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Preprint: please cite this paper as: Bastidas-Arteaga E, Snchez-Silva M, Chateauneuf A, Ribas

Silva M. Coupled reliability model of biodeterioration, chloride ingress and cracking for
reinforced concrete structures. Structural Safety 2008;30:110-29.


Coupled reliability model of biodeterioration, chloride ingress

and cracking for reinforced concrete structures
Emilio Bastidas-Arteagaa , Mauricio Sanchez-Silvaa
Alaa Chateauneuf b , Moema Ribas Silvac
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Universidad de los Andes,
Carrera 1 N. 18A-70 EdificioW, Piso 3. Bogot
a, Colombia
LGC-UBP&CUST, Clermond-Ferrand, Campus des Cezeaux - BP 20663174 Aubi`ere cedex, France
Universidade Federal do Esprito Santo, Vitoria, Brazil

Maintaining and operating civil infrastructure systems has been recognized as a critical issue
worldwide. Among all possible causes of safety reduction during the structural lifetime, deteriora-
tion is particularly important. Structural deterioration is usually a slow time-dependent process
controlled by safety and operation threshold specifications. This paper presents a model of RC
deterioration by coupling biodeterioration (i.e., chemical, physical and mechanical action of live
organisms), steel corrosion, and concrete cracking. The final purpose of the model is to compute
the reduction of the concrete section and the area of steel reinforcement in order to assess the
change of structural capacity with time. Given the uncertainties in both the parameters and the
model, the probabilistic nature of loads, the material properties and the difussion process are taken
into account to evaluate structural reliability. The model is illustrated with an example where the
inelastic behavior of a pile subject to random loading is considered. The results of the analysis
have shown that the eect of biodeterioration on the structural performance is significant and can
cause an important reduction of its lifetime. On the whole, The paper states that modeling the
eects of biodeterioration in RC structures should be included as part of infrastructure planning
and design, especially, when they are located in aggressive environments.
Keywords: Biodeterioration, chloride ingress, corrosion, crack initiation, crack propagation, relia-

1 Introduction
Civil infrastructure systems are critical assets for any countrys socioeconomic development. Designing
these systems for a particular service lifetime and maintaining them in operation has been recognized
as a critical issue worldwide. The life-cycle of a structure can be thought of as the time during which
the structure is able to meet specific technical requirements with an acceptable level of safety. In life-
cycle analysis, the technical problem focuses on defining the interaction among three main processes:
(1) the structural deterioration (e.g., aging, obsolescence), (2) the occurrence of unexpected extreme
events (e.g., earthquakes, floods); and (3) the maintenance/rehabilitation program (Santander and
anchez-Silva, 2006 [1]). This paper will focus only on the first aspect. Nowadays, many deteriorated
structures are evaluated for possible repair and continued service because they are in a situation where
their replacement would be economically unfeasible. Thus, developing robust models for prediction and
strategies for periodic inspection and maintenance play a significant role in enabling target reliabilities
to be met over a period of continued service (Mori and Ellingwood, 1995 [6], Clifton, 1993 [7]).
Deterioration is common in structures located in aggressive environments and subjected to, for in-
stance, sulfate attack or chloride penetration causing corrosion and biodeterioration. Numerous studies

have addressed the problem of chloride ingress in concrete structures. However, in addition to chlo-
ride penetration, biological processes can accelerate the degradation process by modifying severely the
structural durability and reliability. This aspect is particularly important in marine structures (e.g.,
ports and oshore platforms), sewage systems and waste water treatment plants (Piedrahita, 2004 [2];
Cho and Mori, 1995[3]; Morton et al., 1991[4]).
The cause of failure of reinforced concrete (RC) structures subject to deterioration is a loss of
capacity resulting from a combination of steel corrosion and concrete cracking. Corrosion leads to a
loss of the eective area of the reinforcement and has proven to be a common cause of failure. In a
study conducted by CC Technologies Laboratories Inc. in 2001 [5], it was found that the total direct
cost of corrosion in USA is close to US$137.9 billion/year. The industrial and infrastructure sectors
more susceptible to corrosion damage are shown in Table 1. On the other hand, concrete cracking is
the result of many factors among which loading, steel corrosion and the action of live organisms are
of particular interest.
Structural deterioration is usually a slow time-dependent process controlled by a safety/operation
threshold specification. In RC structures, cover reduction is caused by the joint action of live organisms
and the accumulation of large amounts of chlorides and carbon dioxide on the structure surface. As
concrete cover is the principal mean of protection from corrosion, live organisms facilitate the diusion
process by eroding the concrete surface and destroying the concrete microstructure. This accelerates
the initiation of steel corrosion and increases the corrosion rate. Predicting the deterioration of RC
structures due to chloride penetration when accelerated by live organisms depends on many factors. It
is first necessary that the chloride and carbon dioxide concentration on the structural surface become
high enough. Besides, it is required that the environment provides conditions for live organisms to
survive and to carry out their vital processes, i.e., appropriate climate conditions, temperature, light
intensity, oxygen availability, surface roughness and so forth. Biodeterioration of concrete structures
is a subject that requires further analytical and experimental investigation.
This paper presents a work on modeling RC deterioration by coupling biodeterioration (i.e., action
of live organisms), steel corrosion, and concrete cracking. The final purpose of the model is to compute
the reduction of the concrete section and the area of steel reinforcement in order to assess the change
of structural capacity with time. Given the uncertainties in both the parameters and the model, the
probabilistic nature of loads, the material properties and the difussion process are taken into account to
evaluate structural reliability. The RC deterioration is discussed in section 2, reinforcement corrosion
induced by chloride ingress is treated in section 3 and the proposed model is presented in section 4.
Finally, as an illustrative example, the model has been applied to evaluate the inelastic performance
of RC piles located in aggressive environments.

2 Reinforced concrete deterioration

2.1 Cracking and corrosion
In optimal conditions, the durability of RC structures is high and the variation of the structural reli-
ability with time is not significant. However, for special structures located in aggressive environments
this might not be the case. Some examples of aggressive environments are those in which there is:

1. high relative humidity (i.e., between 60% and 98%);

2. cycles of humidification and drying, of freezing and defrosting;
3. high carbon dioxide concentrations (e.g., carbonation in urban atmospheres);
4. high concentration of chlorides or other salts (e.g., marine environments); or

5. high concentration of sulfates and small amounts of acids (e.g., sewer pipes or residual water
treatment plants).

In any deterioration process, the structural reliability becomes a time-dependent process; for the
particular case of chloride penetration leading to steel corrosion in RC structures, this process has
been widely studied. The time-dependent reliability problem is described schematically in Figure 1.
The structure life-cycle can be divided into three stages (Mori and Ellingwood, 1993 [8]; and Thoft-
Christensen, 2002 [9]):
Stage 1 : after construction structural reliability is maximum; then, deterioration initiates as
a result of the environmental conditions such as: chloride ingress, carbonation, sulfate attack,
biodeterioration, erosion, etc. Nevertheless, the consequences of these actions do not have a
significant impact in the reliability until their individual or joint actions create the necessary
conditions to depassivate the protective layer of the steel, e.g., low pH of concrete, optimal
temperature, water and oxygen. As a result of this new state, the reinforcement starts to be
corroded actively; this time is called time of corrosion initiation ( ini ) (see also Figure 2a).
Stage 2 : as soon as corrosion starts, corrosion products appear. Since these products have a
lower density, they occupy the porous zone of concrete around the steel. When the total amount
of corrosion products exceeds the amount needed to fill the porous zone, an expansive pressure is
induced on the concrete initiating the cracking process (Liu, 1996 [10]; and Liu and Weyers, 1998
[11]). In this stage, two phenomena called crack initiation and crack propagation are present.
The former is defined as the condition for which a hairline crack of 0.05mm width appears (Vu
and Stewart, 2005 [12] and Vu et al., 2005 [13]). The time required to reach this point is called
time to crack initiation ( cr ) (Figure 2b). The last is measured in terms of the crack width, cw.
The time required to reach the threshold crack size, cwlim (e.g., cwlim = 0.5mm) is called time
to severe cracking, ( sp ). Once this stage starts, the reliability decay can play an important role
in the structural safety.
Stage 3 : when crack width reaches the threshold value, there is a significant increment of the
corrosion rate as a result of an increase in water and oxygen availability and in concrete electrical
conductivity (i.e. Schiessl and Raupach, 1997 [14]). This increment induces a reliability decay
of an appreciable magnitude.

2.2 Biodeterioration
The process of deterioration of RC structures as a result of the action of live organisms (chemical
and physical) is usually called concrete biodeterioration. Biodeterioration was defined by Hueck, 1965
[15] as: ...any undesirable change produced by normal activities of live organisms on materials.
According to Gaylarde, 2003 [16], biodeterioration can be classified within three types:
Aesthetic: it is concerned with the presence of microorganisms on the surface of the structure
producing a disagreeable aspect.
Chemical : it refers to the degradation of cement and aggregates as a result of substances em-
anated by live organisms.
Physical : encompasses all physical actions of organisms leading to a physical deterioration of
Biodeterioration is caused by live organisms that can be found in the ground, the water or the
air. In many cases, they can be found on concrete surfaces that oer favorable conditions for them
to survive; for example, places where the surface texture allows them to settle down, there is water
available, the pH of concrete is low, the temperature conditions are appropriate and where there are
nutrients for their survival. When these organisms settle on the concrete surface, they form a film
called biofilm, from where they start to deteriorate the concrete.
Biodeterioration is caused mainly by: (1) bacteria; (2) fungi; (3) algae and lichens; and (4) organ-
isms that erode and drill the concrete (Gaylarde et al., 2003 [17]).

2.2.1 Bacteria
They are unicellular microorganisms with the size of one micron or less. They can be classified as au-
totrophic or heterotrophic; also, they can be aerobe, anaerobe or aerotolerant anaerobes (see Appendix
A for definitions). Among those that cause concrete deterioration some of the most important are: (1)
cyanobacteria; (2) nitrobacteria; (3) sulfur-reducing bacteria; and (4) sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Their
main characteristics are presented in Table 2.
The chemical action of cyanobacterias does not aect RC considerably, however, its organic material
secretion serves as nutrient for fungi and heterotrophic bacteria that can be very aggressive to RC.
Regarding the physical degradation, the endolithic cells penetrate in concrete through micro-cracks
absorbing water, which causes a growth of their molecular mass generating tensile stresses leading to
an increment in the size of cracks (Gaylarde, 2003 [16]).
Nitrobacteria transform ammonia from the atmosphere into nitrites and nitrates; this process is
called nitrification. Nitrites and nitrates attack the concrete and as a result of the reaction, calcium
nitrate is produced. It aects the concrete since it results from the solubilization of one of the
cement components (Biczok, 1972 [18]; Kumar and Kumar, 1999 [19]; Sand and Bock, 1999 [20]; and
Shirakawa, 1994[21]) .
Sulfur-reducing bacteria oxidize the sulfate existing in the water and transform it into hydrogen
sulfides and H2 S in gaseous state. It does not aect the concrete directly; nevertheless, the H2 S is
used for the Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria to produce sulfuric acid that degrades concrete chemically. This
process commonly called Concrete Corrosion (Olmstead and Hamlin, 1900 [22]; Nica et al., 2000 [23];
and Roberts et al., 2002 [24]). It can be found frequently in closed structures such as: sewage systems
and waste water treatment plants.
Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria are divided in two groups: (1) Neutrophilic Sulfur Oxidizing Microor-
ganisms (NSOM); and (2) the Acidophilic Sulfur Oxidizing Microorganisms (ASOM). The oxygen
required for their existence causes that they oxidize the H2 S (produced by the Sulfur-reducing bacte-
ria), transforming it into sulfuric acid H2 SO4 , which reacts with the cement forming calcium sulfate
(gypsum). Furthermore, when gypsum is combined with the hydrated aluminate of calcium, it forms
sulfur-aluminate of calcium (ettringite). In addition, it can produce acetic acid, sulfates, sulfur, sulfites
and polythionates, substances that aect the concrete chemically. Roberts et al., 2002 [24], reports
five species of this bacteria called Thiobacillus; their main characteristics are shown in Table 3. The
first four species are NSOM and the last is ASOM. The last species (i.e., T. thiooxidans) are the
group of microorganisms that causes more damage to concrete. Table 4 shows some values of concrete
biodeterioration rates as a result of the action of ASOM.

2.2.2 Fungi
Fungi can be found almost everywhere (even in adverse atmospheres with little water and without
air) as long as there is organic matter available. Generally, they survive in temperatures between 25
and 30 o C. Usually, fungi found in RC surfaces are simple fungi, mold and yeast (Cho and Mori, 1995
[3]). They produce mechanical damage in the concrete micro-structure by the hyphae penetration. In
addition, they deteriorate concrete chemically by the generation of organic and inorganic acids that
precipitate salts.

2.2.3 Algae and lichens

The algae are a complex and varied vegetal group, for this reason their description and classification
is not an easy task. They can survive in any habitat where there are both light and humidity; then,
they can be found in the sea, humid soils and snow. Their action on concrete structures consists on
taking calcium and magnesium for their metabolic processes from de cement paste generating small
cavities in the concrete surface.
Lichens are the product of the symbiosis of an alga and a fungus. The fungus provides water to alga
and the alga takes from the fungus inorganic substances; then, they complement each other to survive

in very hostile environments. On concrete surfaces colonized by lichens there can be found many
micro-perforations with diameters between 0,5 and 10 microns as well as perforations with diameters
between 0,1 to 0,5 mm (Piedrahita, 2004 [2]).

2.2.4 Organisms that erode and drill the concrete

When concrete biodeterioration is not controlled, a series of organisms of appreciable size appears
(Piedrahita, 2004 [2]). These types of organisms are found generally in tropical environments and on
the concrete surface, where the biofilm has been formed. Between the organisms that erode concrete,
the most representative are the mollusk (Cantera et al., 1996 [28]) whose action consists on continuously
scrape the surface. Among the second class of organisms, there are the bivalves, the crustaceans and
the sipunculids (Cantera et al., 1996 [28]). They make perforations of cavern type by means of chemical
and physical processes.

2.2.5 Biodeterioration control measures

There are many preventive measures to control the action of live-organisms which depend basically
on the characteristics of the species and the environmental conditions. Any procedure of counter-
measures to diminish or mitigate damage must include the following actions: (1) to establish a regime
of inspection or monitoring that detects immediately the appearance of the biofilm; (2) to determine the
organisms that constitute the biofilm, including its density and location; (3) to elaborate a integrated
plan against the involved organisms in order to solve the problem; and (4) to supervise the integrated
plan and its results. Depending on the type of organism detected (i.e. step two) and the degree of
damage of the structure, the integrated plans can include a combination of the following measures:
(1) surface cleaning using chemical agents (i.e. biocides), biological and physical means; (2) surface
painting using admixtures with biocides; and (3) replacement of concrete cover. Specific information
on these counter-measures is beyond the scope of this paper, but they can be found in the literature
(see Keevil et al., 1990 [29]; De Graef et al., 2000 [30]; Martinez Outeri
no, 2003 [31] and Gi
udice, 2003

3 Corrosion of steel reinforcement

In addition to concrete biodeterioration, RC structural integrity may be seriously aected by steel
corrosion. Steel corrosion caused by chloride ingress has been widely studied and some basic concepts
are presented in this section. Tuutti, 1982 [33] proposed a model of the ingress of chlorides in concrete
as function of time and depth using the Fricks second law of diusion,

@C @2C
= Dcl 2 (1)
@ @x
where, C is the chloride ion concentration, Dcl is the chloride diusion coefficient in concrete, is
the time and x is depth in the diusion direction. Assuming that concrete is an homogenous and
isotropic material with the initial conditions: (1) when time is zero, the concentration is zero and (2)
the chloride surface concentration is constant, then, the chloride ion concentration C(x, ) at depth x
after time is:
C(x, ) = Cs 1 erf p (2)
2 Dcl
where Cs is chloride surface concentration and erf is the error function.
The threshold concentration Cth is defined as the chloride concentration for which the rust passive
layer of steel is destroyed and the corrosion reaction begins, that instant is called initiation time ini .

From equation 2, when C(x, ) is equal to Cth and x is equal to the bar cover c, ini is computed as:
h i 2
c2 erf 1 Cth
ini = (3)
The depth of threshold concentration Cth at time called penetration depth of chloride threshold
aggressive front (Liang and Yang, 2005 [34]) Dth ( ) is obtained if the concentration C(x, ) = Cth
and x = Dth ( ), then, equation 2 becomes:
Dth ( ) = 2 Dcl erf 1 1 (4)

At time ,the corrosion density icorr ( ) is expressed according to the Faradays law as:

icorr ( ) = Jc ( )nO2 F (5)

where, nO2 is the obtained electric number of O2 molecule participated in chemical reaction (nO2 = 4),
Jc ( ) is the diusion flow of O2 in concrete at time and F is Faradays constant, F = 96500 [C/mol].
On the other hand, based on electrochemistry principles, the diusion flow of O2 in concrete is equal
to (Liang et al., 2004 [35]):
Jc ( ) = DO2 (6)
where DO2 is the diusion coefficient of O2 in the concrete [mm2 /year] and x is the space coordinate in
the diusion direction. According to the Fricks diusion law there is a linear variation of the oxygen
concentration. Therefore, if the oxygen concentration on the surface is CO2 = 8.93 10 10 [mol/mm3 ]
and at the depth Dth ( ) the concentration is Cst = 0 (Liang et al., 2004 [35]),

@C(x) CO2 Cst

= (7)
@x Dth ( )

Replacing equations 6 and 7 into equation 5 yields to:

nO2 F DO2 CO2
icorr ( ) = (8)
Dth ( )

On the other hand, according to Faradays law, the product of steel corrosion during time d is:

icorr ( )
dW = M Aa ( )d (9)
na F
where dW is the amount of corrosion products in grams at time d , M is the atomic weight of
F e = 55.85 [g/mol], na is the electric charge of iron ion (na = 2) and Aa ( ) is the corrosion surface
area of steel in concrete at time considering a 1 [mm] unit length bar (Figure 2), and is equal to:

d + 2c 2Dth ( )
Aa ( ) = d cos 1 (10)

where d is the initial bar diameter in [mm] and c is the cover thickness in [mm]. Niu et al., 1996 [36]
proposed an equation for calculating DO2 as a function of the concrete compressive strength fcu 0
[N/mm ] (fcu is obtained from the test over a concrete cube sample):
2 0

32.15 mm2
DO2 = 3.1536 105 0
0.44 (11)
fcu year

If w is the time of full corrosion, this occurs when Aa ( ) is equal to total surface area of the steel
bar (i.e., Aa ( ) = d), then, for w , the amount of corrosion products, W ( ), is obtained by
replacing equation 8 into equation 9 and integrating with respect to time:
" #
0 grams h i if ini
W ( ) = R (12)
kDO2 ini DAtha ( )
( ) d if w > ini

where k = nO2 CO2 M/na = 7.125 10 8 [g/mm3 ]. Finally, if > w , Aa ( ) = d and Dth ( ) = c + d,
then, 2 3
0 grams if ini
R Aa ( )
6 if w > ini 7
W ( ) = 4 kDO2 ini Dth ( ) d 5 (13)
R w Aa ( ) R
kDO2 ini Dth ( ) d + c+d
d if > w

Based on equation 13, it is then possible to compute the eective diameter of the bar as function
of time as follows:
W ( )
dbar ( ) = d0 1 (14)
where dbar ( ) is the diameter of the bar at time , d0 is the bar initial diameter, W ( ) is the amount
of corrosion products in [g] by 1 [mm] of length at time calculated by equation 13 and W0 is the
initial weight in [g] by 1 [mm] length.

4 Coupled deterioration model

The coupled model presented in this section takes into account three eects (Figure 3): (1) corrosion
induced by chloride ingress; (2) cracking as a result of corrosion products; and (3) reduction of concrete
cover caused by biodeterioration. In the first part of this section, the corrosion model presented in pre-
vious section will be modified to include the cracking. Afterwards, a time-dependent biodeterioration
rate function is obtained by using a fuzzy logic inference system. Finally, all three eects are coupled
into one single model.

4.1 RC cracking as a result of corrosion products

Once corrosion starts there are stresses resulting from the expansion produced by corrosion. Then,
in order to take into account this eect, Liu and Weyers,1998 [11] proposed a model to find the time
to crack initiation, cr , that is function of the amount of rust products. They defined the amount of
critical rust products Wcrit [g] as the amount for which all free spaces between the steel bar and the
concrete are filled and the cracking begins. It can be calculated as:
Wcrit = (Wporous + WExpand ) (15)
steel 0.57rust

where steel is the density [g/mm3 ] of reinforced steel, rust is the density of corrosion products, Wporous
is the amount of corrosion products necessary to fill the porous zone around the steel/concrete interface
and is defined as:
Wporous = rust tpor d (16)
where tpor is the thickness of porous band around the steel concrete interface and d is the diameter of
the steel bar. Besides, WExpand is the amount of corrosion products needed to fill in the space due to
the expansion of the concrete around the reinforcement; this is:

WExpand = rust (d + 2tpor ) tcrit (17)

where tcrit is the thickness of corrosion products needed to generate the tensile stresses (Liu and
Weyers, 1998 [11]) and it is computed as:

cf 0 k 2 + l2
tcrit = t + c (18)
Ec l 2 k 2

where ft0 is the tensile strength of concrete, Ec is the elastic modulus of concrete, k = (d + 2tpor ) /2,
l = c + (d + 2tpor ) /2 and c is Poissons ratio of concrete.
The amount of corrosion products W ( ) is zero if the age of the concrete is less than ini (Figure
4a). When sp , the value of DO2 is obtained by using equation 11. The time to severe cracking,
sp , is equal to (Vu and Stewart, 2005 [12] and Vu et al., 2005 [13]):

sp = cr + pr (19)

where pr is the time of crack propagation. Based on experimental data obtained from accelerated
corrosion tests with a corrosion rate of icorr(acc) = 100 A/cm2 , Vu et al (2005) [13] found that the
accelerated time to crack propagation in hours can be estimated as:

pr(acc) = (c/wc) (20)

where c is the cover in mm, wc is the water/cement ratio, and and are parameters that depend
on the limit crack width. For instance, when cwlim = 0.5 mm, = 225 and = 0.29 (Vu et al., 2005
[13]). Since equation 20 was obtained from accelerated tests, a correction factor, kR , has been deduced
by Vu et al. (2005) [13], based on the experimental values obtained by Alonso et al (1998) [37] as:

0.3icorr(acc) icorr(acc)
kR 0.95 exp + 0.3 (21)
icorr(real) 2500icorr(real)

where icorr(real) corresponds to the real corrosion rate in A/cm2 . Therefore, the time to crack prop-
agation in years is:
pr = kR pr(acc) (22)
After cracking begins (i.e., > sp ) the diusion coefficient DO2 becomes time-dependent and a
linear behavior is assumed. Consider that at time n (with n sp ; e.g. n = 500 years) the oxygen
concentration at the steel surface (i.e., CnO2 ) is closer to the oxygen concentration at the concrete
surface CO2 (i.e., CnO2 CO2 ). Then substituting these values into Fricks second law (equation 2),
it is possible to compute a new oxygen diusion coefficient at time n , as:

DnO2 ( n ) = h i2 (23)
4 n erf 1 1 CO2

and the diusion coefficient of oxygen in the concrete (DCO2 ) at time becomes (Figure 4b):
" #
DO2 if sp
DCO2 ( ) = DO2 DnO2 (24)
DO2 + sp n ( sp ) if > sp

then, substituting equation 24 into 13, the amount of corrosion products when considering the RC

cracked, Wcrack ( ), in [g] by 1 mm of length at time is given by:
2 3
0 grams if ini
6 k DC O2 Aa ( ) d if w > ini 7
Wcrack ( ) = 4 ini Dth ( ) 5 (25)
R w DCO2 ( )Aa ( ) R
k ini Dth ( ) d + d
c+d w
DC O2 ( ) d if > w

The consequences of cracking on the corrosion rate is not easy to evaluate; Figure 5 presents
several models. In the first model, the time-variant corrosion rate has been computed by using the
values reported by Vu et al. (2005) [13]. In this model, corrosion rate remains constant during the first
year, after which, the formation of rust products on the steel surface reduces this rate substantially.
The second model considers a reduction of corrosion rate, from the corrosion initiation time, ( ini )
until the time of full corrosion, ( w ). After this point, the corrosion rate remains constant (see also
Figure 4). In the third case, the model includes concrete cracking and assumes that the change of
the diusion coefficient of concrete (equation 20) begins only after the time to crack initiation, ( cr ).
After this point, diusion grows due to the increase in the diusion oxygen coefficient. The last case
is similar to the previous one but the eect of cracking has only an important impact when the crack
width reaches a limit value of cwlim = 0.5 mm, ( sp ). In this case, the corrosion rates are lower than
in the third case.
The first two models presented in Figure 5 do not take into account concrete cracking to estimate
corrosion rate, while the last two do. In this paper the last model was used to compute the amount
of corrosion products. It is important to note that the corrosion rates used in this paper are within
the range suggested by EN 206 (Geocisa and Torroja Institute, 2002 [38]) for corrosion induced by
chloride ingress in tidal zones.

4.2 Time-dependent biodeterioration rate function

Biodeterioration is a very complex process where many classes of organisms, environmental variables
and other deteriorating processes interact. Computing the RC time-dependent biodeterioration rate is
a crucial aspect for the accuracy of the numerical model. However, to the authors knowledge, no much
work have been done in this field and there is not yet a robust model of this process. As no sufficient
data are available to perform appropriate statistical analysis, the application of probability theory is
not possible. Thus, non precise data is considered based on existing experimental reports (Table 4).
The proposed model is based on fuzzy inference, which is a valuable tool for managing situations where
information about a process can only be described conceptually or there is not enough data to build a
robust statistical model. Then, based on fuzzy logic, a model to obtain a time-dependent function of
the biodeterioration rate is proposed.
Conceptually, the process can be divided into three stages (Figure 6):

1. RC immunity: in this stage, due the concrete high alkalinity (pH between 11 and 13), the
organisms cannot survive nor adhere to it; therefore, the RC is immune to biological damage.
2. Biofilm formation: the presence of CO2 in the atmosphere causes carbonation, which in turn
leads to a reduction of the pH of the RC surface (until approximately 9). In addition, the
erosive action of the water and/or the friction with other materials generate certain roughness
on the concrete surface that allows microorganisms to adhere forming the biofilm. Experimental
evidence has shown that microorganisms can also ingress into concrete by a diusion process
alterating the concrete microstructure (Ribas and Pinheiro, 2006).
3. Active biodeterioration of concrete: in this stage, the concrete pH continues decreasing, by the
joint action of carbonation and organisms until it reaches a value of pH < 5. The RC surface is
highly deteriorated and the cracks have an important size. All those conditions make possible that
other organisms also stick to biofilm on the surface contributing to RC chemical deterioration.
When the concrete is cracked, some organisms like the endolithic cells, algae and fungi ingress

into cracks, generating tensile stresses that deteriorate the concrete by increasing the crack size.
Crack formation can also be promoted as a result of the weakened on the concrete microstructure
caused by fungi and other microorganisms that might have already enter into concrete matrix
by diusion.
Based on the conceptual model the membership functions for the age of the structure (i.e., in time
units [years], ) and the biodeterioration rate [mm/year] can be defined. Then, The structure life
can be divided in two stages:
1. Initial Age: at this age, microorganisms can hardly live on the surface of the concrete because it
is even and the pH of concrete is high.
2. Active Biodeterioration Age: at this stage, the biodeterioration is active because the surface
oers optimal conditions for colonization of microorganisms.
These stages are represented by membership functions of sigmoidal form (see Figure 7a):
age ( , a, b) = (26)
1 + exp( a( b))

where is the time in years and a, b are constants that define the shape of the function. In addition,
it is necessary to define two membership functions for the corresponding biodeterioration rate . The
first corresponds to the initiation of the biodeterioration process for which the maximum membership
value assigned is ini = 0 [mm/year]. Then, in this case the modified Gaussian function that describes
the initial biodeterioration rate membership is given by (see Figure 7b):
" 2 #
exp 1
if 0
1( , ) = 2 (27)
0 otherwise

where is a shape parameter. The second function corresponds to the time within which biodeteri-
oration is active; thus, based on the values presented in Table 4, the average active biodeterioration
rate, av , is assigned to the maximum membership value. In this case, the membership function that
describes the corrosion rate is:
2 ( , av , ) = exp av

Figure 7 illustrate these functions for the following parameters: a ini = 0.8 and b ini = 6.5 for
the Initial Age; a act = 0.7 and b act = 12 for the Active Biodeterioration Age; ini
= 0.1 for the
Initial Biodeterioration Rate; and av = 2.5 mm/yr and act = 0.4 for the Active Biodeterioration
The rules used for the fuzzy inference system are:
1. If the structure is in the initial age, then the biodeterioration rate is the initial.
2. If the structure is in the active biodeterioration age, then the biodeterioration rate is active.
Based on these rules a response surface can be determined as follows:

age1 ( , a ini , b ini ) 1 ( , ini ),
S ( , ) = max (29)
age2 ( , a act , b act ) 2 ( , av , act )

where S ( , ) is the surface generated by the maximum of products composition, age1 ( , a ini , b ini )
is the membership function corresponding to concrete initial age, age2 ( , a act , b act ) to active biode-
terioration age, 1 ( , ini ) to initial biodeterioration rate and 2 ( , av , act ) to active biode-
terioration rate. The surface generated by equation 29 is shown in Figure 8a. Finally, by using the

strategy of the center of gravity for the surface defuzzification, it is possible to obtain a time-dependent
biodeterioration rate function, ( ), as (Figure 8b):
S ( , ) d
( ) = Z (30)
S ( , ) d

The advantage of this solution is that it provides an estimation of the time-dependent change of
the biodeterioration rate, that depends on the experts knowledge. Hence the expert has to define the
conceptual model of the problem as presented above. Moreover, he/she determines the form of the
membership functions, since, he/she has to assign values to the variables a, b, av and based on
his/her expertise. For example, an expert can define the membership functions of the biodeterioration
rate considering environmental factors and nutrients availability of determinate place, and the age
membership functions taking into account the type of cement or the condition of the structure at a
given time. It is important to stress on the fact that the biodeterioration rate function can be updated
permanently by modifying the membership functions based on field measurements and experimental

4.3 Coupled model

Due to action of live organisms, the thickness of the concrete cover is a time-dependent function. Then,
the thickness at time (i.e., cover ( )) is calculated as:
cover ( ) = c ( ) d (31)

where c is the cover at = 0 and ( ) corresponds to the biodeterioration rate function showed in
Figure 8b. Then, the initiation time ini is calculated by replacing equation 31 into equation 3,
h i 2
2 1
cover ( ) erf 1 Cth
ini = (32)
For time > ini , the advance of the aggressive corrosion front, Dth ( ) (equation 4), and the
reduction of steel area grow rapidly aecting considerably the properties of the structural member.
Therefore, equation 10 is modified simply by making the cover thickness a function of time. That is:

d + 2cover ( ) 2Dth ( )
Aam ( ) = d cos 1

where Aam ( ) is corroded surface area of the reinforcement at time (taking 1 mm unit length) when
the biodeterioration process is taken into account. Consequently, the amount of corrosion products
Wm ( ), which is function of Aam ( ), can be expressed as:
2 3
0 grams if ini
6 k DC O2 Aam ( ) d if w > ini 7
Wm ( ) = 4 ini D ( ) 5 (34)
R w DCOth2 ( )Aam ( ) R
k ini Dth ( ) d + d
c+d w
DC O2 ( ) d if > w

On the whole, the proposed model couples three processes: (1) steel corrosion; (2) concrete cracking;
and (3) biodeterioration. The flow diagram that summarizes the entire procedure is presented in Figure
9. The ultimate purpose of the model is to compute the reduction of steel reinforcement area of the

RC element. As it will be shown in the numerical example, this approach to RC biodeterioration can
be used to make better estimates of structural reliability and is an important tool for intervention and
rehabilitation purposes.

5 Numerical Example
5.1 Basic considerations and assumptions
In this section, the coupled model described in the previous section is illustrated with a numerical
example. The goal of this example is to compute the probability of failure of a seaport reinforced
concrete pile in terms of its curvature ductility capacity. The pile showed in Figure 10 is part of a
port structural system subjected to axial loading produced by the loading and unloading of containers
on the platform (see Figure 10a). The port is located in a tropical region where the environmental
conditions make the structure susceptible to biological deterioration. The geometric characteristics of
the pile are presented in Figure 10b.
For structures immersed in the sea, there are three zones (see figure 10a), with dierent surface
chloride concentration and availability of oxygen and water for which the cinematic of the corrosion
process is dierent (Luping and Andersen, 2000 [40]). These are: (1) the Submerged zone, (2) the Splash
and tidal zone, and (3) the Atmospheric zone. In the first zone, the surface chloride concentration
is higher that in the other zones, but the risk of corrosion and biodeterioration are low because the
oxygen and light are not available. In the splash and tidal zone, the RC surface is exposed to wetting
and drying cycles that provide the optimal conditions (chlorides, water and oxygen) for corrosion to
initiate. Furthermore, the existence of light, nutrients and water in sufficient quantities promotes the
appearance of the biofilm. It is widely accepted that the highest risks of corrosion and biodeterioration
occur in this zone. Finally, in the last region the wind is the main source of chlorides and the water
available is low, thus, the risks of corrosion and biodeterioration are small. Therefore, the present
example focuses on the splash and tidal zone.
The following assumptions about the problem have been made:

The density of steel reinforcement is assumed deterministic (steel = 8000 kg/m3 ),

The tensile strength of concrete is given by a percentage of its compressive strength (i.e. ft0 =
0.10fc0 ). Perfect correlation between tensile and compressive strengths is assumed.
In order to estimate the time to severe cracking, a limit crack width of cwlim = 0.5 mm has been
The water/cement ratio is calculated by using the Bolomeys formula.

The corrosion of steel is assumed to be uniform.

The deterioration process is continuous, i.e. there is not maintenance.

5.2 Reliability problem formulation

Ductility capacity is the structural ability to sustain, without failure, deformations well beyond the
elastic limit. In this case, the curvature ductility capacity is equal to,

= u

where u and y are the ultimate and yield curvatures respectively. Stress-strain relationship for the
steel follows an elasto-plastic model and for concrete it was assumed an inelastic behavior (Kent and

Park, 1971 [44]). In this application, the failure probability is calculated with respect to the following
limit state function:
g ini , ( ) = ini ( ) (36)

where ini corresponds to a fraction (i.e., ) of the initial ductility, ini , and ( ) is the ductility
of the pile at time .
Three variations of the same limit state function were considered based on a fraction of the struc-
tural initial capacity, ini , : (1) = 0.75; (2) = 0.50; and (3) and = 0.25. The probabilistic
models of the variables used are shown in Table 5. The reliability was calculated by using a point-
in-time analysis by using using the first-order second-moment reliability method FORM, which is
conservative (upper bound) (Stewart and Val, 1999 [45]).

5.3 Results of the model

The failure probability of the three limit state functions for various average active biodeterioration
rates, ( av ), is presented in Figure 11. It can be observed that the shape of the fragility curves, i.e.,
slope and time to failure failure (i.e., pf = 1) depend upon: (1) the average active biodeterioration
rate and (2) the limit state function (i.e., defined as a fraction of the initial ductility ). Comparing
the cases with and without biodeterioration it is observed that the overall behavior is similar, but all
failure times with biodeterioration occur earlier. In addition, as the average active biodeterioration
rate grow, the time to failure decreases and the slope of the fragility curves increase. It can be observed
also that the overall eect of av is larger when the fraction of the initial ductility decreases.
The relationship between the average active biodeterioration rate and the time required to reach
failure are plotted in Figure 12. This figure shows that for all limit state functions, the time to failure
grows as av decreases. This time period also grows as decreases. For instance, for = 0.75, the time
to failure is 40 years for av = 2.5 mm/yr, and 80 years for av = 0 mm/yr respectively. An inverse
analysis can also be made from the data presented in Figure 12; for a predefined life-cycle it is possible
to estimate the average biodeterioration rate required to reach a given limit state. For example, if a
time window of 60 years is selected, a av = 0.9 mm/yr is required to meet the failure limit condition
as defined by a 75% of its initial curvature ductility (i.e., (pf )=0.75 = 1). The same values for = 0.5
and = 0.25 are av = 1.3 mm/yr and av = 1.7 mm/yr, respectively (Figure 12).
Finally, it is important to notice the eect of deterioration in the reduction of the ductility capacity
of the structural component. The change of ductility with time for a probability of failure equal to
pf = 1 and pf = 0.5, and for various average biodeterioration rates is shown in Figure 13. As
expected, the ductility capacity decreases with time, but if biodeterioration is not considered, the
structural ductility capacity is larger than in the case where this eect is included. For example,
if biodeterioration is not taken into account, the time required to reach failure, for = 0.75, will
be 80 years. However, when considering biodeterioration this time becomes t( av = 0.5)=0.75 = 69
years (13%) and t( av = 2.5)=0.75 = 40 years (50%). It is evident from the results that preventive
maintenance against biodeterioration is paramount to extend the structural life.

6 Conclusions
Modeling the eects of biodeterioration in RC structures should to be explicitly included as part of in-
frastructure planning and design, in particular, when structures are located in aggressive environments.
Biodeterioration might aect structural performance significantly causing an important reduction in
the lifetime of the structure. The proposed model couples three processes: (1) steel corrosion; (2)
concrete cracking; and (3) biodeterioration. This coupling process is used to compute the reduction
of steel reinforcement area and concrete cross section as a function of time. Furthermore, a fuzzy
inference system based on experimental data and expert opinions was used to model the biodeterio-
ration rate which is an essential part of the integrated model. The fuzzy model is a very convenient
tool which combines data bases with expert knowledge about the local environmental variables. The

proposed model is illustrated by studying the eects of biodeterioration in the ductility capacity of sea
port piles. A dierence between 13% and 50% in the structural life was observed. The high variability
is related to the value of av , which should be a subject of further experimental research.

7 Appendix A - Glossary
Term Description
Aerobe: organisms that require oxygen for their vital processes.
Aerotolerant anaerobes: organisms that not require oxygen, but are not aected by their
exposure to air.
Anaerobe: organisms that are unable to use oxygen for their vital processes.
Autotroph: these are organisms that do not need organic carbon to survive
because their carbon source is the inorganic CO2 and some car-
Cell: fundamental unit of a living matter.
Endolith: specie that lives inside the rocks or RC (thanks to previous perfo-
rations or cracks).
Heterotroph: unlike autotroph organisms, they need organic carbon for their
Hypha: any of the threadlike filaments forming the mycelium of a fungus
Microorganism: any organism of microscopic size.
Mycelium: the vegetative part of a fungus consisting of a mass of branching
threadlike hyphae.
Mold or mould: a filamentous fungus that forms hypha and mycelium; produces a
superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic
Organism: a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function
Yeast: Unicellular fungi that reproduce mainly asexually by budding or
division. Their cells are considerably larger than bacterial cells.

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List of Tables
1. Cost of corrosion in several industrial and infrastructure sectors.

2. Eects of bacteria on RC structures.

3. Five species of Thiobacillus and their characteristics.
4. Biodeterioration rates caused by ASOM.
5. Probabilistic description of the variables used in the model.

List of Figures
1. Reliability profile for RC structures subject to corrosion.
2. Steel corrosion process combined with concrete cracking and biodeterioration eects.
3. Conceptual description of the coupled model for biodeterioration, chloride ingress and cracking
of concrete structures.

4. (a) Change of the amount of corrosion products and the diameter of the steel bar with time; (b)
Variation of the diusion oxigen coefficient with time.
5. Time-dependent corrosion rates models.
6. Conceptual model or Biodeterioration.

7. (a) Age membership functions. (b) Biodeterioration rate membership functions.

8. (a) Surface generated in FIS type Mamdani. (b) Time-dependent biodeterioration rate function.
9. Flow diagram describing the coupled model.
10. Pile configuration. (a) description example, load and zones. (b) pile cross section.

11. Fragility curves for various average active biodeterioration rates. (a) = 0.75; (b) = 0.5; and
(c) = 0.25.
12. Relationship between average active biodeterioration rate and structural lifetime for the three
limit states considered. = 0.75; = 0.5; and = 0.25.

13. Variation of curvature ductility capacity with time. (a) pf = 1; (b) pf = 0.5.

Table 1: Cost of corrosion in several industrial and infrastructure sectors
Industrial sector Cost of corrosion 2001 (US$Billion/year)
Gas & Liquid Transmission pipelines 7.0
Hazardous Materials Storage 7.0
Highway bridges 8.3
Waterways & ports 0.3
Drinking water and sewer systems 36.0
Transportation 29.7
Defense and nuclear waste storage 20.1
Production and manufacturing 17.6
Others 11.9
Total 137.9

Figure 1: Reliability profile for RC structures subject to corrosion.

Figure 2: Steel corrosion process combined with concrete cracking and biodeterioration eects.

Table 2: Eects of bacteria on RC structures
Bacteria type Lifestyle Temperature Consequences on concrete
and pH
1. Cyanobacteria Autothophic, 60 to 85 Generate tensile stresses leading
aerobe or C (wide to an increment in the size of
anaerobe range pH) cracks
2. Nitrobacteria Heterothophic 18 to 25 o C Nitrates and nitrates attack the
and anaer- pH < 7.5 concrete produce calcium ni-
obe trate. this process aects the
concrete since it results from the
solubilisation of one of the ce-
ment components.
3. Sulfur-reducing Heterothophic 25 to 44 o C Produce H2 S that is used for the
bacteria and anaer- 5.5 < pH < Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria to pro-
obe 9 duce sulfuric acid. This process is
commonly called Concrete Corro-
4. Sulfur-oxidizing Heterothophic 25 to 44 o C Produce sulfuric acid, acetic acid,
bacteria and aerobe 2 < pH < 9 sulfates, sulfur, sulfites and poly-
thionates that aect the concrete
4.1 Neutrophilic pH 7
Sulfur Oxidizing
4.2 Acidophilic pH < 3.0
Sulfur Oxidizing

Table 3: Five species of Thiobacillus and their characteristics

Species pH range Lifestyle Products
T. thioparus 4.5-10 Autotrophic aerobe Sulfur, Polythionic acids
T. novellus 5-9.2 Mixotroph Sulfur
T. neapolitanus 4-9 Autotrophic Polythionic acids, sulfuric acids
T. intermedius 1.7-9 Mixotroph Polythionic acids, sulfuric acids
T. thiooxidans 0.5-4 Autotrophic Sulfur, sulfuric acids

Table 4: Biodeterioration rates caused by ASOM

Source Biodeterioration rate (mm/yr)
Morton et al., 1991 [4] 2.7
Mori et al., 1992 [25] 4.6 - 4.7
Ismail et al., 1993 [26] 2-4
Davis, 1998 [27] 3.1

Table 5: Probabilistic description of the variables used in the model.
Variable Distribution Mean Est. Dev. Source
Load Lognormal 400 kN 30 kN
f c Normal 28 MPa 2.8 MPa Melchers, 1999 [41]
fy Normal 420 MPa 42 MPa Melchers, 1999 [41]
Cth Lognormal 0.37 0.04 Hong, 2000 [42]
Cs Lognormal 2 0.6 Luping and Andersen, 2000 [40]
Dcl Lognormal 1.6210 8 cm2 /s 0.510 8 cm2 /s Hong, 2000 [42]
rust Normal 3600 kg/m3 360 kg/m3 Thoft-Christensen, 2000 [43]
tpor Lognormal 12.510 6 m 2.5410 6 m Thoft-Christensen, 2000 [43]

Figure 3: Conceptual description of the coupled model for biodeterioration, chloride ingress and crack-
ing of concrete structures.

Figure 4: (a) Change of the amount of corrosion products and the diameter of the steel bar with time;
(b) Variation of the diusion oxygen coefficient with time.

Figure 5: Time-dependent corrosion rates models.

Figure 6: Conceptual model of Biodeterioration.

Figure 7: (a) Age membership functions. (b) Biodeterioration rate membership functions.

Figure 8: (a) Surface generated in FIS type Mamdani. (b) Time-dependent biodeterioration rate

Figure 9: Flow diagram describing the coupled model.

Figure 10: Pile configuration. (a) description example, load and zones. (b) pile cross section.

Figure 11: Fragility curves for various average active biodeterioration rates. (a) = 0.75; (b) = 0.5;
and (c) = 0.25.

Figure 12: Relationship between average active biodeterioration rate and structural lifetime for the
three limit states considered. = 0.75; = 0.5; and = 0.25.

Figure 13: Variation of curvature ductility capacity with time. (a) pf = 1; (b) pf = 0.5.


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