1. Introduction
A large number of variable speed induction motor drives are in use today in applications
as varied as pumps and fans, traction, machine tool spindles, printing presses etc. The vast
majority of them are based on voltage source inverters, although other circuit configurations
are possible. This is because the developments in power device technology have resulted
in the availability of a number of power switches, such as MOSFET, IGBT and GTO,
which meet every kind of power rating, from a few hundred watts to megawatts. Voltage
source inverters, as is well known, produce pulsed output waveforms, consisting of the
fundamental component which is required to drive the motor, as well as the harmonics
which contribute only to the losses and torque pulsations. The method of determining
the widths and the sequence of the voltage pulses produced by the inverter is known as
Pulsewidth Modulation (PWM).
The basic attempt in all Pulsewidth Modulation techniques is to produce the required
amplitude and frequency of the fundamental voltage necessary for driving the motor,
while moving the energy in the harmonics to a higher range in the frequency spectrum.
The impedance presented by the motor to these harmonic voltages consists mainly of
the leakage reactance. The expectation is that at such higher frequencies, even the reac-
tance of the machine leakage inductance will be appreciable, thereby limiting the har-
monic currents drawn from the inverter. Also, since the torque pulsations created by the
harmonic currents will also be at a higher frequency, the motor should be able to run
676 V T Ranganathan
The constraint on the PWM process is the fact that additional switchings per cycle are
required in order to accomplish the modulation. This increases the losses in the inverter.
Moreover, as switching patterns become more complicated, an individual inverter phase
may be required to produce pulses or notches of very small width. The swiching times of
the power devices used in the inverter impose a limitation here.
Several popular PWM techniques have emerged over the years. The earliest one was
the sine triangle method (Schonung & Stemmler 1964), in which the switching instants of
the inverter legs are decided by the points of intersection of a high frequency (anywhere
from 450 hertz to a few kilohertz) triangular wave and a sinewave at the frequency of
the required fundamental motor voltage. The triangle is referred to as the carrier and the
sine as the reference. The output voltage produced by the inverter contains the funda-
mental component, of which the sine wave is a replica. In addition, it contains harmonic
components which are located in bands around multiples of the triangle frequency. It
is, in general, necessary to synchronise the carrier to the sine wave, in order to avoid
frequency components in the output below the sine frequency - so called subharmonic
The sine triangle method of PWM, though used widely, has its limitations. The amplitude
of the sine wave has to be increased in proportion to its frequency, in order to keep the motor
flux constant. Therefore, at higher motor speeds, a situation arises where the amplitude
of the sine wave becomes equal to that of the triangle. If the sine wave amplitude were
to increase any further, the linearity between the sine and the fundamental component
of the inverter output voltage is lost. This situation is referred to as overmodulation. A
further consequence of overmodulation is that frequency components with low harmonic
numbers (5th, 7th etc.) begin to appear in the output voltage. From the implementation
point of view also, sine triangle PWM requires some care. Where the triangle frequency is
limited by the switching speed of the power devices, analog realisations give the best results
in terms of output waveform quality. However, analog realisations require considerable
ingenuity, especially to achieve synchronisation (Kliman & Plunkett 1979; Green & Boys
Subsequently, other techniques such as Selected Harmonic Elimination (Pollmann 1983),
which were more amenable to digital implementation, have also been used widely. Today,
the trend being towards standard hardware based on digital processors, it is preferred to
implement all PWM techniques through real time software execution of algorithms. A
number of software realisations of the sine triangle technique have been reported in the
literature. They are good approximations of the analog realisation if the frequency of the
triangle is high (at least lkilohertz or above). The limitation of the output voltage due to
overmodulation effects is, however, still a factor to be considered.
The above techniques have one thing in common in that the PWM patterns are calcu-
lated for each phase, independent of switchings in the other phases. It has subsequently
been realised that good results can be obtained if the combined effect of all the three
output voltages of the inverter on the motor are taken into account in generating the
switching pattems. The conceptual framework for doing so is the space vector modelling
of ac motors. In the following sections, the notion of space vectors is introduced and
the technique of generating PWM patterns based on these viz. space vector PWM is
Space vector pulsewidth modulation - A status review 677
Figure I. Three-phasehalf-bridgevoltage
source inverter.
Consider a three-phase half-bridge voltage source inverter, shown in figure 1. Each phase
to centre-tap voltage, viz. VRO, Vyo, VBO, can have only two possible values, namely
+Vdc/2 or --Vdc/2 respectively. As there are three switches, corresponding to the three
phases, there are eight possible states for the inverter at any instant of time. Corresponding
to each of the switching states, the motor line to neutral voltages can be determined using
the following equations,
From these three-phase voltages, equivalent two-phase voltages are defined as follows,
Vsa = (3/2)Vsl,
V~b = (V~/2)(V~2 - 3). (2)
v3 v2
. ++ v7
..+ ~lm ~ .
Figure 3. Space vector corresponding to each switch-
ing state.
The eight switching states of the inverter and the corresponding space vectors Of the
machine stator voltage are shown in figures 2 and 3 respectively.
It can be seen that at any instant of time, there are only eight possible positions for the
voltage space vector. When the inverter is operated in the six-step mode, the switching
states go through the sequence 1-2-3-4-5-6-1-2-3. The states 0 and 8 are not used at all.
The space vector of stator voltage stays in each of the positions 1 to 6 for a time interval
corresponding to 60 of the fundamental period and jumps to the next position at the end of
every sixty degrees (one-sixth of the fundamental period). With above switching sequence,
at every jump in the position of the voltage space vector, only one of the three phases of
the inverter switches from top to bottom or vice versa.
The ideal trajectory for the voltage space vector is of course a circle described with uniform
angular velocity, which results only when the motor is fed from a three-phase sinusoidal
voltage source. The objective of any PWM process is therefore to approximate this ideal
trajectory of the voltage space vector by switching amongst the eight standard positions.
Towards this end, the continuously moving reference vector V* is sampled at a sampling
frequency fs. During the interval Ts = 1/fs between samples, the reference vector is
assumed to remain constant. It is clear that for this assumption to be valid, the sampling
frequncy should be fairly high compared to the fundamental output frequency desired from
the inverter.
Now consider that at a particular sampling instant, the reference V* is situated in sector
I as shown in figure 4. The angle ot represents the position of the reference vector with
respect to the beginning of the sector. It is intuitively clear that the reference vector can be
reproduced best during the period till the next sample by switching the inverter to create
the vectors Vi, V2, V0 and V7 in some sequence. Selecting any of the other vectors would
result in a greater deviation of the actual vector from the desired reference and would thus
contribute to harmonics.
S p a c e v e c t o r p u l s e w i d t h m o d u l a t i o n - A status r e v i e w 679
b Axis
V7,vO vl ~4. Sampled reference vector located in sector I.
The switching pattern can be calculated as follows. Assume that the sampling period Ts
is divided into three subintervals T1, T2 and To. T h e inverter is switched so as to produce
the vector V1 for Tl seconds, Vz for T2 seconds and zero (either Vo or VT) for To seconds.
The subintervals have to be calculated so that the volt-seconds produced by these vectors
along the a and b axes are the same as those produced by the desired reference vector V*
where IV*I is the amplitude or the length of the reference vector. Define the amplitude
a = IV*l/Vdc. (6)
0-1-2-71-7-2-1-01-0-1-2 . . . .
Therefore the zero interval is divided into two equal halves of length To~2. These half-
intervals are placed at the beginning and end of every sampling interval. If the half at the
beginning is realised as V0, that at the end is realised as VT, and vice versa. The switching
680 V T Ranganathan
Ti J
sequence during successive sampling intervals will then be as shown in figure 5. It can be
seen that the chopping frequency fc of each phase of the inverter is given by:
fc = fs/2. (12)
It should be pointed out that during the sampling interval, the desired reference vector is
approximated in the average sense, since the volt-seconds are equated. However, instanta-
neously, the actual vectors produced by the inverter are different from the reference vector
and therefore instantaneous voltage deviations or voltage 'ripple' exists. As a result har-
monic currents will also flow in the machine. By following the above mentioned switching
sequence, harmonics are to some extent reduced.
In order to compare the space vector PWM with sine-triangle PWM, the mean value of the
inverter phase to the dc centre tap voltages are calculated first, over one full cycle of the
fundamental i.e. for one full rotation of the reference vector V*. Let t = 0 correspond to
the instant where the average value VRO of the phase to centre tap voltage goes through its
positive zero crossing. At this instant, therefore, the reference vector will point vertically
downwards as shown in figure 6. From this initial position, the reference vector rotates
in the anticlockwise direction with angular velocity o91. Its position at any instant t with
Space vector pulsewidth modulation - A status review 681
respect to the starting position is given by the angle 0 = tOlt. For 0 < 0 < 30 , the
reference vector is in sector V; for 30 < 0 < 90 , the reference vector lies in sector VI. If
the variation of VRO can be determined over these 90 , then its waveform over the rest of
the cycle can be drawn using symmetry.
Further a = (30 + 0) . Using the expressions (9) and (10) for T1 and T2, it can be shown
However, ot = 0 - 30 . Again, using (9) and (10) in (15), it can be shown that
Using the expressions in (14) and (16) and taking advantage of symmetry, the variation
of VRO over one full cycle of the fundamental can be drawn. The waveforms for the other
two phases will be identical with phase shifts of 120 . The mean value of the line voltages
can also then be drawn by taking the differences. Figure 7 below shows the variations over
the positive half cycle of phase R.
~33aVdc -vRy
From the figure, it can be seen that the waveform of the mean value of the phase to
centre tap voltage is not sinusoidal but contains triplen harmonics. These harmonics get
cancelled in the line to line voltages, which are therefore sinusoidal. The machine line
to neutral voltages will also be sinusoidal. Considering the waveform of the line to line
voltage in figure 7,
Recalling the definition of the voltage control ratio given by (6), the maximum value of a
is given by
amax = radius of the largest circle inscribed in the hexagon + V&. (18)
Substituting in (17), the maximum peak line to line voltage using SVM
The corresponding value for sine-triangle modulation is given by (Vdc/2) - "~,/3. It can
therefore be concluded that SVM can produce 15 % more fundamental compared to the sine-
triangle method without going into over-modulation. SVM can be regarded as a carrier-
based technique, with the modification that the reference waveforms have triple harmonics
added to them. In fact, modulators have been designed with a triangular waveform at three
times the sine frequency being added to the sine references.
3. Overmodulation
As the fundamental output frequency of the inverter increases, and with it the amplitude of
the reference space vector V*, the duration of time to to be spent at the zero vector becomes
smaller and smaller. When the locus of the reference vector becomes the circle inscribed
within the hexagon, to becomes zero. This is spoken of as the limit of modulation. For
further increase in the length of V~, the locus lies partly outside the hexagon, implying that
for some of the samples, the reference vector cannot be approximated in the volt-second
sense by the SVM technique, even if the duration of to is made zero. Different policies can
be adopted to generate the pulse patterns for such loci. One technique is to apply equations
Space vector pulsewidth modulation - A status review 683
de ~
(9) to (11) for those a values for which the locus lies inside the hexagon. For other values
of u, the circular locus is forsaken in favor of the hexagon. This can be achieved by setting:
cos ot - sin oe
t~ = tl/(tl + t2); i.e. t~ = (Ts) x/~cosot + sinot' (21)
t~= Ts - t~.
This procedure scales down the subintervals of the non-zero vectors so that they add up to
the sampling interval Ts, while setting the subinterval for the zero vector to zero. Therefore,
there is an error in the amplitude of the motor voltage for such samples. The limit of this
process is reached when the circular locus of the reference circumscribes the hexagon.
The average phase voltage waveform of the motor will then have the waveform shown in
figure 8. The amplitude of the fundamental phase voltage is
9 2 6
= Vec. (22)
The voltage of figure 8 contains low order harmonics such as the 5th and the 7th.
In conventional SVM, there are three switchings in the inverter in each sampling interval
e.g. V0, V1, V2 and VT. If it is desired to reduce the number of switchings, an alternative
sequence such as V0-VI-V2 IV2-Vt-V0 can be thought of. Here the entire time for the zero
vector is spent only at V0. Compared to the conventional SVM, the number of switchings
in the inverter becoms 2/3 in this case. The effect of such a switching strategy can be
analysed along lines similar to that in 2.1. The average pole voltage waveform can be
shown to have a time variation of the form indicated in figure 9. This process can therefore
The majority of drives use a single inverter with a normal three phase ac motor. In high
power drives, however, in order to limit the voltage and current ratings of the power devices,
other configurations are also in use. Notable amongst these are: (i) the three-level inverter
(Nabae et a11981; Stemmler 1994) and (ii) the split phase induction motor drive (Andresen
1981; Gopakumar et al 1993). These configurations extend the power rating of the system
by using double the number of switches i.e.twelve. Space vector concepts can be extended
to such configurations also in order to generate the pulse patterns, as outlined below.
The configuration of a three level inverter is schematically indicated in figure 10. Each phase
to centre tap voltage can now have three values viz.+Vdc/2, O, --Vdc/2. By considering
all the possible switching states and applying the definition of voltage space phasor in (3),
it can be shown that the possible locations for the voltage space vector are as shown in
figure 11.
Although theoretically there are 33 = 27 possible space vector locations, there are only
18 distinct vectors in addition to the zero vector. Vectors 13 to 18 can each be realised by
more than one switching state of the inverter. The zero vector can also be realised by three
different switching states, namely (+ + +), (000), and ( - - - ) .
+. 0-+
.4.. ..4,
A strategy for generating the switching sequence can again be arrived at by looking
at a 60 segment, as shown in figure 12 below (Kolenchery et al 1996). The sector can
be divided into 4 triangles. Depending on the triangle in which the tip of the reference
vector lies, the vectors and the associated switching states can be judiciously selected so
as to approximate the reference in the volt-seconds sense as well as to keep the number of
switchings in the inverter low.
An alternative to the three-level inverter for high power drives is the split-phase motor
(Andresen 1981; Gopakumar et a11993). The split phase motor is obtained by splitting the
phase belt of a conventional three-phase motor into two equal halves with a phase separation
of 30 between the two halves (figure 13). The split phase groups are controlled by two
inverters with a dc link voltage of Vdc/2 cos 15 each. Since the split phase configuration
000 4~0 ..
+++ O- -
Figure 12. 60 sector of space vector hexagon for three-
level inverter.
686 V T Ranganathan
Vdc _.+
! I ~R
I B/,. (b)
Figure 13. Configurationof split-phase inductionmotor drive. (a) Block diagramof split-
phase induction motor drive. (b) Orientation of MMF vectors produced by the coils of a
split-phase machine.
is achieved by splitting the phase belts in two, the equivalent number of turns per phase
for the new configuration is N s / 2 cos 15, where N s is the equivalent number of turns for
the three-phase configuration. Correspondingly, a link voltage of V d c / 2 cos 15 gives the
same magnitude for the airgap flux in the new configuration as compared to the three phase
inverter drive with a d c link voltage of Vdc.
The voltage space vector locations for the two sets of coils are shown in figure 14. The
locations of one group are shifted by 30 from those of the other. There are 48 possible
distinct space vector locations by combining the individual locations of the two groups.
The boundary of all the locations is a 12-sided polygon, as compared to the hexagon for a
single inverter. The reference vector can therefore be located in any one of the 12 sectors.
One possible method of generating the pulse patterns for the switches is to approximate
the reference vector by the ! 2 outermost vectors (Gopakumar et al 1993). The subintervals
T1, T2 and To are then obtained as
TI = 2 . a Ts sin(30 - u),
7"2 = 2 . a Ts sin a, (23)
T0 = T,~ - T 1 - T : ,
(.+-)(~ -) ~-I (+-)
I - + - ~
1- )1- + ~ N ~
;~ l ( +)
} ~ J Figure 14. Voltagespace vector location
(--)1--) (+- )1- - ) for split-phase drive.
Space vector pulsewidth modulation - A status review 687
where now ot is the angle of the reference from the beginning of each 30 sector. By an
anlysis similar to that in 2.3, it can be shown that the average pole voltage has the time
variation of figure 15. It can be seen that these contain harmonics such as the 5th and 7th.
These harmonics, though they contribute to stator current, do not produce torque harmonics
as their fields get cancelled out in the airgap because of the winding arrangement. With
such a technique, it can be shown that an equivalent three-phase voltage of up to 0.643 Vdc
can be generated before entering into the overmodulation region. This can be compared to
0.577 Vdc for the normal three-phase system.
6. Conclusion
The concept of space phasors thus provides a unified framework for the generation of
pulse patterns for inverters. It can be extended to configurations other than the simple
three phase half-bridge inverter. Space phasor-based methods of PW M are also easily
amenable to digital realisation. They can also be easily added on to advanced motor control
algorithms such as vector control. Due to these reasons, such methods have become popular
in industrial drives. Current control techniques such as hysteresis control can also be
adapted for execution in the space phasor domain, although it has not been possible to
present such methods here.
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