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Lorenzo's Oil: 1 Plot 2 Cast

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Lorenzos Oil

This article is about the 1992 lm. For the triglyceride proper formula. The oil, erucic acid, proves successful
mixture used in treatment of adrenoleukodystrophy, in normalizing the accumulation of the very long chain
see Lorenzos oil. For discussion of several therapies fatty acids in the brain that had been causing their sons
for adrenoleukodystrophy, see Adrenoleukodystrophy steady decline, thereby halting the progression of the dis-
Treatment. ease. There is still a great deal of neurological damage
remaining which could not be reversed unless new treat-
ments could be found to regenerate the myelin sheath (a
Lorenzos Oil is a 1992 American drama lm directed by
George Miller. It is based on the true story of Augusto lipid insulator) around the nerves. The father is seen tak-
and Michaela Odone, two parents in a relentless search ing on the new challenge of organizing biomedical eorts
for a cure for their son Lorenzo's adrenoleukodystrophy to heal myelin damage in patients.
(ALD). The lm was nominated for two Academy Finally, Lorenzo, at the age of 14, shows denite im-
Awards. It was lmed primarily from September 1991 provement (swallowing for himself and answering yes
to February 1992 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.[1] The lm or no questions by blinking) but more medical research
had a limited release in North America on December 30, is still needed. Ultimately it is revealed that Lorenzo has
1992, with a nationwide release two weeks later on Jan- also regained his sight and is learning to use a computer.
uary 15, 1993.

2 Cast
1 Plot
Nick Nolte as Augusto Odone
Lorenzo (Zack O'Malley Greenburg) is a bright and vi-
brant young boy living in the Comoro Islands, as his fa- Susan Sarandon as Michaela Odone
ther Augusto (Nick Nolte) works for the World Bank and
is stationed there. However, when his parents relocate to Zack O'Malley Greenburg as Lorenzo Odone
the United States, he begins to show neurological prob-
Peter Ustinov as Professor Nikolais
lems, such as loss of hearing, tantrums, etc. The boy is
diagnosed as having adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), which Kathleen Wilhoite as Deirdre Murphy
is fatal within two years. Failing to nd a doctor capable
of treating their sons rare disease, Augusto and his wife Gerry Bamman as Doctor Judalon
Michaela (Susan Sarandon) set out on a mission to nd a
treatment to save their child. In their quest, the Odones Margo Martindale as Wendy Gimble
clash with doctors, scientists, and support groups, who are
skeptical that anything could be done about ALD, much James Rebhorn as Ellard Muscatine
less by laypeople. But they persist, setting up camp in
medical libraries, reviewing animal experiments, enlist- Ann Hearn as Loretta Muscatine
ing the aid of Professor Gus Nikolais (Peter Ustinov),
Maduka Steady as Omouri
badgering researchers, questioning top doctors all over
the world, and even organizing an international sympo- Mary Wakio as Comorian Teacher
sium about the disease.
Despite research dead-ends, the horror of watching their Don Suddaby as himself
sons health decline, and being surrounded by skeptics
(including the coordinators of the support group they at- Colin Ward as Jake Gimble
tend), they persist until they nally hit upon a therapy in-
La Tanya Richardson as Nurse Ruth
volving adding a certain kind of oil (actually containing
two specic long chain fatty acids, isolated from rapeseed Jennifer Dundas as Nurse Nancy Jo
oil and olive oil) to their sons diet. They contact over 100
rms around the world until they nd an elderly British William Cameron as Pellerman
chemist (Don Suddaby) working for Croda International
who is willing to take on the challenge of distilling the Elizabeth Daily as Lorenzo Odone (Voice)


3 Production term eectiveness in treating ALD after its onset,[6] but

the oil is highly eective if provided before onset.[5] The
Principal photography for Lorenzos Oil began on actual subject of the lm, Lorenzo Odone, died of pneu-
September 9, 1991 in Ben Avon, Pennsylvania.[2] monia in May 2008 at the age of 30, having lived two
decades longer than originally predicted by doctors.[7]
Possibly to emphasize the Everyman aspect of the plot
(the notion that a cure could aect families and individ- Hugo Moser, whom Professor Nikolais was based on, was
uals anywhere), many smaller roles were played by in- very angry at the way the lm portrayed him.
experienced actors or non-actors with unusual physical
features and mannerisms. For example, the poet James
Merrill was noticed by a casting director at a New York
4.3 Box oce
public reading of his poetry. His rareed speaking ca-
While a critical success, the lm was a nancial disap-
dences were utilized in a symposium scene in which he
pointment taking in $7,286,388 domestically with a bud-
played a questioning doctor.
get of around $30 million.[8][9]

3.1 Music 4.4 Awards and honors

The lm features Allegris Miserere and Edward Elgar's Lorenzos Oil was nominated twice at the 65th Academy
cello concerto, as well as Barber's Adagio for Strings and Awards for Best Actress in a Leading Role (Susan Saran-
Mozarts Ave verum corpus. don) and Best Original Screenplay (George Miller & Nick
The opening song is Kijana Mwana Mwali (Song Enright).
about a Young Lady), sung by the Gonda Traditional En- Susan Sarandon was nominated for Best Actress at the
tertainers. 50th Golden Globe Awards.
A 1960 recording of Maria Callas with the La Scala The lm was nominated for Best Original Screenplay
orchestra and chorus is heard singing selections from Written Directly for the Screen at the WGA Awards.
Bellinis Norma at several points.
Also, the lm is recognized by American Film Institute
The music for the Easter Midnight Mass scene is a in these lists:
Russian Orthodox Church hymn, Bogoroditse Devo
(Rejoice, O Virgin) from Three Choruses from 'Tsar
Feodor Ioannovich'", taken from the album Sacred Songs 2006: AFIs 100 Years...100 Cheers
of Russia by Gloriae Dei Cantores. Nominated

4 Reception 5 See also

Voglia di vivere, a 1990 Italian television lm de-
4.1 Critical response picting the same story.

Lorenzos Oil was acclaimed by critics. Roger Ebert of the Lorenzo, a song by Phil Collins, released on the 1996
Chicago Sun Times gave it four out of four stars and called album Dance into the Light, is based on a poem
it an immensely moving and challenging movie.[3] He Michaela wrote about Lorenzo.
added, it was impossible not to get swept up in it and
James Berardinelli of ReelViews gave it three out of four Extraordinary Measures, a 2010 lm depicting the
stars and claimed, it was about the war for knowledge true story of another set of parents struggle to nd
and the victory of hope through perseverance. Review a cure for their childrens rare disease.
aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes retrospectively col-
lected reviews from 32 critics to give the lm a score of
95%, with an average rating of 7/10.[4] 6 References
[1] Pittsburgh - City lands good share of movies. The Vin-
4.2 Medical response dicator. 10 December 1995.

Though the lm seemed to accurately portray the events [2] Blank, Ed (August 31, 1991). Producer excited about
Ben Avon as site for movie 'Lorenzos Oil'". Pittsburgh
related to the boys condition and his parents eorts dur-
Press. Retrieved May 12, 2015.
ing the time period covered by the lm, it was criticized
for painting a picture of a miracle cure.[5] Subsequent re- [3] Lorenzos Oil. Chicago Sun Times. Retrieved 2010-11-
search with Lorenzos oil has not clearly proven its long- 21.

[4] http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/lorenzos_oil/

[5] Lorenzos Oil: The full story. BBC News. BBC News.
21 July 2004. Retrieved 2012-10-11.

[6] Moser, H. W.; Moser, A. B.; Hollandsworth, K.; Brere-

ton, N. H.; Raymond, G. V. (2007). ""Lorenzos oil ther-
apy for X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy: Rationale and
current assessment of ecacy. Journal of molecular neu-
roscience : MN. 33 (1): 105113. doi:10.1007/s12031-
007-0041-4. PMID 17901554.

[7] Lorenzo loses battle for life but legacy of hope lives on.
The Guardian. Guardian News and Media Ltd. 31 May
2008. Retrieved 2012-10-11.

[8] Lorenzos Oil (1992)". IMDB. Retrieved 9 August 2012.

[9] Lorenzos Oil. BoxOceMojo. Retrieved 24 Septem-

ber 2012.

[10] AFIs 100 Years...100 Cheers Nominees (PDF). Re-

trieved 2016-08-14.

7 External links
Lorenzos Oil at the Internet Movie Database

Lorenzos Oil at the TCM Movie Database

Lorenzos Oil at AllMovie

Lorenzos Oil at Rotten Tomatoes

Lorenzos Oil at Box Oce Mojo

8 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

8.1 Text
Lorenzos Oil Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzo{}s_Oil?oldid=755533316 Contributors: Sir Paul, Dino, Dimadick, Aca-
demic Challenger, GerardM, Diberri, Misterkillboy, Bluejay Young, Phil Sandifer, Neutrality, D6, DanielCD, Zenohockey, Remember,
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Che829, Neier, SmackBot, Alan Pascoe, Elonka, C.Fred, Dwanyewest, HalfShadow, Gilliam, Bluebot, Scwlong, Metallurgist, Writtenright,
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rot, BillFlis, Mabersold, Iridescent, Az1568, Tawkerbot2, Pi, Amniarix, NSD Student, Casper2k3, Neelix, Yzphub, Cydebot, BillO'Slatter,
Ss112, DumbBOT, Karuna8, Pustelnik, PKT, BetacommandBot, JamesAM, Thijs!bot, Jpark3591, ThaWhistle, TFunk, Darev, Big Bird,
RobotG, Jdiaferia, Ranjkhaaf, Gregorof, Wl219, Ekabhishek, Tstrobaugh, Bongwarrior, Americanhero, WLU, Hbent, Sonlui, Mar-
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