Drug Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Intervention Generic Name: Haloperidol (Haldol) Brand Name
Drug Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Intervention Generic Name: Haloperidol (Haldol) Brand Name
Drug Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Intervention Generic Name: Haloperidol (Haldol) Brand Name
Generic Name: Acute and chronic Seizure 1. Assess mental status prior to and
Haloperidol Alters the effects psychotic disorders disorder CNS: seizures, extrapyramidal periodically during therapy.
(Haldol) of dopamine in including: elderly clients reactions, confusions, drowsiness, 2. Monitor BP and pulse prior to and frequen
the CNS Schizophrenia, manic Hypersensitivit restlessness, tardive dyskinesia during the period of dosage adjustment. M
Brand name: states, drug induced y cause QT interval changes on ECG.
Haldol Also has psychoses. Angle-closure EENT: blurred vision, dry eyes 3. Observe patient carefully when
Haldol Decanoate anticholinergic Relieve glaucoma; administering medication, to ensure that
Haldol LA and alpha- hallucinations, bone m Respiratory: medication is actually taken and not
Peridol adrenergic delusions, arrow Respiratory depression hoarded.
blocking activity. disorganized thinking 4. Monitor I&O ratios and daily eight. Assess
Class: Severe anxiety CV: patient for signs and symptoms of
Sever liver or
Anti-psychotic Therapeutic effect: Seizures Hypotension, tachycardia dehydration.
Diminished signs 5. Monitor for development of neuroleptic
disease (QT
and symptoms of GI: malignant syndrome (fever, respiratory
psychoses Constipation, dry mouth anoxeria, distress, tachycardia, seizures, diaphoresi
drug induced hepatitis, ileus, weight hypertension or hypotension, pallor,
gain tiredness, severe muscle stiffness, loss of
bladder control. Report symptoms
products immediately. May also cause leukocytosis,
contain GU:
Impotence, urinary retention elevated liver function tests, elevated CPK
tartazine, vomiting, GI upset, trembling, or
sesame oil, or uncontrolled movements of mouth, tongue
benzyl alcohol Dermatology:
Diaphoresis, photosensitivity, or jaw.
and should be
avoided in rashes
patients with
known Endocrine:
intolerance or Amenorrhea, galactorrhea,
hypersensitivit gynecomastia
leukemia, neutropenia