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Characteristics of heat affected zone cracking

in Inconel 718 cast alloy. Study of weldability of
Inconel 718 cast alloy (1st Report)
a a b c
I Woo , K Nishimoto , K Tanaka & M Shirai
Graduate School , Osaka University ,
Shinmeiwa Industries KK ,
National Space Development Agency of Japan ,
Published online: 09 Dec 2009.

To cite this article: I Woo , K Nishimoto , K Tanaka & M Shirai (2000) Characteristics of heat affected zone cracking in
Inconel 718 cast alloy. Study of weldability of Inconel 718 cast alloy (1st Report), Welding International, 14:5, 365-374,
DOI: 10.1080/09507110009549195

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09507110009549195


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Welding International 2000 14 (5) 365-374
Selected from Quarterly Journal of Japan Welding Society 999 17 (3) 456-465; Reference QJ/99/3/456; Translation 2596

Characteristics of heat affected zone cracking in Inconel

718 cast alloy.
Study of weldability of Inconel 718 cast alloy (1st Report)


Graduate School, Osaka University

Shinmeiwa Industries KK

National Space Development Agency of Japan
Downloaded by [University of Tennessee, Knoxville] at 06:51 05 January 2015

Introduction Sample alloy and experimental method

Inconel 718 alloy is extensively used in the aerospace, Sample alloy
nuclear power and petrochemical industries. The Nb
The sample alloy used in this study was 5 mm thick
contained in this alloy precipitates y" (Ni 3 Nb) contribu-
Inconel 718 cast alloy prepared by high-frequency vac-
ting to improvement of the high-temperature strength.
uum melting. Table 1 lists its chemical composition. The
NbC, however, forms eutectic phases, such as the Laves
specimens used in the bead-on-plate welding tests were of
phase, and faces the problem of hot cracking in the weld
80 mm1 x 50 mm" x 5 mm' size and those used in the
metal and the heat affected zone (HAZ) during the
isothermal liquation tests were of 5 mm1 x 5 mm" x 5
welding process.1"4
mm' size.
Even since its development, Inconel 718 alloy has
generally been used as a forged alloy. However, recent
years have seen applications of alloy castings being
Bead-on-plate welding method
examined to reduce the number of weld locations in
rocket engines. Baeslack et al,5 Thompson et al,6 Kelly et A TIG welder was used to perform bead-on-plate welding.
al,7 and Huang et al 8 have researched the weldability of As shown in Fig. 1, welding was performed in the
Inconel 718 cast alloy. The results obtained by these longitudinal direction of the plate thickness. The adopted
authors suggest that the precipitation of solidification welding conditions were a welding current of 100 A, a
segregations, coarse grains, and brittle Laves phase voltage of 14 V and a welding speed of 1.67 mm/sec. After
during casting faces the cast alloy with a bigger weldabil- welding, six cross sections of specimens cut perpendicu-
ity problem than the forged one. Little research, however, larly to the welding direction were examined by optical
has been focused on the weldability of this alloy, and microscopy to determine the circumstances of weld
many obscure aspects, such as the factors affecting HAZ cracking.
cracking, remain to be clarified.
This paper is intended to investigate the characteristics
of HAZ cracking in Inconel 718 cast alloy and to clarify
the factors controlling HAZ cracking susceptibility. On Welding direction
the basis of the experimental results, its purpose is also to
postulate the HAZ cracking mechanism and to report
basic data on improvement of this problem. As a first step,
this study is intended to examine the characteristics of
HAZ cracking in Inconel 718 cast alloy. Bead-on-plate
L /
welding and isothermal liquation tests are carried out to
explain the factors controlling the hot cracking suscepti- 80
bility. On the basis of these results, the HAZ liquation
cracking process is described. 1 Specimen used for bead-on-plate welding.

Table 1 Chemical composition of cast alloy 718

Material C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Cu Mo Al Ti B Mg Fe N O Co Ta Ti + Al Nb + Ta

Inconel 718 0.05 <0.01 <0.01 0.001 0.002 51.98 19.28 <0.01 3.02 0.50 0.77 0.003 - 17.81 - - <0.01 0.05 1.27 5.24
366 Woo et al

Method for temperature distribution Ar gas

measurements of HAZ and fusion boundary line
To convert the weld cracking range obtained in bead-on- frequency
plate welding into temperature data, the temperature induction
distribution in the HAZ was measured as follows. As generator
shown in Fig. 2, holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm and a
depth of 4.5 mm were drilled in the specimen back at an "Thermocouple
interval of around 0.5 mm perpendicularly to the weld
Quartz glass
line. 0.3 mm diameter platinum-platinum rhodium ther- sleeve
mocouples were percussion-welded at the bottom of these
holes. Bead-on-plate welding was performed on these
specimens and the temperature distribution of the HAZ
was measured. The horizontal distance from the fusion
boundary line to the thermocouple implantation point
was measured, this distance being adopted as that from
the fusion boundary line. The fusion boundary line
temperature TL was adopted as being the mean value of 3 Schematic illustration of apparatus used for isothermal
Downloaded by [University of Tennessee, Knoxville] at 06:51 05 January 2015

liquation test.
the maximum temperature attained in the weld metal. The
maximum temperature attained in the weld metal was
determined through platinum-platinum rhodium ther-
mocouples being directly inserted in the molten pool from Microstructural observations and product
the rear of the arc during welding. identification method
Microstructural observations of the base metal and welds
were made by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The
Isothermal liquation test method
SEM specimens were prepared by the following method.
To simulate the grain boundary liquation phenomena The specimens were first mechanically polished with
occurring in the HAZ, the specimens were heated in an emery paper and then etched at 10 V x 15 sec at normal
argon atmosphere at a heating rate of 50 K/sec in a temperature in an aqueous 10% oxalic acid solution. The
high-frequency induction heater in such a way as to formed phases were identified by transmission electron
produce rapid heating at the corresponding peak tem- microscopy (TEM). The TEM thin films were prepared by
perature, being held for 5 sec at the peak temperature. initial polishing with emery paper, followed by electrojet
Thermal cycling was thereafter applied through rapid polishing in alcohol 20% perchloric acid solution at 273
water cooling. The grain boundary liquation process was K and an electrolytic voltage of 15 V. The extraction
then examined. The foregoing process is referred to in this replica samples were treated at an electrolytic voltage of 5
study as isothermal liquation tests (Fig. 3). Table 2 lists the V x 72 ksec in an electrolyte consisting of methanol 10%
heat treatment conditions applied in the isothermal hydrochloric acid solution.
liquation tests.

Experimental results
Bead-on-plate welding test results
Table 2 Conditions of heat treatment in isothermal liquation test HAZ cracking
Peak temperature, K 1323-1523 (10K. step) Figure 4 shows a typical SEM micrograph of HAZ
Holding time, sec 5 cracking during bead-on-plate welding. The crack shown
Heating rate, K/sec 50 has a length of around 700 im and propagates along the
grain boundaries of the base metal in a direction perpen-
dicular to the fusion boundary line. All specimen weld
metals are free from any weld cracking, which always
occurs in the HAZ.
The HAZ of Ni-based superalloys is generally well
known to be readily affected by liquation cracking and
ductility loss (brittle) cracking. In this context, it is
necessary to clarify the type of cracking affecting the
Inconel 718 cast alloy HAZ.9
Base metal Figure 5 shows the results obtained during observa-
tions of the fracture surface morphology of a relatively
long crack among those found in the Inconel 718 cast
Thermocouple wires(PR:0.3mm ^ )
alloy HAZ together with the results of an element analysis
of the formed phases on the fracture surfaces. Figure 5(a)
2 Specimen for measuring distribution of temperature in HAZ. shows a macrograph of the crack surface at lower
Weldability oflnconel 718 alloy 367

Liquation cracking temperature range

An HAZ temperature distribution curve was determined
vif :. - to investigate the cracking temperature of HAZ liquation
cracking. The HAZ temperature distribution curve was
basically determined as follows. Heat conduction theory
suggests that the temperature rise due to a point heat
source moving over a semi-infinite solid surface is ex-
pressed approximately by an equation of the following

T-T 0 =
where Tm is the maximum attained temperature; T is the
temperature; To is the initial temperature; Q is the heat

input; c is the specific heat; p is the density, and r is the

distance from the heat source.
Downloaded by [University of Tennessee, Knoxville] at 06:51 05 January 2015

4 SEM structure of hot cracking at HAZ. Through distance from the heat source r being repre-
sented by distance from the heat source to the fusion
magnification. The crack surface shown here has a boundary line ro and distance from the fusion boundary
generally smooth grain boundary surface. Figure 5(b) line towards the base metal r', [1] can be expressed by [2]
shows a higher-magnification photograph of zone A in as:
Fig. 5(a). The crack here shows an undulating liquid
pattern on its surface. This pattern resembles the step T.-T-T..2.X [2]
pattern found on liquated grain boundary fracture surfa-
ces. A thin liquid film is therefore assumed to be formed Under conditions such that, when r' = 0, Tm = TL (TL
during cracking. The crack as a whole exhibits a eutectic is the fusion boundary line temperature), a regression
structure in which the formed phases undergo local curve is obtained by the least squares method in such a
melting. Figure 5(c) shows a higher-magnification photo- way as to give a goodfitwith the observed values using Q
graph of crack tip zone B together with the results of the and r0 as functional parameters, this curve being adopted
corresponding EDX analysis. The EDX analysis results as the temperature distribution curve.
suggest that the lamellar eutectic formed phase is an The temperature distribution of the HAZ was intially
Nb-enriched phase. The foregoing results altogether measured. To determine the fusion boundary line tem-
indicate that the form of cracking affecting the TIG perature, the temperature inside the molten pool is
welding HAZ is liquation cracking. assumed in this study to be constant. The results obtained

Artificially fractured region Liquation crack Wejd meta|

(a) Crack surface in lower magnification

(y Higher magnification of A in (a) (c) Higher magnification ofB in (a)

5 Fractograph of liquation crack in cast alloy 718.
368 Woo et al

during measurements of the temperature distribution of

the weld metal show the maximum attained temperature
to be 1643 K. Based on the latter value, the fusion
boundary line temperature TL was adopted as 1643 K.
This measured value of TL = 1643 K was substituted in
[2], and the optimum curve using Q and r0 as functional
parameters was determined by the least squares method,
this curve being adopted as the HAZ temperature dis-
tribution curve. The result of this procedureis given in [3]
T = [3]
(8.23 + r')2
Figure 6 shows the relationship between the HAZ
temperature distribution curve and the maximum crack
length obtained in bead-on-plate welds. The maximum
Downloaded by [University of Tennessee, Knoxville] at 06:51 05 January 2015

crack length is around 700 fan. The temperature of the

crack tip also indicated in this diagram is around 1395 K.
These data suggest that the HAZ liquation cracking range
corresponds to the temperature range of around 7 SEM structure of cast alloy 718 showing Laves cluster at
1395-1643 K. A + B + Cand MC at D.
well as an acicular structure and a white-coloured struc-
Factors controlling liquation cracking ture between the needles of the acicular structure.
susceptibility Figure 8 presents the results of phase identification by
TEM for more detailed examination of the phases
Phases formed in base metal formed in the Laves cluster. These results suggest that
Figure 7 shows a typical SEM micrograph of Inconel the eutectic product in the Laves cluster is hexagonal
718 cast alloy. The phases formed in the base metal are Fe2Nb. Among other phases contained in the Laves
broadly classified into the Laves cluster containing a cluster, the acicular white-coloured phase is orthorhom-
mixed cluster of multiple phases and Nb-rich carbides bic -Ni3Nb as a stabilising phase, and the fine white-
present at their periphery. The Laves cluster is composed coloured phase present between the acicular white-
of the formed phase giving the eutectic morphology as coloured phase is a mixture of FCC y' and BCT y"

Caculated: r = "1285
" (8.23 + r) !
Temperature range
of liquation crack

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9

Distance from fusion boundary (mm)
6 Relationship between maximum crack length and temperature gradient at HAZ.
Weldability of Inconel 718 alloy 369

Type TEM structure Diffraction pattern

Ldength of laves cluster

Ulength of NbC
Ls:length of g.b

Phase Percentage (%)

Laves cluster ZUZL9X100

Downloaded by [University of Tennessee, Knoxville] at 06:51 05 January 2015

Laves cluster NbC

9 Fraction of secondary phase on the grain boundary.

8 TEM structure with electron diffraction patterns of Laves


phases. The massive phase formed around the Laves

cluster is cubic NbC.
On the basis of the foregoing microstructural observa-
tion results, the phases formed in the base metal were
quantitatively investigated. During this quantification
procedure, NbC and the Laves cluster predicted to affect
grain boundary liquation were examined among the 3
formed phases present at the grain boundaries. Figure 9 CD
presents the results obtained. The intergranular fraction E
of Laves cluster present per unit grain boundaries is S
around 6%. That of NbC is around 2%, implying that
around three times more Laves cluster is formed. These
results suggest that the phase formed at the grain
boundaries in Inconel 718 cast alloy mostly consists of
the Laves cluster.

Liquation phenomena of formed phases

Liquation cracking is attributable to grain boundary
liquation associated with local melting of the formed
phases or to grain boundary liquation associated with the
intergranular segregation of impurities. From this per-
spective, the liquation behaviour of the formed phases was
investigated by isothermal liquation tests to clarify the
effects of the formed phases on grain boundary liquation
in Inconel 718 cast alloy.
The heating rate is generally considered to have an 10 Effect of peak temperature on grain boundary liquation.
370 Woo et al

important bearing on local liquation of the formed

phases. In these experiments, however, the heating rate
was kept constant to determine which of the various 3
phases present controls grain boundary liquation. The CO
presently adopted heating rate of 50 K/sec is the maxi- 5?
mum heating rate able to simulate liquation phenomena CD
in the formed phases in the isothermal liquation test
apparatus used.
Figure 10 shows the microstructural changes in re-
sponse to the heat treatment temperature. These micro- 15
graphs suggest that, as compared with the base metal to
microstructure before heating, the Laves cluster and NbC
are in solid solution in the structure heated at the peak 5
temperature of 1373 K, and that no liquated phases and
grain boundaries are observed. At the peak temperature
of 1383 K, however, the formed phases liquate to show a
pattern of melt infiltration along the grain boundaries. At
Downloaded by [University of Tennessee, Knoxville] at 06:51 05 January 2015

the peak temperature of 1473 K, grain boundary liqua-

tion extends over a wider range as product liquation
proceeds. The extent of grain boundary liquation thus
tends to increase with a rising peak temperature. The
foregoing results suggest that the grain boundary liqua-
tion onset temperature in Inconel 718 cast alloy is around O
1383 K. .Q

The liquation circumstances of each formed phase was

next examined in detail. Figure 11 shows the microstruc-
tural changes of the Laves cluster and NbC at the peak
temperature of 1473 K. The melt formed at the grain
boundaries by local liquation of the Laves cluster and
NbC shows a pattern of infiltration along the grain
boundaries. A eutectic product is observed at the
liquated grain boundaries as well as intragranularly. CO
This formed phase is morphologically analogous to the
eutectic Laves phase present in the base metal Laves 03
cluster. Phase identification by TEM was performed to
clarify the nature of the products formed at the liquated
grain boundaries. Figure 12 presenting the results shows _Q
Fe2Nb to be identified among the eutectic products.
This feature implies that the grain boundary melt for-
med by local liquation of the Laves cluster and NbC
changes to eutectic y + Laves phase in the solidification
process. 11 Laves cluster and NbC liquation patterns of peak quenched
Figure 13 presents the results obtained during sample at peak temperature of 1473 K.

Type TEM structure Diffraction pattern


12 TEM structure with electron diffraction patterns of products simulated HAZ at peak temperature of 1473 K.
IVeldability of Inconel 718 alloy 371

Discussion of liquation cracking process

Isothermal liquat on test: Cast alloy 718
1700 The foregoing experimental results indicate that grain
Laves cluster boundary liquation in the Inconel 718 cast alloy HAZ is
H NbC(lntergranular) mainly due to local liquation of the Laves cluster and that
NbC(lntragranular) the solidification structure consists of eutectic y + Laves
c1600 D y Matrix1')
.g phase. This section describes a detailed investigation of
75 local liquation of the Laves cluster during the welding
S"1500 thermal cycling process and its solidification process, and
discusses the liquation cracking process in the Inconel 718
'S cast alloy HAZ.
11400 Liquation cracking in Inconel 718 cast alloy is assumed
to be caused by the fact that liquation of the Laves cluster
Q. present at the grain boundaries and liquating at a
temperature around 30 K lower than the NbC more
11300 actively promotes grain boundary liquation of the HAZ.
This section mainly focuses on local liquation of the
Downloaded by [University of Tennessee, Knoxville] at 06:51 05 January 2015

Laves cluster. According to the constitutional liquation

Laves cluster NbC y Matrix theory proposed by Pepe and Savage,12 local liquation of
the Laves cluster can be explained as follows. That is to
13 Relationship between liquation temperature of secondary
say, constitutional liquation is due to constitutional
phase and solidus of y matrix. changes through constitutional elements of precipitates
diffusing out into the matrix in such a way that the region
around the precipitates, through being below the solidus
measurements of the liquation onset temperatures of the temperature of the matrix, engages in local melting.
formed phases. This diagram suggests that the Laves
On the assumption that the liquation onset tempera-
cluster and NbC have a liquation onset temperature
tures of the formed phases and the matrix solidus
lower than the y-matrix solidus temperature of 1561 K.11
temperature are not changed by the heating rate, the
Among the liquation onset temperatures of the formed
liquation onset temperature of the Laves cluster of 1383 K
phases, the Laves cluster starts to liquate at the peak
determined in this study is around 178 K lower than the
temperature of 1383 K, and the NbC present both
previously reported matrix solidus temperature of 1561
intergranularly and intragranularly has liquation onset
K.1 ' This feature implies that local liquation of the Laves
temperatures of 1413 and 1453 K, respectively. That is to
cluster is instigated by constitutional changes. Constitu-
say, the liquation onset temperature of the Laves cluster is
tional changes in the Laves phase are assumed to stem
some 30 K lower than that of the NbC. The NbC has
from the fact that Nb in the Laves cluster eutectically
liquation onset temperatures showing a difference of
reacts with Ni, Cr and Fe as constitutional elements of the
around 40 K depending on whether the product is present
intergranularly or intragranularly. The foregoing results
suggest that grain boundary liquation is mainly due to The melt produced at the HAZ grain boundaries by
liquation of the Laves cluster. constitutional changes in the Laves phase resolidifies

Solidification path chart of alloy 718 SEM structure

: Liquidus surface pierced, primary y dendrites y+NbC

crystallize, liquid enriches in Nb and C.

: Formation of non-invariant y /NbC

eutectic, liquid depleted of Nb and C

(y+NbC)+L (JSTR;S): Continued y formation,

re-enrichment of liquid in Nb.

Pass CD y + L (STERIL : Terminal solidification of

the y /Laves non-invariant

( y +Laves) eutectic

14 Solidification path chart of alloy 718.

372 Woo et al

during the cooling in welding thermal cycling, with liquation cracking in the Inconel 718 cast alloy HAZ is
eutectic y + Laves phase being formed near the liquated mainly due to the formation of a low melting point
grain boundaries, as noted above. y + Laves phase liquid film during the final solidification
The solidification process of the grain boundary liqua- process.
tion zones is next discussed. According to Knorovsky,13 On the basis of the foregoing results, the process of
Inconel 718 alloy undergoes transformation as shown in HAZ liquation cracking initiation due to constitutional
Fig. 14 during the solidification process. Solidification changes in the Laves cluster is discussed below. Figures
here generally proceeds by indicated path sequence (1) as 15 and 16 respectively show the thermal cycle in the
L-> L + y ->(y + NbC) + L->y + L->y + Laves to HAZ and the microstructural changes associated with
give a final solidification structure consisting of thermal cycling. In these diagrams, To is the initial
y + NbC + Laves phase. In this study, however, no NbC temperature, Ts is the solid solution onset of the Laves
was observed in the structure in the grain boundary cluster, TE is the liquation onset temperature of the
liquation vicinity. The grain boundary melt produced by Laves cluster and TP is the peak temperature. During the
constitutional changes in the Laves cluster is therefore heating process, Stage I (TS-TE) is the solid solution
assumed to solidify mainly along path (2), omitting the interval of the Laves cluster, Stage II (TE-TP) is the
(y + NbC) + L eutectic reaction on path (1), to give liquation and grain boundary liquation interval of the
y + Laves phase eutectic as the final structure. Laves cluster, and Stage III (TP-TE) is the cracking
Downloaded by [University of Tennessee, Knoxville] at 06:51 05 January 2015

Constitutional changes in the NbC, however, are also initiation interval during the cooling process. When the
reported to contribute to grain boundary liquation in temperature due to welding is rapidly raised to TE, the
Inconel 718 cast alloy. Baeslack et al 14 and Thompson region around the Laves cluster partially enters solid
and Genculu15 show that a lamellar Laves phase is solution in the matrix. As made clear by the Fe-Nb
formed after solidification at grain boundaries engaged in binary phase diagram, the equilibrium Laves phase
NbC liquation in Alloy 903 and Inconel 718 forged alloy, melting point is around 1900 K.16 As the temperature is
respectively. The present study also shows the Laves raised beyond TE, however, constitutional changes also
phase to be the principal product formed at the grain take place in the Laves phase to produce a liquid phase.
boundaries. The liquid phase grows as far as TP and infiltrates into
The failure of the formed melt to solidify in the process the grain boundaries at this stage. The liquated grain
indicated along path (1) despite the participation to some boundaries form a y + Laves phase liquid film during
extent of constitutional changes in the NbC is thus due to the resolidification process. At this stage, shrinkage
the following phenomenon. Although no detailed data are strain induced by solidification or thermal shrinkage
available for the solid solubility of C in the y-matrix of operates to cause cracks to open at the grain boundaries.
Inconel 718 cast alloy, it is considered that, within the That is to say, liquation cracking in the Inconel 718 cast
temperature range of 1383-1643 K of grain boundary alloy HAZ is due to the fact that the Laves phase melt
liquation, the maximum solid solubility of C in relation to constitutionally changed below the matrix solidus tem-
Ni and Fe is 0.6 and 2.1 wt %, respectively. These values perature infiltrates along the grain boundaries, with
are considered to be sufficient to allow the complete entry thermal shrinkage-induced strain thereafter operating to
into solid solution of C produced by dissolution of NbC. cause cracks to open at the grain boundaries forming a
The failure of the formed melt to solidify along path (1) is low melting point y + Laves phase liquid film during the
therefore assumed to be due to the fact that, through the C cooling process.
contained in the melt entering solid solution in the matrix
near the grain boundaries during the solidification pro-
cess, no C able to form (y + NbC) + L is present in the
melt just before solidification.
The grain boundaries liquated by this mechanism are
predicted to be the cause of liquation cracking. To clarify
this aspect in more detail, the crack tip temperature and
the grain boundary liquation temperature were com-
pared. On the assumption that the eutectic temperature
forming the y + Laves phase at the grain boundaries
during the solidification process is the Laves phase
liquation temperature, this temperatureis 1383 K. On the
other hand, estimation of the crack tip temperature in the
HAZ formed in the bead-on-plate welding tests from the
temperature distribution described above gives a tem-
perature of 1395 K. That is to say, the liquation onset
temperature of the Laves phase and the temperature on
the low-temperature side of the HAZ cracking initiation
zone are much the same. The structure in the HAZ
cracking initiation zone on the liquation cracking fracture
surfaces also consists of eutectic Laves phase exhibiting a Time
resolidified pattern. The foregoing results suggest that 15 Thermal cycle at HAZ.
IVeldability oflnconel 718 alloy 373

Initial state


Stage III : Occurrence of Liquation crack

Downloaded by [University of Tennessee, Knoxville] at 06:51 05 January 2015

16 Sequence of liquation crack in cast alloy 718.

Conclusions The eutectic phase present near the grain boundaries

is formed through the constitutionally changed Laves
This paper is intended to investigate the characteristics of cluster changing into eutectic y + Laves phase in the
HAZ cracking in Inconel 718 cast alloy and to clarify the matrix during the solidification process.
factors controlling HAZ cracking susceptibility. On the Liquation cracking in the Inconel 718 cast alloy HAZ
basis of the experimental results, its purpose is also to is due to the fact that the Laves phase melt constitu-
postulate the HAZ cracking mechanism and to report tionally changed below the matrix solidus tempera-
basic data on improvement of this problem. As a first step, ture infiltrates along the grain boundaries, with
this study is intended to examine the characteristics of thermal shrinkage-induced strain thereafter operat-
HAZ cracking in Inconel 718 cast alloy. Bead-on-plate ing to cause cracks to open at the grain boundaries
welding and isothermal liquation tests are carried out to forming a low melting point y + Laves phase liquid
explain the factors controlling the hot cracking suscepti- film during the cooling process.
bility. On the basis of these results, the HAZ liquation
cracking process is described. The results obtained may be
summarised as follows.
1 The results of the fractographic observations suggest
that the HAZ cracking found in TIG welds is 1 Gordine J: 'Some problems in welding Inconel 718'. Weld J 1971 50
(11) 480s-484s.
liquation cracking. 2 Lucas M J and Jackson C E: 'The welded heat affected zone in
2 The results obtained in the investigation of the HAZ nickel base alloy 718'. Weld J 1970 49 (2) 46s-53s.
temperature distribution range suggest that liquation 3 Thompson R G: 'Microfissuring of alloy 718 in the weld heat
affected zone'. J Metals 1988 (July) 44s-48s.
cracking occurs in the temperature range around 4 Thompson R G: 'Hot cracking studies of alloy 718 weld heat
1395-1643 K. affected zone'. Weld J 1969 48 (2) 70s-79s.
3 The Laves cluster in the base metal consists of a 5 Baeslack W A and Nelson D A: 'Morphology of weld heat affected
zone liquation in cast alloy'. Metallography 1986 19 371-379.
mixture of Fe2Nb, NbC, y', and y" phases. 6 Thompson R G et al: 'The relationship between carbon content,
4 The products formed at the grain boundaries mainly microstructure and intergranular liquation cracking in cast nickel
consist of the Laves cluster. The results obtained in alloy 718'. Metall Trans A 1991 22 557-567.
7 Kelly T J et al: 'An evaluation of the effects of filler metal
the investigation of phase liquation also suggest that composition on cast alloy 718 simulated repair welds'. Weld J 1989
the liquation onset temperature of the Laves cluster is 68 (1) 14s-18s.
some 30 K lower than that of the NbC. 8 Huang X et al: 'Effect of homogenisation heat treatment on the
374 Woo et al

microstructure and heat affected zone microfissuring in welded 18-Ni maraging steel weldments'. Weld J 1967 46 (9) 411s-422s.
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