeal from every decision of a sub-cammittee under sub--:;ectioe
(I) shall lie by petition in writing to the Deputy Comminioner. or. if tbc
Deputy Commissioner is a member of the committee. to the Commissioner:
(a) that tbe petition of appeal shall have been presented 10 the Deputy
Commissioner or Commi$Sioner within thirty days from the dalc
of lhe communic:llion to the appellant of the sub-committec'j
(b) that u notice in writing of the intention to appeal shall have been
gi.-en to the Ch.. of the committee within seven days from
the dale of the communication 10 the appellant of the sub-
committee',) decision; and
(c) lhat the petition i$ stamped under article t t of Schedule JI of tbe
Courtfees Act
(j) The appellant shall not be permitted. without the consent of tllc
Deputy Commissioner or Commissioner, as the case may be. at the hearing 01
the nppeal. to put forward any ground of appeal not let forth in his pctitioe
of appeal.
(4) It shall not be necessary for the respOndent committee to appear beforc
the Deputy Commissioner Or Commissioner. and any leller which may be ad-
dressed by. or by order of. such commillce to such Deputy Commissioner or
Comm:ssioncr regarding the appeaJ shall. if a copy thereof bas, before lbo
Municipal. 151

hearing of the appeal. been supplied to the appellant. be received and

considered before the decision 00 the appeal is delivered.
(5) If. on the hearing of an appeal under this section. any question as to
the liability to. or the principle of. assessment arises on which he entertains
doubt. the Deputy Commissioner or Commissioner hearing the appeal may. of
his own motion. and shall. on the application of the appellant. or of the
Chairman of the respondent committee. made at the hearing. draw up a state-
ment of the facts of the casc and the point on which doubt is entertained. and
refer the statement. with his own opinion on the point and the record of the
asc. for the decision of the High Court.
(6) When a case has been stated under the provisions of the last fore-
loing sub-section. the High Court shall, after considering the question so
referred. scnd a ruling thereon to the officer by whom the reference was made.
and such officer shall. on receipt of the ruling. dispose of the case in confor-
mity therewith. It shall not be necessary for any party to the case to be
present. either personally or by authorized agent. at the consideration of the
case by the High Court.
(7) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this section. the decision of
the sub-eommittee. Deputy Commissioner or Commissioner. as Ihe case may
be. shall be final.
(8) The Deputy Commissioner or Commissioner. as the case may be.
shall in his decision direct by whom the costs of the appellant and those of
the respondent committee arc to be paid. and. if he directs tbat one party
shall pay the other party's costs or any part thereof. he shall fix the amouat
of the co~ts to be so paid.
(9) Costs awarded under this section to the committee shall be recovcr-
able by the committee as if they were arrears o( a tax due from the appellant.
(10) Thc pendency of any appeal (rom a decision of the sub-committee
shall not operate to delay or prevent the levy o( any tax. or. wben the lax is
payable by instalments. of any instalmcnt of any tax payable in respect of
any property according to the assessmcnt of the committcc; but if. by the
final decision uron an objection. it is determined that such tax. or instalm ent
ought not to ha ve been levied in whole or in part. the committcc shall refund
to the person flOID whom the same has been Icvied the amount of such tax or
instalment. or the excess thereof over the amount properly leviable ia.
accordance with such final decision. as the case may be.
(11) If. in accordance with the provisions of this section. a refund of
Iny payment made by an appellant be required. the committee shall make
such refund within ten days after receipt of a certified copy of tbe final
decision of the Deputy Commissioner or Commissioner. as the case may be.
o (12) If the committee fails to pay any costs awarded to an appellant
under sob-section (8) or any refund due to an appellant under sub-sections
('0) and (J 1) wilhin ten days (ronl receipt of a certified copy of the final
deciSion of the Deputy Commissioner or Commissioner. as the case may be.
lhe Deputy Commissioner Or Commissioner shall. on the application of the
appellant. order tbe person having the custody of tbe balance of the municipal

fund to pay the amount. togeth:r with the COIlS of the application and of the
service of the order. aDd such person shall be legally bound to comply wilb
such order and shall debit the :lmouot so paid against the balance of the
municipal fund.
(13) The assessmentlist shall be amended under the direction and signa
ture 01' the Chairman or Vice-Chairman $0 as to make it correspond with
the decisions upon objections submitted. or. in the case of appeals from soeb
decisions. with the decisions on such appeals: and. subject to such amendmcntJ
as may thereafter be duly made. the assessments in the list shaD be the
assessments on which the tax shall be calculated and levied for the year
of assessment next ensuing. and. in the case of a lax imposed for the first
time. for the period between the date of the coming into torce of. Ihe tax and
the commencement of the next year of assessment.
(14) The assessment-Jist. when amended under this section. shall be
depo5ited in the committee's office. and shall there be open to inspectio.ll
dudns. office hours by all owners or occupiers of property comprised
and a public notice that it is so open to inspection shall forthwith be published.

Furlher 80. (,) The committee may at any time aDlcnd the list by inserting the
amendment. name of any person whose name ought to have becn inserted. or by includiq
of auC$'-
mcnl-lilt. any property which ought to have been included. or by altering the assessmeot
on any property which has been erroneously valued or assessed through Craud.
accident or mistake. aftcr giving notice. to the person interested in tbe.
amendment. of a time. not Jess than one month from the date of service of
such notice. at which the amendment is to be made.
(2) Any person interc:.;tcd in any such amendment may tender his
objection to the committee in ""riling before the timc fixed in the notice. or
orally or in writing at that time. and shall be allowed an opportunity of
bcing heard in support oC the same. either in person or by authorized agent.
ns hc may think fit.
(J) The provisions of section 79 shall apply to objections and appealS
in 6uch cases.

Addition uf 81. When a new building is erected after the completion of the assess-
ne.... build-
mcnt-list. the committee may cause it to be <tdded to the list. and in sucb
iD(::S 10
anc,.mer,l. a case the provisions of sections 76 to 78 <tnd section 79 shall apply.
list. except that no publie noticc shall be required. In such a case the assesSDlCJlt
shall take effect Crom the beginning of the month fol!owing tbe date on whicb
the assessment is settled by the committee.

New list 12. It shall be in the discretion of the committee to prepare a ncwassess-
need not be ment-list every year. or to adopt the valuation and asseument contained iD
e\'e,)' )'Car. .the list {or any year. with such alterations as olay in particular cases be
deemed neceSSary. as the valuation and assessment for the year followio.,
giving the same noticc as if a new valuation and assessmentlist had bet0

13. Every tax payable under IeCtion 62. ,ub-section (I). division (.4). JGiat aDd
dause (a). clause (b). clause (e) or clause (d). or section 63 or section 64 or 'ueral
liability nf
sec:tion 65 or section 66. in respect of any building or land. shall be payable owtlefl aDd
jointly and severally by all persons who have been either owners or occ:upien: uuplers for
of the building or land at any time during the year of assessment. or. when
the tax is payable by instalments. at any time during the period in respect of
which the instalment is payable.

84. (1) In the absence of any _&rument to tbe contrary between an Liability Of
owner and an occupier of any building or land. any tax payable under section owncrl aad
62. sub-section (I). division (A). clause Ca), clause (b). clause (c) or clause .. between
(d). which is paid by or recovered from the occupier. shaH be recoverable by themselves
fM tuu.
him from the owner. and any tax payable under section 63. section 64. section
65 or section 66. which is paid by or reoovered from tbe ownerhall be
recoverable by him from the occupier.
(2) A sum recoverable untler sub~scclion (J) by an occupier from an
owner may be deducted by the occupier (rom any rent due or afterward.
accruing due from him to the owner

Rrm;ss;on and Refund.

85. (I) When any building in respect of which a tax i. leviable uDder Remiailoe
section 62. subsection (I). division (A). clause (a). or clause (6). or clause and ft'fUDd
(d). or under section 63. or section 64. or section 6S or section 66. remains Of lall'"
unoccupied throughout the period on account of which an instalment of such
tax is payable. the amount payable in re.pect of such buildiAg on account of
such period shall. on application in writing to the committee. be remitted.
and. jf such amount has been puid. it shall be refunded:
Pro...ided that it shall be in the discretion of the committee to direct that
no such remission or refund .ho11 be granted under this subsection unles.
notice in writing of tho vacancy has been given to it within such time after
the beginning of the year or of tho period as it olay. from time to time. fix.
in this behalf.
(2) When any such building a. aforesaid-
(a) has not been occupied or productive of rent for any period of DOt
Jess Ihan sixty consecutive days. or
(b) is wholly or in greater part demolished or destroyed by firt or
the committee may remit or refund such porlion (if. :my) of the tax or instal"
ment as it may think equirable.
(3) The burden of proving the facts enlitlina: any person to claim relict
UDder tbis section sball lie upon such person.
154 MUllicipul.
Municipal N. Therc shall be formed for each municipality a municipal fund Ind
constituted. there shall. save us by this Act otherwise provided. be credited thereto--
(u) all sums received by or on behalf of the committee under tbi,
Act or otherw ise ;
(6) all fines realized from persons convicted under this Act or tbe
rules or bye-Jaws thereunder. or under section 34 of tbe Police
Act, for offences committed within the municipality;
(c) the whole. or any such part as the President of the Union may
approve. of any contributions front the port fund of any port
:lbutting on. or siluated v.i1hin, the nlunicipality. made under
the authority of the PorU Act.

ApplicaUoo 11. (I) Thc committee shall set apart and apply annually out of tle
Of fund. municipal fund.-
(a) first. such sum as may be required for the payment of any amountl
falling due on any loan legally conlracted by it;
(b) secondly. such SUlft as may be required to meet the charges o~ ill
own esl:lblishment. including such subscriptions. payments. and
contributions as arc referred to in sectiOns 50.51.52 and 53 aDd
the payment o{, i!dvances granted 10 members of the establish
mcnt {or the purpose or enabling them to acquire or construct
residences for themselves or for any other purpose for which
advances may be made to servants of the Go\o'ernment ; and
(c) thirdly. such sumS as may be requircd to pay the expenses of
pauper lunatics and [paupers affectcd with leprosy] 1 sent 10
public asylums from the municipality. the expenses incurred i.a
auditing the accounts of the committee. and such portion of Ibc
cost of the departmcnts of [* * *] 1 Sanitation. VacciDatioa:
Medical Relief and Public Works as may be deemed by the
President of the Union to be equitably debitable to tbe
committee in return tor services rendered to it by such depart-
ments or any of thent.
(2) Subject to the ch3rg~s specified in subo-section (I) and to such rula
as the President of the Union may make with respect to the priority to be
given to the sc\o'eral obligations of the committcc. tbe mun~ipal fund shall be
applicable to the payment. in whole or in purt. of the charges and expenSll
incidental to the undermentioncd mailers within the municipulity and with
the sanction of the Commissioner outside the municipalily. when such applica'
tion of Ihc fund is for the benefit of the inhabitants. namely:-
(a) the construclion. maintenance. improvemcnt. cleansing. and rcpair
of streets and of public bridles. cDlbankments. drains. latrines.
b.nks an~ water~urses;
I Sublllt"tcd by A<t XL, IVStl.
: Deleted by Aet LII. 11}SO.
Municipal. 155

(6) the watering and lighting of the streets or any of them;

(e) the prevention and ex.tinction of fires;
(d) the construction. establishment and maintenance of [* * *] t
hospitals. dispensaries. [leprosy homes]2 and other institutions
[* * *] 1 for the benefit of the public he3lth. and of rest
houses. Zayats. wharves. poorhouses. markets. encamping
grounds. pounds and other works of public utility. and the
control and administration of public institutions of any of these
(e) grants-in-aid to [* .] 1 hospitals. dispensaries. poorhouses.
[leprosy homes] 2 and other [. .. .] 1 charitable instilutions ;
(g) the giving of relief and the estabHshment and maintenance of
relief works in time of scarcity or famine;
(II) the supply. storage and preservation from pollution of water for
the use of men or animals;
(;) the planting and preservation of trees:
(j) the laking of a census. the registralion or birlhs. marriages and
deaths. public vaccination and any other sanilary measures;
(k) the keeping and auditing of the accounts of the municipal fund
[* * *] 1 and the hospital fund:
(I) the holding of fairs and industrial exhibitions: and
(III' all other acts and things which are likely to promote the safety.
health. welf<lre or convenience of the inhabitants. or expcndi
ture whereon m.lY be declared by the committee. with the
sanction of the President of the Union. to be an appropriate
charge on the municipal fund.
J 88.

89. (I) Thcre may be (ormcd for each municipality a hospital fund. Hosrit;a1
to which shull be crcdited- '"nd.
(a) any lces received from paying patients in any hospital main
tained by the fund ;
(6) any money realized by the sale of medic.:ines or other stores or
articles purchased by the fund;
(c) any assignment Ihat may be made to the hospital fund trom Ihe
revenues of the Union of Burma or from any district or local
(d) any other funds or income Ihat may be entrusted to the commit-
Ice for the construction or maintenance of hospitals. dispen-
saries or [leprosy homes ]2, or the pro"'isioD of medical aid or
relief; and
(d any sums assigned for medical purposes trom the municipal r-und.

, IJdcled bv A, t LII. 19511.

~ ~ubstilul~d by ,\ct XL. 1950.
156 Municiptl1.

(2) No expenditure. except expenditure for the construction or maia-

tenance of dispensaries. hospibls or [Jepro:;y homes]1. or the provision of
me~ical aid or relief or vaccination. shaH be charged against the hospital
fund. ]n case of doubt the Commissioner shall decide whether any expen
diture is or is not (or any of the purposes above mentioned. and his decisiOi
shull be final.
CUatodYOf N. (I) The balances standing to the credit of the municipal [' , 'P
and disburse-
meats frum and hosphal funds shall be kept in the nearest Government treasury or lub-
lands. treasury or. with the previous sanction of the President of the Union. in
such bank as may bo approved by the President of the Union in this behalf.
Where such treasury. sub-treasury or bank is situated outside the limits
of the muni::ipality. money required for current expenditure shall be kept by
the committee in a slrong box in such place and under such precautions as the
committee may. from lime to time. direct.
(Z) Save as provided in section 92. no disbursement from the municipal
fund [ ' , 'p or the hospilal fund shall be made CIccpt under the
signatun: oC the Chairman or Vice-Chairman and one other meDlber of
the committee.
of aarnc. '1. (I) The committee may. from time to time. with the previous sail(-
tion of the President of the Union. invest any portion of the municip<t.l fund
[. , '] 2 or hospital fund in [. .] 3 Union of Burma Government
lCCurities or sueh other securi!ics as the President of the Union may approve
in this beh alf. and may. with Ihe like sanction. realize any such funds 10
invested or vary such investmenfs for ethers oC a like nature.
(2) The income resultin& from such securities and the proceeds oC tbe
sale of the same shall be credited to the municipal fund. [- - '] 2 or
hospital fund. as the case may be.

Odel!.ation ,%. (I) The committee muy delegate [' , '] 2 to a hospital
of managc-
ment of lub-eommittee the managenlent of the hospital fund
hospitat (z) [The hospital sub-committee ]4 (if any) formed under sub~sectioD (I)
flUId to .u~
COollll Utct'.
shall [' .] 2 consist of such members of the committee as may be appointed
by the committee for this purpose. and of such other persons (if any) as may
be nominated {or this purpOse by the committee. the President of the Unioll
or tbe Commissioner under rules made by the President of the Union in this
(3) Every hospital sulH:ommittee [. , - .] 2 shall elect a cbairmae.
(4) When the management of the [- , -]2 hospital fund bas beeI
delegated in manner provided by sub~section (I). disbursemenu thereftoll
may be made under the signature of the chairman of the [. " '] 2 hospibJ
lub-committee and one other member of [such hospital sub-eommitteel4.
t Sllh$titllt~'d toy Act XL, 1'l5u.
t I>c:I~-icd toy Ad 1.11. 1'150.
, Uel. ted by A.. t XL, 1')50.
Substituted by At.t LII. 1950.
Municipal. 157

93. Subject to any special reservation made by the President of the Pruputy
\'e.1ed in
Union in this behalf. <Ill properly in a Illunicip:tlity of lhe nature hereinafler COIWllittc:e.
specified shall be vested in und belong to Ihe committee. and shall. with all
other properly which may become vested in thc committee. be under its direc-
tion. management and control. llnd shall be held and applied by it for tbe
purposes of this Act. that is to say.-
(0) an public town-halls. gates. marleets. slaughter-houses. manure
and night-soil depOts and public buildings of every description
which have been constructed or are muintained oul of municipal
(6) aU public slreams. tanles. rcservoirs. cisterns. wells. springs.
aqueducts. conduits. tunnels. pipes and Olher water-works. and
all bridges. buildings. engines. works. malerials and Ihin,s con-
nected Iherewith or uppertaining thereto and also any adjacent
land (nol being private property) appertaining to any public
tank or well;
<c) all public sewers and drains. and all sewers. drains. lunnels. cul-
verts. gutters and water-courses in. alongside or under any
street. and all works. malerials and things appertaining
(d) 311 lIust. dirt. dung. ashes. reCuse. animal-m3l1er or filth. or
rubbish of any kind. collected by the committee from the
streets. drains. houses. priVies. sewers. cesspools or elsewhere
or deposited in places fixed by the commiUee under section
145 ;
(iI) all public lamps. lamp-posts and apparalus connecled Iherewith
or appertaining thereto;
<n all land or other property transrerred to lhe committee by lhe
Government or by gift or otherwise. (or local public purposes;
(g) all streets. and the pavements. stones and other materials Ihereof.
and also all trees. erections. materials. implements and things
provided for such streets.
94. (I) The managemenl. control 3nd administration of every public Jl'Ulateml:"
instilution maintained out of the municipal fund shall vest in the commiltee: Of pv.blilO
Pro,,ided that the extent of Ihe independent authority of Ihe committee
in respect of any such institution may be prescribed by the President of the
Provided also that the committee may delegate its authority over
[. .] 2 hospitals maintained or aided by it to :l. [. ..] 1 hospital sub-eom
millee. if any. formed under section 92.
(2) When the management. control and administration of any public
inslitution are vested in the committee. all properly. endowments and funds'
--_._--_ - , - - ..
I Deleted by Act LII. 1930.
1!8 M.unicipal.

belonging to such institution shall be held by the committee in trust for tbe
purposes to which such property. eDlJowmenlS and funds arc lawfully
1'nmsrer to ". The committee may. with the sanction of the President of tbe
Stille Of
pt'operty Union. transfer 10 Ihe (Slale]1 any property vesting in and belonging to the
"ntilll in committee under section 93. or any property. endowments and funds held by
the committee in trust under section 94. sub$ection (2). but not so u
to affect any trusts or public rights subject to which such property. endow-
ments and funds are held.

RUWllplioa K. If any land which is w:sted in the committee. and which has been
by Go'"er,.. transferred from the (Stute]1 to the committee. is required by the Government
ment Of land
vested in for a public purpose. it may be resumed by the Government without compen'
committee. sation to the committee. except for the cost or lhe present value. Whichever
may be less. of any permanent buildings erected. or other works executed.
thereon by the committee.nnd Cor the amount (if any) paid to the Government

Settlement 97. If any question arises between the Government and the committet
or qUC5lioas as 10 the boundaries ot any land vested in the committee by section 93. or'as
.s 10 to the compensation to be paid unJer section 96 to the committee in respect
""" ......
tiOQ 'or. land
of anything on 3ny land to be resumed. the decision of the President of the
Union sh::tll be 6n:1I.


Streell and BuildingJ.

Acquisition 91. When any land is required for a new street or for the improyt
Of land ,or ment of an ell.isting street. the committee may proceed to acquire. in additi~lI
aitet to the land to be occupied by the street. the land necessary tor the sites 01
adjoinlna the buildings to be erected on the sides of the street.
new streets.
Closure of ". The committee may close temporarily any street vested in it. or
streets. any part thereof. for" the purpose of repairs. or Cor the purpose ofconslruet
ing or repairing any drain. culvert or bridge. or for any other pubHc purpale;
and may divert. discontinue or permanently close any such street. and sell
the land or such part thereof as is not required for the purposes of tbis Act

Prohibition 1... The committee may by public notice prohibit the drivina. ridilll
Of use Of Or leading of animals or vehicles of any particular kind along any .treet or
streets by a
d~ Of part of a street vested in it.

SubsUt'ltcd fur lhe' ...on1 "CnlWll." by the Union Of tsa~na (Adaphtion of La"..'
Order. 19fa.
MUnicipal. 159
t.l. The committee may grant permission in writing for the temporary T..........
occupation of any street or land vested in it for the f1urpo5e of depositing occupation Of
Itrecta. dc.
any building materials or makins any temporary excavation therein or erec-
tion thereon. or. subject to the f1rovisions of the Dramatic Performances Act.
the Towns Act. and of .any otber law for the time being in force. for holding
a pwl or ot.her entertainment thereon. and may make such conditions as it mllY
Ihink fit. either by bye-law or in any particular ca~e by resolution. for the
safety or convenience of persons passing by. or dwelling or working in. the
neighbourhood. and may charge fees for such permission. llnd may at its
discretion withdraw such permission.
102. The committee may attach to the oUlside of any building brackets Brlk:kdl ItII'
for lamps in such manner as not to occasion any inconvenience or injury lamps.

113. The committee may at a meeting cause a name to be given 10 any "amelOf

and to be affixed on any building

in such place as it thinks fil. and stnx~~ a~
numuo::h1 ....
may also cause a number to be affixed to :lny building; and in like manner b.lildin"
may. from time to time. cause such names and numbers to be alte~ed.
104. The committee may. by bye-law. fix limits within which the roof u..."
and external walls of huts or othcr buildings shall not be made or renewed of ifllbuvnabl.
matniall IA
bamboos. grass. mats. leaves. or other highly inflammable material unless baildia.-.
with its permission in writing; ~nd m:l.Y. by notice in writinj:. require any
person who has diso~yed any such b/c-Iaw to remove or alter the roofs Or
external walls so made or renewed as it may think fit.

105. (I) The committee may. by bye-hw. prescrib: that. within 'bln tn,n
certain linlits and aUer a day to be fixed by the bye-law. no buildinl shall Ie. weartll'
ottt 01
have a roof or external walls of bamboos. grass. mat. leave or other hiBhl)' intl:nmnable
inflammable material without its permission in writing. rUOflalld
(2) The committee may. after the date so fixed. by notice in wrilinl'
require the owner of any building situated within the limits specified in such
bye-law to remove any roof or external wall made of any such material.
(.1) The date to be specified in a bye-law made under sub-seclion (J) of
this section shall be such as. in tbe opinion of the committee. to allow the
roofs and external walls of any such material in exislence at th: lime of lIle
making of such bye-law to remain until they would in ordinary course. if not
repaired. require to be removed.

1M. (I) It any building or part of a building projects b:yond the Line 0{
regular line of a street. either existing or in process of formation. or beyond blilldiap.
the front of the buildings on either side thereof. the committcc may. whenever
iucb firstnamed building or part has been either entirely or in lreater part
taken down or burnt down. or has fallen down. by notice in writing requifC
lucb buildins or pari. when being rebuilt. 10 be set back to or towardJ tbe
&lid resulu line of the front of the adjoining buildings; and the portion of
160 MuniciJHII.

the land added to the street by such setting back or removal shall become
part of the street and shall vest in the committee:
Provided that the committee shall make full compensation to thc owner
for any damage which he may sustain in consequence of his building or aD)'
part tbereof being set back.
(Z) The committee may. on such terms 81 it may think fit. allow aa)'
building to be set forwD.rd for the improvement of the line of a street.


obstrudlon. or
It7. (I) The committee may. by notice in writing. require Ihe Owner
or occupier of any building to remove or alter any projection. encroachment.
construction built or placed agD.inst or in front thereof so as to form part
thereof. if the same overhangs. or projects into. or encroaches on. any street
or any sewer. drain or aqueduct in the street. or any door. gllte. bar. window.
venetian shutter or other Ihing opening outwards into any street. so as 10
cause any obstruction therein.
The committee may. wilhout gh'ing any notice. remove any olber
encroachment or obstruclion which has been erected or set up in a street. or
in or over any sewer. dr.:tin or aqueduct in the street. whether the offender
be prosecuted or not:
Pro\'ided tbat in lieu of requiring the removal or alteration of an)' suclt
projection. encroachment. obstruclion. door. gate. bar. window. venetiaa
shutter or olher thing opening outwards inlo a street. the Committee may.
upon such terms as 10 it shall seem 6t. grant permission for Ihe continuance
thereof. either at the will of the committee or for a period of ),ears not
exceeding seYen. and may reSCrve a rent for such permission.
(Z) It shall not be lawful. unless with Ihe permission in writing of lhe
committee. for the owner or occupier of any building abutting on a street to
add to or place against or in front of the building. an)' projection or structure
overhanging. projecting into. or encroaching on. the street or any sewer. draia
or aqueduct therein. or to spread. deposit. hang out or suspend any cloth.
mat. goods or olher article in or over any Itreet or any Jewer. drain or.
aqueduct therein.
(3) The committee ma)' give permission in writing to the owners or
occupiers of buildings in streets to put up open verandah balconies. or
rooms projecting from any upper storey thereof to an extent beyond tho
line of tbe plinth or basementwall. and at a height from tbe level of lbe
lfOund or .treet. 10 be specified in such written permission.

Precaution. 1". (I) Tbe committee may make byelaws in respect of tbe demolition
oa of buildings or of parts of a building for the purpose of prescribing tho
demolition precautions 10 be taken for the prevention of danger or injury to the
public and those engaged in tbe work. and for the protection of other parll
of the same building and at other property in the vicinity thereof. .
(Z) Such byelaws may also require any persons intending to demoliab I
building or part of a building to give at least three da)'s' previous notice
to such officer as may be specified in the bye-law. together with particulars of
Municipal. 161
tbe proposed dcmolition and of the precaution. to be taken during the
progess of the work. and ma)' prohibit-
(i) the commencement of the demolition within sucb period of tbree
da)'s without the expreu conscnt ot .uch officer as aforemen-
tioned. or
Gj) the commencement or continuance of the demolition unless and
until aU precautions have been and are being taken in
accordance with such bye-law. and with an)' directions or
requisitions in writiog which the committee rna)' serve on tbe
penon in cbarge of tbe work or on the person wbo submitted
the notice. if ao)'. required under locb bye-laws.
(J) This section sball not take effect in an)' municipal it)' until it hal
been specially declared to apply thereto b)' the President ot thc Union at
Ibe requcst of the committee.
109. Thc commiltee may carry an)' cable. wire. pipe. drain or channel PoWtt Of
or an)' kind required for the establishmenl or maintenance of any s)'stem c:r:rrylnl'.
of drainage. water-suppl)' or lighting through. acros.. under or over an)' dr~.~
Slreet or railway or an)' place laid out as or intended for a street. and.
arier giving reasonablc notice in writing to the owncr or occupier. through.
across. under. over or up the side of any land or building whatsoever
within or without the mur.icipaHt)'. and may place and maintain any post
poles. standards. brackets or other contrivances for supporting cable
wires. pipes. channels and lights on any immoveabJe property in the
municipality. and may do all acts necessary or expedient fOr repairing or
mtlinttlining any such cable. wire. pipe. drain. channel. post. pole. standard.
bmcket or othcr similar contrivance in an effective state for the purpose for
which it is intended to be used or for removing tbe same.
11. No person shall. without the permission of the commiltcc. utilize. Pr'ohibilJoa
sell, lease. Or otherwise dispose of land for the construelion o[ buUdinl" ~1pOUI Uf
except where each site abuts on an existing street. unlil he bas laid down contt,f:Uoo
tlnd constructed a slreet or .treets giving access to each site and connect- Of bulldinc_
'. dot .~ItI..1'
m& with an exisllng public or pnvatc sUect Oft .reet
ttrett Chlac
accnt 1l)Coo
111. (I) An)' person intending to make or layout a new private .treet Matinl' Of
shall make a written application to the committee accompamc . d b)' pIan. and atreet.
Dt"W 11'1 \"aIe

S(ctions showing thc following particulars. namely :-

(a) the intended level. direction and width o[ the street.
(b) the connection of the street with any existing street or stree...
(c) the street alignment and the building line. and
(d) the arrangements to be made for JevelHng, paviag. mclalliB,.
flagging. cbannelUng. sewering. draining. conservin& aad
IisbtiDI tbe street.

162 Municipal.

(2) Within sixty days aCte( the receipt of an)' application under sub-
section U). the committee shall either sanction the making of the street 011
such conditions as it may think fit, or disallow it. or ask for further
information with respect to it
(3) Such sanction may be rcfused-
(i) if the proposed streets would conflict with any arrangcmenu wbkk
have been made, or which are in the opinion of the committee
likely to be made. for carrying out any general scheme for the .
laying out of streets;
(ii) if the width or level of the proposed street is. in the opinioll of
the committee. not in accordance with the requirements of tile
public health. safety and convenience ;
(iii) if the proposed :>treet is not designed so as to connect at Olle
end with an existing street; or
(iv) if the connection of the proposed street with any uisting strett
is. in th~ opinion of the committee. not in accordance with tbc
requirements of the public health. safety or convenience.
(4) No person shall make or layout an)' new private street without or
otherwise than in conformity with the orders of the committee. If further
information is asked for, no steps shall be taken to make or layout tilt
street until orders have been passed upon receipt of such informatioa;
provided that the passing of such orders shall not in any case be deJayed tor
more than sixty days afler the committee has received all the informatiOl
which it considers necessary to enable it to deal finally with the said
application. Any application not disallowed within a period of one hundred
'and twenty days from the date of receipt by the committee shall be deemed
to h3ve been sanctioned.
Alleralion or 112. (I) If any person makes or Inys out any street referred to in sectioa
dC:1llolition 01
.treet made 111 without or otherwise than in conformity with the orders of the committet,
In bru..:h of the committee may. whether or not the offender be prosecuted under this Ad.
.et:~io!l Iii.
by nolice-
(a) require the offender to show sufficient cause. by a written statemelt
signed by him or his duly authorized agent and sent 10 the
committee on or before such day as may be specified in Ibo
notice. why such street should not be altered to the satisfactioa
of Ihe COmmittee or. if such alteration be impracticable. why
such street should not be demolished. or
(b) require the offender to appear before the committee either
personally or by a duly authorized agent on such day and at
such time and place as may be specifted in the notice. and shOW
cause as aforesaid.
(2) If any pcrson on whom such notice is served fails to sbow sullicitll
cause to the satisfaction of the committee wh)' such street should not be III
altered or demolished. the committee may by notice require tbe said pe_
10 alter or demolish Ihe said slreet.
Municipal. 163
113. (I) If any private street be not levelled. metalled or paved. :ewered. Le\l:llil,'
drained. channelled and lighted to the satisfaction of the comminee. it may. and dninlni
Of prh'ale
by wrinen notice. require the Owners of the several premises fronting or .treel
adjoining the said street or abutting thereon. or to which access is obtained
through such street. or which will benefit by worts nec:utcd under this
section. to level. metal or pave. drain and light the same in such manner as
it shall direct.
(2) If such requisition be not complied with on or before the date
specified in such notice. the committee may cause tbe worle to be done
by municipal or other agency under its own orders. and the expenses incurred
by the committee in so doing shall be paid by the owners of the premises
aforesaid in such proportions as the committee shaH thinle fit.
(J) Not less than fifteen days before the commencement of any worle
under sub-section (2) the committee shall give written notice to all the
said owners of-
(a) he nature of the intended work;
(b) the estimated expenses thereof; and
(c) the proportion of such expenses payable by each owner.
(4) Any owner who is of opinion that the proportion of expenses payable
by him in accordance witb the order of the committee under sub-section (2) i'
incorrect or unjust may appeal against such order to the District Court.
(.5) Effect shall be given by the committee to the decision of tbe Court
under sub-section (4).

114. When any private .treet has been levelled. metalled or paved. I'owcr 10
sewcred. drained. channelled and made good to the satisfaction of the dc:clare
committee. the committee may. with the consent of. and shall. upon the ~trce'., when
request of the owner Or of any of the owocrS of such street. by notice put up .ewcrcd. to
be public
in any part of such street. declare the same to be a public street and there .trtel.
\lpon the same shall become a public street.

115. (I) The committee shan make byelaws for the control of buildings Power 10
which may. without prejudice to tbe generality of the foreloing power. mate bye.
law. for
provide for and regulate the followin. matters. namely:- c:on~rol Of
build inc..
(a) rendering compulsory a notioe to tbe committee of intention to
erect or re-erect any building;
(b) the information and plans. specifications and particulars 10 be
submitted with applicalions for the approval of sites aDd for
permission to erect or re-erect any building;
(c) renderin& compulsory the appointment of a person to supervise
the WOrk of erection or re-erection of bulidings or of any
specified class Or classes of buildings and the description of tbe.
qualifications which such person shall possess ;
(d) the grant of completion certificates in respect of newly erected or
rc-erce:ted buildings. includin. the dcseriplion of tbe ~scs in
164 Municipal.
which. and of tbe persons by whom. such certificates shall be
granted ;
(e) -the height of buildings. whether absolute or relative to the width
of streets:
(f) the level and width of the foundation. the level of the lowest
floor or plinth. and the stability of the structure;
(g) the number and height above the ground. Or above the next lower
storey. of the storeys of which any building may consist;
(h) the height and slope of the roof above the uppermost floor upon
which human beings arc to live or cooking operations arc to be
carried on ;
(i) the free passage or way in front of buildings;
(j) the sPace to be left about any building to secure the free circula-
tion of air and facilitate scavenging and (or the prevention of fire; ,
(k) the ventilation and drainage of buildings:
(I) the means and appliances to be pro'iided and maintained for egress
from a building and protection of life in case of fire; .
(m) the materials to be used and method of construction to be adopted;
(n) the number. position. materials and methods of construction of
fireplaces. smokeescapes. chimneys. staircases. water"'Closets:
closet accommodation. latrines. urinals. privies. sewers.
sewerage-conneetion. ventilating pipes. cesspools. traps. sinks.
sullage trays. water connections. wells and drains in buildings:
(0) specifying the parts or portions of building sites on which no
bui1ding shaH be erected and the position thereof;
(p) the paving of any passage between two buildings or appurtenant
to any buildings;
(q) the restrictions on the use of inflammable materials in buildings:
(r) the precautions to be taken for the purpose of preventing danger
or injury to the public or to persons employed in the work. and
of securing the stability of the various parts of the structure'
and of buildings and property in the vicinity thereof. during the
progress of the work or of any demolition or excavation
therefor: and
(.sl the building line. if the building abuts on a street:
Provided that the committee may. for sufficient reasons to be recorded
by a resolution dispense with the observance of any or all of the byelaws
(if any) made under this lub-section in regard to the erection or re..erection of
any particular building.
(2) The committee may. at any time within six weeks after the receipt of
any notice required by any made under sub-section (I), clause (a). anp .
aD)' document required by any byelaw made under sub-section (1). clause (b). by
notice i'l writing either prohibit the erection or reerection of the building. or
may require further plans. specifications and particulars of the kind referred
to in any bye-law made under sub-section (0. clause (b). or give aDY
directions consistent with this Act or any bye-laws made thereunder.
Municipal. 165
(3') If any building is begun or erected or re~rccted in contravention of
any such byelaw. prohibition. or direction as aforesaid or in contravention of
the provisions of sub-section (.5). the cOJ1"mittee may. by notice in MitiuS.
require the building to be altered or demolished. u it may deem necessary.
(4) If any person. after delivering plans and specifications relarding any
building under any byalaw made under subsection (0. clause (b). departs.
except under the orders or with the permission of the committee. from luch
plans and specifications. the committee may. by notice in writing. require such
building to be altered or demolished. as it may deem neceslary.
(5) The work of the erection or reerection of a build in. or of
any excavation for the foundations thereof shall not be commenced unless and
unlil such erection or re-erection has been permitted by the committee under
sub-section (2). But if within six weeks next following the day on which a1l
documents. plans. specifications and particulars called for have been lubmitted
to the committee. or if such have not been caUed for within six weeks of an
application.- the committee ~han not have passed orders granting or refusing
Permission. such permission shall be deemed to have been ,iven. and
the .applicant may proceed to erect or rc-ercet such building but nnt so as to
~ontrJ.vene any provision of this Act.

116. (I) No person shall. except under and in conformity with the terml PTohil:-itkn
and conditions of a licence granted by the committee. keep any lod,ing-house. 01 keeroin,
, nliCCDlCd
(Z) The committee may. and in the case of common lodginghouan ,hall. lodging.
bot Ie.
make byelaws providing for- Pl'Iwer Itt
(a) tixing the number of persons who may occupy a lod,ina-bouse ; make t>yc-
(b) the inspection of lodging-houses; rclatin& to
(c) promoting cleanliness and ventilation in lodginghouses. and a clean lodging-
and sanitary condition in the premises connected therewith;
(d) the Iighting of common spaces and staircases in lodging-houses;
(e) the precautions to be taken in the case of any dangerous disease
breaking out in a lodging-house; and
(0 the general regulation and control of lodging-houses.

Theatrts. Music Halb. Etc.

117. The commiltee may mako byelaws- Power to
Il"ake bye.
(o) (or tbe inspection and general und sanitary regulation of theatres' lawa ItA'
music halls and other buildings used for public entertainment; inareclion,
(b) {or regulating the holding of entertainments in such buildings in and Hua
order to ensure the health. sarety and convenience of person, ain\f 01
cmplo)'ed in or resorting to the same: and Inl:.ic: )YII
(c) for rendering licences necessary for the keepin. of such buildinp:
Proviued tbat no b)'e-Iaws under this section shall apply to any building
to which the Cinematograph Act applies.
166 Municipal.
Insanitary and Dangerous Buildings. Etc.
Pow~r I.. 11'. The committee may make bye-laws for-
m~lr:e b}'lt-
laws for (a) the prevention of overcrowding by fixing the number of persons
Of O\"er-
who may occupy any building;
crowdinl, (6) the removal or impro\'ement of insanitary buildings or buildinp
insanil;iry io a dangerous or ruinous condition: and
or d.ang~r.UI (c) the cleansing. lime-washing or painting of buildings.
PToyisions 11'. (I) If for any reason it shall appear to the committee that
r~garding any building or pari of a building. intended for or used for human habitation
unfit rur or human occupation for any purpose whatever. is unfit for such habitation or
human occupation. it shall give to the owner or occupier of such building notice in
h ilbi tali on.
writing stating such rcoason and signifying its intention to prohibit the further
use of such building or part of a building for such purpose and caUing upon
the owner or cctupier of such building to state in ",riting any objection
thereto within seven days after the receipt of such notice, and. if no objectiOil
is raised by such owner or occupier within such period as aforesaid,
or if any objection which is raised by such owner or occupier within
such period appears to the commiucc iR\"alid or insufficient. it ma)'.
by an order in writing. prohibit the further use of such building or pan of I
buiJdina for human habitation or occupation.
(2) When any such prohibition as aforesaid has been made. the committee
shall cause notice of such prohibition to be served upon the owner of,
and upon every person who occupies or uses for any purpose. the building or
part of a building thereby affected: such notice shall specify a day. being 80t
earlier than fourteen days after the date thereof. on or before which
every such occupier shall remove himself and his property from the said building
or part of a building. and. if on the day so appointed any occupier has failed
to comply with the terms of the said notice. the committee may cause such
occupier and his property to be removed from the said building or part of ..
building and may for such purpose enforce the prohibition by calling upon
the senior police-officer within the municipality to enforce such removal. and
such police-officer. on receipt of such requisition. shall cause nil tbe persons
aforesaid to be removed from such building. and shall take such measures as
will prevent any such person from again entering into or remaining upon such
building or part of a building except with the permission of the commiute;
and all expenditure incurred in such enforceDlent may be recovered from the
person offending.
(3) When a building or part of a building has been evacuated under sub-
sec:tion (2). the commiuee shall (mark it in such a way as to indicate clearly
that it is unfit for human habitation] 1. and no person shall. except wi~
the permission of tbe committee and in accordance with the terms aDd
conditions of such permission. enter into or remain in such building or part
of a building.

SublUtutcd by the UaiOD 01 Burma (Adaptation 01 Laws' Ordu, 1941"

Municipal. 167
(4) At any time after a building or part of a building hJS been evacuated
under sub-section (2). the committee may. if it considers that such building or
part of a building can be rendered fit for human habitation by structural
alterations or repairs, by notice in ",-citina call upon the owner to execute. within
a period of six months from the date of receipt of such notice. such structural
alterations or repairs as it deems necessary. or may. if it considers it impossible
10 render such building or part of a building fit for human habitation.
by notice in writing call upon the owner to demolish such building or part of
building within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of
luch notice.
(5) If at the expiration of the aforesaid J::eriod of six months such
structural alterations or repairs have not been ex.ecuted to the ntisfaction of
the committee. it shall issue to the owner thereof a notice in writing ordering
the demOlition of such building or part of a building within a period ofthirty
days from the dale of receipt of such notice.
(6J For suff.cient cause, the commiUee may extend the time allowed
under, or prescribed by. sub sections (4) and (5),
(7) If any building or part of a building in respect of which an order under
Uus section has been made is the subject of a lease. such lease shall be
voidable at the option of the lessee with effect from the date on whicb the
said order comes into force.

Ruinous Buildings. Structures. Wf!/b. Etc.

120. If any building. wall. structure or anything affixed thereto. or any Ue,,:malor
.., . d l;uildJngl.
tree. branc h or hedge IS In a rUinous state or ID any way angerous eh;.,in
the committee may. by notice in ",riting. require the owner or occupier ruinu. I Of
thereof forthwith either to remove (be same or to cause such repairs ~:~~~rous
10 be therein as it considers necessary {or the public safely; and if it
appears to be necessary in order to prevc:lt imminent danger. it shall
forthwith lake such steps as may be necessary to avert such danger.

111, If any well. tank or other excavation is. for want of sufficient repair.
protection or enclosure. dangerous to persons passing by or dwelling or
lanks, ell;.
working in the neighbourhood. the eommiuee may. by notice in writing.
require the owner or occupier thereof to repair. protect. or enclose the same. and
if it appears to it to be necesury in order to prevent immediate danger.
it sball forthwith take such steps as may be necessary to avert such danger.

121. Where the Committee decides that it is n~cessary. it may, by notice Fenclnl: 0'
in writing. require the o""r:er of any land to ereCI. and therealter to maintain. ' ... pd.
a feoce around such land. or to put in repair to the satisfaction of the committee
any exi,tin& fence on such land.
C/~aring 01 noxiolU Vegetation. Etc.
Cl~eo{ U3. The Health Officer. or any oiker or servant of tbe cornmiUcCI
osioul authorized by the Health Officer or the committee in tbis behalf. may,
<10., by notice in writing. require the owner or oceupier of any building or land to
trimlf In. Of clear away and remove any thick or noxious ,,egetation. jungle or uaderarowtll.
bedgn and
trees and to cut or trim any hedlc bordering on. or any branch of any tree
de3tlin.lf 01 overhanging. any street or public place or land or buildiol vested in or
filthy laM or
b'Jlldin,. belonging to the committee. or. if such land or building is in a filthy or
unwholesome state. to cleanse the same and otherwise put it in a proper stale.

Parks and Recreation Grounds.

Public parts 124. The committee may establish and maintain public parks aDd
and recrea-
lion recreation grounds and may make Dye-laws for the sanitary and Jenera!
g<Ow>d'. regulation thereof.

Precautions against Fire.

afainSt fire.
us. The committee may. where it appears to it to be necessary for the
prevention of danger to life or property. by public notit-
(a) prohibit all persons from stacking or collecting bamboos. dt1
grass. straw. or other inflammable material. or lighting fires. ia
any place or within any limits specified in such notice:
(6) declare under what conditions. and at what times. fires may bt
lighted in any such place or within any such limits; and
(c) require tbe owners or occupiers of any bUildings with thatc:bcd
roofs within tbe municipality to place mats thereon of sueb
descriptions as the committee may prescribe.

Camping Grounds.

Prohibltiora 126. (I) No person shall. except under and in conformity with tbe tenDI
Of keeplnc and conditions of a licence granted by the committee. establish or keep opu
:ii'cel1lcd any public camping ground or halting place for vebicles or animals of _1
public description.
VOU nd (2) The committee may make bye-laws prescribing the conditiOnS whidl
halUnc shull apply to licences issued under sub-section (I) and for tbe geoenl
place fM
"chicle- or and sanitary regulation of camping grounds and halting places.
ujmal (3) The committee may charge a fee not exceeding five rupee. 'jII
annum for such licence.
(4) The comolittee may provide and maintain public camping ground....
baiting place. for vehicles and animals and may charge fees for tM
uSC of the same.
Municipal. 169
Bathing and Washing Places.
1%7. (I) The committee may set apart suitable places for the purpose of 82lhin, aM
bathing. and may by public notice prescribe the times at which. and the sex of pl2CeI.
the persons by whom. such places may be used. and may also set apart I'ower to
suibble places for washing animals or clothes. or for any other purpose or fcc 2nd to
connected with the health. cleanliness. or comfort of the inhabitants: and may malr:ebye.
IaWI fQf
by public notice prohibit bathing or tbe washing of animals or clothes in any matlalemCDt
public place not so set apart. or at times or by persons other than those and repla-
so specified. and any other acts. to be specified in such notice. by which water lion Of IUch
p l2Ct s.
in public places may be rendered foul or unfit for use.
(2) The committee may provide such bathing and washing places and
may charge a rent or fee for tbe use of the same.
(3) The committee may make bye-laws for the management ami general
and sanitary regulation of bathing and washing places.

Burial and Burning Grounds.

US. No person shall. without the permission in writing of the Health Prohibition
uf keeploi:
Officer or. where there is no Health Officer. of such officer or person as may corpsel
be authorized by the committee in tbis behalf. keep a corpse or cause a corpse unburied
to be kept unburied when seventy-two hours or. if tbe cause of death was Ipecified
cholera or smallpox. twenty-four hours after death have elapsed. period.

U9. The committee may provide and maintain or may assist in the Pro\-ilion
and main_
provision and maintenance of burial or burning grounds. len."UKe Of
burial ur

130. (t) The committee may. by public notice. order any burial or Ch.lure and
burning ground to be closed from a date to be specified in the notice. and fOfll'laU"lIof
burial ~ud
sball in such case. if no suitable place for burial or burning exists within a b~rmna:
reasonable distance. provide a fitting place for the purpose. ground.
(1) Privato burial-places in such burial-grounds may be exceptod from
the notice. subje~t to such conditions as the committee may impose in this
behalf: provided that the limits of such burialplaces are sufficiently defined.
and that they are used QDly for tbe burial of members of the family of the
owner thereof.
(3) No burial or burning ground. whether public or private. shall be
milde or formed after tbe passing of tbis Act witbo\lt tho permission in writing
of tho committee.

131. Tho committee may. by public notice. Prescribe routes for the RClnoval Of
removal of corpses to burial or burning ground5.
170 Municipal.

Power to 13%. The committee may make bye-laws for controlling and regulatilll
make bye. the use and management of burial and burning grounds.
law, legllia.
ling the I.'e
Of buri:ll and
Registration 0/ Births and Dtaths.

Power-to 133. The committee shall make bye-laws for the registration of aU
m..ile births and deaths which take place within the municipality. and for the takia,
regardi~ of a census.
Of births and
dealba and
tilking Of

Prl-.:att Markets.
Of private 134. (t) No person shall. without or otherwise than and in conformity
nurkets with the terms of a licence granted by the committee in this behalf.
licence. (a) keep open.
(b) newly establish.
(c) remove froDI one place 10 another.
(d) re-open. or re-establish after discontinuance for a period of not
less than one year. or
(It) enlar~e the area or dimensions of
a private market:
Provided that the committee shall not refuse. canC'el or suspend aDy
licence for keeping open 11 private market. lawfully in existence on (he 1st July
1898.1 for any other cause than the failure of the owner thereof to comply
with some provision of this Act or the rules and bye-laws thereunder or
condition of his licence after his attention has been drawn to such failure. ,
(2) When the committee has refused. cancelled or suspended any licente
to keep open a private market it shall cause a notice of its having done so to
be affixed { F on some conspicuous spot on or near tbe
building or place where such market has been held.
(3) The committee may c:barge a fee not exc:eeding one hundred rupees
per annum for such licence.
(4) The committee may make bye-laws for the management and sani
tary and general regulation of markets. or of aoy market whether municipal
or private.
OCCupation and Obstruction. 0/ Strtet,.
Of .Ireel, or
13$. The committee may grant permission in writing for the occupatiua
land for of any street or land vested in or belonging to it for the purpose of erectin,
tall: 0nod' 't.
Co>tru , lei.
'stalls or booths for the sale of :lny commodity and may charge rent for sue~
l Vale or COIllUleocen~enlor 111is Ad.
Deleted by Ule Union 0' Burma (AdapUtiOIl Of Laws) <mkr. 1948.
M,lIIici,.J.- 171
permission and may make such condition. &I it may think fit by bye-Jaw for
the regulation of such stalls or booths:
Provided that such permillion sball. in the calC of a public street. be at
tbe will of the committee.
136. No person shall. except with the permission of the committee. and Prohlbllloa
in accordance with sucb conditions. including the payment of rent. as the or OM'ruc-
lion. in
committee may impose either generally or specially in that behalf. place or .treet
deposit upon any street or drain. well. or channel therein. any stall. chair.
bench. box. ladder. bale. tray or otber things. and the committee may. after
living three days' notice. remove any such stall. chair. bench. box. ladder.
bale. tray or other thing or may. in lieu of such removal. collect such rent for
the use of the land aJ it may impose.
OO~1Uill~ and Dangeroul Tradts.
137. (1) No person shall. except under and in conformity "itb the terms R~gulatlon of
oH~n.lve or
anti conditions of a licence granted by the comD;littee- danlerou.
(a) keep in or upon any premise. for any purpose whatever. any trade
blood ;
(6) keep in or upon any premises for sale or for other than domestic
use any of the foUowing anicles. namely:-bamboos. celluloid
goods. charcoal. cinematograph films. bones. coal. coiro coke.
dani. firewood. flax. hair. bay. hemp. hides (dried or wet>. hoofs.
horns. jute. matches (more than one gross of boxes). petroleum
and dangerous petroleum as defined in the Petroleum Act. rag
skins. slraw. timber. thate:hing grass. wool. or any other article
which the President of the Union may. by notification. declare
to be in his opinion dangerous to life. health or property. or
likely to create a nuisance; or
(d callY on or allow to be carried on, in or upon any premises. any
of the following trades or operati.ons connected with such trades.
namely ;- breeding pigs or ducks. dyeing cloth or yarn. tanning.
pressing or packing hides or skins. whether raw or dried. par
boiling of paddy. oil boiling. manufacturing. packing. pressing.
cleaning. cleansing or preparing by any process whatever any of
the following articles. namely :-bones. brallie3 (cowdunl cakes).
bricks or tiles. candles. catlul. chemicals. cotton. cotton refuse.
conon seed. fat. flax. ghu. lac. lime. neapi. oilcloth. paper. piCcb.
peetery. rags. soap. soy sauce. sugar. tallow. tar. wool. or any
trade or operation which the Pre.ident of the Union may. by
notification. declare to be in his opinion danseroul to life.
health or property. or likely to create a nuisance. either from
its nature or by reason of the manner in which or the conditions
under which the same is or is proposed 10 be carried on.
(2) The commietee may make bye-laws prescribing the general condition.
which shall apply to all licencc. granted under sub-section (I) and special

conditions for the storage of any article or carrying on any trade or operatiot,
which conditions may include the provision of suitable buildings and theW
separation from other buildings.
(3) Subject to such conditions. the licence shall not be withheld ualetl
the committee considers that the business which it is intended to establish or
maintain would be offensive or dangerous to persons residing in or frequentiac
the immediate neighbourhood:
Provided that the committee may. with the appro\al of the PresideDt of
the Union. by public notice prohibit the establishment or maintenance of a.,
business or class of business referred to in sub-section (0 in the whole or IIJ
part of the municipality:
Provided also that nothing in this section shall affect the provisiOIlI cI
the Petroleum Act or the Explosives Act.
ProhibitiOIl 138. If it is shown to the satisfaction of the committee at a mcetilc
oIluch that any place licensed under the last foregoing section is a nuisance to ..
neighbourhood or likely to be dangerous to life. health or property. it mi.,.
by notice in writing. require the occupier thereof to discontinue the use of tbl
place. or to use it in such manner as will. in the opinion ot the commi~
render it nO longer a nuisance or likely to be dangerous.
Bakeries Eat;ngHouus. Etc.
'I" ate b"e- 13'. The committee may make bye-laws for the inspcctiQn and gem
I .... and sanitary regulation of milkscUers. bakeries. pl.e.ce. Where sweeu u(
b.miel. manufactured. public eatinghouscs. refreshment stall. and aerated water'"
eating- jce factories. and for rendering licences necessary for the lame. .
ho!;les. etc..
and Ikeating Slaughltr-Hous~s.
Prohibition 140. No person shall. at any place other than a municipal slauabter
of establish. house. slaughter or cause or J:ermit to be slaughtered any tourfootcd anituL
~~~ler- tbe Besh of which may be used as human tood:
ho".ca. Provided that-
(0 Any person may slaughter animals. the Besh ot which i. DOl
intended for sale. on the occasion of any festival or ceremOl',
provided that not less than twelve hours' notice betore s1di
slaughter has been given to the committee and provided furtMr
that this section shall not apply to the sacrifice of animals ill
religious temples or other places of worship.
Iii) Tbe committee may. witb the previous sanetion of tbe Presidal
ot the Union and in accordance with such conditions u dII
President of the Union may prescribe. crant a licence to!.
private slaughter-house and charge a fee for such licence.
Levy of rents 141. The committee may charge rents or fees for the use or occupatiol
ut (eel (or
"Ie Of ot any municipal slaughter-house or any ahed. standing. pen. laimge or alii
munil.:lpal building or space therein.
MllnicipaI. 173
14%. The committee may make bye-laws for- Powet- to
make bye--
(a) the management and sanitary and general regulation of slaughter laws 21 10
houses or of any slaugbter-house. and of the slaughtering of man~en;::
animals therein ; ::':'~i -
(b) the prohibition of the laic of the flesh of any fourfooted animal
not slaughtered in a municipal slaughter-house and the prohibi-
tion and regulation of the importation into the municipality of
the flesh of any such animal slaughtered without the munici-
(c) the prohibition of the sale of meat by any person except under
and in comformity with the terms and conditions of a licence
granted by the committee; and
(d) requiring sellers or meat to procure from the committee and. on
requisition. to produce passes showing that the meat sold or
exposed for sale by them has been derived from animals slaugh-
tered in a municipal slaugbterhouse.

143. Whenever it appears to the District or Subdivisional M3gistntte Regulation

that a breach of the peace is imminent. he may prohibit or regulate. by of the
Ilaughter Of
proclamation published in such manner as the President of the Union may. animall for
by notification. prescribe. the slaughter within the limits of a municipality or of other
any portion thereof of animals or of any specified description of animals for
purposes otber than sale. and may by order prescribe the mode and route in
and by which meat shall be conveyed from the place where such animals are

Keeping and Importation of Animals.

144. The committee may make byelaws for-
(a) the prohibition and regulation of the keeping of animals in tbe Pow '"
municipality; make bye-
lawl for
(b) the inspection and genoral and sanitary regulation of dairies. prohibition
stables and buildings or enclosures where animals are kept. tion and ree\ll;r
whether or not the animals therein are kept for profit. and. if keepiog or
the animals are kept for profit. for the regulation of the feeding de., Of
of sucb animals and for rendering licences necessary for the IrDimall.
(c) the prohibition and regulation of the imponation of animals into
the municipaJity and tbe transport of animals witbin the
(d) tbe destruction and confiscation of swine and dogs found strayin8
in tbe municipality. and the confinement and destruction of dogs
suffering or reasonably suspected to be suffering from rabies or
bitten by aoy dogs so suffering or suspected. and the control
and muzzling of dogs likely to annoy or intimidate the public.
and Ibe destruction 01 crows and crows' nests; -
174 Municipal.

(e) the disposal of carcases of animals dying in the municipality:

(j) the destruction of any animals in the municipality which from old
age or other causes are in a moribund or infirm state Of haw
received such injuries or are suffering froDl such dangerolll
disease that their recovery therefrom is unlikely;
(g) the prevention of the sale or use as buman food of the careases of
animals which die naturally or from disease;
(h) the prohibition of importation into the municipality. or sale or
disposal or use of any animal or the hide. or any portion of tile
carcase. of any animal dying or slaughtered on account of. Of
suffering from. any disease: and
(i) the segregation of diseased animals.

Deposit ot Ogtnsi'llt Maller.

Rt.lUOal and 145. (I) The committee shall. subject to any fules made in this behalf
deposit vI by the President of the Union. provide for the cleansing of all streets. drains
malter. and public places witbin the limilsof the municipality. and the removal thert-
from or all refuse Or rubbish of every kind. and shall provide for the remonl
of all sewage and house refuse of. any kind from premises within such limits.
(2) The committee shall provide. and shall equip and maintain in a
sanitary condition. sufficient suitable places ('or the collection. deposit. lid
dispes:!" of all refuse. rubbish. sewage and offensive maUer. either within the
municipality. or. subject to the consent of the District Council or other locat
authority having jurisdiction or. where no local authority has jurisdiction. of
the Deputy Commissioner. outside the municipality.
(3) Where any such local authority or Deputy Commissioner Rfusa
consent. or where there is a dis!)ute as tothe suinbility of the places so provided
outside the municipality or as to the sbndard of equipment Or nlaintenaD"
thereat. the case shall bt referred to the Commissioner. who may overrule aU
objections of the local alJthority or Deputy Commissioner. and may decide '0111
other points in dispute.
(4) The committee may by public nOlice give directions as to the time.
manner and conditions at. in and under which such refuse. rubbish. sewage or
offensive matter may be removed alona any street and deposited alsUCb
(5) The committee may rnlke bye-laws to provide for the levy of.
charge on any person from whose premises garden rubbish or stablc or trade
refuse is deposited in any street. drain or public place. sufficient to cover the
cost of removing and disposing of such rubbish or refuse.

Rec:~taclt. 1". The committee may by public notice require the owners or
fur r\\bbilh
IU'd offenslv,c occupiers of buildings or lands. within the whole or any specified portion of
ID:Itttf the municipal limits. to provide proper receptacles for COllecting and keepiltl
rubbish and offensive matter prior 10 removal by the committee or its agcats
and to place such receptacles where Ibey n18Y coDveniently be emptied by ~
persons employed by the committee to reDlOve tbe same.
M."JcI"J. 175

1.7. No owner or occupier of any building or land sball keep or Prohibilioa

allow (0 be kept. otherwise. than in lOme proP:cr. receptacle. any rubbish. ~:'~.DIf
offensive matter or sewage 10 or upon such bUilding or land or sball allow oI'en~ivc
any such receptacle to be in a filthy or noxious ltate. IDalkr ur
141. No PCrlOD-
(0) shall throw or place any ICwage. offensive malter 01 rubbish on Prohlbllloft
aoy street. Or in any place not provided or appointed for the Ofaceumu!.
atiOlt of
purpose under the provisions of thi, Act ; olfca
(b) who is the owner or occupier of any building or land. shall allow IQatter.
aoy sewage or offensive matter to Sow. soak Or be thrown
therefrom or keep or sufler to be kept lbereia or thereupon
anything 10 81 to be a nuiJaoce to any penon. or Dcsligcntly
suffer any receptacle or place for the deposit of offensive matlce
or rubbish on his premilCl to be kept in such a atate a. to be
o(fensive or injurious to hcallh.

Drainage. Sewra" artd Water Supply.

149. The committee IDay. by notice in writing. require the owner of any Tmu!Ch. aDd
building to put up and keep in good condition proper and sul6cient troughl tipa (or
and pipes for receiving and carrying the water from the roof and other parts ramwalu.
of the building, and for discharaing tbe water 10 that it .hall not faU upon
any street or damage any street or any property vested in or belonging to the
lSi. For the purpose of efficiently draining any building or land tbe PaYln.: of
COmmittee m:'Ly. by notice in writina: served on the owner.- court,).rd.,
dc., or
(a) require any courtyard. alley Or passage between two or more dkient
b UlOldlOgs to be paved Wit b sue b ma Ie na II an dIn lue b manner
0 0 dnlnaJ.:~Of
as may be approved of by it. and Iud.
(b) require sucb paving to bo kept in proper repair.

151. The committee may. by notice in writin" require tbe owner or Dralule,
0 f any Iandorb uddlOg
to c Ieanse, repair. co\er. fill up or d
0 ' 011
ram I1t etc,
any prh'ate tank. well. reservoir. pool or excavation therein which appean to lanu, tle,
the committee to be injurious to beallb or offensive:
Provided that if, tor the purpose of effectina :lny drainale under this
~tion: it is neceuary to acquire any land not belonging to the person who
I' reqUired 10 drain hil land. or any easement over land not so beloRgin,. or
to pay compensation to any other penon. the comn,ittee &ball acquire sucb
IIDd or pay such compensation.
152. (1) It for any realOn it .ball appear to a committee tbat tbo level ReClanu~k.
or .the site or any bUilding is 10 low that sucb site cannot be' effectively. ~1:WIYIl'1l
dramed and Ihalsuch buildina i., or is likely to become. insanitary or to
creale a nuisance, it sball give to Ihe owner of .ncb building notice in wriling.
taUing upon such owner to .how "use in wrilina within thirty da)'. afler lbe
176 Munic.";PJ/.
receipt of such notice why the said site. t~etber witb such land as in tho
opinion of the committee may reasonabJy be required for the proper occupa-
tion of the building. should not be reclaimd with such materials and raised
to such a height and within such period. benS not less tban six month. from
the date of the notice. as it shaJJ think fit.
(2) If no objection is raised by sueh <woer within such period as afore-
said or any objection which is raised by sue' owner appears to the committee
invalid or insufficient. it may. by notice in writing. direct such Owner or
occupier to carry out such reclamation and raising of the height within the
period prescribed.

Prohihllion 153. No person 5h::lll. except in :my area which the committee may,
or ~~Y:lI_ with the previous sanction of the PresideDlof the Union. exclude from the
In. land
lions ,ender
operation ot this section. make any eXCllv;ltitn in any land which is likely to
for bulldinC, render such land unsuitable lor building or b render the effective drainlBc of
<le. such land impracticable.
Power to 154. The committee may. without (lIcjudice to the generality of tbe
law. powers conferred by sections 149, 150. 151.62 and 153. make bye-laws for-
rtprdinl: (Q) requiring owners or occupiers of ands and buildings to prevent tbe
and dora.e collection of water in or on a~ building "Or land:
of wakr and (b) prohibiting and reguh.ting the cdJection and storage of water OB
01 brftdiDI any premises; and
01 (c) in general. the pre"'cntion of the breeding of mosquitoes.
ProhibilioD 155. The committee may. if in its opinion tbo cultivation of any
cultlvatlon, description of crap. or the use of any kin:l of manure. or the irrigation of
_OJ land in any specified rn:l.nner in any place wihin :rony municipality is injurioUi
manure or
IrrlgalioD to the health of persons dwelling in the leigbbourhood. by public notice
InJuriOUI 10 prohibit the culti,,"ation of such crop. the uS! of such manure or the ute of
the method of irrigation so reported to be in urious. or impose such condition,s
with respect thereto as may prevent injury {rising therefrom:
Provided that. when on any land to whch such public notice applies the
act prohibited has been practised during tht five years next preceding luch
public notice in the ordinary course of husbcndry. compensation shall be paid
from tbe municipal fund to all persons in:erested tberein for any dama&o
caused to them by the eff"t of 8uch public ,otice.
Problbltlon 156. The committee may by public Dotee prohibit the use of any water-
uf UIe, and work. whether public or private. for the sumly of water for human con$Ump-
dO-lire, Of rr' be
watn-...OIk. tion and may require the owner therect to take sucb .tepl as may
necessary effectually to prevent such use ltld. in the CalC of a waterwori
velted in or belonging to the committee. mt')' permanently clOlC .uch waltr-
Power to 151. The committee may make bye-Jayl for-
malte b)~
Ia__ rtlvd-
(a) the regulation of the use by tbepublic of any water-works vested
illC wat~.. in or belonging to it ;
M."lei,.,. 177

(b) the prevention of pollution of aay such water-works; and

(d the prevention of waste of the water supplied from any such
lSI. (I) The committee may. by notice in writing. rccJuire tbe Pro\j,ltlll
of privic~
owner of any building or land to provide. in such manner as it may direct. and the like.
any water-closet. latrine. urinal. privy. sewer. aeweragc'"Connection. cesspool.
trap. sink. sullage-Iray. or ventilating pipes whicli should. in its opinion. be
provided for such building or land.
(Z) The committee may. by notice in writing. require any person
employing more than twenty workmen or labourers to provide such water-
closets. latrines. urinals. privies. sewers. sewerage-eonnections. cesspools. traps.
sinks, sullage-trays. or vcnlilatina:"pipes U it may think tir. and to cause the
lime to be kept in proper order and, in the case of water-closets. latrines.
urinals. and pri,,'ies. to be daily cleanlCd.
(3) The commiuee may. by Dotice in wriling. require .he owner or
occupier of any building or land to have any water-closet. latrine. urinal or
privy provided lor the same shut out by a sufficient roof and wall or fence from
the view of perlOns passing by or dwellin, in the neighbourhood. or to remove
or alter. as it may direct. any door or trap-door of a water-elosct. latrine
urinal or privy opening on to aDy street or drain.

159. (I) The committee may. by notice in writing. require the owner or Cboin.
occupier of any building or land to close. remove. repair. alter or put in good alteration"
2nd ,trait 01
order any w3Ier-closct. latrine. urinal. privy. sewer. sewerage-connection. privies and
cesspool, or other receptacle for sewerage. or any trap, sink. suUale-tray or lbe like.
ventilahAg pipe belonging thereto.
(2) The committee may. by notice in writing. require any penon wbo
makes or allers any water-closet. latrine. urinal. privy. sewer. ICwerage
connection. cesspool. tr::ap. sink. sullage-tray or ventilating pipe without iu
germission in writing. or contrary to its requisition in writing or to the provi
sions of this Act. or who constructs. re~rects. or opens any water-el~t.latrine,
urinal. privy. scwer. sewerage-connection.. cesspool, trap. sink. sullage-tray or
ventilating pipe. which it has required to be closed or removed. 10 demolisb
such sewerage'connection. water-eloset. latrine. urinal. privy. 5Cwer, cesspool.
trap. sink. sullage.tray or ventilating pipe. or to mske such alteration therein
as it may thiok fit.

I". (I) Where an)' building Or land situated within one hundred MaJdald
feet of a sewer is at any time not provided to the satisfactioD of the leWU2I!:~
commiUee with II sufficient seweraae-eonncctioD with such sewer. the committee .:onn:doA
wltb kWU.
D:L:Iy. by notice in writin require tbe owner of such building or laDd to make
ami maintain a sewerage'"COnnection with tbe sewer in such maDDer as it may
think 6t. and wilhin such time. not being less than ninety dayl. as may be
specified in the notice.
(2) The provisions of sections 198 and 199 shall apply to allY default in
~mpliance with a requisition under ''lb-scctioq (I) l:lotwiths~DdiD' tblt p'U

178 Municipal.

of the land through which the said sewcragc-conncction is required to pass

may not belong to the person so making defauJt. unless such person lhaU
prove that the default wascaused by tbe act of the owner or occupier of .ue1I
last mentioned land.
Pia. roc UI. The committee may cause all or any municipal sewers or drain. to
m\pfyia, 01 empty into any river. creek or other place. whether within or without the
ICwtrs 01'
drains i\nd municipality, and may dispose of sewage at any place. whetber within or
dl.ponlof witbout the municipality. and in any manner which it shall deem suitable
fi>t such purpose :
Provided that the President of the Union may prohibit the committee
from causing any municipal sewer or drain to empty into any place. or from
disposing of any sewage at any place or in any manner. which be considers
PrO'ilioo ClI
mana for In. For the purpose of receivin,. storing. disinfe<:ting. dislributin,.
di'po&llol or otherwise disposing of sewage the committee may-
(0) construct any work within or without the municipality. and
(b) purchase or take on lease any land. building. engine. material or
apparatus either within or without the municipality.
u-, 163. Any power conferred by section 161 or 162 shall be exercised ill
nuiance to such manner as to create the least practicable nuisance.
be created
in uerclllAc

C:lrril.ltt .. 164. (I) If it appears Co the committee that the only or mOSt convenient
coonediOIl means by which the owner of any building or land can make a sewerage
or w:loler connection or water-connection is by carrying the same into. through. or under
IhfouCb land belonging to. or occupied by. another person. the committee. aher givin,
adjoinlol such other person a reasonable opportunity of stating any objection. may. if
no objection is raised. or if any objection which is raised appears to it to be
invalid or insufficient. by notice in writing. require sucb other person to per'
mit the owner first mentioned to carry the sewerage-connection or water-
connection into. through. or under his bnd in such manner as shall be speci
fied in the said notice. and on such equitable terms as to compensation for
disturbance or temporary damage as to the committee may appear reasonable.
(2) After the service of the said notice the committee may. by an order
in writing. authorize the first-menHoned owner to carry the sewerage-eonDet-
tion or water~nnection into. through. or under the said land in the maDDeI'
aforesaid. and every such order shall be a complete authority to the pe~
in whose favour it is made or to any agent or persoD employed by him for
.this purpose. after giving to such other person as aforesaid reasonable writtCD
notice of his intention so to do. to enter upon the said land with assistanll aDd
workmen at any time between sunrise and lunset. and to construct the said
ICWeraae-eoDDectioD or water-conncction. and tbereaflcr. upon tbc DecoailJ
MunJripGl. 179
arising and afler tbe like notice. to repair and alter the same. or to construct
a new sewenge-connection or wUler-COnnection in place thereof in such
manner lind lit such tame lIS aforesaid.

165. All compensation payable to luch other person .5 under Cumrn~
tto" ,..... laIC
the foregoing section sban be paid by the committee out of the municipal Of land ,or
fund. and the committee may recover the amount from the first'mentioned .,wtra,_ 01
owner. connteti~.

I". If it appe:lrs to the committee that it is desiroble to use an existing CfJaaec:UOft

sewerage-connection for the purpose of connecting :lny buildin, or land with with uiltial
the sewers. or to use an existing watero<:onnection for the purpose of supply' coalt~tion

ing water to any building or land. the committee may. by notice in writing. or w:lttr
require the owner of such sewera8co<:onntion Or water"Connection to allow a
connection therewith to be made on such lerms as may to it seem equitable:
Provided that the owner of such aewerage-eonnection or water-eonnection
may refuse to allow the connection 10 be made until any payment to which
he m:ay be enlilled in respect thereof has been made by the committee. which
",yment may be rec:o~ered by the committee from the owner of any building
or land served by the connection made under the circumstances aforesaid.

VQn~rous and Epidrmic DiuaYs.

167. In the event of any person within the municipality. other Ihan a ObtIj:atIDft to
patient in a public hospital. being attacked with any dangerous disease. each report ut.
ttak or
of the following persons. namely :- claeceroul
(0) every registered mellic31 practilioner or person openly and usually
practising the medical profession. who in the course of such
praclice becomes cognizant of the fact. and
(b) the occupier of the building in which the person so attacked may
be residing or. if the occupier is him~1f the person attacked.
then every adult member of the hOllsehold, and
(c) every person in charge of or in attendance on any perlon 10
shall. as soon as he becomes cognizant of the fact. forthwith report the some.
or cause :1 report thereof to be made, 10 the Health Officer or any officers
authorized by him 10 recei"'e such reports or. if there is no Health Officer. to
Such officers as the commiUec may appoint in this behalf :
Provided Ihat no person shall be bound 10 make such report. or cause
such report to be made. if he hl1s reason to believe that such report has been
Dlade by some other person.
168. The Health Officer. and any Assistanl Health Officer or Inspector ~"trJ aM
of Public Health. or any medical officer of Government aUlhorized by the" :~I
COmmittee or by the President of the Union in this behalf. may 011 an)' time d;l.n1,tcfnul
enter and ia'p:t an)' building where: tbere: is ".59Q
to believe Ibal lbere is ::~~e4.
180 Municipal.

any person suffering from a dangerous disease jn respect of wbom DO report

bas been made under section 167.

RemonlOI 16. When any person suffering from any dangerous disease is--
sufferiug (u) without proper lodging or accommodation. or
Iro1D (b) living in a ZO)'otor inn. or in a building registered as a lodginghoule
dilease. in pursuance of bye-Inws under section I t6. sub-section (2). or
(d living in a room or house which he neither owns nor pays rent for.
the Health Officer. or if there is no He::tllh Officer. nny officer authorized by
the committee in this behalf. may remove or cause to be removed such penon
to any hospilal or place at which persons suffering from such diseases are
received for medical treatment. and may do anything necessary for sucb
removal. and no person so removed shall leave such hospital without lbe
permission of the medical officer in charge thereof.

Proflibitia. 1,.. (1) No person suffering from any dangerous disease shall wilfully
Of upos.rc expose himself without proper precautions against spreading the said discaie
01 infected
penoos and in any street. public place. shop or public conveyance, or enter any public
things. conveyance without previously notifying to tbe owner, conductor or driver
thereof that he is so suffering. '
(2) No person being in charge of any person so suffering shall so expose
the sufferer.
(]) No person shall give, lend. sell. keep, transmit or expose. without
previous disinfection. any bedding. clothing, rags or other things wbich have'
been exposed to infection from any such disease.

Dilinleclion 111. Every owner. puller or driver ot a public conveya.nce which has to
01 con.ey- his knowledge conveyed any person suffering from any dangerous disease shall
aoce used
bJ pe:rsa. disinfect such conveyance 10 Ihe satisfaction of the Health Officer or. if tbere
be no Health Officer. of the officer autborized by the committee in tbi.
behalf. and the Health Officer Or any person authorized by him. or sucll
disease. officer. as the case may be. may inspect the process of disinfection. but DO
such owner or driver shall be required to convey any person so sufferina
until he has been paid a sum sufficient to cover any loss or expense likely to
be incurred by him in complying with the provisions of this section.
Disinfection 171. The Health Officer. and any other officer of the committee author
Of buildinp ized by it in this behalf. may require the owner or occupier of any buildiltJ
on o....<:ur-
n:n..:e Of in which a case of dangerous disease has occ:urred immediately to disinJc:c:
danCa-_ the whole or any part of such building in such manner and with sueb
materials as he may deem necessary

Of allY
173. In the event of the municipality being at any lime visited or threa
tened with an outbreak of any dangerous disease. the Chairman. if he is of
the opinion that the ordinary provisions of this Act Or of any other law for
the time being in force are insufficient for the purpose. ma)'_
(0) take s\tab special measures. and
Municipal. 181
(b) by public notice prescribe such temporary regulations to be
observed by the public or by any person or class of persons.
as he shall deem necessary to prevent the outbreak: of such disease or the
spread thereof. .

174. (I) If the committee i. of opinion that tbe destruction of any hut Destruction
or shed IS. necessary to preveDt the spread 0f any dangerous d"lsease. it may. ~hat'a~
s~ an"
after giving to the owner or occupier of such hut or shed such previous dilin(ectloa
DOlice of its intention as may in tbe circumstances of the case appear to it ti~trOl;;.
reasonable. take measures for baving such hut or shed and all the materials clothing,
etc. wJam
t hcree f d es Iroy ed . Decesaary.
(2) If the committee is of opinion that the disinfection or destruction of
any clolhing. bedding or other articles which have become infected with
disease. or arc reasonably suspected to have become $0 infected. is necessary
to prevent the spread of any dangerous disease. it may cause such clothing.
~ding or other articles to be seized and destroyed or disinfected.
(1) Compensation may be paid by the committee. in any case in which
it thinks fit. to any person who sustains substantial Joss by the destruction of
a~ such hut, shed. clothing. bedding or other articles; but eAcept as so
allowed by the committee. no claim for compensation sballlie for any lou or
damage caused by an exercise of the power conferred by this section.
175. On the occurrence of any sudden accident or unforeseen event. or Emer.cen:y
-in the threatened occurrence of any disaster. involving Or likely to .involve =~::~D
extensive damage to any property. or danger to human or animal hfe. the di.uters,
Chairman or. in his absence the Vice-Chairman. shall. if he i. of opinion tbat
the ordinary provisions of tbis Act or any other Jaw for the time being in
force arc insufficient to secure the safety of life and property. take such actioa
as the emergency shall appear to him to justify or to require.

176. Whenever the Chairman or Vice.chairman takes any action under Adi~ by
section 173 or 175 he shall immediately report to the committec the action be ~~llr;
has taken. the reasons therefor and the cost incurred thereby; and he shall Chairman ~o
comply with any directions given him by the committee in respect of be repone .
such matter.

117. Nothing in sections 173. 174. 175 and 176 shall be deemed to affect Sa~ia'niO/
. .
lbe pro vUlons f b E'd
0 t e
. D'lseases Act.
pi ernie EpidCI CAd.

178. The Director of Public Health. Burma. may. if in his opinion the Eutduof
measures taken by the Chairman. Vice-Chairman or the committee under powers by
~tions 173. 1740r 175 ar~ insufficient. issue directions to the committee and. ~~t~~~
In the event of noncomphance by the committee with such directions. may ond~
authorize tbe Deputy Commissioner or an Assistant Director of Public
Health to exercise all Ihe powers of the Chairman Vice-Cbairmao and
rnbonor ::;:
committee UDder those sectio.QJ.
182 Munlcipal.

Entry and Inspection,

Power ((
17!J. Any monicipal officer duly authorized to make inspections or
entry on surveys or execute any works may enter into or upon any building or land.
pnmiseli. for with or without assistants or workmen. whenever in his opinion such entry is
purf'OSCI "I
inspedi"n, necessary or expedient for the purposes of this Act :
e:.e(I'tiQlIOf Provided that. e;xcept where it is in this Act othef\\'ise expressly provided.-
work. (i) no such entry shall be made between sunset and sunrise;
(ii) no building which is used as a human dwelling shltll be so
entered. unless with the consent of the occupier thereof. with-
out giving the said occupier not less than six hours' previous
written notice of the intention to make the said entry. and.
unless for any sufficient reason it shall be deemed inexpedient
to furnish such information. of the purpose thereof:
(iii) sufficient notice shall in every instance be given. even when any
premises may otherwise be enttred without notice. to enable the
inmates of any apartment appropriated to females to remove
to some part of the premises where their privacy need not be
disturbed; and <

(iv) due regard shall always be had. so far as may be compatible with
the exigencies of the purpose for which the entry is made. to
the social and religious usages of the occupants of the premises

IOSpl'cti,," of 180. (I) If there are reasonable grounds for believing that any animal
p'a~'es lOt' has b,een or is being or is likely to be slaughtered in contravention Qf the
sl:II'ghter "f provisions of section 140. the Health Officer or any other officer or servant of
animab ;Ioll the committee authorized by the Health Officer or by tile committee in
seizure of
C;ln','sell 01 this behalf may. at any time by day or night. enter into and inspect any such
aoim;,llilio place or premises and may seize any animal or the carcase of any slaughtertl1
al a"ihtered.
80imal found therein.
(2) The said officer may remove and sell by auction or otherwise dispose
of any animal or the carcnsc of any animal seized under sub-section (I). and
shall place in deposit in the municipal fund the proceeds of any such sale,
lJ) If the owner of any animal or carcase so seized fails to appear
within one month from the date of such seizure. and prove his claim to the
satisfaction of the committee. or if such owner is convicted of an offence
uDder this Act with respect to such animal or carcase. the proceeds of the
aforesaid sale shall vest in Ule committee.
(4) If the owner of any animal or carc:ue so seized appears and pro~s
his claim to the animal or carcase Or to the proceeds o( the sale thereof to
the satisfllction of the committee within' aile month from the date of such
seizure. the committee shall. if it does not prosecute such owner or if as a
result of the institution of a prosecution such owner is acquiUed Or discharged.
pay to such owner the proceeds of the sale. if any. of such animal Or earcase.
Municipal, 183

181. (t) If there are reasonable grounds for believing that any animal is Jnspeclioq
of place. ,or
being kept in any place or premises in contravention of any bye-law made animall
under section 144. the Health Officer or any officer or servant authorized by illicitly kepi
.aDd ld:are
the Health Officer or by the committee in this behalf may. at any time by day Of animall
or night. enter into and inspect any such place aDd may seize and remo\'e 10 found.
such animal found therein.
(2) J( thl: owner of any animal seized under this section fails to appear and
substantiate his claim to the animal to the satisfaction of the committee
within one month from the date of seizure. the committee shall have power
to sell such animal by auction or otherwise and the proceeds of such sale
shall be at the disposaJ of the committee,
(]) If the owner of any animal seized under this section appeau and
substanliates bis claim to. the animal to the satisfaction of the commIttee
within one month from the date of seizure. the animal shall be returned to
him on payment of the ordinary charges leviable under the Cattle Trespass Act.
$;Cetion 5. but it shall be open to the committee to prosecute him for ~breacb
of bye-law under section 144.

112.en The Health Officer or an)' other officer of the committee Inlpllon Of
rta," fOt
authorized by it in this behalf may. at all reasonable times. enter into and sale of food
inspect any market. building. shop. st311 or place used for the 'sale of any kind or drjllk. C'lc;:
..nd leiJ.ure
of food. drink or drugs for man. or for the preparation. manufacture or of unwhol~
storage of the same for sale. or as a slaughterhouse. and inspect and examine some arlicln
any food. drink. drug or animal which may be therein; and. if aoy article of food eapoKd fOt
lal .
or drink or any animal therein appears to be intended for tbe consumption of
man and to be unfit therefor or to have been manufactured or exposed for
sale in contra'iention of any bye-laws made under sections 139. 142 or 144.
may seize and remove the same. or may cause it to be destroyed or to be so
disposed of as to prevent its exposure for sale or ils use for such con sump
tion: and. in case any drug: is reasonably suspected to be adulterated in such
'manner as to lessen its efficacy or to change its operation. or to render it
noxious. may remO\,'e the same. giving a receipt therefor. and may cause it to
be brought before a Magistrate for inquiry whether any offence hal beeD
committed in respect thereof. and for his orders as to its disposal.
Explonot;on,-Meat into which air has been blown. or which bas buD
watered in order 10 make it appear fresher than it really is. shall be deemed
to be unfit for human food.
(2) The Health Officer or any other officer of the committee autborized
by it in this behalf may. at all reasonable times. eoter into and iospect any
prellli~es. for the licensing or regulation of which bye-laws have been made
under sections 116. 117. llS. 126. 132. 134. 135. 131. 139. 142 and 144.
183. (J) The Health Officer or any other officer of the committee
aUlhorized by it in this behalf may. after giving six bours' notice in writioi
10 the occupier of any land or building in which any sewers. sewen&e
conne<:tioos. privies or cesspools are Siluated. inspect aoy .ucb sewera.
184 Municipal.

sewerage-connections. prhies or cesspools at any time between sunrise and sunset

and may. if necessary. cause the ground 10 be opened where Ihe committee or
person may think fit fo.r the purpose of preventing or removing any nuiJUCI
arising from the sewers, seweraae-connec:tions, pri\'iel ~r cesspools.
(2) U. on such inspection, il appears that the opening of the around
was necessary for the prevention or removal of a nuisance. the expense,
thereby incurred shall be paid by the owner or oc<:upier of the land or buil-
ding; but if it is found that no nuisance exists. or but for such opening
would have arisen. the ground shall be closed and made good as soon as may
be. and the expense of open ina. closing and making it goad shall be borne by
tbe committee.

Power Of 114. The Health Officer or any other officer of the committee authorized
etltry,net by it in this behalf may, after giving twenty-four hours' notice in writing 10 the
insreclion of
buildinG Of occupier or. if there is no occupier to the owner of any building or land. at
land I" any lime between sunrise and sunset. enter and inspect the building or land
tanilary for the purpose of ascertaining whether lIny of the provisions of this Chapter
oonctition. or of any bye-Jaw thereunder have been complied with, or generally for lhe
purpose of a5CICrlaining the sanitary condition of such building or land.

Entry f"r 115, The persons employed by the committee for the collection and
rurJ'OK of removal of sewage. offensive matter and rubbish may enter any building.
watercloset.latrine, urinal. privy. sewer. cesspool. dustbin, or other rcccptude
for sewage or offensive matter or rubbish. or enter on IIny land lit all reasonable
times. in so far as may be necesSitry for the proper discharge of those duties;.
and the Health Officer or any other officer of the committee authorized by it
in this behalf may enter on such property at all reason<lble times for tbe
purpose of ascertaining whether such duties have been duly performed.

Otherrowen 1". The committee. by any person authorized by it in this behalf. may.
Of mtryon
huilding or after givina twenty-four hours' nOlice in writing to the occupier or. if there is
land. no occupier to the owner, at any time bctwe~n sunrise lind sunset-
(u) enler on and survey and take levels of any land ~
(b) enter, inspect and measure any building for the purpose of valUl
tion ; and
(c) enter any building or land for the purpose of ascertaining the
courje of sewers. seweraae-<:onnections. water-works and water
connections. or repairing any work which it is by tbis Act
empowered to execute or maintain:
Provided that. in the exercise of these powers. the committee shall do u
liule damage as O11Y be. and 5han make full compens!tion to 011 penons
interested for all damage sustained by them through the exercise of theIC
powers. and the amount of such compensation shall be determined as DeIlly
as may be in accordance with the provisions of the und Acquisition Act.

117. In clisei of emergency the Chairman. or in his absence 'the Vice. EJ:lraordj
Chairman. of the committee may direct tbe execution of any worle or the !Join, nary ptlwer.
Of C....inn;lB
of any act which the committee is empowered by the foregoing provisions of ""ld Vi","
this Act to execute Or dO and the immediate execution or doing

which is. ~.airm:Jn
IIIU........ fJ(
ill his opinion. necessary for the service Or safety of the public,llnd may direct I:1l1t"1'ItC1'II:Y.
that the expense of executing the work or doing the act shall be paid from
the municiPal fund:
Provided that-
(til. no order shall be made under this section in contravention of any
order of the committee passed at Ii meeting: and
(b) evcr.)' order made under this section. and all proceedings consequent
thereon. shall be reported to the committee at its next meeting.

188. When 'any building used as a human dwelling is entcred under this PrecAuUOIII
tlO be
Act. due regard shall be paid to the social and religious sentiments of the ob~",rvtd
octupien : and beforc any apartment in the actual occupancy of any woman ill t'llI,,:,ina
who. according to cllstom. does not appear in public. is entered under this Act. d .....ellin
notice shall be given to her that she is at liberty to
withdraw. 'lnd c..ery
rtason..ble facility shall be afforded to her for withdrawing.

119 No p:rson shall pre\'ent any person duly authorized in that behalf CUlllll:ilkc
from exercising his power under this Act of entering on any land or intQ any ""'tobe
-building. f'~
PO'l\''''' Of
eut 'Y.
'!)t. No person shall obstruct or molest any ~rson. with whom the ..rohibili....
committee has entered into a contract. in the "erformance or execu!ion by I"li,,"otiJl~~
such person of his duty. or of anything which he is empowered or required to (lrlutra.::tor.
do by virtue or in consequence of this Act.

Exlinction of Fire.
191. (I) For the prevention and extinction of fire the 'committee may ~8Iablhh-.
establish and maintain a fire-brigade. and may provide any implements. MCIII and
machinery Or means of communicating intelligence which it may think fOl I1rc-
necessary for the crJicicnt discharge of their duties by the brigade. brig
(Z) The committee may recognize and aid a volunteer fire-brigade, and
make bye-laws for the guidance. trainina. discipline and conduct 01 the
members thereof. .

191. (I) On the occasion of a fire the "erson directing operations for rowen t:f
tUin'lli~hin!! or :1Irt'sling t1~ fir-:- Or fOI" savin,. life
or pl"operly b:inS- ;mt 1)11....'
Je",ron~ lor
CO II Magistrate. or .u.'f"us...
(ii) a police-officer o( or abov.: Ibe rank of lospeclor. or of lire.
(iii) a member or officer of lhe c:ommiucc. or
186 Municipal,
(iv) a member of a tirebrigade maintained or aided by the commilttt.
may gh'e orders for the following matters :-
(a) the removal of any person who by his presence interferes with or
impedes such operations;
(b) the closure of any street or passage in or near which the fire i.
(c) the breaking into or through or demolition of any premises, or
the use thereof for the passage of any hose or other appliance.
and the taking of water from any stream. tank, cistern. well or
other source or store of water. whether public or private
(d) the closure of mains and pipes so as to give greater pressure
of water in or near the place where the fire has occurred;
(eo) the rendering of such assistance as he may deem advisable by tbe
persons in charge of any fireengine or others; and
(f) generally such measures as may appear necessary for the preserva
tion of life or property.
(]) No person sball be liable 10 pay damages for any act done by him
in good faith under sub-section (". .
(.n Any damage caused by the exercise of a power conferred or a duty
imposed by this section shall be deemed to be damage by fire within tbe
meaning of any policy of insurance against fire.
(4) Every person empowered by subsection (I) to do any of the aell,
enumerated therein shall in Ihat behalf for the purposes of Chapter X of the
Penal Code be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of section 21
of the said Code.
POWfr of 1'3. The powers conferred by Ihe last foregoing section shall be subject
Prc~i(lcllt to any regulations, conditions Or restrictions which may be imposed by rules
In make
rules con made in this behalf by the President of the Union.
cc::mhlg the
usc of the

194. Sections 191, 192 and 193 shall not take effect in any municipality
Of sedions until they have been specially declared to apply thereto by the President of
191 to 193.
the Union al the requesl of the committee.

Additional Power 10 nwke Byelaws.

Powtrto 95. The committee may. from time to time, at a special meetin,.
varj:)u, make bye-Iawa:- ,
bye-taws. (a) for rendering licences necessary for the proprietors or driven of
vehicles. boats or beasts plying for hire within the limits of llie
municipality. and for fixing the fees payable for such licences
and the conditions on which they shall be granted aDd may be
MuniciptJ/. 181
(b) for limiting the rates which may be demanded for the hire of any
carriage. cart. boat or other conveyance. or of beasts hired to
carry loads. or for the service of persons hired to carry loads.
and the loads to be carried by such conveyances. beasts Or
persons. whcre they are hired within the municipality for a
period not exceeding twenty-four hours. or for a service which
would ordinarily be performed within twenty-four hours ;
(cJ for rendering licences necessary for pawnbrokers and determining
by public auction or otherwise the amount to be paid for any
such licence and the conditions subject to which they shall be
granted and may be revoked:
Provided that the committee may. for sufficient reason and with the
prior sanction of the Commissioner. remit any portion of the
licence fee payable by the pawnbroker;
(d) for the inspection and proper regulation of encamping grounds.
pounds. za)'a,~. wharves not within the limits of any port.
markets. wash-houses. washerman's tanks and public washing
and bathing places;
(d for controlling and regulating the use of any public river. creek
or stream. and the foreshore and banks thereof, within the
municipality and not included within the limits of a port. and
for levying fees for the use of such public elver. creek or stream;
(0 for the holding of fairs and industrial exhibitions within the
municipality and under the committee's control:
(g) for requiring and regulating the exhibition of tables showing the
rates of tolls chargelble on vehicles and animals entering the.
(h) for requiring occupiers of houses to keep ready at hand buckets
or pots of water, hooks. bamboo-flappers, and other appliances
for extinguishing small fires;
(i) (i) for prescribing. notwithstanding the pro,,"isions of the Weigh'ts
and Measures of Capacity Act. the standard weights and
measures to be used within the municipality. and for making
the use of such standards compulsory; and
(ii) for preventing and detecting the uSC of false or detective instru-
ments for weighing. weights and measures in any market. build-
ing. shop. stall or place used for the sale of any goodS, food.
drink or drug:
(j) for protecting from injury or interference anything within tbe
municipality which is the property of the committee;
(k) for regulating Or prOhibiting the exposure of goods for sale on the
streets and for levying fees from persons selting up stalls or
otherwise selling goods on streels ;
(I) for regulating or prohibiling the use of barbed wire or any material
likely to cause injury to persons or animals on any land or
188 Municipal.
premises abutting upon any street or place which persoDa art
entitled to use or frequent; and
(m) generally. for carrying out the purposes or this Act:
Provided that the committee of a municipality in which the Hackney
Carriage Act is in force shall not make byelaws under clauses (a) and (6) in
respect of any vehicles to which that Act applies.

.'ees for 196. Where under any section of tbis Act power is conferred on the
IkencCl ilnd committee to make byelaws for the issue of a licence. sUCh byclaws may
prescribe and fix :-
(0) a fee for any licence: and
(b) a fee for any inspection required by such byelaw as a prelimin
ary to the issue 'or renewal of such licence.


Confirmation 1'7. (I) No byelaw made under any section of this Chapter shall come
of b~'elaw. into force until it has been confirmed by the President of the Union,
t.:hllpler \"I. (2) The President of the Union may, by noti6calion, cancelthcconfirma-
tion of any such bye-law. and thereupon such bye-law shall cease to have ellect

Execution of 198. (I) When any nolice under this Chapter req uires any act to be done
acts nol done for which no time is fix.ed by this Act, such notice shall fix a reasonable time
after notice.
[or doing the same:
Provided that it shall rest with the Court to determine, in any case ia
which thc question arises. whether the time so fixed was a reasonable time
within the meaning of this Act.
(2) When the owner or occupier of any land or building fails to comply
with the terms of any notice under this Chapter requiring him to do anyacl
upon such land or building, the committee may. after six hours' notice. by its
officers cause such act to be done.

lkcllvcr)' 0' 199. (I) Where under this Act the owner or occupier of property is requited
by the committee to execute any work and makes default in complying witb
such requisition. and the committee executes the work. the committee may
recover the cost of the work from the person in default.
(2) If the person in default is the owner, the committee may. by w~y
of additional remedy, recover the whole or any part of the cost from tbe
C!CCupier. and in such case the occupier may deduct any sum paid by him
under this sub-section from the rent from time to time becoming due [rom him
to the owner of the property in respect of which the payment is made or
otherwise recover it from the owner.
MII"icipa 189
(3) Provided that an occupier shall not be required 10 pay under sub
seclioll (2) any sum greater than tbe amount of rent which is (or the time
being due from him to the owner. or which. after demand for payment of the
money payable by him to the committee and after notice 1I0t to pay rent with
out first deducting the amount so demanded. becomes payable by him to the
owner. unless he refuses on application to him by the committee truly to
disclose the amount of his rent and the name and address of the person to
whom it is payable; bllt the burden of proof that the sum so demanded by the
committee from the occupier exceeJs the rent due at the time of the demand.
or which has since accrued due. shall lie on the occupier.
(4) Nothing in this section shall affect any contract between an owner
and an occupier.
%00. (I) The committee may make compensation out of the municipal Comr'C'lIu.
fUDd to any person sustaining any damage by rea&On of the exercise of any of ~~~ici~~
the powers vested in it. its officers and servants. under this Act. and shall make fund.
soch compensation where the person sustaining the damage was not himself
in default in the matter in respect of which the power was exercised.
(2) If any dispute arises touching the amount of any compensation which
tlfe committee is required by this Act to pal' for injury to any building or land.
it shall be settled in such manner as the parties may agree upon. or in default
of agreement in the manner provided by the Land Acquisition Act. so far as
the provisions of the said Act can be made applicable.
201. (I) Any person aggde.ed by any order made by the committee Appeal.
under the powers vested in it by seclion 119. section 130. section 138. section ~:~i~
149 Or section 150. may appeal within thirty days from the date thereof to the ordC'rI of
Commissioner or to the Deputy Commissioner. according as the President of comrlliUOoe.
the Union may direct in this behalf; and no such order shall be liable Co be
called in question otherwise than by such appeal:
Provided that. if the Deputy Commissioner is himself a member of the
Committee. the appeal shall lie to the Commissioner.
(2) The appellate authorily may. for sufficient cause. extend the period
hereby allowed for an appeal.
(3) The order of the appellate authority confirminc. sellinS aside 01'
modifying the order appealed against shall be final:
Provided that the order appealed against shall nol be sct aside until the
appellant and the committee have had a reasonable opportunity of being

282. Whoever- c._
(0) contravenes. or fails to comply with. any prOVISion of any of the ort'e-nce.
sections. subscctioDs or clause. of this Act meBtiooed ia tbe with fiQc.
190 MunkipaJ.

ftcst column of the following table. or or any rul~ or byelaw

made thereunder; or
(b) fails to comply with any direction lawfully given to, or rcquisilioD
lawfully made upon him. under any of the said provisions.
shall be punished for each such offence with fine which may extend to tbe
amount mentioned in that behalf in the third column of the said table.
ExplanQlion.- The entries in the second column of the said table. headed
.. Subject", arc not intended as definitions of the offences described ia the
sections. sub-sections and clauses mentioned in the first column. or eYeD a,
abstracts of those $Cctions, sub-sections and clauses, but arc inserted merely as
references to the subjects of the sections. sub-sections and clauses. the numberl
of which are given in the first column :-

---,--_.- -----------,----
Scdi~l. a"b- Fine whicll
acetion nr Suhjcct. m.IY be
e::\uCf:. imposed.

lI1 (li
- - -(21
Sectioll 1(11, Notice reqllirin'! rlm 1\':;11 or :l1!c-r:lliou <'I! pr/,jtcliofl. l'n- One hnn(\rl:'d
.uh-.ecUon ('ro"clIl1\clIl or ob~lruction. rupee!',
Se,licn 101, Pmhihilioll Ilf cnero;lchmt:uh on, 3nd obstruction of public One hundrtd
lh ~ectiull ilnch. r"pees.

S.:cllon 110 PtClhihil}on of ditpos:l1 Ilf !;m(\ ,or c(,n~lruction of huild- One tholJund
in,,:s not abuttilll: Oil ilreet .....ilho:11 con~lrllrting s:,eet rl.pees.
giving aC(eSS Iherelo.

Seclion 111. Prohibition of m.. kinl: Of new prhale .Irtct without or One thou:llld
lub-ItCHon otherwise than in conformity with ordeft of committee. rupees.
S.."('tion 115 Bye-I:\ws [or conlroln' b\li1dln:,:~ One huod,ed

8:cllon 116. Pr"hibitiol\ uf 10:< eril'c 1 nlicensed l'lllginJ:-I,o::se One bUlldred


Section 116, One haad:'tid

Int><scction lUrect'.
Municipal. 191

--'-'-- _._ .. _._------,-_.... _-

f"ertion, snb- Fine which
liCetion or Subjed. maybe
clause, imposed.
(II 121 131
. - - _--_...:::...------1-....:....:...-
Sedion 117 _,. U,,-1.1WS ler Ihe ilupl.'cliQll and l:eneral and .an:t:U)' One bundrC'd
re~\lI;'tlion\If theatres, hath, elt'" regulating the rupee..
holdinl! o( cn(erl:linmenls Ihefein aud rendering Iicencel
ntceu:lry for kecping luch buildings,

Set'lion 118 .. bye-laws for preymtion of overC'fllwding of buildin,s, ODe IIUDdred

removal or lmpro'l,menl 0{ insanitary or danl:eroul rape.,
buildin"'l, and cleansing, lime-washing, or painlinl of

Sulion 119 .. Nolice prnhihilillg Ibe use of buiMilig unlit for hUlnan Fh'e huadred
hahitalinn, rup""

Ste,lion 120 . Nolil't: requiring r('mova] of building, wall, .trucluU', etc., One hundred
'in ruinoul or dangerous sla(c, ra~,

seclion 121 Xotice requirini:; <';l1Igerons wdlr, bnltt or other ellC":lva- On" hundred
Iioul to be npaired, protected or enC"~. rupeea.

'Seelion 122 .. Nolice requil ing Ihe {eneing

illg: fences,
II' land aad repairing Of nisl- One hundted

S~lol1 123 '" Nolice re(juirinl: owner Of" aceuilier Of buildinl/, or land 10 One hundred
clear aW.;l)f noxious vl'gtlaliun, elc., t"" cut or trim rupeCSI.
J,eJges or briincIu. of Irees :lIull" ('ul filthy ur unwb(,k'-
some building in p~' per sbte,

Seo;t1on 124 ,.. 8)e-law$ f""r the lallitilry ;I"d g~ner",1 regulalion of public One hundrell
(larks and r.:crcali,m erouuds rupeel.

Sedion J26,
Prohibition of eslablil'hing f"lblk calr.piot Ir')und or halt-
ing placc Il)r vchidet 01" animah, wllhoullicenct:_ "'.....
One hun*ed

Seellon 126, 8ye.I:1\\'1 p:escribing condilim s appli<:able In Iicl.'nctS One hundred

1Ub-aec:tion issued under sub-sccli,)u (I) :1ltd Nr Ihc Icneral and ru(*..
(2). s:ulltary regulalion Of camping grounds and hall ...C
St:c II CIrl 12,., Prohibition Of ~Ihing <ir lhc WadlinJ!" 01 ;milll:1l. or clothes One huadred
sub'ttlion in public places nOI sel arart thert{or or Of other al,'ls rUllCC.i,
specified in publ Ie notice.
Section 127, I~'e-iswi for the managtoment and re&ulalion of bathing One hundred
$Ub-uctioo allll "'::I.lhine (liaces. rupees.
192 M"nh'~ipaJ.

SCCliulI, sub- Fine whkh

lle,c1ioll ur Sulojn:t. liIay be
('.I.use. iml'osed.

IIL_I ---"I'''-I I__--'I'''JI'-

Prohibition of keepin~ corp.;es tmburit:d bcyon(l sredfied One hundred

period. rupees.

Section 130, Closure and formati ..n IIf burbl and burnill~ ~roulldl , .. ) One hundrt1l
~llb-~ectioll rupte!!.
(1). I
SeeUOh 130. Prohibition or {ormatiun t,,( uew liurial or burn in;: groundli One hundred
,"b-~ecliOll without l'\CrlTIi~slOn.

Section 131 Notkeprescriri,lg multi for nmo\'al of corp~ts to Iwrial One hnndrtd
or hurning grounds. rupees.

Sl:clion 132 Oye.laws f,)r controlling and regulating the: use and One h.mdrtd
management 01 buri.\l and bmning gr()und~. rupees.

S('ction 133 Bye-laws for registration (If birtb ;'Ind deaths and (nkin~ Olle hnndtN
~edlon D~, f'rvhihitillu Of keepiug nl\~ll, tk" witllt",ul licem:t, p:hate Five hundred
sub-.'Ct.'lion marl;el!l. rupees.

~ectlt)n 134, U)'e-lawlI fur the management and :s;\lIil:Lry :loud ,:::ellual O . e hundrd
lub-Iet'liun re.:ulalioll vf mula:ts. rupen,

Section 135 nye-Iaw, ror regulation or st:llls or hoodl! On~ hundff4


Section 136 Prohibition Of cbstrudiollll in sln'cb, clnins. \\'\']ls or One hllndrtd

cbanuc1:l. TUpetl

~clion 137, Prol.libition of ~'arr~'illg nn Of l.8'clllilic 01' dan~cl'(lu!l trades Five ,hundRd
sul).~eclioll \~itbout licence. rupee~.

Section 137, R)~la\\'s prescribing the :::encral CGltditiolls applic",ble to to'he hu~
snb-sectlon licences issued under sub-sectiun (I) ancl ~pcci;ll cf'lndj- rlll\f:ts.
(2). tions' fur the storl'lce of any :loltkle (ir carrying on
trade or opt"ration.

~("clion 138 Notice requiring the disC:(lntin\ll'lnc:~ Of use Of place lic:en!\ed Five htlldrd
uuder seelion 137. rupC'u.
Municipal. 193

Section. sub- .'jne which

~cclion or Subject. 1Il00y be
d::r.u~c. illlj>UliCd.

1JI (3)

SeeHon 139 Bye-law. fOr in~flection and general and sanitar~' regu_ One hundred
100tion of mllk-.ellers, bakuies, public uting hOIl!>e!!, rupees.
refreshment slalls and ntrated water and ice fnctori.:s,
and (or the licen,inc thereof.

Section 140 Prohibition of establlshmcnt of slauthter.hoQleli Oue bundred

Section 142 Bye-laws for manaa;ement and sanitar)' and general rClu- One hundred
IAlion of .Iaua;hterhouses, or of any slau~htcr-hoo'e, rupee
and of Ihe slau~hterinRof animals tberrln, etc.

Seellon IU Prohibition or regulation of slaughter of animals when "'h'e hundrd of puce is imminent. rurees.

Stttion 144 Bye-law. for prohibition and regulation of keeping. impor- One hundred
tation, etc., n( animals, destruction of Iiwj~, delli, rUIlft:II.
crow" crowS' nest., and disposal of carc.~ etc.

Notice ~Ivanl directions as to remoya! and deposit of One hundred

rubN.h and offensive matter. rupeCl5.

Section 1<16 Notice requiring provi.ion Of proper rKcptacltt fM rub- Qne hundred
bish and offensive matter. rupee
Stclino In 'Prohibition of keepin~ rubbish, offensive maIler or sew3a;e One' hundred
olherwise than In proper receptacle or ::r.llowing rel:ep- rupee,.
tacle to be;n filth\' or noxious .tate.

Section 148 Prohibition of aceumulaHoDs of ofJen.ive malter One Ilulldnd

Stdion 149 Notice requirinc pro "is ion of troua:h' and pipes for rain On... hundred
waler. ru~.

Stelion ISO I Nulice rcquirin~ rnemtnt of Cllllrl)ard, aile)' or puuge One hundred
between t'ot.lildini!~ fnr dfident drain2&e. ruptts.

Section 151 ~olice rt'qnirinA the' c1e':ln~in:, rep:liring, co\'erin;.1, filling Olle hundred
liP or rlrainini:: off of rrivate lanks. wells, rcser\'oin, rupees.
pools 01' excavations therein.

SteHon 151, Notice dircctin~ lhe carr~ing out of rccl:un::ltion of low- One hundred
Il.<b-~('ction lying sites. rupees.
-_. ----------------
_._._._._-_.. _-
194 Municipal.
--~~-_ ..
Section, ~ub }o'ine which
Subject. may be
!JecliQIl or
c1aue. imposed.

(II III f~1

5tl;:ion 151 Prohibition of making excavation in any land renderin~ One hundrtd
such land unsuil:\bl~ for buildin~ or the effective drain. rupees.
:lge Ulereol impracticable.

Section 154 Hy~.[a\\" requiring prevention of overcrowding of build- Olle hundred

ings, prohibiting dorage of water :anCl for prevention of TIl peel.

the breeding or mosquitoes.

Se:.:lion 15S Nl,ltice prohibiting the cultivation of cropE, use of manure One hundred
or irrigation of land injurious to health. rupees.

Section 156 Notice prohibiting the use of public or private water One IhouUlld
works. rupees.

S<,clioll J 57 lIye-Iaw. lor regulalinJ:: the use, etc., of water-works One tboumd
S.:ction 1S8, Notice requiring prMision cf waler-closds, latrines" One hundrfd
$ub5cclion urinals, privies, seweu, etc., for buildings or lands. rupees.

S 'clion 158, Solke requiring employers of more than twenty work One hudl'd
sub-section men or labourers to provide w:lI~I'-clollel.. latrine., rupees.
(2). etc.

Se::tjon 158. Notice requiring water-closels, latrines. urinal.. or One hundrd

lIub-~eclion priviei 10 be .hut oul frolll view by rool. wall or fence. ru~"
Section 159, Notice requiring water-closcts. latrine., urina!!, elc., to Ou(' hulldrri
suh-seclion be closed, removed, repaired. altered or Pllt in good rupees.
Ul. order.

Section 159. Notice requirint:; demolition or alteration of waler-clmu~ts,

l:uh-scclion latrines, urinal., elc., made without permi!'slon or con
(21. b"ary to byc-Iaw, directions, etc.

Section 160 Notice requiring m<lking and maintaining 01 .ufficient One huOlfrt4
sewer;lge-connection wUh sewer. rtlptes.
S~ction 164 I Notice requidng carri.ll:e or sewerage-connecllon or water-
I conneClion Ihrough adjoilling land.

Section 166 \ Notice ~quiring

connection with eJ:istin~ water-eonnectinn One h~
I or sewerage_connection. rurees

Municipal. 195
, - - - - - - - _ . _ - - - - , -.. _.-
Section, sub Jo'inc whil.:h
~Cct'O'l or Sublect. tn:lY be
cl:lll.&c. impo~ed,

III '2, (3,

SccHon J67 Obligation to report outbreak Of d3nlerous di.eue Five hundred


S~d.ion 1(09 PruhibiliOl1 of penon suffering from danitrOul dilt;llle "'ivc hundred
from leaving hOlpital without permission, rupeel,

Section tiO .,. Prohibition Of exposure of perIOD IllfJerina from dan' "'jve hundrEd
gerous disease or Of thillj[1 exposed to infection, rupea.

Section Iii Disinfection of conveyance used by renon lofferinj[ from One hundred
datlgerous disease. rupee..

Stoction t 12 Requi.ition for immediate disinfection of wbole 01' part One bundred
of any building in whicb danecrous discue bal rupeel.

Section 19.!l, Bye.lawl for Iicenl!n& or rawn-broken Five hundred

clause Ie). n1ptft,

203. Whoever, after having been convicted of-
(a) co.travening. or railin. to comply with. any provision of any of
the sections. subo-sections or clauses of this Act mentioned in
the first column of the following table. or of any rule or
byelaw lawfully made thereunder. or
(b) failing to comply with any direction lawfully given to or
requisition lawfully made upon him UDder any of the said
continues to contravene the said provision or to Deglect to cOD,ply with the
said direction or requisition or fails to remove or rectify any work or thing
done in contr3\'enlion of the said provision. as the case may ),e. shall be
punished for each day that he continues so to offend with fine which may
extend to the amount mentioned in that behalf in the third column of tbe
said table.
Explanalion.- The entries in the second column of Ihe said table.
headed" Subject ", arc not intended as definitions of the offences deseribed in
the scclions. subo-sections and clauses mentioned in the first column. or even
as abstracts of tbose sections. sub-sections and clauses. but are inserlcd merely
as references to tbe subject of the sections, subo-sec:tiODS and clauses, the
numbers of which arc given in the tirst columq';-
196 Municipal.

Sa.'tiOIl, ~ub Daily line

fCctiOll or Subject. ....Ilkh lIu.y be
clause. impo.ed.

111 121 (31

Se\ lioll 107. Nolice reQuirin~ removal or alteration .of projeclioa, T~n rupeef.
lub-sccli.m encroachment or ubstrnction.
S,:(;t1on 101. Prohibition of encroachmentl on, and obstruction Of. 'CeD rUfICt-I.
sub-steliaR public streels.
S~dion Ill, Prohibition of maklnl: of new private slre~t without, or One hundred
suh-Iectioll otherwise than in coniormit) with, orders of committee. r"pa.

Sediun 115 Bye-laws for control of buildin:,:s Ten ru(ltcl.

Seetinn 116, Prohibition of ke~(lin& unliccuscd lod~ing-bouse Ten ruped.
Section 116, 8ye-laws rel:lting to lodginkhou,es Ten rupee..

SechOn 1 '7 ... Bye-laws rOJ the illspediOn and general and ;:U1i1ary Teo rupeu.
regllL."\lion of theatres, mu}k-halls. dc., for re~ul:lting
the holding of Clllerl:linments therein and rerukrlni!
licences neccsury for the keeping of such huildings.
Section 118 Byela\\s for pre\'cntion of n~ercro\\'ding of building.. Ten ruree.
rCllloHll or imprQ\'cmelll 1)( insanitar)" or dllnlerous
buildings ;Iud deallsing, lilllC'-wl1Ishing or paintiag or

Section 119 N'olice prohibitillg the u,,:: of building. unfit for h.unall Fifty fUree.

Scdion 120 Notice requiring rallm':al or building. wall. slrllctilre, Tt"ll rllrt'''.
etl,; in ruinous ur d.1.lIgerous shte.

Seelion III Notice TC(luirilli:: I!:mo::er()us wdls. tanks or olher e.lcna- Tell rupc~.
tiolls to be repaired. prot~ded ur cnclm-ecl.

Sl"cti.:o 122 Notice r~uiring the fcndng nf land and repairing of exisl- Ten rupen.
ing fe'lCcs.

Section 123 N,lljce rt"quiring owner or oc,:u[lier of bliildin& or land to Ten rupees.
clear away noxious \~gd3.tlon, etc., to cui or Irim
hedge. or branches of trces and to put filthy or
unwholesome building in prO[ler state.


St\:tiun, IOl'~ Daily tine

sc.:diun or SUbject. which may t>t:
claus";. ililpoMd.

12) (31

Sa:lion 124 BYHaws for the lahllary and ~cncral rcgulation of Ten rdrees,
public parks and rtaealiun froulld,.

Section 126. Proh:bitioa of csb.blishing public camping groul:d or Tea. rupee

In1'-:>I.'\"lloo haltinc plilC'e {or .thiele, or animals without licence.

Sa.-tivn 116, prescribing cOllditioUI apl,li..:ablc to licence. Tn rvpcell.

,ub-sa:tiutl inued unde lub-Kctioa (I) Incl fur the general ;l,nd
12). .anibry re~ul,"ioll of ciUnpinll ,roJundli ""lid hallilJg
Slt:lioll 127. l'ruhil1ition of bathing or the washillg of animals or dothe. Tm rurea.
1i11bkCtion ill puhlic Illaeel not ~ct apart therefor, or of other a:lll
IJI. Ipct:ilied III public notice.

S[diou 127. Bye-bwa for the manalement and regulalion of bathlDI Ten rupeel.
"u().;;cc;;Uon and wahine places.
Sn:tion 128 ProhibitiOb 0( k~ac corpses unburied bey0n4 speci~ Ten rupeea.
Secti....l 130, Uosure aDd formation of burial and burning JTounds Ten rupeel.
~Iion )30.. Vro~ibltioa of fonaatioo 01 new burial ~ burnlne Ten rupees.
ub-eedion crnunda without I*mission.
litdloll 132 Bve.lawl for controlHne and regulating the Ule and Ten rupt~.
'management of burial aad bumin. groundl.

Section 134. Prohibition of keeplD, open, etc., without U<:mce private Filly rupees.
lub-sectiOIl markets.
SecUoD 134, Byt-Iawa for the man.cemcnt aDd aanitary and e~1 Tell rurecs
lul,'...cdion "culation Of markets.
Scctioo US Bye-laWS for rqalaUon of ataU. or booths Ten rupeu.

hection 136 Prohibition of obltrucliona in alrut., dratld, well. Of Ten ruped.

Section 137. riOhiblllOD Of carryiDC 011 of offensln danccfOOl Fifty rU('ItCI.
sub-sectlon tndea witbuut licaace.
i98 Municipal.
.;: W

Section, sub- Daily line

section or Subjed. which may be
clause. imposed.

tI) (2) (3)

section J37. Byela.....s prescribioC the general conditions arrlicable Pilly rupee
sub-sedton to til-cRecs issued under sub-section (II and special
(21 conditions for the iOlorOlice of an)' :ulidc or Carr)"iulo! on
any trade or operation.

Section 138 Notice requirinc the di:k:ontinu:lno: of use of pia: Ikcnsed "'ifly 'UpeeL
under section 137.

Sc:ct.ion 139 Bye--t""ws for iDsplion :.Ind J::eflCfaJ .md unitary regu- Ten ru(ItCS.
lation 0( milk,sellers, bilkerie~, publk e..tin;:houscl,
.rcfreshmentstalls, and Berilted w.. ter ;md ice fadories,
"".Dd for the Ikenliing thereof.
Section 140 Prohibitiun of establishment of sIOluKhtcr-h'Juscs

Section 142 By~la\V5 (Of' management ilnd sanibry ant! g~'ner"J reJ:u.. Ten rupees.
lation of slau~thtcr-hou~tS. or of """y sJaulthltr.h'lusc,
and 0{ the siallghtering of auima" therein, etc.
Section 143 Prohibition or reK'llatiOIl Of slaughter of animals when ..'ifty rupeel.
breac~ 0)( peace is inunillent.

Section 144 . B)'ela"s for prohibition and re~ulation of kccpihg. Ten ruptct.
importation, ctt., cf animals, dC8truction ohwine, dogs.
crows, I..:,fOWg' ne.lli Olnd dis('Ou.1 of l'arCJses, etc.

Section 146 Notice rel!llirin;.( proyi::iion of proper r~tplaclt:ll for Ten rupee.
rubbish Olnd uffenl:iive maUer.

5edion 147 Prohibition Of L:eel,illJ;: rubbish, o(fensi"c m ... Her Or Ten rupcts.
sewage othuwisc th.m in proper rCl:eptade, or allowin;
receptacle to be in 6lthy or noxious state.

Section 149 ~",i" r.:quiring pro\'ision vf troui:bs and pipes for rain Ten rupees.

Stion .ISO Notice requiring (l:lYemcnt of t:ourtyard, alley or pasuge Ten rupctll.
bctWl,,'Ch buildi1~&s for efficient drOlin:lgl,;.
Section 151 ... Notke ~uiring Ihe Cleansing. rl,;p... irilllo:. I:o\-crin~, tilling Ten rupees.
I1P or draining oft of prh"te t~nks. wells, reservoirs,
pools or exC&\'"tions therein,
$edion 152, N.ltict directing the carryfnJi!: out nf rcelanlation of 1"",_ Ten rupcfl.
sub-sc:ction lyinJ:: sites.
.. ,
MUllicipal. 199
Secli()fI, su\).. Daily line
n-<Iion or Subject. which ma)' be
c1.usc. imrosed.

(I). (2' (l)

liectioll IS] Prohibition of makinJ:: cxc:nallon. ill any land rendering Ten rupee..
such land unsuitable for building or the effective
drainage thereof lmpractic:l.ble.

Section IS.- Bye-laws rf'Qwnng prevention Of o~ercrowding of Ten rupee..

buildings. prohibilinf slaraite 0' water and (I)( rreven-
tlon of the breeding Of mosquitoes.

Section J55 Notice prohibiting the: cultivation of UG(l', 115C of manure Ten rupcfis.
or irrigation of lands Injurious 10 health.

Section 156 Notice prohibitinc the use of public or privale wat.r- i One hundred
worts. rupees.

tlttlion 157 Bye.laws for regulatinl the ute, etc., or waterworlel One hundrtd

Section 158, NoIICl! reqllirinc pfO\"ision or water-elosets, latrines, l'en rupe-=I.

subsectioll urinal., prlvin, sewers, etc., lor building. or landl:.
Section I Sit, Notice requiring employers of more than twenty work. Ten rureCi.
ub-se.:llon men or labouren: to provide water-cIOiets, latrines. etc.
Section J SlI, N()licc requiring watet-closets, latrines. urinals or privies Tea rupees.
ubsc:dion to be shut out Irorn view by roof, wall or fence

Stclinn IS?, Notice requiring water.c1otel5. lalrlnu, urinals. etc., to Ten rllpeu.
subsection be dosed. removed, repaired. altered or put in good
(II. order.
Section J SQ. Notice reqniring demolition O'f .lteration 01 sewerage Ten rup.-.
$ulHcdiun connection, water-eIOllcl.. latrines. urinals. dC'., made
(11. without permission or contr.J.fJ 10 b)-e.lawlii, dircclion.,

Section 160 ... I NOlice requiring: mating and maintaining, of s:tflicieat Ten rupees.
sewctage"onnectioo with sewer.
I Notice requirinc camace Of sewerace-coen lOb or

Section 166
waler-eoonection lfu'ou,lh adjoininc land.

Ten rupees.
Nolkc requiring connection .... ith existing w:tter-eonnec-
tinn or ,ewefalc-<:onnection.

Sect;oo, .ut: Dilily fine

'-tdion or Subject. which 1l1ay bt
c!aUfe. in'p05cd,



Section 170 .,. Prohibition of CllfM')S"rC' of ren',n snff"rinJ: from c.lan..:erotlS Fifty npees.
di'l;i1se or of thing~ C':,\:pos;"tl tl) inftl,:lh,n.

Sedi!,)n 171 ... Disinfhtion of convClOlnce used by person $uff~ring from Ten rupee(.
II;lflg..,rOI'$ disease.

section 172 .,. Rc.]uisition for immtdi:l.ttc disinf~tion of whole or p:l.rl of Ten rupeu.
any buildin!: in whirh <lan;:elOu~ dis~ase has OI:curred.

Section 195. "yc-lawS lor licensing 01 rOlwll-brokl'U ... ... Fifly rupeu.
clause: (el.

Cerbin 104. Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of seclion 189 or 190 01'
offencn any regulation prescribed under section 173 may be punished for each .such
with i.... offence with imprisonment which may extend to one month. or with fule:
prisooment which may extend to one thousand rupees. or with both.
or lint or
Certain ZIS. Whoever contravenes or fails to comply with any notice. directioll
ofItnccs requisition or bye_law made or issued by the committee under this Act may..
with fine. if no penalty for such contravention or failure is provided by Ihis Act. be
punished with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees. and shall furtbcr
be punished ror each day that he continues so to offend with a fine which
may extend to ten rupees.

stilyof 106. A prosecution for an offence conslstmg in the failure to comply

pcndinc with or contravention of any order which is appealable shalt. if and when lbe
Olppul, Court learns that an appeal has been instituted against such order. be stayed
pending such appeal.

Drldng Zt7. Whoever drives any vehicle after dark in any street. unless the
without vehicle is properly supplied with lamps. shall be punishable with fine whicb
may extend to twenty rupees.

'Dischar,in" I". Whoever discharges fire-arms or lets off fire-works or fire-balloons'

etc. without the permission of such officer as the President of the Union may
appoint in this behalf or in a place other than that specified by such officer.
and whoever engnges in any gOlme in such a manner as to cause. or be likely
io cause. danger to persons passing by Or dwelling or working in the neighbour-
hood. or risk of injury to properly. shall be punishable with fine which may
extend to twenty rupees.
Municipal. 201

%09, Whoever allows any animal in his possession or under his control Allowinl
and power to str... y into or be loose in any streel, or in any unfenced place stray (In
adjacent to a street. and whoever fastens or tethers any such animal so near strcel.
to any street as to render it possible for it to enter into such street, shall be
punishable with fine which may extend to twenty rupees,

110. Whoever. in contravention of a public notice issued by the com- Ri<ling,

drhin~ or
'mittce under section 100. rides, drives or leads any animal or vehicle, shall be lulling of
punishable with fine which may extend to twenty rupees. ani",als or
contrary 10
111. Whoc\'er quarries. blasts. cuts timber or carries on building opera- Quarr~inlt
tions in such a manner as to cause. or be likely to cause, danger to persollS cuttina:
passing by or dwelling or working in the neighbourhood. shall be punishable timbtr or
build ina:.
with fine which may extend to fifty rupees.

112. Whoever in a public place, without being authorized by the com- DelStro~inl
mittee, defaces or disturbs any direction-post or lamp-post or fence, or injures polSts, la.n~
toy tree or gabion, or extinguishes any light, shall be punishable with fine posts, ell,;,
which may extend to ten rupees.

113. Whoever destroys. pulls down, or defaces any name or numhcr Dcstn:c1ion
Of name-
affixed by order of the committee under section 103. or pUiS up any different boards ;,nd
name or number from that put up by order of the committee, shall be punishable nUll ber-
with fine which may extend to twenty rupees.

21. (I) Whoc\'er. not being authorized by hlow so to do. affixes any l"nauthoolud
pl5tiog of
poster. advertisement or notice on any public property without the consent of ad,crUse
the person in charge thereof. or on any private property without the consent lI.enls.
?f the owner or occupier thereof. shall be punishable with fine which may
extend to twenty rupees.
(Z) Any person by whose direction any such poster. advertisement or
notice is 50 affixed shall be punishable as if he himself had affixed the same



1.1_ (I) The Commissioner or the Deputy Commissioner may- Control b,

(a) enter on and inspect. or cause to be entered on and inspecled, an): sionn and
immoveable property situate within the limits of his division or COlllllli.-
I Rerc~all:d b, Ad XXJV, 1949.

district. as the case may be. and occupied by any committee.

hospital sub-commiltee [* * *] lor joint committ~. or
any work which is in progress within such limits under the
direction of any such committee. sub-committce or joint com
mittee ;
(b) call for and inspect any book or document in the possession or
under the control of any such I;ommittcc. sub-committee or
joint committee having authority within such limits:
(c) require any such committee. sub-commince or joint commillee to
furnish such statements. accounts. reports. and copies of
documents relating to the proceedings or duties of such
committee. sub-commiuee or joint committee as he may think
fit to call for; and
(d) record in writing. for the consideration of <lny such committee.
sub-committee or joint committee. any observations he may
think proper in regard 10 the proceedings or duties of such
committee. sub-committee or joint committee: '
Provided that.-
(i) when thc Dcputy Commissioner is a member of a eonuniltct.
sub-committee or joint committee. he shall not exercise. in
respect of that committee. sub-committee or joint committee.
the powers conferred upon him by this section; and
(ii) in the case of any municipality. the President of (he UnioD
may. by notification in the Gazette. direci thai all or any of
the powers conferred on the Commissioner and Deputy
Commissioner by this section shall be exercised by him
alone. and not by such Commissioner and Deputy Commis-
(2) When the President of the Union. the Commissioner or Deputy
Commissioner requests the committee to consider any observations under
sub-section (I J. clause (d). nothing in any bye-taw made under section 31
shall prevent such consideration.
Power to 119. (I) The Commissioner or the Deputy Commissioner may. by order
IUspend in writing. suspend within the limits of his <li ... ision or district. as the ease
aclicn ..ndd"
Act. may be. the execution of any resolution or order of a committee or joint
committce. or prohibit the doing within such limits of any act which is about
to be done. or is being done. in pursuance of or under cover of this Act. if.
in his opinion. such resolution. order or act is in e,cess of the powers
conferred by law. or the execution of the resolution or order. or the doing of
the act. is likely to lead to a serious breach of the peace. or to cause serious
injury or annoyance to the public or to nny cla5s or body of persons. '
(2) When the Commissioner or Des;.uty Commissioner makes any order
under this section. he shall forthwith forward a copy thereof. with a statement
of his reasons for making it and of any representations regarding it submit~
1 Deleted b)" Act LU, 1950.
to him by the commiUce. 10 Ihe President of the tJnion. who may thereupon
rescind the order or direct that it sball continue in force. with or without
modification. permanently or for such period as he may think fil.
110. (I) In cases of emergency. the Deputy Commissioner may provide E.traordj
nary power.
lor the execution of any work. or the doing of any act which a commiuee is Of Depot,
empowered to execute or to do. aDd the immediate execution or doing of Couuni.
sioner in
which is in his opinion necessary for the service or safety of thc public. and ca.t'a Of
may direct that the expense of executiog such work or doiog such act shall be Clnefl:enq.
forthwith paid by the committee.
(2) I( the expense is not so paid. tbe Deputy Commissioner may make
an order directing the person having the custody of the balance of the
municipal fund to pay the expense. or so much thereof as is from time
to time possible. from the balance in preference to any or all other charges
against the same.
(3) The Deputy Commissioner shall forthwith report to Ihe Commissioner
elfery case in which he uses the powers conferred upon him by Ibis seclion.
%21. (1) If at any time it appears to the President of the Union that the I'ower !'If
committee has made default in performing any duty imposed on it by or l'resident ia
case uf
uMer this or any other Act for the time being in force. the Presklent of the d~fault Of
Union may. by order in wrilinl. fix a period for the performance of such o:olllllliUee.
(2) If such duty is not performed within the period so fixed. the President
. of the Union may appoint the Deputy Commissioner to perform it. and may
direct that the expense of performing it shall be paid. within such time as the
President of the Union may fix. to the Deputy Commissioner by the
(J) If the e,(pcnse is not so paid. the .Deputy Commissioner. with the
previous sanction of the President of the Union. may make an order directin.
the person having the custody of the balane:e of the municipal fund to pay
the expense. or so much thereof as is from tim: to time possible. from the
balance in preference to any or all other charKes against the same.
%1%. (I) The President of the Union and the Commissioner and Deputy ['owers of
Commissioner. within their respective jurisdictions. acting under the orders of PruWent
and his
the President of the Union. shall be bound to require Ihe proceedings of every oftice,. O\U
committee to be in conformity wilh law and with any rules in force under aoy coullnitted.
enactment for the: time being applicable to the Union of Burma gener..Uy or
to the area over which such commiuee has authority.
(1) The President of the Union m..y exercise all powers necessary for
the performan~ of the duty. and may. amongst other things. by order in.
writing annul or modify any proceeding which he may consider not to be in.
conformity with law or with ally such rules as 3foresaid.
(3) The Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner may. within their
respeclive jurisdictions. for Ihe same purpose. exercise such powers as may be
conferred upon them by rule made in this behalf by the President of tbe
Powcr Of U3. (I) If the committee is not competent to perform. Or ~rsistently
Pruldenl 10
lupenede makes default in the performance of. the duties imposed on it by or under
(Olllll ith:c: ill this or any other Act for the time being in force. or exceeds or abuses iu
(.ue vI in-
powers. the President of the Union may. by an order published. with the
persiStent reasons for making it. in the Gazette. declare Ihe commiUee to be incompelent.
dcl"nlt. or or in default. Or 10 have exceeded or abused its powers. as the case may be.
<::.:.-", or
~U$c: 0( and direct its supersession for a period to be specified in such order.
pull.. era...
(2) When the commiUee is so superseded. the following conscqucDCCI
shall ensue. namely :_
(cd ~dl members of Ihe commiuee shall. 81 from the date of Ihe order
published under sub-section (I). Y4cate their offices as IOCb
(b) all powers an'" dUlies of Ihe committee may. during the period of
supersession. be cxercised and performed by such person or
persons as lhe President of tbe Union shall appoint in that
behalf: and
(c) aU property vesled in Ihe committee shall. during thc period of
supersession. vesl in the (Slate].1
() On the expiration of the period of supersession specified in the or.
published under subsection (I). the committee shall be re-eonstitutcd. and tbe
persons who vacated their offices under sulrsection (2). clause (u). shall DOt.
if olherwise qualified. be deemed disquali6td (rom being members thereof.
OJlpules. 224. (I) If any dispute for the decision of which this Act does not
otherwise provide arises between the committee and any olher local authority.
it shall be referred-
(cd to the Deputy Commissioner if the local authorilies conceroed ICC
in the same district;
(b) to the Commissioner if the local aUlhorities concerned are ..
different districts of the same division;
(c) to the President of the Union if the local authorities coocerlWd
are in differenl divisions.
(2) The decision of Ihe authority to which any dispule is referred under
this seelion shall be final.
(3) If in the case mentioned in sub.section (I). clause (a). the Depuly
Commissioner is one of Ihe persons conslituting lIny of the local authorities
concerned. his functions under this section shall be discharged by tile
Annual US. (I) The Committee sball. at Ihe clate of each year or of such othct
reports lind
'talc:mc:nl'. period as may. (rom time to time. be fixed by the President of the Unioa ill
this behalf. submit 10 Ihe Presidenl of Ihe Union a statement of ill reeeipb
and disbursements in such form as the Presidenl of the Union m::r.y prescribe.
-aDd a general report of its proceedings during thai period :

Provided that separate accounts shall be submitted of-

(a) all receipts of the water-tax. and all expenditure on the purposes
for which the water-tax is levied;
(b) all receipts of the lighting-lax. and all expenditure on the purposes
for which the lighting-tax is levied;
(d all receipts of the latrine-tax. and aU expenditure on the purposes
for which the latrinetax. is levied;
(d) all receipts of the scavengingtax. and all expenditure on the
purposes foc which the scavengingtax is levied; and

all income under the heads mentioned in section 89. and all
expenditure on medical purposes-
(2) Accounts submitted under this section shall be examined or audited
in such manner as fhe President of the Union may prescribe.
2:16. (I) The committee shall submit. before such date in each yenr as F:tHm~lu Of
re<,.'ciplt and
m3y be directed by the President of Ihe Union. for the sanction of such expenditure.
authority as the President of the Union may appoint in this behalf. an estimate
of its probable receipts for the financial year next following. with proposals
for (he expenditure. and may. from time to time. submit in lil;e manner
further estimates or proposals or in modification of Ihose submitted as
(2) No expenditure shall be incurred by a committee unless it is
provided for in an estimate and proposals sanctioned under this section.
227. (I) No work:. the estimated cost of which exceeds five hundred Sanc;tiufl 10
rupees. shall be begun by the committee. nor shall any contract be entered w,"ks.
into by it in ro=.speci of any such work:. until a plan and estimale thereof have
boten approv~d by the commiuee at a meeting.
(2) If the estimaled COSI of any such work has not been spec:i6cally
provided for in proposals submitted and sanctioned in manner mentioned in
section 226. or excceds-
twenty thousand rupees in the case of the municipalities of Moulmein.
Bassein and Akyab. or
onetenth of the estimated annual income of the municipal fund in the
cus.: of any other municip;llity.
such work shall not be begun. nor shall any contract be entered into in
respect of it. un Iii (he plan and estimate have OOco submitted 10 and approved
by the President of the Union. or by an officer empowered by the President of
lhe Union in this behalf.
228, In all mattcrs connected with the administration or this Act. Ihe I'owers uf
Commissioner shall have and exercise the same authority and control OVcf l'u" mit-
e"'cry Deputy Commissioner subordinate to him as he has and exercises ave( iSOf\Cr.
such Deputy Commissioner in the general and revenue administration.
I l>eleltd by Aet Lit, 1950.
206 Municipal.

Power of 219. The President of the Union may (rame (orms for any o( the
Presidenl to
frame: forms proceedings of committees for which he considers that a (orm should be
and make provided. and may, in addition to rules made under any other powers
rules. conferred by this Act. make rules consistent with this Act-
(a) as to the officers to be addressed by committees when desirous of
communicating with the President of the Union or officers of
the Government:
(bl as to the preparation oC estimates oC the receipts and expenditure
oC commillecs, and as to the I;ondilions subject to which sucb
estimates may be sanctioned:
(d as to the returns, statements and reports to be submitted by
(d) as to the keeping and auditing oC the accounts oC municipal funds
[ ]1 and hospital funds;
(e) as to the appointment and removal of a Chief Executive Officer
and the management by him of municipal business; ,
(0 a" to the appointment and removal of officers and servants of
committees: and
2(g) generally for all matters connected with the carrying oul oC this ACt.



Criminal Procedure.

Powers and 230. (I) Every police-officer employed within the limits of tile munici
dutics of pality shall give immediate information to the committee of any offence
police in
respect 01 committed against this Act or the rules or bye-laws thereunder. and shall be
oflenccs bound to assist all members. officers and servants of the committee in the
:llainst Act,
elc.. :lnd ex.ercise of their lawful authority.
anis(:lncc to (2) Any such police-officer may arrest any person committing in his
authorities. view any offence against this Act or the rules or bye-laws thereunder-
(a) if the name and address of the person are unknown to him. and
(b I if the person declines to give his name and address. or there is
reason to doubt the accuracy of the name and address if given.
(J) A person arrested under this section may be detained until his nalOC
and address are correctly ascertained:
Provided that no person so arrested shall be detained longer than, is
necessary Cor bringing him before a Magistrate unless an order of a MagislUae
for his detention is obtained.

1 Deleled b\' Act LII, t95O.

Stlbsliblcd b>' Ad XXXVI. t953.

231. No Court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under

this Act or any rule or byelaw thereunder except on the complaint of the
committee or of some person authorized by the committee in this behalf.
Explanation.-The committee may by resolution authorize persons to
prostcute either gener:dly in regurd to all offences against Ibis Act Mnd the
TuJes or bye-laws thereunder. or specially in regard only to specified offences
or offences of a specified class. The person authorized may be authorized by
office. if he is Chairman. Vice-Chairm:tn. ~x-otficio member. secretary. engineer.
or health officer of the committee; in other cases the authority must be
personal. The authority must in all cases be in writing. and may al any lime
by resolution be cancelled by the commiltee.

232. In any municipality to which the President of Ihe Union may. bY io;..elnpU.
notification. apply Ihis seclion. it shall not be necessary. in respect of any (If
~":t.e. tTllm
9trence punishable under this Acl or any rule or bye-Jaw thereunder. to Ihe f'l'0\"1-
examine the complainant when the complaint is presented in writing. notwith- se-ction200
standing anything contained in section 200 of the Code of Criminal e,f Ihe Cude
.1{ C,-iminal
frocedure. PnJl.ecI",-C'.

233. (I) In any municipality the President of the Union may empower Po~'C'r to
the committee or its Chairman. ViceChairman. sctrelary. health officer or l:ompound
engineer or. any member appointed by office. or any sub-committee. to accept
from any person. against whom a reasonable suspicion exists that he has com
milled an offence against this Act or any rule or bye-law thereunder. a sum
of money by way of composition for such offence.
(2) On paYIl1~nt of such sum of money. the suspected person, if in
custody. shall be discharged. and no further proceedings shall be taken against
him in regard to the offence or alleged offence so compounded.
(3) Sums paid by way of composition under this section shall be credited
'10 the municipal fund.
(4) Power under subsection (I) to aceept composition for alleged offences
may be given either generally in regard to al1 offences under this Act and the
rules and bye-laws thereunder. or particularly in regard only to specified
offences or offences of a sp:ci6ed class. ond may at any time be withdrawn
by the President of the Union.
(5) The President of the Union may make rules to regulate the proc:ed
ings of persons empowered to accept composition under this section (or alleged

134. No Judge or Magistrate shall be deemed to be a party 10. or 1<) )fembe,- not
be dctulCd
Personally interested in. any prosecution for an offence punishable under this intere.ted ia
Act or any rule or byeJaw thereunder. or under any other law. within the prf....,IlIi~

meaning of the Code of Criminal Procedure. by reason only of his being 'a
member of the commiuee by the order or with ehe approval of whach sU4;b
pros:ution has been instituted.
208 Munlcl,.l.
Sa\'IDg of %35. Nothing in this Act shall prevent any person from being prosecuted
under other under any other law for the time being in force for any act or omission which
la"s. constitutes an offence against ;his Act or the rules or bye-taws thereunder. or
from being liable under any olher law to any other or higher punishment or
penalty than that provided by Ihis Act or the rules or byelaws thereunder:
Provided. that no person shall be punished Iwice for the same offence.

Rules. B~-laws and Public NOfices.

Proced"rr 136. Before making any bye-law the committee shall publish. in such
Of malt:inl manner as may be sufficienl for giving informalion to all persons interested.,
dratt of the proposed bye-Jaw. together with a notice specifying a date on or
after which the dr.tft will be taken inlo consideration; and shall receive aDd
consider any objee:lion or suggestion which may be made by any person with
respect 10 the draft before the date so specified.

Publication 237. (I) Every bye-law shall. after being sanctioned or con6rmed by lbe
d ruld. b)~ President of the Union. be published in the Gazette [. It; and such
laws and
puhlie publication shall be conclusive evidence th:" the bye-law was made ill
notices. accordance with the requirements of this Act.
(2) Every public notice which, under this Act. does not require tbe
s:lnclion of. or confirmation by. the President ot the Union. and every rule
which the President ot the Union is by this Act empowered 10 make. shall be
published in such manner as the President of the Union may by notificatioa
direct. and shall have no force or \'aJidity until SO published.
Alithenlica- 239. (I) Every notice in writing issued by Ihe committee under this Ad
Iloll. len-ke shall be sufficiently authenlic:lted by the siBnature of the Chairman. Vice-
and validitJ
01 noliC'ein Cbairman. health officer. engineer or secretary. or of any officer specially
authorized by the committee to sign such notice. and may be served on the'
person to whom it is addressed. or left ut his usual p1iice of abode or busineu
with some adult male member or servant of his family. or. if it cannot be 10
served. may be affixed to some conspicuous part of his place of abode 01
(2) If the place of abode or business of the person 10 whom Ibe notice
is addressed is not within the limits of the municipality. the notice may be
served by posting it in a registered cover addresscd to his usual place of
(3) If the place of abode or business of the owner of any property is
not known. every such notice addressed to him as such owner may be served
on the occupier. .
(4) If tbe place of abode or business of the occupier of any property is
ItOt known. every such nolice addressed to him as such occupier may be served
by affixing it to some conspicuous part of the_propert y.:--::--:-_"',- _
I Omitted br the: l'lItoQ of 8 ..rlllalAdaplatitID of Laws) Order, t948.
Municipal. 209
(5) No notice issued by the committee under tbis Act sbaH be invalid
merely by reason of any defect of form.
148. When any notice in writing is under the provisions of this Act to be Mode of
given to. or served on. the owner or occupier of any property and he is !thln,lIoIlcc
in wrllia, to
unknown. it may be given or served- unknol"n
owner .".
(a) by delivery to some person on tbe property. or if there il no Ol..Ulpic:rOf
person on the property to whom it can be delivered. by albin. property
it to some conspicuous part of the property. or
(b) by posting a prepaid letter containing it. and addressed to the
.. owner" or .. occupier" of the property (to be named) in respect
of which the notice is given, without further name or description.

Power$ 10 ucept Municipalities from pro~'ilionl of the Act.

%41. (n If the circumstances of any municipality are such that, in tbe Power 10
opjnion of the President of the Union. any of the provisions of this Act are except IDlIni.
dpallty flom
unsuited thereto. the President of the Union may. by notification, except the prOlllionlof
municipality from the operation of such provisions; and thereupon lucb Act tMIlwkd
prpvisions shall cease to apply to the municipality.
(z) While an e,ception notilied under subsettion (n remains in force.
the President of the Union may make rules for the guidance ot the committee
and public officers in respec:t of the matters excepted from the operation of
tbe said provisions.

Recovery of Money claimable by Committee.

141. (I) Any arrears of any tax or fee or any other money claimable t:J Ue.:ovtr. of
hst C1c.
the committee under this Act or from any person who h3S collected the same.
or his surety may be recovered as if they were arrears of land revenue.
(ZJ The President of the Union may. by notification. pre!cribe by whose
o~der and on whose application such arrears may be rec:overed.

243. Nothing in this Act shall affce:t thc Local Authorities Loans Act. Savina: of
144. If any question arises as to whether a person [is an inhabitant]1 of ~ciaiOft 0{
a Ioc:al area within the meaning of this Act. it sbaH be referred to the to whctlxr
President of the Union. and the decision of the President of the Union tbereon pc:nUlI ill.
" inhahi-
shall be final. tanta."
145. The President of the Union may. by notification. extend to any Powel to
mUlIicipality any of the provisions of the Rangoon Waterworic:s Act. other ~~
tban those contained in section 3 thereof. and may. by such notification. Wakr.wcdl
deelare with what modifications. not affecting the substance. such provisions AcI
shall apply to the said municipality.
--- - - - - -1')50.
Slll'lllitutcd by
210 Municipal.

Notillc.alion 246. (I) The President of the Union may. by notification. declare thlt.
of area. in respect of some or all of the matters upon which a municipal fund may be
expended under section 87. improved arrangements are required within I
specified area which nevertheless it is not expedient 10 establish as' I
(2) An area witb regard 10 wbich a notification has been issued under
subsecljon (1) is hereinafter called a .. notified area ".
(3) No area shall be declared a notified area unless it contains less Ib..
ten thousand inhabitants according to the returns of the most recent official
census. is not a purely agricultural village. and contains a town or market.
(4) The President of the Union may at any time. in like manner. vary
or rescind any notification issued under this sectiOD.

Po....erl Of 147. (1) The President of the Union may. by notification.-

(i) appoint. or empower the Commissioner to appoint. two or m~
persons 10 be a town committee for any notified atea ;
(ii) extend or apply to any noti6ed art:a the provisions of any seetiOl
of this Act or of any rules for the time being in force under
tbis Act. subject to such restrictions and modifications (if any)
as the President of the Union may think fit;
(iii) impose in any notified area any tax which could have beci
imposed therein if such area were a municipality;
(iv) arrange for the due expenditure of the proceeds of laxes imposed
under clause (iii) and of any other funds which may come to
the hands of the committee for the purposes of the notified area.
and for the preparation and maintenance of proper accounts;
(v) vary or rescind. any notification issued under this section.
(2) The proceeds of any tax levied in any notified area under this sectioe
shall not be expended except in payment of charges and expenses incidental
to some one or more of the matters on which the municipal fund of such arel
might be expended if such area were a municipality.
Adaplltion . 148. For the purposes of any section or rules extended or applied to
of enact-
men,llInd notified area under this Chapter. and of Part I of the Vaccination Act. and m
ndn. any other enactment which the President of the Union may. by notificatio.
specify in this behalf for any notified area. the town committee appointed
under section 247 shall be' deemed to be a committee and the area I
~ffect .Of 24'. Where by reason of a notification under section 246. sub--sectiOl
Ipelud,ng or (')
uc)lMii"l{ ~ ., any Ioca 1 area . . 1
IS lOC uded in or excluded from or ceases 10 be; a no Ill<'"
~r~~ in area: ~he . provisions of SC:(:~iOD 6 shall apply as if the notified, l!.~~. .m'
Dotlfi~ art... mUQlclpahty altered Qr abohshed vnder section 4.



t. Extent.
3. Definitions.

Principal Municipal Author;',.

4. Principal Municipal Authority.
Subordinate Municipal Authorities.
5. Education Board.
6 Committees.
The Corporalion.
,. The Corporation.
8. Term of office of councillors.
9. Casual vacancies how to be filled up.
10. Qualification of electors and councillors.
11. Councillors to take oath of allegiance.
12. Disqualification for election as. or being a. councillor.
13. Cessation of office of councillor.
14. Ouestions as to disqualification to be determined by the Chief Judgc
of the Rangoon City Civil Court.

Election Disputes.
15. Election petitions to be heard and disposed or by the High Court.
16. Exclusion of suits relating to elections.
The Mayor.
17. Appointment of Mayor.

18. Meetiogs.
19. Wb~A W\!l!~iII(>rs Dot to vote or take part iD Ibe di",uuioD 0( .al\Crt.
212 Rangoon Municipal.

20. Preservation of order at meetings.
21. Right of Commissioner to speak at meetiD8~'

Validity of Proceeding,.
22. Vacancy not to invalidate proceedings.
23. Proceedings of Corporation not vitiated by disqualification of
members thereof.
24. Proceedings of meetings to be deemed to be good aod valid until
the contrary is proved.


25. Matten to be provided for by the Corporation.

26. Matters which may be provided for by the Corporation at its


Chiej Executive O/ficu.

27. The Commissioner.
28. Provisions where Commissioner is a servant of the Government.

Municipal Ofjicers and Servant' generally.

29., Heads of Departments.
30. Provision for filling vacancics in offices of. superior officers.
31. Appointment of other officers and servants.
31A. Payment of pensions. gratuities or compassionate allowances to
dependants of officers or servanlb.
32. Acting appointments.
33. Municipal officer or servant not to be interested in any contraCt
with the Corporation.
34. Power of suspending. punishinl and dismissing. in whom to vest.
35. Extraordinary pension in case of officer or servant injured or killed
in execution of his duty.

Eluntial OglCer, and Servall16.

36. Essential ofBcen and servants-
Rangoon Municipal. 213



37. Powers of Corporation as to acquisition of property.
38. Property vested in Corporation.
39. Property ot public institutions managed by mUDicipal autbority to
be held in trull.
40. The management of I provident fund tor municipal oflicees aDd
41. Power to acquire immoveable property.
42. Disposal of. municipal property.
43. Resumption by Government.


44. Power of Corporation to borrow nloney.

45. Power ot Corporation to open credit casb account with a Bank..
46. Limit of borrowing powers.
47. Form of debentures.
48. Coupons attached to debentures to bear signature in the prescribed
49. Debentures issued to two or more persoDs jointly.
SO. When and how loan .hall be repaid.
51. Maintenance of sinking fund.
52. Power of Corporation to consolidate loaol.
53. Investment of sinking fund.
54. Corporation may invest in its own debenturel.
55. Application of sinkina funds towards the discharge of the loan.
56. Provisions (or loans raised by the Municipal Committee of
57. Annual examination of sinking funds.
58. Attachment of Municipal Fund in default of repayment of loan..
59. Attachment of Municipal Fund in default of the Corporation
paying into the sinking fund the deficit amount
60. Annual statement to be prepared by Corporation.


FundI and Aceou.nll.

61. Constitution of the Municipal Fund.
62. Application of Municipal Fund.
214 Rangoon Municipal.
63. The Education Fund.
64. Receipt and disposal of payments on account of the Municipal
65. How the funds shall be drawn against.
66. Deposit of portion of Municipal Fund outside Rangoon.
67. Investment of surplus moneys.
68. Accounts to be kept in a form approved by the President of the
69. Publication of annual administration report and statement of


70. Prohibition of expenditure not budgeted for.

71. Preparation of Budget Estimates.
72. Reduction or transfer by the Corporation of budget grants.
73. Corporation may increase amount of budget grants and make

additional grants.
'4. Rules as to unexpended budget grants.
75. Readjustment of income and expenditure to be made by tbe
Corporation during the course of the financial year whenever
76. Powers of Education Board with regard to EdUCiltion Fund.

A "dit.
77. Monthly scrutiny of accounts.
18. Audit of municipal accounts.


79. Taxe. to be imposed under this Act.
SO. Property taxes
8t. General tax on what properties to be levied.
82. Fire-brigade tax may be levied at different rates on different claaa
of buildings. .
83. Lighting-tax on what property to be levied.
84. Conservancy-tax on what property to be levied.
85. Water-tax on what property to be levied.
86. Responsibility for payment of property taxes.
Rangoon Municiptll. 215

87. Buddhist monasteries exempt from all municipal taxation.
88. Remission or refund of property taxes on account of vacancies.
89. Exemption to vacant land vested in Development TrUit.
90. Power to exempt from taxation.

ApfUals and Assessments.

91. Appeals agaiDst valuation

92. Taxation and contribution in lieu of taxation on State property.
93. Assessment of property held by the Commissioners for the Port of

Municipal Drai",.
94. Cleansing drains.
95. Places for emptying of drains and disposal of sewage.
96. Provision of means for disposal of sewage.
97. Alteration and discontinuance of drain.

Drainage of Prem;"es.
98. Drainage of premises situate within a hundred feet of a municipal
99. Drainage of premises not situate within a hundred feet of
municipal drain.
100. New buildings not to be erected without drains.
101. Sewage and rainwater drains to be distinct.
102. Rights of owners and occupiers of premises to carry drains through
lands belonging to other persons.
103. Obligation of owners of drains to allow use of or joiot ownership
therein to others.
104.. How right of use or joint ownership of a drain may be obtained by
a person other than tbe owner.
105. Corporation may authorize person other tban the owner of a drain
to use the same or declare him to be a joint owner thereof.
106. Power of Corporation to drain premises in combination.
107. ConnectiD, drains to be constructed at expense of owners of
108. Corporation may close or limit the use of existin. private drains.
109. Affixing of pipes for ventilation of drains.
110. Right of Corporation to drains constructed at charae of Muaicipal
Fund on premise. not beJon,ln, to Corporatioal
216 Rangoon Municipal.

ScaV~"f:;ng and Cleansing.

111. Deposit of rubbish and offensive matter.
112. Collection and removal of sewage. etc.
t13. Least practicable nuisance to be caused.

Water Supply.
114. Water-supply.
liS. General powers (or supplying the City with water.
116. Power of access to municipal waterworks.
117. Prohibition of erection of any building which would injure SOurces
of water-supply.
118. Prohibition of bathing in. ('If polluting. water.
119. OCcupier of premises to be primarily liable for certain offcnca
against the Act.

General provisions with reference to Drainage. Water-supply

and other Mains.

120. Power of carrying wires. pipes. drains. etc.

121. Buildings not to be erected without permission over drains IX
water. gas Or air mains.
122. Compensation (or damage.



Factories and Trades.

123. Factory not to be newly established without permission of Corpora'
124. Regulation of dangerous and offensive trades.

Markets and Slaul!ht~,-houses.

125. Private markets not to be kept open without a licence.

126. Licensing of sale of meat outside market.
127. Prohibition of establishment of slaughter-houses.
128. Inspection of places for illicit slaughter of animals and seizure,of
carcases so slaughtered.
129. Levy of charges in municipal markets and slaughter-houses.
Wi*ightl and Measures.
130. Inspection of markets and seizure of weights and measures
Rangoon Municipal. 211

Seizure oj Animals.
131. Inspection and seizure of animals.
Food, Drink and Drugs.
132. Prohibition of sale of diseased animals or unwholesome articles
intended for human food.
133. Adulteration of food. drink or drugs.
134. Standardized food and drugs.
135. Substitutes.
136. Provisions relating to prosecutions.
137. Liability of warrantors.
138. Inspection of place for sale of food or drink. and seizure of
unwholesome <lrticles or utensils found therein.
139. Seizure of articles during importation or transport.
140. Destruction of animals and articles seized under section 138 or 139.
141. Taking before Magistrate of animals and articles seized under
section 138 or 139.
142. Foods and drugs directed to be destroyed deemed to be the property
of the Corporation.
143. Power of de<ller in. or purchaser of. article to have it analysed.
144. Purchase or seizure of article of food. drin" or drug for purposes or
Disposal oj the Dead.
145. President may direct the closing of any place for the disposal or
the dead.
146. President may sanction the reopening of places that have been
closed for the disposal of the dead.
147. Burials and exhumations not to be made without the permission of
the Corporation.
Emergency Provisions.
148. Emergency measures on outbreak of any dangerous disease.
149. Destruction of huts and sheds when necessary.
ISO. Power to destroy infected clothing. etc.
151. Emergency measures in unforeseen disasters.
152. Action by Commissicner to be reported.

153. Prohibition of erection or re~erection of buildings without permission
of Corporation.
218 Rongoon MuniC'ipal.

154. Completion certificates and permission to occupy or usc buildings.
155. Power of Corporation to direct removal of person from buildings in
which works are being unlawfully carried on or which are unlawfully'
156. Provisions regarding buildings unfit for human habitation.
157. Removal of buildings in' ruinous or dangerous state.
158. Reclamation of low-lying sites.
159, Power to prohibit re-erection of building on insanitary site.

Public Slreets.

160. Closing of public streets.

161. Disposal of land forming site of public street.
162. Permission to lay tramways or railways on public streets to Deed the
sanction of tbe Corporation and confirmation by the President..
163. Prohibition of projections upon streets. Power to require removal of
the same.
164. Power to require removal of the projection made before Durm
Municipal Act, 1884, came into force.

Private Streets.

165. Notice of intention to layout new private street to be given to

166. Level of new private streets to be determined by the Corporation.
167. New private sueetnot to be made and buildings on either side thereof
not to be erected except in accordance with Corporation's directioD
or approval.
168. Levelling and draining of private streets.

Conversion 01 PrivQIe into Public Streets.

169. Power to declare private streets, when sewered. public streets.

Building Schemes.
170. Power to regulate future construction of certain <:lasses of buildinas
in particular streets or localities.
171. Procedure for Corporation to prescribe building line and street
172. Erection or re.erection of building beyond street alignment prohibitea.
173. Setting forward of front to building line.
174. Buildings at corner of streets:
175.. Preparation of standard plana for division of lands into buildiq
Rangoon Municipal. 219

Saving al to D~\I~lopm~nt Trust.

176. Power to exempt operations of Development Trust.


alidity oj ConlraCls.
177. Contracts.
Licences and Wrillen P~rmiuion.

178. Licences and written permission.

Po'W~r of Entry and Inspection.

179. Power of entry on premises for purposes of inspection. surveyor
execution of necessary work.
180. Power of entry on lands adjacent to works.
181. Right of entry into and inspection of premises licensed for any

Enforc~m~nt of Orders to tXtCuU Work,.

182. Execution of works which any person i. required to execute by the
Corporation at such person's co.t.
183. In defauU of owner the occupier of any premises may execute required
work and recover expenses from the owner
184. Limitation of liability of agent or trustee of owner.

Recovery of Expenses incurred by the Corporation.

185. Expenses recoverable under this Act to be payable on demand~
186. Corporation may receive payment in instalmeDli.
187. Expenses incurred by Corporation may be declared improvement
expenses and recovered by instalment.
188. In cases 'faUing under section 185 disputes to be dctermi.Ded by the
Chief Judge of the RaDgooD City Civil Court.

Payment of Compensa,;on by Corporation.

189. Compensation to owner for value of immoveable property deteriorated.
-190. Procedure on complaint of injury.
191. Saving of right to claim damages for injury.
192. Payment of compensation.
193. Amount of expenses or compensation to be delermined in all C8SC1 of
dispute by the Chief Judge of tbe Rangoon City Civil Court.
220 Rangoon Municipal.

R~covt!ry 01 Dues.
194. Recovery of arrears of taxes and other ducs.
195. Writing off irrecoverable taxes.

Interference with Municipal Officers.

t 96. Corporation not to be pre\'ented from exercising power of entry.
197. Prohibition of obstruction of contractor.
198. Prohibition of removal of mark.

Legal Proceedings.
199. Decision of the Chief Judge of the Rangoon City Civil Court.
200. Procedure in inquiries before civil Courts.
201. Fees in proceedings before civil Courts.
202. Limitation of time.
203. Indemnity for acts done in good faith.
204. Prote<:tion of persons acting under this Act against suits.


205. Certain offences punishable with fine.

206. Continuing offences.
207. Certain offences punishable with imprisonment without option of tiM.
208. Punishment of offences relating to the terminal tax.
209. Punishment for acquiring share or interest in contract, etc., with tbe
210. Punishment for essential officer leaving employment.

Procedure in Municipal Prosecutions.

211. Offenders against this Act may in certain cases be arrested by tk
police and municipal officers Or servants.
212. Jurisdiction of City Magistrates.
213. Procedure in prosecutions.
214. Limitation of time for prosecution.
215. Power of Magbtrate to hear cases in absence of accused.
216. RepOrt of Municipal Analyst.
217. Compensation to be paid by offenders against this Act for any dam.,
caused by them.
218. Recovery of licence fees on conviction.
219. Compounding offences against this Act.
Rangoon Municipal. 221



220. Notification of intention to alter limits of Rangoon.
221. Ellect of exclusion of local area.
222. Ellect of including local area.


223.Power of President to suspend action under Act.

224. Power of President to call for extracts from proceedings.
22~. Power of President for purposes of examination and inspection.
226. Power of President to require municipal authority to take action.
227. Power of President when municipal authority faits to take actioD.
128 Power to President to dissolve Corporation in case of incompetency.
persistent default or excess or abuse of powers.



229. Schedule. to be part of Ibe Act.

230. Alteration of and addition to Schedule.
231. Power to make rules enforceable ouuide the City.
232. Power to make rules subject to the sanction of the President and all
rules to be published.
233. Power of the President to make rulel-
234. Penalty for breach of rules.
235. Matters in respect of which rules may be made.
236. The High Court to make rules for rc;u1atin; the procedure of tbe
Rangoon City Civil Court.


237. Councillors to be deemed to be public servanta-

238. Co-operation of pOlice.
239. Informalities and crron in asseuments not to be deemed to invalidate
such assessments.
222 Rangoon Municipal.

240. Disputes between Corporation and local authorities
241. Disputes between Corporation and President.






[BURMA Acr VI. 1922.] (1st August. 1922.)



Extent. 1. This Act extends to the City of Rangoon I only: Provided tbat ..
President of the Union may. by notification. extend this Act or any part thereof
to any otber local area in the Union of Burma.
3. In this Act, unless there is something repugnant in the subject or
Ddnia;... c:ontext.-
(0 .. authorized" means authorizeJ by the Corporation eitbct
generally or specially;
(ii) .. bakery" means any place in which ~re bo.ked or cooked bread.
biscuits or confectionery. for the purposes of sule or profit; ,
(iil) .. budget grant" means any sum entered on the expenditure side
of a budget estilllOlte which has bccn approved by the Corpora-
tion and includes any sum by which sueh budget grant mayal
any time be increased under clause Cb) of section 72 or under
sC(:tion 73 or 76 ;
(iv) .. building" means 11 house. hut. shed or other roofed structure. (or
whatsoever purpose and of whatsoever material construeled. ,Dd
every part thereof. but shall not include a tent or other portable
and merely temporary shelter ~
(v) .. building line" means a line to which the main wall of a buildilc
abutting on a street may lawfully extend;
(vii) .. the City" means the Cii.Y or Rangoon. as described iI
Schedule VI as amended from time to time;
Rangoon Municipal. 223
(viii) ... closet accommodation'" means a receptacle for human excreta,
together with the structure comprising such receptacle and tbe
fittings and apparatus connected therewith:
(ix) ., the Commissioner" means the Municipal Commissioner for the
City appointed under section 21, and includes any municipal
officer empowered under this Act to exercise. perform or
discharge any o( the powers. duties or (unctions of the
Commissioner to the extent to which such officer is 10
empowered ~
(x) the Corporation" means the Municipal Corporation of the City
of Rangoon constituted under section. ;
(xi) ., councillor" means a member of the Corporation duly elected or
appointed under this Act;
(xii) dangerous disease" means cbolera, plague. small-pox or any
other disease which the CorpOration may by public notice
declare to be a dangerous disease ~
(xiii) .. drain" includes a sewer, tunnel. pipe. ditch, gutter or cbannel. and
any cistern, flush-tank. septic tank, or other device for carrying
oft' or treating sewage. offensive matter. polluted water, sullage,
waste water. rain water or sub-soil water. and any culvert.
ventilation shaft or pipe or other appliance or fitting connected
therewith. and any ejectors. compressed air mains. scaled sewage
mains and special machinery or apparatus for raising. collecting,
expelling or removing sewage or offensive matter from any
(xiv) the expression'" erect or recrcet any building" includel-
(cd any material alteration or enlargement of any building;
(b) the conversion into a place for human habitation of any building
not originally constructed for human habitation;
(c) the conversion into more than one place for human habitation
of a building originally constructed as one such place;
(d) the conversion of two or more places of human habitation into
a greater number of such places;
(e) such alteration of tbe internal arrangements of a building as
effecrs an alteration in its drainage or sanitary arrangements
or affects its stability;
(1) the addition of any rooms. buildings, out-hoUICI or other
structures to a building; and
(g) the reconstruction of the whole or any part of the external walls
of a building or the renewal of the posts of a wooden
building ~
(xv) factory" mcans-
(a) any premises wherein, or within the precincts of which. on any
one dlY in the year not less than twenty persons are
simultaneously employed and steam. water or other
mechanical power or electrical power is uaed in aid of any
224 Rangoon Municipal.

process for. or incidental to. making. altering. repairinl.

ornamenting. finishing or otherwise adapting for use. for
transport or for sale any article or ~rt of an article; or
(b) any premises wherein, or within the precincts of which. on any
one day in the year not less than ten persons are simulta.
neously employed and any such process is carried on. whether
any such powcr is uscd in .. id thereof or not. which havt
been declared by thc President of thc Union. by notificati~p,
to be a factory;
A declaration under sub-clause (b) may be made in respect of
class of premises. or in rcsJ)(ct of any particular premises:
(xvi) Mkeeper'" means the person in charge of a lodging-house. aad
may include the owner for the purposes of any rules;
(xvii) Mland" includes land which is built upon or covered with water:
(Xviii) M1icensed plumber" and Mliccnsed surveyor n. mean. respectively,
a person lic.:nscd by the Corporalion as a plumber or surveyor
under this Act;
b.ix) "Iocal authority" includes the Trustees for the De'Je!opment of
the City of Rangoon;
(xx) "lodging-house" means a building or part of a building_
(0) which is let in lodgings; or
(b) which is occupied to any extent in common by members of
more than one family. and the rent of which does not exceed
one hundred rupees per month; or
(') which is let "5 a human habitation for a period of less tban a
montb: provided that this definition shan not include boteb
or boardinghouses. when the daily charge for board aad
residence is not less than one rupee;
(xxi) Mmarket" includes any place where persons periodically
assemble ror the sale of meat. fish. fn~it .,'egetables. li...estoc~
or any other article or food;
21 and 2J (xxii) .. the Medical Acts" means the Metlical Act. 1858. and the Actl
Viet. c. 90. amending the same;
<Xxiii) Mmunicipal analyst" means any qualified person who has been
appointed by the Corporation to perform the duties of u
(xxiv) .. municipal dr-tin" mcans a drain vested in the Corporation;
(xxv) Mmunicipal market" means a market vested in or managed by
tbe Corporation;
(xxvi) Mmunicipal slaughter-house. mcans a slaughter-house vested i.
or managed by the Corporation;
(xxvii) .. municipal tax n means any impost levied under the provisiolU
of this Act by Ihe Corporation;
(xxviii) Mmunicipal water-work n means a water-work vested in or
managed by the Corporation:
Rangoon Municipal. 225

(uix) .. nuisance" includes any act. omission. place or thing which

causes or is likely to cause injury. danger. annoyance or
offence to the sense of sight. smell or hearing. or which is
or may be dangerous to life or injurious to health or
property ~
(xxx) .. offensive matter" includes animal carcases. dung. dirt. putrid
or putrifying substances. and filth of any kind which is not
included in .. sewage" ~
(xxxi) owner" includes the person who for the time being receives
the rent of any building or land. whether on his own account or
. as agent or trustee. or who would so receive the rent if the
building or bnd were let to a tenant. but does not include tbe
(xxxii) pr.::scribed" means prescribed by this Act Or by any rule
under this Act;
<Xxxiii) prihte street" means a stteet which is not a public street:
(xxxiV) the tcrm ., public securities" means Government securities and
any securities guaranteed by Government. securities of the
Commissioners for the Port of Rangoon. securities issued by
the Corporation. securities heretofore issued by the Municipal
Committee of Rangoon. and any other securities which the
President of the Union may declare to be public securities for
the purposes of this Act ~
(xxxv) .. public street" means any street heretofore paved. metalled.
channelled or scwered by the Municipal Committee of Rangoon.
and any street which becomes a public street under any of the
provisions of this Act;
(xxxvi) a person is deemed .. to reside" in any dwelling which he
sometimes uses or some portion of which he sometimes uses.
though perhaps interruptedly. as a sleeping apartment: and
a person is not deemed to cease to reside" in any such dwelling
merely because he is absent from it. or has elsewhere anothcr
dwelling in which he resides. if there is the liberty of returning
to it at any time and no abandonment of tbe intention of
returning thereto;
(xxxvii) .. rubbish" includes dust. ashes. broken bricks. mortar. broken-
glass. garden or stable refuse and refuse of any kind which is
not offensi,,c matter" or .. sewage .. ~
(llxxviiO .. rules ,. mcans rules and forms contained in Schedules I I. tI.
111 or IV or made under sections 230. 231. 233 or 236;
<Xxxix) .. sewage includes nrght soil and other contents of water-elosets.
latrines. urinals. privies and cesspools. and polluted water
from sinks. bath-rooms. stablcs. cattlesheds and other like places;
(xl) .0 5Cwage-connection" includes any drain connecting any
water--eloset. latrine. urinal. privy. bath-room. sink. sullale-tray.
I for these Sche<h:let, tee the City of Rangoon "lIRU:ipal :IIm.aI.

226 Rangoon Municipal.

manhole or trap. with any drain set apart by the Corporation

for sewage and other offensive matter:
(xli) .. street" includes any hig.hway and any causeway. bridge.
villduct. arch. road. lane. foot-way. square. court. alley or
passage. whether a thoroughfare or not. over which the public
have a right of passage or access. and also the surface-soil.
sub-soil. foot-way and drains of any street. and anytbink
planted in such soil;
(xlii) .. street alignment" means a line di\tiding the land comprised
in and forming a part of a street from the adjoining land:
(xliii) .. vehicle" means a wheeled conveyance capable of being used
on a street;
(xliv) water-closet" means closet accommodation used Or adapted
or intended to be used in connection with municipal water-
works. and comprising provision for the flushing of tbe
receptacle by means of a water supply. and- having connectioQ
with a sewer;
(xlv) water-connection" includes--
(a) any tank. cistern. hydrant. standpipe. meter or tap situated oh
prh:ate property and connected with a water-main or pipe
belonging to the Corporation; and
(b) the water-pipe connecting such tank. cistern. hydrant. standpipe.
meter or tap with such water-main Or pipe;
(xlvi) Uwater for domestic purposes" shaH not include water for
cattle. or for horses. or for washing vehicles. when the cattle.
horses or vehicles are kept for sale Or hire. or by a common
carrier. or water for :tny trade. manufacture or business. oefor
building purposes. or for watering gardens. or for fountains or
for any ornamental purposes;
(xlvii) .. water-work" includes a lake. stream. spring. well. pump.
reservoir. cistern. tank. duct. whether covered or open. sluice.
main-pipe. culvert. engine and any machinery. land. building or
thing for supplying Or used for supplying water;
(xlviii) .. workshop" means any building. place or premises. or part of
any building. place or premises not being a factory. in which.
or within the close. compound. or precincts of which. any
manual labour is exercised by way of trade or for the purposes
of gain in or incidental to any of the following purposes.
(i) the making of any article or part of any article; or
(ii) the altering. repairing. ornamenting or finishing of any article; 'or
(iii) the adapting for sale of any article. and to or .over which place
or premises. or part of such place or premises the employer
of the persons working therein bas tbe right of access
or control.
Rangoon Mllnicipal. 227

Principal Municipal Authority.

4. The duty of carrying out the provisions of tbis Act shall. subject to PrindpaJ
tbe conditions and limitations herein after p~scribed. be vested in a body to Municipal
be called .. The Municipal Corporation of tbe City of Rangoon"; and such
bOdy shall be a body corporate and have perpetual suceession and a common
seal. and shall by the said name sue and be sued.
Subordinat~ Municipal Authoriti~$.

5. Thc powers confe:T~ and the duties imposed on the Corporation by Edoatlc.
this Act in regard to nll m:llCers relating to education shall. subject to such Board.
conditions nnd limitations as may be prescribed and to the general control of
lh~ Corporation. be exercised or performed, as the case m:1y be. by an
Education Board constituted in the manner prescribed. and in all such matters
the Corporation shall seek and consider the advice of the Education Board.

,. (I) The Corporation may. in the manner prescribed. appoint standing CocNDltien.
committees for tbe execution and performance of such powers and duties
conferred or imposed on the Corporation by this Act as it thinks fit.
(2) The Corporoltion may appoint special committees and refer to sU<:b
commilCces. fOr enquiry and report or for opinion. any subject relating to
matters de""U wilh by this Act.

The Corporation.
7. The Corporation shall consist of as many councilloC$ not in any cue T'be
exceeding forty as may be prescribed. of whom at least threefourths shall be COrporation
elStted in the manner prescribed from the general body of electors and the
remainder shall be nominated by the President of the Union or elected by
such local authorities and public bodies as may be prescribed :
Provided that where no qualified candidate bas been duly nominated 10
represent any ward or community at the lime fixed for election the vacancy
shall be fined in the manner prescribed in section 15. subo-section (4).
I. All members of the Corporation conslituted as aforesaid shall come Te;rm cl
iuto office on the fir.t day of March 1 following on the date of their election =cj~1ors.
or appointment and shall retire from office at noon on Ihe first day of March I
three years after they tate office. which day is in Ihis Act referred 10 as the
day fat rerirement.
." In the event of non-acceptance of office by a person eleeted or eu.l
appointed to be a councillor. or or the deatb or resignation of a councillor,or r'c:ud~
of his ceasing to hold office as such. or of his removal by tbe President of fi~~ p.t:
I Subeti"oIe-d'''f tho word" lanuar.'' by Act LV. 1941.
228 Rangoon Municipal.

the Union. or of his becoming incapable of acting previous to the day for
retirement. there shall be deemed to be a casual vacancy in the office. IDd
such vacancy shan be filled up. as soon as it conveniently may be. by the
election or appointment. as the case may be. of a person thereto, who ahaIl
hold office so long only as the councillor in whose place be is eJected or
appointed would ha\'c been entitled to hold it if the vacancyhadnot~
QuaIi6cation 1.. No person shall vote for. or stand for eJection as. a councillor unle.
of eJeefors
and cou.ncil- he possesses the qualifications prescribed for an elector or councillor. . . tht
ion. C35e may be.
Coulldllotso 11. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 16 of the Oatha Ad.
10 ",',e
01 ~lh
a tl:,am:c.
no councillor shall exercise any of the rights of his office until he has at I
meeting of the Corporation made an oath or affirmation that he will be
(faithful to the Constitution of the Union] 1; and if any councillor fails within
three months of his election or appointment, as the case may be (or witbia
such further period as- the President of the Union may in. any particular ca.
think fit to allow), to make such oath or affirmation he shall be deemed,to
have refused acceptance of his office.
DiaquaJifl- lZ. A person shall be disqualified (or being electcd or appointed aDd fClt
cation for being a councillor if such person-
election as.
or beinC a (a) has been convicted of an offence punishable with imprisonmCZlI
for a tcrm exceeding six months, such conviction not havillJ
heen subsequently set aside and such disqualification not haviDa
been removed by an order which the President o( the Union ii,
hereby empowered to make, if he thinks fit, in this behalf; or
(bJ has been declared by the President of the Union unfit (or emploJ'
ment in. or has been dismissed from. the public service; CIt
(cJ is an undischarged insolvent or bankrupt; or
(d) is a municipal officer or servant or a licensed plumber or lic:eod
surveyor; or
(~) is a Judge of the Rangoon (City Ch,n Courtp or acting in that
capacity; or
(j) has directly or indirectly. by himseJf or by any partner. employer
or employee. any share or interest in any contract or emplot
ment with. by or on behalf 0(. Ihe Corporation; or
(g) is a director. secretary. manager or other salaried officer of ..,
incorporated company which bas any share or inlerest in UJ
contracl or employment with. by or on behalf of. tk
Provided Ihat no person shall be disqualified or be deemed 10 have p!
share or inlerest in such a contract or employment by reason only of hi
having any share or inleresl-
m in any lease, sale. exchange or purchallC of immoveable propertyOl'
any agreement for the same; or
1 Substic:atell by the Uni"" of &nna IAdaptatio)D of Lalonl Order, t948
In thl, Act the wnn:l~" Cit, Civil Court" were l;lbdltuted flK the wordl .. smaU c..-
Court" by Act XVI. 1946,
(ii) in any agreement for the loan of money or any security for the
payment of money only; or
(iii) in any newspaper in which any advcltisement relating to the affain
of tbe Corporation is inserted: or
(iv) in any occasional sale to the Corporation of any article in which
he regularly trade.: or
tv) in any incorporated company which has any share or iotemt in
any contract or employment with. by or on behalf of. tbe
Corporation otherwite than as director. secretary, manlScr or
aa1atied officer thereof.
13. (I) A councillor shall celie to hold office as .uch-
(a) irno facio aD his becoming disqualified for office by reuon of the coundlkW.
ee-ation of

provisions of section 12;

(b) on the recommendation of the Corporation if. not being prevented
by illness or granted leave of abseo<:c by lh~ Corporation, be
absents himself from all mcetinaa tbereof for a period of tbree
consecutive months.
(2) The President of the Union may. if he thinks fit. on the recommendatioD
of the Corporation made after due enquiry, in which the councillor shall have
tbe right to be heard. remove any councillor ejected or appointed under this Act
if such councillor has been guilty of miscondcct in the di!Charae of his duties
or of any disgraceful conduct.
14. Whenever it is alleged that any councillor haa become disqualified ()ucsIlonl"
for office for any reason aforesaid. and such councillor does not admit the :.t~:u~it
allegation, or whenever any councillor is himself in doubt whether or not be determined
hal become disqualified for off.ce. such councillor or any otber councillor or ~~h.e ~bJ:
lbe Corporation may apply to tbe Chief Judge of tbe Rangoon [City Civil Ra.,glK'tl
Court]l; and the said Judge, after making such enquiry asbe deems necessary, ~lvll
shall determine whether or not such councillor has become disqual.ified for
being a councHlor. and his decision shall be final.

Election Disputes.
15. (I) If the order of tbe Commissioner as to the validity of tbe Eltclloa
nomination of any candidate for election as a councillor. or if the qualification ~~:: ~
of any person declared to be ejected a councilJor. is disputed. or if the validity dllpt'ied Of
?f any election is questioned by reason of irrelularity in the election proceed ~~ Hilb
Ings. bribery, corruption, personation. treating, undue influence or for aay
oUter cause, any person whose name is entered in the register of electors in
1~ ward or of the community concerned or (in the ca$C of an election by a
local authority or a public body) aoy person entitled to vote in such election
may. at ~ny time within eight days after the resuU of the election has been.
I SubsUMed by Act XVI. 1'>46.
Iror ruIn fl' proo:edurc I?ru.l'lihtd by tbr Hiib Court lor fiU"llind br:dn. f' B.,...
pttilions, see Higb Court Nr.lIbCah~n No. It! ,Ueneral). dated lhe 12th Srpllmber, 1941,
G4alule, 19U, Part IV, p. 8%9.
"230 Rangoon MunidfHIl.

dee::lared. apply to the High Court in the exercise of its ori.inal chil jurisdic
tion for an adjudiC!.tion on the matter. If the application is for Ol declaratior
that any particular candidate shalt be deemed to h~"'e been elected. tll
applicant shall make parties to his applic3tion 3.11 candidates who. althouct
not declared elected. have. according to the results declared by the Commi$Sioacr
obtained a greater number of votes than the said candidate and proc:tQ:
alainU tbem in the same manner as against the candidate who bas bCa
declared to be eJee:ted.
(2) If the said High Court. after making such inquiry aa it dcclIll
necessary. finds ihat the election was a valid election. and that the pcr&Of
whose election is objected to was at the time of the ele<:tion qualified to be
elected aa a councillor and was not disqualified for being a councillor. it Ibll:
confirm the declared result of the election. If it finds that the person whOil
election is objected to was at the time of the election not qualified to be
ejected as a councillor or was disqualified for being a councillor it .btl'
declare such person's election null and void. in which case it shall direct tha
the candidate. if any. in whose favour the next highest number of votes ~
recorded after the said person or after all the persons who were declared to h
relected at the said election. and against whoa:: election no cause of objcctioc
is (ound. shall be deemed to have been elected. If it finds that the elec:ti<I
ia not a valid election it shall set it aside.
(3) The or;:ler m'lde by a Judge of th.: said Hi~h Court in tbe exertDI
o~ its original civil jurisdiction shall be final and conclusive.
. (4) If there is no person who may be deemed to be clccted:undcr suit
section (2). the Commissioner shall submit a report of the circumstances to III
President of the Union who may either-
(a) appoint a fit person to till the vacancy: or
(b) direct the Commissioner to appoint another day and hold a fn:sl
election to fill such vacancy.

oJ lults
1'.No suit shall be brought in. nor application or appeal lie to. aD}
Court in respect of any matters relating to the system of rcprcsenbtion laC
el~tiODll. election. unless such suit, application or appeal is expressly authorized bj
tbiJ Act.

The Mayor.
17. (I) The Corporation shall. at its first meeting in the month of Msrch l
every year. elect one ot its number to be Mayor until the first meeting of the
Corporation in the next following month of March. 1 unkss the counci1lon it
the meantime retire from office. and tben until the day (or retirement.
(2) ADy councillor who ceases to be Mayor m:ll b: reelecte:1 as Mayor.
, (3) If any casual ,,'acancy OCCurs in the office of Mayor. the CorporaliOl
.hall. as soon as it conv:;'licntly~can';after the oCCurrtilC: of such vaaneJ
e..ect one of its number to fin such vacancy. :lad I~c MJyor F elected sbIB
I Substituted for the word " Jatluary" by Act LV, 1948.
RangOOn Municipal.

continue in office so long only at the person in whose place he i. elected

would bave been entitled to continue therein if such vacancy had notoccuned.

I'. (Il The Corporation shall meet for the transaction of bu.iDe.. at McctiD,..
Jeast once in each month.
(2) No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Corporation
unless the prescribed quorum is present: provided that if at such meeting a
quorum is not present. the Mayor shall adjourn the meeting to such other day
as he may think fit, and the: business which would have been brought before
tbe original m:eting. if there had been a quorum present. shall be brought
before and transacted at the adjourned meeting whether there is a quorum
present thereat or not.
(3) Every such meeting shall be presided over by the Mayor, if he is
present. and if the office of Mayor is vacant, or jf the Mayor is absent, by
such one of the councillors present as may be chosen by the meeting to be
Chairman for the occ!lsion.
(4) The presiding authority shall bave a second or castin. vote in all
cases of equality of votes.
(5) Every such meeting sh311 be open to tbe press and the public. unless
a majority of councillors prcs~nt decide that any inquiry or deliberation
pending before the Corporation is sucb as should be held in private: provided
that the presiding authority may at any time cause any person other than "a
councillor to be removed who interrupts the proceedings.
(6) A minute containing the names of the counci1lors present. an aa;:ount
of the proceedings and a statement of every resolution adopted by the
Corporation at every sucb meeting shall be recorded in a book to be kept for
the purpose and shall be signed by the presiding authority of the meeting of
the Corporation at which such minute is confirmed. and a copy thereof shall be
submitted to the President of the Union as soon thereafter as may be practicable.

19. No councillor or member of the Education Board or any standing or When

other committee shall vote or take parI in the discussion of llny matter before ::~II~::
any meeting of the Corporation or of such Board or committee if he- or lake part
10 the
(u) has, directly or indirectly. by himself or by any partner. employer dllcullonOf
or employee. any such share or interest in such matter as is mattes.
described in clause (n of section 12. or is a director .eeretary.
manager or other salaried officer of an incorporated company
which has any such share or interest. or
(6) has acted or is acting professionally. in relation to any such
matter. on bebalf of any person having any such sbarcor interest
as aforesaid.
21. Any councillor or member of Ihe Education Board or of oy Prd~it...
standing or other committee who .:tt a meetiog of the CorperatioD or of the: :c:t:;.~
Education Board or of the standina: or aoy other committee. as the cue may
23Z Rangoon Municipal.

be. neglects or refuses to obey any direction of the presiding authority shall be
removed from the place of meeting under the orders of such presiding authority
and. notwithstanding anything saiu to the contrary in this Act. shall Dot be
permitted to attend llny meeting of the Corporation. or Education Board or aoy
committee. without thc express permission of the Corporation sranted in thai
behalf. upon such terms. if any. as to apology. submission. suspension or the
like. as the Corporation may in its discretion impose.

Ri,ht Of %1. The Commissioner shall have the same rigbt of being present at a
sioner to meeting of the Corporation or of the Education Board or of any standing or
lpeilk at otber committee. and of taking part in the discussions thereat. as a councillor
meellnJtS. or a member of sueh Board or committee respectively. and may at any time
make a statement or explanation of facts. but he shalt not be at liberty to vole
upon. or to make. any proposition at any such meeting.

Validity of Proceedings.
VaCllney not 21. No act or proceeding of the Corporation or of the Education Board
10 invalidate
proctedings. or of any standing committee appointed under this Act shall be questioned 00
account of any vacancy in its body.

Proceedings" 23. No disqualification 0(, or defect in the election or appointment of. aD,
of Corpora-
liofl not person acting as a councillor or as the Mayor or presiding authority Of the
'itiated by Corporalion. or as the chairman or as a member of the Education Board or 0(
dilqualifica any standing committee appointed under this Act. shall be deemed to 'Yitiate
tion ollDeYn-
ben lbercOf" any act or proceeding of the Corporation or of such Board or of any sue.
committee, as the case may be. in which such person has taken part:
whenever the majority of per~ns. parties to such act or proceeding. were eDtiUed
to act.

Procecdinc 24. Until the contrary is proved-

01 meetin..
to bcdee:rnt'd (0) every meeting of the Corporation or of the Education Board or of
to be Cood
and '"alid a standing committee in respect of the proceedings whereof a
antillhe minute has been maue and signed in aecordance with this Ad.
\"onlrary is
t'l'Oftd. shall be deemed to have been duly convened and held. and all
members of the meeting shall b, deemed to have been dul,
qualified; and '
(b) where the proceedings are prcx:eedings of a standing committee.
such committee shall be deemed to have been duly constituted and
to hu,"e had power to deal with the matten referred to in the
Rangoon Municipdl.

%!. The Corporation sball make adequate provision. by any means or Mattera 1ft
be pro\"lded
nmasures which it is lawfully competent for it to use. for each of the following rOt by the
matters. namely :- CorporatlOD.

0) the construction or laying out of drains for effectually draining the

City, and the maintenance. flushing and cleansing of all
municipal drains;
Ui) the erection in proper and convenient situations on municipal land
of water-closets. closet accommodation. urinals and other
conveniences for the pubHc. and the maintenance and cleansing
of the same;
(iii) the collection. removal. treatment and disposal of sewage. offensive
matter and rubbish;
(iv) the watering. scavenging and cleansing of all public streets in the
City and the removal of all sweeping therefrom:
(v) the management and maintenance of all municipal waterworks and
the construction or acquisition of new works necessary for a
sufficient supply of suitable water for public and private
(vi) the reclamation of unheallhy loc:dities. the removal of vegetation
and generally the abatement of all nuisances;
<vii) the regulation of places for the disposal of the dead and the
provision of new places for the said purpose;
(viii) the registration of births and deaths;
(ix) public vaccination in accordance with tbe provisions of the
Vaccination Act;
(x) measures for preventing and tbe spread of dilC8sc ;
(xi) the construction or acquisition of markets and cattle pounds and
the maintenance of all municipal markets and cattle pounds:
(xii) the regulation of aU markets. lodging-houses. camping grounds and
rest-houses (zayats) in the City;
(xiii) the construction or acquisition of slaughter-houses and the
maintenance and cleansing of municipal slaughterbouses ;
(xiv) the regulation of offensive and dangerous trades;
(xv) tbe formation and maintenance of a fire insurance fund for the
protection of municipal property;
(xvi) the maintenance of a fire brigade and of suitable appliances for the
extinction of tires and the protection of life and property against
(xvii) the maintenance of an ambulance service;
h.viii) the making secure or removal of dangerous buildings and places
(xix) th~ construction. levelling. maintenance (including metalling or
paving an~ channelling) and improvement of public streets aDd
234 Rangoon Municipal.

the construction and maintcnance of public bridges, culvcrb,

causeways and the like;
(xx) the lighting of all public streets and municipal markets and 0(
buildings vested in the Corporation;
(xxi) the removal of obstructions and projections in and upon streds,
bridges and other public places:
(xxii) the naming and numbering of streets and the numbering'at
buildings and lands:
(xxiiO the construction or acquisition. improvement and maintenance of
offices and buildings required for municipal purposes, and the
maintenance of all public monuments and other property vested
in the Corporation ;
(uiv) the constru<:tion or acquisition and maintenance of bospitab
for the treatment of contagious or infectious diseases. and lk
maintenance of any hospital tother than the Rangoon GeDcral
Hospital), dispens<.lry. poor-house and leper asylum the 0>:St
of whieh may be declared by the President of the Union to
be a proper charge on the Municipal Fund;
<Xxv) the expenses of pauper lunatics and pauper lepers sent to publi
asyl ums from the City;
(xxvi) the construction of any encampment;
(xxvii) the maintenance and regulation of any public institution plac:d
by the President of the Union within the sphere of or under tk
charge of the Corporation: .
(xxviii) the maintenance of public p'3rks. gardens, recreation groUDds
and open sp:Jces which were in existence on the 1st August
1922,1 and are by this Act vested in the Corporation:
(xxix) (a) the establishment of vernacular schools: the managemcat.
visiting and maintenance of all vernacular schools so establisbr.d
or vestee' in the Corporation and in this Act bereinaf!C'
referred to as municipal vernacular schools; the coDstruetiOl
and repair of all buildings connected therewith and the pll
and appointment of the teaching staff in such schools:
(bJ the recognition. control. visiting and aid of vernacular
schools under private management: and
lxxx) fulfilling any obligalion imposed by this Act or any law for ~
time being in force.

Matters 26. The Corporalion may in its discretion provide either wholly or iJ
which may
be pro\lded
part for all or any of the following moltters. namely:-
for by the 0) the organisation. maintenance or management of- .
at 115 dime- (a) institulions within or without the City for the care of tbe sid
tion. or incurable or for the care and training of the bUDd
other partiaUy helpless persons or children;

I Date of COdllllC'D("ClJIeQl Of Ws Act.

Rangoon M unidpal. 235

(b) maternity homes or shclters, dispensaries Or milk depots for

(c) chemical or bacteriological laboratories (within or without the
City) for the examination or analysis of water. food or drugs.
for the detection of disease or for researches connccted with
public health;
(d) public wash-houses. bathing places or other institutions designed
for the improvement of public health;
(e) dairies or farms within or without the City for the supply of
milk or milk products or for municipal profit or for the
purpose of experiments in thc breeding of cattle or the
cultivation of crops;
(ii) (where and so long as such schools or institutions arc recognised
by the Government or are under the control of the University
of Rangoon)-
(a) the establishment, maintenance or management of schools:
(b) the aid of schools under private mun:.lgement;
(c) the promotion or aid o( higher or special education in institu-
tions within or in close prox.imity to the City;
(iii) the building or Iiurchase and maintenance of-
(a) dwellings (or municipal officers or servants;
(b) suitable dwellings for the poorer and working classes;
(c) sanitary stables or byres for horses. ponies or cattle used in
hackney carriages or hack carts or for milch-kine;
(iv) the construction. purchase,organization, maintenance or manage-
ment of tramways, trackless trams, or mota! transport facilities
(or the carriage of the public;
(v) the laying out or maimenancc of public parks, gardens or
recreation grounds. and planting and care of trees on roadsides
and elsewhere;
(vi) the construction and maintenance in the public streets of drinking
(ountains (or men and water-troughs (or animals;
(vil) the laying out in areas previously built on or not of new public
streets; and the construction o( buildings to abut on such streets;
(viii) the organization or maintenance of libraries. museums. art-
galleries. botanical or zoological collections or the purchase or
construction of buildings therefor ;
(ix) the holding of agricultural, industrial or scientific fairs or
eAhibitions or of athletic sports ;
(x) the promotion of public health or infant welfare;
(xi) the organization or maintenance in times of scan:ity of shops or
stalls for the sale of thenecessaries of li(e;
(xii) the pre~cntion of cruelty" to.anirnllis. including the construction
or mamtenance of infirmurics under ahe Prevention o( Cruelty
to Animals Act [. .] 1;
I The figure... 1Ii90" were omiUeu by Act II, 1945.
236 Rangoon Municipal.

(xiii) the destruction of crows or any other animals causing nuisance

or of vermin or the confinement or destruction of stray dogs or
other domestic animals;
(xiv) contributions towards any public fund raised for the relief of
human suffering within or without the City;
(xv) music in public places or places of public resort;
(xvi.) public ceremonies or cntcrtainmenlS. including the preparation
of addresses to persons of distinction;
(xvii) lon such terms and conditions as the President of the UniOIl
approves) the promotion, formation. extension or assistance of
any provident fund Or benefit society whose Objects include the
erection. improvement. maintenance or management of suitable
accommodation for the poorer and working classes. by any or
all of the following means-
(a) the acquisition of land with a view to selling or leasing the
same to sueh society; or
(b) the making of grants or loans thereto; or
<c) subscription for any share-capital therein: or
(d) guaranteeing the payment of interest on money 'borrowed bJ
such society or of any sharecapital issued thereby;
(xviii) the acquisition of immoveable property for any of the purposes
above mentioned. or the cost of surveys or examination of sueb
property. or (or the construction or adaptation of buildings
necessary for such purposes; and
<Xix) any measure not hereinbefore specifically named. expenditure
whereon is declared by the President of the Union to be 8A
appropriate charge on the Municipal Fund.



Chief Executive Officer.

1.1. (I) The Corporation shall appoint a fit person. to be styled the
Commissioner. who shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation,
and to whom all other municipal officers and servants shall be subordinate.
(2) The Commissioner shall exercise and perform such powers and duties
as are conferred or imposed on him by this Act, and further. sudl
of the powers and duties conferred or imposed on the Corporation as it may.
in the manner prescribed. delegate to him.
(3) He shall devote his whole time and ,ttention to the duties of
hb office: provided that he may at any time-
(i) be a member of the Union Parliament: or
(ii) bold the office o( Commissioner for the Port of Rangoon; or
RlJPlgooPl Municipal. 237
(iii) be a member of the Board of Trustees constituted wader the
Rangoon Development Trust Act; or
(ivJ be a member of any body constituted under the Univcnity of
Rangoon Act; or
(vJ with the sanction of the Corporation. serve on any committee or
tribunal constituted by tbe President of the Union for
the purpose of any local inquiry or for the furtherance of any
object of local importance or interest.

(4) During any absence or during any vacancy in the oftke of

the Commissioner, the Corporation may appoint a person to act as Commis-
sioner. Every person so appointed shall exertisc the powers conferred. and
perform the duties imposed by tbis Act or by any other enactment at the
time in force on the Commiuioner. and shall be subject to the same liabilities.
restrictions and conditions to which the Commissioner is liable. and shall
receive such monthly salary llnd allowances within the limit. prescribed
in section 28 or 29 as the President of tbe Union or the Corpof3tion. as tbe
case may be. shall determine.
(5) Any of the powers, duties or functions conferred or imposed upon
t\te Commissioner by this Act may be exercised, performed or diSCharged.
under the Commissioner's control and subject to his revision and to .ueh
conditions and limitations, if any. as tbe Corporation shall think fit
to provide, by any other municipal ofticer whom the Corporation ,eDerally
or specially empowers in tbis behalf.

%I. Where an officer in tbe service of the Government is appointed to be ProrlalCWIs

the Commissioner. the pay. allowances. leave privileges and otber conditions of ~.
tenure of the office .hallubject to soch rules as may be prescribed. skJoer
be delermined by the President of the Union arler consultation with the u.
::, Nf:Wul
Corporation; and sections 29 to 36 sball not apply. ao.emmat.

Municipal Office" and Servant. I,,",ally-

19. (I) The Corporation shall appoint fit persons to be-- ~:"ta.
(a) Health Officer. Secretary. Assessor and Chief Accountant; aad
(b) Chief Engineer or Engineers ia charge of leparate departmcntl of
Municipal Works.
(2) Each of the said officers sball-
(a) devote his whole time and attention to the duties of bis oftk:c :
provided that. with the sanction of the Corporation. be may
undertake other dUlies for the furtherance of any object of local
importance or inlerest :
(b) receive such monthly salary as the Corporation shall. with the
previous sanction of the President of the Union. determine; aait
(e) be removable at any time from office for milCOnduet or for DCglect
. ott or incapacily for. the duties of his office. OQ tbe votes of
238 Rangoon Municipal.

not less than two-thirds of the members present at a meeting 01

the Corporation:
Provided that-
H) no person shall be appointed to be Health Officer whose name
is not registered under the Medical Acts as the holder of a
diploma showing that he has passed an examination i(l
public health;
(ii) the Corporation may. in its discretion. appoint a person proha
tionally. for a limited period only. to any of the said office.t;
(iii) every permanent appointment made under this section shall be
subject to confirmation by the President of the Union ;
(iv) no officer appointed under this section shall be removed from
office in consequence of a vote under clause (d of sub-section
(2) without the sanction of the President of the Union; and
(v) no variation in the amount of sabry determined under clause
(b) of sub-section (2) shall be made by the Corporatiol
except with the previous sanction of the President of
the Union.
(3) To each of the said officers the Corporation shall pay. in addition td
their sahries. such ~lIowances. pensions and gratuities. and make on their
behalf such payment to provident or ~nnuity funds. as it thinks fit.
(4) The provisions of this section. e",cepting clause (a) of subsection (2)
shall apply [0 the officer appointed to be Commissioner or acting Commis
sioner not being a servant of the Government.
Provision for 30. (J) In default of an appointment being made by the Corporation
vacancl~ In
under section 27 or 29 within a reasonable time. the President of the Union
ol'hees Of may appoint a person to fill the vacancy. and such appointment shall for aU
officer. purposes be deemed to have been made by the Corporation.
(2) Pending the settlement of a permanent appointment under sub-section
(I), the President of the Union may appoint a person to fill tbe vacancy'
temporarily. and may direct that the penon so appointed shall receive
. such monthly salary and allowances as he shall think fit.
Appoint_ 31. The Corporation shall appoint such other officers and servants as arc
Of oilier necessary for the efficient carrying out of the purposes of this Act. and shall
officers :\nd assign to them such duties. and shall pay them such salaries. allowances.
pensions am! gratuities. and make on their behalf such payments to provident
or annuily funds. as it thinks reasonable.
Payment 31A. The Corporation may. in accordance with rules made under section
of pensions. 230 read with seotion 235. grant pensions. gratuities or compassionate allowances
or eompal- to the widows or other dependent relations of any officers or servants appointed
nllC\Wancet under sectionll 27. 29. 30 Or 31 who have died while in the service ofthe Cor-
to depen- pOration.
dants of
offin ~
Rangoon MUllicipal. 239

32. (I) The Corporation may. where nceessar>.. 3ppoint uny fit person to Adina:
act in the place of an officer (otilcr than the Commissioner) or servant absent aNlOint-
on leave: provided that-
m any appointment of a person to act for any of the officers named
in section 29. sub-section (I), may be disallowed by the President
of the Union and from the time of being so disallowed shall be
null and ,'oid; and
(ii) no person shall be appointed to act lor the Health Ollicer unless
such person possesses the qualifications specified in proviso (i)
to section 29. subsections (I) and (2).

(2) A person appointed under this section to act for any officer or servant
shall. while so acting. perform the duties and eJtercise the same powers
which the said officer or servant is bound to pedorm or may eJtercise. and
be subject to the um: liabilities. restrictions and conditions to which the said
ofOccr and servant is liablc: and shall recei\.'e such pay and allowances as the
Corporation thinks fit.

JJ. (I) Any person who- Municipal

officer or
(n ) has uireetly or indirectly. by himself or b)" any partner. employer .erUJU not
or employee. an)' such share or interest :IS is described in clause to be interC*-
U) of section 12. or is a director. secretary. manager or other ted io an)'
salaried officer of an incorporated company which has any such wilh the
share or interest. or CorporaUun.
(IJ) has acted Or is acting professionally in relation to any matter on
behalf of any perSon having therein any such share or interest
as aforeS<!id.
shall be disqualified for being a municipal officer or servant.
(1) Any municipal officer or servant who shall acquire. directly or indirectly
by himself Or by his partner, any such share or interest as aforesaid. shall cease
to be a municipal officer or servant :lnd his office shall become vacant.
U) Nothing in Ihis section shall apply to any such share or interest in
any contract or employment with. by. or on behalf of the Corporation as under
the proviso to section 12 it is permissible for a councillor to have without his
being thereby disqualified for being a councillor.

34. Subject to the provisions of dause (e) of subo-section (2) of. and Power 01
Provisos (jv) and (v) to sub-sections (I) and (2) of. section 29. any municipal puni.hing
officer and servant may be suspended or dismissed. or the increment to the and 6i.mln-
lng, in whol'o
salary of such officer Or servant may be withheld for any specified period, and to \'ell.
any municipal officer Or servant, other than the Commissioner or an officer
appointed under section 29. may'be fined or reduced in status, for any breach
of departmental rules or discipline or for carelessness. incompetence. negJect
of duty or other misconduel. by the authority by wbom sucb officer or servant
is appointed.
240 Rangoon Municipal.

Exira. 35. The Corporation may, with the sanction of the President of the UniOl,
ordinary give an extraordinary pension. gratuity. or compassionate al1owance-
pension iD
case of officer (a) to any municipal officer or servant injured in the execution of bis
or senaot
InJured or duty; or
killed in (b) to the family or other relatives dependent on any municipal officer
execution of
his duty. or servant who is killed in the execution of his duty or whose
death is due to devotion to duty.

Essential Officers and Servants.

Essential 36 (I) Every essential officer and servant shall be entitled to one month',
oftkers JlDd notice before discharge or to one month's pay and allowance in lieu thereof,
unless he is discharged for misconduct or has completed the specified term of
service for which he was engaged.
(2) No essential servant shall-
(a) unless he is authorized in that behalf by the terms of his contract,
resign his appointment or quit his employment without SiviDe
one month's notice to the authority appointing him; or
(b) otherwise than on leave duly granted and not subsequently caned
led. absent himself from duty; Or '
(c) neglect or refuse to perform any of his duties or wilfu11y perfofll
them in an inefficient manner.
(3) The expression "essential officer or servant" includes every perSOll
employed in the Municipal Fire Brigade or in connection with Ihe municipal'
air compressor or pumping stations or employed in Or in connection with tile
drainage. conservancy or waler-supply of the City and any such other municipal
officer or servant as may be prescribed in this behalf.


Powenof 37. The Corporation shall. for the purposes of this Act. have power lO
III to acqulti.
acquire and hold moveable and immoveable property or any interest tberciL
tlon of whether within or without the limits of the City.
Property 38. (I) All property. moveable or immoveable. of the nature hereinaftet
'"Cited in
Corporation. specified in Ihis sub-section. shall vest in the Corporation and shall. except ia
the case of property of the nature described in clause (e). be held and applied
by the Corporation for the purposes of this Act.. namely.-
(a) all property within or without the City vested in tbe Municij_
Committee of Rangoon on the 1st August. 1922.1 but subject.
all trusts. charges. liabilities. reservations. easement'J or otb
incumbrances at Ihat time appertaining Or attaching tberelO ;
1 Date of commCllCelllent of this Act. -
Rangoon Municipal. 241

(b) all property legally acquired by the Corporation and all buildings.
ertctions and encampments constructed under this Act at the
expense of the Municipal Or Educ:ltion Fund. whether within
or without the City;
(c) all public streets within the City;
(d) (subject to any special reservation in this behaU which the Presi.
dent of the Union may at any time make) all public streams.
waterways. tanks. reservoirs. cisterns. wells and springs. and
land (not being privately owned) appertaining thereto; and
(e) all rubbish. offensive matter and sewage collected within or
deposited within or without the City by the Corporation or its
contractors or agents:
Provided tbat nothing in this sub-section shall apply to any immoveable
property Which. under section 58 of the Rangoon Development Trust Act. is
vested in the Board of Trustees for the development of the City of Ranloon.
(2) All property. moveable or immoveable. leased or placed at the
disposal or delivered into tbe custody or in any other manner transferred to
the Municipal Committee of Rangoon. in the possession thereof on the 1st
August. 1922.1 shall be held by the Corpor:llion on tbe terms and condition.
applying thereto at such time.
39. (I) All property. endowmenU and funds belonginc to any public PToptrtJ 01
institution. with the management. control and administration of which the inatitution.
Corporation is charged under the provisions of this Act or of any other enact- maliOlged bt'
ment for the time being in force. shall vest in tbe Corporation in trust for the ;authority 10
purposes to whicb such property. endowment and funds may lawfully be applied. be held ill
(2) The Corporation may. with the sanction of the President of the Union. ......
transfer to (the State] t any property. endowments and funds so vested in it in
trust under subseetion (I) : provided that no trusts of public rights subject to
which such property. endowments and funds are held shall be affeeted by such

40. The liabiJi.ties of the Municipal Committee of Ransoon on the 1st The mana,e
August. 1922.1 in connection with any provident fund established for the menl Of a
rr O \"idC-II1
benefit of municipal officers and servants under the Municipal Act and the bye. lund for
laws framed thereunder. shall be assumed and discharged by the Corporation. olficen aod

-41. (I) Whenever it is provided in this Act that the Corporation may. or ......".
whenever it is in the opinion of tbeCorporation necessary or expedient for the ac:qllire

purposes of tbis Act 10 acquire any immoveable property or to acquire any propert,.
easement affeetins immoveable property already vested in tbe Corporation. it
may. by agreement with the owner. acquire such property or easement.
I D.1leor COIOrr.e:IICCl,-ent 01 this Act.
! Subltihltelt for the words" Hi. MainlJ" bJ thQ Ullilla c( BWIn.1 (M.artatiOR 01 La."
Order. 11/4.

242 Rangoon Municipal.

(Z) Where the Corporation is unable to acquire any immoveable property

or easement under sub-section (I) except upon terms which are in its opinioa
unreasonable. the President of the Union may. if he thinks fit. upon the appli-
cation of the Corporation. order proceedings to be taken (or acquiring the same
on behalf of the Corporation. as if such property or easement were laud
needed for a public purpose within the meaning of the Land Acquisition Ac,.
(3) The amount of the compensation awarded and all other charges
incurred in the acquisition of any such property or easement shall. subject to
all other provisions of tbis Act. immediately on acquisition be paid by the
Corporation and thereupon the said property or easement shall vest in tbe
Corporation: provided that nothing done under. or in pursuance of. tbil
section shall affect the right or title of [the State] 1 in or to the said property or

Dilposalof 42. The Corporation may. subject to such conditions nnd limitations u
IIlunldpal may be prescribed, sell. Jease. conveyor otherwise dispose of any properlf.
propertr. moveable or immoveable. vested in the Corporation:
Provided that-
(i) no property vested in the Corporation in trusl sh:::aJl be leased. sol.
or otherwise conveyed in such a manner that any trust Jubjed
to which such property is held is thereby affected. ; and
(in every sale. lease or other conveyance of property vested in the
Corporation shall be deemed to be subject to the conditions aDd.
limitations imposed by this Act or by any other enactment for
the time being in fo:e.
Rn'.lmption 43. The Government may resume any immoveable property transferred
by CoyerD-- to the Corj>Oration by the Government or by any Jocal authority. where sud!
property is required for a public purpose, without payment of any compeDSI'
tion other tban the amount paid by the Corporation for such transfer and lie
market value at the date of resumption of any permanent buildings or worb
subsequently erected or executed thereon by the Corporation:
Provided that compensation need not be paid for buildings or worb:
constructed or erected in contraventitln of the terms of the transfer.

Power of 44. (l) The Corporation may, in pursuance of any resolution, borrowby
Corpor.\l'on way of debenture or otherwise, on the security of any immoveable propert1
10 borrow vested in the Corporation or of all or any of the taxes. duties. tolls, fees ud
dues authorized by this Act, any sums of money which may be required-
(a) for the execution of any work authorized by tbis Act, or
(b) for the acquisition o( land for the purposes of this Act, or
(c) to payoff any debt due to Government, or
I S:lb,tituled (f)f the ,-,'ord." Hil U:l.jesty .. by the Union of RlIJ1lIa (AcU'ptatjCQ 01 La'"
Order, 1t)i8.
Rangoon Municipal. 143
(d) to repay a loan raised under this Act or any other loan or debt
for the repayment of whicb the Corporation is liable:
Provided that-
m no loan shall be raised without the previoUJ sanction of the
President of the Union;
(ii) Ihe lerms upon. and the method in. which Ihe loan is to be
raised and repaid shall be subject to the sanction of the
President of the Union:
(iv) the period within which the loan is to be repaid shall in no case
exceed sixty years.
(2) When any sum of money has been borrowed under sub-section (I~
(a) no portion thereof shall. without the previous sanction of the
President of the Union. be applied to any purpose other than
that for which it was borrowed, and
(b) no portion of any sum of money borrowed under clause (a) of
sub-seclion (I) shall be applied to the payment of salaries or
allowances of any municipal officers or servants olher than
Ihose who are exclusively employed upon the works for the
construction of which the money was borrowed.
(3) The amount of the loan. the period within which it shall be repaid
and the terms upon, and the method in. which the loan is to be raised and
repaid shall be duly notified by the President of the Union.

45. (I) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 44. whenever Ihe Powtr or
borrowing of any sum has been sanctioned under' the said section the loopen credit
Corporation may. on such terms as may be sanctioned by Ihe President of the cuh account
with a Rant.
U.nion. instead of borrowing such sum or any part thereof from the public
or uny member thereof, take credit from any Bank on a cash account to be
kept in the name of .. the Municipal Corporation of Ihe City of Rangoon" to
the extent of such sum or part and. with the sanction of the President of the
Union. may grant mortgages of all or any of the property vested in the Cor-
poration by way of securing the repayment of the amounl of such credit or
of the sums advanced from time to time on such cash account with interest.
(2) The provisions of seclion 44. sub-section (3). shall apply to such
sum or part.

46. (I) The borrOWing powers of the Corporation shall be limited 10 Limit of
th,!t the total loan charges payabJe by the Corporation in any year shall not
at any time exceed thirteen per cent. of the annual value of the buildings and
.- ....
lands in the City as defined in section 80 sub-seclion (2).
(Z) FOr the purposes of sUb.sectio~ (I) the tOlal loan charges shall
include Ihe sums annually rpayable for interest and (or the maintenance of
linking funds and. ir any loans are repayable by equal paymcats of principII
244 Rangoon Municipal.

and interest or by equal payments of principal or by aRnual drawings, tIIc

sums annually payable for such payments Or drawings.

47. (I) All debentures issued under this Act shall be in such form &I
the Corporation may from time to time determine, with the previous sanction of
the President of the Union.
(Z) The holder of any debenture in any form duly authorized under
sub-section (I) may obtain in excl'lange therefor. upon such terms u lhe
Corporation shall from time to time determine, a debenture in any otber form
so authorized,
(3) Every debenture issued by the Corporation under this Act shall be
transferable in sucb manner as shall be therein expressed.
(4) The right to sue in respect of the moneys secured by any debet-
ture issued by the Corporation shall be vested in the holder thereof for tk
time being without any preference by reason of some of such debentures beiDi
prior in date to others.
Coupon 48. All coupons attached to debentures issued under this Act shall be
It;\d~ed to
debentures to signed on behalf of the Corporation in the prescribed manner, and suc'
b~"r ,i).'n;l_ signaturc may be engraved, lithographed or impressed by any mechanital
lure in the
pre"cribed process.
Debentures 49. (1) When any debenture or security issued under this Act is payable
i'sued to h\ 0 to two or more persons jointly. and either or any of them dies. tbal.
or mOlt notwithstanding anything in section 45 of the Contract Act. the debenture or'
jointly. security shall be payable to the survi\o'or or survivors of such perSOlll:
provided that nothing in this subsection sh;:all affect ;:any c1;:aim by the kpl
representative of a deceased person against such survivor or survivors.
(Z) When two or more persons are joint holders of any debenture II'
security issued under this Act anyone of such persons may give an effectlll
receipt for any interest or dividend payable in respect of such debentwe II'
security. unless notice to the contrary has been given to the Corporation '"
any other of such persons.

Wht'D aDd SO. Every loan raised by the Corporation under section 44 shall be
how loan repaid within the time approved under proviso (ij) to section 44. sub-scctiol
.ha-II be
repaid. (0, and by such of the following methods ~s may be approved under the saitI
proviso, namely :.-
(a) by payment from a sink ins fund established under sec:::tion 51 ill
respect of the loan. or
(b) by equal payments of' principal and interest, or
(c) by equal payments of principal. or
(d) by annual drawings.

Maintenance 51. Whenever the repayment of a loan from a Sinking fund has heal
Of lintin~ sanctioned under proviso (ii) to section 44. sub..section (I), the CorporatiOl
sball establish such a fund and the Corporation shall par intb it. on s1lC)
Rangoon Munietpal.
dates as may have been approved under the said proviso. such sum as will.
with accumulations of compound interest. be sufficient. arter payment of all
expenses. to payoff the loan within the period approved:
Provided tbat if at any time the sum standing at credit of the sinking
fund established for the repayment of any loan is of such amount tbat if
all':lwed to accumulate at compound interest it will be sufficient to repay the
loan within the period approved. then. with the permission of the President of
the Union. further payments into such fund may be discontinued.

51. (I) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Power of

Act, the Corporation may consolidate aU or any of its loans. and for that ~~~~~~:~
purpose may invite tenders for a new Joan to be called" the Rangoon Muni- date loanl.
cipal Consolidated Loan. 19 ". and invite hoJders of municipal
debentures to excbange their debentures for scrip of such loan.
(2) The terms of every such consolidated loan. and the rates at wbich
exobange into such consolidated loan shall be permitted. shall be subject to
the previous sanction of the President of the Union.
(3) The period for the extinction of any such consolidated loan sbaD
not. without the sanction of the President of the Union. extend beyond tbe
furthest date within which any of the loans to be consolidated would
otherwise be repayable.
(4) The Corporation shall establish a sinking fund for the repayment of
.every such consolidated loan
(5) The provisions of section 51 shan apply to each sinking fund
cstablished under sub-section (4): provided that. in calculating the sum to be
paid into any such sinking fund in pursuance of section 51. any sums
transferred to that fund in pursuance of the proviso to section 55 shall
be taken into account.

53. (I) All money paid into a sinking fund shaU as soon as possible be InvcstlbCDt
of liDkin.
invested by the Corporation in- fund.
(a) Government securities. or
(b) securities guaranteed by Government. or
(c) Rangoon Municipal debentures. or
(d) debentures issued by the Commissioners for the Port of
Rangoon. or
(e) debentures issued by the TrU$tees for the De\-elopmenl of tbe
City of Rangoon.
(2) All dividends and other sums received. in respect of aoy such
iQV'CStment shall. as soon as possible after receipt. be paid into the appropriate
sin'ing fund and invested in the manner prescribed by subsection (I).
(3) Money standing at credit of two or more sinking funds may. at the
discretion 'of the Corpontion. be invested together as a common fund. aDd it
'ball not be Uecessary for the Corporation to allocate the securities held io
such investments among the severa) sinking funds-
246 Rangoon Municipal.

(4) When any part of a sinking fund is invested in R,mgoon Municipal

debentures or is appJied in paying off any part of a loan before the period
fh.ed for repayment. the interest which would otherwise have been payable oa
such debentrues or on such part of the loan shall be paid into the sinkinc
fund and invested in the manner laid down in sub-section (I).
(S) The Corporation may from time to time vary Oloy investment made'
under sub-section (J). or tr<lnsler from one sinking fund to another ahy
investment made under sub'$C'c:tion (I): provided that the former sinking fund
is reimbursed the value of such investment at the time when the transfer is
Corporation 54. (I) For the purposes of uny investment which the Corporation is
may in\lellt
in ils Qwn authorized to make by this Act (including sinking funds) the CorporalioQ
debenhlru. may reserve and set apart for issue at par. to and in the name of lbe
Municipal Corporation of the City of Rangoon. any portion of the debentures
to be issued on account of any 108n: provided that the intention so to reserw:
and set apart such debentures shall have been specified as a condition of lbe
loan in the notification jssued in respect thereto under section 44. sub-
section (J).
(2) The issue of any such debentures to the Corporation as aforesaid shll
not operate to extinguish or cancel such debentures, but every debenture so
issued shall be valid in all respc<:ts as if issued to and in the name of lIlJ
other person.
(3) The purchase by. or the transfer. assignment or endorsement to, tbe
Corporation of any debenture issued by the Corporation shall not operate to
extinguish or cancel any such debenture. bul the same shall be vaild lIld
negotiable in the same manner and to the same extent as if held by. 01
transferred. assigned or endorsed to any other person.
Aprli,.... lion 55. The Corporation may apply a sinking fund, or any part thereof, ill
of linkintt or towards the discharge of the loan for which such fund was established and,
funds .
tOW;Jrds'the until such loan or part is wholly dischargcd. shall not apply the same for Irry
di$charge of . Olher purpose:
the loan.
. Provided that when any loan. or part thereof, is consolidated under
section 52. the Corporation shalt transfer to the sinking fund established tOf
such consolidated Joan the sum standing at credit of the sinking fund of tk
original loan. or. if part only of a loan is consolidated. then such part of the
sum standing at credit or the sinking fund of such loan 3S is proportionate 10
the part of tbe original loan whieh is incorporated in the consoJidated loan.
Pro\lilicml 56. In the case of all loans raised by the Municipal Committee d
for Joan. Rangoon before the lst August. 1922.1 the following provisions shall apply:-
raiaed by tbe
Munkip'l1 (iJ if when such loans were raised the loans were made repayable
committee of
from sinking funds. the Corporation shall establish sinkila
funds for the repayment of such loans and shall pay .into slJi

I Date of commencemeot 01 thi. Act.

Rangoon Municipal.
funds such sums on such dales as may have been fixed when the
, loans were raised;
(ii) all securities and cash held by the Municipal Committee of
Rangoon in sinking funds established for the repayment of such
loans shall be transferred to the Corporation and shall be held
by it as pan of the sinking funds established under clause (i);
(iii) the provisions of section 51 shall apply to such sinking funds;
(iv) if when any such loans were raised the loans were made repayable
by equal payments of principal and interest or by equal pay.
ments of principal or by annual drawings. the Coreoration sball
make such payments or annual drawings. on such dates and in
such manner as may have been fixed when the loans were raised;
(v) the provisions of section 58 shall apply to such loans.

57. (I) All sinking funds established under this Act sball be subjec:t to Annual
annual e:ltamination by the Accountant-General. Burma. who shall ascertain eiloaminaUOID
of lirakllli
whether the cash and the current value of tbe securities at credit of such funds 1_.
are actually equal 10 the amount which would have accumulated had
investments been regularly made and had the rate of interest as originaUy
tSlimated been obtained therefrom_
(2) The Corporation shall forthwith pay into any sinking fund any
amount which the Accountant-General may certify to be deficient. unless the
President of the Union. by general or special order. sanctions a gradual
(3) If any dispute arises as to the accuracy of any certificate issued by
the Accountant-General uRdec sub-section (2) the Corporation may. after
making the payment. refer tbe matler to the President of the Union. whose
decision shall be final.

58. (I) If any money borrowed by the Cotpot".ttion. or aDy interest or Atladlmmt
'Costs due in res""ct
thereof. is or are not repaid according to the conditions of fly.1un"d~uk.ipaJ
the loan. the Government may. if itself the lender. and if the Go.eroment is dc/oaull 01
not the lender. shaH. on the application of the lender. attach the Municipal ~~~ci:~nt
Fund Or a portion thereof.
(2) After such attachment no person. except an officer appointed in this
behalf b)' the President of the Union. shall in any way deal with Ihe attached
fund or portion thereof; but such officer may do all acts in respect thereof
which any municipal authority. officer or servant might have done if such
attachment had not taken place and may apply the proceeds in satisfaclion of
the arrear and of all interest and costs due in respect thereof and of all
expenses caused by the attachment and subsequent proceedings: provided that
gO such attachment shall defeat or prejudice any debt for which the fund or
portion thereof attached was previously pledged in accordance with Jaw; but
all such, prior charges shall be paid out of the proceeds of the fund or portion
tbereof before any part of the proceeds is applied to the satidaClion of the
liability in respect of which such attacbmenl is made.
248 Rangoon Municipal.

Alb('hmeDt S9. If the Corporation fails to make any payment as required by sectioa
of Ml,lnkipal 57. sub-section (2). the Government may attach the Municipal Fund or any
.""00 in
default ollhe portion thereof; and the provisions of section 58. sub-section (2). shall. with
Corporilliioo all necessary modifications. be deemed to apply.
pillying into
Ihe ~inkinc:
(und the

Annual 60. (I) The Corporation shall. at the end of each year. cause to be
.l:llcII"enl prepared a statement showing-
10 be pre-
pared by (a) tbe amount which has been invested during the year under section 53.
Corpoc;atioD. (b) the date of the last investmenl m;lde pre\o"ious to Ihe submission
of the statement.
Cc) tbe aggreg;lte amount of the securities then in the hands of the
Corporation. and
(d) the aggregate amount which has up to the date of the ,tatemeDt
been applied under section 55 in or towards repaying loans.
(2) Every such statement shall be laid before a meeting of the Corpora
tion and shall be published in the Gazette.



Funds and Accounts.

Constitution '1. (a) All moneys received by or on behalf of the Corporation under the
0( U" provisions of Ihis Act or of any other enactment for the time being in foree.
F\Itld. or under any contract.
(e) the annual contribution paid by the Commissioners for the Port'
of Rangoon under the provisions of section 46 of Ihe RangooD
Port Act.
(d) all fines levied by any Magistrate in respect of any offences against
Ihe provisions of this Act. or in respect of any offence under
section 41 of tbe R:lngoon Police Act. or in respect of any
offence under the Ghee Adulteration Act committed in tbe City.
or in respect of municipal property. or in respect of offences
under any other enactment Ihe fines under which shall have heeD
or may be ordered by the President of the Union to be paid to
the Municipal Fund.
(d all proceeds of the disposal of properly by. or on behalf of. the
(J) all rents accruing from any property of the Corporation.
(g) aU moneys raised by any tax levied for the purposes of this Act.
(h) all fees and fines payable and levied under this Act.
Rflngoon Municipal.

(i) all moneys received by way of compensation or for compeunding

offences under the provisions of this Act.
(j) such proportion as the President of the Union may from time to
time determine of the balance. after all necessary contingent
expenses have been defrayed. of all fees for licences for vehicles
granted by the Commissioner of Police of Rangoon under the
provisions of the Rangoon Hackney Carriages Act and of the
Burma Motor Vehicles Act,
(k) all moneys received by, or on behalf of, tbe Corporation from
the Government or private individuals by way of grant or gift
or deposit. and
(I) all interest and profits arising from any investment of. or from
any transaction in connection with, any money belonging to the
shall be credited to a fund, which shall be called " The Municipal Fund ".
and which shall be held by the Corporation in trust for the purposes of tbis
Act. subject to the provisions herein contained.

62. The moneys from time to time credited to the Municipal Fund sban Application
of MUDlclpaJ
be applied in the following order of preference :-.
First/y. in making due provision for the repayment of all loans
repayable by the Corporation under the provisions of Chapter VI ;
.I ( . .]

Thirdly. in payment of all sums, charges and costs neceliSary for the
purposes specified in sections 25 and 26 and for otherwise carrying this Act
into effect. or of which tbe p3)ment shall be duly directed or sanctioned
under any of the provisions of this Act, inclusive of-
(a) the cost of auditing the municipal accounts;
(b) the expenses of every election of councillors held under this Act;
(c) the salary. allowances and contributions to pensions and leave
alJowances of the Commissioner or any other officer whose
services may. at the request of the Corporation, be placed by
Government at its disposal;
(d) the salaries and allowances of all municipal officers and servants.
and all pensions. gratuities, conlributions and companionate
allowances payable under the provisions of this Act;
(t) the salaries and fees of experts for service or advice in connee
tion with any maUer arising out of the administration or
undertakings of Ihe Corporation ;
(I) aU expenses and costs incurred by the Corporation or by any
municipal officer on behalf of Ehe Corporation in the CJl,ercise
of any power conferred or Ihe discharge of any duty imposed
on il or him by this Act, including moneys which the

I Thll rar:llraph bClianina: "SIa1/U1ly" W:.I omitted by Ad II, 1945.

kangoon Municipal.

Corporation is required or empowered to pay by way of

compensation; and
(g) every sum payablc-
(j) under section 227. sub-section (I), or section 240 or 241 by
order of the President of the Union or the High Court;
(ij) under a decree or order of a civil or criminal Court paqcd
against the Corporation;
(iii) under a compromise of any suit or other legal proceeding
or claim.

Th' 63. (I) All money received by the Education Board for or in the dis-
Ec!UC;\t!on charge of its functions under this Act shall be credited to a fund which sball
be called" The Education Fund",
(2) The Education Fund shall. subject to the control of the Corpora'
tion. be administered by the Education Board and shall be applied to aD
expenditure incurred in the payment of salaries. fees and allowances (incln-
ding provident fund contributions) and pensions of all officers and servants
employed under such Board and any other expenses incurred by the Boardin
exercising llny power or discharging any duty conferred or imposed on it by
section 5.

Receipt and 64. All moneys payable to the credit of the Municipal Fund or of the
payments on Education Fund shall be received by the authorized officer and shall be,
.~I forthwith paid into the Imperial Bank of India. or ~uch other bank as may
of tile be selected by the Corporation. subject to the approval of the President of
MUDldra t
Fund. the Union. to the credit of an account which shall be styled" The account of
the Municipal Fund of the City of Rangoon" or "The account of the Educa-
tion Fund of the City of Rangoon ttt as the case may be.

Haw the 65. No payment shall be made out of the Municipal Fund or out of tIie
lundl thall
be drawn Education Fund except upon a cheque signed in the pre~ribcd manner:
againat. Provided that payment of any sum due by the Corporation. not exceed
ing one hundred rupees in amount. may be made in cash by the officer
authorized in that behalf. cheques for sums not in excess of one thousand
rupees each, signed in th~ prescribed manner, being drawn from time to time
to cover such payments.

~itol 66. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 64 or section 65. the

portion of Corporation may remit any portion of the Municipal Fund to a bank orotbel
Fund agency at any place beyond the City at which it may be desirable for the
ouhi4e Corporation to have funds in deposit; and any money payable (0 the credit
of. or chargeable against. the Municipal Fund which can. in the opinion of
the Corporation. be most conveniently paid into or out of the account of tbt
Corporation at~ny such bank: or agency. may be so paid.
Rangoon Municipal. iSl
67. (I)Surplua moneys at thecrcdit of the Municipal Fund or of any loan Investment
Of lutplus
raise"" under this Act which cannot immediately or at an early date be applied moPe)'1:.
for the purposes of the Act or of the loan. as the case may be, may be
depositcd by the Corporation at interest in such banks as may be approved
by the President of the Union or may be invested in public securities.
(2) The Corporation may at any time withdraw any deposit so made or
d;'$pose of any securities. and re-deposit or re-invest the money 80 withdrawn
or the proceeds of the disposal of such securities.
(3) The loss. if any. arising from any such deposit or investment shall
be debited to the Municipal Fund.
68. Accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the Corporation or of Aountl to
the Education Board shall bc kept in such manner and in such form as tbe abeform
kepl in

President of the Union may approve. approved by

the PrCllldeat
of the Union.

69. The Corporation shall. as soon as may be after each first day of Publicatloa
Of annual
July. cause to be prepared a detailed report of the municipal administration adminiltra-
of the City during the previous year. together with a statement sbowing the tion report
and Itate-
Berounts of the receipts and disbursements respectively credited and debited IIlCIlt of
to tbe Municipal Fund and Education Fund during tbe previous financial year account
and the balance at the credit of each fund at the c:lose of the said financial
70. (I) Except as hereinafter provided. no payment of any sum shall be Prohlbitloa
of npe...
made out of the Municipal Fund unless the expenditure of the same is covered dilUTe not
by a current budget grant, and a sufficient balance of suc:h budget grant i. bud,tled
still available:
Provided that the following items shall be excepted from this prohibition.
!1 ame ly : -
(i) sums of which the expenditure bas been sanctioned by the Cor
poration under section 74 :
(iil refunds of taxes and otber monoys wbieb 'bo Corporalion ia
authorized by this Act to make:
(iii) repayments of moneys belonging to the contractors or other
persons held in deposit and of moneys collected or credited to
the Municipal Fund by mistake:
(iv) sums which the Corporation is required or empowered by this
Act to pay by way of compeni3tion ;
<v) sums payable in any of the circumstances mentioned in clause (g)
of 'section 62 ; ,
(vi) expenses incurred by the Corporation in the exercise of the
powers conferred on it by section 149 : and
(vin expenses incurred by the Commissioner in the exercise of the
powers conferred on him by section 148 or 151.
252 Rangoon Municipal.

(2) No payment of any sum shall be made out of the Education Fund
unless the expenditure of the same is covered by a current budget grant.
(3) Where any sums have been expended under the terms of the
proviso to sub-section (/), the Corporation shaJJ take such action. if any.
under section 72. 73 or 75 as is deemed necessary or expedient to meet sucb
Preparation 71. (I) The Corporation sball each year cause to be prepared. on or
Of !looJ!cl "before such date as may be prescribed. and in such form and such manner a.
it may approve. having regard to all the requiremencs of this Act. budget
estimates of the income nnd expenditure of the Municipal and Education Funds
for the nexC fin<lncial year.
(2) Such estimates shall-
(a) provide for the repayment of all loans with interest due thereon
for whose repayment the Corporation is liable;
(d provide for the payment from the Municipal Fund in convenienk
instalments to the Education Fund of an amount not less tba.ll
5 per cent. of the estimated receipts to be derived from the
.. general tax .. specified in clause (a) of section 80. sub-sectioa."
(I); and
(d) allow for a cashbalance at the end of the said year of not leu
than the amount which the President of the Union may. from
time to time. fix in this behalf.
(3) The Corporation sball finally adopt the budget estimates before the
beginning of the year Co which they relate and shall forthwitb submit copic.
thereof to tbe President of the Union.
or traalfer
n. The Corporation may. if it thinks necessary. at any time during a
by the financial year-
Corporation (a) reduce the amount of a budget grant ; or
Of budCet
Irani. (b) transfer and add the amount. or a portion of the amount, of one
budget grant to the amount of any other budget grant:
Provided that due regard be had when making any such reduction or
hansfer to all the requirements of this Act.
CorflOralion 73. The Corporation may. from time to time. during a financial year.
may incr~ale
iIImount of
increase the amount of any budget grant. or make an additional budget grant.
blldlel grant. for the purpose of meeting any special or unforeseen requirement arisin.
and make
during the said year. but not so Ihat the estimated cashbalance at the close
panll. of the year shall be reduced below the amount fixed under claU5e (d) of
section 71, sub-section (2).
RllleI II to 74. If any portion of a budget grant remains une:tpcnded at the c10se Of
t~e year in the budget estimates for which such grant was included. and if tllc
Itant. amount thereon has noC been taten into account in the opening balan~ of the
Municipal Fund entered in che budget estimates of the next following year.
1 Cbuu (6) wat omitted by Act 11, 1945.
Rangoon Municipal. 253
the Corporation may sanction the expenditure of such unexpended portion
during the next following year for the completion, according to the original
intention or sanction, of the purpose or object for which the budget grant was
made, but not upon any other purpose or object.

75. (I) If it shall at any time during the financial year appear to the Rcadjllli.
Corporation that, notwithstanding any reduction of budget grants that may income ... d
hue been made under section 72, the income of the Municipal Fund in the upr.ndllure
said year will not suffice to meet the expenditure sanctioned in the budget to b. mad.
by the
estimate for the said year, it shall be incumbent on the Corporation to Corporallon
durioa: the
sanction forthwith any measure which shall be necessary for adjusting the COLT.e of the
year's income to the expenditure. financial year
(2) For this purpose the Corporation may either diminish the sanctioned IlflCnlU}'.
expenditure of the year, so far as it may be possible so to do. with due regard
to all the requirements of this Act, or have recourse, subjcct to the conditions
and limitations prescribed by this Act, to supplementary taxation.
, (3) Whenever the Corporation determines to have recourse to such
supplementary taxation, it shall do so by increasing, for the unexpired portion
of the said year, the rates at which any tax imposable under this Act is being
levied, or by adding to tbe number of articles. if any, on which terminaHax
is being levied, but every such increase or addition shall be made subjcct to
the limitations and conditions prescribed in regard to such tax.
7'. The Education Board may in regard to the Education Fund exercise. Pow<n '"
subject to the control of the Corporation, al1 the powers vested in the Corpo- l50ard wJlh
ration in regard to the Municipal Fund under sections 72. 73. 74 and 75. rt,&ard to
77. The Corporation sball cause to be conducted under its superintend Jfoathl1
Icrutiny Of
eoce a monthly scrutiny of the municipal accounts. and to be published KCOIln".
monthly 0. monthly abstract of the receipts and expenditure of the month last
Preceding signed in Ihe prescribed manner.

71. The municipal accounts shall also be examined and audited in Audit of
aCCordance with the procedure approved by the President of the Union in this uc.ountl.
behalf. The auditors shall rorthwith report to the Corporation any material
impropriety or irregularity which they mayal any time observe in the expendi
ture or in the reco\'ery of money. due 10 the Corporation or in tbe municipal

79. (I) For the purposes of this Act. taxatioD

follow$.~namely :-
.han be imposed as ........
TaKCt 10 be

IUlda tblt
(a) property taxes, and
(b) 1 ta'!; OQ vebj~IC$.
254 Rangoon Municipal.

(2) In addition to the taxes mentioned in sub-section (I). the Corpora-

tion may. with the previous sanction of the President of the Union, impose
any other tax.

Properly 80. (I) The following taxes shall, subject to the limitations hereinafter
taxes. provided, be levied on buildings and lands. and sbaH be czalled ProperJ.y
Taxes... namely :-
(a) a general tax of not more than twelve per cent. of their annual
value. to which may be added a fire brigade tax at such
percentage not exceeding two per cent. of their annual value as
will. in the opinion of the Corporation. suffice to provide for
the expenses necessary for fulfilling the duties of the Corpon~
tion arising under clause (xvi) of section 25;
(b) a lighting-tax at such percentage of their annual value as will. in
the opinion of the Corporation, suffice to provide for lightinS
the public streets. municipal markets and buildings vested i'D
the Corporation;
(c) a conservancy-tax at such percentage of their annual value a.
will. in the opinion of the Corporation. suffice to provide for
the collection. removal and disposaJ, by municipal agency. of
all sewage. offensive matter and rubbish and for efficiently
constructing. maintaining and repairing municipal drains for the
reception and conveyance of any such matter: and
(d) a water-tax at such percentage of their annual value as the
Corporntion shall deem reasonable with reference to the.'expense
of providing a water-supply for the City: provided that tbe
Corporation may direct that the water supplied for any domestic
or nondomestic purpose to any buildings or lands separately
~ssessed to water-tax shall be paid for by measurement'at suc::b
rates and on such terms and conditions as it may deem "reason-
able and no watertax shall be levied on any buildings or landS
in respect of which such direction has been made.
(2) [n this Chapter .. annual value" means the gross annual rent for
which buildings and lands liable to taxation may reasonably be expected to
let. from year to year. and. in the case of houses. may be expected to let
GeJJa1 tax
CIQ what
I" (I) The general tax shaH be levied in respect of all buildings and
,propertid to lands except-
be levied.
(0) buildings and lands or portions thereof exclusively occupied for
public worship;
(b) buildings and lands vested in the Corporation;
(c) lands used as places for the disposal of the dead.
(2) Unless the Corporation. with the sanction of the PrCGident of tile
Union. in any particular case for any special reaso~s otherwise dirC(:ts. tbe
Rangoon Municipal. 255

following buildings and lands or portions thereof shall nol be deemed to be

exclusi\lely occupied for public worship wlthin the meaning of clause (a) of
sub-section (Il. namely;-
(a) those in which any trade or business is carried on ; and
(b) those in respect of which rent is derind. whether such rent is or
is not applied exclusi\lely to religious purposes.
(3) When any portion of any building or land is exempt from the general
tax by reason of its being exclusi\lely occupied for public worship. such
portion shall be deemed to be a separate property for the purpose of
municipal taxation.
(4) The Corporation may. for special reasons. exempt any building or
land belonging to the classes specified in clause (a). (b) or (c) of sub-section
(J) from all or an)' of the propert)' taxes other than tbe general tax.

82. The fire brigade tax rna)' be le\lied at different rates in respect of Fire brl,ade
tal' may be
different classes of buildings in accordance with the annual \lalues of such leried at
buildings. the varying degrees of risk of being damaged or destro)'ed by fire different
incurred on account of the materials or methods of construction of such rata 00
buildings Or the goodS stored or industries carried on therein. . clasla of

13. The lighting-tax shall be le\lied only in respect of buildings and Lilli tinlta;
lands some part of which is less than one thousand feet from a. street lamp 0.0
property to
ertCttd and maintained by the Corporation. be levied.

84. (I) The conservancy-tax shall be levied only in respt of lands and "-"""""
tax <lIl wh l
buildings- property .....
(a) situated in any portion of the City in which public notice has be leried.
been gi\len by the Corporation that the collection and remonl
of sewage. offensi\le matter and rubbish will be undertaken by
municipal agency; or
(b) in which~ where\ler situate. there is a connection for the remo\lal
of sewage to a municipal drain.
(2) In any portion of the City in which underground sewers have been or
may be pro\lided by the Corporation the conser\lancytax may be le\lied at a
higher percentage on the annual \lalue of buildings and lands than in other
portions of the City.

IS. (I) The shall be leyied only in respect of buildings or Waler..tu
laods- """
""be leYiod.
(a) which are connected by means of eommunication-pipes with any
municipal water-works; or
(6) which are situated in a portion of the City in which the Corpora-
tion has gi\len public notice that sufficient water is nailable
"from municipal water-works for furnishin$ a reasollable supply
256 RanRoon Municipal.

of water for domestic purposes to all the buildings and lands

in the said portion.
(2) The water-tax may be levied in respect of buildings and lands whK:b
are liable under clause (b) of sub-sCi:tion (" <It a lower rate thnn in respect of
buildings and lands which are liable under elause (u).
RUp.,>nai. 16. (I) Property taxes in respect of any building Or land shall, be
bility for
payuleal of leviable jointly and severally from all persons who have been either owners
properly or occupiers of tbe building or land at any time during the period in respect
of which any instalment of such property taxes is payable under this Act.
(2) In the absence of any agreement to the contrary between an owner
and occupier of any building or land. any general lax, in which is included
the fire brigade tax, if any, paid by the occupier shall be recoverable by him
from the owner, and any lighting. conservancy. or water-tax paid by the owner
shall be recoverable by him from the occupier.
(3) A sum recoverable by the occupiel from the owner may be deducted
from the rent due or payable by him to the owner.

8uddhist 87. Notwithstanding anything contained in Ihis Act. no properly or other
mlHlasteries lax shall be levied on any Buddhist kyoltngdoik:
from all Provided that-
b.:I.atloa. (i) unless the Corpor...tion, with the sanction of the President of tbe
Union. in any particular case for any special reasons otherwise'
directs. this exemption shall not extend to any buildings or land
in which trade or business is carried on or for which rent is paid:
(ij) the Corporation shall not be bound to provide a supply of wattr
to or to remove sewage. offensive matter or rubbish from an,
building or land exempted from taxation under this section.
except upon a guarantee of payment for the supply of such
water or the removal of such sewage. offe~sive matter or rubbi!b
at such rates liS may be determined by the Corporation.
Retnillion 88. When any building or IlInd, or IIny pori ion of any building or land,
or rdund of which the Corporation has treated liS a separate property for the purpose of
property on assessment under any provision of this Act, hOlS been neither occupied nOl
acoounlOf productive of rent for a period of at least thirty consecutive days. the Corpora'
tion shall, subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditiollJ
(a) remit one-hOllf of the general tax. which includes the fire brigade
tax. if any. and the whole of the water-tax and conservancy-til
payable in respect of such building or land during such period, or
(b) if any tax or instalment thereof has been paid and application for
refund has bten made within six. months of such paymenL
refund the :l.mount which might have been remitted ~nder lJUs
RtUtgoon Municipal. 2$1

If. No 13X of any kind shall be levied on land vested in the Trustees EJ:emptioo
to vl.Colnl
for the De\"clopment of the City of Rangoon under dau" (0) of section 58. land. vUled
sub-section (I J. of the Rangoon Development Trust Act. so long as such land in Develop-
ment Trutl.
is neither occupiell nor productive of rent.
90. (I) The Corporation may. with the previous sanction of the President Power 10
eJ:cmpt (rom
of,he Union. exempt in whole or in part from the payment of any lax any tasation.
person or class of persons. or any property or description of property, animals
or vehicles.
(z) The Corporation may exempt in whole or in part, for any period not
exceeding one ye:!r. from the payment of any tax imposed under this Act, any
person who by reason of poverty may in its opinion be un1bJe to pay the same.

Appeab llnd AlMlSmenl,.
(I) The Commissioner shall. in accordance w.ith the manner
p~ribed. d:termine the annual value of lands and buildings for the purpose
o(assessment thereof under settion 80
(1) An appeal against any determination made by the Commissioner
under subsection 1I) shall lie to. and be heard and determined by. the Chief
J~dge of the Rangoon [City Civil Courtt provided that no such appeal shall
be heard by the said Judge unless a notice in writing of the intention to
appeal has been left at the offiCe of the Corporation within fourteen days
from the date of the aforesaid order.
(3) When any question arises as to the liability of any building or land
to assessment. or as (0 the basis or principle of assessment. an appeal shall
lie from the decision of the said Chief Judge to the High Court. whose
decision shall be finill.
(4) Effect shall be given by the Commissioner to the dec:ision of the
Court under tbis section.
(5) The pendency of an appeal under this section shan not operate to
dtlay or prevent the levy of any tax, or. whtn the lax is payable by
instalments. of any instalment of any tax payable in res;>cct of any building
Or land according to the assessment of the Commissioner; but. if by the final
decision in the appeal it is determined that such tax or instalment ought not
to have been levied in whole or in part, the Corporation shall refund to the
pcrson from whom the same has been levied the amount of such tax or
instalment. or the excess thereof over the amount properly leviable in
accordance with such final decision. as the cue may be.

92. (I) The taxes specified in settion 80 shall be levied on all buildings Tuatioa
, . . I and. C(lDtri-
Or pans thereof. the property of the State2. which are oa:upied f or reslUentla bl.ltion ia I I .
purposes a.nd the occupants of which pay rent 10 Government. The annual Of luaU~
value of such buildings shall be the actual rent payable for such buildings :~
unrurnish~d by Ihe OCCupants to Government and all taxes levied under Ihi.. y.
lub-.scclion shall be collected and paid by the Government.
, Sub,tituted by Atl XVI. 1946.
* S"ltf;tjtvted by the Union or l!lIrma (AdOlptatioa of L1.wsJ Order.I9-lIi.
258 Rangoon Municipal.

(2) In lieu of the taxes leviable under section 80 on all other buildirtp
and lands. the property of the State l there shan be paid annually by
Government to the Corporation such sum as may be determined. after
consultation with the Corpor:l.tion. by an off.ecr ap~ointed by the President of
the Union. to be fair and reasonable h3ving regard to the extent of State'
property in the City. and the mutu31 &erviccs rendered by Government aDd
the Corporation to each other.
(J) The President of the Union shall communicate to the Corporation
tbe name of the officer whom he proposes to appoint to perform the duty specified
in sub~section (2) and shall tate into consideration any representation which thi
Corporation may. within a reasonable period. submit with reference thereto. but
the orders of Ihe President of the Union after such consideration shall be final.
(4) The sum determined under sub-section (2) shall be paid annually by
Government for a period of five years. on the, expiry of which a further
enquiry shall be held to determine the sum payable for a further period of
five years.
(S) Nothing in this seetion shall be deemed to affect the provisiolllof
the Municipal Taxation Act.

Alses.mellt '3. The sum to be paid to the Corporation by the Commissioners (or
01 p"",,'"
held b, the the Port of Rangoon under section 80 shall be an amount equal to three per
Commi.- centum of the total annual revenue. of t.bc said Commissioners frOII
.1000en for wbatever lOurces derived.
the Port of
"'1(000. CHAPTER IX.
MuniC';pal Drai,.,.
Clem.lnc M. For tbe purpose of nUlhing and cleansing the municipal dnins tbe
drain. Corporation may construct or set up such rescrvoifl. sluices. engines Ilk!
olher works al it Iba1l deem necessary.
Placcsfor ". The Corporation may cause a1l or any municipal drains to empty
emptyio& Of into Ihe Rangoon. pegu or Hlaing rivers or any other pJace, whether within
drains aod
dilpollal Of or without tbe City. and may dispose of the sewage at any place. wbetller
aewa,.. within or without the City. and in any manner. wbich it shall deem Iuitable
for sucb purpose :
Provided that tbe President of tbe Union may prohibit tbe Corporaliol
from causing any municipal drain 10 empty into any place. or from disposiq

of mea. lor
of any sewaae at any place. or in any manner, wbich he considers unsuitable.

N. For the purpose of receiving, storinl. disinfecting. diJtributiDi 0(

otherwiJe disposin& of sewaae. the Corporation may-
CD) construct any wort. within or without thO City:
(b) purchase or tate on lease any land, buildiq. onSine. material
or apparatus. either within or without the City; and
I S:JbIUlUted b,. Ute CIUQn of IJwaa (AdaptaUa. of IAw'l Order. 1M..
Rdngoon Municipd/. 259

(e) enter into an arrangement with any person, for a period not
exceeding twenty years. for the removal or disposal of sewage
within or without tbe City.
". The Corporation may enlarge. arch o\'er or otherwise improve 2ny AltuatioII
p)d diacoa
municipal drain. and may discontinue. close up or destroy any such drain tiauancf 0{
which has. in its opinion. become useless or unnecessary: dninl.

Provided that if. by reason 0( anything done u!lder this section. any
person is deprived of the lawful usc of any drain. the Corporation shall. as
soon as may be. provide for his use some other drain as effectual as the drain
which has been discontinued. closed up or destroyed.
Drdindge 01 PremiJes.
,.. When any premises are. in the opinion of the Corporation. without Dninage Of
sufficient means for their elfectual drainage and a municipal drain or some Iiluate
place set apart by the Corporation for the di~chJrge of drain'1gc already exists or within a
hundTU led
is about to be constructed within a distance not exceeding one hundred feet ofa
from some part of the said premises. the Corporation may. by written notice. m\lpiclpal
require the owner or oc::cupier of the said premises-
(n) to make a drain which will empty into such municipal drain or
place so set apart;
lh) to provide and set up all such appliances and fittings as may
appear to the Corporation necessary for the purpose of
gathering and receiving the drainage from. and conveying the
same off. the said premises and of effectually nushing such
drain and every fixture connected therewith: and
(c) to remove any existing drain or other appliance or thing used or
intended to be used (or drainage which is. in the opinion of
the CorporatiQn. injurious to health.
". When in any case not provided for in section 98 any premiscs are. Drainage Of
pelllises not
'in the opinion o( the Corporation. without sufficient means (or their effectual fitualc
drainage. it may. by written notice. require the owner or occupier of Ihe said within a
hund'cd led
premises_ oIa
lIIuni .:i ra l
(d) to construct a drain up to a point to be specified ia such notice. dnin,
but not distant more than one hundred feet from some part of
the said prem iscs : or
(b) to construct a closed catch. pit or sump of such material. size and
description. and in such position as it may direct. and a drain
or drains emptying into such catchpit or sump.
tlO. It shall not be lawful to erect or reerect any buildin, any P3" of New build.
iDCS aotto be
~hich is within one hundred (eet of a municipal drain or of some place sct ercdcd with-
apart by the Corporalion (or the discharge of drainage. or to occupy any such out drai
bUiJding newly erected or re-erected. unless and until-
(a) a drain is COnstructed which. in the opinion of the Corporation.
shali be sufficient for the effectual drainlae of such buildins to
such municipal drain or place. and
260 Rangoon Municipal.

(b) there have been provided (or and set up in such building and in
the premises appurtenant thereto all such appliances and fittings
as may appear to the Corporation to be necessary for the
purpose of gathering and receiving the drainage from. and
conveying the same off. the said building and the said premises.
and o( effectually flushing the drain of the said building and
every fixture connected therewith.

sewage and 101. Whenever it is provided in this Act that steps shall or may be taken for the effectual drainage of any premises. the Corporation may
duJnl 10 t-e
dluinct. require that there shall be one drain ror offensive matter and sewage. and
another drain for rain-water and unpolluted sub~soil water. each emptyjn,
into separate munici.pal drains or other places set apart by the Corporation
for the discharge of drainage or into other suitable places.

Rilhh of 101. (I) If it shall appear to the Corporation that the only means.ortl
ownen .. Qd Q'lost convenient means. by which the owner or occupier of any land or
Oo..'Cupien Of
( 10 building can cause his drain to empty into a municipal drain or other placesct
~arrJ d.rall'i~ apart by the Corporation for the discharge of drainage. is by carrying the sa~
~~:~~~;"dS into. through or under any land belonging 10 some person other than the said
to other owner or occupier. the Corporation. after giving 10 the person to whom the
penon.. S3id 13nd belongs a reasonable opportunity of stating any objection. may. if
no objection is raised. or if any objection which is raised appears to it invalid
or insufficient. by an order in writing authorize the said owner or occupier to
carry his drain into. through or under the said land in such manner as it shall
think fit to allow.
(2) Every such order. bearing the signature of such officer as tbe
Corporation shall prescribe. shall be a complete authority to Ihe person in
whose favour it is made. or to any agent or person employed by him tor Ibis
purpose. after giving to the owner of the land reasonable written notice of
his intention so to do. to enter upon the said land wilh assistants and
workmen. at any time between sunrise and sunset. and to execute tbe
necessar)' work. .
(3) Subject to all other provisions of this Act. the owner or occupier of
any premises. or any agent or person employed by bim for this purpose. may.
after giving to the owner of the land. wherein a drain has been already
lawfully constructed for the drainage of his said premises. reasonable written
notice of his intention so to do. enler upon the said land with assistants aDd
workmen. at any time between sunrise and sunset. and construct a new draiD.
in tbe place of the cIisting drain or repair or alter any drains so constructed.
(4) In executing an)' work under this stet ion. as littlc damage as can be.
shall be done. and the owner or occupier of the premises for Ibe bone6t Uf
whicb tbe work is done sball--
(a) cause the work to be executed with the least practicable Clelay :
(b) fill in. reinstate and m3ke good. at his own COst and with the least
practicablo delay. the ground or portioD of any buildiOl Of
J(dngwn MunIcIpal. 161
other construction opened. broken up or remov1 for the
purpose of executing the said work : and
(e) pay compensation to any person who sustains damage by the
exetution of the said work.
(5) If the owner of any land into. through or under which a drain bas
been carried under this section. whilst such land was unbuilt upon. shall. at any
trme afterwards. desire to erect a building on such land. the Corporation shall.
by written notice. require the owner or occupier of the premises for the benefit
of which such drain was constructed to close. remove or divert the same in
such manner as shall be approved by it. and to fill in, reinstate and make
good the land as if the drain had not been carried into. through or under the
"me: provided that no such requisition shall be made unless in the opinion
of the Corporation it is necessary or expedient. in order to admit of the
construction of the proposed building or the nfe enjoyment thereof. tbat tbe
drain be closed. removed or diverted.

103, Every owner of a drain. connected with a municipal drain or other Obll,3!iOh
place set apart by the Corporation for drainage, shall be bound to allow the dOlO/nen Of
drains to
lise of it to other persons. or 10 admit other persons as joint owners thereof. allow ule of
on such terms as may be prescribed under sec:tion lOS. or joint
Iherrin to

104. Any person desiring to drain his premises into a municipal drain, How ri"ht
through a drain of which he is not an owner. may make a private iolnt Of nle or
arrangement with thc owner for permitting his use of the drain. or may apply ship Of
drain may be
10 the Corporation for authority to uSC such drain or to be declared joint obtaiaed bJ
owner thereof. 'p<~
other tbu
tbe OWMr.

105. (I) Where Ihe Corporation is of opinion. whether on receipt of lucb COrpOratiOlll
applic31ion or otherwise. that the only or the most convenient means bywhicb m"
the owner or occupier of any premises can cause the drain of such premises to ~rsOI1 other
empty into a municipal drain or olher place sel apart by the Corporation for Ihe
discharge of drainage is through a drain communicating with sucb municipal
lh;ln the
ownCf 0'
drain '0 UM

drain or place aforesaid, but belonging to some person olher than the said the ncne or
declare him
owner or o<:cupier, the Corporation. after giving the owner of the drain a to be I joiM
reasonable opportunity of ststing any objection therelo. may. with Ibe
Ipproval of the standing committee concerned. if no objection is raised or if
any objeclion which is raised appears to it invalid and insuflicent. by an order
in writing uuthorize the suid owner or cccupier to use the drain or declare
him to be :l joint owner thereof. on such conditions as to the payment of rent
or compensation and as to connecting the drain of the said premillcs with tbe
commur'licating drain and as to Ihe respective responsibilities of the partie.
for maintain}ng. r~irin&. Rushing and cleansing tbe joinl drain or otherwise.
u may appear to It equitable.
262 Rangoon Municipal.

(2) Every such order. bearing the signature of such officer as tbe
Corporation shall prescribe. shaH be a complete authority to the person in
whose favour it is made. nr to any agent or person employed by him f.J! this
purpose. afrer giving or tendering to the owner of the drain the compensation
or rent specified in the said order l.Ind otherwise fulfilling. as far as possible.
the conditions of the said order. and aHer giving to the owner of the drain
reasonable written notice of his intention so (0 do. to cnter upon the land illl
which the said drain is situated with assistants and workmen. at any liDJC
between sunrise and sunset, and subject to all provisions of this Act. to do aU
such things as may be necessary foc-
(a) connecting the two drains; or
(b) renewing, repairing ljr altering the conncction : or
(c) discharging any responsibility atlaching to the person in whose
fa\'our the Corpontion's order i made for maintaining.
repairing. flushing or cleansing the joint drains or any part
(3) In respect of the execution of any worL-: under subsection (2) tbe"
person in whose favour the aforeaid officer's order is mil:de shall be subject to the
same restrictions and liabilities as are spe<:ified in section 102. sub-sectiOn (4).

Power or 106. (J) 1f it appears to the Corporation that any group or block of
CorpotatJon premises any part of which is situated within one hundred feet of any
to dr.lin
premiscs in municipal drain. or of some place set apart by the Corporation lor the
combination, discharge of drainage. which iilready exists or is llbout to be constructed, may
be drained more economically or advantageously in common than separately.
the Corporation may cause such group or block of premises to be drained by
such method as appeu$ to it to b..:: most suitable therefor. and the expenses
incurred by the Corporation in so doing shall be paid by the owners of sueb
premises in such proportions as the Corporation filly think fit.
(2) Not less than fifteen days before any work under this section is
commenced. the Corporation shall give written notice to the owners of all the'
premises to be drained. of-
(a) the nature of the intended work;
(b) the estimated expenses thereof: and
(c) the proportion of such expenses payable by each owner

Conneclinl 107. (1) In the CllSC of prcmiscs abutting on a public street in which
drains 10 be there is a municipal drain and in the case of premises drained in pursuance
al e.peo.e of of the provisions of section 98 or 106 the Corporation shall construct. at the
owners of expense of the owner of Ihe premises for the use and benefit of which the
drain is constructed. such portion of the drain of the premises to be
connected with such municipal drain as it shan be nec:essary to lay under anY'
part of a public slreet.
(1) The porlion of any connecting dC3in SO laid under a public street
shall vest in the Corporation and be maintained and kepi in repair by the
Corporation as a municipal drain.
Rangoon Municipal. 263
(3) The remainder of e\"ery drain constructed. erected. set up or continued
(or the sole use and benefit of aoy premises shall-
(a) vest in tbe owner of such premises;
(b) be maintained and kept in repair by the owner or oc:cupier of such
premises: and
(c) be from time to time Oushed. cleansed and emptied by the Corpora.
lion at the charge of the Municipal Fund:
Provided that:wbere se\eral premises are drained in common under section
106. such remainder shall yest in the owners jointly and the cosl of maintenance
and repair thereof shall be distribu,ted in the same proportions aa are filed by
the Corporation under the said section,

101, (,) When' a drain connecting any premises with a municipal drain or Corporation
milY (10K
other place set apart by the Corporation for the discharge of drainage is sufficient (W
limit the III.
for the effectual dr.linage of the said premises and is otherwise unobjectionable. 0{ exilliac
but is not in the opinion of the Corporation adapted to the general drainage system prh"ate
of the City. or of that part or the City in which such drain is situated. the
Corpordtion may-
(a) close. discontinue or destroy the said drain and cause any wort
necesnry (or that purpose to be done; or
(b) direct that such drain shall. from such date as it prescribes in this
behalf. be used for offensive matter and sewaae only. or for raip
water and unpolluted sub-soil water only.
(2) No drain may b~ closed. discontinued or destroyed by the Corporation
under subsection (I) except on condition of its providing another drain equally
effectual for the drJinage of the premises and communicating with sucb
municipal drain or other place aforesaid as the Corporation thinks fit; and the
expens:s of construction of any drain so prOVided by the Corporation and of
any work. done under cla.use (a) of the said subsectiop shall be paid from tbe
Municipal Fund.

109. (,) For the purpose of ventilating any drain. whether belonging to AlliaiD' of "
pipe. for
the Corporation or to any other person. the Corporation may erect upon any '"enlllaUoo
premises or affix to the outsidl: of any building. or to any tree. any such shaft 0{ drlU",
or pipe as shall appear to the Corporation necessary. and CUI thro~&h any
projcction from any building <including the eaves of any roof ther~f) In order
to carry up such shaH or pipe lhrough any such projection. and Jay 10. t~rougb
or under any land. such appliances as may in the opinion ?f the c;:orporauon ~
ntees","ry for connectin'" such v~ntillting sh:lft or pipe wnb the drain

Intended to be \'entilatcd.
(2) Any sbaft or pipe so erected or 3ffixed shall-
(a) be carried at Je3st fifteen feet higher than any sky-light or window
situated within a distance of forty feet therefrom;
(b) if the .same be aftixed [0 a wall supporting the eaves o( a roof. be
carried at least five (eet higher tban sucb eave. ; and
~64 Rangoon Municipal.

(c) be removed by the Corporation to some oi.her placc. if at any time

the o\\'ncr of the premises. building or tree upon or to which the
same has been erected or affixed is desirous of effecting any
change in his property which either cannot be carried out. or
cannot without unreasonable inco:lVenience be carried out.
unless the shaft or pipe is removed.
(3) If the Corporation declines (0 remove a shaft or pipe under clallSC
(c) of sub-section (2) the owner of the premises. building or tree upon or to
which the same ha~ been erected or affixed may apply to the Chief Judge of
the Rangoon [City Civil Court]!. and the said Judge may. after such enquiry as
he thinks fit to make. direct the Corporation to remove the shaft or pipe, and
it shall be incumbent on the Coriloration to obey such order.
(4) Where the owner of any building or land cut through. opened or
othcrwise dealt with under sub-section (I) is not the owner of the drain
intended to be ventilated. the Corr-0ration sh:tll, so far as is pr2ctieable. rein
state and make good such building. and fill in and make good such land, at
the charge of the Municipal Fund.

night of 110. All drains. ventilation shahs and pipes. and all appliances and
Corporali"n liltings connected with drains constructed. erectcd. or set up at the charge of
to drains
the Municipal Fund upon ~remiscs not belonging 10 the Corporation. shall,
~t char~e or unless the Corporation has otherwise determined. or shaH at any time
Jo'und on otherwise Jelermine. vest in lhe Corporation.
prl:mi.ea flol
bclonginj;!, 10 Scav'nging and Cleansing.
Ot'posit of Ill. For the purposc of collecting. trealing and removing rubbish and
rllbbi~h and
offensive matter. the Corporation shall provide public receptacles. depOts and
matl~r, plac~s for the tem;Jorary deposit or final disposal thereof:
Provided that lhe President of the Union may prohibit such final disposal
in any specified place or mlnncr.

Collection liZ. When the Corporation has given public notice under clause (a) of
and TClnoVi11
of scwilgC,
section 84. sub-section (1). that the collection and removal pf sewage, offensive
etc. matter and rubbish from the buildings and lands in any portion of Ihe City
will be under taken by municipal agency. it shall forthwith talce meuures for
the due collection and removal of such matter from any buildings and lands
situaled in the said portion of the City.

Lea,t 113. In curying out the dutics imposed on the Corporation by clauses
nubancl: to 25. or cll.ereising Ihe power conferred thereon by
(i). (ii) and (iii) of section
be QlllJICd. sections 94. 95. 96. 97. 109. III and 112. the Corporation is responsible tbat
the least practicable nuisance is created.
Waler. . 114. Where the Corporation has under clause (b) of section ~S, sub-
~url"l), section (t), given public notice that sufficient waler i~ available frOID
I Substihlled by Act X\'I,l',46.
Rangoon Mllnicipal. 265

municipal waterworks for furnishing a reasonable supply of water (or

domestic purposes. it *bal1 forthwith tak.e measurCi to ensure the supply oC
such water.
115. For the purpose of makinc provision Cor a supply oC water proper Gao",1
power. for
and sufficient for public and prlV'dte purposes the Corporation may- supplyinl
(a) construct and maintain waterworks. either within or without the lbe Cat, with
City. and do any other necessary acts ;
(b) purchase or take on lease any water-work or any water or right to
store or to take and convey water. whether within or without the
City; and
(e) enter into an arrangement with any person for a supply of water.
lUi. The Corporation may. for the purpose of inspecting or repairing or
executing any work in. upon or in connection with any municipal wilterwork.
accc:~. to
at all reasonable times.- ."aler-worlt.
(a) by any authorized person enter upon and pass through any land.
within or without the City. adjacent to or in the vicinity of such
water-wart. in whomsoever such land may vest;
(b) CilUse to be conveyed into and through any such land all necessary
men. materials. tools an1 im~lements.
117. Except with the ~rmission of the Corporation. no person shall- Prohibition
of erc..lion
(a) erect any building for any purpose whatever on any part of the area of any build-
enclosed by the boundary-fence of any Jake Or reservoir from in. which
would injure
which a supply of water is derived for a municipal waterwork : or sourcC'. oi
(b) remove. alter. injure. damage or in any way interfere with the waler'
aforesaid boundary-fence.
118. Except as hereinafter provided. no person sh.dl- ProhibiliOD
0(balhinJl: in.
(il) cause or suffcr to percolate Or drain into or upon any municipal or pollu\in,.
water-work or to be brought thereinto or thereupon anything. W;ltcl'

or to be done any act. whereby the water therein shall be in

any way fouled or its quality altered;
(b) ulter the' surface of any municipal lund adjacent to or forming part
of any such work by digging thereinto or depositing thereon any
substance ;
(c) cause or suffer to enter into the water in such work any animal :
(d) throw or put into or upon the water in such work anything;
(~) bathe in or near sucb wort; or
(I) wash or cause to be washed in or near sucb wort any animal or
other thi.a.l.
11'. If it shall be shown that an olfence aeainst any provision of tbis OCcupier 01
ACt bas occurred on any premises to wbicb a private supply of water is sup;>lled prftUDet to
be primarily
by the CorpOration, it shall be presumed. until the contrary is proved. that liable (VI"
such olfelice has been committed by the occ;upier of the said premises. eertaiD
~in.t u.e
266 Rangoon Municipal.

Genuul Provisions wilh reference 10 Dra;noge. WaUr-Jupply

and olher Mains. of 110. 'rhe Corporation may carry any cable. wire. pipe. drain or channel of
wire., nny kind required for the establishment or maintcnance of any system of drainalt,
l'ipc:s. drai, waler-supply or lighting through. across. under or over any street or railway or
any place laid out as or intended for a street. and. after giving reasonable Rotite
in writing (0 lhe owner or occupicr. througb. across. under. over or up the side of
any land or building whal$OCver. within or without the City. and may place
and main lain any posts. poles. standards, brackcts or other contrivances for
supporting cables. wires. pipes. channels i:lnd lights on any immoveable
property in the City. and mi:lY do all acls necessary or expedient for repairin,
or mi:lintaining any such cable. wire. pipe. drain. cbannel. post. pole. standard.
bracket or other similar contrivance in an effective state for the purpose for
which it is intended to be used or for removing lhe same.

blllldinp 111. (I) Without the permission of the Corporation. no building. wall ol'
not to be other structure shall be erected or rc-crected, and no strut or railway or
wlthoul tramway shall be con.~lrUClcd, over any municipal uraiu or municipal water,
oyer drain. gas or air main.
or willer, (2) If any building, wall or other structure be so erec:ted or re-erected. or
IU or air . any street or railway or tramway be so constructed. the Corporalion may
rem:lVC or otherwise dell with the same as it shall think fit. and the eA:penlCa
therebY incurred shall be paid by the person offending.

CompenQ. 111. In the exercise of any power conferred by seetion I t6 or 120 u

lion for little damage or inconvenience as can be shall be done or caused, aDd
dmacc. compensation for any damage which may be done in the exercise of an)' of
the said powers shall be paid by the Corponllion.


Factories and Trades.

...elory oot 113. (,) No person shall-
10 be newly

(a) newly establish. or
(b) remove from one place to another. or
(c) re-open or renew after discontinuance for a period oC not less thaa
two years. or
(d' enlarge the area or dimensions of.
~ny factory. workshop or bakery in any area other tbaD aD area set apart for
the accommodation of industries by any Act for tbe time being in ~otce or ~y.
an)' local authority. except with the permission of the Corpo~ahon and 11
accordance with tbe terms and conditiontated ia sucb pcrmiaaion.
RGngoon M"nic;pul. 267
(2) The Corporation may refuse to give such permission if it i, of
opinion that the establishment of such factory. workshop or bakery in tbe
proposed position is objectionable by rcason of the nature of the site thereof
or tbe density of the population in the neighbourhood. thereof or will be a
nuisance to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood.
(J) The Corporation may. as a tondition of grantinl such permission.
reqaire the owner of aoy such factory. workshop or bakery to provide bou.ina
accommodation sufficient for the oumber of persons permanently employed by
him on the premises.
(4) In the event of any act beina done in contravention of the provision.
of subsection (I). the Corporation may cause to be forcibly removed all
persons from the premises in which the factory, workshop or bakery in re.pect
of which the offenee bas been committed is situated and no person
shall thereafler enter into or remain in the said premises without the permis-
sion of the Corporation.

114. No perron shall. otherwise tban in aocordance with tbe provisions Rec ulatioa
Of uIICet'OUt
of this Act.- I.IId offenlhc
(u) store or keep in any premises any articles which are pre5CribecJ as tradea.
dangerous or offensive. or as being. or likely to be. a Duiu.n"
to the public. or dangerous to life. health or property;
(b) store or keep in any premises the hide or any part of tbe carcasc
of any animal afflicted at the time of ill: death with infectious or
contagiOUS disease; or
(d carryon or allow to be carried on. in aoy premises. illy trade.
manufacture. industry or operation which is prescribed as
dangerous to life. health or property or as likely to create a
nuisance. either from its nature or by reason of lhe manner in
which or the conditions under wbicb the same is. or i.
proposed to be. carried on :
Provided that nothing in Ihis section sball affect tbe provisions of the
Explosives Act or the Petroleum Act.

Markell and SJaughter-houus.

U5. (1) No person shall. without. or otherwise thaD in conformity with Privale
the terms of. a licence granted by the Corporation in this behalf.-
(u) keep open. or
(b) newly establish. or
mulr.da not
to belr.epl

out aliocDCt.

(d remove from one place to anotbcr. or

(d) feopen or re-establiab after discontinuance for a period. of not
leu than one year. or
(e) enlarge tbe area or dimen.aioa, of.
a private rparket :
Provided that !he Corporation sball nol refute. cancel or 'Ulpend any
liceQCe fa" kccPi&: Onto a private market for any cause: other than lbe failure
268 Rangoon Mwricipo'.

of the owner thereof to comply with some provision of tbi. Att or conditiol
of bis licence after his attention bas been drawn to such failurc.
(2) When the Corporation has rcfused. cancelled or suspended any lic:eDc&
to keep open a private market it sball notice of it. baving so dODe to
be affixed { )1 on somc conspicuous spot on or near ..
building or place where .uch market has been held.

LicQutnlof 126. (I) No p:rson shall. wilhout a licence from the Corporation. acU CI'
sale Of meat expos:: for sale. any four-footed animal. or any meat or fish intended for
markel. human food. in any place other than a municipal or Jicenscd market.
(2) Nothing in sub-section (I) shall apply-
(Il to meat or fish sold in any hotel or eating-house for consumptioa.
on the premises. or
(b) to frcsh fish sold from. or cllposcd for sale on. a vessel in which it
has been brought direct to Rangoon after being caugbt at sea or
in the river.

Probibition 117. No person shall. al any place olher Ihan a municipal slaughterbouse.
of esbbll.h-
mento{ cllcept with the permission of the Corporation and in accordance with the terI9J
llaughtu- and conditions of such permission. slaughter or cause or permit to be
slaughttred any four-footed animal. the flesh of which may be wed u
hum:&n food :
Provided that; nOlwithstanding the provisions of section 178. sub.sectioI
(3), the Corporation shall not charge any fee for the: grant of pcrmissioa tor
the sacrificial slaughter, on Ihe oet::3Sion of any festival or ceremony. of
animals, the ftesh of which is not intended for salc.
Of places
12'. (I) If there are reasonable grounds for believing that any animal
for illicit has been or is being or is likely to be slaughtered in contravention 01 (be
Iaughter Of provisions of section 127. any municipal officer authorized in this behalf may
animals and
'eizure of at any time by day or night. enter into and inspect any such place or premiseS.
care-aiel IU and may seize any animal or the carcalC of any slaughtered animal f _
(2) The officer so aUlhorized may remove and sen by auction or
othtrwise dispose of any animal or the carease of any animal seized under
sub-section (I). and shall place in deposit in the Municipal Fund the proc:eW
of any such sale.
(3) If the owner of any animal or carcasc SO seized fails to appear wilhil
one month from the date of such seizure. and prove his claim to tbe sa~
tion of the Corporation. or if such owaer is coavicted of an offence under thiS
Act with respc<:t to slICh animal or carcaae. the proceeds of the aforesaid sale
sball vest in the Corporation.
(4) if the owner of any animal or carcase so seized appears and prota
'his claim to the animal or carcase or to the proceeds of tbe salc thereof 10.
Rango.on Municipal. 269
satisfaction of the Corporation. within one month from the date of such
seizure. the Corporation shall. if it docs not pro.ecute such owner or if 81 a
result of the institution of a prosecution such owner is acquittet.l or
discharged. pay to Such owner the proceeds of the sale of such animal
or carcase.

u,. The Corporation may-

(0) charge such stallages. rents and fees as it may from time to time Levy of
fix for the use or occupation of a.ny staU. shop. shed, standing. charlet in
pen. lairage or other building in a municip!ll market or market. and
municipal slaughterhouse, and for the right to expose goods for laulhleT-
sale in a municipal market. and for weighing and measuring
goods sold in any municipal market;
(b) farm the stallages. rents and fees leviable under clause (0); and
(c) put up to public auction the privilege of occupying or using any
stall. shop. sheet standing. pen. lairage or other bUildina: in a
municipal market or municipal slaughter-house for such period
and on such conditions as it may think fit.

Weights and Measures.

131. (I) Any municipal officer authorized in this behalf may. at aU Inspcc.Uon
reasonable times. enter into any market. building. shop, stan or place UICd for Of marld'
alMl .rinare
the sale of any goods. food. drink Or drugs and inspect any instruments for Of wei&bll
weighing, weights or measures found therein and test the same with other >n'
weights and measures. and may seize any sucb instrument for weighing.
weight or measure which he reasonably suspects to be false Or other than those
Prescribed and may cause the S!lme to be examined or tested.
(2) Every person for the time being in charge of, or employed in, such
market. building. shop. stall or place, shall. if so required by the officer
authorized. produce for such inspection and comparison aU instrumentt for
weighing. weights and measures kept or used therein.

Seizure 0/ Animall.
131. (I) Any municipal oflic:er authorized in this behalf may- I fioe
(a) if he has reason to believe tbat any animal is being kepi in any :~~
place or premises in contravention of any provision of this Act,
at any time of the day or nighi.. enter into and inspect such
place or premises and seize and remove any animals so kept
therein; or
(6) seize and remove any animal found in the course of importatioD
into. or transport within. the City. in contravention of any
provision of tbis Act.
(2) If tbe owner of any animal seized under subsection (I) fails to
appear within onc mbnth from the date of such seizure. and prove his claim
10 luch aDim~1 to the satisfaction of the Corporation. the CorporatioJl may
270 Rangoon Municipal.

sell such animal by auction or otherwise and the proceeds of such sale sball
be credited to the Municipal Fund.
(3) If the owner of any animal seized under subsection (I) appears
within one month from the date of such seizure and proves his claim to sucb
animal to the satisfaction of the Corporation. the Corporation shall. if
reasonable charges for feeding and tending afe paid. return such anima) to
such owner and may direct the prosecution of such owner under the
provisions of this Act.

Food. Drink and Drugs.

Prohibition 131. No person shall sell. expose for sale or keep for sale any animal.
Of sale Of food. drink. or drug intended for human consumption or medical treatment,
animals or or manufacture any such food. drink or drug which is diseased. unsound.
unwhole_ unwholesome or unfit for human food.
articlel ExpJanation.-Meat into which air or water has been blown or injected
inlende'd for shall be deemed to be unfit for human food,
human (oed.

Adulteration 133. (I) No person shall sell or expose. manufacture or store for sale
of food. any article of food or drink or any drug which has been adulterated,
or dl"ugs (Z) An article or drug shall be deemed to be aduherated-
(a) in the case of an article of food or drink-
(j) if any substance has been mixed or packed therewith so as to'
reduce or lower or injuriously affect its quality or strength, or
(ii) if any valuable constitsuent of the article has been Wholly or in
part abstracted;
(b) in the case of a drug-
0) if. when it is sold or exposed for sale under or by a name
recognised in the British Pharmacopreia. it differs from t~(
standard of strength. quality or purity laid down in the said
Pharmacopreia. unless the standard of strength. quality or
purity of such drugs is plainly stated on the bottle. box or
other receptacle. or
(ij) if its strength. quality or purity falls below the professed
standard under which it is sold or exposed for sale:
Provided that no adulteration shall be deemed to have talceD place
(i) the article or drug was unavoidably mixed with any extraneoUI
matter in the process of collection or preparation. or
(ii) any mailer or ingredient not injurious to health has been ad,dcd
thereto or mixed therewith because such matter or ingredi,"1
was required for the production or preparation thea.:.eof as all
article of commerce in a state fit for conveyance or consump-
tion. and not fraUdulently to increase the bolt. weight or
measure thereof or to ~oDceal its inferior quality. if tbe
Rangoon Municipal. 271

vendor in the presqribed manner brought to the notice of the

purchaser the fact that such matter or ingredient had been so
added or mixed.
(3) The President of the Union may. with reference to any particular
article of food or drink. or to any drug.-
(0) declare by notification what "deficiency in any of the normal
constituents. or what addition of extraneous substance or
proportion of water.
(b) fix by notification a standard of quality. specific grtlvity or percentage
of constituent parts. failure to conform with which.
shall. for the purposes of this Act. raise a presumption. until the contrary is
proved. that the food. drink or drug. as the case may he. is adulterated.

134. No person shall sell or expose. manufacture or store for sale any Slandarctj,.ecJ
uticle of food or drink or any drug to which the President of the Union has food and
by notification applied this section unless it fulfils the conditions specified
therefor in such notification

. 135. No person shaH sell or expose. manufacture or store for sale. a:; S.b.tilute.
being any specified arlicle of food or drink or any specified drug. to which the
President of the Union has by notificltion extended Ihis section. any article
(hereinafter referred to as a .. substitute ") which resembles or purports to be
but is different in nature. substance or quality from such notified article or drus:.

136. ]0 any prosecution under section 132. 133. 134 or 135- Pto\"i.ionl
rel.tina: to
(a) tbe Court shall presume. unless and until the contrary is pro\"ed. I'roIecutionl.
that any animal. food. drink or drug or substitute therefor found
in the possession of any person who is or has recently been in
the habit of selling that class of animal. or of manufacturing.
storing or selling sucb food. drink or drug. or what purports or
purported to be such food. drink: or drug. was being kept.
manufactured or stored for sale by such person;
(6) it shall be no defence for such person to plead that he was ignorant
that tbe animal. food. drink or drug or substitute was diseased.
unsound. unwholesomc or unfit for human food or was adulterated
or did not fulfil the conditions specified or was a substitute. a.
thc case may be ;
(d no offence shall be deemed to have been committed where such
person proves to the satisfaction of the Court that he obtained
the food. drink. drug or substitut.: under" a warranty from the
manufacturer in. or importer into. the Union of Burma. as tb,.e
case may be. that the food. drink. drug or substitute had not
been- adulterated. did fulfil the conditions specified or was noC
a substitute. and that he had no re:lSon to believe otberwise.
272 Rangoon Municipal.

Liabilily Of 137. When any person has been discharged or acquitted of an offence by
reason of the provisions of clause (c) of section 136. and the warranty proves
to be incorrect or misleading. the warrantor shall be deemed to have com-
mitted such offence.

Inlpection 138. (J) Any municipal officer authorized in this behalf may at any time
of (Ilace:.rorenter into and inspect any market. building. shop. stall Or place used for the
nit of food
or drink, and sale of any, fooO. drink or drugs intended for human consumption or
,t!:l:ore of medical treatment or for the preparation. manufacture or stor3ge of the SlJnle
lOme articln for sale. and may inspect and examine any such animal. food. drink or drug
or utcmil' and any utensil or vessel used for preparing. manuf~cturing or containing any
therein. such food. drink or drug which may be therein.
(2) If any such animal appears to such officer to be diseased. or if any
such food. drink or drug appears to him to be unsound. unwholesome or unfit
for human consumption or medical treatment. as the case may be. or to b.:
adulterated. or not to fulfil the specified COnditiOns or to be a substitute. or 'if
any such utensil or vessel is of such kind or in such state as to
render any food. drink or drug prepared. manuf~clured or contained thertiJ;!
unwholesome or unfit for human consumption or medical treatment. as the case
may be. he may seize and remove such animal. food. drink. drug. utensil or
\lesse! in order that the Slme may be dealt with as her;:inafter in this Chapter
(3) The authorized officer may. instead of removing any such animal,
food. drink. drug. utensil or vessel seized under sub-~ction (2). lea"'e the same
in such safe custody as the Corporation directs in order that the same may be
dealt with as hereinafter in this Chapter provided: and no perSall shall remo~e
such animal. food. drink. drug. utensil or vessel from such custody or interfere
or tamper with the same in any way while 50 detained.

Seizure of 139. Any municipal officer authorized in this behalf may at any time seize
;dlicles any articles of food or drink or ;Lny drugs which arc in course. of importation into
importatiOn or transport within the City in contravenlion of the provisions of Ihis Act.
or transport,

De.truClion 140. (1) When any animal. food. drink. drug, utensil or vessel is seized
Of :lnim~b
and aitkin under section 138. sub-seclion (2). or section 139. it may. at the discrelion of
aeiztd under the officer making the seizure and with the consent of the owner or the ~rSOll
~Uon 138
Or 139. in whose possession it was found. be forthwith destroyed: provided that if
any food. drink or drug so seized is of a perishable nature and is in the
opinion of the officer making the seizure. diseased. unsound. unwholesome ?r
unfit for humaD consumption or medical treatment, it roay be destroyed without
such consent.
(Z) The c.c:penses incurred on behalf of the Corporation in taking any
action under sub-seclion (I) sball be paid by the person in whose PQssession suci
animal. food. drinll. drue. utensil or vessel was at the time of ils seizure.
Ranroon Municipal. 173
141. (I) Any animal. food. drink. drug. utensil or vessel seized under section T.kinl
138, sub.section (1). or section 139 which is not destroyed in pursuance of befofe
section 140 shall. subject to the provisions of section 138. sub.section (J). be of anim;J;h
taken before a Magistrate as soon as may be after such seizure. aoll artic:lu
uiud u"dtT
(1) If it appears to the Magistrate that such animal. fOOd. drink. drug Iion UI
utensil or vessel was rightly seized. he shall cause the samc_ Of 1J9.

(a) to be forfeited to the Corporation. or

(b) to be destroyed at the expense of the person in whose possessioD
it was found at the time of its seizure.
(3) If lbe Magistrate is of the contrary opinion the person from whose
sbop or place it was taken shall be entitled to have it restored to him. and it
shall be in the discretion of the Magistrate to award him such compensatioD.
not exceeding the actual loss or expenses which he has sustained or incurred.
as the Magistrate may think proper.

141. When any authority directs. in exercise of any powcrs conferred by Food.
;I.lld drug.
this Chapter, the destruction of any animal or any food. drink or drug or tbe directed 10 be
disposal of the same so as to prevent its being used as food or medicine. tbe delhO}'rd
same shall thereUpOn be: deemed to be the property of the Corporation. deemed to be
the property
143. Any dealer in. or purchaser of. any food. drink or drug. who submit. Power of
the same to the Municipal Analyst and pays such fee as the Corporation may dealer in, or
fix in this behalf. shall be entitled to have the same analysed by the Municipal Of, ;J;rticle to
Analyst and to receive from him a certificate of the results of his analysis, hne it
144. lO Any municipal officer authorized in this behalf may apply to Purchne or
purchase any article of food. drink or drug. which may be kept or exposed for .ehllfe Of
aflicle of
~Ie. or be in course of importation into. Or transport within. the City. or for food, drink
or dnag for
the rcgu1:ltion of the sale. importation or transport of which provision has p"rpOln Of
been made under this Act. upon tendering the price for a quantity not more anal,.i,.
than reasonably requisite for the purpose of analysis. and the person in charge
of such article of food. drink or drug. shall. if he has authority to sell. be
bound to sell such quantity.
. (2) If the person in charge of any article of food. drink or drug as afore-
said shall be unable for wanl of authority to sell such quantity as shall be
reasonably requisite as aforesaid. the authorized officer may seize a quantity
not .more than reasooably requisite as aforesaid and shall grant him a certificate
Itatmg the nature and quantity of the article seized. and the date and place
01 .
. seizure. and. upon claim being made. shall pay to tbe owner the price of
Ihe article seized.
(3) The authorized officer. after purchasing or seizing any article under.
IUb~ectioh (I) or sub-section (1). and any person purchasing any article with
the mlention 01 subrftitting the same (0 analysis. shall. after complcting the
purchase. forthwith notify 10 tbe person in chafJe of such article his intentioa

274 Rangoon Municipal.

to have the same analysed. and shall divide the article into three parts to be
then and there separated and c: ch purt tC't be marked aDd scaled or fastened
up in such manner 3S its nature will permit.
(4) The authorized officer and any such person as is mentioned in
sub-section (3) shall deliver one of the said parts 10 the seller or his agent. shall
retain another for future comparison. and may send the third to Ihe Municipal

Di$posalof the ()~ad.

~Ident 14$. (J) If. from information furnished by competent persons and personal
may direct
the clotipi inspection by an olf.cer authorized in that behalf. the Corporation is of

or any piau
disposal or
the dead.
(a) that any pl:lce of public worship is or is likely to become injurious
to health by reason of Ih~ state of the vaults and graves in or about
the same. or of any churchyard or burial ground adjacent
thereto. or
(b) tbat any other place used for the disposal of the dead is in such a
stale as to be or to be likely 10 become injurious to health.
it may submit its opinion. with the reasons therefor. for the consideration of
the President of the Union.
(2) Upon receipt of such opinion the President of the Union. after such
further inquiry, if any. as he shall deem fit to cause to be made, may. by
notification published in the Gazette and the local newspapers., direct that
such place of public worship or other plDCC for the disposal of the dead be no
longer used for the disposal of the dead.
(3) On the expiration of two months from the date of any such order of
the President of the Union. the place to which the same relates shall be closed
for the disposal of the dead.

1". (I) If the Corporation is of opinion tbat any place formerly used
-, ""'"
for the disposal of Ihe dead. but closed under the provisions of section 145 or
lion the

that ha.e
under aoy other law or authority. has by lapse of time become no longer
injurious to health. and may wilhout risk of danger be again used for the said
becll ctOMld purpose, il may submit its opinion. with the reasons therefor. for the
consideration of the President of the Union.
the dead. (2) Upon receipt of such opinion the President of the Union. after such
further inquiry. if any. as he shall deem fit to cause to be made. may. by
notification published as aforesaid. direct Ihat such place be rc-opened for the
disposal of Ihe dead.
CQflaJ..... 141. (J) No person shall. wilhout Ihe permission of Ihe Corporation
Una.... under subo-seclion (2)_
lobe roade
wJtboul the (tI) make any vault or grave Or interment within Ihe wall. or
per!Ili. .1oD undemeath any passage, porch. portico. plinlh or verandah of
Co<"pocatioa. any public place of worsbip; or .
Rangoon Municipal. 27!
(b) make any interment. or otherwise dispose of any corpse. n any
place which is closed for the disposal of the dead- under section
145: or
(d build. dig. or cause to be built Or dug. any gra-..e or vaull. Or in
any way dispose of. or sufTer or permit to be disposed of. any
corpse at an) place not registered as a pl;tce for the disposal of
the dead; or
(d) exhume any corpse.
(2) The Corporation may. in special cases. grant permissi~n for any. of
the purposes aforesaid. subject to such general or special orders as the
President of the Union may from time to time make in Ihis behalf.
(3) An offence under this section shall be deemed to be a cognizable
offence within the meaning of sections 149. ISO and 1St of the Code of
Criminal Procedure.
Emug~rtCY P,,,v;s;on$.
141. In the event of the City being at any time visited or threatened 1Aet,~
with an outbreak of any dangerous disease. or in the event of any infectious .mealprtl
disease breaking out or being likely to be introduced into the City amongst :lDy d q t r
men or animals. the Commissioner. if he is of the opinion Ihal the ordinary ollldlleUe.
provisions of this Act or of any other low (or the time being in fOR:e aro
insufficient for the purpose. muy_
(a) take such special measures. and
(b) by public notice prescribe such temporary regulations to be obIerved
. by the public or by any person or class of persons.
as he shall deem necessary to prevent the outbreak of such disease or tile
spre:ad thereof.

14'. (0 If the Corporation is of opinion that the destruction of any hut Deltrudloa
or shed is necessary to prevent the spread of any dangerous disease. it may. abed,01 hutt aad
after giving to the owner or occupier of such hut or shed such previous notice lI.eceIIovy.
of its intention as may in the circumstances of the case appear to it reasonable.
take measures for having sucb hut or shed and all the materials thereof
(2) Compensation may be by the Corporation. in any ease in whil:;b
it.thinks fit. to any person who sustains substantial lou by the destruction of
any such hut or shed: but except as so allowed by the Corporation. no claim
for compensation shall lie for any loss or damage caused by any exercile of
the power conferred by this section.

ISO. 1n any C3se in which the Commiuioner is empowered to cause the Power to
disinfection of clothing. bedding or other arlicles which have become infected destroy
with disease. he may direct the destruction of such clothing. bedding or other
articles if tbey are likely to relain infection. and may. in biI diseretion.
ompensation for any article so destroyed.
.i" cloth-h",. etc.
%16 Rangoon M"nlclPG"
151. 011 tbe occurrence of any sudden ao::idenl or unforeseen e,,"ent. or in
me..ures ia the threatened ourreoce of any disaster. involving or likely 10 in\olve
dla.l.... extensive damage to any property. or danger to human or animal life. the
Commissioner shall take sucb actioo as the emergency shall appear to him to
ju.stify or to require.

ActlOft by In. Whenever the Commissioner takes any action under section 148.150
Cfllr,lIIl.. or 151 he shalt immediately report to the Corporation the action he has taken.
,loner to be
reported. the reasons therefor and the cost incurred thereby: and he shall comply with
any directions given by tbe Corporation in respect of such matter.


~lblUOD 153. No person sban commence the work of eretlion or re-erection of any
or e~ti()Cl,
(If re~ee- building or of any excavation for the I '
oundahoDs f
~I= (0) unless and until tbe Corporation has eitber granted permission for
pernT(uion the erection or reerection thereof or has failed to intimate
r:~:'1'pora. within the prescribed period its refusal of such permission; or
(b) after the expiry of one year from the date of the said order grant.
ing permission or from tbe end of lIle prescribed period. as the
cue may be.

Cotnptetlc. 154. (I) Every person who erects or rc-erects any building shall. within
aM permil
One month after the completion of the work of erection or re-erection. deliver
'or ICIId to the Corporation Dotice io writing of such completion Aod shall
11011I to
OCQIPJ'" live to the Corporation all necessary facilities for the inspection of such
(2) The CorporatiOD shall. within. leven days after the receipt of the said
Gotice.depute an of6cer to commence the work: of inspection of such building.
(3) The Corporation me)'. within .even. days from the date of commence.
ment of such inspection. b)' written intimation addressed to tbe person from
whom tbe notk:e of completion was received. and delivered at his address as
stated in such DOtice. or. in the absence of such address. affiXed to Q conspi.
cuous part of the building to which such notice relates.-
(0) Jive perm.iasion for the occ:upaUon of the buUdiDC ~ or the
usc of the part of the buildin, re-erected. or
(6) refuse such permission in case such building bas been erected or
re-erected 10 u to contravene aDy provision of tbis Act.
(4) No person sball occupy or permit to be occupied aay such baildiD,
or VIe or permit to be uted aD)' part affected by tbe re-erection of such
(a) UIltii tbe permislioa referred to in clause la) of IUb-JediOll (3) btl
been pnled in tbe prcseribed manner. or
Rangoon Mllnic/pal.

(b) unless the Corporation has failed for days .fter the
receipt of notice of completion to intimate its refula. of the
said permission.
155. (I) If any person- Powu Of
(a) commeOCCl the work of erection or re-erection of any buildiDl.':'or ~=~OII
of any excavation for the foundatioDa thereof. without the tClDO'ftl of
permission of the Corporation. or Cii:D~'t.
(b) proceeds with the work of erection or re-eredion of anybuildiaSor . . . . WoIb
otherwise than after compliance in full with the lawful requiJ'e. =a~6~r,
ments of any prescribed notice by tbe Corporation. or carried on or
. or permits
(c) occupies . to be occuple. d or uses or permlIS to be .....-
_..1 which are
any building or part of a build ins erected or re-erected witbout OCC1lIried.
the permission of the Corporation under &eCtion 154.
the Corporation may. after t,,-enty-four hours' notice. direct that all penou
engaged in any capacity in the work of erection or rc-erec;:tion of sucb
or part of a building, or occupying or using such buildina or part of I build..
ing. shall be removed therefrom. and may call upon the Commilliooer of
Police of Rangoon to enforce such removal. and the Commissioner of Police.
on receipt of any such requisition. shall cause all the persons aforesaid to be
removed from such building and shall take such measures as will prevent any
such person from again entering into or remaininl upon such buildina or part
of a building except with the permission of the Corporation: provided tbat
any person cx:cupyina or usin. such buildinl or part of a buildinl as I tenant
shall not be removed. under clause (c) unless one week's notice in writin.
requiring such person to vacate tbe same bas been aencd on bim. by tbe
(2) AU expenditure incurred in the enforcement of the provisions of &hit
section may be reeovered from the person otrendinso

156. (I) If for any reason it sball appear to the Corporation that aa,. Provi.IODI
building or part of a building intended for or used for buman habitation or :fiJt~nc
human occupation for any purpose whatever is unfit for such babitation 01' aafit ,J&
occupation. it shall live to the Owner or occupier of such buildina nota ill
weitina. stating sueb reason and sianifying its intention to prohibit the furtlt .
use of such buiJdina or part of a buildinl for such purpOle, and calliDa upoe
the owner or occupier of such building to state in writiD. any ob.i=ioa
thereto within seven day. after the receipt of such notice, and. if DO objcctioa
is railed by such owner or occupier with.i.a such period as aforesaid. or if Illy
objection which is railed by such owner or occupier within such period Ippean
to the Corporation invalid or insufficient. it may. by an order in writint:.
prohibit the furlher use of such building or part of a building for hUDllD
habitation or occupation: pro\oided that. before such order is liveR. tho owner
or occupier of the buildiol shall have an opportunity of appeariag before the .
Corporation (or such standial committee as may be ptelCribed in thia bellalO,
iD penon or by ...... iD lapP! of bia objeotioa.
278 Rangoon Municipal.

(1) When any such prohibition as aforesaid has been made. the- Corr- oru
liOD shall cause notice of such prohibition to be served upon the owner of.
and upon every person who occupies or uses for any purpose. the building or
part of a building thereby affected: such notice shall specify ~ da)', being not
less than fourteen days from the date thereof. on or before which c'rcry such
occupier shall remove himself and his property from the said building or purt
of a building. and. if on the day so appointed any occupier has failed to com
ply with the terms of the said notice. the Corporation may cause such occupier
.and his property to be removed from the suid building or part of a building
and may for such purpose enforce the prohibition by call ins upon the Com-
missioner of police of Rangoon in the manner provided for in section 155;
and all expenditure incurred in such enforcement may be recovered from the
(3) When a building or P3rt of a building has been evacuated under
sub-section (2). the Corporation shall mark it in the m:lnner prescribed and no
person shall. except with the permission of the Corporation and in accordance
with the terms and conditions of such permission. enter into or remain in such
building or part of a building.
(4) At any time after a building or part of a building has been evacuated
under sub-section (2). the Corporation may. if it considers that such building
or part of a building can be rendered fit for human habitation by struetunll
alterations or repairs. by notice in writing call upon the owner to execute. within
a period of six months from the date of receipt of such notice. such structural
alterations or repairs as it deems necessary. or may. if it considers it impossible
to render such building or part of a building fit for human habitation. by
notice in writing call upon the owner to demolish such building or part of u:
building within a period of thirty days from the receipt of such notice.
(5) If at the expiration of the aforesaid period of six months such struc-
tural alterations or repairs have not been executed to the satisfaction of the
Corporation it sh!lll issue to the owner thereof a notice in writing ordering the
demolition of such building or part of a building within a period of thirty
days from the date of receipt of such notice.
(6) If at the expiration of the period of thirty days an order to demolish
a building or part of a building. issued under sub-section (4) or sub-section (5).
has not been complied with. the Corporation may direct. by an order in writing.
the demolition of such building or part of a building by any municipal officer
or servant or contractor. and the materials of such building Or part of a build-
ing shall beCome the property of the Corporation: pro... ided that. before such
order is made. the owner of the building or part of a building shan have an.
opportunity of appearing before the Corporation (or such standing committee as
may be prescribed in this behalf). in person or by agent. and of showing cause
w~y such order should not be made.

(7) For sufficient cause. the Corporation may extend the time allowed
under, or prescribed by. subsections (4), (5) and (6).
Rangoon Municipal.

(8) If any building or .part of a building in respect of which ao order

under this section has bcf:n made is the subject of a lealc. sceb lell: shaD be
voidable at the option of the lessee with etrect from the date oa which the
said order comes into force.

151. (I) If any building. wall. structure or nny thing affixed thereto is in RcmoovalOf
a ruinous or d:mgerous state the Corporation may. by notice in writing.
require the owner or occupier thereof forthwith either to remove the same or dau
.-o: ..
to cause such repairs to be made thereto u it considef$ necessary for the public Itale.
pfety. and if it appears to it to be necessary in order to prevent imminent
danger. it may forthwith take such steps as may be neccssacy to avert such
danger. and such steps may include the forcible removal witbout notice from
such building of all the occupiers thereof and their property.
(.1) Any expense incurred by the Corporation under sub-section (I) lhall
be paid by the owner of the said building. wall. structure or thina affixed
(3) No person shall enter into or remain in an) building from which tbe
occupiers have been removed und~r lub-section (I) except with the permislion
of the Corporation.

lSI. (I) If for any reason it shall appear to the Corporation that thelevel Rcelamatloa
Of low-I,....
of the site of any building is 10 low that such building is. or is IikeJy to become. ,UeI.
insanitary or to create a nuisance. it shan give to the owner or occupier of
such building notice in writing. calling upon sueh owner or occupier to show
cause in writing within thirty days a[ter the receipt of such notice why the
said site should not be redaimed with such materials and raised to sueb a
height and within such period. heinJ not less than six months from the date
of the notice. as it shall think tit. und shall also specify in the said notice tbe
cost at which it is prepared to perform the work required by municipaJ agency.
if asked so to do by the said owner or occupier.
(2) If no objection is raised by such owner or occupier within such
period as aforesaid or any objection which is raised by such owner or occupier
appears to the Corporation invalid or insufficient. it may. by notice in writina.
direct such owner or occupicr-
(I)to carry out such rcc:lamation and raisinJ of the height within lbe
period prescribed; or
(b) within thirty days after the receipt of the said notice ~o pay to the
Corporation the estimated COlt of performing the wort by
municipal agency.
(J) In any case in which the estimated cost of tbe reclamation hll not
been paid to the Corporation. if the aforesaid owner or occupier fail. to
commence the work of rec1am:\tion within three monlhs after the receipt by
him of the notice under sub-section (2), Or if he thereafter fuils to carryon
and complete the reclamalion to the specified height and with the specified
Dl8terials within a rca500able period. the Corporatioa may recover from him
Rangoon Municipal.

tbe estimated cost of the work as stated in the notice issued under sub-section
(I). or so much thereof as i.t may consider necessary to compl":lO: the work.
and may c:arry out and complele tbe work by municipal agl:ncy.

Ptl'J'eT to 159. (I) If any building. the site of which is so low .as to be. or to
prohibit be in tbe opinion of the Corporation likely to btx:ome. insanitary. is demo-
01 bWlditte lished or deslroyed by fire or by any otber cause. the Corporation may. by
oniauaitary notic~ in writing addressed 10 the owner or occupic=r of such site. direct that
DO building shall be erected thereon unless Olnd until the said site has been
raised to such height and with such materials as it may specify in such notice.
(2) No person shall erect or reerect any building in contravcntion of
such notice.
Public Streets.
Cloting of 160. The Corporation may permanently closc thc whole or any part of
public a publ ic streel :
Provided that-
m no such street or part of such street shall be clo:>cd unh:ss. nnc
month at least before the meeting al which the matter is decided.
a notice has been put up in the strtet or part of a stn:c( which it
is proposed to close:. informing the residents of the said propOsal.
nor until the objections to the said proposal. if any. made in
writing at any time before the day of the said meeting. have
been received and considered by the Corporation;
(ji) where the site thereof was transferred to or placed .at the disposal
of the Municipal Committee of Rangoon or of the Corporation
by tbe President of tbe Union for use as a street. thc previous
sanction of the President of the Union has been obtained an that
DIIl'oulOf 1'1. Whenever any public street or p4rt of a public street is permanently
land ,onnlna tlosed under section 160. the site of such street. or of the portion thereof
lite of public
which has been closed. may be diSposed of. subject to the provisions of
section 42. as land vested in the Corporation.

PeI1lliI$iftn 161. (I) Without the permh.sion of the Corporation no person shall lay
to la, or work on. under or above any public street any railway or tramway. and no
tram.a,. or
_ Ie _ permission sball have validity unless and until it is confirmed by the President

Itrectl to
of the Union.
(2) NotbiDS in this IOCtion shill be deemed to affect the railway lines

lanctioa UI which were laid in or upon or in the vicinity of any public street on the lst
the CCII"pora...

AuaUlt, 1922 I. or any provision of the Railways Act. tbe Electricity Act or
of tbe Tramways Act.
by tIM: presl

I Dat. Of COII1:IIIalcen'CDt 01 thn Act.

Rangoon MuiciPQI. 211

163. (,. No person shall. except witb the permission of the Corporatioa.
and in accordance with IOuch terms and conditions. includiD, the paymeat of
rent. as it may impose. erect. ildd to. set up or place apinst or in hoDt of uy

premilet: any structure or 6dure. or obstruction. which will-
(0) overhang. jut or project into. or in any way encroach upoa or
obstruct the polssaae of the public alona any street ; or
(6) jut or project into or encro&ch upon or cover over any drniD or
o.,en channel in any streel. so as in any way to interfere with
tbe u.~e or proper working of such drain or channel or 10
impede the inspection or cleansina thereof.
(2) The Corporation may. by written notice. requiR the owner or ......'10
occupier of any premises to remove any .tructure. tlll.t~e or cOVerina which reqllirt
removal Of
has been erected. set up or placed again.t. or in front of. the said premilCl lbe lame.
Jndi" A~I in con(rav~ntion of this section or of &C<:tion 94 of the Burma Municipal Act.
XVII. 1884 I. or to alter lhe same in such manner as tbe Corporation think. at to
'''''. direct.
(.I) If the occupier of the said premises removes or allers any .tructure
or fixture in accordance with such noti. he shall be entitled. unlea the
structure or fixture was crectcd. set up or placed by himlClf. 10 credit aD
account witb the owner of the premises for all reasonable ellipcnIU incurred
by him in complying witb tbe said notice.

164. (I) If :my such structure. fixture or coverinl AI is dClCfibcd iD Powttlo

ICCtion 163 has been erected. set up tlr placed against. or In front of. any pre- raftO\--aJ 01
Il'Id;;!; Act
milCS. at uny time before the Burma Municipal Act. 1884 1 came into force.tbe !>'OJ_
made befOfC
Commissioner may give notice under sub-section (2) of the akl seclion to tbe

X\, Bunna
11lll4. owner or occupier of the said premises. MUIllclpaJ
Act, ISlK.
(2) No compensation shall be paid 10 any ycrson who sustain. loss or
<!amaac by the removal or alteration of any such siructure or flllilure or coveriq: f_.
which has been so erected. set up or placed al any time .ince lhe tlrsl day of
December. 18S"~

Privati! Struts.
\65. Every person who intends 10 mate or layout a new private Jtrcot. NoIiee Of
whelher it is intended to allow the public a riabt of passale or aceou over IntentiOft
stICh street or nol. sball live written notice of his intention to tbe Corporation
~l oul n_

vate atrcd
and shall .3long wilb such notice. submit plan. and section sbowiDa tbo o btJh"cD 1.0
intended level. direction and width and means of drainale of such stIUt. and
lhe hei&ht and meanS of dr.:ainuge of lhe buildings to be erected on eacb Iidc
282 Rangoon Mllnidpul.

Lt\"el Of .ew 166. The level. direction. width and means of drainage of every new private
sbee. to be street. and the height and means of drainage of the buildings to be cr:ted
determined on each side thereof, shall be fixed and determined by the Corporation.
by tllC

New private 167. (I) No person shall make or layout any new private slreet. or
,treet Rot to erect any building on either side thereof. otherwise than in accordance with
be made aJ)d
bulldia4' on the directions of the Corporation under section 166
either'lde lZ) If any such new private street be made or laid out. or if any building
thereof ant
to be erCl;tOd on either side of any such street be erected. in contravention of this SC(;tion.
_ _<bn", the Corporation may. by written notice. require the person who is making or
with C0r- laying out or has made or laid out such street. or who is erecting or has
poration" erected such buildings. on or before such date as shall be specilied in such
dlrectlon Of
appto\-al. notice. by a sbtement in writing sub~cribed by him in that behalf and addres-
sed to the Corporation. to show cause why such street or building should not
be altered to the satisfaction of the Corporation or, if that is impracticable.
why the same should not be demolished or removed: or may require the said
person on such day and at such time and place as shall be specified in such
notlce to appear before the Corporation or such standing committee as may
be prescribed in this behalf. either personally or by an agent. and show cause
as aforesaid.
(3) If such person shall fail to show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of
the Corporation why such slreel or building should not be so altered or demo-
lished or removed. the Corporation may cause the street or building to be so
altered or demolisbed or removed, and the expenses thereof shall be paid by
the said person.

Le.. dllna 168. (I) If any private street be not levelled. metalled or paved. sewered.
and dqiniDg drained. channelled and lighted to the salisfac::lion of the Corporation. it may.
Of private
.treet. by written notice. require the owners of the several premises fronting or
adjoining the said street or abutting thereon. or to which access is obtained
through such street or which will benefit by works executed under this section.
to level. metal or pave. drain and light the same in such manner a. it shall
(2) If such requisition be not complied with on or before the date
specified in such notice. the Corporation may cause the work to be done by
municipal or otber agency under its own orders. and the expenses incurred by
the Corporation in so doing shall be paid by the owners of the premiSCI
aforesaid in such proportions as the Corporation shall think fit.
(3) Not less than fifteen days before the commencement of any work
under sub-section (2) the Corporation shall give written notice to all the said
owners of.-
(,,) the nature of the intended work.
(6) the estimated expenses thereof. and
(c) tbe proportion of such expenses payable by each await.
Rangoon Municipal. 283
(4) Any owner who is of o"inion that the proportion of expenses payable
by him in -;;ccordance with the order of the Corporation under sub-section (2)
is incorrect or unjust m:!y appeal against ~uch order to the Chief Judse of the
Rangoon [City Civil Court]l.
(5) Effect shall be given by the Corporation to the decision of tbe Court
under sub-section (4).
Conv~rsio"of Pril?Ul~ into Public Strut,.
169. When any priv:!te street h4!-S been levelled. metalled or paved. Power to
sewered. drained. channelled and made good to the satisfaction of the Cor- declare
poration. it may. with the consent of. and shall, upon the request ofthe owner
or of any of th~ owners of such street. by notice put up in any part of such ..........
llreetl. when
street. declare the same to be a public street and thereupon .he same .hall .t~ .
become a public street.
Bllildin!: Sch~",e,.
170. (1) The Corporation may give public notice of its intention to POWCl" to
declllre- fufan con-
(e,) that in any streets or portions of streets specified in such notice structioe 0{
the elcvation and construction of the frontage of all buildings daano{
thereaftcr erectcd or re-erected shnll. in respect of their architec- buildin,. ilt
tural features. be such as the Corporation may consider suitable ""lkuw
.le.... or
to the localities; or locaJiUea.
(b) that in any localities specified in the notice there will be allowed
the construction of only detached or semi-detached buildin,s or
both. COIch with not less than an area of land specified in .ucb
notice appurtenant thereto: or
(c) tbat in any localities specified in the notice the construction of
more than a limited number of houses on each acre olland, such
number being specified in the notice. will not be allowed; or
(d) that in allY streets. portions of strects. or localities specified in luch
notice. the construction of shops. warehouses. factories, hUll or
buildings of a specified architectural character. or buildings
destined for particular uses. will not be allowed without tbe
special permission of the Corporation.
. (2) No objection to any such declaration shall be received after a period
of three months from the publication of such notice.
(3) The Corporation shall consider aU objections received within the Aid
period. and shall. within a period of two months after the ""ipt thereof.
submit the notice with a statement of all objection. received aDd of it. opinion
thereon to the President of the Union.
(4) The" President of the Union may pass such orders with respect to .ucb
declar.ttion as he may thinl;. fit: provill::d that such declaration shall not
thereby be made upplicablc to any street. pori ion of a street or locality not
specified in the notice issued by tbe Corporation under sub-teetion (I).

t SobaUlatcd by Act XVt,l946.

284 RQtfROOn Municipal.

(S) The declaration. as confirmed or modified by tbe President of the

Union. shall be published in the Gazette and shall take effect from tbe date or
such publication.
(6) No person shall erect or re..erect any buildin, in contravention of any
luch declaration.

Procedare 171. (I) If the Corporation consider it expedient to 6x for aay existing

,or Corpora- or proposed public street a building line or a street alignment. or both 11
tiOll to
building line and a street alignment. as tbe case may be. it shall give public
bui kIiDC Ilac notice of its intention so to dOl
:lnd Itrt
alipmeat. (2) Every such notice shall specify a period within which objections
thereto will be received.
(3) The Corporation shall consider aU objections received within the
said period and may then make an order 6xing a building line or a street
alignment or both a building line and a street alignment. as the ease may be.
for such public street
(4) A building line shall not be prescribed 10 as to extend farther back
than the front of any building (other than a boundary wall) abutting on the
(5) Every order made under subsection (3) shall be publisbed in the
Gazette and sball take eITect from the date of such publication.

111. (I) No person shall erect or re..erect a building or part of a

buildinl so as to project beyond a street alignlDCllt fixed under section 171.
(2) Any owner of land who is prevented by the provisions of lIIis section
from erectine or feerecting any buildinl on any land may require the Cor-
poration to make compensation for any damale which he may sustain by
reason of such prevention. and. upon the payment of compensation in respect
of any land situated within such street alignment. such land shall become part
of the said street and shan vest in the Corporation.
(J) The Corporation Dlay require the alteration or demolitioD of any
building or part of a buildio& erected or re-erected in contraventioo of
lu~sec:tion (t).

SeltiitC 173. (t) If the front of any building which abuts on a public street i,
,orwud Of
front to in rear of a building line bed under section 171 and it is proposed to ereet
or re..erect such building in any manner tbat will involve the removal of sucb
building or of the portion thereof which abuts on the laid street, to an extent
exoeedin. one half of sucb building or portion thereof above the ground
le,,el. such half to be measured in cubic: feet, the Corpontion may, in any
order which it issues under this Act concerning the erection or reec:tion
of such building. permit or require the front of such building to be set for-
ward to the building line.
(2) Except with the permission of the Corporation. no penon shan
ereet or re-erect any buildina or aoy portion of a buildiD, betweeo a .treet
a1ipmeut aIld buildiDa liDo lIxed _ _ 111.
174. (I) The Corporation mlly require any buildial intended to be Buildlnat
erected at the comer of two Itreets to be rounded 08' or splayed off to .uch ~.CIi
hciaht and to such extent otherwilC 81 it may determine.
(1) The owner of the .ite of .uch building may require the Corporatioq
to compensate him for the Joss of any pOrtiOD of sucb site reauJtin. from a
requirement of the Corporation under .ub-section (J) and on paymeat
of compensation .uch portion of the lite thall vest in the Corporation.

175. (I) The Corporation may. by notice in writing. require the owner of PTepal'2tlon
any land which is intended for divi.ion into building sites to prepare and of Slatldard
submit for itl approval. within a periOd to be specified in such notice. a plan. ~J=rof
drawn to lome convenient scale to be lpecifled in such notice. and .igned in b"d. into
token of haviD, been prepared by him or under his lupervilion by a licensed ~~~In.
suc\le)'Or. in which .hall be shown the .treet. which luch Owner propolCl to
construet on luch land and the po.ition and boundariea of the buildioC sites
into which he propoa to divide such land.
(1) On receipt of any plan prepared a. aforesaid tbe Corporation may
either intimate itl approval thereof or direct such alterations O1nd amendmen&l
to be lD2de therein u it aball think at.
(J) If the Rid owner fail. to 'ubmit the aforesaid plan within the period
specified. the Corporation 1liiy Clute .lIth a plan as is dClCfibed in .ub-lCCtiOll
(I) to be prepared in ac:corda~ with its instructions and shall eause 3 copy
thereof to be delivered at the la.t known place of abode of such owner and
to be affixed to some CODIpicUOUI po.ition 00 the land.
(4) Such owner may appeal to tbe President of thc Union-
(a) against an order uDder .ubotedioa (I) ; or
(bJ again.t aD order directin. any alterations or amendment, in a plan
issued under lub-section (2) ; or
') against any plan prepared under aub-acction (3);
and the order of the PresideDt of the Union on .uch appeal shall be flnal.
(5) Sucb appeal shall be mad~
(a) 9lithin ninety daY' after the date of an order under .ub-accUon (JJ
or sUb~tiOD (1); or
(b) within ninety da)'l after the date 00 which a copy of the plan
prepartd under lOb-section (1) bas been delivered at the last
known place of abode of such owner or has been aflixed to a
COD.picuoUi place OP the land. whichever is earlier ;
aDd if Dot lPde Wlthin such period may be summarily rejected by the PreIi
deat of the Uoion.
(6) Wbell a plao bu beea approved by the Corporation under IUbo~tioa
(2) or Iw been prepared IIDder the in.tructiOl1l of the Corporatioa under sub-
*lioIl (J).l8Cb plan. modi&ed. iD ac:e:ordance with the order. if any. of the
Preaidea.l 01. the Uaioa UDder ....ctioD (4). sbal1 be known u the "1tID~
dard pi. . . of _b Iud lad a copy lberoof. ,;pod by oucb penoa .. may be
aUlborUecl ia Ibla behall. abaII be depooiled ill 'be olliee ollbc COrporalioa,
Rangoon Municipal.

and another copy similarly signed shall be suppHed on applicarion to the

owner of such land,
(]) No person shall. except with the permission of the Corporation or
otherwise than ill accord.mee wilh the terms aoJ eonllili.lns of such
permission. construct any streel or crect any bo.ilding on such land otherwise
tban in accordance with such" standard plan,"

SU\'ing as to Ve,'elopmcnt Trllst .

POWft" to 76. The President of the Union may. by notification. exempt from all
eztmpt or any of the provisions of this Chapter the operations of the Trustccs for the
oraations 01
Deotelopl'Oftlt Development of the eily of Rangoon.



Yalhliry oj Contracts,
177. (I) Ever)' contract entcred into b), or on behalf of the Corporation
shall. if it involves an cxpenditure exceeding two thousand rupees. be in
writing and sealed with the common seal of the Corporation.
(2) A contract not executed in accordance with sub--scction (I) shall not
be binding on the Corporation.

Licences anti Written Permission.

118. (I) Whcrc\'er it is prescribed thatthe permission of the Corporation
is necessar), for the doing of an)' act. such permission shall (unJess it is
expressl)' provided otherwise) be in writing,
(1) Whenever it is pro\tided in Ihis Act that a licence or a permission
may be given for any purpose. sech licence or permission shall specif)' the
period for which. and the conditions and limitations subject
to which. the same is granted. and shaH be signed in the prescribed manner.
(3) For every such licence or permission u fee rna)' be charged at such
nte as shall from lime to time be fixed by the Corporation.
(4) Such licence or permission granted under Ihis Acl may 'at any time
be suspended or revoked by the Corporation. if any of its condilions or
limitations is infringed or evaded by the person 10 whom the same has been
panted. or if the said penon is convicted of an in(r;ngement of an)' of the
provisions of tbis Act in any matter to which sech licence or permission
relates. '
(5) When any such licence or permission is suspended or revoked. or
when tbe period for which the same was granted has expired. the person (0
.,hom the same was granted shall, for all purposes of this} ct be 'deemed to
be without a licence or permission. until the Corporation's order suspending
or revokinc the licence or permission i, cancelled. or until the liceoCe Dr
permiJlioD is renewed. a. tbe case may be.
RGngoon MlUticiJNII.

(6) Every person to whom such licence or permission has been granted
,hall. at aU reasonable times while such licence or permission remains in
force. if so required by the Corporation. produce such licence or permission.
(7) The acceptance by the Corporation of the p:Jyment of the fee for a
licence or permission shall not entitle the person making ~ucb payment to tbe
licence or permission. as the case may be. but only to a refund of the fee in
case of refusal of the licence or permission; but an applicant for the renewal
ofa licence or permission sball. until communication of orders on his
app'Hcation. be enlitled to act as if the licence or permission had beeo
renewed; and. save for a licence or permission required under the provisions
of sections 123 and 124. if orders on an applicntion for a licence or
permission are not communicated to the applicant within six weeks after the
receipt of the application by the Corporation. the application shall be deemed
to have been allowed for the year. or for such less period as is mentioned in
tbe application. and subject to this Act a.nd all conditions ordinarily imposed.

POW~I of EntlY Gnd 11ll~ctlon .

19 Any municipal officer duly authorized to make inspections or P.Jwtl' 01

surveys or execute any works may enter into or upon :lny building or land. ::~o:. '01'
with or without assistants or workmen. whenever in his opinion such entry is purPOlU of
necessary or expedient for the purposes of this Act : ~~.
Provided that. except where it is in this Act otherwise expressly ~ 01
providcd.- '!O". j

(i) no such enlry shall be made between .unset and sunrise ;

(ij) no building which is used as a human dwelling shall be so entered.
unless with the consent of the occupier thereof. without giving
Ihe said occupier nol less than six hours' previous written noti<:e
of the intention to make the said entry. and. unless for any
sufficient reason it shall be deemed inexpedienl to furnish sucb
information of the purpose thereof;
(iii) sufficient notice shall in every instance be gi\.'Cn. even when any
premises may otherwise be entered without notice. to enable
the inmates of any apartment appropriated to females to
remo\'e to some part of the premises where their privacy
need not be disturbed;
(iv) due regard sba.1I always be had. so hr as may be compatible
with the exisencics of the purpose for which the entry is made.
to the social and reliaioUl usages of tbe OCCUpaDts of the
premises entered.

11. (J) Any municipal officer duly aUlhorized to carry out works may Pow .-
deposit upon any land. adjoining. or within one hundred yards of. any such =:C*I
work any soil. ,ravel. sand. lime. bric.lcs. Aone or other materials nec:cstary adjacent ~
for .ucb wort.. won.-
RtUtgooll Municipal.

(2) Such person shall. before depositing materials under su1;).section (Il.
give tbe owner and occupier r:asonable notice of his intention (0 make such
entry. and of the purpose thereof. and shall. if so required bf 1he owner or
occupier. set apart by sufficient fences so much of the lund as may be
required for the purposes mentioned. or referred (0. in the said sub-section.
(3) The Corporation shall not be bound to make any payment. tender
or deposit before so using any land under subsection (n. but shall do as
)ittle damage as may be. and shall pay compensation to the owner or
occupier of the land for such entry and for any temporary or permanent damagc
that may result therefrom.

Riaht 181. Any municipal officcr duly authorized in that behalf may. at any
01 ent,y
Into 7.nd time. by day or night. without notice. enter into or upon any place or
inspection premises used or intended to be used for aDy purpose for which any licence.
01 p,emisell
lkensed lor leave or permission is requirrd by or under this Act in order to satisfy
an,. Purpote. himself as to whether any provision of this Act or any condition of any
lioence. leave or permission granted. or which any person was bound to
obtain. under this Act. is being contravened. or us to whether any nuisance
is creattd ~pon such place or premises.

Enforc~ment of Orders to execute Works.

::u 111. (I) When any requisition or order is made by written
~~ DOtice by the Corporation under this Act, a reasonable ptriod shall (where
required to no period is prescribed by the Act) be specified in such notice for carrying
U:C~a. .uch requisition or order into effect. and if wi1hin the period so specified
tioa at.s1JCh .ueh requisition or order or an)' portion of such r~quisition or order is not
Pft'*lG SCOII. complied with. the Corporation may take such measures or cause such work
to be executed or thing to be done as shall. in its opinion. be ncceSllllr~' (or
,iving due effect to the requisition or order so made. and the expense thereof
.hall be paid by the person or by uny one of the persons in defaull.
(2) On the written request of any person who is required under any
provision of this Act to supply any materials or fittings or to do any work.
the Corporation may. on such person's behalf. supply the ncees~ry materials
or fittinp or eause the necessary worle to be done. but it may refuse to do so
unleu a deposit is first of all made by the said person of a sum which will.
in tbe opinion of the Corporation. suffice to cover the cost of the
aid material.. tlttings and work.
(3) Tbe Corporation may. if it thinks fit, cause any work required to be
done under any provision of this Act to be executed by municipal or other
aacDcy under its own orders without giving the person by whom the same
would otherwise have to be executed aDy optiOD of doing the same. The
eXpeIltea of the work 10 done shall be paid by the p::rSOIl aforesaid. unless
the Corporation shall, by general or special order or resolution. s:::mclion the
execution of such work at the charae of the Municipal Fund.
Rangoon Municipal.

113. Whenever the owner of any building or land fails to cxe<:ute any In d.ult 01
own. the
work which he is required to execute under this Act. the occupier. if any. of oc:cupluof
such building or land may. with the approval of the Corporation. execute the &Dypnmdln

may ezecute

said work. and he shall be entitled to recover the reasonable expenSCI
incurred by him in so doing from the owner and may deduct the amount
thereof from the rent which. from time to time. becomes due by bim to --~.
the owner. _Ibo
184. No person who receives the rent of any buildinJ or land in the ~~~~ 01
capacity of agent or trustee only shall be liable to do anything which is by alent 0/
this Act required to be done by the owner if he is able to prove to the trllllee 01
satisfaction of the Corporation that be bas not suOicient funds of or due to owaer.
the owner to pay for t~e same:
Provided Chat nOlhins in Ihis seclion shall be deemed to prevenl lhe
Corporation from carrying oue the necessary works aDd recovering the
expenses so incurred from ehe actu31 owner.

Recover)' of Expenses incurred by the Corporation.

115. Unless it is otherwise expressly provided by Ihis Act. whenever

under this Act the expenses of uny work executed or of any measure taken UDder thI,
or thins: done by or under the order of the Corporation are payable by any Act to be
person. the same shall be payable on demand.
186. Instead of recovering any such expenses as aforesaid. the Corpora
........ ...
payable 011

tion may. if it thinks fit. take an agreement from the person liable for the mayrec:dve
paymeat ia
payment thereof to pay the same in instalments of sucb amounts and at such iDltalmeDla.
intervals as will secure the payment of the whole amount due. with interest
thereon at the rate of nine per cent. per annum. within a period of not more
than five years.
117. (I) Any expenses incurred by the Corporation under any other lh:pe8IeI
provision of this Act in respect of. or for the benefit of. any land or buildinJ:. fDcQmd by
may. if the Corporation thinks fit. be declared to be improvement expenses. ~::.tiOD
(2) Improvement expenses shall be a charge On tbe land or buUding in declared
respect of whicb. or for the benefit of which. the same have been incurred ~':':::'maM
and shan be recoverable in instalments of such amounU not being len for aDd
any premises than twelve rupees per annum. and at such intervals as will rt;::'"bJ
suffice to discharge such expenses. together with interest thereon at the rate ... .
of nine per cent per annum. within sucb period. not exceeding thirty years.
aa the Corporation may. in each case. determine.
(J) The said instalments shall be payable by the owner or occupier of
the land or building on which the expenses are so cbaraed.
(4) At any time before the expiration of the period for tbe payment of
any improvement ex.penses the owner or occupier of the premises on which
they are charSed may redeem auch charge by paying to the Corporatioo such
part of the said expenses as may not have been defrayed by sums already
levied in respect of the same.

Rangoon Municipal.

IQ. ("Uel 188. (t) If. when the Cor('K)r'..ltion demands payment for any expenses
fallin.e aDder under section 185. its ritht to demand the S:lRle or the "mount of the demand
","lion I'S.
dispuk. to is disputed. or if. in tbe case of expenses incurred by the Corporation or by
6edel... Ibe Commissioner in taking temporary measures in the interests of public
mined by tbe
Chid'JItd;e safety under the provisions of this Act. the necessity for such lemporary

measures is disputed. the Corpor3tion shalt refer the case for the determina-
tion of the Chief Judge of the Rangoon [City Civil Court.]1
C:OlOIt. (2) Pending the Judge's decision. the Corpololtion shall defer further
proceedinas for the recovery of the sum claimed by it and. after the decision.
shall proceed to recover only such amount. if any. as shall be thereby
ascertained to be due:
Provided that the Corporation or Commissioner. as the case may be.
shaH not. by reason onl)" of the pendency of any dispute or reference to the
said Judge. defer the execution of an)" temporar)' measures which rna)' be
necessary under any provision of this Act.

Paym~nl of CtJmp~nsolion by co,po,ation.

c _.. 189. (I) In any c::tse in which immovc:lble property has dClcrior3ted in
tkJD 10 \l'WQCf value owina to the exercise of ::tny power conferred b}' section 94. 95. 96. 97.
for valve of
Immoveable 109. III. 112. 148 or 151, the Corpor::ttion may pay to the Owner of Ihe
prOperty property reasonable compensation.
d tl',.iorttod
(2) On receipt of the compensation referred to in sub-section (J) the
owner of the property which has deleriorated in vulue shall be deemed to have
acanted the Corporation a perpetual easement 10 cOntinue tbe exercise of its
powers under tbe said sections in such a manner as not 10 crel.lte a arealer
nuisance tban at the time when compensation was received.
1M. (I) Any person who is injuriously affected thereb)' m::ty complain
10 the President of the Union that in the exercise of any power conferred by
section 94. 95. 96, 97. 109, III or 112 more than the least practicable
ow ance has been created.
(2) Upon receipt of any such complaint. the Presidenl of the Union
shall appoinl an oftlcer to enquire into the complaint. and luch officer shal1
for Ihe purpose of his enquiry have all the powers of a civil Court tryina It
suit and shall submit his report to the President of the Union.
(3) Upon receipl of bis report the President of the Union may, if be
thi.nks fit. direcl the Corporation-
(d) to tate such measures as it shall deem practicable and reasonable
for preventing, abalinl. diminisbina or removina such nuisance;
(b) to pay to the complainant all reasonable costs of and relatina to
tbe said complaint.
The costs may include compensation for lhe romplninan"s loss of time
in prosecuting the complaint.
(4) It shall be incumbent on tbe Corporation to obey every such order.

, Sabstlhlkd by Act XVI, 1946.

Rangoon Municipal. 291
J'I. Nothing in this Act shull affect the right of any penon who may Snln&Of
suffer injury or whose property may be injuriously affected by any act done clamac.'Ot
in the exercise of any power conferred by section 94. 95. 96. 97. 109. 1It or injury.
112 to recover damages for the same.

1'2. In any case not otherwise expressly provided for in this Act. the
Corporation may pay compensation to any person who sustains damalc by
reason of the exercise of any of the powers vested in the CorpentioR. or
vested in or delegated to the Commissioner. or to any other municipal officer
or servant under this Act.

1'3. (I) If. in aDy case not falling under section 185. tbe Corporation Of Amo.t 0(
any other person is required by this Act to pay any expenses or any ~x:::: ~
compenulion. the amount to be so :..nd. if nessary. the apportionment lion to b:
of the same. shall. in case of dispute. be determined. except as is otberwise ~~~;~:
provided in $l.'ction 217 and in the Land Acquisition Act. by tbe Chief Judge of cIiIpvle by
of t~e Rangoon [City Ch,n Courl.]l on application being made to bim for this ~ ~d the
purpqse l!t any time within one >'ear (rom the date when such expenses or Rara~
compensation first became claimuble. City ",,"i.1I
(2) If the amount of such expenses or compensation is not paid on Court.
demand by the person Hable to pay the same. it shall be recoverable as if the
same were due under a decree of lhe said Court.

194. (J) Any arrears of tax or any fee or other money claimable by the R~.eryGf
Corporation under this Act may be recovered as if they were arrears of land. anean
luet and
revenue othn- duel.
(2) The President of the Union may. by notification. prescribe tbe of6cen
by whose orders and on whose application such arrears ma) be recovered.

Its. The Corporation may write off any sum due on atcQunt of any tax Wridnlolf
or of the costs of recovering any tax. which shall. in its opinion. be irnco'terabie
Int~rfe,~nc~ with MunicipalOlficerl.

1M. No person shall prevent any penon duly authorized i.n tbat behalf Corporatioa

from exercising his power under this Ace of entering on any land or into any "01 to be
building. 1lI'*,-eated
U7. No person shall obstruct or molest any person with whom the Cor ProhIIllIion

penoD of his duty. or of anything which be is empowered or required to do by

virtue or in consequence of this Act.
poratioD bas entered into a contract. in the performance or execution by such 01 <ltlItnM>

I SubstltDted by Act X\'J, 1946.

292 Rangoon Municipal.

191. No person shall rcmo\'c any mark set u.p for the purpose, of
indicating any lawful direction ne<:ewary to the execution of work.s authoriZed
by this Act.
!Agot Procudings.

tbe Chid
I". Notwithstanding anything contained to the contr.ary in the Rangoon
(City Civil Court] IAct or any other enactment. the Chief Judge of the Rangoon
JodIe 01 the
[City Civil Court]! shall exercise all powers and jurisdiction conferred on. or
vested in. the said Judge under the provisions of this Act, and. unless it is
otherwise expressly provided by this Act. his decision on any matter in
respect of wbich he exercises such powers or jurisdiction shall be final.

"'-' ...
I. inquirM8
before c:i'fll
%to. (I) For the purposes of 30y ap~t. inquiry or proceeding under
this Act, the High Court or the Chief Judge or the Rangoon[City Civil Court]1
may exercise all the powers conferred on the s:li~ Court by the Code of Civil
""".... Procedure or the Rangoon [Cit), Civil Court]IAct. as the case may be. and the
said Chief Judge shall observe the procedure prescribed in the said Code and
Act so far as the same is eonsistent with the provisions of this Act.
(2) The costs of every such appeal. inquiry or proceeding. as determined
by the said Court. shall be payable by such parties and in such proportions
as the Court shan direct and the amount thereof ShOil1. if nessary. be
~verable as if the same were due under a decree of the Court.
111_ (I) The President of the Union may. by notification. prescribe what
fee. if any. sball be paid-
(D) on any application. appeal or reference made under this Act to a
civil Court; and
(6) previous to the issue. in any inquiry Or proceeding of the Court
under this Act. of any summons or other process:
provided that the fee. if any. preteribcd under clause (u) shall not. in cases in
which the value of the claim or subject-mauer is capable of being estimated
in money. exceed the fee at the time being levied in such Court in cases in
which the value of the claim or subject.matter is of like amount.
(,,) The President of the Union mlly by a like notification determine by
what per$Qn any fee prescribed under clause (0) of sub-section (I) shall be
(3) No application. appeal or reference shall be received by any Court
until the fee. if any. presc:ribed under clause (a) of sub-section (J) has
been paid.

11%. Where no time is prescribed by this Act for the presentation of an

app~ication. appeal ~ reference.such application or appeal shall be presented.
subject to the proVISions of lechon 5 of the Limitation Act. within thirty days
after tbe date of the order in respect of or against which the application or
appeal i. made or preferred.
---"'.'.' . __._-_.---
I SlIbtlil.ted b,. Ad: X\I. 1946.
Rangoon Municipal. 293
203. No suit shall be maintainable against the Corporation or any Indemllity
committee or the Education Board or officer or servant or any person acting for acta done
IblOOd faUb.
under and in accordance with the directions of such authority. officer or
servant or of a Magistrate in respect of anything in good faith and with due
care and attention done or intended to be done under tbia Act.

%t4. (t) No suit shall be instituted against the Corporation or a.. inlt Prclttioa
the Commissioner or any other municipal officer or servant in respect of any ~nder
act done in pursuance or execution or intended execution of tbis Act. or in thi. Act
respect of any allege..! neglect or default in the execution of this Act- ap.t ..uta.
(a) until the expiration of one month next after notice in writing has
been. in the case of the Corporation. left at the chief municipal
office and. in the case of the Commissioner or of a municipal
officer or servant. delivered to him or left at his office or plate
of abode. stating with reasonable particularity the cause of
action and the name and place of abode of the intending
plaintiff and of his advocate. pleader or agent. if any. for the
purpose of such suit; nor
(b) unless it is commenced within six months next after the ac:c:rual
of the cause of action.
(2) At the trial of any such suit--
Ca) the plaintiff shan not bc permitted to adduce evidence relatinl to
any cause of action save such as is set forth in the notice
delivered or left by him as aforesaid;
(b) the claim. if it be for damages. shall be dismissed if tender of
sufficicn't amends shall have been made before the suit was
instituted or if. after the institution of the suit. a suflic:ieot
sum of money is paid into Court with costs.
(3) Where the defendant in any such suit is the Commissioner or any
other municipal officer or servant. payment of the sum or of any part of any
sum payable by him in or in consequence of the suit. whether in respect of
costs. charges. expenses. compensation for damages or otherwise. may be
made. with the sanction of the Corporation. from the Municipal Fund.



%OS Whoever- C<rlaitl

(a) contravenes any provision of any of the sections. sUb.sectiODS
or clauses of this Act mentioned in the first column oC tbe
with &ne.
fol1owing table. or of any reaulation or order made thereunder.
294 Rangoon Municipal.
(bl fails to compl)' with uny direction lawfuJly given to. or requisition
lawfully made upon bim. under any of the said provisions.
sball be punished for each such offence with fine which may extend to the
amount mentioned in that behalf in the third column of the said table.
Explanotion.-The entries in tbe second column of the said table. headed
.. Subj"t ... arc Dol intended as definitions or the offences described in the
sections. sU))..sec::tiODS and clauses mentioned in the first column. or even as
abstracts of those sections. sub-sections ::lnd clauses. but are inserted merely
as references on the subjects of the sections. subo-sections and clauses. the
numbers of wbich are givcn in the first column :-

I Ville which rna)'

be imrosed.

(11 (3J

.......... .Req.usmc. by
:nukip;d draio.
CcwporatiOli to C(If1ncd ~ilC't with One

SecUoa 99 ... Reqabttioe to c:c.nect nttdraiaelt premila 1iituated
tbUl II. hundred leel from munk:fr:*l dr.. ln.
K..- baD"', DOt to be ereded Wlthollt draiu
Jntft On,..

O,le t1'1OUUnci
Sf:ction 103 Owaat 0{ drlJa to allow __ lba'cti IIr joint nwncr..hip "'ift) rupca;.
tberdD 10 othera.
SCCUllft 101. su~ Dlr:tion UmitiDg ose of draU or .otic..: rell-.Jrina the uac: One hundred
..c:Uon 11), of J, dlstincl drain. rurees
...... (61.
8edIon 121,sub- arectlllll of buildin.-. . . . O'er dTalM, watCl'..n~lna. air- Twn hundred
aection (I). maioa, .... witbout oermihion. rul''''
8etUon 123,IUb- Establishment. etc:.. pi f-::tor}, etc., wilbout ('IItnDi8aIun 0... thlAl5.lnd
section (I). 01. CorpontioD" rlIpa....

Stdion 124 Storine danterou. qr oft'entJ,c arUclel, :and c.:arryillC un I Fh'c hundrc:d
daneerou or offenslYe trades. ,, rupl:tt.
$edloo 12S"ub-
KIePiDC ope.. pince mufti ,
T,,o huodred

StctIoa 12S.sub- Esbblis1aDcDt, rern.:tYa.!, ~Ia". re-establlahmc:nt One thousand

MdloD (ll, aDd ealaJIeIDeDt Of priwa'c Il'arket witboat pe:'"IllJul<xl. rupca.
_ l b l to

IedIoDU6,1IC~ Sdliat anima!a' meal (II' Nh II.tllde Inntet wltbuut One hancim
IItd:kID U). Ucace . rupees.
...... 1:17 .,. Sbu&t*r Of aniaWa witboat permlM:ion ..bide aaolc:ipal One h~
aluchtCl'..J:r.oaIe. rupees.
.mews. -.awes. ete.
IJedIc. 1S0, ..b-
_121. IPan-e to prodac:e ...
, Jo'Ilt) npea
Rangoon Municipal. 295.

--_._-------_ .. - -----------
~"liun. sub- Fine which IDa)'
slion clause. be imposed.

,I) ''I 0)

~n:li"l1 131 Side 0( di~.t:l.I IIr unwhoh.wmc animal UI" article intended Two hundr.:et
for humao food. rtIJ)CeS for a
first offenceaJMI
one lhoasand
rupees fOf" any
sabiseqoeat Of

Sel,:tic)fl 133 Sale, ric. of adulterated food or drug Two hundred

rupees for a
first offence and
one thousand
rupees for any
subsequent Of
Section 134 ._ Sale, \:Ie... of notified arlicle, which is not of prrteribcd Two hundred
standard of purity. . rupees lor a
fint offCDCC aDd
Ollt: thous1.Dd
rupees for an,
subsequent 01-

section 135 Sale. etc.. of subatih.ln One hundred

rupees f a
five hmtdR'd
rupen for any
Ililnequcni off.
Sc...c tion 1~,IUb Ih"muvin::., in!c' ferini: or l;ulIllClinlt with " .. illl;!l, fOfAl. Two hQQdred
S4,,'1;tiOl'l (3). drink, d" J:, de lIdl.l,'d and left in cO!itod)'. rupees.
Scc:lion 144,sub_ 8;,le (.r !iUrfllldcr uf ;trtklcl of food, drink drag rtqllire<l Two hundred
~ecliOl'l (II. ,. r rurposes of an3lysis. rupees.
Section 147. sub- Prohibition til burials wilhlll rla:cs of wOlshi., ane" Five hundred
section (1). uhumalionl withr,ut Iermlaaioll. ru(lC~

Section 153 Prohibition (,f erc<:li"n or re-erection nf buildh g. wilhOIt One thoaund
pent,jaaion cf Corpor3t!oll. rupees.
Sedion 154.1,;b- l'ntic..: to be given .0 Corporation of comple'loOl o' One hundred.
5\.'CIloD (1). buildiag. rupees.
8t:dion 154, .ub- Prohibition lf occlll",bnn (If new or re-ereded buildin~ One thoauDd
ledion 141 without permission of Curponlion. rupees,
Se-l;lion 156. .ul>-
Sectioa 157. sub-
into or rnn.1.Jniaa: in ... buUdin, which hal been
unfit for lluo'an 1L.~bilation.
Requisition to reJ)O'ir or remoyc building, in ruinous 01.
..... htMr~

seclion 11). dan&;crous state. no ..
Section 157. sub Enleoring ioto or remaining in :a ruinous or d&ngen,,111 I'llly ......
section t1). building frntn which t'tttU!oautl h:t\"e hem remand.
0 ..
Section 159. Inb-
,edi(ll'l lZ).
Erection or re-erecthn
of buildine on site dedarcd
196 Rangoon Municipal.

Section. sob- Sabject.

H'Ctlon or clause
Scl."!iOll 161, 'lib- L2.)"I"& :t tramwll.)' Of 'ililw;lY ';In a ruNic .!.red
aec1100 (1).

&.-dlon 163.IDb-1 Requisition 10 fernCh'C' rrl\~diOfiI uron strl. etc.

section UJ.

section IM,lub- RC'lwsilion to relllove projl.'ctlons upon .treet, etc. One hund~ed
ectlon (1). I rUreet .
Section 167, sub- La~;n:: out ;t pri \'alc .lreel oth~rwille than In lk:cord:lncc : One thouund
'ecllon (1). with the dir~ction. 01 the Corrnr..lion rurces.

section 170, ,ub-

.edlon (1'1). I Erectinn ,l' (Coerceliao nr a building in conlr;lVcnlinn I'If a
declaration published under .ection 170, .ub-sec:lion (5).
One IhoUlilnd

sectloo 172 .. " Cooslf'!' buildj~ beyond the .treet a1ilJlment wllhnul I One thoul;\nd

per1tuU.Ofl. ruJ"(."'C$.

Scdion 17). Iub-- ! CotistrDding ;, building within UK ,~uIOlr linC' (Ie lhl: I ()ge thousand
.c<:tion (2). strttt without ptl"lnissiOO. rupen.

$Kttorl 175 ab-

.eaion l1)
~truction nl slred or ef'(djon of
than In a\'conbnoe \YUh SUntUrd pi aIL
buildina: utherwisc
IOne rupees.

-. -----

206. Whoever. after ha\'ing been com'icted 01-
(0) contravening any pro,,ision of any of the sections. sub-sections or
clauses of this Act mentioned in the first column of the follow-
ing table. or of any regulation or order lawfully made thereunder.
Cb) failing to comply with any direction lawfully given to. or requisition
~awfully made upon. him under any of tbe said provisions.
oontinues to contravene the said provision or to neglect to comply with the
said direction or requisition or faits to remove or rectify any work or thing
dODe in contravention of the said provision. as the CASC may be. shall be
punilhed for eae:h day that he continues so to offend with fine which
my extend to the amount mentioned in that behalf in the third column of
.he said table.
ExpIQlUJlion.-The entries in the second column of the said table.
beaded .. Subject". are not intended as definitions of the offences described in
th~ sections. subo-sections and clauses mentioned in the fint column. or
even as abltracts of those sections, ,u))..scctions and clauses, but are inlCrte d
Rangoon Municipal. m
merely as references to the subject of the section su1J..XCtiODS and c1aUKI.
the numbers of which are given in the first column :-

Dally fiDe
&ediob. .ub-
section 0(
Subject. whicb
.,= '.
_----'("'1). _ _ . -'("'.I'-- I__--"'U}'--_
Sectioa98 Requisition by Ccwporatinn to c:ooncet PI~ with Ttn ",pea.
lIl\IDic:ipal drain.
SectIon .. Requilition to connect undraiMd preallirt Iibaated.lDClR Ten rupea.
than a hundred reel fronl municipal drain.
section 100 Nrw buihlin,s not to be erected wllhO\lt dralnl Ioifly raped.
Seclion 103 Ownen of drain to allow LIIe lhereof or joint owaenhJp ..'her1lpecl.
therein to others.
Sec.tion loe.. sub- Direction Jimitinl( ule of drain or noti~ '*Piriag the ale Tm 01. . . .
seo..1ion II), of a distinct drain_
dause (6).

S.:dionl21,lub- Erection of buildings, etc., o,or drains, water-mains, air- Twenty fU(ldI.
Ci.. ..on (1). mains, ek., without permilsion .
$cdlon 12), hb- ElLabtishmrnl, dc., 0( ractory, ok., without pennJ..lon of
acdion (I,. Cor~ion.

se.:lion 124 . Storing dangerous or oIfmsh'e artie1" and eatI');ltg on "'ifty rupees.
dangdOOS <)( oCfmlh e Indes.
section US,lub- Keepiag open a private nu.,ket
'eo:U()n 11),
clause (d).
StctiOll n~,lub
lection (.:I,
l,.lausesl6lto Ie)
EtlabJilhmenl. remo\al, rc~inc, re-esbbHlhtnnt
hllarcement or private aaartd without rennblion.
Of' Ox
' ......

SKIion 126, sub- Selling animals' Incat or fisIl outside market wilboot Ten napecs.
sedwn (1). licence.
sedivo 153 Prohibition 0'
erectioD or re-ercctloh or buildings without
permission of Corporation.
One hundred

So.'1.ion IS7,sub- Requilition 10 repair or l'emo't'e buildinJl 10 raktcMas or Ton rupees.

ucUon (I). dancerous IWr.

5e<'tion IS7. IUb- Enluing ;nll'l or remaining;1'I a ruinOUl or danaerous Finr~.

seelion (J). building frtNn which t'M,.'CUpantl have been removed.
Section 159, IUb- Erection or rl,:oCfectiOD Of buildinc on site ekelaRei One bulldred
SC\.1.iOCl C%). illQDital}'. r.p.o....
Sc:c::tK.162. IU~ L3yiac a lramway or rail war OIl a pabUc streel One b l.ret
Icdion (I). ",-.
Sc:dion 163. Ill~ RequililiOll. 10 rcmo.e P'"ojcc:tiODl upon atrf'Ct, ele. Ten rupea.
ledioa (1).
Sa-Uon 1M, sub- Requililion to remo'iC projrctiont upGn Ilr.cI. etc. Tea. npees.
l.cUon (1).
298 RanJ:oon Munidpol.
----,-- .. - - -
Sc:ttion. lub- Daily fine
tectlon nr Sub}ed. whkh may
daule. be imPQ$td.

_---""-I), . (21 ()I

8cd10ll16~'j-~~lgod 'r~~\':lle~~~:~~jSl:-t~n'ill ;l'"'"UnbIKl: ":;:I~ One hl'mlred

lectloa lJ). I direction {"If Corroratlon. npees.
Scclion 170, sub-! Erecllon or recoredion Of;t building in contra\"C'nliun of;l One hundred
section (6). ickclaration published un&;r lectlnll 170. Itlwcdion (J). rupS.
section In ... I Cnnrin..:Un~ building beynnd the .treet :llignmt'nl without Ont h"nd,C'd

So:tion J73
Conllnll."Ung building within the 1("l::nl, line of alrl:H
withOllt rrn,'lnlnn.
I,. p..'CS.
8t1'ln t'5,$ubo Lavlllll 0111 (If Itr"ct fir crtelinll nf bllildinJ: nlll<:rwlll' One hundred
lcetlon (,t. than In accurdan"e wltll Iland;lrd rl.U1. rlll'e(.'S.

.. -
with impri_
%07. Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of section 117. 118. 148.
196. 197 or 198 or of any regulation or order made thereunder. or fails to
comply with any direction lawfully given to. or requisition lawfully made upon.
him unrJer any of the said provisions. shall b: punished for each such offence
with imprisonment which may extend to one month. or with line which ma)'
npUon 1"1
fin. extend to one thousand rupees. or with both.
PunllhlnCfll 108, The law for the time being in force for the punishment of (lrrenc~s

of offcnCfI
relating In relating to the levy or payment of eUlHams duties and the grant of drawbacks
the terminal in connection therewith und for the rewurd of informers shall. as far as may be.
apply to similar offences committed in respect of the levy. payment or refund
of any terminal tax which may be imposed under this Act. and any omission
or misdescription in passing for export any goods. in respett of which refund
of such terminal tax may be claimable. shall be punishable :.IS if such omission
or misdescription had been made in passing the said goods for import.
119. Any councillor, municipal officer or servunt who knowingly acquires.
fOJ' J.l:quirlnl
.h.:lre OC' directly or indirectly. uny share or intcrest in any contract or
In COntract, employment with. by. Or on behalf of. the Corporation. not being a share or
etc., with tile interest luch as, under the proviso to section 12. it is permissible for a couo.
CorpluUoa. cillor to have without being thereby disqualificd for being a councillor. ,hall
be punishable with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to
one year. or with fine. Or with both.
for eI'ntbl
21'.Any essential officer or servant contruvcnioa any of the provisionlof
su.ltCtion (2) of ICCtion 36 'ball be liable to imprisonment for a term not
empl~ IIltnt.
excecdinl two months.
Proc~dure ill Municipal ProHcutions.
Olhdc", 111. (I) Any police.officer or any municipal officer or senant specially
'calntt lb. empowered in this behaJf by the Corporation nlllY arrest any person who
Ad ma,ia
certain calel commita in hit view any olence punishable under this Act. if the DIme and
Rangoon Municipal. 299
address of such person be unknown to him. and if such person. on demand, NUT_ted

by the polle-
declines to gh'e his name and address or gives a name and address which and muIlicl
such officer has reason to believe to be false.
(2) No person so arrested shall be detained in custody after hit true name or 'CI"f'Ulb.
and address are ascertained. or without the order of a Magistrate for any lonser
time. not exceeding forty hours from the arrest. than is neceuary for bringing
him before a Magistrate.

212. Notwithstallding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Jurisdiction

of City
Procedure. an offence punishable under this Act and committed outside the Ibtl hatea
City may be tried by it Mugistrate having jurisdiction within the City as if
such offence had been committcd within the City and such Magi'trate shall
not be deemed to be incapable of taking cognizance of any such offence, or of
any offence against any cnactment hereby repealed. I by reason only of his
being liable to pay any municipal tax or of his being benefited by the Municipal
Fund to the credit of which any fine imposed by him is payable.

213. (t) No Courl shaH take cognizance of any offence punishable under
this Act except on a complaint signed by some person duly authorized in that
(2) Notwi1hstanding anything contained in section 200 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure. it shall not be necessary in respect of any offence
punishable under this Act to examinc the complainant when the complaint is
presented in writing.

214. (]) No Magistrate shall tuke cognizance of any offence punishable LimitaDoa
Of time rM
under 1his Act unless complain1 of such offence is made before a Magistrate- prosecution.
(a) within three months ned aftcr the datc of commission of such
offc'lce; or
(b) if such !.latc is not known or the offcnce is a continuing one. within
three months nex1 after the date on which the commission or
existence of such offence was first brought to thc notice of thc
Corporation or of any officer or servant whose duty it is to
report such offence to the Corporation.
(2) Fuilure 10 take out a licence under this Act shaJJ be deemed.
for the purpose of subsection (1). to be a continuing offcnce until the
expiration of the period for which the licence ougbt to have been taken out.

215. If any person summoned to appear before a Magistrate to answer a Powu of

charge of an offence punishable under this Act fails to appear at the time and Ib,il1r2te
place men1ioned in the summons. the Magistrate may. if service of summons lo ablCQCt:
is proved to his satisfaction llod no sufficient cause is shown for the noo. of .K.CUud.
appearance of such person. hear and detcrmine the case in his absence.

I &.'t' S:hcdule \" to tlds Act alreprinted In Volume II. Burma Codei:db edition. 19)4.
300 Rtutgoon Municipal.

%16. Any document, Purportinl to be a report under the hand of

tbe Municipal Analyst upon any article duly submitted to him for an analysis.
may be used u evidence of the laeU therein stated in any enquiry or
prosecution under this Act.

nUon 217. (I) If. on account of any act or omiSSion. any person has been
.... '"
convicted of an offence punishable under this Act and, by reuson of the same

. ..
off .,.. act or omission of the said person. damage has occurred 10 any property of
apbt tbi.
Act'OI'aD,. the Corporation. compensation shall be payable by the said pel'$On for the
~ said damage. in addition to any punishment to which he may have been
tbem. sentenced for the said offence.
(2) In the c\"Cnt of dispute. the amount of compensation payable by the
said person shall be determined by the Magistrate before whom he has been
convicted of the said offence. and on non-payment of the amount of compensa
lion so determined. the same shall. under a warrant from the SOlid Magistrate.
be recovered as if it were a tine inflicted on the said person .

...",.,., Of 111. (I) Whenever any person is convicted of an offence in respect of the
lkqt'e {eft,
on la,1e- failure to obtain a licence or permission required by the provisions of this
lion. Act. the Magistrate shall. in addition to any fine which may be imposed.
recover summarily and pay over to the Corporation the amount of the fee
charaeable for such licence or permission.
(2) Recovery of the fee under sub-section (I) shall oo.t entille the
person convicted to such licence or permission.

11'. The Corporation may accept from aay person. against whom a
reasonable $U$picion exists that he has committed .lD offcn punishable UDder
this Act, a sum of money by way of compensatioa for such offence. and on
payment of such sum of money no further proceedings shall be laken ag'dinst
such person on account of the offence so compoundcld.



..... -
10 all........
221. (I) Tbe President of tbe Union may. by notification and in sucb
other manner as be may determine. declare his iDtention-
(a) to exclude from the City any loea) area comprised tberein and
defined in the notification. or
(b) to include within tbc City any local area defined in the notification.
(2) The Corporation or 0)' inhabitant of tbe City or of a local area, in
respect of wbicb a notification bas been published under sub~le(:tion (I). may
submit to the President of the Union any objection in writina 10 the alteration
proposed within six weeks from tbe publication of the notification. and the
Pre~ident of tbe Union shall take such objection into consideration.
Rangoon Municipal. 301

(3) When six. weeks from the date of the publication of a notification
under sub.section (I) have ex.pired and the President of the Union haJ
considered the objections (if any) which h8\le been submitted under lub-scc:tioD
(2). the President of the Union may. by a further notification. exclude from. or
include within. the City. any local area in respect of which the notification
under lub-section (0 was issued or any part thereof. and SChedule VI .ball
be amended accordingly.
111. (I) When a local area is excluded from the City under
section 220-
(a) this Act. and all rules. orders. directions. notices and powers made.
issued or conferred thereunder. or in force tbroupout the City
at the time when the local area i. so excluded. sball. subject to
the proviso to section I. [- - _]1. cease to apply
thereto: and
(b) the President of the Union shall. after consultin. the Corporation.
frame a scheme determining what portion of the balance of the
Municipal Fund and other property vested in the Corpontioa
shall vest in [the State] 9: for the benefit of such excluded area.
and in what manner the liability of the Corporation .ball be
apportioned between the Corporation and the Government: and.
on the publication of the .scheme in the Gazette. the property
and liabilities shall vest and be apportioned accordin&1Y'
(2) All property vmod in [the State)' under .ub-section (I) .hall be
applied. under orders of the President of the Union. to discharain. the
liabilities imposed on the Government under that subsection. or for the
promotion of the safety. health. welfare or convenience of the inhabitants of
the said excluded area.

Ul. When any local area is included in the City under section 220. this Ell'" 01
Act and. except as the President of the Union may by notification otherwise lecal area.
dire<:t. all rulu. orders. directions and powers made. iuued or conferred.
thereunder and in force throughout the City at tbe time the local area is so
included. shall apply in such area.


W. The President of tbe Union may. by order in writia suspend the Pow_of
execution of any resolution or order of the Corporation or of any municipal =:r
autbority or officer subordinate thereto. or probibit the doin. of any act which action _ _

is about to be done. or is bernl done. in pursuance of or UDder cover of tbia Ad.

Act. if. in the opinion of the Preaidcnt of the Uoi.OD. such na>IUtiOD. orca

T1Ie word and fiJa.fe ~ (21 .. 'ftrC omitted by Ad Jl. 19'1'

s.bItibIW for tbe wonll" HlI Kajaty .. bJ tk Ualon of . . . . ( A ~ of Wwt
302 Rangoon Municipal.

or act is in excess of the po~rs conferrelol by law. or the execution of the

resolution or order. or the doing of the act. is Iil;dy ttl lead tu :.t serious
breueh of the pe~ce or to cause serious injury or annoyance to the public or to
any class or body of persons.

Power of 114. The President of the Union may at any time call upon the
President to
c::all for Corporation to furnish him with any extract from uny proceedings of the
utracts 'rom Corporation or of the Education Board or of any standing .:ommiltee
proceeenr.". constituted under this Act. and the Corpor:.:.tion shan furnish the same
without unreasonable delay.

Power 01 us. (I) The President of the Union may require the Corporation
Praicknt for to .ubmit-
ofaamlru. (a) any return. statement. estimate. stOl.tisti("5 or other information
lion and
inspection. reg-.trding :'IOY matter under the control nF the Corporatkn :
(b) a report on any l'uch mattcr :
(el a copy of any document in it~ charge.
(2) The Prelddent of the Union may. on receipt of any inFormation or
otherwise. depute any officer or officers to make :'IOY inspection or examina.
don of any department. office. service. work or thing under the COntrol of the
Corporation and to rcport to him the result of such inspection or
(3) Any otlieer so deputed may. for the purpose of makiog such inspec.
tion or examination. inspect the condition of any part of the City. nod may
require the Corporation-
(a) to produce any record. correspondence. plan or other document
which is in its possession or under its control. or which is
recorded or filed in its office or in the office of any municipal
oflicer or servant;
(b) to furnish any report. return. plan. estimatc. statement, account or
(4) Every requisition made under this section shall be complied with by
the Corporation without unreasonable delay.

126. If. on receipt of any report submitted or of any document Furnished

UDder seetioa 225. the President of the Union is of opinion-
(0) that any of the duties imposed 00 the Corporation by this Act
01' by any otber law for the time hein, in force has not been
pe:dormed or has been pedormed in an imperfect. mefticient or
lIDIUitable maJ1IlCI' ; or
(b) that adequate financial provision Ims not been made for the
performance or an)' such duty ;
be ma)'. by &II. order in writina. direct the Corporation. wilhin a periOd to be:
lpOCified iD. tbe order. to make arransea:t~tI to his sutisfaction for the prop:r
Rangoon Municipal. 303

performance of the duties mentioned in clause (a). or to m:lle financial

provision to his satisfaction for the perform,mee of any such duty. as the
case may be :
Provided that. unless in tbe opinion of the President of the Union the
immediate execution of any such order is necessary. the President of the
Union shall. before making an order under this sectiOn. give the Corporation
an opportunity of showing cause why such an order should not be made.

127. (I) If. within the period fixed by any order made under section Po_of
226. 3ny action directed by such order has not been duly taken. the President Pruident
wheu mUDi-
of the Union may by order- cpal
(u) appoint some person to take the action so directed; fail. to take
(b) fix the remuneration to be paid to such person; and ac'llun.
(c) direct that such remuneration and the cost of taking such action
sh:lIl be defrayed out of the Municipal Fund. and. if necessary.
that anyone or more of the taxes authorized by Chapter VIII
shall be levied or increased. but not so as to exceed any
maximum prescribed by that Chapter.
(2) The person appointed under subsoction (I) may. for the purpose of
taking the action directed as afores.lid. exercise any of the powers conferred
on the Corporation or on any municipal officer by this Act. which is specified
in this behalf in the order made under subsection (1) ; and such powers may
include the power to draw cheques on the accounts specified in section 64.
(J) The President of the Union may. in addition to or instead of
directing under sub-section (I) the levy or increase of any taxes. direct by
notification that any sum of money which may. in his opinion. be required
for giving effect to any order made under that subsection. be borrowed by
way of debenture or otherwise on tbe s:urity of all or any of the said taxes.
at such rate of interest and upon such terms as to the time of repayment and
otherwise as may be specified in such notification.
(4) The provisions of Chapter VI shall apply to any loan raised in
pursuance of sub$CCtion (3).

%18. (I) If at any time. upon representation made or otherwise. it

appears to the President of the Union that the Corporation is not competent
to perform. or persistently males default in the performance of, any duty or
duties imposed on it by or under this or any other Act for the time being in
Powel'8 to
Pretldent 10
In eucof

force. or exceeds or abuses its powers. the President of the Union may. by CDCY.
an order. direct that all the members of the Corporation for the time being rer.lItent
default or
shall retire from office as and from such date!as the President of the Union may UCr.l....
appoint. and that general elections shall take place. as if such date were the abliKoi
day for retirement within the meaning of section 8. in accmdance with the
provisions of this Act. in so far as they may be applicable. Such order .ball
be pub!ished in the Gazette together with the reasons for makms the IalDe.
Rangoon Municipal.

(2) The members of the Corporation so elected and appointed sh.dl

come into office immediately after their names have been published in the
Gazette by the President of the Union and shall relire from office at noon on
the first day of January next preceding the completion of a period of three
years after they take office.
(3) AU members of the Corporation shall vacate their office :LS such
members from the date of the publication of an order under su~section (I),
and from that date until the date of the publication of the names of the new
members under subsection (2) aU the powers and duties of the Corporation
sball be exeKised and performed by tbe Commissioner.

_ to 119. The Schedules I attached to this Act 3S from time to time amended
be of in accordance with the provisions of this Act shall be deemcd to be part of
the Ad.
this Act and aU references in this Act to the said Schedules shall be construed
as referring to such Schedules as so amended.

130. The Corporation may add to Schedules I, II. III and IV rules not
addition to
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act (which expression shan in this
section be deemed not to include the said Schedules) to pro,ide for any of the
matters dealt with in such Schedules. or for any of the purposes specified in
sec:tion 235, and may, subject to the same limitation, amend, alter. or annul
any rule in the said Sched ules :
Provided that. if any rule regulating the punishment of an offence is
altered or amended. the punishment to be uwarded under sucb altered or
amended rule shall not exceed the maximum prescribed in section 234.

Power to '131. In all cases where articles of food or drink produced or manu-
. . . . . N ... factured without the City are intended for sale or consumption, or are likely
oul'lde tb. to be sold or consumed. within the City. the Corporation shall have the same
elly. powers of making rules in respect of. and the same powers of inspecting,
seizing and disposing of, such articles as if they were produced or manu-
IactW'cd within the City:
Provided that such powers shall not extend over a place which is
a ministered by a municipal or town committee constituted under the
Municipal Act, without the sanction of the President of the Union sranted
.ubject to .och conditions and limitations as he may prescribe and for
reasons to be stated, and after opportunity has been given to such
committee to show cause against such sanction.
I 8ehcdulcli I. II, In _d tV are not reprinted In this Code as they hive been alncorled from
time to Ume by the Ccn'pcntiOlli of the City q( aancooa under acetion 230. focw thae SCbedoklS
tbe CIty 01 JbDCooD )(gnidpal )(apual. Schedule V, which conlaiD~ a lilt of euxtmenb
repealed. II :abo DOl repriatcd jp Ihill Code. SCheduic VII, wblch COQbincd certain transitory
proriaklns, tau been oml"cd by tbe 8IInAa Laws (Adaptatioa) Ad (Burma Acl XXVII 1940f
khedaJe VI. whicb CODIalns the bouMbrieI of ,be air 01 Rlllaooa ia able r~ntod
la U"'Code. I
Rangoon Municipal. 305

231, (I) The power to muke. add to. aller or rescind rules under P,JWft" to
mate rules
section 230 or 231 is subject to the sanction of the President of the Union lubject In
and to the condition of the rules being made after previous publication. tile lanction
(2) All rules made under section 230 or 231 shall be finally published in ol'he
the Gazelte and shall thereupon have effect as if en3cted in this Act.
(3) In addition to the publication required by sub-sections (I) and (2).
the Corporation may determine in each case what further publication. if any.
alId all rules

is required for rules which it is proposed to make and which have been made.

133. (I) The President of the Union may. at any time. require the Cor !'Ower of the
poration to make rules under section 230 or 231. as the case may be. in Prel ident to
respect of any purpose or matter specified therein.
(2) If the Corporation fails to comply with such requisition within such
reasonable time as m:ty be fixed by the President of the Union. the President
(If the Union may. after previous publication. make such rules which shaJI. on
fin:!l !lublication in the Gazette. h:.lve effect as if cn:lcted in this Act.
1(3) *
234. In m3ting a rule under s~ction 230. 231 or 233. subsec:tions (2) and Penalty f .
(3). the Corporation or the President of the Union. as the case may be. may Nbreach

pro\'ide that any breach thereof shall be punishable-

(a) with fine which Dl3y cxtend to five hundred rupees. and in case of
a continuing breach. with fine which may extend to twenty
rupees for every dJ.y during which the breach continues after
the conviction for the first breach. or
(M wilh fine which may extend to twenty rupees for every day during
which the breach continues after receipt of written notice from
the Corporation to discontinue the breach.

135. In particul:lr and without prejudice to tbe generality of tbe powen Malterl in
conferred by sections 230. 231 and 233. sub-sections (2) and (3). rules made rc-srect 01
which rUles
thereunder may provide for or regulate aU or any of the following purposes may be
Ilnd matters. namely :_ made.
(i) (u) the total number of councillors and the number to be elected; CorostUutlnn
(b) the qualifications to be possessed by an eleetor or councillor; Of CouncU.
(d deciding what associations arc .. public bodies" for the purpose of
Ihis Act and what "public bodies" may be represented on tbe
Oi) (a) the preparation. publication. correction or revision of the reaister Electioo,.
of electors:
(b) the mllnner in. the conditions under. and the authority by. which
claims to. or objections against. registration may be made and
decided ;
(c) the date on which the register of elee~ors shall come into operation
and the period for which it shall continue in operation;
, Olllhtlld by the UlIlon of U~nna (Ahpblioa. 01 L:aws) OfCkT. 1948.

306 Rangoon Municipal.

(d) the nomination of candidatcs. and objections to such nominations.

and the authority or ofticer b) which or by whom such objections
may be investigated or decided:
(e) the mode of voting in the case of companies or associations:
(n the date and time of elections. the mode of recording yotes. the
management of contested etections. and the procedure in case of
equality of votes or in the e~ent of one councillor being elected
to represent more than one ward or interest:
Cd fixing of elections to 611 casual vacancies:
(Jr) the division of the electorate into wards or communities for the
pu~pose of electing councillors to represent the same and the
alloc::ttion of councillors thereto:
(i) 4n)' other matter relating to the system of represent::ttion and
clection for which it may be expedient to provide:
Erlucatioo (iii) (a) the constitution and term of oUice of the Education Board and
Hoard and
,landin, standing committees;
c,-,mmiU!". (h) the qualifications of members of !luch board and committees :md
the mode of election. Olppointmcnt or retirement of !luch
(c) the powers and duties conferred or imposed on such board and
committees :ond thc conditions and limitations subject to which
such powers may be exercised:
(d) tbe dissolution and re-appointment of such boiled or of ::toy such
Conduct Of (iv) (a) the time and place of meetings of the Corporation. the Educ.:uion
bUllIneu. Board or any committee ;
(b) tbe manner in which notice of such meetings m::ty be given:
(d the quorum neccssJ.ry for the transaction of business at meetings
of the Coq:oration. the Educ::ttion Board or any committee:
(d) the appointment and tenure of office of or election of a chairman
of the Education Board or any committee:
(e) the filling of vacancies on fhe &Iucation Board or any committee;
(I) the manner in which minutes of proceedings may be kept and
(J:) the manner in which any councillor or member of the Education
Board may resign any office and the manner in which such
resignation may be accepted. and the date as from which such
resignation may have effect;
(II) any other m:lUer relating to the proceedings or the Corporation.
Edue::ltion Board or any committee. the holding and regulation
of meetings. and the conduct of debate:
(0...) the exercise by the Commissioner. or by any other offieer or by
any of the servants of the Corporation. of the powers conferred
upon the Corporation by Ihis or any other Act. and the conditions
and limitation~ subject to which such powers may be exercised ;
Rangoon Municipal. 307

<vi) /) the qualifications without which no person slnll be ordinarily Municipal

l'lfficer_ and
appointed to be a municipal officcr or servant; ~ervanls.
(11) the conditions of service of municipal officers or servants;
(c) the procedure to be followed in dismissing or removing from his
appointment or otherwise punishing or penalising any municipal
officer or servant;
(d) the amount and the nature of the security to be demanded from
any municipal officer or servant from whom it may be deemed
expedient to require security;
(e) the grant of leave to municipal officers and scrvants ;
(0 the payment of allowances to municipal officers and servants, or to
certain of them. whilst absent on leave;
(g) Ihe remuno;:ration to be paid to the person appointed to act for
any of the said officers or serV.1nts during their ubsellc~ on
kavc :
(hI the p~riod of service of municipal officers ~lld servants;
(i) the conditions under which municipal officers or servants, or ~my
of them. shall. on retirement or discharge. receive pcnsio~s.
gratuities or compassionate allowances; and under which the
widows or other dependent relations of any of the said officers
or servants who died while in the service of the Corporation
may receive pensions. gratuities or compassionute allowances,
and the umount of such pensions. gratuities or compassionate
allowunces ;
(jl the amount of conveyance allow,nce payable to municipal ollicers:
(kl th~ tr .Iv~l!ing allowance of mtmicifl:"ll officers or servants;
(I) the rent to be paid by the Commissioner or other municipal officers
and servants for accommod:ttion rrovided for them under clause
(iii) (a) of section 26;
(111) prescribing what municipal officers and servants are essential ..
for the purposes of section 36:
(vii) (a) maintaining a provident or unnuity fund:
(b) compelling all or any municipal officers and servants. not being in Prol'ident or
the service of the Government. to subscribe to such fund. and. It:ml.
if necessary. providing for the deduction of such subscription
out of the s11aries or emoluments of such officers and servants ;
(c) the payment of contributions to such funds by the Corporation
from the Municipal Fund;
(t!) fixing the times. circumstunces and conditions under which pay
ments may be made out of any funds established under this
section and the conditions under which such paym;:nt'l shall
discharge the fund from further liability;
(e) the settlement by arbitration or otherwise of disputes relating to
such fund. or the payment> or subscriptions thereto or claims
thereon. between the Corporation and other persons or between
persons claiming any share or interest therein;
308 Rtfll[WQII MllnidpuJ.

(J) such other mancrs incidenllll 10 such fund and the investm;:nt
thereof as thc President of the Union may approve :
TfaQ~fef 0{ (viii) prescribing the conditions an.J limitations under whieh immoveable
propert)' vested in the Corporation may be transferred or
disposed of:
l"utHicallon (ix) (0) the form :lOd cont~nts of the report and statement to be prepared
of 2nnu:a1 ad-
ministr:aUon under section 69:
rep<'lrt :lnd (bl the publication of the SOlid report and statement:
st:atemmt tlf (el the submission of a copy of the samc by the Corporation to the
President of the Union:
~llract . (x) (al the manner in which and the persons b)" whom (subject to seclion
177) conlracts m3)' be executed:
(hl lhe steurit)' to be demanded for the due." f'lCrrormance of contraels ;
(d requiring estim.lIes of works before COl1tr~,cls :lre entertained;
(d) the examination and accept:mee of tenders:

SICII:tblrc 0{ (xi) (0) the manner in which and the person by whom payments may be:
chtq It't,dc:. made out of the Municipal and Education Funds or cheques
drawn upon Ihe said funds mOl)' be signed:
(b) the manner in which and the person b)' whom coupon! attached to
debentures issued under this Act nlay be siGned:
The C'OmIOOll (xii) the custod)' of the common seal of the Corporation and the manner
kal. in which and the person b)' whom the common scal rna)' be
Prt1':J.:l.tiCill. (xiii) the manner in which the bu.Jgel estimate shall be prepared:

C1ulifilutiOft (xiv) the classification of buildings in order to carr)' Out the provisions of
at balldlaKS section 82:
for the fire-
brlJ::ade taJ:.
TlIJ: on (xv) the classes of animals and vehicles on which. and the rate at which.
alii malt aDd the tax on such animals and vehicles ma)' be imposed:

colltetion 01
<Xvi) the regulation of the time and mode of collection of any tax which
may be imposed under section 79. subsection (2) :
AIlaSllo.ellt. <xvii) (a) fixing the d:lte before ",hich. and the rates tit which. municipal
reml.WcD, Ulxes 10 be levied sh:lIl be determined;
rer\lnd aad (M the 3sscument. collection. composilion. remission. refund and
recovery of taxcs and in addition. in the case of the tax on
vehides and animals. the exemptions from such tax:
(co) the dates on. and the manner in. which any ta:\: or any instalment
of any tax imposed. under this Act shall be payable:
(d) the place at which any such tax or instalment Sh3)) be: payabJe :
(e) lhe penon 10 whom .uch tax .hall be pay.ble :
Rangoon Municipal.

(xviii) (I) the maintenance and improvement of existing drJiDs; Dnln

(b) the construction of new drains:
(e) the alteration and discontinuance of drains;
Cd) the 6ushing and cleansing of drains;
Cd the drainage of any building or land:
(f) the draina.,;e of private streets:
(g) the construction and position of closel accommodation. water..
closets. privies. urinals and similar convenieaces. public or
private. and bathing and washing places and tbe prevention of
nuisance Jrising therefrom:
(II) the construction and mainlenance of a sufficient number of the
aforesa:d conveniences in all buildings;
(i) similar pro\ision for the use of the public:
(j) the inspection of drains:
(k) the payment of the cost of works executed by municipal agency
under the authority conferred by this Act:
(xi,) (a) the maintenance and regulation of urinals. closet accommoda- l"ublic
lalrin('! aad
tion. water-closets. bathing and washing places. and premises w:t.hing
uppurtenant thereto. bclonaing to the Corporalion ; riacci.
(b) the regulation of urin:l1s. closet aecommodalion. water-closets. and
bathing and washing places. provided for the use in comn:on of
the inh:lbitants of one or more buildings:
(xx) the sC3vengin; of streets and the removal or disposal from aU lands ScmmgiD'
aDd dhpnsal
and buildings within the City of sewage and rubbish: or rtfusc.
(x.x.i) (I) the maintenance and management of water-works; Water-
Cb) the inspection of waler-works; worb.
k) the power of access to water-works :
Cd) the protection of water-worles (rom wusle. injury or contamination ;
((") the maintenance of fire-hydrants ;
(I) the regulation or prohibition of boating. fishing or bathing in any
(g) the terms and conditions of the supply of waler to buildin&s and
lands and the provision of meters ;
(It) the euUine off of private water-supplies:
(i) the prevention of fraud in connection with water-supply or the use
of meters ;
(j) prohibiting or regulatinG: the digging or construction of any new
well. tank. pond. cistern or fountain;
(k) the prevention of lhe pollution of water within the City:

(uii) (0) the m:lintenance and imj'lro\'ement of public streets;

(h) the prohibilion :and regulation of projections. obstructions or
encroachments and the issue of licences and tho conditions
under which tbey may be issued. includioa the payment of ront
or feel;
310 Rallgoon Municipal.

(d the execution of works in or ncar public streets and the temporary

occup:ltion of public streets:
(d) the naming and numbering of streets and the numbering of houses;
(d the prohibition and reguhtion of billposting: i.lnd skysigns :
(f) dealing with dangerous places;
(g) the lighting of public strctts :
(It) the watering of public streets:
Prohibi ioa (xxiii) the prohibition and rcgulalion of the use on any str-=et. pathway or place.
:and R,ula.
tion Of u e which the public are entitled to use or frel.j,uent. of barbed wire
Of barted or any materLlI likely to caus~ injury to persons or animals on
wir:, etc.
any lund or premisc$ abutting on the same:
(XXtv) the removal, trimming and cutting of trees. shrlibs Olnd hedges:

(xxv) (a) fixing. from lime to time. the f1umber of persons ~ho may C'Ctupy
a lodging.hoUSl:. and rendering licences necessary for the
keepers of lodginghouses :
(b) the inspection of lodging-houses:
k) promoting cleanliness and ventilation in lcdgin-houses:
(d) lighting of common ~paces and staircases in 10d1tinghou5Cs:
(I) the precautions to be taken. in the case of an)' dangerous
or infectious disease breaking out in a lcdginghouse :
(j) the general regulation and control of lodgingh('uses :
Over- (xxvi> the prevention of o,,"ercrowding. by fixing ff\>ln time to time the
number of persons who may occupy any builliing :
R..:.t-ho MS, <Xxvii) the inspection and proper regulation oC stables. camping groun()s.
de. poun()s and resthouscs:
C;unpin, (xxviii) prohibiting encamping or pie~('::ting of animals or the collection or
public p<!rking of vehicles in 'lOy public pl:ic~. or the usc of such
place for the halting of vehicles:
<Xxix) (tI) the prohibition and regulation of the keeping of animals in
the City;
(b) the prohibition and regulation of the importation of animuls into
the City and the tmnsporl of animals within tbe City;
(c) prohibiting the allowing of any animals to be astray. or, where
any animal is liL":cl)' to annoy or intimidate th~ public. to be at
large in any strc:c:t or public pkce :
(d) the destruction and confiscation of swine .. nd do,s found mayin,
in the City;
(e) the prevcntion of cruelly to animals;
(I) the disposal of c.:.rCJSCS of :lOim:lls dying in the City:
(d the destruction of any .In;mal': in the City which from old nge or
othcr causes are in a moribuud or infirm state or ha"-C: received
sucb injuries or arc suffering lrom sech dangerous difC3sc that
their recovery therefrom is unlikely;
Rangoon Municipal. 311

(11) the pre'iCntion of the sale or use 3S human food of the carcases of
anim~1s which die naturally or from dise~se ;
(i) the prohibition of importation into tbe City. or sale or disposal or
use of any animal. or the hide or an)' portion of the CarCil5e of
any animal. dying or slaughtered on account of. or suffering from.
any contagious or infectious disease ;
bllll) the maintenilnce and regulation of public washhouses and the Wash-
prohibition of the exercise of their calling by washermen ........
at places other than those appointed or approved by the

(xxxi) (a) (i) determining which articles arc ir:cluded in the description Danicrou.
cont:Lincd in clause (a) of section 124: andotren.lve
trades. and
(ii) the prohibition and regulation of the storage or keeping of ractoriel.
such articles. by rendering necessary licences or othcrwise :
(b) (i) determining which trades. manufactures. industries or operations
are included in the description contained in clause (c) of
section 124:
(ji) the prohibition and regulation of the exercise of such trades.
manufactures. industries or operations. by rer.dering Jic:nccs
necess~ry or otherwise ;
(c) the supervision and sanitary regulation of factories and workshops:
(xxxii) (a) the prevention and regulation of the discharge of smoke. steam.
fumes and noxious vapour!; ~CMIDtcd
(b) the prohibition and regulation of the use of whistles. trumpets. with
and noi5C-producing instruments operated by any mechanical

(Xll.~iij) (,I) the prohibition of the sale of the flesh of any four-footed animal Manaeemcnt
not slaughtered in a municipul slaughter-house and the prohibi- or municl~1
tion and regulation of the importation into the City of the fiesh :::d~~~' etc.
of llny such animal slaughtered without the City: .upcnl.lon
(b) the prohibition o~ the sale of meat by any ~~son except under ~:-:e~anu
and in conformity ....ith the terms and conditions of a licence Itnt"age and
granted by the Corporation; nle ~. f food.
(d requiring sellers of meat to procure from the Corporation and on
requisition (0 produce passes showing that the meat sold
or expo~d for sale by them has been deri\'Cd from animals
slauahtercd in a municipal slaughter-house ;
(d) the management and sanitary condition of municipal Ilauahter.
(t') the management :lPd unitary condition of muaicip31 markets;
(0 the regu1J.tion of the ntanufacture for sale and the sale of articles
of food. drink or drugs either by renderin& licences necessary or
otherwise ;
312 RanlXJOn M link; pi".

(g) fb.inl the qualitications of persons who may compound. mix.

prepare. dispense or sell any drug. by rendering certiticates
or permissions necessary or otherwise ;
(h) the rq,ulation of the houn and manner of importation into. or of
transport within. the City of any articles of food. drink or
drugs by renderina lieences for such importation or transport
necessary or otherwise :
(I) ftxing the places at which articles of food. drink or drllgS shall be
produced for inspection prior to importation. transport or
exposure for sale;
Cn 8llina the places in which articles of food. drink or drugs mayor
mlY not be manuflclured. kept. sold or exposed for sale;
(Ie) requirina notice-boards and labels to be affixed by the vendors to
articlel of food. drink or druls whic;h have been adulleratcd
and presctibina the with which such noticeboards
and labels shall conform ;
(I) the prohibition of the importation into. or transport within. the
City of any articles of food or drink: produced under such
conditions as to be. or to be likely to be. injurious to the health
of persons consuming the same;
(m) the supervision and stl.nitary condition of bakeries. places where
s-.eets an: m:tnufactured. public cating-houses. st;alls and aerated
water and ice factories. and of dairies. stabJcs and buildings or
enclosures where animals are kept. whether or not the animals
therein are kept for profit:
(n) the prohibition and regulation of the exposure of goods for sale
on streetl and the Icvyina of fees from persons setting up sialls
or otherwise sellin, or exposing for SOlie goods on strcc:ts;
(0) the rqulation of the manner in which food grain. whether
intended for ule or for private consumption. may be stored;
(p) the preatulions to be bken for protecting milch-eattle. milk
and milk-products against infection or contamination;
(q) rcquirina notice to be given of the outbreak of contagious disease
amona animals. and prescribing precautions to b.: taken for
preventina the spread of such diseatC :

Prinlo (uxiv) (a) tbe construction aad structural and architcctural features 01
private markets ;
(b) the drainllle. Wilter-sUPPIy. ventilation. liehting. sanitary condition
and regulation of private markets :
(e) the prevention of cruelty. nuisances. obstruction. o\crcrowding in.
or in the :lppro3chcs to. or in the passages 0(. private markets;
(d) the supervision of private m:lfkets ;
(,.) tbe appointment and remov,,1 (\( s:.IllCrintC'ndents of private m::lrkets :
(I) Axial the days aDd the bourl on. and c.luring which. any private
market may be held or k.ept Open;
Rangoon Municipal. 313

(g) preventing undesirable or diseased persons from entering priva.te

markets ;
(It) prohibiting persons from seUiog in a private market the licence for
which has been refused. cancelled or swpended :
(uxv)rendering licences necessary for pawnbrokers and determining. by Pawn-
public auction or otherwise. the amount to be paid for broken.
such I icenc:es :
(xuvi) notwithstanding the prOVISions of the Weights and Measures of Wti,hU and
Capacity Act.- mtalurd.

(a) prescribing the standard weights and measures to be used within

the City;
(b) the verification and rectification of instruments for weighing.
weights and measures. including the payment of fees for
verifying or rectifying the same;
(c) ntaking the use of standard weights and measures compulsory;
(J) preventing and detecting the use of falsc or defective instruments
for weighing. weights and measures in any muket. building,
shop. 5t..lll or place used for the sale of any gooJs. food. drink:
or drug:
(xxxvii) the registration of all births and dcalhs which tsli.e pl:!.co: within the RC2iltration
(If 6irthl aud
Cit)'. and the taking of a census: deathl.

(xxxviii)(o) the regulation of the sanitation of theatres. music-halls, Lieensilli

cinematograph exhibitions or other places of public entertilin- Of lheatrt"'.
ment or ccsort and the conlrol and inspection thereof. in order etc.
to ensure the safety. health and convenience of persons employed
in. Or visiting. attending. or resorting to the same;
(b) rendering licenccs necessary for such exhibitions and entertainments:

(lC.xxix) (0) tlte information and plans to be submitled with applications for Coutrudlon
the approval of sites and. for permission to ereet or re-ereet any Of buildlnc_,
(b) fixing the period in which refusal to permit erection of building.
must be expressed ;
(e) rendering compulsory the appointment of a person to .upervise the
work of erection or re-erection of buildings or of tiny specified
class orclasscs of buildings aDd me description of the qua.lifica-
tions which such person shall possess;
(d) the grant of completion certificates in respect of newly erected or
re..ereeted buildings. including the dClCriptioo of the cas:s
in which. tlnd of lhe persons by .....hom. such certificates shall be
granted ;
(4!') the height of buildinas. whether absolute or relative to the
width of streets ;
314 Rangoon Mlmicipal.

(f) the level and width of the foundation. the level of the lowest 600r
or plinlh, and the stability of the structure;
(g) the number and height above the ground. or above the nexl lower
storey. of the sloreys of which any building may consist;
(It) the height and slope of the roof above the uppermost floor
upon which human beings are to li ..~ or cooking operations are
to be carried on ;
(i) the space to be left about any building (0 secure the free
circulation of air and facilitate scavenging and fot the
prevention of fire ;
(j) the ventilation and drainage of buildings;
(,t) !hc m:ans and appliances to be provided and maintained for egress
from a building and protection of life in caSC of fire;
(I) ~h, materials to be used <tnd metho:! of construction to be adopted:
(m) the position, materials and metho~s of construction of fire places.
smo1ce.escapes. chimneys. stair"Colscs. watet closcts. closet
accommodation and dr-dins in buildings;
(II) specifying the partS or ponions of building siles on whieh
no building shan be etceted and thc POSilioR thc~of;
(0) the paving of any passag: between two buildings or appurtenant
to <Jny building;
(p) the restriciions on the use of inflammable materials in buildings;
(q) the precautions to be tukeR for the purpose of preventing danger
or injury to the public or to ~rsons employcd in the work. OJnd
of securing the stability of the various parts of the slructure anti
of buildings and property in the vicinity thereof. during the
progress of thc work or of uny demolition or excavation
(xI) (u) the removal or impro\'cment of insanitary buildings and buildings
buildillC_ in a ruinous or dangerous condition;
(b) the marking of evacuJ.ted uninhabitable buildings;
(c) the cleansing. Iimewashing or painting of buildings;
(d) compelling the owners or occupiers to take such order with
abandoned. unoccupied or neglected buildings or lands as the
Corporation may direct:
(e) tbe prohibition and regulation of the excavation of earth. stone or
other materials from any place:
Conllfuclioo b.lO (I) the regulation of the construelion. maintcnuncc and working of
and worktDl passengerlifts and all machinery aDd apputatus pertaining
of IIfh. thereto;
(b) the regulation of the construction. maintenunce, fencing and light-
iDg of shafts. laodines, hatches. and gates connected with
passenger-Mts ;
(d the entry upon, and inspection by such person as the Corporation
may authorize in this behalf of any premises containing a
passengerlift ;
Rangoon Municipal. 315

(til the prohibition of the use of aay lift where any rule made under
this sub-section has not boca. complied with :
providcd that such rules shall Dot affect any provision of the Factories
Act. or of the Electricity Act. nO[ any rules framed thereunder:
E,Xplanation.-A lift actually used as a lift by passengers is. for the
purposes of tltis sub-section. a .. passenger-lift." notwithstanding that it may
not hne been constructed for that purpose and that its UK u a pa.ssengerlilt
is not authorized by the owner or oecupic:t.
(xlii) (u) the precautions to be taken for the prevention of danger or injury " ' - 0 0 -
to the public during. aDd to persons engaged in. the demolition i.demoIiUaa
Of boUdinp.
of buildings or parts ot a building and for the protection of
other parts of the same buUdinl and of other buildings in the
vicinity thereof;
(b) requiring any persons intending to demolish a building or part of
a building to give such previous notice to tbe Corpontion u
may be prescribed. tocether with particulars of the proposed
demolitions and of the precautions to be tc:ten during the
progress of the work;
') the prOhibition of the commenc:cment of the demoliUo'1 within the
prescribed period e.ll.cept with the permission of tbe Corporation:
(J) the prohibition of the commencement or contint:ilnce of the
demolition unless and until all precautions have been and are
being taken in accordance with such rules. Dnd with any direc.
lions and requisitions in writin. which the Corporation may
issue to the person in charse of the worle. or to the person who
submitted the notice. if any. required under sucb rules :
(xliii) (u) rendering licences necessary for the proprietors and drivers of
vehicles or animals plyiog for hire in the City;
(bl limiHllg the rollC$ wbich may be demanded for the hire of any
vehicle or of any animals hired to carry loads. or for the service
of any person hired to carry loads. llnd the loalls to be canied
by such vcbiclCi. animals. or person.. when they arc hired
within tbe City for a period Dot exceeding twenty..four boura,
or for a service which would ordinarily be performed withia
twenty-four boon :
provided that no rules shall be made under this clause in respect of
any vehicle to which the Rangoon Hackney Carr. Act applies:

(xliv) holding of fairs aDd indUitrial cxbibitioDl in the City: 1I0ilUniOf
(xlv) prole<ting Ibe poperty of the Corpontioo from iajury oc i.l<rfereoeo: ...-
(xlvi) tbe prohibition and regulation of the staekina of inflammable materiaJa ProtocUoa
d of \be Iigbting of _ Ia aay .pecifted portioa of the City: q::fDst ....
316 Rangoon Municipal.

ChargtS fer <Xlvii) fixing charges Cor s~r ...iccs rendered by any municipal authority:
II unicipal

Register Of (;dviiD the maintenance of a register showing charges on buildings or lands

impro\'e- for improvement expenses under section 187 :
Mod< 0{ (xlix) determining the person by whom and the time. place and manner at or
flC'rforll""; n.:e; in which anything prescribctl under this Act. for which no
Of ads not
olhtrwise express provision is made. shall be done:
provided (or.

or munklp;,1
m determining the cases in which inspection and copics or municipal
reconls may be graillcd. and re:;ulating the procedur~ and fixing
the fees for obtaining the same:
Licences: nd (Ii) the forms of licences and notices issued under this Act and the
author;!y cntil:cd to sign or is:iue the s\tme : .Intl
(liil s,.:acrally ror c:.trrying out the pl!rposcs of this Act.

The Hi~h 236. The High Court may. in with the provisions of Pari X
Coull tv of the Code {'If Civil Procedure. in so far as they may be applicable. and
make rules
forrcgubtirg subject to the conJitions and limitations prescribed therein. make fules, consistent
the prcdllre with the proltisions of this Act. for regulating the procedure of the Rangoon
of lhe City
ChI! Court. [City Civil Court]! in the exercise of any powers or jurisdiction conferfed Cln,
Of veSted in. the said Court under lhe provisions of this Act.



CoancillOf$ 237. Every councillor and e\'ery nlunieipul officer or servant appoinled
to t.<leemcd under this Act. and every contractor or .',gent for lhe collection of any
to be public
IerY3tJtlI. municipal tax. and every servant or other person employed by such contractor
or Clgeot. shJ.1l be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of section
21 of the Penal Code.

Co-operation %38. (I) The Commissioner of Police. Rangoon. shall. as far as may be.
Of police. co-operate with the Corporation for carrying into effect the provisions of this
Act and for the maintenance of good order in the City.
(2) It shall be thc duty of evcry policcofficcr in the City to communicate
without delay to the proper municipal officer any information which he
receives of a design to commit. or of the commission of. any offence against
this Act. and to assist the Commissioner und any olher municipal officer or
servant reasonably demanding his aid in the lawrul c;(~rcise of any power
conferred on SUCh municipal officer or senant under this Act.
I Subflitnled by Act XVI. 19.(6.
Rangoon Municipal. 317

23t. (I) Any inormality. clerical error. omission or other defect in any Informalities
assessment made. or in any notice. bill. schedule. summons, or other document 2Dd crn:n ill
issued under this Act. may at any time. as far as possible. be rectified.
(2) No such informality, clerical error. omission or otber defect shall be

., IJlv..litble
d cerned to ren d er t)C
I assessment. nOhce. bill. schedule. SUmmons. or otber .~ useu.
documJnt in\'alid or illegal. if the provisions of this Act have in substance nnd menl
effect b..-en complied with: but any person who sustains any special damage
by reason of any such informality. clerical error. omission. or other defect shaU
be entitled to recover compensation.

148. If any dispute aris:s between the Corporation and any local Diapule.
authority as regards anything done or to be done under this Act. it shaJJ be ~~;~:li\)n
r.::ferred to the President of the Union for decision. and such decision ffi:ly and loc:tl
includ~ on order as to the costs of any enquir)' ordercu by the President of the aulb,)flllt.,
Union and shall be final and binding on the parties and be given effect to :
Provided that nothing in this s.."Ction shall be deemed to affect the
provisions of the Municipal Taxalion Act.

141. Where any dispute arises between the Corporation and the President DiJpulu
of the Union as to the interpretation of any of the provisions o.f this Act, the
President of the Union ma)'. and at the request of the Corporation sh:dJ. draw a.d
up a statement of the case and rdr it. with tbe opinion of the [Attorney. Pre-ideal.
General) 1 thereon, for the decision of the Hilh Court whieh 'haD be tinal :
Provided thllt nothing in this section shall derogate from the authority of
the President of th,; Union ::J.S laid down in Cb::J.ptcr XV.


[Section 3. clause (viH.)

The City of Rangoon comprises the area enclosed within the {ollowin.
boundaries: but ex.cludes the 3reas mentioned in Exceptions (I). (2) and (3):-
Norlh.-A s1r.aiSht line dr:lWD in an easterly direction from municipal
boundary pill:1r No.3. 5 feet west of theodolite survey station N on the
northern boundary of survey block No. 38A to municipal boundary pillar
I StIblJ1luted r... Ihe word "AdYocale-General" by the 1~I,ioa or Burul:! (Ad:J.plalion 01 Lnn)
0r0er. 1941-
:;iee lbe footDOle 10 ItcUoa 229
NoIi6t'atiolll. bare beeu iII:d from lime 10 time l.ader lbe prodsl!):la of aedlon 210 .Iler-
inc the lialb 0{ lhe Cily of Ranaae-. FOI' sLicb 1II1Uf..eation.. see tbe Cil)' 0{ Hancoon MlIlIidpal
318 Ran~oon Municipal.

No.4. :1.t the point of intersection llf the said northern boundary llf survey
block No. 38A with (he western bitnl.. of the HI..Iin~ River; thence south-
e:lStwards. in a straight line. across til:: s:aid river. hl municipal boundary pillar
No.5, 150 reet north-west and 362 feel west of north-west of th(odolite survey
$lations B617 and H 4, respectively; thence <lIang the northern boundary of
Hanthawaddy Road to municipal boundary pillar No.6 on the eastern side of
th~ bridge over the railway line to Prome: thence in a northerly direction
along the cnsterR boundary of the railway line to municipal boundary pillar
No.7. at the point of junction of the said eastern boundary of the railway
line with the northern boundary of survey block 37-F: lhence custwards along
the northern boundary of survey block 37-F. and ..llross Prome Road. for a
di~tance of 2.232 feet. to municipal boundary No.8. on the eastern
boundary of Prome Road. 12 feet cast of th~oJcJit~ :;urv.::y station Ill: thence
northwards along the eastern bound:uy of Prome R{'IJd. to municipal boundary
pillar No.9. at the s(~uth-e:lstcrn corner of lhe brit.l~e over K:tmayut cr.::ck:
thence ~outheastwards to municipal bound;,ry pill:.,r No. 16.:tt the ~uth end
of Victoria Lake bund No. I : thence :.Inng Ih~ w:ttcr edge at the ]ow.::~t water
kv~1 of Victoria L:Jke to municip:11 bound'lr)' pilhr NO.1 t at the ~outhcrn
end of Victori:J. Lake bund Nl). 3: thcnc~ Sc)Ulh-~:.I::twurds for a distance of
125 feet (0 municipal boundary pillar No. 12. 14 feet north of theooolite
survey st:J.tion C s: thence northwards don:! Ih~ w;:o;tcrn boundary of Kokkaing
Road to municipal boundary pi1l:.!r No. 13. at Ih,: pnint of intersection of the
sa:d western boundary of K6Jckaing with th~ northern boundary of the
municipal water pipeline: thence in a southw.:st;r1y direction along the
northern boundary of the municip:lI wat~r pip!1in,:. to municipal bound:lry
pilllr No. 14. for a dishnce of 3.111 feet: thene: northea5twards in a straig~t
line along the northern boun:lory of survey block 35-C 3nd acros~ the Bnuktaw
stre:lm for a distance of 1.431 feet to municip3.1 boundary !lillar No. 15. on the
northern bank of that slream : thence vlang the northern of t~e Baukt3\V
stream to municipal bound:lry pillar No. 16. built on permanent theodolite
station H: thence southeastwards in a straight lin~ across the Pazundaung
creek. to municipal boundary pillar No. 17 on the left bank of that creek and
281 feet northeast of theodolite survey slation Q: thence running parallel to
the Pazundaung creek and the Pegu River. through the points marked by
municipal boundary pillar No. 18. 345 feet east of theodolite station N II and
15 feet north of theodolite station M': mun:cipaJ boUDdl.\ry pillar No. 19.467
fcct southeast of theodolite station K '. and 291 feet north-west of theodolite
station J &: municipal boundary pillar No. 20 built upon theodolite stution H 6:
municip:d boundary pillar Nl" 21. 225 feet south.east of theodolite survey stat
ion sa. and 188 fect north-east of theodolite survey sl:ltion S t: municipal boun
dary pillar No. 22. built upon theodolite survey station S ';2 ; municipal boundary
pillar No. 23. 415 feet south-west of theodolite survey station SllU. and 11 fect
lOuthwest of theodolite survey station S (;lj: municip:lI boundary pillar No. 24.
138 feet south-west of theodolite survey station Sr.,. :md 708 feet north-east of
theodolite survey station S M; municip:tl boundary pillar No. 25. 248 feet
southwest of th~dolite ~ur\'ey station S 1St. and 77 feet north of theodolite
Rangoon Mun;c;pal. 319

survey stution S 112: municipaJ boundary pill:tr No. 26. 480 feet south-west of
theodolite survey station S !/J. and 403 fe~1 north-west of theodolite survey
station Sf.oR; municipal boundary pillar No. 27. 740 feet south-west of theodolite
survey station S 67. and 454 feet north-west of theodolite survey station S 5lI;
municipal boundary pillar No. 28. 811 feet south-east of theodolite sun-ey
station S eo and 661 feet north-west of theodolite survey station S I.: municipal
boundar)' pillar No. 29. built upon theodolite survey station S If: municipal
boundary pillar No. 30 on the northern bank of the Hlaingbongale stream.
and 153 feet south-west of theodolite survey station S Ill. and 114 feet north-
west of theodolite survey statjon S 21; municipal boundary pillars Nos. 31.
32. 33. built upon theodolite survey stations 5 112, S 1. 5 10.
Eost.-From the terminating point of the northern boundary at pillar
No. 33. a straight line drawn in a south-easterly direction through port boun-
dary pilhr No. 61A. 334 feet south-cast and 185 feet north-east of theodolite
survey station A C and S 11M. respectively. to a point in the middle of the Pcgu
Somh.-From the tcrminating point of the castcrn boundary in the
middle of the Pegu River a :;traight line drawn in a south-westerly direction
to a point No. 38 situated 2.980 feet from municipal boundary piJIar No. 40.
which is on the southern b:,mk of the Rangoon River at King's Point. II feet
east of theodolite survey stalion 0 I. and 4.600 feet from boundary pillar No_
4t ; thence north-westwards in a straight line. through municipal boundary
pillar No. 41. built upon theodolite survey station K I to municipal boundary
pillar No. 42. 407 feet north-west of theodolite survey station H. and 88 feet
north of theodolite survey station G: thence south-westwards in a straight line,
to municipal boundary pillar No. 43 on the northern b3nk of the Thada
stream. 15 feet east of theodolite survey station R 2; thence soutb-westwards
in a straight line. to municipal boundary pillar No. 44 on the western bank of
the Seikgyi stream and 14 teet east of theodolite survey station T 1; thence
westwards in a straight line to municipal boundary pillar No. 45, built upon
theodolite survey station M I : thence to a point on the southern bank of the
Thingyaing stream and 35 feet south of theodoJite survey station M 1; thence
along the southern bank of the Thingyaing stream to municipal boundary
pillar No. 46. 110 feet south-west of theodolite sOlve)" station W; thence
north...eastwards in a straight line to municipal boundary pillar No. 47. built
upon theodolite survey station D: thence west of northwestwards in a straight
line. to municipal pillar No. 48. built upon theodolite survey station E :
thence south-westwards in a straight line to municipal boundury pillar No. 49.
187 feet south of theodolite survey station R 1. and 189 feet ~uth-west of
theodolite survey station 0 2; thence north-westwards in a straight line to
municipal boundary pillar No. SO. 110 feet north-west of theodolite survey
station N 1. and 295 feet north-east of theodolite survey station M 2; thence
soutb-westwards in a straight line to municipal boundary piJIar No. 51, 125
feet south of theodolite survey station H 2. and 6 feet east of theodolite survey
station G 2: thence west of north-westwards in a Slr.light line to municipal
320 Rangoon Munidpal.

boundary pillar No. 52. 478 feet Ill'rth-wcst of thcodolilc survey stOllion T "
and 337 feet east of north-cast or thcudolifc survey slat ion R I: th~'ncc north
westwards in a straight line to municipal boundary pillar No: 53. 011 the
southern bank of tbe Kaqaungto creek and 182 feet north of north west of
th~olite survey station N 1 ; thence northwards in a straight line. across the
Kanaungto creek. to municipal boundary pillar No. 54. on the northern bank
of the said creele and 270 feet south-west of theodolite survcy station A;
thence westwards along the northern blink of the Hlcgweyo stream. to a point
73 feet south of theodolite survey station E I: thence in a straight line to
municipal boundary pillar No. 55. built upon the abovementioned survey
station E J.
West.-From the terminating point of lhe ~oulhern boundary at pilhlr
No. 55. a straight line. drawn in a nor(h-~;.!stt:;rl>' dir~clion. 10 municipul
bounJary pillar No. 56. built upon theodolite survey !ltalion Y : thence enst
of south-eastwards in a straight line to municipal boun~!::lr)' pillar No. 57.
built upon theodolite survey station Q: th~nce north-eastward!l in a straight
line to municipal boundary pillar No. 58. built upon theodolite survey station
L: thence north-westwards in Q straight line to municipal boundary pillar No.
59. on the southern b;mk of th~ Gyaungwuing !:tream and 12 feet west of
theodolite survey station Q: thence north of north-cjstwnrds in u straight line
to municip:ll boundary pillar No. 60. ('In the lio!thern bank of the AJalehaung
creek and 5 feet 6 inches west of thcotlolit-.: sur'''c)' stalion Q I ; thence north
of north-westwards in a straight line to municipal bound>try pillar No. 61. on
the northern bank: of Nabebauk: creek and 5 feet west of theodolite station
F I: thence north of north-westwards in a straight line to J:lunieipal boundary
pi11ar No. I, on the southern bank of Panhlaing creck. 5 feet west of theodo
lite survey station T; thence north-westwards in a straight line across the
Panhlaing creelc to municipal boundary pillar No.2. on the northern bank of
the said creek and 521 feet south of theodolite survey station Q; thence
northwards in a straight line to municipal boundary pillar NO.3. the starting
point of the northern boundary.
All the theodolite survey stations cited above belong to the boundary
main traverse circuits of the Rangoon Town District. The survey bloclc
numbers and other details given have been taken from the Rangoon Town
Survey sheets for the year 1919-20.

(l) The area notified from time to time to be: the Rangoon Cantonment.
(2) The 3rea known as Monkey Point :lDd cont:lined within the following
boundaries : -
North and ost.-The Pazundaung Creele.
South.-The Rangoon River.
Wrst.-A line drawn from boundary pillar NO.1. on the bank of the
Rangoon River at :I. point 160 feet from the eastern limits of ship building
and timber yard allotment No. 36 (3S demarcated in 1896 under the Boundaries
Rangoon MIlNcipal. 321
Act) in a northerly direction for a distance of 865 fcct 6 inches to
boundary pillar No.2; thence in an easterly direction for a distance of 24
feet 6 inches to boundary pillar No.3. and continuing in the same direction
for a distance of 28 feet to boundary pillar No.4; thence across and at right
angles to Monk-ey Point Road for a distance of 104 feet to boundary pillar
NO.5; thence along the north-east side of the Lower Pazundaunl Road for a
distance of 173 feet to boundary pillar No.6; thence continuing in tbe same
direction for a distance of 187 feet to boundary pillar No.7: tbence in a
nonh-easterly direction along the eastern limit of Battery Road for a distance
of 345 feet to boundary pillar No.8; thence in a south-easterly direction for
a distance of 76 fcct 6 inches to boundary pillar No.9; thence in a north-
eastedy direction for a distance of 75 feet to boundary pillar No. 10 on the
bank of the Pazundaung creele at a point 50 feet to the east of the north-
western corner of tbe Forest Dep6t lot. as demarcated in 1896 under tbe
Boundaries Act.
(3) All lands and erections used for .be purposes of !be RanJoon CeDtral
Jail and the Rangoon Lunatic Asylum.


2. Definitions.


3. Veltinl of Royal Lake and cisterns. etc. in committee.


4. Duty of committee to construct works for supply of water.

S. Duty of committee to erect stand-pipes.
6. Power for committee to ex.ecute works.
7. Power for committee to break up streets.
A.-Suppl, 0/ Watn lor Domej/~ PWPO#"O Occ"p;n, 01 8011#' Dr'
8. RiJhl of occupier Ie cerra", lupply of water for do.....i. purpoaot.

322 Rangoon Warn-workl.

9. Right of occupier paying water'lax to have water brought into his
house or land.
10. Construction of communication.pipes.
11. Inspection of works, pipes and fittings before connection with
12. Connection with service-pipes to be executed only by an officer of
tbe committee.
13. Power for officer of committee to enter premises.
14. Power for committee to turn off water or effect repairs when pipes
etc., arc out of repair.

B.-Supply for gratu;IOUI use in Stand-pipe,.

15. Duty of committee to supply water for gratuitous usc in stand-pipes.

C.-Supply of waU, for utingllishing Fire, and cleansing &we" and Strutl.
16. Duty of committee to fix fire plugs in mains.
17. Duty of committee to supply water for cleansin, sewers and drains.

D.-Supply of Waler for other than Domell;c Purposes.

18. Supply for other than domestic purposes.

E.-Pressure 01 Water supplied.

19. Pressure at which water mUll be kept.


20. Power for occupier of house to require owner to provide works for
21. Power for occupier to make works in default of owner.
22. What works arc sufficient for supply of water to bouse.
23. Estimate and specification of works to be sent
24. Power to refer to committee.
25. Fee On reference.
26. Duty of owner to keep works in repair.
2~ Power for owncr to recovcr sums payablc by occupier.
28. Saving of contracts between owners and occupiers.
29. Power for Presidcnt to make rules.
30 Power foe ~D\mittee to JQ&kc rtdes.
31. Procedure for making rules.
32. Publication of rules.



33. Arrears of water-rents.

34. Power for committee to tum off on neglect to pay water-tax or
35. Penalty for obstructing. diverting or wasting water.
36. Penalty for unauthorized application of water.
37. Penalties for causing the water of the committee to be fouled. etc.
38. Prosecutions.


(INDIA ACT XIX. 1884.J (14th February. 1885.)


1. In this Act. unless there is something repugnant in the subject or DeliniH.".,.
(1) town" means the local area for the time being comprised within
the municipal limits of the town of Rangoon:
(2) .. street" means any street, road. thoroughrare. pas.uge or place
over which the public have a right of way. and includes the
surface-soil and subsoil of any such street. and the footway
and drains of any such street. and any bridae. culvert or cause.
way forming part of any such street;
(3) .. owner" includes-
(a) the person who is for the time being entitled to the rent of the
house or land in respect of which the word is used and who
is not liable to pay rent for that house or land to aoy other
(h) an agent of that person; and
(c) a trustee for that person;
(4) .. house .. includes schools. also factories and other buildiDgs in
which persons arc employed ;
324 Ranlloon Watuworks.
(5) .. water-works n includes all lakes. streams. tanks. cisterns. springs.
wells. pumps. reservoirs. conduits. aqueducts. hydrants. stand-
pipes and works. and altland. bridges. buildings. engines. works.
materials and things for supplying. or used for supplying. water
under this Act to the town of Rangoon;
(6) ,. the committee n means the municipal committee for the town
of Rangoon;
(7) .. water-rent" includes any rent. reward or payment to be made
to the committee in connection with the supply of water under
this Act. but does not include the water-tax leviable under the
Municipal Act; and
(8) a .. supply of water for domestic purposes" does not include a
supply of water for cattle. or for horses. or for washing carriages.
where the cattle. horses or carriages are kept for sale or hire or
by a common carrier. or a supply for any trade. manufacture or
business. or for watering gardens. or for fountains or ~or any
ornamental purpose.
3. There shall vest in. and be under the control of. the committee, freed
Vtltlnlol and discharged of and from all manner of rights. titles. privileges or claims
Royal Late
and cisternl. whatsoever of any other person.-
etc., in
c:oIIImhlee. (a) the Royal Lake at Rangoon; and
(b) all existing tanks. cisterns. springs. wells. pumps. reservoirs.
conduits. aqueducts. hydrants. stand-pipes and works used or
intended to be used for supplying water to the public in the
town. and all land. bridges. buildings. engines. works. materials
and things connected therewith. or appertaining thereto:
Provided as follows :-
(1) any person may at any time. subject to such rules as the committee
make in this behalf. row. sailor fish on or in the waters of the
Royal Lake;
(2) nothing in this section shall affect the land adjacent to the Royal
Lake and known as the Dalhousie Park. but that land shall be
preserved as a public park for the use of the public.
4. Subject to rules to be made under this Act by the President of the
Duly of
C'ommJltee Union. the committee shall cause such mains and pipes to be laid. and such
to CODItrDd water-works to be constructed. as may be necessary for the supply of pure and
IWJ 01 wholesome water sufficient for the use of the inhabitants for domestic purposes
wat in an parts of the town:
I Thb wl11 mean the mllnlcipal commltlee of the munlclpalitJ to which the Act II ~d
b,. ftl~ of IeCtion Mi of the MUolcI~ Act. ,
Provided that the President of the Union may. by order in writing. from.
time to time exempt any part of tbe town from the provisions of tbi. section.
and cancel any such exemption.

$. The committee shall cause such stand-pipes or pumps to be erected. Dot)' 01

at such intervals as the President of the Union. by rules made under thi. Act. ~
prescribes. in all the chief streets in those parts of the town in which main' or ~Pipes.
pipes have been laid under tbe last foregoing section.

,. The committee may. for the purpose of constructing or maiotaiDiDs -,.

any water-works for the supply of water to the town, entcr upon any land aod committee
take levels of the same, and set out such parts thereor as they think necessary. wolcI.
and dig and break up the soil of the land:
Provided that. in the exercise of these powers. the committee shall do ..
little damage as may be Bod shall make full compensation to all persons
interested for all damage sustained by them through the exercise of these
powers. and the amount of such compensation shall be determined as nearly
as may be in accordance witb the provisions of the Land Acquisition Ad.

7. The committee may open and break up the soil and pavement of the PoWerfor
streets, and lay down and place pipes. conduits and other works and engines. :m~e
and from time to lime repair. alter or remove the same, and do all other ttroll.. up
acts which the committee from time to time deem necessary for lupplyioa
water to tbe town.



A.-Supply of Water for Domestic Purpolel 10 Occupiefl of Ho"..

or Land,.

further charge. through the communication-pipes constructed as beTelnafter

provided. a supply to the bouse or land of pure and wholesome water for ct..atk:
. (I) Subject to tbeprovisionsof this Act. the occupants of a boUle or RlIbt 01
land separately assessed to water-tax and situate in a part of the town DOt OCCupier to
exempted under tbe proviso to section .. shall be entitled to have. free of of

domeatic purposes to the extent during each quarter of either of the folJowiq. purpoen.
quantities. whichever may be the JCeater. name)y:-
(0) three thousand gallons for every rupee paid to the committee
for watertax on account of such boUle or land for such
quarter; or
(b) a total quantity of four thousand five hundrecl and &tty ga1Jou
irrespective of the amount paid for watertax for IUCb
326 Rangoon Water-works.
(Z) If the commiUee have reasoll to believe that the occupier of any
house or land consumes mure water than he is entitled to have (ree of
f.&flher charge under this uelioll. they may prO\.-ide a water-meter al their
own expense. and attach it to such llart of the communkationpipcs as
they thinL:: fit.
(.1) If the occupier consumes OIny WOlter over am) above the quantity
to which he is entitled free of (urther charge undcr this section. he shall
pay (or It at the rate of Olle rupee for every three thousaml gallons. or
part of three thousund gallonli.

Ri~ht 01 ,. Every occupier of a house or land who is entHlcll Lo a supply

of water free of further charge under the last foregoing seclion shall.
waler:lall to subject to the provibions of this Act. be Clllillell to haw communication
have water pipes laill down from the scrvice.llipcs of the eonuniHce for briuging
brOlOlo:ht Inln
hi, hOtllt: tor into hb house or laml a reasonable supply of water:
Provided that the commiUec may cut 011 the liurply of waler to ally
house or lund while Ihe house ur lallil is unoccupiel!.

Corlilruditln 10. The communication-pil)Cs lealling the water from the scrviccpircs
of cOlllnlunl- of the eommittcc into the house or Ian'" of allY occuricr. ami Ihe pipes anll
works within the house connecte'" therewith. shall be of such character. dimen-
sions an'" material as the commillcc Jix and approve. an'" shan be
constructed at the expense of the person requiring them.

Jll~l..,..d ll)n 11. (I) Before u eUlillcdion for Ihe supply of water from the servicc-
.', wurb. pipes of the committee to ally huuse ('Ir land is sanclioned by the cum-
pirocs and
Iillinc' millee. the eommillee shall cause all the W('lrks. pipes anl! liHin!.!s wilhin
belun: ("l'n-
n ...d icn .....ith the hou$<: or land 10 be illspccted by sceh unicer as the committee
aervice-ripn. appoint in this behalf.
(2) The cost of un inspection under this section shull be payable in
ud.. ance by the person Olpplying for the councction. al such ralc as
the committee at a special meeting. from time (0 time. direct.
(.n Until the officer has certified that thc works. pipes and tittings
have been c,,"co:uled and put up in a salisfuetory manner. a connection
with the eommiUcc's sCf\'iccpipcs shall not be permitted.

Conn.. CUMI 11. (I) Thc conncction with the scrvtcc-pipcs of the o:ommiucc. and
with terviu-
J"~' In be
the laying of communic.\tion-pipcs under any street. shan be cxecuted
exeeutcd by an officer of Lhe o:ommiUce authorized in thol.t behalf.
OIIly by an of the (2) The expense of making the connection shall be payable ill
committee:. advan~. by the person applying for the same. at such ratc as the com
mittee. at a special meeting. from time to time. direct.

Pmt,'u rOl' U. (I) The officer authorizell i.n that behalf by the committee may.
olfJett or between the hours of seven in the forenoon and fiv~ in the :.fternoon.
to enter enter into or on any house or land supplied witb water as aforesaid in
prem ...
Ilangoon Wat~, .. wo,b. 327
order to examine all pipes, works and fittings connected with the supply
of water, and to ascertain if there is any waste or misuse of the water.
(2) If any such officer at any such time is refused admittance into
any such house or land for the purposes aforesaid, or is prevented. from
mating such examination as aforesaid, the committee may forthwith turn
off or cut off the water from the house or land.
14. (I) If any pipes, works or fittings connected with the supply of Powe.~ lor
water to any house or Ian .
d are at any bme f oun d , on exammatlon
.. by any committee
to tanl off
officer of the committee authorized in that behalf. to be out of repair to such water 01"
an extent as to cause any waste a f water. the committee may, a f~'"
ter Ii"" expiry effecl rltpairt.
when I"lpeI,
of twentyfour hours from the service of notice in wriling to this effect on the etr.. ar~ out
owner or oocupier, of repair.

(0) cause tbe water to be turned off or cut off from the bouse or
land; or
(6) in addition to or instead of so turning off or cutting off the water.
repair such pipes, works or fittings so as to obviate sucb waste
of water;
and may recover the expense incurred for either or both such turning off or
cutting off the water and such repain from tbe owner or oocupier of the
house or land.
(2) If any expenses arc recovered by the committee uDder sub--section
(I) from an occupier or owner who would. under the provisions of seelions 26
and 28 or of a special contract, be entilled to require the owner or occupier
(as the case may be) to effect the repairs, the person from whom such
expenses are recovered may recover the same from Ihe owner or occupier so
bound to execute the repairs and (if he is an occupier) may deduct thc same
from any rent due by him to the owner.

B.-Supply for grutuilOus use in Stand-pipe,.

15. The committee shall cause a sufficient quantity of pure and whole- Duly of
sonic water to be supplied for the gratuitous use of the inhabitants of the cotnmitl
to luprly
town for domestic purposes in the sland.pipes to be erected by the committee water for
under section 5. gratuitoUl
use Illlbnd
C.-Supply of water for extingui,hing Fires and cleansing Sewers and Street,.
16. The committee shall fix and renew and keep in effective order such Duty Of
fire. plugs in luch of tbe mains and other pipes laid by tbem, and sball deposit ~.:=
keys of Ihe fire plugs at such places, as the President of tbe Union, by rules P~C&Jt1 iD
made under tbis Act. directs. mai....
17. In all the mains and pipes to which any fire-plug is fixed, the Duty Of
commiuee shall provide and keep conslanlly laid on, unless prevented by C'mnmittee
unusual droughl or other una\oldabJe accident, a sufficient supply of water ~a:;-;~
for use wilh fire-engines, for cleansing the sewers and drains. and for cleans.. eleanliA'
. . sewers aDd
101 and watennl the streets. draiDl.
328 Rangoon Waterworks.

D.-Supply of Water for other than Domesti, Purposes.

other than
, 18. (I) The committee may. from time to time. supply any person with
water by measurtment for other than domestic purposes. for sueh remunera
domntk: tion and on such terms and conditions us shall be agreed on between the
committee and the person:
Provided that-
(a) notwithstunding any such ugreement. a person shall not be: entitled
to such u supply whenever and as long as the commitlee are of
opinion that the supply would interfere with the proper supply
of water for domestic purposes under this Aet : and
(bl the eommin~ shall not be liable. in the ubsenee of express
stipulation under any such agreement. to any forfeiture. penalty
or damages for not supplying the water if the want of the supply
arises from unusuOlI lIrought or other unavoidable cause or
(2) When an)' such agrcem~'at ha~ been entered into by the cOInmittee
with any person. the committee ilia)', subjcct t() such charges or ratcs as may
have been fix.ed by the cummith.-c :ll a special meeting. lay down. or allow to
be laid down. the nccessary conllnunicationpipes and works of such
dimensions and cbamctcr as lIlay be fixed b)' the committee. for supplying
the person with water in accordance with thc tcrms of the agreement.

E.-Pr('s~;IIre of Wuler supplied.

P,e".re at 19. From such a day as the PrcsicJent of the Union, by notification in
which wilter the Gazette. directs in this behalf. the supply of wuter in the mains and pipes
IIUI,t be
kept. which the committee are required to lay under this Act shall be laid on at
such pressure as the President of the Union. by rules made under this Act.




Power for 10. (I) Any occupier holding direct from the owner of a house may.
occupier of by notice in writing signed by him. require the owner of the house to
hOllIC to
rel&ulrc construct all such works as may be nccess.1ry for bringing into the house a
nwnd 10) supply of water for domestic purposcs,
\Yorb 'or (1) Every notice under this section shall contain an undertaking on the
water. part of the occupier to pay interest at the rate of one per centum per mensem.
calcUlated from the date of the completion of the works, on the "'~)st of the
works during the residue of his term of occupation.
(3) If the house or the land attached thereto does not abut upon a street
in which there is a supply-main. the occupier shall undertake to pay the cost
of connecting tbe house with the nearest supply.main.
U. (I) If the owner does not. within three months frem the service of Po'We!for
the notice mentioned in the last foregoing section, cause such works as
aforesaid to be completed. the occupier may cause the works to be completed. hi default
and may by way of additional remedy deduct the cost of the works from the of owner.
rent payable by him in respect of the house :
Provided that the occupier shall not rec::over on account of the oo5t-
(a) a sum exceeding the amount of six months' rent, or,
(b) where the house or the land attached tht;:reto does not abut upon
a street in which there is a supply-main. the cost of conn~ting
the house with a supply-main.
(2) The deduction which an occupier is authorized to make under this
section shall be made by six equal monthly instalments.
(3) Interest on each instalment shall be payable to the owner by the
occupier at the rate of one per centum per mensem from the time when it is

U. The wllrks shall not be deemed sufficient for bringing into the house What worlel
asupply of water. for domestic purposes unless the following taps. with the :rc.~
necessary wor ks In connection t ercwlt . are provided name Jy : -
. h .h or.upp
....ler to
(tI) two tups in the hous.: : bouw.
(b) onc tap in the cook-room of. or other building aUached to tbe
hnuse: and
(c) one tap in or near the stables or other out-houses belonging to tbc
house :
Provided that. if the annual renl of the house with the buildings and land
aUached Iherelo is less than three hundred rupees. it shall be SUfficient to
provide onc lap only. logether with lhe nccc$Sary works in connection there
with. within Ihe house and Ihe buildings and land aUached therelo.

13. Works for introducing a supply of waler to a house shall not be E.timlilc
commenced by Ihe owner withoUI sending a specifiealion and estimate of the :~ti:e~;
cost thereof to the occupier. nor by the occupier without sendina such a work. to be
. .cDl
specification and estimate to the owner.

U. If there is any difference between the owner and the occupier respectin, rowel'lo
rder to com
tbe cost or Ihe sufficiency of the proposed works. either the owner or the OClCupier ....<e.
may refer the difference to the committcc. and the written award of any officer
authoriZed by Ihe committee in Ihis behalf shan be final and bindinl on the
owner and the occupier.

15. There shall be payable by the person making a reference to the

committee under the lasl foregoing section a fee (not exceeding ten rupees) at
the rate or two rupees for every hundred rupees of the monthly reat of the
house in rcspt of Ihe water-supply 10 which the difference baa arileD.
330 Rangoon WultT-WQlks.

Daly" 26. (I) The Owner of any house or land shall keep all works connected.
keep woeltl
with the supply of water to the house or land in substllntial repair.
I. repair. (2) If the owner fails to put any luch works in substantial repair after
beiDa requested by the occupier to do so. the occupier may cause the necessary
repairs to be made. and rna)' by way of additional remedy deduct the cost of
the repairs from the rent payable by him in respect of the house or land.
Power f 27. ADY owner to whom any sum is payable under section 20 or section 21
"'A'rta' to
rceO" may recover the sum rrom the person liable to ~y it as if it were rent payable
.om, pay. by that person for the house in respc:c:t of which the expenses have been incurred.
able by

savlllR Of 21. Nothing in this chapter shall affect any contract in writing between
betWteII tbe owner and occupier of any house or land.

Power lot D. The President of the Union may from time to time make rules consistent
PreNdent to with this Act-
(a) to prescribe the size and nalure of the mains and pipes to be laid
and the water-works to be constructed by the committee for the
supply of water under this Act:
(b) to prescribe the size and nature of the stand-pipes or pumps to
be erected by the committee under this Act. and the intervals
at which the)' must be erected ;
(c) to prescribe the mains or pipes in which fire-plugs are to be fixed.
and the places at whicb keys of the fire-plugs arc to be de~osited.
by the committee under this Act:
(4) to prescribe the PRSlure at which the water supplied by the com-
mittee under this Act iI co be laid on either generally or at
specified times: and
(e) aenerally to dc6ne and rcaulate the power. and duties of the
committee under this Act.

....... ,..
31. (I) The commiUee may from time to time. at a special meeting. make
ruIea consislent with this Act-
to . . . .
(a) for replatiDa rowins. aailina and fishing on or in the Royal Lake
(b) tor prcventinl tbe waite or misuse of water supplied by them.
and for detininc the nature of tbe pipes. casks. cisterns aDd other
apparatus to be used by every peraoD supplied by them with

(2) In making a rule uDder tbis section the committee may direct that
breacb of it IbalI be punishable with be wbicb may atclld to 6fty rupeea and.
Rangoon Water-worb. 331
when the breach is a continuing one. with a further fine of five rupees for every
day after the first during which the breach continues.
(3) If any p;:rson. having or requiring a supply of water from the
commiuce. fails to comply with any rules made under clause (b) of SUbesectiOD
(I) of this section. the commillcc may refuse to supply water to him. and may
cut olf the water supplied to him. unless and until the rules are complied
Provided that the stopping or cutting off the supply of water sball not
relieve any person from any penalties or liabilities whicb be bas otberwile

31. (I) The President of the Union or committee shall. before makin. I'rocedun
uny rules under section 29 or section 30. publish a draft of tbe proposed rules for
the information of persons interested.
(2) The publication shall be mad~.-
(a) in the case of rules under section 29. in such manner as. in the opinion
of the President of the Union. is sufficient; and
(b) in the case of rules under section 30. in such manner
of the Union by order directs.
tbe President

(J) A notice shall be published with the draft rules specifying a date at or
aller which the draft shall be taken into consideration.
(4) The President of the Union or committee shall. before making the
rulcs. receive and consider any objeetioi1 or suggestion which is made by aoy
person with respect to thc draft b;:forc the date SO specified.
3%. Every rule made under section 29 or section 30 shall be published ia Pabfieation
thc Gazette (- - _]1 and such publication shall be conclusive evidence that Of nlu.
the rule has been made as required by section 31.



33. All arrears of water-rents under this Act may be recovered. on applica-
tion to such revenueofficer as the President of the Union may appoint in Ibi,
behalf. as if they were arrears of land-revenue.
34. If any person supplied with water neglects to pay- Power (or
(a) the water-tax leviable undo=r the Municipal Act. or to tam oil
(b) any water-rent payable by him to the committee. water on
.,glect 10
the committee may turn off or cut off the water from the bouse or land ill ~y .,ater-
respect of whieh the water-tax or water-rent is payable by cutting off the pipe :::':"mt.
to the house or land. or by such other means as the committee think fit. aDd

I Omitted hy the Union of IJurma IAd,qll.ltion fA LaWf) Order. 1948

may recover in manner provided by the last foregoing section the expense of
turning of( or cuuing off the water from the person:
Provided that the s:opping or CUlling off the supply of water shall not
relieve any person (rom auy penalties or liabilities which he has otherwise

Pmalty f<)f 35. Ir any person unlawfully obstructs the flow of. Bushes. draws olf.
ot-trud'-,. diverts or takes. water from any water-works belonging to, or under the
divert. .
Of' wastine management or control of. the committee. or (rom any water or streams by
""aler which these water-works are supplied. or wastes any water supplied to
him under this Act. he shall be punished with fine whtch may extend to one
hundred rupees.

Pe,u'u, lor J'. Jr any person-

Illla"l.... orUed
applicaUt. (u) us.:s for other than domestic purposes any water supplied under
Of WaitT. this Act for domeslic purposes; or
(bl where water is supplied under .section 18 (or a specified purpose.
uses th.ll water for Iny other purpose.
he shall be punished with fine which may extend 10 fifty rupees. without prejudice
to the right of the comm:lIee to recover (rom him the price of the waler misused.
Pe.naltka fOf' 37.
any person-
caualnJ:. t1t
water nl the (0) bathes in. at or upon any water-works. or washes. throws or causes
committee to to enter therein any dog or other animal. or
be fouled.
etc, (b) throws any rubbish. dirt. filth or other noisome thing into any water-
works. or washes or clcansea therein any Cloth. wool. leather or of any animal. or any clothes or other thing. or
(c) causes the water of any sink. sewer or drain. or of any steam.
engine or boiler. or any olher 6lthy wKter belonging to him or
under his conlrol. 10 lurn or be brouaht into uny waler-works.
or does any other act whereby the water in Kny water-works is
fouled. or likely to be fouled.
he shall. for every such offence. be punished wilh 6ne which may extend 10
one hundred rupees. and to ten rupees in addition for each day (if more than

one) during which the offence continues.
p"""". 38. Prosecution. under this Act or the rules mKde under this Act may be
instituted by the committee or any person authorized by them in this behalf.
and not otberwile.


[Bu.... Acr IV. 1930.J (21st June. '930.)

WHEaEAS it is expedient to conserve Ind protect underground sources of

water supply iD. the Union of Burma; it is hereby enacted IS tollows;_
Underground Water. 333

1. This Act extends to such area. a. the President of the Union may. by Eslenl
notification. I direct and shall apply only to lUbes e;w.cceding a depth to be
prescribed by the President of the Union: Provided that the Praident of the
Union may prescribe different depths for different local areas.

2. In this Act. unleD there is anything repugnant in the subject or Defini~

(ol " underground water" means water obtained from below the
surface of the around by the sinking of tubes; and
(b) .. water officer" means such officer as the President of the
Union may. by notification. prescribe in this behalf.
3. No person shall sink a tube for the purpose of obta.ining underground Licence
water except under and in accordance with the lerms of a licence aranted by necessary
lor .Inkln.
the water officer. 01 tl.lbts.
Every person owning a tube which was in existence before the extension
of this Act to the local area concerned shall apply to the water officer for a
licence for the said tube. and such Iic:ence shall be sranted free of charse.
of, (I) Any Magistrate talcing cognizance of an offence under section 3 ~:...~
may at any time order the tube in respect of which the offence has been or i. UCtD&ed
alleged to have been committed to be forthwith closed until such time 81 a tuba.
licence for the same has been taken out in accordance with the provi.ion. of
the said sectioo.
(2) If the order for the closure of a tube under subsection (I) i. Dot
complied with. the Deputy Commissioner. Subdi~isional Officer or Township
Officer exercisina jurisdiction over the lotal area concerned may cause tbe said
tube to be closed. and the expense of such closure shall be rcx:overable from
the owner of the tube as if it were an arrear of landrevcnue.
S. Every person obtaining or attempting to obtain underaround water Supply of
shall supply the water officer with such information as the President of the in'ol"lnation
Union may by rule prescribe.
6. The President of the Union may make rules lI-
Po." to
(a) prelCribing the conditions subjcx:t to which licence. may be mate rulet.
granted by the water oflicer ander tee:tion 3 :
(b) pretCribing the form of and the procedure for Ifaotm. IUCh
licences and the fees payable for the issue thereof; .
(d prescribing the information to be supplied to the water ofIicer
under section 5.
1. Whoever contravcnCl the promions of section 3 or of ICCtion 51haD Penalty
be punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees.

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2. Definitions.



3. Definition of cantonments.
4. Alteration of limits of cantonments.
5. The effect of including area in cantonment
6. Disposal of cantonment fund when area ceases to be a cantonment. .
7. Disposal of cantonment fund when area ceases to be included in a
8. Application of funds and property transferred under sections 6 and 7.
9. Limitation of operation of Act.



Cantonment Authorities.
10. Cantonment Authority and Executive Officer.
11. President to decide whether Cantonment Board sball be constituted.
12. Incorporation of Cantonment Authority.
13. Appointment of Executive Omcer.
14. Constitution of Cantonment Board.
15. Term of omce of members.

16. Fi1ling of vacancies.
17. Vacancies in special casel.
18. Oath or affirmation.
t9. ResiJ1lation.
20. Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
2 I. Term of office of Vice-Chairman.
22. Duties of Chairman.
23. Dulles of Vice-Chairman.
24. Duties of the Executive Ofti(.,"ec.
25. Special power of the Executive Officer.
26. Electoral roUs.
27. Qualification of electors.
28. Qualification for being a member of the Board.
29. Interpretation.
30. Joint families. etc.
31. Power to make rules regulating elections.

32. Member not to vote on matter in which h~ is interested.
33. Liability of members.
34. Removal of members.
35. Consequences of rcmoval.

36. Disqualification of person as servant of Cantonment Authority.
36A. Cantonment servant to be deemed a pUblic servant.

37. Meetings.
38. Business to be transacted.
39. Quorum.
40. Presidios officer.
41. Minutes.
42. Mectings to be pUblic.
43. Method of deciding questions.
44. Power to make regulations.
45. Joint action with otber local authority.

46. Power of President to require production of documents.
47. Inspection.
48. Power to call for documents.
49. Power to require execution of work. etc.
50. Power to provide for enforcement of direction under section 49.
51. Power to override decision of Board.
~2. Power of Officer Commandins-in-Chid. the Command. on rdereD"
under section S 1 or otherwise.
53. Powers of President on a reference made under section 51.
54. Supersession of Board.

Validit)' 01 Proceedings.
55. Validity of proceedins,. etc.


56. Unauthorized saJe of spirituous liquor or intoxicating drug.

57. Unauthorized possession of spirituous liquor.
58. Arrest of persons and seizure and confiscation of tbin,. for offcncet
against the two last foregoing sections.
59. Saving of articles sold or supplied for medicinal purposea.



Imposition 01 Taxation.
60. General pOwer of taxation.
61. Framing of preliminary proposals.
62. Objection,.
63. Consideration of objections and imposition of tax.
64. Definition of U annual value. tt
65. Incidence of taxation.

Assessment Lilt.
66. Assessment list.
67. Publication of assessment Jist.
68.. Revision of assessment Jist.
69. Authentication of assessment lilt.
70. Evidential value of assessment list.
71. Amendment of assessment list.
12. Preparation of new assessment list.
73. Notice of transfers.
74. Notice of erection of buUdin,s.
346 Cantonments.

Rem;ulon and Refund.

15. Demolition. etc. of buildings.

16. RemiasioD of tax.
77. Power to require entr), in assessment list of details of buildings.
77A. Notice to be liven of tbecircumstances in which remission or refund is
78.. What buildings. etc. arc to be deemed vacant.
79. Notice to be given of every occupatioD of vacanl building or house.

Cugt on Immotltablt Property.

80. Tax on buildinl' and land 10 be a <harae tbcreon.

Octroi, Term;rIlll Ta:c and Toll.

II. In.pection of imported lands. etc.
82. Evasion of octroi or terminal tax.
83. Lease of octroi. terminal tax or toll.


84. Appeals against aSSClSment.

85. Costs of appeal.
86 Recovery of costs from Cantonment Authority.
87. Conditions of rilht to appeal.
88. Finality of appellate order"s.

Payment und Recover)' of Taxes.

89. Time and manner of payment of taxes
90. Presentation of bill.
91. Notice of demand.
92. Recovery of tax.
94. Disposal 01 distraincd property.
95. Recovery from a person about to leave cantonment.
%. Power to institute suit for recovery.

S~ciul Provi,;otU rtla/ing /0 TUQ/ion.

97. Power to prohibit or exempt from taxation.
9.. Power to make special provision for conservancy in certain caleS.
99. Ex.mption in tbe case of buildiap.
99A. General power of exemption.
100. Exemption of poor persons.
101. Composition.
un. Irrecoverable debts.
103. Obliption to disclooe liability.
CanJonnlenJl. 347
104. Immaterial error not to affect liability.
105. Distraint not to be invalid by reason of immaterial defect.


Cantonment Fund.
106. Cantonment fund.
107. Custody of cantonment fund.

108. Proporty.
109. Application of cantonment fund and property.
110. AcqUisition of immoveable propeny.
III. Power to make rules regarding cantonment fund and property.


112. Contracts by whom to be executed.

113. Sanction.
114. Execution of contracts.
115. Contracts improperly executed not to be bindin. on. a Cantonment



116. Duties of Cantonment Authority.

116A. Power to manage property.
117. Discretionary functions of Cantonment Authority.
117A. Power of cxp:nditure for educational purposes outside the


General N"i$Q/JCu.
118. Penalty for cauaing nuisances.
119. Rcaiatcation and control of dogs.
348 Canton~nl',

Sect;OM. Traffic
IlO Rule of the road.
Prevention 01 Fire. etc.
121. Use of inftammablc materials for building purposea.
122. Stacking or collectin. inflammable materials.
123. Care of nated lights.
124. Regulation of cinematographic and dramatic performances.
125. Discharging 6rc works. fire-arms. etc.

126. Power to require buildings. wells. etc., to be rendered safe.

127. Enclosure of waste land used for improper purposes.



Sanitary Authorities.
128. Responsibility for sanitation.
129. General duties of Health Officer.

Conservan('y and Salli/arion.

130. Public latrines, urinals and conservancy establishments.
131. Power of Cantonment Authority to undertake private conservancy
132. Deposit and disposal of rUbbish. etc.
133. Cess-pools. receptacles for filth. etc.
134. Filling up of tanto etc.
135. Provision of latrines, etc.
136. Sanitation in factories, etc.
137. Private latrines.
138. Removal of congested buildings.
139. Overcrowding of dwelling houses.
140. Power to JCquire repair or alteration of building
141. Power to require land or building to be cleansed
42. Power to order disuse of house.
143. Removal of noxious vegetation.
144. Agriculture aDd irria&tion.

Burial and Buming Ground

145. . Power to call for information regsrding burial and buminggrouDds.
'46. Permission for use of new burial or burning Ifound.
47. Power to require closing of burial or burning ground.
148. Exemption from operation of sections 145 to 147.
149. Removal of corp....
CantOl1_, 349

Prevention olin/eetiaul or COnlQg;OU8 Diu".,.

ISO. Obligation to live informatioD of infectious or CODtaaioul disealel.
151. Special measures in case of outbreak of iafectioulor epidemic
152. Power to require names of dairyman's customers.
153. Power to require names of a washermao's customers.
154. Report after inspection of dairy or washelmao's place of bUliDe"
155. Action on reporl submitted by Health Olliccr.
156. Examination of milk or washed clothes.
151. Contamination of public conveyance.
158. Disinfection of public conveyance.
159. Penalty for failure to report.
160. Driver of conveyance not bound to carry person lQf(eriD, fro.
infectious or contagious disease.
161. Disinfection of building or articles therein.
162. Destruction of infectious but or sbed.
163. Temporuy shelter for inmates of diJinfected or destroyed buildin,
or sheel.
164. Disinfection of building before lettin, the saDlC.
165. Disposal of infected article without disinfection.
166. Means of disinfection.
161. Makia. or 1011in. of food. etc. or washin, clothes by infected
168. Power to reatrict or prohibit sale of food or drink.
169. Controlo\-et well tanks. etc.
110. Disposal of infectious corpoe.

Hospital. and Di'/HMUt...

111. Mainlenance or aidin. of hospitals or dispensaries.
112. Medical .upplies, applian.... etc.
173. Free patients.
114. Payin. patients.
115. Power to order peraon to attend hoapital or dilpensary.
116. Power 10 exclude from cantonment personl relusingto atle"" hospi.
tal or dilpensary.

COI1rrol 01 TrafJic lor Hygienic PlupolC"

111. Routes for pilarims and Olben.

S/Hcial Condirio", ,..garding Ellen"'" Snri.

178. CQlldiljoql at oerv~ of aweepen.


179. Nolice of new buildio...
180. Conditions of valid notice.
181. Power of Cantonment Authority to sanction or refuse.
182. Compensalion.
183. Lapse of sanction.
JIlegal erection and reercction.
185. Power to stop erection or reerection or 10 demolish.
186. Power to make bye.laws.
187. Projections and obstructions.
188. Unauthorized buildings over drains. etc.
189. Drainage and sewer connections.
190. Power to attach brackets for lamps.

191. Temporary occupation of street. land. etc.
192. Closing and opening of streets.
193. Names of streets and numbers of buitdinls.

Boundaries and Trus.

19". Boundary walls. hedges and fences.
195. Felling. lopping and trimming of trees.
196. Digging of public land
197. Improper use of land.

198. Public mark.ets and s)aughterbouscs.
199. Uae of public markeL
200. Levy of ltallagel. rents and f....
201. Stallap. rents, elc., 10 be publisbed.
202. Private markets and slaughter.houses.
203. Conditions of grant of licence for private market or
204. Penalty for keeping market or slaughterhouse open without Iic(:nce.
205. Penalty for using unlicensed market or slaugbterbouse.
206. Prohibition and restriction of use of alaughter.houscs.
207. Power to inspect slauabter.bouses.
208. Power to make bye-laws.
Trades and Occupatio",.
209. Provision of washing place.
210. Licences required for carryin. OD of certain OCCUpatiOD'.
211. CoDditioD' wbicb may be attacbed to liceDCCI.

GeMTQI ProVil1oM.
212. Power to vary licence.
213. Carrying on trade. etc.. without licence or in contravention of
section 212.
214. Feeding animals on dirt. etc.

E,."y. lrupection and Seizure.

215. Powers of entry and seizure.

Import of Cattle and Flem.

216. Import of canle aDd 8osb.



Waler Supply.
217. Maintenance of water supply.
218. Control over sources of public water supply.
219. Power to require maintenance or clo.iD, of private IOUI'ce of
public drinking water supply.
220. Supply of water.
221. Power to require water supply to be taken.
222. Supply of water under a_meDt.
223. CaDtonment Autbority Dot liable for failure of supply.
224. Conditions of universal application.
225. Supply to persons outside caDtoDment.
226. PeDalty.

W4Ier, Drilinage and other ConMCliOlU.

227.Power of CantonmeDt Authority to lay wires. COII_lioD,. etc.

228.Wires. etc. laid above surface of ground.
229.Connection with main Dot to be made without permiuioa.
130. Power to prescribe ferrul.. aDd to establiala - . etc.
23t. Power 01 inspectiOD.
132- Po,," 10 lb: ra," aDd cbar....
352 CtJntonm~nl',

Application o/this Chapter to Government Water Supplies.
233. Government water supply.
2H. Recovery of charges.




235. Power to remove brothelS and prostitutes.

236. Penalty for loitering and importuning for purposes of prostitution.
237. Removal of lewd persons from cantonment.
238. Removal and exclusion from cantonments of disorderly persons.
239. Removal and exclusion from cantonment of seditious persons.
240. Penalty.



Entry and Inspection.

241. Powers of entry.
242. Powen of inspection by member of a Board.
243. Power of inspection. etc.
244. Power to enter land adjoining land where work is in progress.
245. Breaking into premises.
246. Entry to be made in the day lime.
247. Owner?s consent ordinarily to be obtained.
2.8. Reaard to be had to social and religious usages.
2.9. Penalty for obstuction.

Powers and D"ti~8 01 Police Olfic~r$.

250. Arrest without warrant.

25t. Duties of police officers.


262. Notices to fix reasonable time.

253. AutheDticatioD and validity of Dotices issued by Cantonment
254. Service of notice. ote.
255. Method of aiviDa notice.
256. Powen of Cantonment Authority in case of noncompUancc with
notice. etc.

Recovery of Money.
257. Liability of occupier to pay in default of owner.
258. Relief to agents anij trustee.
259. Mothod of recovery.
C011lJflitletl of Arbitration.
260. Application for a Committee of Arbitration.
261. Procedure for convening Committee of Arbitration.
262. Constitution of Committee of Arbitration.
263. No person to be nominated who has dircd interest or whose
services nre not immediately available.
264. Meetings and powers of Committees of Arbitration.
265. Decisions of Committees of Arbitration.
266. Prosecutions.
267. Composition of offences.
General Penalty ProvisioN.
268. General penalty.
269. Cancellation and suspension of licences.
270. Recovery of amount payable in respect of dam!JC to cantonment
271. Limitation for prosecution.
272. Protection of Cantonment Autbority. Executive Oflk:er. etc.
273. Notice to be liven of suits.
Appeals and Revision.
274. Appeals from executive orders.
275. Petition of appeal.
276. Suspension of action pcndina appeal.
277. Revision.
278. Finality of appellate ordors.
27~. Risht of appellant to be hoard.


280. Power to make rules.
281. Supplemental provisions reapectiDa rulea.


282. Power to make bye-laws.
283. Penalty for breach of byelaws.
384. Supplemental provisions regarding bye-laws.
285. Rules and bye laws to be 8vallable for inspection ond purchase.

286. Extension of certain provisions of the Act and rules to places
beyond cantonments.
286A. Power to delegate functions of Executive Officer.
287. Registration.
288. Validity of notices and other documents.
289. Admissibility of document or entry <IS evidence.
290. Evidence by officer or servant of the Cantonment Autborily.
291. Appliculion of Government Buildings Act.
SCHEDULE I.-Notice of Demand.
SCHEDULE II.--Form of Warrant.
SCHEDULE III.-Form of Inventory of Property Distrained and Notice
of Sale.
ScHEDUI.E IV.-- Cases in which Police may arrest without Warrant.
Sc.:HF.OUlE V.-Appeals from Orders.


(INDIA ACT II. 1924.) (1st May. 1924.)
DefiuilJoo.. 2. In this ACI. unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or
(;) "Assistant Health Officer" means ,he medical ollicer appointed by
the Officer Commanding-in-ehief. the Command. to be the
Assistant Health Ofllccr for a cantonment;
(ii) " Board" means a Cantonmell' Board constituted under this Act ;
(iii) .. Brigade area." means onc of the brigade areas, whether
occupied by a brigade or not. into which the Union of Burma
is for military purposes for the time being divided. and
includes for all or any of the purpoSCfi of this Act any area
which the President of the Union may. by notification in the
Gazette. declare to "be a brigade area for such purpose or
(iv) .. building" means any house, hut. outhouse. shed. stable or
other roofed structure, for whatever purpose or of Whatever
m:lterial constructed. or any part thereof. and includes a well.
but does not include a tent or other portable and temporary
,belter ;
Cantonments. 355

(v) Cantonment Authority" means a Board or. in the case of a

cantonment where a Board has not been constituted or has
ceased to exist. the military officer appointed by the President
of the Union in this behalf;
(vi) .. casual election" means an election held to 611 a cuual
vacancy i
(vii) .. casual vacancy" means a vacancy occurring otherwise than by
efflux of time in the office of an elected member of a Board:
(ix) .. Officer Commanding-in..chief. the Command" m:ans the
General Offic~r Commanding the Forces in the Union of
(x) dairy t. includes any farm. cattleshed. milk-store. or
other place from which milk is supplied or in which milk is
kept Cor purposes of sale or is manufactured for sale into
butter. ghee. c~cesc or curds and. in relation to a dairyman
who docs not occupy any premises Cor the sale of milk. includes
allY place in which hI: keeps the vessels used by him for the
storage or sale of milk;
(xi) .. dairyman" includes the keeper of a cow. buffalo. goat. all or
other animal. the milk of which is offered or is intended to be
offered for sale for human consumption. and any purveyor of
milk and any l'ccupier of a dairy;
(xii) .. Executive Engineer t. means the Public Works officer of that
grade. or the officer of the Military Engineer Services of the
curresponding grade. having charge of the military works in a
cantonment. and includes the officer of whatever grade in
immediate executive engineering charge of a c3ntonment;
(xiii) Executive Offte:r" me:lns the person appointed under thi.
Act to be the Executive Officer of a cantonment;
(xiv) .. Health Officer" means the senior executive m:dical ofBccr
in military employ on duty in a cantonment:
(xv) .. hill cantonment" means any cantonment declared by the
President of the Union. by notification in the Gazette. to be a
hill cantonment for the purposes of this Act;
(xvi) .. hut" means any building. no material portion of which above
the plinth level is constructed of masonry or of squared timber
framing or of iron framing ;
(xvii) .. infectious or contagious disease" means cholera. leprosy,
enteric fever. small-pox. tuberculosis. diphtheria. plague,
influenza. venereal discase. and any other epidemic. endemic or
infectious disease which the President of the Union may. by
notification in the Gazette, declare to be aD infectious or
contagious disease for the purposes of this Act;
(xviii) .. inhabitant." in relation to a cantonment or local area.
means any person ordinarii)' residing or carryiD8 on bUliDCIS
356 Cantoltments.

or owning or occupying immoveable property therein. and in

case of a dispute means any person declared by the District
Magistrate to be an inhabitant;
(xix) .1 intoxicating drug" means opium. gaRja. bhang. charas and any
preparation or admixture thereof. and includes any other
intoxicating substance or liquid which the President of the
Union may. by notification in the Gazette. declare to be an
intoxicating drug for the purposes of this Act;
(xx) "market" includes any place where persons assemble for the
purpose of selling meat. fish. fruit. vegetables. Jive-stock or any
other article of food;
I (xxi) .. military officer t. means-
(tl)a person who. being-an officer within the meaning of tbe Acts
relating 10 the Bu"r-ma army or the air force. is commissioned
and in pay as an officer doing military or air force duty
within the military or air force, or is an officer doing such
duty in any arm. branch or part of those forces. or
(b) a person doing military or air force duty as a warrant officer
with either of those forces or within any arm, branch or
part thereof. whether he is or is not an officer within the
meaning of the Acts relating to the Burma army or air
force :
<Xxii) "' nuisance" includes any act. omission. place or thing whicb
causes or is likely to cause injury. danger. annoyance or
offence to the sense of sight. smell or hearing. or which is or
may be dangerous to life or injurious to health or property;
(xxiii) "occupier" includes an owner in occupation of. or otherwise
using. his own Jand or building:
(xxiva) .. Officer Commanding the Station" means the military officer
for the time being in command of the forces in a cantonment,
or. if that officer is the Officer Commanding-inChief. the
Command. the military offieer who would be in command of
those forces in the absence of the Officer
lhe Command;
(xxv) .. ordinary election" means an election held to fill a vacancy in
the office of an elected member of a Board arising by efflux. of
(xxvi) 01 owner" includes any person who is receiving or is entitled
to receive the rent of any building or land whether on his own
4000unt or on behalf of himself and others or an agent or
trustee. or who would so receive the rent or be entitled to
receive it if the building or land were let to a tenant;
(XX\'ii) party wall" means a wan forming part of a building and
used or constructed to be used for the support or separation
Substituted by the l'Dlon Of 811rma(Adaptalion or Law~) Ordor, 1948. - -
Cantonments. 357

of adjoining buildings belonging to different owners. or

constructed or adapted to be occupied by different persons:
(xxviii) .. private market" means a market which is not maintained
by a Cantonment Authority and which ia licensed by a
Cantonment Authority under the provisions of this Act:
<Xxix) private slaughter-house n means a slaughter-house which is not
maintained by a Cantonment Authority and which is licensed by
a Cantonment Authority under tbe provisions of tbis Act:
(xxx) public market" means a market maintained by a Cantonmeat
(xxxi) public ph;ce" means any place which is open to the use and
enjoyment of the public, whether it i. actually used or eojoyed by
the public or not;
(xxxii) public slaughter-house" means a slaughter-house maintained
by a Cantonment Authority;
(xxxiii) shed" means a slight or temporary structure for sbade or
(xxxiv) U slaughter-house" means any place ordinarily used for the
Slaughter of animal. for the purpose of selling the ft.. h thereof
for human consumption;
(uxv) ,. soldier" means a person who is a soldier or airman within
the meaning of the Acts relating to the Burma army or air force
and who is not a military officer;
<Xxxvi) ., spirituous liquor" means any fermented liquor. any wine.
or any alcoholic liquid obtained by distillation. or the sap of
any kind of palm tree. and includes any other liquid containing
a!cohol which the President of the Union may. by notification
in the Gazelte. declare to be a spirituous liquor for the purposes
of this Act:
(x\xvii) It street" includes any way. road. lane, square. court. alley.
passage or open space in a cantonment. whether a thoroughfare
or not and whether built upon or not. over which the public
have a right-of-way and also the road-way or foot-way over
any bridge or causeway;
<Xxxviii) vehicle" means a wheeled con"'eyance of any description
which is capable of being used on a street. and includes a
motor-car. motor lorry. motor-omnibus. cart. locomotive. tram-
car. hanl1-cart. truck. motor-cycte. bicycle, tricycle and rickshaw;
(xxxix) .. water-work ot includes all lakes. tanks, streams. cistems.
springs. pumps, wells. reservoirs. aqueducts. water-trucks.
sluices. mains, pipes. culverts. hydrants. stand..pipes. and
conduits. and aU machinery. lands. buildings. bridges and
things. used for, or intended for the purpose of, supplying
water to a cantonment.

I SubttiluleiJ, b)' the Union of Dunna lAdartation of W"'I) Order. 19411.

358 CUIltonmtnts.



De6Dilion II'
J. (I) The President of the Union may. by notification in the Gazelle.
declare any place or places. in which any part of [the Burma]l regular forces
or regulur air force is quartered or which. being in the vicinity of any such
place or plac:.$. is or are required for the service of such forces. to be a
C:1nfonment for the purposes of this Act and of all other enactments for the
time being in force. and may. by a like notification. declare that any cantonment
shall cease to be a cantonment.
(2) The President of the Union may. by U like nl.ltification. define the
limits of any cantonment for the uforcsuid purposes.

Alltralio:t of 4. (I) The. President of the Union may. by notiClealion in the Gazctte.
Iimillo'c:"n deelare his intention to include within a cantonment any local area sHualed
in lhe vicinity thereof or to cxclude from a cantonment any local area
comprised therein.
(2) Any inhabitant of a cantonment or local ar.:a in respect of which a
notification has been published under subsection (I) may. wilhin six weeks
from the date of the notification. submit in writing 10 the President of the
Union th:-ough the Oflicer Commanding-in-Chiel. the Command. un objection
to the notification. and the President of the Union shall take such objtction
into consideration.
(3) On the expiry of six weeks from the dale of the noLification. the
President of the Union may. after considering the objections. if any. which
haH': been submitted under sub-section (2). by notification in the Gazette.
include the local area in respect of which the nOlification was publishcd under
sub-seelion (I). or any part thereof. in the cantonment or. as thc case may be.
exclude such arca or any part thereof fwm lhe cantonmeDt.

'llle effecl vf S. When. by a nOlifieation under section 4, any local areu is inclul.led
including in a C!lntonment, sl:eh urea shall thereupon become subjcct to this Act and to
atea in can.
tOllment. all olher enactments for the time beine in force throughout the cantonment
and to all notificalions. rules. reculations. byelawi. orderl and directions
issued or made thereunder.

Dilpnaalo{ 6. (I) When. by a notification under section 3. any cantonment ceases to

ranw.a.e.l be a cantonment arMI the loe:11 area comprised therein is immediately placed
'UAd \\ne. under the control of a local autbority. the balance of the canloDmenl fund and
area eeak...
to bea other property vesting in the Cantonment Authortiy sh:lIl veil in such local
authority. and the liabilities of the Cantonment Authority shall be transferred
to such local authority.
(2) When in like m;l:'lner any cantonment ceases to be a cantonment and
the local arc:. comprised lherein is !'tol immedialely ph:ced under the control
of a local authority. the balance of the C.1R:onmeDt fund and other property
Cantonmrnt,. 359

vesting in the Can~onment Authority shall vest in [the State) aDd the
liabilities of the Cantonment Authority shall be tranalerred to the

1. (I) When. by a notification under section of. any local area farminl Di'ro-:.lof
part of a cantonment ceases to be under the control of a particular Canton ..:antooment
ment Authority and is immediately placed under the control of some other ~~::c=to
local authority. such portion of the cantonment fund and other property be included
vesting in the Cantonment Authority. and such portion of the Jiabilities of the :;~~lon.
Cantonment Authority as the President of the Union may. by general or
special order. direct. shall be transferred to that other local authority.
(2) When. in like manner. any local area forming part of a cantonment
ceases to be under the control of a particular Cantonment Authority and is
not immediately placed under the control of some other local authority. such
portion of the canlonmeRt fund and other property vesting in the Cantonment
Authority shall vest in [the State].1 and such portion of the liabilities of the
Cantonment Authority shall be transferred to the Government as the President
of the Union may. by general or special order. direct.

I. Any cantonment fund or portion of a cantonment fund or other AppliC<ition

properly of a Cantonment Authority vesting in [the State]1 under the provisions =~. and
of section 6 or section 7 shall be applied in the first place to satisfy any liabili. tran.. er:ed
ties of the Cantonment Authority transferred under such provisions to the ti=6~ 7.
Government. and in the second place for the benefit of the inhabitants of
the local area which hasceased to be a cantonment or. as the caae may be.
part of a cantonment.

9. The President of the Union may. by notification in the Gazette. Limitation

eXClude from the opel1ltion of any part of this Act the whole or any part of a of operatiOn
Of Ad.
cantonment. or direct that any provision of this Act shall. in the calC of aay
canlonment specified in the notification in which thcre is no &ourd. apply with
such modifications as may be so specified.

Cantonment Authoritiel.
1. (I) For every cantonment there shalt be a Cantonment Authority Cantonment
and an Executive Officer. Authority
and !:uer
(2) tjv. oec..
11. The President of the Union may. by notification in the Gazette. order Praideal to
in respect of any cantonment tmat a Cantonment &ard shall be constituted decide
therein. and may. by a lite nOlification. order that any Board so constituted Cantoamml ........
shall ceast to exist. Ifoard Ihall
360 Cantonments.

Incorpma. U. (I) Every Board shall. by the name or the Board of the place by
tion 01 Caa- reference to which the cantonment is known, be a body corporate having
Authority. perpetual succession and a common seal with power to acquire and hold
property both moveable and immoveable and to contract and shall. by the
said name. sue and be sued.
(2) In the case of any cantonment where there is no Board. the
Cantonment Authority shall be a corporation sole by the name of the
Cantonment Authority of the place by reference to which the cantonment is
known. and as such Cantonment Authority shall have perpetual succession
and an official seal with power to acquire and ho!d property both moveab!c
and immoveable and to contract and shall. by thc said name. sue and be sued.

ArflOint 13. The Executive Officer of every cantonment shall be appointed by the
meut Of President of the Union or by such person as the President of the Union may
Ofll.:er. authorize in this behalf. and. in a cantonment where th::rc is a Board. shull be
the Secretary. but shall not be a member. thereof:
Provided thaI. in the case of any cantonment wherc therc is a Board. the
President of the Union may direct that the Executive Officer may be l.lppointc<.l
by the Board .ubject to such conditions as the President of tht:: Union may

Co"slitution 14. (I) Every Board shall consist of the following mcmb.:rs, namely:-
01 Canton
menlt tSoard. (a) the Officer Commanding the station:
(b) a Magistrate of the first class nominalcd by the District
(e) lh. H..llh Officer;
(d) the Executive Engineer:
(e) such military officers not exceeding fuur in number as may be
nominated by name by the Officer Commanding the alai ion by
order in writing:
Provided that the Officer Communding the station may. if hc thinks
fit. with the sanction of the Officer Commanding-in-Chicf. Ihe
Command. nominate in place of any military officer whom he
is empowered to nominate under this clause any person. whe-
ther in the service of the Government or not. who is ordinarily
resident in the cantonment or in the vicinity thereof. to represent
any interest or community not otherwise represented on tbe
Board. :
(f) Such number of members elected under this Aet us is equal to the
number of members constituted. or nominated by or under CI:.lU5CS
(6) to (e) :
Prov;dcd that. in the ClSe of any cantonment in which the total civil
population IS. according to the latelt census. less than two thousand five
hundred in number. the President of the Union may. by notification in the
Gazette. declare that the provisions of clauses te) and (J) shall nol apply and
Cantonments. 361
may. by a like notification. nominate as members of the Board not more
than three persons who are resident in the cantonment or in the vi<:inity thercof
und who either own land or house property in the cantonment or carryon
business therein.
(Z) Every clection or nomination of a member of a Board Dnd every
vacancy in the membership thereof shall be notified by the Pre.ident of the
Union in the GOlzcue.

15. (I) Save as otherwise provided in this section. the term of office of a
member of a Board shall be three years and shall commence from the date of
the notification of hiS election or nomination under lubo-section (1) of section
14. or from the date on which the vacancy hal <XX:urred in which be
is elected or nominated. whichever date is later.
(2) The term of oflicc of an ex.alJicio memher of a Board Shall continue
so long as he holds the office in virtue of which he is such a member.
(3) The tcrm of office of a member elected to fill a casual vacancy shall
commence from the date of election. and shall continue so long onl)' as the
mcmb:r in whose place be is elected would have been entitled 10 hold office
if the vacancy had not occurred.
(4) An outgoing member shall. unless the Presidcnt of the Union otherwise
directs. cuntinue in office until the election or nomination of his suce:uor is
notified under subscclion (2) of seclion 14.
(5) Any outgoing memb:r may. if q.a:alified. be re-clected or rcnomi.nated.

16. (1) Vacancies arisin. by efflux of time in the ollie:: of an elected

member of a Board shall be filled by an ordinary election to be held on such
date as the President of the Union may. by nOlification in the Gazette. dirccL
(2) A casual vacancy shall be filled by a casual cleclion the date of which
shull be fix.ed by lhe President of thc Union by notification in the Gazette. and
lihall be as soon us may be aftcr thc occurrence of Ihe vacancy:
Provided that no casual clcction shall be held (0 fill a vacancy occurring
within three monlhs of any date on which the vacancy will occur by efflux of
time. but such vacancy shall be Oiled at Ihe nexl ordinary election.

17. (I) If from any cause at an ordinary elec:tion no member is elected. Vac:ancic'.
or if the elected member is unwilling 10 serve on the Board. the outcoin. iDapeclal
member shall. if qualified and willins: to serve. be deemed to have been eaae-.
(2) If in any such case the oul.oin. member is nol qualified or is not
willing to serve. or if at a casual election no member i. elected. the "acaacy
shall be filled by nomination by the President of the Union with the
concurrence of the Officer Commandingjn.(;hief.the Command.
(3) The lerm of office of a member nominaled or deemed to have been
r~.elected umJer this section shall expire at the time at which it would have
expired if he had been elected at the ordinary or casual election. as the cue
may be.
362 Culllomnents.
O.tll (I( 18. (I) Every person who is by virtue of his office. or who is nominated
aflirmdion. or elected to be. a member of a Board shall. b.:fore taking his seat. make at
a meeting of the Board an oath or affirmation of his allegiance to the Govern-
ment in the following form. namely:-
.. I. A.B.. having becn tl"cl~d a member of this Board. do solemnly
been DOminated
swear (or affirm) that I will b:: faithful [to the Constitution of
the Union].l and that I wil1 faithfully discharge the duty upon
which] am about to enter...
(2) If any such person fails to make the oath or affirmation within such
tim~ :IS the President of the Union considers reasonable. the President of the
Union shall. by notification in the Gazette. declare his scat to be vacant.

]9. (Il Any nominated or elected member of a Board who wishes to

icsign his office may forward his resignation in writing through the [Chair-
man]1 of the Board to the Officer Commanding-in-Chief. the Command. who
shall forward it for orders to the President of the Union.
(2) If the President of the Union accepts the resignation. such acceptance
sh:111 bC;communieated to the Board. and thereupon the scat of the member
resigning sh,,11 become vacant.

Chairn all 10. (I) The Officer Communding the station shall be the [Chairman]1
aud Vice-
Chainnan. of the Board:
Provided that when a military officer holding the office of [Chairman]l
ceases to be the Officer Commanding the station merely by reason of a
temporary absence from lhe station on duty or on station leav::. or during the
transfer of his hcadquurlcrs to a hill station. he shall not vacatc thc ot6cc of
(Z) There shall be a [ViccChairman]1 or every Board elected from
among the members at 11 meeting thereof:
Provided that. where the Board includes elected members. the [Vice-
Chairman]1 shall be elected by those members only from among their number.

Tc:rtn Of
21. (I) The term of office of a [Vice-Chairman]) shall be-
OffiCt Of (a) in the case of a person who is not in the scrvice of the Govern-
man. ment. thrl;C years or the residue of his term of officc as a member.
whiehe"'er is less. or
(b) in the case of a person in the service of the Government. the
residue of the term of his office as a member.
(2) A [Vice-Chairman]) may resign his office by notice in writing to the
[Chairman]' and. on the resignation being accopted by the Board. the office
shall become vacant.
t Ord'
Suballtuted by the Union Of Burma of 1.;\\\1) r. 19-10.
Cantonmentl. 363

n. (I, It shall be the duty of tbe [Chairman]1 of every Board- Duties of

(u) unless prevented by r~sonable cause:. to convene and pres~dc at all
meetings of the Board and to regulate the conduct of business
(b) to exercise supervision and control over the financial and executive
administration of the Board;
(c) to perform all the duties and exercise all the powers specifically
imposed or conferred on the [Chairman]1 by or under tbis
Act: and
(d) subject to any restrictions. limitations and conditions imposed by
this Act. to exercise executive power for the purpose of carryinl
out the provisions of this Act and to be dircc::tly responsible for
the fulfilment of the purposes of this Act.
(1) The [Chairman]1 may. by order in writing. empower the [Vice
Chairmiln]' to exercise atl or any of the powers and duties referred to in
clause (e) of sub-sectio" (I) other than any power. duty or function which he
is by resolution of the Board expressly forbidden to delegate.
(.n The exercise or discharge of any powers. duties or functions delegated
by thc [Chairman)l under tbts section shall b: subject to such restrictions.
intit:ltions and conditions. if any. as may be laid down by the [Chaimlan]1
anc.1 to the control of. and tt} revision by. the [Chairman].!
(4) E\'ery order made undcr sub-set:lion (1) shall forthwith be
communicated to the Board and to the Officer Commanding-inChief. the
13. Jt shall be the duty of the [Vice-Chairman]t of every BoanJ- Vice_
(tt) in the absence of the [Chairman]1 and unless prevented by Chairman.
reasonable cause. to preside at meet:ngs of the Board and
when so presiding to exercise the authority of the [Chairman))
under subseclion (t) of section 22;
(b) during the incapacity or temporary absence of the [Chairman]1
or l'Jending his appointment or succession. to perform any
other duty and exercise any other power of the [Chairman);1
(e) to exercise any powcr and perform any duty of the [Chairman]1
which may be delegated to him under subSt'ction (2) of
section 22.
%4. The Executive Officer shall perform all the duties imposed upon him Duties nf the
by or under this Act. and shall be responsible for the custody of all OITlC:d. E:ueullve
the records of (he Cantonment Authority. and shall arrange for the per-
formance of such duties relative to the proceedings of the Board or of
any commiltec of the Board or of any Commiltee of Arbitration constituted
under this Act. as those bodics may resp.:ctively impose on him. and
shall coml'Jly with every requisition of the Cantonment Authority on any
maUer pertaining to the administration of the cantonment.
1 Substituted by the l:nion Of IJWlnll (Adaptation of La.,) Order,IMM.
364 Cantonments.

Special %S. The Executive Officer may. in cases of emergency, direct the
power 01 the execution of any work or the doing of any tel which would ordinarily require
0_. the sanction of the Cantonment Authority and the immediate execution or
doing of which is, in his opinion. ncecssiUy for the service or safety of the
public. and may direct that the expense of executing such work or doing such
act shall be paid from the cantonment fund:
Provided that-
((I) where there is a Board. he lahal1 nol act under this section with-
out the previous -sanction of the (Chairman]' or, in his
absence, of the [ViccvChairman];1
(b) he shall not act under this section in contravention of any order
of the Cantonment Authority prohibiting the execution of any
p;Jrticular work or the doing of any particular act: anti
(c) he shall report forthwith the action lu!.:en under this section and
the reasons therefor to the Cantonment Authority.

Electoral 16. (I) Wh~re a Boartl is to be constituted in any cantonment.
rolb. otherwise than in accordance with the proviso to sub~section (I) of section 14.
the Cantonment Authority shall prepare und publish an electoral roll showing
the n:lmes of persons qu:!lified to vote at elections to the Board. Such roll
sh:!11 be prcpozr;;:d. revised and finally published in such manner and on such
date in ea.::h year as the President of the Union may by ruie prescribe.
(2) Every person whose name appears in the final electoral roll shall. so
long as th: roll remains in force. be entitled to vote at an election to the Board.
and no other person shall be so entitled.
(3) When a cantonment has been divided into wards. or the inhabitants
into classes. the electoral roll shall be divided into sclXlrate lists for each
ward or class. as Ihe case may be.
(4) J( a new electoral roll is m)t published in <.tny year on the dute
prescribed. Ihe President of the Union may direct that the old electoral roll
shall continue in operation until the new roll is published.

QuaHratilX'l 27. (I) The following persons shall. if not otherwisc disqualified. be
0( ded:on. enlitled. 10 be enrolled as eleclors. namely :-
la) every person who in any year has. on or before such date as may
be fixed by the President of the Union in tbis behalf by
notification in the Gazette (herei.nafter in this section referred
10 as the aforesaid date). been assessed directly and on his own
account to taxes under tbis Ael (other than octroi. toll or
terminal tax). the aggregate value whereof is not less than sueh
amount as the President of the Union may by rule prescribe.
and who on the aforesaid date is Dot in arrears in Ihe p;:tyment
of any such tax:
I Sll~itut<xl by tM ('nlon 01 lsunna IAclartation Of 1.;\......, Order. llkt1.
Canlonnunll. 365
(b) every person who bas for a period of not less than twelve months
immediately preceding the aforesaid date relided in the
cantonment and on the aforesaid date-
(;) is the owner or the mortJagee in possession or the lessee of
any building or land in the cantonment. of an annual value
calculated in such manner. and of not less than such amount.
as the President of the Union may by rule prescribe; or
(ii) is carrying on any business in the cantonment from which he
derives an annual income calculated in such manner. and of
not less than such amount. as the President of the Union
may by rule prescribe: or
(iii) is a graduate of any University established by IltW in the
Union of Burma [. .];1 or
(iV) is a retired or pensioned officer. whether commissioned or
non.commissioned. of [the Burma] \I forces;
(c) every person who has. during a period of not Icss than twelvc
months immediately preceding the aforesaid date. resided in
the cantonment and has during that period been assessed. to
(2) A person. notwithst.o.nding tht he is otherwise qualified. sh.o.lI not be
entitled to be enrolled as an elector if he on the aforesaid da~
(i) is not a (citiztn of the Union] I. or
(ii) is less Ihan [ISr years of age. or
(iii) has been adjudced by a competent Court to be of unsound mind.
(iv) is an undischarged insolvent. or
(v) has been sentenced by a criminal Court to imprisonment for a
term exceeding six months or to transportation. or haa: been
ordered to find security for good behaviour under the Code of
Criminal Procedure. or has been senten...-ed by a criminal Court
for any offence under Chapter JXA of the Penal Code:
Provided that the President of the Union may. by order in writins.
remo\,e any disqualification incurred by a person under clause (v).
(3) If any person having been enrolled as an elector in any elecloral roll
subsequently becomes subject to any of lhe disqualificalions referred to in
clauses (i). (iii). (iv) and (v) of sub-section (2). his Dame sh:lll be removed
from the electoral roll unless. in the case referred to in c1aulC (v). tbe
disqualification is removed by tbe President of the Union.
21. (I) Save as hereinafter provided. every person. not beinl a QuaIl6c:aUOD
stipendiary Maaistrate or a military officer or soldier. whose name is entered for heiDI_
on lhe electoral roll of a cantonment shall be qualified for election as a the Itoard.
member of tbe Board in that cantonment.

I Deleted by the U.ic. ul 8llrma (AdapbUoa 0( Law.) Order. IIJfI.

t S'lbstiluted ibid.
366 Cantonments.
(2) No person shall be qualified for election or nomination as a member
of a Board. if he-
(a) has been dismissed from thc service of the Government and is
debarred from re..employment therein. or is a dismissed $Crvant
of the Cantonment Authority;
(b) is debarred from practising as a Icgal practitioner by order of any
competent authority;
(e) holds any place of profit in the gift or at the disposal of the
Board. or is a policeofticer. or is the servant or employer of a
member of the Board: or
(d) is interesteddn a subsisting contract made with. or in work bemg
done for. the Board except as a shareholder (other than a
director) in an incorporated company; or
(e) is disqualified under any other provision of this Act:
Provided that-
m any of the disqualifications referred 10 in clauses (I) and (b) mny
be removed by an order or the Prcsidcnt of the Union in this
behalf: and
Oi) a person shall not be deemed to have :tny interest in such :t
contract or work as is referred to In clause (d) by reason only
of his having a share or interest in--

(a) any leasc or sale or purchase of immoveable property or any

agreement for the same; or
(b) any agreement for the loan of money or any security for the
payment of money only: or
(c) any newspaper in which any advertisement relating to the
affairs of the Board is inserted; or
(d) the sale to the Board of any articles in which he regularly
trudes or the purchase from the Board of any arlicles. to a
value in either case not exceeding Rs. 1.500 in the aggregate
in any year during the period of the contract or work.

Interprda- 29. For the purposes of sections 26. 27 and 28-

(0) .. person" means an individual human being. and
(b) a person shall be deemed to pay a tax. directly if he pays the tax.
either himself or through a legall)' appoinled agent

Joint bml- 30. Nolwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained. the President of

lin, dc. the Union may make rules conferring on the m::lOager or representative of an
undivided family or of any company or firm or other association or body or
on any trustee of any land a right to be enrolled as an e~ector or to be
nominated as a candidate at elections to a Board.
Cantonment6. 367
31. The President of the Union may. either generally or specially for I'O\VCI to
make rules
any cantonment Or group of cantonments. after previous publication. make reguiatioc
rules consistent with this Act to regulate all or any of the followinl matters cko.:tiou.
for the purpose of the holding of elections under this Act. namely : -
(tI) the division of a cantonment into wards. or of the inhabitants of
a cantonment into classe or both;
(6) tbe determination of the number of members to be elected by each
ward or class of persons;
(e) the method by which the annual value of buildings and lands
shall be calCUlated for the purposes of section 27 :
(d) tbe preparation. revision and final publication of electoral rol1s;
(e) the registration of electors. the nomination of candidates. the time
and manner of holding elections and the method by which votes
shall be recorded ;
(I) the authority by which nod th~ manner in which disputes relating.
to electoral rolls or arising out of elections shall be decided
and the powers and duties of such authority and the circum-
stances in which such authority may declare a casual vacancy to
have been created or any candidate to havc been elected;
(I:) any other maUer relating to elections or election disputes in
respect of which the Presidcnt of the Union i. empowered to
make rules under this Chapter or in respect of which this Act
makes no provision or makes insufficient provision and pro~i.
sian is. in the opinion of the President of the Union. necessary.

32. No member of a Boord shall vote at a meeting of the Board on any Member not
question relating to his own conduct or on any matter. other than a maUer to \'ote on
matter in
atlecting ,enerally the inhabitants of Ihe cantonment. which affcctl his own whicb he I.
pecuniary interest or the nluation of any property in respect of which he il JnterCltecl.
directly or indirectly interested. or of any property of or for which he is a
managct or alent.

33. Every member of u Board shall be liable for the loss. walle or LlabllJty 01
misapplication of any money or other property belonging to tbe Board if lIKm.ber
such lou. waste or misapplication is a direct consequence of his ne,lect or
misconduct while such member; and a suit for compensation for the same
may be instituted aaainst bim eith.:r by the Board or by the Government.

34. (I) The President of the Union may remove from a Board any
member thereof who-
(tI) becomes subject to any of the disqualifications specified in sub-
section (2) of s:cction 27. or in sub-section (2) of section 28; or
(b) bu abst:nted bimself for more than three coasecutive months
from the meetioJl of the Board and is unable to explain sucb
ableftcc to tbe satisfaction of the Board ; or
368 Ca"tonmtnt,.
(c) has knowingly contravened the provisions of section 31 ; or
(d) being a legal practitioner. acts or appears on behalf of any other
person against the Board in any legal proceeding or against
[. . ] I the Government in any such
proceeding relating to any matter in which the Board is or has
been concerned. or acts or appears on behalf of any person in
any criminal proceeding instituted b) or on behalf of lhe Board
against such person.
(2) The President of the Union may remove from a Board any member
who. in the opinion of the President of the Union. has so flagrantly abused in
any manner his position as a member of the Board as to render his continu-
ance as a member detrimental to the public interests.
(3) No member shall be removed frolll a Bmud under this section unless
he has been given a re:lsonablc opportunity of showing C:lUSC against his

Con... 35. (I) A member removed under cl:'luse (b) of sub-section (I) of
quenca of section 34 shall. if otherwise qualified. be eligible for reelection or reo
remonl. nomination.
(2) A member removed under clause (c) or clause (/) of sub-sec lion (I)
of section 34 shall not be eligible for re-election or nomination for the period
during Which. but for such removal. he would ha ..e continued in office.
(3) A member removed under subsection (1) of section 34 shali not be
eligible for r~election or nomination until the expiry of three yeurs from the
d~te of his removal.

DlsqllIlUfi. 36. (I) No person who has directly or indirectly by himself or his
(,:"tiOQol partner any share or interest in a contract with. by or on behalf of a
pellOll as
tenant o( Cantonment Authority or in any employment under. by or on behalf of a
Cantonment Cantonment Authority. otherwise than us a servant of the Cantonment
Authority. shall become or remain a servant of such Cantonment Authority.
(2) A scrvant of a Cantonment Authority who knowingly acquires or
continues to have directly or indirectly by himself or his partner any share or
interest in a contract with. by or on behalf of 'he Canlonm~nt Authority or
in any employment under. by or on behalf of. the Cantonment Authority.
otherwise than as a lervant of the Cantonment Authority. :.haJl be deemed to
have committed an otleace under section 168 of the Penal Code.
(J) Nothing in this section shall apply to any share or interest in any
contract with. by or on behalf of. or employment under. by or on behalf of a
Cantonment Authority if the same is a share in a company contracting with, or
employed by. or on behalf of. the Cantonment Authority or is a share or

I The worda "the Secretlllryol Sbte or" wt1'e omitted by the l'nion ol HllI'ma (AIL1ptaliun
01 L:twI' Order, 1948.
Cantonments. 369

interen acquired or retained with the permission of the Officer Commandinc

in-Chief. the Command. in any lease or sale to. or purchase by. the Canton-
ment Authority of land or buildings or in any agreement for the same.

36A. Every oflicer Of' servant. permament or temporary. of a Cantonment cantoDlllent

Authority shall be deemed to be a public 1CrV8nt within the meaning of tbe
Penal Code. and in the definition of Mlegal remuneration" in section 161 of
="~ b.
that Code. the word MGovernment" shall. for the purposes of this section. be aen"Qt.
deemed to include a Cantonment Authority.

31. (I) Every Board shall ordinarily hold at least one meeting in every
month on such day as may be fixed. and of which notice shall be given in
such manner as may be provided by fegulations made by the Board under tbiJ
(2) The [Chairman]. may. whenever he thinks fit. and shall. upon a requisi-
tion in writing by not less than one-fourth of the members of the Board.
convene a special meeting.
(3) Any mectina may be adjourned until the next or any sUbsequent day.
and an adjourned mccting may be further adjourned in like manner.

31. Subject to any regulation made by the Board under this Chaplel'. Uuaine&lto
any business may be transacted at any meeting: be
Provided that no business relating to the imposition. abolition or modi6.
cation of any tax shall be ltansacted at a mcetinl unless notice of the same
and of the date ftxed therefor has been sent to each member not leu than
seven days before that date.

39. (I) The quorum necessary for the transaction of businc.. at a meeting Ouorum.
of a Board .ha~1 be five or one-half of the number of member. of the Board
actually holdin. office at the time. whichever is the greater number:
Provided that. where the Board docs not include any elected member.
the quorum Shalt be four.
(2) If a quorum i. not prcKnt the [Chairman]l shall adjourn the mcctin..
and the business which would have been brought before the original meetia.
if there had been a quorum present thereat .hall be brought before. and may
be transacted at. an adjourned meeting. whether there is a quorum present or

.e. In the absence of both the [Ch3irman]1 and the (Vice.Chairman]1 PreeldJac:
from any mcetin the members present shall elect one from amon. their 06ca.
own Dumber to preside.

41. (I) Minutel of the proc:ecdin of each meetiol shall be RCOrded ill III.......
a book and .hall be oianed hy the [Chairman)' before the close of .he meetiDJ.
I Subaitute4 by lbe t~A1on Of BunDa CAdaptatlon Of Laws) Order, 194
370 Canlonmtnls.

and shull. at such times and in such phH.' as may be fixed by the Board. be
open to inspection free of charge by any inhabitant of the cantonment.
(2) Copies of the minutes shall. as soon as possible after each meeting.
b~ forwarded for inform:Jtion to the Officer Commanding-in.Chief. the
Command. the Oflicer Commanding the brigade area. and the District
Magistrate. 42. Ev..:ry meeting of a Board shall be open to the public unlcss in :my
te public. case the [Chairma.n].l for reasons to be recorded in the minutes. otherwise

MethUl,I()( 43. (I) All questio1s coming before a meeting shall be decided by the
dcci.lillJt m.,jority of the votes of the members prescnt and voting.
(2) In the caSl: uf an equality of votes. the [Chairman]! shall ha\'e a
sceuntl or casting votc.
(3) The dis~nt of uny member from uny decision of the Board shall, if
the member so rC(.juests. be entered in the minutes. together with a shorl
statement of the grounds for such dissent

POW\rt'l 44. (I) A Board may make regulations consistent wilh this Act and
m:lke with the rules made thereunder to provide for all or any of the following
m:l.t!crs, namely :-
(til the time and pluce of its meetings:
(h) the manner in which notice of the meeting shall be given:
(c) the conduct of proceedings at meetings and the adjournment of
(t/) the custody of the common seal of the Board and the purposes for
which it shall be used: and
(,,) the appointment of committees for any purpose and the determina-
tion of all matters relating to the constitution and procedure of
such comminees. and the deleg:uion to such committ~s. subject
to any conditions which the Board thinks fit to impose. of uny
of the powers or duties of the Board under this Act other than
u power to ~ake regulations or bye-laws.
(2) No regulation made under clause (t') of sub-section (I) shall t:lkc
effect until it has been approved by the President of the Union.
(.1) No regUlation made under this section shall lake effeci until it has
b:lo:n published in such manner as Ihe President of the Union may direct.

Joint a.:t1on 45. (I) A Cantonment Authority may-

with other
local join with any other local authority-
<I) in appointing a joint committee for any purpose in which they
are jointly interested and in appointing a chairman of such
committee ;
--;-:-:~-:-:-::-::--,---:-:----:-:-:,..-:-,:----:c~~-=:-'- -
I Suh.lilul~d by the Union 01 kurllla (.t,d:lplalion of La\\., OrJer,19U.
CQnl0nm~nts. 37t

(ii) in delegating to such committee power to frame terms binding

on the Cantonment Authority and such otber local authority
as to the construction and future maintenanoe of any joint
work or to exercise any power which miaht be c:'tercised by
either of the said authorities; ond
(iii) in making rules for regulating the proceedings of :loy such
conlmittee relating to the purposes for which it has bcc:n
appointed; or
(b) with the previous sanction of the President of the Union. enter
into an agreement with any other local authority regarding the
levy of any tax or toll whereby the said tax Or toll respectively
leviable by the authorities so contrllcting may be levied together
instead of separatcly within the limits of the aggregate area
comprising t~ areas subject to the cuntrol of the said altthorities,.
(J) If any difference of opinion arises between any authorities actin,
tllgclh-.:r under this section. thc decision thereon of the President of the Union
or of an officer appointed by the PresIdent of the Union in this behalf shall
be final.
(.1) When any agreement such as is referred to in clause (b) of subscction
(I) has been entered into, then-
(tt) whCrC the agreement relates to an octroi or terminal tax or toll.
the othcr local uuthority with which the Cantonment Authority
has made such agr...-emenl Sh311 have the same powers to establish
oclroi limits and octroi stations and places for the collection of
the terminal tax and terminal toll within the cantonment 8. it
hus within the area ordinarily subject to its control;
(h) such other local authority shall have the same power of collcc:ting
such tux or loll in the cantonment, and the provisions of any
enactment in force relating to'the levy of such tax or toll by
such other local authority shall apply in Ihe same manner a. if
the cantonment were comprised within tbe area ordinarily
subject to its control; and
(co) the lotal of .the collection of such rox and loll made in the canton-
ment and in the areu ordinarily subject to the control of such
other local aUlhority and the costs Ihereby incurred shall be
divided between the cantonment fund and the fund subjcc:t to
. local authority in such proportion u
the conlrol of such other
may have been delermanC(1 by the ulfC'Cment

". The President of the Union may at 3ny lime require I CantonlDCllt
(0) to produce any record. correspondence. plan or OUICt document
its possession or under its.control;
372 Cantonments.

(b) 10 furnish any return. plan. estimate. statement. account or statistics

relating to its proceedings. duties or works:
(c) to furnish or obtain and furnish any report.

l.tptdIOft. 47. The President of the Union or the Officer the
Command. Olay depute any person in the service of the Government to inspect
or examine any department of the office of. or any service or work undertaken
by. or thing belonging to, a Cantonment Authority. and to report thereon. and
the Cantonment Authority and its officers and servants shall be bound to afford
the person so deputed access at all reasonable times to the premises and
property of the Cantonment Authority and to all records, accounts and other
documents the inspection of which he may consider necessary to enable him
to discharge his duties.

Power 10
48. The President of Ihe Union or the Officer CommundingjnChief. Ihe
c;all for Comm:lnd. may. by order in writing.-
(0) call for any book or document in the possession or under the
cOntrol of the Cantonment Authority:
(b) require the Cantonment Authority to furnish such statements.
accounts. reports and copies of documentsre lating to its proceed
ings. duties or works as he thinks fit.
Power 10 49. If. on receipt of any information or report oblained under section 47
require or section 48. the President of the Union or the Officer CommandinginChief.
execution Of
work. clc. the Command. is of opinion-
(0) that any duty imposed on u Cantonment Authority by or under
this Act has not been performed or has been performed in an
imperfect. inefficient or unsuitable manner. or
(b) that adequate financial provision has not been made for the
performance of any such duty.
be may (in the case of the Officer Commanding.inChief. the Command. after
consulting the President of the Union) direct the Cantonment Authority. within
such period as he thinks fit. to make arrangements to his satisfaction for the
proper performance of the duty. or. as the case may be. to make financial
provision to his satisfaction for the performance of the duty:
ProVided that. unless in the opinion of the President of the Union or the
Officer CommandinginChief. the Command. as the case may be. the immediate
execution of such order is necessary. he shall. before making any direction
under this section. give the Cantonment Authority an opportunity of showing
cause why such direction should not be m3de.
Power 10 50. If. within the period fixed by a direction made under section 49. any
pro\ide for action the taking of which has been directed under that section has not been
of dlredlOll dUly taken. the President of the Union or the Officer CommandinginChief.
NeUcn 49.
tbe Command. as the case may be. may make arrangements for the taking of
such action. and may direct that all expenses connected therewith shall be
defrayed out of tbe cantonmeDt fund.
Cantonments. 373
51. (I) If the [Chairman]' dissents from any decision of tbe Board. which Power 10
he considers prejudicial to the health. welfare or discipline of tbe troops in the dechloaol
cantonment. he may. for reasons to be recorded in the minutes. by order in
writing. direct the suspension of action thereon for any period not exceeding
one month and. if he docs so. shall forthwith refer the matter to the Officer
Commanding-in-Chief. the Command.
(2) If tbe Dislflct Magistrate considers any decision of a Cantonment
Authority to be prejudicial to the public bea.llh. safety or convenience. be may.
alter giving notice in writing of his intention to the Cantonment Authority.
refer the matler to the President of the Union; and. pendinc the disposal of
the reference to the President of the Union. no action shall be ta\:en on tbe
(J) If any M~Gistratc who is a member of a BoaMl. being present at a
meeting. dissents from any decision which he considers prejudicial to the
public health. safety or convenience. he may. for reasons to be recorded in the
minutes and after giving notice in writing of his intention to the [Chairman]
report tbe matter to Ihe District Magistrate: and the [Chairman]' shall. on
receipt of sueh notice. direct the suspension of action on the decision for a
period sufficient 10 allow of a communication being made to the District
Magistrate and of his tating proceedings as provided by subscction (2).

51. (I) The OOiccr the Command. may at any Power 01
timc-- Ollicer Com
(a) direct that any matter or any specific proposal other than ODe Chld.lh.
which hl.S been referred to the President of the Union under ~
subsection (2) of section 51 be considered or re-conlidered by .DdcfMCtioa
the Cantonment A'Jthority; or ~=.tte.
(b) direct the suspension. for such period as may be stated in the
order. of action on any decision of a Cantonment Authority.
other than a decision which has been referred to him under sub-
section (I) of section 51. and Ihcrcltfter cancel Ihe suspension or
direct that the decision shall nol bo carried into effect or that
it shall be carried inlo effect with such modifications 81 he may
(2) When any decision of a Board has been referred to him under
subsection (I) of section 51. the Officer Colnmanding-inCbief. the Command.
may. by order in writinc.-
(4,) cancel the order given by the [Chairman)1 directing tb~ suspen-
sion of aClion ; or
(b) extend th~ duration of the order for such period as he tbinks
fit: or
(d direct that the decision be carried into eff~t by the Board with
such modifications as he may sp:cify.

I Substituted b)"lbc t:nionof Banna IAdartatloa Of Laws) Order, 1....

374 Cdtltollments

rowers or 53. When any decision of a Cantonment Authority has been referred
PTesidenl an to the President of the Union under sub section (2) of section 51, the
a reference
mad.ullder President of the Union may. ufte;r consulting the Officer
IcCtioa St. the Commund. by order in wriling.--
(tt) direct thai no 'letioll be tuken on the decision: or
(b) direct that the decision be carried into elIeet either without m()(Ji-
fic'jtion or with such modifications as he Rlay specify.

Supe'Nession 54. (I) If. in th~ opinion of the President of the Union. any Board is not
of 8ol'rd. competcnt to perform or persistently mukcs default in the performance of thc
duties imposed on it by or under this Act or otherwise by haw. or clteccds or
abuses its powers. the President of the Union. by un order published. togethcr
with the statement of the reasons therefor. in the Gazette. d~chlCl; the Board
to be incompetent or in default or to have exceeded or abused its powers. as
the case may be. and supersede it for such period us may be specified in the
Provided that no Board shall be superseded unless a rcusonubk opportunity
has been given to it to show cause against the supersession.
(2) Wh;:n u Board is'supcrseded by .. n order under sub-section (1)-
(I) all members of the Board shall. on such dul\: as may be spccilied
in lhe order. vacate their offic~s as such members bUI without
prejudice to their eligibility ftlC election or nomination under
clause kl :
(b) during the supersession of the Board. all powers anti. uulies conferred
and impo~d upon lhe Boaru by or under this Act or otherwise
by law shall be exercised and p:rformcd by the Officer
Commanding Ihe station subject 10 such reservation. if any. as
the President of the Union may prescribe in this behalf: and
(c) before the expiry of th~ period of supcrsi:ssion clections shall be
held and nominiltions made for Ihe purpose of reconstituting the

Validity of Pr<J(:~eJ;"gs.

Validitv 01 55. (I) No act or proceeding of a Board or of any cOllllllilh:.e of a Board

proceedl.lICS. shall bt invalid by reason only of Ihe exisNnee of u vacancy in Ihe Board or
(2) No disqualification or defect in the cl~etion. nomination or appoinl-
ment of a person ,Jcting as th~ [Chairman]' or a memb.:r of a Board or of any
such commiltce shall Vitilltc any acl or proceeding of Ihe Board or committee
if the majority of Ihe persons present ut the lime of Ihe act being done or the
proceeding being taken were duly qualified members Ihcr~of.
(3) Any document or minutes which purpor1 to be the record of the
proceedings or a Board or or any commiuec of a Board shull. if made and
1 gubstilllted by the Union of Burma (AdaptaUon of Law,,) Order. Il).IlI.
CQntonments. 375
signed substantially in the nlanner prescribed for the ma"ing and signins oC
the record of such proceedings. be presumed to be a wITtel reeord of the
proceedings of a dUly eonv~ned meeting. held by a dUly constituted Bo."rd or
eommiuee. as the case lOay be. whereof all the members were duly qualified.


56. If within a cantonm~nt. or within sceh limits udjoining a cantonment UlUlulh'll"ized

I.:lle 01
as th~ President of the Union may. by notification in the GazeUe, define. any spiritu~
person not subject to military or air'Corce law or any person SUbject to military IJ..,uor f'#
or airCor law olh::rwis.:: than us a military officer or a soldier knowingly dl'ug.
burters. s::l1s or suppli,;s. or otfers or auempts to barttr. sell or supply. any
spirituous liquor or intoxicating drug to or for the usc of any soldier or
follower or soldier's w:f~ or minor child without the wriu.;n permission of the
Officer Cummanding the stacion or of some person authorized by the Ofticer
Commanding the station to grant such permission. he shall be punishuble with
tine which may ..::xtend to one hundred rupees. or with imprisonment fcr a term
which may extend to three months. or with both.

57. If within II eanlonment, or within any limils defined und.:r sectiun Unauthorized
56,- ro..e~.ioa of
(a) any person subj..::ct to military or air-force law otherwise thKn as li'lllM.
a mililary officer or a soldier, or
(b) the wire or servant of any such person or of a soldier.
has in his or h~r possess1on. exc~pt on behalf of the GO\'ernmcnt or fur the
private U'>C of a military officer. more than one quart of any spirituous liquor.
other than fermented malt-liquor. without the written permission of the
Officer Commanding the station or of some person authorized by the Officer
Commanding the stution to gmnt sueh permission. he or she shall be punishable.
in the case of it first otfcn~. with fine which mllY extend to fifty rupees. und. in
the case of a subsequent offence. with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to three months. or with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees.

51. (I) Any police officer or e7cise officer may. without an order from a Aneltol
...- ...
Magistrate and without a warrant, anCi( any person whom he finds committing

scuurc and
an otfence under section 56 or section 57, and may seize and detain any
spirituous liquor Or intoxicating drug in respect of which such an offence !uts of IllJa,. for
been eommiUed. and any vessels or cov(:rincs in which the liquor or druS is aeail_l Ute
contained. tv.o lUI
(1) Wher~ a person accused of an otfc:nce under section 56 has been lCl.:tiOll$.
previously convicted of an otfence under that section. an officer in charge of
a police-stati\ln may. with l~ written permission of a Magistrate. seize and
delain any spirituous liquor or intoxicating drul within the canh>nment or
within any iimil$ defined under thut section which, at the time of tbe aUe,ed
376 ColJlo"menl$.

commission of the substquent uffence. belonged to. or was in the possession

of. such person.
(3) The Court cORviclin. a person of an offence under section 56 or
5CCtioR 57 may order the confiSCI.tion of the whole or any part of anything seized
under sub--section (I) or subseclion (2).
(4) Subject to thc provisions of Chapter XL111 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure. anything seized under sub-section (I) or sub~ction (2) and not
confiscated under subsection (3) shall be restored to tbe person from whom
it was taken_
Sa\in::t Of 5'. The foregoing provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the sale or
artkln _old supply of any article in &ood faith for medicinal purposes by a medical
or ,uPrUed
for mlldio.inal practitioner. choemist or druggist authorized in this behalf by a general or special
order of the Officer Commanding the station.

Imposition of Taxut;ulI.

Gennal 60. The President of the Union may. by notification in the Gazette. impose
power of in any cantonment any tax which. under Olny enactment in force on the date of
the notification. may be imposed in any municipality within (the Union of

'1. (I) When the President of the Union proposes to impose any tax

prellmhaary under section 60. he shall. by notification in the Gazellc. and in such olher
manner as is in bis opinion best suited for the purpose. give notice of his
(1) Every notification issued under subscction (I) shall spccify-
(CI) the tax which it is proposed 10 impose :
(b) the persons or classes of persons to be made liable and the
description of Ihe propert)' or other taxable thina or circumstance
in rcspect of which they are to be made liabl~ ; and
(c) the rate at which the tax is to be I.:::vied.

ObjedJOIII. 6%. Any inhabilanl of the canlonment may. wilhin thirt)' da)'s from the
date of Ihe notification under section 61. submit to the President of Ihe Union
an objection in writing to all or any of the proposals framed therein. and tbe
President of the Union shall take any objection $0 submitted inlo consideration.

ConakSera- 63. After Ihe expiry of thirty days from the date of the notification and
llotll 01 after considering aU objections submitted thereto und~r section 62. the President
llIld Imr-i of the Union may impose the tax either in the oriainal form or. if any such
dee. Of tn. objc:clion bas been so submitted. in that form or in such modified form as
he thinks fit.
I 6ullltitated 101' tbe wontI .. Ute PI'O'illU" b)' Act! 1~5, ud tbe U.ion Of Hurma(Adapia.
tiOIl of t.....) Ordn". 1941.
64. For the purposes of this Chapter .. aonual value" mean....-
(u) in the case of railway stations. hotels. colleges. schools. hospitals.
factories and any other bUildings which a Cantonment Authority
DtiaitiOD Of

decides to assess under this clause. onttwentieth of the sum

obtaincd by adding the estimated present cost of erecting tbe
building to the estimated value of the land appertaining thereto.
(6) in tbe case of a bUilding or land not assessed under clause (a).
the gross annual rent for which such buildin. (exclusive of
furniture or machinery therein) or such land is actually let or,
where the building or land is not let or in the opinion of the
Cantonment Authority is let for a sum I.:ss than its fair letliDI
value. might reason-ably be expectcd to let from year to year :
Provided that. where the annual value of any building is. by reason of
exceptional circumstances. in the opinion of the Cantonment Autbority. excessive
if calculated in the aforesaid manner, the Cantonment Authority may 6x the
annual value at any less amount wbich appears to it to be just.

6S. (I) Save as otherwise exprtssly provided in the noti6eation imposing Incidellce 01
the tax. every tax assessed on the annual nlue of buildings or lands or of both tualioa.
shaH be leviable primarily upon the acrual occupier of the property upon Which
the said tax is asst:sscd. if he is the owner of the buildinls or lands or holds
them on a building or other lease from the Government or from tbe Ctlotonment
Authority or on a building lease from any perlOn.
(2) In any other case, the tax sball be primaarily leviable as follow
(I) if the property is let. upon thc lessor;
(b) if (he property is sublct. upon the superior lessor;
(c) if the property is unlt. upon the p.:rson in whom tbe riabt to let
tbe same vests.
(J) On failure to recovcr any sum due 00 account of such tax from the
person primarily liable. there may be recovered from the occupier of any part
of the buildings or lands in respect of which the tax is due such portion of
the sum due as bears to the whole amount due the same ratio which tho rent
annually payable by such occupier bears to the awelatc amoUDt of rent 10
payable in respect of tbe whole of tbe said buildinlS or laads, or to the
aggregate amount of the lettiD, value thereof. if any, stated in the authen-
ticated assessment list.
(4) An occupier who mak(;s any payment for which be iJ Dot primarily
litlble under this section shan. in the ab~DCC of any contract to tbe contrary.
be entitled to be rcimbursed by the person primarily liable for tbe payment.
and. if so entitled. may deduct the amount 10 paid from the amount of aDy
rent from time to time becomiD, due from him to such perlon.
378 Cantonments.

AS5~$Smtnt Ust.
AIlUtIMIl~ 66. When a tax assessed on the annual value of buildings or lands or both
is impoStd. the Cantonm,;nt Authority shall causc an assessment list of all
buildings or lands in the cantonment. or (If both. as Ihe case may be. to be
prcpoarcd in such form as th,; Preshlcnl or the Union may by rule prcscrib.:.

~.bllc:dion I 67- When the asscssmenllist bas ~n prepared. the Cantonment Authority
1ia~1IlCO shid) give Jlublic notice Ihereof. and of the place where: the list or a copy
tb:roof may be inspected. and every person claiming 10 b:: the owner. I~e
or occupi,;r of ilny property included in the lisl. and any l;uth(lri7.Cd ugent of
such person. shall bt.: at liberty to inspect the list and 10 make extructs there-
from fre..: of charge.

Re\'lslon 01 61. (I) The Cantonment Authority shall. OIl Ihe same time. give public
. . .dllllCDl:
u.1. notice of a date. not Ic.s:> than one month th.:reJfler. when it will proceed to
consider the valuiltions and assessments entered in the assessment list and. in
all eascs in which any property is for the first timc assessOO ur the assessment
is increased. it shall also give wriUen nolice ther)f to the own.:r <Ind to any
lessee or occupier of the property.
(2) Any objection to a valuation or assessment shall be m:adc in writing
to the Cantonment Authority b.:fore the dute fixed in the notice. <Il1d shall
.tate in what respect the valuation or assessment is dispUlel.1. and all objcclions
80 made shall be recorded in a register to be kept for the purpo~..: by the
Cantonment Authority.
(.1) The objections shull be inquired into amI ill~sliGated. nud the rcrl>ons
makinG them shall be allowed an opportunity of being heard ..:itb.:r in rcrson
or by Duthorized agent. by an Assessml,lnt CommiUec appointl:d by Ihe
Cantonment Authority.
(4) The Assessment Committee shall consist of not less than thre~ persons.
and. where th..:rc is a Board. it shall not be nessary 10 appoint to the Assess.
ment CommiuC\: any member thereof.

AuUIeQU.,:a. D. (I) When alt objections made under ~tion 68 have been lIisposcd
UOD""Ua..... of. and the revision of the valuation and assessment bas b::en completcd. the
.It II. asscssmenl list shall be authenticated by the signature of the members of Ihe
Assessment Committee who shall. at Ihc same time. e\:rtify that they have
considered all objcctions duly made and huve amended the Hsl so far as is
l'Cquired by their decisions on such objeclions.
(2) The assessment list so authenticated shall be d,;posiled in the office
of Ihe Cantonment Authority. and shall there be open. free of charge. during
office hours to all OWftCflii. Ic~'l:s anll occupiers of pro~rt) comprised lherein.
or Ihe lluthorized Dcenls of such .,erson,. and u public noticc that it is so OpeD
.b:lIl forthwith be published.
Cantonmtnl... 379
70. Subject to such a!t~ratlons as may thereafter be made in the use.... E\klcnUa
ment list und~r Ihe provisions of this Chapter and 10 the result of any appeal aUt.valued
. ..IIMlnt
made thereunder. the entries in the assessment list authenticated and deposited lilt.
as provided in section 69 shall be accepted as conclusive evidence-
(j) for th~ purpose of asscssing any tax imposed under this Act. of the
annual value or other valuation of all buildinas and lands to
which such entries respectively refer. and
(iO for the purposes of any tax imposed on buildinp or lands. of the
amount. of each such lax leviable thereon during the year 10
which sUl.:h lisl relates.
71. (I) The Cantonment Authority may. at any time. amend Ihe usscss- AIIlUldnletlt
ment list by inserting th numc of any person whose mime ouaht to huve been ol",""nent
or ought to be inserted. or by inserting any pro~rty which ought to have been lilt.
or ought to be inserted. or by altering Ihe assessment on any property which
has been erroneously valued or asscssoo through fraud. accident or mistake.
whether on the part of the Cantonment Authority or of the Assessment
Committec or of the assessee. or. in the case of a tax payable by an oc:cupier.
by a change in the t.:nancy. after giving nolice to any perlOn affected by the
amendment of a time. not less than one month from the date of s.:rvicc. at
which the amendment lS to be mude :
Pro\oided that no person shull by reason of any such amendment becomt
liable ttl pay ally tax or incro:ase of tux in relipect of any period prior to the
commencement of the financial y~r in which the amendment lS mild~.
(2) Any person interested in any such amendment may tender an objce
lion to the Cantonment Authority in writina before tbe time fixed. in lhe notice.
and shall be allo~ an opportunity of b.:ing heard in support of the same in
person or b~ authorized a~nt.
71. The Cantonment Authority shall prepare a new assessment lilt at P,...ralioa
least once in every three
years. and for this purpose the provisions of sections of Dew
66 10 71 $hall upply In like manner us they apply for the purpok' of the Ult.
preparation of an assessment list for the first time.
73. {J} Whenever Ihe title of any person primarily liable for the payment NoUce of
of a tax on the annual value of any buildinl or land to or over such buildiol lrualcrl..
or land is transferred. the person whose title il transferred and tbe pt.rson to
whom the same is transferred IIhall. within three months after the exutioa
of the instrument of transfer or after ill repstration. if it i. fe.i.tered. or
after the tnansfci' is effected. if no instrument executed.. live notice of luch
trander to tbe Executive Ofliccr.
(2) In the event of lhe death of any person primarily liablc as aforcaaid.
the pcrliQn on whom Ihe titlc of the deccased. devolves shall cive notice of such
devolution to the Executive Officer within six months from tbe dettth of the
(3) The nOlice 10 be given unckr this section .hlotll ~ in such form as
th~ Executive Oflic:cr [by direct. and thc transferee or olber penon OIl wbom.
380 Canromnents.
the title devolves shall. if so required. be bound to produce beforc the Ex.eeu-
tive Officer any documents evidencing the transfer or devolution.
(4) Every person who makes 11 transfer as aforesaid without giving such
notice to the Executive Officer shall continue liable for the payment of all
taxCS assessed on the property transferred until he gilcs notice or until the
transfer has been rccl>rded in the registers of thc Cantonment Authority. but
nothing in this section shall be held to affect the liability of the transferee for
the payment of the said tax

Notice of
74. (1) If any building is erected or reerccted within the meaning of
euction 01 ""clion 179. the owner shall give notice thereof to the Executive Officer within
building., thirty days from thc date of its complcHon or cccupation. whichever is earlier.
(2) Any person failing to give the notice required by subsec!ion (I) shall
be punishable with fine which may extend to fifty rupees or ten times the
amount of the tax payable on the said building. as crected or fe-erectcd. as the
case may be. in rc:spcet of a period of thrcc months. whichever is greatcr.

Remission und R~/lInd.

7$. If any building is wholly or partly demolished or destroyed or other-
etC'.. nf wise deprived of value. the Cantonment Authority may. on th: application in
writing of the owner. remit or refund such portion of any tax assessed on the
annual value thereof as it thinks fit.
76. In a. cantonment other thun a hill cantonment. when any builoing or
land has remained vacant and unproductive of rent for ninety or more
consecutive days during any year. the Cantonment Authority shall remit or
refund. us the case may ~. such portion of any tax assessed on the annual
value thereof and payable in respect of that year as may be proJX"rtionatc lCl
the number of days during which the said building or land has remained vacant
and unproductive of rent

Power to
77. For the purposc of obtaining a partial remission or reCund of tax.. the
require entfy owner of a buildin& composed of separate tenements may request the Canton-
in auC'SI- ment Authority. at the time of the assessment of the building. to enter in the
runt iii' o(
details Of assessment list. in addition to the annual value of the whole building. a note
bllUdinl1. recording in detail the annual value of each separate tenement. When any
tenement. the annual value of which has been thus separately recorded. has
remained vacant and unproductive of rent for ninety or more consecutive days
during any year. such portion of any tax assessed on the annual value of the
whole building and payable in respect of that year shall be remitted or refunded
as would have been remitted or refunded if the tenement had been separately
Nottee h) be
ih'en Of the 77A. No remission or refund undcr section 76 or section 77 shaH be
circum- made unlea notice in writing of the fact that the building. land or tcnement
Itan1 in has become vacant and unproductive of rent has been given to the Cantonment
Cantonments- 381

Authority. and no remission or refund shan take effect in respect of any period r~I!INion or
commencing more th:tn fifteen days before the delivery of such notice. rIlIad II

71. (I) For the purposes of sections 16 and 71 no building. tenement or What
land shall be deemed vacant if maintained as a pleasure resort or town or b.dhUa,.,
country house. or be deemed unproductive of rent if let to a tenant who haa a :cJr:::
continuing right of occupation thereof. whether he is in actual occupation or not. vacaaL
(2) The burden of provinl all facts entitling any person to claim relicf
under section 15. or section 76. or section 77ball be upon bim.

" . (I) The owner of any building. tenement or land in respect of which N"tice to be
a:lYcD of
a remission or refund of 13X has been liven under section 76 or ~cUon 77 enrYOCelt-
shall live notice of the re-occupation of su.,;h buildinl. tenement or l:and pat&l'ln of
wilhin fifteen dayl of such re-occup:Uion. bulldl"a: or
(2) Any owner failing to giv", the nolice required by sub-section (I) shalt boult.
be punishable with fine which shall not be less than twice lhe amounl of the
tax payable on such building. lenement or land in res~et of the period
durin, which iI has been re-occupied. and which may extend 10 fifty rupees.
or to ten times the amount of the said lax. whichever sum is Ireater.

CharRt on Immoveable Property.

80. A tax assessed on the annual value of any building or land shall. Tax on
subject to Ihe prior payment of Ihe land-revenue, if any. due to the Government ~:lI~:~I.:e~
thereon. be a first charge upon the building or ltlnd. ch:,ara:e
Octroi. Terminal Tax and Toll.
I.. E~ry person bringing or receiving any goods. vehicles or animals ~oapectiOll 0(
within the limits of any canh>nmcnt in which octroi Or terminal tax or toll is ~~:Ic.
leviable. shall. when .0 required by an oflicer dul)' authorized by the Canton-
ment Authority in this ~half. so far as may be necessary for ascertaininlthe
amount of tax chargeable-
(0) permit that officer to inspect. examine or weigh such goods. vehlclCl
or animal, ; and
(b) communicate to that otlK:er any information. and exhibit to him
any bill. invoice or document of a like nature. whicb such perIOD
may possess rcl.ltiDg to such goods. vehicles or animals.
I~. (I) Any person who talces or attempts to take past 'lny octroi station
or any other place appointed within a cantonment for the collection of octroi.
terminal tax or toll any goods. vehicles or animals un account of which octroi.
terminal tax or toll is leviable. and Ihereby evades. or attempts to evade. tbe
payment of such octroi. terminal tax or toll. and any person who abets any
sucb evasion or attempt at evasion. shall be punishable with fine which may
extend either to ten times the value of such octroi. terminal tax or toll. or to
tifty rupees. whichever is grc3ter. and which shall not be leu than twice the
V3lue of such octroi. terminal tax or toll,'1 tbe case ma)' be.
382 C"nIQnm~nu.

(2) In case of non payment of any octroi or terminal tax or 1011 on

demand. the officer empowered to ~'Ollect th~ samc may s.:iz~ any goods. whiclcs
or animals on which the oclroi. terminal tall: or toll i. chargeable. or any parl
or number thereof which is of sufficient value to satisfy the demand.
(.1) The Cantonment Authority. after the lapse of five days from the
s~izure. and after the issu~ of a notice in writing to the person in whose
possession the goods. vehicles or animals wer~ at the time of ~izurc. fixing
the lime and place of sale. may cause the property so seized. or so much thereof
as may be necessary. 10 be soid by auction to satisfy the demand anJ any
expenses occasioned by the seizure. custody and sale thereof. unless the demand
and expenses are in the meantime paid:
Provided that the Executive Officer may. in any case. order that any
article of 01. perishable nature which cannot he kept for five days without serious
ri$k of damage. or which Clnnot be kept Solve at a cost which. together with
the amount of octroi. t~rlllinat lax or loll. is likc:y III exceed its value. ~h:tll
be sold >Ifter lhe lapse ur such shorter lim~ as Ii..:: 1I1:1Y. ha\ling rcg:lrd to Ihe
nature of the article. think pr"p~r.
(4) If. at any time before the sale has begun. the person whose property
has been seized tenders to the Executi\le Officer the amount of all expenses
incurred and of the octroi. terminal tax or toll. the Executive Officer ~hall
release the property seized.
(5) The surplus. if any. of the sah:proceeds shall be credited to the
cantonment fund. and shall. on application made to th~ Cantonment Authority
wilhin one year after the sale. be paid to the person in whose possession the
properl) was at the time of seizure. and. if no such application is made. shall
be the property of the Canlonment Authority.

Lease of 83. It shalt be lawful for the Cantonment Authority. with the previous
ltnnlnal tu sanction of the Officer Commandingin-Chief. the Command. to lease the
or toll. collection of any oclroi. terminal tax or toll for any period not exceeding llne
year; and the lessee and all persons employed by him in the management and
collection of the octroi. terminal tax or loll shall. in respect thereof.-
(41) be bound by any orders made by thc Cantonment Authority for
Iheir guidance ;
(b) have such powers exercisabh: by oflicers or SCrvanl~ or the Canton-
ment Authority under this Act as the Cantonment Authority
may confer upon thtm; and
(c) be entitled to the same remedies and be subject to the same
responsibilities us if they were employed by the Canlonment
Authority for the management and collection of the: octroi.
lerminal tax or loll. as the calC may be :
Prov~ded that no article distrained milY ~ so~d except under the orders
of the CanlonDlent Authority.
C"ntonmtltls 383


U. (I) An appeal against the assessment or levy of. or against tbe Appe:ak
refusal to refund. any tax under this Act shall lie to the District Malistrate ;:ueu:n9It.
or to such oth~r offic-:r as may be: empow~red by the President ot the Union
in this behalf :
Provided that. where th~re is a Board and the person to whom the
appeal would ordinarily lie is. or was when the tax was imposed. a member
of the Board. the appeal shall lie to the Commissioner of the Division.
(2) If. on the hearing of an appeal under this section. any question as to
the liability to. or the principle ot assessment of. a tax arises on which the
ollicer haring the appeal entertains rcasontlble doubt. he may. either of his
own motion or on thc upplication of the appclla nt. draw up a statement of the
facts of the case and the point t.1n whieh doubt is entertained. and refer the
statclUl:nt with his own opinion on the point (or the decision of the High
(J) On a rcference being made undcr subsection (2). the subsequent
proceedings in the case shall be, as nearly as Inay be. in conformity with the
rules relating to references to the High Court contained in Order XLVI of the
First Schedule to the Code l,)f Ciyil Procedure.

85. In eyery appeal the cosls shall b\: in the discretion of the officer o.ta
hearing the apj>l:al. ' .......

N. If the C.. ntonment Authority fails to pay any costs awarded to an Rovery 01
appell..nt within ten days after Ihe: dale of th~ order for payment thereof. lhe CClIhfmm
officer awarding the costs m3)' order the person having Ihe custody of the Autbority.
baluncc of tht cantonment fund to pay the amount.
81. No appeal shall be heard or determined under this Chapter unless- Coaditl"nsof
riCht to
(,,) the uppeal is. in the case of a lax assessed on the annual \lalue of arreat.
buildings or lands or both. brought within thirty days next after
the date of the aUlhenlication of the assessment list under sec
tion 69 (xclusi"'l: of the time requisite for obtaining a copy of
the relcv<&nt enlries therein), or, as the case may be. within
thlrly d<&ys of the date on whieh an amendment is finally made
under section 11. OInd. in the cust of uny other tax. within thirty
days n,; after the dille of the rlXCipt of the notice of assessment
or of ultcr::.tion of assessm.:nt or, if no notice has been liven.
within thirty days n~xt after the date of Ihe presentation of the
first bill in respect Ihereof:
Provided that an appeal may be admitted after the expiration of tbe
prriod prescribed therefor by this section if the appellant sati..
ties the Court before whom the appeal is preferred that he had
sufficient cause for nOI prderring it within that period ;
384 Camonments.
(b) the amount. if any. III dispute in the appeal hus been deposited by
the appellant in the ollice of th~ Cantonment Authority.
Finality of 88. The order of an uppellate authority confirming. setting aside or
appeU:ltc modifying an order in respect of any valuation or assessment or liability to
assessment or taxation shall be final:
Provided that it shall be lawful for the appellate authC1rity. upon applica-
tion or on its own motion. to review any order passed by it in appeal if applica-
tion in this behalf is m:lde within three months from the date of the original
Payment and Recover)' 01 Taxes.

Time aDd 89. Save as otherwise expressly provided under this Act. any tax
mann of imposed under the provisions of this Aet shall be payable on such dates and in
(layment of such instalments. if any. ~IS the Cantonment Authority may. by pUblic notice.

,.. (1) When any tllx has become due. the Executive Officer shall cause
01 bill. to be presented to the person liable for the payment thereof a bill for the
amount due.
(2) Every such bill shall specify the particulars of the tax and the period
for which the charge is made.

Nollce of
91. (I) If the umount of the tax for which .my bill has been presented
demand. is not paid (0 the Cantonment Authority within thirty dcys from thl: presenta-
tion thereof. the Executiv Officer may cause to be servcd upon the person
liable for the payment of th~ same a notice of dem::&nd in the form set forth
in Schedule [.
(Z) For every notice of demand which th~ Executive Officer causes to be
served on any person under Ihis section. a fee of such amount. not exceeding
one rupee. as shall in c:lch case be fixed by the Executive Officer. shall be
payable by the said person and shall be included in the costs of recovery.

RCCO\'ery 01 (I)If the person liable for the payment of any tax docs not. within
thirty days from the service of the notice of demand. pay the amount due. or
show sufficient cause for non-payment of the same 11.> the satisfaction of the
Executive Officer. such sum. with all costs of recovery. may be recovered under
a warrant. issued in the form set forth in Schedule II. by distress and sale of
the moveable property of the defaulter:
Provided that the Exccutive Officer shall not recover any sum lhe liability
for whieh has been remitted on appeal under this Chapter.
(2) Every warrunt issued under this section shall be signed by the
Ex.ccutivc Officer.

93. (I) [t shall be lawfUl for any servant of the Cantonment Autbority
to whom a warrant issued under section 92 is addressed to distrain.
wherever it may be found. any moveable property of the person therein nUlQed
CQntonmentl. 31S
as deCaulter. subject to tbc following conditions. exceptions and exemptions.
n.. mcly:-
(a) the following property shall not be distrained :-
0) the necessary wearinS apparel and bedding of the defaulter.
hi. wife and children.
(ii) tools of artisans.
(iii) books of account. or
(iv) when the defaulter is an agriculturist. his implements ot hus.-
bandry. seed.grain. and such c:lttJe us may be necessary to
enable the detautler to carn his livelihood ;
(6) the distress shall not be excessive. that is to say. the property dis-
lcained ahall be as nearly as possible equal in value to the
amount recoverable under the warrant. and if any property baa
been distrained which. in the opinion of the Executive Olticet.
shOUld not have been disuained. it shall forthwith be returned.
(2) The person charged with the execurion of a warrant of distress shall
forthwith make an inventory of the property which he seizes under such
warrant. and shall. at the same time. sive 3. wrirten norice in the form set
forth in Schedule III to the rerson in possession thereof at the time oC seizure
that the said property will be sold as therein mentioned.

M. (I) When the property seized is subject to speedy and Dlltural Di'~'of
decay. or whcn thc expense of keeping it in custody is. whcn added to the =~
amount to be recovered. likcly to exceed its valuc. the Executive Officer shall
Shc notice to the person in whose possession the property was at the time of
seizure that it will be sold at once. and shall sell it accordingly by public
auction unless the amount mentioned in the warrant is forthwith paid.
(Z) If the warrant is not in the mcuntime suspended by tbe Executive
Officer. or discharged. the property seized shall. after the expiry of the period
named. in" the notice served under sub-seclion (Z) of scetion 93. be sold by
public auction by order of the Executive Officer.
(3) The 'surpluS of the sale-proceeds. if any. shall forthwith be credited
to the cantonment fund. and notice of such credit shall be give:"! at the lame
time to th person from whose possession the property was laken. and. if tbe
same is claimcd by written application to the Cantonment Authority within ODe
year from the date of the notice. a refund thereof shall be mad: to such penon.
Any surplus not claimed within one year as afores.aid shall be the property of
the .Cantonment Authority.
(4) For every distr.aint m3de under this Chapter a fee of such amount.
not exceedina one rupee. as sh.lll in each case be fixed by the Executive
Officer. shall be char&~. 3nd the said fee shall be included in the cosu of
95: (I) If the" Executive OJ6cer has reason to believe that any person
from whom any sum is due or i, about to ~ome due un actount of an)' tax

386 Ctmlonmenll.
,.... is about to remove from the coantonment. he may direct the immedillte payment
c<U\tonmmt. by such person of the sum so due or about 10 become due and cause a bill
for lhe same to be served on such person.
(1) If. on the service of such bill, such person does not forthwith pay
the sum so due or about to become due. the amount shall be leviable by dis.
tress and sale in the manner hereinbefore provided in this Chapter. exceptthat
it shall not be necessury to serve upon the defaulter any notice of demand
and the warrant for distress and sale may be issued and executed without any

lar rtC09tr)'.
". Instead of proceeding" against a defaulter by distress and sale as
hereinbefore provided in this Chapter. or after a defauller hlls been so pro.
cecded aiaisl unsuccessfully or with only partial success, any sum due or the
balance of any sum due. as the case may be. from such defaulter on account
of a tn may be recovered from him by a suit in any Court of competent

Special Provisions rtltlling I() Ta:wlion.

Pown 10 97. Every Cantonment Authority shall be deemed to be II Municipal
pronlblt 01'
enmpt {rom Committec for the purposes of the Municip:tl Taxation Act.
Power to. N. A Cantonment AuthorHy may make special provision for the c1eans-
~==::: ing of any factory. holel. club or Croup of buildings or lands used for anyone
COMenaAcy purpose and under one management. and may fix a special rate and the dates
10 cutaia
cua. and other conditions for periodical payment thereof. which shall be determined
by a written ageement with the person liable for the payment of the conser-
vaac:y or scavenging tax in respect of such factory. hotel. club or group of
bui1dinss or. lands:
Provided that, in &xins the amount, proper rcsard shall be had to the
probable cost to the Canlonment Authority of the services to be rendered.
lhemptiontD " . (I) When. in pursuance of section 98. a Cantonmenl Authority has
the cue 01 fixed II special rale for Ihe cleansing of any faclory. hotel. club or group of
buildinp or lands. such premises shall be exempted from the payment of un)'
tonsetvancy or scavensins tax imposed in the canlooment.
(2) The foUowin. buildinp and lands shall be exempt from any tax on
property. namely : -

(0) places set apan for public worship aDd either accu::ally 10 used or
ued for no other purpose ;
(b) buildines used for educational purposes and public libraries. play-
gounds and dhormsal08 which open to the public and from
which no income is derived;
(e) hospital. and dispensaries maintained wholly by charitable con-
tribulions ;
Cantonmentl. 387

(d) burnine and burial grounds, not beiDa tbe property of Government
or 01 Cantonment Authority. which are controlled under the pr0-
visions of Ihis Act ;
(e) buildings or lands vestetJ in a Cantonment Authority: and
(f) any buildings or landl. used or acquired for the public service or
for any public purpose. which are the property of the [State]l. or
in the occupation of the Government.
MA.. The President of the Union may. by notification in the Gazette
exempt. either wholly or in part. from Ih~ payment of any tax imposed under power 01'
this Act any person or dass of persons or any property or goods or class 01
property or loods.
lot. A. Cantonment Authority may exempt. for a period not exeeedin, Exemption
onc year at a time. from the paynlent of any tax or any portion of a tax im. ~=
posed under this Act any person who is in its opinion by lC8lOn of poverty 1
unable to ptay the same.
I.t. (I) A Cantonment Authority may. with the previous sanction of Cna'lrtJelUClft.
the Officer Commandingin-Chief. the Command. Bilow any person to com
pound for any tax.
(2) Every sum due by reason of the composition of a tax under sub-
section (I) shall be recoverable as if it were a tax.
111. A Cantonment Authority may write off any sum due on accouot IrttcOver.
of any tax or of the costs of recoverina an)' tax if such su:n is. iD its opinioabJe dcbtl.
113. (I) The Executive Officer may. by written notice. coil upon Oblliation
any inhabitant of the tantonment to furnish such information as ma)' be neees-- :w.~~
SOlry for the purpose of aseertainina-
(a) whether such inhabitant is liable to pay any tax imposN under
this Act:
(6) at what amount he should be assessed; or
(co) the annual value of the building or land which he occupies and
the name and address of the owner or leasce thereof.
(2) If an)' person. when calh::d upon under subsec:tion (I) to furnish
information. nealects to furnish it or furnishes information which is not true
to the best of his L:nowledgc or belief. he shall be punishable with fine which
may extend to one hundred rupees.
IN. No assessment ilnd no charat" or demand on account of any tax or Imou2tcrlal
f shall be impeached or affecled by reason only of any mistake in the ft;antC etl'0f not to
of any person Iiabl~ to p:ly such lax or fee. or in the description of any ~=llr.
property or thing. Or any mist;ake in the amount of the aSSClSmeot. ehar,e or
demaod. if the directions contained in this Act and the rules and bye-Ian
I a"....tlluted for the "'Old" (Ao".. " by lbe UniClrl of l$unp(.\4aptatlon 01 Lt.....) ~I
388 Cantnmnenu.

made thereunder have in substance and effect been complied with; but any
person who sustains any special damage by reason of any such mistake shall be
entitled to recover compensation for the same by suit in a Court of competent

Distraint not lOS. No distress levi~d under this Chaplet shall be deemed unlawful. nor
lo be invalid
by fealOD Of ,hall any person making the same be deemed a trespasser. on account only of
it1lm,ttrial any defect of form in the notice of demand. warrant of distress or other
proceeding relating thereto; nor shall any such person be deemed a
trespasser ob inilio on account of any irregularity afterwards commiued
by him: but any person who sustains any special damage by reason of any
such irregularity shall be entitled to recover compensation for the same
by suit in a Court of competent jurisdiction.



Cantonment Funt!.
Canlonlnftlt 186. There shall be formed for every cantonment a cantonment fund.
fund. and there shall be placed to the credit thereof the following sums. namely:-
(0) * *
(b) all sums received by or on behalf of the Cantonment Authority. and
(to) subject to any deductiuns made under section 545 o~ the Cooe of
Criminal Procedure. or under any other law for the time being
in force. Or under any order of the President of the Union. all
fines recovered from persons convicted of offences commined
within the cantonment-
Ii) undo. this Act Or any rule or bye-law made thereunder. or
(ii) under section [47] 1 of the Police Act. or under any corresponding
enactment for the time being in force. or
(iii) under Chapter XIII or Chapter XIV of the Penal Code. or
(v) under the provisions of any enactment wherein or whereunder
provision is made for a fine ~in& credited to the cantonment
fund. or
(vi) under any other enuctment for the time being in force in respect
of which the President of the Union may. by leneral or special
order. direct that fines realised thereunder shall be credited
to the cantonment fund.

I SubAtituled for ~ fiaure" 14" by lhe Ulli.m of Hur.n::a (Adaptation of L,"lwa, Ordc'r, 1948.
, Ollliitt'd ibid.
Call1unm~n/s. 389

11'7. (I) Where in or near a cantonment there is a GoYernment treasury eattodyof

or sub-treasury. or a branch of the Imperial Bank of India. the cantonment ~a.DtDt
fund sbatl be kcpt in such treasury. subtrcasury or bank. u the cue may be.
(2) Where there is no such treasury. sub-treasury or banI. the cantonment
fund may be deposited with any bank to which the Government treasury
business has been entrusted. and. in the abs:ncc of sucb a bank. with any
banter or person actina as a banker who has aiven such security for the saf~
custody of the fund and the payment on demand of the funds 10 deposited as
the President of the Union may in each case direct.
(J) A Cantonm..:nt Authority may. from time to time. with the previous
sanction ~f the President of the Union. invest any portion of ita cantonment
fund in securities of the Government of India or Pakistan or Union of'
Burma Government securities or in such other securities. includina8xed deposits
in banks. as the President of the Union may approve in this behalf. and may
dispose of such investments or vary them for others of a like nature.
(4) The income resulting from any fixed deposit or from any such
security as is referred to in subsection (J) or from the proceeds of the sale
of an)' such security shllll be: credited to the cantonment fund.


1... Subject to any special r..:servation made by the President of the PrupetIJ.
Union. all property of the nature hereinaflcr in Ihis sxtion specified which
has been acquired or provided or is maintained by a Cantonment Authority
Shilll vest in and belong to that Cantonment Authority. and shall be under ill
dir..:ction. milnilgcnlcnt and control. that is to say.-
(a) all markets. slaughterhouses. manure and nightsoil dt;p}ts, and
buildings of every description:
(b) ... 11 waterworks for the supply, sto....dge or distribution of water
for public purposes. ilnd illl bridses. buildinas.enaines, milterials.
and thinas connected therewith or apperlainin, thereto:
(c) all sewers. drilins. culverts and water-courses. and all works.
materials and thinas apperuaining thereto:
(d) all dust. dirt. dung. ashes. refuse. animal malter, filth and rubbish
of evcry kind. and dead bodies of ilnimals collected by the
Cantonment Authority from the sireets, houses. privies. sewers.
cesspools or elsewhere, or deposited in places appointed by lb.
Cantonment Authority for such purpose:
(t') all lamps and lampposts and apparatus connected therewith or
appertaining theretu ;
(f) all land or other property transferred to the CantoRlDCD1 AutboritY
by (the StatC']I, or by sift. purcbase or otherwise for local public
purposes; and

Subtllll;t~-d b)" the Unioa (I( Burma Ud;&pIoilioo ol L:aw.) Order. JM.
390 C,wtunme", \.
(g) all streets and the pavements. stones and other materials thereat.
and also ail trees. erections. materials. implements. and things
existing on or appertaining to streets.
Arpltcation 109. The cantonment fund and all property vested in a Cantonment
Of call1on Authority shall be applied for the purposes. whether express or implied. for
n.nlt fund
and pl"o(lCrty. which. by or under this Act or any other law for the time being in force. powers
are conferred or duties or obligations are imposed upon the Cantonment
Provided that the Cantonment Authority shall not incur any expenditure
for acquiring Of fcnling land beyond the limits of the cantonment or for
constructing any work beyond such limits except-
(u) with the sanction of the President of the Union, and
(b) on such terms and conditions as the President of the Union may
impose :
Provided furcher. that priority shall be given in the order hereinafter set
forth to the following liabilititcs anu obligations of a Contonment Authority.
that is to say.-
(u) to the liabilities and obligations arising from a Irust legally imposed
upon or acc~pted by the Cantonment Authority;
(b) to the repayment of. and the payment of interest on. any loan
incurred under the provisions uf the Local Authorities Loans
(c) to the lXlyment of establishment charges ;
(J) to Ihe payment of such expenses on account of pauper lunatics
scnt frum the cantonment 10 public lunatic asylums and mental
hospitals as the President of the Union dircclS the Cantonment
Authority to pay; and
(e) 10 the payment of any sum the payment of which is expressly
required by the provisions ur this Act or any rule or
made thereunder.
Al"qullilion 110. When there is any hindrance to the permanent or temporary
of hntnO\'e- acquisition upon payment of any land requir~d by a Cantonment Authority for
rroperty. the purposes of this Act. the President of the Union may. at the request of
the Cantonment Authority. proeeed to acquire it under the rrovisions of the
Land Acquisition Act. and. on payment by the Cantonment Authority of 1he
compensation awarded under that Act and of the charges incurred by lhe
Govl:rnment in connection with the proceedings. the land !>hall vest in thc
Cantonment Authority.
Powu to 111. The President of the Union olay make rules consistent with Ihis Act
In:lkt rukl to provide for all or an)' or the following m:lIlers. namely : -
cantonment (i') the conditions on which property may be i:lcquired hy Cantonment
fund and
fir' pel ty. Authorities or on which propert)' vesl~d in a Cantonment
Authority may be transferred by sale. mortgage. lease. exehanac
or otherwise; and
Cuntonments. 391
(6) any other matter relating to the cantonment fund or cantonment
property in respect of which no provision or insuflicient provi-
sion is made by or under this Act. and provision ... in the opinion
of the President of the Union. ncccuary.



111. Subject 10 the provisions of this Chapter. cvcry Cantonment Authority

shall be competent to enter into and perform any contract ncccssary for tbe
purposes of Ihis Act.

113. (I) Every conlrucl- 8aacU-.

(0) for which budget provision doci not exist. or
(b) which involves a value or alnount exceeding one hundred rupees.
sball require the sanction of the Cantonment Authority.
(1) Every contract other than a contrillct such as i. referred to in .ub
section (I) shall be sanctioned by the Cantonment Authority or by the Executive
Officer on behalf of the Cantonment Authorit)'.
114. (I) Every contract made by or on behalf of a Cantonment Authority. &J:ocatiollc'
the value or amount of which exceeds 6ft)' rupees. shall be in writina. and c:oalractl.
every such contnlct shall. where there is a Board. be sianed b)' two memben.
of whom tbe Chairman or the ViceChairman 5hall be one. and be eountenianed
by the Executive officer and be sealed with tbe C\.\mmon teal of the Board. or.
where .here is no Bourd. be sianed by the OffK:cr Commllndin, the '&ltion and
be scaled with the official Kill. of the Ctntoamcnt Autborit)' :
Provided that. where there is a Board. the Executive Ofticer may in ..
COISC o[ urgency. with the previous sanction of the Clwirmaa of the Bo.trd.
execute on behalf of the Board any eontraet tbe value or amount of which does
not exceed two hundred rupcct
(2) Whe~ an Exe<:uti~e Officer executes a canuaet on behalf of a Board
under .ubsection (I). be sball .ubmit a report of hil action aDd of the reaSOD'
therefor to tbe Board at its next meetiol.
U5. If any cantnaet i. executed by or oa behalf of a CaawluDCllt Authority ee:..tndli
otherwise than in cunformit)' with the provisions of tbis Chapter. it .hall nol impl'O[lCrly
be biadiDa 00 the Cantonment Authority. =~wt-:,
.. aCOoloa'
- . "......
116. It shall be the duty of every Cantonmeat Authority. 10 far a. the Dull_ or
funds at its disf>OSOII ()(rmit. to take reasonable provisioD withia tbc: canton. Cantonmmt
meat for-
(,,) lip.tina strccts aad other public plOIceS ;
(6) watcria. _ aad other public places ;
392 Cdntonllltnts.

(e) cleansing streets. public places and drains. abating nuisances and
removing noxil>us vegetation:
Cd) regulating offensh-c, dangerous or obooxiotes trades. callings and
(l) rtmovin". on thc ground of public safct)'. health or convenience.
undesirable obstructions and projections in streets and otber
pUblic places:
(/) 5CCuring or removing dangerous buildinGs and places;
(g) ccquiring. mainl:tining. changing and regulating places for the
disposal of thc dead;
(It) constructing. altering and milintaining streets. cuh'crts, markets.
slaughtcrhouses. 100trines. privies. urinals. drains. drainage works
and sewerage works:
(i) planting and maintaining trees on roadsides and Olber public
places ;
(J) providing or arranging for a sufficient supply of pure and whole-
some willer. where such supply does not guarding from
pollution watcr used for consumption. and preventing
polluted waler from being 10 used :
U:) regislering births and deaths;
tl) establishing Dnd maintaining a system of public vaccination:
(m) e5Li1blishing and maintaining or supporting public hospitals and
dispensaries. and providing public medical relief :
(II) establishing and maintaining primary schools;
(0) rendering assi stance in extingUishing tires. and protccting life and
property when fires occur;
(p) mOlintaining and dc'Vclopin& the valuc of property vested in. or
entrusted to the milnagemenl of. lhe CJntopmc:nt Authority; and
(q) fulfilling any other obligation imposed upon it by or under this
Acl or any other law f"r the lime being in force.

Power to 1164. A Cunlonmcnt Authority may. subjt'cl to any conditions imposed

nlao;'IC by the President of the Union. manage any properly entrusted to its manlle-
ment by the President of the Union on such terms as to the sharing of rents
and profits accruing (rom such property as may be determined by rule made
uoder ICClion 280.

~ 117. A CantonnlCnt Authority lOa)'. within tbe cantonment. make provi-

fvadioas tof' lioa for-
AbU\ority. (u) layins out in areas. whcther previously built upon or not. new
streets. and acquiring land for tbat purpose and for the
construction of buildings. and compounds of building to abut
on such !'ltreets:
(h) constructing. establishing or mainlaining public parks. garden
offices. dairies. b:lthing or washing places. drintiDI fOl.lntains.
tankl. wells and other works of public utility;
ConiolUnents. 393
(e) reclaiming unhealthy localities :
(tl) furthering educational objecu by me&IUreI other than tbe establish-
ment and maintenance of primary "bools;
(e) taking a census and granUna rewards for information which may
tend to secure the correc:t regi.tration of \lital statistics;
(f) making a survey:
(,) gi\ling relief on the occurrence of local epidemics by the: establish..
ment or maintenance of relief works or othecwise ;
(h) securing or assisting to secure suitable plac:es for the carryina on
of any otrensive. dangerous or obnoxious trade. calling or
occupation ;
Ii) establishing and maintaining a farm or olher place for lhe disposal
of sewage;
(j) constructing. subsidising or guaranteeing tramways or other means
of locomotion. and electric lighting or electric power works ;
(ok) adopting any measure. other than a measure speci6ed in section 116
or in the foregoing pro\lisions of this section. likely to promote
the safety. hc:alth or convenience of the inhabitants of tbe
cantonment; or
(/) the doing of anything on which ex.penditure is declared by tbe
President of the Union or by the: Cantonment Authority with tbe
sanction of the President of the Union to b= an appropriate
charge on the cantonment fund.

117A. A Cantonnlent Authority may make pro\'ision for educational

objects outside the cantonment if it is satisfied lhat the intercsu of tbe foreduca-
residents of the canhmment will be scr\lC<f thereby. lkMaal
oulaidc lbe


Gene. al NU;HlJfctl.
11. (I) Whocvcr-
(a) in any street or other public place within a cantonmeot.-
(i) i5 drunk and disorderly or drunk and incapable of takine care
of himself; or
(ii) uses any threatening. abusive or insultinC words. or bebaves in a
threatening or insulting manner with intent to prO\lOke a
breach of the pco.ce. or whereby a breach of tbe peace i.
likely to be ocC41sioned ; or
(iii) cascs himself. or wilfully or indecently ell.polCs his person; or
(iv) loiters. or begs importunately. for alms; or
(v) exposes or exhibits, with the object of ex.citing charity. any
deformity or discase or any oflensi\'e sorc or wound; or
39~ Cantonment,.
(vi) carries meat exposed to public view; or
(vii) is found gaming: or
(viii) pickets animals. or collects carts: or
(ix) being engaged in the removal of night-soil or other offensive
nlaUer or rubbish. wilfully or negligently permits any portion
thereof to spitl or fall. or Regleds III sweep away or other-
wise ef(ect1lally to r~move any ponioD thereof which may
spill or fall in such street or place: or
hi.) without proper authority affixes upon any building. monument.
post. wall, fence. tree or olher thing. any bill. notice or other
document ; or
(xi) without proper authority dcf~lccs or writes upon or otherwise
marks any bUilding. monument. post. wall. fence. tree or
other thing; or
(xii) without proper authority removes. destroys. defaces or otber-
wise obliterates any notice or other document pUl up or
exhibited under this Act; or
(xiii) without proper authority displaces. damages. or makes any
alteration in. or otherwise interferes with. the pavement.
gutter. stormwater-drain. flags or other materials of any such
stNet. or any lamp. bracket. directionpost. hydrant or
waterpip~ maintained by the Cantonment Authority in any
such street or public pluce. or ex.tinguishts a public light: or
(x.iv) carries any corpse not deccnlly covered or without laking due
precautions to prevent risk of inf.:ction or injury to the public
health or annoyance to or to persons dwelling in
the neighbourhood: or
(x.v) ,a nics night-soil or oth(r olTcnsi\'c matter or rubbish at any
hour prohibited by the Cantonment Authority by public
notice. or in any pattern of cart or receptacle which has not
been approved fur the purpose by the Cantonment Authority.
or failS to close such curt or receptacle when in use: or
(b) carries night-soil or other offensive matter or rubbish along any
route in contravention of any prohibition made in this behalf
by lhe Cantonment Authority by public notice: or
k) d~posits. or causes or permits to be deposited. earth or materialS
of any description. Or any offensive matter or rubbish. in any
place not intended for the purpose in any street or other public
place or waste or unoccupied land under the management of
the Cantonment Authority: or
(tl) buying charge of a corps..: failS to bllry. burn or otherwise lawfully
dispose of the same within twen1yfour hours after death: or
(e) any grave or buries or burns an)' corpse in any place not
set apart for sueh purpose; or
CanJoftl1vnJs. 395
U) kc:ps or uses. or permits to be kept or used. any place
u a common gaming house. oc assiatl in conductin. the business
of any common gamin. bouse; or
(gJ at any time or place at which the same has been prohibited by the
Cantonment Authority by public or speciul notice. beats a drum
cr tomtom. or blows a horn or trumpet. or beats any utensil. or
sounds any brass or other instrument. or pillys any music:; or
(II) disturbs the public peace or order by singin screaming or
shouting; or
Ii) Icts loose any animal so as to caa$C. or negligently allow. any animal
to cause. injury. danger, alarm or annoyance to any person; or
(j) bcin. thc occupier of any buildinl or land in or upon which aD
animal dies. neglO::ts within three hours of the death of the
anim:1l. ar. if tile death occurs at Diaht. within three hours after
sunrise. either-
Ii) to report the occurrence 10 Ihe Exccutive Officcr or to an officer.
if any. :Ippointcd by him in this behalf with a view to acc:uring
thc removal and disposul of thc carcase by the public conser-
yancy establishment; or
(ii) to remove and dispose of the carcase in accordance with liny
general direclions siven by the Cantonment Authority by
public notice or any special directions given by the Executiv:
Officer on receipt of such report as aforesaid: or
(k) sne with the written permission of the Cantonment Authority and
in such manner as it may authorizetores or uses nilht-soil.
manure. rubbish or any other substance emittin& an offensive
smell; or
(I) uses or permits 10 be used as a lalrine any placc not intended for
Ihal purpose;
shall b:: punishable with fine which may cxtend to fifty rupees.
(2) Whoevcr docs not take reasonable mean. to prevent alny child under
the lise of twelve years beina in his eharle from ealinl himlClt in any .treet
or other pUblic place within Ihe cantonment shall be punishable with fiae which
may extend to twenty-five rupees.
(3) The owner or keeper or any animal found picketed or atraying
without a keeper in a slreel or other public place in a ca.ntonmeat shall be
punishable with fine which may exlend 10 twenly rupees.
(4) Any animal found picketed as aforesaid may be removed by any
officer or servant of the Cantonment Authority or by any poliee-ofkcr to a
pound as if the animal had been found steayin

lit. (I) A Cantonmenl AUlhority may make bye-law. to provide for the
rcaistr81ion of nil dOls kept within thc c:lntonment.
396 CQntonJJl~"'.s.

(2) Such bye.tows sholl--

(a) require the registration. by the Officer Commanding each military
unit. of all dogs kept in the lines occupied by tbat unit;
(b) require that every registered dog shalt wear a collar to which shall
be attached a metal token to be issued by the registration
authority, and fix the fee payable for the issue thertor;
(e) require that any dog which has not been registered or which is not
wearing such loken shall. if found in any public plt'ce. be detained
at a place set apart (or the purpose: and
(d) fix the fee which shall be charged (or such detention and provide
that any such dog shall be liable to be destroyed or otherwise
disposed of unless it is claimed and the fce in respect thereof is
paid within onc week;
and may provide for such oth~r matters as the Cantonment Authority thinks fit.
() A Cantonment Authority may-
(a) cause to be destroyed. or to be confined fur such period llS that
Authority may direct. any dog or other animal which is. or is
reasonably suspected to be. suffering from rabies. or which has
bzen bitten by any dog or other animal SUffering or suspected to
be suffering from rabies:
(b) by pUbli: nolice direct that. arler sech date as may be specified in
the notice. dogs which are without collars or without marks
distinguishing them as private property and are found straying
un the streets or beyond the enclosures of the houses of their
owners. if any. may be destroyed. and cause them to be destroyed
(4) No damages shall b;; payable in respect of any dog or other animal
dcstroyed or othcrwise disposed of undcr this section.
(5) Whoever. being the owner or person in charge of any dog. neglects to
restrolin it so that it shall not be at large in any street without being muzzled
and without being secured by a chain lead in any case in which-
(0) he knows that the dog is likely to annoy or intimidate any person. or
(b) the Cantonment Authority has. by public notice during the
prevalence of rabics. directed that dogs shall not be at large
without muzzles and chain leads.
sban b:: punishable with fine which may cxtead to one bundred rupees.
(6) Whocver in a cantonment-
(0) allows any ferocious dog which belongs to him or is in bis cbar;e
to be at large witbout being muzzled. or
(h) sets on or urges any dog or other animal to attack. worry or
intimidate uny person. or
(d knOWing or huving reason to believe that any dog or animal
belonging to him Or in his charge has been biuen by an animal
suffering or reasonably suspected to be .u.f[erina: from rabies.
Cantonmtnts. 397

neglects to give immediate information of the fact to the

Exccuti\lc Officer or gi\lcs information which is false.
shall be punishable with fine which may extend to two bundrN rupees
120. Whoe\ler in driving. leadin, or propelling a vehicle along a street fuils. I~..leol tb,
except in a citse of actual necessity.- road.
(0) to keep to the Itft when passing a vehicle coming from the opposite
direction. or
(h) to keep to the right when pas.'ling 0. vehiclc going in the same
direction as himself.
sh311 be punishable with fine which may extend to 6fty rupees.
Prntnt;on of Firt, ttc.
121. (I) A Cantonment Authority may. by public notice. direct that within Unci
such limits in the cantonment as may be specified in the notice. the roofs and i.SamlNlble
external walls of huts or other buildings shall not. without the permission in buildln.
writing of the Cantonment Authority. be made or renewed of grass. mats. leaves purrOl U
or other inflammable materialS. and may. by notice in writing. require any
person who has disobeyed any such direction as aforesaid to remove or alter
the roofs or walls so made or renewed.
(2) A Cantonment Authority may. by notice in writing. require the owner
of any bui1dbg in the cantonment wbich has an externul roof Or w3,11 made
of any such material as aforesaid to remove such roof or wall within such
time as may be specified in the notice. notwithstanding that a public notice
under sub-section (I) has not been issued or that such roof or waJl was
with the consent of the Cantonment Authority or before the issue of such
public notice:
Provided th.u. in the case of any such roof or walt in existence before
the issue of such a public notice or made with the consent of the Cantunment
Authority. that authority shall make compensation. not ex.cecdin, the orilinal
cost of constructing the roof or wall. for any damage caused by the removal.
lU. A Cantonment Authority may. by public notice. prohibit in any Stactfna or
case where such prohibition appeara to it to be necessary for the pre\ICntion of ooUceU,,
. or property. the stacklRg
danger to hfe . , of wood. dry
or collettlRg 'oft'.bl,
or olher inflammable materials. or the placing of matt: or tbatcbcd huts or the
lightin. of fires in any place in the cantonment. or within any limit. therein.
which may be .peci6ed in the notice.
113. No person shall set a nlked )j,bt on or aear any buildin. in lay Care 0(
street or other public place in a cantonment in such manner as to cause danaer DUell IIM..
of fire ;
Provided that nothin, in this section shall be deemed to prohibit tbe use.
subject to the permission in writing of the Cantonment Authority. of Jilhts for
purposes of illumination on the occasion of a festival or public or priyato
398 CantonmtnlS.

Reeulati<*oI" 124. (I) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Cinematogr:tph Act. DO

dnc.m.alG- exhibilion of pic~urcs or olher optical effects by means of a cincmalogr.lph or
lnrf!lI: aad other like apparatus fur the purpose 0 f Wh'Ie b 10
dramalil:per. . namma b Ie ,.,I ms arc USCu.
fonnl~. and no public drumatie,; performance or pantomime shall be given in an)'
cantonment. elsewhere than in premises for which a licence has been granted
by the Cantonmf>nt Authority under this section.
(2) If the owner of a cinematograph or other apparatus uses the apparatus
or Allows it to be used. or if any person takes any p::lrl in any public
dramatic pedormancc or pantomime. in contravention of the pro\'i'linns of
this section. or if the occupier of any premises allows them to be used in
contravention of the provisions of this section or of any condition of any
lic:nce Iranted under this section. he shall be punishable with fine which may
extend to two hundred rupees. and in the case of a continuin, offence. with
an udditional fbe which may extend to fifty rupees for each day after the first
during which the offence continues.
(3) Nothing in this section sball be deemed to prohibit the giving of any
exhibilion or any dramutic performance or pantomime in any theatre or institute
whieh is Ihe property of the Government where the exhibition. performance or
pantomime is held with the permission and under the control of the military
Diteharciac U5. WhMver in a c:mtonmentdischarges any firc:arm or leis oft' fire-works,
~nns.el\'. or fireballoons. or engages in any game in such manner as to cause or to be
likely 10 cause danger to persons passing by or dwellina or working in the
neiahbourhood or rhk of injury to property shall be liable to fine which may
extend to fift)' rupees.

Power 10 12'. Where in a cantonment any building. or wall. or anything affixed

require th.:reto. or an)' well. tank. reservoir. pool. depression. or exca\'alion. or any
bIlHdinl. bank or tree. is. in the opinion of the Cantonment Authorit)'. in a ruinous state
w.:lls, etc.,
.. be or. for want of sufficient repairs. protection or enclosure. a nuisaoce or
rendered dangerous to petllOns passing by or dwellin& or working in the neighbourhOOd.
the Cantonment Authority may. by notice in writing. require the owner thereof
eith~r to remove the s:tme or to repair. protec:t or enclose the -same in
such manner as it thinks necessary: and. if the danger is. in the opinion of the
Cantonment Authority. imminent. it shall forthwith take such Sfeps as it thinks
necessary to avert the same.

EACIOIure of
1:&1. A Canton men I Authority may. by nOlice in writing:. require the Owner
waite lad or part owner. or person claiming to be Ihe owner or part owner. 1)( :lny

ueeS for
build inc or land in the cantonment. or the lessee or the person claiminllo be
the lessee of :lny such land. which. by reason of disuse or disputed ownership
or olher cause. has remained unoccupied and has become the resort of idle and
disorderly ~rsons or of persons who have no ostensible m~ans of subsistence
or cannot live a satisfactory account of themselves. or is used for gaming or
immo"l purposes. or otherwise occasions or is lik.ely to occlllion a nuisance. to
lCCure and enclose the same within such time as rna)' be spc<:i6ed in the notice.
CQntonm~nll. 399


SunifUry Alllhurilies.
121. The following officers shall. for the purposes of sanitation. haw Relpoet-
controlo\'er. and be responsible (or maintaining in a sanitary condition. those ~=:~~.
parts of ;). cantonment. respectively. which are specified in the case of each. that
is to say:-
(a) the Offie.::r Commanding the station-all buildings tint.! lands which
are occupied or us~d for military purposes:
Cb) the Officer Commandina the air forces in the cantonment-all
buildinas and lands which are occupied or used for air-force
(d the head of Olny civil department or railway administration occupying
. as such any part of the cantonment-a.lI buildings OInd lands in his
chOirge as head of that department or administration.

ut. (I) The Health Officer shall exercise a general sanitary supervision Geaeral
over the whole cantonment. and shall submit monthly to the Cantonment ~~~Of
Authority a report as to the sanitary condition of the cantonment. together Officer.
with such recommendations in connection therewith as he thinlcs fit.
(2) The Assistant Health Offtcer shall perform such duties in connection
with the s:anitation of the cantonment as are. subj(ct tu the (ontrol of the
Cantonm:nl Authority. allotted to him by the Health Oflker.

Congrvancy and Sanilalion.

131. All public latrines and urinals providtd or maintained by a Public
Cuntonment Authority shall be so constructed 81 to provide "parak ~l*:::"and
compartments for each sex and not to be nuisance. and shall be provided coa'e"ano:y
with all necessary conservancy establishments. and shall reaularly be cleansed =~~Ih.
and kept in proper order.
131. (I) On the application or with the consent of the occupier of any Power"
building or land. or. where the occupier of any building or land (ails to make Caa~ODmtnt
arranacmenu M the satisfaction of the Cantonment Authurity for the matten ~:ro:-Zto
referred to in this section. without such consent. and alter livinl notice in prh-alc.
writin. to the occupier. a Cantonment Authority may undertake the house =;:~J of an)' building or land in the cantonment for aueh period as it apeat_.
thinks lilt on such terms .s it may prescribe in this behalf.
(2) Where the Cantonment Authority has undertaken the duties referred
to in this Stction. aU matter removed in the performance of such duli" Jball
be the property of that Authority.
(3) For the purposes of this sectioa." house JDCana the
removal of 61th or rubbish or other offensive IDItter from a privy. latrine. urinal.
dr.lin. cesspool. or other common receptac:Je.for IUCb matter.

DtP.lIJt aad 131:. (I) Every Cantonment Authority s11all provide or appoint. in proper
o.IispollallJfand convenient situations. public receptacles. depOts (lr places for the temporary
rubbish. cle.
deposit or disposal of household rubbish. offensive maUer. careas of dead
animals and sewage.
(2) The Cantonment Authority may. by public notice. issue directions as to
the time at which. the manner in which. and the conditions subject to which. any
mailer referred to in subsection (I) may be removed along a street or may be
deposited or otherwise disposed of.
(.1) All maller d.::posited in receptacles. depOts or places provided or
appointed under this section shall be the pro!'Crty of the Cantonment Authority.
roctptaclel 133. The Executive Officer of uny cuntonment may. by notice in writing.-
lor !lith. etc. (u) require any person having the control whether as owner. lessee or
occupier of uny land or building in the cantonment-
(j) to close uny cesspool appertaining to the land or building which
is. in the opinion of the Executive Officer. a nuisance. or
(ij) to "eep in a clean condition. in such manner as may be
prescribed by the notice. uny rtceptacle for filth or sewage
accumulating on the lllnd or in the building. or
Wi) to prevent the water of any private latrine. urinal. sink or
bath-room. or any other otfensive matter. from soaking.
draining or flowing. or being put. from the land or building
upon any street or other public plac::. Or into any watercourse
or intu any drain nl,)t intended for the purpose. or
(jv) to collect llnd deposit for removal by the conservancy establish
ment of the Cantonment Authority. within such time and in
such receptacle or place. situate at not more than one hundred
feet from the nearest boundary of the premises. as
may be specified in the notice. any offensive matter or rubbish
which such person has allow~ to IIccumuhlte or remain
under. in or on such building or land; or
(bJ require any person to desist from making or altering any drain
leading into a public dr-lin; or
(r) require any person having the control of a dr''''in in the cantonment
to cleanse. purify. repair or :liter the same. or otherwise put it
in lood order. within such time as may be specified in lhe notice.
134. (I) Where any well. tank. cistern. reservoir. receptacle. or other
place in tbe cantonment where water is stored or accumulates. whether
within any private enclosure I,)r not. is in such a condition as to create .:l.
nuisar.ce or. in the opinion of the Health Officer or the Assistant Health
Officer. is or is likely to be a breeding place for mosquiloes. the Cantonment
Authority may. by notice in writinJ. require the owner. lessee or occupier therc(,lf.
within such period 8S may be specified in the notice. to fill up or cover the
well. cistern. reservoir or receptacle. or to fill up the tank. or to dOlin off or
remove the water, as the case may be.
Cantonments. 401
(2) The Cantonment Authority may. if it thinks fit. with the previous
sanction of the Officer Commanding-in-Chief. the Command. meet the whole
or any portion of the expenses incurred in complying with a requisition
under sub-section (1).
US. A Cantonment Authority may. by notice in writing. require the Pl'O"i.loD at
owner or lessee of any building or land in the cantonment to provide. in such Jalrln~ etc.
m;J,nner as may be specified in the notice. any latrine. urinal. cesspool. dustbin
or other receptacle for flUh. sewage. or rubbish. or any additional latrine. urinal.
cesspool or other receptacle as aforesaid. which should. in its opinion. be
provided for the building or land.

136. Every person employing. whether on behaJr of the Government or Sanlbtion In

otherwise. more than ten workmen or labourer~. and every person managing ,adorles,etc,
or having control of a market. school. theatre or other place of public resort.
in ;J, cantonment shall give notice of the fact to thl: c.antonment Authority,
and shall provide such latrines and urinals. and shall employ such number of
sweepers. as the Cantonment Authority thinks lit. and shall cause Ihe latrines
and urinals to be kept clean and in proper order:
Provided thal nothing in this seclion shall apply in the Case of a factory
to which the Factories Act applies.

137. A Cantonment Authority may. by notice in wtltmg.- P..h~l~

(tI) require the owner or other person having Ihe control of any
privale latrine or urin:d in the cantonment not to put the same
to public use: or
(h) where any pl:ln for the construction of private latrines or urinals
has been approved by the Canlonmenl Authority. and copies
thereof may be oblained free of charge on applicalion.-
0) require any person repairing or constructing any private lalrine
or urinal nol to allow the same to be used until il has been
inspected by or under Ihe direction of. the Health Officer and
approved by him as conforming with such plan. or
(ii) require any person having control of any private latrine or
urinal to re-build or alter the same in accordance with such
plan; or
Cd require Ihe owner or the person having control of any such
privale lalrine or urinal which. in the opinion of Ihe Canlonment
AUlhorit)'. conslitutes u nuisance. to remove Ihe lalrine or
urinal: or
(d) require any person having the control whether as owner. lessee or
occupier of any land or building in Ihe canlonment-
(0 10 have any lalrines provided for Ihe same shut oul by a sutlicient
roof and wall or fence from Ihe view of persons passing by
or dwelling in Ihe neighbourhood. or

402 Catllvnnlents.

(ii) to cleanse in such manner as the Cantonment Authority may

specify in the oolice any latrine or urinal belonging to tbe
land or building: or
(t') require any person being tbe owner and having the control of any
drain in the cantonment to provide. wilhin ten days from the
service of the notice. such covering as may be specified in the
RCll"lo\aIO{ 131. (1) Where it appears to a Cantonment Authority that any block of
conlcstcd buildings in the cantonment is in an unhealthy condition by reason of the
manner in which the buildings ore crowded together. or of the narrowness or
closelless of the street. or of the want of proper drainage or ventHation. or of
the impracticability of cleansing the buildings or other similar cause. it may
cause the block: to be inspected by a committee consisting of-
(u) the Hea1th Officer.
(h) the Civil Surgeon of the district or. if his services are not available.
some other medical officer of the Government.
(-) the Executive Engineer or a person depuled by the Euculive
Engineer in this behalf. and
(d) where there is a Board. two non-of5c:ial members thereof.
(2) The committee shall mate a report in writing to the Cantonment
Authority regarding the sanitary condition of the block. and. if
it considers that the condition thereof is likely to cause risk of disease to the
inhabitants of the building or of the neighbourhood or otherwise to endanger
the public health. iI shall clearly indicate, on a plan verified by the
Executive Engineer or the person deputed by him to serve on the committee,
the buildings which should. in its opinion. wholly or in part be removed in
order to abate the unhealthy condition of the bloclc.
(3) ]f, upon receipt of such report. the Cantonment Authority is of
opinion that all or any buildings indicated should be removed. it may. by
notice in writing. require the owners thereof to remove them:
Provided that the Cantonment Authority shall make compensation to tile
owners for any buildings 10 removed which may have been erected under
proper authority:
Pro'Yided further. that the Cantonment Authority may. if it considers it
equitable in the circumstances so 10 do. pay to Ihe owners sueh sum as it
thinks fil as compensation for any buildings so remond which have not been
erected under proper authority.
(4) For the purposes of this section" buildings" includes enclosure wallS
and fences appertaining to buildings.
Ov\,.- 139. (J) Where it appears to a Cantonmeot Authority that any building
CfO""dinlOf or pan of a bullding in the cantOnmeot which is used as a dwelling house is so
d"dUD!!: over crowded u to endanger the health of the inmates thereof. it may. after
luch inquiry al it thinks fit. by notice in writina require the owner or occupier
of tbe buildiJII. or part thereof. as the case may be. within such time ROt
Canlon~nt&. 403

being less than one month as may be specified in the notice. to abate tbe
overcrowding of the same by reducing the number at Jodgen. tenants. or other
inmat~s to such number as may be specified in tbe notice.
(2) Any person who fails. without reasonable cause. to comply with a
reqUisition made upon him under subsection (1) shaH be punishable with fine
which may extend to fifty rupees. and. in the case of a continuing offence. to
an additional fine which may extend to five rupees for every day after the
first during which the failure has continued.
140. (I) Where any building in a cantonment is so iII~nstructed or I'ower 10 reo
dilapidated ns to be. in the opinion of the Cantonment Authority. in an quJre reralr
insanitary state. the Cantonment Authority may. by notic in writina. require ,,1 buUdinl.
the owner. within such time as may be specified in the notice. to execute such
repairs or to make such alterations us it thinks necessary for the purpose of
remtwing such defects.
(2) A copy of every notice issued under subsection (I) shall be
conspicuously posted on the building to which it relates.
(3) A notice issued under sub-section (I) shall be deemed to have been
complied with if the owner of the building to which it relatet has. instead of
executing the repairs or making the alterations directed by the notice. removed
the building.
141. (1) The Executive Officer may. by notice in writing. require the
owner. lessee or occupier oC any building or hand in the cantonment. which or
reqtli re Iud
btliklln to
appears to him to be in a filthy or insanitary state. within twenty-four hours be c1U"ll:\J.
t':) cleanse the same or otherwise put it in a proper Itate. in such manner as
may be s))CCified in the notice.
(2) If. within three months from the date of the service of a notice under
sub-section (I). any building or land in respect of which the notice was issued is
ugain in a filthy or insanitary state. the owner. lessee or occupier. as the case
may be. shall be punishable with fine which may extend to two hundred rupees.
142. If a Cantonment Authority is .atisfied that any building or part of a Power to
building in the cantonment which i. intended for or used as a dwelling place i. order'dl'UN
Of house.
unfit for human habitation. it may cause a notice to be posted on SOme
conspicuous part of the building prohibiting the owner or occupier thereof
from using the building or room for human habitation. or allowins: it to be so
used. until it has been rendered fit for such use to the satisfaction of the
Cantonment Authority.
Ie. A Cantonment Authority may. by notice in writiaa. require tbe Rrmo\elOf
owner. lessee. or occupier of any land in the cantonment to clear away and 1l0:PoUl
remove any thick or noxious vegetation or undergrowth wbich apPears to it to
be injurious to health or offensive to persons residing in tbe ociabbourbood.
144. Where. in the opinion of a Cantonment Authority. the cultivatioD Aerblture
in the cantonment of any description of crop or the use therein of any kind of ,ad
manure or the irrigation of an)' land therein in any specified manner is likely lnicaUon.
to be injurious to the health of persons dwelling in the neighbourhood. the
Cantonment Authority may. by public notice. prohibit such cultivation. use or
irrigation after such date as may be spet:ified in the notice. or m~~. by a like
notice. direct that it shall be carried out subject to such conditions as the
Cantonment Authority thinks fit:
Provided that if. when a notice is issued under this section. any land to
which it relates has been lawfully prepared for cultivation or any crop is sown
therein or is standing thereon. the Cantonment Authority shall. if it directs
that the notice is to take effect on a date earlier than that by which the crop
would ordinarily be sown or reaped. as the case may be. make compensation
to all persons interested in the land or crop for the loss. if any. incurred by
them respectively by reaSon of compliance with the notice.

Burial and Bllmi,,/? Gmunds.

Power 10 call 145. A Cantonment Authority may. by notice in Wfltlng. require the
for inform.,.. owner or person in charge of any burial or burning ground in the cantonment
tlon rej!;ard
Ing burial to supply such information as may be specified in the notice concerning the
and b:lrnillg condition. management or position of such ground.
Permission 146. (I) No place in a cantonment which has not been used as a burial
for use Of or burning ground before the 1st May. 1924. 1 shall be so used without the
new burial
liT bl'rnine: permission in writing of the Cantonment Authority.
ground. (2) Such permission may be granted subject to any conditions which the
Cantonment Authority thinks fit to impose for the purpose of preventing annoy-
ance to. or danger to the health of. persons residing in the neighbourhood.
Power to
require 147. (I) Where a Cantonment Authority. after making or causing to be
dOling ol made local inquiry. is of opinion that any burial or burning ground in the
burial or
bllrnin& cantonment has become offensive to. or dangerous to the health of. persons
Mfalnd. living in the neighbourhood. it may. with the previous sanction of the President
of the Union. by notice in writing. require the owner or person in charge of such
ground to close the same from such date as may be specified in the notice.
(2) Where the President of the Union saoetions the issue of any notice
under sub-section (I). he shall declare the conditions on which the burial or
burning ground may be re-opened. and a copy of such declaration shall be
annexed to the notice.
(.1) Where the President of the Union sanctions the issue of any such
notice. he sh:\11 require a new burial or burning ground to be provided 3t the
expense of the cantonment fund. or. if the community concerned is wil1ing to
provide a new burial or burning ground. the President of the Union shall require
a ,rant to be made from the cantonment fund towards the cost of the same.
(4) No corpse shall be buried or burnt in any burial or burning ground in
respect of which a notice issued under this section is for the time being in force.
I nate Of ~oa:Ul\em:ell1ent of till, Act.

of the Government.
148. The provisions of sections 145. 146 and 147 shall not apply in the I:.llcu:ption
case of any burial ground which is for the time being managed by or on behalf Of
'ectiona 145
to 147.

149. A Cantonment Authority may. by public notice. prescribe routC3 in Kemovat Of

the cantonment by which alone corpses may be removed to burial or burning

rrcwmtitm uf In!('ctious ur Cuntagious Disease,.

ISO. Any person being in charge of. or in attendance. whether as a medi- 10 OblililU'm
cal practitioner or otherwise. upon any person in a cantonmer'lt whom he inl"nnalion
knows or haS reason to believe to be suffering from a contl:lgious or infectious 01 ill(e-cllol"
or collbgiOlll
disease. or being the owner. lessee or occupier of any building in a cantonment dlaeuea.
in which he knows that any such person is so suffering. shall. if he fails to
give information. or if he gives false information. to the Cantonment Authority
respecting the existenCe of such disease. be punishable with fine which may
extend to one hundred rupees:
Provided that no person shall be punishable unucr this section for failure
to give information if he had reasonable cuuse to believe that the information
had alreauy been duly given:
Provided further. that this section shall not apply in the C!lSC of venereal
disease where the penon suffering thercrrom is under specific and adequate
medical treatment and is. by reason of his habits and conditions of life and
residence. unlikely to spread the disease.
151. (t) In the event of a cantonment being visited or threatened by an Srec:ial In
outbreak of 8ny infectious or contagious diSCOlsc among the inhabitants thereof ~:a;:ut.
or of any epidemic disease among any animals therein. the Officer Comman- 01
dins-in.Chief. the Command. if he thinks tbat the provisions of this Act or of ~';!t:::~i~' or
any law for the lime being in force in the cantonment are insufficient for the dl.caHL
purpose. may with the previous sanction of the President of the Union.-
(a) take such special meaSures. and
(b) by public notice. make such temporary regUlations to be observed
by the public or by any class or ~tion of the public. as he thinkJ
necessary to prevent the outbreak or the spread of tbe disease:
Provided that. where in the opinion of the Officer Commanding-in-Chief.
the Command. immediate measures are necessary. he may take action without
such sanction as aforesaid and if he does so, shall forthwith report such action
to the President of the Union.
(z) Whoever commits a breach of any temporary regulation made under
sub-scction (I) shall be deemed to have committed an offence under section 188
of the Penal Code.
406 C{""Ollnte"".

Power to 15%. Where it is certified to the Executive Officcr by a medical practitioner

require dr.ll the outbreak. or spread of any infectious or contagious disease in
names .H
dairymaD the cantonmcnt is. in the opinion of such medical practitioner. attributable to the
cUitomen. milk supplied by any dairyman. the Executive Officer may. by notice in writing.
require the dairyman. within such time as may be specified in the notice. to
furnish him with a full and complete list of the names and addresses of <Ill his
customers wilhin the cantonment. or to give him such information as will cnable
him to trace the persons to whom the dairyman has sold milk.

POWcf to 153. Where it is cetlified to the Executive Officl'r by thc Health OUiecr
require that it is dcsirublc. with a view to prcyent the spread of any infectious
namell of a
wllJIhenn:lII', or contagious disease in the cantonment. that the Health Officer should
cllItomen. be furnished with a list of the customers of any washerman. the Executive Officer
may. by notice in writing. require the washerman. within a time to be specified
In lhc notice. to furnish the Health Officer with a full and complete list of the
names and addresses of all owners within the cantonment of clothes and other
articles which the washerman washes or hus wushed during the six weeks
immcdi!llely preceding the date of the notice.

Rep..>rt alter 154. Where. after inspection. the Health Officer is of oplllion that any
inllpection oj
dairy or infectious or conbgious disease is eaused or is likely 10 arise in the C:lntonment
washc:f11\an'lS from the cO;lsumption of the milk supplied (rom a dairy or (rom the w:lshillg
pbceor of clothes or other articles in any place. or (rom any process employed by a
washer man. he shall report the matter to Ihe Executive Officer.

Actionem 155. Upon receipt of a report submitted by the HeaHh Officer under
report section 154. the Exccuti ...c OBieer may. by notice in writing.-
lI11bmitted h)'
Health (tI) prohibillhe supply of milk from the uairy until the notice has been
withdrawn: or
(b) prohibit the washerman from washing clothes or other articles in
any such place or by any such process as aforesaid until
the notice hus been withdrawn. or unless he uses such place in
such manner. or washes by such process. as the Executive Officer
may direct in the notice.
t;l{amln.,UOQ 156. The Health Officer may take possession of any milk. clothes or other
of milk or articles which are or have recently been in the possession of any dairyman on
clothes. whom u notice has been served under section 152. or of any clothes or
other articles which lire or have recently been in the possession of any
washerman On whom a notice has been served under section 153, and
may subject the same or cause the same to be subjected to such chemical or
other process as he may think n(e~ssary : and the Cantonment Authority shull
pay (rom the cantonment fund all the eoSI~ (If the process. <lnd shall alr.o p:ly
to the owner of the milk. clothes or other articles su~h sum as eom~nsation
for any losa occasioned by such process as may appear to it to be reasonable.

151. Whoc\'cr in a cantonmcnt- Contamin..

lion tIl.
(tI) uses a public conveyance while sutrering from an infectious or public COIt.o
contagious disease. or
(h) uscs a public conveyance for the carriage of a person who is suffering
from any such disease. or
(c) uscs a public conveyance for the carriage ()f the corpse of u person
who has died from any such disease.
sh..a.lI be bound to take proper precautions against the communication of the
disease to other persons using or who may thereafter use the conveyance and
to notify such use to the owner. driver or person in charge of the conveyance:.
"lid further to reporl without dclay to the Executivc Ofticcr the number of the
conveyance and the n.. me of the person 50 notified.

151. (I) Where any person sufferinS from. or the corpse of any person nimfecllCl
01 public
who has died from. "n infectious or contagious disease has been carried in a conweyance.
pUblic conveyance which ordinarily plies in a cantonmeDt. the driver thereof shall
forthwilh report the filct 10 the Executive Oflicer. who shall forthwith cause the
conveyance to be disinfected if that has not already been done.
(Z) No such conveyance shall be brought again into use until the Execultve
Officer has granted a certificale stating that it can be used without causing risk
of infection.

is required to make by section 157 or .section 15g shall be punishable with fiDe
which may extend to one hundred rupees.
ISf. Whoc\'er hils to make 10 the Executive Officer any report which he Pea.alty rOl'

1". Notwithstanding anything contitincd in any law for the time beiDI iD D,her of
force. no owner. driver or person in charge of a public conveyance shall C:~"et
be bound to conveyor 10 allow to be conveyed in such conveyance in or in the :arry ~~
vicinity of a cantonment any person suffering fronl an infectious or contagious rlfferirl
disease ('If the corpse of any person who has died from sucb disctlsc unless and i:t1011. (II'

until such r>eesan pays or tenders a sum sufficient to cover an~ loss and expense ('onlaClou.
which woulll ordinarily be incurred in disinfecting the convey.lDee. cUlcaRl.

1'1. Where a Cantonment Authority is. upon the advice of the Health Disin,edioft
Officer.of. Opi.Rion that the cleansinl and disi~fection of any or put :=~itll
of a bulldmg In the c3ntonment or of any articles in any such bUlldlO1 or part tbt:n:iao
which are likely 10 retain infection. or tbe renewal of the floorina of any such
building or part of such buildina. would tend to prevent or check. the spread
of any i.nfcclious or contagious disea&e. it may. by notice in Wlhina:. require the
owner or occupier to cleanse and disinfect tbe said building. part or articles.
as the case may be. or to renew the said ftooring y,ithin such time as may be
specified in the notice:
Provided that where. in the opinion of the Cantonment Authority.
lhe owner or cCcupier is from poverty or any other cause unable effectually to
carry out any such requisition. the Cantonment Authority may. at the expense
408 Cuntonmtnl$.

of the cOlntonntent fund. cleanse and disinfect the building. part or articles. or. as
the case may be. renew the Rooring.

Cestnc:lion 16%. (I) Where the destruction of any hut or shed in a cantonment is. in
of mfcdi"us the opinion of the Cantonment Authority. necessary to prevent the spread of any
but or shed.
infectious or contagious disease. the Cantonment Authority may. by notice in
writing. require the owner to destroy the hut or shed and the materials
thereof within such time 'IS may be specified in the notice.
(2) Where the Chairman of a Board. or. where there is no Board.
the Officer Commanding the stalion. is satisfied that the destruction of any hut
or shed in the cantonment is immediately necessary for the purpose of
preventing the spread of any inrectious or contagious disease. he may order
the owner or occupier of the hut or shed to destroy the same forthwith.
or m..y himself cause it to be destroyed after giving not less than two hours'
notice to the owner or occupier thereof.
(3) The Cantonment Authority shall pay compensation (0 the owner
of any hut or shed destroyed under this section.

Temporary 163. The Cantonment Authority shall provide rree of charge temporary
abellef for
irunaJ.u of sheller or house accommodation for the members of any family in which an
disinfected Of' infectious or contagious disc::asc has appeared who have been compelled to
leave their dwelling by reason oC any proceedings taken unl.ler section 161 or
hcd. section 162. and who l.Iesire such sheller or accommodation as aforesaid to be
provided for them.

Di,hlfediou 164. (I) Where in a cantonment any building or part of::a building is
01 buildinJ: intended to be let in which any person has, within the six weeks immediately
before lelbng
the san:e. preceding. becn suffering from an infectious or contagious disease. the person
Ictting the building or part shall before doing so disinfect the samC in such manner
as the Cantonment Authority may. by public or special notice. direct. together
with 0111 articles therein liable to retain infection.
(2) For the purposes of this section. the keeper of an hotel. lodging
house or s~"ui shall be deemed to let to any person who is admitted as a
guest therein that part of the building in which such person is permiued
to reside.

Diapoulof 165. No person shall. without previous disinfection of the same. give.
i_fecled lend. sell. transmit or otherwise dispose of to another person any article or
without thing which he knows or has reason to believe has been exposed to
dMnfecllOfI. contamination by any infectious or contagious disease am) Is likely to be used
in. or taken into. lJ. cantonment

Mens of 166. (I) Every Cantonment Authority shatl-

(a) provide proper places with necessary attendants and apparalUS for
the disinfection ot conveyanct5. clothing. bedding or other
articles which have been exposed to infection;
CQntonn~ntl. 409
(b) cause conveyances. clothing or other articles brought for disinfection
to be disinfected either free of charge or on payment of such
charges as it may fix.
(2) A Cantonment Authority may notify places at which articles of
clothing. bedding. conveyances or other articles which have been exposed to
infection shall be was!':cd. and. if it does so. no person shall wash any luch
thing at any place not so notified without havina previously disinfected
such thing.
(3) The Chairman of a Board or. where there is no Board. the Officer
Commanding the station. may direct the destruction of any clothing. bedding
or other article in th~cantonment likely to retain infection. and may give sucb
compensation as he thinks fit for any article so destroyed.

1". Whoever. while sulTering from. or in circumstances in which be is NukiIC 01"

likely to spread. any infectious or contagious disease.- ICULnt:of
food, etc. or

(a) makes. carries or oUers for sale in a cantonment or takes any part w;llhln.
c!nlbCl by
in the business of making. carrying or ofl'erina for sale therein infected
any article of food or drink. or any medtcine or drug for human
consumption. or any article of clothing or bedding for penonal
use or wear. or
(b) takes any part in the business of the washing or carrying of c:lothet.
shall be puniShable with fine which may extend to one hundred rupeeS.

168. When a cantonment is visited or threatened by an outbreak of any Power 10

infectious or contugious disease. the Cantonment Authority may. by public realriel or
prohi bl t ule
notice. restrict in such manner or prohibit for such period. as may be: specified of food cw
in the nolice. thc sale or preparation of any article of food or drink for human ""nk.
consumption specified in the notice or the sale of any flesh of .ny description
of animals so specified.

169. (1) If a Cantonment AuthorilY is of opinion that the water in any Control o,"er
wcll. tank or other place is likely. if used for drinking. to engender. or cause well.. tanb.
the spread of. any discase. it may.- etc.
(0) by public notice. prohibit the removal or use of such water for
drinking; or
(b) by notice in writing. require the owner or person haVing control
of such well. tanle or place to take such steps as may be directed
by the notice to prevent the public from havina access to or
using such water; or
(co) taJ;c such other steps as it may consider expedient to prevent
the outbreak or spread of lIny such disease.
(Z) In the event of a cantonment or any part of a cantonment beina
Visited or Ihreutened by an oUlbretlok. of any infectious or contaJious disease.
Ihe Health Officer or any person authorized by him in this behalf may.
without notice and at any time. inspect and disinfect any well. tank or other
410 CQntomntllts.

place from which watcr is. or is likely to be. taken for the purposcs of drinking.
and may further take such steps as he thinks fit to ensure the purity of the
water or to prevent the usc of thot; same for drinking purposes.
D1.poulol 17'. Where any person has died in a cantonment from any infec:tious or
Inftctioul contagious disease. the Executive Officer muy. by not icc ill writing,-
(I) require any person having charge of the corpse to convey the samc
to a mortuary. thereafter to b~ disposed of. in accordance with
law; or
(b) prohibit the removal of the corpse from Ihe place where death
occurred except for the purpose of being buried or burned or of
being conveyed to a mortuary.
Hospitals and D;s~llsa,its.

Wainte. 171. (I) A c-",ntonment Authority may-

.nee 01'
1Iidiarof (cr) provide and maintain either within or without the C<lntonment <IS
hOlpibh or many hospitals and dispensaries as it thinks tit ; or
(b) make. upon such terms as iL thinks fit to impose. a gr<lnt-in-aid (0
any hospital or dispensary. whether within or without the
cantonment. not maintained by it.
(2) Every hospital or dispensary maintained or aided under sub-section
(I) shall have aUached to it a ward or wards for the treatmcnt of p..:rsons
sufferin. from infectious or contagious discases.
(3) A medical officer. appointed in such munner as lhe President uf the
Union may direct. sh.all be: in eharee of every hospital or dispensary maintained
or aided under tbis section_
"'edical 171. (I) Every hospital or dispensary maintained or aidcd under section
_rrll u 171 shall be maintained in accordance with any general or special orders of
.tc. the President of the Union foc the conduct of hospitals and dispensaries or
in uccordance with the said orders modified in such manner as the President of
the Union thinks fit.
(2) The Cantonment Authority Shall cause every such hospital or
dispensary to be provided with all requisite drugs. instruments. apparatus,
furniture and appliances and with 5uflicient cots. bedding and clothing for

173. At every hospital or dispensary maintained Or aided under section
171. the s~k poor of the cantoo.ment. and other inhabitants of the canton.
ment suKerinc from infeclious or contugioUi diseases. and. with the sanction
of th~ Cantonment Authority. any other .ick penons. m:ay Nccive medical
treatment free of cost. and. if trCOlted as in-palients. shall be either dicted
gratuitously or. if the m~ical officer in charge so direct&:. shall be granted sub-
sistence allowance On such scale as the Cantonment Authority may fix :
Provided that the subsistence allowance shall not be less than the lowest
allowunce for the time beinl filtcd for the ubsistence of judaml,lRt debh,\l'$ by
the President of the Union under $Cetion 57 of tbe Code of Civil Procedure
CQ"'01Jln~"'s. 411
174. Any sick person who is incligiblc to receive medical treatment free Payln,:::
of cost in any hospital or dispensary under section 173 may be admitted to patlenb.
treatment therein upon luch terms 31 the Cantonment Authority thinks fit.

175. (I) If the Health Officer or the medical officer in charge of a Power to
order penOll
hospital or disjlcnsary maintained or aided under section 171 has reason to to allead
believe that any person living in the cantonment is suffering from an hospital or
infectious or contagious disease. he may, by notice in writing. call upon such
person to :.lttend for e"'amination at any such hospital or dispensary at such
time as may be specified in the notice and not to quit it without the per-
mission ot the mecJical officer in charge; and. on the arrival of such person
at the hospital or dispensary. the medical officer in charge thereof may
examine him for the purpose of satisfying himself whether or not such person
is suffering from an infectious or contagious disease:
Provided that. if having regard to the nature of the disease or the condi-
tion of the person sulTering therefrom. or lhe general environment and
circumstances of such person. the Health Officer or medical officer. as the calC
may be. considers that the attendance of luch person at a hospital or
cJispensary is likely to prove unnecessary or inexpedient, he sball examine
such person at such person's own residence.
(2) If any person. on cumination under sub-section (I), i. Cound to be
suffering from an infectious or contagious discase. the Health Officcr or
medical officer. as the case may be. may cause him to be detained in hospital
until he is frec from the infection or contagion:
Provided that, jf having regard to the nature of the disease or tbe condi-
tion of the person suaerin, therefrom. or the general environment and
circumstances of such person. he considcr. that the detention of such person
at a hospital or dispensary is unnecessary or inexpedient. he shall discharge
such person and take .uch mcasures or give such directions in tbe matter a.
he thinks necessary.

176. (I) If the Health Officer or the medical offICer in charge of a Powedo
hospital or dispensary maintainzd or aided under sectiOn 171 reports in e-c1odefrom
writing to the Officer Commanding the &tation that any person havina received penon.
a notice under ICCtion 175 has refused or omitted to attend at the hospital or refllSinllo
alr-d hOl-
dispensary specified in the notice. or that such person. having attended the plca! or
hospital or dispensary, has quitted it without the permission of such medical di'pc;n_y.
officer, or th:1t any person has failed to comply with any direction given to
him under section 175. the Officer Commanding the station may. by order in
writing. direct luch person to remove from the cantonmenl within twenty-four
hours and not to re-enter it without his permission in writing.
(2) No person who has under subsection (I) been ordered to remove
from and not to re-enter 3. cantonment shaU enler any other cantonment in
the Union of Burmil withoUI the writlen perminion of the Officer Com-
mancJinglbe statioa.
412 Calltonments.

Control Qf TraDic for Hygienic PurP<Jse5.

Roults for 177. (0 A Cantonment Authority may provide or prescribe suitable
pilc:riml ad routes for the use of persons passing through the cantonment-
"""n. (0) on tbeir way to or from fairs or places of pilgrimage or other
places of public reaort : or
(bl during tim~s when an infectious or contagious discJs~ is prevalent:
and may. by public notice. require such persons as aforesaid to USoC such
routes and no others.
(2) All routes provided or prescribed under sub-section (n shall be
clearly and sufficienlly indicated by the Cantonment Authority.

Special Condition, recarding Ellential Services.

Condllioolo' 178. (I) Whoever. being a sweeper employed by a Cantonment Authority
Iwetrefl. in the absence of a wrinert contract authorizing him so to do and without
reasonable cause. resigns his employment or <.Ibsents himself (rom his duty
without having given one month's notice to the Cantonment Authority. or
nrglccts or reluses to perform his duties. or any of them. shall be punishable
with imprisonment whieh muy extend to one month.
(2) The President of the Union may. by notification in the Gazette.
direct that. on and from such date as may be .pecified in the notification. the
provisions of this section .hall apply in the case of any specified claSl of
servants employed by a Cantonment Authority whose functions intim ltely
concern the public health or safety.
(J) For the purpose of this section... sweeper" includes any menial
servant employed by a Cantonment Authority in the r.emoval or disposal of
filth or rubbish.

179. (I) Whoever intends to crect or reerect any building in a canton-
0' ment shall give notice in writing of his intention to the Cantonment Authority.
bWldlQ&tl. (2) For the purposes of this Act. a person shall be deemed to crect or
reoercet a building wh~-
(a) mates any material alteration or enlarscment af any building. or
(b) converts into a place for human habitation any building not
oricinally constructed for that purpose. or
(c) converts iato more tban one place for human babitadon a buUdinS
oriJioaUy constructed as one such place. or
(d) con\'Crt1 two or more places of human babitation into a Sreater
number of such places. or
(e) converts into a stable. cattle-shed or cowhousc any buildin,
origiaally constructed for human habitation. or
(J) mates any alter.tion whicb there lJ rcuon. to beJieve is likel)' to
a:fcet prejudicially the ability or mety of any building or the
Cantonment,. 413

condition of any building in respect of drainage. sanitation or

hygiene. or
(g) makes any alteration to any building which increases or diminishes
the height of. or area covered by. or the cubic capacity of. the
buUding. or which reduces the cubic capacity of any room in tbe
building below the minimum prescribed by any byelaw made
under this Act.
1". (I) A person living the notice required by section 179 shalhpecify Condition' of
\aIid IKltlee.
the purpose for which it is intended to use the building to which such notice
(2) No notice shall be valid until the information required under sub-
section (t) and any further information and plans which may be required
under bye-laws made under this Act have been furnished to the satisfaction
of the Cantonment Authority along with the notice.

Ill. (I) The Cantonment Authority m:ay either refuse to sanction the PowerOl
erection or re.erection. as the case ma.y be. of the building. or may 13DCtion ~~t;":O
it either absolutely or subject to such direction a. it think. fit to make in ,.lIdloo or
writing in respect of all or any of the following matters, namely:- mae.
(a) the (ree passage or way to be left in front of the building:
(b) the space to be left about the buildina to lCCure free circulation
of air and facilitate scav~nging and the prevention of fire;
(c) the ventilation of the building. the minimum cubic area of the
rooms and the number and height of lhe .toreys of which the
building may consist;
(d) the provi.ion and position of drain latrines. urinal cesspools or
other receptacles for filth;
(,) the level and width of the foundation. the level of tbe lowest floor
and the stability of the structure;
(0 the line of frontage with neighbouring buildinaa if the buUdin.
abuts On a street;
(g) the means to be provided for egress from the buildina in Case of
(h) the materials and method of construction to be tIIOd for external
and party walls for rooms. floors. fireplaces and chimney.;
(;) the height and slope of the roof above the uppermost floor upon
which human beings are to live or cooking operaUoAl arc to be
C:l.fricd on ; and
U) any other matter affecting the ventilation and sanitation of the
and (he person erecting or re-crecting the buildina 'hall obey aU .uch writtelll
direction. in every particular.
(2) u the Cantonment Authority decides to refuse to ..oction the cree.
don or r~-ereetion of the buildiD,. it shan communicate in writin, the rcaso.
for .PoaCh ref.....1 to tbe person by whom the notice 'Nil given.
414 Cantonments.

(3) Where the Cantonment Authority neglecrs or omits. for one month
after the receipt of a valid notice, to make and deliver to the person who has
given the notice any order of any nature specified in this section. and such
person thereafter. by a written communic!1tion sent by registered post to the
Cantonment Authority. calls the attention of the Cantonment Authority to
the neglect or omission. then. if such neglect or omission continues for a
further period of fifteen days from the date of such communication. the
Cantonment Authority shall be deemed to have given sanction 10 the erection
or re-erection. as the case may be. unconditionally.
(4) The Cantonment Authority olay refuse to sanction the erection or
re~rection (If any building either on grounds affecting the particular building
or in pursuance of a general scheme sanctioned by the Officer Commanding
in-Chief. the Command. restricting the erection or reerection of buildings
within specified limits for the prevenlion of overcrowding or in the interests
of persons residing within such limits or (ur any other public purpose.

CompenQ. 181. (I) No compensation 'hall be claimable by any person (or any
Iioo. damage or 1011 which he may sustain in consequence of the re(usal of the
Cantonment Authority of sanction to the erection of any bUilding or in respect
of any direction issued by it under subsection (I) of section 181.
(2) The Cantonment Authority shall make compensation to the owner of
any building for any actual damage or loss sustained by him in consequence
of lhe prohibition of the reerection of any building or of its requiring any
land belonging to him to be added to the street:
Provided that the Cantonment Authority shall not be liable to make uny
compensation in respect of the prohibition of the reerection of any bUilding
which for a period of three yellf$ or more immediately preceding such refusal
has not been in existence or has been unfit (or human habitation.

183. Every sanction for the erection or reerection of a bUilding given or

deemed to have been given by the Cantonment Authority as hcreinbefore
provided shall be available for one year from the date On which it is given.
and. if the building so sanctioned is not begun by the person who has obtained
the sanction or some one lawfUlly claiming under him within that period. it
shall not thereafter be begun without (resh sanction obtained in the manner
hereinbefore provided.
1lIe.:a1 e:ec- 184. Whoever begins. co.lIinucs or c'lmpletes the erection or re-erection
UOIl aDd re- of a bUilding-
(u) without having liven a valid noticeal required by sections 179 and
180. or before the building: has been sanctioned or is deemed to
have been sanctioned. or
(b) without complying with any direction made under sub-section (I)
of section 181. or
(d when aanction has been refused. or has ceased to be availablc.
,hall be punisbable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupeel.
Cantonmeftll. 41S

185. A Cantonment Authority may. at any time by notice in writing. Powerloltop

direct the owner. lessee or occupier of any land in the cantonment to seop the t:Tedioo 01'
erection or re-erection of a bUilding in any case in which the Cantonment 10 dcmoUsh.
Authority considers that such ereceion or feerection is an offence under
scction 184. and may in any such case in like manner direct the alteration or
demolition. as it thinks necessary. of the building. or any part thereof. 150
erected or re-erected :
Provided that the Cantonment Authority may. instead of requiring the
:..lteralion or demolition of any such building or part thereof. accept by way of
composition such sum as it thinks reasonable.

1". A Cantonment Authority may make bye-laws prescribing- Power to

make bye.
(tt) the manner in which notice of the intention to erecI or rt-erect a bWI.
building in the cantonment shall be given to the Cantonment
Authority and the information and plans to be furnished with
the notice;
(b) the type or description of buildings which mayor may not. and the
purpose for which a bUilding mayor may not. be erected or
re-erected in any specified area or areas;
(c) the minimum cubic capacity of any room or rooms in a building
which is to be erected or re-erected ; and
(el) the fees payable on provision by the Cantonment Authority of
plans or specifications of the type of buildings which may be
erecttd in the cantonment or any part thereof.
187. (I) No owner or occupier of any buildin, in a cantonment Projectionl
and ob
shall. without the permission in writing of the Cantonment Authority. add to Itr..cIiOlU.
or place against or in front of the building any projection or structure over-
hanging. projecting into. or encroaching on. any Street or any drain. sewer or
aqueduct therein.
(2) The Cantonment Authority may. by notice in writing. require the
Owner or occupier of any such building to alter or remove any such projection
or encroachment as aforesaid:
Provided that. in the ease of any projection or encroachment lawfully in
existence on the 1st May. 1924.1 the Cantonment Authority shall make com-
pensation for any damage c;)used by the removal or alteration.
(3) The Cantonment Authority may. by order in writinl. give permission
to the owners or occupiers of buildings in any particular street to put up
open verandahs. balconies or rooms projecting from any upper storey thereof
to an exlenl beyond the line of the plinth or basement wall at such height
from the levellround or street as may be specified in the order
11. A Cantonment Authority may. by notice in writin,. require any Usaaathor~

person who has. without its permission in wriling. newly erected or re-erected buildiaCl
O'tCl" dr.PiM.
, LlIle Cli Ad.
416 Cantonments.
any building over any public sewer. drain. culvert. watercourse or wnter-pipe
in the cantonment to pull down or otherwise deal with the same as it thinks fit.

Drainage :mtl 189. (I) A Cantonment Authority may. by notice in writing. require
.ewer the owner or lessee of any building or land in any street. at his own expense
and in such manner as the Cantonment Authority thinks fit. to pUf up and
keep in good condition proper troughs and pipes for receiving and carrying
rain water from the building or land and for discharging the same. or to
establish and maintain any other connection or communication between such
building or land and any drain or sewer.
(2) For the purpose at efficiently draining any building or land in the
cantonment. the Cantonment Authority may. by notice in writing. require the
owner or h,~ssee of the building or land-
(a) to pave. with such mattrials and in such manner as it thinks til.
any courtyard. alley or passage between two or more buildings. or
(h) to keep any such paving in proper repair.
Power 10
attach 190. A Cantonment Authority may attach 10 the outsidc of any
lamps. building. or to any tree in the cantonment. brackets for lamps in such manner
as not to occaSlon injury thereto or inconvenience.

Temp.)I':lrv 191. A Cantonment Authority mOlY. by ord~r in writing. permit the
of sheel, temporary occupation of any street. or of any land vested. in the COlntonment
bod, etc. Authority. for the purpose of depositing any building materials or making
any temporary excavation therein or erection thereon. subject to such condi-
tions as it may prescribe for the safety or convenience of the public. and may
charge a fee for such ~ermission and may in its discretion withdraw such
CIOlIing and 19%. (I) A Cantonment Authority shall not permanently close nny
opelline d
strccb. street or open any new street without the previous sanction of the Officer
Commandingin'<:hief. the Command.
(2) A Cantonment Authority may. by public notice. temporarily clOse an)"
street or any part of a street for repair or for the purpose of carrying out any
work connected with drainage. water-supply or lighting or any other work
which it is by or under this Act required or permitted to carry out:
Provided that where. owing to any works or repairs or from any other
cause. the condition of any street. or of any water-works. drain. culvert or
premises vested in the Cantonment Authority, is such as to be likely to cause
danger to the public. the Cantonment Authority shall-
(tI) take all reasonable means for the protection of the adjacent
buildings and land and provide reasonable means of access thereto;
(b) C3Use sufficient barriers or fences to be erected for the security of
life and property. and cause such barriers or fences to be
sufficiently lishtcd from sunset to sunrise.
CflIIlonmtnls. 417
193. (I) A Cantonment Authority may cause a Dame to be livon to Hamel 01
any street and to be affixed on any building in the cantonment in such place SlU'eU and
as it thinks fit, and may allo eause a. num~r to be affixed to any such ;:~.~
(2) Whoever destroys. pulla down. defaces or alters any nch Dame or
number or puts up any name or number differing from that put up by the
order of the Cantonmeot Authority shall be punishable with fine which may
cll:lcnd to lwenty rupees.

Boundtu;es Imd Trus.

1J4. (I) No boundary wall. hedge or f:nCe of any material or delc:riplioD
shaH be erected in a cantonment without tbe permiJlioD in writiol of lhe
Cantonment Authority.
(2) A Cantonment Authority may. by notice in writinc. require the owner
or ks.'iee or any land in the cantonment-
(tI) 10 remove from the land any boundary wall. hedge or fence which is.
in its opinion, unsuilable. unsighlly or otherwise objectionable: or
(b) 10 construct on the land sufficient boundary walls. hedges or fences
of such material. description or dim:nsions as may be specified
in the notice; or
(c) to maintain the boundary walls. hedges or fences of such land in
good order:
Provided that. in the casc of any such boundary wall. hedae or fence
which was erected with the consent or under the orders of the Cantonment
Authority. or which wu in existence on the lst May. 1924.1 the Cantonment
Authority sh:lIl make compensation for any damage caUJed by tbe removal
(3) The Cantonment Au:hority may. by notice in writinc. require the
owner, lessee or occupier or any such land to cut or trim any hedae On the
land in such manner and within such time as may be specified in the DOtice.

195. (1) Where. in the opinion of a Cantonment Authority. the fellilJl pern.c.
at any tree of mature growth standina in a private enclosure in the cantonment ;C:,aa
is necessary for any reason. tbe Cantonment Authority may. by notice in
writing, require the owner. lessee or occupier of the land to tell the tree
t: of

within such time as may be specified in the DOtice.

(2) A Cantonment Authority may_
(0) cause to be lopped or trimmed any tree atandinc on Iud in tbe
cantonment which belona' to the Government; or
(b) by publ:c nolice require aU owners. lessees or occupien of Iud in
the cantonment, or by notice in writing require the oWDtf.ICSICe
or occupier at any such land. to lop or trim, ia such maDner as
may be specified in the notice. all or any trees standiDt: on lQl;b
land or to remove any dead trees from .uch laud,.
I [)ale 01 commellcemeDt 01 tbl. Ad.

418 Cunlonmtnts.

pubOc 1aDd.
196. Whoever. without the permission in writing of the Cantonment
Authority, digs up the surface of any open space in tbe cantonment. which is
Dot private property. shall be punishable with fine which may extend to twenty
rupees. and, in the case of a continuing offence. with an additional fine
which may extend to five rupees for every day after the first during which the
offence continues.
1m.......... 197. (I) If. in the opinion of a Cantonment Authority, the working of
01 land. a quarry in the cantonment. or the removal of stOne. earth or other material
from the soil in any place in the cantonment. is dangerous to persons residing
in or frequenting the neighbourhood of such quarry or place. or creates, or is
lilc.cly to create. a ouisa'nce. the Cantonment Authority may. by notice in
writing. prohibit the owner. lessee or occupier of such quarry or place. or the
person responsible for such working or removal. from continuing or permitting
the working of such quarry or the moving of such material. or require him to
take such steps in the matter as the Cantonment Authority may direct for the
purpose of preventing danger or abating the nuisance arising or likely to arise
(2) If. in aoy case referred to in subsection (I). the Cantonment
Authority is of opinion that such a course is necessary in order to prevent
imminent danger. it may. by order in writing. require a proper hoarding or
fence to be put up for the protection of passers-by.



markett aDd
191. (I) A Cantonment Authority may provide and maintain. either
within or without the cantonment. public markets and public slaughter-houses.
to such number as it thinkS fit. together with stalls. shops. sheds. pens and
other buildings or conveniences. for the use of persons carrying on trade or
business in or frequenting such markets or slaughterhouses, and may prOVide
aod maintain in any such market buildings. places. machines. weights. scales
aDd measureS for the welihment or measurement of 100ds sold therein.
(2) When such market or slaughterhouse is situated beyond cantonment
limits. the Cantonment Authority shall have the same power for the inspection
and proper regulation of the same as if it were situated within those limits.
(3) The Cantonment Authority may at any time. by public notice. close
any public market or public slaughter-house or any part thereof.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorize the establish-
ment of a public market or public slaushterhouse within the limits of any
area administered by any local authorit)' other than the Cantonment Authority
without the permission of such local authority or otberwise tban on such
conditions as such local authority may approve.
Vie elpllbUc 199. (I) No person shall. without the general or special permission in
market. writiQl of the Cantonment Authority. sell or expose for sale auy animal or
anic:le io any public market.
Cantonments. 419
(2) Any persoD contravening the provisions of this section. and any
animal or article exposed for sale by such person. may be summarily removed
from the market by or under the orders of the Executive Officer or any officer
or servant of the Cantonment Authority authorized by it in this bebalt~
200. A Cantonment Authority may-
(a) charge for the occupation or use of any stall, shop. standina. shed ..aU.....
or pen in a public market or public slaughter-house. or for the rrat. aDd
right to expose goods for sale in a public market. or for weighing
or measuring goods sold therein. or for the right to slaughter
animals in any pubHc slaughter-house. such stallaaes. rentl and
fees as it thinks fit ; or
(b) with the sanction of the Officer Commanding-in-Chief. the
Command. farm the stallages. rents and fees leviable .. afore-
said or any portion thereof for any period not exceeding one
year at a time : or
(c) put up to public auction. or. wilh the sanction of the Officer
Commanding-in-Chief. the Command. dispose of by private sale.
the privilege of occupying or using any stall. shop. standing. shed
or pen in a public market or public slaughter-house for sucb
term and On such conditions as it thinks fit.

this Act (or the purpose of regulating the use of such market or slau.bter- l'ubUabcd.
house. printed in the English language and in such other languaae or
101. A copy of the table of stallages. rents and fees. if any. leviable in Stalla,.,
any public market or public slaughter-house, and of the bye-laws made under rents, etc.,

languages as the Cantonment Authority may direct, shall be affixed in 10010

conspicuous place in the market or slaughter-house.
201. (I) No place in a cantonment other than a public market shan be
used as a market. and no place in a cantonment otber than a public sJauabter-
house shall be used as a slaughter-house, unless such place has been liceued
as a market or slaughter-house. as the case may be. by tbe Cantonment
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall apply in tbe case of a
slaughter-house established and maintained by the Government.
(2) Nothing in sub-section (I) shall be deemed-
(0) to restrict the slaughter of an)' animal in any place On the occasion
ot any festival or ceremony, subject to such conditions as to
prior or subsequent notice as the Executive Ofticcr with the
previous sanction o( the District Magistrate may. by public or
special notice. impose in this behalf. or
(b) to prevent the Executive Oflicer. with the sanction of the Canton-
ment Authority. from setting apart places tor tbe llaulhtcr of
animals in accordance with religious custom. when IlXlh aaimall
arc slaughtered for consumption by the uoops or for the
purpose of tbe sale of tbe flesb tber~f to lb, troope.
420 Cunlonments.

(3) Whoever omits 10 comply with any condition imposed by the

Executive Officer under cbuse (u) of sub-section (1) shall be punishable with
fine which may extend (0 fifty rupees and. in the case of a continuing offence.
with an additional fine which may extend to ten rupees for every day after
the first during which the offence is continuod.

COQdltlonl of 203. (I) A Cantonment Authority may charge such fees as it thinb fit
gnnfol to impose for the grant of a licence to any person to Open a private market
lkeace f.
pivate or private in the cantonment. and may grant such licence
markctM subject to such conditions. consistent with this Act and any bye-laws made
hoo.... thereunder, as it thinks fit to impose.
(2) The Cantonment Authorlty may refuse to grant any such licence
without giving reasons for such refusal.

Penally fer 284. (I) Any perSOn who keeps open for public use any markel or
te~p1nl! slaughterhouse in respect of which a licence is required by or under Ihis ACI.
II1I,ket or
II.uAhter- without obtaining a licence therefor. or while the licence therefor is suspended.
house open or after the same has been cancelled. shull be punishable with fine which
licence. etc. may extend to fifly rupees and. in the case of a continuing offence. Wilh an
adJitional tine which may extend to five rupees for every day after the tirst
during which the offence is continued.
(2) When a licence to open a private market or private slaughter-house
is granted or refused or is suspended or cancelled. the Cantonment Authority
shall cause a notice of the grant. refusal. suspension or cancellation lO be
posted in English. and in such other language or languages as it thinks
necessary. in some conspicuous place by or near the entranCe to the place to
which the notice relates.

P_Uyfur %OS. Whoever. knowing that 3ny market or has been
using opened to the public wilhout a licence having been obtained therefor when
market or sue;:;h licence is r.:~uired by or under this Act. or th:lt the licence granted
Ilaughter. th:refor is for the time being suspended or that it has been cancelled. sells or
exposes for sale aDy article in such market. or slaughters any animal in such
.laughterhouse. shall be punishable with fine which may extend to fifty
rupees. and. in the case of a continuing offence. with an additional fine
which may extend to five rupees fQr every day after the first during which the
olfence is continued.

ProhIbition 2M. (I) Where. in the 0pIDlOn of the Cantonmc"t Authority. it is

lind "Itric. necessary on sanitary grounds so to do. it may. by public notice. prohibit for
tlOII 01 Uk nI
".ugbter- such period. not exceeding one month. as may be specified in the notiCe. or
""""- for such further period. not eKceeding one month. as it may specify by a like
notice. the usc of any private slaughterhouse specified in the notice. or the
slaughter therein of any animal of any description so specified.
(1) A copy of every notice i'lSued under subsection (I) shall be
conspicuously posted in tho slaushtcrhouse to which it reI ales.
2t1. (I) Any servant of a Cantonment Authority. authorized by order Power to
Oilicer. may. if be has reo&s:>n to believe tbat any animJ.1 hal been. il b:ing
or is ab,)ut to be slaughtcr:d in any place in contravention of the provisioDs
inlwriling in this behalf by the Chairman of tbe Board. if any. or the Health .Iaugbter,-

of this Chapter. enter into and inspect any .uch place at any time. whetber by
day or by night.
(2) Every such order shall specify the place to be entered and the
kcality 'in which the s lme is situated and the period. which shall not exceed
seven d:ty for which the order is to remain in force.
%tl. A Cantonm.:nt Authority may. with tbe approval of the Presideat I'ol\!o"r to
of the Union. make bye-laws consistent with tbis Act to provide for aU or any =~.~~
of Ihe following matlers. namely :-
(t,) the days on. and the hours during. which any private market or
privale slaughter-house may be kept open for use :
(b) the reguhLtion of Ihe desian. ventilation and drainage or 8ucb
markels and slaughler-houses. and Ihe material 10 be used in the
conslruction Ihereof :
(c) the keeping of .ue:h markets and slaughter-houses and lands and
buildings appertaining therelo in a clean and sanitary condition.
Ihe reOloval of filth and refu!."c IhueCrom. and the supply
therein tlf pure water and of a sullicient number or btrines and
urinals (or the use of persons usin, or frequentin. the same;
(d) the munner in which animals shall be stalled :at a slaughter. house i
((") the manner in which animals may be slaughtered:
(I) Ihe disposal or destruction of animals offered for slaugbter which
are. from disease or any otber cause. unfit (or human consump-
tion ; and
(g) the desuuction of carcases which (rom disease or atly other cause
are found after .laughter to be un6t for human consumption.

T,ud("$ and OCCUJHl';Ons

. (I) A Cantonment Authority may provide suitable places for the ProriIion uf
~:tCrcisc by washermen of their calling. and may require payment of such fees ~IDI
for the usc thereof as it thinks fit. .a.
(2) Where the Cantonment Authority has provided such placet at arOnlaN
it may. by public notice. prohibit thc walhing of clothes by w..herm.:n ilt an)'
other place in the cantonment:
Provided that such prohibition shall not be deemed to apply to tbe
washing by a washerm.1n of his own clothes or of (he clothes of In)' other
person who is an cccupier of the place at which they are washed.
(J) Whoever contravcnes any prohibition contained in a notice issued
under sub-section (2) shall be punilhable with fine which may extend to tweaty

Licence. 110. (I) No person of any of the following classes. namely :-

required for
canyinq OIl
(a) butchers and vendors of poultry. game or fish;
ofcerblm (b) persons keeping pigs for profit. and dealers in the flesh of pigs
which have been slaughtered in the Union of Burma;
(c) persons keeping nlilch cattle or milch goats for profit;
(d) persons keeping for prolit any animals other than pigs. milch
cattle or milch goats ;
(e) dairymen. buttermen and makers and vendors of ghee :
(0 makers of bread. biscuits or cake. and vendors of bread. biscuits
or cake made in the Union of Burma;
(g) vendors of fruit or vegetables;
(h) manufacturers of zrated or other potable waters or of ice or
ice-eream. and vendors of the same ;
(i) vendors of any medicines. drugs or articles of food or drink
for human consumption (other than the flesh of pigs. milk.
butter. bread. biscuits. cake. fruit. vegetables. rerated or other
potable waters or ice or ice-cream) which are of a perishable
(j) vendors of water to be used for drinking purposes;
(k) washermen ;
(I) dealers in hay. straw. wood. charcoal or other inRammable
(m) dealers in lire-works. kerosene oil. petroleum or any other
inflammable oil or spirit:
(n) tanners and dyers :
(0) persons carrying on any trade or occupation from which
offensive or unwholesome smells arise:
(p) vendors of wheat. rice and other grain or of flour; and
(q) makers and vendors of sugar or sweetmeats;
shall carryon his trade. calling or occupation in any part of a cantonment
unless he has applied for and obtained a licence in this behalf from the
Cantonment Authority.
(2) A licence granted under sub-section (I) shall be '.alid for one year.
and the grant of such licence shall not be withheld by the Cantonment
Authority unless it has reason to believe that the business which it is
intended to establish or maintain would be offensive or dangerous to
the public.
(J) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (1).-
(a) DO person who was. on the 1st May. 1924. t carrying on his trade.
calling or occupation in any part of a cantonment shall be
bound to apply for a licence for carrying on such trade or
oupation in that part until he has receiVed from Ihe
Cantonment Authority not less than three monlhs' nOlice in
writing of his obligation to do so. amI if the Cantonment
I Dale of COIllIlICUCCI1H:lIt ol thi, A\t.
Cantonments. 423
Authority refuses to grant him a licence it shall pay
compensation for any loss incurred by reason of such refusal:
(b) no person shall be required to take out a Iiccnc:e for the sale
or storage of petroleum or for the sale or possession for 1110
of poisons or white arsenic in any case in which he is reqUired
to take out a licence for such sale. storage or possession
for sale by or under the Petroleum Act or the Poisons Act.
(4) The Cantonment Authority may charge for the grant of licences
under this section such fees as it may fix with the previous sanction of
the President of the Union.

211. A licence granted to any person under section 210 shall specify CondiUQIII
the part of the ca~tonment in which the licensee may carryon his trade. ~~::alobe
calling or occupation. and may regulate the hours and manner of transport licences.
within the cantonment of any specified articles intended for human
consumption. and may contain any other conditions which the Cantonment
Authority thinks fit to impose in accordance with bye'laws made under
this Act.

General Prov;s;o"s.
212. If a Cantonment Authority is satisfied that any place used under a Power 10
~ar1 licence.
licence granted under this Chapter is a nuisance or is likely to be dangerous
to life. health or proj)crty. the Cantonment Authority may. by notice in
writing. require lhe owner, lessee or occupier thereof 10 discontinue the use
of such place or to effect such alterations. additions. or improvements
as will. in the opinion of the Cantonment Authority. render it no longer
a nuisance or dangerous.

213. Whoever carries on any trade. calling or occupation for which Carryina: on
a licence is required wilhout obtaining a licence therdor or while the ~tc.
licence therefor is suspended or after the same has been cancelled. and liCCDCC or
in COAlra
whoever, after receiving a notice under section 212, uses or allows to be used YentionoJ
any building or place in contravention thereof. shall be punishable wilh ICdioa 212.
fine which may extenu to two hundred rupees and. in the case of a continuing
offence, with an additional fine which may extend to forty rupees for every
day after the first dllring which the offence is continued.

%14. Whoever feeds or allows 10 be fed on filthy or deleterious Feeding

substances any animal which is kept for the plJrpose of supplying milk to. or :;aw.
which is intended to be used as food for. lhe inhabitants of a cantonment. or t" dc.
allows it to graze in any place in which grazing has, for sanitary reaSOnS.
b~c:n prohibited by public notice by lhe Cantonment Authority. shall be
punishable with fine which may extend to fifty rupees.

Entry, It/spection and Seizmc.

Potn:n 01 215. (I) The (Chairman]' or the [Vice-Chairlnan]1 of a Board, the Ex.ecutive
mtry and Officer. the Health Orneer. the Assistant Health Officer. or any other officer or
servant of a Cantonment Authority authorized by iI in wriling in this behalf.-
(a) may at any time enter into any market. building. shop. stall or
other place in the cantonment for the purpose of inspecting.
and may inspect. any animals. article or thing intended for human
food or drink or for medicine. whether exposed or hawked about
for sale or deposited in or brought to any place for the purpose
of sale. or of preparation for sale. or any utensil or vessel for
preparing, manufucturing or containing any such article or
thing. and may enter into anu inspect any place used as a
Slaughter-house and may examine any animal or
article therein;
(b) may seize any such animal. article or thing which appears to him
to be diseased. or unwholesome or unfit for human food or drink
or medicine. as the case may be. or to be adulterated or to be
not what it is represented to be. or any such utensil or vessel
which is of such a kind or in such a state as to render any
article prepared. manufaclured or contained therein unwhole-
some or unlit for human food or for medicine. as the casc may
(2) Any article seized unuer sub-section (I) which is of a perishable
nilture may. under thc orders of the Health Officcr or the Assistant Health
Officer. forthwith be destroyed if, in his opmion, it is diseased. unwholesome
or unfit for human food. drink or medicine. as Ihe case may be.
(3) Every animal. article. utensil. vessel or other Ihing seized under sub-
seclion (I) shall. if il is not destroycd under sub-scclion (2). be taken before
a Magistrate.
(4) The owner or person in possession. at the time of seizure under sub-
section (I). of any animal or carcase which is diseased or of any article or
thing which is unwholesome or un6t for human food. drink: or medicine. as
the case may be. or is adulterated or is not what it is represented 10 be. or of
any utensil or vessel which is of such kind or in sl:ch stale as is described in
clause (b) of sub-Section (I). shall be punishable with fine which may extend
to one hundred rupees. and the animal. article. utensil. \lcsscl or other thing
shall be liable 10 be forfeited 10 the Cantonment Authority or to be destroyed
or to be so disposed of us to prevent its being exposed for sale or used for
the preparation of food. drink or medicine. al the casc may be.
Explanotion [.--If any such article. havins been exposed or stored in. or
brought to. any place mentioned ill sub-StClion (I) for sate as ghee. contains
any substance not exclulively der;v.:d from milt:.. it shall be deemed. for lhe
purposes of this ICCtion. to be an article which is not what it is represented 10 be.

I S ..bttll.led by the Union of Uurma \Ad,lplilUun uf L;........) Order 194t1.


Explanation /I.-Meat .ubjected to the process of blowinl shall be

deemed to be unfit for human food.
Explanation /l1.-The article of food or drink .hall DOt be deemed to
be other than what ii: is represented to be merely by reason of the fact that
therl;: has been aH~d 10 it some substance not injurious to health:
Provided that-
(a) such substance has been added to the article because the same i.
required for the preparation or production thereof a. an article
of commerce in a state fit for carriage or consumption and Dot
fraudulently to increase the bulle. weight or mealure of the
food or drink or conceal the inferior quality thereof. or
(b) in the process of produc;ion. preparation or conveyance of luch
article of food or drink. the extraneous substance has unavoid
ably become intermi~cd therewith. or
(c) the Owner or person in possession of the article has given sufficient
notice by means of a label distinctly and legibly written or prin
ted thereon or therewith. or by other means of a public descrip
tion. that such substance has been added. or
(d) such owner or person has purchased the article with a written
warranty that it was of a certain nalurc. subslance anll quality
and had no reason (0 believe that it was DCt of such nature.
subst:u'lCe and quality. and has e~posed it or hawked it about or
brougM it for sale in the same state and by the same description
as that in and by which he purchased it.

Import 0/ CUI/Ie and Flesh.

116. (I) No person shall. without the pcrmiuion in writing of the Canton-
ment Authority. bring into a cantonment any animal in;e:rJ:-d for huma.n
consumption. or the flesh of ,my animal .slaughtered outsi'Je the cantonment
otherwise than in a slaughter-house maintained by the Government or the
Cntonmcnt Authority.
(2) Any animal or .8e$h brought into a cantonment in contravention of
sub-seelioD (1) may be seized by the x:utive Off;ccr or by any servaat of
the Cantonment Authority and sold or otherwise disposed of as the Canton-
ment Authority may direct. and. if iI is sold. the saJe-proceeds may be credited
to the cantonment fUDd.
(.3) Whoever conllavenes the provisions of lub-section (I) Jhall be
punishable with fine which may e~tend to fifty rupees.
(4) Nothing in tbis section shall be deemed to apply to cured or prClCrved
meat or to animals driven or meat carried through a cantonment for conlump-
tion outside thereof. or to meat brought into a cantonment by any perlOn for
his immediate domestic consumption:
Provided that the Cantonm~nl Authority rna)'. by public notice. direct
that the provisions of this section shall apply to cured or preserved meat of
any specified description or brought from any specified place.


WUIt!r Supply.

Maintenance 217. (I) In every cantonment where a sufficient supply of pure wattr for
of water domestic usc docs not already exist. the Cantonment Authority shaD pro\'ide
or arrange for the provision of such a supply.
(2) The Cantonment Authority shall. as far as possible. make adequate
provision that such supply shall be continuous throughout the year. and that
the water shall be at all times pure and fit for human consumption.

Control over 218. (I) The Cantonment Authority may. with the previous sanction of
::~f:~~e. the President of the Union. by public notice. d~l~re any.lake. strea~. s~ring
",way. well. tank. reservoir or other source. whether wlthm or without the hmlts of
the cantOnment (other than a source of watersupply under the control of the
Military Engineer Services or the Public Works Department). from which
water is or may be made available for the use of tbe public in tht! cantonment.
to be a lOurce of I'ublic watersuI'Ply.
(2) Every such lOurce shall be under the control of the Cantonment

Power to 219. The Cantonment Authority may. by notice in writing. require the
m2inten owner or any person having the control of any source of public watcrsupply
an", . . which is used for drinking purposes--

(0) to keep the same in lood order and to clear it from time to time
of silt. refuse and decaying vegetation. or
driakinJ:, (b) to protect the same from contamination in such m:anncr as the
\\I2ler. Cantonment Authority may direct. or
(c) if the water therein is proved to the satisfaction of the Canton
ment Authority to be unfit for drinking purposes to take such
measures as may be specified in the notice to prevent the publie
from having access to or usina such water:
Provided that. in the case of a well. such person as aforesaid may. instead
of complying with the notice. signify in writing his desire to be relieved of all
rcsponsibiJity for the proper maintenance of the well and his readiness to
place it under the control and supeniJion of the Cantonment Authority for
the use of the public. and. if be docs 10. he shall DOt be bound to carry out
the requisition. and the COlntoDment Authority shall uodertake the control and
supervision of the well.

Suwl)' of 220. (I) The Cantonment Authority may permit the owner. lessee or
waler. occupier of any building or land to connect the building or land with a SOlirce
of public water-supply by means of communication pipes of such size and
description u it may prescribe for the purpose of obtaininl water for
domestic use.
Cantonments. 421
(Z) The occupier of every building so connected with the watersupply
shall be entitled to have for domestic use. in return for the water-tax. if any.
such quantity of water as the Cantonment Authority may determine.
(3) All water supplied in excess of the quantity to which such supply is
limited under subsection (1) and in a cantonment in which a water-tax. is not
imposed. all water suppHed under this section. shall be paid for at such ratc
as the Cantonment Authority may fix.
(4) The supply of water for domestic use shall not be deemed to include
any supply-
(a) for animals or for washing vehicles where such animals or vehicle.
are kept for sale or hire:
(b) for aDY trade. manufacture or business;
(c) for fountains. swimming baths or any ornamental or mechanical
(d) for gardens or for purposes of irrigation:
(e) for making or watering roads or paths; or
U) for building purposes.

1%1. If it appears to the Cantonment Authority that any building or land Po.- to
in the cantonment is without a proper supply of pure water. the Cantonment .aterIUflply
Authority may. by notice in writing. require the Owner. lessee or occupier of to be laken.
the building or land to obtain from a source of public water-supply such
quantity of water as is adequate to the nequiremenlS of the persons usually
occupying or employed upon the building or land. and to provide communica
tion pipes of the prescribed size and description. and to take all neceuary
steps for the above purposes.

zn. (1) The Cantonment Authority may. by agreement. supply, from SuJ'f'ly I'If
any source of public watersupply. the owner. lessee or occupier of any ...Ier 'onder
building or land in the cantonment with any water for any purpose other than
a domestic purpose. on such terms and conditions. consistent with this Act
and the rules and byelaws made thereunder. as may be ugreed upon between
the Cantonment Authority and such owner. lessee or occupier.
(2) The c.antonment Authority may withdraw such supply or curtail the
quantity thereof at any time if it should appear necessary to do $0 for tbe
purpose of maintaining sufficient supply of water for domestic use by
inhabitants of tbe cantonment.

113. Notwithstanding any obligation imposed on Cantonment Authorities CaCllonnleD I

under this Act. a Cantonment Authority shall not be Hable to any forfeiture. Authority
not liable for
penalty or damages for failure to supply water or for curtailing the quantity failure 01
thereof if the failure or curtailment. as the case may be. arises from accideot
or from drought or other unavoidable cause unless. in the case of an agree-
ment for the supply of water under section 222. tbe Cantonment Authority
has made express pruvision for forfeiture. penalty or damaaes in the event of
such failure or curtailment.
428 C","onmellis.

Conditioll'of 114. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained or contained in

applic;l.ttoll. any agreement under section 111.. the supply of water by a Cantonment
Authority to any bUilding or land shall be. and shall be deemed to have been.
granted subject to the following conditions. namely:-
(u) the owner. lessee or occupier of any building or land in or on
which water supplied by the Cantonment Authority is wasted by
reason of the pipes. drains or other works being out of repair
shall. if he has knowledge thereof. give notice of the same to
such officer as the cantonment Authority m'JY appoint in this
(b) the Executive Officer or any other officer or servant of the Canton-
ment Authority authorized by it in writing in this behalf may
enler into or on any premises supplied with water by the
Cantonment Authority. for the purposc of eumining all pipes.
taps. works and fittings connected with the supply of water and
of ascertaining whether there is any waste or misuse of such
(e) the Cantonment Authority may. after giving notice in writing. cut
off the connection between any source of public watersupply
and any building or lund to which water is supplied for any
purpose therefrom. or turn orr such supply if-
Ii) the owner or occupier of the building or IJnd ncglcc.s to pay
the water-tax or other chargesconnecled with the watc.rsupply
within one month from the dOite C'" which such tax or charge
falls due for payment;
(ii) the occupier refuses to admit the Executive Officer or other
authorized officer or servant of the Cantonment Authority
into the building or land for the purpose of making any
exa:ninalion or inquiry uulhoril1,l1.l by clausc (b) or prc\'cnIS
the nl:..lking of such examination or inquiry;
(Hi) the occupier wUfully or negligently misuses or causes waste of
(iv) the occupier wilfully or negligently injures or damages his meter
or any pipe or tap conveying water from the waterworks ;
(v) any pipes. taps. works or fittings connected with the supply of
water to the building or land are found. on examination by
the Executive Officer. to be out of repair to such an extent
as to cause a waste of water;
(d) the expense of cutting off the conncction or of turning off the
water in any case referred to in claus (c) shalt be paid by the
owner or occupier of the building or bnd ;
(t') no ..clion taL:en under or in pursuance of clause (d shall relieve
any person from any penalty or liability which he may
otherwise hilve incurred.
Cantonmmls. 429

215. A Cantonment Authority may allow any person not residing within Sapply to
the limits or the cantonment to take or be supplied with WJtu for ;any purpose .ide
persons out-
from any source of public water-supply on such terms as it may prescribe.
and may at any time withdraw or curlail such supply.
216. Whoever- Penalty.
(a) uses for other than domestic purposes any w3ter supplied by a
Cantonment Authority for domeStic usc. or
(b) where water is supplied by aJ:feement with a Cantonment Authority
for a specified purpose. uses that water (or any other purpose.
shall be punishable with fine which may extend to fifty rupees. and the
Cantonment Authority shall be entitled to recover from him the price of the
water misused.

Water. Drainage and oth~, Connections.

217. A Cantonment Authority may c:ury any cable. wire. pipe. drain. Power of
sewer or ch3nncl of any kind.- Authority 10
(1I) for the purpose of carrying out. establishing or maintaining any laywitd.
system of water-supply. lighting. drainage or sewerage. through. ,,~

across. under or over any road or street. or any place laid out
or intended as a r03d or street. or. after giving reasonable notice
in writing to the Owner or occupier. into. throulb. across. under
or over any land or buildinl. or up the .ide of any building.
Silu'tled within the cantonment. or
(h) for the purpose of supplying water or of the introduction or
distribution of outfall of water or for the removal or outfall of
sewage. after giving retlSonable notice in writing to the owner or
occupi~r. inlo. through. across. under or over any land or
building. or up the side of any buildinl. situated outside the
canlonment ;
nnd may at all timeS do all acts and things which may be necessary or
expedient for repairing or maintaining Dny such cable. wire. pipe. drain. sewer
or channel in an effective state for the purpose for which the same may be
used or is intended to be used :
Provided that no nuisance shall be caused in excess of what is reasonably
necessary for the proper execution of the work:
Provided further. that compensation shall be payable to the owner or
occupier for any dam3ge sustained by him which is directly occasioned by the
carrying out of any sucb operation.
m. In tbe event of any cable. wire. pipe. drain. sewer or channel Wir_.
beinglaid or can~ed. above the surfa~e of ~ny l!ln~ or tbrou&b. over or up ~~::::
the side of any bUlldlOg. sucb cable. Wife. PIpe. dram. sewer or channel .bail cro-a.
be so laid or carried as to interfere as little .. possible witb tbe rightl of tbe
oWner or occupier to tbe due enjoyment of such land or buildin and
430 Cantonments.
compen.>ation shall be payable by the Cantonment Authority in respect of
any substantial interference with the right to any such enjoyment.

Connec:tico U9. No person shall. for any purpose whatsoever. without the permission
with maiQ
or the Cantonment Authority. at any time make or cause to be made any
not 10 be
connection or communication with any cable. wire. pipe. drain. sewer or chan-
nel constructed or maintained by. or vested in. a Cantonment Authority.
Power to 131. A Cantonment Authority may prescribe the size ot the ferrules to
prescribe be used for the supply of gas. if any. and may establish meters or other
ferrules aDd
to eslablish appliances for the purpose of. testing tbe quantity of any water. or the quantity
meters. etc. or quality of any gas. supplied to any premises by the Cantonment Authority.

Power 0'
131. The ferrules. communication pipes. connections. melers. standpipes
inspec:lioa. and 31) fittings thereon or connected therewith leilding from water m3ins or
trom pipes. drains. sewers or channels into any house or lanu. to Which water
or gas is supplied by a Cantonment Authority. and the pipes. fillings and
works inside any such house or within the limits of any such land. shall in
all cases be installed or executed subject to the inspection and to the satisl'ac-
tion of the Cantonment Authority.

Power 10 61: 131. A Cantonment Authority may fix the charges to be made for the
rattl ,nd establishment by it or through its agency of communications from. and connec
tions with. mains. or pipes for the supply of water or gas. or for meters or
other appliances for testing the quantity or quality thereof supplied, and may
levy such charges accordingly.

ApplicQlion of this ChQptu 10 Govrrnmenl JYaler-Supplies.

Gow:mmenl 2.33. (I) Where in any cantonment there is a water-supply under the
control of the Military Engineer Services or the Public Works Department.
the officer of the Military Engineer Services or of the Public Works Depart-
ment. as the case may be. in charge of such water-supply (hereinafter in this
section anu in section 234 referred to as the officer) may publish in the can
tonment in such manner as he thinks fit a nOlice declOJring that any lake.
stream, spring. well. tank:, reservoir or other source. whether within or without
the limits of the cantOnment (other tban a source of public water-supply under
the control of the Cantonment Authority). is a source of public water-supply
and may. for the purpose of keeping any such source in good order or of
protecting it from contamination or from use. require the Cantonment Autho-
rity to exercise any power conferred upon that Authority by section 219.
(2) In the case of any water-supply such as is referred to in suD-section
(I). the following provisions of thi.s Chapter. namely. the provisions of sections
220. 222. 223. 224. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231 and 232. shall. as far as may
be. be applicable in respect of the supply of Water to the cantonment. and for
tbe purpose of such application references to the Cantonment Authority shall be
CantonnuNI. 431

construed as references to the officer. and references to the Executive Officer

or other officer or servant of the Cantonment Authority shall be construed as
references to such person as may be authorized in this behalf by the officer.
Z34. In any case in which the provisions of section 233 apply. the water Recovery Of
tax. if any. imposed in the cantonment and alt other charges arisin&: out of the cb.-.rpI.
supply of water which may be imposed under the provisions of this Chapter as
applied by section 233 shall be recovered by the Cantonment Authority. and
all monies so recovered. or such proportion thereof as the President of the
Union may in each case determine. shall be paid by the Cantonment Authority
to the officer.


135. The Officer Commanding the station may. on receiving information Power to
that any building in the cantonment is used as a brothel or for purposes of brolhels ar:d
prostitution. by order in writing setting forth the substance of tbe informa prOltlt ... tn.
tion received. summOn the owner. lessee. tenant or occupier at the building to
appear before him either in person or by an authorized agent. and. if the
Officer Commanding the station is then satisfied as to the truth of the infor-
mation. he may. by order in writing. direct the owner. lessee. tenant or
occupier. as the case may be. to discontinue such use ot the building within
such period as may be specified in the order.
136. (J) Whoever in a cantonment loiters for the purpose of prostitution Penalty for
toitcrinl and
or importunes any person to the commission of sexual immorality shall be ImporlllniDf
punishable with imprisonment which may extend to one month. or with fine: fM pllrflO'Cl
Of pl'OIlitg..
which may extend to two hundred rupees. Hco.
(2) No prosecution for an offence under this section shall be instituted
except on the complaint of the person importuned. or of a military officer in
whose presence the offence was committed. or of a member of the Military or
Air Force police. being employed in the cantonment and authorized in this
behalf by Ihe Officer Commanding the station. in whose presence the offence
was committed. or of a policeofficer nOI below the rank of a subinspector
or a sergeanl who is employed in the cantonment and authorized in this behalf
by the Officer Commanding Ihe station with the concurrence or tbe District
137. If the Officer Commanding tbe station is. after such inquiry as he -of
Iewd ....fJlIs
thinks necessary. satisfied that any person residing in or frequentina tbe
cantonment is a prostitute or has been convicted of an OffeDCe under section
236. or of tbe abetment of such an otlence. he may cause to be served on
ftom canton.

such penon an order in writing requiring such person to remove from the
cantonment within such time as may be specified in the order. and prohibiting
such person from reentering it without the permission in writin. or the
Officer Commanding the station,
432 Cantonments.

Remo..,al ;uJd 138. (/) A M:lgistr:l1e of the lirsl class hdving jurisdiction ill :.l c:tnton-
receiving inrorl1l:.llioll lint any pCTSOII residing in or rrl-t1U1.:nting the
melll. 011
canton_Dts can:llnmcnl-
cf disorderly
person (u) is a disorderly person who hall been convicted more than Once
of gaming or who keeps or frequents a COmmlln gaming house.
D disorderly drinking shop or a disorderly house of any other
description. or
(bl has been convicted more than once, either within the cantonment
or elsewhere. of an offence punishable under Chapter XV)) of
Ihe Penal Code. or
j (c)
(til has been order(d under Chapter VIII of. the Code of Criminal
Procedure. either within the cantonment or elsewhere. to execute
a bOlld for his gooJ behaviour.
may record in writing the subst:mce or the j'lhlfl'l:.ltion received. ::Inti m:lY issue
a SummonS to such person requiring su.:h pl::rson to appear and show cause why
he should nOI be required lO remO\,e frl~:11 the canlonment and bc prohibited
from re-entering it.
(2) Every summons issued umler sub-section (I) shall be ~lCcompanied
by a copy of the record aforesaid. and (he copy shall be served along with
"the summons on lhe person against whom the summons is issued.
(3) The Magistrate shall. when the person so summoned appears before
bim. proceed to inquire into the (Tuth of the information received and take such
further evidence as he thinks fit. and if. upon such inquiry. it appears to him
th:1t such person is a person of any kind described in sub-section (1) and that
it IS necessary for the m~inlenance of good order in the canlonment that such
person should be required 10 remove therefrom and be prohibited from
re-entering the cantonment. the Magistrate shall report the matter to lhe
Officer Commanding the station. and. if the Officer Commanding the station
so directs, shall cause to be served on such person an order in wriling requiring
him to remove from the cantonment within such time as may be specified in
the order and prohibiting him from re-entering it without the permission in
writing of the Officer Commanding the station.

Remonl and 239. (1) If any person in a cantOnmenl caUSeS or attempts to cause or
exclusion does any 'let which he knows is likely to Cause disloyalty. disaffection or
from canton-
mtnl o ( breaches of discipline amongst any portion of (the Burma] 2 forces or is a
seditious person who. the Olficer Commanding the station has reason to bclic\'e. is likely
to do such act, the Officer Commanding the stalion may make an order in writing
selling forth the reasons for Ihe making of the same and requiring such person
to remove from the cantonment within such time as may be specified in the

1 Omitted h}" tilt l.'nion "r Burma. IAd:1pt ation Cf L.'l\\ s) OrcJer. 19i8.
1 Slll,),~lltllltl1
Cantonment'. 433
order and prohibiting him from reentering it without the permiuion in writin,
of the Officer Commanding the station:
Provided that no order shall be made under this section agaiost any
person unless he has had a reasonable opportunity of being informed of the
grounds on which it is proposed to make the order and of showing cause wby
the order should not be made.
(2) Every order made under subsection (I) shall be sent to the Superin-
tendent of Police of the district. who shall cause a copy tbereof to be seeved
On the person concerned.
(3) Upon the making or any order under sub-section (I). the- Officer
Commanding the station shall forthwith send a copy of the same to the Presi
dent of the Union.
(4) The President or the Union may. at his own motion. and Ihall. on
application made to him in this behalf within one month of the date of the
onJer by the person against whom the order has been made. call upon tbe
District Magistrate to mate-. after such inquiry as thl: PresideDt of the Union
may prescribe. a report regarding the justice of the order and the necessity
therefor. At every such inquiry the person agatnst whom the order has been
made shall be given an opportunity at being heard in his own defence.
(5) The President of the Union may. at any tinte after the receipt of- a
copy of an order sent under sub-section (3) or. where a report has been called
for under subseetion (4). on receipt of that report. if he il of opinion tbat
the order should be varied or res!:inded. pass such orders thereon as he thinb
fi I.
(6) Any person who has been excluded from a Cantonment by an order
made under this section may. at any time after ehe expiry of one month from
the date thereof. apply to lhe Officer Commandinain..chief. the Command.
for the rescission of the S3me and. on such application being made. the said
Officer may. after making luch inquiry. if any. as he thinlcs necessary. either
rejece the application or rescind the order.

240. Whoever- Peal.,.

(0) fails to oomply with an order issucd under this Chapter within
the period specified therein. or. whilst an order probibitiDI
him from reoentering a cantonment without permiuioD i. ia
force. re-enters the caneonment without .ucb permission or
(b) knowing that any person has. under this Chapter. been required
to remove from the cantonment and hal not obtained tbe
requisite permission to re-cnter ie. harbourl or conceals .ucb
person in the cantonment.
shall be punishable with fine which may extend to two hundred rupccI. and.
in the case of a continuing offence with an additional fine which may exeend
to twenty rupees for every day after the firse during which he bas per.iIIed
iD tbe offence.

434 Cantonments.



Entry and Inspection.

Powers of 241. It shall be lawful for the [Chairman)l or the [Vice.Chairman)1
entry. of a Board. or the Ex.ecutive Officer. or the Health Officer or Assistant
Health Officer. or any person specially authorized by the Health Officer or
the Assistant Health Officer. or for any other person authorized by general or
special order of a Cantonment Authority in this behalf. to enter into or upon
any building or land. with or without assistants or workmen. in order to
make any inquiry. inspection. measurement. valuation or survey. or to ex.ecute
any work. which is authorized by or under this Act or which it is necessary to
make or e~ecute for any of the purposes or in pursuance of any of the
provisions of this ACI or of any rule. bye-law or order made thereunder:
Provided that nothing in this section Shall be deemed to confer upon
any person any power such as is referred 10 in section 207 or section 215 or
to uuthorize the conferment upon any per~on of any such power.

Powers of 241. With the previous sanction of the [Chairman.]! any member of a
in.pecliou Board may inspect any work or institution constructed or maintained. in whole
by member
of a Hoard. or part. at the expense of the Board. and any register. boole. accounts
or other document belonging to. or in the possession of. the Board.

Power of 243. (I) A Cantonment Authority m:lY. by general or special order.

inspection, authorize any person-
(a) to inspect any drain. privy. latrine, urinal. cesspool. pipe. sewer
or channel in or on any building or land in the cantOnment.
and. in his discretion. to cause the ground to be opened for the
purpose of preventing or removing any nuisance arising from
the drain. privy. latrine. urinal. cesspool. pipe. sewer or
channel. as the case llIay be;
(b) to examine works under construction in the cantonment. to take
levels or to remove, test. examine. replace or read any meter.
(2) If. on such inspection. the opening of the ground is found to be
necessary for the prevention or removal of a nuisance. the expenses thereby
incurred shull be paid by the owner or occupier of the land or building. but
if it is found that no nuisance exists or but for such opening would h:lve
arisen. the ground or portion of :lny building. drain or other work opened.
injured or removed for the purpose of such inspection shall be filled in.
reinstated. or made good. as the case may be. by the Cantonment Authority.
Cantonments. 435

244. (I) The Executive Officer of a cantonment may. with or without Power to
assistants or workmen, enter on any land within fifty yards of any work. clIh:t I~ll$l
authorized by or under this Act tor the purpose of depositing thereon any land Yo'h""c
soil. gravel. stone or other materials. or o( obtaining access to such work. or work la III
for any other purpose connected with the carrying on of the same.
(2) The Executive Officer shall. before entering on any land under
subscetion (I), give the occupier or. if there is no occupier. the owner not
less than three days' previous notice in writing of his intention to make such
entry. and shall state the purpose thereof. and shall. if so reqUired by the
occupier or owner. fence off so much of the land as may be required for such
(3) The Executive Officer shall. in exercising any power conferred by
this section. do as little damage as may be. and compensation shall be p:.!yable
by the Cantonment Authority to the owner or occupier of sucb land. or to
both. for any such damage whether permanent or temporary.

245. It shnll be laWful for any pcrson authorized by or under Ihis Act Bre:aJr.intiulo
to make any entry into any place to Opcn or cause co be opened any door. I'nlmiaC'l.
gate or other barrier_
(0) i( he considers the op~ning thereof necessary for the purpose of
such entry; and
(b) if the owner or occupier is absent. or being present refuses to
open such door. gate or barrier.
%46. Save as otherwise expressly prOVided in this Act. nO entry authorized Eutry to be
by or under this Act shall be rn:tde except between the hours of sunrise and made hi Ihe
day tlmc.
247. Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act. no building Owner'l
or land shall be entered without Ihe consent of the occupier. or if there is no conlc:ol
ordinaril, to
occupier. of the owner thereof. and no Such entry shall be made without be ..>bl::atned.
giving the said occupier or owner. as the case may be. not less than
four hours' written notice of the intention to make such entry:
Provided that no such notice shall be necessary if the place to
be inspecled is a slable for horses or a shed for cattle. or a latrine. privy or
urinal. or a work under construction.

%48. When any place used as a human dwelling is entered UDder Re~anI to be
thiS Act. due regard shall be paid to the !Oocial and religious customs bad to ladal
and usages of the occupants of the place entered. and no apartment in the
actual occupancy of a female shall bc entered or broken open until she has
and rc:II,loul

been informed that she is at liberty to withdraw and every reason:lble facilit)'
has been afforded to her for withdraWing.

249. Whoever obstructs or molests any person employed by a PcoaIty (or

Cantonment Authority. who is not a public servant within the meaning obItrQCtlon.
of section 21 of the Penal Code. or any person with whorn th~ Cantonmenl
436 Call1onmtnts.

Authority has lawfully contracted. in the execution of his duty or of anything

which he is empowered or required to do by virtue or in consequence of any
of the provisions of this Act or of any rule. byelaw or order made thereunder.
or in fulfilment of his contract. us the case may be. shan be punishable with
fine which may extend to One hundred rupees.

Powers and Duties of ~oJice OtJicers.

Arrdt with- 250. Any member of the police force employed in a cantonment may.
out warrant. without a warrant. arrest any person committing in his view a breach of any
of the provisions of this Act which are specified in Schedule IV:
Provided (hat-
(a) in the case of the breach of any such provision as is specified in
Part B of Schedule IV. no person shall be so arrested
who consents to give his name and address. unless
there is reasonable ground for doubting the accuracy
of the name or address so given. the burden of proof of which
shall lie on the arresting officer. and no person so arrested shull
be detained after his name and address have been ascertained:
(b) no person shall be so arrested for an offence under section 236
(i) at the request of the person importuned or of a military officer
in whose presence the offence was committed; or
(ii) by or at the request of a member of the Military or Air Force
police. who is employed in the cantonment and authorized in
this behalf by the Officer Commanding the station. and in
whose presence the offence was commiUed. or by or at the
request of any police.afficer not below the rank of a sub-
inspector who is employed in the cantonment and authorized
in this behalf by the Officer Commanding the station.

Dulles at 251. It shall be the duty of all police-officers to give immediate

officen. information to the Cantonment Authority of the commission of any offence
against the provisions of this Act or of any rule or bye-law made thereunder.
and to assist all cantonment officers and servants in the exercise of their
lawful authority.


Nolicn to fill. 15%. Where any notice. order or requisition made under this Act or any
rule or bye-law made thereunder requires anything to be dODe for the doing
of which no time is fixed in this Act or in the rule or bye-law. the
DOtiec. order or requisition shall specify a reasonable time for doing the same.
ConlonnunlS. 431
2.5'3. Every notice. order or requisition issued by a Cantonment Authority Autbenllc..
undcr this Act or any rule or byelaw made thereunder shall be signed- don and

(0) where there is a Board. either by the [Chairman]1 of tbe Board or

validity of
I"ued by
by the Executive Officer. or. wbere there is no Board. by the Cantonment
Executive Officer: or
(6) by the members of any committee especially authorized
by the Cantonment Authority in this behalf.
154. (I) E....ery notice. order or requisition issued undertbis Act or any 5ervkeOf
rule or bye-law made thereunder shall. save as otherwise expre55ly provided. JJCIlkc."
be served or presented-
(0) by giving or tendering the notice. order or requisition. or sending
it by post. to the person for whom it is intended; or
(6) if such perSOn cannot be found. by affixing the notice. order or
requisition on some conspicuous part of his last known place of
abode or business. if within the cantonment. or by giving or
tendering the notice, order or requisition to some adult male
member or servant of his family. or by causing it to be affixed
on sam.: conspicuous part of the building or land. if any.
to which it relates.
(2) When any such notice. order or requisition is required or permitted
to be served upon an owner. leSSee or occupier of any building or land.
it shall not be ncces~ary to name the owner. lessee or occupier therein, and the
service thereof shall. save as otherwise expressly provided. be effected
(u) by giving or tendering the notice. order or requisition. or sendina
it by post. to the owner. lessee or occupier. or, if there
are more owners. lessees or occupiers than OnC. to anyone of
them; or
(b) if no su<:h Owner, lessee or occupier can be found. by giving or
tendering the notice. order or requisition to the authorized
agent. if any. of lJny such owner, lessee or occupier, or to an
adult male member or servant of the (amily of any such owner,
lessee or occupier. or by causing it to be affixed on some
conspicuous part of the building or land to Which it relates.
(J) When the person on whom a notice. order or requisition is to be
served is a minor. service upon his guardian or upon an adult male member or
servant of his family shall be deemed to be scnice upon the minor.
155. Every notice which. by or under Ihis Act. is to be liven or served Melhod of
as a public notice or as a notice which is not required to be given to any individual 1i"lnaMAke.
therein specified shall. save as otherwise expressly provided. be deemed to
have been sufficiently given or served if a copy thereof is affixed in such
conspicuous part of the office of the Cantonment Authority. or in such other
public pl:lce. during such period. or is published in such local newspaper or
in such other manner. as the Cantonment Authority may direct.
t SIIbr;litutcd by \be liajull uf I;h.nna (Adaptatioa of La"., Order. l~.
438 Cantonments.

Powers c:f :56. In the event of non-eompliance with the terms of any notice. order
cantoDmmt or requisilion issued to any person under this Act. or any rule or bye-law
case of noD made thereunder. requiring such person to execute any work or to do anyact.
compli;mcc it shall be lawful for the Cantonment Authority. whether or not the person
with notice.
etc. in default is liable to punishment for such default or h~s been prosec:uted or
sentenced to any punishment therefor. after giving notice in writing to such
person. to take such action or such steps as may be necessary for the comple
tion of the act or work required to be done or executed by him. and all lhe
expenses incurred on such account shall be recoverable by the Cantonment
Recol-'cry of Money.
Liability of 257. (I) J( any such notice as is referred to in sl:l.:tion 256 has been
occul'h:r to given to any person in respect of property of which he is the owner. the
pay In
default 01 Cantonment Authority may require any occupier of such property or of any pUrl
owner. thereof to pay to it. instead of to the o""ner. any rent payable by him in
respect of such property. as it falls due. up 10 the amount recoverable from
the owner under section 256 :
Pro"'ided thai if the oecupier. on application made to him by the
Cantonment Authority. refuses truly to disclose the amount of his rent or Ihe
Dame or address of the person to whom it is payable. Ihe Cantonment
AUlhorilY may recover from the occupier the whole amount recoverable
under section 256.
(2) Any amount recovered from an occupier instead of from an owner
under subsection (I) shall. in the absence of any conlract between the owner
and the occupier to the contrary. be deemed to have been paid to the owner.
Relld to m, (I) Where any person. by reaSOn of his receiving Ihe rent of
alenb and immoveable property as an agenl or trustee. or of his being as an agent or
trustee the person who would receive the rent if the property were let to a
tenant. would under this Act be bound 10 discharge any obligation imposed
on the owner of the property for the discharge of which money is required.
be shall not be bound to discharge the obligalion unless he has. or but for
his own improper acl or default might have had. funds in his hantls belonging
to the owner sufficient foe the purpose.
(2) The burden of proving any fact entilling an agent or trustee to
relief under sub-seclion (1) shall lie upon him.
(J) Where any agent or trustee has claimed and establisbed his rigbt to
relief unde~ this section. the Canlonment Authority may. by notice in writing.
require him to apply to the discharge of such obJigalion as aforesaid Ihe fint
moniel which may come to his baods On behalf. or for the USc. of the owner.
and. 00 failure 10 comply with the notice. he shall be deemed 10 be pen.:onally
liable to discharge Ihe obligatioa_
15'. (t) In addition to Ihe express pr.1\'isions for the recovery of
hereinbefore contained. any arrc:ars of an)' l.aX ur fc:e or any other money
claimable by a Canlonment Authority under this ACI may be recovered as if
they were arrean of landareveDue.

(2) The President of the Union may. by notification. prescribe by whose

order and on whose application such arrears may be recovered.

Committees of Arbitration.
260. In the event of any disagreement as to the liability of a Canton- ApplleaUon
for a Com
ment Authority to pay any compensation under this Act. or 8$ to the amount mitteeof
of any compensation so payable. the person claiming such compensation may ArbitraUoa.
apply to the Cantonment Authority for the reference of the matter to a
CommiUee of Arbitration. and the Cantonment Authority sball forthwitb
proceed to convene a Committee of Arbitration to determine the matter in

261. When a Committee of Arbitration is to be convened. tbe Canton- Procedure '01'

ment Authority shall cause a public notice to be published stating tbe matter c:oavt'nin,
CotJlmittce 01
to be determined. and shall forthwith send copies of the order to the District Arbitration.
Magistrate. and to tbe otber party concerned. and sball. as soon as may be.
nominate such members of the Committee as it is entitled to nominate under
section 262. and. by notice in writing. call upon the other persons who are
entitled to nominate a member or members of the Committee to nominate
such member or members in accordance with the provisions of that section.

26%. (I) Every Committee of Arbitration shall consist of five members. eon.tltutlon
n;lmely :- d Coannitlee
(u) a chairman who shall be a person not in the service of the Arbitration
Government or the Cantonment Authority. and who sball be
nomin:lled by the Olficer Commanding the station;
(b) two persons nominatecJ by the Cantonment Authority: and
te) two persons nominated by the other party concerned. who shall
be persons liable to pay tues in tbe cantonment and ordinarily
resident therein or in the immediate vicinity thereof.
(2) If the Cantonment Authority or the other party concerned or the
Officer Commllnding the station fuils within seven days of the date of issue of
the notice referred to in section 261 to make any nomination which it or he
is entitled to make. or if any member who has been so nominated neglocts or
refuses to aet ;lnd the Cantonment Authority or other person by whom sucb
member was nominltted fails to nominate another member in his place
within seven days from the date on which it or he may be called upon to do so
by the District Magistrate. (he District Magistrate shall forthwith appoint
a member or members. as the case may be. to fill the VacaDCY or vacancics.
263. (I) No person who has a direct interest in the matter under Nopenoa to
reference. or whose services are not immediately available for tbe purposes of :::~"'ted
the Committee. shall be nominated a member of a Committee of Arbitration. direct
(2) I~. in the opinion of the District Magistrate. any person who has
been nommated has ;, direct interest in the matter under reference. or is

otherwise disqualified for nomination. or if the services of any such per$Oo !-,e..!'~.L,.,
nr...-........ J

are not immediately avail4lble as aforC$lid. and if the Cantonment Authority

or other person by whom any such person was nominated fails to nominate
another member within seven days from the dite on which it or he may be
called upon to do so by the District Magistrate. such failure shall be deemed
to constitute a failure to make a nomination within the m;:aning of section 262.

Ilcetf.1Dd %64. (I) When a Committee of Arbitration has been duly constituted.

the Cantonment Authority shall. by notice in writing. inform each of the
members of the fact. and the Committee shall meet as soon as may be
(2) The chairman of the Committee shall fix. the time and place of
meetings, and shall have power to adjourn any meeting from time to time as
may be necessary.
(3) The Committee shall receive and record evidence, and shall have
power to administer oaths to witnesses. and. on requisition in writing signed
by the chairman of the Committee. tbe District Magistrate shall Issue the
necessary processes for the attendance of witnesses and ttle production of
documents required by the Committee. and may enforce tbe said processes as
if tbey were processes for attendance or production before himself.

Commilt. .
265. (I) The decision of every Committee of Arbitration shall be in
accordance with the mltjority of votes taken at a meeting at which the chairman
Arbilntfoa. and at least three of the other members are present.
(2) If there is not a majority of votes in favour of any proposed
decision. the opinion of the chairman shall prevail.
(3) The decision of a Committee of Arbitroation shall be final and shall

_. not be questioned in uny Court.

166. Save as otherwise ex.pressly provided in this Act. no Court shall
proceed to tbe trial of uny offence made punishable by or under this Act.
other than an offence specified in Schedule IV. except on rhe complaint of.
or upon information received from. the Cantonment Authority concerned or
a perlon authorized by the Cantonment Authority by a general or special
order in this bebalf.
161. (I) A Cantonment Authority. or any person authorized by it by
aeneral or special order in this behalf. may, either before or after the
institution of the proceedings. compound any offence made punishable by or
under this Act other than an otrence under Chapter XIV:
Provided that no offence shall be compoundable which is committed by
failure to comply with a notice. order or requisition issued by or on behalf
of the Cantonment Authority. unless :lnd until the same has been complied
with in so far as compliance is possible.
(2) Where an offence has been compounded. the offender. if in custody.
shall be diacbar,ed and no further proceedinas shall be taken against him in
respect of the offence so compounded.
Cantonnunts. 441
General Penalt)- Prollisions.
268. Whoever. in any case in whic~ a penalty is not .e~~r~ly provided
by this Act. fails to comply with any notice. order or requllillon Issued under
any provision thereof. or otherwise contravenes any of the provisions of this
Act. shall be punishable with fine which may extend to two hundred rupees.
and. in the case of a continuing failure or contravention. with an additional
fine which may extend to twenty rupees for every day after the first durios:
which he has persisted in the failure or contravention.
2". Where any person to whom a licence has been granted under this Canccllatioa
Act or any agent or servant of such person commits a breach of any o~ tbe ril~ :Ipen-
conditions thereof. or of any bye-law made under this Act for the purpose 1"=-11*.
of regulating the manner or circumstances in. or the conditions subject to.
which anything permitted by such licence is to be or may be done. the
Cantonment Authority may. without prejudice to any other penalty which may
have been incurred under this Act. by order in writing. cancel the licence or
suspend it for such period as it thinks fit:
Provided that no such order shall be made until an opportunity has
been given to the holder of the licence to show cause why it should Dot be
270. Where any p.:rson has incurred a penalty by reason of having Reco.. .cry of. .
caused any damage to the property of a Cantonment Authority. he shall be :=ui~t pay
liable to make good such damage. and the amount payable in respect of the rupeet of
damage shall. in case of dispute. be determined by the Magistrate by whom :n~::~:t
the person incurring such penalty is convicted. and. On nonpayment of such property.
amount on demand. the same shall be recovered by distress and sale of tbe
moveable property of such person. and the Magistrate shall issue a warrant
for its recOvery accordingly.
171. No Court shall try any person for an offence made punishable Limitation
by or under this Act after the eKpiry of six months from the date of ~:':0It:C&l.
the commission of the offence. unless complaint in respect of the offence
has been made to a Magistratc within the six months aforesaid.
272. No suit or prosecution shan be entertained in any Court against any ProWdiOD oj
Cantonment Authority or authority aPPDintcd under sub.ection (2) of section Cal,tO"lDeIIt
10. or against any Officer Commanding a station. or against any member of a EJ:eeuUve
Board. or against any officer or servant of a Cantonment Authority. for anythiDI OJlicer.ctC'.
in good faith done. or intended to b.: don.:. under tbis Act or any rule or bye
law made thereundcr.
273. (I) No suit shall be instituted against any Cantonment Autbority'"
or against any member of 3. Board. or against any officer or servant of a Ci\-eDohuita.
Cantonmcnt Authority. in respeCt of any act done. or purportinC to have beea
done. in pursuance of this Act or of any rule or by.""- made thcreuader. UDtil

the expiration of two months after notice in writing has be~n left at the office of
the Cantonment Authority. and. in the case of such member. officer or servant.
unless notice in writing has also been delivered to him or left at his office or
place of abode. and unless such notice states expHcitly the c<1use of action.
the nature of the relief sought. the amount of compensation claimed. and the
name and place of abode of the intending plaintitf. and unless the plaint
contains a statement that such notice has been so delivered or left.
(2) If the Cantonment Authority. memb('r. officer or Servant has. before
the suit is instituted. tendered sufficient amends to the plaintiff. the plaintiff
shall not recover any sum in excess of the amount so tendered. and shall also
pay aU costs incurred by the defe.lldant after such tender.
(3) No suit. such as is described in sub-section (I) shall, unless it is an
action for the recovery of immoveable property or for a declaration of
title thereto. be instituted after the expiry of 51x months (rom th~ uute on
which the cause of action arises.
(4) Nothing in subsection (I) shall be deemed to apply to a suit in which
the only relief claimed is an injunction of which the object would be defeated
by the giving of Ihe notice or the postponement of the institution of the suit
or proceeding.

Appeals and Revision.

Appeal. 274. (I) Any person aggrieved by any ordcr dcscribco in the second
elliecl,ltlve column of Schedule V may llppeallo the authority specified in that behalf in
order the third column thereof.
(2) No such appeal shall be admitted if it is made after the expiry of
the period specified in that behalf in the fourth column of the said Schedule.
(3) The period specified as aforesaid shall be computed ill accordance
with the provisions of the Limitation Act with respect to the computation of
periods of limitation thereunder.

Petition 01 275. (I) Ev~ry appeal under section 274 shall be made by petition in
arre<d. writing accompanied by ~\ copy or the order appealed against.
(2) Any such pdition may be presenteJ to the authority which made the
order against which the appeal is made. and that authority shall be bound to
forward it to the appellate authority. and may attach thereto any report
which it may desire to make by way of explanation.

5'1l1pen~lon 276. On the admission of an appeal from an order. other than an order
of action contained in a notice issued under clause (a) of section 137. section 140.
arpcal. section 176. or section 238. aU proceedings to enforce the order and all
prosecutions for any contravention thereof shall be held in abeyance pending
the decision of the appeal. and. if the order is set aside on appeal.
disobedience thereto shall not be deemed to be an offence.

Revl.lon. 177. (I) Where an appeal from an order made by the Cantonment
Authority has been disposed of by the District Magistrate. the Cantonment
Authority may. within thirty days from the date thereOf. apply. through the

Officer Commanding-in-Chief. the Command. to the President of the Union.

or to such authority as the President of the Union may appoint in this behalf.
for a revision o( the d~ision.
(2) The provisions of this Chapter with respect to appeals shall apply.
as far as m:1Y be. to applications for revision made under tbis aection.

271. Save as otberwise provided in section 277. every order of

appellate authority shall be final.
aD ..........
279. No appeal shaH be decided under this Chapter unless the :'~:~t to
appellant has been heard. or has bad a reasonable opportunity of beiDl be kant.
beard. in person or through a legal practitioner.


280. (') The President of the Union may. after previoUJ publication. Power to
make rules to carry out the purposes and objects of tbis Act. mate rula.
(2) In particUlar. and witbout prejudice to tbe generality of the
foregoing power. such rules may provide for all or any of tbe foUowiDI
matters. namely :-
(0) the manner in which, and the authority to which. application foe
permission to occupy land belonging to the (State] 1 in a
cantonment is to be made;
(b) the authority by which such permission may be sranted and tbe
conditions to be annexed to the grant of any such permission;
(bb) the allotment to a Cantonmcnt Authority of a share of the rents
and profits accruing from property entrusted to ils manasement
under the provisions of scclion 116A;
(c) the appointment. control. supervision. suspension. removal.
dismissal and punishment of servants of Cantonment
(d) tbe circumstances in whh:h s::curity shall be demanded from
servants of Cantonment AUlhorities and Ihe amount and nature
of such security;
(e) the grant of leave. absenlee or acting aUowaoce to servantl of
Cantonment Authorities:
(f) the creation and management of provident funds. and Ihe circum-
stances in which. and the conditions subject to which.
contributions thereto sball be made from cantonment fund. and
by servants of Cantonmenl Authorities ;
(g) the keeping of accounts by Cantonment AutboritiCi and the ma.nn
in which such accounts shall be audiled and published ;

I ~ubi&itlded lot the wor4 CrowD" by the UoioD 01 Boraa (A.laptatfOa 01......, Order.
444 Cantonments.

(h) the definition of the persons by whom. and the manner in which.
money may be paid out of a cantonment fund;
(hh) the circumstances in which and the conditions subjcct to Which
remissions and refunds may be made of taxes assessed on the
annual value of buildings in hill Cantonments;
(i) the preparation of estimates of income and expenditure by
Cantonment Authorities and the definition of the persons by
whom. and the conditions subject to which. such estimates may
be sanctioned;
(j) the regulation of the procedure of Committees of Arbitration; and
(k) the prescribing of registers. statements and forms to be used and
maintained by any authority for the purposes of this Act.

Supple- %81. (I) A rule under section 280 may be made either generally for all
menl:.1 cantonments or for the whole or any part of anyone or more cantonments.
respecting (2) All rules so made shall be published in the Gazette and in such
rula. other manner. if any. as the President of the Union may direct and. on such
publication. shall have effect as if enacted in this Act.

Power tu
make bye.
zaZ. Subject to the provisions of this Act and of the rules made
laws thereunder. a Cantonment Authority may. in addition to any bye-laws which
it is empowered 10 make by any other provision of this Act. make bye-laws
to provide for all or any of the following matters in the cantonment. na:nely :-
(1) the registration of births, deaths and marriages. and the taking of
a census:
(2) the enforcement of compulsory vaccination;
(3) the regulation of the collection und recovery of llPtes. tolls and
fees under this Act and the refund of taxes ;
(4) the regulation or prohibition of any description of traffic in the
streets :
(5) the manner in which vehicles standing. driven. leu or propelled in
the streets between sunset and sunrise shall be lighted:
(6) the seizure and confiscation of ownerless animals straying within
the limits of the cantonment;
(7) the prevention and extinction of fire;
(8) the construction of scaffolding for building operations to secure
the safety of the general public and of persons working thereon:
(9) the regulation in any manner Dot specifically provided for in this
Act of the construction. alteration. maintenance. preservation.
cleaning and repairs of drains. ventilationshafts. pipes. water.
closets. privies. latrines. urinals. cesspools and other drainage
works ;
(10) the regulation or prohibition of the discharge into. or deposit in.
draios of .scwace. polluted water aod other offensive or
obstructive matter;
Cantonment'. 445
(11) tbe regulation or probibition of tbe stabling or berding of animals.
or of any class of animals. so as to prevent danger to public
(12) tbe proper disposal of corpses. tbe regulation and management
of burial and burning places and otber places for the disposal
of corpses. and the fees chargeable for the use of such places
where the same are provided or maintained by Government or
at the expense of the cantonment fund;
(3) the permission. regulation or prohibition of the use or occupation
of any street or place by itinerant vendors or by any person for
the sale of articles or the exercise of any calling or the setting
up of any booth or stall. and the fees chargeable for such use
or occupation;
(14) the regulation and control of encamping grounds. pounds.
washingplaces. serais. hotels. dakbungalows. lodging.houses.
boarding- houses. buildings let in tenements. residential clubs.
restaurants. eatinghouses. cafes. refreshment..rooms and places
of public recreation. entertainment or resort:
(15) the regulation of the ventilation. lighting. cleansing. drainage and
watersupply of the buildings used for the manufacture or sale
of a:rated or other potable waters and of butter. milk. sweet..
meats and other articles of food or drink for buman
(16) the matters regarding which conditions may be imposed by
licences granted under section 210;
U7) the control and supervision of places where dangerous or offensive
trades are carried on so as to secure cleanliness therein or to
minimise any injurious. offensive or dangerous effects arisiDg or
likely to arise therefrom;
(18) the regulation of the erection of any enclosure. fence. tent.
awning or other temporary structure of whatsoever material or
nature on any land situated within the cantonment;
(19) the laying out of streets, and the regulatioD and prohibition of
the erection of buildings without adequate provision beinl
made for the laying out and location of streets ;
(20) the regulation of the USe of public parks and gardens and other
public places. and the protection of aveDues. trees. crass and
other appurtenances of streets and other public places :
(21) the regulation of the grazing of animals;
(22) the fixing and regulation of the use of public bathing and washing-
(23) tbe regulation of tbe posting of bills and advertisemenla, and of
tbe position. size. sbape or style of name-boards. sien-boardo
and sign-posla ;
446 Cantonments.

(24) the fixation of a melhoJ for the sale of articles whether by

measure. weight. piece or any other method:
(25) the rendering necessary of licences within the cantonment-
(a) for persons working as job porters for the conveyance of goods:
(b) for animals or vehicles let out on hire;
(e) for tbe proprietors or drivers of vehicles. boats or other
conveyances. or of animals kept or plying for hire: or
(d) for persons impelling or carrying such vehicles or other
(26) the prescribing of the fee payable for any licence required under
clause (25). and of the conditions subject to which such licences
may be granted. revised. suspended or withdrawn:
(27) the regulation of the charges to be made for the services of such
job porters and of the hire of such animals. vehicles or other
conveyances. and for the remuneration of persons impelling or
carrying such vehicles or conveyance1 as are referred to in
clause (25) ;
(28) the regulation or prohibition. for purposes of sanitation or the
prevention of disease or the promotion of public safety or
con',enience. of any .lct which occasions or is likely to occasion a
nuisance. and for the regul:ltion or prohibition of which no
provision is made elsewhere by or under this Act:
(29) the circumstances and the manner in which owners of buildings
or lund in the cantonment. who are temporarily absent from.
or are not resident in. the cantonnlent. olay be required to
appoint as their agents. for aU or any of the purposes of this
Act or of any rule or bye-law made thereunder. persons residing
within or near the cantOnment;
(30) the prevention of the spread of infectious or contagious diseases
within the cantonment;
(31) the segregation in. or the removal and exclusion from. the
cantonment. or the destruction. of animals suffering or
reasonably suspected to be suffering from any infectious or
contagious disease ;
(32) tbe supervision. regulation. conservation and protection from
injury. contamination or trespass of sourceS and means of
public watersupply and of appliances for the distribution of
water whether within or without the limits of the cantonment;
(33) the mann~r in which connections with waterworks may be
constructed or maintained. and the agency which shall or may
be employed for such construction and maintenance;
(34) the regulation of all mallers and things relating to the supply and
use of water including the collection "nd recovery of charges
therefor and the prevention of evasion of the same ~
(35) the maintenance of schools. and the furtherance of education
Cant01'lment6. 447

(36) the regulation or prohibition of tbe cutting or destruction of trees

or shrubs, or of the making of excavations, or of the removal
of soil or quarrying, where such regulation or prohibition
appears to the Cantonment Authority to be necessary for tbe
maintenance of a water~supply. the preservation of the soil. the
prevention of land~s1ips Of of the formation of favines or
torrents, or the protection of land against erosion. or apiDst
the deposit thereon of sand. gravel or stones ;
(37) the rendering necessary of licences for the use of premises within
the cantonment as stables or cowhouscs or as accommodation
for sheep, goats or fowls;
(38) the control of the use in the cantonment of mechanical whist1es,
syrens or trumpets; and
(39) genenlty Jor the regulation of the administration of the canton-
ment undt;r this Act.

%13. Any byelaw ninde by :1 Cantonment Authority under this Act may Pen:tlty for
provide that a contravention thereof shan be punishable- bf,.......h 01
(a) with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees: or
(b) with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees and. in the
case of a continuing contravention. with an additional fine
which may extend to twenty rupees for every day during which
such contravention continues after conviction for the first such
contravention; or
) with fine which may extend to len rupees for every day
during Which the contravention continues after the receipt of a
nOlice from the Cantonment Authority by the person ContraVen-
ing the byelaw requiring such person to discontinue such

284. (l) Any power to make bye-laws conferred by this Act is conferred Supplemental
subject to the condition of the being made after previous ~:;::~::
publication and of their not taking effect until they h:lve been approved and by....!a.....
confirmed by the President of the Union and published in the Gazette.
(2) The PreSident of the Union in confirming a byelaw may make any
change therein which appears to him to be necessary.
(3) The President of the Union may, after previous publication of his
intention. cancel any bye-law which he has confirmed. and thereupon the
bye-law shall cease to have ctr.:ct.

W. (I) A copy of all rulcs and byelaws made undcr this Act shall be R.1fa and
kept at the office of the Cantonment Authority and shall. durins office hours, b)c-Iawa 10 .
be open free of charge to inspection by any inhabitant of the cantonment. ::J:~=
(2) Copies of all such rules and bye.laws shall be kept at the oltice of aGeS
the cantonment Authority for sale to the public. P~.
448 CantOllmentl.

E:llenalnn 0( 286. The President of the Union may. by notification in the Gazette. and
certain subject to any conditions as to compensation or otherwise which he thinks fit
af Ih' Act to impose. extend to any area beyond a cantonment and in the vicinity
and nde. 10 thereof. with or without restriction or modification. any of the provisions of
be,ood Chapters IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV and XV. or of any rule or
cantoameat. made under this Act for the cantonment. which relates to the subjectmaHer
of any of those Chapters. and every enactment. rule or bye-law so
extended shall thereupon lJpply to that area as if the area wecc included
in tbe C:lntonment.
Pcwerto 2I6A. The cantonment Authority may empower .:lny of its members or
deklate officen to exercise or perform in the absence of the Executive Officer from
funcUcas of
Encutlw the cantonment all or 3ny of such powers or duties of 3n Executive Officcr
under Ihis Act as the President of the Union m~. by notification in tbe
G:lzette, specify in this behalf.
217. (I) Paragraphs 2 and 3 of section 54. and sectionS 59. 107 and 123
of the Transfer of Property Act. with respect to the transfer of property by
registered instrument. shall. on and from the commencement of this Act.
extend to every cantonment.
(2) The Registrar or subRegisuar of the district or sub-district formed
for the purposes of the Registration Act in whicb any cantonment is situated.
shall. when any document relating to immoveable property within the C41nton-
ment is registered. send information of the registration tonhwilh to the
Cantonment Authority or such other authority as the President of the Union
may prescribe in this beh31f.
Validlt,o{ 211. No notice. order. requisition. licence. permission in writing or other
notices aad
ether such document issued under this Act shall be invalid merely by reason of any
documeatl. defect ot torm.
M, 219. A copy of any receipt. application. plan. nolice. order or other
creatr, dOC:Ument. or 0 I
ment any" "er' tn
en ry lR a regis h .
t e possesSion a I aCantonmen ,
as e\1deboc. Authority shall. if duly certified by the legal keeper thereof or other person
authorized by the Cantonment Authority in this behalf. be admissible in
evidence of, the existence of tbe document or entry. and shall be admitted as
CYideoce of the matter and transactions therein recorded in every case Where.
and to tho .. me extent to which. the original document or entry wouJd. if
produced. have been admilSiblc to prove such matters.

EvldetKe by 2M. No of6cer or servant of a Cantonment Authority shan. in any legal
proceediQI to which the Cantonment Authority is not a party. be required to
'be ea.ton- produce any register or document the contents of which can be proved under
btbcdy. IeCtion 289 by a certified copy. or to appear as a witness to prove any matter
or tranuction recorded there;u save by order of the Court made for special
:ztl. For the purpoacs of the Government Buildinp Act. cantonmcata :f9IJcatloa
and Cantonment Authorities shall be deemed to be municipalities I.Dd GoteI_eat
municipal authoritiei respectively. Boiklh.,.
(5<. lIio. 91.)
residiol at
Tate notice that the Cantonment Authority demlndl from
the lum of due from on
account of (here delcribe the property.
occupation. circumst3ncc or thing in respect of which the lum iJ payable'
leviable under lor the period of
commencioa on the day of .9 aDd
endiog on the day of .9 and that if.
within thirty days from the service of this notice. the oid sum is DOt paid to
the Cantonment Authority at or .ufficient cause
for nonpayment is not shown to the satisfaction of the Executive Officer
warrant of distress will be issued for the recovery of the lame with costs.
Dated this day of .9
EUClllille OfJicer.
(See section 92.)
(Here Insert tile name of tht! office!' charged with tile uecutl~ of tbe warrabt.)
Whereas A. B. of has not paid. and has Dot shon
satisfactory cause for the non-payment of. the sum ot
due on account of for the period of (H
commencing on the day of 19 and eacUna _cdbe the
with the day of 19 whieb sum ia leviable llabWly.
And whereas thirty days have elapsed since the service on him of DOtiCCl
of demand for the same:
Thi. i. to command you to di.train. subject to tho proYilioDl of tbe
Cantonments Act. the moveable property of tbe said A. B. to tbe aDlOuot of
the said sum of RI. : and forthwith to certify to IDe. toaetber
with this warrant. aU particulars of the property seized by you thereunder.
Dated this day of 19



(See section 93.)

residing at
Take notice that I have this day seized the property specified in the
inventory annexed hereto. for the value of due
(H"" for the liability mentioned in the margin fOf the period commencing with
deSCTlbe the
liabUity.1 the day of 19 ana ending with the
duyof 19 together with Rs. due for service
of notice of demand. and that. unless within seven days from the date of the
service of this notice you pay to the Cantonment Authority the said amount,
together with the costs of recovery. the said propepty wHl be sold by public
Dated this day of 19
(Signature of oOiur exutinf: the warrant.)


IHcre .Iate p;\rllallar, of property ~i~.)



(See section 250.)


~_--,(~l)~_-1- -"(,,,-I _


DruDkcnnclS, etc.

167 or selling or food, cle., or washing 01 cluthes by inlt'ded



118 (I) (,aIC.l Ualng threatening or abllliVl: words., etc.

Canton~nts. 4S1

Section. Sub~ct.

(I) (21
118 (I) (a) lUi) Indecent u(lOIure of pel'loa, etc.
U8 (1) (a) (io'

118 II' ~) 10' Expoeine deformity, ete.

118 (1) (Ai) (lIii) Gilming.
118 (1) t.) ($ii) Destraylog notice, etc.
liS tl) (.I) (nil) UraldllC directlDn-(1Olt, de.

US II} W KeepinC common a::lining-bou~ de.

liS 11) (e) Bealinl drunl,dC'.

Jl8 (1) (II) Slaglne, de., 10:\1 to dbturb rublic peace or order.
119 ((I) Letlingloose, or lelling on. ferOl...lou~ doe.
12S Dischargill~ lire-:arml, dC'., so al to C~ulC danger.
.76 U) Relllilibin.: In, or re-enterin)i!:, c:lnlonment after Dollce or expolliOD for
failure to attend ho.pltal or di.penury.
193 12) Deatro)ing, de. name of stTeet or number alliacd to building.

21. Ynding allilll;l) 011 lillb, etc.

2>6 Loitering or importuning for lexual imu1Orality.

240 (.1 Remaining ia, or rdnOlinJ: ttl, a cantoomeot after DOtice 01 cxpallion.


(See section 274.)

Stl_. Ye Order. Appelbte Authority. TilDe allowed for"""
II) (2) 131 (4)

126 CantonnleAt Author'lly'l Officer Conllnudln,-ia 'Ibirly .by. from serYic:e

noUce to repair. protect Chief, tbe Command. 0( noIiet'.
or encJ~ a bulldinc,
waH or aD,thing a&ixed
th...lo or well, tank,
reservo'r, pool, clcpr-
lion or excavation.
452 Cantonments.

Sedi"". Ib:eculive Ot"dCl" Awelble Authority. Time allowed for appeal.

(I) (21 131 I')

.34 C::.ntonmenl Aathority's 08icer CommandlDc Thirty cia).. from _ko
notice to 611
tank, etc.. or to dr2in
off or remowe water.
in.Qlid, the COlllm~nd. of DOUce.

137 CaDtonmeot Authority', Olftcer CommUidincin- Fifteen dayS from KJYkc:

notIce 10 pI'O\'ick hft1- Chid, UWConunand. of notice.
dent draiua:e, de.

140 Cantonment A.uthority" OffiCft" Comm.ndin~-in- Thlrt)' day. from scnke

110tice requiring a build. Chid. the COlJUIUnd. of notice.
inc to be repaired Ot"
..Hered 10 as to fmlOVe
sanitary ddecll.

". Orckr nl Ollicer Com-

manding the alalJon on
rerort of Med.iQI Officer,
Offur Commaftdinl:-io-
Chief, lite Cuu.malltl.
'ThIrty d:l)'s from senice
ot nutie~.
directing a penon to
rcmovefromtbe unton-
ment aDd prohibiting
him (,oat re-enlering
it without penniaion.

Cantonment Allthorlly's Olfiur Commandln..:-ln. Thirty cb.)'. Imm date of

'" refe",1 tu unction the
ertclion or rwrectlon
Chid, U.e CJlnmaud. mU1a1.
of a buihJlng.

185 Canlonmwl Authority'. Officer Commanding.ln. Thirty day. hom .cC'\'iet

notice lo aller or Cbid, the Command. of Dollce.
demoU.h. building.

cantonment Authority', Ofl".cer Comm.,ndina;.in_ ThiTty day. rrom liervice

'18 Chid, the Command.
notice to pull down or of notice.
otherwise dnl willi a
bUilding newly erected
or re-bunt without
permlnloo o...n- a
MWcr, dral.., culvert,
water..coane or water-

206 CantoDIMDt AatborUy's 05cft' ComIl\3ndinl-io_ Twenty~ne days rrom

nOlice problbitinC or Cbiel. tbe Commaad. Kn'ke of notice.
reItrictio the ale: of
- - - - - _ - l ._ _.. _

S.tion. E.I..uth"c Order. Appellate Authority. ITIme allo_td for .ppeaJ.

---!!L- (2) (31

238 Wa"llllralc'. nolic;:!: lIirccl- Dilltrict Magistrate Thirty da,. from ",vlC41
ing dhorclcrly pertOR of notice.
to rcmo,"c ftom can
tonl1\ent and prohibit.
ing him from re-entering
it without ~rmission.



I Operation of Act.
2. Definitions.


3. Cantonments or parts of cantOnments in which Act to be operative.

4. Saving of. wriUen instruments.

5. Liability of houses to appropriation.

6. Conditions on which houses may be appropriated.
7." Procedure for taking house on lease.
9. Sanction to be obtained bc::fore a bouSe is occ;:upied as a ho.pital. etC.
10. Houses not to be appropriated in certain case.
II. Time to be allowed for giving possession of boUle.
12. Surrender of house when to be enforced.
13. Option in certain cases for Owner On whom notice it illued UDder
section 7 to call upon the Government to purchase.
14. Provision where house is held on lease by a tenant.
15. Power for owner to require reference to Coun on question of reat.
16. Power for owner to require reference to Court on queatioa of repairi.
4$4 Cantonments.

17. Power to have repairs executed and recover COsl.
18. Notice to be given of devolution of interest in house in cantonment.


19. Jurisdiction in ref,erences.

20. Procedure and powers of the Court.
21. Restriction of scope of inquiry.


29. Appeal to High Court.

30. Appeal to the General Officer Commanding the Forces in the Union of
31. Petition of appeal.
32. Order in appeal final.
33. Suspension of action pending appeal.



34. Service of requisitions.

34A. Computation of periods of limitation.
35. Power for President to make fules.
36. Further provisions respecting rules.
31. Inapplicability of section 556 of the Code of Criminal Procedure to
trials of offences.
38. Protection to persons acting under Act.


[INDIA Acr VI. I923.J (1st April. 1923.)



1. (I){')
(J) This Act sball not become operative in any cantonment or pan of a
cu.tonmont otberwise tban in pursuance of a notification under section 3 :
Cantonments (House Accommodation).

Provided that any notification made under section 3 of the Cantonments [Delia U,
(House Accommodation) Act. 1922.1 in f.arce on the 1st April. 1923.' shall be 1902.
deemed to be a notification made under section 3 of tbis Act.
%. (I) In this Act. unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or Defulitioat.
(b) "Cantonment Board" meanS a Cantonment Board constituted
under the Cantonments Act;
(d) Officer Commanding the station" means the officer for the time
being in command of the forces in a cantonment or. if that officer
is the General Officer Commanding the Forces in the Union of
Burma. the military officer who would be in command of those
forces in the absence of the General Officer Commanding the
Forces in the Union of Burma;
U> .. house" means a house suitable for occupation by a military
officer or a military mess. and includes the land and buildingl
appurtenant to a house ;
(g) military officer" means a commissioned or warrant officer of
[the Burma)t military or air forces on military or air-force
duty in a cantonment. and includes * * S
an officer of the Cantonments Department and any person in
Army departmental employment whom the General Officer
Commanding the Forces in the Union ot Burma may at any
time. by an order in writing. place on the same footing u a
military officer for the purposes of this Act :
(II) .. owner includes the person who is receiving. or is entitled to
receive. the rent of a house. whether on his own account or On
behalf of himself and others or as an agent or trustee. or who
would so receive the rent. or be entitled to receive it. if the
house were Jet to 3 tenant; and
(;) a house is said to be in a state of reasonable repair when-
(i) all floors. walls. pillars and arches are sound and aU roofs souad
and watertight.
(ii) all doors and windows are intact. properly painted or oiled. and
provided with' proper locks or bolts or other secure futenin.p.
(iii) aU rooms. out-houses and other appurtenant buildinp are
properly colour-washed or white&washed.

I R..pcakd by the t..:alltonmenl~ If/Ollie ACCommodation) Act I~] 1I11dia Act VI, I9%]).
2.Vale o'l::QlIlmenCCItlCDt of this Act.
, Clause la) wal omitted by Act 11, 1945.
4 Substituted by the UniOD of 8urm1lAdilpbtioa Of LawI) Order. 1948
Omilted ibid.
456 Canlonments(House Aceommodal;On).

(2) If any question arises whether any land or building is appurtenant to

a house. it shaD be decided by the Oftk:er Commanding the station whose
decision thereon shall. subject to revision by the Collector. be final.
cantonmeats 3. (I) The President of the Union may. by notification in the Gazette.
or parb 01 declare tbis Act to be operative I in any cantonment or part of a cantonment
ill whicb Act sltuate in the Union of Burma.
tobe (2) Before issuing a notification under sub-section (I) in respect of any
cantonment or part of a cantonment. the President of the Union shall cause
local inquiry to be made with a view to determining whether it is expedient to
issue such notification. and what portion (if any) of the area proposed to be
included therein should be excluded thererrom.
Saving fI. 4. Nothing in this Act shaH affect the provisions of any written
wrlttllll instrument executed by or on behalf of the East India Company or th.:
Government. unless the other party entitled and the Government cOnsent in
writing to be bound by the terms of tbis Act.
Liability Gl S. Every house situate in a cantonment or part of a cantonment in
toousa to ap-
rropriaUon., respect of which a notification under sub-slectioR (I) of seclion 3 is for the
time being in force shall be liable to appropriation by the Go',ernment on a
lease in tbe manner and subject to the conditions hereinafter provided.

6. (1) Where-
onwbicb (a) a military officer who is stationed in or has been posted to Ihe
...,be cantonmenl. or a (Chairman]2 of a military mess in the canlOn
appropriated. ment. applies in writing to the Officer Commanding the station
stating that he is unable to secure suitable accommodation in
the cantonment for himself or Ihe mess on reasonable terms by
private agreement. and that no suitable house or quarter
belonging to Government is available for his occupation or for
the occupalion of the mess. and the Officer Commanding the
station is satisfied on inquiry of the truth of the facts so staled. or
(6) the Officer Commanding the station is satisfied on inquiry that
there is not in the cantonment a sufficient and assured supply of
houses available at reasonable rates of rent by private
agreement to meet the requirements of Ihe military officers and
military messes who$C accommodation in the cantonment is in
his opinion necessary or expedient.
the Officer Commanding the station may. with a view to enforcing the liability
under section 5. serve a notice on the Own::r of any house which appears to

I Thla Act bali been ded"red to be in opera-tin" in all CJIIIOftmcnla in 8unna. I'ide,
:\otlkaUon No. 117. dated 26t1t. Kay 1931. B.NffII Gd:tltc. 19JI. Part I, page-.f31 .
.....2 Rn~titutcd for the word .. 1'rC$idart" by the UniOll of !Surma IAdapt.diOlI IIf LaWIt) Order,
Cantonnunt, (House Accommodation).

him to be suitable for occupation by a militaty officer or .. military meu. u

the case may be. within the cantonment. or. if this Act is in force in pan
only of the cantonment. within that part. requiring the Owner to permit the
house to be inspected. measured and surveyed by such person aDd on luch date.
not being less than three clear days from the service of the notice. aDd at
such time between sunrise and sunset. as may be specified in the notice.
(2) On the date and at the time so specified the owner .ball be bound to
afford all reasonable facilities to the person specified in the notice for the
purpose of the inspection. measurement and survey of the bouse and. if he
refuses or neglects to do so. such person may. subject to any rules made under
this Act. enter on the premises and do all such things as may be reasonably
necessary for the said purpose.
7. (I) If. on the report of such person as aforesaid. the Officer Procedure
for laldna
Commanding the station is satisfied that the house is suitable for occupation ballM
by a military officer or a military mess. he may. by notice- ,.....

(u) require the owner to execute a lease of the house to the

Government for a specified period which shall not be leIS thaD
five years ;
(b) require the existing occupier. if any. to vacate the house; and
(e) require the owner to execute within such time QJ may be
specified in the notice such repairs as may. in tbe opinion of
the Officer Commanding the stalion. be necessary for the
purpose of putting the house into a state of reasonable repair.
(2) Every notice issued under subsection (I) shall .tate the amount of
the annual rent proposed as reasonable for the house. calculated on the
assumption that the owner will carry out the required repairs. if any. It shall
also contain an estimate of the cost of such repairs.
(3) The fonowing shall be deemed to be conditions or every lease
executed under sub-section (I). namely :-
(a) that the house shall. on the expiration of the lease. be redelivered
to the owner in a state of reasonable repair. and
(b) that the grounds and the garden. it any. appertainina to the house
shall be maintained in the condition in Which they are at the
time at which the lease is executed :
Provided that notbing in this sub-section shall be deemed to affect the
right of the Government to avoid the lease in any such event as is specified in
clause (L') of section 108 of the Transfer or Property ACL
,. No hollSC in any cantOnment or part of a cantonment in which this Sand.-k
Act is operative sball. unless it was so occupied at the date or the issue or the beolttai.....
notification declaring this Act or the Cantonmenl$ (House-Accommodation) =.e:
Act, t902. 1 as Ihe case may be. 10 be operative. be occupied for the purposes oc:capied._
of a hospital. school. school hostel. bank. hotel. or .hop. or by a railway iIoIIHtal,etc:.

1 Repealed by the ClIOtonments (Houe Acxommocb.Uon) Act, 19%3 (Jodi_Act VI. 1923'.
458 Can/onnrelll, (HoUle Accommodation.)

administration. a company or firm engaged in trade or business or a club.

without the previous sanction o[ the General Officer Commanding the Forces
in the Union of Burma given with the concurrence of the Commissioner.
to be appt"l> 10. No notice shall be issued under section 7 if the house-
priatcd in (a) waB. at the date of the issue of the notification declaring this Act
etala caaa.
Or the Cantonments (HouseAccommodation) Act, 1902.' as the
case may be. to be operative in the cantonment Or pan of
the cantonment, or is. with such sanction as is required by
section 9. occupied as a hospital. school. school hostcl. bank.
hotel or shop. and has been SO occupied continuously during the
three years immediately preceding the time when the occasion
for issuing the notice arises, or
(b) was. at the date of such a notification as is referred to in clause (a).
or is, with such sanction as aforesaid, occupied by a railway
administration or by a company or firm engageel in trade or
business or by a club. or
(c) is occupied by the owner. or
(d) has been appropriated by Ihe President of the Union for usc sa a
public office or for any other purpose.

l'imeto be
11. (I) If a house is unoccupied. a notice issued under section 7 may
allowed require the owner to give possession o[ the Same to the Officer Commanding
lor ~lviac the station within twenty-one days [rom the service o[ the notice.
of hollle. (2) If a bouse is occupied, a notice issued under section 7 ~hall not
require ita vacation in less than thirty days [rom the service of the notice.
(3) Where a notice hus been issucd under section 7 anel the house has
been vacated in pursuance Ihereof. the lease shall be deemed to have
commenced on Ihe date on which the house was so vacated.

Surrendtt' 01 U. If the owner fails to give possession or a house to the Officer

hOUl.when Commanding the station in pursuance of a notice issued under section 7, or if
enforced, the existing occupier fails to vacate a house in pursuance of such a notice. the
District Magistrate. by himself or by another person generally or specially
authorized by him in this behalf. shall entcr on the premises and enforce the
surrcnder of Ihe house.

Option iD.
13. (I) If a bouse, in respect of which a notice is issued under section 7.
certain caICa is shown 10 Ihe satisfaction of the President of the Union, or is proved by a
for OWDC!' on decree or order ot a Court of competent jurisdiclion, to hav~ been erectc:d
whom DOUce
II l.. ued under any conditions. rules. regulalions or orders which Were in force in
uDder Metlon Bengal prior to the eighth day of Decembtr. 1864. anel conferred on the
710 all
owncr tbe oplion of offering Ihe house for sale to the mililary officer applying
10 pUl"chaac.
for its appropriation for his occupation or to Ihe Easl India Company or Ihe
Government. then the Owner sh.aU ha~e the option of cithtr complying with
the notice or offering Ihe house ror sale to lhe Governmenl.
-:-:--0-:,--,--.,-.- ------
I Repealed by the e.tntoameats(House Accommodationl Ad, 1923 (lndi.J Act VI. 11112JI.
Cantonments (House Accommodation).

(2) If the owner elects to sell the bouse. and the Government i. willing
to purchase it. the question of the amount of the purchase-money to be paid
shall. in the event of disagreement. be referred to a civil Court in accordance
with tbe provisions of Chapter IV.

14. (I) If a hO:.Jse. in respect of which a notice is iuued under aectiOD 7. Provilioo
is occupied by a tenant holding in good faith and for valuable consideration ::t'I~::-
under a registered lease for any term exceeding one year. the Government Jeue by.
shall. for the term of one year from the date on which the house is vacated latant.
in pursuance of the notice. or for tbe unexpired term of the lease. whichever
is the sborter. be liable to the owner for the rent fixed by tbe registered
lease instead of for the rent payable under this Act if tbe rent .0 fixed
exceeds the rent so payable.
(2) If a bouse. in respect of which a notice is issued under section 7.
is occupied by a tenant holding in good faith and for valuable consideration
under a registered lease (rom year to year. the Government shall be liable aJ
aforesaid for the term of six months from the date on whicb tbe house is
vacated in pursuance of the notice.
(3) Nothing in this section sball be deemed-
(a) to render the Government $0 liable unless an application in
writing in this behalf is made by the owner to the Officer
Commanding the station within fifteen days from the service of
the notice; or
(b) to limit or otherwise affect any agreement between the Secretary
of State for India in Council or the Government and the owner.

15. (') If the owner considers that the rent stated io a notice iAued Powertor
under seclion 7 is not reasonable. he may. wichin a period of thirty days
from the service of such notice. refer the matter to a civil Court. in accordance
with the provisions of Chapter IV:
Provided that where an appeal has been made to the General Officer


Commanding the Forces in the Union of Burma ullder section 30. the period of
thirty days shall be reckoned from the date on which the owner received notice
of the result of the appeal under subsection (2) of section 32
(2) U the owner does. not make such reference withia the said
period. be shall be deemed to have accepted the rent so offered.

by I notice issued to him under section 7. the Officer Commanding the .... ..
1'. (I) If the owner fails to execute any repaira to house II required towel' for
station may by notice require the owner to execute the repaiu withio luch ~G'euc. 10
period. not being less than thirty d8:Ys. as may be specified in the DOtice' : Coon ..

Provided that where an appeal has been made to the General Officer ........
qlXStioD of

Commanding Che Forc~s in the Union of Burma under section 30. tbe period
of thirty days shall be reckoned from the date on which the owner received
notice of the appeal undC'r ,ub.secdoD (2) of aectioD 32.
460 Cantontntntl (lIoUle Accommodation).

(2) If the owner objects to any requisition contained in a notice issued

under sub5eCtion (I). he may. within thirty days from the service of the
notice. refer the matter to a civil Court. in accordance with the provisions of
Chapter IV.
(3) Every reference under sub-section (2) shall be accompanied by an
estimate of the rcpairs. if any. which thc owner c;Jnsidcrs neccssary in order
to put the house into a state of reasonable repair.

Power to 17. If the owner fails to comply with a notice issued under sub-section
bave rq)airs (I) of section 16. the Military Engineer Services or the Public Works Depart
executed aDd ment may. with the previous sanction of the Officer Commanding the station
recover COlt.
and notwithstanding an)' right of reference conferred by that section. cause the
repairs specified in the notice to be executed at the expense of the Govern-
mcnt, and the cost thereof. or. where a reference has been made. the amount
finally determined by the civil Court. may be deducted from the rent payable
to the owner.

Notice to be II. Every person on whom devolves. by transfer. by succession or by

givm of operation of law. the interest of an owner in any house. or in any part of any
of i"tttat ia house. situate in a cantonment or part of a canlonment in respecl of which a
house in nOlification under sub-section (I) of section 3 is for the lime being in force.
antOlll1lOllt. shall be bound 10 give nolice of the fact to the Officer Commanding the slalion
within one month from Ihe date of such devolulion. and if he. without
reasonable cause. fails 10 do so. he shall be punishable with fine which may
extend to fifty rupees.


Jurisdiction 19. All references under this ACI shall be made by applicalion to. and
in re(crcl1C'.... tried by. the Court of Ihe Districi Judge.

Procedure 20. References under this Act shall be deemed 10 be proceedings within
and power. the meaning of seclion 141 of the Code of Civil Procedure and in the Irial
of tbe CO\lrt. Ihereof .the Courl may exercise any of its powers under thai Code.

J{estrktiOll 21. The scope of the inquiry in a reference under this Acl shall be
Of ICope 0( restricted to a consideration of Ihe malters referred to the Court in accordance
wilh the provisions of Ihis Act
29. (I) An appeal shan lie to Ihe High Coufl3gainst Ihe decision of the
Appeal to
Court of Ihe Disirici Judge upon a reference Iried by it
HiCb Courl.
(2) No appeal under this section shall be admitted unless it is made
within thirty days from the dale of the decision againsl Which it is preferred.
Cantonment' (11ouu Accommodation). 461

(3) An appeal preferred under tbis section sball be deemed to be an

appeal from an order within the meaning of section 108 of the Code ot Civil
31. The owner or any tenant of a house in respec:t of, which a notice Appeal to
has been issued under section 7 may. within a period of twenty~ne days 08icer
from the date of tbe service thereof. appeal to tbe Oeneral Ofllcer CotrmaDdlJIc
Commanding the Forces in the Union of Burma against the decision of the ~~orUC:-1oa
Officer Commanding the station to appropriate the house. 01 RIU'lDa.

31. (I) Every petition of appeal under section 30 shall be in writing and Petition 01
accompanied by a copy of the notice appealed against. appeaIl.
(2) Any such petition may be presented to the Officer Commandins the
station and thut officer shall be bound to forward it to the authority
empowered by section 30 to hear the appeal. and may attach thereto any
report which he may desire to make in explanation of the notice appealed
(3) If any such petition is presented direct to tbe General Officer
Commanding the Forces in the Union of Burma and an immediate order on
the petition is not necessary. the General Officer Commanding the Force. in
the Union of Burma may refer the petition to the Officer Commanding tbe
station for report.

32. (I) The decision on 8ny such appeal of the General Officer Ord. I.
Commanding the Forces in tbe Union of Burma sball be 6nal. aDd shall not apPal Anal.
be questioned in any Court otherwise than on the ground that the house i.
situate in a cantonment. or pan of a cantonment. in which this Act is DOt
Provided that no appeal shan be decided until the appellant has been
heard or has had 8 reasonable opportunity of being heard in person or
through a legal practitioner. and in giving a decision the General Officer
Commanding the Forces in the Union of Burma shall rec:ord briefty the
grounds therefor.
(2) Notice of the result of the appeal Ihall be given to tbe appellant u
soon as may be. and. where the appellant is a tenant ot the bouse. to tbe
owner of the house also.
33. Where an appeal has been presented under section 30 within tbe Sur h.
period prescribed therein. all action On the notice shall. on the application of ~-::
the appellant. be held in abeyance pendin. the decision oftbe appeaL appeal.

34. Every notice or requisition prescribed by this Act .hall be in writioa. ~5ce 01
signed by tbe perSOn by whom it il ai,,'en or made or by hi. duly apPOinted req"tw-.
agent. aDd may be served by POlt on the perlOn to whom it it addreued. or.
462 Cantonments (House Accommodation),

in the case of an owner who does not reside in or near the cantonment. on his
agent appointed in accordance with a byelaw made under clause (29) of
section 282 of the Cunlonmcnts Acl.
Computation 34A. The period prescribed for making any reference or preferring any
I,lf periodl of
limitation. appeal under this Act shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of
the Limitation Act.

Power for 35. (I) The President of the Union may make rules to carry out the
Pr~..ldent to
mllkc rnlC'l.
purposes and objects of this Act.
(2) In particular. and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
power. such rules may dcfine the powers of entry. inspection, measurement or
survcy which may be cxercised in carrying out the purposes and objects of
Ihis Act or of any rule made hereunder.

fo"nrtheT 36. (1) The power to make rules under section 35 shall be subject to
rrovilllonll the condition of the rules being made ufler prcvious publication and of lheir
rule not taking effect until they h:lVC been published in the Gazette and in such
olher manner (if any) 3S the President of the Union may direct.
(2) Any rule tmder section 35 may be general for all cantonments or
parts of cantonments in the Union of Burma in which this Act is for the lime
being operative. or may be spech\l for any of such cuntonments or parts as
the President of the Union may direct.
(3) A copy of the rules under section 35 for the time being in force in a
cantonment shall be kept open to inspection free of charge at all reasonable
times in the office of the Cantonment Authority.
(4) In making any rule under sub-section (2) of section 35. the President
of the Union may direct that whoever obstructs ,lDy person, not being a
public servant within the meaning of section 21 of lhe Penal Code. in making
any entry. inspection. measurement or survey. shall be punishable with fine
which may e:dend to fifty rupees. and. in the case of a continuing offence.
with fine which. in addition to such fine as aforesaid. may ex.tend to five rupees
for every day after the first during which such offence continues.

lnapplica. 37. No Judge or Magistrate shall be deemed. within the meaning of

bility of section 556 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. to be a party to, or personally
,ectlon SS6
of the Code interested in. any prosecution for an on\:nce constituted by or under this Act
of Criminal merely because he is a member of the Cantonment Board or has ordered or
to trials of approved the prosecution.
Protection 38. No suit or other legal procceding shaH lie against any person for
to persons anything in good faith done or intendcd (0 be done. under this Act or in
acting under
A" pursuance of any lawful notice or order issued under this Act.
::r.l 02 G ,g\)::r.l e2 ~ :u

+ ".,.,
Buildings Act. Gon~mmeQt VIIA. 2
C:mIOlllllCUI!S Act VII-lo;. 343
cantonment. (Iluusc Accommodation) Ad VII-E. .~3
Cityur I~an;:,o<lll Municipal Act ... VII-D. 211
Oo\"erolllcl1l Buildin/.:I Ad VII-A. 2
House AC':o,"modation Act. C'\lltoomcufa VII-E. .33
Local Authoriliu Loans Act VII-A. 6
L<lcal Authoritll's Pensions :loud Gr:llllities Act VII-A.
Loo.-al Aulhl>ritil:li (Sulrcnsi"ll) Ad VU".
Municipal Ad VII-D. 113
MuniciraI Act. City of R:an~lJun ... VII-D. 213
Municipal Taxalinn Ad . VII-A. 2
Jlcnsiun~ :tnd Gratuities Ad. Lura! AulhuritiCI
I~a"g"on Municifl:ll Ad. Cit;." uf
l~aDgflnn Walcr\\'urks Ad

Rarl'1 SeUI'"vtmtncnl Act VII.c. 32
TaxatiOn Act, Municipal VII-A. 11
Towns Act '" VIIB. 6'
Ullder~nlllild \Vater Ad VIID. 3'16
ViII.. ge Act VII 8. 17
Waler Ad, Undtrllrnund VII~D. 331
\\'ater-works Ad. Rangoun VII-D. m
... 7. 00 ;>~o
... 7"'" e
... 7- 00 ;>;>~
7- ;>~
7' ;>~
7-'" e
... 7-0> ;>~o
'rOO ;>;><;
._. 7"'" ;>~o

G.U.B.C.P.O.-Nn. :52, M. Of J.A., 104-51-S.000-,X,

Pog. IOJ.-Seetion 62. cl.use (0). fint lin for Uderoon "rood" ponon".
Pog. IOJ._Scction 62. clau.. (b). ftrat Iino. for Upocumont" rood docu,
ment "'.
Page 106._Section 69. first line. delete the comma after &6 School '\
Pog. 109.-Scction 78ub-.ection (I). fint lino. for UCOn.iJdcnt ....

Pog. IIO.-Scctioo 78ub....tion (4). m.rJinal caption. for UIn t1Io.

read .. those in "'.
Page 134.-SectiOD 22. marginal caption. for IIf lections" read" electioDJ ..
Pog. IJ6.-Scction 31ub...tion (I). clause (II). aecond lino. for Umeet.
in&: .. read .. mutinl_ ".
Pogo IS7.--Scction 94. lub-aectlon (I). aecond proviso. aecond lino.fortbe
reference No. 2 '" against the first pair of asterisks read" 1 "'.
Pogo 16J.-Scction 115. lub-sectlon (I). m.rlin.1 caption. for Ubye.lawl
read ., bycolawl ".
Page 170.-Section 134. tub-section (I), first linc. for" than and in" read
.. than in ".
Page IBO._Section 172. third linc. for"" disinfec" read ... disinfect".
Pogo Z07.-Soction 233, .ubsection (I), tbird lin i1llOrI a comma of,er
.. engineer" and de/ele the comma alur U or ".
Page 227 ~SectiOD 4. second linc. lor" herein after" read I t hereinafter".
Page 2JO-ScctiOD 16. marginal caption. for" elccedons " read 14 election."
Page 231.-Sec:tion 19. marginal caption. for" mattes" read" matter.".
Page 245.-Section 52. marginal caption. for" Coropration ., read" Corpo-
ration It.

Page 255._Section 83. marginal caption. for II Lightiogtx ,. "ad .. Liabt.

ingtax It.

Page 262.-SectioD 105.IUb-section (2). clause (d. second line. for" i"
read .. is ".
Page~264.-Sec:tion 112, fourth line. lor .. under taken" "ad .. UDder
taken It.

Pogo Z7S._Seclion 147ub-.oction (I), clau.o (b), fint lino. for Un" rood
.. in ". Section 150. fifth line, fo, .. ompensatioD .. read)" compensation ".
Page Z81._sec:tion 164. lub-section (I), third lioe. insert a comma after
" 1884".
Page 290.-SectioD 189. marginal caption. lor .. d teriorated" rm4
.. deteriorated ..
Page 29O.-Stctioo 190. 'Ub-seclioD (II. fourth lin for oui anec read
-M DuiADCC ...
Page 295.-In column (2) of the tahl againl! _tion 157.lub-section
(I). lor"' Requisition read" Requisition".

Page 304_Section 231. proviso. second Jine. for .. a ministered'" read

.. administered ...
Page 310_ScctiOD 235. clause <xxiii). marlinal caption /or .. u e" read
.. use ....
Page 326_SectioD 12. marginal caption. for"' executed .. read .. executed ....
and for" olli er" TetJd .. officer 0'.
Page 363. -Section 22. sub-section (3). third linc. lor." imitations" read
oM limitations".

PtJg, J79.-ScctiOD 70. marginal caption, for .. Evidcntia" read .. Evi-

dential ".
Page 379---SectioD 73. sUb--sectiOD (I), sixtb liDe. insert .. is tot between
.. instrument and .. executed".

Page 380._SectioD 74. sub-section (1), tbird line. lor "cccupatioD" read
.. occupation ",
Page 391._SectioD 114, sub-section (I), fifth line. for" Executive officer tot
read .. Executive Officer".
Page 402._Section 139. subsection (I). third Iinc. lor" over crowded "
read .. overcrowded".
Page 406.----Section 152. marginal caption. fOT .. dairyman" Tead .. dairy..
man's ".
Page 408._Section 163. marginal caption. for hed" read "shed".
Page 458._Se<:tion 10. clause (d). first line, for" sa " read as ".
In the Index. under tbe head .. Page".-
against seventh line. for 6 t. read" 3 ".
against eighth line. for blank read 6".
against ninth line. for blank read" 6".
against tenth line. for" 113" read" 115 ".
against eleventh line. lor" 213 .. read .. 2]] ".
again,t twelfth line. for" 2 .. read 1 ".
against thirteenth line. for" 4" read" 6".
against fourteenth line. for" 212" read 211 ".
aaainit fifteenth line. for" 3]6" read .. 321 ".
against sixteenth line. for" 52" read .. 74".
apinst seventeenth linc. for" 11 " read .. 1 ".
against eighteenth line. for" 61" read .. 26 ".
alainst nincteenth linc. for" 326" read" 332 ".
In the Inde under the head" Page"--"oneld.
against twentieth liDO, for U 17" read 1M 13".
against twenly-fir8lline, for" 331 read" 332".

e?"c~') <; 0' ,<f>w ," """l'~~I" ~g It.6lS:roS, ..c"IY~

<:J>~E-;;~(oa " (~) " _')0 aayd5e~ " (~) " U( ",clio1,
D'JIle~') C;J" ,rp. SI <f>~( '1)' ~&"cl e?..e3-:>S'"! ~ 0#' " N
~" 030')11 " :oot...utdi " U( ::r.>cI1,
D'JIle~') ~S 1 ,rp. <;e' <l'Jc:-:>SI"I ~ 0#1" ~oafJS " 93tl')ll

.. ~0'l"e;;Q6 " U( :co11

<l'J."s~') ,,<;'), 1y6w <;, q5~(C;)1 D?;?E:"I" "lEI ""?=~"
5'3tY.>:, ""tC\Y.>:oo+:" ~ :))0501.

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