Applied Catalysis A: General: Masoud Zabeti, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud, Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua
Applied Catalysis A: General: Masoud Zabeti, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud, Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua
Applied Catalysis A: General: Masoud Zabeti, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud, Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua
Article history: In this work the response surface methodology (RSM) in conjunction with the central composite design
Received 26 February 2009 (CCD) were used to optimize the activity of CaO/Al2O3 solid catalysts for the production of biodiesel. In
Received in revised form 29 June 2009 order to measure the catalyst activity, we used palm oil as a representative raw material for the
Accepted 30 June 2009
conversion to biodiesel. The biodiesel production was carried out in a batch laboratory scale reactor.
Available online 9 July 2009
The results showed that both the calcination temperature and the amount of calcium oxide loaded on the
support had signicant positive effects on the biodiesel yield. The maximum basicity and biodiesel yield
obtained were about 194 mmol/g and 94%, respectively. Overall, the catalyst showed high performance
Calcium oxide
at moderate operating conditions and its activity was maintained after two cycles.
Optimization 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Solid catalyst
0926-860X/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Zabeti et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 366 (2009) 154159 155
supported on g-alumina. The activity of the catalyst for (TCD). Three hundred milligrams of sample was treated at 300 8C
transesterication reaction was optimized using response surface for 1 h by passing helium at a ow rate of 20 ml/min. Then, the
methodology (RSM). According to the literature, the activity of a sample was saturated with carbon dioxide at a ow rate of 20 ml/
solid catalyst is highly correlated with the active site concentration min and at 100 8C for 1 h. Subsequently, the system was ushed
of the catalyst. From the literature it was also found that the with helium (20 ml/min) at 100 8C for 1 h to eliminate physisorbed
basicity of the catalyst is strongly inuenced by the calcination CO2. Desorption was carried out from room temperature to 800 8C
temperature and by the loading amount of active species on the at a heating ramp of 5 8C/min.
support [1517]. As a consequence, a set of experiments was Leaching of the catalyst into the reaction medium was
designed in the specied region of the two variables mentioned determined using the inductively coupled plasma mass spectro-
and several catalysts were synthesized in order to investigate the metry (ICP-MS) technique according to ASTM standard (D 6751).
conditions which give maximum activity for biodiesel production.
2.5. Analysis of the biodiesel
2. Materials and methods
Analysis of biodiesel samples were carried out by using a HP
2.1. Chemicals 6890 Gas Chromatogram (GC) equipped with a ame ionization
detector (FID) and capillary column DB23 (60 m 0.25 m
Palm oil was obtained from a local market and used as the 0.15 mm). One hundred mg/ml n-hexane solutions of the biodiesel
feedstock for transesterication reactions. Other materials used samples were injected by an auto injector at an oven temperature
were g-alumina (anhydrous, specic surface area according to of 50 8C, which then was heated up to 230 8C. Helium was used as
BET: 120190 m2/g) and methanol (for synthesis, >99.5%); normal the carrier gas and the injector temperature and the detector
hexane (GC grade, >99%); other standards for GC column temperature were 250 8C and 280 8C, respectively. The yields were
calibration were obtained from Merck. Calcium acetate mono- calculated from the equation below:
hydrated (A.C.S reagent) was supplied by SigmaAldrich.
weight of biodiesel produced total wt:% of FAME
Yield %
2.2. Catalyst preparation weight of oil
All catalysts were prepared using an impregnation method of (1)
aqueous solution of calcium acetate on alumina support. In all
cases, 8 g of g-alumina in powder form was preheated at 600 8C for here FAME means: fatty acid methyl esters.
1 h to remove physisorbed water. For each catalyst, a desired
amount of precursor was dissolved in 50 ml of distilled water and 2.6. Design of experiments and optimization method
introduced onto the alumina in a glass ask; the mixture was
stirred for 4 h at room temperature. The obtained precipitation was Applications of central composite design (CCD) and response
heated overnight in an oven in order to remove water through surface methodology (RSM) techniques to design and optimize the
evaporation. Prior to the reaction, all catalysts were calcined in air chemical and environmental processes have been recently
at desired temperatures for 5 h. reported in the literature and their reliability to generate a model
equation and to calculate optimum conditions have been proven
2.3. Reaction procedure [1822]. Accordingly, in this work, experiments were designed by
Design Expert software (version 7.1) using a ve-level-two-factor
The activities of the catalysts were measured based on the CCD to investigate the effect of the parameters on the catalyst
results of transesterication reactions of palm oil with methanol. activity for biodiesel production and to obtain a good model
All experiments were carried out using a 150 ml glass-jacketed equation to predict the optimum catalyst preparation conditions.
reactor equipped with a digital magnetic stirrer and a water-cooled The factors selected for the optimization of the catalyst activity
condenser. Fifty grams of oil was charged into the reactor, followed were: calcination temperature and dosage of CaO precursor.
by methanol with a ratio of 12:1 to oil; then 3.5 wt.% of the catalyst Basicity of the catalyst and biodiesel yields were chosen as
(on the basis of the weight of oil) were added and the mixture was responses. Experiments were carried out in randomized order with
rigorously stirred for 5 h. The mixture was heated up to 65 8C by ve replications of centre point in order to obtain a good
means of a water bath. After the specied reaction time was estimation of errors. The model equation of all signicant variables
reached, the catalyst was separated by centrifuging and the was generated by the software and RSM was used to predict
glycerol was separated in a separation funnel; nally the residual optimum points. The actual and coded values of each parameter
alcohol was evaporated by means of heating. The methyl ester are presented in Table 1. The coded values were designated by 1
yields were determined and calculated using results from gas (minimum), 0 (medium), +1 (maximum), a and +a. Alpha is
chromatography. dened as a distance from the centre point which can be either
inside the range or outside, with the maximum value of 2n/4,
2.4. Catalyst characterization where n is the number of factors [23]. Hereby the value of alpha is
set at 0.5.
Basicity of the catalysts was measured by using temperature Compared to the classical approach, which is one factor at the
programmed desorption (TPD) method of CO2 on Thermo Finnigan time, this technique is able to determine the interaction effects of
(TPDRO 1100) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector variables, in addition to giving good estimations of errors.
Table 1
Actual and coded values of the variables.
Factor Units Low level High level Low axial High axial Mean
CaO precursor dosage wt.% 80 (1) 120 (+1) 90 (a) 110 (+a) 100 (0)
Calcination temperature 8C 600 (1) 800 (+1) 650 (a) 750 (+a) 700 (0)
156 M. Zabeti et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 366 (2009) 154159
Table 2
Experimental design layout and experimental results of the responses (experiments were carried out according to the run order).
a measure of signal to noise ratio and as requirement of the model a of catalyst precursor dosage becomes less signicant. Therefore,
ratio of greater than 4 is desirable. In this model the ratios of 24.54 the maximum amount of basicity achieved is around the middle
and 26.70 for biodiesel yields and basicity, respectively, are much range of the corresponding variables.
greater than 4 and the result indicates adequate model discrimi-
nation. 3.3. Effect of the parameters on the biodiesel yields
3.2. Effect of the parameters on the basicity of the catalyst Fig. 1(b) and Eq. (3) indicate trends of variables effectiveness on
biodiesel yields which is nearly identical to the basicity data of the
A-three-dimensional graph of second order predicted model of catalyst. In this context, individual terms of catalyst precursor
the catalyst basicity response is shown in Fig. 1(a). As can be seen dosage and calcination temperature have positive inuences on
from the gure, the basicity of the catalyst increased when the the methyl ester yields, while the parameters interactions and
values of the catalyst precursor dosage and calcination tempera- their second order terms have negative effects on the methyl ester
ture increased to around their mid-range due to the fact that these yields. In fact, by increasing the values of each parameter to
factors have positive effects on the response (Eq. (2)). However, approximately the middle of the corresponding range, the yields
this trend is more obvious with regard to the calcination reached the maximum amount; after that they began to drop
temperature which has more signicant inuence on the response. gradually. From Fig. 1(a) and (b) a good correlation between the
An increase in the value of variables beyond a certain amount of basicity and activity of the catalyst can be observed.
the mid-range leads to a slight reduction in basicity of the catalyst.
This is owing to the fact that the quadratic term of the parameters 3.4. Investigation of the optimum operating conditions
is more signicant with a negative inuence on the basicity.
As shown in Fig. 1(a) and Eq. (2), the calcination temperature The optimum operating conditions are those points at which
catalyst precursor dosage interaction is insignicant, but its effect the maximum amounts of basicity of the catalyst and consequently
on the basicity of the catalyst is negative. As the calcination the maximum biodiesel yields are achieved. The contour plots of
temperature increases to nearly the middle of its range, the effect the second order model for each response at the experimental
ranges of each factor were represented in Fig. 2(a) and (b) in
addition to the overlay plot of the responses (Fig. 3). According to
Fig. 2(a) and (b), each contour represents pairs of points at which
the same results of basicity or yield is obtained. For instance, by
loading 95% of calcium oxide precursor on the support and
calcination temperature of 690 8C the yield of 88% is obtained.
Fig. 3 demonstrates a marked area of variable ranges at which the
basicity and yields of more than 170 mmol/g and 80% are obtained,
respectively. The optimum operating conditions to achieve the
most active catalyst, according to Fig. 3, are loading 100.54 wt.% of
calcium acetate on alumina support and calcination temperature
at 718 8C. In this regard, the amount of calcium incorporated on
alumina was measured to be 8.84 wt.% by ICP-MS. An increase in
calcium oxide loading onto the support beyond 100% could lead in
partial blockage of active sites, thus reducing the basicity of the
catalyst and consequently the activity of the catalyst [15].
Moreover, the gamma phase of alumina which is the highest
porous form of alumina is transformed to theta phase with less
porosity and specic surface area when the calcination tempera-
ture rises beyond 800 8C and accordingly the amount of active site
concentration and activity of the catalyst are declined [24].
An experiment was carried out using the catalyst which was
synthesized by calcination at 718 8C and loading 100.54 wt.% of
calcium precursor on alumina to evaluate the accuracy of the
second order equations. The experimental and predicted results
are shown in Table 4.
Fig. 3. Overlay plot of the basicity and yields greater than 170 mmol/g and 80%. Dos.:
dosage; Pre.: precursor; Temp.: temperature.
Table 4
Experimental and predicted results of the basicity and yields responses for the
optimum catalyst (calcination temperature, 718 8C; calcium precursor dosage,
100.54 wt.%).
4. Conclusions
Fig. 2. Contour plot in the studied range of variables for (a) the predicted basicity (b) A response surface methodology was applied to investigate the
the predicted yields. Dos.: dosage; Pre.: precursor; Temp.: temperature. optimum conditions for catalyst activity. Loading amount of
catalyst precursor on the support and calcination temperature
were parameters that affected the basicity of the catalyst and
explained by the fact that during the calcination calcium consequently the activity of the catalyst. However, calcination
diglyceroxide is transferred to calcium oxide. Moreover, the temperature had more signicant effect on the catalyst activity. A
amount of calcium in the biodiesel product after each cycle was good correlation was found between the basicity of the catalyst
measured by ICP-MS and 31 ppm and 12 ppm of calcium after rst and the amounts of yields obtained. The optimum catalyst activity
and second cycle were detected, respectively. The results indicate for transesterication reaction was achieved by loading
that the amount of the catalyst leaching into the reaction medium 100.54 wt.% of the calcium oxide precursor on alumina, followed
is insignicant. by calcination at 718 8C. The catalyst was reusable for two cycles;
The catalyst which was reported in this study provided high based on the ICP-MS results, no leaching of the active species were
performance towards transesterication reaction using mild detected in the product.
operating conditions, while an insignicant amount of the catalyst
was observed in the obtained biodiesel. However, when Sr(NO3)2/ Acknowledgement
ZnO [15] and SrO [26] were used in transesterication reaction,
signicant amounts of catalysts were leached into the reaction This study was carried out with the aid of a research grant from
medium. Benjapornkulaphong et al. [27] used Ca(NO3)2/Al2O3 for University Malaya Research Fund.
M. Zabeti et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 366 (2009) 154159 159
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