Hot Water Cooled Heat Sinks For Efficient Data Center Cooling: Towards Electronic Cooling With High Exergetic Utility
Hot Water Cooled Heat Sinks For Efficient Data Center Cooling: Towards Electronic Cooling With High Exergetic Utility
Hot Water Cooled Heat Sinks For Efficient Data Center Cooling: Towards Electronic Cooling With High Exergetic Utility
Electronic data center cooling using hot water is proposed for high system exergetic utility. The proof-of-principle is provided by numerically
modeling a manifold micro-channel heat sink for cooling microprocessors of a data center. An easily achievable 0.5l/min per chip water flow, with
60C inlet water temperature, is found sufficient to address the typical data center thermal loads. A maximum temperature difference of ~8C was
found between the solid and liquid, confirming small exergetic destruction due to heat transport across a temperature differential. The high water
outlet temperature from the heat sink opens the possibility of waste heat recovery applications.
Keywords: Hot water cooling, Exergy, data center, micro-channel manifold, heat sink
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected], Ph.: +41 44 632 2738, Fax: +41 44 632 11 76
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 023006 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.2.3006
coming out of data center cooled by a hot coolant can be used for ISSN: 2151-8629
building heating. Such a holistic approach with energy re-use can
minimize the overall carbon footprint at system level by reducing or
eliminating the requirement of fossil fuels for building heating
(Brunschwiler et al. 2009).
In this paper, we explore the concept of cooling electronics in a
way that will enable the cooling of the data centers with hot water as
a means to reduce carbon footprint of data centers and also enhance the
exergetic utility of the cooling unit. We analyze a water cooled MMC
heat sink, which is designed to cool the processors of a blade server and
also explore the benefits of connecting the hot water at the outlet of
blade server to a water heating system of the building for waste-heat
recovery. First, a three dimensional conjugate heat transfer model of a
micro-channel unit cell is developed to investigate the flow and the heat
transfer characteristics of a chip simulator being cooled by hot water at Fig 1: Schematic of micro-channel unit cell domain
60C inlet temperature. Furthermore, a three dimensional hydro-
dynamic model for the complete heat sink is also developed to study the The investigated simplified design with only one inlet and two
flow distribution in the heat transfer structure as well as determining the outlet nozzles is expected to cause a higher pressure drop, less heat
overall pressure drop. The influence of flow distribution on thermal removal and less uniform spatial temperature distribution within the
performance of heat sink is explained through a thermal resistance cooled processor in comparison to MMC heat sinks with more
model. We follow a different approach than Escher at al. (Escher et al. sophisticated manifold designs (Escher et al. 2010b). The design is a
2010b), and model the hydrodynamics of both the inlet and the outlet compromise between fabrication cost and hydrodynamic and thermal
manifolds and developed a turbulence model to capture the high shear performance which makes it well-suited for large-scale implementation
stresses originating in heat sink, as explained further in the results and in a prototype liquid cooled datacenter. The heat sink uses copper fins
discussion section. (micro channel walls) that are cut into the solid copper base plate and
lifted using a patented Micro Deformation process (Wolverine Tube,
2. GEOMETRY AND FABRICATION Inc., USA), The inlet and outlet manifolds are machined into a second
copper plate which is connected to the heat transfer structure by
The investigated heat sink consists of the parallel micro-channel heat diffusion bonding. The dimensions of the entire heat sink are 47.5 mm
transfer structure and water distribution and collection manifolds as x 47.5 mm in length and width. The dimensions of the heat sink fit the
sketched in Figures 1 and 2. The heat sink design is similar to the one size of the copper cap mounted on top of processor packages in blade
proposed by Escher et al. (Escher et al. 2010b), which was proven to be servers. This cap protects the processor from the surroundings and
effective in removing high heat flux from processors in state-of-the-art causes the necessary spatial temperature spreading for conventional air-
datacenter blades. The water flow through the heat sink is marked with cooling. The aspect ratio of the fin is equal to 10. Since the boundary
blue arrows in Figure 2. The coolant water is fed centrally to the inlet layer is thinnest at the fin surface, the heat transfer through the fin is a
manifold with an inlet port connected to the hot water supply. The major component of the heat removal from the entire heat sink.
water from the inlet manifold flows through a slot nozzle in manifolds
bottom wall on to the micro-channels and branches symmetrically into
two parts to flow through the entire length of the channels. The nozzle
slot design ensures that water impinges on the micro-channels
enhancing heat transfer coefficient. The water leaves the micro-
channels at both ends via slot nozzles in the walls of collection
manifolds and the two coolant streams recombine after a 90 turn
before leaving the manifold centrally. Geometrical parameters of the
heat sink are given in Table 1.
Table 1: Geometric parameters of MMC heat sink
Outlet nozzle width, wn,out
Channel width, wch [m] 170 2
Inlet manifold width, 5
Fin thickness, wfin [m] 170
wM,in [mm]
Inlet manifold height, 4.25
Channel height, hch [mm] 1.7
hM,in [mm]
Outlet channel width (1st 5
Channel length, Lch [mm] 8.5
leg), wM,out,1 [mm]
Outlet channel width (2nd 3
Number of channels, N [-] 62
leg), wM,out,2 [mm]
Outlet channel height, 4.5
Base thickness, hbase [mm] 1.2
hM,out [mm]
Inlet nozzle height, hn,in 2.8
1 Inlet diameter, dM,in [mm]
Inlet nozzle width, wn,in Outlet diameter, dM,out 3
2 Fig 2: Schematic of manifold geometry (only half of the dissected
[mm] [mm]
Outlet nozzle height, hn,out Inlet manifold length, along the symmetry plane is shown).
0.75 21.25
[mm] LM,in [mm]
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 023006 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.2.3006
3. NUMERICAL MODELING trough the vertical side walls near the channel outlet andISSN: 2151-8629
assume it to be
3.1 Micro-channel unit cell model The second order high resolution finite volumes scheme of the
The liquid is assumed as steady and incompressible and the thermo- commercial Ansys CFX 12.1 package was used to solve Eqs. (1) (4)
physical properties are all evaluated at the liquid inlet temperature and applying the described boundary conditions while the convergence
assumed to be constant. The continuity, the momentum and the energy criterion was set to 10-6 for the root mean square values for all
equations for the liquid and energy equation for the solid parts are variables. An adequate block-structured, hexagonal, non-uniform grid
of 901320 elements was used to obtain the results. Increasing the
ui element number to 1761120 resulted in relative changes of 0.43 %,
=0 0.050 % and 0.106 %, respectively, in the pressure drop, the fluid
xi (1) temperature change from the inlet to the outlet, and the temperature
2 difference between the maximal base plate and the fluid inlet
ui p ui
u j = + temperatures.
x j xi x 2 (2)
j 3.2 Thermal resistance model
T f k f 2T f
ui u j u j In addition to the detailed three dimensional-model of a single micro-
ui = + +
xi 2
c p xi c p x j xi xi
(3) channel, a one dimensional thermal resistance model for a single micro-
channel is developed to estimate the thermal performance of the heat
2Ts sink. The total thermal resistance separating the maximal heat sink
xi2 (4) temperature from the water inlet temperature can be divided in three
parts. Firstly, since the heat is transferred by conduction through the
base plate of the heat transfer structure, we define its thermal resistance
where the symbols , c p , , k , T , p and ui respectively denote as
the density, specific heat at constant pressure, dynamic viscosity,
thermal conductivity, the temperature, the pressure and the velocity h
Rbase = base . (7)
components. Table 2 lists the numerical values of the properties used. s
Density water, [kg/m3] 983.2 Secondly, convective heat transport from the solid to the water occurs
through the fin surface and through the bottom and top wall of the
Specific heat capacity water, c p [J/kg K] 4185
micro-channels. Neglecting the heat transfer from the top wall to the
Dynamic viscosity water, [kg/m s] 4.6603*10-4 liquid, we assume the thermal resistance of the fin and the bottom wall
Thermal conductivity water, k f [W/m K] 0.65439 to act in parallel. Therefore, we defined the convective, thermal
resistance as
Thermal conductivity copper, k s [W/m K] 401
Table 2: Thermo-physical properties used in the simulation
wch + w fin
The solid and fluid domains in the model are coupled through the Rconv = . (8)
wch hD + 2hD fin h fin
continuity of heat flux and temperature. Due to the periodicity of the
parallel flow channel structure, we assume symmetry in the center of
the channel and consider only half of the channel and half of the fin Spiga and Morini (Spiga and Morini 1996) analytically determined the
(the channel side wall) in the model. Symmetry is also imposed at the Nusselt (Nu) number for fully developed flow in rectangular ducts.
vertical plane where the flow enters and divides in two parts to fill the Their value for a duct aspect ratio of 10 and constant heat flux from
channel length. Assuming uniform flow distribution into all micro- both long sides of the duct is Nu D = 6.096. We used this to calculate
channels, the mass flow at the inlet to modeled channel-half and the
the heat transfer coefficient for fully developed flow
channel Reynolds-number can be calculated by
V tot Nu D f
m , (5) hD = . (9)
4N Dh,ch
u D V tot
Rech = ch h,ch = , (6)
N ( wch + hch ) The analytical value of Nu from Spiga and Morini (Spiga and Morini
1996) can be used to estimate the heat transferred from the fin surfaces
where N , Vtot , uch , Dh,ch , wch and hch , respectively denote the (side walls) and also to evaluate efficacy of fin surface in terms of heat
transfer. First due to the high aspect ratio of the channels being used, it
number of micro-channels, the total volumetric flow rate, the density of is important to ensure that the fin height is not too large, which could
water, the mean velocity in the micro-channel, the hydraulic diameter of result in inefficient heat transport ( i.e. the so called infinite fin length
the micro-channel, the micro-channel width and height, respectively. limit, see ref. (Incropera and DeWitt 2002)). The height of a fin in the
The no-slip condition is imposed at all walls and an opening condition infinite length limit can be evaluated as
of zero average static pressure is set at the outlet boundary allowing
backflow into the domain. The later was validated by comparisons with
separate simulation with an extended outlet channel. The top wall of 2hD
mh fin, =4.6 , with m = . (10)
the micro-channel is considered to be adiabatic as a big part of it is s w fin
exposed to air while the dissipated heat of the processor is
approximated as a uniform heat flux at the bottom wall. Due to large
overhang of the micro-channels beyond the heat generating processor, Equation (10) yields hfin, value of 7.5 mm, which is well above the
the heat flux in the solid domain is directed primarily to near the inlet selected 1.7 mm. Furthermore, assuming an insulated fin tip, the fin
region of the micro-channel. Therefore, we neglect the heat transfer efficiency for can be computed as(Incropera and DeWitt 2002)
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 023006 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.2.3006 ISSN: 2151-8629
tanh( mh fin )
U j k = ) + t
x + Pk k ,
x j x j k j
fin = . (11)
mh fin
(U j = ) + t
x + k Pk ,
x j x j j
Using Eq. (11), the fin efficiency is determined to be 75.0 % for the
considered thermo-physical properties and geometry. Note that Eq. (11) U i U j U i
Pk = t + , (19)
is derived under the assumption of a constant heat transfer coefficient x j xi x j
from fin to fluid and constant fluid temperature, both of which are not
at all true here (as will be clear from the Results and Discussion
section). Therefore, efficiency values calculated here should just be where the model constants are given as k = 2, = 2, = 0.09, =
used as an indication that we are not severely compromising the 0.0075 and = 5/9. An automatic wall treatment is used to capture the
effectiveness of heat transport using too high pins (i.e. high channel turbulence characteristics in the boundary layer, wherein a low
aspect ratio). Reynolds k and formulation is blended into logarithmic wall
Thirdly, the bulk resistance accounts for the heat transfer to the bulk function for y+ < 11, while pure logarithmic wall function approach is
flow and is visible in the temperature rise of the water. We defined it as applied for y+ > 11. The wall boundary conditions used for k and
Rbulk =
Lch wch + w fin ).
V (12) k =0, (20)
c p tot 6
( 2N ) = ,
2 (21)
( y )
By combining these three parts, the total thermal resistance can be
expressed as where y denotes the distance between the first two mesh points
normal to the wall. Heyerichs and Pollard (Heyerichs and Pollard 1996)
Rtot,1D = Rbase + Rconv + Rbulk , (13) and Chen and Modi (Chen and Modi 1999) reported superior
performance of the k - model over k - models with enhanced wall
since the three parts of the total resistance are connected in series. treatment in recirculation flow situations. This is attributed to the more
realistic treatment of the turbulence characteristics in the boundary
3.3 Hydrodynamic heat sink model
layer and therefore was also used here.
The overall pressure drop of the heat sink and the flow distribution The turbulent equations are also solved in the heat transfer structure
within the heat transfer structure are evaluated using a three approximated as porous medium although the flow in the micro-
dimensional model of the complete heat sink in which the parallel channels is expected to be laminar. To test the influence of this on
micro-channels are approximated as a porous medium in order to model performance, the section from the inlet to the outlet slot nozzles
reduce computational load. Water enters centrally through a circular was simulated separately using the turbulent as well as laminar models.
hole, connected to a hot water supply pipe, into the inlet manifold. Due The effect of additional flow resistance due to the porous medium is
to high flow rates (up to 1 l/min), water travels rapidly to the back wall found to be stronger than the turbulent effect (at least for the turbulence
of the inlet manifold, which reverses it causing a backflow. The high intensity levels observed in the entire heat sink simulation). The
shear stress at the interface between the forward and the backflow in the maximum relative difference between the turbulent and laminar models
inlet manifold made it impossible to model the flow inside the manifold was 2.3% for uniform mass flow and turbulent intensity I = 0.4 at the
at steady state using the laminar model. Therefore, a turbulent flow inlet boundary.
model was used instead. A similar flow characteristic occurs in the It is known from the literature that the k - model is strongly
second leg of the outlet manifold, where the two flow streams run into dependent on the inlet free stream boundary conditions of the
each other before leaving the manifold through outlet port connected to turbulence equations (Wilcox 1998). Therefore, we varied the
a pipe. turbulence intensity and turbulence length scale at the manifold inlet in
The Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS) were the range 0.005 < I < 0.06 and 0.01* d M ,in < l < 0.5* d M ,in ,
used to model the turbulent flow in the manifolds
respectively. The overall pressure drop across the heat sink changed by
1.5 % for the turbulence intensity variations and was even smaller for
U i the variation of the turbulence length scale.
=0 , (14)
xi The additional momentum term S p ,i in the Navier-Stokes equation
U j p U U j accounts for the flow resistance of the porous medium and is set to zero
U i = + ( + t ) i + + S p,i , (15) in the inlet and the outlet manifolds. Since ReCh > 30, the quadratic
xi x j xi xi x j
Forchheimer term is added to Darcys law.
t = .
(16) S p,i =- U i -closs i-0.5 f U U i (22)
The symbols U i , t , k , and S p ,i designate the mean velocity,
eddy viscosity, turbulent kinetic energy, specific dissipation of kinetic The constant loss coefficient closs was evaluated by Beavers et al.
energy and additional body force, respectively. The Wilcox k - (Beavers et al. 1973)as
model (Wilcox 1998) equations, used for closure in the eddy viscosity
approach, can be expressed as
closs = 0.55 1-5.5 Ch (23)
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 023006 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.2.3006
where we define the characteristic length scales of the pores, DCh and Tmax,bottom T f ,in ISSN: 2151-8629
Rtot ,3 D = (28)
the entire heat transfer structure, DHT , as
and the pressure drop across the complete heat sink for varying
0.5 volumetric flow rates (see Figure 3). The total thermal resistance of the
DCh = ( wCh hCh ) (24) heat sink decreases with increasing Reynolds-number in a power-law
0.5 fashion as the convective heat transport to the fluid is enhanced by
DHT = LM ,in hCh ) . (25) higher velocity gradients at the channel walls.
transfer structure. Near the outlet, a recirculation zone and a stagnation
u yTdzdx
zone are being formed near the inner wall of the outlet nozzle and
Ty,bulk = 0 0 . opposite to the outlet nozzle, respectively.
wHT ,Ch / 2 hHT ,Ch
The differences in the flow field for varying flow rates create
u y dzdx different temperature and heat transfer patterns along the micro-
channel. The average temperatures at the micro-channel outlet and at
0 0
the heat sink bottom can be calculated as
For analyzing the heat flux through the different micro-channel walls
into water, a normalized heat flux density in the form Tn,out = *
qy,ch,i ( wCh )
2+w fin 2 wn,out
q*y,i = (34) wCh 2 Lch (35)
q0.225mm,ch, fiin
( )
T z = h fin + hn,out dydx
-w fin 2 Lch -wn,out
is introduced. wCh 2 Lch
( wCh 2+ w fin 2 Lch) T ( z=-hbase )dydx . (36)
-w fin 2 0
The temperature difference between the liquid inlet and the highest
micro-channel temperatures is a measure of the gradients developing in
the heat sink. These temperature differences are plotted in Figure 7
against ReCh corresponding to the different flow rates considered in this
work (up to 1 l/min). High flow rates reduce the thermal resistance of
the heat sink and cause a small fluid temperature change from the
Fig 6: Vectors and velocity contours at center-plane of micro-channel Fig 8: Temperature contours at center-plane of micro-channel model
model for ReCh = 30 (volume flow rate=0.1 l/min) for ReCh=303 (volume flow rate=1 l/min)
The flow vectors and the velocity distribution at the centerline of micro-channel inlet to the outlet due to the short residence time within
the micro-channel for three different flow rates are presented in Figures the channel. This effect is also visible in the temperature contours at the
4 6. The water enters the micro-channel by impinging onto the surface micro-channel center-plane which are shown for three different flow
opposite to the inlet nozzle creating a small stagnation zone close to the rates in Figures 8 10. Areas of small temperature change coincide
vertical symmetry axis (Webb and Ma 1995). A recirculation zone is fairly well with the high flow velocity areas in Figures 4 6. The
formed at the top wall near the inlet nozzle decreasing the effective highest temperatures are found in the downstream part of the heat sink
flow cross section in the micro-channel and accelerating the flow. The bottom. The variations of the normalized heat flux density, through all
size of this recirculation zone decreases with smaller flow rates and the different solid-liquid interfaces in the micro-channel, along channel
almost vanishes at the lowest investigated flow rate. Away from channel length are plotted in Figure 11. The trends in the heat flux density
inlet, the liquid fills up the entire channel cross-section and the flow variation can be understood as follows. At high and medium flow rates,
starts developing with respect to the top and bottom wall. In contrast, the water falls on to the channel bottom as a strong impinging jet. This
the flow is hydrodynamically fully developed with respect to the fin jet impingement impedes the build-up of a hydrodynamic and a thermal
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 023006 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.2.3006
the different solid-liquid interfaces in the micro-channel, along channel ISSN:
fin surface is thermally developed stopping any further 2151-8629
reduction in
length are plotted in Figure 11. The trends in the heat flux density heat transfer. At low flow rates, contrary to high flow rates, the
variation can be understood as follows. At high and medium flow rates, recirculation zone close to the inlet nozzle vanishes and the entire fin
the different solid-liquid interfaces in the micro-channel, along channel surface is effectively used for heat transfer. Therefore, the heat flux
density through the fin decreases monotonically downstream due to the
decreasing temperature gradient between fin surface and water bulk
temperature. The variation of the recirculation zone near the top for
different flow rates also affects the heat flux density at the top wall of
the channel. At high and medium flow rates, the recirculation zone
inhibits effective heat transfer trough the top wall close to the inlet
nozzle. After the recirculation zone, the channel fills up resulting in
increasing velocity gradient with respect to the top wall and therefore
increasing heat flux density along the channel length. The vanishing
recirculation zone allows for thermal boundary layer growth
downstream causing the heat flux density to decrease. The stagnation
zone opposite to the outlet nozzle causes a large diffusion length for
Fig 9: Temperature contours at center-plane of micro-channel model heat transfer and a reduced heat flux density in this region. Since, in
for ReCh=152 (volume flow rate=0.5 l/min) this region, the thermal resistance to the fin is smaller than to the fluid
bulk, the heat is transported from the channel bottom through the liquid
to the fin for small flow rates inducing the average heat flux to even
turn negative and the bulk temperature to be higher than the average
wall temperature.
xi +x/2 hHT,Ch
i dzdx
xi -x/2 0
i* =
m . (37)
N i x +x/2 hHT,Ch
Fig 13: Turbulent kinetic energy contours and velocity vectors at
center-plane of the inlet manifold at Rein = 7995 (volume flow rate=0.5
i dzdx
xi -x/2 0
In order to gain insight into the heat sink performance, it is also
important to analyze the flow pattern in the manifold and the flow The resulting relative mass fluxes are plotted in Figure 15 for the three
distribution within the heat transfer structure in addition to computing different flow rates designated by three different Rein. The mass flux
the overall pressure drop (Figure 3). The flow structure in the manifolds distribution into the micro-channels seems to vary quite strongly
did not vary much at different flow rates considered here. Therefore, for depending on the channel position in x direction. This is expected since
the sake of brevity we only show the velocity vectors and the turbulence the water enters as a jet into the inlet manifold (c.f. Figure 13). The
kinetic energy distributions for Rein = 7995 in Figure 13 and Figure 14. three different flow rates in Figure 15 correspond to ReCh values of 30,
As seen from Figure 13, the coolant is laterally supplied through a pipe 152 and 303 respectively, if the flow distribution into all channels were
to the inlet manifold creating a flow core in the inlet manifold, which to be uniform. Due to non-uniform flow distribution, the lowest relative
spreads slightly when approaching towards the heat transfer structure. mass fractions into channels, as seen from Figure 15, are 0.35, 0.4 and
A small vortex is generated close to the inlet due to the backward- 0.55 respectively, for the low (0.1 l/min), medium (0.5 l/min) and high
facing step type geometry. Additionally, the back wall of the inlet (1 l/min) flow rates considered. These fractions correspond to lowest
manifold, at the far end in the flow direction in Figure 13, induces a ReCh values of 10.5, 61 and 167, respectively. A low value of ReCh can
large recirculation zone above the inlet flow core. The flow core drags lead to an unacceptably high chip temperature as seen in Figure 7.
the surrounding fluid in the flow direction generating high shear Moreover, the minimum ReCh studied, i.e. ReCh =30 (with
stresses and turbulence which is shown by the high turbulence kinetic corresponding volumetric flow rate of 0.1 l/min), leads to a 15C
energy in this area. Figure 14 shows the velocity vectors and turbulent difference between maximum heat sink and water inlet (60C)
kinetic energy contours for the mid yz-plane of the heat sink. It clarifies temperatures. Therefore, the minimum ReCh of 10.5 observed for the
the flow patterns in the heat transfer structure modeled as porous lowest flow rates will clearly lead to a much higher chip temperature,
medium. Upon entering the porous medium, the liquid momentum in which makes the lowest flow rate unacceptable. However, for the
flow direction changes sharply, creating a second zone of high medium and high flow rates, the minimum ReCh values (61 and 167) are
turbulence. However, the turbulence kinetic energy dissipates quickly high enough for a very good thermal performance of heat sink with
while flowing through the porous medium and remains small in the first inlet water temperature of 60C. The maximal temperature difference of
leg of the outlet section of the manifold (see Figure 14). The quick ~8C (see Figure 7) for these flow rates should ensure a minimal
turbulence dissipation in the first part of the porous medium (heat entropy generation due to a heat transport across a temperature
transfer structure) shows that turbulent modeling of the hydrodynamics differential. The higher mass flows through the micro-channels lying in
of entire heat sink is not compromised by low turbulence in heat the middle of the heat sink (see Figure 15) should only improve the
transfer structure (micro-channels).Therefore, use of a laminar model cooling effectiveness and not degrade it. Moreover, the outlet
(as was done in Section 4.1) is adequate to evaluate the heat transfer in temperature of at least 62C, makes it useful for secondary applications
single micro-channel unit cell. A detailed thermal model for entire heat such as heating the building hosting such as hot water cooled
sink including the inlet and outlet manifolds, however, should certainly datacenter. Experimental validation of this principle and investigation
use turbulent approach. This will be considered in our future work. into a prototype water cooled datacenter is currently under investigation
by group and would be reported in near future.