The Chemical Earth: Chemistry Notes
The Chemical Earth: Chemistry Notes
The Chemical Earth: Chemistry Notes
JANUARY 1, 2016
The Living and non-living components of the Earth containing mixture
Construct word and balanced formulae equations of chemical reactions
- Reactants are placed on the left hand side of the equation, as they are the chemicals combining
to produce the products, which is on the right hand side of the equation.
- Balanced equations have equal atoms on both side of the equation. They also include the state
of matter and their chemical symbols.
- Balanced equations are balanced by writing numbers in front of the atoms.
Lithosphere: outer rock layer, containing crust and upper parts of the mantle
Eg. Rock, metal ores, sandstone, granite and soil
Elements: Iron (35%) and oxygen (30%)
Atmosphere: The gaseous layer which extends from the surface to the edge of space
Eg: oxygen, argon, nitrogen and small percentages of compounds such as carbon dioxide, methane
and water.
Elements: Nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%) and argon (1%)
Procedures used to separate naturally occurring mixtures
Technique Procedure Diagram
Solids of different sizes
Sieving Mixture is poured down where large parts
are trapped in the sieve, small pieces falls
through the sieve
Distillation Lower boiling point evaporates, condenses
and followed out to a beaker, becoming
the distillate.
IUPAC names for carbon compounds
- Hydrocarbons with single bonds called alkanes (CnH2n+2)
- Hydrocarbons with double bonds called alkenes (CnH2n)
- Hydrocarbons with triple bonds called alkynes (CnH2n-2)
- Suffix used to tell us how it is bonded.
1: meth- 2: eth- 3: prop- 4: but- 5: pent-
Despite most elements are found in combinations on Earth, some elements are found uncombined
Relationship between reactivity of an element and the likelihood of its existing as an uncombined
- The more reactive an element is, the less chance of finding as an uncombined element
- Most unreactive gases are noble or inert gases
- Metals are too chemically reactive, therefore they are mostly found in combinations, to create
Classify elements as metals, non-metals and semi-metals according to physical properties
Properties Metals Semi-metals Non-metals
Appearance Lustrous Low Sheen Dull
Electrical Conductivity High Low (semi-conductors) Nil (insulators)
Thermal Conductivity High High Low (insulators)
Malleability and Ductility High Moderate Nil (brittle)
Density Generally High Intermediate Low
Boiling Point Generally High Very High Low
Strength High Variable Low
Identify matter that is made up of particles that are continuously moving and interacting
- According to the kinetic particle theory, particles of matter (atoms) are continuously moving and
- Energy controls the movement and state of the substance. Heating increases the energy, whereas
cooling/freezing decreases the energy.
- Subatomic particles inside matter are protons, electrons and neutrons.
- Liquid: The particles are close together, and have the ability to move freely. They have a
definite volume, are almost incompressible and can diffuse (spread).
- Solid: The particles are close together, and vibrate in a fixed position. They have definite shape,
definite volume, cannot be compressed and cannot diffuse (spread).
- Gas: The particles are far apart and can move very freely. However they fill all available
space, can be compressed and can still diffuse (spread).
The energy levels of electrons in atoms
- Electrons occupy energy levels (shells) around the nucleus. They can move in between these shells
using their own energy.
- Each shell has a maximum number: 2, 8, 18, 32, 50 and so on.
Describe atoms of mass number and atomic number Mass number
Identify light, heat and electricity as the common forms of energy that may be released or absorbed
during the decomposition or synthesis (combination) of substances, with examples
- Light, heat and electricity can be released from decomposition and synthesis
Eg. Photolysis is the decomposition of light energy
Electrolysis is the decomposition of heat and electrical energy
- Release of light, eg. Combustion of magnesium
- Absorption of light, eg. Photolysis of silver chloride.
Eg. Phoyosynthesis
C02 + H2O C6H12O6 + O2
(Carbon dioxide + water Sugars +Oxygen)
- Endothermic (absorption of heat), eg. Decomposition of mercury oxide.
- Exothermic (release of heat), eg. Combustion of magnesium
EG. Combustion
Fuel + O2 H20 + CO2
(Fuel + oxygen Water + carbon dioxide)
- Decompose chemical compounds/mixtures, such as decomposition of salt water to form chloride,
hydrogen and sodium hydroxide.
Decomposition reactions
- Limestone is decomposed by heating to make lime, cement and glass.
- Aluminium is extract by electrolysing molten aluminium oxide.
Synthesis/Direct combination reactions
- Physical properties: odour, colour, taste, lustre, hardness, malleability, ductility, melting and
boiling points and solubility.
- Chemical properties: reactions with oxygen, water, acids and bases, and specific reactions with
other substances.
- Compounds have different properties from the elements used to combine the compound with.
- But has distinct properties
The physical properties used to classify compounds as ionic or covalent molecular or covalent
Physical property Metallic Ionic Covalent Covalent
Molecular Network
Hardness Variable Hard Soft Very hard
Malleability/Ductility Malleable, Ductile Brittle Brittle Brittle
MP/BP High High Low Very High
Conductivity (solid) High Low Low Low
Conductivity (liquid) High High Low Low
Relationship between properties of conductivity and hardness and the structure of ionic, covalent
molecular and covalent network structures
- Hard and brittle: Forces will cause ions of opposite charge to come close together
- Non-conductive when solid, but conductive when liquid: Ions are in fixed positions and are
not free to move, as it is being held by electrostatic forces. When over MP, bonds are partially
broken and ions become mobile.
- High Melting and boiling points: Ions are held strongly due to electrostatic forces
Covalent molecular
- Soft and brittle: Weak intermolecular attractions between molecules
- Low conductivity: Weak intermolecular forces between molecules can easily being broken
- Low melting and boiling points: They do not have free electrons or an overall electric charge.
Covalent network
- Very hard and brittle: Atoms are strongly bonded together (3D), but altering these atoms can
break these covalent bonds
- Low Conductivity: Diamond does not conduct electricity.s Graphite conducts electricity, as it
contains free electrons. Silicon is semi-conductive, as it is between conductive and non-conductive.
- Very high melting and boiling point: Giant covalent structures leads to high melting points,
because a lot of strong covalent bonds must be broken.
- Malleable and ductile, variable hardness: The sea of electrons act as a cushion, so that the
metal atoms are able to roll over each other when stress is applied.
- High conductivity: Electrons are free, meaning that it can travel through the metal with ease
and these electrons can act as charge carriers of electricity.
- High melting and boiling points: The strength of the metallic bonds gives the high melting and
boiling point. This strength comes from the number of delocalised electron and the arrangement
of the metal atoms, meaning if they are closely packed, they have stronger bonds.