Ict Topic 2 Table

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When have I

How have I used this strategy

Strategy Focus questions experienced this in
as a teacher?
the past?

Reading through the story and

Are higher-order thinking prompting the student to improve on
and critical analysis Working with a student on
their sentences by adding adjectives
occurring? writing a story.
and talking about how the sentences
sound when read out aloud.

Discussion of the three sections of the

Does the lesson sequence story. (The beginning, then the middle
Deep cover operational fields in When working with and
knowledge and the end.) Giving an example of
any depth, detail or level of observing primary aged
each of the sections, writing a group
and higher specificity? students writing a story.
story and then the students writing their
order thinking
own stories on a set topic.

Do the work and response

of the students provide When working with and Evidence is provided by the stories they
evidence of depth of observing primary aged have written and through the class
understanding of concepts students writing a story. discussion and group story.
or ideas?

Does classroom talk break

out of the
Collaborative During an online lesson the teacher
initiation/response/evaluatio Observing a student
and social redirects the students to further
n pattern and lead to attending an online maths
learning discussion on a topic and they relate to
sustained dialogue between lesson.
students, and between real life experiences.
teachers and students?
A teacher making a
Are students critiquing and statement about a subject Giving students opportunities to ask
second-guessing texts, that was not correct in the questions and critique work done by
ideas and knowledge? eyes of the student and the others to for further explanation and
student asking to validate meaning to the subject.
the statement.

An introductory science
lesson where a teacher has
a discussion with students
Knowledge as Does the lesson sequence Incorporating different learning areas
on their knowledge of
range across diverse fields, into one subject. Such as the use of art,
complex and science including science
disciplines and paradigms? English and maths and how they are
linked to terminology, their previous
used in science.
interests and experiences with science
experience and all of the different types
of science subjects.

In preparation for going on an excursion

Talking with students about we discussed other places the student
Is there an attempt to what they know, where they had been to similar to where we were
connect with students have been and what going, what they had seen and done
background knowledge? experiences they have had. when they were there. Then we
Most students are eager to discussed what might be at this
share. excursion, what to expect and what they
could learn.

Problems that Do the lesson sequence and Research suitable activities and plan
Working with students on
are real and the assigned work have any lessons that are suitable for the
their gross motor skills to
relevant to resemblance or connection students to achieve. Taking into their
improve their coordination
students to real-life contexts? age, physical ability and concentration
in general.

Is there a focus on Working out what a student Working with the student and asking
identifying and solving can buy with $2 at the them to look at the prices of items of
things they would like to purchase.
intellectual and/or real- Adding prices to work out if the student
world problems? supermarket.
has enough money to make the

Yes, if a student is An example of this is when working

distracted then the pace of outside with students and they get
Do students have any say in the lesson slows, it is the distracted by something else outside, it
Student the pace, direction or teachers job to get them might be a truck pulling up with a
direction outcomes of the lesson back on task and to ensure delivery. The students start watching the
sequence? they can achieve truck and are distracted and stop doing
completion of the lesson in what they are asked. This slows the
sequence and with suitable pace of the lesson and could hinder
outcomes. reaching the outcome of the lesson.

A criteria sheet was given to A criteria sheet could be given to

Explicit quality Are the criteria for judging students when the students to students when explaining
performance student performance made assessment was set. The the assessment. A discussion of each
criteria explicit? students know exactly what level of the criteria and what is expected
is required of them for each at each level would provide the
level of criteria. information required.

Are diverse cultural Understanding culture

knowledges brought into knowledges and how they
Inviting students to share their stories.
play? affect a students perception
Cultural of the world.
Inviting people from other cultures to
Active Talking about other cultures share aspects of their culture with the
citizenship Are attempts made to foster and being an active class for all to be involved and to
active citizenship? member of the local understand how other cultures can be
community. different. (cooking demonstration,
costume, craft)

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