Pressure Test Work Permit

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Section 1- The Request for a Permit (Completed by or sub-contractors supervisor & submitted to Approved Permit Issuer)

Contract Date of Permit Valid from:

Senior Project Manager:

Permit No Valid up to . (time)

Description / location & details of plant/systems to be pressure tested:

Nature of test (state whether hydrostatic, gas or air, state gas type & pressure involved:

Additional comments arising from approved risk assessment and method statement:


Hydraulic Test
Approved risk assessment/method statement is attached
Is a competent person designated?
Are those involved trained and briefed?
Blank/Plug/seal off all open ends
Remove/blank off vulnerable items/meters,etc
All valves closed at limits of test section
All high point vents closed
Calibration certificates (supplied)
Adequate drain cocks
Test area adequately identified with signs and cleared of personnel
Other control measures
Pneumatic Testing
Approved risk assessment/method statement is attached
Blank/Plug/seal off all open ends
Remove/blank off vulnerable items/meters,etc
All high point vents closed
Calibration certificates (supplied)
Air supply controlled outside test area
Reducing valve required
All flexible connections secured at both ends
Safety valve set connected to pipe work
Test area clearly demarcated and cleared of all personnel
All valves closed at limits of test section
Acknowledgement: I understand the hazards of this work and the precautions to be taken. I have ensured that these have been fully explained
to the operatives carrying out this work, and consider them to be competent to do it safely. I will closely supervise these works to ensure that they
are carried out in accordance with the terms of this permit and I will return my copy of this permit to the Approved Permit Issuer when this work
has been safely completed.

Permit Recipient: (Print Signature: Date: Time:

(To be signed by the or Subcontractors Supervisor in Direct control of the Work)
Section 2- The Authorisation for Work to Proceed (to be completed by the Approved Permit Issuer)

Validation: I confirm that I have checked that the control measures detailed in section 1 above are in place and therefore within the limitation below,
work described above in section 1 is authorised to proceed.
Permit Valid From: (hrs) on: (date) To (hrs) on: (Date)

It is accepted by: (Name, Initials & Pass No.) Position: Contact:

Authorised By (Approved Permit Issuer)

HSE Manager

Time Extension from: (hrs) on: (date) To (hrs) on: (Date)

Authorised By: (Approved Permit Issuer)

Section:3 to be completed by the Supervisor/Entry leader

I confirm that a safe system of work is in place, which includes the control measures detailed in Part 1 of the permit, and that a full
risk assessment and method statement has been completed for this activity and that this has been the subject of a briefing to the
persons involved in this task prior to the commencement of the activity.
Print Name Date of signature

Signature Time of signature

Persons authorised to work

Name Name

Name Name

Name Name

Name Name

Section: 4 Stopping of Activity

I confirm that work in the enclosed space has been completed / stopped and the persons in my control have been withdrawn along
with all tools and equipment used during the activity.

Print Name Date of Signature

Signature Time of Signature

Section 5: Cancellation of Permit to be completed by the person in charge of the works

This permit is now cancelled; all additional or continuing works in this area will require a new permit to be issued

Print Name Date of signature

Signature Time of signature

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