Ashwin Final Paper

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Convolutional Networks for Stock Trading

Ashwin Siripurapu
Stanford University Department of Computer Science
353 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

Abstract minute of each trading day, we have the data listed in Ta-
ble 1.
Convolutional neural networks have revolutionized the
field of computer vision. In these paper, we explore a par- 2.2. Initial Choice of Features
ticular application of CNNs: namely, using convolutional Since the project requires us to use pixel data, I had
networks to predict movements in stock prices from a pic- to convert this price data into images. This presents an
ture of a time series of past price fluctuations, with the ul- interesting challenge in its own right, but a very obvious
timate goal of using them to buy and sell shares of stock in starting point is to take as our inputs (features) a graph of
order to make a profit. the price of the contract for some period of time into the
past (say, 30 minutes back) and then use that to predict the
price at some time in the future (say, 5 minutes ahead).
1. Introduction Then, if we predict that the price will go up (down), we
At a high level, we will train a convolutional neural will buy (sell) in the present and sell (buy) in 5 minutes to
network to take in an image of a graph of time series data acquire a profit.
for past prices of a given asset (in our cases, SPY contracts
traded on the NYSE). Then, we will predict the movement Firstly, what do we mean by the price of the contract?
of the price in the next few minutes. If the CNN correctly Recall from above that Google Finance provides us with
predicts price movements, we can make money by buying four separate prices for each minute of the trading day. For
when the CNN says the price will go up in the future, the time being, I have elected to use only the high and low
and then selling it at the higher price in a few minutes time. prices within a given minute, since these implicitly bound
the other two prices (open and close). Moreover, the high
We evaluate the trained network both using traditional and low intuitively contain more information than the open
statistical performance measures (viz., R2 ) and also with a and close prices, because the open and close prices are
paper trade simulator that enables us to see what would in a sense statistical artifacts: they are the prices that the
have happened if we had bought and sold contracts accord- market happened to be at at the time that the price series
ing to the CNNs predictions; in particular, we can see how was sampled by Google (or whomever was collecting the
profitable the strategy of following the trained CNN would data).
be. Naturally, this methodology is subject to the vulner-
ability that it is impossible to tell how other participants in Secondly, how far in the past should our time series
the market would have reacted to the presence of the CNNs graph go? This is in principle another hyperparameter that
buying and selling, but it does give us at least some measure should be tweaked once the convolutional network has
of confidence as to the CNNs abilities as a trader. been set up, but for now, I have gone with a 30minute
window into the past.
2. Problem Statement and Technical Approach
In conclusion, the inputs to the model are images of
2.1. Gathering Data the graph of high and low prices for 30 minute windows
The first step in the process of training a CNN to pick of time. These images are drawn using the numpy and
stocks is to gather some historical data. [1] provides matplotlib libraries and are saved as RGB images. An
minutebyminute ticker data on the S&P 500 ETF Trust example input is shown below in Figure 2.2.
(symbol: SPY), traded on the NYSE. Specifically, for each Later on, I experimented with using slightly different

Column Name Meaning
DATE Time (which minute of the day)
CLOSE Closing price (price at the end of the minute)
HIGH High price (maximum price during the minute)
LOW Low price (minimum price during the minute)
OPEN Opening price (price at the beginning of the minute)
VOLUME How many contracts were offered to be bought/sold in the minute
Table 1. Minutebyminute data provided by [1]

Figure 1. An example picture input to convolutional network. High

prices are in blue, low prices are in green.
In addition to the choice of horizon, we also have to de-
cide exactly what quantity we want to predict. There is a
wide body of financial literature dedicated to this topic. An
obvious choice is to try and predict the price itself at the end
of the horizon period (i.e., given a window of price data for
30 minutes into the past, from time t 30 to time t, try to
predict the price at time t + 5 if the horizon is 5 minutes).
However, it is more useful to predict the change in price be-
tween time t and time t + 5, as this is ultimately what weill
determined whether it is profitable to buy (sell) now and sell
(buy) in 5 minutes in order to lock in a profit.
Moreover, there are multiple ways to measure the dif-
ference in price at two times t1 < t2 . In the first place,
we have to decide which price (high, low, open, or close)
we want to predict. Having decided on some measure of
price, and obtained price measurements p1 and p2 at times
t1 and t2 respectively, there are two widelyaccepted ways
features (see Section 6). of calculating the change in price (also known as return) in
2.3. Choice of Response finance: the arithmetic return, defined as

I mentioned earlier that we would use a 30minute p2 p1

r1 = ,
window of past price data (in image form) to predict the p1
price of the asset at some point in the future. We will now
explore the intricacies involved in choosing the response and the logarithmic return, defined
variable to predict.  
r1 = log .
In the first place, as with the features, we have a choice p1
of how far into the future to predict the price fluctuation.
In practice, we want this length of time (herafter called the I have chosen to define the price of the asset (for the
prediction horizon, or just horizon for short) to be short, purposes of defining a response variable) to be the mean
because as time goes on, any predictive signal that we of the high and low prices during the minute that we are
have gets increasingly drowned out by random noise in the considering. In addition, I have chosen to use log returns
market. At the same time, we cannot make the horizon too rather than arithmetic returns.
short, or else we will not be able to execute effectively (i.e.,
buy or sell) on the basis of our predictive signal; carried to Concretely, the regression problem is: given as input an
the extreme, it is trivial to predict the price one picosecond image of high and low prices from time t 30 to time t,
into the future with 100% accuracy (since prices cannot predict as output the logarithmic return from time t to time
change faster than the speed of light), but this prediction is t + 5, i.e., predict
utterly useless for the purposes of making money! 

log ,
For the time being, I have decided to use a horizon of
5 minutes past the end of the window of past prices that where pi denotes the mean of the high price and low price
constitutes an input to the model (explained above). in minute i of the trading day.

2.4. Choice of Loss Function model used (OLS) was extremely simple. Secondly, the
features (pixel data) bore little linear structure that could
I am going to use an `2 loss function when training the
have been exploited to predict log returns well. A convo-
convolutional network. In future, we can consider different
lutional network with many nonlinearities can rectify this
choices of loss function, but the `2 loss is very standard in
(no pun intended). Finally, the feature space used in this
regression problems in finance. Moreover, Caffe readily
OLS baseline was heavily reduced: we shrunk the images
supports `2 regression with its EUCLIDEAN LOSS layers.
to thumbnails and removed all color information. Given the
full input data, a CNN should be able to do significantly
It is important to note that, unlike the length of the input better.
window, the choice of loss function is not a hyperparameter
to be tuned. This is because different loss functions are
Ideally, we should be able to get R2 > 0 on an outof
different problems entirely, not merely different solutions
sample test set. This means that we are doing better than
to the same problem. Different loss functions correspond
the naive strategy of always guessing that the log return in
to different notions of the displeasure or dissatisfaction
the next 5 minutes will be the mean log return in the test
with our predictions that we are trying to minimize. It
set (usually around 0). If we can do this regularly, then
makes no sense to argue that one setting of parameters
provided we have good execution (ability to buy and sell
is better than another when the comparison is across
reasonably quickly), we have the makings of a profitable
different loss functions.
trading strategy.
That said, in trading, the ultimate test of how good a
4. Workflow
strategy or model is is how much money it makes. In that
sense, and in that sense alone, it may make sense to exper- In the following sections, I describe how I systematically
iment with different loss functions to derive different opti- made changes to the network architecture, to the hyperpa-
mization problems, and then see which optimization prob- rameters, and to the features (images) that were put into the
lem yields the most profitable strategy. model. Concretely, my workflow was as follows:

3. Establishing a Baseline 1. Generate features from the data using matplotlib.

The most basic financial model is ordinary leastsquares 2. Convert image features and log return response into
regression (OLS). For purposes of establishing a baseline HDF5 using hdf5
for performance, I used this model on a very simple set of
features. 3. Generate network architecture file using [4], a script
provided by a fellow student on Piazza.
Concretely, I took the 600 800 time series graph 4. Tune hyperparameters by modifying solver.txt.
images and scaled each one down to a 32 54 thumbnail
image. In addition, I converted the images from four 5. Train network using Caffe.
channels (RGBA) to one (grayscale). The thumbnails then
corresponded to points in the space R1728 . 6. Visualize weights in trained network using
Treating each grayscale thumbnail and its corresponding
7. Evaluate network by computing outofsample R2
log return as a training pair (xi , yi ), I then fit a linear model
with caffe compute
to a training data set of 4000 points and tested it on a data
set of 996 points.
5. Hyperparameter Tuning
The withinsample R of the linear model was 0.428, The first thing that I did to achieve lower loss (hence
which is fairly impressive for such noisy data. However, higher R2 ) was to tweak the optimization hyperparameters,
the ultimate test of any statistical model is how it performs as specified in the solver.prototxt file. This includes
out of sample. The outofsample R2 for this linear model the starting learning rate, the learning rate update scheme
on the test set was an embarassing 12.2. Clearly no one and parameters, and the type of solver (SGD, Adagrad, or
should use this model to trade on the market, unless he NAG [Nesterov accelerated gradient]). I started out with
wants to lose a lot of money! 10,000 training iterations, with momentum SGD. started
out at 0.01 and was cut down by a factor of = 0.1 ev-
It should be possible for the final convolutional network ery 5,000 iterations (i.e., step size was set to 5,000). In
to beat these results easily. In the first place, the baseline addition, the momentum term was set to = 0.9.

Figure 2. Training and validation loss with SGD, init = 0.2,
= 0.9, = 0.5, step size = 2000
Figure 4. An example image input. As before, high prices in blue,
low prices in green. Volume (right axis) in red.

same hyperparameter settings were generally nearoptimal

with slight modifications.

6. Feature Engineering
Recall from Figure 2.2 what a typical input price
window image looks like. After the poster session, some
commentors suggested a better choice of inputs. In
particular, my image inputs did not use the red channel to
encode any data at all. The red channel could have been put
Figure 3. Training and validation loss with NAG
to better use, for example, by using it to store data about
the average of the low and high prices, or the volume at
each minute of the trading day1 . Others suggested that I
This was far too low a learning rate, and too low a rate
use a different visualization in the image data: rather than
of annealing. As a result, training loss hardly moved from
plotting the absolute price at each time for a short window,
its initial value and validation loss remained fairly flat, too.
I could instead plot a spectrogram and visualize the price
data in the frequency domain.
I decided to increase the mobility of the optimization
hyperparameters by increasing the initial learning rate, in-
Ultimately, I experimented with two more kinds of in-
creasing the value of , and decreasing the step size (so
puts. The first one was similar to the original image data
would be updated more frequently). Concretely, I set the
in that it used a timedomain representation of the price se-
initial learning rate to 0.2, to 0.5, and step size to
ries, except that I also used volume data, which was plotted
2000. remained at the original value of 0.9. This resulted
in red on a separate set of axes. An example of this kind of
in the training and validation loss plot shown in Figure 2.
input is shown in Figure 4.
Following this, I decided to experiment with Nesterovs The other kind of representation that I tried was the so
accelerated gradient. To do this, I simply added the line called correlation features. Recall that the S&P 500 is a
solver type: NESTEROV to the solver file. This re- weighted basket of 500 different individual stocks (equi-
sulted in the training and validation loss depicted in Fig- ties). That is, owning a single unit (share) of SPY is equiv-
ure 3. This did not significantly improve over momentum alent to owning some number of shares of each of the 500
SGD loss. constituent corporations. The ten companies which com-
When I switched to using different network architec- prise the biggest share of the S&P 500 basket are shown in
tures and different features (see below), I had to update
1 Recall that volume is the total quantity of contracts available to be
the hyperparameters in solver.prototxt appropri-
bought or sold in a given minute. In actual trading scenarios, this is usu-
ately. Nonetheless, the same basic approach (come up with ally expressed as two numbers (number of contracts available for sale, and
some hyperparameters, run the network, plot the training number available for purchase), but Google Finances data added the two
and validation loss curves) proved useful and, in fact, the together and expressed them as a single sum.

Company Symbol % Assets
Apple Inc. AAPL 4.03
Exxon Mobil Corporation Common XOM 2.01
Microsoft Corporation MSFT 1.93
Johnson & Johnson Common Stock JNJ 1.54
Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class B BRK.B 1.44
General Electric Company Common GE 1.40
Wells Fargo & Company Common St WFC 1.38
Procter & Gamble Company (The) PG 1.23
JP Morgan Chase & Co. Common St JPM 1.23
Pfizer, Inc. Common Stock PFE 1.16
Table 2. Top 10 components of the S&P 500. Data from [2]

fullyconnected layer. Call this the original architecture.

Unfortunately, this led to rather poor performance: out of
sample R2 was 0.06, slightly worse than the strategy
of always guess that the log return will be the mean log
return (approximately 0) which would achieve an R2 of 0.

Following Yukes advice, I visualized the weights in the

last convolution layer in the initial network structure to see
what the problem might be. The problem was that there has
been too much pooling, so that the input to the final layers
was very blurry, and the final layers of the network (in
particular the affine layer) could not distinguish between
distinct images when they are so blurred.

To remedy this, I tried a new network structure which

Figure 5. An example image input. There are ten color swatches;
each represents the correlation of SPY with a different stock from
didnt employ pooling until several cycles of convolution
among the top 10. ReLU. Concretely, I used three blocks of convReLU, fol-
lowed by two blocks of convReLUpool, followed by a
single affine layer. Let us call this the reduced architec-
Table 2. ture since it has fewer layers than the original architecture.
Collectively, these top ten comprise 17.53% of the S&P This resulted in somewhat improved performance; results
500 basket. I used these 10 constituent components to com- are shown in Table 3. The weights of this new network
pute inputs to the neural network in the following way: structure, when trained on the windows of price and vol-
within each 30 minute window, I gathered the average price ume data features from above (as in Figure 4) are shown
(mean of low and high) time series for the S&P 500 and for below in Figure 6 and Figure 7. Clearly some of the struc-
each of the top ten constituents. Then, I computed the cor- ture of the price and volume charts is being captured by the
relation coefficient between the price series for the SPY and weights in the last layer, i.e., the image is not getting blurred
the price series of each of the constituents. This resulted in too badly as it passes through the network.
ten different values between -1 and 1. I then plotted these In addition, I visualized the final convolution layer
ten values in a heatmap, with colors ranging from red (high weights for the same (reduced) architecture network trained
correlation) to blue (low correlation). An example feature on the hetmap features. This data appears in Figure 8. The
image is shown below. The hope is that, when the S&P influence of the vertical stripes of colors is clearly visible.
500 is trending upwards, its correlations with its constituent
stocks will exhibit a different pattern than when it is trend- 8. Results
ing downward.
For each of the two architectures (the original one, which
7. Network Engineering resulted in blurring of the image by the final layers; and the
reduced architecture) and each of the two new types of fea-
The first network structure that I tried repeated tures, we trained the network, tweaked the hyperparameters
convolutionReLUpool layers (5 blocks) followed by a until convergence was achieved in at most 10,000 iterations,

Figure 6. The weights of the first layer of the reduced architecture Figure 8. The weights of the last convolution layer of the reduced
network after training on price and volume features. architecture network after training on heatmap features.

problem. I suspect that using a classificationbased ap-

proach may be better in practice, especially in the high
frequency setting, because in reality, price movements are
discrete (prices fluctuate in ticks no smaller than a penny).
Future work will also focus on the execution side of this
problem, once R2 is positive; that is, once we have a better
thanchance predictive edge, it remains to be seen whether
this statistical predictive ability can be translated into actual
cash by executing the strategy optimally (buying and selling
when the strategy says to).
Lastly, it remains to be seen whether image features are
best. Naturally we could feed historical price, volume, cor-
relation, or any other data into a neural network directly,
instead of encoding it as an image. This would get the data
Figure 7. The weights of the last convolution layer of the reduced into the network more directly than via the circuitous route
architecture network after training on price and volume features. that the current implementation takes.

Original arch. Reduced arch. 10. References

Price windows with volume 0.05 0.014
Correlation features 0.42 0.013 References
Table 3. Outofsample R for different features, architectures [1]
and computed an outofsample R2 on a test set of data. c,v&df=cpct&q=SPY
The results of that process are shown in Table 3. [2]
Overall the results are underwhelming. We were unable SPY+Holdings
to achieve an outofsample R2 greater than 0; that is to
say, you would be better off guessing that the next price [3] Yangqing Jia, Evan Shelhamer, Jeff Donahue, Sergey
movement is going to be the mean price movement (typi- Karayev, Jonathan Long, Ross Girshick, Sergio
cally 0) than following our model. Nonetheless, this was a Guadarrama, and Trevor Darrell. Caffe: Convolu-
good learning experience and tional architecture for fast feature embedding. arXiv
preprint arXiv:1408.5093, 2014.
9. Further Work [4] Das, Subhasis. gen, a Python script for
It remains to be seen whether `2 regression is the best generating Caffe network architecture files.
formulation of this finance problem as a machine learning

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