Human Physiology MCQS
Human Physiology MCQS
Human Physiology MCQS
23: Which of the following statement 29: The -------------- are invagination of
is false regarding skeletal muscles? the muscles cells sarlema..
a. Attached with bone by tendons a. Sarcoplasmic reticulum
b. Skeletal muscle have b. Tranverse tubule
uninucleated c. Cisternae
c. Produce movement d. Microtubule
d. maintain posture e. Microfilament
e. stabilize joints
30: which of the following statement is
24: which statement is false regarding false ?
muscle characteristic a. Hormone are chemical
a. Excitability substance that act lick as
b. Contractibility chemical messenger
c. Extensibility b. Neuroendocrine hormone
d. Elasticity are secreted by endocrine
e. Conductibility c. Paracrine affected neighboring
25: The Layer of connective tissue d. Autocrine affected self cell
that separates the muscle tissue into e. Endocrine regulate body
small section is called the function
a. Aponeuroses
b. Epimysium 31: Which statement is false regarding
c. Perimysium non steroid hormone action?
d. Endomysium a. Activates cell enzymes
e. Mature connective tissue b. Tissue growth and repair
c. Change in membrane
26: The "thick" muscle filament is permeability
composed of d. Promote protein synthesis
a. Actine e. Change in cell metabolism
e. Thyroid hormone increase the
rate of glycolysis
32: Hormone are chemical messenger
secreted by the 37: which statement is false regarding
a. Endocrien organ thyroid hormone affect on
b. Endocrine and exocrine organ metabolism ..
c. Exocrine organ a. Peripheral utilization of glucose
d. liver b. stimulate protein synthesis in
e. Kidney ribosomes
c. increase cholesterol in blood
33: Which of the following is not d. glycolysis in the liver
released by the anterior pituitary e. increase level of amino acid in
gland the blood
a. Anti-diuretic Gland
b. Follicle stimulating hormone 38: Which statement is false regarding
c. Luteinizing hormone thyroid hormone on systemic effect?
d. Prolactin a. increased synaptic activity
e. Thyroid stimulating hormones b. increase heart rate
c. decrease pulmonary
34: Which of the following statement ventilation
is false? d. increases the appetite
a. GH single chain of 191 amino e. essential for normal
acid reproduction
b. Diameter of pituitary gland
about 2 cm 39: Effect of thyroid hormone are
c. ACTH single chain of 39 amino a. Decrease volume of blood in
acid circulation
d. TSH: alpha 89 amino acid b. Has no effect on blood pressure
e. FSH: beta 112 amino acid c. Increase heart rate and
cardiac output
35: which of the following cell secrete d. Rise in diastolic blood pressure
TSH e. Vasoconstriction in most of the
a. Somatropes tissues
b. Corticotropes
c. Thyrotropes
d. Gonadotropes 40: which statement is false regarding
e. Lactotropes effect of thyroid hormone on GIT
a. Increase the rate of absorption
36: which of the following statement is b. increase the rate of secretion
false? c. increases the motility of GIT
a. Affinity of thyroid binding d. increases the appetite
globulin is much more for T3 e. decrease motility of GIT
as compared to that of T4
b. T3 and T4 are stored in 41: which statement is false regarding
thyroglobulin molecule. parathyroid hormone
c. Thyroid hormone increase a. four gland are located on the
insulin secretion posterior site of thyroid gland
d. Thyroid hormone enhance b. Parathyroid gland produce
gluconeogenesis parathyroid hormone
c. PTH regulate calcium level e. Insulin degrade by proteolytic
in bone enzyme in GIT
d. Target area of PTH is kidney and
GIT 46: which statement is false regarding
e. PTH increase calcium binding insulin ..
protein a. increases the utilization of
glucose for energy
42: which statement is false regarding b. increase glycogen storage in
PTH function? cells
a. Increase formation of calcium c. It increase fat deposition
stimulant ATPase d. It increase protein synthesis
b. Activation of all osteoclasts e. Hyperglycemic Agent
c. Rapid formation of osteoclasts
from mesenchymal stem cells 47: Increasing factor of insulin
d. Increased proximal tubule 1- a. Hypoglycemia
alpha-hydroxalase activity b. Starvation
e. Increase sodium and c. Pregnancy and lactation
bicarbonate reabsorption d. Exercise
e. Stress
43: which statement is false regarding
calcitonin 48: Which of the following statement
a. Polypeptide hormone is false regarding Glucagon
b. Synthesized and secreted by a. pancreas by the alpha cell of
the parafollicular C-cells of islet of Langerhans.
thyroid hormone b. polypeptide containing 29
c. Decresaed osteoclastic number amino acid
d. Decreased osteoclastic activity c. increase gluconeogenesis
e. Actions are inversely d. Increase amino acid entry in
proportional to baseline hepatic cells
rate of bone turnover e. Leads towards
44: sign and symptoms of
hypoparathyroidism 49: Increasing factor of glucagon..
a. Demineralization of bones a. Hyperlipidemia
b. Deformation of bone b. Malnutrition
c. Muscular weakness c. Ketonemia
d. Tetnay d. SomatostaIn
e. Abdominal pain e. Lack of insulin
45: which statement is false regarding 50: When Glucose level increase in
insulin . blood
a. Secrete by beta cell of islet of a. Anxious
Langerhans b. Drowsy
b. Half-life of insulin is 15-30 c. Dry skin
minutes d. Extrem thirst
c. Insulin protein soluble e. Blurry vision
containing 55 amino acid
d. Circulate in the blood combined 51: symptom of hyperglycemia ..
to beta globulin a. Dizziness
b. Sweating
c. Drowsy b. 10
d. Headache c. 8
e. Irritable d. 6
e. 4
52: Aldosterone are
a. Daily secretion is 50-150 56: which of the following statement is
mg/day false regarding Accessory inspiratory
b. Increase tubular muscles
reabsorption of Na+ in a. Sternocleidomastoid
exchange for K+ and HCO3 b. abdominal muscles
c. Increase K+ secretion into DCT c. Scalene
and collecting tubules d. anterior serrati
d. Secreated from zona of e. pectorals
e. Site of action are DCT and 57: Which statement is false regarding
Collecting tubules lung volumes?
a. Inspiratory volume is 3300 ml
b. Expiratory reserve volume is
53: Which of the following statements 1100 ml
regarding the adrenal cortex are c. Residual volume is 1200 ml
correct. d. Tidal volume is 1350 ml
a. The adrenal cortex secretes e. Inspiratory capacity 3800 ml
both peptide and steroid
hormones 58: Maximum transportation of Co2
b. The adrenal cortex will atrophy takes place
following removal of the a. By binding with hemoglobin
anterior pituitary gland b. By combining with Oxygen
c. Aldosterone plays a role in the c. In the dissolved form
regulation of plasma calcium d. In the form of carbonic acid
d. The secretion of cortisol peaks e. In the form of bicarbonates
at around 6 a.m each day
e. Hydrocortisone show does
not any effect in metabolism 59: Which of the following statement
is false?
54: Which of the following statement a. Partial pressure of oxygen in
is false? lungs 104 mm Hg
a. Epiglottis prevent swallowed b. Partial pressure of oxygen in
material from moving into pulmonary capillary 40 mm Hg.
larynx c. Partial pressure of CO2 in
b. Nose Humidifies air pulmonary capillary 40 mm Hg
c. Expiration during which air d. Partial pressure ofCO2 in
leaves the lungs. intracellular 46 mm Hg.
d. Internal respiration O2 from e. Partial pressure of Oxygen
air diffuses into blood in cell 46 mm Hg.
e. Pharynx Common opening for
digestive and respiratory 60: Which of the following statement
systems is false ?
a. Intra alveolar pressure during
55: Tertiary Bronchi in left lung forced inspiration with closed
a. 12 glottis 80 mm Hg.
b. Intra alveolar pressure during a. Coiled portion arising from
forced expiration with closed Bowman capsule
glottis +100 mm Hg b. Its situated in cortex.
c. Intra plural pressure at the c. Length of PCT is 14 mm
end of normal expiration d. Diameter of PCT is 25-45
758 mm Hg e. Formed by single layer of
d. Intra pulmonary pressure at the cuboidal epithelial cells
end of forced inspiration with
closed glottis -70 mm Hg 66: Net filtration pressure causing
e. Intra pulmonary pressure during filtration at glomeruli is
normal expiration 761 mm Hg. a. -5 Mm Hg
b. 5 mm Hg
61: which of the following statement c. 10 mm Hg
is false? d. 20 mm Hg
a. Functional residual capacity e. 30 mm Hg
2200 ml
b. Total lung capacity 6000 ml 67: H+ ion concentration in ECF
c. Vital capacity 5800 ml a. 35 nM/l.
d. Inspiratory capacity 3800 ml b. 36 nM/l.
e. Residual volume 1200 ml c. 37 nM/l.
d. 38 nM/l.
62: Juxtamedullary Nephron e. 45 nM/l.
consititute about ______ % of the total
nephron. 68: Pepsin is meant for the digestion
a. 10% of ?
b. 15% a. Carbohydrates
c. 25% b. Lipids
d. 40% c. Proteins
e. 50% d. Vitamins
e. Water
63: Normal GFR of both kidney per
minute 69: Which statement is false regarding
a. 100 -105 ml/minute pancreatic secretion?
b. 90-100 ml/minute a. It contains bicarbonate
c. 110 -120 ml/minute b. It contains HCl
d. 115 125 ml/minute c. It contains Lipolytic enzymes
e. > 125 ml/minute d. It contains Carbohydrate
digesting enzymes
64: Which of the following hormone is e. It contains Protolytic enzyme
not secreted by the kidney..
a. Erythropoietin 70: The substance produced by the
b. Thrombopoietin seminal vesicles and prostate gland is
c. Renin known as
d. 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol a. Scrotum
(calcitriol) b. Sperm
e. Angiotensin-I c. Semen
d. Urine
65: Which of the following statement e. Mucou
is false regarding PCT.