(Intermediate Composition) - English Portfolio.: Research Effectiveness Rubric
(Intermediate Composition) - English Portfolio.: Research Effectiveness Rubric
(Intermediate Composition) - English Portfolio.: Research Effectiveness Rubric
ACELO 2: Students will find appropriate researched information, evaluate it critically, and use it effectively and ethically in an academic paper
Measurement 1: 60% of students will earn a 16 or better on the Research Effectiveness rubric for a post-midterm written assignment in ENGL 2230
(Intermediate Composition).
Measurement 2: 80% of students will earn a 16 or better on the Research Effectiveness rubric for a research paper (item 5, 6, or 7) submitted in the Senior
English portfolio.
Clear and able connection of A few minor lapses in Several lapses in connecting Consistent problems in Little to no connection
all source information to the connecting source information source information to the connecting source information between the source
papers overall purpose. The to the papers overall purpose papers overall purpose or in to the papers overall purpose information and the papers
Use information effectively source information and its or in logically organizing the logically organizing the source or in logically organizing the purpose.
to accomplish a specific application in the paper are source information and its information and its application source information and its
purpose* logically organized according application in the paper. in the paper. application.
to their relationship.
Students use correctly all the Students use correctly three of Students use correctly two of Students use correctly one of Students lack consistent use of
following information use the following information use the following information use the following information use any of the information use
strategies (use of citations and strategies (use of citations and strategies(use of citations and strategies (use of citations and strategies.*
references; choice of references; choice of references; choice of references; choice of
paraphrasing, summary, or paraphrasing, summary, or paraphrasing, summary, or paraphrasing, summary, or
Use information ethically
quoting; using information in quoting; using information in quoting; using information in quoting; using information in
and legally*
ways that is true to its original ways that is true to its original ways that is true to its original ways that is true to its original
context; distinguishing context; distinguishing context; distinguishing context; distinguishing
between ideas that are between ideas that are between ideas that are between ideas that are
common knowledge and ideas common knowledge and ideas common knowledge and ideas common knowledge and ideas
requiring attribution).* requiring attribution).* requiring attribution). * requiring attribution).*
* quoted from the Association of American Colleges & Universitys Information Literacy VALUE rubric.