Contributors: Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology, Second Handbook. He Has Organized More Than 80 Conferences
Contributors: Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology, Second Handbook. He Has Organized More Than 80 Conferences
Contributors: Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology, Second Handbook. He Has Organized More Than 80 Conferences
Andrew R. Barron is the Welch Chair of Chemistry Austin Boyd is the Manager of Petrophysics at the Systems Automation Technical Section of the SPE.
and Professor of Materials Science at Rice University in Schlumberger Brazil Research and Geoengineering Geoff received a BS degree (Hons) from the University
Houston. He is the creator of the first educational pro- Center in Rio de Janeiro. Before moving to Brazil, he of Birmingham, an MS degree in control systems engi-
grams that spanned the schools of science, engineering was domain head of petrophysics for Schlumberger neering from City University in London and a PhD
and management at Rice University; he is also involved Data & Consulting Services. He has held a variety of degree in cybernetics from Brunel University,
with programs with the Rice University section of the interpretation development positions in research and Uxbridge, all in England.
Society of Automotive Engineers. In collaboration with engineering, in both the US and Middle East. Austin John R. Dribus is a Global Geology Advisor for
the University of Alberta, Andrews group has been joined Schlumberger in 1981 as field engineer after Schlumberger. Based in New Orleans, he is a reservoir
investigating magnetic contrast agents for fracture and receiving a BS degree in electrical engineering from geologist with more than 30 years of experience in the
reservoir imaging. His first position was postdoctoral Technical University of Nova Scotia in Halifax, Canada. Gulf of Mexico; his current focus is on Atlantic margin
research associate at The University of Texas, Austin, Ahmed A. Busnaina is the Director of the National basins. His assignments have spanned all aspects of
USA. He received BSc (Hons), ARCS, PhD and DIC Science Foundation (NSF) Nanoscale Science and exploration, exploitation and production geology for
degrees from the Imperial College of Science and Engineering Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing Schlumberger and for a major oil and gas company,
Technology, University of London, England. and Professor and Director of the NSF Center for including more than 15 years in the deepwater Gulf of
Craig J. Beasley, based in Houston, is Chief Microcontamination Control at Northeastern Mexico and five years as a uranium field geologist. His
Geophysicist for WesternGeco. In 1981, he joined University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. He is the areas of expertise are petroleum systems analysis,
Western Geophysical, later becoming worldwide vice recipient of the Nanotech Briefs National Nano50 deepwater analogs, geologic risk analysis and geo-
president of R&D and worldwide vice president of data award in the innovator category and the Outstanding science training and development. John currently
processing. He is the recipient of two Litton technol- Faculty, Sren Buus Outstanding Research Award and serves as the Chair of the Delta Chapter of the
ogy awards, a Performed by Schlumberger silver medal the Aspiration Award, both from Northeastern American Petroleum Institute and is on the Public
and the SEG award for best presentation; he was also University. He was a contributor to the Handbook of Outreach and the Imperial Barrel Award Committees
an Esso Australia distinguished lecturer. He served as Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology, second of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
first vice president and president of the SEG and as edition, and editor of the Nanomanufacturing (AAPG). He holds BS and MS degrees in geology from
SEG distinguished lecturer. He was the founding chair Handbook. He has organized more than 80 conferences, Kent State University, Ohio, USA.
of the newly formed SEG Foundation Committee for workshops and symposia and is the author of more than Joseph Carl Fiduk is Chief Geologist for WesternGeco,
Geoscientists Without Borders. A Schlumberger 420 papers. Ahmed has a PhD degree in mechanical based in the Earth Model Building Center of Excellence
Fellow, he is an Honorary Member of the Geophysical engineering from Oklahoma State University, group in Houston. He has worked for the US Geological
Society of Houston and Foreign Member of the Russian Stillwater, USA. Survey (USGS), Gulf Oil, Discovery Logging, the Texas
Academy of Natural Sciences. He has presented papers Joo Carlos de Luca serves as President of IBP, the Bureau of Economic Geology, BP, Texas A&M University,
and published widely on many topics including Brazilian Petroleum Oil, Gas and Biofuels Institute. the University of Colorado, and as a private consultant.
prestack imaging, migration and acquisition. Craig His extensive career in the oil and gas industry has Carl conducts training classes for Schlumberger and
earned a BS degree from the University of Houston; an included roles as Campos basin general manager, E&P industry courses for Nautilus Corporation and
MS degree from Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, managing director, member of the Board of Directors Houston-based geologic societies. He received BS and
USA; and a PhD degree from the University of North at Petrobras and advisor to the Board of Directors of MS degrees in geology from the University of Florida in
Texas, Denton, all in mathematics. Braspetro (Petrobras International). He helped found Gainesville, USA; an MBA degree from the University
Bjarne Bennetzen, based in Doha, Qatar, is Drilling the Brazilian subsidiary of YPF, was a member of the of Texas of the Permian Basin in Odessa; and a PhD
Superintendent for Maersk Oil Qatar AS (MOQ). From YPF Board of Directors, and later became president of degree in geology and geophysics from The University
1993 to 1998, Bjarne worked for Schlumberger Dowell Repsol YPF Brasil. He was also chair of the 17th World of Texas in Austin.
as coiled tubing supervisor in the North Sea and Petroleum Congress held in Rio de Janeiro in 2002 and Marcelo Frydman is Scientific Advisor at the
Denmark. In 2005, he became drilling supervisor for was a member of the Executive Board of the World Schlumberger Brazil Research and Geoengineering
Maersk in Turkmenistan and the North Sea; he Petroleum Council. Joo is a Civil Engineer with quali- Center in Rio de Janeiro. He began his industry career
assumed his current position in 2006. Bjarne holds a fications from Universidade Federal do Paran in working on Brazilian and international research pro-
bachelors degree in marine engineering. Curitiba, Brazil. jects at the Group of Technology and Petroleum
Emmanuel Bize began his career as a senior geoscien- Geoff Downton, based in Stonehouse, England, is Engineering at the Catholic University of Rio de
tist at the Schlumberger Dhahran Carbonate Research Segment Product Development Manager for Janeiro (PUC-Rio). After joining Schlumberger in
Center in Saudi Arabia, working on porosity systems Schlumberger Drilling & Measurements and a 2001, he was the deepwater geomechanics manager,
and their impact on flow in carbonates. Based in Rio Schlumberger Fellow. He began his career in 1976 as the geomechanics mtier manager and the geome-
de Janeiro, he is currently a Senior Domain Geologist an engineer with Sperry Gyroscopes in England, which chanics services manager in Latin America. Before
in charge of both technical support for geology tools became British Aerospace in 1983. While at British taking his current position in 2009, he oversaw the
and processing and advanced interpretation tech- Aerospace he advanced from senior principal engineer geomechanics group in Latin America for two years.
niques in reservoir evaluation for the Brazil to chief projects officer working on gyro, guidance and The author of many papers and reports, he has been
GeoMarket* area. Prior to working in Brazil, he was in navigation control systems. In 1989, he joined the involved in many geomechanics studies related to well-
charge of geology for the continental European region. nuclear industry as a research officer. He became bore stability, sand management, reservoir geome-
Emmanuel, whose current interests are fracture sys- program manager, first at the Central Electricity chanics, 4D seismic technology and hydraulic
tem quantification, porosity system quantification, and Generating Boards Marchwood Engineering fracturing modeling. Marcelo received BS, MSc and
their applications to global rock-typing systems, Laboratory in Southampton, England, and then at PhD degrees in civil engineering from PUC-Rio.
earned a DEA degree in sedimentology and paleontol- Nuclear Electric at the Berkeley Engineering
ogy from Claude Bernard University in Lyon, France. Laboratory where he developed robots to inspect,
repair and decommission nuclear reactors. In 1998, he
joined Camco (later acquired by Schlumberger) as
engineering manager for the PowerDrive* rotary steer-
able system. He is currently Chair of the Drilling
Autumn 2010 55
John Fuller, Geomechanics Advisor for Schlumberger Yung Joon Jung is an Assistant Professor in the Petroleum Industry Advisory Committee and has held
Data & Consulting Services in Gatwick, England, is Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering a number of positions with the Drilling Committee of
currently responsible for training and development at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts. His the SPE and the IADC. Holder of many patents and
within the Schlumberger geomechanics community. work on the development of a multifunctional chemi- author of more than 50 technical papers, Eric earned a
He joined Schlumberger as a wireline field engineer in cal sensor, based on highly organized single-walled BSME degree from Escola de Engenharia Mau, So
1980, with assignments in Abu Dhabi, Turkey, Jordan, carbon nanotube (SWNT) networks, has been funded Paulo, Brazil, along with masters and PhD degrees in
Syria, Egypt and Dubai. In 1990, he moved to Europe to by the Advanced Energy Consortium (AEC). He has petroleum engineering from LSU, Baton Rouge.
concentrate on geomechanics; this work included the been working on carbon nanostructured materials syn- Richard Meehan began his career in 1985 at
development of geomechanical techniques with the thesis, processing and applications for more than 10 Schlumberger Cambridge Research Center in England
Geomechanics Department of Schlumberger years, first as a PhD student and then as a postdoc- where he focused on the physical properties of shales,
Cambridge Research Center in England. During the toral associate at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, drillstring vibrations, borehole seismic studies and
past 20 years, he has helped develop the Schlumberger Troy, New York, USA, and since 2005 as an assistant while-drilling telemetry systems. From 2000 to 2006,
geomechanics business, leading many projects that professor at Northeastern University. His current he worked in Texas as section manager for drilling
support well construction, both drilling and comple- research focuses on the controlled synthesis and interpretation products and as the product line man-
tions, and conducting general field development. He guided self-assembly of SWNTs and integration into ager for drilling software. In 2006, he became the
also has served as technical vice president for the functional devices, as well as synthesis of low-dimen- product development manager for drilling software at
London chapter of the SPWLA and was a member of sional graphitic nanostructured materials. the Schlumberger Beijing GeoScience Center in
the 1999 SPE Forum steering committee for sanding. Mazen Y. Kanj, based in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, is a China. He assumed his current position as Integration
John earned a BS degree in physics from University of Petroleum Engineer Specialist with the Reservoir Manager for K&M Technology Group in The
Portsmouth in England. Engineering Technology Team (RETT) of the Saudi Woodlands, Texas, in 2008. Richard received a BS
Steve Gomez is Manager of a tractor project for the Aramco Exploration and Petroleum Engineering degree in mechanical engineering from University of
Wireline group at the Schlumberger Integrated Center Advanced Research Center (EXPEC ARC). He is Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, and an MS degree in
Productivity and Conveyance Center in Sugar Land, also the Focus Area Champion on reservoir in situ sens- thermal power from the Cranfield Institute of
Texas. He began his career as a mechanical engineer ing and intervention technologies at Saudi Aramco. Technology in Bedfordshire, England.
with the Schlumberger team that developed the Before joining the company in 2003, he was a senior Nelson Mohammed is Schlumberger Principal Drilling
SlimPulse* MWD tool. In 2002, he was project manager research scientist at the Poromechanics Institute of Engineer for Extended-Reach Drilling. He joined
for the development of the TeleScope* tool, a key com- the University of Oklahoma, Norman. While there, he Schlumberger in 1980 as a wireline engineer in
ponent in the Schlumberger Scope* family of LWD taught several engineering classes and a rock mechan- Canada. After a 15-year field career, he has held vari-
tools. In 2005, he joined the Schlumberger Excellence ics course. He was an invited member of the porome- ous managerial and technical positions in Europe,
in Educational Development (SEED) program and led chanics committee of the engineering mechanics Asia, Australia, Russia and the Middle East. Nelson has
the introduction of robotics to students in underserved division of the American Society of Civil Engineers and played key roles in several industry-leading ERD pro-
communities around the world. Steve has collaborated associate editor for the SPE Journal. Mazen earned jects, ranging from lead directional driller on BPs
with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) bachelors and masters degrees from the American Wytch Farm project in 1995 to engineering advisor for
Media Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the University of Beirut, Lebanon, and a PhD degree from the Manifa field proof-of-concept in Saudi Arabia.
University of Massachusetts, Rice University in the University of Oklahoma, all in civil engineering. Currently he is involved with the Odoptu ERD project
Houston and The University of Texas, Austin, to bring Tony Krepp, based in The Woodlands, Texas, is Senior on Sakhalin Island, Russia. Nelson obtained a BEng
robotics education to elementary and secondary Vice President Technical Services for K&M Technology, degree in engineering physics from McMaster
school students. He also leads the Schlumberger robot- a division of Schlumberger. He began his career as a University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
ics special interest group. Steve earned a BSME drilling engineer with Esso Australia; his work
degree from MIT and a masters degree in robotics Jobel L.P. Moreira, who obtained his degree in geol-
included extended-reach and horizontal well projects ogy from Universidade Federal do Par in Brazil, has
from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, USA. on the Mackerel, Fortescue, Tuna, West Tuna and served as Manager of the Petrobras interpretation
Marc Haci is Vice President of Operations for the Moonfish drilling programs. He and K&M Technology team for the northern part of the Santos basin since
SLIDER* automated surface rotation control system at cofounder, Mike Mims, won the 1996 Engineering 2008. He joined Petrobras in 1980, working in opera-
Schlumberger. He began his career in 1990 as a faculty Excellence Award from the Institute of Engineers, tions geology for the Campos basin. From 1989 to 1996,
member at Istanbul Technical University, in Turkey. In Australia, for advancements in extended-reach drilling as a member of the interpretation team for the
1993, he served as a research associate at the Institut (ERD) technologies. Tony has provided engineering Campos basin, he proposed several exploration
Franais du Ptrole, Ruel-Malmaison, France, and the leadership and design roles in many of the worlds prospects in the Barracuda, Caratinga, South Marlim
next year joined Drilling Management International, record-breaking ERD and complex well projects, and East Marlim fields. After receiving his PhD degree
Inc. in Houston, serving as operations manager and including BP Niakuk, Exxon Sacate, ExxonMobil in earth science at Rennes University, France, Jobel
vice president of directional drilling services. In 2000, Sakhalin Island and Chevron Petronius. The author of was in charge of evaluating stratigraphy, depositional
he opened and managed the North American branch of many technical papers, Tony has a BSc degree in systems and petroleum systems for the Santos basin
Welltec, Inc. Two years later he joined Noble Drilling mechanical engineering and computer science from interpretation team.
to help develop robotic drilling technology, later co- Monash University in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
founding SLIDER, LLC. Marc received a BSc degree Antonio C. Capeleiro Pinto, who is based in Rio de
Eric Maidla is Schlumberger Vice President of Janeiro, has been Manager of the Petrobras
from Istanbul Technical University and MSc and PhD Business Development for the SLIDER automated con-
degrees from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Development Projects Design Team for the Santos
trol system. He is part owner of TDE Thonhauser Data basin presalt project since 2008. He joined Petrobras
USA, all in petroleum engineering. Engineering (GmbH) and President of their US sub- in 1983 to work on reservoir management and flow
Erhan Isevcan is Schlumberger Drilling Service sidiary. He is also the founder and co-owner of Nexen simulation. In 1994, he joined the project team
Manager in Doha, Qatar. He began his career with Data Solutions Inc, which focuses on data analysis, assigned to the development of the Marlim complex,
Telsim Telecommunications in Istanbul, Turkey, in 1999. and Genesis Lone Star, LLC, a consulting firm. In 1988, and later was the teams reservoir coordinator. His
He joined Schlumberger in Paris as SIM card product he founded and chaired the Petroleum Engineering next assignment was to coordinate the Petrobras off-
champion before moving to Noyabrsk, Russia, as an Department of the State University of Campinas, So shore heavy-oil program. He served as manager of the
MWD and directional drilling engineer in 2003. Erhan Paulo, Brazil. He next helped start the drilling reservoir technology group at Petrobras Research
worked as a directional drilling engineer and drilling research group for the Commonwealth Scientific and Center (CENPES) from 2003 to 2006, then as head of
center manager in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, before Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australias the early phase development projects team in the E&P
moving to his present position in Doha in 2007. He holds national science agency. In 2001, he served as vice
a BSc degree in computer science from Galatasaray president of business development for Noble
University, Istanbul. Engineering and Development in Sugar Land. He is on
the board of the Louisiana State University (LSU)
56 Oileld Review
Department. Author of more than 40 technical papers, Sivasubramanian Somu is an Associate Research governing fluid and particle transport in complex
Antonio was named professional of the year in techni- Scientist at the National Science Foundations porous media. John serves on external advisory com-
cal excellence by the Brazilian section of the SPE. He Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center for High- mittees at Texas A&M University in College Station
has a degree in electrical engineering from Instituto rate Nanomanufacturing at Northeastern University in (Nuclear Engineering); Northeastern University
Militar de Engenharia (IME), Rio de Janeiro, and a Boston, Massachusetts. He has authored more than 50 (Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing); Princeton
masters degree in petroleum engineering from the papers in journals and conference proceedings and University in New Jersey, USA (Civil and
University of Campinas, So Paulo, Brazil. serves as a referee for various science and engineering Environmental Engineering); Boston University
David Potter is Professor in both the Department of journals. He has more than seven years of experience (Leadership Council for the College of Engineering
Physics and the Department of Earth and Atmospheric in standard fabrication methods for solid-state and the Advisory Group for Ignition Awards);
Sciences at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, devices, nanoelectromechanical systems and various University of Texas (AEC); and Oak Ridge National
Canada. He is also Director of the Integrated magnetic devices and their characterization. His Laboratory (FIRST Energy Frontier Research Center).
Petroleum Geosciences (IPG) Master of Science pro- current projects include bistable nanoswitches, Andrea Zerilli is a Research Scientist with the
gram. In collaboration with Rice University, Davids single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT)-based multi- Schlumberger Brazil Research and Geoengineering
group has been investigating magnetic contrast agents functional chemical sensors and electronic transport Center in Rio de Janeiro. With more than 30 years in
for fracture and reservoir imaging. studies in SWNTs. He received his PhD degree in the oil industry and worldwide experience in R&D, his
physics from Northeastern University. interests include emerging, deep-reading electromag-
Jean-Francois Poupeau, based in Houston, is the
Drilling Group President at Schlumberger. He began Kumud Sonowal is a Drilling Technical Support netic (EM) technologies, new high-resolution marine
his career with Schlumberger in1985 as a Wireline Specialist for Zakum Development Company in Abu EM and integrated ocean-bottom geophysical tech-
field engineer in the Gulf of Mexico. Since then, Jean- Dhabi, UAE. Before joining Schlumberger as a direc- nologies, development of integrated solutions and
Francois has held various positions in Europe, Asia, tional drilling engineer in 2006, he was a senior management of multidisciplinary R&D and multiprod-
Africa and the US. He earned a BSc degree in geology drilling engineer with Oil India Limited, where he uct projects. Before joining Schlumberger in 2003, he
and a masters degree in petroleum engineering, both began his career in 1999. He also served as drilling was a research project leader for Eni, in Italy, director
from Tulane University in New Orleans. operations engineer for Maersk Oil, in Abu Dhabi, from of integrated geophysics for KMS Technologies in
2009 to 2010. Kumud holds a BTech degree in mining Houston, visiting scientist for the USGS in Denver and
Daniel Resasco holds the Bourne Chair at the School of engineering from the Indian School of Mines, research associate for the Colorado School of Mines in
Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering at the Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India. Golden, USA, and for Macquarie University, North
University of Oklahoma, Norman. He is also George Ryde, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Invited
Lynn Cross Professor, the highest research honor James M. Tour, who is Professor of Chemistry,
Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering and speaker at and organizer of many technical society
bestowed by the University. He is the recipient of the meetings, Andrea holds a DSc degree in earth sciences
Oklahoma Chemist of the Year award from the Materials Science at Rice University in Houston, spe-
cializes in many areas of nanotechnology research. from Parma University in Italy.
American Chemical Society; the Yale Award for
advancement of basic and applied science from the Yale Following 11 years on the faculty of the Department of An asterisk (*) is used to denote a mark of Schlumberger.
Science and Engineering Association, Yale University, Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of South
New Haven, Connecticut, USA; and the Regents Award Carolina in Columbia, USA, he joined the Center for
for Superior Research and the Sam A. Wilson Nanoscale Science at Rice University to focus on sev-
Professorship at the University of Oklahoma. His groups eral areas of nanoscience, including green carbon
work on interfacially active SWNT/silica nanohybrids research for enhanced oil recovery and environmen-
was selected by the AEC for application in the oil and tally friendly oil and gas extraction. His groups work
gas industry. Daniel received his BS degree in chemical on using functionalized carbon nanomaterials to help
engineering from the Universidad Nacional del Sur, determine downhole chemical and environmental
Baha Blanca, Argentina, and obtained a PhD degree information has been funded by the AEC. A Fellow of
from Yale University. the American Association for the Advancement of
Science, he is the recipient of the Feynman Prize in
Charles Royce is Vice President of Sales and Nanotechnology and the Nanotechnology Achievement
Marketing at Oceaneering International, Inc. in Award from the Houston Technology Center. James
Houston. He began his career in the remotely operated earned his BS degree in chemistry from Syracuse
vehicle (ROV) arena in 1976 as an offshore ROV opera- University, New York; his PhD degree in synthetic
tor for Martech and worked in the Gulf of Mexico, US organic and organometallic chemistry from Purdue
West Coast and Brazil. He has also worked for Jered, University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA; and had post-
the first service company that specialized in ROVs, and doctoral training in synthetic organic chemistry at the
for Perry Oceanographics, an ROV manufacturer. He University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, and at Stanford
has been with Oceaneering since 1988 in various sales University in Palo Alto, California.
positions. Charles earned a BA degree from the
University of Houston. John Ullo received a BS degree in physics from
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, and
Paul Sims is a Schlumberger Product Champion based a PhD degree in nuclear physics from the
in Clamart, France. He is responsible for leading new Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. He
product development and introduction of surface test- is now a private consultant on future research initia-
ing and memory gauges. He joined Schlumberger in tives after a 30-year career with Schlumberger
2004 as a field engineer in Australia before moving on Technology Corporation. Many of his current interests
to become field service manager there and then loca- involve adaptation of new nanotechnologies and appli-
tion manager for East Malaysia, Brunei and the cations to problems in oil and gas exploration and
Philippines. Paul holds bachelors degrees in petro- extraction and long-term management of by-products
leum engineering and in finance, both from the such as carbon dioxide. These include new materials
University of Western Australia in Perth. and sensor systems for operations in harsh environ-
ments and new exploration of fundamental processes
Autumn 2010 57