Ict Topic 2 Table
Ict Topic 2 Table
Ict Topic 2 Table
An introductory science
lesson where a teacher has
a discussion with students
Knowledge as Does the lesson sequence Incorporating different learning areas
on their knowledge of
range across diverse fields, into one subject. Such as the use of art,
complex and science including science
disciplines and paradigms? English and maths and how they are
linked to terminology, their previous
used in science.
interests and experiences with science
experience and all of the different types
of science subjects.
Problems that Do the lesson sequence and Research suitable activities and plan
Working with students on
are real and the assigned work have any lessons that are suitable for the
their gross motor skills to
relevant to resemblance or connection students to achieve. Taking into their
improve their coordination
students to real-life contexts? age, physical ability and concentration
in general.
Is there a focus on Working out what a student Working with the student and asking
identifying and solving can buy with $2 at the them to look at the prices of items of
things they would like to purchase.
intellectual and/or real- Adding prices to work out if the student
world problems? supermarket.
has enough money to make the