HACCP Plan For Chiken

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The document discusses the design of a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan for a chicken ball production plant in Bangladesh. It outlines the HACCP principles, hazards identified, and identifies five critical control points in the production process.

HACCP is a systematic approach to identify, evaluate, and control food safety hazards. Its main principles include conducting a hazard analysis, identifying critical control points, establishing critical limits, monitoring procedures, corrective actions, and record keeping.

The five critical control points identified are: 1) supply of raw material and packaging, 2) proper storage temperature and time for raw meat, 3) proper temperature and time for water boiling, 4) proper inspection during packing, and 5) proper storage and distribution temperature and time for the final product.

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

Original scientific paper

UDC 637.5465:006.83(549.3)


Alin Khaliduzzaman1*
Dept. of Food Engineering & Technology, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet-3100,
e-mail: [email protected]


The purpose of this study is to design Hazard Analy- 22000 which is based on HACCP and is known as Food
sis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan for chick- Safety Management System (FSMS).
en ball production based on actual conditions in the
Now with the introduction of food quality and safety
plant. A specific model has been developed to boost
systems HACCP has become synonymous with food
the safety and quality of chicken ball product in this
safety [5]. It is a world-wide recognized systematic and
plant. The spread of some diseases by unsafe products
preventive approach that addresses biological, chem-
due to Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus,
ical and physical hazards through anticipation and
Salmonella enteritidis, Escherichia coli, adulterants and
prevention, rather than through end-product inspec-
chemical residue reported makes it important to pay
tion and testing and thereby reducing the food-borne
attention to the potential contamination in chicken
illness [9]. HACCP is a scientific system for process
ball production.
control that has long been used in food production to
The prerequisite program, hazards, critical control prevent problems by applying controls at points in a
point, preventive measure, critical limits, monitoring food production process where hazards could be con-
procedure and corrective actions have been designed trolled, reduced or eliminated [16]. HACCP is a system
in this HACCP plan. The production process of the prod- of extensive evaluation and control over an entire food
uct was also analyzed scrupulously for this HACCP plan. production process for the sole purpose of reducing
potential food-related health risks to consumers. An
Key words: HACCP, Hazard, Critical limit, Chicken Ball,
HACCP program maintains safety and wholesomeness
Plant, Bangladesh.
of meat and poultry because potential hazards that
may occur during processing are anticipated, evalu-
ated, controlled and prevented. Processing plants are
1. Introduction required to have a HACCP plan for each product [12].
HACCP is a short form for the Hazard Analysis Critical Meat & Poultry Processing Technology is relatively new
Control Point. It is a system that was developed for field of study, research and business strategy in Bangla-
assuring pathogen-free foods. It provides precise pro- desh. Currently several business groups are starting to
cess control measures for each step of the entire food develop the product and expanding their business in
manufacturing process. HACCP concepts are now not this field. Meat is low acid food and moreover, in chick-
new in food industries. HACCP was first developed in en ball manufacturing, problems associated with the
the late 1950s by a team of food scientists and engi- presence of food borne pathogens like Listeria monocy-
neers from The Pillsbury Company, the Natick Research togenes, Salmonella enteritidis, Staphylococcus aureus,
Laboratories, and the National Aeronautics and Space Escherichia coli and others have been documented.
Administration. The team developed a system de- The traditional quality testing and inspection used in
signed to build quality into the product to ensure food the meat ball factory is applied to the product once a
safety for the manned space program [15]. In 1993, the problem presents itself. It is thus difficult to maintain
Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) issued its first fully product inspection because of lack of trained and
HACCP standard, which provided the first international skilled manpower, human error in obtaining sufficient
definition for HACCP. By 2000, there were many private samples and so on. HACCP is a science-based system
and national food safety standards among them led to used to ensure that food safety hazards are controlled
problems in third-party certifications that include ISO to prevent unsafe food from reaching the consumer

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

[1], [10], [11]. To ensure safe consumption of meat and The decision tree (Figure 1) is used to identify Critical
poultry products, the design of HACCP plan is very es- Control point (CCP) for raw materials and the decision
sential and has great importance in Bangladesh. This tree (Figure 2) is used to identify CCPs for process [2],
study is specifically designed to develop HACCP plan [17].
based on the HACCP principles that can be applied in a
chicken ball plant to replace the traditional inspection
and quality procedure in order to prevent the hazards
in the product.

2. Materials and Methods

This study was conducted in a chicken ball plant of C.P.
Bangladesh Co., Ltd. in Dhaka, Bangladesh which is cat-
egorized as small scale plant as production capacity is
one ton per day and no. of employees are around 100
[16]. The restructuring was aimed at expanding the
companys market. Consequently, the company plans
for effective quality system to ensure safe and good
quality products.

Research method
This study did not use quantitative research. The pur-
pose of this study was to design a HACCP model not
to implement it in the actual situation. Therefore, there
Figure 1. CCP Raw Material Decision Tree
is no statistical data. This study matched a qualitative
approach. It gives the intricate details of phenomena
that are difficult to convey with quantitative methods.
Qualitative research is exploratory and open-minded
which is applicable to this study [13].

Research approach
This research was done for a chicken ball plant. Based
on the seven principles of HACCP, several models of
HACCP system [2], [8], [9], [17], guidelines [6], [7], [16]
and HACCP requirements [14], the recordkeeping in
this study were designed in the following manner. The
record keeping form of hazards in ingredient and in-
coming material analysis chart (Table 2) are modified
from Canadian Food Inspection Agency and material
decision matrix (Table 4), hazard analysis chart (Table 3)
and process step decision matrix (Table 5) are modified
from Mortimore and Wallace model [3], [11].

1. Prerequisite program Figure 2. CCP Process Decision Tree

2. Product description.
3. Production Process with flow diagram. 3. Results and Discussion
4. Hazard identification. Based on the principle of the HACCP and several gener-
ic models, the HACCP model was designed to suit the
5. Critical control points (CCPs) determination.
real situation of the Chicken Ball plant to produce the
6. HACCP control chart. safe and quality end product.

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

Prerequisite program tation procedures. The floor cleaner Taski Spiral (Blend-
ed liquid detergent) and equipment cleaner SU 727 Ox-
Prerequisite program (PRP) is implemented in accor-
ofoam (chlorinated foam cleaner) of Johnsondiversey
dance with codex general principle of food hygiene and
India Pvt. Ltd. are used as cleaning and disinfectant
good manufacturing practice to establish basic condi-
agent. A documented cleaning and disinfection meth-
tions that are suitable for the production and handling
od has been maintained for this purpose. The plant has
of safe food at all stages of the food chain (NBHE, 2006).
water tube boiler to supply steam that has been used
There are several programs used in this plant:
for proper cleaning and disinfecting of some equip-
ments. The cleaning program also has been conducted
Location at every three month.

The plant is located at the area that there is no threat

to food safety or suitability as it is away from environ-
mentally polluted areas and industrial activities, has Pest control
sufficient safeguard against flooding, not prone to in- The pest control activities have been contracted to Pest
festation of pests. Guard Bangladesh which is professional in food indus-
tries. They conduct their activities at every weekend in
presence of Quality Assurance Manager (QAM).
Premises and Room
The premise is designed in such a manner that per-
mits good food hygiene practices and protect cross Waste management
contamination. The walls are water, insect and rodent
proof. Wall angles, corners and junctions of walls and The company has its own waste treatment plant along
floors are sealed and rounded to facilitate cleaning. The with proper drainage and storage system which is
floor of the production area is sloped (0.1 m per 6 m) combination of activated sludge method and anaer-
for liquid to drain and the doors are inside self-closing. obic treatment that contains grease tank, sump or pit
There are also have floor drain (0.03 m deep) and gut- tank, equalization tank, anaerobic tank, bio centre tank,
ter drain (0.02 m x 0.03 m, slope: 1 in 100). The floor holding tank, recycling tank and discharge system. The
is mosaic and a certain height of wall is covered with physical, chemical and biological specification based
tiles for easy cleaning. The door is made of stainless on national standard of entering waste and discharg-
steel and windows are unbreakable material which is ing waste water is also checked regularly.
placed incline for easy cleaning. It is routinely cleaned
and sanitized by a professional housekeeper. The floor
is cleaned after each shift of production and daily. Sanitation system
The sanitation facilities have been properly set up to
Equipment eliminate possible hazards from equipments, contain-
The equipment is stainless steel and other materials ers etc. The sanitation system is monitored for effec-
that are suitable for food industries and designed and tiveness and periodically inspected by microbial sam-
constructed that ensure easy disassemble, cleaning, pling of food contact surface and swab test.
disinfection and avoid contamination of food. All the
equipments are checked routinely to ensure a smooth
running system and free of cracks, rust and dents. Personal Hygiene
All the personnel of production, packaging and storage
Water supply areas use apron, mask, head covering and footwear.
Liquid hand wash and alcohol solution are used before
The plant has own water treatment plant and storage starting their activities. Medical checkup of every em-
system to provide adequate potable water supply for ployee is done by registered medical officer at regular
the process. The water potability is tested at every six interval and any sick and injured person is not allowed
month and complied with the national water quality to enter and work in processing areas. The dresses are
standard of Bangladesh. properly cleaned at least twice per week. The personal
cleanliness is monitored on regular basis before enter-
ing into processing areas by QA and Production Officer.
Maintenance and Cleaning
The same instructions are also applied for visitors. All
The establishment and equipment are kept in appro- these things are properly monitored and inspected by
priate state of repair and condition to facilitate all sani- QA Manager.

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

Storage and transportation Production Process

The storage rooms are cleaned, temperature and hu- The incoming dressed whole chicken is washed in
midity controlled and some are air conditioned that chilled water and stored after grading with tube ice
is monitored by hygrometer and data logger. Daily in- in large size ice box that maintain the temperature of
spection of the conditions ensured a consistent envi- the chicken at 0 - 4 0C. The chickens are then deboned
ronment to prevent the hazards and produce quality manually with knife and temperature is maintained be-
products. Proper transportation equipments are used low 120C keeping the flesh on flake ice. The flesh and
where cleanliness, temperature and separation of food skin of chicken is mechanically ground at 5 mm. After
items and non food items are considered and moni- grinding, the meat and skin are chopped with all the
tored. ingredients in a mechanical chopper (silent cutter). This
paste is then formed in round or ball shape and boiled
in hot water for 10 minutes at 75 0C. The meat balls are
Traceability air cooled, vacuum packed in high density color pack-
age and stored at chilling temperature (0 - 4 0C). Final-
Lot no, Batch no, incoming date, production date, pre-
ly, the products are distributed thorough refrigerated
mix making date etc. are properly maintained for prop-
van after keeping the product overnight in the factory
er identification and traceability. First In First Out (FIFO)
chiller. The process flow diagram is shown in Figure 3.
is also maintained for all raw and packaging materials.

Training of employee is designed as three categories
such as Freshers training for newcomers, retraining for
rejoin employee and staff and finally, periodic training
for all employee and staff at an interval of 3 months.
The training covers personal hygiene, occupational
health and safety issues, production process and food
safety issues including cleaning and sanitizing system.

Product description
Product description mean a full description of the
product including relevant safety information like com-
position, physical /chemical structure (pH, aw), micro-
bicidal treatment, packaging, shelf-life, storage condi-
tion, method of distribution and moreover, it includes
intended use [14]. The product description for chicken
ball is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Product Description of chicken ball

1. Product Name Chicken Ball

A precooked small (12 - 13 g) Figure 3. Process flow diagram of chicken ball
ball shaped product
2. Product Description
prepared from chicken meat,
salt, sugar, spice, flour etc Hazards Identification
Ready to eat but 1 - 2 min. fry A hazard is defined as any biological (B), physical (P)
3. How it is to be used?
in oil or 2 min boil in hot or chemical (C) property that could cause a product
water or 30 second in oven is to be unsafe for consumption [12]. Hazard analysis or
recommended identification is generally considered to be a two-step
4. Packaging Poly bag, Vacuum sealed process. The first step is to identify the threats to hu-
5. Shelf life 2 weeks man health which might be introduced into meat and
6. Where it will be sold? Retail store poultry products as those products are produced. The
7. Labeling Instruction Keep chilled (0 - 4 0C)
hazards associated with raw materials and incoming
materials and processing line for chicken ball produc-
8. Distribution condition Chilled (0 - 4 0C)
tion are shown in Table 2 and 3.

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

Table 2. Hazards in ingredient and incoming material Table 3. Hazards Analysis Chart for process step
Analysis chart

Ingredients and Preventive Process Preventative

Hazards Hazards
Materials Measure Step Measure
B - L. monocytogenes, Proper equipment
B - L. Raw
E.coli, Salmonella, setting
monocytogenes, Store at chilled Material
BC S.aureus Sanitize all the
E.coli, temperature 0-4 0C Meat
C - Allergen, transfer equipment
Chicken Meat B *C
Salmonella sp., Sanitize equipment Storage
antibiotic residue 0-4 0C
and skin P
S.aureus Proper personal
Proper Personal
C - Allergen, hygiene and B - Pathogen by
Hygiene and handling
antibiotic residue handling contamination:
Deboning BP Clean and Sanitize
P - Bones >7 mm S.aureus
associated equipment
P - Bone
< 12 0C
Quality product B - Pathogen from Proper Personal
supply, grinder Hygiene and handling
Salt P P - any foreign Store at room Grinding BCP P - Sanitizer, Clean and sanitize
materials temperature cleaning agent associated equipment
Maintain FIFO P - Bone > 7mm < 12 0C
B - Pathogen from
Proper Personal
Quality product chopper
Hygiene and handling
supply P - Sanitizer,
Sodium Tri Poly Chopping BCP Clean and sanitize
C - adulterants Store below 20 0C cleaning agent
Phosphate CP associated equipment
P -any foreign Proper personal P - Part of ingredient
(STPP) < 12 0C, 9 min
materials hygiene and packaging materials
B - Pathogen from Personal Hygiene
chopper Clean and sanitize
Quality product Forming BP
B - Pathogens P - Sanitizer, forming machine and
supply cleaning agent associated equipment
C - Adulterants,
Store below 20 0C
Spice powder B C P allergen B - Pathogen if not 78 0C, 10 min
Proper personal Boiling B
P - Foreign killed CT> 70 0C
hygiene and
Air Cooling system
Quality product Cooling -- No hazard Using clean and
supply sanitized equipment
B - Pathogen: Store below 20 0C
Wheat Flour as Proper vacuum packer
BC Total Count and S. Proper personal
binder setting
aureus hygiene and
P - Any foreign Sanitize the container,
C - adulterants handling Packing P
particle enter scale and tools
Maintain FIFO
Proper personal
Assure/Use quality hygiene and handling
No Hazard as
water for ice making
potable water 0-4 0C
Ice Proper personal
is used for ice Storage & B - Growth of Proper storage and
hygiene and B
making Distribution pathogen distribution condition

Quality product
B - Pathogens
Vegetables supply
BC C - pesticide
(Onion, garlic) Proper washing by
water Critical Control Point (CCP) Determination
CCP is a step at which it is essential that a specific con-
Quality product trol measure is applied to prevent or eliminate a food
C - Ink supply safety hazard or reduce the risk to an acceptable lev-
CP P - any foreign Ink & material
particle inside should be food
el [14]. The cooking temperature should be taken as a
grade CCP as internal temperature of product verify the ad-
equacy of the cook (Codex, 2005). The decision tree
(Figure 1) is used to identify the Critical Control points
B = Biological hazard (CCPs) for raw materials shown in Table 4 and the deci-
C = Chemical hazard sion tree (Figure 2) is used to identify CCPs for process
steps shown in Table 5.
P = Physical hazard

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

Table 4. Material Decision Matrix

Q1: Is there a hazard associated with the raw materials? If No (N), not a CCP, if Yes (Y), proceed to Q2.
Q2: Are you going to process this hazard? If No, CCP, if Yes, proceed for Q3.
Q3: Is there a cross-contamination risk to the facility or to other products which will not be controlled? If No, not a CCP, if Yes, CCP.
Hazard Q1 Q2 Q3 CCP Notes
Chicken Meat & Skin
B Pathogen Y Y N No Steam cooking will deal with the microbial hazard of meat
C Antibiotics Y Y N No Proper washing, water quality
P Foreign Materials N -- -- No Personal Hygiene and Physical Inspection
Insect fragment,
P Y Y N No Personal hygiene, sieving and physical inspection, pest control
hair etc
C Adulterant Y N -- Yes Quality Product supply is critical
P Foreign materials Y Y N No Personal hygiene and physical inspection
Spices Powder
B Pathogen Y Y N No Personal Hygiene, food storage and final cooking process
C adulterants Y N -- Yes Quality Product supply is critical
P Foreign materials Y N -- Yes Quality Product supply is critical
Wheat Flour
B Organism Y Y N No Personal Hygiene, food storage and final cooking process
C adulterants Y N -- Yes Quality Product supply is critical
Packaging Material
Toxic ingredient,
CP Y N -- Yes Quality Product supply is critical
foreign materials

Table 5. Process Step decision matrix

Q1: Does this step involve a hazard of sufficient risk and severity to warrant its control? If Yes (Y), proceed for Q2, if No (N), not a CCP.
Q2: Does a preventive measure for the hazard exist at this step? If Yes, Proceed for Q3, if No, proceed for Q2a.
Q2a: Is control at this step necessary for Safety? If Yes, modify the step, process or product, if No, not a CCP.
Q3: Is control at this step necessary to prevent or eliminate or reduce the risk of the hazard to safely level to consumers? If Yes, CCP, if
No, not a CCP.

Process Step Hazard Q1 Q2 Q2 Q3 CCP Notes

RMM Storage
B Pathogen Y Y Y Yes Correct storage Time & temperature is critical
C Antibiotics N No PRP: Sanitation system, water quality
P Foreign particles Y Y N No PRP: Personal Hygiene, pest control
B Pathogen Y Y N No Proper Temperature inhibit the bacterial growth
Sanitizer and
C N No PRP: Sanitation system, maintenance & cleaning
P Foreign Materials Y Y N No PRP: Personal Hygiene, pest control
B Pathogen Y Y N No Proper Temperature inhibit the bacterial growth
Sanitizer and
C N No PRP: Sanitation system, maintenance and cleaning
P Foreign materials Y Y N No PRP: Personal Hygiene, pest control
B Pathogen Y Y N No Proper Temperature inhibit the growth
C Sanitizer & Cleaner N No PRP: Sanitation system, maintenance and cleaning
P Foreign Materials Y Y N No PRP: Personal Hygiene
B Pathogen Y Y N No PRP: Sanitation system
P Foreign Materials Y Y N No PRP: Personal Hygiene, pest control
Correct boiling temperature and time is critical,
B Pathogen Y Y Y Yes
PRP: water quality
B Pathogen N No Proper personal hygiene and handling
P Foreign Particles Y Y Y Yes Presence of foreign materials is critical
Storage & Distribution
B Pathogen Y Y Y Yes Storage & distribution temperature and time is critical

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

The presence of chemical contaminants in STPP, spice soy milk where as Burson reported processing step, re-
powders and packaging material is critical due to the cords and verification procedure in his control chart of
heat stability of chemical contaminants and the adul- meat product [2],[9]. Zhao reported processing step in
teration is very common facts in Bangladesh. Physical HACCP control chart for cheddar cheese which is also
hazard in spice powder and packaging material and almost similar to my proposed control chart [17]. Co-
microbial hazard in packaging material are also critical. dex gave importance to include monitoring and doc-
The storage temperature of raw meat is very important umentation of parameters in HACCP plan for meat and
and critical to prevent the microbial growth and off-fla- meat products [4]. Three CCPs and two CPs were found
vor. The time and temperature of water boiling, core for this chicken plant. These are qualified supply of raw
temperature depend on which, is most critical point for material and packaging material, Proper storage tem-
cooked chicken ball due to killing of pathogens. Vacu- perature and time for raw material meat (RMM), Proper
um packaging system has advantages like retention of temperature and time for boiling of chicken ball, Prop-
the product color and restriction of bacterial growth. er inspection during packing for foreign materials and
The presence of foreign materials and storage and dis- Proper storage & distribution temperature and time of
tribution temperature is critical to comply with con- finished product.
sumer acceptability and shelf-life.

Table 6. HACCP control chart for chicken ball production

Process Step; Critical Monitoring Preventive Corrective
Hazards Frequency Record Respons. person
CCP No Limits Procedure measure action
Qualified raw
Raw & Microbio. material supply;
No unqualifi. Apply supply supplier or Materials
Packaging Chem. & Checked MSDS; Assigned receiver
product to quality Each supply brand; Receiving
Material; Physical Approved (QA)
be used assurance Employee report
CCP#1 Contamin. Supplier List;
Temperature Temperature
RMM Routinely Proper storage Assigned
Microbial <4 0C log is properly Reject the raw log sheet;
Storage; (morning & temperature Person
growth Max. 3 days running and meat Discard
CP#1 evening) and time (QA)
monitored register
Adjust the
Check the CT;
and time by
Follow up Time and CT
Water Check The Core setting the Assigned
Survival of the time and log;
Boiling; Each Batch Temperature equipment Person
Pathogens CT 71 0C temperature Maintenance
CCP#2 (CT) of product well; (QA)
and record register
Call the
engineer to
Retain, rework
Visual Personal
No foreign or discard Assigned
Packing; Physical Iinspection hygiene and Inspection
material; based foreign Person
CCP#3 contam. by packing Each Pack physical Report
No leakage material (QA)
operator inspection
Check the
Retain or
storage Temperature
Storage & 4 0C Check the reject based Assigned
Microbial temperature log;
Distribution; Shelf-life 14 Routinely time and on product Person
Growth and shelf-life Delivery
CP#2 days temperature testing by (QA)
and record report

HACCP Control Chart 4. Conclusions

The HACCP control chart (Table 6) showed all the po- - The study designed a HACCP plan model for a
tential critical hazards that can occur during the pro- chicken ball plant to improve the safety and quality
cessing steps in this chicken ball plant along with no. of products. The model is developed step-by-step
of critical control point and control point, critical limits, based on the seven principles of HACCP system.
monitoring procedure and frequency, preventive and
corrective action, records and responsible person. The - The prerequisite program was provided to deal with
potential control points of the hazards appeared in both some hazards before the production; therefore, to
raw material and the process. Gandhi included hazard simplify the HACCP plan.
description, critical limit, observation procedure, re- - The product description was used to alert the con-
sponsible person, monitoring procedure and correc- sumer to the potential hazards in the final products.
tive action in his HACCP Control chart for production of Then, the potential control points of the hazards ap-

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

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