Strategy Log
Strategy Log
Strategy Log
Strategy Log
Strategy Purpose Procedure Classroom
Line-Up - Opportunity to - Select a topic; requires students to - Sentence line-up
(Sharon Bassano) talk complete a sequential task - Events in a story
-Teacher demonstrates
- Opportunity to - Students line up in selected order
cement - Share out
understanding of
Morning Message - To begin to clear - First thing in the morning, write for - Pre-Writing
(Julia Cameron) the clutter of the 10 minutes Assessment
mind that may be - Post-Writing
blocking thoughts Assessment
- Enables more
- Helps calm us
- Helps cheer us
- Consoles us and
inspire us
Sprinting -To begin to -Give "word" Prompt -Helps develop
(Natalie Goldberg) exercise the -Write for designated time non-stop writing
writer's mind
-give students free
Writing from both - To write from -Teacher modeling -Likes/dislikes -
sides of the rock what you -Write for 5 minutes pro/con
(Natalie Goldberg) see/remember as -Share out with A/B partners -Happy/Sad -
well as the -Share out with group compare/contrast
underbelly. -Can do/Cannot
- To look from do
different points of -Learned/Did not
view and helps us learn
to become better
Writer's Notebook -To incubate ideas
(Ralph Fletcher) for writing
Academic -To tap prior - Display different illustrations (no -Good for
Language knowledge text) from story in corners (or scatters developing
- Promote areas). academic
language - Using post-it notes, students language and
development as write/label as many items as they can introduce literature
students interact (nouns, synonyms, verbs, books
with illustrations adjectives). -Look at science
from the story. - Teacher mediates language or pictures
challenges students to come up with -Topic in Social
synonyms or more sophisticated Studies
labels. -Different events in
- Then students are directed to use a story
specific language function and
structure within which to frame their
- Share out predict.
Shelby Parker
Strategy Log
Reciprocal Buddy -Exchange Ideas *Partner A *Partner B -Unit opener
Reading -Read the first paragraph (literature)
Palinscar & Broron -Listen. Summarize. -Language Arts--
Ask a clarifying question. Reading
-Respond to partner"B -Read
the next paragraph.
-Listen. Summarize. Ask for clarifying
-Respond to partner "A".
Repeat Process!
Read Like A -Read assigned -Re-read the text -Literacy /Reading
Writer readings; look -identify methods used by author Language
Katie Wood Ray specifically at how -Discuss -comprehension
the writer is writing -Write for 4 minutes (1-genre) -point of view
-why is he/she -Write for 2 minutes using different -deeper
writing this way? genre thoughts
-why did he/she -Notice something about the craft -clarity
phrase it like that -Talk about it and make a theory -main idea
about why the author used that craft -style (writing)
-Give the craft a name
-Think about other texts you know.
Have you seen this craft before?
-Envision using craft in your own
Writing from One -Helps go deeper -Have students write a descriptive -Writing
Genre to Another and deeper, and piece of their favorite play. development
(both sides of the reflect on things -Have students use the play they just
rock) that are wrote about as the setting of a
meaningful fictional narrative.
-Think of a special place.
-write a letter telling a friend about
this place
-write directions on how to get to
this place
-Begin to write a fairy-tale that
includes your special place
Line of -check for -line up A/B -before/ during/
communication understanding after reading