Analysis Carbonated Soft Drinks Industry and Pepsico Strategy Marketing Essay
Analysis Carbonated Soft Drinks Industry and Pepsico Strategy Marketing Essay
Analysis Carbonated Soft Drinks Industry and Pepsico Strategy Marketing Essay
The purpose of this report is to analyze the carbonated soft drinks industry and PepsiCo strategy. First the report starts with
analyzing the industry by focusing on PepsiCo's market share in the market. Then, it discusses the relevant industry trends, such as
the regulations that are followed by the carbonated soft drinks industry, and the new technologies that have been adapted by the
carbonated soft drinks rms. Additionally, the rm's position with the competitors has been analyzed by using the strategic group
model. This report also measures the attractiveness of the industry using The Porter's 5 Forces model. Furthermore, it discusses the
key success factors in the carbonated drinks industry such as the size of the rm, and brand name. External and internal scanning
have been included and recommendations have been provided based on the scanning. The second part of the report analyzes
PepsiCo's Strategy; it starts by mentioning the vision and mission of PepsiCo which basically state the future goals as well as describes
their current operations with a brief critique. PepsiCo's Generic business strategy have been discussed, it has been concluded to be
Cost leadership. What comes next is PepsiCo's Competitive advantages, and how it is doing through comparing its competitors such
as the Coca-Cola. Then the report lists some of the challenges that are faced by PepsiCo. The report is concluded with a list of
recommendations for PepsiCo in order to be able to maintain its competitive position in the market.
1. Industry Analysis
The chart below shows the dominant players in the carbonated soft drinks (CSD) industry according to Beverage Digest report issued
on March 30, 2009. The results of this report are for the year 2008 (Sicher, 2009, p.2).
Coca Cola has the largest market share accounting for 43%, followed by PepsiCo with 31% and Dr.Pepper Snapple Group Inc.
(formerly Cadbury Schweppes) with 15% of the market. The remaining 11% is distributed amongst other CSD companies such as Cott
Corp, National Beverage, Red Bull, Big Red, Rockstar, Private label and others.
Moreover, the top 10 CSD brands in the U.S for the year 2008 were ranked by market share as follows (Sicher, 2009, p.2).
Market Share
Diet Coke
Mountain Dew
Dr.Pepper Snapple Group(DPS)
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi
Diet Dr.Pepper
Dr.Pepper Snapple Group(DPS)
With regard to individual brands, Coke was ranked rst with 17.3% market share and Pepsi-cola was in second place with a lower
market share of 10.3%. Additionally, the total market share of all Coca-cola brands adds up to (34.7%) which still surpasses those of
PepsiCo (24.6%).
To be able to give an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the Soft Drink industry, the following factors should be considered:
The relevant industry trends and the most noticeable changes in the industry.
The strategic group map.
The industry attractiveness using Michael Porter ve forces model.
Political Factors:
There are several political factors that inuence the soft drinks industry:
Obey food, Drug and cosmetic acts: the process of producing and distributing the soft drinks in the market is subjects to many
federal laws such as the food, drug and cosmetics acts. It is also subject to American with disabilities acts. The presence of these laws
helps create a healthy environment for the consumers. This will limit the potentials of new entrants in this industry.
Environmental laws & regulations: these laws enforce packaging, recycling, water and energy policies to make sure the CSD industry
operates in a healthy environment. This leads to making the soft drink industry more attractive for consumers.
Double Taxation: Another political factor is that companies operating in the industry are obligated to tax payments for the products
they oer and distribute in each country they operate within. Hence, this leads to making the industry less attractive because
operating rms are subject to double taxation policies.
Economical Factors:
Ination in diesel prices: it is an important factor aecting the CSD industry. Since, the CSD relies on trucks to distribute its diverse
end line products; trucks are subject to ination in fuel prices. Since the consumption of fuel is the core activity, diesel prices are
subject to ination depending on the market conditions. Yet, the possibility of a market crisis rises.
Foreign exchange rates uctuations: Carbonated soft drinks rm's revenues are aected by exchange rates uctuations as well as
prots and the cost of raw materials. Due to the weak economic growth the industry will suer heavily by changes in exchange rates.
Thus, prots and cost are going to be lower and higher respectively.
Technological Factors:
Introducing new technologies in the soft drink industry has helped in developing the process of manufacturing. For example:
PDX technology:
It is a shockwave technology that helps in mixing the ingredients in an ecient way. Pursuit Dynamics, the supplier, said that this
technology is most useful for the soft drinks industry. This technology is believed to help in cutting the cleaning time up to 80%. Also,
it will also increase the processing speed and save power. (New technology targets diet soft drinks makers, 2009)
Geographic coverage
Product Categories oered
Coca cola
Coca cola
200 +
("The coca-cola system", n.d.)
1.Soft drinks
2.Energy drinks
3.Juices / Juice Drinks
4.Sports drinks
5.Tea and coee
("Our history", n.d.)
1.Soft drinks
2.Energy drinks
3.Juices / Juice Drinks
4.Sports drinks
5.Ready to drink tea
6.Ready to drink coee
8.Dairy based drinks
9.Fruit avored beverages
10.Frozen beverages[2]
Cott Corp
("About us", n.d.)
2.Energy Drinks
3.Juice Drinks
National Beverage
("Overview", n.d.)
2.Energy Drinks
4.Fortied powders and supplements
5.Functionally enhanced juices and waters[5]
Rivalry - HIGH
Rivalry in this market is very intense due to a number of factors such as the number of competitors, growth of the industry, product
dierentiation, switching costs and change in consumer tastes.
There are a few large competitors that are roughly equal in size. These competitors are Coca-cola with a market share of 43% and
Pepsi with 31%. The market shares of Coca-cola and PepsiCo combined makes up more than 70% of the whole market. Thus, it allows
these major competitors to watch each other closely. However, there are many other competitors that compete with these two giants
and intensify rivalry. These include other soft drink companies (e.g. Dr.Pepper Snapple Group and National Beverage) and energy
drink companies (e.g. Red bull and Rockstar).
As mentioned earlier, the CSD industry faced a 3% decline in growth in 2008. A declining growth rate indicated that the many
competitors in the market will have to share the shrinking pie. Also, in an industry such as CSD, there is little opportunity for
dierentiation relative to other products (e.g. cars) which lowers switching costs for consumers.
The change in lifestyles which caused consumers to shift away from carbonated to non-carbonated soft drinks increased the level of
competition. As a result, companies such as PepsiCo and Coco-cola had to adapt to these changes in demand by focusing on
marketing and innovation ("Human sustainability", n.d.).
The "spider web" below summarized the ve forces (the 6th force is excluded). The more intense the forces are, the less attractive the
market is. Most of the forces in the CSD industry are moderate to high which indicates that this industry is not attractive for new
entrants. However, for those companies that are already in the industry, it is attractive.
SWOT Analysis
Strong Brand Reputation
Strong market Position
Strong market Position
PepsiCo is an early entrant which helped build market share. Its market share accounts for 31% of the market share of the
carbonated soft drinks industry.
Many Large existing Competitors
Large existing competitors in the market create signicant weakness for PepsiCo and thus create a need for stronger advertising,
consequently requiring higher capital.
Following are the strong competitors sharing a high market share in comparison to PepsiCo with 31% market share:
Coca Cola has a market share of 43%
Dr.Pepper Snapple Group Inc. 15% of the market
PepsiCo is concentrated in North America (US, Canada, Mexico), where almost 70% of its revenues comes from.
Acquisitions and Alliances:
Due to the increased threat of rivalry and competition in the carbonated soft drink industry, acquisitions and alliances create an
opportunity that reduces such threats. Through acquisition the market share rises and the revenue rises, though the high cost of
doing it is a drawback to such a strategy.
Acquisitions of rivals (e.g. RedBull)
Change in customer's taste: weakening demand in USA new federal nutrition guidelines identied regular CSD as largest source of
obesity-causing sugars in American diet (Pinto, 2006)
High Rivalry
High Rivalry
As Explained earlier, threat of rivalry is very intense due to the following factors:
Large number of competitors,
Decline in growth of the industry,
Lack of dierentiation in products,
and low switching costs.
Therefore there exists an intense competition for shelf space due to expanding array of products and packaging options
Large company size, will demand a varied marketing program;
Social, cultural, economic, political and governmental constrains. As a result, the company will incur more expenses and resources.
Threat of substitutes is very high. People can easily substitute Pepsi with other drinks.
PepsiCo's Challenges
One of the major challenges is to change the people's perspective of PepsiCo as an unhealthy soft drink producer. Due to the link of
soft drinks to obesity and diabetes, the new CEO wants to reinvent Pepsi as a healthy food producer rather than a snacks producer.
Although this is a good plan for the PepsiCo to consider, people who are used to Pepsi as it is now might not be easily convinced.
There are some products and brands that are considered healthier amongst the Pepsi product line such as Quaker Oats and
Tropicana, yet the word Pepsi usually refers to the unhealthy carbonated soft drink. The CEO recognizes this challenge of changing
people's views and she is consistent with a theme she introduced to Pepsi "performing with purpose".
Any lawsuit against Pepsi is a challenge that needs attention. Recently in October 2009 Pepsi was alleged to have stolen a water
packaging model from two men and is ruled to pay 1.26$ billion for missing the courts calling. Pepsi assumed that they didn't receive
the courts letter on time, and therefore the verdict must be overruled. This is a big challenge for Pepsi to overcome since this lawsuit
can eect Pepsi's reputation and it can cause decline in its sales, reduce trust with its suppliers and loose customers.
The global red, blue and white logo is going to change where the white part will be seen as teeth to reect a smile. The angle of the
white part will be dierent for each brand. This change could confuse the consumers who are used to the old logo, especially that for
every product, a dierent logo would be presented. The colors will still remain the same, yet the shape of the white part will change
imitating dierent smiles. Pepsi maybe was better o surveying the customers to see whether the change is necessary or not. The
new CEO might be enthusiastic, but with a logo comes loyalty and brand recognition which takes time to achieve and maintain. Image
1 below represents the new logo(s) of the company.
Image 1) The new logos of Pepsi
Another challenge for Pepsi is to maintain a good dirtubtion channel. Pepsi is aware about choosing the ditribution channels based
on the requirments and prefrences of the global customer. Due to its golbal experince, Pepsi have adopted many dirutbution
channels, however they need to properly adjust each in order to reduce costs and be more eective. Some countries could have an
excellend infrastructure, yet Pepsi operate in some developing countries like India and Egypt where infrastructre can be a challenge
to deliver products on time.
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