Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
1. Voltage inside a discharge tube which is very necessary for production of cathode rays is:
(a) 5001000 volts (b) 500800 volts
(c) 500010000 volts (d) 50002000 volts
2. Pressure of residual gas in the discharge tube is:
(a) 1000 torr (b) 0.001 torr
(c) 0.01 torr (d) 0.0001 torr
3. Cathode rays can cause a shadow of object which is opaque because:
(a) they are rays (b) possess momentum
(c) negatively charged (d) move in straight line
4. Cathode rays can cause a type of chemical reaction:
(a) Neutralization (b) Oxidation
(c) Reduction (d) Decomposition
5. e/m of cathode rays shows that they are:
(a) Electrons (b) Protons
(c) Neutrons (d) None of these
6. Who studied the deflection of cathode rays in magnetic field?
(a) J.J. Thomson (b) J. Perrin
(c) William Crooks (d) E. Goldstein
7. When Al2O3 (alumina) is placed in path of cathode rays, it glows:
(a) Yellow (b) Violet
(c) Red (d) Orange
8. When Tin stone (SnO2) is placed in their path, it glows.
(a) Yellow (b) Violet
(c) Red (d) Orange
9. Cathode rays can drive a paddle wheel placed in their path. It shows that they possess:
(a) Charge (b) Velocity only
(c) Mass only (d) Momentum
10. Gases present in discharge tube can conduct electricity at:
(a) High pressure (b) Low pressure
(c) Normal pressure (d) Atmospheric pressure
11. e/m ratio of canal rays produced by which gas has a maximum value:
(a) Hydrogen (b) Helium
(c) Nitrogen (d) Oxygen
12. A proton is identical with:
(a) Alpha particle (b) Beta particle
(c) Ionized hydrogen atom (d) None of these
13. Origin of positive rays is from:
(a) Anode (b) Cathode
(c) Residual gas (d) Glass of discharge tube
14. Positive rays were discovered by:
(a) J. Perrin (b) E. Goldstein
(c) William Crooks (d) J.J. Thomson
15. e/m of Hydrogen gas is how much times less than that of electrons:
(a) 1.836 (b) 18.36
Prof.Rana Hassan Tariq
71. In an atom, no two electrons have same set of quantum numbers. It is called:
(a) Paulis Exclusion (b) Hunds rule
(c) Aufbau rule (d) (n + ) rule
72. Maximum electrons which can accommodate in d-sub shell is:
(a) 2 (b) 6
(c) 10 (d) 14
73. Shape of orbital is determined by:
(a) m (b) s
(c) n (d)
74. A quantum number which is not obtained by solving Schrodinger equation is:
(a) n (b)
(c) m (d) s
75. Sub shell which contain only one orbital is:
(a) f (b) d
(c) p (d) s
76. Magnetic quantum number explains:
(a) Shape (b) Orientation
(c) Size (d) Spin
77. Number of orbitals in a sub shell is calculated by:
(a) (3 + 2) (b) (2 + 1)
(c) 2(2 + 1) (d) (4 + 2)
78. Number of electrons in a sub shell is given by:
(a) (3 + 2) (b) (2 + 1)
(c) 2(2 + 1) (d) (4 + 2)
79. After complete filling of 4f, which orbital is filled:
(a) 5 p (b) 5 d
(c) 5 s (d) 5 f
80. The d-orbital which has only two lobes:
(a) dxy (b) dz2
(c) d x y
2 2 (d) dyz
81. An electron has n = 3, = 2 will be in orbital:
(a) 3 p (b) 3 d
(c) 3 s (d) 3 f
82. Electrons in degenerate orbitals are filled by:
(a) Hunds rule (b) Paulis rule
(c) (n + ) rule (d) None of these
83. Orbital with lowest energy is:
(a) 3 d (b) 4 s
(c) 3 p (d) 4 f
84. 1s , 2s , 2p , 3s , 3p is electronic configuration of chlorine. No. of unpaired electrons in
2 2 6 2 5
1. c 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. a
6. b 7. c 8. a 9. d 10. b
11. a 12. c 13. c 14. b 15. d
16. c 17. a 18. a 19. c 20. d
21. a 22. c 23. b 24. b 25. d
26. b 27. c 28. d 29. c 30. d
31. d 32. a 33. b 34. b 35. b
36. a 37. b 38. c 39. c 40. c
41. d 42. d 43. d 44. d 45. c
46. b 47. b 48. b 49. d 50. a
51. b 52. a 53. d 54. b 55. a
56. c 57. b 58. d 59. c 60. d
61. a 62. b 63. b 64. d 65. a
66. b 67. d 68. c 69. b 70. b
71. a 72. c 73. d 74. d 75. d
76. b 77. b 78. c 79. b 80. b
81. b 82. a 83. c 84. a
Prof.Rana Hassan Tariq
concluded that cathode rays are stream of negatively charged particles called electrons.
Q4d. How bending of cathode rays in electric and magnetic field shows their negative
Ans. In the absence of any electric or magnetic field, cathode rays move in straight line
perpendicular to the surface of cathode.
In 1895, J. Perrin showed that when cathode rays are passed between poles of a magnet, the
path of cathode rays is changed/deflected which showed that they have charge.
In 1897, Sir J.J. Thomson established their electric charge by the application of electric field.
The cathode ray deflected towards positive plate showing their negative nature.
Q4e. Why positive rays are called canal rays?
Ans. E. Goldstein discovered positive rays by using a perforated cathode in discharge tube. He
observed that not only cathode rays are formed in discharge tube but some rays after
passing through the perforated cathode produce a glow on the wall opposite to anode. Since
the rays pass through holes or canals of perforated cathode, they are called canal rays.
Q4f. e/m value of positive rays for different gases are different but e/m value of cathode
rays is always same. Justify it.
Ans. As positive rays are formed by ionization of gas molecules inside the discharge tube, every
gas has different nature of positive ion produced. Therefore e/m of positive rays depends
upon nature of gas. Lighter the gas, greater the value of e/m and vice versa.
Whereas cathode rays are only electrons whose nature remains same whichever gas is used
in discharge tube. So e/m value of cathode rays always remains same. No matter which gas
is used.
Prof.Rana Hassan Tariq
Q4g. e/m of hydrogen gas positive rays is 1836 times smaller than that of cathode rays.
Justify it.
Ans. An atom of hydrogen consists of a proton and an electron.
When hydrogen gas is taken in the discharge tube, the positive ray particles are just protons.
On the other hand cathode ray particles are electrons. Since, a proton is 1836 times heavier
than an electron, therefore e/m of hydrogen gas positive rays is 1836 times lesser than that
of cathode rays.
Q5c. Calculate the mass of an electron by the help of e/m and charge value.
Ans. Given data:
e/m of electron = 1.7588 1011 C kg1
charge of electron = 1.6022 1019 C
Mass of electron = ?
charge of electron
e/m =
mass of electron
charge of electron
mass of electron =
e/m value
1.6022 1019 C
= 1
9.1095 1031 kg
1.7588 10 C kg
o n 2 h 2
rn =
where o, h2, , m, e2 are constants.
By putting their values in equation, we get
n2 o
rn 0.529 A
[Z is the number of proton in nucleus]
We can conclude from the above relation that greater the number of protons in nucleus (Z),
smaller will be the radius and vice versa.
Q7d. How do you come to know that velocities of electrons in higher orbits are less than
those in lower orbits of Hydrogen atom?
Ans. According to Bohrs equation, a moving electron in an orbit faces two equal but opposite
forces i.e., a centripetal force and a centrifugal force. By equating these forces we get
Ze 2 mv 2
4o r 2 r
1 4o mv2
r Ze2
Ze 2
so r =
4o mv 2
Here Z, e2, , o, m are constants for hydrogen, so
This equation tells that velocities of electron in lower orbits are faster and vice versa.
Because kinetic energy increases.
Q7e. Justify that the distance gaps between orbits go on increasing from lower to higher
o n 2 h 2
Ans. Bohrs equation for radius rn =
After solving the values of constants
Bohrs equation for rn = 0.529
To prove the asked statement, we can apply this equation on Hydrogen atom.
Z for hydrogen = 1
n = 1, 2, 3,
rn = r1, r2, r3, r4,
for n=1 , r1 = 0.529
n=2 , r2 = 2.11
n=3 , r3 = 4.75
n=4 , r4 = 8.4
n=5 , r5 = 13.22
Now, we can calculate the distance gaps between two orbits i.e.,
Prof.Rana Hassan Tariq
E3 = 145.92 kJ mol1
E4 = 82.08 kJ mol1
Values of energy difference between two adjacent orbits can be calculated as
E2 E1 = (328.32) (1313.315) = 984.99 kJ mol1
E3 E2 = (145.92) (328.32) = 182.40 kJ mol1
E4 E3 = (82.08) (1459.2) = 63.84 kJ mol1
We conclude that energy difference between two levels goes on decreasing from lower to
higher orbits
(E2 E1) > (E3 E2) > (E4 E3) >
Q9a. (i) Give an expression for energy difference between two levels n1, and n2 for
Hydrogen atom.
Ans. According to Bohrs equation
mZ2 e4
8o2 h 2 n 2
We can deduce the values of E1 and E2 for n1 and n2 as follows:
Z for Hydrogen = 1
for n=1 , E1 =
8o2 h 2 n12
n=2 , E2 = 2 2 2
8o h n 2
E = E2 E1
We can say that
me4 me4
E =
2 2 2 2 2 2
o h n 2 8o h n1
me4 1 1
E = 2 2
8o2 h 2 n1 n 2
Q9a. (ii) How expression for E from Bohrs equation can be used to calculate the
frequency of emitted or absorbed photon.
Ans. According to Bohrs equation
E = h(i) Another equation for E
Z2 me4 1 1
E = 2 2 2
2 (ii)
8o h n1 n 2
But Z = 1 for Hydrogen S atom
me4 1 1
E = 2 2
8o2 h 2 n1 n 2
We can substitute the value of E from eq. (i) in eq. (ii)
me4 1 1
h = 2 2
8o2 h 2 n1 n 2
Prof.Rana Hassan Tariq
me4 1 1
8o2 h 3 n12 n 22
So frequency of emitted or absorbed photon can be calculated.
Q9a. (iii) How wave number is calculate from Bohrs equation?
Ans. According to Bohrs equation for frequency of a photon
me4 1 1
= 2 3 2 2 [ = c ]
8o h n1 n 2
me4 1 1
c = 2 3 2 2
8o h n1 n 2
me4 1 1
= 2 3 2 2
8o h c n1 n 2
After calculating the constants of the equation we obtain
1 1 1
= 1.09678 107 2
n1 n 2
So wave number of photon can also be calculated.
Q10a. What is spectrum? Differentiate between continuous spectrum and line spectrum.
Ans. Visual display or dispersion of components of white light, when it is passed through a prism
is called spectrum.
Comparison of continuous and line spectra
Continuous spectrum Line spectrum
1. In this spectrum, the 1. In this spectrum, we see
boundary line between the distinct coloured lines.
colours cannot be marked.
2. One colour merge into other 2. Distinct coloured lines are
without any dark space. separated by dark spaces.
3. It is a characteristic of 3. It is the characteristic of
matter in bulk. atom.
4. e.g., Rainbow, white light of 4. e.g., (i) Spectrum obtained
sun and light from an for H2 (ii) Na-spectrum
incandescent source.
Q10b. Compare line emission and line absorption spectra.
Ans. Differences between emission and absorption spectra
Line emission spectrum Line absorption spectrum
1. It is spectrum formed by 1. When beam of white light is
elements or their passed through vapours of
compounds when they are element, it absorbs certain
heated in flame or subjected wavelengths, rest of
to electric discharge. wavelength pass thrown it.
2. Sample is in gaseous and 2. Sample is in gaseous, liquid
excited state. or solid state.
Prof.Rana Hassan Tariq
Q11b. Do you think the size of Li+2 is even smaller than He+. Justify with calculations.
Ans. Yes size of Li+2 is much smaller than He+ because of difference in forces of attraction between
nuclei and electrons for both atoms.
no. of protons in Li+2 = 3
no. of protons in He+1 = 2
Li+2 nucleus holds the electron tightly so its radius is smaller than He+.
It can be proved mathematically
n2 o
rn 0.529 A [Bohrs equation for radius]
12 o
rHe 0.529 0.2645 A (Z = 2 for He+1)
12 o
rLi2 0.529 0.176 A (Z = 3 for Li+2) So rHe+ > rLi+2
Q14a. Compare orbit and orbitals.
Ans. Orbit Orbital
1. It is a definite path in 1. It is three dimensional
which an electron moves space around nucleus
around nucleus as where the probability of
proposed by Bohr. finding electron is
maximum (95%).
2. Orbits are circular in 2. Orbitals have different
shape. shapes e.g., s-orbital is
spherically symmetrical,
p-orbitals are dumb bell
shaped etc.
3. Orbits do not have a 3. All orbitals have
directional character. directional characters
except s-orbital.
4. In an orbit, exact 4. In an orbital, exact
position and momentum position and momentum
of an electron can be of an electron can not be
measured with certainty measured with
(violation against certainty. (obeying
Heisenbergs Heisenbergs
uncertainty principle.) uncertainty principle).
5. It represents planar 5. It represents three
motion of electrons. dimensional motion of
6. Maximum no. of 6. An orbital can have a
electrons in an orbit is maximum of 2 electrons.
given by 2n i.e., in 1, 2, 3
Q14c. When azimuthal quantum number has a value 3, then there are seven values of
magnetic quantum number, give reasons.
Ans. Magnetic quantum number values are related to azimuthal quantum number as
m = (2 + 1)
as = 3 so
m = (2 3 + 1) = 7
as = 3 , subshell is f
So f subshell has 7 different ways of orientation in space because it has 7 values of
magnetic quantum number
When = 3, then m = 0, +1, +2, +3 = 7 values
(i) f x3 (ii) f y 3 (iii) f z (iv) f xyz3
(v) f x 2
(vi) f y z2 2 (vii) f x 2
z 2
Q15b. (i) What is (n + ) rule? (ii) Arrange orbitals according to this rule. (iii) Do you think
that this rule is applicable to degenerate orbitals.
Ans. (i) n is principle quantum number while is azimuthal quantum number. (n + ) rule
means a rule based on sum of n and values of subshells.
Rule states that
(i) Sub-shell are arranged in increasing order of (n + ) value.
(ii) If any two or more subshells have same (n + ) value then subshell with smaller n
value is placed first.
(iii) According to this rule the arrangement of subshell is
1s < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p < 4s < 3d < 4p < 5s < 4d < 5p < 6s < 4f < 5d < 6p < 7s
(iv) The orbitals which have same energy are called degenerate orbitals.
(n + ) rule is not applicable to degenerate orbitals because
(a) Degenerate orbitals have same values of n and e.g., 2p subshell has n = 2, = 1
value for 2px, 2py and 2pz so (n + ) value for all three degenerate orbitals is same.
(b) Degeneracy of orbitals is explained by magnetic quantum number not by n or
quantum no.
To fill degenerate orbitals Hunds rule is applied.
Q15c. Distribute the electrons in the following atoms:
Ans. (i) 57La : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10, 4p6, 5s2, 4d10, 5p6, 6s2, 4f0, 5d1.
(ii) 29Cu : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s1, 3d10.
(iii) 24Cr : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s1, 3d5.
(iv) 79Au : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10, 4p6, 5s2, 4d10, 5p6, 6s1, 4f14, 5d10.
(v) 53I : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10, 4p6, 5s2, 4d10, 5p5,
(vi) 86Rn : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10, 4p6, 5s2, 4d10, 5p6, 6s2, 4f14, 5d10,
Prof.Rana Hassan Tariq
(ii) Wavelength: The distance between two consecutive crests or troughs is called
wavelength. Its symbol is (lambda) units are meter (m), centimeter (cm), picometer (pm)
angstrom () etc. Wavelength determines the nature of electromagnetic radiations. It also
helps in determining the colour of beam of visible light where as amplitude determines the
(iii) Wave number: Number of waves per unit length is called wave number It is reciprocal
to wavelength. It is denoted by and units are m1, cm1, pm1 (reciprocal of units of length).
Q6. Which postulate of Bohrs model corrects the defects of Rutherfords atomic model?
Ans. According to Rutherfords atomic model, revolving electron constantly radiate energy.
But according to 2nd postulate of Bohrs atomic model.
Electron present in a particular orbit does not radiate energy. The energy is only emitted
or absorbed when an electron jumps from one orbit to another.
So 2nd postulate of Bohrs atomic model corrects the defect in Rutherfords atomic model.
Spin quantum number s explains this effect is due to opposite spins of two electrons in
same orbital around their axes.
b = Screening constant
(i) Arrangement of Ni, Co and K, Ar was corrected in Mendeleevs periodic table.
(ii) It was helpful in discovery of many elements e.g., 43TC(Technetium),
59Pr(Praseodymium), 45Rh(Rhodium)
(iii) Atomic number of rare earths have been determined.
(iv) Modern periodic table is based on Moseleys law. So modern periodic table is
arranged according to ascending order of atomic number of elements.
8 :1s,2s,2px,2py,2pz
9 :1s,2s,2p
x ,2p
y ,2p