Brain Surgery Ashley Swafford
Brain Surgery Ashley Swafford
Brain Surgery Ashley Swafford
I just want to cut right to the chase. Now, you have an idea of how
eager I was to find out more information. I am prepared to share
with you all that I have learned.
2. There is this cream they will give you that you have to put in
your nose three times a day for three days to prevent MRSA.
Believe it or not, you are at risk because there are other
patients at the hospital dealing with infectious disease and
your doctors or nurses may be treating them as well.
5. Last but certainly not least, they need blood work and quite
a bit of it. IF you are a hard stick like me, this is usually the
hardest part. It didnt help that I had one of the newer
phlebotomists taking my blood twice in one arm before the
PRO had to step in and take care of things.
Long story short, I had to have thirty minute numbing cream
on my left arm while everything else was happening because
I have a vagal nerve response and Ill pass out easily if
someone sticks me and misses.
I walk into the lab. The first lady calls me back. I show her
my arm and right away I knew she was new because she had
no idea what the cream was or if she should stick the needle
through the cream or clean the area off. LORD, HELP ME. I
said this so many times throughout this experience. And He
certainly was with me the entire times. Anyway, she cleaned
the area, found a really good vein and missed. Ok. Ive been
missed before. She then continued to dig around to try to
recover the vein she went for. OW. It almost hurts thinking
about it.
Naturally, I think that things cant possibly go this bad two
times in a row. Little did I know? She cleaned off my arm
again and did the exact same thing twice in a row. I actually
begged her to stop because the pain was radiating down my
Bloodwork. Check.
Spirometer. Check.
The nurse calls me back; I get into the hospital gown. First order
of business is starting that IV. Another nurse walked into the
room, told me that prior to being a nurse on this level, she had
been poking babies for twenty years so I was CONFIDENT that she
had this!
She looks at my left hand, finds a good vein, about an inch above
my pinky knuckle. Hits it, and begins to flush and it stopped
working. I was almost devastated with how overwhelming sticking
me had become. They didnt waste any time calling in the backup
team and I loved them!
Rob and Mary. The first thing Rob said was If I miss, Mary whops
me in the back of the head, so I dont miss! I loved their senses
of humor. It was probably the first time I laughed that day. I
needed to laugh. He tried in my right arm between my wrist and
forearm and like he promised, he got it on the first shot!
I woke up several hours later in the ICU and the doctor told me
surgery took a lot less time than expected. I thought that was
awesome news! I just had to take all my medicines and try to
start eating again and I would be okay!
Do you remember that feeling when you first got your license?
The rush, the excitement, that freeing feeling, that is what it feels
after not being able to drive for an extended period of time. Try
not driving for a day, a week, a month. It is probably one of the
hardest things I have ever experienced. I love feeling free when I
am driving. It has always been so relaxing to drive and listen to
music. I was so happy to have that freedom back!
When people see me, I don't want them to look at me and feel
bad. I have overcome a lot and continue to keep on keeping on! I
have seen the worst times of my life and came out on top. I want
my story to encourage you, I want you to know that you are
strong. I want you to know you are a fighter. I want you to know
you are not alone in this. You are brave. You can do it. If you start
to feel alone, remember there is someone out there cheering for
you! I am cheering for everyone going through a tough situation. I
want you to know you will come out on top too. I want you to be
able to share your story, just like me. This is tough, but you are
stronger than you think you are! I felt incredibly blessed when I
woke up from surgery. It was like I was given a new chance at life.
Every day is a BEAUTIFUL gift. <3
God bless you. God bless your family and friends going through
this with you. God has your back, just like he had mine. <3