Nutfruit March 2016 Ivarsson
Nutfruit March 2016 Ivarsson
Nutfruit March 2016 Ivarsson
N 1 MARCH 2016
Feature Articles
cientific research shows that the consumption of nuts has a host FDAs Ongoing Risk Assessment on Tree nuts
of nutritional and health related benefits. Marketing efforts have Although the frequency of occurrence and level of pathogens such as
targeted the increasingly health conscious consumer, and nuts, in Salmonella is low in nuts, the symptoms of infection are serious and the
addition to being nutritious and tasting great, are practical snacks as they outcome can be deadly. In 2007, following several food borne illness
are easy to carry around. Nuts, which can be consumed raw, blanched, or outbreaks, the almond industry decided to mandate the pasteurization of
roasted, nevertheless can present a food borne illness risk. all almonds in North America. Because of their sparse distribution and low
infectious levels, these pathogens are difficult to find and the sampling
Appraising Microbiological Risks in Nuts programs in place did not prevent those outbreaks from occurring. The
Like all raw agricultural products, nuts are exposed to environmental only measure that would insure that the almonds were safe was to
contaminants including spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. Once mandate their pasteurization.
harvested, dried down, and safely stored, the microorganisms present The trend to pasteurize other tree nuts has been growing fueled by
cannot grow, however, they are not eliminated by the drying process. In more food borne illness outbreaks, regulatory measures, and pressure
particular pathogens such as Salmonella survive well1 and represent a very from the market for delivering safe foods. In this context, the FDA is
real health risk. This fact explains the number of food borne illness outbreaks conducting a risk assessment on tree nuts, including a sampling program
related to the consumption of nuts. The presence and persistence of the at retail and processors level, which has triggered a total of 27 recalls
contaminants is also reflected in the increasing frequency of nut related in 2015 with macadamias (11), walnuts (7) and cashews (4) being the
product recalls in the market, and the detention and disposal of foreign most frequent.3 The frequency of these Salmonella positive findings
shipments which affects international trade. is surprising since there is an increasing volume of safe pasteurized
A food borne illness outbreak is identified when a cluster of patients product on the market. It shows that the sampling programs in place for
exhibit symptoms of a food related microbiological infection that is common unpasteurized product are inadequate to prevent contaminated product
to all of them. In the US, the Center for Disease Control coordinates the from reaching store shelves. It is widely anticipated that once the ongoing
efforts of a network of laboratories, PulseNet, that compares the DNA FDA risk assessment is completed, preventative measures will require an
fingerprint of outbreak strains to a fingerprint database. adequate microbiological kill step.
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...your Gourmet-Partner!
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- importers / distributors of tree nuts (kernel and in-shell)
- importers / distributors of tree nuts (kernel and in-shell) CH-8706 Feldmeilen
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