HESCO Concertainer
HESCO Concertainer
HESCO Concertainer
06 A flexible system
08 Civil applications
09 Technical specifications
01 HESCO Bastion Concertainer
Protecting those who serve
HESCO Bastion Concertainer has been widely used
to protect military personnel and assets since its
introduction in 1991.
“The HESCO barriers were right next to me and a mortar bomb
landed right on the other side and saved my life. That’s it.”
Col. Jeff V., US Marine Corps, Iraq 2005
The need to control unauthorised access and resist HESCO’s unrivalled capability in design, technical
any terrorist or insurgent attack, perceived or real, innovation, manufacturing, training and customer
is ever-present. What stands between personnel or support has made it a global leader in the design
assets and any attack must be secure, steadfast and and manufacture of advanced force protection and
above all, reliable. a supplier to many nations.
Combining its technical expertise and knowledge of Once erected, Concertainer units can be filled using
military engineering with its constant evaluation of almost any locally available material. By enhancing
customer experience, HESCO Bastion has continued the mass and characteristics of fill material,
to develop and refine the Concertainer concept and Concertainer units are able to withstand attack from
its production techniques since units were first a variety of weapons, significantly reducing harmful
deployed during the Gulf War in 1991. secondary fragmentation or the possibility of
sympathetic detonation.
Concertainer units are a patented prefabricated,
multi-cellular defence wall system. They are The range of Concertainer units comprises of nine
manufactured from welded 4mm* Galfan coated different sizes, from the smallest (Mil 2) to the
mild steel wire mesh and vertical helical-coil joints. largest unit (Mil 7), enabling the construction of
All of which conform to British and ISO Standards limitless lengths of structure in almost any
and provide unparalleled tensile strength and circumstance. A choice of two colours are available
extended service life. Each unit is lined with ISO to suit different environments,
Standard 200g/m2 non-woven polypropylene
* (except Mil 7 & 10 which use 5mm wire)
Assembly of Concertainer units at the HESCO
manufacturing plant in Leeds, UK.
HESCO Bastion Concertainer units enhance the
mass and characteristics of available fill material to
provide protection from a wide variety of weapons.
The unique, patented design of Concertainer units
enables rapid construction of protective structures.
“Had HESCO Bastions in Bosnia and I will tell you the
ease of filling those bubbas made our force protection
easy because we didn’t have to fill sand bags.”
Maj. Daniel S., US Army, Bosnia 1995
03 Taken to the limits
Analysed and tested by the world’s leading authorities
Above Above
Any structural damage, large Testing the performance
or small, is recorded and marked of Concertainer units when used
for analysis during tests (photo as a vehicle barrier. Testing was
by kind courtesy of Defence R&D conducted by TRL, the UK based
Canada Suffield) Transport Research Laboratories.
Main picture
Structures built from
Concertainer units are
continually tested
to ensure they protect
against current threats.
Concertainer units
50mph to 0mph in under a second
HESCO Concertainer units have been To achieve the US Department of State
extensively tested by civilian and military K12 certification, tests were carried out
authorities across the world to prove their under strict conditions. The key test
suitability for protection in a diverse range involved Concertainer units being
of military, homeland security and subjected to a direct vehicle impact.
environmental applications.
Location Afghanistan
Unit Concertainer Mil 1 & Mil 7
Project FOB perimeter wall
04 Proven in the field
Essential defences in conflict areas
Main picture
Larger structures should be built using a ‘pyramid’
design, to ensure maximum stability.
Inset top
Mil 7 units, the largest unit in the range, being
constructed using a pyramid configuration.
Inset bottom
Massive structures can be built from Concertainer
units to construct large-scale installations such as
ammunition compounds (photo by kind courtesy of
US Department of Defense).
Location Afghanistan
Unit Concertainer Mil 7
Project DOB perimeter wall
07 Other military applications
The evolution of Concertainer
A HESCO Bunker System constructed with modified
Concertainer units. The units are manufactured
using 5mm wire to enhance their ability to support
the weight of the soil filled roof.
Below top Bottom left Bottom right
Concertainer units above and A Guard Post Kit installation An EOPS bunker prepared for
below ground protecting fuel at a vehicle checkpoint in demonstration at Quantico, USA.
bladders. Pristina, Kosovo.
08 Civil applications
Defending against the forces of nature
With every naturally occurring disaster the demand With its unparalleled success in all manner of
for civil protection becomes increasingly apparent. military applications, Concertainer units are now
The design pedigree and versatility of Concertainer being adopted by governments and authorities to
units and their success in military operations has protect sensitive civilian installations particularly at
resulted in widespread recognition in a variety of civil risk from terrorist attack, such as embassies,
environments from flood defences to erosion control consulates, government buildings, oil refineries,
to architecture. power stations and sports stadia.
Originally designed to protect shorelines against Encouraged by its success in military and civilian
erosion, Concertainer units are ideally suited for environments, HESCO is continually exploring
protection against the effects of flooding and potential new markets and other custom
erosion. Because the units arrive flat-packed applications such as humanitarian housing,
on site, and are lined with a geotextile membrane, industrial spill containment and noise abatement.
structures can be quickly and easily built with
materials typically found at eroded sites such as a
sand, rocks and gravel. Where a more permanent,
hard-wearing structure is required, Concertainer Above
units can be filled with concrete. Concertainer units being installed as a foundation
layer in an erosion control project in Alaska.
Homeland defence Flood control Architectural projects
Concertainer units are now being A barrier made from Concertainer Concertainer gabions can
used around the world for the units being used to contain flood be filled with a variety of
protection of sensitive civilian waters around Lake Ponchartrain, materials to create interesting
buildings and installations. New Orleans, USA. architectural surfaces.
09 Technical Specifications
Mil 1
The patented design of the HESCO Concertainer Height Width Length
unit is available in nine different sizes, each 1.37m (4'6") 1.06m (3'6") 10m (32')
developed to provide the optimum solution for
a wide range of protective and structural Unit Code Stock Number
requirements – military or civil. Mil1B 5680-99-835-7866
Mil1G 5680-99-001-9396
HESCO Concertainer units are manufactured with
a Galfan coated welded wire mesh. The mesh has Mil 1
an opening size of 76.2mm x 76.2mm and is made
from 8 Gauge 4mm steel wire (except for Mil 7 &
10, which is 6 Gauge 5mm steel wire). The Galfan 1.37m
coating (95% zinc and 5% aluminium) has a (4'6")
minimum average weight of 145 g/m2.
Coil Hinges and Joining Pins are manufactured 1.06m 10m (32’) Length
from 8 Gauge Galfan coated steel wire. (3'6") 9 cells (1x4, 1x5)
Product Patents
HESCO Bastion Concertainer® is a worldwide 0.61m
patented product. Patent No. 0466726 (Europe), (2')
Patent No. 5472297 & 5333970 (USA).
Mil 3
Height Width Length
1.0m (3'3") 1.0m (3'3") 10m (32')
Mil 3
Mil 4 Mil 8
1.0m 1.37m
(3'3") (4'6")
Mil 5 Mil 9
Height Width Length Height Width Length
0.61m (2') 0.61m (2’) 3.05m (10') 1.0m (3' 3”) 0.76m (2’6”) 9.14m (30')
Mil 5 Mil 9
0.61m 1.0m
(2’) (3'3")
Mil 7 Mil 10
Height Width Length Height Width Length
2.21m (7’3") 2.13m (7') 27.74m (90') 2.12m (7’) 1.52m (5') 30.5m (95')
Mil 7 Mil 10
2.21m 2.12m
(7'3") (7')
Copyright Notice
The material featured in this document
may be subject to copyright protection. Any
reproduction of the material is subject to
obtaining prior permission from HESCO.
Requests for copyright clearance should
be made in writing to HESCO at its
company address.