Publication 1 14312 199 PDF
Publication 1 14312 199 PDF
Publication 1 14312 199 PDF
Crystalline Defects:
Imperfections or defects:
Any deviation from the perfect atomic arrangement in a crystal
is said to contain imperfections or defects. Or a crystalline
defect is a lattice irregularity having one or more of its
dimensions on the order of an atomic dimension.
1. Point defects:
a. Vacancy
b. Schottky
c. Self interstitial
d. Frenkel
e. Colour centers
f. Polarons
g. Excitons
2. Line defects
a. Edge dislocation
b. Screw dislocation
a. Grain boundaries
b. Tilt boundaries
c. Twin boundaries
d. Stacking faults
4. Volume defects
a. Inclusions
b. Voids
Point Defects:
Solid Solutions:
Substitutional :
There are several features of the solute and solvent atoms
that determine the degree to which the former dissolves in the
latter, as follows:
2. Crystal structure.
For appreciable solid solubility the crystal structures for metals
of both atom types must be the same.
3. Electronegativity.
The more electropositive one element and the more
electronegative the other, the greater is the likelihood that they
will form an intermetallic compound instead of a substitutional
solid solution.
4. Valences.
Carbon atoms, with a radius of 0.071 nm, fit nicely in the open
spaces between the larger (0.124 nm) iron atoms. They
introduce less distortion to the lattice and are more common
in real materials and more mobile. If the foreign atom replaces
or substitutes for a matrix atom, it is called a substitutional
impurity. A substitutional impurity atom is an atom of
a different type than the matrix atoms, which has replaced one
of the bulk (matrix) atoms in the lattice. Substitutional impurity
atoms are usually close in size (within approximately 15%) to
the bulk atom. An example of substitutional impurity atoms is
the zinc atoms in brass. In brass, zinc atoms with a radius of
0.133 nm have replaced some of the copper atoms, which have a
radius of 0.128 nm.
Edge Dislocations:
The inter-atomic bonds are significantly distorted only in the
immediate vicinity of the dislocation line. As shown in the set of
images below, the dislocation moves similarly a small amount at
a time. The dislocation in the top half of the crystal is slipping
one plane at a time as it moves to the right from its position in
image (a) to its position in image (b) and finally image (c). In
the process of slipping one plane at a time the dislocation
propagates across the crystal.
Edge dislocation is considered positive when compressive
stresses present above the stresses exist below the dislocation
line, it is considered as negative edge dislocation, and\
Grain boundaries:
Crystalline solids are, usually, made of number of grains
separated by grain boundaries. Grain boundaries are several
atoms distances wide, and there is mismatch of orientation of
grains on either side of the boundary as shown in figure below.
When this misalignment is slight, on the order of few degrees (<
10), it is called low angle grain boundary. These boundaries
can be described in terms of aligned dislocation arrays. If the
low grain boundary is formed by edge dislocations, it is called
tilt boundary, and twist boundary if formed of screw
dislocations. Both tilt and twist boundaries are planar surface
imperfections in contrast to high angle grain boundaries. For
high angle grain boundaries, degree of disorientation is of large
range (> 15). Grain boundaries are chemically more reactive
because of grain boundary energy.