New England: High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
New England: High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
New England: High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
New England
High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
Drug Market Analysis
June 2007 U.S. Department of Justice
England HIDTA
This assessment is an outgrowth of a partnership between the NDIC and HIDTA Program for preparation of
annual assessments depicting drug trafficking trends and developments in HIDTA Program areas. The report
has been vetted with the HIDTA, is limited in scope to HIDTA jurisdictional boundaries, and draws upon a
wide variety of sources within those boundaries.
New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
• Asian drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) are Springfield, Massachusetts, area in the western half
establishing increasing numbers of hydroponi- of the region and the Lawrence/Lowell, Massachu-
cally grown cannabis operations within the New setts, area in the eastern half of the region. Traffick-
England HIDTA region to avoid the risks asso- ers operating in these distribution centers supply
ciated with transporting the drug across the drugs largely to consumer markets throughout the
U.S.–Canada border. HIDTA region. The Providence, Rhode Island/Fall
River, Massachusetts, area also serves as a distribu-
• Crack cocaine distribution is increasing in tion center, albeit on a much lesser scale than the
Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont as Mas- primary centers; it supplies communities outside the
sachusetts-based street gangs travel to these New England HIDTA region along Cape Cod, Mas-
states to expand their distribution markets. sachusetts. Boston, Massachusetts, the largest city
in New England, is primarily a consumer market; it
• Mexican DTOs are emerging as significant
is supplied by Lawrence, Lowell, and New York City.
transporters and distributors of cocaine, mari-
Some Boston-based distributors sell drugs outside the
juana, and heroin as well as limited quantities of
city in neighboring towns such as Braintree, Cam-
ice methamphetamine within the New England
bridge, Chelsea, Framingham, Lynn, Quincy, and
HIDTA region. Mexican DTOs have established
Weymouth, as well as in Maine and New Hampshire.
sources of supply in the Southwest Border area
for these drugs but have recently begun to obtain
The New England HIDTA region’s geographic
supplies from sources in Atlanta, Georgia.
location near New York City and the U.S.–Canada
border facilitates the smuggling of drugs into the
HIDTA Overview region. New York City is the largest drug market in
The New England HIDTA region encompasses the eastern United States and the source for most of
13 counties in the six New England states. (See the South American (SA) heroin, cocaine, and
Figure 1 on page 1.) Nine of the 13 counties are commercial-grade marijuana available in New
located in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Two pri- England. A large percentage of the MDMA
mary drug distribution centers are located within the (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, also
New England HIDTA—the Hartford, Connecticut/ known as ecstasy), marijuana, and prescription
National Drug Intelligence Center
drugs available in the region are smuggled into the Drug Trafficking
area across the U.S.–Canada border. More recently, Organizations
Atlanta, Georgia, has emerged as a principal area
Colombian DTOs are the primary transporters
from which heroin, cocaine, and marijuana are
and wholesale distributors of SA heroin and cocaine
transported to the region.
in the New England HIDTA region. Most Colombian
DTOs operating in the area are based in New York
Drug Threat Overview City; they typically transport heroin and cocaine into
The distribution and abuse of heroin, primarily the region and supply the drugs to midlevel and retail-
SA heroin, and prescription narcotics such as Oxy- level distributors. Periodically, Colombian organiza-
Contin and Percocet (oxycodone) and Vicodin tions contract with Dominican, Jamaican, Puerto
(hydrocodone) pose the greatest drug threat to the Rican, Guatemalan, Honduran, Mexican, and other
New England HIDTA region. Prescription narcot- Central America- and Caribbean-based criminal
ics abusers often switch to heroin because of the groups to smuggle heroin and cocaine directly into
drug’s lower cost and higher purity. The abuse of the New England HIDTA region for distribution by
heroin, previously linked to chronic abusers in local criminal groups.
urban areas, has spread to rural communities and
has increased among young adults and teenagers, Dominican DTOs located in the region are also
who often initiate opiate abuse after abusing pre- significant transporters of heroin, cocaine, and
scription narcotics. marijuana. These traffickers typically travel to
New York City to obtain drug supplies for local
Various other illicit substances also pose a distribution; however, some Dominican DTOs
threat to the New England HIDTA region. Cocaine, receive heroin, cocaine, and marijuana from
mostly crack, is the primary drug of abuse in some Colombian DTOs that transport the drugs to the
areas of the region, particularly inner-city neigh- New England HIDTA region from New York.
borhoods in Hartford, Bridgeport, Providence, and Dominican DTOs operate primarily from the distri-
Boston. Crack availability has expanded in Maine bution hubs of Lawrence, Lowell, and Springfield
and New Hampshire as well, largely because Afri- and are routinely involved in all aspects of the drug
can American and Hispanic criminal groups and trade, from transportation to wholesale and retail
street gangs from Massachusetts have increased distribution to money laundering.
distribution in those areas. Marijuana is widely
abused throughout the area, with most abusers pre- Asian DTOs have emerged as the primary
ferring high-potency marijuana from Canada over producers, transporters, and distributors of high-
commercial-grade marijuana from Mexico. potency hydroponic marijuana and MDMA to the
New England region. These DTOs smuggle the
Methamphetamine poses a relatively low drug drugs across the U.S.–Canada border for further dis-
threat to the New England HIDTA region; most tribution within the region. Recently, Asian DTOs
abuse is concentrated in the gay male community in have begun to establish hydroponic cannabis grow
Boston. Methamphetamine production is low in the operations within the New England region—most
area, conducted mostly by Caucasian abusers who likely to avoid losing large marijuana loads at the
produce personal use quantities of the drug. The U.S.–Canada border as a result of heightened law
threat posed to the area by other dangerous drugs enforcement scrutiny and to increase profit margins
(ODDs) varies; MDMA distribution and abuse are by avoiding the transportation costs to the smuggler.
increasing, while the abuse of LSD (lysergic acid
diethylamide), PCP (phencyclidine), and psilocy- Mexican DTOs have emerged as significant
bin mushrooms is stable at low levels. transporters and wholesale distributors of cocaine,
commercial-grade marijuana, SA heroin, and lim-
ited quantities of ice methamphetamine in the New
New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
England HIDTA region. Mexican DTOs tradition- producing marijuana. These DTOs arrange for
ally transported illicit drugs to New England on individuals, either Asian criminals or “big losers”
consignment for Colombian and Dominican DTOs. who need to pay off debts from local casinos, to
However, these Mexican traffickers are now using live in the houses and cultivate the cannabis. The
existing networks to bypass Colombian and cultivators often work for the Asian DTOs as
Dominican DTOs and are increasingly transporting indentured servants for a period of time and must
(typically from the Southwest Border area) and dis- pay any debts owed to the DTO. Upon completion
tributing the drugs themselves. Recently, some of their service, the cultivators own the house in
Mexican DTOs have begun traveling to Atlanta to which the grow operation is located. In December
obtain drugs for further distribution within the area. 2006 law enforcement officers seized a sophisti-
cated hydroponic cannabis grow operation in New
Street gang members are involved in cocaine, Hampshire. Vietnamese naturalized citizens had
marijuana, and heroin distribution at the wholesale purchased 15 houses (valued between $400,000
and retail levels in the New England HIDTA and $500,000 each) in upscale neighborhoods.
region. Gang members affiliated with nationally They had diverted electricity through the under-
recognized gangs such as Latin Kings, Mara Sal- ground utilities and had outfitted the grow opera-
vatrucha (MS 13), 18th Street Gang, Latin Gang- tions with timers and grow lights. The grow
ster Disciples, Tiny Rascal Gang, and Asian Boys operation was set on 90-day cycles from start to
have chapters or charters located in Massachu- finish (nursery to cultivation). On average, 1,000
setts. In addition to these larger, nationally known hydroponically grown cannabis plants were located
street gangs, dozens of local neighborhood street in the basements of 11 of these houses. The Viet-
gangs are present in the HIDTA region. The local namese criminals anticipated a particularly large
neighborhood gangs in Boston are typically the profit from this operation because hydroponic mar-
most violent and often engage in turf-related and ijuana sells for approximately $2,500 to $4,500 per
retribution-related assaults. pound in New England, compared with $1,000 per
pound for commercial-grade Mexican marijuana.
Various other criminal groups and gangs are
involved in transportation and retail drug distribu- Methamphetamine production poses a rela-
tion within the New England HIDTA region. His- tively low threat to the New England HIDTA
panic criminal groups with well-established region. The number of methamphetamine laborato-
distribution hubs within the area distribute cocaine ries seized in New England decreased from 16 in
and marijuana. African American and Hispanic 2005 to 12 in 2006. Five of the 12 laboratories
street gangs from New York travel to areas in the seized were located in New Hampshire, primarily
New England HIDTA region and distribute crack in the central, rural part of the state. One metham-
cocaine. Local independent dealers obtain prescrip- phetamine laboratory—seized in Providence—was
tion drugs for personal abuse and retail distribution the first laboratory seized in Rhode Island since
in the region. Finally, Native American traffickers 2003. Only gram or personal use quantities could be
transport some marijuana from the U.S.–Canada produced in all the methamphetamine laboratories
border to the New England HIDTA region for fur- seized in 2006.
ther distribution.
Heroin combined with clandestinely produced
Production fentanyl has been seized by law enforcement officers
Asian DTOs are establishing increasing num- in Maine and New Hampshire; however, heroin/
bers of hydroponically grown cannabis operations fentanyl combinations are rare in the New England
in the New England HIDTA region and often pur- HIDTA region. In May 2006 some heroin/fentanyl
chase houses in the area for the sole purpose of combinations were seized in the Seacoast Area of
New Hampshire after two individuals died from an
National Drug Intelligence Center
overdose. Law enforcement officers indicated that Mexican DTOs primarily transport cocaine,
the heroin/fentanyl combinations originated in marijuana, and SA heroin, as well as limited quan-
New Jersey and Pennsylvania before being trans- tities of ice methamphetamine, to the New England
ported to New Hampshire. Additionally, in Novem- HIDTA region. Mexican DTOs typically transport
ber 2006 law enforcement officers in Portland, these drugs, concealed in personal vehicles and
Maine, seized heroin/fentanyl combinations. tractor-trailers, from the Southwest Border area.
For instance, in August 2006 law enforcement
MDMA production is rare but does occur occa- officers seized 123 kilograms of cocaine in a
sionally in the New England HIDTA region. In tractor-trailer in the North Shore area of Boston.
2006 law enforcement officers seized four MDMA The cocaine, which was being transported by a
laboratories in Massachusetts. The laboratories Mexican DTO, was destined for the New England
were small—only personal use quantities of the HIDTA region. More recently, however, some
drug could be produced in them. Mexican DTOs have begun to travel to Atlanta
for cocaine, marijuana, and SA heroin supplies.
Psilocybin mushrooms are produced in the Additionally, Mexican traffickers transport small
New England HIDTA region on a sporadic basis. quantities of ice methamphetamine to the New
In May 2006 law enforcement officers arrested England HIDTA region; such transportation is lim-
members of a Hartford criminal group who were ited because there is little demand for the drug in
cultivating and distributing up to 100 pounds of the area.
mushrooms per month; this group also distributed
kilogram quantities of cocaine. Also in May 2006 Several criminal groups smuggle marijuana
law enforcement officers seized 5 pounds of psilo- across the U.S.–Canada border into the New
cybin mushrooms in Rhode Island while investi- England HIDTA region using various means of
gating a methamphetamine laboratory. transport. Asian criminal groups smuggle mari-
juana, often concealed in duffel bags, spare tires, or
Transportation engine compartments, across the border in personal
Colombian and Dominican DTOs transport SA vehicles and tractor-trailers. Marijuana is also
heroin and cocaine to the New England HIDTA transported across the U.S.–Canada border in small
region primarily from New York; however, some private airplanes and dropped just over the border
Dominican DTOs transport heroin and cocaine to in the United States. U.S.-based traffickers retrieve
the region from other areas. Some Dominican the air-dropped packages and either store the drugs
DTOs travel to Florida, Georgia, or Texas to obtain in stash houses located along the border or trans-
SA heroin and cocaine for distribution in the New port the marijuana to drug markets within the New
England HIDTA region. Periodically, some England HIDTA region. Native American traffick-
Dominican DTOs receive packaged shipments of ers on the St. Regis Mohawk Reservation (com-
SA heroin directly from other traffickers located in monly referred to as the Akwesasne Indian
Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Reservation), which is located partially in New
Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. These DTOs typically York State and partially in the provinces of Ontario
repackage the heroin that they receive from for- and Quebec, Canada, smuggle marijuana into the
eign-based traffickers; some heroin remains in United States using personal vehicles, boats, sleds,
New England for distribution, and some is trans- and snowmobiles. Caucasian criminal groups
ported to New York. Dominican traffickers who based in the United States and Canada transport
receive heroin from foreign sources do so infre- smaller marijuana loads, usually in backpacks or
quently and usually in response to increased law duffel bags, across the U.S.–Canada border.
enforcement presence or to avoid intermittent price
increases from their heroin sources in New York.
New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
! NH
§81 VT §
¨ 93
87 Hartford
Portland Intl.
89 Concord
Syracuse ¦
§91 Manchester ¦
Lowell Lawrence
§ ¦
88 Worcester Boston
o n
" |
Major City
o §
Intl. 500,000 +
§ ¦
Bradley Intl 84 RI
81 87 Hartford
Waterbury CT Providence 150,000 - 499,999
¨ 84 Bridgeport
New Haven ¦
less than 150,000
International Airport
§ 80
Stamford |
n Major Seaport
Newark Interstate
National Drug Intelligence Center
and the Hartford/Springfield area distribute crack for law enforcement officials because victims are
cocaine primarily in urban locations within the often drug traffickers who either do not report the
region, particularly those in Rhode Island, New crime or do not admit that their drugs or drug pro-
Hampshire, Vermont, and central and southern ceeds have been stolen when they do report the
Maine. Members of the street gangs generally crime. Additionally, some drug traffickers have
travel to these areas in private vehicles with a sup- engaged in witness intimidation and have con-
ply of crack cocaine. They set up distribution oper- tracted to have witnesses killed.
ations from hotel rooms or from the private
residences of local female accomplices and distrib- The abuse of heroin and crack cocaine has also
ute the drug to abusers for several days. Addition- been associated with domestic violence, including
ally, some African American and Hispanic street child neglect, child abuse, and spousal abuse. Some
gang members from New York City are beginning abusers also commit property crimes such as bur-
to relocate to rural areas within the region to estab- glary, forgery, fraud, and theft to support their
lish local drug distribution networks. They are addictions. Additionally, the number of bank rob-
doing so in the belief that they will be able to oper- beries in the area committed by prescription nar-
ate more easily because there is reportedly less law cotics abusers in an attempt to finance their
enforcement presence in these areas. addictions has recently increased.
Asian DTOs distribute high-grade, hydroponi- Street gangs involved in drug distribution pose
cally produced marijuana and MDMA at the particular public safety concerns in the New
wholesale level in the New England HIDTA England HIDTA region. Most street gang members
region. They distribute these drugs to Asian and distribute cocaine, marijuana, and heroin, and a
Caucasian criminal groups in Lawrence and Lowell number have been implicated in assaults, home
for retail distribution. invasions and shootings, robberies, and thefts. Fur-
ther, many gang members reportedly purchase stolen
Local independent dealers are the primary retail weapons such as Tec-9s, Uzis, and sawed-off shot-
distributors of prescription drugs in the region. guns, which they then sell to other gang members
These dealers obtain prescription drugs through and criminals in the New England HIDTA region.
doctor-shopping, forgery, fraud, and theft. They
abuse some and distribute the rest to other abusers Abuse
in the New England HIDTA region. Available treatment data depict the overall drug
abuse situation in the New England HIDTA region.
Drug-Related Crime From 2003 through 20051 the number of admis-
High levels of violent crime in the New sions for heroin to publicly funded treatment facili-
England HIDTA region are often associated with ties in the region outnumbered those for all other
the distribution and abuse of illicit drugs, particu- illicit substances, including cocaine, marijuana,
larly heroin and crack cocaine. Heroin and crack other opiates—which include prescription narcot-
cocaine distributors commonly commit violent ics—and amphetamines/other stimulants. Fueling
crimes to protect and expand their drug operations the heroin abuse problem are increasing levels of
and to collect drug debts. For instance, law enforce- prescription narcotics abuse. The number of
ment officials in Vermont report that numerous rob- admissions to substance abuse treatment facilities
beries, thefts, and shootings have occurred as a in the region for other opiates, including prescrip-
result of unpaid drug debts and, further, that some tion narcotics, increased substantially from 2003
drug traffickers have been murdered for their drug through 2005. (See Table 1 on page 8.) According
proceeds. Home invasions are a particular problem to area treatment providers, abusers—particularly
New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
adolescents and young adults who become addicted OxyContin as a preferred drug from state health
to prescription narcotics— often switch to heroin, plans; the drug was removed because of its high
attracted by the drug’s lower cost and higher purity. abuse potential. With the removal of OxyContin as
One 80-milligram tablet of OxyContin costs $80 in a preferred drug, physicians are increasingly pre-
Boston, while a bag (typically containing between scribing methadone for pain relief. As a result, pre-
one-seventh and one-tenth of a gram of the drug) of scription narcotics abusers, who typically obtain
SA heroin costs $6 to $20. The high number of opiate the drugs through fraud, theft, or doctor-shopping,
abusers who switch to heroin has led the Drug are increasingly acquiring methadone rather than
Enforcement Administration (DEA) to report that OxyContin. These abusers, who are seeking an
OxyContin, the primary prescription narcotic of OxyContin-type high—which is physiologically
abuse, is a gateway drug to heroin use in New unattainable from methadone—sometimes use
England. excessive amounts of the drug and accidentally
Many heroin abusers in the New Hampshire
area are “functional heroin abusers”; they hold Illicit Finance
jobs, have families, and participate in community Illicit drug proceeds generated in the New
events. Moreover, heroin abusers from New Hamp- England HIDTA region typically are laundered
shire, known as “day-trippers,” drive to the through bulk cash smuggling, money services busi-
Lawrence/Lowell area several times a day and nesses (MSBs), front companies, and the purchase
ingest or inject heroin while driving back to New of expensive consumer goods. Wholesale-level
Hampshire rather than transporting the drug back traffickers transport bulk drug proceeds in personal
to New Hampshire for future use. As such, law vehicles and tractor-trailers directly to Canada or
enforcement officers rarely seize heroin from these Mexico for eventual repatriation. They also trans-
abusers on interdiction stops. port bulk proceeds to New York City to be com-
bined with other drug proceeds for eventual
Methadone has emerged as the leading cause of transport to southwestern states and Mexico.
drug-related deaths in Maine and New Hampshire. Wholesale-level traffickers operating in the
In 2006 more overdose deaths in these two states HIDTA region also launder drug proceeds through
were attributed to methadone than to any other MSBs, typically by electronic wire transfers of
drug. Additionally, methadone was the primary funds to associates outside the HIDTA region or to
cause of drug-related deaths in New Hampshire domestic and international bank accounts owned
from 2002 through 2005. Public health officials in by the trafficker. Midlevel and retail traffickers
Maine and New Hampshire report that the leading operating in the region often launder proceeds by
cause of this development is the removal of commingling them with legitimate funds generated
National Drug Intelligence Center
in area businesses such as clothing, music, and Canada-based Asian DTOs will expand indoor
convenience stores and travel agencies. Addition- hydroponically grown cannabis operations in the
ally, retail drug distributors often purchase expen- New England HIDTA region to capitalize on
sive clothing, jewelry, and automobiles with the increasing demand for high-potency marijuana in
proceeds from illegal drug sales. the area. These DTOs will also be motivated to
establish cannabis grow sites in the HIDTA region
Outlook because they will be able to remain relatively
Mexican DTOs will most likely expand their close to their counterparts in Canada and will also
drug distribution networks in the HIDTA region be able to avoid the expense and risk of detection
over the coming year. Historically, Mexican crimi- associated with cross-border smuggling.
nal groups in the region transported and distributed
drugs on behalf of Colombian and Dominican Methamphetamine abuse in the New England
DTOs. However, these Mexican criminal groups HIDTA region will most likely remain at low but
are now using distribution networks that they previ- stable levels in the coming year. Methamphetamine
ously established in southwestern states and other abuse will most likely remain concentrated among
areas, such as Atlanta, from which they supply the gay community in Boston and among groups of
major drug markets throughout the United States, to individuals who produce personal use quantities of
increase their operations in the HIDTA region. the drug.
Heroin and prescription narcotics abuse will be Members of New York-based African Ameri-
the primary drug threat to the New England can and Hispanic street gangs will continue to relo-
HIDTA region in the next year. Heroin will remain cate to rural areas of the HIDTA region to establish
widely available and abused. Additionally, pre- new retail-level drug markets. This situation may
scription narcotics abuse will fuel already high her- lead to increasing levels of drug-related crime,
oin abuse rates in the region because some including violent crime, in these areas.
prescription narcotics abusers will most likely
switch to heroin, attracted by the drug’s low cost.
New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
National Drug Intelligence Center
New Hampshire
State of New Hampshire
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Colchester Police Department
Hartford Police Department
New England Narcotics Enforcement Officers’ Association
New England State Police Information Network
Executive Office of the President
Office of National Drug Control Policy
High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
New England
Financial Task Force
U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Census Bureau
American Community Survey
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Office of Applied Studies
Drug Abuse Warning Network
Treatment Episode Data Set
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
U.S. Department of Justice
Drug Enforcement Administration
Domestic Monitor Program
El Paso Intelligence Center
New England Field Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Attorney’s Offices
District of Connecticut
District of Maine
District of Massachusetts
District of New Hampshire
District of Rhode Island
District of Vermont
New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis