S-NN: Stacked Neural Networks: Milad Mohammadi Stanford University Subhasis Das Stanford University

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S-NN: Stacked Neural Networks

Milad Mohammadi Subhasis Das

Stanford University Stanford University
[email protected] [email protected]


It has been proven that transfer learning provides an

easy way to achieve state-of-the-art accuracies on several Places Dataset
on Places Net

vision tasks by training a simple classifier on top of features
obtained from pre-trained neural networks.
The goal of this project is to generate better features
for transfer learning from multiple publicly available pre-
Non-Places Dataset
trained neural networks. To this end, we propose a novel on Places Net
architecture called Stacked Neural Networks which lever-
ages the fast training time of transfer learning while simul- Generalization
taneously being much more accurate. We show that us- Training Speed
ing a stacked NN architecture can result in up to 8% im-
provements in accuracy over state-of-the-art techniques us- Figure 1: The conceptual state of the deep learning space
ing only one pre-trained network for transfer learning. presented as a trade off between time consuming and task-
A second aim of this project is to make network fine- specific neural network training targeted specifically to spe-
tuning retain the generalizability of the base network to un- cific datasets versus fast neural network training through
seen tasks. To this end, we propose a new technique called transfer learning to obtain reasonable performance from rel-
joint finetuning that is able to give accuracies compa- atively generalizable neural networks. The goal of this pa-
rable to finetuning the same network individually over two per is to evaluate the performance of a network architec-
datasets. We also show that a jointly finetuned network gen- ture named Stacked Neural Networks (S-NN) to leverage the
eralizes better to unseen tasks when compared to a network fast training speed of transfer learning while considerably
finetuned over a single task. increasing the accuracy of transfer learning by generating
better features.

1. Introduction
Transfer learning is a general framework in which one generalization accuracy from transfer learning. Our aim is
trains a pre-trained neural network to a new task on which to find better features for vision datasets that are highly gen-
the network was not trained. Amazingly, Razavian et eralizable and fast to train.
al. [14] have shown that transfer learning on a pre-trained Since Razavian et al.s work, several state-of-the-art pre-
neural network can outperform traditional hand-tuned ap- trained neural networks have been made publicly available
proaches in several tasks including coarse-grained detec- at Caffe Model Zoo [1]. These include networks such
tion, fine-grained detection and attribute detection. In their as VGG [15], GoogLeNet [5], Places [19], and NIN [8].
work, Razavian et al. point out that Its all about the fea- Our initial studies suggested that these networks have non-
tures. overlapping mis-classification behavior. This observation
Figure 1 depicts the trade off between obtaining high leads us to believe that by combining the combination of
classification accuracy for deep networks highly trained for these networks can improve the classification by compen-
a particular dataset for over a long time period and trans- sating for the shortcoming of other networks. What is valu-
fer learning to produce decent classification accuracy over able to understand is whether there is a single combination
a short training time period. In order to reach this target, of neural networks that is generalizable for all datasets or
this work is to present a novel method for leveraging higher different combination of networks provide optimal results

for different datasets. al. [16], which uses several Inception modules to create
Before going any further, a short note about terminol- a deeper network with 22 layers while having much fewer
ogy. In this paper, we use the term transfer learning to parameters than other networks such as VGG and AlexNet.
mean training a SVM classifier on top of features extracted We use pool5/5x5 s1 layer of GoogLeNet as the fea-
from pre-trained networks without changing the networks. tures layer.
On the other hand, by fine-tuning we mean changing all the Places: This is a network created by Zhou et al. [19].
layers of a network to better fit the given task. It has the same architecture as AlexNet [7] but trained on
Ensembling has been recognized as a simple way to the Places dataset instead of ImageNet to enable better per-
boost the performance in a vision task by averaging the formance in scene-centric tasks. We use the fc7 layer of
scores of multiple networks together. However, in some Places as the features layer.
tasks such as Image-to-Sentence retrieval [9], a set of fea- Network In Network (NIN): This is a network architec-
tures is desirable instead of a score over some set of pre- ture used by Lin et al. [8] which uses neural networks as the
defined classes. Thus, we try to tackle the problem of gener- layer transfer function instead of a convolution followed by
ating better features rather than simply improving the trans- a non-linearity. We use the pool4 layer as the features.
fer learning accuracy by ensembling.
In this work, we show that a combination of several net- 3. Datasets
work features by a novel technique which we call stacking
offers better accuracy in many vision tasks. We also eval- Below, we describe the attributes of each of the datasets
uate various combinations of networks to find which net- used for our study evaluation.
work combinations offer the best accuracy across the dif- Caltech-UCSD Birds 200-2011 [17]: This is a dataset
ferent datasets and whether there is a single combination of 200 different species of birds. The dataset consists of
of networks that offers substantially higher accuracy across 11,788 images.
the board. Caltech256 [4]: This is a dataset of 256 object cate-
We also evaluate the effect of using an ensemble of gories containing 30,607 images. The dataset is collected
stacked networks rather than a single stacked network in from Google images.
order to boost the performance of transfer learning even fur- Food-101 [2]: This is a dataset of 101 distinct food cat-
ther. We observe that ensembling can provide a substantial egories with 1,000 foods per category.
boost in performance over and above that offered by stack- LISA Traffic Sign Dataset [10]: This dataset contains
ing. 7,855 annotations on 6,610 video frames captured on US
We also examine the effects of fine-tuning on the gener- roads. Each image is labeled with the traffic signs visible
alizability of the features output by a network. We observe a on the images as well as the location of the sign. It covers
significant drop in generalization performance of a network 47 of the US traffic signs.
once it has been fine-tuned to one specific task. However, MIT scene [13]: This is an indoor scene dataset with
we show that joint finetuning of a single network on two dif- 15,620 images with 67 categories each of which containing
ferent tasks can actually create a network that has accuracies at least 100 images.
close to the individually fine-tuned networks. We also show Oxford flowers [12]: This is a collection of 102 groups
that the features of a jointly fine-tuned network have signif- of flowers each with 40 to to 256 flowers.
icantly higher generalizability on unseen tasks than a fine-
tuned network for a single task. However, we observe that 4. Methodology
this jointly fine-tuned network still significantly underper- In this section, we formally define Stacked Neural Net-
forms the baseline of using the pre-trained network features works and discuss the studies we conducted to construct a
only. Section 6 details our experiments in this area. novel deep learning framework for improving the state-of-
the-art prediction accuracy of deep neural networks (NN).
2. Neural Networks Set
4.1. Feature Stacking
The network architectures and features used for this
study are outlined below. Stacked Neural Networks (S-NN) is defined as a com-
VGG 16-layers and 19-layers (VGG16, VGG19): This bination of publicly available neural network architectures
is an architecture proposed by Simonyan et al. [15] which whose features are extracted at an intermediate layer of the
uses a very deep network (16 and 19 layers respectively) network, and then concatenated together to form a larger
with smaller convolution filters of 33 size to obtain state- feature set. Figure 2 illustrates this idea in detail. The con-
of-the-art accuracies on the ImageNet 2014 Challenge. We catenated feature vector is used to train a classifier layer
use the fc7 layer of the VGG network as the features layer. which consists of an optional dropout layer, an affine layer
GoogLeNet: This is an architecture used by Szegedy et and an SVM loss function. The impact of the dropout



Places S-NN 2

Stacked Features



GoogLeNet Function S-NN 3
IMAGE Scores



Figure 2: A stack of five publicly available neural network Figure 3: Scores generated from a group of S-NNs each
architectures. The features generated from each network containing a subset of the networks illustrated in Figure 2
are combined into a unified feature vector. This vector is are combined to generate the mean score of the ensemble.
used to classify the dropout and affine layers. We define the
combination of multiple networks a Stacked Neural Net-
work (S-NN) sembles allows us to compare the performance of each S-
NN combination against other S-NNs as discussed in detail
in Section 5, Figure 5.
layer will be discussed in detail in Section 5. While Fig-
ure 2 shows all five convolutional neural networks (CNN) 5. Results Discussion
as members of the S-NN, any combination of these CNNs
is also considered a S-NN. For instance, {GoogLeNet, In this section we analyze the impact of S-NN and en-
VGG16} and {NIN, Places, VGG19} are examples of a 2- semble of S-NNs. In doing so, we answer two key ques-
network and 3-network S-NNs. We will evaluate the effect tions in this section:
of different network combinations in Section 5 showing that
S-NNs deliver higher classification accuracy than single- 1. What is the impact of multiple networks on perfor-
network structures. mance? In other words, does more networks neces-
sarily mean more performance?
4.2. Ensemble of S-NNs
2. What is the most generalizable S-NN architecture if
It is shown in the literature [3] that an ensemble of we were to pick a combination of these five NNs?
multiple independently trained networks can improve the
prediction accuracy by reducing the classification error Figure 4 is aimed to answer question (1). It shows our
rate. Each combination of S-NNs produces a new fea- best experimental results on all combinations of 1, 2, 3, 5
ture vector and a new set of scores. To further improve S-NNs for all datasets. Each S-NN combination was evalu-
the classification accuracy, we studied the effect the en- ated using 10s different hyperparameter sweeps (i.e. learn-
semble mean of scores on the final network. Figure 3 ing rate, regularization factor, number of epochs). The list
shows a number of S-NNs whose scores are combined into of hyperparamters used in this work is included in Table 1.
an ensemble score. While any arbitrary group of S-NNs We evaluated the validation accuracy for single-network, 2-
may be used to generate an ensemble score, we choose to network, 3-network, and 5-network stack combinations. All
compute this score by stacking a S-NN with all its net- 2-network experiments do not use the dropout layer while
work combination subsets. For example, given a S-NN all 3-network experiments use the dropout layer (see Fig-
containing three networks {NIN, VGG19, GoogLeNet}, ure 2); we discovered dropout becomes an important train-
we take the ensemble score of all its network subsets: ing element once the number of networks is larger than two.
{NIN}, {VGG19}, {GoogLeNet}, {NIN, VGG19}, {NIN, For the case of five networks, however, we experimented the
GoogLeNet}, {VGG19, GoogLeNet}, {NIN, VGG19}, network performance with and without the dropout layer.
{NIN, VGG19, GoogLeNet}. This method of forming en- Figure 4 points out for most networks, the case of 5 S-NN

1-net 2-net 3-net 5-net

Accuracy Degradation

0.3 mitscene
0.2 food-101
0.4 birds200
0.0 mitscene food101 lisa caltech256 birds200 flowers











Figure 4: Best performing S-NNs over six different Figure 5: The horizontal axis shows all possible S-NN ar-
datasets and many several different hyperparameters. S- chitectures. The verticalNetwork
axis Combination
shows the ensemble accuracy
NNs with 1, 2, 3, and 5 network are included. For each of each architecture with all combinations of its subsets.
number of networks, all their combinations are evaluated. For example, the subsets of {NIN, VGG16} used to com-
pute the ensemble accuracy are {NIN, VGG16}, {VGG16},
and {NIN}. The network ensembles that deliver the highest
is favorable. It also indicates that the case of 2 S-NN is generalization accuracy in the 1, 2, 3, and 4-network cases
strongly competitive with 5 S-NN. are highlighted in gray.

Learning Rate 1e-2, 5e-2, 1e-3, 2e-3

Regularization 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 Figure 6 focuses on extracting the best results ob-
Number of Epochs 300, 400 tained on each dataset under different experimental settings.
Learning Rate Decay 0.98 It compares the single-network case with S-NN without
dropout and S-NN with dropout training. It further shows
Table 1: Hyperparameters used to profile the classification the best accuracies for the single-network ensembles as well
accuracy of all network combinations used for S-NN ex- as the Stacked Ensemble model shown earlier. The single-
periments. The best classification accuracy obtained from network ensemble refers to taking the mean of scores of
all these hyperparameter combinations is reported as a data individual networks in order to construct the final score. In-
point in Figure 4. terestingly enough, these results are more superior than the
previous S-NN approach without score ensembles. To fur-
ther improve this performance, the Stack Ensemble mode
Figure 5 is aimed to answer question (2). It shows all
also includes the scores of S-NN architectures evaluated in
possible network combinations and represents their accu-
Figure 4 in order to generate even more accurate classifica-
racy degradation compared to the best S-NN combination,
which is 5-networks, for all datasets. This Figure indicates
for a single-network case, GoogLeNet is the most gener- The black lines in Figure 6 show the state-of-the-art ac-
alizable CNN as it has the least mean and standard de- curacies in each given dataset when data augmentation is
viation in accuracy degradation. For the 2-network case, applied and the dashed black lines show the state-of-the-
VGG16+GoogLeNet make the best network. This is a art accuracies without data augmentation [11, 2, 17, 4, 13].
sensible choice because (1) the two network are among Authors have not been able to identify any publications ex-
the best publicly available networks, and (2) they are plicitly showing the state-of-the-art classification results for
constructed based on two different architectural assump- the LISA dataset. While we have not performed data aug-
tions, making them relatively uncorrelated from the mis- mentation as part of this study, we believe in doing so, we
classification behavior standpoint. For the 3-network case, can surpass the state-of-the-art performance results even on
VGG16+GoogLeNet+Places is the best S-NN. For the 4- datasets our results is below the solid line at the moment.
network case, VGG16+VGG19+GoogLeNet+Places form Figure 7 shows the confusion matrices for the standalone
the best classification choice indicating the poor general- classification performance of the GoogLeNet, Places, and
ization ability of the NIN CNN. VGG16 CNNs when running the MIT Scene dataset. To
Notice the case with 5 networks has relatively negligible avoid clutter, this Figure illustrates 11 classes. Here, we
accuracy superiority relative to the 2-network case, making draw a number of interesting insights from these results
two strong CNNs like GoogLeNet and VGG16 quite suffi- when comparing similar confusion cells in different matri-
cient. ces:

Single Net Stacking w/ Dropout Stack Ensemble
Stacking w/o Dropout Single Net Ensemble

0.4 (a) GoogLeNet CNN (b) Places CNN

0.0mitscene food-101 lisa caltech256birds200 flowers
Figure 6: Best performance results generated across all tests
done. The dashed line represent the state-of-the-art without
data augmentation and the solid lines represent the state-of- (d) VGG16+GoogLeNet+Places
the-art with data augmentation. (c) VGG16 CNN

Figure 7: Confusion matrix of the MIT Scene dataset run

The BH misclassification happens 104 times in on three independent CNNs along with their S-NN model.
VGG16 and 96 times in GoogLeNet while only 32 This dataset has 67 classes. To avoid clutter, these matrices
times in Places. The combined S-NN only has 39 mis- only consider 11 of these classes. The value in each cell
classifications. This shows the error correction power corresponds to the number of instances an image in actual
networks features in compensating for each others class X is classified as Y. The main diagonal represents cor-
weakness. This effect can also be observed in DI rect classification.
where the misclassification for the S-NN is zero while
GoogLeNet misclassifies 8 images in this cell.
all of these experiments, we used the VGG16 network. We
The IE misclassification happens 8 times in
describe our experiments and observations below.
GoogLeNet and 0 times in Places and VGG16.
Recall from Section 1 that by fine-tuning we mean ac-
Despite the presence of VGG16 and Places network,
tually changing the network parameters, while by transfer
the S-NN confuses 5 images to this cell. This shows
learning we mean only using an SVM layer on top of a pre-
despite the presence of other networks to completely
trained network.
eliminate this type of image misclassification in
S-NN, the score from GoogLeNet dominates the 6.1. Generalization Loss by Fine-Tuning
overall outcome more often. In Section 7.2, a potential
solution to this problem is discussed. In our first experiment, we investigated the generaliza-
tion loss by network finetuning and ways to avoid this prob-
The FB misclassification never happens to single-net lem.
cases. However, the stack of features shows 1 misclas- To show loss of generalizability by fine-tuning, we
sification in this cell. While a negligible misclassifi- first fine-tuned VGG16 on task A to create the network
cation case, this shows the stack of NN features can VGG16A, and independently on task B to create a network
have some adversarial effect in the final outcome. In VGG16B. Subsequently, we evaluated the transfer learning
Section 7.2, a potential solution to this problem is dis- accuracy of task B on VGG16A. We compared this with the
cussed. accuracy of VGG16B on task B. The results are summarized
in Table 2.
This comparison shows that indeed fine-tuning VGG16
6. Joint Training of Multiple Tasks
on task A reduced the transfer-learning accuracy on task B
As part of this work, we also looked at how the general- drastically (43.0% compared to 72.2%). Thus, an interest-
ization of network features suffers as a result of finetuning a ing question is whether it is possible to fine-tune a single
network on a given task. To perform these experiments, we network to give accuracies similar to the individually fine-
considered three tasks from different domains: Food-101 tuned networks on both the tasks A and B?
(task A), MIT Scene (task B), and Caltech256 (task C). In Our experiments show that the answer to this question is

To answer this question, we took a third task C (Cal-

Softmax tech256 in our experiments), and evaluated the transfer
Food Loss
101 learning accuracy of task C over VGG16, VGG16A and
(task A)
VGG16AB. The results are summarized in Table 3.

task C on VGG16 75.0%

task C on VGG16A 54.8%
task C on VGG16AB 61.3%

(task B) Softmax Table 3: Performance of task C on VGG16, VGG16A and

It can be seen that, indeed, the generalization capabili-

Figure 8: One neural network trained on multiple tasks with
ties of a jointly finetuned network are higher. Although the
multiple classifier layers, one per task.
jointly finetuned network still does not reach the transfer
learning capability of the baseline network alone, it does
Yes. Below we describe the methodology for achieving succeed in mitigating a lot of the degradation coming from
this result. individual finetuning. We suspect that the reason behind this
The network architecture is shown in Figure 8. We phenomenon is that the jointly-finetuned network is forced
trained a single network with the concatenation of multi- to finetune towards more general properties of the tasks
ple dataset inputs in each minibatch. Each minibatch con- rather than being extremely specific to one particular task.
sisted of 4 images, 2 of which were from task A and 2 from From these two experiments, we can conclude that joint
task B. The output features from the network are then fed finetuning is a promising direction to look into for finetun-
into two independent linear classifier layers, one for each ing networks without losing their generalization capabili-
of the tasks. The final loss is taken to be the sum of soft- ties.
max losses from the two classifier layers. Let us denote this
jointly trained network by VGG16AB. 7. Future Direction
Table 2 shows the resulting accuracy from this approach. 7.1. Parallel Training of Networks
It can be seen that the accuracy of VGG16AB on task
A (68.0%) is close to the accuracy of VGG16A (69.6%) As shown in [18], training neural networks at deeper
while the accuracy on task B (70.6%) is close to VGG16B layers can improve the classification accuracy. While the
(72.2%). Thus, it can be inferred that it is indeed possible S-NNs, explained in the previous sections, are targeted
to gain the best of both VGG16A and VGG16B in a single toward agile training and high generalization accuracy, it
network. is reasonable to hypothesize if they were trained together,
their collective classification error would drop. So, instead
task A on VGG16A 69.6% of using the data for when each of these networks were pre-
task B on VGG16B 72.2% trained independently, we allow the backward propagation
task B on VGG16A 43.0% training method to broadcast the classifier gradients to all
task A on VGG16AB 68.0% networks. Since all networks iterate through the same set of
task B on VGG16AB 70.6% gradients in parallel, they all influence each others weight
and bias values. Due to the limited computation capability
Table 2: Performance of task A and task B on VGG16A, available to us, we have been unable to generate results for
VGG16B, and VGG16AB this step. We will continue working on this scheme via once
we have access to more powerful GPU machines.

6.2. Generalization of Jointly-Tuned networks 7.2. Weighted S-NN

In the previous section, we saw that jointly tuning a net- Our analysis of the confusion matrices on the available
work on two tasks can give accuracies comparable to indi- datasets made us realize while the combination of network
vidual finetuning. We also saw that individual finetuning features in S-NN helps reduce errors, it is also the case that
destroys a lot of the generalization capabilities of the orig- some networks introduce excessive confusion to the error
inal network. These two facts bring up the next question: rate of S-NN. To reduce such adversarial impacts of S-NN,
what is the generalization capability of a jointly tuned net- we plan to combine features by applying weights to each
work? network feature. The weight coefficients will be dependent

on the prediction accuracy of each network in classifying these techniques enabled us to boost the classification accu-
a given dataset. For instance, if GoogLetNet CNN shows racy beyond the state-of-the-art results presented in previ-
weaker classification performance relative to the Places ous literature.
CNN, the relative contribution of GoogLeNet features will Furthermore, we evaluated the effect of training multi-
be reduced. To do so, the feature vector of each network is ple datasets on one network. Interestingly enough, we con-
multiplied by a scalar value in [0, 1]. This value is computed cluded that it is possible to jointly finetune a single network
by dividing the classification accuracy of each NN by the over multiple datasets and still obtain accuracies that are al-
accuracy of the network with the best result. For instance, most similar to individual finetuning of the networks. We
assume a S-NN consisting of {GoogLeNet, VGG16}. If also show that these jointly finetuned networks have better
GoogLeNet and VGG16 have individual classification ac- generalization capabilities than individually finetuned vari-
curacy of 0.3 and 0.6 respectively, the GoogLeNet and VGG ants.
features are multiplied by 0.5 and 1 respectively before S-NN proves the presence of fruitful impact in fostering
stacking their features. collaborative neural network classification to improve gen-
eralization accuracy in transfer learning.
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