China S Wood Furniture PDF
China S Wood Furniture PDF
China S Wood Furniture PDF
China is the largest furniture exporter in the world. Its wood furniture industry has become an important part of the
countrys forestry economic development. Hence, investigating Chinas furniture industry cluster and export competitiveness
would benet the sustainable development of Chinas forestry industry. Our study indicates that, under the export-oriented
strategy of Chinas reform and opened economy, the countrys furniture industry has developed in three large areas over the
last 30 years, namely, the Eastern Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Bohai Rim Region. As the strategy
shifts from an export orientation to a focus on domestic demand, the countrys midwestern area will take over Chinas
industrial production. At present, Chinas furniture products have an important position in the world market. In 2010,
furniture exports accounted for 27 percent of the worlds total exports, with wood furniture accounting for US$10.6 billion
worth of exports, or 58 percent of Chinas total exports of furniture. Among the main export markets, the United States
accounted for 39 percent of Chinas total exports. In terms of international furniture trade, an important mutual relationship
exists between China and the United States. Chinas ofce furniture and kitchen furniture have price advantages, whereas the
bedroom furniture lacks price advantages. In particular, the production and export of mahogany furniture may be hampered
by raw material shortage because of the protection of tropical forest resources. This challenge puts Chinas furniture industry
in future competition with emerging countries such as Malaysia.
strategy to develop the midwest in 2000. Industrial transfer such as low-cost labor, FSC-certied wood supply, and
is an important measure to implement the strategy. The improved labor productivity, could enhance the internation-
Chinese government has put forward a number of support al competitiveness of Chinas furniture industry in the future
policies for the industrial transfer from tax, nance, (David et al. 2008).
investment incentives, land use, and other factors. The
motive behind the industrial transfer to the midwest is the Major import countries of Chinas furniture
hope that the regions low-cost labor and resource Until 2010, the international market of Chinas furniture
advantages can lower production costs and produce greater had expanded to over 200 countries and regions (China
economic benets. Thus, the industry will gradually transfer State Forestry Administration 2011). The top 10 countries in
from the eastern coastal area to the midwest, and the the list accounted for 65 percent of Chinas total furniture
furniture industry may form a new cluster in the midwest exports. The United States relied heavily on Chinas
regions, perhaps in Henan or Sichuan provinces, in the furniture and was the largest importer of Chinas furniture
future (Pu 2011). products, with imports reaching US$5.8 billion in 2010 and
constituting more than 32 percent of Chinas total exports
Chinas Furniture Export Structure (Table 5). Japan and the United Kingdom were the other key
HS statistical description target markets for Chinas furniture. The export volume to
Furniture is categorized in the Harmonized System (HS) Japan increased by an average annual growth rate of 11
list of the United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics percent and exceeded US$1 billion in 2010, accounting for
Database (UN Comtrade database, 5.7 percent of the total exports of Chinese furniture.
db/; Table 3), which contains furniture (9403), metal Furniture exports to the United Kingdom also continued to
furniture (940310, 940320), wood furniture (940330, grow, with an annual growth rate of 25.8 percent. In
940340, 940350, 940360), plastic furniture (940370), and addition, Chinas furniture exports to Thailand increased by
bamboo rattan furniture (940380, 940381, 940389).4 nearly 67 times in the last 5 years.
According to the ofcial 2010 statistics, Chinas major Chinas Wood Furniture Export
categories of exported furniture are wood furniture, metal Price Advantage
furniture, and bamboo rattan furniture, with a ratio of
Among the ve major import countries of Chinas wood
58:23:6. As the most important export category, wood
furniture (Table 7), the United States was the most
furniture exports reached US$10 billion, including mahog-
important country, with imports accounting for 39 percent
any and lacquered furniture (940360) (62%), bedroom wood
of Chinas total wood furniture exports in 2010. Kitchen
furniture (940350) (25%), kitchen wood furniture (940340)
(7%), and ofce wood furniture (940330) (6%). From an furniture imports in the United States accounted for 60
overall perspective, China has become an important middle percent of Chinas total kitchen furniture exports, with a
to upper-end furniture-producing country (Table 6). total of US$447.6 million, whereas the ofce furniture
Summary and Conclusions The international comparison results show that Chinas
Chinas forestry secondary industry has become the pillar exported furniture has no price or resource advantages
of the forestry economy, and the furniture manufacturing compared with countries with rich forest resources.
sector has an important position in the forestry secondary Moreover, Chinas furniture industry is facing strong
industry. Chinas implementation of an export-led strategy competition from Malaysia and other emerging processing
has greatly promoted rapid development of its furniture countries.
industry. Through 30 years of structure adjustment and
technology accumulation, China has become a major Acknowledgments
furniture producer and exporter. Chinas furniture manu-
facturing industry is mainly distributed in three large This work was funded by the Priority Academic Program
economically developed core areas, namely, the Pearl River Development (PAPD) of Jiangsu Higher Education Institu-
Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Bohai Rim Region; tions, supported by the National Social Science Foundation
meanwhile, the development of the furniture industry in of China (10CJY026). Financial support from Kreditanstalt
midwest China presently lags behind other areas. With fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) is also gratefully acknowledged, as
Chinas economic policy changing from being export are valuable suggestions and comments from two anony-
oriented to being led by domestic demand, the industry in mous reviewers. Any remaining errors reside solely with the
the eastern coastal areas faces a shift to the midwest. Due to authors.
the implementation of the strategy to develop the midwest,
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