T10 Government Accounting
T10 Government Accounting
T10 Government Accounting
RPCPA 1096
*. The process of analyzing, classifying, summarizing and communicating all transactions
involving the receipt and disposition of government funds and property and interpreting the *. Congressional authorization in the form of a law to make payments out of the public treasury
results thereof is for specific purposes after compliance with certain conditions.
a. Government accounting. c. Government accounting. a. Appropriation. c. Budgeting.
b. Budgetary accounting. d. Obligation accounting. RPCPA 1096 b. Allotment. d. Obligation. RPCPA 1096
* It is a systematic recording, classifying, summarizing governmental transactions in terms of *. An authorization by the legislative body in the form of laws for payments to be made with funds
money and other resources consistent with accounting and budgetary law. of the government for specified purpose is
a. Local government. c. Government budgeting. a. Allotment. c. Budget.
b. National government. d. Government accounting. RPCPA 0598 b. Authorization. d. Appropriation. RPCPA 0588
*. One of the basic features in government accounting is *. An authorization from a legislative body to make payments out of the National Treasury under
a. The accounting of money collected is not separate and independent from the accounting specified conditions and for specific purposes
of the use or disbursement of said money collected. a. Cash disbursement ceiling. c. Appropriations.
b. As to the basis of accounting, it is either cash or accrual basis not a combination of both. b. Allotment. d. Budget. RPCPA 0579
c. Budgetary and real accounts are used and estimates are recorded and accounted for.
d. Depreciation of fixed assets is considered an overhead expense. RPCPA 0588 *. An authorization from a legislative body to make payments out of the National Treasury under
specified conditions and for specific purposes.
. Governmental accounting systems of state and local governmental entities (SLGs) should be a. Allotment. c. Budget.
organized and operated on which of the following bases? b. Appropriations. d. Fund. RPCPA 1076
a. Proprietary fund. c. Governmental fund.
b. Fiduciary fund. d. Fund. Gleim *. It provides for the ceiling or the maximum extent an agency can commit the resources of the
government in the performance of its functions
*. A feature of government accounting that provides for the ceiling or maximum amount an a. Obligation accounting. c. Fund accounting.
agency can spend or incur in the performance of its functions. b. Allotment. d. Commercial accounting. RPCPA 1093
a. Budgeting accounting. c. Obligation accounting.
b. Responsibility accounting. d. Fund accounting. RPCPA 1096 *. Formal authorization issued by the Department of Budget and Management to a government
agency to incur obligations up to a specific amount.
*. A major difference between government and commercial accounting is that a governmental a. Cash disbursement ceiling. c. Supplementary budget.
unit should b. Allotment advice. d. Appropriation. RPCPA 0590
a. Always establish and maintain complete self-balancing account for each fund.
b. Use only the cash basis of accounting. *. Cash disbursement ceiling released by the Office of the Budget and Management to agencies
c. Not record depreciation expense in any of its funds. of the national government for CY 1983 are made available for payment of 1983 obligations for
d. Use only the modified accrual basis of accounting. RPCPA 1082, 1085 current operating expenditures pursuant to LOI No. 925 up to
a. December 31, 19983.
*. The review and approval of the national budget by the Congress of the Philippines and the b. March 31, 1983.
formulation of an appropriate bill c. February 15, 1984, last day of closing the books of account and submission of preliminary
a. Authorization. c. Execution. trial balance.
d. June 30, 1984 RPCPA 1083 d. The Congress may not increase the appropriations recommended by the President of the
Philippines for the operation of the Government as specified in the budget. RPCPA 1096
*. An amount arising from an act of an administrative official which binds the government to the
immediate or eventual payment of a sum of money. *. The following statements related to the Philippine Constitution of 1986:
a. Allotment. c. Obligation. Congress may increase or decrease the appropriation recommended by the President for
b. Appropriation. d. Budget. RPCPA 1076 the operation on the government as specified in the budget.
All appropriations, revenue or tariff bills, or bills authorizing an increase in the public debt
Philippine Constitution shall originate exclusively in the House of Representatives.
*. Pursuant to the Philippine Constitution, no money shall be paid out of the Treasury except in No law shall be passed authorizing any transfer of appropriations from one agency or
pursuance of office of the government to another.
a. An appropriation made by law. c. Presidents directive. Discretionary funds appropriated for particular officials need not be supported by
b. An allotment. d. Program. RPCPA 1093 vouchers.
a. None of the statements is false. c. Only two statements are false.
*. As specifically provided for in the New Constitution, no money shall be paid out of the National b. Only one statement is false. d. Three statements are false. RPCPA 1091
Treasury except in pursuant of a
a. Budget. Government Funds
b. Presidents directive or letter of instruction (LOI). *. This is a sum of money or other government resources set aside for the purpose of carrying
c. Fund. out specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with specific regulations,
d. Appropriation. restrictions, or limitations, and constitutes an independent fiscal and accounting entity.
e. Cash allotment. RPCPA 1078 a. Cash disbursement ceiling. c. Appropriations.
b. Fund. d. Budget. RPCPA 0579
*. The new constitution provides that No money shall be paid out of the treasury except in
pursuance to appropriations made by law. Which of the following disbursement does not *. The term fund as used in government or fund accounting usually denotes a (an)
require appropriation before it is paid. This is sometimes called non-budgetary a. Sum of money designated for a special purpose. (?)
disbursements. b. Liability to other governmental units.
a. Salaries of government personnel. c. Fiscal and accounting entity having a set of self-balancing accounts. RPCPA 0586
b. Construction of government building. d. Appropriation authorized by the legislature for use of an agency, bureau or office.
c. Interest payment from sinking fund.
d. Repair and maintenance of government facilities. RPCPA 0584 *. As used in government or in fund accounting, the term fund usually denotes (?)
a. An appropriation authorized by the legislature for use of an agency, bureau or office.
*. The Philippine Constitution provides that b. A sum of money designated for a special purpose/
a. Where there occurs a budget deficit, the President of the Philippines shall have the power c. A fiscal and accounting entity having a set of self-balancing accounts.
to levy and impose taxes in order to meet the deficit. d. A liability to other governmental units.
b. GAAP as well as sound management and fiscal administration shall be observed in the e. The equity of a municipal corporation. RPCPA 0581
utilization of government funds, provided they do not contravene existing laws and
regulations. *. Government funds classified according to purpose for which they may be used are
c. The local chief executive is principally responsible for the fiscal administration of the local a. General Funds and Trust Funds. c. Special Funds and Revenue Funds.
government. b. General Funds and Special Funds. d. Revenue Funds and Trust Funds.
RPCPA 0588
e. An authorization to incur expenditures based on appropriation provided by the Ministry of
*. A fund, which, by legislative action, segregates specified revenues for limited purposes Budget. RPCPA 0581
a. Sinking fund. c. Redemption fund.
b. General fund. d. Special fund. RPCPA 1093 Programs, Plans & Projects
*. The functions and activities necessary for the performance of major purpose for which a
*. A fund in which the assets are administered by the Government in a fiduciary capacity. government entity is established
a. General Fund. c. Special Fund. a. Resources. c. Appropriation.
b. Trust Fund. d. Revolving Fund. RPCPA 1076 b. Program. d. Performance budget. RPCPA 0598
*. What are the rules on the use of government funds? *. As used in government budgeting, it comprises all the functions and activities devoted to the
a. No obligations shall exceed allotment. c. All of these. RPCPA 0598 accomplishment of a major purpose for which a government entity is established
b. No allotment shall exceed appropriation. d. No liquidation shall exceed obligation. a. Budget. c. Project.
b. Object. d. Program. RPCPA 1093
*. A financial plan which serves as a framework of accounts *. A subdivision of a program covering a homogenous group of activities and describing the work
a. Appropriation act. d. Obligational authority. to be done.
b. Allotment request. e. Cash disbursement ceiling. a. Program. c. Plan.
c. Budget. RPCPA 1080 b. Project. d. Budget. RPCPA 1093
*. Financial plan for the general expenditures of government *. A document which sets out the chief measures that the government intends to take in order to
a. Special budget. c. Supplemental budget. achieve defined goals of development.
b. Deficiency budget. d. General budget. RPCPA 0598 a. Plan. c. Project.
b. Object. d. Financial statement. RPCPA 1093
*. A plan or program of activities together with costs of undertaking them to meet goals or targets
which emphasize on expected results. *. In budgeting, a term frequently used to refer to the objects of means which must be used to
a. Obligations. c. Performance budget. accomplish a specified object or project
b. Supplemental budget. d. All of these. RPCPA 0598 a. Expenses. c. Project.
b. Income. d. Resources. RPCPA 1093
*. A financial plan to augment the general budget
a. Deficiency budget. c. Special budget. Government Agencies
b. General budget. d. Supplemental budget. RPCPA 0598 *. The agency responsible with the duty to keep the general accounts of the Government,
promulgate accounting rules and regulations, and to submit to the President and to Congress
*. Zero base budget is an annual financial report of the Government including its subdivisions
a. An authorization issued to allow the use of allotments to the last centavo (or zero balance) a. Department of Finance.
b. A budget where only additional requirements of the end-user need justification. b. Department of Budget and Management.
c. Systematic consideration of all agency programs, projects and activities with the use of c. Bureau of Treasury.
defined ranking procedures. d. Commission on Audit. RPCPA 1093
d. Any technique or procedure for developing numerical factors of converting work units to
quantitative statements of manpower.
*. Under the New Constitution of the Philippines, the agency that keeps the general accounts of *. Which agency of the government is in charge of the accounting receipt of the proceeds of
the government is foreign and domestic loans as well as the servicing thereof?
a. Ministry of Budget. d. Commission on Audit. a. Bureau of Treasury. c. Office of the Budget and Management.
b. Bureau of Treasury. e. National Accounting Office. b. Central Bank of the Philippines. d. None of the above. RPCPA 0587
c. Ministry of Finance. RPCPA 1078
*. The agency of the government in charge with the accounting of the receipt of the proceeds of
*. The chart of accounts for government agencies shall be prescribed by the foreign and domestic loans as well as the servicing thereof is
a. Budget Ministry c. Commission on Audit a. Central Bank of the Philippines. c. Commission on Audit. RPCPA 0584
b. Ministry of Finance d. Office of the President. RPCPA 0579 b. Bureau of Treasury. d. Office of the Budget and Management.
*. Accounts Payable Unliquidated Obligation (81-400 are reverted to the current surplus *. Proceeds of borrowing either from domestic or foreign sources are considered income of the
unappropriated if the creditor is not paid by the government, pursuant to Rep. Act. No. 3526. national government because (?)
a. After ten years, the period of prescription of obligations. a. All receipts of funds are deposited in the Bureau of Treasury.
b. Two years after the incurring of the obligation. b. Government funds should be spent solely for public purposes.
c. After the end of the accounting period during which the obligation was incurred. c. It forms part of the current surplus unappropriated of the government which should be
d. After the submissions of the final trial balance. RPCPA 1083 budgeted and appropriated. RPCPA 0591
d. It should always be used for capital outlay, hence it should be considered income.
*. In government accounting, this account is used to record the amount of non-bonded, long-term
indebtedness to domestic and foreign creditors. *. Proceeds of borrowing either from domestic or foreign sources are considered income of the
a. Loans payable. c. Public debt. national government because (?)
a. All receipts of funds are deposited in the Bureau of Treasury. b. The request for obligation of allotment.
b. It forms part of the current surplus unappropriated of the government which should be c. Index card showing the name of creditor, debit, credit, balance, etc.
budgeted and appropriated. d. T account. RPCPA 0584
c. It should always be used for capital outlay, hence it should be considered as income.
d. Accounting rules and regulation so requires. RPCPA 1083 *. To obligate and pay the payroll of the month from cash advance of a disbursing officer, will be
recorded in
*. In government accounting, the control accounts for revenue and expenditures are found in a. Journal and analysis of obligation.
a. The budget and operation controls. b. Journal of disbursement by disbursing officer.
b. Both the balance sheet and budget and operation accounts. c. Journal of checks issued by Deputized Disbursing Officer. RPCPA 0584
c. National clearing accounts. d. Journal and analysis of obligations, and journal of Disbursement by Disbursing officer.
d. The balance sheet accounts. RPCPA 1096
*. Used by the national government that provides uniform accounting for accruing and liquidating
*. Expenditures in the government are broadly classified into obligations. The books used in this phase of accounting are the general journal, the journal
a. Current operating. c. Obligations incurred. and analysis of obligations, the journal of disbursements by disbursing officers, the journal of
b. Obligation of allotment. d. Capital outlays. RPCPA 0598 warrants issued, and the journal of checks issued.
a. Advice of allotment. c. All of these.
*. Which of the following accounts of a government agency is closed out at the end of the fiscal b. Obligation of allotment. d. Obligation accounting system. RPCPA
year? RPCPA 1089, RPCPA 0590 0598
a. Fund balance. c. Appropriations.
b. Reserve for encumbrance. d. Vouchers payable. *. Final trial balance in government accounting consists of
a. Combination of Trial Balance of Totals and Trial Balances.
Accounting Records and Financial Statements b. Trial Balance of Totals.
*. Payment of obligations by Treasury Current Account for Agencies (TCAA) checks are recorded c. Trial Balance of Balances.
in a special book called d. Adjusted Trial Balance. RPCPA 1085
a. Journal of Warrant Issued.
b. Journal of Disbursing Officer *. This financial statement is submitted by government accountants to the Commission on Audit.
c. Journal of Checks Issued by Deputized Disbursing Officer. It shows the excess (deficit) of income over expenditures for the fiscal period then ended.
d. Journal and Analysis of Obligations. RPCPA 1083 a. Statement of changes in financial position.
b. Preliminary trial balance.
*. The voucher system of accounting is being used by the national government. The subsidiary c. Statement of operations.
ledger for obligations incurred is (?) d. Final trial balance. RPCPA 1096
a. T account
b. The voucher itself. Accounting Entries
c. The index card showing the name of creditor, debit, credit balance, etc. *. The books of Bureau have an account (code 7-70-230) Cash Foreign Banks, which is used
d. None of the above. RPCPA 0587 to record the cash transactions with foreign banks. We credit this account for
a. Proceeds of cash loans made available by foreign leading institutions.
*. National government agencies are using the voucher system of accounting. The subsidiary b. Cash deposits on receipt of allotment advices.
ledger for obligations incurred is (?) c. Credit advices received from foreign banks.
a. The voucher itself. d. Debit advices received from foreign banks.
e. Allotments received from the Ministry of Finance. RPCPA 1080 *. In case of general funds, in the book of the depository agency, Cash-Treasury Account Current
(70-700) a real account, is
*. In government accounting, the revenue control account is increased when recording a. Closed at the end of the accounting period to a surplus account because the balance of
a. The budget. c. The closing of budgetary accounts. this account is not owned by or does not insure the benefit of said agency.
b. The appropriations. d. Property taxes. RPCPA 0590 b. Not closed to the surplus account because this is a real account and under the GAAP only
nominal accounts are closed to surplus account at the end of the accounting period.
*. When the budget of a governmental unit is adopted and the estimated revenues exceed the c. Eliminated at the time the Commission on Audit prepares a consolidated final trial balance
appropriation, the excess is because this account is a reciprocal account.
a. Debited to reserve for encumbrances. c. Debited to fund balance. d. Closed to account National Clearing Account 99 in the book of the Commission on
b. Credited to reserve for encumbrances. d. Credited to fund balance. RPCPA 1088 Audit. RPCPA 1083
*. A corollary entry is necessary in government accounting to record (?) *. When estimated revenue account of a government unit is closed out at the end of the fiscal
a. Obligations for rental of facilities. c. Purchase of a pajero jeepney. year, the excess of revenues over estimated revenues is
b. Purchase of supplies. d. Travelling expense. RPCPA 0590 a. Debited to fund balance.
b. Debited to reserve for encumbrances.
*. In government accounting, a corollary entry is necessary to record the purchase of c. Credited to fund balance.
a. Automotive spare parts. c. Mercedez Benz cars. RPCPA 0589 d. credited to revenue for encumbrances. RPCPA 1082
b. Office supplies. d. Materials for maintenance of equipment.
*. Unobligated balance of appropriation allotment for calendar year 1983 are reverted to the
*. In national government accounting, corollary journal entry is not used in (?) current surplus unappropriated in case of general appropriation at the end of
a. Purchase of machinery. a. Every quarter.
b. Obligations for rental of facilities. b. The first semester July 31, 1983.
c. Cash shortage by disbursing officer. c. The year December 31, 1983.
d. Purchase of supplies charged to appropriation. RPCPA 0588 d. The first quarter of the ensuing year March 31, 1984. RPCPA 1083
*. Corollary entry in government accounting is required to supplement another entry covering the *. In the book of the national agencies using special accounts under the general fund, the
same transaction. This corollary entry is required in journal entry to record the appropriation is RPCPA 1083
a. Rental of building leased by a national government agency. a. National Clearing Account 99
b. Salaries of casual or permanent employees of the government. Appropriations Allotted 90
c. Purchase of supplies and materials charge to appropriation. b. Current Surplus Unappropriated 92
d. Traveling expenses of officials outside their official station. Current Surplus Appropriated 93
e. None of the above. RPCPA 1083 c. No journal entry.
d. None of these
*. In government accounting, it is not correct to
a. Regularly take up depreciation. *. In a decentralized accounting procedures between a Central Office and Regional Office in
b. Adopt a combination of the cash basis and accrual basis. government agencies, the journal entry to record the release of suballotment with cash
c. Correct a debit error by a debit entry but in the negative. disbursement ceiling in the books of the Regional Office is RPCPA 0584
d. Emphasize on correctness, so reports are certified correct. RPCPA 1096 Debit Credit
a. Receivable sub-allotment with CDC 8-71-199-2 xx
Appropriation Allotted 0-90 xx d. National Clearing Account CDC 0-99-200 xx
b. National Clearig Account CDC 0-99-200 xx Appropriation Allotted 0-90 xx
Appropriation Allotted 0-90 xx
c. Payable, sub-allotment with CDC 8-81-199-2 xx *. At year end, in case of special account in the general funds, the journal entry to close the
Appropriation Allotted 0-90 xx income account in the back of the Commission on Audit is RPCPA 0584
d. Memorandum entry Debit Credit
a. Income 0-91 xx
*. The corollary entry at the time an obligation is incurred for the purchase of equipment is Current Surplus Unappropriated 8-92 Xx
a. Equipment for General Public Services 8-79-100 b. Income 0-91 xx
Current Surplus - Appropriated 8-93-310 National Clearing Account 8-99 Xx
b. Furniture & Equipment in Transit 8-79-900 c. Income 0-91 (xx)
Invested Surplus Purchases 8-94-110 Current Surplus Unappropriated 8-92 xx
c. Furniture & Equipment 8-79-200 d. Memorandum entry
Current Surplus Unappropriated 9-92-310
d. Furniture & Equipment in Transit 8-79-900 *. In the books of the Bureau of Treasury, the entry to close the used CDC at the end of the
Obligation Incurred 0-92 accounting period is RPCPA 1093
RPCPA 1083 a. Cash other books
National Clearing Account
*. In the book of Regional Office, the Journal entry to transfer income to the Central Office in a b. National Clearing Account Cash CDC
decentralized accounting is RPCPA 0584 National Clearing Account CDA
Debit Credit c. National Clearing Account CDC
a. Income 0-91 xx Appropriations Allotted
National Clearing Account 0-99 xx d. National Clearing Account Cash Agency Account Current
b. Income 0-91 (xx) Check Disbursement
Receivable income remittance 8-71-199-3 xx 2
c. Income 0-91 xx . A government has just levied $140,000 in taxes and estimates that $14,000 of the taxes will
Appropriation Allotted 0-90 xx never be collected. The journal entry of the government at the time the taxes are levied is:
d. Income 0-91 xx A. Tax revenue $140,000
Current Surplus Unappropriated 8-92 xx Tax receivable $140,000
B. Tax receivable $140,000
*. The entry to close the used cash disbursement ceiling at the end of the accounting period in Tax revenue $140,000
the book of the Bureau of Treasury is RPCPA 0584 C. Tax revenue $126,000
Debit Credit Allowance for uncollectible taxes $14,000
a. Cash other books 8-70-300 xx Tax receivable $140,000
National Clearing Account 8-99 xx D. Tax receivable $140,000
b. National Clearing Account 8-99 xx Tax revenue $126,000
Cash Agency Account Current Check Disbursement 8-70-703 xx Allowance for uncollectible taxes $14,000
c. National Clearing Account Cash CDC 8-99-703 (xx) CIA 0594 IV-32
National Clearing Account CDA 8-99-800 (xx)
Financial Statements
*. When reporting for governmental units, what type of costs should be presented in the financial
a. Historical cost. c. Current appraisal.
b. Costs adjusted for price level changes. d. Replacement cost. RPCPA 1088
*. When reporting for governmental units, what type of costs should be presented in the financial
a. Historical.
b. Historical adjusted for price-level changes.
c. Current appraisal.
d. Historical and current presented in two separate columns. RPCPA 1082
. REQUIRED: The basis on which governmental accounting systems of SLGs required an accounting system that
makes it possible to (1) present fairly and with full disclosure the funds and activities of SLGs in conformity with GAAP
and (2) determine and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal and contractual provisions. To satisfy these
objectives, SLG accounting systems should be organization on a fund basis. A fund is defined as a fiscal and
accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources, together with all
related reliabilities and residual equities or balances, and changes therein, which are segregated for the purpose of
carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or
limitations (SGAS 1)
Answers (), (), and () are incorrect because
. Answer (D) is correct. Tax receivable is debited for the full amount of the taxes levied. Only the portion of the taxes
levied that is expected to be collected is credited to tax revenue. The uncollectible portion is credited to an allowance for
uncollectible taxes.
Answer (A) is incorrect because tax receivable should be debited and tax revenue credited. Also, only the portion of the
taxes levied that is expected to be collected should be credited to tax revenue, with the remainder credited to an
allowance for uncollectible taxes. Answer (B) is incorrect because only the portion of the taxes levied that is expected to
be collected should be credited to tax revenue, with the remainder credited to an allowance for uncollectible taxes.
Answer (C) is incorrect because tax revenue and allowance for uncollectible taxes are credited and tax receivable is