A Bylaw of The City of Saskatoon Regulating and Controlling The Installation of Electrical Equipment in The City of Saskatoon
A Bylaw of The City of Saskatoon Regulating and Controlling The Installation of Electrical Equipment in The City of Saskatoon
A Bylaw of The City of Saskatoon Regulating and Controlling The Installation of Electrical Equipment in The City of Saskatoon
1. (1) No person shall install, alter or repair any electric wiring or apparatus, or use electric
current for illumination, decoration, power, heating, wireless receiving or wireless
transmitting stations, except in accordance with the provisions of The Electrical
Inspection and Licensing Act, 1953, and any amendments thereto, hereinafter
referred to as "the Act", the regulations issued thereunder and any amendments
thereto, hereinafter referred to as "the Regulations", and the provisions of this bylaw.
(2) No person shall install, alter or repair any electric wiring or apparatus for fee or
reward unless he holds a contractor's interim permit or license under the Act.
(3) In this bylaw, the word "fuse" shall include other approved overload protective
2. (1) All electrical installations shall be made in accordance with the latest authorized
edition of the Canadian Electrical Code, and any additions or amendments issued
from time to time by the Electrical Inspection Branch of the Department of Labour
(Province). Rules or instructions of the said Electrical Inspection Branch governing
special installations such as elevators, garages, theatres and other similar buildings
shall be read in conjunction with general sections of the Code covering the
classifications of wiring specified.
(2) The following sections of this bylaw are to be read in conjunction with the Code and
the rules of the said Electrical Inspection Branch and are to be considered as
amplifications of the Code or rules as the case may be.
(3) Any building in which more than thirty-three percent (33%) of the entire wiring
installation (measured in lineal feet) is to be altered shall be completely rewired in
accordance with the requirements of the Code. Minor alterations or additions may be
made in accordance with existing wiring methods providing approved material (as
hereinafter defined) is used.
4. (1) Only material and fittings which have been approved by an authority recognized by
the said Electrical Inspection Branch for the authorized service requirements shall be
used. Material which is below the standard of the sample, on which approval has
been granted, shall be rejected.
(2) Lists of approved fittings and material on file at the inspection department of the said
Electrical Inspection Branch shall govern in all cases.
5. (1) The inspectors of the said Electrical Inspection Branch shall have power to inspect
any electrical installation previous to and after its completion, and during reasonable
hours to enter all public and private buildings for the purpose of such inspection. It
shall be competent for them or either of them to remove or have removed any
existing obstructions which may prevent a perfect inspection of the current carrying
(2) Reinspection shall be made periodically by the said inspectors as may be deemed
6. All new installations of every description must be fully completed and approved before
connection will be made to the distribution system of the department. In the case of
alterations to existing wiring, no current must be used prior to approval of the inspector.
7. (1) Where electric service is desired during the course of building construction or other
similar reasons a temporary service shall be installed. This service shall be separate
from any wiring or electrical devices being installed in the building being
constructed. Such temporary service must be installed in a weather proof cover
satisfactory to the Electrical Engineer and must comply in every respect to the
regulations of the said Electrical Inspection Branch. Such service shall be known as
Construction Service.
(2) In such cases where electrical energy is required to operate heating devices in a
partially constructed building, the Electrical Engineer may authorize the use of one
circuit of the regular electrical installation of the building for this purpose subject to
the approval of the said Electrical Inspection Branch. Such service to be provided
between the dates of the first day of October and the following fifteenth day of April
8. Certificates of Inspection shall be issued in the form prescribed by the said Electrical
Inspection Branch, and no person shall connect any electrical installation until a connection
permit or temporary connection permit has been issued by the authorized inspector.
9. The Electrical Engineer of the City, or the Fire Chief, or their authorized agents, are hereby
empowered to inspect or reinspect all overhead, underground and interior wires and
apparatus conducting current for light, heat, power, telephone, telegraph or for any other
purpose. Should such conductor or apparatus be found not in conformity with the
regulations of this or other bylaws of this City, the person or persons owning, using or
operating them shall be notified to correct these conditions within a period of fifteen (15)
days. Where conductors or apparatus be found in such condition as to be dangerous to life or
property, a period not exceeding forty-eight (48) hours will be allowed to place them in a
safe condition. Any person or persons so notified must comply with the notice within the
above mentioned periods. Where electric service is being given such service shall terminate
if conditions are not corrected within the period of the notice.
10. (1) No person shall cut, damage or interfere with any electrical wiring after the wiring
has been inspected or put any pipe or metal work in contact with any electrical wires
or leave same in contact therewith.
(2) Circuits fused for the carrying capacity of the wire shall not be tampered with by the
insertion of fuses of unauthorized size or other devices.
(3) Any person infringing any of the provisions of this clause shall be liable to a penalty
not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00).
11. The following wiring shall be enclosed in approved iron conduit or approval metal jacketed
(a) Wiring in all buildings situated within the first and second class fire limits, but
exclusive of private residences where flexible steel conduit may be used.
(b) Wiring in all theatres, hotels, schools, banks, churches, office buildings and all other
similar buildings, apartment blocks of any description, flats, hospitals and railway
(c) Wiring in all warehouses, stores, laundries or business premises of any description
not otherwise described, constructed of more than one storey in height, excluding
(d) All wiring carrying a potential of 150 volts above that of ground.
(e) All wiring in buildings of metal lath or metal ceiling interior construction.
12. Flexible steel conduit may be used only as restricted by and in conformity with the
regulations of the said Electrical Inspection Branch. Installations of flexible steel conduit
must be fitted with approved fittings, be electrically continuous throughout and properly
fastened to the supporting surfaces. Where moisture is present flexible steel conduit will not
be allowed.
14. All buildings of two storeys shall have at least two circuits which must be fused
15. All buildings having four circuits or over and all apartment blocks must be fitted with
approved panels.
(a) Such panels shall be complete without additions of a type approved by the said
Electrical Inspection Branch or where constructed locally will be subject to the
approval of the competent inspection authority.
NOTE: (Allowance shall be made for possible future circuit requirements as all extensions
must be made by an approval panel.)
(b) All distributing panels shall be protected by means of fuses located either on panel
itself or at the other end of mains feeding such individual panel.
(c) All panel boards shall have circuits named or numbered to correspond with rooms
fed thereby.
(d) All installations wired for a three wire supply shall be well balanced.
16. (1) In all cases where four or more meters are connected to one service, approved dead
front metering panels or outside operated switches shall be used. In office buildings
or under similar conditions dead front metering panels shall be installed.
(2) Excepting single panel installations all metering panels must be protected by means
of a double or triple pole knife switch and fuses or other approved overload circuit
breakers mounted either on the panel itself or on main control panel separately
17. Cord pendants shall not be hung within reach of water or metal fixtures.
18. In bathrooms, washrooms and over sinks or other plumbing fixtures, cutouts, switches or
lights must be placed so as to be out of reach of persons using the plumbing fixtures.
Bathroom lights shall be controlled by a flush switch placed adjoining the entrance. Key
sockets and plug outlets shall not be allowed in bathrooms.
19. No exposed terminals shall be allowed in basements above earth or concrete floors or those
subjected to the effects of moisture. All lights in such locations shall be controlled by
switches, not key sockets, and shall be of an approved flush or pull type if intended for
operation from floor level. All sockets in above situations shall also be of an approved
water-proof type.
20. All wiring or fixtures erected outside and exposed to the weather must be of thoroughly
waterproof construction.
21. In wiring all buildings exposed to extreme variations of temperature, special precautions
must be taken so as to prevent leakage or grounding of the conductors.
22. (1) In all buildings connected to the City water system, one secondary wire of the
lighting service must be grounded to the water service pipe on the service side of
water meter and through an efficient grounding clamp.
(2) All iron conduit, motor starting switch cases or similar appliances must be grounded.
The ground wire provided shall not be less than No. 8 B & S. and must be insulated
and wired in accordance with the class of wiring installed.
23. (1) In all installations provision must be made for the installation of the meter or meters
in an easily accessible position, not to be afterwards obstructed, neither must the
location be in the vicinity of any easily ignited material or more than eight feet above
floor level. In the case of private houses all meters must be installed on the ground
floor, either in the kitchen or rear hall entrance, but not over stairways. When not
otherwise provided a substantial board must be fitted for the mounting of said meter,
this board to be either embedded in the plaster or screwed to the face of the wall so as
to provide a flat vertical surface for this purpose. Meters will be allowed in
basements if locations are approved by the Inspection Department.
(2) Meter loops must be provided extending for a distance of two feet in the case of poly
phase power meters and not less than eighteen inches for single phase meters. Meter
loops on both wires shall be provided in case of single phase meters. All meters
must be properly fused on both line and load sides.
(3) All meter loops must be numbered in conformity with circuits controlled.
(4) Outside meters shall be installed as close as possible to the rear entrance or at such
location where they are easily accessible, approved by the Electrical Engineer.
(5) Outside meters shall be installed at a height above ground not more than seven feet
or less than five feet.
(7) If socket meters are installed inside of the building approved overload protection and
approved disconnect devices must be installed in the supply side of the meter.
24. (1) An approved main switch complete with approved over current protection must be
provided on all installations, same must be installed in an easily accessible location,
not to be afterwards obstructed, and must be totally enclosed in an iron case arranged
with a device for outside control and means provided so that same may be sealed.
(2) Where more than one meter is supplied from the same service and excepting where
metering panels are provided, each meter must be supplied through a separate switch
and cutout enclosed as previously stated, and of proper capacity.
25. In all cases whether for light or power services supplied from overhead lines the mains must
be run in approved iron conduit, copper jacket, or busway from the cutout cabinet and
terminating in an approved service fitting outside.
26. (1) In all buildings except residences it shall be necessary to provide three substantial
half inch iron eye bolts threaded at one end and fitted with washers and nuts and
installed so as to pass completely through the walls of the building. In the case of
residences 3/8 eye bolts may be used. These bolts shall be fitted with one and
one-half inch open eye and they shall be installed with a spacing between centres of
not less than eight inches and in a straight line.
(2) An approved galvanized iron bracket with three insulators may be substituted for the
above attachment but in all cases at least three 3/8 inch bolts through the wall will be
used to attach the bracket.
27. (1) All services to public buildings, business or apartment blocks shall be attached at a
height of at least fifteen feet above normal ground level. Services to residences shall
be attached at a minimum height of eleven feet above ground level. Services to
residences shall be attached at a minimum height of eleven feet above ground level.
In all cases where the above minimum heights are not available on the wall of the
building an approved wooden mast of four inches by six inches dimension or a rigid
iron pipe of 2 1/2 inches in diameter shall be securely attached to the building.
Attachment will not be made to the roof or eave of any building.
(2) All service entrances must be at rear of the building unless otherwise approved or
specified by the Electrical Engineer.
28. All leads used for portable power work, such as in the case of portable wood saws, etc., or
otherwise where exposed to mechanical injury, must be protected by means of metal
armouring or by the use of four-ply rubber hose. In the case of armoured cables these must
be properly grounded. Where the meter is in a fixed position, overhead wiring may be run
on insulators of approved pattern.
29. An approved main switch, complete with approved over current protection, must be
provided on all installations, same must be totally enclosed in an iron case, arranged with a
device for outside control and means provided for sealing of same by the City Electrical
30. (1) Motor starting switch gear must be installed as close to the motor controlled as can
be conveniently arranged, and same must not be out of sight of said motor.
(2) For all motors in excess of 15 H.P. approved starting current limiting devices shall be
installed to reduce voltage fluctuations on starting. Exceptions to this may be
approved by the Electrical Engineer in cases where the capacity of the supply lines
and transformers are such that voltage will not be adversely affected.
31. All switchgear of any description must be totally enclosed in order to avoid accidental
contact with live parts of same, the only exception to this rule being in cases where such
switchgear is located in a portion of a building not accessible to other than authorized
persons familiar with the nature of such apparatus.
32. Heating appliances of 1200 watts or less may be grouped on a special circuit if protected by
approved over current protection of not more than 15 amperes. Heating appliances of
greater capacity than 1200 watts shall be supplied by separate branch circuits.
33. Before erecting an electric sign a special permit must be obtained from the City Electrical
Engineer authorizing such erection, in accordance with the provisions of Bylaw No. 1943.
34. All lighting circuits to be installed at 115 volts. Where three wire service is provided circuit
loadings must be properly balanced.
Service will be given at 115 - 230 volt three wire or 115 volt 2 wire as required by the Code.
Commercial Power
Industrial and commercial primary power may be provided at 2300 volts, 4160 volts or
14,400 volts. All of the above voltages are nominal and may vary from 3% below to 7%
above the figures stated.
No new 2 phase service will be provided unless approved by the Electrical Engineer.
No three phase 4 wire Y connected service will be supplied or the use of this circuit
permitted except at 4160 primary voltage when this voltage becomes available.
In all single phase three wire circuits or poly phase circuits the loadings must be properly
35. The undermentioned fees shall be payable to the City of Saskatoon and shall apply to:
Metered Services
Charge for trouble calls during working hours $2.00 per trip. Trouble calls on overtime will be
charged at actual cost.
36. These bylaws shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person
owning, operating, controlling, installing or using any electrical equipment for damages in
respect of any person injured of any property destroyed by any defects therein, nor shall the
City or the said Electrical Inspection Branch be held as assuming any such liability by reason
of any inspection made as authorized herein or any certificate issued hereunder.
37. Electrical energy shall be utilized only on the property upon which it is purchased, and no
person shall install circuits which cross any street, lane, boulevard, sidewalk, or property
boundary, except:
(a) in the case of building construction, portable conductors of an approved type may,
for the period of the construction only, cross a property boundary to provide
temporary construction power from an immediately adjacent property; and,
(b) where a property owner has received approval from the Council of The City of
Saskatoon to carry out improvements on a public boulevard, and electrical energy is
required for landscape decorative facilities, including, low level lighting, water
fountain pumps, irrigation control circuits, or similar devices. In any event, such
electrical circuits may only cross a property boundary to an adjacent boulevard if:
(i) the voltage of the circuit does not exceed 130 volts to ground, and the electric
circuit is protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter device; and,
(ii) the circuit conductors do not interfere with any utility use of the boulevard;
(iii) the electrical circuit installation, and its use, are approved by the Electrical
Engineer of The City of Saskatoon.
38. Lamp cords or extension cords shall be used strictly in accordance with the regulations
stipulated in the Code and shall not pass through walls, windows or doors.
39. No extension cord or other electrical conductor shall be placed in such a position which will
cause it to create a hazard.
40. All electrical appliances and equipment must have the approval of the Canadian Standards
41. The City shall not be responsible for damage to equipment and appliances resulting from
over-currents and consumers shall provide suitable protection against short circuit, over
voltage, under voltage, phase failure or any abnormal condition incidental to the operation of
an electric distribution system.
42. Any consumer wishing to install an underground service will provide a pole at the back of
his property from which the overhead lines may be taken underground. Consumer's
underground service conductors shall not be run up the City's poles because of the hazard
they will create.
43. No one except the City Electrical Department shall attach anything to electric light and
power or street lamp poles. This includes such items as clothes lines, antennae, posters,
signs, etc. However, the City may enter into agreements with other public utilities to permit
the use of the City's poles by such utilities. The City may grant permission to make
temporary attachments to steel poles.
44. All residential consumers who have a connected load exceeding 8 K.W. shall install an
approved current limiting device which will not permit the demand to exceed 8 K.W.
45. No residential consumer shall install or use equipment such as welders or large motors which
will cause undue voltage fluctuation.
46. In cases of consumers load having a power factor below 90 percent the Electrical Engineer
may order the consumer to install equipment to improve the power factor to a degree
satisfactory to the Electrical Engineer.
47. The City shall adopt standard recognized practices and materials for the purpose of
maintaining continuity of electric service but in no case shall the City be held responsible for
damages resulting from cessation of electrical energy.
48. Bylaw No. 2005 and all amendments thereto are hereby repealed.
49. This bylaw shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof.