This revenue memorandum clarifies the requirements for cooperatives applying for a Certificate of Tax Exemption. It allows cooperatives to submit an oath listing members' names and capital contributions instead of tax identification numbers. Cooperatives have six months to submit members' tax identification numbers after receiving the certificate. Cooperatives may also apply for tax identification numbers on behalf of members by submitting required identification documents.
This revenue memorandum clarifies the requirements for cooperatives applying for a Certificate of Tax Exemption. It allows cooperatives to submit an oath listing members' names and capital contributions instead of tax identification numbers. Cooperatives have six months to submit members' tax identification numbers after receiving the certificate. Cooperatives may also apply for tax identification numbers on behalf of members by submitting required identification documents.
This revenue memorandum clarifies the requirements for cooperatives applying for a Certificate of Tax Exemption. It allows cooperatives to submit an oath listing members' names and capital contributions instead of tax identification numbers. Cooperatives have six months to submit members' tax identification numbers after receiving the certificate. Cooperatives may also apply for tax identification numbers on behalf of members by submitting required identification documents.
This revenue memorandum clarifies the requirements for cooperatives applying for a Certificate of Tax Exemption. It allows cooperatives to submit an oath listing members' names and capital contributions instead of tax identification numbers. Cooperatives have six months to submit members' tax identification numbers after receiving the certificate. Cooperatives may also apply for tax identification numbers on behalf of members by submitting required identification documents.
clarifies the requirement of Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for members of cooperatives applying for Certificate of Tax Exemption (CTE) under Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 76-2010 and Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 81-2010. The concerned Revenue District Offices (RDOs) shall allow the processing and issuance/revalidation of CTEs of qualified cooperatives which do not have yet the TIN of members, provided, that they submit, in lieu thereof, an original copy of Certification under oath of the list of cooperative members, with their full name and capital contribution. Cooperatives shall file the application for CTE by submitting duly accomplished BIR Form 1945 (revised October 2016) and other documentary requirements set forth under Section 5.(A) or (B) of RMO No. 76-2010, as the case may be. The concerned RDO shall not deny or put on hold the processing and issuance of the CTE solely on the basis of non-submission of the TIN of cooperative members. It is clarified, however, that cooperatives, which have been granted with CTE under the preceding paragraph, are still required to complete and submit to the concerned RDO the required TINs of their members within six (6) months from the issuance of the CTE. Non-submission by the cooperatives of the members TIN requirement within the said period shall be a ground for the revocation of the CTE, in addition to those set forth under Section 8 of RMO No. 76-2010. The cooperative, with proper authorization from the members, may apply for the issuance of TIN in behalf of its members, by collating the members duly accomplished BIR Form 1904 and valid identifications (photocopy of any identification issued by an authorized government body [e.g. birth certificate, voters ID, community tax certificate or cedula, passport, drivers license, etc.], which shows the name, address and birthdate of the person) in support thereof, which shall be submitted to the concerned RDO, for the processing and issuance of the TIN.