Breastfeeding Support Brochure

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Breastfeeding Support Good Websites

Open to all pregnant or breastfeeding
women and their children/families. Support For
Come share life with other moms in a
warm, supportive atmosphere. Ask Moms &
questions, share your joys and
frustrations, and get out of the house for If you need to supplement, the Mothers Milk
some adult conversation! Bank of the Western Great Lakes is a source for
pasteurized donor breast milk.

The Latch Breastfeeding Apps

St Croix Regional Medical Center
Every Thursday, 10:30 am noon Search coffective in the
*Hospital Entrance iTunes or Google Play
Contact: Angie Chivers app store.
715.483.0431 Search LactMed in the iTunes or
Google Play app store.
Information on medications and
supplements for breastfeeding

Search The Wonder Weeks in the

iTunes or Google Play app store.
A calendar explaining the develop-
ment of your baby, why your baby is
fussy, sleeps poor & eats less during
set time & how you can help your Created & Distributed by:
baby. $1.99 one time cost

Polk County Breastfeeding Coalition

Join the
Polk County
Facebook group

For additional copies or Brochure subtitle or company

The Polk County Breastfeeding Coalition meets
regularly to accomplish its mission to protect, the latest version, go to the tagline
promote and support breastfeeding in Polk County. Polk County, WI Breastfeeding Coalition
website at:
Revised 3/2017
Breastfeeding started off Who to Call Where Can I Get A Breast
painful for me. My friends said Amery Regional Medical Center
breastfeeding would hurt & I
Pump Prescription Filled?
Branigan Nilssen, RN, CLC
thought about quitting. I knew I (Certified Lactation Counselor) St Croix Valley Pharmacies
really wanted to breastfeed so I 715.268.800 *Accepts BadgerCare+ & other insurances
called the lactation consultant.
Brenda Johnson, CNM, IBCLC Frederic, Unity & St Croix Falls Pharmacies
She showed me a good latch
(International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) Frederic: 715.327.4208
with my baby and it made all the
Amery: Tues & Thurs 715.268.8000 St Croix Falls: 715.483.0426
difference. No more pain and I
love breastfeeding L.J. Luck: Fridays - 715.472.2177 Unity: 715.825.4498
Pump brand: Medela
MC Clark Consulting
Chris Clark, RCP, RMT, IBCLC
Ask for Help (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)
Luck Pharmacy
(early and often!) *Accepts BadgerCare+ & other insurances
Phone: 715.472.2122
The first days of breastfeeding are full Fax: 715.472.4423
of new experiences for you & your baby. Osceola Medical Center Pump brand: Ameda Purely Yours
Many mothers find they have questions Laura Benjamin, LPN, CLC
& need support. It is important to ask (Certified Lactation Counselor) Neb Medical Services
for help. 715.294.5782 *Accepts BadgerCare+ & other insurances
Megan Enebak, RN, BSN, CLC Phone: 414.258.9503
(Certified Lactation Counselor) Fax: 1.800.357.9185
Call if you have a 715.294.5623 Delivery: Shipped free via UPS
breastfeeding question or
St. Croix Regional Medical Center
concern such as Pump brand: Medela Pump N Style
Angie Chivers, BS, IBCLC
It seems like my baby wants to nurse
all of the time!
(International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)
Helpful Tips
715.483.0431 or 715.554.2357
Am I making enough milk? [email protected] Call before going to the
What do I do about sore nipples? pharmacy to see what you will
WIC/Nutrition Program need.
I am returning to work and need a
715.485.8520 Plan ahead, it may take up to
pump. Andrea Seifert, RD, CLE a week to receive your pump.
How can I get anything else done (Certified Lactation Educator) Many insurances will not
when I am breastfeeding? Jennifer Baldini, RD, CBE provide a pump until after your
Where can I buy nursing bras/tanks? (Certified Breastfeeding Educator) baby is born. Take advantage
I want to reach my breastfeeding of this time to nurse & cuddle
Breastfeeding Peer Counselor:
goal. skin to skin. This helps
Jaime Ehlers 715.501.3305
establish your milk supply.
Texting welcomed!

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